HomeMy WebLinkAbout05_NCS000557_BMP and Measurable Goals Table_20220922Appendix B: BMPs and Measureable Goals 1. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible Part A. Develop an Annual Prepare a public education plan in the first 12 months of the permit. Chris D. Ray Education Plan Include in the plan the BMPs being used, education schedule, targeted Public Works Director audiences by each BMP and the measurable goals of each BMP. • • • • • Summarize plan and implementation progress in each annual report. B. Informational Website Develop and maintain a stormwater information page for the existing Chris D. Ray internet website. Post brochures and provide information on water quality, Public Works Director stormwater pollutants and ways to minimize them, municipal projects and • • • • • activities. Also provide contacts for illicit discharge reporting and questions. C. Eastern Wake TV Public Use information from the NCDENR Stormwater and Runoff Pollution Tool Chris D. Ray Service Announcments Kit to develop public service announcements to place on Eastern Wake Public Works Director TV. These announcements will focus on how the individual can be an effective steward of the environment. Target message about the importance of clean water and how stormwater gets dirty. Give tips on reducing pollution. D. Distribution of Pollution Place brochures at government facilities for citizens to take which will give Chris D. Ray Prevention Brochures them information on how to properly dispose of household hazardous Public Works Director waste and provide information on public reporting of illicit discharges and awareness of nutrient and fecal coliform issues. Use brochure templates • • • • • provided by NC Cooperative Extension, the NCDENR Stormwater and Runoff Pollution Tool Kit, and the Clean Water Education Partnership website. E. Community Events Establish a stormwater information booth at town -sponsored events which Chris D. Ray will consist of a display showing tips for improving stormwater quality on Public Works Director the household and personal citizen level. Provide messages on the importance of clean water and on specific activities that can be carried out to help keep stormwater clean. F. Fliers included with Print fliers with information from the NCDENR Stormwater and Runoff Chris D. Ray Billing Pollution Tool Kit and place them in regular utility billing statements at 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Director least once per year. Fliers will target specific pollutants. G. Presentations for Hold presentations annually at area schools. (Enviroscape Chris D. Ray Schools demonstration) Develop age -specific educational information on ways the 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Director public can work to enhance water quality. H. Clean Water Education Zebulon will join CWEP in order to benefit from their supply of education Chris D. Ray Partnership (CWEP) materials and to collect ideas that will lead to a more efficient plan for 0 0 0 0 Public Works Director Membership improving water quality in the jurisdiction. Appendix B: BMPs and Measureable Goals 2. Public Involvement and Participation BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible Part A. Storm Drain Stenciling Stencil 10% of the Town's storm drains annually based on total number of Chris D. Ray mapped drains within the Town's MS4. 9 Public Works Director B. Litter Sweep Bi-annual event with civic and/or non-profit groups. Document volume of Chris D. Ray trash collected. Public Works staff will oversee the operation and provide Public Works Director safety vests, work zone signage, trash bags, gloves and trash grabbers. C. Set up an Ongoing Set up volunteer group in Year 1. Have quarterly meeting for the first year or Chris D. Ray Stormwater Volunteer until such time that the schedule can be reduced to biannual for the Public Works Director Group remainder of the permit period. Prepare minutes of meeting, agenda and • • • • • attendees list. Focus group on targeted pollution programs of concern and direct them on how to gather volunteers for storm drain stenciling initiatives. Report annually on the number of meetings held and the subjects covered. Appendix B: BMPs and Measureable Goals 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible Part A. Legal Authority Collaborate with Wake County to develop ordinance/amend existing Shawn Springer ordinance to include illicit detection, right of entry, prohibition of certain Wake County Stormwater discharges, enforcement actions and penalties for dumping, spills and Administrator or designee willful illicit connections. Chris Ray Town of Zebulon PWD B. Stormwater Mapping of the Town's MS4 will be updated annually. The map will note Chris D. Ray Infrastructure Inventory outfalls and receiving body of water for each outfall. Report annually on 0 0 0 0 Town of Zebulon PWD and Mapping any new infrastructure added to the system and mapped. C. Database Tracking Develop a database tracking system for tracking citizen complaints and Shawn Springer System requests. All complaints will be logged including information on follow up Wake County Stormwater and geographical location of illegal discharge or spill. Based on illicit Administrator or designee discharge locations, trending of occurrences to identify areas of specific concern will be conducted. Chris Ray Town of Zebulon PWD D. Inspection Training Town staff will be cross -trained to recognize and report illegal discharges. Chris D. Ray Program In addition to Public Works Staff, code enforcement officers, construction Town of Zebulon PWD inspectors and public safety personnel will be trained. E. On -Site Wastewater Town will keep a summary report of all on -site wastewater disposal Chris D. Ray Disposal Systems systems found to be improperly functioning and the actions that were taken Town of Zebulon PWD to correct the problems. No new on -site wastewater systems will be permitted within municipal sewer service area. Appendix B: BMPs and Measureable Goals 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible Party A. Enforcement of Wake Coordinate local complaints and building permits with the Wake County Shawn Springer County's Erosion and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program staff. Wake County Stormwater Sedimentation Control Administrator designee Program Chris Ray Town of Zebulon PWD Appendix B: BMPs and Measureable Goals 5. Post -Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible Part A. Legal Authority Review/amend existing stormwater ordinances for new development as Shawn Springer needed to comply with NPDES Phase II requirements. Wake County Stormwater Administrator or designee Chris Ray Town of Zebulon PWD B. Plan Review Send site plans for all new development with disturbed area greater than Shawn Springer 20,000 square feet to Wake County for review. All site plans will be Wake County Stormwater reviewed to ensure compliance with watershed water supply protection 0 0 0 0 0 Administrator or designee regulations, NPDES Phase II requirements as applicable. All water quality and quantity BMP designs will be reviewed to ensure they are effective. C. BMP Documentation County will coordinate with Post Construction Runoff Control Program. Shawn Springer and Performance Bonds County will not close out any projects until post -construction measures are Wake County Stormwater in and financial sureties for maintenance, deed restrictions, etc. are Administrator or designee addressed. D. Inspection Program County will inspect all construction sites greater than 20,000 square feet of Shawn Springer disturbed area and verify that the BMPs for water quality and quantity Wake County Stormwater control on the approved plan are properly installed and function as Administrator or designee designed. E. Database Tracking County will track each project by spreadsheet. Data tracked includes Shawn Springer System project area, nitrogen loading and BMPs utilized, etc. 0 0 0 0 0 Wake County Stormwater Administrator or designee F. BMP Inspections County will conduct annual inspection of all Stormwater BMPs (or obtain a Shawn Springer certified inspection report from a licensed professional) for water quality Wake County Stormwater and quantity control on the approved plan are properly installed and Administrator or designee function as designed. G. Town Projects County will inspect all Town projects upon request to ensure compliance Shawn Springer with stormwater regulations. 0 0 0 Wake County Stormwater Administrator or designee H. Standard Specifications Revise/amend standard specifications for stormwater BMPs as needed. Shawn Springer for BMPs 0 0 0 Wake County Stormwater Administrator or designee Appendix B: BMPs and Measureable Goals 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible Part A. Inventory and Inspection Complete an annual inventory of all Town -owned sites which have the Chris D. Ray of Town -Owned potential to be a stormwater impact. Complete a general inspection for Public Works Director Facilities each site detailing what actions might need to be taken in order to mediate stormwater impacts. B. Train Staff Educate all employees on clean water issues and on workplace Chris D. Ray responsibilities to reduce or eliminate pollutants from stormwater. Maintain Public Works Director program annually and report on number of employees trained and the topics covered. C. Inspect Vehicle Washing Annually inspect vehicle washing and fueling operations to ensure that they Chris D. Ray and Fueling Operations are in good working order and that they minimize exposure of stormwater Public Works Director to chemicals, fuels and other pollutants. Document findings and actions • • • • • taken to address any problems identified. Report on findings in annual permit report. D. Inspect Materials Inspect materials storage facilities and establish priorities for addressing Chris D. Ray Storage Areas issues identified annually. Address corrective activity within 24 months of Public Works Director inspection. Report on number and type of sites inspected and actions taken in each annual report. E. Inspect Salt Storage Inspect salt storage facility and application equipment annually to identify Chris D. Ray Facility and Evaluate and eliminate exposure to stormwater and/or ineffective/inappropriate Public Works Director Snow/Ice Management application. In year 3, evaluate current snow and ice management program Program and ensure that effective measures are in place to minimize contamination. Identify problems and address when found. Report annually on inspections and resulting actions. F. Host Community Hold event every Spring for a recycling program which would collect Chris D. Ray Recycling Day to Collect hazardous household wastes including oil, antifreeze, electronics, Public Works Director Household Hazardous batteries, fluorescent lamp, paint, household chemicals, pesticides, and Waste for Recycling paper shredding from citizens in the jurisdiction. Report annually on the program, including amount recycled and adjustments made as needed. G. Maintain Hazardous Maintain inventory of hazardous chemicals and other potentially hazardous Chris D. Ray Chemical Inventory materials and ensure that limited but sufficient quantity of items are on Public Works Director hand to minimize risk of spill or contaminations of stormwater. Conduct research on alternative products that could be used by Town to reduce risk of surface water contamination. Document findings and actions taken in annual report. H. Street Sweeping Maintain a record of streets that have been cleaned and the approximate Chris D. Ray amount of debris collected during sweeping activities. 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Director I. Inspection and Cleaning Inspect and/or clean 10% of stormwater infrastructure annually to include Chris D. Ray catch basins, junction boxes, and collection system piping. Condition of 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Director devices will be recorded.