HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09115_Well Construction - GW1_20220926 WELL, CONST'RUC'TION RECORD (GW-1) For Internal Use Oniv: I.Well Contractor Information: S �� �d i�• 14.WATER ZONES ) Well Contractor Name FROM TO DESCRIPTION to ft.tt. <Is NC Well Contractor Certification Number 15.OUTER CASING(for multi-cased welts)OR LI ER(if a licable FROM TO DIA4tETER Tili 1,ET MATERIAL £t. ft. j in. - Company Name �rO(O�0 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geotherrtal closrd-loop: 2.Well Construction Permit#: t,� FROM? TO DLAMETER THICKNESS i MATERIAL List all applicable❑•ell construction permits(i.e. WC.Count'.Srate. I4n-iance.erc•.) & in. ! S n a 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. ��•/✓it. `(� in. P'1 Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN PROM TO Dl.�t)tETER SLt5rS1LE Tlitc_A.`CfiS MATERIAL Agi icultural Municipal/Public Gco.hoinal(Hcatine/Cooling Supply), ORcsidential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. in. t �� 1 Industrial(onnnerciai DResidentiai Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT I 'Irrieadon FROM TO �?ATERIAL i EJIPLACEI1ENr'.IETIIOD&AMOUNT \on-W:tter'+iePPlyR'ell: D fL i a5S:t. '1he^Vex. i fr`•01 e- /,;P.t L —I Moniwring MRecovcry i ft. i p injection Well: t d fL ff. Aquder Recharge Groundwater Remediation ! i Pe_ w e— 1 �-•� f m' 1 ND/GRAVEL P:'. •.(if applicable) Aquifer Storage and Recovery DSaliniry Barrie F�CA a IV, � �,,y„p 0\. TO _M_.vTERIAL E11I'!.�C"NENT:IIETHOD :JiAqu; Test [IStorrrwater Drainage Iw ` " ft. t. - E imental Technology OSubsidenceContrS.F P El 20 It. Ci. I — I :Geoiliernia!tClosedLoop) O'.Tracer s _ Z0.DR1I_LINGLOG(attech n1ditionalsheets ill nec:ssan) Iflrut•r�'B.;S�:1 "i C' ^K; i TO te, n size,etc.) D�SCR.tPTIO\ico(oc i:u dress. ,:I'rncl: grain DGeothenna!(heating/Cooling Return) Other(explain under9# fl&,r p?ks) , D fr. I 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 2 Well ID# ft. i.. G!�►� Md S ft. 7 rt. Sa.V1 ell Location: j'D F:cilIt i;}t,,r:: \;:me Faci:iryi.D=(ifappiicablc) _Lv ft. !2:0'`�11_ A, Physic;a A1,ddres;..City,and Zip � --- ur�^� 21.REMARKS ---- C'ouni,: t Parcel Identification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: _ I (ir,vcli ii,�ld.orc:atllong i..sufficient) 22.Certification: 6,Is(arei tlu•wells)O3 Permanent or CITemporary Signature of Ccrtitied We:i'C7mr4c'My 'kac At.signing this/in-m.!iier.h ;_,•r jr thus the ,rifr..r r,,r. (we..r ,,+:.tnxied in accordance 7.Is this a repuir to an existing well: Yes or �o wiih 15A VC.:C 02C.0/r ,;r 1>::.h'C'•4C 4°C.i:'00 If'...Cot,. -a:.-i Smndardr and that a rrpa:r,fill nut known arll constrliction information and explain the nawre gfthe oRi'4ftlu re--or•d has ter,,1'al;:iL'd the ire!!. „ne•r. it-pair m:«er as;remurks section or tun the hack of this faun. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For Geoprohe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back or thi;pare to pro,ide ac.dition:�. % e: site details or well constrii tior-.olds Get`-1 is heeded. Indic:to TOTAL NI MBER.of wells construction details. Y,. a'so ant c+i:..udi:iol-ai par:;i:'.: ccssary. SUBMITTAL I\STRLI IIONS — 9.Total w'eL death below land surface: 6 3 -2- S (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: c ih-s form .ithin 30 dais o' :um letion of well Far umlrp!e tri•:rs list all depths if dilferent!e.ranipie-3rdi200'and 2(a"100') construction to the follu,t'iaa� P 10.Static water level below top of casing: Il 0 (ft.) Division of Watei•Rest>urces.Infornu:tion Proc•:king Unit, p:raMr!ewl is a1,n,c ewi+rg.use.•+" 1617 Mai:Sri vice Center,Raleigla.\C?7099-1617 11.Borehole diameter: (in.) 24b. For lniection ik tPs: addimn to cendir,.c the):n:.:.:tie address in 24a t J above. also submit one cvo-, of :his term within: 30 &,'s o. completion of well 12.Well construction method: construction to the foliwtinq: (i.e.auger.roury.cable•direct push.etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WTI LS ONLY: Division of Water Res urces,Underground Injection C:,ntrot Program, 1636 ?:0 .c .she Center,t?alrig',.\C'7b9,:_1636 13a.N"icld(t,,ptn) Method of test: 24c.For Water Sunnl�_. Tn'i crion "'clis: in addit..•n to Sending the form to the addi,,b(es) auwc. :.ru :;lu;rut ore .up) ,a this -or.r. within 30 days of 1.1.b.Disinfectiun type: Amount: completion of well cot,>tn: ::on :o the Cu;Irty !:ealtit 'epzrc,ttent of the county where constructed. Font 6k% t North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Dn isi•,a off.'. ::-,i;i c,s Revised 2-22-2016 I t VNItlWo wllON NVIW IVWb3H1037 .�n � pRp ' N ZM was AM=WHU a M3N uvrw.w.m�m�ur�o. n O ^'1,,' ®gyp ' I NouvouuN3m MM ttnoap jJ1 ^ 0 fJ Vv G�/I�hY (� p 4 1 IM83HL039 2� t o: W U • W = Za zo a ui .z. MS N " MIS g� �?1 � d 311 i ,