HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000240_CLT WQ Monitoring SOP_20220930City of Charlotte NPDES Permit Program Water Quality Assessment And Monitoring Plan • CHARLOTTE Permit Number NCS000240 July 2020 Table of Contents Section1 Purpose................................................................................................... 1 Section 2 General Water Quality Monitoring Program ....................................... 1 2.1 Monitoring Methods................................................................................ 1 2.2 Sample Types and Frequency................................................................... 1 2.3 Monitoring Parameters............................................................................. 1 Section 3 Monitoring Sites.....................................................................................2 3.1 Basis for Locating Monitoring Sites......................................................... 2 3.2 Site Locations/Descriptions...................................................................... 2 3.3 Site Map.................................................................................................. 3 Section 4 Sample and Data Analysis..................................................................... 4 4.1 Sample Analytical Methods..................................................................... 4 4.2 Quality Assurance.................................................................................... 4 4.3 Record Keeping....................................................................................... 5 Section 5 Data Evaluation and Assessment........................................................... 5 5.1 Methods for Evaluating and Assessing Data ............................................ 5 5.2 Reporting................................................................................................. 5 5.3 Monitoring Plan Revisions....................................................................... 5 List of Tables: Table 2-1: Water Quality Monitoring Parameters...................................................... 1 Table 3-1: City Water Quality Monitoring Sites ........................................................ 2 Table 4-1: Analytical Methods and Minimum Reporting Levels ................................ 4 List of Figures: Figure 3-1: City Water Quality Monitoring Sites ........................................................ 3 im City of Charlotte - Surface Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan - July 2020 CHART oTTE. Section 1: Purpose The purpose of the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program is to monitor and assess the quality of streams within the City of Charlotte. Information gained from this program may be used to help identify and eliminate sources of pollution and illicit discharges, track short-term and long-term trends, and, where possible, gauge the effectiveness of stormwater management efforts and programs conducted by the City. Section 2: General WO Monitoring Program 2.1 Monitoring Methods Monitoring methods utilized in this plan will consist of directly accessing the stream to conduct specified monitoring within the stream channel at a point representative of the overall stream flow at the time of monitoring. In most cases, this will be center channel of the stream. When possible, staff will enter the stream and directly fill sample bottles from the stream flow. 2.2 Sample Types and Frequency Samples collected under this plan will be fixed interval grab samples taken on a quarterly basis at each monitoring location. Typically, a specific day of each calendar quarter (usually, the 3rd Wednesday of the first month of each calendar quarter) was assigned for monitoring to allow for sampling over a range of flows in the long-term at each monitoring location. However, due to COVID-19 precautions, a modified sampling schedule is currently being implemented where 50% of samples are collected on the second Tuesday of the first month of the calendar quarter and the remainder collected on the second Thursday of that same month. 2.3 Monitoring Parameters Table 2-1 provides a list of the water quality parameters sampled at the monitoring sites. Table 2-1: Water Quality Monitoring Parameters. Parameter Sample Type Frequency Fecal Coliform Grab Quarterly E-Coli Grab Quarterly Total Phosphorus Grab Quarterly Nitrite + Nitrate Grab Quarterly Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Grab Quarterly Ammonia Nitrogen Grab Quarterly Total Suspended Solids Grab Quarterly Turbidity Grab Quarterly Copper Grab Quarterly Zinc Grab Quarterly Chromium Grab Quarterly im City of Charlotte - Surface Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan - July 2020 CHART oTTE. Lead Grab Quarterly Dissolved Oxygen In -Situ Quarterly Temperature In -Situ Quarterly Conductivity In -Situ Quarterly pH In -Situ Quarterly Section 3: Monitoring Sites 3.1 Basis for Locating Monitoring ites The goal of the WQ monitoring program plan will be to locate one monitoring site within each major watershed in the City to characterize water quality conditions within the watershed. Sites are located at the downstream most accessible point within the watershed. Fifteen (15) monitoring sites are utilized under this plan to monitor and assess water quality conditions in the City. 3.2 Site Locations/Description Table 3-1 contains a description and location of the 15 monitoring sites within the monitoring plan. Table 3-1: Description of City of Charlotte Water Quality Monitoring Sites. Site # Stream Location MY11B Mallard Creek Pavilion Blvd Bridge, S. of US Hwy 29 MY12 Back Creek Caldwell Rd. Culvert, S. of Harrisburg & Hwy 29 MY13 Reedy Creek Reedy Creek Rd. Bridge, S. of Plaza Rd. Ext. MY713 McKee Creek Reedy Creek Rd. Bridge, S. of Harrisburg Rd. MC 14A Long Creek Pine Island Dr. at End of Street at Golf Course MC 17 Paw Creek Hwy 74 Culvert, Between Sam Wilson & Little Rock Rd. MC22A Irwin Creek Westmont Dr. Bridge, at Irwin Creek WWTP MC27 Sugar Creek Hwy. 51 Bridge, E. of Downs Rd. MC38 McAlpine Creek Sardis Rd. Bridge, Between Sardis Ln. & Sardis Rd. N. MC40A Four Mile Creek Elm Ln. Bridge, S. of Hwy. 51 MC42 McMullen Creek Sharon View Rd. Bridge, Between Sharon Rd. & Colony Rd. MC45 McAlpine Creek McAlpine Creek WWTP MC47A Steele Creek Carowinds Blvd. Culvert, W. of Carowinds Amusement Park MC49A Little Sugar Creek Hwy. 51 Bridge, W. of Carolina Place Mall MC51 Six Mile Creek Marvin Rd. Bridge, S. of Wade Arder Rd. & N. of Joe Kerr Rd 3.3 Site Map Figure 3-1 shows a map and location of the 15 monitoring sites within the monitoring plan. 2 im City of Charlotte - Surface Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan - July 2020 CHART oTTE. Figure 3-1: Charlotte Water Quality Monitoring Sites \ 0 Huntersville MC Matthews Mint Hill 0 Pineville Water im City of Charlotte - Surface Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan - July 2020 CHARL(U I'E. Section 4: Sample and Data Analysis 4.1 Sample Analytical Methods Table 4-1 shows the monitoring parameters, reporting limits and analytical methods used to analyze samples collected under the plan. Table 4-1: Charlotte Water Laboratory Analytical Methods and Minimum Reporting Levels (RLs) A RL a Sump VoL lidd Time Pre:errlrisr T i 4LKA Y 3A0 L &M1320-H -DO :4 Yc:A } 33Ih'OV74-Y[=ROyE:: 4_10 % &M 4500-ISIUH 30 28 = . D CTILOROPHn-LLA LOD ENL sm 10200 250 14 Fina O CHRC_%frU i SAD u1pL EPA2GG-9 e500 ISO TilC, P O3PP=3 LAD -ayL EPA '-CC 6 e500 180 1L{3, P H. CO=I LOD M3N:1CCmL SM 9223-H 125 9.25 a- .. }5 CCLIFORM LOD =LCOml &M9222-D 125 0.25 Na --AD 3AD _e= EPA''-00_8 e500 180 ms3' SSAN ANESE L4.00 _e _ EPA ''-CO-9 0500 lL0 MMCURY C : ? -_u = EPA N GA *300 180 1L1:= 7 V7-3hIE.�lITHITE C _' m■ L EPA 3532 34) lE H.:: •.) ORTFO-PHOSPH ATE C-01 M■ L 53A 450o-PP 30 2 y cr-a } SGSP 'IT,PD SIDDAENTCMCENfRAM 2M m■ L ASTM D3977-97 250 - YCPA } TOTAL FJELDAELNRROGEM 425 MEL EPA 3SL'- 30 Is H-;C. } TOTALPHIOSPAORT:S 0.01 M391, W4`0.D-PF 30 :b It -SC, -D TOTAL 90IMS 9 00 M■ L W 2°40-8 100 Hcea TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS ? Mu L W 2 `4.D-D 250 F ceu TLJHSI = C _' Y—M W 2:50-S L00 YCVA YOC l-_;h - EPA 6 20 to L4 HC 1 - i C :=•.9S - EPA '' -CC 6 e500 UY2 .1 -A*.bI-mu[Gctmmb&t5. UntW.Kguod p -P• _. ps-Se ikF%Mit po - omu_- Pumad v0- 4.2 Quality Assurance The City contracts with Mecklenburg County and Charlotte Water to collect and analyze, respectively, its water quality monitoring samples. Mecklenburg County maintains an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which details sampling protocols and procedures; including sample handling, preservation, transportation, equipment calibration & maintenance, laboratory protocols, QA/QC, field blanks, and trip blanks. The Charlotte Water Laboratory is State certified for laboratory analysis and is registered with the State of NC under certification No. 192. M im City of Charlotte - Surface Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan - July 2020 CHARLOTTE. 4.3 Record Keeping All records and data generated under the monitoring program will be maintained for a minimum period of five years. In most cases, field data and laboratory data are stored in electronic format. Hard copy field notes, log books, calibration records, and bench sheets are also maintained. Section 5: Data Evaluation and Assessment 5.1 Methods for Evaluating and Assessing Data As data becomes available, the City will analyze the various pollutant parameters collected under the monitoring program and conduct statistical analysis on the data to determine trends, where possible. It should be noted that in the earlier years of the monitoring program only a limited number of data points were generated due to the frequency of monitoring. This made proper statistical analysis difficult early on; however, as more and more data has been accumulated over several years, statistical analysis to determine trends is becoming more useful. At a minimum, data will be graphically represented to visualize trends. 5.2 Reporting Data results will be reported and discussed in the City's NPDES MS4 Annual Report. Report discussion will include the number of samples collected, number and types of parameters analyzed, and data analysis activities to determine trends. 5.3 Monitoring Plan Revisions The City will review the monitoring plan annually as part of the data analysis and annual report process to determine if any revisions to the plan are necessary based on the past year's assessment and monitoring activities. If revisions are necessary, the City will revise the plan and submit the revisions to NCDEQ for review and approval. 5