HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09113_Well Construction - GW1_20220926 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health . No. 6711 P. 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.W 1 Caotracto IutotTnatio --•tee .. FROM TO DESCIIIPTiOW Well Contractor Name g, NC ell coaaac or Certification Number (djgU7 ►gly(}: >iaoltfegf"." ':OIt f '' Mb "y �r`Ma?'"" i FROM TO DIAM6T R Tti[CItNF59 h1A (� e a rt. n - V u Co a :: .�.�._... .. 16s`INNERICA }OR'rlfni[wC►: II�Cmtot;Josfd moo' +.�+. � e":rtr-t..=:- L Well Construction Permit#. J y `j f o FROM TO 01AM93e 't MCRN s9 MATERIAL Ust at/applicable wen maimmton perDrat It e.UrC,County,Stott,Yariante,en) tr• tr. i In. 3.Well Un(cheek Well Age): Water Supply Well! FROV. TO I DIAMETER F LOTS= THICKNESS--MATFArAL _Agricultural QMunt'cipal/Pablic 0 D. If. io. Geothermal(Renting/Cooling Supply) i deetial Water Supply(single) R. tR in. - _InduatrieUCommcreiol DResideattal Water Supply(shared) Irriantion FROM T , MATERIAIL UVIACIUMENTMErROD&AMOUNT iVon•Watop Supply Well G n. �N Monitoring ❑Recovery R. ft. Injection Well: - AquifefRecherge 043rundwaterRemediation -- -r• 79��ilZ?D1GRi1tBIiPACK' Fai" Dle'��+•s_,�_:._,,:;,�::",.� ,,.,T,,.;•..:.;..:;;._;, 10cofAquifer Storage and Recovery OSaliniry Barrier I TO MATERIAL EMPrACAMENr ETIIOD fiennat Aquifet-Test 'nStonnwaterDrainageExperimental Technology Subsidence ControlGeothermal(Closed Loop)_ OTraeer FROM TO eatirig/CAo�rng Return Other lain under N21 Remarks R, G R C/G 4.Data Well(s)Completed:9 i—>).2 Well 101 n R a Sa.Well Loo/caliom �Q R h or — Fam'litylOwnet Name y� FaciilityIDB(ifcpplicable) rt a . Physical Addmis,City,add Zip / rt� rt• — Couoty ParrelIdemificatiaa NO.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and loDBitnde in degreedminutedieconds or decimal degrees: Q (ifwell Add.one Itillang is sufficient) l 22.CertiGcalian: d /� )S'a?t G 7 90N l`'�� ��Llo w „t 6.Is(are)The wefl(s) Permanent or Tempory 4igmnut o ertified Well Connsetor Date By sigrdng dui/brat I hereby coy*Thar the imll(t)oar(1rero)esu mend eh accordance 7.Is this a repair to an alsting well: ra QYes art No with ISAWCAC 0IC.0100 or IJA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Conanwilan Smedontr and that a ((this Is a r9ain fiff mrt Ana w,welt goatrnzvot,inf&wtian mid&&M the nai m►of the copy of this amid has been pm tided to the mrell owner. mpa:runder 1121 renmrle section br an the backgfthtsfarm- 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For GeoprobtMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only l GW 1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL,NUMBER of wells construction details, You may also attach additlonsl pages if neeess+iry. drilled: / SUBMITTAL It4STRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below had surface. L� (h.) 24a, For All Well Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Fo>tnvtaple wdys Gstat]deptht iJdifferenr(esba�ple.3(dfz00'and z®!00) construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: d C (R) Division of Water Resources,Informallon Processtug Unit, Ifwarer level ft above tmvig we"+^ 1617 Mail Service Cehfer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 It Borehole dmmeter. (In.) 24L For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fanrt4o the address in 24a (� above,also submit one copy of this tbmr within 30 days of completion of wall l2.Wei[construction method: r) construction to the following (Lc.aagcr.rotary.cable.&=I push etc.) - Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Harz Service Centel',Raleigh,NC 276994636 t 13s.Yield(glim) Method of test: �. 24c.For Water 3unDly&Inlecdon Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addresses)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 131LDisinfection type: �Il Amouai: � �t��7 completion of well consnorion,to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 Nonh C=Ihm Depanmeat of fmriromneanl Quality-Division of Wattf RcsomM Revised 2-22-2016' i •