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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002927_Inspection_20220922ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Certified Mail # 7020 3160 0000 2219 4812 Return Receipt Requested September 22, 2022 Allan Bohn Domtar Paper Company LLC PO Box 678 Bennettsville, SC 29512 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2022-PC-0544 Bonsai Chip Mill WWTF Wastewater Irrigation System Non -Discharge Permit # WQ0002927 Wake County Dear Permittee: Molly Nicholson with The North Carolina Division of Water Resources conducted an inspection of Bonsai Chip Mill WWTF on 9/7/2022. This inspection was conducted to verify that the facility is operating in compliance with the conditions and limitations specified in Permit No. WQ0002927. The findings and comments noted during this inspection are provided in the enclosed copy of the inspection report entitled "Compliance Inspection Report". The most recent permit was effective starting April 5, 2022 and expires July 31, 2028. The system allows for the operation of a 200 gallon per day wastewater treatment and irrigation facility. It consists of a 1,000 gallon baffled septic tank; a flow divider; two 34.2 ft2 surface sand filters in parallel; a tablet chlorinator; a 1,500 gallon storage/pump tank with a 6.4 GPM pump and audible/visual high-water alarms; a pump down timer system for inclement weather; approximately 480 LF of 2-inch force main; a 0.42 acre spray irrigation area with four sprinkler heads; and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances. 1. At the time of the inspection, the front right spray head was not rotating, and the back left spray head was not spraying. In additional, the audible high-water alarm for the storage/pump tank was not functioning. Section V.1 of your permit states "The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities." Within 30 days, please respond in writing explaining what actions will be taken, and when, in order to bring the facility into compliance. This letter is being sent as a Notice of Violation due to compliance issues cited in item 1 above. ?north Carolina Departs entct Divirorzarlail Quality Divisiai of Water Raw -was Raleigh Regimel OBiu 3800Barrea DOR Raleigh NoreiCardeu : >"'9 919-914200 Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, please respond in writing to items 1-3 describing the actions Domtar Paper Company, LLC will take, or has taken, to resolve the noted issues. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Molly Nicholson with the Division of Water Resources in the Raleigh Regional Office at 919-791-4240 or via email at Vanessa E. Manuel, Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Attachment(s): Compliance Inspection Report Cc: Laserfiche DEQ tketh Carolina Departs ent of Eneromoeasl Qwbry Division of Watts Resources Raleigh Regional Office 330013srten Drive Rabig. North Cardin 27f09 D19 "914X/0 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: W00002927 Effective: 04/05/22 SOC: Effective: County: Wake Region: Raleigh Expiration: 07/31/28 Owner : Domtar Paper Company LLC Expiration: Facility: Bonsai Chip Mill WWTF 7634 Old US 1 Contact Person: John Cecil Title: Directions to Facility: Follow I-440W and US-1 S to New Hill -Holleman Rd in Buckhom. System Classifications: SI, Primary ORC: Randall Craig Jarrell Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 09107/2022 Entry Time 09:31AM Primary Inspector: Molly Nicholson Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit inspection Type: Wastewater Irrigation Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: ▪ Treatment Flow Measurement -Effluent ▪ Treatment Flow Measurement -Water Use Records ▪ Record Keeping • Treatment Flow Measurement (See attachment summary) Certification: 23925 Exit Time: 10:30AM New Hill NC 27562 Phone: 919-367-9696 Take exit 89 from US-1 S. Take Old US Hwy 1 to Cooper Rd Phone: 919-210-2500 Phone: 919-791-4240 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation ▪ Treatment Flow Measurement -influent ▪ Treatment ▪ End Use -Irrigation • Miscellaneous Questions El Treatment Filters ll Treatment Disinfection Page 1 of 6 permit: WQ0002927 Owner - Facility: Domtar Paper Company LLC Inspection Date: 09107/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The most recent permit was effective starting April 5, 2022 and expires July 31, 2028. The system allows for the operation of a 200 gallon per day wastewater treatment and irrigation facility. It consists of a 1,000 gallon baffled septic tank; a flow divider; two 34.2 ft2 surface sand filters in parallel; a tablet chlorinator; a 1,500 gallon storage/pump tank with a 6.4 GPM pump and audible/visual high-water alarms; a pump down timer system for inclement weather; approximately 480 LF of 2-inch force main; a 0.42 acre spray irrigation area with four sprinkler heads; and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances. 1. At the time of the inspection, the front right spray head was not rotating, and the back left spray head was not spraying. In additional, the audible high-water alarm for the storage/pump tank was not functioning. Section V.1 of your permit states "The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities." Within 30 days, please respond in writing explaining what actions will be taken, and when, in order to bring the facility into compliance. This letter is being sent as a Notice of Violation due to compliance issues cited in item 1 above. Page 2 of 6 Permit: WQ0002927 SOC: County: Wake Region: Raleigh Compliance inspection Report Effective: 04/05/22 Effective: Expiration: 07/31/28 Owner : Domtar Paper Company LLC Expiration: Facility: Bonsai Chip Mill WWTF 7634 Old US 1 Contact Person: John Cecil Title: Directions to Facility: Follow I-440W and US-1S to New Hill -Holleman Rd in Buckhorn. System Classifications: SI, Primary ORC: Randall Craig Jarrell Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 09/07/2022 Entry Time 09:31AM Primary Inspector: Molly Nicholson Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit inspection Type: Wastewater Irrigation Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: ▪ Treatment Flow Measurement -Effluent El Treatment Flow Measurement -Water Use Records III Record Keeping ▪ Treatment Flow Measurement (See attachment summary) New Hill NC 27562 Phone: 919-367-9696 Take exit 89 from US-1S. Take Old US Hwy 1 to Cooper Rd Certification: 23925 Exit Time: 10:30AM Phone: 919-210-2500 Phone: 919-791-4240 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation ▪ Treatment Flow Measurement -Influent ▪ Treatment El End Use -Irrigation El Miscellaneous Questions ▪ Treatment Filters ▪ Treatment Disinfection Page 1 of 6 permit: WQ0002927 Owner - Facility: Domtar Paper Company LLC Inspection Date: 09/07/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The most recent permit was effective starting April 5, 2022 and expires July 31, 2028. The system allows for the operation of a 200 gallon per day wastewater treatment and irrigation facility. It consists of a 1,000 gallon baffled septic tank; a flow divider; two 34.2 ft2 surface sand filters in parallel; a tablet chlorinator; a 1,500 gallon storage/pump tank with a 6.4 GPM pump and audible/Visual high-water alarms; a pump down timer system for inclement weather; approximately 480 LF of 2-inch force main; a 0.42 acre spray irrigation area with four sprinkler heads; and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances. 1. At the time of the inspection, the front right spray head was not rotating, and the back left spray head was not spraying. In additional, the audible high-water alarm for the storage/pump tank was not functioning. Section V.1 of your permit states "The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the wastewater treatment and irrigation facilities." Within 30 days, please respond in writing explaining what actions will be taken, and when, in order to bring the facility into compliance. This letter is being sent as a Notice of Violation due to compliance issues cited in item 1 above. Page 2 of 6 permit: WQ0002927 Owner - Facility: Domtar Paper Company LLC Inspection Date: 09/07/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Reuse (Quality) ❑ Infiltration System ❑ Lagoon Spray, LR ❑ Activated Sludge Spray, LR ❑ Single Family Spray, LR ❑ Activated Sludge Spray, HR ❑ Activated Sludge Drip, LR ❑ Recycle/Reuse ❑ Single Family Drip 0 Treatment Yes No NA NE Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? • 0 0 0 Do all treatment units appear to be operational? (if no, note below.) 0 • 0 0 Comment: Audible high-water alarm was not functioning. Treatment Flow Measurement -Influent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? 00.0 Is flowmeter operating properly? 0 0 •❑ Does flowmeter monitor continuously? ❑ ❑ � ❑ Does flowmeter record flow? 00.0 Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment. Flow meter is attached to well to best estimate flow. Treatment Flow Measurement -Water Use Records Yes No NA NE Is water use metered? • 0 0 0 Are the daily average values properly calculated? •❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: There are only 5 employees using system. Treatment Flow Measurement -Effluent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is flowmeter operating properly? 00.0 Does flowmeter monitor continuously? 00.0 Does flowmeter record flow? ❑ ❑ ❑ Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Filters Yes No NA NE Is the filter media present? 000 Page 3 of 6 Permit: WO0002927 Owner - Facility: Domtar Paper Company LLC Inspection Date: 09/07/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is the filter media the correct size and type? ❑ Is the air scour operational? Is the scouring acceptable? [] 0 • 0 Is the clear well free of excessive solids? 0 0 • 0 Is the mud well free of excessive solids and filter media? 0 0 • 0 Does backwashing frequency appear adequate? Comment: Treatment Disinfection Yee No NA NE Is the system working? •❑ Do the fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? •❑ Is there adequate detention time (>=30 minutes)? Is the system properly maintained? If gas, does the cylinder storage appear safe? Is the fan in the chlorine feed room and storage area operable? Is the chlorinator accessible? E000 If tablets, are tablets present? 11000 Are the tablets the proper size and type? Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids, and growth?•000 If UV, are extra UV bulbs available? if UV, is the UV intensity adequate? 00.0 # Is it a dual feed system? Does the Stationary Source have more than 2500 Ibs of Chlorine (CAS No. 7782-50-5)? If yes, then is there a Risk Management Plan on site? 00E10 If yes, then what is the EPA twelve digit ID Number? (1000- - ) If yes, then when was the RMP last updated? Comment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is a copy of current permit available? .000 Are monitoring reports present: NDMR? [] NDAR? ❑ ❑ Are flow rates Tess than of permitted flow? 0 Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? •❑ ❑ Are application rates adhered to? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required (GW-59s submitted)? El 0 • 0 Are all samples analyzed for all required parameters? •0 Are there any 2L GW quality violations? 00 MEI Page 4 of 6 Permlt: WQ0002927 Owner - Facility: Domtar Paper Company LLC Inspection Date: 09/07/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? Is effluent sampled for same parameters as GW? Do effluent concentrations exceed GW standards? Are annual soil reports available? # Are PAN records required? # Did last soil report indicate a need for lime? If so, has it been applied? Are operational logs present? Are lab sheets available for review? Do lab sheets support data reported on NDMR? Do lab sheets support data reported on GW-59s? Are Operational and Maintenance records present? Were Operational and Maintenance records complete? Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? Is a copy of the SOC readily available? No treatment units bypassed since last inspection? Comment. All records were present and accurate. End Use -Irrigation Are buffers adequate? Is the cover crop type specified in permit? Is the crop cover acceptable? Is the site condition adequate? Is the site free of runoff / ponding? Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? Is the application equipment present? Is the application equipment operational? Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? Are any supply wells within the CB? Are any supply wells within 250' of the CB? How close is the closest water supply well? Is municipal water available in the area? # Info only: Does the permit call for monitoring wells? Are GW monitoring wells located properly w/ respect to RB and CB? Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed, including screened interval? Are monitoring wells damaged? ❑ ❑•❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑•❑ • ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑�❑ ❑ ❑111❑ ❑ ❑•❑ • ❑❑❑ ▪ ❑❑❑ • ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑•❑ • ❑❑❑ • ❑❑❑ • ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ U❑ ❑ ❑ U❑ Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ •❑ ■ ❑❑❑ • ❑ ❑❑ ■ ❑❑❑ ▪ ❑ ❑❑ • ❑ ❑❑ • ❑ � ❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ • ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ N❑ ❑ ❑ U❑ ❑ ❑ ❑• O 01110 ❑ ❑ •❑ O 0110 ❑ ❑11❑ ❑ ❑•❑ Page 5 of 6 Permit: WQ0002927 Owner - Facility: Domtar Paper Company LLC Inspection Date: 09/07/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Comment. One spravhead was not rotating properly and one sprayhead was not spraying. Page 6 of 6