HomeMy WebLinkAbout12_NCS000557_Eval of Town Owned Properties_20220922Stormwater Impact Evaluation of Municipally Owned Pro err _ Name of MunlcipaRly: Town of Lbulon Property Name Stormwater Stormwater eIII Industrial Lot ID and Address Site Use Conveyances On -Site on Site Ex osure` w Potential Stormater Pollution Source Potential Training/Public /Public Education Opportunity g Potential Action Items VoceM pvd Wwit NO Cumber being Used -Sheet flax -Nara -None -None -None 1,2,8,12,18,35 FEMA fuMiag - No livable structures allowed to be built on them Riverside Or And - Only bah hogged occeabnely NIA Old Water Tent Site,Now - Not comarty bap used -Sheet flux -Norco -War Application of fertilizer bnayhorinhpneoxner -Educate adjacent Mmeownem ebaA proper feNlizer epplicotlon -Provftle iniormoUon la adacenllwmemvners ebaA proper feNlizer eppllwtlon eaM M1aMling 3 vacant lot NIA - Clippings from mowing operaEms Train Staff on proper handling of diCpings from moving opwAUCm - Collect clippings iron mowing operations and dispose of them at me yard waste ladl'ry 111 E. Horton St - - Plow sgna near wwMs trash - Cpnmunityreveatlon eaM evmb -SerMwabside with tlrCo inlets -GrasAvd swain -Over eah thNliaeronbaeballosion —imptwemeM tips- - - Ry -Trap yonOn -WBWrg Troll and catch balm - Bare earth in weld lendbrwion npark colgtrall dippin duds pop, - Train staff on propergdipplpsdcadonam ngdking m waaSM1wmabpdfms In - Plow Specialpetwile disposal where pets mayb sea wherepetswhen -Sheued+wala -Trash hanovollaxiteIn ahmmlt lid left off flowing -Train and handing on properly Me Canwalked fr people t - Dail. each Cthconlor cash bet CthinwM1en the Can bemnesfull SaygrwM - BaseMIlflNde Sheet flow - In arkbn lot Spitemulation well - HtopnopeMsw, swasmr parking Iota am SolPlace - up ArC for se from eDlaw mthawmAnd BrouMa of me perk Lanmredd Park Stream running through park SwuPossmentble accuer - Sedmataaumetwalinwoub tat -Etlucoer colucag EMTraOAA CopcSts on pmpedycdle Mosind distoo pet weals Relupeachears par - Regularly Swears Dorking lot and roads Its an road, 4 401 S. Mendell Ave NIA -Open Areas for pal walking wMch mould laltalml wlifoM N 1. erect where rtionwuld spur occur -Train serffblic - pollution on Educate public an the impacts boater quellhdue to impropedyhentlletl WAS PlowgavellUn:er Me Plow gravel Under the outlets of Mt - yeN hydrantank.yvehrug belox autletwuld lead toeralon opmet.lhydmnt - Called dipplps from mavlag operetiom end tliapwe IN them alto yard wale /adlity cagravol - Be. stream banks wwip erosion - ReseM base areas In open spaces - Cllppps from mowing operations - Restore scam to reduce eralon -Set up a schedule For removing Vah Imm the was eaM grounds of to park Vaal wM but la achMAlM/o Curtento -Sheetflav None -Paaeble erosion due Wabuctlon aN'vities -TrainsWHWnoUw erase where eralon wultlomr -Put In Dtsco ealoncwbds tlurlag moth lion aWWtit S development paNee tie form wmbvcllon to fond awl-datc CalopmentascW dtrarb NIA JZO E. Barbee St _ Forcer Town Hell - Currently not being used and is up to sale - Small David sweles for muting -None - - Sediment accumulation in parking lot -hairs sWHW propeM sweep alley nedbbuiltliag -RegWadyswta alley nextW bWldinq 8 _ 1W N. AreMal Ave BUUrdi.MU,a -Sheet now N/A - Community Recraatlon and event -Grased swales -Grafted await - Sam eaM which could load W erosion -Train OWN an cdledlag dlDDinga dud, mowiag op met. - -Place eqm near Yeah was About impacts cowed or urvnaneped trash -Town Grnetry, -Sheet flay - Clippings Iran mavirg opemtl. - Train staff on proper Application and handling of feNlizer - Plsce special pot waste disposal mom in open areas where pets may be walked Gill Show Park and - Stsrmwaler Apes with drop inlet - War application of feNlizer - TOM Staff to CoUce area where eralon Could occur -Plow extra bap at each Vah Can for people to place trash In when me Can mcornafull ] zabulon Camara, AM Own balm NIA - SWlege of fw5lOw on rowdy antl parking lot dung tiolizing - Educate public on properly collecting and dtposlrg of pet waste - Set up a SdSMWe for removing bah from the One and grounds of gw perk N.Prv... S! activities Pu D to lmprapedY M1eMIM CeSM1 -Educate public on me Impacts to water dueBOO - YsweeD DarklpM rondo - Trend fromOrRonan trashcans aX - Trainetsffio properly sweep parking lots eaM rods isqualityroad - MOUIC, rtsNlings - erepetOleft hornoarsBret wire Debmay Collectfrom -Coileddise Iron muvlag oDeretlwu and Oispae of mom alto yeN weaerladliry Setwasts donwalked - Sediment ammdetlon In tiro prkhg lot and on the roads -Reseed bra area In gmsaetl open sate+ or. -ConmuNry rem._... eMevent -Greased it. -Greased swell -Bareeatinthegraeinmepar, - Train staff on cdaiding dlppllgs dud, mgNrg oamBoru -Place Signs near Cash was about imparts waved byom enNM bah -Showflow - Eroded ditches carry, watt mouth me Dark -Train MAR on proper feNlizer application and amount limudp Not spilling In arldCo - Piece Special pet waste dlspwal coon 0 Wen Areas where pats may be walked - Over aallwtlon of fertilizer lot - Place extra by at each trash Can for People to dace trash In when the Can becomes lull White Park forebeari - Spillage of fezer on me parking lots, side wake. driveways- Train staff to property sweep pending lots and mnda - set up A Schedule for oving Vatnd gs h from the caaroundo/tile Dark rem 9,18,21,22,2] N. Wakefield St MA m and tool. counts - Educate public on properly cdlectIg AM d'uposing of pet wale - Regularly sweep parking lot and roatla - Clippings fr. mmviag operators - Train wal to notice areas where rwlon weld occur -Monitor/erlilizr application -Pet waste from areas where pets may be waked - Educate public on to impacts W water quality Use W Improperly handled Wash - Culled dippirgs from maving operators and dispose A them at Bon yard waste fadlfly - Trash from oveNowip Wash cons it lid left off - Reread bare raA In Won Sol. di - Sement tcumdatlon In padlrng lot and on driveways A o -Top am Town mndl Mambere piping with dog -Strand -Grassetl swales - operators - be Improvement Up In lobby - to qualryimprovement tla Inthelobby wagonet -Pdfw etstion inlets end wW)bolos court OverapSfronn ofle - Wrapplipdondingent TrainEclu - Train onproprowhantlon end haMllre of feNlizer r Rewarlysweepfr SIN late a ndtake oldmwater - RpderlyswapDerklag lotsantl drlvevaye zabu�Mpleat -Off. apace to Town meetlpe -Greeted await 1. -eallage 0onofsw1ment lnmepaotta lot Waff - Train +tsffon Ur lrammoving ratlona - MmgoouAicotion of trvious 10 - ShalFlow NIA -Spillage dlaNlizer In tits peMplot aMontlre drive weysAM - Treln police on ways to was care while waahcomwallemsaMag waerrquallh gwater - Cacao sWmn Mains to water from otgardon from onleatar1 I Wt N. AreMNl Ave toproonwayato -Train staff er Properly, swap peclaimeloft ate dromirris riding of -CrtteaedN arse to Unewahlrg of pdico vehldes thatwill keep tiro aoepywaler from Metvd keep - BOWlan -Sapaot roadgrimeboon pdiw vehicle washing in to ststlon -Train staff In properly contain reclaimed water from natation adiWUas rvnnlaginbsiom. denim parking tot -CdleddlpArga from mowing operelloru end dogma of them at Uw yard to facility -None - Redeemed water moat for INpaUon -Nona -Educate adjacent lemaovrrom on how to ogees ratan oniM1a roatl antl bewlify Nona -Meelwlm adiawnlM1wneowners to talk aim them abalhow to atice erasion on me seats road Amen road end vacant Not wrtently Delag used by Town -Sheet tow 11.15.17 lob -Adjacent lwmeoxnre we to access tad N/A Town if they Cotico any 617 Worth Hidan Rd _ -PUDIic erkl D ag -SUeetfluv -None - Sediment In dl lot � - parking -EdVcat to � � prMawners around parking lot about M1aw to better wnVol aedimen-Rpoureg.. - irg loteM tlrlve, Paved perMag tat ovwtl -Alrcond!by To Cdltlemetlon outletonarklp lot fries properly rvnafffrom their bgpaMpld Ocr -Ercuunpe aworopeMawners,mw propeMtadtl.bmeke Aflavr bed where the gudar pro by Town rot owned!byTarn - s. p.property O. lly..pAbout their lmpadmstrmwater tlownepuet OcaconertheraMagfor 13.23 110 Vance St and 101 NIA Gutter connected to NO parking lot TrieEdud -Trainslag to propeM sweep parking lot AM ddvVxeys WOO ai Aroundrllo Ure perklrg ldonhowerba�ler MurunmaWrlabbiprp"com N. N. Arentlell Ave pontrd Commit sediment Of from Lein Mea onb thin peMp lot nal verun eroprty - Place an all wae'heragn in Una peMrg lot awaking er those perking there ebod their Impact on Stormwater -Currently wtbelrg wed arils up iu sale -Shttflmv -None -CastSoMmontaccumutstlon in parking IN -EdmtepropeMowoem around to poMplot onhvwbbetter wnbd sediment run -Raga end drlveweya - Gutlerdrectly connected to parking lot oRhon their propertyontoswore parking tat -En N.newppaMpld new protoMoart ,w apropeM le add, to make eflaver betl wham Me Muster Fo -Train Neff to properly swap perking lot and lrlveway pout dawn spatpours anon Ureasto lot 14 ha beuall Chambers NIA -PrW eetlu trproaMothemrand the pedlag lot on how to teller maroon 109 E. Hoton St nth rUn Met cgnVd aliment non off from their properly onto to psMag lot -None - - Place an all weather sign about water quNlry on ma aide of the bullElag tdag the public alley way Not ed -Sheetflry o/feNlizer by miphbrip propeM owarwho -Wrepphe Educate adjacent proaM owner about proper appliwtlan -Provide Information b adjacent Property owner about props familiar ig -Adfeconlhorneovar wrtentlymowiag site Adjacent hoy coffer NIA Sit. the ells . -Edmla Mleconl property owner on proper handling of Clippings bars mowing -ProNdelnfomeUonWegawnt property Owner abwA proper heMllag of dlpDlag+iron mowing E. Stotld 213 E. Barbee St - tlipplagelran muvlrg pereUom by propeMaxnerwho -dippig operations operations -Note -- - ondualns me Alta - Treln etR to notlaareaaw.ereemabn wultlocwr Veconl lotto futurefire -Nolwrtenllyearg aedw la pknmd Wine used- Sheet Rav - BameeMonmesite wMdlmultllead to eralon bag rq -redresarewre.umte alto antes Ina cauWNon let will make we Nother eroelm 20 atstion for Uw mubuetlon danew fire atstlon WA - EIONpfrom BClleltlt - TrinatHWproperly handle dipplagafrom maMag aereUou eColledaasures OBgGreen Pace Rd .Combo -Clipplaga frpn moving operatlora - Coileddippiaga from mowlrg W.U. - end storage VMldamsi -Grated Swsles Crossed!St.- Our fpNllatlhe on US Frontyardof Me ails - Train staff on proper f.dRow trelaaMhaMlip -moveawh etakplle Uaer to the brio mixing attlon to lasers the llkNlM1ood of spills in to yeN wage -Berk NNlpaetlon -9hootflaw Check dares - Fuel spills at to NNiNMNwil - Train staff on haver properly aMh.ofhausalt aMbMesoluUan - FWlywmtin atak send -Gale) -Wet -tationS.11,111. when tremtNtg will hen +tackplleer brio mixing haream mattlet -Treln+tsffW proper ways. share am dapaedro - thisdown downhill eldeof me malnipaaelot PublicWorksDepartment D am a _ Gravel am aeMaWtlmlllp cate -WeldelaUon Pont atstlon prdoto - Train toff WpropeMhg hrnmavlag oparetluu Monllamierwemthe -Cover tfrUl&r ostaion on me yeN 23 950 E. HNWn St Brla mblrk yea Hadeadders ockpA.wonifteral while pedormhgaMde melnWarce water quality -Place waerquellry improvement tips available Wme public In tiro -RWUt.the pattlon .public Woks office Spain -Send which yes Of a UNICag front oHiw of to PYdlO Works offices -Rpularlyaweep PeMaglot sM driveway dy.. olfle! on theP.M, lotaywMe elk - FANIISr a Darklag IOA end Sidewalk -- - -- - -------Cpnmudtyevpb— - -_- -- om F O ho -Clipplaga from moving apereUwq -Fe 11s.r.p111d In me and lotwidoneldewulu---- - p erg -Train staff ontlro--------------___- properhaMllagaMwe ofpatldtles endunit hezertlm phamlwls -Stormwater PiPlag wit drop -Silt lase _ -- — ---- -- ----- _ - - --- �- -Ragularly swappsdip lot end roam iWulonCanmuNty - Recreon ati0"0"enl maintenance equipment INats end CAWS bales -Greased swats. -err application of feather on tiro bents of Me wet dut.m. - Train Neff on proper teizr r eppllcetlon endh III - Monitorhandle. aDpllwtlm Cardwell Rmatlon and materiels storage -Greaeall awala -Wet leernUon been pod AM the Yea of me Community Center - Provide brochures in Um Commodity canter for public W like with Ups on how to Improve - Colect dlppings curing mowing Warned n AM Map ... f them At the yeN waste tdlly 2a Opl M.U. -Shoot floe NIA - Sediment amumWeUon in me perking of watt qualy - Reread bore an: lag preventwoolon Budding - Cllppings from mowlag PPOU.S. - Train war W pmpedy swap arklag lot and roods 301 S. Amended Ave - Bare and now maintenance building wtech m.Id was erasion - Train staff W atice rat where woolen could occur In Neff er cdl PPag om maxp opeatlom Train ed dl I au i Stormwater Impact Evaluation of Municipally Owned Property Name of klualcipNlty: Tawnof Zebulon Property Name Stormwater Stormwater EIMPs Industrial Lot ID and Address Site Use Conveyances On -Site on Site Exposure. Potential Stormwater Pollution Source Potential Training/Public Education Opportunity Potential Action Items Vecan[lol wine small - Placement of a smell memorial whlon wen -SM1eel flow -None -0.,plicadondfxtif erby Mepmp"mnerwl mainwim Educate Me wiacermt properly Owner m Me proper Visliodan orfentif r Pmmefta4acentpro rtymw rwilhinformatmon Neproperapplir Omotte Eliza oW 25 Durdpsed by the Town NIA time let - Educate Me edfaont property owner on the proper handling of dippings from mowllg handling of closings from moop operatoM 0pnoter St - Site maintained by adjacent property owner - Clipping]/ram timing operations by Me property Owner who operations melutalas Me lot -Dninege easement -Gravetl Swale -Crossed swell - Over applkatim d fertilizer by adjacent Propene Owners EMloethe adjo onl property ownerabdd proper feral'Rer appra lication ehandling - Provide lnformadon to adjacent propene owner about about proper fxtizer application 28 Vacant lot -Sheet flow NIA - Clippings from mowing opera operations by outwear properly owners cate -Eduart/scenthandling of property owner on Proper hanof dlppmr. from moving - Provide InfoationM Information adjscent properly OVMrabmtproper tpndirg of Gippirgs from moving 202 W. BarbSt m leading to - Shape elan leato munidpal waft -Bare near the on site simem drain Weld teed to eroGm operadme aperatlap %tam sewer - Train staff W notice crap] carats erMlon ooul0 occur Vacant let 'Notcwrmtly bdrg used -Shooed was -Greased Swale _ -BareexM1 allwing leeell eroebn _ _ __ _ __ _ _ - Train amaff to mope anNMI. whereerosioncaWtl - Reread bare dress on Me Its 29 1m W. Lee St -Sheetflov NIA -Clippings from moving opeatioM -Train araff to pmppdyModle dlpPirge from maving opxatloM I, -CdlMgrew dipPimgs(ron mo.Wng operatloM and dispose dihem at the yard waste fedllty ell cdledetl In ZebWm StoOverrft -Greased ewMee Grower! -Leaves arMgress dipdrga wM1icM1 awltl be blown imm iM1e ysr,l - Train afar on - farm -Repai eel sill fence of ft yell -venial ouneoi Mayor Opp -Sheet FlaN -Silt fence weedi pile waysprolowsift Train per on ways MapckaMmanageyertlwMteMdecrease amount bdrg blown and mane yo -IMmell elkle art is tlpgravddnvewaylsdraining from Me site al neofafl yard waste -Clock dame -Sediment being washetl tlownM1lll byaguitar tlralnlrg bagnvdl from nip pile ante more tip by In - Solleetward wag. wwll WI Bulk Bulk Stokin. byte Omeway fir. -Celled dlppi show on site moving Its operations; Meyord M rg operations era etltl tram ad Me bane waste Pile Town of Zebulan Yard! of Zageof fall rom Tpmeialedfieptl Town of 2ebWm from Tarn Ovnedledlitiee W.31 Waste Rsoyding Fadlily - Pdlo values Storage NIA 52g E. Norton St Dempster Swage for large Item west. from Torn owned fedlidee - Slaaga for mulch produced from yard waste - -Cellular phone tower and associated eaWpment Crossed wale -Cheap Swale �� - Bare soft stop on Me site In wow whits grave is not -Train Meff on how io property hand. clippings from raving ape.g. - Reseed bxe sputa on vie airs to reduceerm[m CeIl Tower Gravel Lot Placement -Sheet Now covering - Educate cell tower owners on properhandling of hazaMous materials Me rp my bray Me -Cdlecldippirgsirom raving operegmsand dapcae of Mom Otte yard waste laGlity 220 E. Vance St NIA rp Para clippingsIron naming o /Ions Move dui ng equipment noll aides wca aaur Troopship f tonnt eideis ' - Nattwnt -SM1eelflOv -None --verapplicadm of leNliwr by property OvnxwM1omeinralMNa- Educate atljwenl propene Owner proWd Voigny Ownerapppings - Provide information to adjacent property cower about proper fertilizer era handlingMoro � Vacant lot Adjacent prmeM ownermowa Miller property NIA lot on prpropxlasdliof -Educate adjecant property Owner on proper herMlirg of dippirga Kann moving of cicetlm Information to adjacent propertyowner about proper handling of Gl i np PP rge from mowing 220 E. Badpa St Clippings hen mowing operations by the etljacani property oDxatiou proper maregana Ovnen who malnlelM Me Id 34 Vacant lot Net wrtendy balrg ueetl -Broadf awele -Orasaetl awele NIA -None -None -None 113 E. Glenn St - Sheet flaw -Curteetly Mtbeiy used and Is up larade Shop Now -None - cdlanor tepnaneMawmat erauM tip perking lot mhovMbacon owed sediment -noff - Moofter awarorW Sediment dationizeronyxd - Parking lot frro runofflnom dplrplepeMmto to perking lot -Regdxly phyper property bt aft. 0utim dralamvmWetimin - GudertlrelMrg directly bpxothand - Etlucapnipp Mere about Mdr new new pinto MoaMn, Oro waPeM is sak, to make aflover bed where Megutter pop Old Pdio Spgm -FertllNereplllegem perkdng lot and sklewdk rimodmebrmwefur Train sort by hyperily wne eepDaddnglet dntlddn.1 don. poor dvvnnpetpounonb eriatto 111 E. Vero St NIA - Train a1dH m dhe proper handling aft epplicadm of faMlizx proper fiv - Provide educational materialse e n thto Me property Owners around IM1e pdrklrg Ira m how b beger coned an aft Iran Mob off property onto Me parking Id all we th a - Place an all waetor sign In nip perking Idapeeprg to those Deh'rg gyre ebaW their Impadon _ - Fire Station for nip Town d Zebulon - Long. drop [Met In front of the -None - Soepywat.,sot and road gdmefrot buck washing operations -Trele.toff to rpdca 10OMW fluids from epulpment - Create apadelUwk washing area to ceged and heel wgYm water 37 Fire Station building NIA - Sediment build, In to park, area - Train waff to minimize sop and water use when washing -Regu[adyaweep parking area and sidewalk r 113 E. Vero St -Sheet New - Possible leeks from egulpmenl - TOlo Bbff to properly sweep porking area - Community recreation and events -Goal aware -None - Bane part which cculd lead fo erosion - Educate public on proper disposal of bash and pat waste -Pleceapedalpet.tetllmoalonsaro areeewhendWsmaybewalkM -Slowl floe - Pet waste from people walking Melr bets oa are -TrainNuff on properly ogNxkg clipping] from mONre opeaft. - Pleo bgM throughout perk datti Melmpacts caused by improperly hpndled Mash war pet Little River Park ' Stream On part. - Clippings hot mooing operadap - Train staff to noto areas where erosion mould dawn waste W. Gsn.Ave WA - Them left on Me ground - Setupawhedu[e for removing trash from Me cane and grouts of Me park - Reseal be. spots In the grass - Cdlad Clippings from mwrbg opendap and dispose of Mem at Me yard waste fedllly - Afti an eta beg b Month one for pli drip bash In when Me on M er lorva Ionwry warwah mrmwuaa aspoaure a care rumorcraw urperenem wpm we came oemg]pum. hmspoonertaaWnasanimMmopeamraft Vp namaa wamr