HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6220907_Application Completeness Review Checklist_20220928Application Completeness Review Checklist
Project Name: fmrug'A L,a4% $V6J;U,1J1Ln Date Delivered to CO: 9/2R%2
Street Address: [{�,i.-c1► Rod BIMS Received/Accepted Date:
City & County: Oyhn t �1crhL9�' *BIMS Acknowledged Date:
Rule(s): El Phase II ElORW/HQW 1_1WSWS El Goose El NSW El Other
Permit Action: Ne / Major Mod / Minor Mod / Renewal / Transfer **New Permit #: 5tAJ (e Q
Permit Type: HD ,`Ltk/ LD Overall / HD & LD Combo Existing Permit #:
General Permit / Offsite / Exempt / Rescission �PE Cert on File?
SCM Type(s): Offsite to SW:
Development Type: Commercial / R i e Other Master PE Cert on File?
Subdivided?: Subdivisio . or Sin le Lot
Fo ,New or Transferred Permits Permittee is: Special Stream Classification:
Property Owner(s) El Developer Lessee Purchaser FTOA MTr+/@/*/#Other
Paperwork Emailed Engineer on:
(Accepted AciclNo)
Supplement-EZ Form (all pales provided & original signature & sealed)
1011YIZ cce t Retu nr ed)
Agreement (all pages provided &correct/original signatures ¬arized)
®Application Form (all pages provided & correct/original signatures & notarized)
Email Address: Design Engineer
For Corp/LLC: Sig. Auth. per (SoS, Signature Authorization letter/report)
®Email Address: Property Owner
®$505 (within 6mo) Check#(s): ( ® Q �( ®No Fee
�Degedd _
®Soils Report (SHWT, eral Rep rt)
®Email Address: Lessee
®Calculations (signed & sealed)
®Lease Agreement
®Deed Restrictions, if subdivided:
Address: Purchaser
&Notarized Template
Purchase Agreement
Template (Comm/Res) (HD/LD) or Dec. Covenants & Rest.
Email Address: Developer
Recorded Covenants Email Address: HOA Representative
Recorded Plats EJ50% or more Lots Sold List Recorded O&M Agreement
®Project Narrative
Recorded Deed Restrictions
13uSGS Map (project location)
Recorded Drainnge Easements
Wetlands (delineated/no wetlands)
FA2 Sets (signed, sealed, folded) 0Efs
®Maintinance Access & Easement
Vicinity Map & Project Name urface Waters & Vegetated Setbacks
Legend, North Arrow, & Scale ®Project
Boundaries (bearing & distance)
Existing Conditions ®Layout
(BUA dimensions)
Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks,
SCMs, buildings, etc)
Drainage Area (each SCM/swale)
REVIEWER NAME: NOTES TO REVIEWER: *Enter BIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet
_Qt y�', L (hpS )f 4-12) **FOR NEW Projects -Enter New Permit # on
Supplements & Deed Restriction Templates.
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