HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0007103_Monitoring - 07-2022_20220914 (3)Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * July Report Information WQ0007103 Sound of the Sea Master Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address: * Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2022 Upload Document* SOS MA WWTP Monitoring 2.94MB Report, July 2022.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). a.williamson@camsmgt.com Angela Williamson Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda 9/14/2022 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0007103 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 9/19/2022 rerrnr iva.: vvuu00/1u3 Facility Name; Sound of the Sea County: Carteret Month- ,July- Year: 2022 PPI, 001 Flow Measuring Point. Effluent - Parameter Monitoring Point, Effluent Parameter Code 50050 00400 00310 00610 00530 31616 00620 00625 00630 00600 00940 70295 50060 M76 665 Day c d U e LL CL 0 p ®a �� 1 u m €s °S S3 o c 1�+ ' Tr 1 v r e4 s t�i le' � ti .n �OQ� _'2 12 e' UFS6 ~ �'�t3 Flu _ t O 0 Xz 2 z y 24-hr firs r PD su m f tL m Ji 91100 ml- m 1L m IL m /L m tL m 1L m /L a 1 8:19 0.5 13500 - 7.59 all 2 8:15 0.3 1400i� - 3 9.01 0.3 16100 - 4F4_ 0.4 1850 - _ 6 0,5 19500 7.81 2.U0 0.54 3.80 1.00 21.08 2.26 21.08 23,34 104.00 450.00 2,20 1.61 O 0.4 iti50Q 7.76 1.50 7 0.4 16U00 7.83 9.50 8 0.3 20000 7.9U 1.20 9 10:43 0,3 1R500 10 8:38 0.4 16000 - 11 8.19 0.4 14000 7,71 _ 12 8:15 0.4 16500 7.69 2.00 0.13 4.0 1,00 19.A0 i.75 19,A0 21.15 1,00 1.50 5.34 13 8:08 0.4 14500 7.55- 14 8 52 0.4 15500 7.31 0.80 15 8:55 0.4 18500 1 7.62 0,40 16 10:09 0.2 J19500 17 8:35 141U0 18 8.34 0.4 1A100 7,64 - 19 8.47 0.45 15500 7.59 2.00 0.04 3.60 1.00 10,70 1.49 10.70 12.19 2,00 7.12 2O 8:32 0.5 150M 7,63 21 8.40 0.4 240U0 7.45 1,10 OsBD 22 9116 0.4 4500 7.72 2.30 23 8:02 0.3 14DD0 - - 24 8:08 0.2 11000 - - 25 8A1 0.5 12NO 7,b3 0.65 0.04 0.65 D.20 26 10:30 0.3 1210t7 7.41 2,40 0,04 4AO 1.00 0,04 0.84 U.04 0,88 2.OD 6,45 27 8:25 0.54500 7.77 - 8:22 0.5 170M 7.69 0.50 8:15 - 0.4 165W 7.66 - 0.60 10:36 0.3 17500 -_ [31 8:47 0.3 120(30ago: 15158 7.65 2.10 0.19 4.18 4.00 12,81 1.40 10.25 11.64 104.00 450.0p 1.24 5.13 Daffy Maximum: 19500 7.9(i 2.40 0.54 4,90 1.00 21,08 2.26 21.08 23,34 101.00 450,00 2,30 0.00 7.12 0.00 0 Daily Minimum: 4500 7.31 2,00 0.04 3.60 1.00 0.04 0.65 0,04 0.65 104.00 450.00 0.20 0.00 1ki 0.00 0 Sampling Type; - Monthly Limit 40000 10 4 20 14 - 10 Daliv Limit: Sample Frequency: f`ORK NDMR 03-12 RO - ISCHARGE MONITORING PORT (NDMR) Page of t Sampling Person(s) Name: Sfan[0y E. lTtick III flame, Environment 1, Inc. Name; tame: { Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? C 8- Rt IIAon it nt If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-complianoe, and describe the corrective acuontsy iaKen. Auacn auattionai sneets it necessary. s Operator In Responsible Charge (€ RG) Certification Per ittee Certification ORC: Stanley E, Buck III Pennittee: Svtlt,nd of 4-6e, Sit rn o,5f4r Assocfat hvn CertificationNo.: 993396 Signing Official: CO3SSan6(Yat S. TayIOY Grade: 3 Rhone Number: 25-503-5307 Signing Official's Title: lies the ORC changed since the prevlous NDIVIR? ® Yes Cj No Phone tiumber: Permit Explratlont Signature Date Signature Cate ey this alignalwa, f oeddy that figs report is aounrate said comp.'ele to flee [test of my kjmfedge, i cert.=fy, under psnaiiy of W, that iftts domment mid ad alftmhmeeila rrste pmpmd w&r my 44L-ttfon or supervoslon In aoordance vrfh a system designed to assure that all q parscu l praperiy gathered end evaluated W 6trormagon suh Uted. Based on my hqt&y or the person or proem v4to menage ihn system, or Mose pemoos Wilmdry respons>° for gafhedng the hrrormetlon, the trrfofmatkm srdteritted Is, to the hest of my knavAts end ref, twB, acnmta, and complete. I ant_ aware that there are s rmllks for s €rMng fats Inform ton, hrdbr the posslh# ty of fines and hrt isn went for knming violAons, Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raininh, Undh Caenilna 971199ARV NUN-1.111SUMARG APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Permit No.: VVQ0007103 Facility Name: Sound of the Sea - County: Carteret Month: July Rid infiltration occur at this facility? Site Name: 1 Year. 2022 Site Name: 2 Site Home; I3 Site Name, Area (acres) 0,1590 Area (acres) U90 Area (acres) 4N1A Area (acres) [t Yes f No Facility Name: Hhjh Flats Field 1 Facility Name: High Rate Field 2 Facility Name: #NtA Facility Name: Rafe (131301t1[2): Rate (GPDtft2): 6.7 Rate (GPDif .2): Rate (GPDO(42). Weather Freeboard Site Infiltrated? Yes Site Infiltrated? Yea Site Infiltrated? UNIA Site Infiltrated? C O ^ $ ij ate+ IP C -. A,.,. ,� Q y� ky d� d $3 C 9 (q D ._ Ctl '6 'O csa YI ' ��tx a oa 4= �� ago �4: a �rj �0Wq €a A i- ''v m t9 mm to S12 W €- o. sia M 3 t .J +� LL "` O 0. ? 4 a s ice. u. p a °� fl a mBO ...v 7 G o o. � w O ' c d til � P In ft ft gat min GPDf112 ft gal min .-1 GPD1ft2 it gal min GPDfft2 If gal min GRD1f12 ft 1 R 6750 0.22 6750 0.22 2 R 7000 0.23 70M 0.23 3 t 5f150 0,27 8050 0.27 4 R 9250 U1 9250 0.31 5 Pc - 975[t 0.32 1750 0.32 - 6 Pc 6250 - 0.27 A250 Ca.27 7 PC 8000 fl:27 txU{10 ti,2i 0 G 10000 1 0.33 9 00 0.33 9 R 9250 0.31 9250 0.31 10 R &tl(1A 0',27 itrt 00 0.53 11 GL ?000 0,23 7000 0.23 12 PC 0250 0.27 5250 0.27 13 PC 7250 0.24 14 R 7750 0.26 7750 0.2G 15 c 9250 031 925t) - 0.31 16 C 975[t Q.3 9750 t7.32 17 7050 0.23 7050 0;23 18 R 7050 0.23 7050 0,23 19 C 7750 0:2ti 775ti 0.2fi 20 C 750}0 0.25 7500 0.25 21 c _ 1200i1 G.40 120(xl [l.4[ 22 R 225i1 0,07 2250 tl.{}7 23 t 700tt 0.23 7Qg0 - 0,23 24 PC 5500 0.18 5500 0.1t3 _ 25 c 600ti 0.z0 GOtut 02ii 26 D 16050 0.2(7 6050 0e20 x7 c a25:o zz5o ta.7 28 Q 8500 O.t3 t3500 0.28 29 G 775fi t].26 775ti Q.26 30 L 8750 0.29 8750 0.20 31 CL 60{i0 0,26-F 0.20 Monthly Loading (GPDJft2)€ 0.25 Year to bate Loading (GRDIfl2): 0.26 #D1V10I Did the application rthe limits InAttachment B of , ba.sln, were the sites vegetaflon and raked? If the Facility is non -compliant, plea explain in the spy beer th reason(s) the tac ility Yore not in compliance, Provitte In your e%plsnetlon the ds{e�s) of tf non-comppance and desk the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if nec:essarv, Operator In Responsible Charge (011C) Ger-tifica ion Permwee Cemfication ORC: Stanley Buck _ Perml : Sou" a d-he Sit. mas4e*- Assoc- a-hbrrN Certification No.: 903396 Signing Official: cAssonotyA S TovyioY Grade: 3 Plume 252-5035307 Iva ing Official'sTttts: `�Y.e5fd,,,nf Has the ORO changed since the previous KDAR-2? � Yes [Jne Number. 611 Q � � �� _ 4194 Permit Exp.: A! Snaluraa Date 5n re bate By its ruo, I cot* that tfrt rupwt Is Qociatato raid cwpk4o to Mo but o ttiy fy, tauter of , that thin i � al prepared under my or supimi3�n h accordanco qatem Mto as that M turf Wrarod wA evolmled do l fommUan suhr tel eased an my hAuhy of tha putt or parsoo Mo wnsnaW the systern, or those parry res-ponalUe for pOwk10 tho Wmnailin, the ktt'orrti Um Is, to %o hod of twi lumWee and , truo, r o, t Gm nwie that Urem am skydRom perwWOes for sL4wMq Mao kiNrnstfon, k0iftUm pow t.W of Oftes and tiiiprimment for kr ms Mail final and Two Copies to: Dmsf on of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27999-1617