HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120730 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20140808bw� cyn 601 North II 1 -0-7)0 Stream Restoration Site NCEEP Project Number: 95925 Monitoring Contract Number: 003991 Monitoring Year 1 2013 Prepared for: Environmental Banc and Exchange 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 Prepared by: Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. M;IftI!N0X 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28801 Submitted to: NCDENR - Ecosystem Enhancement Program r� f',111�1t •e leln']it 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 L) r�1�9�jL D AUG 8 2014 E MR - /vN�'rER ()UALITY WAN. -A— a e.. _ F Eg 2.1 214 ?VkO M ENHR�C- 601 North I+I Stream Restoration Site 2013 Monitoring Report (MY 1) Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY /PROJECT ABSTRACT .............................. ............................... 1 2.0 Methodology ......................................................................................... ............................... 3 3.0 References ....................................................... ............................... .... ..............................4 Appendices Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1. Vicinity Map and Directions Table 1. Project Components and Component Summations Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Attributes Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2. Integrated Current Condition Plan View Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Photo Station Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Appendix D. Stream Survey Data Cross - Sections with Annual Overlays and Photos Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Table 10a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Table l Ob. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Bank, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distributions) Table 11 a. Monitoring Data — Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters — Cross - Sections) Table 11 b. Monitoring Data — Stream Reach Data Summary 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY /PROJECT ABSTRACT The goals and objectives stated in the 601 North II Restoration Plan (NCEEP 2013) are as follows: Project Goals • Re- establish the capacity to store and transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring stable dimension, pattern, and profile • Reduce sediment within on -site and downstream receiving waters through the stabilization of eroding stream banks, introduction of livestock exclusion fencing and responsible grazing techniques, and restoration of a forested riparian buffer • Elevate the water table and introduce surface water flood hydrodynamics within the floodplain by re- establishing characteristic bankfull dimensions and flood frequency; • Remove non -point sources of pollution associated with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, and livestock waste by filtering sheet flow through a restored riparian buffer and installed Riparian Best Management Practice (RBMP) detention devices • Improve aquatic habitat by reducing sedimentation, removing in- stream culverts, enhancing stream bed variability, and introducing shading, woody debris, and detritus from riparian planting • Enhance terrestrial wildlife habitat by extending a terrestrial wildlife corridor and refuge to connect with the existing and adjacent 601 North Site, aswell as to the downstream reaches of Wicker Branch and Lanes Creek • Improve water quality for two populations of freshwater mussels documented to occur in Lanes Creek (Savannah Lilliput (Toxolasma pullus) and Carolina creekshell (Villosa vaughmana), both state listed and Federal Species of Concern) • Expand on and integrate the restoration and enhancement work with the adjacently positioned, companion 601 North Restoration Site. Project Objectives • Restoration (Priority 1 and 2) of approximately 3,354 linear feet of perennial stream channel(3,169 linear feet of credited stream) to reconnect the floodplain and restore stable channel dimension, pattern,,and profile • Enhancement (Level 1) of approximately 225 linear feet of perennial stream channel by stream bank,grading, and slight adjustments to either stream pattern or dimension • Enhancement (Level 11) of approximately 615 linear feet of perennial stream channel by restoring a minimum 50 foot planted buffer • Removal of an existing culvert on Wicker Branch; • Installation of Riparian Best Management Practice (RBMP) detention devices, and livestock exclusion fencing to prohibit grazing on the floodplain and hoof shear on stream banks • Re- vegetating floodplains adjacent to streams • Providing a permanent conservation easement on approximately 12.3 acres of riparian buffer along approximately 4,194 feet of restored and enhanced stream channels. 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site I Equmox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) The monitoring year one (MY]) vegetation plot data were collected during December 2013. Data indicated average planted stem density across all plots to be 469 stems /acre; a 27% decline in stem density between MYO and MY]. The decline in density was mainly due to seven missing stems and 34 dead stems in the plots. With the exception of Plot 12, all monitoring plots met the success criteria for MYI. Supplemental plantings in the vicinity of Plot 12 as well as other areas in need are scheduled for February 2014. Regarding invasive- exotic vegetation, one area of privet was documented on the eastern (downstream end) of the easement, totaling approximately 0.25 acres. Two separate treatments of privet are scheduled for winter and summer of 2014. Stream longitudinal profiles remained stable between MYO and MYI. Five small areas of aggradation and ten areas of degradation, restricted to pools, were documented in MY. However, no other significant instability in the stream channel was identified. MY cross - section data indicated little change between MYO and MY1, with the exception of XS5 -P. XS5 showed a significant change in bankfull width (Table 1 la), resulting in changes in Width/Depth Ratio and Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio. Examination of overlays of MY] and MYO (Appendix D) cross - section data shows little change between years, suggesting error in the calculations. Of note, no water was present in a majority of the reach during the MY morphological survey. As a result, water surface slope and riffle slope values were not generated for MY] One bankfull event was documented since construction was completed Summary information /data related to the occurrence of items such as easement encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in,the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the restoration plan on EEP's website (NCEEP 2007). All raw data supporting tables and figures in the appendices are available from EEP upon request. 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site 2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) 2.0 Methodology The stream monitoring methodologies utilized in MY 1 were intended to replicate those employed during the previous monitoring year (MYO) and are based on standard guidance and procedures documents (Rosgen 1996, USACE 2003). Vegetation monitoring data were collected following the standard CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Level I1, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). 601 North II Stream Restoration Site 3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) 3.0 References Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.2. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Biology. NCEEP (North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program). 2013. 601 North 11 Restoration Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Build Baseline Report. NCEEP Project No. 95925 /Contract No. 003991. Raleigh. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality. Wilmington District. 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site 4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design. Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Driving Directions: From Monroe drive south on Hwy. 601.: Turn right on McManus Circle at the southern intersection lU with Hwy. 601. Site is on left and is accessed by a farm ' i q 50 I �' path located on the west side of McManus Circle just , before the road ends. f01 9m Pd The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR EEP and is encompassed by a recorded _ conservation easement, but is bordered by land under :f private ownership. Accessing the site may require ?��•' 1` " �¢a o • APP < traversing reas near or along the easment boundary and ' ` J 9 9 rY ♦ goer: ad d 6� ,� ' • .`R11!lfp therefore access by the general public is not permitted. i c J Access by authorized personel of state and federal own son. agencies or their designee /contractors involved in the development, oversight, and stewardship of the restoration + site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their ��� •` `• defined role. Any intended site visitation or activity by any - '• 1 person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with EEP. ' s' - > �`..0 , 4 r 1 r Medlin d Est � � �--��.� �'- `,1 '� _ •� �, i' NI V L 601 North II ` f o. fr- - -N.- 7 > 650 > Mitigation Site I o i mete Rd �. cs _ e lk I .212 _ Aso r 1 .\ �� _yam • ' � J �50 i\ ♦ l 1 t �eaSa r aas Streams ' ce titi • eXa /N—. Roads` - - - Mitigation Sites Q Water Bodies -� , -- ISA t -L - -- -,�-- 1 , _ County Boundary. } ZZ Figure 1 601 North II Mitigation Site Project Vicinity Map Project Site EQUINOX FNV OONMENT L .._.....•d,° 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles union County Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables - Teble•L,Pmject Components,end,Mitigation Credits ,601 Nortl t'n Stream Restotatfon,§IW- EEP_Coutiract No: 003991 - Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non - riparian Buffer Nitrogen Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Wetland Nutnen[ Offset Type R RE Totals 3169 396 Projeci Components ­ Project Component or Stationing /Location Existing Footage Approach Restoration -or- Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage Mnngation Ratio Reach ID Wicker Branch (Reach ��06 +� 630 PI Restoration 660 101 1 Wicker Branch (Reach 06 +6024 +35 1356 P1, P2 Restoration 17192 101 2 ) Wicker Branch (Reach 24 +35 -27 +08 414 P2 Restoration 150 101 3 ) UT to Wicker Branch 00+00 -02 +25 218 El RestoratiomEqunvalent 225 01015 02 +25.08 +40 608 El Restoration Equivalent 615 01 02 5 (Reach 4) UT to Wicker Branch 08+40-14 +86 534 PI Restoration 646 101 Reach 5 Component Summation Stream Riparian Wetland Non- npanan Weiland Buffer Upland Restoration Level (hnear feet) (acres) (acres) (square feet) (acres) Rivenne Non- Rnvenne Restoration 3169 — — - — — 123 Enhancement] 225 — — — — Enhancement 11 615 — — — — TBMPFlements, _ Element Location Purpose /Function Notes Treat on -site storm water from adjacent agricultural fields Remove suspended sohds, help Target at base of dramages Veinal See as -butt plans infiltration ofwater and remove excess nutrients pnorto entering stream Will reduce livestock coming from adjacent agricultural Pools (12) waste in on -site streams fields Farm Crossing_ Two off -sae farin crossings located above the restored streams will be unproved at then existing See as -built plans Improveme location and incorporated into the restoration design nts Cattle Along the western site Exclusion lWdl eluninate hoofshear on banks and livestock waste into on -site streams To be installed in 2013 boundary Fencing 1Includes 169 feet of hydrologic connectivity through a linear wetland persisting in,the location of the relic channel 2Does not include the restored portion of Wicker Branch located - outside of the,conservatton easement'(Station 11+63- 12 +25) ;Does not include the restored portion of Wicker Branch located outside of the conservation easement (Station 25 +85- 27+08) 601 North II Stream Restoration Site A -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables 'T44l_e- 2I. =P,rojectActi ,ity,and�iReporting &istoryf 601 ;14ort}i -UStr"eamAestorationwSite — EERContract'No. 003991 Activity Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Final Mitigation Plan N/A Oct -12 Final Desigm(90apercent) N/A Nov - -12 Construction N/A Apr -13 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area N/A February-April-2013 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments N/A Apr -13 Bare Root Seedling Installation N/A Apr -13 Installation of permanent cross - sections and vegetation plots N/A May -13 Baseline M onitormg Report, Jun -13 Jun -13 Year 1 Vegetation Monitoring Dec -13 Dec -13 Year I-Stream Monitoring Nov -13 Dec -13 Year 2 Vegetation Monitoring Year 2 Stream Monitoring Year 3 Vegetation Monitoring Year 3 Stream Monitoring Year 4 Vegetation Monitoring _ Year 4 Stream Monitonng Year 5 Vegetation Monitoring Year 5 Stream Momtormg ` *N /A- Activities and reporting history fortliese items are notapplicable to this restoration project! 601 North II Stream Restoration Site A -3 Equinox Environmental 'Consultation andbesign„ Inc, Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Table, 3- Project Contacts _ 601 North'II Site am,Restoration,Site -'EEP Gontract-No. 003991 Prime Contractor Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh NC 27606 Phone (919) 829 -9909 Contact Martin Hovis Designer Atkins North America, Inc 1616 East Mdlbrook Road, Suite 310 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 876 -6888 Contact Jens Geratzor Michael Gloden Construction Contractor Wnght Contracting PO Box 545 Sder City, NC 27344 (919) 663 -0810 Contact Stephen James Planting Contractor KBS Earthworks 5616 Cable Church Road JUhan, NC 27283 (336) 31,4 -2935 Contact Keneth Strader As -built Surwys Kee Mapping and Surveying PO Box 2566 — Ashville, NC 28802 Contact Phillip Kee Seeding Mix Source , Evergreen Seed Fuquay Vanna, NC (919) 567 -1333 Contact W istar Taylor Nursery Stock Suppliers Arbor Gen Super Tree Nursery (800) 222 -1290 Contact Polly Creech Monitoring Performers (Yo)- 2013 Atkins North Amenca „Inc 1616 East Millbrook Road, Suite 310 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 876 -6888 Contact Jun Cooper Monitoring Performers (Yl)- 2013 Equinox Environmental 'Consultation and Design, Inc 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC Stream Monitonng POC Hunter Terrell (828) 253 -6856 Vegetation Monitoring POC Hunter Tertell (828)°253 -6857 601 North II Stream Restoration Site A -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables i 4 Table 4 Pf*ci Basdoue Inform 66n e`nd Attnbatm , , 601 North B Steam Besturatim S Its - EEP Cmtmct No' 00.399( - �. _ t Project tafommhon Project Name 601 North 11 Stiean Restoration Site Co'onti _ Union Count% Project Area (acre+) 123 Project Conriicates(latitude aodloupttude) 34897274• - 80473416 - Pi*dWatembed Sammeryliformatioss ' • _ Ptiwmgraphu Prom. —� Pwdmcnt Ri,er Basin - 'Ydk _ USGS H,drulogic Unit 8 -dipt 3040105 USGS H,dralopc Uait 14-6gd 3040105081010 DWQ Sit, a,.0 3/7/2014 Project Drmoege Aree (acres) 453 Project Drainage Area Percent hnpenious Area <I% CGIA Iand Use Clawrfiction. Culinaed Manag+d Herbaceous Cosa Mixod Hardnoad x - - Reach Sa®nry `Informatim i, - Pamme[en Writer Brancii Wicker Branch Welter Branch UT to Wicker Branch Ur to Wcker Branch (Reach 1) (Reach 2) _ (Reach 3) (Reach 4) (Reach 5) length of reach (linear reet) 1 630 135_6 414 826 534 Valle, cl —ficahm Vlll VIII VIII VIII Vlll Drainage erea(aves) 169 286 365 85 88 _ NCDWQ stream idenhfi®noo score 235 35 35 23 23 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification WSV WS-V WS-V WS-V WS-V Morpbologaal Description (stream t,pe) F6 EI /Cl� G4 - B4 B4 E,xil.b. ry trend E-G -F E -G-C -E E -G E-G -B E G -B Unded,xog mapped sorb Gd dram- silt loam (CmB) Cud channen silt loam (CmB) Cud charm- silt loam (CmB) Bad. charom silt, clan loam (BdB2) Cid dmnnen sdt loam (CmB) Balm charmer, silt, elm loam (BdB2) Cul ch—m silt loam (CmB) Drama d— ge Modameh „ell m Modermeh ss ell drained Moderate], ,,ell BdB2 Wcll d inn d CmB Moderaich-11dmmed BdB2 Well drained CmB ModQmch ac0 drained Sod H,dncstatus Not h, dnc Not h,dnc Not h, dnc Not h, dnc Not h, dnc Valle, Slope 00095' 60098 00]65 1 0013 1 001_24 FEMA d— ficanon _ Project streans on; nol locmod,,,thm a FEMA'rcplmed area Natne ,egetatwo commonH, N /A(cuhoaod lard) N /A(whn mad Imid) Mastc Mncd Hmdnood Forest N/A (.11., mod lard N /A(whn and land) Percent composition of exotic r a,asne ww1anon IP /o M. &M(Chmcsepmd) _ ''WkHmd3omaiary lafordmhm, -• _ � . _ Parameters Weiland 1 " + ` + + + , + ` ` + + , + Slle of Wetland(acres) 005 Wetland T,pe Talustnnecmcrwin Mapped 5011 Series Cud chamen,sdt Ioam (CmB) Drainage dass M oderatch cell dramad Sod HsdncStatas Not h,dnc Source of H,dixi Groundnaer H,drologic impairateot NA Native segetatioo cnmmuonn N/A (arhnacd land) Percent composition exolicrn,asne,egetatiom (o /o - } - Regulatory Cmaiderntiods c Regulation Applicable" Resolxed_° Documentation Walen of the United States -$emon 404 _ Yes Y. JD Notafiwtwn /NWP27 Waters of the United States - Section _401 Yes Yes 401 Water Quaht, Curtificffimn Endangered S penes Ad Y. Yes CE Documwtmmn (Ma igaion Plan Appends B) Historic Presenatiou Ad No NA CEDocumaumuon(MdigattonTlan Appendn,B), Coastal Zane Management Ad (CZMAY Coastal'Aren'Managemcut Ad (CAMA) No ANA NA FEMA Floodplmo Complmoce No NA FEMA Flocdplam Chocl,hst (MdtgZmn Plan Appwdi, B) Esseutial Fisheries Habitat No NA NA 601 North II Stream Restoration Site A -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November,20 t,3 Annual,Monitoring Report 200 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix B Visual Assessment Data a� Q i x c Q% 3:1 L-AI U D M O O o > U > O �z C O C W X C 9 O' LLl C O O N O� O O z z N_ O � h O rA N co O �0 G C Q �a3 z z z z 3 z zz z ti C 'O S ob y^ i3 6 N N N 00 OD 00 00 00 iL�-�'I. 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P-,' zii QIVWUIL'� N lag., O %j7 'P i t Y e V- '. TrIt Appendix B Visual Assessment Data 601 North II - Permanent Photo Station 6 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Looking Upstream B -11 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site Equmox Env ironmental,Consultation,and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 7, Vegetation PIot,Criteria Attainment 601 North. 11 / Project No. 95925 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? Tract Mean 1 Yes 92% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 Yes 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 Yes 11 Yes 12 No 601 North II Stream Restoration Site C-1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data G A T Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2 601 North II Stream Restoration Site C -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) C -3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year l of 5) C -4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 7 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 8 601 North II Stream Restoration Site C -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 9 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 10 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) C -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 Appendix C i .y Vegetation Plot Data Vegetation Monitoring Plot 11 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 12 601 North II Stream Restoration Site C -7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 8: CVS Vegetation, Plot Metadata 601 North II / Prolect,No 95925 Report Prepared By Drew Alderman Date Prepared 12/11/2013 13 27 database name 601NII CVS Working mdb database location Z \ES \NRI &M \EBX Monitoring \601_N_II \601N- II -MY1- 2013 \Data \Veg computer name SEN IORSCI ENTIST file size 46923776 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This Proj, planted excludes live stakes Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes Prol, total stems live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, Plots missing, etc ) Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of Damage total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, Planted Stems by Plot and Spp dead and missing stems are excluded A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural ALL Stems by Plot and spp volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded I �`_ -1 -_.� _ �r ��'•c'���: a L'�-. ..:ins � p �- "T��srlv.. x15_'a" r., _ �-4:� PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code project Name Description River Basin length(ft) stream -to -edge w_ idth (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 95925 _ 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Stream Restoration Site Yadkin -Pee Dee 4248_ 350 4734822 12 12 601 North II Stream Restoration Site C -8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) i Q) E r� rn Q O N i IN X C N � C. Cl i M CG bfJ Q 'O O iO c^ O � U N v ,Y,.8 G E, 0 0 oz G W X Ci U 4-, O c } O M O N O CC � n 0q ri G � C O z N N N N V m '7 Ln 1- LD r1 LD O r Ln O O V .--1 T M Ln n c a N ti O D Ln LA N N N M L n , V Ln Cll' N O N 6 m a M m Ln N N Ln Ln n Ln v ti m 1 0, v v O o ~ LD co o M Ln N N Ln O 0 ti m o 0. v .-1 m N o V LD 1 LM a r1 O lD M LA M N M Ln N N - N Ln 0 Ln n N V Ln O a-1 - ~ V t0 O1 a I'm O1 M a N N %D N 'N V LD O M .-1 '7 V N 00 fY1 O N N r'41 LD N V LD ''L O '~ O — I N N N O 00 a „ N N 'Lnl O M N V V 0 R LD H N 'y N lD N W } N N N V LO 1'L N zE of O O ' N, a rR lDj H M .-i V V Lcol o co 0 M Ln i--I N V N ~ W 00 C O O O O a 00 CL Ln ti N v VC-4 V Ln co v t'L a d o c N lD .o Qcc: O Ln ~ 0 N Ln N Ln .--1 N N V .-1 .0 'N �I tD N N O M V d � c N v It' C 9 ud .-1 O Ln O Ln m o M v N V 00 N M a dM ON1 J r N LMi )I H N o o O r m ac N N 10 .--1 N N -O LD Ln c N L+ O N 00 O F 1 O V y Ln N N tb 0 m v .--1 ,M N N E 2 10 Ln O c ~ N I Np to 3 a a �' O M O N N N n N V N N %D I\ d N J S. Z r0 .� o O , Ln M r, r~ 'yL C N v iN Nm N N ° N Ln .-� r-41 � Q ~ Ln N oo d, W Ln O' M .-'1 r-1 r-1 i, rl Ln C" C4 V lD lu N J Ln .-1 N a Ln n Ln rYa H 1N ei ~ N N O d -1 O Ch 'C Ln L_co 0 N r Ln N N V Ln n r-1 lD date, a) a) a) a) w a, w O. H a) al al a) al 4J a/ a) al ` y I Q Ln a1 0) ~ O N V «r01 W In 1 N r nI E o CQI O rn ' O. a) al m a) a) Ql a/ al E 1 Q Ln E�w_I a, 1 �������It: z ITS O o j C o L v c E V a) a) E Y > �' h N E u o O M O L L O V Cl G « 7 O > M. v a) Y z E 3 o 0 o a1O) 3 c aC+ o-5 E E S C L Y O f0 o° I f0 t r I o O E { U G H to E u > O m _ o£ o yL Z N C a) X 7 3 ! I V iC Y c a) N C u'D L m ' C d� 10 C a) > m u o E L ` 1 E LEA C 10 u j T vi 3 '^ 7 ,n 7 in 3 1 1 Z v1 > ate ., a) X 3 U M « C al m u u Li Z 2 c% Cf c f 1! CG bfJ Q 'O O iO c^ O � U N v ,Y,.8 G E, 0 0 oz G W X Ci U 4-, O c } O M O N O CC � n 0q ri G � C O z N N N N N LO Ln M O O lD .--1 Ln M c a ti N o N Ln p N N N Ln Cll' Ln O N O1 C v ti m 1 0, v v N LD o ~ m o rn v .-1 m 14 V a rL O a r1 N O lD M N 0 N V N a-1 - D1 V VI ED al J O I'm O1 M a M .-1 '7 V N LD O 1 00 T „ M O N M N V V R LD O 'y N N 00 N � u1 O., O rl N, N rR lDj H M .-i V V Ln e O1 a C 0 M .--I N VC-4 11 M lD v, C O O O p ~ N Ln M .--1 IN V N .-1 LD tD a O M �, = N N It' C 9 ud .-1 O Ln 3 �E Ln o M e� N V N N 1 N « ON1 J r LMi )I H Ln m o ac N M .--1 .--1 N N -O LD Ln c L+ O 00 O F 1 O V f4n C N 10 ~ N I Np to O a �' O O .-1 M N N LD jjr`0��, G J S. Z Ln o+ o c a N Ln .-� r-41 � Q Ln n d, W Ln Q_ V 10 N Ln .-1 N a Ln n Ln rYa H 1N ei ~ N N O d -1 O Ch 'C Ln ,� 0 N r Ln N N V Ln n r-1 lD date, M s a «r01 I""y1 IW 8 o CQI rn O. a) al a) a) a) Ql a/ al a/ 1 Q Ln E�w_I a, �������It: tg d °' 1 CL c E a) Y h N E O M O N « 7 Y Z 7 0 o aC+ o-5 E E S C L Y O o° c f0 o { to E u O o£ o yL 3 3 I m I E G fa m _ _ Z v1 > ate ., a) X 3 U M « C al C U L O I 1 ac) > c a) > o E L cl ` La c cu f0 m U 3 7 7 Io ,n c 10 u u u 7 Y V X N Y 4) a) al I Cc U Ul LL l ZI al01al J J I CG bfJ Q 'O O iO c^ O � U N v ,Y,.8 G E, 0 0 oz G W X Ci U 4-, O c } O M O N O CC � n 0q ri G � C O z E a� VJ UI C O N bA N E >C ` Q Q U _ N Q b _ y M_ = O O N U � E C �O �z x 0 c 5 o- m 0 U V,l co-.. O U N J C M O O o C � C vii O _ Q1 - C O O Cz� O z �°oaQ -4 LI1 IN Q1' O .--I I- 01 "-F . 1, I N d M 01 0) �--1 Ln r-1 r-I , .-i e-I lO r-I to 0) r-I O r-I I� 01 .--1 Vt V r N V .-i .1 01 .00 V \t 1C 41' �Q I ' �� }� Q O O kD M 3 in O O f\ Qt -4- P1 N' V Lr 1 i--1 N .--I 0) 0 � L, c C c in r 0,2 a y 'O d° � 'i r M p Z' •r m . 1 .� :1 rn m N -, rn M rn 00 IM yG .= O u m N m .=1 r1 �V 0; v `C •01 rJ' to 00 c ' Q �..� — r-1 N Ol M N a-i 01 M cn 00 M �$ a' d, 3 O M .--I N M r-I a--1 M lO N .... a N r4 MO ! d z F - ei 1 01 M N '-i m M i--1 0) OOL Old W, C J M a-1 N M ri W iYJ C« a >C ` Q Q U _ N Q b _ y M_ = O O N U � E C �O �z x 0 c 5 o- m 0 U V,l co-.. O U N J C M O O o C � C vii O _ Q1 - C O O Cz� O z �°oaQ Appendix D Stream Survey Data >N L. 0 E aa� A Q + o z�s �r� 2 U n X Q � O T 00 h Iz 7 7D 7 (jaa3) UOIjCA313 O + O � +O d O + O Irl 0 0 h n 0 w h fl in N+ O O N + O + O 0 0 1f. O + O O O + 't O w 1 C1 i l� T U C Q .d C O y M_ O O U N b. N go �z w x 0 .S 0 w n_ h w 0 C M O � N O � y y� 5 C � � O _ G 0 0 z c °�o a Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 1 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 20, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section I — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year I — Nov 20, 2013 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section I — Riffle Looking Downstream Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 20, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section I — Riffle Looking Upstream Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 20, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) O OZ O � � U H � o 0 � O' N D yO � `t O U g A i C O X M 7 O O N n O � W C 0 O 7 d v w' O O N O O U O O + U O + N C N N T w e 3 c o A i O � A � o 7C 's7 0 A N O O O + U O + O� O O + 0 0 Elevation (feet) n o .o r � O O �> sv D X• U N (17 2 c� Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 2 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year I — Nov 20, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 2 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year I — Nov 20, 2013 601 North I1 Stream Restoration Site D -5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design. Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North 11— Cross - Section 2 — Pool Downstream Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 20, 2013 601 North 11— Cross - Section 2 — Pool Upstream Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 20, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) a� o o O U O N bi W s• 0 d J M .G C 5' 0 x m O � 7 W � O' WD R a d y 7 A s O 3 �G r W O p� N O U 0 + 0 0 U N O N OU W O O O VWi 0 P O O O A U O U O ch U O + O� O O + O� U O 0 Elevation (feet) a v� a opQ� m � 0 O P! ~ + W �a � V v OAV h �a � 42k +,;t v w s � C N Z u .� h 0 U Q Q cis I 3 W� ° v o (1333) UOIIEAa[3 -r 0 O+ b h � +O d kn Nn + 0 v, 0 t m ate+ w _ M a r 0 M � o N t O O N t O t O O t O }O O i O t ° C) C g� C: b cd C O C O O U `4 gz w x 0 C O' w 0 d h w O a� C M O C •� N O NN•C 0 z � �°oa� Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North I I — Cross - Section 4 —Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 21, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 4 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year I — Nov 21, 2013 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) D -I I Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 4 — Riffle Looking Downstream Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 4 — Riffle Looking Upstream Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North Il Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) D -12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 0 0 pro U C� Q V1 l� ifi �O kc o p o wi o o Oaa3) U01JEA313 h + O t C 0 c n 0 h w_ C o 0 h 0 N O O O_+ O O O O C N O 0 c w m i 0 U O Q C O C O N U 0 Lz c w x 0 c w M_IC2 in 4. O G M O � N O C vry � A cq tn O z� 0 °o a ". , %I-, k .,� N j-, T WA dlxz. 0211401 A 15 .,y ilk Z -t-7 A-wpm wk 214 UI 4.1 3ZP A9 , 17 g ,tom w_ •dillo omit gill Looking Downstream Monitoring Year I —Nov, 21- 2013 M T T_T P� 'W M". li W . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1pftkg+k I X R 01� x ­-X�, , V - Wi AMOCO,, L E cC L t G O � G � r+ L U C C CL ¢o o tr, n o n n kr, v a v C v a c v, n n n n (;aaj) UOIIUAa[3 O r 0 + O 0 �o 0 n n 0 0 n n v 0 6a n C rn O + 0 M 0 on N + O O N t O O_ + O n O + O O + � O w m i 0 U C gg� G] �o 0 N _M O � UN 0 oz e x 0 c �D h w O r � c M O � N O C N tx � t O z� 0 ono a Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North 11 — Cross - Section 6 — Riffle Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 6 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 21, 2013 601 North II Stream Restoration Site Project No. 95925 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) D-17 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. November 2013 Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 6 — Riffle Looking Downstream Monitoring Year 1 Nov 21, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 6 — Riffle Looking Upstream Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -18 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) T N O cur E cC c/1 r O �aN z ; o G U n -0 c Q as Oav) UO"UAN3 O r 0 c 0 0 v, v, 0 h s O v M � + Q O a+ +M O N + O N + C Vi O O_ O O + O O O N O i7y m i O l F U _ �w c� c 0 c^ O N U Z C W x 0 cF O1� 1 4.. O = M � O N O � H O So. Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 7 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 7 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year I —Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -20 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) i 'U ;Sys't ir4� tA4Ju- 11 Qlt ���ti�� - *y t � -. id s• � is � - '. ."�c`st.i�;�t`J'iC- •�cz..•. =�1 tf7f-5 .���( "'ti �i .,,.`Jt ��74r t. '„ t't!'J�, -.. f� l?. �' a '• � ��h ?. �y��w �r4'4�'U any . �}} {>� �t�.'��{ r ,; _. . 'W A � � J` {lti d� -r;Kn ..."r' sit:. � p� Sr i +.}KFJ1�f c -zN 4`t�.,,t/C't ��! }a��`l`��'�vv '.,... �l t,�t %S�' ���+:s '6N•�nJ 7 .11�tlt- 1)li Jz�ft }.G i j J -. •1 �l .(� 1 �tlj� _ _ �' t t wit i +qtr �i ' {-�' Y�i 'L• �,��}� t� ! r tar ` iY :y Y�� t 11 +� tit• 17J t�t�is � j: V ;1' t1• �' r I X111 '1 I; r�'I ttY�: .} r �l.. }}t�j'1 ��Y�����ts .1 sip ?Y, t�t . , 0 s c o i O N z; o CC k � c � Q C/) tf, ON Vl D` P go 7Y97 O�0 v, v (;aaj) UOIJUA313 C r 0 0 0 0 0 0 n in e V o .. n C O w r 0 +M G on N I O N + O t O _O t O O t C O O 00 O 00 m 1 1 1 �5 U CC b0 �v cad C 0 c^ 00 UN E P Z x 0 N d 4, O O G m O G N O C H h � 4 � � O C O O Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North 11— Cross - Section 8 — Pool Left Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11— Cross - Section 8 — Pool Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -23 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 8 — Pool Looking Downstream 601 North II — Cross - Section 8 — Pool Looking Upstream Monitoring Year 1 —Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -24 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design. Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) cC D a� c� E �aM t N � w C Z u o ♦r U "O C Q. LL M h h T (j03j) UOIJEA313 0 0 v, 0 0 0 h w O W) I 0 w � C + O 0 h e N h O O O O + O O O C0 O W" w i i 0 i ci c .N a c O M N G .D Ua�i �z W 0 c o' W N i, 4.. O C M rq O O�o y 0. CG o+ C O z�a Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North I I — Cross - Section 9 —Riffle Left Bank Descending 601 North II — Cross - Section 9 — Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -26 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North 11— Cross - Section 9 — Riffle Looking Downstream 601 North 11— Cross - Section 9 — Riffle Looking Upstream Monitoring Year 1 — Nov 21, 2013 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -27 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) A A a� it O as �a00 IT O N O O C zoo o� G U C a ze O IIl O\ In 00 v) 0000 � 0000 4r, 000 tn t; tn Oa33) UOIJCAalg oo in Iz kn 00 kn 0 Rn O O C co w a al 1 I � C I N+ � O �r �ll o T 0 Rn +O C 0�0 C .Q O M • cyd O +-' N O U E �z LD r. W 0 W a0 N A w 0 •� o N O �Q N�+ � C � � •C z �� 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I ' 1 I II 1 � 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 O IIl O\ In 00 v) 0000 � 0000 4r, 000 tn t; tn Oa33) UOIJCAalg oo in Iz kn 00 kn 0 Rn O O C co w a al 1 I � C I N+ � O �r �ll o T 0 Rn +O C 0�0 C .Q O M • cyd O +-' N O U E �z LD r. W 0 W a0 N A w 0 •� o N O �Q N�+ � C � � •C z �� Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North I1— Cross - Section 10 — Riffle Left Bank Descending 601 North II — Cross - Section 10 —Riffle Right Bank Descending Monitoring Year I — Dec 10, 2013 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D-29 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II — Cross - Section 10 — Riffle Looking Downstream Monitoring Year 1 — Dec 10, 2013 601 North II — Cross - Section 10 — Riffle Looking Upstream Monitoring Year 1 — Dec 10, 2013 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -30 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) c�S c� a� O cC N s., u u �°o � L � •p •G O O •� z aw 0 c u, a Me O O O O O O O O (Jaa;) UOIIZAala N ,�AO �O hx 00 �x X�O b o° bX � u w C O ho 00 �X X�O ti K°O ti �O 1X OO ,X O� X C� d 7 2 m 0 0 O O ti _ �u Q _ 0 _ 0 U _ E o = N W y k .O O � = y w2 M Q 4-. 0 a� a� = M O O N o C � C vi O C rz� 0 z75� c� c� Q N x. O «3 N M O N N L + + a• O a �p M a u as n NO a a� a. 2 N s O O) 00 h \0 In IV M N F O ON 00 l- \O In IV O O O O O O O O O� O� O, O, ON C, O� ON O� ON 00 00 00 00 00 00 IO ID �o �o \-O 14� �o �o kn tn to to to kn V� to W� in to in Wn to in tn (1333) UOIJUAaia b0 bx ti x� I b0 Ox ti O tiOxb L 0 i xb0 o> w O a O �+ M w+ N � bx 1 ^' O 3� 3 b0 ,yx 1 b0 Ox 1 b0 Ox b0 bx c D c 0 0 U as c E C 0 �o O N W � o E c y wz N M 0 a� a� � M O Cd N o CO y L1. C v0`i O rz� 0 z .o cd in A N O c� N u d u 00 m c: qe r 1� a 3ua++o •Q •p cn O z n 0 I a. a. �o NN. 1 40 - 1- qx - �XhO 1 t T T 1 � 7 (;aaj) UOIJUAala 0 a� o r C, M O � o C y OC °' 0 C O z .o U CCC 04 .N U G O 7 ti GO U 1 p M o � � N vy X .O v O ` 2 LQz y o w Q M o o � ♦�xh � lF I .ppN. O M M h O qx - �XhO 1 t T T 1 � 7 (;aaj) UOIJUAala 0 a� o r C, M O � o C y OC °' 0 C O z .o Appendix D Stream Survey Data 66#1N th IU1Project f� �'�G ��%lY�." �rF��'� � r` V,A& 4Ztionkl= Pyebble „i 4 < �✓ f f r A"°IM�_ P _�° r •F-WS "i y. ��,A V4r' S.'^r$�t qtr 0 062 Mo itoring Year l Description Material Size mm Total # item /° Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 90 86% 86% very fine,sand 0 13 4 4% 90% fine sand 025 0 0% 90% Sand medium sand 050 / 0 0% 90% coarse sand 1 00 0 0% 90% very coarse sand 20 0 0% 90% very fine gravel 40 0 0% 90% f ne gravel 80 6 6% 95% Gravel medium gravel 160 2 2% 97% coarse gravel 320 0 0% 97% very coarse gravel 640 3 3% 100% Cobble medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -34 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) D50 0 062 D84 0 062 D95 79 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -34 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative Cross Section 1 - RiNk 100% 90% 80% 70% C Y c Zi 60% c C Y 1! 50% Y e. S 40% 3 E u 30% 20% 10% 0% O�r'1• O�.tiS Otih 05 O ,'L ti b a � ,tib .,'L � �,ti0 ryhb ytiti h' h � �� �ti ,g titre tiye o' oti titi,, oti o' 'p 0 Particle Size (mm) t MYl Cumulative % yyti'ti O'ieti 04a 0ea ti ti ■ MY1 % by Size Group hti~~O•tP O�p~� g yo �a`�'� 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -35 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 1- Me 90% 80% 70% m 60% v 9 50% c Y s 40% - 30% 20% 10% Ci°~ 'ti1y Oy ,YO ti P 0 ,tiro n�'1• `� 'ti10 ryyb O O O.tih O Oy ti �. h ytiti 0 ,tiro ,S'4 �.LO �yH bti O� ,tih otiy O Particle Size (mm) t MYl Cumulative % yyti'ti O'ieti 04a 0ea ti ti ■ MY1 % by Size Group hti~~O•tP O�p~� g yo �a`�'� 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -35 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data �`. °r�. : ,SummaryiDataW- - »' ie'e �' `"^°+1.a" iY +Td uF" RE oss9Section2= Pebb ➢eCountlS,u�n><a ,��`w'�� '.+ n ., i -•r? . ,. $� b - .' j a - -cam .�„ 6' 0 062 Mo itoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item Ito /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 87 83% 83% very fine sand 0 13 0 0% 83% fine sand 025 0 0% 83% Sand medium sand 050 0 0% 83% coarse sand 100 0 0% 83% very coarse sand 20 0 0% 83% very fine gravel 40 01 0% 834 fine gravel 80 2 2% 85% Gravel medium gravel 160 13 12% 97% coarse gravel 320 3 3% 100% very coarse gravel 640 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% Cobble very large, cobble 256 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% �`. °r�. : ,SummaryiDataW- D50 0 062 D84 7 1 D95 14 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -36 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project�No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative 100% Cross Section 2 - Pool 90% 80% 609 50 0 a m m 40% E V 30% 20% 30% 0% dPry o v Oy5 O`' �° ti ti ti ° ti �' �e �ry ,rys ryye 51ry o' ' h h ro ti� �ti �. �ryro ryhe. o' odti o'ryy Oti o• Particle Size (mm( 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% a a c 50% c m U m o_ 40% 30% 20% 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual Cross Section 2 - Pool f MY1 Cumulative % y"'ry orya o "0 0¢a 1 'L ■ MY1 % by Size Group 10% 0% - O�ry O�ryh O•tiy 0 4P 5 ti0 ,'L rya a 0 tiro b �ry ti ,ry0 O'Lyb by1'L °,ta 'L °a� a °fib a` °`% Partide Size (mm( 601 North 1I Stream Restoration Site D-37 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data t� °mrv41 ''O/Jum mary6tLata't��J� y'fy ,,Cr&g1Sectiont3,;�Pebble Count Suanma �, w, t : yj, b�rY i Z_ �. y, i^.�^ I.c•u � -a .. s�� �_ir4�ri � r � ir, tiA4`ti a� ti�w �, �R><ffle, . �.�'LM•"" ar. ^ *�•' `°`y_4 �� "�,� '° S"$.Ya u7s vw''�b "� 49 Monitoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item Ito /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 50 48 % 48% very fine sand 0 1'3 0 0% 48% fine sand 025 0 0% 48% Sand medium sand 050 0 0% 48% coarse sand 100 1 1% 49% very coarse sand 20 0 0% 49% very fine gravel 40 0 0% 49% fine gravel 80 6 6% 54% Gravel medium gravel 160 6 6% 60% coarse gravel 320 6 6% 66%, very coarse gravel 640 15 14% 80% medium cobble 128 17 16% 96% Cobble very large cobble 256 2 2% 98% small boulder 512 2 2% 100 016" medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% t� °mrv41 ''O/Jum mary6tLata't��J� y'fy D50 49 D84 79 D95 120 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -38 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 _ November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 100% 90% 90`, C 70',, A L f ° 60% C tL C m U $<J% m a m - ao% q J E 0 U 30% 20% 10% 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative Cross Sectlon 3- Riffle f MY1 Cumulative % 0% ODy'L Oylh O~y 1h O O�,ti O,y'yy ply Oh tib �'�' yti� 1 hti~~ ,Oly V Particle Size (mm) Cl 100% 90% 80% 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual Cross Section 3 - Riffle 70% m 60% J ■ MYI % by Size Group S c: $0% C ° a 30% 20% 10% p$ yb ytiti "1 y 5 b b ti ti ti P 14,11 h 6' e ac 'L 0 y'ti �Oti BOA Partice Size (mm) 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D-39 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data nil :{ "' r �:Y� '�: A MiAT. y3°+ °�8'':l `Y dZJ`'�4F/a. 'I °.__ s t} Cross Section�4_ Pebble CountiSu>rnma }'ArY� 9 �F ia .,. -y q 4 '� If✓." -+� 'i w�l ,YJLi�v� Vie, =' t i( ]i S ■ }wpw. S=_3 JY °ur sl ?y@ i L • 3 Tt� _ '� ''k � i �'4 n+ T. i = ii�``{ �lVlllevi�� j�i l c K�ry yY 4 7t c }. i fa 0 062 Mo itoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item Ito /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 83 83% 83% very fine sand 0 13 0 0% 83% fine sand 025 0 0% 83% Sand medium sand 050 0 0% 83% coarse sand 1 00 0 0% 83% very coarse sand 20 0 0% 83% ver>y�fine gravel 40 0 0% 83% fine gravel 80 0 0% 83% Gravel medium gravel 160 0 0% 83% coarse gravel 320 1 1 % 84% very coarse gravel 640 6 6% 90% medium cobble 128 10 10% 100% Cobble very large cobble 256 0 0% T60% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 100 100% 100% muiary?D:tii�.;• D50 0 062 D84 22 D95 82 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -40 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North it Pebble Count Percent Cumulative 100% Cross Section 4 - Riffle 90% 80% 70% c n t `Y 60% c C Y 50% Y 6 Y i w 40% 3 E V 30% 20% 10% 0% b'L .1h •1y h O 'L b 0 ro 'L 4 �o 'L O O'L 1tih, 01y Oy �• tib• �ti � 11'0 tiy�' O� O• Particle Site (mm( t Myl Cumulative % 01p � ,.pi�O ocr' A�' t h1~~ 01pry O9� 0yJ ti ti ■ My1 % by Size Group _II pp 1p O•t' py �� ,Y,ti ,i 9' P ti0 31' dv �ti0 �yb ytiti 01'4 �PitD o� Op• ti0 vy. by Oy g' ,'� ,yy' r�r ,.10 ryyb' titiv 'La;L 0 0¢at Oro O'ti O" h .YO ,1,09` O Particle Size (mm) 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -41 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 4 -Riffle 90% 80% 70% 7 60% a Z 'O 50% c 0 v d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% t Myl Cumulative % 01p � ,.pi�O ocr' A�' t h1~~ 01pry O9� 0yJ ti ti ■ My1 % by Size Group _II pp 1p O•t' py �� ,Y,ti ,i 9' P ti0 31' dv �ti0 �yb ytiti 01'4 �PitD o� Op• ti0 vy. by Oy g' ,'� ,yy' r�r ,.10 ryyb' titiv 'La;L 0 0¢at Oro O'ti O" h .YO ,1,09` O Particle Size (mm) 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -41 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data W"tar ' ;, �t601 _NorthII/_�ProjectIN ,' rVa§ t }t� ..l�it� ��' -i ��l�jtJ ��F {+i . k `�1 tC,r s' Section 5 Pebb oun Summary ty'3'.�,1yD1.�' i �� � i� y T +.,r P Tl� c apY _ sr'�,[•oo�d( ;4J `fi o � i �° ± ?�, 11 _>. �i 1 F "Ii�iP .� �"� i "`y'a ,.�"'_ 1= ? ✓ewF --r„3 .« .�R„ My�± = ,.H+1 0062- Monitoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Ito Item /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 100 100% 100% very fine sand 0 13 0 0% 100% Sand fine sand 025 0 0% 100% medium sand 050 0 0% 100% coarse sand 1 00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 20 0 0% 100% very fine gravel 40 0 0% 100% fine gravel 80 0 0% 100% Gravel medium gravel 160 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 320 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 640 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% Cobble very large cobble 256 _0 0% 1100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 100 100% 100% ; , ,I, Summa y Data D50 0062- D84 0 062 D95 0 062 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -42 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North It Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 5 - Pool 90% 80% 70% 60% ■ MY1 % by Site Group a S v 50% c 0 IL 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 00'4 1.4y 0ti0 Oy ,YO �;4 �,b b0 �0 ,y'Y x.10 �y0 ytiti 01p 0 `� 0 o ti o S �titi 0 Particle Size Imm) 601 North 11 Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 5 - Pool 90% 80% 70% ° 60% ■MY1 %by Size Group 7 .s v c 50% C ° d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Oe O >.ih 0.45 Qh ti0 L P ° 0 .ti0 .�'L r� ,x.14 �y0 1P, 0.4P .A O 000~ �ryy, 0tih 0y ti� �ti �. 44 �yb htiry� lOrybti 4¢at 0 Particle Size (mm) 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D-43 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data Y 601�;No�thPH/AProject No: 95925 • �V F .r.` '`�'' :.1!=''- s�`nr` �.rs'`•` � �,. �+iiC $'• 'L;ei,. _ �ytig�.y„ -,:-', :.Y ..,,, ry. � ,. ��; -k� � _ �Cross�Sect�on�6V6�P ,ebble�Count�Suffimary ;� - d �'� ;x �' �a c�_' ..a 'tag � i Y .-,3. K' ; "w � �;��Y'�;�.� �� ZRiffleen� N�� „H .r , _� •�.� � �t 3 -0. �.ff I 0 062 Monitoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item Ito /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 67 64% 64% very fine sand 0 13 0 0% 64% fine sand 025 0 0% 1 64% Sand medium sand 050 0 0% 64% coarse sand 1 00 0 0% 64% very coarse sand 20 0 0% 64% very fine gravel 40 2 2% 66% fine gravel 80 2 2% 68% Gravel medium gravel 160 8 8% 75% coarse gravel 320 8 8% 83% very coarse gravel 640 8 8% 90% ' Cobble medium cobble 128 8 8% 98% very large cobble 256 2 2% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1`024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 10,0% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% SummaryData D50 0 062 D84 45 D95 81 601 North Il Stream Restoration Site D -44 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data f Myl Cumulative % a. � pb oCv ti ti ■ My1 % by Size Group h�ti� otia~ tl' 0¢at 1 ti 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -45 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) 601 North II 601 North 11 Pebble Count Percent Cumulative 100% Cross Section 6 - We Cross Section 6 - Riffle 90% 90% 80% C 70% t 70% r 7 60% °c 60% LL C 9 e � `m SO% IL e C a 40% O E d 40% U 30% 30% 20% 10% 20% 0% 10% 1 ti � �b �1 bb O bti �ti5 Otih Oy '1,L0 ryyb 0% O� O' Particle Size (mm) ti a m ,e yti f Myl Cumulative % a. � pb oCv ti ti ■ My1 % by Size Group h�ti� otia~ tl' 0¢at 1 ti 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -45 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 6 - Riffle 90% 80% 70% 7 60% 9 'S 9 c SO% C O d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% by Og do ti a m ,e yti T% yo titi Ooe~ o~vy O' Oy ti ti b � b- ti ti O bti �tih Otiy. ��:Y ry0h 04 0 Particle Size (mm) f Myl Cumulative % a. � pb oCv ti ti ■ My1 % by Size Group h�ti� otia~ tl' 0¢at 1 ti 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -45 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North Il Stream Restoration Site D -46 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No' 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) �. • �.�., e �Ci•oss�S'ection,�7 ;�Pebbleount�Summa mot= � t _ ^ "� u_ r� a , , ` • Pooh �� ,�. ",��s '! - S �` w° TF 13: "S� mot_ 2- -V s i 0 062 Monitoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item Ito /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0062 74 70% 70% very fine sand 0 13 3 3% 73% Sand fine sand 025 0 0% 73% medium sand 050 0 0% 73% coarse sand 1 00 1 1 % 74% very coarse sand 20 4 4% 78% very fine gravel 40 2 2% 80% fine gavel 80 7 7% 87% Gravel medium gravel 160 2 2% 89% coarse gravel 320 6 6% 94% very coarse gravel 640 4 4% 98% medium cobble 128 2 2% 100% Cobble very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0 % 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% 601 North Il Stream Restoration Site D -46 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No' 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) D50 0 062 D84 56 D95 36 601 North Il Stream Restoration Site D -46 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No' 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 100% 90% 80% C 70% O L F °c 60% LL C O u 60% `e IL m 'P ao% E Z 0 30% 20% 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative Cross Section 7 - Pool f MY1 Cumulative % 10% 0% Op- 'rp p'1h Oy ,ti0 �' L y't• p m '1�0 ^z�' �' '1'l� 'Lyb h~ry 01A D� C�6 `�`f 00' tiO' 'Lh, by 0y, 4 lb, 3ry � '1•ti0 ryyd ,vti rypl• Oh�A 0°'a Partide Size (mm) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% V S D c 50% c m u 40% 30% 20% 10% o% I w _■wI_■■_ 00bry 0,y'Yy O'b' p5 y� ti ti ti a e N0 31' .ti'L� .L0 yeti Otia L 0 coc O, OObti O,.LS 0tih py• tib �~ Fp• titi�' 'LyrO y'1,y"� y�,tib "o 0ea Particle Site (mm) 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual Cross Section 7 - Pool ■ MY1 % by Size Group 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -47 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data ��•601 o4 _ � i 9592'5, yy, , T .E u`�Yixw'i fi hm -/^1 gip, �1<^ ♦yi_" q:'G'a4 la a�r� VidM' : 4na.3K -' SGrdssWS &tionh8�r�1'ebblerCounts ammary�. .(�g��`,� M2- %�, °�,'3. 4(,� °?r!y$ .,({y'r —' a `P 1 ng} 1 M1 q of S a 7 �1 ^`��Tx��i7°'FC- l�A�rk`llf�'�-`a �+ ?`isi`X'�f ^_�.5�1 �'v�'1 I'ilio ®lit 0 062 Monitoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Item Ito /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt/clay 0 062 90 86% 86% very fine sand 0 13 1 1 % 87% fine sand 025 0 0% 87% Sand medium sand 050 0 0% 87% coarse sand 100 2 2% 89% very coarse sand 20 6 6% 94% very fine gravel 40 0 0% 94% fine gravel 80 3 3% 97% Gravel medium gravel 160 2 2% 99% coarse gravel 320 1 1 % 100% very coarse gravel 640 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% Cobble very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% �Suminary"' DaW' - V; ' D50 0 062 D84 0 062 D95 64 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -48 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 8 - Pool 90% 80% 70% 60% ■ MY1 % by Size Group a S 50% c m v ao 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ,p O 0 o '1S 0 ' �tio Ly otih oe' 0 ~� �ti titi� ti`'� ,titi~ �oti°ti oea. o� Particle Size (mm) 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -49 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative 100% Cross Section 8 - Poo 90% 80% 70% A L H 0 c 60% fMY1 Cumulative% LL C ID 50% `m IL 0 'A 40% al 7 E 3 U 30% 20% 10% 0% Oros' ,ti'L5 Otiy Oh ti� 1 ~ �; 4 O � ti6 �ry �' ,ti'10 �yb yeti O,tiO � ,ADO O O O ,4y py O ,fro �ti �, ti0 hb ,y'y O'ti AT' a�o� ti ti 0 0¢ OObti O~•y O, yti ,Oti (Y' Particle Size )mm) 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 8 - Pool 90% 80% 70% 60% ■ MY1 % by Size Group a S 50% c m v ao 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ,p O 0 o '1S 0 ' �tio Ly otih oe' 0 ~� �ti titi� ti`'� ,titi~ �oti°ti oea. o� Particle Size (mm) 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -49 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data fax; ", -"- �a q" Summa t �`^' �- t` i. .;'"4`�1,.'w- mYnu�K��.�'{� 'ice- WSJ�%i4/`� '-- Cross,S&tionl9 � 6fiM wuntiSummary� t�s.a "� _'jZ11 0 062 Monitoring Year l Description Material Size mm Total # Item % Cum % Silt/ Clay silt /clay 0 062 64 61% 61% very fine sand 0 13 2 2% 63% fine sand 025 10 '10% 72% Sand medium sand ,0 50 0 0% 72% coarse sand 1 00 2 2% 74% very coarse sand 20 1 1% 75% very fine gravel 40 2 2% 77% fine gravel 80 3 3% 80% Gravel medium gravel 16 0 3 3% 83% coarse gravel 320 5 5% 88% very coarse gravel 640 8 8% 95% medium cobble 128 4 4% 99% Cobble very large cobble 256 1 1 % 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 105 100% 100% fax; ", -"- �a q" Summa D50 0 062 D84 22 D95 63 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -50 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative 100% Cross Section 9 - RNRe 90% 80% a 70% L F c 60% f -MYl Cumulative% ir so% �I d 9 •q 40% 7 E Z U 30% 20% 10% 0% * M1•yh ply Oy ,YO ti~ ti A b 0 ti0 ,,'L � 'titi0 'Ly(o y1ti O•�O � O°jfo ids 00. O. OSryy, otiy Oc�' 4" ti� ,titi ya' ,,LO �ytd h~~~ �Oryp;L ryopOA �a Particle Size Imm) 601 North If Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 9 • RH9e 90% 80% 70% 0 60% v 2 v c 50% c 0 t' � 40% 30% 20% 10% _ a ■ 1 ■ ,^ N% N'L (OU O O ti O tih by O� 0 ,trio n''L �1% '1,t4 '4y�d OO�o O'y O' Particle Size (mm) ■ MY1 % by Size Group c h~ry� 01b~ Opp 0e'b ti ti 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -51 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year I of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data h 601Nor_th II/3P N�o95925 �I L i��ij4Adtlw �S�'�"os $�VI 1 �� �z Cross Section lO gPebpb�le Coa�I SUmmary ,.'$nc'' �.�q ;' >Y'° --s` t+� F'.:iE ;Riffled fA .,F � 1_ � 24 Mo itoring Year 1 Description Material Size mm Total # Ito Item /o Cum /o Silt/ Clay silt/clay 0 062 11 10% 10% very fine sand 0 13 2 2% 12% fine sand 025 6 6% 18% Sand medium sand 050 2 2% 20% coarse sand 1 00 3 3% 23% very coarse sand 20 1 1 % 24% very fine gravel 40 1 1% 25% fine gravel 80 11 10% 35% Gravel medium gravel 160 10 9% 44% coarse gravel 320 14 13% 58% very coarse gravel 640 27 25% 83% medium cobble 128 12 11% 94% Cobble very large cobble 25b 4 4% 98% small boulder 512 2 2% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% Boulder large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% very large boulder 4096 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock >4096 0 0% 100% TOTALS 106 100% 100% 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -52 Equmox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) D50 24 D84 68 D95 140 601 North II Stream Restoration Site D -52 Equmox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc Project No 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) Appendix D Stream Survey Data 601 North II Pebble Count Percent Cumulative 100% Cross Section 10 - Riffle 90% 80% 0 70% H c 60% tMyl Cumulative% LL C O 50% e IL 0 .a 40% 7 E 3 U 30% 20% 10% 0% OOy'L O�.lh Otis Oh ,ti0 'L 1,b 0 ,ti-110 %y'L �.ti0 ryyb ytiti Otit. b O % P OObry O~~y O~y. Oy. % tib �ti `�. 40 ryyb h1~S dory °~� v�BDc� e¢ao Particle Size (mm) 601 North 11 Pebble Count Percent Individual 100% Cross Section 10 - Riffle 90% 80% 70% 60% ■Myl %by Size Group 'S v c SO% c 0 � ao% 30% 20% 0% CS°'L 1p Otih Oh ' O .1'ti y'a p ,,1' .,'lb O' O y' y' 0' y6 .5ti .ti4 y`d by b:L a� o' oo�ti otitis oti o• ti ti h� Doti tio°� � Particle Size (mm) 601 North 11 Stream Restoration Site D -53 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 95925 November 2013 Annual Monitoring Report 2013 (Year 1 of 5) T k. 'O c a� a a. G U C G nn Q 0 c 0 m C O M j O c N Gil O E C U wz Q 0 U O ^� 0 iO N O O � OA �v, o oz� z s� tea¢ O— N N cq NO N N N N N O� M M M M O ^ C - M O N 00 [— l� r- R 00 I o^ `n p U in M^ O Q p o a O i i i i i i W) V 00 kr) O i i i i i i i i O O h M 00 O N O O i 'O O O O ^ O ON ^ '� M M I + C i kn N 00 O O p a\ (V U1' v) _ O - kn 1.0 kn ^ N 00 p0 N 'O O\ 00 N iM O kn 00 N L. 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