HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0041157_Other_19931202 1 �� � - . 10096 DC�A�!"rSTIC FACILITIES-RECD 1OJ93 FINAL LIST �N RENEWL�i?�WtfHOtTT MODIFICATION 12/02/93 BY MOD??Z.ER '� �� Perniit 1�Facility Stream Sutrbasin County Region �,py �D �21G Comment� 41165 SbWMILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FREEMASON CREEK 030831 CALDWELL ARO JMN JL �1�J�8Y SI�4Ai,3 ELEl1+�BCHOOL idP�'F.R L1T1'LE RNF.R 030E32 CAL.DWFd.L ARO JMN JL 41173 GAMEWELL MIDDLE dt ELEM SCHOOL UT LOWER CREEK 030831 CALDWELL ARO JMN JL '� 41220 �AK HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MOUNTAIN RUN 030832 CALDWELL ARO JMN JL 30473 MILL RIDGE DEVELOPMENT WATAUGA RIVER 04Q201 WATAUGA WSRO JMN JL � � � refer: Basinwide/Streamline WLA file at front of subbasin . KEYS TO COMMENT'S: NOTE: IF 7C'UNDER"Request WLA?"COLUMN� Oa.No policy given. Alternatives unalysis should be required. THE ENGINEER SHOULD RF�QUFST A WASTELOAD ALIACATION. Ob.Facility must meet S&1(by date given in parentheai�). Oc.Alternative�snalysis requested. �" AI.SO,FOR A'Oa'COMMEIVT,GIVE CURRENT ZERO-FLOW POLICY. Od.Alternatives analysis submitted. FOR A"Ob'COMMFI�TT',GIVE S dt 1 LIMTI'S BY DATE IN PARENTHESIS. Oe.Facilit�will eonnect to POTW. 1. Phasc;d permit. 2. �mented instream water quality problems. 3. Facility is requesting modification. �. WLA should be done per basinwide pamitting sc�edule. . ' 1 . • • � . � . .r-- Request� �e $�o lv Facility Namo: Dudley Shoals Elementary -Caldwell County NPDES No.: NC0041157 ' Type of Waste: 100 96 Domestic Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: Upper Little River Stream Classification: C Subbasin: 03-08�2 CouMy: Caldwell Stream Characteristic: Regional Offioe: Asheville USCS� Requestor: Date: 1991 Date af Request: Drainage Area(mi�): 27.1 Topo Quad: D 13 S E Summer 7Q10(cfs): 5.7 Winter 7Q10(cfs): 11.9 Average Fbw(cfs): 35.2 30Q2(cfs): 15.7 IVHC�96): 0.11 96 Existing WLA chedced: x Staff Report: Topo chedced: USGS Fbws oorrfirmed: NVC Spreadsheet: nr Stream Classification: Nutrient Sensitivity: Instream Data: nr 1978: reoommendations for 0.003 mgd discharge to ut Upper Little River of 17 mg/l BOD�.9 mg/l NH3-N.6.0 mg/l dissolved oxygen. 30 mg/I TSS,6-8.5 SU pH� 1.000/100 ml fecal ooliform�(assumed 0.0 s7Q10) 1984: Summer and Winter limits for an expansion to 0.004 mgd were requested.therefore fbws were requested with a zero 7Q10 and 30Q2. Limits of 15(22)mg/I BODS�8(15)mg/I NH�-N�6.0 mg/l dissoNed oxygen,30 mg/l TSS�6-9 SU pH, 1,000/100 ml fecal coliform were recommended. 1989: recommended reissuance w/same limits and instream monitoring. 1991: Fad Sheet ser�t out as though it were a Spec��lativa Letter. The facility proposed,and fdbwed through with a reloc�tion to the Upper Little River mainstem. This relocation was modeled and Secondary Limits were reoommended. A seoond wastebad was requested� (and finalized)for this relocation w/Secondary Limits reoommendod. 1993: Streamlined under 100 96 Domestic policy - therefore reoommended reissuanoe w/same limits. ' Refer letter,(to Mr.Jule Shanklin, 1991)and note on Streamline for resolution to fecal coliform limit-Region recommended it be dropped. DMR's discharge is exactly at the Permit limit every month residual chlorine levels excessive facility under SOC until December� 1992-assumed relocation complete facility usually Permit limits Staff Reoort nothing to note Exlstlna L�imlts: Monthly Averages Summer Winter Wastefbw(AAGD): 0.004 BODS(mg/I): 30 30 NH3N(mg/l): monitor monitor DD(mg/I): - - TSS(mg/l): 30 30 Feca�co�. �n oo m�): 200• 200# pH(SU): - - Residual Chlorine(µg/I): monftor monitor Oil 8�Grease(mg/ly: - - TP(mg�): - - TN(mgn): - - There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than tra�ce amourrts. 'refer attached letter and noter on Streamline Upstream Loc�tion: Downstream Location: . ,; . . � �-.,,c ��'�• • , � ' c ' ' • . �,, _ . SOC PRIORITY PROJECT:. Na � ~�� � IF Y$3 r SOC NUMBER ' �. � . TO s PERMIT3 AND ENC�INFERINC� UNIT . ' . . WATTR QUALITY SI�CTION � • � �� ATTENTION: Jsy Lucae � , DAT$a January 17, 1995 _ � NPD$S STAFF REPORT AND RLCOIrII�NDATION - - , .. � . COUNTY Caldwell . � PERMIT NU�IDLR NC0041157 ' . . , PART I - GENBR.AL INFORMATION ' . 1. Facility and Addreee s Dudley Shoals El�hnentar,�&�,�'��i"o�dT,'� � ``y' � Caldwell County S�hools,��,�;��'-�` � � . � . � Post Office Drawer 1590" _, 9 1q°�5 Lenoir, N. C. 28645 �� � . .'��� ,�����r;��� a. Dats of Iaveatigatioa: November 1, 1994 `'�'�°`r ����=;�.�'�`' ;°;;,'�, 3. Report Prepared Sy: James R. Reid ' � �. �. �Persoae Coatacted aad Telephons Numbers Ron McClure 704-758-0460 ' . ; � ._ S. � Directions to Sites Dudley Shoals School ie located in the Dudley ' Shoals Community in the southeastern part of Caldwell County. Thc facility ' is located at the intersection of SR 1002 (Dudley Shoals Road) and SR 1741. � � . The treatment plant ie located on the eaet eide of the achool and the � discharge point ia located immediately downstream of SR 1002 on the Upper ' . Little River. - ' � N � . 6. Dischargs Poiat(e) , List for all diecharga poiats: LatltudAS 35a 51' 47" LoIIgltudes 81� 22' 22" . - , j . ' Attach a IISGS anap extsact and indicate treatment facility eits aad diacharge ' poiat oa map. . �� . , , � II.S.t�.B. Quad No. D13SE II.S.t3.8. Quad Nama Bethlehem � ' . . 7. Sit• sizs and expaneioa area conaietent rrith applicatioa? yes , . Yee No If No, explain: �. ' � . . - � Page 1 � � � . . . . " . � n . • � � `a• � - , a i . '� - . , . . . � �� . • 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included) : Sand filter is on a hillside with about 15� slopes, 1�0' from a small unnamed tributary, not in the flood plain. 9. Locatioa of neareet d�relling: >200 feet. 10. Receiviag etream or affected eurfaca Matera: Upper Little River. a. Claeeificatfon: WS-IV b. River Basin aad Subbaein No. : 03-08-32 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertiaent dowaetraam ueee: Receiving stream has a narrow valley with no floodplain in the area of the discharge. Stream has a rocky bottom. Downstream uses include water supply, fish and wildlife propagation, fishing, hunting, agriculture and horticulture. PART II - D$3CRIPTION OF DISCHARG$ AND TRSATMENT WORIt3 1. a. Volume of rraetewater to ba permitted .004 MGD tIIltimate Design Capacity) . b. �nThat ie the current permitted capacity of the Waste�rater Treatmeat facility? .004 mgd. c. Actual treatmeat capacity of the curreat facility (cur=ent deeiga capacity .004 mgd. d. Dstate) and construction activitiee allo�red by previoue Authorizatioae to Conatruct iesued ia the previous tv�o years: Relocation of the outfall line to Upper Little River 9-17-92. e. Pleaee provide a descriptioa of existing or aubetantially coaetructed �rasteaater traatment facilitiea: Existing facilities conaist of a septic tank, dosing facility, surface eand filter, tablet chlorination, and eff luent pump station. f. Pleaee provide a descriptioa of proposed Naetevrater treatment facilities: n/a g. Poseible toxic impacta to eurface Materas None suspected. h. Pretreatment Program (POTWe only) : n/a ia developmeat approved ahould ba required aot aeeded X 2. Residuale handling and utilization/disposal echema: Septage hauler with ultimate disposal in the City of Lenoir's Lower Creek Plant. Page 2 � -_.. . _• . � a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit Number Residuals Contractor Telephone Number b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP OTHER c. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify) : 3 . Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet) : I 4. SIC Codes(s) : 8211 Wastewater Code(s) of actual wastewater, not particular facilities i.e. , non- contact cooling water discharge from a metal plating company would be 14, not 56. Primary 03 Secondary Main Treatment Unit Code: 440 7 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only) ? No 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None. 3. Important SOC, JOC, or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) None. Date Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non- discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: Not evaluated. Possible alternative. Connection to Regional Sewer System: None available. Page 3 Subsurface: Not evaluated. Possible alternative. Other disposal options: 5. Other Special Items: PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Renew NPDES Permit NC0041157 as requested. zL Signatur of Re rt PrWare ater Quality Regional Supervisor / - /Z- �is' Date Page 4