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GW1-2022-08935_Well Construction - GW1_20220919
NSTRUCZTON RE 1.WeII coyr�eep, - (=W-� ForI�3lIIse O y: ' wen ==o x==. sa.We�tzortPs ,;�, Saar -� ;a��a.��►.s�rs $ D f-I- ::�osr�as• _ ...-�. pit#: 8� CA53dGORTummi(s et�im,I -w-• .». - arbleveIIcPe�=UC; co+awSoa�Ymlmr,�ceJ � 3 WeMe(eh _kweU=* $ r✓'•T is • $ �t t_h.. �✓i.r SnPP�T Well: - $ � '-:•':^?��"��.�y��_ s.'�i.,+era - t7 (8` 8/C°°Tmggy) W ?�pply(smgle) ��$ �. '� auaag� sltsrs� sumtuL -- CUCommadd - �ideatialWaterSapply( � -1att $oQr.z $ •'� - DFo�W �WMs>1 oob Gf�D = We1L �M TO- - "f••^"T•,' za�ic�vrasnaon�.�xom�rr J6• - ®ioniLo�B rlRaovety $ I r �. MAqaMrp=hazp - • 1:lGmundvV3herR=effEfi=OAqqWxr $ $ StMap=diccovesy > yFeairr v7ASS1�IQtd9�LPA MAgcMrTest •Gs xso�s $ 20 �dre L so �tr n iTecbmatogy $ DSnssdeooe Cosfml I(GRosedi oop) aTaaea,13 SRe2nm) COthaCexplam�er�21Rr�) '� zn aFsoasaax ~' -'-� 4.DsLe We1>CS)conq&lbd: Ctt :Z Z WeII ID _�r$ `}$ �` dtIatafio� - _ $ it . Ae ty�t)was C¢aPP ) {n 7linu'o),i r car a>: i nil ; ' s Ck - 2, D� i . _ . r n,� l' ' 11 11�S.mtT3p .. - g � Sb.LafdIIdesudloapdudeiade /mm s/mcondsordeemaldW ' •« c f oxhdtoagi� NA 6,7s(ttre)the s• ! �C)• atmaaeat .for DTemp =ry 12,^3b Q s; ofCeniSe�, eit • Doe 7.Is this a • BYs+17�18�dr �I t r:I m sia eritHagweIh� C33tes o Iml IfrTtrisarg�r�lla,aFnvr�s•wr3 1�NCdCOZCbI00m•ISQNC�COZC.02007�t�Cveaar�taa.�at�®dtlaaaeopy �r�atrto�der#2l�mrmZs�ormt �j�,��°�rlenaaorojtlr af�ras+o�dh�Lrapvn*dedmrhe�rlfoimv,� 8.For Geops obrJDPT or Ciosed•Loo ZL Spa��sua ur:a aaalt►elt detsttlm - • °baron,a�3Y1 GW-I iwaeeded,•��Tp1•'AyW MGEVwe .s C2d Ov�Y�R�ads IIOO m£o dined: )• �9 I�sNaxe�ty. r 24. -IlysTHUCQONS SUEBMT 9.Tot3dweldepthbebwludsmfice: ''�P Por ple,.�IIr�aaIIdgrTrlal�,emr e-3C(>)zoo•®ds(ajloo) �$� Sbbmt�isGW-InitTrm3odsysofw&compkfioapwft:fotf=jW IO.Stsfiewater]avdbdowiopofessiap,: (�) 242.For—AIl WeIIc Qal4 So=to Divis=of WaterBeaomees (DWR). 1L BoreLola d�meter: {m.) 24b.Foi•Ia►ec[inIL Waw Copy m DWBy tmdet}ponnd � Igaerida Coatsol(iQC) 12 We>F NWa41MSC,RaIdZb6NC27699-1636 .. , coastrrcfionmelboa: P 641 V, / esormia 24&ForWatar snd Gmthermal8ef�aWeIIs:Cowtolhe - FCRWATERSSUPPLYWELLS OHI.Y- 24iLFo_r WaterWt31s do, _+oQetI GPD•CWID.DW%CCPCUA 13a.YteldbA Matbodofte� PCmuMoSmm,•1.6 W-. C 1 1 13b.Difioontype: 9mom>t_ Foan GW-1- • .NoctfiCaro>ma.Dq�ofFs+ema�1(�Y.DivaioaofWaterRrsa�es Bavixdbb-2018