HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0058891_Correspondence_19990701NPDES DOCU BENT !;CANNING COVER !MEET NC0058891 Valley Creek WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: July 1, 1999 This documeat is printed oa reuse paper - ignore any contest on the wearerse side State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director July 1, 1999 Mr. Richard A. DeMott, Secretary Concerned Citizens of Foscoe and Seven Devils 784 Alpine Drive, Seven Devils Banner Elk, North Carolina 28604-9183 Dear Mr. DeMott, A7A NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES SUBJECT: WRM, Inc./ Seven Devils Resort WWTP NPDES No. NC0037737 Hawksnest Utilities/ Valley Creek WWTP NPDES No. NC0058891 Watauga County The Division of Water Quality received your correspondence and accompanying petitions dated February 22, 1999 and April 2, 1999 to A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., former Director of the Division of Water Quality, and Secretary Wayne McDevitt. The petitions involved concerns regarding the Seven Devils Resort wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and Hawksnest Utilities/ Valley Creek WWTP. The wastewater discharge permit (NPDES permit) for the Seven Devils Resort WWTP was reissued to Water Resource Management, effective December 1, 1996. During the renewal process, Water Resources Management requested a provision in the permit for potential discharge flow increases of 0.07 MGD and 0.120 MGD; these flow increases were requested in order to plan for future growth at the resort. However, the existing system is currently designed for 0.02 MGD discharge flow. Water quality modeling performed at this flow and at the higher flows predicted no adverse water quality impacts in the unnamed tributary to the Watauga River, a class "C-trout" waters. In order for any facility to expand the capacity of a wastewater treatment facility, a permittee must submit plans and specifications to the Division of Water Quality prior to the construction of any additional treatment units. The existing 0.02 MGD system for the Seven Devils WWTP cannot be hydraulically expanded until plans and specifications are submitted to the Division for review and approval. The Division of Water Quality must then issue an Authorization to Construct permit for the expansion, prior to Water Resource Management beginning construction of any upgrade. The wastewater discharge permit for Hawksnest Utilities/Valley Creek WWTP was reissued November 18, 1997. The current permit reflects discharge flows of 0.01 MGD and 0.9 MGD. As with any permitted facility, the limits to protect water quality at the specified discharge flows have been placed in the permit. The current treatment system reflects a flow of 0.01 MGD. Similarly to Seven Devils Resort WWTP, the system cannot be hydraulically expanded until plans and specifications are submitted to the Division for review and approval. Correspondence from Hawksnest Utilities' consultant in October 1998 indicated that although additional treatment capacity may be needed, the utility did not anticipate a full expansion to the 0.9 MGD discharge flow in the near future. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Mr. DeMott Concerned Citizens of Foscoe and Seven Devils Page 2 The Division of Water Quality has not received any request, to date, for a hydraulic expansion of either the Seven Devils WWTP or the Valley Creek WWTP. Should either facility request an Authorization to Construct permit for an expansion, the Division will thoroughly review the plans and specifications for the expansion project to ensure that the proposed treatment facility can meet permitted limits to protect water quality. Please be aware that staff of the Division of Water Quality routinely monitors NPDES permitted facilities. Samples of the Seven Devils Resort WWTP effluent were collected by Division staff during compliance evaluation inspections conducted in 1996, 1997, and 1998. In addition, an evaluation of the monthly self -monitoring data submitted by the facility shows complete compliance for the six month period from July 1998 through December 1998. Staff of the Winston-Salem Regional Office is not aware of any lack of clarity or odor in the receiving stream. However, if problems are observed, please notify the regional office so that timely inspection can be performed. The situation of "excessive or unusual noises" is a typical complaint regarding wastewater treatment facilities. It is the regional office's understanding that the owner of Seven Devils WWTP has relocated the aeration blowers in an effort to reduce noise at the facility. In regard to the Public Notice of NPDES permits, we acknowledge your concern for limited advertisement of Agency actions under the existing legal requirements. Staff of the Division are currently investigating possible changes in the selection of newspapers to allow for better targeting of the affected areas. You may also wish to note that with Governor Hunt's increased emphasis on enforcement, the Division of Water Quality delegated enforcement authority of NPDES violations to the state's seven regional offices. Neither the Seven Devils WWTP nor the Valley Creek WWTP has been assessed under the Division's new enforcement policy since its inception July 1998. I hope your concerns regarding the permitted discharges in the Foscoe area have been addressed. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mike Mickey at (336) 771 — 4600 or Susan Wilson at (919) 733 — 5083, ext. 510. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens Cc: Central Files NPDES Files Winston-Salem Regional Office/ Mike Mickey P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY April 7, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Coleen Sullins 011 FROM: Mike Mickey THROUGH: Larry Coble 91- SUBJECT: Response Letter to Petitions Seven Devils Resort WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0035149 Watauga County Per your request, please find a response letter drafted for the Director's signature regarding the petitions submitted for the Seven Devils Resort WWTP. Please revise as necessary. The letter (SevenD.Ltr) is on the enclosed disc in WordPerfect/Version 6.1 format. cc: WSRO DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Mr. Frank Aldrich 10036 NC Hwy. 105 S., Foscoe Banner Elk, N.C. 28604 SUBJECT: Seven Devils Resort WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0035149 Watauga County Dear Sirs: Mr. Richard DeMott 784 Alpine Dr., Seven Devils Banner Elk, N.C. 28604 This letter is to address the concerns raised in your correspondence and accompanying petitions received on March 1, 1999. The petitions involved the Seven Devils Resort wastewater treatment facility. The NPDES permit for the Seven Devils Resort WWTP was reissued to Water Resource Management, effective December 1, 1996. Per the permittee's request, the new permit contained additional limit pages with flows of 0.070 MGD and 0.120 MGD. The existing system is permitted at 0.02 MGD. Modeling performed at the higher flows predicted no adverse water quality impacts in the U.T. to the Watauga River, Class "C-trout" waters. State regulations require the submittal of plans and specifications prior to the construction of any additional treatment units. The existing 0.02 MGD system cannot be hydraulically expanded until plans and specifications are submitted to this Division for review and approval. Water Resource Management would have to have an Authorization to Construct permit in hand before beginning any upgrade. Please be aware that staff of the Division of Water Quality routinely monitor NPDES permitted facilities. Samples of the Seven Devils Resort WWTP effluent were collected by Division staff during compliance evaluation inspections conducted in 1996, 1997 and 1998. In addition, an evaluation of the monthly self -monitoring data submitted by the facility shows complete compliance for the six month period July 1998 through December 1998. Staff of the Winston-Salem Regional Office are not aware of any lack of clarity or odor in the receiving stream. However, if problems are observed, please notify the regional office so that a timely inspection can be performed. Mr. Frank Aldrich Mr. Richard DeMott Page #2 The situation of "excessive or unusual noises" is a typical complaint regarding wastewater treatment facilities. It is our understanding that Mr. Harrill has asked his contract operator to evaluate this issue and to make changes, if appropriate. In regards to the Public Notice of NPDES permits, we acknowledge your concern for limited advertisement of Agency actions under the existing legal requirements. Staff of this Division are currently investigating possible changes in the selection of newspapers to allow for better targeting of the affected areas. I hope this letter satisfactorily addresses your concerns regarding the Seven Devils Resort facility. Should you have additional questions, please contact Mr. Larry D. Coble, Water Quality Regional Supervisor at (336) 771-4600. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens cc: Joanna Cates, Seven Devils Town Manager -->.- Water Resource Management, Inc. QQ'�l� b `6. WSROI Files \nt. amp-\ Concerned Citizens of Foscoe and Seven Devils c/o 784 Alpine Drive, Seven Devils Banner Elk, NC 28604-9183 April 2, 1999 Mr. Wayne McDevitt Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dear Mr. McDevitt: 0n February 22, 1999 copies of Petitions were sent to Mr. A. Preston Howard, Jr., Director, D.E.N.R. These Petitions were signed by citizens in the Seven Devils/Foscoe area indicating a serious mutual con- cern about High Quality Water and the effects of the discharge from the privately owned Seven Devils Resort W.W.T.P. operated by Water Resources Management, Inc., Mark Harrill, Permit # NC 0035149. Since that time many have also expressed concerns with the discharge from the neighboring Valley Creek W.W.T.P. operated by Hawksnest Utilities, Leonard Cottom, Permit # NC 0058891. The discharge from this plant also terminates in the Watauga River not very far from the other plant. These two W.W.T.P.s each discharge into small streams (the Seven Devils Resort W.W.T.P. in an "unnamed tributary" locally known as the Calloway Branch and the Valley W.W.T.P. into Valley Creek). Both, from D.E.N.R. records, show numerous Compliance Sampling Inspection vidlations over a two year period, 1997-98 (Seven Devils Resort W.W.T.P. with 6 and Valley Creek W.W.T.P. with 14 plus certain repairs and corrections that are noted and for which we find no indication of repairs or corrections if these were made). These violations are supported by many anecdotal ob- servations by residents nearby. We have found one recorded in a letter to the D.E.N.R. by Yvonne C. Davis in December 1997. The Petitions mentioned above also support such observation by residents and were signed by 32 Seven Devils residents and by 101 Foscoe residents for a total of 133. The information on which the Petitions were based was not complete and only later was additional information from the D.E.N.R. made available to us. This explains why the Valley Creek W.W.T.P. was not mentioned at that time. Upon review of the more complete information the D.E.N.R. kindly provided, and with the additional input and reactions of residents since February, it is our contention that any expansion of these W.W.T.P.s should not be undertaken. Several observations lead us to this conclusion: - If the current operators and owners of these W.W.T.P.s do not have a better "track record" than to date we have no confidence they might do better with still larger facilities that could pose greater hazards than presently. - Potential damage and hazards from greater discharges from expanded W.W.T.P.s can substantially increase when population in the area (as a resort area in summer, holidays, ski season, etc.) swells. When this occurs and at the same time there is low water flow as during a drought the problems increase. - These W.W.T.P.s can impact and cause a degregation of the natural en- vironment which means a negative effect on plant, animal and aquatic life such as brown and speckled trout, animal and aquatic plant life, and the nearby wetlands in the Foscoe area and particularly a short distance downstream where Appalachian State University has wetland acreage for scientific study and research on the Watauga River. - We have difficulty understanding the logic of the water quality de- signations in the "Watauga River Basic Quality Management Plan" (see for the Foscoe/Seven Devils area). The nearby part of the Watauga River is "B tr." The "unnamed Tributary" ("Calloway Branch") from its source to the Seven Devils Resort Lake dam is "B tr.". Downhill, below the W.W.T.P. and the dam it is "C tr.". The outflow into Valley Creek from the Valley Creek W.W.T.P. is also "C tr.". In the first case the designation is higher after one passes the Seven Devils Resort W.W.T.P. and a similar conclusion may be drawn with the Valley Creek W.W.T.P. This leads us to believe these plants impact the waters negatively because of their output and cause an undesirable addition to the Watauga River which in this section is classified as "B tr." seems threatened. With deep concern for the water quality, environment and ecology of the area, and with the desire to see the environment preserved in a sustain- able way, we, the sponsors of this document, respectfully request that ,the D.E.N.R. carefully review this situation and seriously take into considera- tion all applications tor W.W.T.P. expansion be denied, We affirm this by attaching our signatures below. Very truly yours, Concerned Citizens of Foscoe and Seven Devils cc. Mr. A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Michael M. Mickey, Environmental Specialist II The Hon. James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Senator Charles W. Albertson Senator Jb.1tnA. Garwooad Senator Virginia Foxx Commissioner Arthur W. Kohles (Watauga County) Commissioner Susan Sweeting (Watauga County) Please also note: There are additional persons who wish to add their signatures to this document and we will forward these to you shortly. Richard A. DeMott Secretary, C.C.F.S.D. Banner ilk, NC L8604-9183 828/963-8682 SIGNATURE (Please print your name below the signature) /Lt/titI e 5vi?A/e^ 2. 1ia4/4m�: L). UJ yn o t k. Se we(/ 3. (La) Awl Pcco1. reti a 4. UlO )/%-Q/l/L( kaurie Herr; 5 4,-otivd0-24 -R •.c. wv 4 A. M Ort 8. ar.u.e Keer J,4me 1Q. 7(pitr7Tr 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ADDRESS 302 C41/M fkli4%v MA)it) ol 3&"1. D'11 3 -ivc,,e__ et,K Nc-- a-Ffoo-t ti3o L wt1 c4/- RdGkr 13S 7"Ariv-c.. 5euek-32-ew;ls:34,wevElk)Nc Z 86o`f 7 fhl Air;t. 7 r, v€ S� v1i►► i � a� i /3 ;3 6t,yrs er 6?X Ai 2861 14. 2.04-1 SAr A S •���ru. 3. kr. SIGNATURE (Please print your name below the signature) 1. 6 -Aa-e1211 er:KC 6* 44 A 424 k/44 kg6i041 • 48/1117;1 s,Q/4 l4 % i. /70/r� 8. /114e sslei:i 4 f/ 4sat 9. ,He Alt*,) ' c°6o%�> 10. Ctt..lie,40 (6- ezier C.C» .) 12. 13. ADDRESS au.) ood wind, s Large Sec n lDev 1 ls, NC a S(oo 7'%\ S , (0 L- 2, U ( G✓.�o! �.. t 1r G.:ol. lil000aprioS ,LR f-"E ACev4 "/C-- d-160.1 ? 5 klowu)c=rJas / _/�_/� rJ - C- /6J 4io dd ,J A `'e ,9* z0os1 l A'►ou4 /rk 11ond Uvri.-tea 4• 424,e.. z i4 0,4 14.