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NC0087602_Permit Issuance_20100503
NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0087602 Whittier WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance``i Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Technical Correction Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: May 3, 2010 This document its printed on reuse paper - ignore aunty content cork the reYerse side AwA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor • Director Secretary May 3, 2010 • Mr. Mitchell Jenkins Chairman, Whittier Sanitary District 145 Passmore Lane Whittier, North Carolina 28789 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit Permit No. NC0087602 Whittier Sanitary District WWTP Jackson County Dear Mr. Jenkins: • In accordance with the application for discharge permit received, the Division is forwarding herewith the subject NPDES permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). The final permit authorizes the Whittier Sanitary District to discharge municipal wastewater from the Whittier Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant to the Tuckaseegee River, a class B water in the Little Tennessee River Basin. The permit includes discharge limitations/or monitoring for flow, BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, total suspended solids, fecal coliform, pH, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. The Division received several comments on this Draft permit renewal from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) concerning the federally -listed endangered mussel population (Appalachian elktoe) in the receiving waterbody (Tuckaseegee River). Based on agency comments, • the following changes are being incorporated into the Final permit: • Instream Ammonia Monitoring Frequency. Increase instream ammonia monitoring frequency from 2/month to weekly during Summer months (April -October), and maintain 2/Month instream monitoring during Winter months (November -March). Refer to Effluent Sheet A. (1). The Permittee may request reduced instream summer monitoring (back to 2/Month) after 2 full years, if downstream data shows instream ammonia levels are protective of mussels, or if the WWTP discharge shows no increase between upstream/downstream ammonia concentrations. • Downstream Ammonia Sample Station. A dye study performed by the Permittee showed that the discharge will hug the bank for a distance downstream. Therefore, the downstream station shall be established on the same bank as the discharge, approximately 50-feet downstream, and the sample shall be coflected in proximity to the near shore where concentrations would be highest. Refer to Effluent Sheet A. (1). The upstream station should belocated 50-feet upstream of the discharge. • 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolina� XaturaiIij • Permit Reopener Provisions. This Special Condition has been expanded to include the following bullet items (and renumbered to A. (2)): > If instream monitoring indicates ammonia concentrations are above protective concentrations for mussels and the WWTP is identified as the cause, the facility will be required to evaluate options to reduce effluent ammonia concentrations (including outfall redesign), and report results to the Division within 120 days of notification by the Division. • Representative instream Sample Language. Language has been added to Effluent Sheet A. (1) requiring collection of representative instream samples that are reflective of low flow conditions. The Permittee shall coordinate instream sample collection to minimize increased flows from upstream dam releases, particularly during summer when predictable dam releases occur to accommodate downstream rafting activities. Targeting sample collection to low flow periods can be accomplished by using information from USGS gages upstream. The following changes were also incorporated into the Final permit: • Delete Special Condition A. (2) - Outfall Survey, since the downstream mussel survey requirement was subsequently completed by the Permittee. • Delete limit and monitoring for total residual chlorine, since the facility utilizes a dual UV disinfection system. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699- 6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable. The Division may require modification revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal or Local governmental permits may be required. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Bob Guerra at telephone number (919) 807-6387. Sin rely, cc: Enclosure: NPDES Permit NC0087602 cc: Sara Ward, Ecologist — U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 David McHenry — NC Wildlife Resources Commission 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority - Attn: Stan Bryson 1246 West Main Street Sylva, NC 28779 McGill & Associates, P,A. Attn: Forrest Westhall PO Box 2259 Asheville, NC 28802 Asheville Regional Office / Surface Water Protection NPDES Unit Central Files een H. Sullins f/ Permit tIC0087602 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Whittier Sanitary District is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Whittier Sanitary District WWTP 294 Clearwood Drive Whittier Jackson County to receiving waters designated as the Tuckaseegee River in the Little Tennessee River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective June 1, 2010. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on October 31, 2012. Signed this day May 3, 2010. en H. Sullins, Director e$1/ Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NC0087602 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. The Whittier Sanitary District is hereby authorized to: 1. Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct from the Division of Water Quality, construct a wastewater treatment facility with a treatment capacity of 0.100 MGD with the following components: • Influent pump station with two (2) 175 gpm pumps • Magnetic flow measuring device • Bar screen • 50,000 gallon Equalization basin with two (2) 7.5 hp blowers • Two (2) 100,000 gallon aeration basins with three (3) 30 hp blowers • Two (2) 250 square foot clarifiers • 30,000 gallon digester • Tertiary filtration system with two (2) Kruger disc filters • UV disinfection system with six (6) modules (four lamps per module) • ,150 kW standby generator for backup power 2. Upon completion of construction, operate a 0.100 MGD wastewater treatment facility, located at 294 Clearwood Drive in the Jackson County Industrial Park, Jackson County; and 3. Discharge from said treatment facility at the location specified on the attached map into the Tuckaseegee River, Class B water in the Little Tennessee River Basin. mein: tioo Outfa11001 Whittier Sanitary District Whittier Sanitary District WWTP Latitude: 35° 25' 43" N State Grid: Whittier Longitude: 81 ° 21' 32" W Permitted Flow: 0.100 MGD Receiving Stream: Tuckaseegee River Drainage Basin: Little Tennessee River Basin Stream Class: B Sub -Basin: 04-04-02 NPDES Permit No. NC0087602 Jackson County Permit NC0087602 A. (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: PARAMETER LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Weekly Average Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location' 50050 - Flow (MGD) 0.100 MGD Continuous Recording _ I or E 00300 - BOD, 5- day, 20°C2 (mg/L) 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite I, E 00530 - Total Suspended Solids2 (mg/ L) 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Composite I, E 00400 - pH3 Weekly Grab E 00610 - NH3 as N Weekly Composite E 31616 - Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab E 00610 - NH3 as N (April -October) Weekly Grab U & D4 00610 - NH3 as N (November -March) 2/Month Grab U & D4 00600 - Total Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) 2. / year Composite E . 00665 - Total Phosphorus 2 / year Composite E Footnotes: 1. I = Influent. E= Effluent. U: upstream -Approximately 50 feet above outfall, D: downstream- Approximately 50 . feet below outfall on same bank.. 2. The monthly average effluent BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units or greater than 9.0 standard units. 4. The permittee shall coordinate instream sample collection to minimize increased flows from upstream dam releases, particularly during summer when predictable dam releases occur to accommodate downstream rafting activities. Targeting sample collection to low flow periods can be accomplished by using information from USGS gauges upstream. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Permit NC0087602 A. (2) PERMIT RE -OPENER PROVISIONS The Division may re -open and modify this permit if required in the event that the Division: > Adopts new freshwater quality standards for ammonia, > Develops a site -specific management strategy pursuant to T15A NCAC 2B .0110 in order to protect endangered or threatened aquatic species in the receiving water, or > If instream monitoring indicates ammonia concentrations are above protective concentrations for mussels and the WWTP is identified as the cause, the facility will be required to evaluate options to reduce effluent ammonia concentrations (including outfall redesign), and report to the Division within 120 days of notification by the Division. 'Guerra, Bob From: Edwards, Roger Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 10:07 AM To: Belnick, Tom; Guerra, Bob Subject: RE: Whittier Sanitary NPDES The work potential in the second arrow under the third bullet suggest removing.......because it is always easy to point the finger at a point source discharge as the problem........there is always potential for everything and nothing. Thanks, Roger Edwards - Roger.Edwards@ncdenr.gov North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Protection 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. From: Belnick, Tom Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 9:41 AM To: Guerra, Bob Cc: Edwards, Roger Subject: Whittier Sanitary NPDES BobG- I've attached inserts for the Final Cover letter to address USFWS/NCWRC concerns. Please cut and paste into your final cover letter, and edit permit to reflect these changes. Let me know if any questions, or if I've missed anything. Roger- just an fyi...took awhile to resolve issues. Also let me know if you have any concerns with what is being proposed in Final. Tom Belnick Supervisor, Complex NPDES Permitting Unit NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Inserts for Whittier Sanitary District NC0087602 for Final Permit- Tom Belnick 4/21/2010 Additions to Cover Letter - The Division received several comments on this Draft permit renewal from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) concerning the federally -listed endangered mussel population (Appalachian elktoe) in the receiving waterbody (Tuckaseegee River). Based on agency comments, the following changes are being incorporated into the Final permit: • Instream Ammonia Monitoring Frequency. Increase instream ammonia monitoring frequency from 2/month to weekly during Summer months (April -October), and maintain 2/Month instream monitoring during Winter months (November -March). Refer to Effluent Sheet A(1). The Permittee may request reduced instream summer monitoring (back to 2/Month) after 2 full years, if downstream data shows instream ammonia levels are protective of mussels, or if the WWTP discharge shows no increase between upstream/downstream ammonia concentrations. • Downstream Ammonia Sample Station. A dye study performed by the Permittee showed that the discharge will hug the bank for a distance downstream. Therefore, the downstream station shall be established on the same bank as the discharge, approximately 50-feet downstream, and the sample shall be collected in proximity to the near shore where concentrations would be highest. Refer to Effluent Sheet A(1). The upstream station should be located 50-feet upstream of the discharge. • Permit Reopener Provisions. This Special Condition has been expanded to include the following bullet items (and renumbered to A(2)): > If instream monitoring indicates ammonia concentrations are above protective concentrations for mussels and the WWTP is identified as the cause, the facility will be required to evaluate options to reduce effluent ammonia concentrations (including outfall redesign), and report results to the Division within 120 days of notification by the Division. e • - rmit .' be re • : = ed if f - mussel survey work perform - ► by reso _ -n '-s indica - a poten . discha : - - : ed p•pul- • n • e. • Representative Instream Sample Language. Language has been added to Effluent Sheet A(1) requiring collection of representative instream samples that are reflective of low flow conditions. The Permittee shall coordinate instream sample collection to minimize increased flows from upstream dam releases, particularly during summer when predictable dam releases occur to accommodate downstream rafting activities. Targeting sample collection to low flow periods can be accomplished by using information from USGS gages upstream. The following changes were also incorporated into the Final permit: • Delete Special Condition A(2)- Outfall Survey, since the downstream mussel survey requirement was subsequently completed by the Permittee. • Delete limit and monitoring for total residual chlorine, since the facility utilizes a dual UV disinfection system. Guerra, Bob From: Mark_A_Cantrell@fws.gov Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:48 PM To: Sara_Ward@fws.gov; Guerra, Bob; John_Fridell@fws.gov; Tom Augspurger@fws.gov; Belnick, Tom Subject: Re: Whittier NPDES NC0087602 Tom: Sorry - I know that had promised to get something to you yesterday. I am working on it. I have drafted some language about sampling relative to the flows. 1 am now waiting on the Duke folks to give me some feedback about the travel times of flows, seasonality, and predictability. I left another message there today, and hope to hear back from their hydrologist very soon. thanks, Mark A. Cantrell U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 828/258-3939, ext 227 mobile: 828/215-1739 1 Guerra, Bob From: Sara_Ward@fws.gov Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:35 PM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Guerra, Bob; Mark_A_Cantrell@fws.gov; John_Fridell@fws.gov; Tom_Augspurger@fws.gov Subject: Re: Whittier NPDES NC0087602 Attachments: ecblank.gif; graycol.gif; pic20798.gif; MusselSeries.pdf; ET&C_Wardetal_NCMusselRiskAssessment.pdf; Review of Draft 2009 Ammonia Water Quality Criteria_020810.pdf; Input on bifurcated ammonia water quality criterion for mussels.pdf; Mussel distribution information.pdf; Perspectives on species sensitivity distributions.pdf Hi, Tom. It was good talking with you all earlier this month about the Whittier facility. I recall from that conversation that we were going to close out the remaining FWS concerns regarding the permit as follows: 1) you were going to discuss the flow regulation with Mark Cantrell of our Asheville office to assess how to proceed with documentation of stream flow conditions at the time routine instream monitoring is conducted by the permittee, 2) re. consideration of voluntary upstream mussell survey work that the applicant has agreed to (i.e., baseline condition), you indicated that the permit cover letter language would emphasize a collective willingness to review mussel data rather than the permit reopener language (which is presently specific to an ammonia threshold) if future mussel survey work (to be performed by the resource agencies) indicates a potential facility -related population decline. We also discussed the ammonia criteria revision underway and you requested follow-up information from us. First, regarding our office's input on the draft ammonia criteria update (and a bifurcated criteria approach, in particular), Tom Augspurger is the lead. As I mentioned, the Service hasn't formally commented on the draft update yet, but Tom's input will be considered as part of that forthcoming response. Additional details are provided in the forwarded email below. You also requested additional information regarding mussel toxicity testing methods. An ASTM method, ASTM E2455 - 06 Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Toxicity Tests with Freshwater Mussels, was recently finalized(http://www.astm.org/Standards/E2455.htm) with input from a task group that included representatives from the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Virginia Tech, Southwest Missouri State University, North Carolina State University and Oklahoma State University. Tom participated in the task group and has copies of all of the references cited in the standard, so feel free to contact us if you require further details or would like reprints. As we discussed, a series of papers was published in the Oct 2007 issue of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry that may be of interest to you (that included the risk assessment of water quality in three NC streams, including Goose Creek, attached) - a fact sheet (attached) summaries the findings of those papers and includes references (we'd be happy to provide other papers on request). (See attached file: MusselSeries.pdJ)(See attached file: ET&C Wardetal NCMusselRiskAssessment.pdJ) Also, two more recent papers on that include toxicity testing methods for juvenile mussels (with focus on pH influence on acute ammonia toxicity and acute toxicity of copper) are attached, FYI. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like copies of the papers included in the ASTM standard or the mussel series factsheet. Take care, Sara i *********************************************************************** Sara E. Ward U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 Ext. 30, Fax: 919-856-4556 Email: Sara Ward@fws.gov *********************************************************************** Fonvarded by Sara Ward/R4/FWS/DOI on 03/18/2010 10:58 AM ----- Tom Augspurger/R4/FWS/DOI 03/09/2010 02:24 PM Hi Sara, ToSara Ward/R4/FWS/DOI@FWS cc SubjectFw: Comments on Draft Ammonia Criteria Update Comment #3 addresses concerns with a bifurcated ammonia criteria, including implementation concerns. In the attachments, you'll see a synthesis of literature and opinion that, for the eastern US, a bifurcated approach may be moot because most of our waters have or could support mussels. The EPA's intent does not appear to be to use a 'mussels absent' criteria in areas where they should be expected to occur (or could occur again if conditions improve).... it was more oriented to provide an option for those parts of the country (like dry areas out west) where mussels do not (and have not) occurred in local waters. EPA will likely issue implementation guidance, and I expect it'll draw that distinction (recommend using the mussels present criteria in most areas unless it was reasonably certain that the watersheds are not and were not appropriate habitat). Let me know if this is what you needed. I'll get the tox testing information next, Tom (See attached file: Review of Draft 2009 Ammonia Water Quality Criteria_020810.pdJ)(See attached file: Input on bifurcated ammonia water quality criterion for mussels.pdf)(See attached file: Mussel distribution information.pd, f)(See attached file: Perspectives on species sensitivity distributions.pdJ) Tom Augspurger Ecologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh NC 27606 T: 919/856-4520 x.21 E: tom_augspurger@fws.gov http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/ec.html 2 'I "Belnick, Tom" <tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov> "Belnick, Tom" <tom.belnick®ncdenr.gov> 02/17/2010 06:01 PM To"Sara_Ward@fws.gov" <Sara_Ward@fws.gov>, "McHenry, David G." <david.mchenry@ncwildlife.org> cc"Guerra, Bob" <bob.guerra@ncdenr.gov> SubjectWhittier NPDES NC0087602 Sara/David- sorry for the delay in getting back to your comments on this Draft NPDES permit renewal. Based on your input and mussel/dye survey results, NPDES is considering the following permit changes for the Final: • Instream Ammonia Monitoring. Increase instream ammonia monitoring (up/down) from 2/month to weekly during Summer (April -Oct). Maintain 2/Month instream monitoring during Winter (Nov -March). Provide consideration for reduced instream summer monitoring (back to 2/Month) after 2 full years, if downstream data shows instream ammonia levels are protective of mussels, or if the WWTP discharge shows no increase between upstream/downstream ammonia concentrations. • Downstream Ammonia Sample Station. Dye study showed that discharge will hug the bank for awhile. Establish downstream station on same bank as discharge, approximately 50-feet downstream. Require facility to collect sample near shore, where concentrations would be highest. • Ammonia Reopener. Expand Ammonia Reopener Condition. Add that if instream monitoring indicates ammonia concentrations are above protective concentrations for mussels and the WWTP is identified as the cause, the facility will be required to evaluate options to reduce effluent ammonia concentrations (e.g., re-evaluate outfall placement to maximize dilution, re- evaluate ammonia treatment within the plant). Report to be submitted within 120 days of notification by the Division. did not add any permit requirement for a baseline upstream mussel survey. The facility can still choose to do that voluntarily, but they might want to wait and see whether instream ammonia concentrations are negligible below the discharge point. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll try to contact each of you next week to follow up. Tom Belnick Supervisor, NPDES West Program NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 Guerra, Bob From: Reid, Dianne Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 12:42 PM To: Guerra, Bob Subject: LTN Tuckasegee at Whittier You have excellent water quality according to the bugs within 5 miles for Whittier. The river is classified C, Tr and C, Tr ORW. Fecal Coliform is a problem on most of the river. Tuckasegee is home to the Appalachian Elktoe (endangered species of mussel). What else do you need to know? Dianne Please note new email: dianne.reid@ncdenr.gov Dianne M. Reid Basinwide Planning Unit Supervisor Division of Water Quality Physical address: 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919.807.6427 Fax: 919.807.6497 www.ncwaterqualitv.org -- E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 BRYSON PROJECT' Swain County, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 'iL ��. •oo Downstream Flow Releases -Duke Ener' http://www.duke-energy.com/Iakes/nantahala/nan-downstream-flow-re... rdrEnergy Downstream Flow Releases Whither Barker's Creek Dillsboro Webster Highway 107 Cullowhee Tuckasegee FRANKLiti 0 January 13, 2010 Tuckasegee Cullowhee Highway 107 Webster Dillsboro Barkera€TMs Creek Whittier GLENVILLE; Arrives 01/13/2010 05:17:00 PM 01/14/2010 12:17:00 PM 01/13/2010 o8:o8:oo PM 01/14/2010 O3:O8:Oo PM 01/13/2010 O9:43:Oo PM 01/14/2010 04:43:00 PM 01/13/2010 1O:16:oo PM 01/14/2010 O5:16:Oo PM 01/13/2010 11:55:Oo PM 01/14/2010 O6:55:Oo PM 01/14/2010 O1:16:oo AM 01/14/2010 O8:16:oo PM 01/14/2010 O3:31:Oo AM 01/14/2010 1O:31:Oo PM North Carolina Recedes 01/13/2010 10:17:00 PM 01/14/2010 10:17:00 PM 01/14/2010 oi:o8:oo AM 01/15/2010 oi:o8:oo AM 01/14/2010 O2:43:Oo AM 01/15/2010 O2:43:Oo AM 01/14/2010 O3:16:Oo AM 01/15/2010 O3:16:Oo AM 01/14/2010 04:55:00 AM 01/15/2010 04:55:00 AM 01/14/2010 O6:16:oo AM 01/15/2010 O6:16:oo AM 01/14/2010 O8:31:Oo AM 01/15/2010 O8:31:Oo AM Downstream flow schedules recorded at 12:27 PM on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. 1 of2 1/13/2010 12:52 PM Downstream Flow Releases -Duke Energy http://www.duke-energy.com/lakes/nantahala/nan-downstream-flow-re... Downstream flow schedules are approximate and subject to variability based upon natural conditions and /or unexpected changes in hydro project operation. Duke Energy may, at any time, and without prior warning, change operations of our hydro facilities in response to high electricity demand, flooding, electric system emergencies or other conditions. Flow arrival is the approximate time when flow begins to increase as a result of upstream hydro project operation. Maximum flow normally occurs after the estimated arrival time and normally ends prior to the estimated recession time. Flow recession is the approximate time when most of the generated flow has passed. Please remember to stay 300 feet away from the upstream and downstream sides of the dam and powerhouse. Do not enter the tailrace section directly below hydroelectric stations. These areas are prone to a sudden rise and violent turbulence in the water. Tuckasegee 1.1 miles downstream from confluence of East and West Forks - at the old USGS Gage Site Cullowhee At Cullowhee Dam (river mile 41.3) Highway ion At junction of Hwy 107 with SR 1002 and South River Road (river mile 37.0) Webster Bridge on SR 116 in Webster (river mile 35.3) Dillsboro At Dillsboro Dam in Dillsboro (river mile 31.8) Barker's Creek Bridge on Barker's Creek Road (river mile 27.2) Whittier 0.2 miles downstream from Whittier Post Office (river mile 20.1) O Duke Energy Corporation All Rights Reserved 2 of'? 1/13/2010 12:52 PM Agency Site ID Date Max Disc Min Disc Mean Daily Disc Max Height Min Height Mean Daily Gage Height Precip USGS 3513000 10/1/2004 1930 1810 1870 3.05 2.96 3 0 USGS 3513000 10/2/2004 1810 1740 1780 2.96 2.9 2.93 0 USGS 3513000 10/3/2004 1760 1660 1730 2.92 2.84 2.9 0 USGS 3513000 10/4/2004 1970 1480 1710 3.08 2.69 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 10/5/2004 1750 1170 1480 2.91 2.42 2.68 0 USGS 3513000 10/6/2004 1620 1050 1240 2.81 2.31 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 10/7/2004 1660 1150 1430 2.84 2.4 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 10/8/2004 1580 1110 1420 2.78 2.37 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 10/9/2004 1550 1080 1370 2.75 2.34 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 10/10/2004 1550 1060 1260 2.75 2.32 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 10/11/2004 1560 1050 1300 2.76 2.31 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/12/2004 1510 1040 1260 2.72 2.3 2.5 0.06 USGS 3513000 10/13/2004 1670 1460 1620 2.85 2.68 2.81 0.14 USGS 3513000 10/14/2004 1610 1050 1410 2.8 2.31 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 10/15/2004 1460 890 1020 2.68 2.15 2.27 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/16/2004 1570 880 1100 2.77 2.14 2.35 0 USGS 3513000 10/17/2004 1570 1040 1290 2.77 2.3 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/18/2004 1560 1480 1520 2.76 2.69 2.73 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/19/2004 3000 1500 1850 3.77 2.71 2.97 1.23 USGS 3513000 10/20/2004 2050 1230 1600 3.14 2.48 2.79 0 USGS 3513000 10/21/2004 1620 1120 1400 2.81 2.38 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 10/22/2004 1580 1070 1370 2.78 2.33 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 10/23/2004 1510 1040 1220 2.72 2.3 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 10/24/2004 1610 1040 1400 2.8 2.3 2.61 0.18 USGS 3513000 10/25/2004 1550 1060 1370 2.75 2.32 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 10/26/2004 1490 890 1190 2.7 2.15 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 10/27/2004 1420 833 1080 2.64 2.09 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 10/28/2004 1270 851 1010 2.51 2.11 2.27 0.12 USGS 3513000 10/29/2004 1890 1060 1550 3.02 2.32 2.74 0.18 USGS 3513000 10/30/2004 1680 1130 1240 2.86 2.39 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 10/31/2004 1580 1110 1410 2.78 2.37 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 11/1/2004 1560 1100 1450 2.76 2.36 2.67 0 USGS 3513000 11/2/2004 1790 1040 1240 2.94 2.3 2.48 0.74 USGS 3513000 11/3/2004 2470 1420 1730 3.43 2.64 2.89 0.58 USGS 3513000 11/4/2004 5700 1800 3320 5.2 2.95 3.89 0.48 USGS 3513000 11/5/2004 3720 2150 2690 4.19 3.21 3.56 0 USGS 3513000 11/6/2004 2490 2150 2300 3.44 3.21 3.32 0 USGS 3513000 11/7/2004 2180 1970 2080 3.23 3.08 3.16 0 USGS 3513000 11/8/2004 1990 1680 1910 3.09 2.86 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 11/9/2004 1850 1740 1820 2.99 2.9 2.97 0 USGS 3513000 11/10/2004 1800 1280 1540 2.95 2.52 2.74 0 USGS 3513000 11/11/2004 1760 1070 1310 2.92 2.33 2.54 0.12 USGS 3513000 11/12/2004 3420 1080 2420 4.02 2.34 3.33 1.2 USGS 3513000 11/13/2004 3130 2380 2660 3.85 3.37 3.55 0 USGS 3513000 11/14/2004 2430 2210 2280 3.4 3.25 3.3 0 USGS 3513000 11/15/2004 2210 2070 2140 3.25 3.15 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 11/16/2004 2080 1540 1900 3.16 2.74 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 11/17/2004 2000 1450 1750 3.1 2.67 2.91 0 USGS 3513000 11/18/2004 1930 1400 1600 3.05 2.63 2.79 0 USGS 3513000 11/19/2004 1880 1350 1620 3.01 2.58 2.8 0.02 USGS 3513000 11/20/2004 1840 1340 1500 2.98 2.57 2.71 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/21/2004 1760 1270 1410 2.92 2.51 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 11/22/2004 1720 1260 1380 2.89 2.5 2.6 0.11 USGS 3513000 11/23/2004 2190 1400 1860 3.24 2.63 2.99 0.83 USGS 3513000 11/24/2004 8550 2110 5310 6.5 3.18 4.9 1.89 USGS 3513000 11/25/2004 6700 4160 5210 5.67 4.43 4.95 0.21 USGS 3513000 11/26/2004 4180 3390 3730 4.44 4 4.19 0 USGS 3513000 11/27/2004 3390 2970 3130 4 3.75 3.85 0.18 USGS 3513000 11/28/2004 3150 2730 2930 3.86 3.6 3.73 0 USGS 3513000 11/29/2004 2760 2500 2640 3.62 3.45 3.54 0 USGS 3513000 11/30/2004 2560 2370 2480 3.49 3.36 3.44 0.49 USGS 3513000 12/1/2004 6270 2430 4310 5.47 3.4 4.48 0.31 USGS 3513000 12/2/2004 3600 3100 3310 4.12 3.83 3.96 0 USGS 3513000 12/3/2004 3130 2400 2830 3.85 3.38 3.66 0 USGS 3513000 12/4/2004 2790 2170 2550 3.64 3.22 3.48 0 USGS 3513000 12/5/2004 2560 1950 2120 3.49 3.06 3.18 0.03 USGS 3513000 12/6/2004 3610 1950 2570 4.13 3.06 3.48 1.39 USGS 3513000 12/7/2004 4280 3250 3660 4.49 3.92 4.16 0.31 USGS 3513000 12/8/2004 3470 2950 3210 4.05 3.74 3.9 0 USGS 3513000 12/9/2004 7900 3170 4800 6.22 3.87 4.71 0.94 USGS 3513000 12/10/2004 6340 4610 5110 5.5 4.66 4.91 0.47 USGS 3513000 12/11/2004 4820 4050 4440 4.77 4.37 4.57 0.06 USGS 3513000 12/12/2004 4070 3540 3750 4.38 4.09 4.2 0 USGS 3513000 12/13/2004 3560 2890 3330 4.1 3.7 3.97 0 USGS 3513000 12/14/2004 3150 2870 3010 3.86 3.69 3.77 0 USGS 3513000 12/15/2004 2940 2700 2830 3.73 3.58 3.67 0 USGS 3513000 12/16/2004 2810 2150 2420 3.65 3.21 3.39 0 USGS 3513000 12/17/2004 2700 2530 2590 3.58 3.47 3.51 0 USGS 3513000 12/18/2004 2560 2440 2500 3.49 3.41 3.45 0 USGS 3513000 12/19/2004 2460 2370 2420 3.42 3.36 3.39 0 USGS 3513000 12/20/2004 2400 2240 2310 3.38 3.27 3.32 0 USGS 3513000 12/21/2004 2320 2240 2270 3.33 3.27 3.3 0 USGS 3513000 12/22/2004 2290 2110 2190 3.31 3.18 3.24 0.15 USGS 3513000 12/23/2004 4240 2190 3260 4.47 3.24 3.91 0.35 USGS 3513000 12/24/2004 3150 2560 2730 3.86 3.49 3.6 0 USGS 3513000 12/25/2004 2560 2440 2490 3.49 3.41 3.44 0 USGS 3513000 12/26/2004 2440 2370 2400 3.41 3.36 3.38 0 USGS 3513000 12/27/2004 2370 2270 2320 3.36 3.29 3.33 0 USGS 3513000 12/28/2004 2290 2240 2260 3.31 3.27 3.29 0 USGS 3513000 12/29/2004 2250 2190 2220 3.28 3.24 3.26 0 USGS 3513000 12/30/2004 2210 2170 2190 3.25 3.22 3.23 0 USGS 3513000 12/31/2004 2180 2110 2150 3.23 3.18 3.21 0 USGS 3513000 1/1/2005 2140 1430 1930 3.2 2.65 3.04 0 USGS 3513000 1/2/2005 2100 2000 2060 3.17 3.1 3.14 0 USGS 3513000 1/3/2005 2080 1930 2000 3.16 3.05 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 1/4/2005 2050 1930 2020 3.14 3.05 3.12 0 USGS 3513000 1/5/2005 2040 1960 2020 3.13 3.07 3.12 0 USGS 3513000 1/6/2005 2250 1970 2060 3.28 3.08 3.15 0.11 USGS 3513000 1/7/2005 2140 2000 2030 3.2 3.1 3.12 0.03 USGS 3513000 1/8/2005 2780 2000 2420 3.63 3.1 3.39 0.31 USGS 3513000 1/9/2005 2340 1910 2140 3.34 3.03 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 1/10/2005 2040 1890 2010 3.13 3.02 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 1/11/2005 2030 1950 2010 3.12 3.06 3.11 0 USGS 3513000 1/12/2005 1950 1420 1530 3.06 2.64 2.73 0 USGS 3513000 1/13/2005 2940 1420 1570 3.73 2.64 2.76 1.14 USGS 3513000 1/14/2005 5660 2580 3840 5.18 3.5 4.23 0.02 USGS 3513000 1/15/2005 2590 2170 2380 3.51 3.22 3.37 0 USGS 3513000 1/16/2005 2440 1970 2160 3.41 3.08 3.21 0 USGS 3513000 1/17/2005 2290 1800 2000 3.31 2.95 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 1/18/2005 2310 1520 1970 3.32 2.73 3.07 0 USGS 3513000 1/19/2005 2280 1620 1900 3.3 2.81 3.02 0 USGS 3513000 1/20/2005 2210 1580 1860 3.25 2.78 2.99 0 USGS 3513000 1/21/2005 2150 1570 1830 3.21 2.77 2.97 0 USGS 3513000 1/22/2005 1950 1510 1560 3.06 2.72 2.76 0.02 USGS 3513000 1/23/2005 1540 1390 1450 2.74 2.62 2.67 0 < USGS 3513000 1/24/2005 1660 1280 1390 2.84 2.52 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 1/25/2005 1840 1360 1480 2.98 2.59 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 1/26/2005 1450 1400 1430 2.67 2.63 2.65 0.06 USGS 3513000 1/27/2005 1430 1310 1370 2.65 2.55 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 1/28/2005 1320 1080 1210 2.56 2.34 2.45 0 USGS 3513000 1/29/2005 1620 1270 1350 2.81 2.51 2.58 0.36 USGS 3513000 1/30/2005 1700 1220 1410 2.87 2.47 2.63 0.04 USGS 3513000 1/31/2005 1540 1110 1300 2.74 2.37 2.54 0 USGS 3513000 2/1/2005 1650 1090 1220 2.83 2.35 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 2/2/2005 1660 1080 1270 2.84 2.34 2.51 0.3 USGS 3513000 2/3/2005 2140 1420 1720 3.2 2.64 2.88 0.31 USGS 3513000 2/4/2005 1830 1290 1470 2.97 2.53 2.68 0 USGS 3513000 2/5/2005 1770 1220 1400 2.93 2.47 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 2/6/2005 1740 1200 1370 2.9 2.45 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 2/7/2005 1740 1180 1490 2.9 2.43 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 2/8/2005 1700 1180 1260 2.87 2.43 2.5 0.02 USGS 3513000 2/9/2005 1210 1180 1190 2.46 2.43 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 2/10/2005 1230 1190 1210 2.48 2.44 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 2/11/2005 1190 1090 1140 2.44 2.35 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 2/12/2005 1130 1090 1110 2.39 2.35 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 2/13/2005 1290 1100 1160 2.53 2.36 2.41 0.32 'USGS 3513000 2/14/2005 1880 1240 1510 3.01 • 2.49 2.71 0.55 USGS 3513000 2/15/2005 1650 1370 1490 2.83 2.6 2.7 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/16/2005 2140 1350 1510 3.2 2.58 2.71 0.13 USGS 3513000 2/17/2005 2100 1350 1560 3.17 2.58 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 2/18/2005 1890 1260 1460 3.02 2.5 2.67 0 USGS 3513000 2/19/2005 1930 1220 1420 3.05 2.47 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 2/20/2005 2590 1260 1600 3.51 2.5 2.77 0.84 USGS 3513000 2/21/2005 6340 2070 3970 5.5 • 3.15 4.25 1.46 USGS 3513000 2/22/2005 5290 3490 4080 5 4.06 4.38 0 USGS 3513000 2/23/2005 3490 2920 3180 4.06 3.72 3.88 0.02 USGS 3513000 2/24/2005 3370 2950 3150 3.99 3.74 3.86 0.38 USGS 3513000 2/25/2005 3000 2170 2690 3.77 3.22 3.57 0 USGS 3513000 2/26/2005 2490 2030 2200 3.44 3.12 3.24 0 USGS 3513000 2/27/2005 2430 1920 2120 3.4 3.04 3.18 0.2 USGS 3513000 2/28/2005 2750 2120 2380 3.61 3.19 3.36 0.39 USGS 3513000 3/1/2005 2650 1960 2260 3.55 3.07 3.28 0 USGS 3513000 3/2/2005 2350 1580 1950 3.35 2.78 3.05 0 USGS 3513000 3/3/2005 2120 1520 1720 3.19 2.73 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 3/4/2005 2070 1460 1600 3.15 2.68 2.79 0 USGS 3513000 3/5/2005 1990 1500 1610 3.09 2.71 2.8 0.14 USGS 3513000 3/6/2005 1870 1420 1520 3 2.64 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 3/7/2005 1960 1380 1520 3.07 2.61 2.72 0.62 USGS 3513000 3/8/2005 3920 1920 3290 4.3 3.04 3.93 0.42 USGS 3513000 3/9/2005 2990 2190 2700 3.76 3.24 3.58 0 USGS 3513000 3/10/2005 2840 1950 2410 3.67 3.06 3.38 0 USGS 3513000 3/11/2005 2490 1830 2100 3.44 2.97 3.17 0 USGS 3513000 3/12/2005 2500 1720 2100 3.45 2.89 3.17 0 USGS 3513000 3/13/2005 2410 1670 1940 3.39 2.85 3.05 0.01 USGS 3513000 3/14/2005 2490 1810 2180 3.44 2.96 3.23 0.01 USGS 3513000 3/15/2005 2250 1620 1840 3.28 2.81 2.98 0.05 USGS 3513000 3/16/2005 2470 1770 1980 3.43 2.93 3.08 0.31 USGS 3513000 3/17/2005 2430 1800 2130 3.4 2.95 3.19 0.15 USGS 3513000 3/18/2005 2370 2040 2300 3.36 3.13 3.31 0 USGS 3513000 3/19/2005 2150 1700 1850 3.21 2.87 2.99 0 USGS 3513000 3/20/2005 2120 1650 1790 3.19 2.83 2.94 0 USGS 3513000 3/21/2005 2040 1580 1720 3.13 2.78 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 3/22/2005 2250 1420 1690 3.28 2.64 2.85 0.32 USGS 3513000 3/23/2005 3510 1890 2570 4.07 3.02 3.48 0.67 USGS 3513000 3/24/2005 2680 2430 2550 3.57 3.4 3.48 0 USGS 3513000 3/25/2005 2470 2250 2360 3.43 3.28 3.36 0 USGS 3513000 3/26/2005 2250 1760 1960 3.28 2.92 3.07 0 USGS 3513000 3/27/2005 2530 1740 1930 3.47 2.9 3.04 0.36 USGS 3513000 3/28/2005 3740 2430 2920 4.2 3.4 3.72 0.22 USGS 3513000 3/29/2005 2860 2340 2650 3.68 3.34 3.55 0 USGS 3513000 3/30/2005 2710 2520 2650 3.59 3.46 3.54 0 USGS 3513000 3/31/2005 2650 2500 2580 3.55 3.45 3.51 0.09 USGS 3513000 4/1/2005 2620 2190 2360 3.53 3.24 3.35 0.46 USGS 3513000 4/2/2005 5740 2430 3640 5.22 3.4 4.12 0.74 USGS 3513000 4/3/2005 3440 2560 2930 4.03 3.49 3.72 0 USGS 3513000 4/4/2005 3170 2410 2770 3.87 3.39 3.62 0 USGS 3513000 4/5/2005 2990 2320 2670 3.76 3.33 3.55 0 USGS 3513000 4/6/2005 2940 2340 2820 3.73 3.34 3.65 0 USGS 3513000 4/7/2005 3050 2680 2820 3.8 3.57 3.66 0.22 USGS 3513000 4/8/2005 3220 1960 2830 3.9 3.07 3.66 0.04 USGS 3513000 4/9/2005 2950 1750 2210 3.74 2.91 3.24 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/10/2005 2840 1650 2180 3.67 2.83 3.22 0 USGS 3513000 4/11/2005 2840 1650 2100 3.67 2.83 3.16 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/12/2005 2610 1680 2190 3.52 2.86 3.24 0.28 USGS 3513000 4/13/2005 3740 2000 2830 4.2 3.1 3.65 0.51 USGS 3513000 4/14/2005 3940 3070 3480 4.31 3.81 4.05 0.03 USGS 3513000 4/15/2005 3080 2310 2650 3.82 3.32 3.54 0 USGS 3513000 4/16/2005 2730 2040 2360 3.6 3.13 3.35 0 USGS 3513000 4/17/2005 2460 2340 2400 3.42 3.34 3.38 0 USGS 3513000 4/18/2005 2340 1770 2210 3.34 2.93 3.25 0 USGS 3513000 4/19/2005 1850 1660 1730 2.99 2.84 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 4/20/2005 1840 1580 1700 2.98 2.78 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 4/21/2005 1790 1510 1610 2.94 2.72 2.8 0 USGS 3513000 4/22/2005 2460 1600 1890 3.42 2.79 3.01 0.28 USGS 3513000 4/23/2005 2790 1660 2120 3.64 2.84 3.18 0.09 USGS 3513000 4/24/2005 2290 1520 1900 3.31 2.73 3.02 0 USGS 3513000 4/25/2005 2170 1460 1830 3.22 2.68 2.96 0 USGS 3513000 4/26/2005 2350 1490 1970 3.35 2.7 3.07 0.16 USGS 3513000 4/27/2005 2380 1550 2060 3.37 2.75 3.13 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/28/2005 2250 1480 1880 3.28 2.69 3 0.12 USGS 3513000 4/29/2005 2250 1550 1880 3.28 2.75 3 0.02 USGS 3513000 4/30/2005 2310 1680 2100 3.32 2.86 3.17 0.27 USGS 3513000 5/1/2005 2520 1630 2140 3.46 2.82 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 5/2/2005 2290 1520 1860 3.31 2.73 2.99 0 USGS 3513000 5/3/2005 2040 1440 1720 3.13 2.66 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 5/4/2005 1960 1380 1660 3.07 2.61 2.83 0 USGS 3513000 5/5/2005 1880 1380 1560 3.01 2.61 2.75 0.09 USGS 3513000 5/6/2005 1850 1300 1530 2.99 2.54 2.73 0 USGS 3513000 5/7/2005 1830 1260 1480 2.97 2.5 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 5/8/2005 1750 1220 1390 2.91 2.47 2.61 0 USGS 3513000 5/9/2005 1740 1190 1410 2.9 2.44 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 5/10/2005 2010 1190 1520 3.11 2.44 2.72 0.12 USGS 3513000 5/11/2005 2280 1310 1650 3.3 2.55 2.83 0 USGS 3513000 5/12/2005 1790 1230 1420 2.94 2.48 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 5/13/2005 1740 1230 1500 2.9 2.48 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 5/14/2005 1910 1440 1630 3.03 2.66 2.82 0.12 USGS 3513000 5/15/2005 2270 1610 1880 3.29 2.8 3 0.48 USGS 3513000 5/16/2005 2290 1710 2000 3.31 2.88 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 5/17/2005 1710 1300 1440 2.88 2.54 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 5/18/2005 1870 1300 1550 3 2.54 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 5/19/2005 1830 1310 1440 2.97 2.55 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 5/20/2005 4240 1300 3030 4.47 2.54 3.74 1.41 USGS 3513000 5/21/2005 2970 1970 2580 3.75 3.08 3.5 0 USGS 3513000 5/22/2005 2340 1930 2230 3.34 3.05 3.26 0 USGS 3513000 5/23/2005 2170 1570 1830 3.22 2.77 2.97 0 USGS 3513000 5/24/2005 1610 1460 1560 2.8 2.68 2.76 0 USGS 3513000 5/25/2005 1960 1260 1560 3.07 2.5 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 5/26/2005 1770 1180 1380 2.93 2.43 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 5/27/2005 1840 1130 1370 2.98 2.39 2.59 0 USGS 3513000 5/28/2005 1720 1130 1360 2.89 2.39 2.59 0.1 USGS 3513000 5/29/2005 1600 1160 1390 2.79 2.41 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 5/30/2005 1810 1100 1300 2.96 2.36 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 5/31/2005 1490 1080 1220 2.7 2.34 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 6/1/2005 1520 1060 1310 2.73 2.32 2.54 0.36 USGS 3513000 6/2/2005 2520 1400 2040 3.46 2.63 3.12 0.05 USGS 3513000 6/3/2005 2100 1890 1960 3.17 3.02 3.07 0.04 USGS 3513000 6/4/2005 2070 1350 1500 3.15 2.58 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 6/5/2005 1810 1380 1720 2.96 2.61 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 6/6/2005 1840 1100 1330 2.98 2.36 2.56 0.29 USGS 3513000 6/7/2005 1990 1160 1740 3.09 2.41 2.9 0 USGS 3513000 6/8/2005 2350 1320 1840 3.35 2.56 2.97 0 USGS 3513000 6/9/2005 2180 2000 2070 3.23 3.1 3.15 0 USGS 3513000 6/10/2005 2280 1650 2000 3.3 2.83 3.1 0.2 USGS 3513000 6/11/2005 2310 2000 2100 3.32 3.1 3.17 0 USGS 3513000 6/12/2005 8340 1490 2550 6.41 2.7 3.38 0.51 USGS 3513000 6/13/2005 13400 5950 9080 8.38 5.32 6.68 0.03 USGS 3513000 6/14/2005 5950 2650 4420 5.32 3.66 4.56 0 USGS 3513000 6/15/2005 5370 2190 3460 5.04 3.38 4.08 0 USGS 3513000 6/16/2005 2640 2000 2170 3.65 3.26 3.37 0 USGS 3513000 6/17/2005 2220 1950 2030 3.4 3.22 3.28 0 USGS 3513000 6/18/2005 3030 1840 2000 3.87 3.15 3.26 0.3 USGS 3513000 6/19/2005 3170 1890 2160 3.94 3.19 3.35 0 USGS 3513000 6/20/2005 5230 1810 2610 4.97 3.13 3.59 ' 0.17 USGS 3513000 6/21/2005 3490 1770 2450 4.11 3.11 3.53 0 USGS 3513000 6/22/2005 2240 1840 2110 3.41 3.15 3.33 0 USGS 3513000 6/23/2005 1840 1500 1690 3.15 2.9 3.05 0 USGS 3513000 6/24/2005 1710 1620 1670 3.06 3 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 6/25/2005 1650 1580 1620 3.02 2.97 3 0 USGS 3513000 6/26/2005 1650 1550 1590 3.02 2.94 2.98 0.03 USGS 3513000 6/27/2005 1680 1200 1460 3.04 2.64 2.86 0.02 USGS 3513000 6/28/2005 2120 1180 1760 3.34 2.62 3.09 0.02 USGS 3513000 6/29/2005 2560 1870 2150 3.6 3.17 3.35 1.32 USGS 3513000 6/30/2005 2010 1720 1820 3.27 3.07 3.14 0.26 USGS 3513000 7/1/2005 2210 1680 1820 3.39 3.04 3.14 0 USGS 3513000 7/2/2005 1740 1610 1660 3.08 2.99 3.02 0 USGS 3513000 7/3/2005 2120 1550 1720 3.34 2.94 3.06 0.26 USGS 3513000 7/4/2005 1970 1620 1710 3.24 3 3.06 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/5/2005 1960 1610 1750 3.23 2.99 3.09 0 USGS 3513000 7/6/2005 3390 1800 2050 4.06 3.12 3.28 0.03 USGS 3513000 7/7/2005 9140 2970 5790 6.75 3.83 5.21 1.77 USGS 3513000 7/8/2005 5700 3440 4340 5.2 4.08 4.53 0 USGS 3513000 7/9/2005 3740 3390 3550 4.23 4.06 4.14 0.17 USGS 3513000 7/10/2005 3580 2620 3320 4.15 3.64 4.02 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/11/2005 3960 2460 2900 4.34 3.54 3.79 0.43 USGS 3513000 7/12/2005 '4940 3850 4410 4.83 4.29 4.56 0.09 USGS 3513000 7/13/2005 4430 3940 4170 4.57 4.33 4.44 0.52 USGS 3513000 7/14/2005 4140 3520 3720 4.43 4.13 4.22 0.02 USGS 3513000 7/15/2005 3540 3270 3400 4.14 3.99 4.07 0.04 USGS 3513000 7/16/2005 3510 2320 3190 4.12 3.46 3.95 0 USGS 3513000 7/17/2005 2520 2190 2330 3.58 3.38 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 7/18/2005 3740 2100 2240 4.23 3.32 3.4 0 USGS 3513000 7/19/2005 3830 1950 2590 4.28 3.22 3.61 0.09 USGS 3513000 7/20/2005 3020 2120 2590 3.86 3.34 3.62 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/21/2005 3740 2580 2940 4.23 3.61 3.82 0 USGS 3513000 7/22/2005 3920 3150 3550 4.32 3.93 4.14 0 USGS 3513000 7/23/2005 3150 2140 2340 3.93 3.35 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 7/24/2005 2140 2040 2110 3.35 3.28 3.33 0 USGS 3513000 7/25/2005 2040 1760 1860 3.28 3.1 3.16 0 USGS 3513000 7/26/2005 1840 1750 1790 3.15 3.09 3.12 0 USGS 3513000 7/27/2005 1810 1700 1760 3.13 3.05 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 7/28/2005 1880 1440 1680 3.18 2.85 3.04 1.04 USGS 3513000 7/29/2005 2730 1400 2090 3.7 2.82 3.31 0.14 USGS 3513000 7/30/2005 2460 1710 1960 3.54 3.06 3.23 0 USGS 3513000 7/31/2005 2340 1650 1870 3.47 3.02 3.17 0.08 USGS 3513000 8/1/2005 2470 1390 1940 3.55 2.81 3.21 0 USGS 3513000 8/2/2005 1740 1200 1460 3.08 2.64 2.86 0 USGS 3513000 8/3/2005 2190 1170 1570 3.38 2.61 2.94 0 USGS 3513000 8/4/2005 2110 1600 1740 3.33 2.98 3.08 0 USGS 3513000 8/5/2005 1810 1570 1630 3.13 2.96 3 0 USGS 3513000 8/6/2005 1830 1080 1500 3.14 2.53 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 8/7/2005 2120 969 1260 3.34 2.42 2.67 0.3E USGS 3513000 8/8/2005 2120 1520 1850 3.34 2.92 3.15 0.13 USGS 3513000 8/9/2005 1920 1660 1780 3.2 3.03 3.11 0 USGS 3513000 8/10/2005 2530 1340 1780 3.59 2.76 3.09 0 USGS 3513000 8/11/2005 1700 1180 1460 3.05 2.62 2.86 0 USGS 3513000 8/12/2005 1650 1150 1510 3.02 2.59 2.9 0 USGS 3513000 8/13/2005 4110 1110 1650 4.41 2.56 2.98 1.43 USGS 3513000 8/14/2005 3990 1360 2000 4.36 2.78 3.22 0 USGS 3513000 8/15/2005 1740 1170 1500 3.08 2.61 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 8/16/2005 1740 1130 1410 3.08 2.58 2.82 0 USGS 3513000 8/17/2005 2320 1090 1350 3.46 2.54 2.77 0.07 USGS 3513000 8/18/2005 3020 1380 2060 3.86 2.8 3.28 0.65 USGS 3513000 8/19/2005 2810 1970 2290 3.75 3.24 3.44 0.2 USGS 3513000 8/20/2005 2000 1650 1770 3.26 3.02 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 8/21/2005 1660 1390 1540 3.03 2.81 2.93 0 USGS 3513000 8/22/2005 3460 899 1350 4.09 2.35 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 8/23/2005 3460 1060 1630 4.09 2.51 2.96 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/24/2005 1840 979 1360 3.15 2.43 2.77 0.43 USGS 3513000 8/25/2005 2070 1150 1470 3.3 2.59 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 8/26/2005 1520 1060 1250 2.92 2.51 2.68 0 USGS 3513000 8/27/2005 1580 1480 1560 2.97 2.88 2.95 0 USGS 3513000 8/28/2005 1850 1540 1630 3.16 2.93 3 0.28 USGS 3513000 8/29/2005 1840 1600 1680 3.15 2.98 3.04 0.5 USGS 3513000 8/30/2005 6740 1800 4230 5.69 3.12 4.44 0.83 USGS 3513000 8/31/2005 5000 2870 3460 4.86 3.75 4.06 0 USGS 3513000 9/1/2005 3030 2590 2790 3.84 3.58 3.69 0 USGS 3513000 9/2/2005 2590 2100 2460 3.58 3.26 3.49 0 USGS 3513000 9/3/2005 2100 1760 1970 3.26 3.03 3.18 0 USGS 3513000 9/4/2005 1920 1680 1800 3.14 2.97 3.06 0 USGS 3513000 9/5/2005 1760 1660 1700 3.03 2.95 2.98 0 USGS 3513000 9/6/2005 1700 1600 1680 2.98 2.9 2.96 0 USGS 3513000 9/7/2005 1600 1550 1580 2.9 2.86 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 9/8/2005 1600 1500 1550 2.9 2.82 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 9/9/2005 1570 871 1240 2.88 2.24 2.59 0 USGS 3513000 9/10/2005 1540 1040 1390 2.85 2.41 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 9/11/2005 1510 1020 1350 2.83 2.39 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 9/12/2005 1480 969 1180 2.8 2.34 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 9/13/2005 1400 777 1050 2.74 2.14 2.41 0 USGS 3513000 9/14/2005 1350 741 1010 2.69 2.1 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 9/15/2005 1350 713 966 2.69 2.07 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 9/16/2005 1320 713 980 2.67 2.07 2.35 0.3 USGS 3513000 9/17/2005 1380 823 1040 2.72 2.19 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 9/18/2005 1130 695 838 2.5 2.05 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 9/19/2005 1200 677 802 2.56 2.03 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 9/20/2005 1180 660 777 2.54 2.01 2.14 0 USGS 3513000 9/21/2005 1310 660 1080 2.66 2.01 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 9/22/2005 1340 1120 1190 2.68 2.49' 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 9/23/2005 1310 1110 1180 2.66 2.48 2.54 0 USGS 3513000 9/24/2005 1290 741 941 2.64 2.1 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 9/25/2005 741 600 622 2.1 1.94 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 9/26/2005 969 592 740 2.34 1.93 2.09 0.82 USGS 3513000 9/27/2005 1550 722 1050 2.86 2.08 2.4 0.01 USGS 3513000 9/28/2005 1270 642 824 2.62 1.99 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 9/29/2005 1290 634 822 2.64 1.98 2.18 0.16 • USGS 3513000 9/30/2005 1280 634 813 2.63 1.98 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 10/1/2005 1240 631 852 2.58 : 1.96 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 10/2/2005 1020 607 745 2.38 1.93 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 10/3/2005 1010 598 722 2.37 1.92 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 10/4/2005 1210 590 789 2.56 1.91 2.13 0 USGS 3513000 10/5/2005 1240 582 788 2.58 1.9 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 10/6/2005 1580 574 936 2.87 1.89 2.27 0.43 USGS 3513000 10/7/2005 1610 1390 1470 2.89 2.71 2.78 0.46 USGS 3513000 10/8/2005 1760 1390 1590 3.01 2.71 2.87 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/9/2005 1400 1310 1340 2.72 ' 2.64 2.67 0 USGS 3513000 10/10/2005 1410 1290 1310 2.73 2.63 2.64 0.14 USGS 3513000 10/11/2005 1420 656 1070 2.74 1.99 2.41 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/12/2005 1320 615 984 2.65 1.94 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 10/13/2005 1320 656 1080 2.65 1.99 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 10/14/2005 1270 631 1060 2.61 1.96 2.41 0 USGS 3513000 10/15/2005 1270 615 1030 2.61 1.94 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 10/16/2005 1200 598 1010 2.55 1.92 2.35 0 USGS 3513000 10/17/2005 1190 566 936 2.54 1.88 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 10/18/2005 1170 543 788 2.52 1.85 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 10/19/2005 1230 535 725 2.57 1.84 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 10/20/2005 1260 551 887 2.6 1.86 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 10/21/2005 1270 535 886 2.61 1.84 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 10/22/2005 1250 582 935 2.59 1.9 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 10/23/2005 1190 528 818 2.54 1.83 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 10/24/2005 1200 528 858 2.55 1.83 2.2 0.03 USGS 3513000 10/25/2005 940 543 698 2.3 1.85 2.04 0.03 USGS 3513000 10/26/2005 1030 528 673 2.39 1.83 2 0 USGS 3513000 10/27/2005 872 520 653 2.23 1.82 1.98 0 USGS 3513000 10/28/2005 788 497 621 2.14 1.79 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 10/29/2005 743 520 628 2.09 1.82 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 10/30/2005 699 505 544 2.04 1.8 1.85 0 USGS 3513000 10/31/2005 699 505 589 2.04 1.8 1.91 0 USGS 3513000 11/1/2005 699 497 553 2.04 1.79 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 11/2/2005 682 489 550 2.02 1.78 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 11/3/2005 656 482 536 1.99 1.77 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 11/4/2005 673 482 538 2.01 1.77 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 11/5/2005 656 459 521 1.99 1.74 1.82 0 USGS 3513000 11/6/2005 505 474 483 1.8 1.76 1.77 0.04 USGS 3513000 11/7/2005 489 466 478 1.78 1.75 1.76 0 USGS 3513000 11/8/2005 623 459 502 1.95 1.74 1.8 0 USGS 3513000 11/9/2005 615 459 499 1.94 1.74 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 11/10/2005 631 459 559 1.96 1.74 1.87 0.18 USGS 3513000 11/11/2005 699 474 544 2.04 1.76 1.85 0 USGS 3513000 11/12/2005 623 474 508 1.95 1.76 1.8 0 USGS 3513000 11/13/2005 482 474 481 1.77 1.76 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 11/14/2005 881 422 504 2.24 1.69 1.8 0.06 USGS 3513000 11/15/2005 682 482 540 2.02 1.77 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 11/16/2005 1890 482 1150 3.11 1.77 2.46 0.79 USGS 3513000 11/17/2005 1410 623 845 2.73 1.95 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 11/18/2005 1210 615 815 2.56 1.94 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 11/19/2005 1150 566 775 2.5 1.88 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 11/20/2005 1060 520 648 2.42 1.82 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 11/21/2005 1450 559 746 2.76 1.87 2.08 0.93 USGS 3513000 11/22/2005 1450 970 1280 2.76 2.33 2.61 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/23/2005 1370 623 961 .2.7 1.95 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 11/24/2005 1250 582 873 2.59 1.9 2.21 0 USGS 3513000 11/25/2005 1230 582 878 2.57 1.9 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 11/26/2005 1140 520 648 2.49 1.82 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 11/27/2005 734 535 592 2.08 1.84 1.91 0 USGS 3513000 11/28/2005 1360 559 732 2.69 1.87 2.06 0.05 USGS 3513000 11/29/2005 6490 1250 3430 5.63 2.59 3.99 0.87 USGS 3513000 11/30/2005 2720 1750 2170 3.66 3 3.3 0 USGS 3513000 12/1/2005 2210 1430 1640 3.33 2.75 2.92 0 USGS 3513000 12/2/2005 1560 1450 1500 2.85 2.76 2.8 0 USGS 3513000 12/3/2005 1490 1430 1460 2.8 2.75 2.77 0.3 USGS 3513000 12/4/2005 1720 1430 1560 2.98 2.75 2.85 0.51 USGS 3513000 12/5/2005 2250 1310 1700 3.36 2.64 2.95 0.34 USGS 3513000 12/6/2005 2050 1690 1800 3.22 2.96 3.04 0 USGS 3513000 12/7/2005 1710 1070 1410 2.97 2:43 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 12/8/2005 1660 1010 1340 2.93 2.37 2.67 0.61 USGS 3513000 12/9/2005 3110 1660 2320 3.9 2.93 3.4 0.08 USGS 3513000 12/10/2005 1960 1720 1820 3.16 2.98 3.05 0 USGS 3513000 12/11/2005 1720 1620 1670 2.98 2.9 2.94 0 USGS 3513000 12/12/2005 1640 1490 1550 2.92 2.8 2.85 0.05 USGS 3513000 12/13/2005 1520 1020 1320 2.82 2.38 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 12/14/2005 1460 960 1230 2.77 2.32 2.56 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/15/2005 3690 1400 2440 4.23 2.72 3.44 1.16 USGS 3513000 12/16/2005 3350 2060 2550 4.04 3.23 3.55 0 USGS 3513000 12/17/2005 2060 1880 1970 3.23 3.1 3.16 0 USGS 3513000 12/18/2005 1950 1640 1840 3.15 2.92 3.07 0 USGS 3513000 12/19/2005 1730 1310 1630 2.99 2.64 2.91 0 USGS 3513000 12/20/2005 1610 1090 1240 2.89 2.45 2.57 0 USGS 3513000 12/21/2005 1610 1030 1320 2.89 2.39 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 12/22/2005 1570 970 1240 2.86 2.33 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 12/23/2005 1490 950 1170 2.8 2.31 2.52 0 USGS 3513000 12/24/2005 1460 940 1070 2.77 2.3 2.42 0.16 USGS 3513000 12/25/2005 1990 1110 1390 3.18 2.46 2.7 0.29 USGS 3513000 12/26/2005 1930 1150 1470 3.14 2.5 2.78 0.04 USGS 3513000 12/27/2005 1610 1090 1320 2.89 2.45 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 12/28/2005 2060 1120 1380 3.23 2.47 2.7 0.42 USGS 3513000 12/29/2005 2300 1560 1880 3.39 2.85 3.1 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/30/2005 1980 1320 1720 3.17 2.65 2.98 0 USGS 3513000 12/31/2005 1840 1250 1570 3.07 2.59 2.86 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/1/2006 1730 1180 1440 2.99 2.53 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 1/2/2006 4410 1370 2510 4.62 2.7 3.46 1.08 USGS 3513000 1/3/2006 4940 2670 3500 4.88 3.63 4.11 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/4/2006 2960 2100 2440 3.81 3.26 3.48 0 USGS 3513000 1/5/2006 2420 1670 2030 3.47 2.94 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 1/6/2006 2190 1590 1880 3.32 2.88 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 1/7/2006 2000 1430 1750 3.19 2.75 3 0 USGS 3513000 1/8/2006 1880 1290 1480 3.1 2.63 2.78 0 USGS 3513000 1/9/2006 1690 1070 1310 2.96 2.43 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 1/10/2006 1720 960 1290 2.98 2.32 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 1/11/2006 2270 1240 1590 3.37 2.58 2.87 0.27 USGS 3513000 1/12/2006 2060 1130 1510 3.23 2.48 2.8 0 USGS 3513000 1/13/2006 2780 1070 1500 3.7 2.43 2.78 0.59 USGS 3513000 1/14/2006 3130 1990 2370 3.91 3.18 3.44 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/15/2006 2020 1180 1430 3.2 2.53 2.74 0 USGS 3513000 1/16/2006 1770 1130 1330 3.02 2.48 2.65 0.16 USGS 3513000 1/17/2006 12800 1410 3190 8.23 2.73 3.68 1.58 USGS 3513000 1/18/2006 13000 4630 7500 8.3 4.73 6.03 0.06 USGS 3513000 1/19/2006 4630 3350 3850 4.73 4.04 4.31 0 USGS 3513000 1/20/2006 3350 2810 3050 4.04 3.72 3.86 0 USGS 3513000 1/21/2006 3810 2700 3310 4.3 3.65 4.01 0.63 USGS 3513000 1/22/2006 3230 2810 2960 3.97 3.72 3.81 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/23/2006 3250 2830 3080 3.98 3.73 3.88 0.27 USGS 3513000 1/24/2006 3130 2700 2880 3.91 3.65 3.76 0 USGS 3513000 1/25/2006 2720 2060 2330 3.66 3.23 3.41 0 USGS 3513000 1/26/2006 2530 1840 2230 3.54 3.07 3.34 0 USGS 3513000 1/27/2006 2330 1730 2070 3.41 2.99 3.24 0 USGS 3513000 1/28/2006 2250 1630 1970 3.36 2.91 3.16 0 USGS 3513000 1/29/2006 2590 1590 1990 3.58 2.88 3.17 0.21 USGS 3513000 1/30/2006 2340 1450 1820 3.42 2.76 3.05 0.4 USGS 3513000 1/31/2006 2490 1490 2020 3.52 2.8 3.19 0 USGS 3513000 2/1/2006 2130 1370 1800 3.28 2.7 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 2/2/2006 2030 1320 1690 3.21 2.65 2.94 0.08 USGS 3513000 2/3/2006 2120 1420 1880 3.27 2.74 3.1 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/4/2006 3110 1980 2380 3.9 3.17 3.44 0.27 USGS 3513000 2/5/2006 2640 2210 2390 3.61 3.33 3.45 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/6/2006 2270 1470 1950 3.37 2.78 3.14 0.02 USGS 3513000 2/7/2006 2120 1580 1920 3.27 2.87 3.12 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/8/2006 2050 1480 1780 3.22 2.79 3.02 0 USGS 3513000 2/9/2006 1990 1160 1620 3.18 2.51 2.89 0.11 USGS 3513000 2/10/2006 1790 1080 1480 3.03 2.44 2.78 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/11/2006 1800 1190 1570 3.04 2.54 2.85 0.27 USGS 3513000 2/12/2006 1810 1120 1490 3.05 2.47 2.79 0.09 USGS 3513000 2/13/2006 1720 1000 1460 2.98 2.36 2.76 0.03 USGS 3513000 2/14/2006 1760 980 1250 3.01 2.34 2.58 0.04 USGS 3513000 2/15/2006 1770 1060 1340 3.02 2.42 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 2/16/2006 1720 1110 1340 2.98 2.46 2.67 0 USGS 3513000 2/17/2006 2030 1280 1530 3.21 2.62 2.82 0.05 USGS 3513000 2/18/2006 2400 1410 1830 3.46 2.73 3.05 0.36 USGS 3513000 2/19/2006 2180 1280 1700 3.31 2.62 2.96 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/20/2006 1980 1200 1590 3.17 2.55 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 2/21/2006 1850 1190 1520 3.08 2.54 2.82 0 USGS 3513000 2/22/2006 2370 1390 1700 3.44 2.71 2.96 0.49 USGS 3513000 2/23/2006 2590 1720 2170 3.58 2.98 3.3 0.07 USGS 3513000 2/24/2006 2310 1470 1840 3.4 2.78 3.06 0 USGS 3513000 2/25/2006 2100 1370 1720 3.26 2.7 2.97 0 USGS 3513000 2/26/2006 2000 1250 1550 3.19 2.59 2.84 0 USGS 3513000 2/27/2006 1890 1170 1390 3.11 2.52 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 2/28/2006 1790 1360 1530 3.03 2.69 2.83 0 USGS 3513000 3/1/2006 1490 1360 1370 2.8 2.69 2.7 0 USGS 3513000 3/2/2006 1390 1160 1260 2.71 2.51 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 3/3/2006 1760 1130 1310 3.01 2.48 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 3/4/2006 1470 1040 1180 2.78 2.4 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 3/5/2006 1430 1010 1110 2.75 2.37 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 3/6/2006 1390 1020 1090 2.71 2.38 2.44 0.04 USGS 3513000 3/7/2006 1340 950 1040 2.67 2.31 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 3/8/2006 1360 930 1050 2.69 2.29 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 3/9/2006 1260 901 985 2.6 2.26 2.34 0.25 USGS 3513000 3/10/2006 1610 1090 1290 2.89 2.45 2.62 0.04 USGS 3513000 3/11/2006 1490 980 1140 2.8 2.34 2.49 0 USGS 3513000 3/12/2006 1460 960 1140 2.77 2.32 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 3/13/2006 1450 940 1080 2.76 2.3 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 3/14/2006 1450 1020 1140 2.76 2.38 2.49 0.2 USGS 3513000 3/15/2006 1370 910 1030 2.7 2.27 2.38 0 USGS 3513000 3/16/2006 1320 843 982 2.65 2.2 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 3/17/2006 1340 862 988 2.67 2.22 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 3/18/2006 1340 834 958 2.67 2.19 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 3/19/2006 1260 825 934 2.6 2.18 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 3/20/2006 2160 834 1090 3.3 2.19 2.43 0.66 USGS 3513000 3/21/2006 2160 1400 1850 3.3 2.72 3.07 0.19 USGS 3513000 3/22/2006 1790 1070 1320 3.03 2.43 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 3/23/2006 1530 1000 1170 2.83 2.36 2.52 0.07 USGS 3513000 3/24/2006 1460 1000 1160 2.77 2.36 2.51 0.03 USGS 3513000 3/25/2006 1410 970 1090 2.73 2.33 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 3/26/2006 1400 920 1080 2.72 2.28 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 3/27/2006 1360 862 1070 2.69 2.22 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 3/28/2006 1340 901 1050 2.67 2.26 2.41 0 USGS 3513000 3/29/2006 1310 891 985 2.64 2.25 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 3/30/2006 1110 891 935 2.46 2.25 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 3/31/2006 1090 910 955 2.45 2.27 2.31 0.14 USGS 3513000 4/1/2006 1320 940 1180 2.65 2.3 2.53 0.34 USGS 3513000 4/2/2006 1070 960 1010 2.43 2.32 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 4/3/2006 1850 950 1370 3.08 2.31 2.68 0.61 USGS 3513000 4/4/2006 1830 1120 1310 3.06 2.47 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 4/5/2006 1490 1020 1160 2.8 2.38 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 4/6/2006 1270 920 1030 2.61 2.28 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 4/7/2006 990 950 971 2.35 2.31 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 4/8/2006 1520 940 1260 2.82 2.3 2.59 0.61 USGS 3513000 4/9/2006 1400 1090 1210 2.72 2.45 2.56 0 USGS 3513000 4/10/2006 1370 1020 1080 2.7 2.38 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 4/11/2006 1290 960 1030 2.63 2.32 2.38 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/12/2006 970 940 951 2.33 2.3 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 4/13/2006 940 910 925 2.3 2.27 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 4/14/2006 910 881 897 2.27 2.24 2.26 0 USGS 3513000 4/15/2006 1290 862 975 2.63 2.22 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 4/16/2006 1350 834 1000 2.68 2.19 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 4/17/2006 1330 815 973 2.66 2.17 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 4/18/2006 1250 797 896 2.59 2.15 2.25 0 USGS 3513000 4/19/2006 1200 779 1000 2.55 2.13 2.36 0.32 USGS 3513000 4/20/2006 1330 834 1040 2.66 2.19 2.39 0.09 USGS 3513000 4/21/2006 1570 834 1220 2.86 2.19 2.55 0.45 USGS 3513000 4/22/2006 4790 1520 3320 4.81 2.82 3.99 0.92 USGS 3513000 4/23/2006 3080 1760 2460 3.86 2.96 3.46 0 USGS 3513000 4/24/2006 1760 1460 1590 2.96 2.72 2.82 0 USGS 3513000 4/25/2006 1870 1400 1570 3.04 2.67 2.8 0.19 USGS 3513000 4/26/2006 2460 1400 1870 3.47 2.67 3.04 0.44 USGS 3513000 4/27/2006 2780 1710 2120 3.67 2.92 3.22 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/28/2006 2120 1490 1750 3.23 2.75 2.95 0 USGS 3513000 4/29/2006 1960 1360 1620 3.11 2.64 2.85 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/30/2006 1370 1270 1330 2.65 2.56 2.61 0.04 USGS 3513000 5/1/2006 1280 1180 1250 2.57 2.48 2.54 0.05 USGS 3513000 5/2/2006 1630 1150 1320 2.86 2.45 2.6 0.44 USGS 3513000 5/3/2006 1660 1110 1290 2.88 2.41 2.57 0.06 USGS 3513000 5/4/2006 1420 990 1120 2.69 2.3 2.42 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/5/2006 2020 1040 1510 3.16 2.35 2.76 0.23 USGS 3513000 5/6/2006 1810 1030 1400 3 2.34 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 5/7/2006 1490 1010 1170 2.75 2.32 2.46 0.27 USGS 3513000 5/8/2006 1350 1180 1250 2.63 2.48 2.54 0.07 USGS 3513000 5/9/2006 1590 1010 1270 2.83 2.32 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 5/10/2006 1450 980 1090 2.71 2.29 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 5/11/2006 1620 990 1150 2.85 2.3 2.45 0.08 USGS 3513000 5/12/2006 1630 970 1160 2.86 2.28 2.45 0.13 USGS 3513000 5/13/2006 1570 920 1100 2.81 2.23 2.39 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/14/2006 970 910 941 2.28 2.22 2.25 0.02 USGS 3513000 5/15/2006 910 843 887 2.22 2.15 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 5/16/2006 1540 862 1040 2.79 2.17 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 5/17/2006 1540 853 1030 2.79 2.16 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 5/18/2006 1490 843 1020 2.75 2.15 2.32 0.05 USGS 3513000 5/19/2006 1560 853 1060 2.8 2.16 2.35 0 USGS 3513000 5/20/2006 3460 843 1830 4.09 2.15 2.97 0.72 USGS 3513000 5/21/2006 3010 1540 2280 3.82 2.79 3.33 0.05 USGS 3513000 5/22/2006 1830 1350 1550 3.01 2.63 2.79 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/23/2006 1640 1160 1360 2.87 2.46 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 5/24/2006 1730 1160 1500 2.94 2.46 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 5/25/2006 1230 1040 1120 2.52 2.35 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 5/26/2006 1340 1090 1230 2.62 2.4 2.52 0.18 USGS 3513000 5/27/2006 1180 1020 1100 2.48 2.33 2.4 0.06 USGS 3513000 5/28/2006 1420 940 1160 2.69 2.25 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 5/29/2006 1320 901 1050 2.6 2.21 2.36 0.05 USGS 3513000 5/30/2006 1090 930 1070 2.4 2.24 2.37 0.21 USGS 3513000 5/31/2006 1800 881 1230 2.99 2.19 2.52 0.05 USGS 3513000 6/1/2006 1490 1180 1300 2.75 2.48 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 6/2/2006 1330 1090 1210 2.61 2.4 2.5 0.71 USGS 3513000 6/3/2006 1260 1040 1160 2.55 2.35 2.46 0.03 USGS 3513000 6/4/2006 1360 920 1050 2.64 2.23 2.35 0.15 USGS 3513000 6/5/2006 1340 853 994 2.62 2.16 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 6/6/2006 1450 825 973 2.71 2.13 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 6/7/2006 1210 797 905 2.51 2.1 2.21 0 USGS 3513000 6/8/2006 1250 770 891 2.54 2.07 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 6/9/2006 920 761 827 2.23 2.06 2.13 0 USGS 3513000 6/10/2006 1110 725 849 2.42 2.03 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 6/11/2006 1070 716 862 2.39 2.02 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 6/12/2006 843 690 730 2.16 1.99 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 6/13/2006 834 665 703 2.15 1.96 2 0 USGS 3513000 6/14/2006 1080 665 790 2.4 1.96 2.1 0 USGS 3513000 6/15/2006 1040 631 738 2.36 1.92 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 6/16/2006 834 607 667 2.15 1.89 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 6/17/2006 970 598 691 2.29 1.88 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 6/18/2006 761 590 644 2.07 1.87 1.93 0 USGS 3513000 6/19/2006 690 574 596 1.99 1.85 1.88 0.2 USGS 3513000 6/20/2006 761 574 624 2.07 1.85 1.91 0 USGS 3513000 6/21/2006 960 566 660 2.28 1.84 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 6/22/2006 950 551 657 2.27 1.82 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 6/23/2006 1070 543 676 2.39 1.81 1.96 0.63 USGS 3513000 6/24/2006 1170 797 965 2.48 2.11 2.28 0.02 USGS 3513000 6/25/2006 2220 770 1580 3.31 2.08 2.82 0.46 USGS 3513000 6/26/2006 3790 1180 2190 4.29 2.5 3.25 0.86 USGS 3513000 6/27/2006 3480 1710 2210 4.1 2.94 3.3 0 USGS 3513000 6/28/2006 1760 1040 1440 2.98 2.37 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 6/29/2006 1450 980 1130 2.73 2.31 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 6/30/2006 980 891 926 2.31 2.22 2.26 0 USGS 3513000 7/1/2006 1260 862 966 2.57 2.19 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 7/2/2006 862 825 841 2.19 2.15 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 7/3/2006 1250 797 984 2.56 2.12 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 7/4/2006 1460 825 963 2.74 2.15 2.29 0.03 USGS 3513000 7/5/2006 1410 843 1090 2.7 2.17 2.41 1.18 USGS 3513000 7/6/2006 2100 960 1400 3.24 2.29 2.68 0.07 USGS 3513000 7/7/2006 1120 743 908 2.44 2.06 2.24 0 USGS 3513000 7/8/2006 1070 699 846 2.4 2.01 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 7/9/2006 872 656 776 2.2 1.96 2.1 0.39 USGS 3513000 7/10/2006 940 607 685 2.27 1.91 2 0 USGS 3513000 7/11/2006 806 615 737 2.14 1.92 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 7/12/2006 960 590 696 2.3 1.89 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 7/13/2006 960 623 771 2.3 1.93 2.1 0.08 USGS 3513000 7/14/2006 2460 682 993 3.49 2 2.31 1.31 USGS 3513000 7/15/2006 2420 1070 1460 3.45 2.41 2.74 0.04 USGS 3513000 7/16/2006 1140 752 885 2.47 2.08 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 7/17/2006 788 623 670 2.12 1.93 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 7/18/2006 980 598 744 2.32 1.9 2.07 0 USGS 3513000 7/19/2006 950 590 748 2.29 1.89 2.07, 0 USGS 3513000 7/20/2006 1070 623 810 2.41 1.93 2.14' 0.06 USGS 3513000 7/21/2006 1070 725 845 2.41 2.05 2.18 0.33 USGS 3513000 7/22/2006 1710 843 1340 2.95 2.18 2.65 0.77 USGS 3513000 7/23/2006 1160 797 949 2.49 2.13 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 7/24/2006 960 640 762 2.3 1.95 2.09 0.71 USGS 3513000 7/25/2006 1830 788 1300 3.05 2.12 2.61 0 USGS 3513000 7/26/2006 1120 752 936 2.46 2.09 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 7/27/2006 1230 699 908 2.56 2.03 2.25 0.15 USGS 3513000 7/28/2006 940 708 812 2.29 2.04 2.16. 0.05 USGS 3513000 7/29/2006 1310 690 847 2.63 2.02 2.18' 0.3 USGS 3513000 7/30/2006 1060 716 827 2.41 2.05 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 7/31/2006 872 623 697 2.22 1.94 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 8/1/2006 1010 574 679 2.36 1.88 2 0 USGS 3513000 8/2/2006 960 574 699 2.31 1.88 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 8/3/2006 970 590 729 2.32 1.9 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 8/4/2006 815 607 711 2.16 1.92 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 8/5/2006 1020 607 786 2.37 1.92 2.12 0.54 USGS 3513000 8/6/2006 834 566 638 2.18 1.87 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 8/7/2006 743 566 622 2.08 1.87 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 8/8/2006 743 543 637 2.08 1.84 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 8/9/2006 910 528 650 2.26 1.82 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 8/10/2006 1050 512 731 2.41 1.81 2.06 0.23 USGS 3513000 8/11/2006 843 615 732 2.2 1.94 2.08 0.13 USGS 3513000 8/12/2006 1310 615 847 2.64 1.94 2.19 0.02 USGS 3513000 8/13/2006 970 631 742 2.33 1.96 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 8/14/2006 690 520 571 2.03 1.82 1.88 0 USGS 3513000 8/15/2006 1150 512 659 2.5 1.81 1.98 0.65 USGS 3513000 8/16/2006 1000 648 825 2.36 1.98 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 8/17/2006 901 582 687 2.26 1.9 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 8/18/2006 708 512 618 2.05 1.81 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 8/19/2006 872 505 627 2.23 1.8 1.95 0.07 USGS 3513000 8/20/2006 1710 648 975 2.97 1.98 2.32 0.08 USGS 3513000 8/21/2006 1390 690 951 2.71 2.03 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 8/22/2006 901 623 732 2.26 1.95 2.08 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/23/2006 1150 665 840 2.5 2 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 8/24/2006 1110 598 785 2.46 1.92 2.13 0 USGS 3513000 8/25/2006 815 566 671 2.17 1.88 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 8/26/2006 1050 543 761 2.41 1.85 2.1 0 USGS 3513000 8/27/2006 716 512 615 2.06 1.81 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 8/28/2006 648 482 587 1.98 1.77 1.9 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/29/2006 734 520 630 2.08 1.82 1.96 0.34 USGS 3513000 8/30/2006 881 535 627 2.24 1.84 1.95 0.06 USGS 3513000 8/31/2006 3510 543 962 4.13 1.85 2.25 1.07 USGS 3513000 9/1/2006 3460 1090 1600 4.1 2.45 2.85 0 USGS 3513000 9/2/2006 1170 872 1030 2.52 2.23 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 9/3/2006 1360 910 1150 2.69 2.27 2.5 0.31 USGS 3513000 9/4/2006 1250 815 1050 2.59 2.17 2.41 0.02 USGS 3513000 9/5/2006 1890 901 1340 3.11 2.26 2.65 0.18 USGS 3513000 9/6/2006 1270 853 1120 2.61 2.21 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 9/7/2006 1180 797 997 2.53 2.15 2.35 0 USGS 3513000 9/8/2006 1290 725 1080 2.63 2.07 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 9/9/2006 1320 825 1170 2.65 2.18 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 9/10/2006 1190 806 939 2.54 2.16 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 9/11/2006 1210 788 969 2.56 2.14 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 9/12/2006 1210 770 1080 2.56 2.12 2.43 0.03 USGS 3513000 9/13/2006 1880 872 1340 3.1 2.23 2.65 0.7 USGS 3513000 9/14/2006 1620 990 1300 2.9 2.35 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 9/15/2006 1340 779 1090 2.67 2.13 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 9/16/2006 1250 682 1050 2.59 2.02 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 9/17/2006 950 590 696 2.31 1.91 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 9/18/2006 1180 607 1020 2.53 1.93 2.38 0.3 USGS 3513000 9/19/2006 1390 788 1120 2.71 2.14 2.46 0.08 USGS 3513000 9/20/2006 1190 761 998 2.54 2.11 2.35 0 USGS 3513000 9/21/2006 1160 682 953 2.51 2.02 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 9/22/2006 1140 559 912 2.49 1.87 2.26 0.43 USGS 3513000 9/23/2006 1310 797 1050 2.64 2.15 2.4 0.39 USGS 3513000 9/24/2006 3980 872 2820 4.39 2.23 3.67 1.44 USGS 3513000 9/25/2006 3270 1510 2440 3.99 2.81 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 9/26/2006 1880 1060 1390 3.1 2.42 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 9/27/2006 1540 1040 1450 2.84 2.4 2.76 0 USGS 3513000 9/28/2006 1410 1090 1330 2.73 2.45 2.66 0.2 USGS 3513000 9/29/2006 1450 834 1160 2.76 2.19 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 9/30/2006 1400 825 1220 2.72 2.18 2.56 0 USGS 3513000 10/1/2006 1170 732 840 2.51 2.08 2.19 0.11 USGS 3513000 10/2/2006 1130 659 764 2.47 2 2.11 0 USGS 3513000 10/3/2006 857 650 755 2.21 1.99 2.1 0 USGS 3513000 10/4/2006 837 632 732 2.19 1.97 2.08 0 USGS 3513000 10/5/2006 808 614 712 2.16 1.95 2.06 0.2 USGS 3513000 10/6/2006 989 667 833 2.34 2.01 2.18 0.2 USGS 3513000 10/7/2006 788 597 656 2.14 1.93 2 0 USGS 3513000 10/8/2006 779 597 702 2.13 1.93 2.05 0 USGS 3513000 10/9/2006 1150 580 876 2.49 1.91 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 10/10/2006 917 614 735 2.27 1.95 2.08 0 USGS 3513000 10/11/2006 798 563 690 2.15 1.89 2.03 0.17 USGS 3513000 10/12/2006 937 713 817 2.29 2.06 2.17 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/13/2006 760 580 693 2.11 1.91 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 10/14/2006 732 538 667 2.08 1.86 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 10/15/2006 722 521 640 2.07 1.84 1.98 0 USGS 3513000 10/16/2006 760 521 636 2.11 1.84 1.97 0.58 USGS 3513000 10/17/2006 5720 760 3120 5.32 2.11 3.77 1.69 USGS 3513000 10/18/2006 3810 1550 2450 4.32 2.83 3.46 0 USGS 3513000 10/19/2006 1610 1380 1490 2.88 2.69 2.78 0.36 USGS 3513000 10/20/2006 1810 1280 1580 3.03 2.6 2.85 0 USGS 3513000 10/21/2006 1810 1210 1470 3.03 2.54 2.76 0 USGS 3513000 10/22/2006 1550 1200 1290 2.83 2.53 2.61 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/23/2006 1350 1080 1160 2.66 2.43 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 10/24/2006 1380 837 1020 2.69 2.19 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 10/25/2006 1310 876 1040 2.63 2.23 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 10/26/2006 1260 837 1020 2.59 2.19 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 10/27/2006 2950 886 1370 3.81 2.24 2.65 0.75 USGS 3513000 10/28/2006 2920 1890 2360 3.79 3.09 3.42 0 USGS 3513000 10/29/2006 2160 1430 1790 3.29 2.73 3.01 0 USGS 3513000 10/30/2006 1650 1290 1380 2.91 2.61 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 10/31/2006 1370 1200 1250 2.68 2.53 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 11/1/2006 1220 1010 1140 2.55 2.36 2.48 0.28 USGS 3513000 11/2/2006 1700 1170 1410 2.95 2.51 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 11/3/2006 1500 1050 1170 2.79 2.4 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 11/4/2006 1410 817 1020 2.71 2.17 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 11/5/2006 1370 798 989 2.68 2.15 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 11/6/2006 1360 769 961 2.67 2.12 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 11/7/2006 1600 779 966 2.87 2.13 2.31 0.68 USGS 3513000 11/8/2006 2740 1250 1660 3.68 2.58 2.9 0.02 USGS 3513000 11/9/2006 2240 937 1540 3.34 2.29 2.81 0 USGS 3513000 11/10/2006 1780 1000 1320 3.01. 2.35 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 11/11/2006 1920 989 1220 3.11 2.34 2.54 0.23 USGS 3513000 11/12/2006 1840 1010 1310 3.05 2.36 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 11/13/2006 1550 937 1160 2.83 2.29 2.49 0 USGS 3513000 11/14/2006 1500 886 1080 2.79 2.24 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 11/15/2006 4610 968 1650 4.76 2.32 2.84 1.23 USGS 3513000 11/16/2006 5950 3600 4740 5.43 4.2 4.82 0.16 USGS 3513000 11/17/2006 3600 2650 3020 4.2 3.62 3.85 0 USGS 3513000 11/18/2006 2670 2310 2470 3.63 3.39 3.5 0 USGS 3513000 11/19/2006 2320 1650 2140 3.4 2.91 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 11/20/2006 1890 1480 1580 3.09 2.77 2.85 0 USGS 3513000 11/21/2006 1510 1350 1410 2.8 2.66 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 11/22/2006 1770 1320 1600 3 2.64 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 11/23/2006 1820 1220 1640 3.04 2.55 2.9 0 USGS 3513000 11/24/2006 1610 1170 1280 2.88 2.51 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 11/25/2006 1580 1130 1260 2.85 2.47 2.59 0 USGS 3513000 11/26/2006 1540 1070 1230 2.82 2.42 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 11/27/2006 1510 1040 1200 2.8 2.39 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 11/28/2006 1490 1020 1170 2.78 2.37 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 11/29/2006 1530 1010 1200 2.81 2.36 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 11/30/2006 1920 837 1100 3.11 2.19 2.43 0.23 USGS 3513000 12/1/2006 2350 1210 1590 3.42 2.54 2.85 0.17 USGS 3513000 12/2/2006 2190 1760 1880 3.31 2.99 3.09 0 USGS 3513000 12/3/2006 1780 1720 1750 3.01 2.96 2.98 0 USGS 3513000 12/4/2006 1720 1020 1460 2.96 2.37 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 12/5/2006 1550 897 1080 2.83 2.25 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 12/6/2006 1530 866 1130 2.81 2.22 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 12/7/2006 1510 837 1110 2.8 2.19 2.45 0 USGS 3513000 12/8/2006 1530 947 1180 2.81 2.3 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 12/9/2006 1450 937 1140 2.75 2.29 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 12/10/2006 1430 968 1100 2.73 2.32 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 12/11/2006 1390 958 1080 2.7 2.31 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 12/12/2006 1420 732 916 2.72 2.08 2.26 0.04 USGS 3513000 12/13/2006 1440 779 944 2.74 2.13 2.29 0.09 USGS 3513000 12/14/2006 1350 722 894 2.66 2.07 2.24 0 USGS 3513000 12/15/2006 1320 704 871 2.64 2.05 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 12/16/2006 1310 677 854 2.63 2.02 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 12/17/2006 1300 667 833 2.62 2.01 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 12/18/2006 1280 650 819 2.6 1.99 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 12/19/2006 1280 650 832 2.6 1.99 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 12/20/2006 1260 641 826 2.59 1.98 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 12/21/2006 1260 650 831 2.59 1.99 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 12/22/2006 3410 750 1520 4.09 2.1 2.73 0.75 USGS 3513000 12/23/2006 2440 1590 1900 3.48 2.86 3.09 0.03 USGS 3513000 12/24/2006 1780 1140 1490 3.01 2.48 2.78 0 USGS 3513000 12/25/2006 1970 1320 1590 3.15 2.64 2.86 0.3 USGS 3513000 12/26/2006 1890 1160 1500 3.09 2.5 2.79 0.06 USGS 3513000 12/27/2006 1780 798 1370 3.01 2.15 2.68 0 USGS 3513000 12/28/2006 1700 1160 1520 2.95 2.5 2.8 0 USGS 3513000 12/29/2006 1650 1110 1440 2.91 2.45 2.73 0 USGS 3513000 12/30/2006 1580 1100 1330 2.85 2.44 2.64 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/31/2006 5340 1140 1720 5.13 2.48 2.9 0.51 USGS 3513000 1/1/2007 8620 3380 5100 6.61 4.07 4.97 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/2/2007 3380 2640 2940 4.07 3.61 3.8 0 USGS 3513000 1/3/2007 2650 2310 2430 3.62 3.39 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 1/4/2007 2310 2120 2210 3.39 3.26 3.32 0 USGS 3513000 1/5/2007 2730 2120 2320 3.67 3.26 3.4 0.31 USGS 3513000 1/6/2007 2730 2210 2420 3.67 3.32 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 1/7/2007 4410 2150 2480 4.65 3.28 3.49 0.94 USGS 3513000 1/8/2007 5440 3440 4250 5.18 4.11 4.56 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/9/2007 3460 2970 3090 4.12 3.82 3.9 0.09 USGS 3513000 1/10/2007 2980 2500 2720 3.83 3.52 3.67 0 USGS 3513000 1/11/2007 2520 2380 2450 3.53 3.44 3.48 0 USGS 3513000 1/12/2007 2400 2160 2240 3.45 3.29 3.34 0 USGS 3513000 1/13/2007 2240 2120 2190 3.34 3.26 3.31 0 USGS 3513000 1/14/2007 2140 2070 2090 3.27 3.22 3.24 0 USGS 3513000 1/15/2007 2080 1920 2010 3.23 3.11 3.18 0.08 USGS 3513000 1/16/2007 2140 1510 1890 3.27 2.8 3.09 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/17/2007 1820 1360 1500 3.04 2.67 2.79 0 USGS 3513000 1/18/2007 1860. 1330 1580 3.07 2.65 2.84 0.02 USGS 3513000 1/19/2007 1860 1310 1550 3.07 2.63 2.83 0 USGS 3513000 1/20/2007 1800 1240 1540 3.02 2.57 2.81 0 USGS 3513000 1/21/2007 3190 1250 1760 3.96 2.58 2.97 0.95 USGS 3513000 1/22/2007 3230 1780 2240 3.98 3.01 3.33 0 USGS 3513000 1/23/2007 2190 1540 1930 3.31 2.82 3.12 0 USGS 3513000 1/24/2007 2020 1450 1820 3.19 2.75 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 1/25/2007 1930 1380 1620 3.12 2.69 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 1/26/2007 1820 1300 1530 3.04 2.62 2.81 0 USGS 3513000 1/27/2007 1740 1290 1420 2.98 2.61 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 1/28/2007 1760 1260 1400 2.99 2.59 2.7 0 USGS 3513000 1/29/2007 1680 1100 1330 2.93 2.44 2.64 0 USGS 3513000 1/30/2007 1680 1160 1330 2.93 2.5 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 1/31/2007 1650 1080 1270 2.91 2.43 2.59 0 USGS 3513000 2/1/2007 1650 1130 1340 2.91 2.47 2.65 0.14 USGS 3513000 2/2/2007 1650 1130 1300 2.91 2.47 2.62 0.03 USGS 3513000 2/3/2007 1510 1050 1170 2.8 2.4 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 2/4/2007 1350 827 1010 2.66 2.18 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 2/5/2007 1350 798 957 2.66 2.15 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 2/6/2007 1370 857 996 2.68 2.21 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 2/7/2007 1480 817 947 2.77 2.17 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 2/8/2007 1470 798 1090 2.76 2.15 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 2/9/2007 1420 769 958 2.72 2.12 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 2/10/2007 1410 750 977 2.71 2.1 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 2/11/2007 1390 722 958 2.7 2.07 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 2/12/2007 1380 732 940 2.69 2.08 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 2/13/2007 1390 722 914 2.7 2.07 2.26 0.07 USGS 3513000 2/14/2007 1440 897 1100 2.74 2.25 2.44 0.16 USGS 3513000 2/15/2007 1330 722 1020 2.65 2.07 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 2/16/2007 1240 677 958 2.57 2.02 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 2/17/2007 1150 667 795 2.49 2.01 2.14 0 USGS 3513000 2/18/2007 1210 695 818 2.54 2.04 2.17 0.03 USGS 3513000 2/19/2007 1220 667 844 2.55 2.01 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 2/20/2007 1200 686 838 2.53 2.03 2.18 0.28 USGS 3513000 2/21/2007 1840 1000 1310 3.05 2.35 2.62 0.42 USGS 3513000 2/22/2007 1670 886 1280 2.92 2.24 2.59 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/23/2007 1590 798 1170 2.86 2.15 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 2/24/2007 1370 769 988 2.68 2.12 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 2/25/2007 2380 769 1310 3.44 2.12 2.6 0.54 USGS 3513000 2/26/2007 1720 1030 1270 2.96 2.38 2.59 0 USGS 3513000 2/27/2007 1610 927 1160 2.88 2.28 2.49 0 USGS 3513000 2/28/2007 1600 937 1360 2.87 2.29 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 3/1/2007 4560 1290 1980 4.73 2.61 3.1 1.3 USGS 3513000 3/2/2007 5930 3310 4510 5.42 4.03 4.69 0 USGS 3513000 3/3/2007 3330 2530 2870 4.04 3.54 3.76 0 USGS 3513000 3/4/2007 2550 1600 2150 3.55 2.87 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 3/5/2007 2190 1380 1750 3.31 2.69 2.98 0 USGS 3513000 3/6/2007 1820 1240 1440 3.04 2.57 2.74 0 USGS 3513000 3/7/2007 1820 937 1390 3.04 2.29 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 3/8/2007 1690 1080 1290 2.94 2.43 2.61 0 USGS 3513000 3/9/2007 1600 1030 1220 2.87 2.38 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 3/10/2007 1610 1000 1140 2.88 2.35 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 3/11/2007 1590 968 1120 2.86 2.32 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 3/12/2007 1450 837 1050 2.75 2.19 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 3/13/2007 1430 857 1030 2.73 2.21 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 3/14/2007 1480 876 1030 2.77 2.23 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 3/15/2007 1480 695 1070 2.77 2.04 2.4 0.46 USGS 3513000 3/16/2007 4370 1480 3310 4.63 2.77 3.99 1.46 USGS 3513000 3/17/2007 2870 2240 2430 3.76 3.34 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 3/18/2007 2280 1640 2140 3.37 2.9 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 3/19/2007 1820 1260 1440 3.04 2.59 2.74 0 USGS 3513000 3/20/2007 1760 1200 1320 2.99 2.53 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 3/21/2007 1700 1130 1260 2.95 2.47 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 3/22/2007 1700 1070 1210 2.95 2.42 2.54 0 USGS 3513000 3/23/2007 1600 1040 1180 2.87 2.39 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 3/24/2007 1640 1000 1220 2.9 2.35 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 3/25/2007 1150 958 1010 2.49 2.31 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 3/26/2007 1440 937 1090 2.74 2.29 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 3/27/2007 1390 917 1020 2.7 2.27 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 3/28/2007 1350 886 996 2.66 2.24 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 3/29/2007 1500 876 1000 2.79 2.23 2.35 0.12 USGS 3513000 3/30/2007 1420 886 1020 2.72 2.24 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 3/31/2007 1050 847 885 2.4 2.2 2.24 0 USGS 3513000 4/1/2007 1450 847 1170 2.75 2.2 2.5 0.68 USGS 3513000 4/2/2007 1820 1110 1420 3.04 2.45 2.71 0 USGS 3513000 4/3/2007 1470 968 1130 2.76 2.32 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 4/4/2007 1730 1260 1430 2.97 2.59 2.73 0.54 USGS 3513000 4/5/2007 1590 1040 1220 2.86 2.39 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 4/6/2007 1470 979 1130 2.76 2.33 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 4/7/2007 1380 937 1060 2.69 2.29 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 4/8/2007 1120 897 941 2.46 2.25 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 4/9/2007 1210 876 928 2.54 2.23 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 4/10/2007 1120 866 905 2.46 2.22 2.26 0 USGS 3513000 4/11/2007 1200 866 938 2.53 2.22 2.29 0.26 USGS 3513000 4/12/2007 1770 968 1260 3 2.32 2.58 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/13/2007 1470 917 1060 2.76 2.27 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 4/14/2007 1540 907 1300 2.82 2.26 2.61 0.18 USGS 3513000 4/15/2007 2140 1410 1690 3.27 2.71 2.94 0.04 . USGS 3513000 4/16/2007 1410 1100 1200 2.71 2.44 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 4/17/2007 1530 1030 1190 2.81 2.38 2.52 0 USGS 3513000 4/18/2007 1470 1020 1120 2.76 2.37 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 4/19/2007 1500 1000 1150 2.79 2.35 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 4/20/2007 1470 1010 1180 2.76 2.36 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 4/21/2007 1210 947 1040 2.54 2.3 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 4/22/2007 1230 886 986 2.56 2.24 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 4/23/2007 1330 857 973 2.65 2.21 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 4/24/2007 1220 837 924 2.55 2.19 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 4/25/2007 1240 817 916 2.57 2.17 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 4/26/2007 1300 808 1020 2.62 2.16 2.37 0.13 USGS 3513000 4/27/2007 1530 917 1120 2.81 2.27 2.46 0.1 USGS 3513000 4/28/2007 1310 837 960 2.63 2.19 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 4/29/2007 1250 798 916 2.58 2.15 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 4/30/2007 1150 779 861 2.49 2.13 2.21 0 USGS 3513000 5/1/2007 1120 750 840 2.46 2.1 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 5/2/2007 1080 741 815 2.43 2.09 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 5/3/2007 1100 732 812 2.44 2.08 2.16 0.02 USGS 3513000 5/4/2007 1200 741 892 2.53 2.09 2.24 0.02 USGS 3513000 5/5/2007 1250 788 1020 2.58 2.14 2.37 0.67 USGS 3513000 5/6/2007 1530 876 1120 2.81 2.23 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 5/7/2007 1220 788 899 2.55 2.14 2.25 0 USGS 3513000 5/8/2007 1310 760 924 2.63 2.11 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 5/9/2007 1240 750 949 2.57 2.1 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 5/10/2007 1130 722 831 2.47 2.07 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 5/11/2007 1200 713 887 2.53 2.06 2.24 0.05 USGS 3513000 5/12/2007 1360 837 1070 2.67 2.19 2.41 0 USGS 3513000 5/13/2007 1250 732 938 2.58 2.08 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 5/14/2007 1140 695 866 2.48 2.04 2.21 0 USGS 3513000 5/15/2007 1160 667 857 2.5 2.01 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 5/16/2007 1070 659 810 2.42 2 2.16 0.1 USGS 3513000 5/17/2007 1200 667 859 • 2.53 2.01 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 5/18/2007 917 623 697 2.27 1.96 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 5/19/2007 897 623 716 2.25 1.96 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 5/20/2007 897 632 717 2.25 1.97 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 5/21/2007 897 588 668 2.25 1.92 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 5/22/2007 847 571 637 2.2 1.9 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 5/23/2007 979 571 711 2.33 1.9 2.05 0 USGS 3513000 5/24/2007 857 563 634 2.21 1.89 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 5/25/2007 827 530 614 2.18 1.85 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 5/26/2007 989 546 697 2.34 1.87 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 5/27/2007 1120 546 689 2.46 1.87 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 5/28/2007 808 538 639 2.16 1.86 1.98 0 USGS 3513000 5/29/2007 732 521 604 2.08 1.84 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 5/30/2007 741 513 601 2.09 1.83 1.93 0 USGS 3513000 5/31/2007 788 497 605 2.14 1.81 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 6/1/2007 827 521 657 2.18 1.84 2 0.46 USGS 3513000 6/2/2007 779 546 642 2.13 1.87 1.98 0 USGS 3513000 6/3/2007 937 505 626 2.29 1.82 1.96 0.13 USGS 3513000 6/4/2007 677 521 566 2.02 1.84 1.89 0 USGS 3513000 6/5/2007 917 489 592 2.27 1.8 1.92 0 USGS 3513000 6/6/2007 897 473 592 2.25 1.78 1.92 0 USGS 3513000 6/7/2007 876 450 577 2.23 1.75 1.9 0 USGS 3513000 6/8/2007 614 442 493 1.95 1.74 1.8 0 USGS 3513000 6/9/2007 677 489 561 2.02 1.8 1.89 0 USGS 3513000 6/10/2007 788 427 521 2.14 1.72 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 6/11/2007 571 419 443 1.9 1.71 1.74 0 USGS 3513000 6/12/2007 580 412 438 1.91 1.7 1.73 0 USGS 3513000 6/13/2007 837 435 535 2.19 1.73 1.85 0 USGS 3513000 6/14/2007 847 419 538 2.2 1.71 1.85 0.01 USGS 3513000 6/15/2007 847 580 681 2.2 1.91 2.02 0.05 USGS 3513000 6/16/2007 866 450 564 2.22 1.75 1.88 0 USGS 3513000 6/17/2007 623 419 484 1.96 1.71 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 6/18/2007 667 412 488 2.01 1.7 1.8 0.11 USGS 3513000 6/19/2007 1200 435 784 2.53 1.73 2.12 2.88 USGS 3513000 6/20/2007 1250 695 1030 2.58 2.04 2.38 0.01 USGS 3513000 6/21/2007 808 340 557 2.16 1.6 1.88 0 USGS 3513000 6/22/2007 606 397 465 1.94 1.68 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 6/23/2007 779 412 543 2.13 1.7 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 6/24/2007 597 397 469 1.93 1.68 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 6/25/2007 513 375 426 1.83 1.65 1.72 0.11 USGS 3513000 6/26/2007 641 405 523 1.98 1.69 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 6/27/2007 886 435 555 2.24 1.73 1.87 0 USGS 3513000 6/28/2007 817 427 595 2.17 1.72 1.92 0 USGS 3513000 6/29/2007 1100 597 743 2.44 1.93 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 6/30/2007 1060 538 846 2.41 1.86 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 7/1/2007 623 412 517 1.96 1.7 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 7/2/2007 808 383 489 2.16 1.66 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 7/3/2007 588 383 458 1.92 1.66 1.76 0 USGS '3513000 7/4/2007 769 361 474 2.12 1.63 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 7/5/2007 750 340 464 2.1 1.6 1.76 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/6/2007 546 313 415 1.87 1.56 1.7 0 USGS 3513000 7/7/2007 769 340 471 2.12 1.6 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 7/8/2007 788 383 518 2.14 1.66 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 7/9/2007 546 333 390 1.87 1.59 1.67 0 USGS 3513000 7/10/2007 686 375 497 2.03 1.65 1.81 0.25 USGS 3513000 7/11/2007 1330 419 786 2.65 1.71 2.11 2.01 USGS 3513000 7/12/2007 1110 632 847 2.45 1.97 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 7/13/2007 632 405 521 1.97 1.69 1.84 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/14/2007 958 390 580 2.31 1.67 1.9 0 USGS 3513000 7/15/2007 614 375 495 1.95 1.65 1.8 0 USGS 3513000 7/16/2007 571 368 462 1.9 1.64 1.76 0 USGS 3513000 7/17/2007 917 347 527 2.27 1.61 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 7/18/2007 1110 390 613 2.45 1.67 1.94 0.38 USGS 3513000 7/19/2007 1020 538 702 2.37 1.86 2.04 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/20/2007 808 513 652 2.16 1.83 1.99 0.92 USGS 3513000 7/21/2007 937 465 630 2.29 1.77 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 7/22/2007 623 383 484 1.96 1.66 1.79 0.34 USGS 3513000 7/23/2007 588 405 483 1.92 1.69 1.79 0.09 USGS 3513000 7/24/2007 958 405 562 2.31 1.69 1.88 0.31 USGS 3513000 7/25/2007 989 481 682 2.34 1.79 2.02 0.41 USGS 3513000 7/26/2007 1050 650 795 2.4 1.99 2.14 0 USGS 3513000 7/27/2007 917 580 744 2.27 1.91 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 7/28/2007 2020 530 1200 3.19 1.85 2.49 1.05 USGS 3513000 7/29/2007 1300 732 940 2.62 2.08 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 7/30/2007 857 667 729 2.21 2.01 2.08 0 USGS 3513000 7/31/2007 1330 667 1020 2.65 2.01 2.35 0.15 USGS 3513000 8/1/2007 1770 750 1380 3 2.1 2.68 0.06 USGS 3513000 8/2/2007 1360 897 1150 2.67 2.25 2.49 0 USGS 3513000 8/3/2007 1120 713 853 2.46 2.06 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 8/4/2007 1110 555 724 2.45 1.88 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 8/5/2007 686 473 548 2.03 1.78 1.87 0 USGS 3513000 8/6/2007 623 442 501 1.96 1.74 1.81 0 USGS 3513000 8/7/2007 979 458 597 2.33 1.76 1.92 0 USGS 3513000 8/8/2007 947 390 532 2.3 1.67 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 8/9/2007 788 397 539 2.14 1.68 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 8/10/2007 857 354 524 2.21 1.62 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 8/11/2007 750 412 542 2.1 1.7 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 8/12/2007 571 354 425 1.9 1.62 1.72 0 USGS 3513000 8/13/2007 450 319 351 1.75 1.57 1.61 0 USGS 3513000 8/14/2007 481 280 324 1.79 1.51 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 8/15/2007 667 299 380 2.01 1.54 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 8/16/2007 632 293 397 1.97 1.53 1.67 0 USGS 3513000 8/17/2007 505 299 364 1.82 1.54 1.63 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/18/2007 623 293 368 1.96 1.53 1.63 0 USGS 3513000 8/19/2007 497 280 346 1.81 1.51 1.61 0 USGS 3513000 8/20/2007 397 273 305 1.68 1.5 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 8/21/2007 538 267 313 1.86 1.49 1.56 0.54 USGS 3513000 8/22/2007 695 326 407 2.04 1.58 1.69 0 USGS 3513000 8/23/2007 650 293 395 1.99 1.53 1.67 0 USGS 3513000 8/24/2007 513 299 372 1.83 1.54 1.64 0.25 USGS 3513000 8/25/2007 722 340 468 2.07 1.6 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 8/26/2007 713 319 461 2.06 1.57 1.76 0 USGS 3513000 8/27/2007 481 306 391 1.79 1.55 1.67 0.12 USGS 3513000 8/28/2007 521 319 364 1.84 1.57 1.63 0 USGS 3513000 8/29/2007 695 319 437 2.04 1.57 1.73 0 USGS 3513000 8/30/2007 741 397 514 2.09 1.68 1.83 0.02 USGS 3513000 8/31/2007 741 497 570 2.09 1.81 1.9 0 USGS 3513000 9/1/2007 866 465 619 2.22 1.77 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 9/2/2007 750 390 508 2.1 1.67 1.82 0 USGS 3513000 9/3/2007 722 354 483 2.07 1.62 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 9/4/2007 521 319 400 1.84 1.57 1.68 0 USGS 3513000 9/5/2007 319 273 287 1.57 1.5 1.52 0 USGS 3513000 9/6/2007 280 267 270 1.51 1.49 1.49 0 USGS 3513000 9/7/2007 267 261 263 1.49 1.48 1.48 0 USGS 3513000 9/8/2007 412 255 278 1.7 1.47 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 9/9/2007 383 255 287 1.66 1.47 1.52 0 USGS 3513000 9/10/2007 261 242 252 1.48 1.45 1.47 0 USGS 3513000 9/11/2007 313 236 252 1.56 1.44 1.47 0.04 USGS 3513000 9/12/2007 267 248 262 1.49 1.46 1.48 0 USGS 3513000 9/13/2007 267 236 255 1.49 1.44 1.47 0 USGS 3513000 9/14/2007 2010 248 678 3.18 1.46 1.92 1.45 USGS 3513000 9/15/2007 2250 555 1400 3.35 1.88 2.68 0.01 USGS 3513000 9/16/2007 750 375 498 2.1 1.65 1.81 0 USGS 3513000 9/17/2007 641 340 417 1.98 1.6 1.7 0 USGS 3513000 9/18/2007 340 313 320 1.6 1.56 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 9/19/2007 760 306 447 2.11 1.55 1.73 0 USGS 3513000 9/20/2007 497 293 348 1.81 1.53 1.61 0 USGS 3513000 9/21/2007 497 280 341 1.81 1.51 1.6 0 USGS 3513000 9/22/2007 458 280 353 1.76 1.51 1.62 0 USGS 3513000 9/23/2007 412 280 312 1.7 1.51 1.56 0.01 USGS 3513000 9/24/2007 286 267 275 1.52 1.49 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 9/25/2007 419 267 308 1.71 1.49 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 9/26/2007 481 267 328 1.79 1.49 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 9/27/2007 538 267 342 1.86 1.49 1.6 0 USGS 3513000 9/28/2007 458 261 322 1.76 1.48 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 9/29/2007 397 248 274 1.68 1.46 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 9/30/2007 390 248 292 1.67 1.46 1.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/1/2007 375 242 278 1.65 1.45 1.51 0 USGS 3513000 10/2/2007 465 242 303 1.77 1.45 1.54 0 USGS 3513000 10/3/2007 465 248 315 1.77 1.46 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 10/4/2007 489 261 334 1.8 1.48 1.59 0.22 USGS 3513000 10/5/2007 489 333 396 1.8 1.59 1.68 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/6/2007 435 280 320 1.73 1.51 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 10/7/2007 412 273 330 1.7 1.5 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 10/8/2007 442 261 320 1.74 1.48 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 10/9/2007 538 261 336 1.86 1.48 1.59 0 USGS 3513000 10/10/2007 588 273 374 1.92 1.5 1.64 0 USGS 3513000 10/11/2007 546 273 346 1.87 1.5 1.6 0 USGS 3513000 10/12/2007 530 255 328 1.85 1.47 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 10/13/2007 390 242 264 1.67 1.45 1.48 0 USGS 3513000 10/14/2007 375 242 280 1.65 1.45 1.51 0 USGS 3513000 10/15/2007 248 236 239 1.46 1.44 1.45 0 USGS 3513000 10/16/2007 347 236 266 1.61 1.44 1.49 0 USGS 3513000 10/17/2007 347 230 273 1.61 1.43 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 10/18/2007 333 236 271 1.59 1.44 1.49 0 USGS 3513000 10/19/2007 555 261 374 1.88 1.48 1.64 0.9 USGS 3513000 10/20/2007 465 299 375 1.77 1.54 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 10/21/2007 405 255 295 1.69 1.47 1.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/22/2007 397 242 292 1.68 1.45 1.53 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/23/2007 489 280 354 1.8 1.51 1.62 0.5 USGS 3513000 10/24/2007 1820 489 1370 3.04 1.8 2.66 0.3 USGS 3513000 10/25/2007 1070 555 795 2.42 1.88 2.14 0 USGS 3513000 10/26/2007 1020 435 773 2.37 1.73 2.11 0 USGS 3513000 10/27/2007 917 375 542 2.27 1.65 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 10/28/2007 450 319 351 1.75 1.57 1.62 0 USGS 3513000 10/29/2007 319 306 310 1.57 1.55 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 10/30/2007 489 306 378 1.8 1.55 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 10/31/2007 489 299 376 1.8 1.54 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 11/1/2007 606 306 370 1.94 1.55 1.64 0 USGS 3513000 11/2/2007 722 306 445 2.07 1.55 1.74 0 USGS 3513000 11/3/2007 713 299 427 2.06 1.54 1.71 0 USGS 3513000 11/4/2007 458 286 352 1.76 1.52 1.61 0 USGS 3513000 11/5/2007 555 286 393 1.88 1.52 1.67 0.1 USGS 3513000 11/6/2007 588 306 448 1.92 1.55 1.74 0.24 USGS 3513000 11/7/2007 505 306 394 1.82 1.55 ' 1.67 0 USGS 3513000 11/8/2007 481 293 364 1.79 1.53 1.63 0 USGS 3513000 11/9/2007 465 267 356 1.77 1.49 1.62 0 USGS 3513000 11/10/2007 458 293 356 1.76 1.53 1.62 0 USGS 3513000 11/11/2007 390 280 309 1.67 1.51 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 11/12/2007 383 280 307 1.66 1.51 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 11/13/2007 383 273 310 1.66 1.5 1.55 0.11 USGS 3513000 11/14/2007 419 286 327 1.71 1.52 1.58 1.05 USGS 3513000 11/15/2007 2040 419 1440 3.2 1.71 2.71 0.28 USGS 3513000 11/16/2007 1200 419 613 2.53 1.71 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 11/17/2007 538 375 425 1.86 1.65 1.72 0 USGS 3513000 11/18/2007 886 354 399 2.24 1.62 1.68 0 USGS 3513000 11/19/2007 897 354 571 2.25 1.62 1.89 0 USGS 3513000 11/20/2007 827 340 535 2.18 1.6 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 11/21/2007 769 333 453 2.12 1.59 1.75 0.66 USGS 3513000 11/22/2007 1350 442 858 2.66 1.74 2.21 0.31 USGS 3513000 11/23/2007 1130 465 646 2.47 1.77 1.98 0 USGS 3513000 11/24/2007 917 390 529 2.27 1.67 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 11/25/2007 857 383 498 2.21 1.66 1.8 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/26/2007 1630 513 740 2.89 1.83 2.07 0.23 USGS 3513000 11/27/2007 1600 597 906 2.87 1.93 2.24 0 USGS 3513000 11/28/2007 722 390 530 2.07 1.67 1.85 0 USGS 3513000 11/29/2007 489 427 457 1.8 1.72 1.76 0 USGS 3513000 11/30/2007 886 419 495 2.24 1.71 1.8 0 USGS 3513000 12/1/2007 989 390 535 2.34 1.67 1.85 0 USGS 3513000 12/2/2007 1010 383 588 2.36 1.66 1.9 0.16 USGS 3513000 12/3/2007 1120 546 730 2.46 1.87 2.07 0.02 USGS 3513000 12/4/2007 1070 419 625 2.42 1.71 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 12/5/2007 1020 397 528 2.37 1.68 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 12/6/2007 1000 390 585 2.35 1.67 1.9 0 USGS 3513000 12/7/2007 968 368 563 2.32 1.64 1.88 0 USGS 3513000 12/8/2007 968 390 567 2.32 1.67 1.88 0.02 USGS 3513000 12/9/2007 1280 521 660 2.6 1.84 1.99 0.43 USGS 3513000 12/10/2007 1240 497 742 2.57 1.81 2.08 0 USGS 3513000 12/11/2007 1080 442 615 2.43 1.74 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 12/12/2007 442 412 427 1.74 1.7 1.72 0.05 USGS 3513000 12/13/2007 473 427 458 1.78 1.72 1.76 0.03 USGS 3513000 12/14/2007 808 435 536 2.16 1.73 1.85 0 USGS 3513000 12/15/2007 827 435 553 2.18 1.73 1.87 0.54 USGS 3513000 12/16/2007 1560 788 1230 2.84 2.14 2.55 0.15 USGS 3513000 12/17/2007 1510 632 953 2.8 1.97 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 12/18/2007 1220 538 731 2.55 1.86 2.07 0 USGS 3513000 12/19/2007 1030 505 672 2.38 1.82 2.01 0.02 USGS 3513000 12/20/2007 979 481 638 2.33 1.79 1.97 0.09 USGS 3513000 12/21/2007 1280 641 797 2.6 1.98 2.14 0.23 USGS 3513000 12/22/2007 1100 588 733 2.44 1.92 2.08 0.04 USGS 3513000 12/23/2007 2460 677 1320 3.49 2.02 2.59 0.18 USGS 3513000 12/24/2007 1770 1390 1540 3 2.7 2.82 0 USGS 3513000 12/25/2007 1560 750 1140 2.84 2.1 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 12/26/2007 1440 667 1010 2.74 2.01 2.35 0 USGS 3513000 12/27/2007 1170 606 804 2.51 1.94 2.15 0 USGS 3513000 12/28/2007 6550 695 1870 5.71 2.04 2.86 1.31 USGS 3513000 12/29/2007 6250 1860 3320 5.57 3.07 3.98 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/30/2007 2460 1480 1790 3.49 2.77 3.01 0.37 USGS 3513000 12/31/2007 2460 1300 1930 3.49 2.62 3.11 0 USGS 3513000 1/1/2008 1820 1010 1480 3.04 2.36 2.76 0 USGS 3513000 1/2/2008 1630 857 1260 2.89 2.21 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 1/3/2008 1500 769 1100 2.79 2.12 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 1/4/2008 1300 677 868 2.62 2.02 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 1/5/2008 1070 606 763 2.42 1.94 2.11 0 USGS 3513000 1/6/2008 1210 641 791 2.54 1.98 2.14 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/7/2008 1210 606 779 2.54 1.94 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 1/8/2008 1210 571 775 2.54 1.9 2.11 0 USGS 3513000 1/9/2008 1230 606 906 2.56 1.94 2.25 0.04 USGS 3513000 1/10/2008 1650 817 1070 2.91 2.17 2.41 1.05 USGS 3513000 1/11/2008 7260 1650 3980 6.03 2.91 4.37 0.18 USGS 3513000 1/12/2008 2920 1560 2160 3.79 2.84 3.28 0 USGS 3513000 1/13/2008 2110 1210 1640 3.25 2.54 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 1/14/2008 1800 1030 1440 3.02 2.38 2.73 0 USGS 3513000 1/15/2008 1600 907 1290 2.87 2.26 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 1/16/2008 1490 788 1130 2.78 2.14 2.46 0 USGS 3513000 1/17/2008 1670 907 1090 2.92 2.26 2.43 0.51 USGS 3513000 1/18/2008 1450 837 1050 2.75 2.19 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 1/19/2008 1180 769 863 2.52 2.12 2.21 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/20/2008 968 659 768 2.32 2 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 1/21/2008 1220 555 682 2.55 1.88 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 1/22/2008 1350 695 912 2.66 2.04 2.26 0.26 USGS 3513000 1/23/2008 1260 722 906 2.59 2.07 2.25 0 USGS 3513000 1/24/2008 1180 659 794 2.52 2 2.14 0 USGS 3513000 1/25/2008 1080 571 729 2.43 1.9 2.07 0 USGS 3513000 1/26/2008 1140 606 771 2.48 1.94 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 1/27/2008 1220 659 947 2.55 2 2.29 0 USGS 3513000 .1/28/2008 1220 606 961 2.55 1.94 2.3 0 USGS 3513000 1/29/2008 1290 614 958 2.61 1.95 2.3 0.46 USGS 3513000 1/30/2008 1960 1040 1510 3.14 2.39 2.79 0.05 USGS 3513000 1/31/2008 1290 750 1060 2.61 2.1 2.4 0.25 USGS 3513000 2/1/2008 4280 1180 2790 4.58 2.52 3.65 0.77 USGS 3513000 2/2/2008 3000 2240 2590 3.84 3.34 3.58 0 USGS 3513000 2/3/2008 2240 1680 1980 3.34 2.93 3.15 0.22 USGS 3513000 2/4/2008 2810 1530 1940 3.72 2.81 3.11 0.4 USGS 3513000 2/5/2008 2810 1650 2030 3.72 2.91 3.19 0 USGS 3513000 2/6/2008 4920 1580 2520 4.92 2.85 3.47 0.31 USGS 3513000 2/7/2008 3240 2000 2350 3.99 3.17 3.41 0 USGS 3513000 2/8/2008 2220 1590 1880 3.33 2.86 3.08 0 USGS 3513000 2/9/2008 2220 1980 2090 3.33 3.16 3.23 0 USGS 3513000 2/10/2008 1980 1810 1880 3.16 3.03 3.09 0 USGS 3513000 2/11/2008 1820 1390 1630 3.04 2.7 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 2/12/2008 1630 968 1200 2.89 2.32 2.52 0 USGS 3513000 2/13/2008 1690 1080 1300 2.94 2.43 2.62 0.14 USGS 3513000 2/14/2008 1600 907 1220 2.87 2.26 2.55 0 USGS 3513000 2/15/2008 1490 857 1110 2.78 2.21 2.45 0 USGS 3513000 2/16/2008 1450 808 1090 2.75 2.16 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 2/17/2008 3580 798 1200 4.19 2.15 2.5 0.92 USGS 3513000 2/18/2008 5320 2160 3080 5.12 3.29 3.86 0 USGS 3513000 2/19/2008 2350 2090 2190 3.42 3.24 3.31 0 USGS 3513000 2/20/2008 2110 1940 2010 3.25 3.13 3.18 0 USGS 3513000 2/21/2008 1940 1330 1580 3.13 2.65 2.85 0.02 USGS 3513000 2/22/2008 1820 1310 1440 3.04 2.63 2.74 0.08 USGS 3513000 2/23/2008 1680 1230 1370 2.93 2.56 2.68 0 USGS 3513000 2/24/2008 1630 1140 1310 2.89 2.48 2.63 0.09 USGS 3513000 2/25/2008 1610 1120 1300 2.88 2.46 2.62 0.01 USGS 3513000 2/26/2008 2380 1160 1690 3.44 2.5 2.92 0.85 USGS 3513000 2/27/2008 2220 1730 1920 3.33 2.97 3.12 0 USGS 3513000 2/28/2008 1810 1080 1580 3.03 2.43 2.84 0 USGS 3513000 2/29/2008 1770 1600 1720 3 2.87 2.96 0.24 USGS 3513000 3/1/2008 1720 1240 1390 2.96 2.57 2.7 0.09 USGS 3513000 3/2/2008 1680 1170 1350 2.93 2.51 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 3/3/2008 1670 1170 1340 2.92 2.51 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 3/4/2008 11600 1160 4760 7.76 2.5 4.47 1.42 USGS 3513000 3/5/2008 8930 3900 5310 6.74 4.37 5.09 0 USGS 3513000 3/6/2008 3900 2980 3350 4.37 3.83 4.05 0 USGS 3513000 3/7/2008 3360 2810 3050 4.06 3.72 3.87 0.45 USGS 3513000 3/8/2008 3490 2920 3260 4.14 3.79 4 0.08 USGS 3513000 3/9/2008 2920 2580 2710 3.79 3.57 3.66 0 USGS 3513000 3/10/2008 2590 2340 2450 3.58 3.41 3.49 0 USGS 3513000 3/11/2008 2350 2210 2270 3.42 3.32 3.36 0 USGS 3513000 3/12/2008 2220 2070 2130 3.33 3.22 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 3/13/2008 2070 1940 2010 3.22 3.13 3.18 0 USGS 3513000 3/14/2008 2080 1880 1950 3.23 3.08 3.13 0.2 USGS 3513000 3/15/2008 3190 1960 2330 3.96 3.14 3.39 0.92 USGS 3513000 3/16/2008 3090 2180 2500 3.9 3.3 3.52 0 USGS 3513000 3/17/2008 2380 2180 2280 3.44 3.3 3.37 0 USGS 3513000 3/18/2008 2190 1700 2090 3.31 2.95 3.24 0 USGS 3513000 3/19/2008 6900 1610 2860 5.87 2.88 3.66 0.72 USGS 3513000 3/20/2008 5640 2980 3690 5.28 3.83 4.24 0.01 USGS 3513000 3/21/2008 3000 2680 2840 3.84 3.64 3.74 0 USGS 3513000 3/22/2008 2700 2090 2420 3.65 3.24 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 3/23/2008 2440 1880 2200 3.48 3.08 3.31 0 USGS 3513000 3/24/2008 2280 1650 1840 3.37 2.91 3.05 0 USGS 3513000 3/25/2008 2120 1510 1690 3.26 2.8 2.94 0 USGS 3513000 3/26/2008 1980 1470 1620 3.16 2.76 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 3/27/2008 1930 1410 1590 3.12 2.71 2.86 0 USGS 3513000 3/28/2008 1880 1350 1490 3.08 2.66 2.77 0 4 USGS 3513000 3/29/2008 1930 1390 1640 3.12 2.7 2.89 0.31 USGS 3513000 3/30/2008 1930 1370 1720 3.12 2.68 2.96 0.04 USGS 3513000 3/31/2008 1810 1280 1400 3.03 2.6 2.7 0.06 USGS 3513000 4/1/2008 1720 1250 1410 2.96 2.58 2.71 0.07 USGS 3513000 4/2/2008 1680 1180 1350 2.93 2.52 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 4/3/2008 1670 1140 1330 2.92 2.48 2.64 0.14 USGS 3513000 4/4/2008 2000 1210 1560 3.17 2.54 2.83 0.49 USGS 3513000 4/5/2008 2740 2000 2190 3.68 3.17 3.31 0.73 USGS 3513000 4/6/2008 4040 2040 2720 4.45 3.2 3.65 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/7/2008 2500 1550. 1910 3.52 2.83 3.1 0 USGS 3513000 4/8/2008 2160 1600 2040 3.29 2.87 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 4/9/2008 1600 1250 1340 2.87 2.58 2.65 0 USGS 3513000 4/10/2008 1920 1180 1550 3.11 2.52 2.82 0 USGS 3513000 4/11/2008 1860 1130 1360 3.07 2.47 2.67 0.11 USGS 3513000 4/12/2008 2070 1170 1660 3.22 2.51 2.91 0.07 USGS 3513000 4/13/2008 1380 1030 1170 2.69 2.38 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 4/14/2008 1670 1010 1180 2.92 2.36 2.51 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/15/2008 1680 958 1190 2.93 2.31 2.52 0 USGS 3513000 4/16/2008 1650 937 1290 2.91 2.29 2.61 0 USGS 3513000 4/17/2008 1550 886 1180 2.83 2.24 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 4/18/2008 1370 857 1060 2.68 2.21 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 4/19/2008 1320 857 1190 2.64 2.21 2.52 0.2 USGS 3513000 4/20/2008 1370 886 1070 2.68 2.24 2.41 0 USGS 3513000 4/21/2008 1350 847 1060 2.66 2.2 2.4 0 USGS 3513000 4/22/2008 1310 808 991 2.63 2.16 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 4/23/2008 968 788 833 2.32 2.14 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 4/24/2008 947 760 796 2.3 2.11 2.15 0 USGS 3513000 4/25/2008 1210 760 927 2.54 2.11 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 4/26/2008 1230 760 919 2.56 2.11 2.27 0.04 USGS 3513000 4/27/2008 1260 1070 1210 2.59 2.42 2.54 0.12 USGS 3513000 4/28/2008 2240 1030 1840 3.34 2.38 3.04 0.71 USGS 3513000 4/29/2008 1940 1140 1610 3.13 2.48 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 4/30/2008 1530 897 1080 2.81 2.25 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 5/1/2008 1480 847 1040 2.77 2.2 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 5/2/2008 1180 808 881 2.52 2.16 2.23 0 USGS 3513000 5/3/2008 989 798 847 2.34 2.15 2.2 0.02 USGS 3513000 5/4/2008 1290 760 934 2.61 2.11 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 5/5/2008 1220 722 870 2.55 2.07 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 5/6/2008 1320 704 854 2.64 2.05 2.2 0 USGS 3513000 5/7/2008 1260 686 829 2.59 2.03 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 5/8/2008 1130 686 791 2.47 2.03 2.14 0.33 USGS 3513000 5/9/2008 1360 732 956 2.67 2.08 2.3 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/10/2008 1510 779 1100 2.8 2.13 2.44 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/11/2008 1350 847 1120 2.66 2.2 2.46 0.56 USGS 3513000 5/12/2008 1770 1000 1340 3 2.35 2.64 0.03 USGS 3513000 5/13/2008 1210 886 972 2.54 2.24 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 5/14/2008 1360 886 1080 2.67 2.24 2.43 0.02 USGS 3513000 5/15/2008 1290 857 1010 2.61 2.21 2.36 0.35 USGS 3513000 5/16/2008 1730 1060 1350 2.97 2.41 2.66 0.03 USGS 3513000 5/17/2008 1490 968 1140 2.78 2.32 2.47 0 USGS 3513000 5/18/2008 1210 907 1010 2.54 2.26 2.35 0.43 USGS 3513000 5/19/2008 1170 897 1020 2.51 2.25 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 5/20/2008 1320 897 1050 2.64 2.25 2.39 0.25 USGS 3513000 5/21/2008 1510 837 1080 2.8 2.19 2.42 0 USGS 3513000 5/22/2008 1260 779 981 2.59 2.13 2.33 0 USGS 3513000 5/23/2008 1210 750 881 2.54 2.1 2.23 0 USGS 3513000 5/24/2008 1490 741 1090 2.78 2.09 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 5/25/2008 1420 741 915 2.72 2.09 2.26 0 • USGS 3513000 5/26/2008 1370 713 875 2.68 2.06 2.22 0 USGS 3513000 5/27/2008 1370 686 859 2.68 2.03 2.2 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/28/2008 1440 798 1100 2.74 2.15 2.44 0.34 USGS 3513000 5/29/2008 979 769 883 2.33 2.12 2.24 0 USGS 3513000 5/30/2008 876 695 772 2.23 2.04 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 5/31/2008 1170 686 851 2.51 2.03 2.2 0.53 USGS 3513000 6/1/2008 1260 686 944 2.59 2.03 2.29 0.3 USGS 3513000 6/2/2008 917 650 722 2.27 1.99 2.07 0 USGS 3513000 6/3/2008 817 623 665 2.17 1.96 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 6/4/2008 1030 606 707 2.38 1.94 2.05 0 USGS 3513000 6/5/2008 1010 580 697 2.36 1.91 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 6/6/2008 741 555 624 2.09 1.88 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 6/7/2008 732 555 605 2.08 1.88 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 6/8/2008 968 563 744 2.32 1.89 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 6/9/2008 722 513 558 2.07 1.83 1.88 0 USGS 3513000 6/10/2008 713 505 590 2.06 1.82 1.92 0 USGS 3513000 6/11/2008 947 513 696 2.3 1.83 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 6/12/2008 917 513 653 2.27 1.83 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 6/13/2008 686 513 598 2.03 1.83 1.93 0 USGS 3513000 6/14/2008 907 473 598 2.26 1.78 1.93 0.01 USGS 3513000 6/15/2008 779 555 649 2.13 1.88 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 6/16/2008 597 465 507 1.93 1.77 1.82 0 USGS 3513000 6/17/2008 632 442 485 1.97 1.74 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 6/18/2008 837 419 517 2.19 1.71 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 6/19/2008 817 419 520 2.17 1.71 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 6/20/2008 623 412 476 1.96 1.7 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 6/21/2008 817 412 513 2.17 1.7 1.82 0.05 USGS 3513000 6/22/2008 614 442 507 1.95 1.74 1.82 0 USGS 3513000 6/23/2008 555 412 452 1.88 1.7 1.75 0 USGS 3513000 6/24/2008 614 390 443 1.95 1.67 1.74 0 USGS 3513000 6/25/2008 779 383 486 2.13 1.66 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 6/26/2008 769 375 480 2.12 1.65 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 6/27/2008 713 458 568 2.06 1.76 1.89 0.02 USGS 3513000 6/28/2008 808 427 530 2.16 1.72 1.84 0.17 USGS 3513000 6/29/2008 808 530 620 2.16 1.85 1.95 0.21 USGS 3513000 6/30/2008 886 489 622 2.24 1.8 1.95 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/1/2008 659 458 537 2 1.76 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 7/2/2008 760 397 493 2.11 1.68 1.8 0 USGS 3513000 7/3/2008 741 383 479 2.09 1.66 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 7/4/2008 580 375 438 1.91 1.65 1.73 0 USGS 3513000 7/5/2008 817 390 498 2.17 1.67 1.8 0.2 USGS 3513000 7/6/2008 897 419 558 2.25 1.71 1.87 0.09 USGS 3513000 7/7/2008 667 427 511 2.01 1.72 1.83 0 USGS 3513000 7/8/2008 968 390 461 2.32 1.67 1.76 0.13 USGS 3513000 7/9/2008 1070 555 754 2.42 1.88 2.1 0.2 USGS 3513000 7/10/2008 989 571 760 2.34 1.9 2.11 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/11/2008 1000 597 737 2.35 1.93 2.08 0 USGS 3513000 7/12/2008 958 458 592 2.31 1.76 1.92 0.37 USGS 3513000 7/13/2008 798 450 546 2.15 1.75 1.87 0.19 USGS 3513000 7/14/2008 817 538 667 2.17 1.86 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 7/15/2008 857 450 549 2.21 1.75 1.87 0 USGS 3513000 7/16/2008 847 435 588 2.2 1.73 1.91 0 USGS 3513000 7/17/2008 808 442 604 2.16 1.74 1.93 0 USGS 3513000 7/18/2008 760 375 481 2.11 1.65 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 7/19/2008 769 361 464 2.12 1.63 1.76 0 USGS 3513000 7/20/2008 597 347 428 1.93 1.61 1.72 0 USGS 3513000 7/21/2008 505 326 375 1.82 1.58 1.65 0.03 USGS 3513000 7/22/2008 808 354 547 2.16 1.62 1.87 0.08 USGS 3513000 7/23/2008 788 397 515 2.14 1.68 1.83 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/24/2008 750 354 480 2.1 1.62 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 7/25/2008 580 333 412 1.91 1.59 1.7 0 USGS 3513000 7/26/2008 1120 397 608 2.46 1.68 1.92 0.64 USGS 3513000 7/27/2008 876 458 583 2.23 1.76 1.91 0 USGS 3513000 7/28/2008 538 361 412 1.86 1.63 1.7 0.95 USGS 3513000 7/29/2008 769 497 616 2.12 1.81 1.95 0.04 USGS 3513000 7/30/2008 907 473 618 2.26 1.78 - 1.95 0 USGS 3513000 7/31/2008 808 390 514 2.16 1.67 1.82 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/1/2008 704 521 - --611 2.05 1.84 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 8/2/2008 - 79S 405 523 2.15 1.69 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 8/3/2008 614 368 452 1.95 1.64 1.75 0 USGS 3513000 8/4/2008 521 347 388 1.84 1.61 1.67 0 USGS 3513000 8/5/2008 546 326 447 1.87 1.58 1.74 0 USGS 3513000 8/6/2008 750 361 523 2.1 1.63 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 8/7/2008 732 375 528 2.08 1.65 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 8/8/2008 563 368 484 1.89 1.64 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 8/9/2008 704 333 489 2.05 1.59 1.79 0 USGS 3513000 8/10/2008 546 354 469 1.87 1.62 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 8/11/2008 489 326 408 1.8 1.58 1.69 0 USGS 3513000 8/12/2008 489 286 399 1.8 1.52 1.68 0 USGS 3513000 8/13/2008 917 319 529 2.27 1.57 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 8/14/2008 907 313 486 2.26 1.56 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 8/15/2008 571 368 470 1.9 1.64 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 8/16/2008 876 280 450 2.23 1.51 1.73 0 USGS 3513000 8/17/2008 750 513 649 2.1 1.83 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 8/18/2008 513 313 398 1.83 1.56 1.68 0 USGS 3513000 8/19/2008 497 306 419 1.81 1.55 1.71 0 USGS 3513000 8/20/2008 808 280 426 2.16 1.51 1.7 0 USGS 3513000 8/21/2008 798 280 439 2.15 1.51 1.72 0 USGS 3513000 8/22/2008 530 261 345 1.85 1.48 1.6 0 USGS 3513000 8/23/2008 750 255 386 2.1 1.47 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 8/24/2008 530 255 339 1.85 1.47 1.59 0 USGS 3513000 8/25/2008 837 313 509 2.19 1.56 1.81 1.75 USGS 3513000 8/26/2008 7560 650 2150 6.16 1.99 3.02 1.78 USGS 3513000 8/27/2008 7190 1690 3200 6 2.98 3.9 0.04 USGS 3513000 8/28/2008 1700 1350 1550 2.99 2.7 2.87 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/29/2008 1390 1230 1300 2.74 2.6 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 8/30/2008 1230 1070 1150 2.6 2.46 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 8/31/2008 1100 1020 1060 2.48 2.41 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 9/1/2008 1120 876 1060 2.5 2.27 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 9/2/2008 876 538 614 2.27 1.9 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 9/3/2008 947 546 656 2.34 1.91 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 9/4/2008 989 538 658 2.38 1.9 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 9/5/2008 897 521 614 2.29 1.88 1.98 0 USGS 3513000 9/6/2008 927 513 621 2.32 1.87 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 9/7/2008 876 513 591 2.27 1.87 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 9/8/2008 538 505 508 1.9 1.86 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 9/9/2008 667 397 513 2.05 1.72 1.87 0.14 USGS 3513000 9/10/2008 769 375 482 2.16 1.69 1.82 0 USGS 3513000 9/11/2008 722 333 439 2.11 1.63 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 9/12/2008 361 319 331 1.67 1.61 1.63 0 USGS 3513000 9/13/2008 513 299 352 1.87 1.58 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 9/14/2008 465 293 332 1.81 1.57 1.63 0.19 USGS 3513000 9/15/2008 354 313 338 1.66 1.6 1.64 0.23 USGS 3513000 9/16/2008 340 299 308 1.64 1.58 1.59 0 USGS 3513000 9/17/2008 299 286 294 1.58 1.56 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 9/18/2008 293 280 284 1.57 1.55 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 9/19/2008 286 261 270 1.56 1.52 1.54 0 USGS 3513000 9/20/2008 465 255 288 1.81 1.51 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 9/21/2008 435 261 303 1.77 1.52 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 9/22/2008 261 242 252 1.52 1.49 1.51 0 USGS 3513000 9/23/2008 248 236 244 1.5 1.48 1.49 0 USGS 3513000 9/24/2008 473 236 299 1.82 1.48 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 9/25/2008 397 230 282 1.72 1.47 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 9/26/2008 419 230 287 1.75 1.47 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 9/27/2008 458 236 274 1.8 1.48 1.54 0 USGS 3513000 9/28/2008 427 255 299 1.76- 1.51 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 9/29/2008 261 242 247 1.52 1.49 1.5 _ 0 USGS 3513000 9/30/2008 242 224 232 1.49 1.46 1.47 0 USGS 3513000 10/1/2008 397 224 270 1.72 1.46 1.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/2/2008 465 224 294 1.81 1.46 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 10/3/2008 405 219 275 1.73 1.45 1.54 0 USGS 3513000 10/4/2008 419 219 297 1.75 1.45 1.57 0 USGS 3513000 10/5/2008 419 248 314 1.75 1.5 1.6 0 USGS 3513000 10/6/2008 397 213 270 1.72 1.44 1.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/7/2008 361 207 257 1.67 1.43 1.51 0 USGS 3513000 10/8/2008 538 219 322 1.9 1.45 1.6 0.92 USGS 3513000 10/9/2008 769 375 556 2.16 1.69 1.92 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/10/2008 497 293 354 1.85 1.57 1.66 0 USGS 3513000 10/11/2008 450 248 337 1.79 1.5 1.63 0 USGS 3513000 10/12/2008 419 236 284 1.75 1.48 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 10/13/2008 450 224 289 1.79 1.46 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 10/14/2008 435 224 286 1.77 1.46 1.56 0 USGS 3513000 10/15/2008 255 213 228 1.51 1.44 1.47 0 USGS 3513000 10/16/2008 224 213 217 1.46 1.44 1.45 0 USGS 3513000 10/17/2008 230 219 222 1.47 1.45 1.46 0 USGS 3513000 10/18/2008 489 224 328 1.84 1.46 1.61 0 USGS 3513000 10/19/2008 538 255 355 1.89 1.5 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 10/20/2008 513 224 313 1.86 1.45 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 10/21/2008 299 224 242 1.57 1.45 1.48 0 USGS 3513000 10/22/2008 236 224 227 1.47 1.45 1.46 0 USGS 3513000 10/23/2008 497 219 292 1.84 1.44 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 10/24/2008 580 242 345 1.94 1.48 1.63 0.95 USGS 3513000 10/25/2008 788 530 644 2.17 1.88 2.01 0.07 USGS 3513000 10/26/2008 808 368 663 2.19 1.67 2.03 0 USGS 3513000 10/27/2008 686 267 351 2.06 1.52 1.64 0 USGS 3513000 10/28/2008 659 273 365 2.02 1.52 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 10/29/2008 280 261 268 1.53 1.5 1.51 0 USGS 3513000 10/30/2008 267 255 260 1.51 1.49 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 10/31/2008 267 248 259 1.51 1.48 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 11/1/2008 267 248 255 1.51 1.48 1.49 0 USGS 3513000 11/2/2008 261 248 253 1.5 1.48 1.49 0 USGS 3513000 11/3/2008 667 242 304 2.03 1.47 1.55 0 USGS 3513000 11/4/2008 597 248 335 1.95 1.48 1.61 0 USGS 3513000 11/5/2008 255 242 247 1.49 1.47 1.48 0 USGS 3513000 11/6/2008 704 248 374 2.06 1.47 1.65 0 USGS 3513000 11/7/2008 427 255 317 1.73 1.48 1.57 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/8/2008 450 267 324 1.76 1.5 1.58 0 USGS 3513000 11/9/2008 313 255 268 1.57 1.48 1.5 0 USGS 3513000 11/10/2008 261 242 251 1.49 1.46 1.47 0 USGS 3513000 11/11/2008 588 242 361 1.93 1.46 1.63 0 USGS 3513000 11/12/2008 614 255 366 1.96 1.48 1.64 0 USGS 3513000 11/13/2008 1170 267 554 2.52 1.5 1.87 0.45 USGS 3513000 11/14/2008 1050 361 550 2.41 1.64 1.87 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/15/2008 808 530 644 2.16 1.85 1.98 0.64 USGS 3513000 11/16/2008 979 442 619 2.33 1.74 1.95 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/17/2008 667 361 449 2.01 1.63 1.75 0 USGS 3513000 11/18/2008 760 333 473 2.11 1.59 1.77 0 USGS 3513000 11/19/2008 827 313 444 2.18 1.56 1.73 0 USGS 3513000 11/20/2008 695 319 446 2.04 1.57 1.74 0 USGS 3513000 11/21/2008 713 313 448 2.06 1.56 1.74 0 USGS 3513000 11/22/2008 497 299 399 1.81 1.54 1.68 0 USGS 3513000 11/23/2008 907 306 543 2.26 1.55 1.86 0 USGS 3513000 11/24/2008 937 450 631 2.29 1.75 1.96 0.6 USGS 3513000 11/25/2008 1330 481 855 2.65 1.79 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 11/26/2008 1110 390 682 2.45 1.67 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 11/27/2008 1110 383 678 2.45 1.66 2 0 USGS 3513000 11/28/2008 989 383 580 2.34 1.66 1.9 0 USGS 3513000 11/29/2008 989 427 576 2.34 1.72 1.9 0.45 USGS 3513000 11/30/2008 1310 427 932 2.63 1.72 2.27 0.34 USGS 3513000 12/1/2008 1510 704 1100 2.8 2.05 2.43 0.05 USGS 3513000 12/2/2008 847 521 633 2.2 1.84 1.97 0.02 USGS 3513000 12/3/2008 713 442 524 2.06 1.74 1.84 0 USGS 3513000 12/4/2008 667 435 495 2.01 1.73 1.81 0.14 USGS 3513000 12/5/2008 667 427 497 2.01 1.72 1.81 0 USGS 3513000 12/6/2008 632 383 456 1.97 1.66 1.76 0 USGS 3513000 12/7/2008 808 368 505 2.16 1.64 1.81 0 USGS 3513000 12/8/2008 465 354 382 1.77 1.62 1.66 0 USGS 3513000 12/9/2008 650 354 436 1.99 1.62 1.73 0.03 USGS 3513000 12/10/2008 6770 375 2920 5.81 1.65 3.57 2.14 USGS 3513000 12/11/2008 7510 2350 4120 6.14 3.42 4.42 1.44 USGS 3513000 12/12/2008 5300 2240 3190 5.11 3.34 3.94 .0.01 USGS 3513000 12/13/2008 3190 1170 1900 3.96 2.51 3.09 0 USGS 3513000 12/14/2008 1850 1470 1670 3.06 2.76 2.92 0 USGS 3513000 12/15/2008 1770 1530 1590 3 2.81 2.86 '0.18 USGS 3513000 12/16/2008 2080 1770 1980 3.23 3 3.15 0.45 USGS 3513000 12/17/2008 3670 2020 3080 4.24 3.19 3.88 0.39 USGS 3513000 12/18/2008 3700 2340 2910 4.26 3.41 3.77 0.02 USGS 3513000 12/19/2008 2620 1760 2130 3.6 2.99 3.26 0.07 USGS 3513000 12/20/2008 2190 1420 1750 3.31 2.72 2.98 0.77 USGS 3513000 12/21/2008 3340 2090 2720 4.05 3.24 3.66 0.34 USGS 3513000 12/22/2008 2550 1630 2010 3.55 2.89 3.17 0 USGS 3513000 12/23/2008 2120 1180 1620 3.26 2.52 2.87 0 USGS 3513000 12/24/2008 2470 1110 1510 3.5 2.45 2.79 0.77 USGS 3513000 12/25/2008 3390 1650 2370 4.08 2.91 3.42 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/26/2008 2270 1540 1900 3.36 2.82 3.09 0.15 USGS 3513000 12/27/2008 2150 1410 1670 3.28 2.71 2.92 0.04 USGS 3513000 12/28/2008 2950 1650 2130 3.81 2.91 3.26 0.86 USGS 3513000 12/29/2008 2820 1700 2090 3.73 2.95 3.23 0 USGS 3513000 12/30/2008 2320 1440 1860 3.4 2.74 3.06 0 USGS 3513000 12/31/2008 2050 1230 1510 3.21 2.56 2.79 0 USGS 3513000 1/1/2009 1670 1060 1260 2.92 2.41 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 1/2/2009 1600 1000 1180 2.87 2.35 2.51 0.1 USGS 3513000 1/3/2009 1510 917 1090 2.8 2.27 2.43 0.11 USGS 3513000 1/4/2009 1390 886 1040 2.7 2.24 2.39 0.31 USGS 3513000 1/5/2009 1500 847 1010 2.79 2.2 2.35 0.31 USGS 3513000 1/6/2009 10200 876 3350 7.23 2.23 3.86 3.33 USGS 3513000 1/7/2009 12600 5440 9140 8.13 5.18 6.78 0.43 USGS 3513000 1/8/2009 5700 3700 4470 5.31 4.24 4.68 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/9/2009 3700 3030 3320 4.24 3.81 4 0 USGS 3513000 1/10/2009 3030 2760 2860 3.81 3.63 3.69 0.59 USGS 3513000 1/11/2009 3130 2560 2830 3.87 3.49 3.67 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/12/2009 2590 1940 2200 3.51 3.02 3.22 0 USGS 3513000 1/13/2009 2410 1820 2110 3.38 2.93 3.15 0 USGS 3513000 1/14/2009 2250 1650 1940 3.26 2.8 3.02 0 USGS 3513000 1/15/2009 2120 1540 1810 3.16 2.71 2.92 0 USGS 3513000 1/16/2009 1960 1720 1850 3.03 2.85 2.95 0 USGS 3513000 1/17/2009 2020 1730 1860 3.09 2.86 2.96 0 USGS 3513000 1/18/2009 2010 1360 1660 3.08 2.56 2.8 0.11 USGS 3513000 1/19/2009 1370 1260 1320 2.57 2.48 2.53 0.02 USGS 3513000 1/20/2009 1490 968 1160 2.67 2.21 2.39 0 USGS 3513000 1/21/2009 1680 989 1420 2.82 2.23 2.61 0 USGS 3513000 1/22/2009 1680 886 1080 2.82 2.13 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 1/23/2009 1610 847 1110 2.77 2.09 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 1/24/2009 1590 897 1080 2.75 2.14 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 1/25/2009 1550 827 1000 2.72 2.07 2.24 0 USGS 3513000 1/26/2009 1470 817 1040 2.65 2.06 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 1/27/2009 1470 827 973 2.65 2.07 2.21 0.04 USGS 3513000 1/28/2009 1410 947 1110 2.6 2.19 2.34 0.47 USGS 3513000 1/29/2009 1900 989 1380 2.99 2.23 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 1/30/2009 1490 857 1040 2.67 2.1 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 1/31/2009 1390 808 941 2.59 2.05 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 2/1/2009 837 788 803 2.08 2.03 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 2/2/2009 1530 788 860 2.7 2.03 2.1 0.21 USGS 3513000 2/3/2009 1530 769 1030 2.7 2.01 2.26 0 USGS 3513000 2/4/2009 1390 686 881 2.59 1.92 2.11 0 USGS 3513000 2/5/2009 1330 1110 1200 2.54 2.34 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 2/6/2009 1310 1030 1210 2.52 2.27 2.44 0 USGS 3513000 2/7/2009 1030 732 800 2.27 1.97 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 2/8/2009 750 722 732 1.99 1.96 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 2/9/2009 1040 713 728 2.28 1.95 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 2/10/2009 1150 695 818 2.38 1.93 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 2/11/2009 1390 686 843 2.59 1.92 2.08 0.28 USGS 3513000 2/12/2009 1860 897 1220 2.96 2.14 2.43 0 USGS 3513000 2/13/2009 1360 788 953 2.56 2.03 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 2/14/2009 1150 788 934 2.38 2.03 2.17 0.2 USGS 3513000 2/15/2009 1250 808 933 2.47 2.05 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 2/16/2009 1210 769 882 2.43 2.01 2.12 0 USGS 3513000 2/17/2009 1210 741 872 2.43 1.98 2.11 0.02 USGS 3513000 2/18/2009 1890 1030 1310 2.98 2.27 2.52 1.09 USGS 3513000 2/19/2009 1900 1140 1410 2.99 2.37 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 2/20/2009 1600 1000 1270 2.76 2.24 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 2/21/2009 1500 947 1140 2.68 2.19 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 2/22/2009 1420 897 1100 2.61 2.14 2.32 0.02 USGS 3513000 2/23/2009 1360 866 1040 2.56 2.11 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 2/24/2009 1490 827 1040 2.67 2.07 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 2/25/2009 1470 817 1050 2.65 2.06 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 2/26/2009 1430 798 998 2.62 2.04 2.23 0 USGS 3513000 2/27/2009 1820 1000 1290 2.93 2.24 2.49 0.65 USGS 3513000 2/28/2009 2430 1350 1660 3.39 2.55 2.8 0.76 USGS 3513000 3/1/2009 2440 1720 1990 3.4 2.85 3.06 0.06 USGS 3513000 3/2/2009 2150 1410 1690 3.18 2.6 2.83 0 USGS 3513000 3/3/2009 1840 1230 1480 2.94 2.45 2.66 0 USGS 3513000 3/4/2009 1780 1160 1410 2.9 2.39 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 3/5/2009 1490 1100 1180 2.67 2.33 2.41 0 USGS 3513000 3/6/2009 1420 1050 1140 2.61 2.29 2.37 0 USGS 3513000 3/7/2009 1490 1040 1130 2.67 2.28 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 3/8/2009 1410 1000 1090 2.6 2.24 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 3/9/2009 1420 866 1050 2.61 2.11 2.28 0 USGS 3513000 3/10/2009 1410 927 1130 2.6 2.17 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 3/11/2009 1380 907 1090 2.58 2.15 2.32 0 . USGS 3513000 3/12/2009 1320 866 993 2.53 2.11 2.23 0 USGS 3513000 3/13/2009 1290 857 874 2.5 2.1 2.12 0.04 USGS 3513000 3/14/2009 2040 1030 1260 3.1 2.27 2.47 1.04 USGS 3513000 3/15/2009 3310 1930 2630 3.99 3.01 3.52 1.03 USGS 3513000 3/16/2009 2930 2250 2450 3.77 3.35 3.48 0.11 USGS 3513000 3/17/2009 2290 1580 1980 3.38 2.85 3.15 0 USGS 3513000 3/18/2009 2020 1390 1750 3.19 2.7 2.98 0 USGS 3513000 3/19/2009 1850 1230 1480 3.06 2.56 2.77 0 USGS 3513000 3/20/2009 1650 1150 1360 2.91 2.49 2.67 0 USGS 3513000 3/21/2009 1730 1060 1290 2.97 2.41 2.61 0 USGS 3513000 3/22/2009 1730 1000 1280 2.97 2.35 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 3/23/2009 1700 958 1220 2.95 2.31 2.54 0 USGS 3513000 3/24/2009 1650 897 1150 2.91 2.25 2.48 0 USGS 3513000 3/25/2009 1860 1030 1190 3.07 2.38 2.52 0.29 USGS 3513000 3/26/2009 3460 1820 2290 4.12 3.04 3.37 0.3 USGS 3513000 3/27/2009 2610 1640 1970 3.59 2.9 3.14 0.25 USGS 3513000 3/28/2009 2970 2120 2500 3.82 3.26 3.51 0.24 USGS 3513000 3/29/2009 2850 2190 2570 3.75 3.31 3.57 0.06 USGS 3513000 3/30/2009 2550 1690 2030 3.55 2.94 3.19 0 USGS 3513000 3/31/2009 2340 1210 1830 3.41 2.54 3.04 0 USGS 3513000 4/1/2009 2430 1730 1960 3.47 2.97 3.13 0.37 USGS 3513000 4/2/2009 2320 1420 1620 3.4 2.72 2.88 0.01 USGS 3513000 4/3/2009 2790 1420 2400 3.71 2.72 3.44 0.28 USGS 3513000 4/4/2009 2370 1700 2190 3.43 2.95 3.31 0 USGS 3513000 4/5/2009 1700 1380 1570 2.95 2.69 2.84 0 USGS 3513000 4/6/2009 2080 1290 1670 3.23 2.61 2.91 0.02 USGS 3513000 4/7/2009 1920 1250 1610 3.11 2.58 2.88 0.05 USGS 3513000 4/8/2009 1840 1170 1460 3.05 2.51 2.75 0 USGS 3513000 4/9/2009 1770 1120 1290 3 2.46 2.6 0 USGS 3513000 4/10/2009 2290 1130 1590 3.38 2.47 2.85 1.17 USGS 3513000 4/11/2009 3380 1940 2660 4.07 3.13 3.62 0 USGS 3513000 4/12/2009 2280 2040 2160 3.37 3.2 3.28 0 USGS 3513000 4/13/2009 2190 1560 1850 3.31 2.84 3.06 0.22 USGS 3513000 4/14/2009 2320 1560 1890 3.4 2.84 3.09 0.16 USGS 3513000 4/15/2009 2180 1430 1680 3.3 2.73 2.93 0 USGS 3513000 4/16/2009 2020 1310 1510 3.19 2.63 2.79 0 USGS 3513000 4/17/2009 1940 1220 1420 3.13 2.55 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 4/18/2009 1680 1310 1450 2.93 2.63 2.74 0 USGS 3513000 4/19/2009 1740 1330 1630 2.98 2.65 2.89 0.51 USGS 3513000 4/20/2009 2970 1740 2260 3.82 2.98 3.35 0.24 USGS 3513000 4/21/2009 2240 1890 2140 3.34 3.09 3.27 0.02 USGS 3513000 4/22/2009 1890 1320 1530 3.09 2.64 2.81 0 USGS 3513000 4/23/2009 1930 1230 1490 3.12 2.56 2.78 0 USGS 3513000 4/24/2009 1880 1160 1500 3.08 2.5 2.78 0 USGS 3513000 4/25/2009 1840 1100 1430 3.05 2.44 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 4/26/2009 1760 1030 1390 2.99 2.38 2.69 0 USGS 3513000 4/27/2009 1540 989 1180 2.82 2.34 2.51 0 USGS 3513000 4/28/2009 1560 937 1220 2:84 2.29 2.54 0 USGS 3513000 4/29/2009 1580 937 1400 2.85 2.29 2.7 0 USGS 3513000 4/30/2009 1360 886 1020 2.67 2.24 2.36 0 USGS 3513000 5/1/2009 1490 876 1200 2.78 2.23 2.53 0.58 USGS 3513000 5/2/2009 1450 1020 1290 2.75 2.37 2.61 0.48 USGS 3513000 5/3/2009 2240 1050 1730 3.34 2.4 2.95 0.94 USGS 3513000 5/4/2009 2500 2090 2300 3.52 3.24 3.38 0.02 USGS 3513000 5/5/2009 2440 1800 2230 3.48 3.02 3.33 0.26 USGS 3513000 5/6/2009 4000 1760 2720 4.43 2.99 3.64 0.89 USGS 3513000 5/7/2009 5890 3950 4970 5.4 4.4 4.94 0.76 USGS 3513000 5/8/2009 4840 3600 4110 4.88 4.2 4.49 0.57 USGS 3513000 5/9/2009 4220 3240 3640 4.55 3.99 4.22 0.24 USGS 3513000 5/10/2009 4180 2920 3460 4.53 3.79 4.11 0 USGS 3513000 5/11/2009 3240 2550 2820 3.99 3.55 3.73 0.07 USGS 3513000 5/12/2009 2900 2190 2480 3.78 3.31 3.51 0 USGS 3513000 5/13/2009 2590 2140 2420 3.58 3.27 3.47 0 USGS 3513000 5/14/2009 2440 1680 2120 3.48 2.93 3.25 0 USGS 3513000 5/15/2009 2310 1610 1980 3.39 2.88 3.15 0.13 USGS 3513000 5/16/2009 3060 2080 2470 3.88 3.23 3.5 0.22 USGS 3513000 5/17/2009 3600 2680 3060 4.2 3.64 3.88 0.03 USGS 3513000 5/18/2009 2680 2150 2420 3.64 3.28 3.46 0.01 USGS 3513000 5/19/2009 2150 1550 1820 3.28 2.83 3.04 0 USGS 3513000 5/20/2009 1940 1410 1620 3.13 2.71 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 5/21/2009 1810 1300 1470 3.03 2.62 2.76 0 USGS 3513000 5/22/2009 1760 1200 1490 2.99 2.53 2.77 0 USGS 3513000 5/23/2009 1670 1180 1420 2.92 2.52 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 5/24/2009 1860 1130 1360 3.07 2.47 2.66 0.12 USGS 3513000 5/25/2009 2050 1210 1640 3.21 2.54 2.89 0.05 USGS 3513000 5/26/2009 2790 1290 2160 3.71 2.61 3.28 0.85 USGS 3513000 5/27/2009 2700 2210 2430 3.65 3.32 3.47 1.19 USGS 3513000 5/28/2009 2620 2000 2360 3.6 3.17 3.42 0.03 USGS 3513000 5/29/2009 2370 2140 2270 3.43 3.27 3.36 0 USGS 3513000 5/30/2009 2140 1940 2040 3.27 3.13 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 5/31/2009 1970 1810 1880 3.15 3.03 3.09 0 USGS 3513000 6/1/2009 1820 1320 1580 3.04 2.64 2.85 0 USGS 3513000 6/2/2009 1860 1280 1560 3.07 2.6 2.83 0 USGS 3513000 6/3/2009 1820 1250 1520 3.04 2.58 2.8 0.11 USGS 3513000 6/4/2009 1770 1250 1520 3 2.58 2.8 0.52 USGS 3513000 6/5/2009 2040 1600 1890 3.2 2.87 3.09 0.11 USGS 3513000 6/6/2009 1930 1280 1620 3.12 2.6 2.88 0 USGS 3513000 6/7/2009 1690 1210 1480 2.94 2.54 2.77 0 USGS 3513000 6/8/2009 1560 1130 1200 2.84 2.47 2.53 0 USGS 3513000 6/9/2009 1650 1390 1580 2.91 2.7 2.85 0 USGS 3513000 6/10/2009 1510 917 1140 2.8 2.27 2.47 0.1 USGS 3513000 6/11/2009 1760 1050 1540 2.99 2.4 2.82 0.38 USGS 3513000 6/12/2009 1740 1160 1360 2.98 2.5 2.67 0.62 USGS 3513000 6/13/2009 1290 907 1030 2.61 2.26 2.38 0 USGS 3513000 6/14/2009 1170 847 973 2.51 2.2 2.32 0 USGS 3513000 6/15/2009 1490 968 1170 2.78 2.32 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 6/16/2009 1490 847 1170 2.78 2.2 2.5 0 USGS 3513000 6/17/2009 1200 741 914 2.53 2.09 2.26 0.26 USGS 3513000 6/18/2009 1680 1030 1390 2.93 2.38 2.69 0.02 USGS 3513000 6/19/2009 1630 1000 1400 2.89 2.35 2.7 0 USGS 3513000 6/20/2009 1220 788 923 2.55 2.14 2.27 0 USGS 3513000 6/21/2009 2560 750 1280 3.56 2.1 2.57 0.74 USGS 3513000 6/22/2009 2310 1060 1430 3.39 2.41 2.72 0 USGS 3513000 6/23/2009 1640 989 1270 2.9 2.34 2.58 0 USGS 3513000 6/24/2009 1370 1040 1300 2.68 2.39 2.62 0 USGS 3513000 6/25/2009 1200 779 902 2.53 2.13 2.25 0 USGS 3513000 6/26/2009 937 741 804 2.29 2.09 2.15 0 USGS 3513000 6/27/2009 1150 704 822 2.49 2.05 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 6/28/2009 857 677 738 2.21 2.02 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 6/29/2009 788 623 668 2.14 1.96 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 6/30/2009 788 606 648 2.14 1.94 1.99 0 USGS 3513000 7/1/2009 1160 623 782 2.5 1.96 2.13 0.15 USGS 3513000 7/2/2009 1030 606 744 2.38 1.94 2.09 0 USGS 3513000 7/3/2009 1000 580 698 2.35 1.91 2.04 0 USGS 3513000 7/4/2009 989 563 679 2.34 1.89 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 7/5/2009 1070 580 727 2.42 1.91 2.07 0.24 . USGS 3513000 7/6/2009 917 686 806 2.27 2.03 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 7/7/2009 798 588 669 2.15 1.92 2.01 0 USGS 3513000 7/8/2009 1350 580 798 2.66 1.91 2.14 0.02 USGS 3513000 7/9/2009 1380 741 964 2.69 2.09 2.31 0.07 USGS 3513000 7/10/2009 947 695 817 2.3 2.04 2.17 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/11/2009 1060 667 780 2.41 2.01 2.13 0 USGS 3513000 7/12/2009 808 597 676 2.16 1.93 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 7/13/2009 1560 732 1170 2.84 2.08 2.5 0.46 USGS 3513000 7/14/2009 1080 677 823 2.43 2.02 2.17 0 USGS 3513000 7/15/2009 1020 597 720 2.37 1.93 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 7/16/2009 1120 650 790 2.46 1.99 2.14 0.26 USGS 3513000 7/17/2009 847 632 730 2.2 1.97 2.08 0.08 USGS 3513000 7/18/2009 989 588 721 2.34 1.92 2.06 0 USGS 3513000 7/19/2009 788 546 680 2.14 1.87 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 7/20/2009 722 513 561 2.07 1.83 1.89 0 USGS 3513000 7/21/2009 808 513 723 2.16 1.83 2.07 0 USGS 3513000 7/22/2009 968 505 683 2.32 1.82 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 7/23/2009 947 704 776 2.3 2.05 2.12 0.03 USGS 3513000 7/24/2009 760 686 707 2.11 2.03 2.05 0 USGS 3513000 7/25/2009 907 677 751 2.26 2.02 2.1 0 USGS 3513000 7/26/2009 760 667 690 2.11 2.01 2.03 0.21 USGS 3513000 7/27/2009 722 686 705 2.07 2.03 2.05 0.01 USGS 3513000 7/28/2009 1010 677 756 2.36 2.02 2.1 0.47 USGS 3513000 7/29/2009 2010 1000 1420 3.18 2.35 2.71 0.4 USGS 3513000 7/30/2009 1500 1120 1290 2.79 2.46 2.61 0.64 USGS 3513000 7/31/2009 2920 1050 1580 3.79 • 2.4 2.82 0.51 USGS 3513000 8/1/2009 2250 1150 1560 3.35 2.49 2.84 0 USGS 3513000 8/2/2009 1670 917 1150 2.92 2.27 2.48 0.35 USGS 3513000 8/3/2009 1290 808 963 2.61 2.16 2.31 0 USGS 3513000 8/4/2009 1030 769 899 2.38 2.12 2.25 0 USGS 3513000 8/5/2009 1160 907 989 2.5 2.26 2.34 0.03 USGS 3513000 8/6/2009 1130 907 995 2.47 2.26 2.34 0 USGS 3513000 8/7/2009 937 713 841 2.29 2.06 2.19 0 USGS 3513000 8/8/2009 1000 588 707 2.35 1.92 2.05 0 USGS 3513000 8/9/2009 979 555 682 2.33 1.88 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 8/10/2009 788 521 580 2.14 1.84 1.91 0 USGS 3513000 8/11/2009 1010 513 616 2.36 1.83 1.94 0.11 USGS 3513000 8/12/2009 1210 722 873 2.54 2.07 2.22 0.5 USGS 3513000 8/13/2009 979 614 738 2.33 1.95 2.08 0 USGS 3513000 8/14/2009 1240 750 800 2.57 2.1 2.15 0.23 USGS 3513000 8/15/2009 1240 769 890 2.57 2.12 2.24 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/16/2009 937 808 865 2.29 2.16 2.22 0.12 USGS 3513000 8/17/2009 1100 597 816 2.44 1.93 2.16 0 USGS 3513000 8/18/2009 788 588 747 2.14 1.92 2.09 0.05 USGS 3513000 8/19/2009 1120 788 923 2.46 2.14 2.27 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/20/2009 1300 632 801 2.62 1.97 2.15 0.43 USGS 3513000 8/21/2009 1290 917 1080 2.61 2.27 2.42 0.08 USGS 3513000 8/22/2009 1200 897 1030 2.53 2.25 2.38 0.6 USGS 3513000 8/23/2009 897 722 827 2.25 2.07 2.18 0 USGS 3513000 8/24/2009 722 563 600 2.07 1.89 1.93 0.13 USGS 3513000 8/25/2009 732 530 574 2.08 1.85 1.9 0.01 USGS 3513000 8/26/2009 907 513 610 2.26 1.83 1.94 0 USGS 3513000 8/27/2009 917 497 614 2.27 1.81 1.94 0.17 USGS 3513000 8/28/2009 817 580 666 2.17 1.91 2.01 0.31 USGS 3513000 8/29/2009 968 571 685 2.32 1.9 2.02 0 USGS 3513000 8/30/2009 907 513 625 2.26 1.83 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 8/31/2009 686 513 552 2.03 1.83 1.88 0.06 USGS 3513000 9/1/2009 897 538 727 2.25 1.86 2.07 0.06 USGS 3513000 9/2/2009 760 546 625 2.11 1.87 1.96 0 USGS 3513000 9/3/2009 732 497 580 2.08 1.81 1.91 0.03 USGS 3513000 9/4/2009 722 497 590 2.07 1.81 1.92 0 USGS 3513000 9/5/2009 866 450 569 2.22 1.75 1.89 0 USGS 3513000 9/6/2009 886 465 589 2.24 1.77 1.91 0.01 USGS 3513000 9/7/2009 732 458 546 2.08 1.76 1.87 0 USGS 3513000 9/8/2009 588 442 471 1.92 1.74 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 9/9/2009 623 427 468 1.96 1.72 1.77 0.78 USGS 3513000 9/10/2009 632 497 554 1.97 1.81 1.88 0.13 USGS 3513000 9/11/2009 695 497 565 2.04 1.81 1.89 0.01 USGS 3513000 9/12/2009 917 465 637 2.27 1.77 1.97 0 USGS 3513000 9/13/2009 588 435 472 1.92 1.73 1.78 0 USGS 3513000 9/14/2009 435 405 426 1.73 1.69 1.72 0 USGS 3513000 9/15/2009 837 405 538 2.19 1.69 1.85 0.03 USGS 3513000 9/16/2009 1050 473 736 2.4 1.78 2.07 0.29 USGS 3513000 9/17/2009 1160 667 844 2.5 2.01 2.19 0.2 USGS 3513000 9/18/2009 1060 641 778 2.41 1.98 2.12 0.27 USGS 3513000 9/19/2009 1240 732 960 2.57 2.08 2.31 0.02 USGS 3513000 9/20/2009 3900 798 2060 4.37 2.15 3.09 0.71 USGS 3513000 9/21/2009 12400 3190 6130 8.08 3.96 5.37 1.22 USGS 3513000 9/22/2009 12300 4610 6940 8.03 4.76 5.82 0.12 USGS 3513000 9/23/2009 4690 3670 4190 4.8 4.24 4.53 0.1 USGS 3513000 9/24/2009 3670 2250 2750 4.24 3.35 3.67 0 USGS 3513000 9/25/2009 3490 1900 2510 4.14 3.1 3.51 0.02 USGS 3513000 9/26/2009 11700 1970 3980 7.8 3.15 4.24 1.15 USGS 3513000 9/27/2009 9460 3630 5260 6.95 4.22 5.06 0.01 USGS 3513000 9/28/2009 3680 2810 3180 4.25 3.72 3.95 0 USGS 3513000 9/29/2009 2810 1650 2140 3.72 2.91 3.26 0 USGS 3513000 9/30/2009 2090 1390 1630 3.24 2.7 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 10/1/2009 1390 1220 1310 2.7 2.55 2.63 0 USGS 3513000 10/2/2009 1430 1150 1240 2.73 2.49 2.57 0 USGS 3513000 10/3/2009 1860 1150 1410 3.07 2.49 2.71 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/4/2009 1700 1130 1350 2.95 2.47 2.66 0.16 USGS 3513000 10/5/2009 0.64 USGS 3513000 10/6/2009 2000 1610 1900 3.17 2.88 3.1 0.28 USGS 3513000 10/7/2009 1960 1780 1880 3.14 3.01 3.08 0.05 USGS 3513000 10/8/2009 1850 1240 1550 3.06 2.57 2.82 0 USGS 3513000 10/9/2009 1690 1210 1360 2.94 2.54 2.67 0.55 USGS 3513000 10/10/2009 2180 1310 1570 3.3 2.63 2.84 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/11/2009 1730 1220 1380 2.97 2.55 2.68 0 USGS 3513000 10/12/2009 1690 1210 1520 2.94 2.54 2.8 0.33 USGS 3513000 10/13/2009 1930 1250 1540 3.12 2.58 2.81 0 USGS 3513000 10/14/2009 2820 1240 2000 3.73 2.57 3.15 0.66 USGS 3513000 10/15/2009 2780 2220 2510 3.7 3.33 3.52 0.55 USGS 3513000 10/16/2009 3010 2050 2500 3.85 3.21 3.51 0 USGS 3513000 10/17/2009 2490 1810 2140 3.51 3.03 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 10/18/2009 2310 1630 1920 3.39 2.89 3.11 0.02 USGS 3513000 10/19/2009 2070 1480 1700 3.22 2.77 2.95 0 USGS 3513000 10/20/2009 1970 1440 1630 3.15 2.74 2.89 0 USGS 3513000 10/21/2009 1900 1420 1710 3.1 2.72 2.95 0 USGS 3513000 10/22/2009 1450 1310 1350 2.75 2.63 2.67 0 USGS 3513000 10/23/2009 1780 1310 1490 3.01 2.63 2.78 0.11 USGS 3513000 10/24/2009 3460 1550 2530 4.12 2.83 3.53 0.04 USGS 3513000 10/25/2009 2220 2020 2100 3.33 3.19 3.25 0 USGS 3513000 10/26/2009 2020 1180 1550 3.19 2.52 2.82 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/27/2009 5040 1180 1970 4.98 2.52 3.1 0.99 USGS 3513000 10/28/2009 5080 3060 3820 5 3.88 4.32 0.01 USGS 3513000 10/29/2009 3080 2620 2810 3.89 3.6 3.72 0 . USGS 3513000 10/30/2009 2640 2410 2510 3.61 3.46 3.53 0 USGS 3513000 10/31/2009 3230 2000 2480 3.98 3.17 3.5 0.92 USGS 3513000 11/1/2009 4650 3060 3710 4.78 3.88 4.26 0.01 USGS 3513000 11/2/2009 3340 2890 3090 4.05 3.77 3.9 0 USGS 3513000 11/3/2009 3380 2050 2690 4.07 3.21 3.64 0 USGS 3513000 11/4/2009 3340 1970 2540 4.05 3.15 3.54 0.02 USGS 3513000 11/5/2009 2470 2250 2370 3.5 3.35 3.43 0 USGS 3513000 11/6/2009 2270 2140 2220 3.36 3.27 3.33 0 USGS 3513000 11/7/2009 2150 1630 1880 3.28 2.89 3.08 0 USGS 3513000 11/8/2009 2090 1540 1880 3.24 2.82 3.08 0 USGS 3513000 11/9/2009 2020 1480 1820 3.19 2.77 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 11/10/2009 4310 1900 2480 4.6 3.1 3.49 2.02 USGS 3513000 11/11/2009 9560 4310 7070 6.99 4.6 5.92 0.84 USGS 3513000 11/12/2009 5320 3820 4430 5.12 4.33 4.66 0 USGS 3513000 11/13/2009 3840 3280 3530 4.34 4.01 4.16 0 USGS 3513000 11/14/2009 3290 2900 3060 4.02 3.78 3.88 0 USGS 3513000 11/15/2009 2900 2650 2770 3.78 3.62 3.7 0 USGS 3513000 11/16/2009 2670 2500 2570 3.63 3.52 3.57 0 USGS 3513000 11/17/2009 2500 2380 2440 3.52 3.44 3.48 0.16 USGS 3513000 11/18/2009 3140 2430 2880 3.93 3.47 3.76 0.44 USGS 3513000 11/19/2009 2790 2530 2650 3.71 3.54 3.62 0 USGS 3513000 11/20/2009 2550 2400 2470 3.55 3.45 3.5 0 USGS 3513000 11/21/2009 2410 2320 2370 3.46 3.4 3.43 0 USGS 3513000 11/22/2009 2350 2280 2320 3.42 3.37 3.4 0.12 USGS 3513000 11/23/2009 2340 2210 2280 3.41 3.32 3.37 0 USGS 3513000 11/24/2009 2240 1980 2140 3.34 3.16 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 11/25/2009 2090 1970 2020 3.24 3.15 3.18 ,0 USGS 3513000 11/26/2009 2050 1920 2000 3.21 3.11 3.17 0 USGS 3513000 11/27/2009 1980 1880 1910 3.16 3.08 3.11 0 USGS 3513000 11/28/2009 1920 1780 1850 3.11 3.01 3.06 0 USGS 3513000 11/29/2009 1940 1760 1810 3.13 2.99 3.03 0 USGS 3513000 11/30/2009 2120 1890 1990 3.26 3.09 3.16 0.54 USGS 3513000 12/1/2009 1980 1330 1660 3.16 2.65 2.91 0 USGS 3513000 12/2/2009 4860 1740 2850 4.89 2.98 3.7 0.89 USGS 3513000 12/3/2009 4460 2650 3260 4.68 3.62 3.99 0 USGS 3513000 12/4/2009 2670 2400 2550 3.63 3.45 3.55 0 USGS 3513000 12/5/2009 2530 1700 2300 3.54 2.95 3.38 0.13 USGS 3513000 12/6/2009 2210 1640 2040 3.32 2.9 3.2 0 USGS 3513000 12/7/2009 2090 1440 1760 3.24 2.74 2.99 0 USGS 3513000 12/8/2009 3000 1700 2090 3.84 2.95 3.23 0.96 USGS 3513000 12/9/2009 19200 3000 10200 10.31 3.84 7.09 1.26 USGS 3513000 12/10/2009 6210 4020 4870 5.55 4.44 4.89 0 USGS 3513000 12/11/2009 4280 3290 3670 4.58 4.02 4.24 0 USGS 3513000 12/12/2009 3390 2920 3150 4.08 3.79 3.93 0 USGS 3513000 12/13/2009 4500 2890 3670 4.7 3.77 4.23 0.44 USGS 3513000 12/14/2009 3860 3230 3430 4.35 3.98 4.1 0 USGS 3513000 12/15/2009 4520 2890 3150 4.71 3.77 3.93 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/16/2009 3050 2640 2860 3.87 3.61 3.75 0 USGS 3513000 12/17/2009 2790 2490 2670 3.71 3.51 3.63 0 USGS 3513000 12/18/2009 3750 2350 2970 4.29 3.42 3.81 0.89 USGS 3513000 12/19/2009 3650 3010 3270 4.23 3.85 4 0.63 USGS 3513000 12/20/2009 3010 2670 2830 3.85 3.63 3.73 0 USGS 3513000 12/21/2009 2760 2430 2570 3.69 3.47 3.57 0 USGS 3513000 12/22/2009 2560 2440 2490 3.56 3.48 3.51 0.01 USGS 3513000 12/23/2009 2530 2190 2370 3.54 3.31 3.43 0 USGS 3513000 12/24/2009 2500 2290 2370 3.52 3.38 3.43 0.14 USGS 3513000 12/25/2009 9030 2500 5920 6.78 3.52 5.33 1.27 USGS 3513000 12/26/2009 6590 4980 5660 5.73 4.95 5.28 0 USGS 3513000 12/27/2009 5040 3530 4450 4.98 4.16 4.67 0 USGS 3513000 12/28/2009 3530 3130 3300 4.16 3.92 4.03 0 USGS 3513000 12/29/2009 3740 2680 3020 4.28 3.64 3.85 0 USGS 3513000 12/30/2009 2890 2700 2800 3.77 3.65 3.72 0.08 USGS 3513000 12/31/2009 2930 2740 2830 3.8 3.68 3.73 0.17 USGS 3513000 1/1/2010 3510 2350 2680 4.15 3.42 3.64 0 USGS 3513000 1/2/2010 3380 2120 2530 4.07 3.26 3.54 0 USGS 3513000 1/3/2010 2780 2090 2360 3.7 3.24 3.43 0 USGS 3513000 1/4/2010 2520 2000 2290 3.53 3.17 3.38 0 USGS 3513000 1/5/2010 2580 1960 2250 3.57 3.14 3.35 0 USGS 3513000 1/6/2010 2470 1960 2140 3.5 3.14 3.27 0 USGS 3513000 1/7/2010 2280 2010 2130 3.37 3.18 3.26 0 USGS 3513000 1/8/2010 2180 1880 2100 3.3 3.08 3.24 0 USGS 3513000 1/9/2010 2090 1760 1960 3.24 2.99 3.14 0.01 USGS 3513000 1/10/2010 2140 1860 1980 3.27 3.07 3.16 0 USGS 3513000 1/11/2010 2050 1890 1970 3.21 3.09 3.15 0.02 USGS 3513000 1/12/2010 2050 1180 1710 3.21 2.52 2.94 0 Agency Site ID Date USGS 3513000 10/1/2001 USGS 3513000 10/2/2001 USGS 3513000 10/3/2001 USGS 3513000 10/4/2001 USGS 3513000 10/5/2001 USGS 3513000 10/6/2001 USGS 3513000 10/7/2001 USGS 3513000 10/8/2001 USGS 3513000 10/9/2001 USGS 3513000 10/10/2001 USGS 3513000 10/11/2001 USGS 3513000 10/12/2001 USGS 3513000 10/13/2001 USGS 3513000 10/14/2001 USGS 3513000 10/15/2001 USGS 3513000 10/16/2001 USGS 3513000 10/17/2001 USGS 3513000 10/18/2001 USGS 3513000 10/19/2001 USGS 3513000 10/20/2001 USGS 3513000 10/21/2001 USGS 3513000 10/22/2001 USGS 3513000 10/23/2001 USGS 3513000 10/24/2001 USGS 3513000 10/25/2001 USGS 3513000 10/26/2001 USGS 3513000 10/27/2001 USGS 3513000 10/28/2001 USGS 3513000 10/29/2001 USGS 3513000 10/30/2001 USGS 3513000 10/31/2001 USGS 3513000 11/1/2001 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USGS 3513000 12/1/2001 852 USGS 3513000 12/2/2001 758 USGS 3513000 12/3/2001 779 USGS 3513000 12/4/2001 755 USGS 3513000 12/5/2001 583 USGS 3513000 12/6/2001 669 USGS 3513000 12/7/2001 649 USGS 3513000 12/8/2001 747 USGS 3513000 12/9/2001 724 USGS 3513000 12/10/2001 1250 USGS 3513000 12/11/2001 1570 USGS 3513000 12/12/2001 1220 USGS 3513000 12/13/2001 1470 USGS 3513000 12/14/2001 1690 USGS 3513000 12/15/2001 1460 USGS 3513000 12/16/2001 1300 USGS 3513000 12/17/2001 1290 USGS 3513000 12/18/2001 2390 USGS 3513000 12/19/2001 1840 USGS 3513000 12/20/2001 1540 USGS 3513000 12/21/2001 1330 USGS 3513000 12/22/2001 1340 USGS 3513000 12/23/2001 1440 USGS 3513000 12/24/2001 1710 USGS 3513000 12/25/2001 1450 USGS 3513000 12/26/2001 1470 USGS 3513000 12/27/2001 1440 USGS 3513000 12/28/2001 1300 USGS 3513000 12/29/2001 1340 USGS 3513000 12/30/2001 1250 USGS 3513000 12/31/2001 1300 USGS 3513000 1/1/2002 839 USGS 3513000 1/2/2002 1200 USGS 3513000 1/3/2002 1200 USGS 3513000 1/4/2002 1190 USGS 3513000 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3513000 3/19/2002 2510 USGS 3513000 3/20/2002 1890 USGS 3513000 3/21/2002 2020 USGS 3513000 3/22/2002 1910 USGS 3513000 3/23/2002 1560 USGS 3513000 3/24/2002 1350 USGS 3513000 3/25/2002 1230 USGS 3513000 3/26/2002 1800 USGS 3513000 3/27/2002 1880 USGS 3513000 3/28/2002 1790 USGS 3513000 3/29/2002 1720 USGS 3513000 3/30/2002 2520 USGS 3513000 3/31/2002 3220 USGS 3513000 4/1/2002 3280 USGS 3513000 4/2/2002 2440 USGS 3513000 4/3/2002 2140 USGS 3513000 4/4/2002 2050 USGS 3513000 4/5/2002 1750 USGS 3513000 4/6/2002 1530 USGS 3513000 4/7/2002 1500 USGS 3513000 4/8/2002 1380 USGS 3513000 4/9/2002 1850 USGS 3513000 4/10/2002 1970 USGS 3513000 4/11/2002 1510 USGS 3513000 4/12/2002 1490 USGS 3513000 4/13/2002 1570 USGS 3513000 4/14/2002 1470 USGS 3513000 4/15/2002 1530 USGS 3513000 4/16/2002 1330 USGS 3513000 4/17/2002 1420 USGS 3513000 4/18/2002 1430 USGS 3513000 4/19/2002 1370 USGS 3513000 4/20/2002 1420 USGS 3513000 4/21/2002 1350 USGS 3513000 4/22/2002 1290 USGS 3513000 4/23/2002 1240 USGS 3513000 4/24/2002 1200 USGS 3513000 4/25/2002 1320 USGS 3513000 4/26/2002 1200 USGS 3513000 4/27/2002 1220 USGS 3513000 4/28/2002 1100 USGS 3513000 4/29/2002 1300 USGS 3513000 4/30/2002 1240 USGS 3513000 5/1/2002 2230 USGS 3513000 5/2/2002 1800 USGS 3513000 5/3/2002 1850 USGS 3513000 5/4/2002 3940 USGS 3513000 5/5/2002 3500 USGS 3513000 5/6/2002 2610 USGS 3513000 5/7/2002 1990 USGS 3513000 5/8/2002 1780 USGS 3513000 5/9/2002 1640 USGS 3513000 5/10/2002 1660 USGS 3513000 5/11/2002 1490 USGS 3513000 5/12/2002 1160 USGS 3513000 5/13/2002 1440 USGS 3513000 5/14/2002 1840 USGS 3513000 5/15/2002 1500 USGS 3513000 5/16/2002 1520 USGS 3513000 5/17/2002 1430 USGS 3513000 5/18/2002 1970 USGS 3513000 5/19/2002 1420 USGS 3513000 5/20/2002 1160 USGS 3513000 5/21/2002 1080 USGS 3513000 5/22/2002 1150 USGS 3513000 5/23/2002 1040 USGS 3513000 5/24/2002 1270 USGS 3513000 5/25/2002 1070 USGS 3513000 5/26/2002 957 USGS 3513000 5/27/2002 1240 USGS 3513000 5/28/2002 1220 USGS 3513000 5/29/2002 1280 USGS 3513000 5/30/2002 1120 USGS 3513000 5/31/2002 1170 USGS 3513000 6/1/2002 956 USGS 3513000 6/2/2002 908 USGS 3513000 6/3/2002 815 USGS 3513000 6/4/2002 1000 USGS 3513000 6/5/2002 1350 USGS 3513000 6/6/2002 1240 USGS 3513000 6/7/2002 1130 USGS 3513000 6/8/2002 921 USGS 3513000 6/9/2002 851 USGS 3513000 6/10/2002 804 USGS 3513000 6/11/2002 977 USGS 3513000 6/12/2002 969 USGS 3513000 6/13/2002 1000 USGS 3513000 6/14/2002 1030 USGS 3513000 6/15/2002 857 USGS 3513000 6/16/2002 748 USGS 3513000 6/17/2002 700 USGS 3513000 6/18/2002 692 USGS 3513000 6/19/2002 731 USGS 3513000 6/20/2002 659 USGS 3513000 6/21/2002 686 USGS 3513000 6/22/2002 656 USGS 3513000 6/23/2002 655 USGS 3513000 6/24/2002 651 USGS 3513000 6/25/2002 727 USGS 3513000 6/26/2002 943 USGS 3513000 6/27/2002 1020 USGS 3513000 6/28/2002 1020 USGS 3513000 6/29/2002 764 USGS 3513000 6/30/2002 820 USGS 3513000 7/1/2002 791 USGS 3513000 7/2/2002 744 USGS 3513000 7/3/2002 804 USGS 3513000 7/4/2002 923 USGS 3513000 7/5/2002 766 USGS 3513000 7/6/2002 708 USGS 3513000 7/7/2002 669 USGS 3513000 7/8/2002 626 • USGS 3513000 7/9/2002 667 USGS 3513000 7/10/2002 683 USGS 3513000 7/11/2002 787 USGS 3513000 7/12/2002 927 USGS 3513000 7/13/2002 806 USGS 3513000 7/14/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 7/15/2002 789 USGS 3513000 7/16/2002 800 USGS 3513000 7/17/2002 797 USGS 3513000 7/18/2002 707 USGS 3513000 7/19/2002 714 USGS 3513000 7/20/2002 794 USGS 3513000 7/21/2002 712 USGS 3513000 7/22/2002 696 USGS 3513000 7/23/2002 722 USGS 3513000 7/24/2002 672 USGS 3513000 7/25/2002 861 USGS 3513000 7/26/2002 876 :USGS 3513000 7/27/2002 728 USGS 3513000 7/28/2002 702 USGS 3513000 7/29/2002 685 USGS 3513000 7/30/2002 738 USGS 3513000 7/31/2002 687 USGS 3513000 8/1/2002 574 USGS 3513000 8/2/2002 552 USGS 3513000 8/3/2002 552 USGS 3513000 8/4/2002 544 USGS 3513000 8/5/2002 517 USGS 3513000 8/6/2002 470 USGS 3513000 8/7/2002 499 USGS 3513000 8/8/2002 506 USGS 3513000 8/9/2002 516 USGS 3513000 8/10/2002 481 USGS 3513000 8/11/2002 501 USGS 3513000 8/12/2002 506 USGS 3513000 8/13/2002 491 USGS 3513000 8/14/2002 489 USGS 3513000 8/15/2002 555 USGS 3513000 8/16/2002 583 USGS 3513000 8/17/2002 566 USGS 3513000 8/18/2002 579 USGS 3513000 8/19/2002 581 USGS 3513000 8/20/2002 585 USGS 3513000 8/21/2002 542 USGS 3513000 8/22/2002 536 USGS 3513000 8/23/2002 514 USGS 3513000 8/24/2002 570 USGS 3513000 8/25/2002 484 USGS 3513000 8/26/2002 625 USGS 3513000 8/27/2002 1320 USGS 3513000 8/28/2002 1020 USGS 3513000 8/29/2002 712 USGS 3513000 8/30/2002 708 USGS 3513000 8/31/2002 767 USGS 3513000 9/1/2002 794 USGS 3513000 9/2/2002 668 USGS 3513000 9/3/2002 646 USGS 3513000 9/4/2002 641 USGS 3513000 9/5/2002 563 USGS 3513000 9/6/2002 388 USGS 3513000 9/7/2002 461 USGS 3513000 9/8/2002 498 USGS 3513000 9/9/2002 491 USGS 3513000 9/10/2002 496 USGS 3513000 9/11/2002 511 USGS 3513000 9/12/2002 434 USGS 3513000 9/13/2002 777 USGS 3513000 9/14/2002 1070 USGS 3513000 9/15/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 9/16/2002 818 USGS 3513000 9/17/2002 484 USGS 3513000 9/18/2002 424 USGS 3513000 9/19/2002 424 USGS 3513000 9/20/2002 668 USGS 3513000 9/21/2002 1880 USGS 3513000 9/22/2002 2760 USGS 3513000 9/23/2002 1760 USGS 3513000 9/24/2002 1560 USGS 3513000 9/25/2002 1520 USGS 3513000 9/26/2002 2540 USGS 3513000 9/27/2002 3750 USGS 3513000 9/28/2002 3030 USGS 3513000 9/29/2002 2120 USGS 3513000 9/30/2002 1800 USGS 3513000 10/1/2002 1620 USGS 3513000 10/2/2002 1520 USGS 3513000 10/3/2002 1450 USGS 3513000 10/4/2002 1160 USGS 3513000 10/5/2002 1110 USGS 3513000 10/6/2002 841 USGS 3513000 10/7/2002 885 USGS 3513000 10/8/2002 1130 USGS 3513000 10/9/2002 1030 USGS 3513000 10/10/2002 1040 • USGS 3513000 10/11/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 10/12/2002 869 USGS 3513000 10/13/2002 867 USGS 3513000 10/14/2002 800 USGS 3513000 10/15/2002 1130 USGS 3513000 10/16/2002 1900 USGS 3513000 10/17/2002 1300 USGS 3513000 10/18/2002 1180 USGS 3513000 10/19/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 10/20/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 10/21/2002 1060 USGS 3513000 10/22/2002 670 USGS 3513000 10/23/2002 866 USGS 3513000 10/24/2002 829 USGS 3513000 10/25/2002 774 USGS 3513000 10/26/2002 973 USGS 3513000 10/27/2002 1100 USGS 3513000 10/28/2002 1470 USGS 3513000 10/29/2002 1600 USGS 3513000 10/30/2002 2840 USGS 3513000 10/31/2002 2140 USGS 3513000 11/1/2002 1700 USGS 3513000 11/2/2002 1400 USGS 3513000 11/3/2002 1100 USGS 3513000 11/4/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 11/5/2002 1050 USGS 3513000 11/6/2002 2090 USGS 3513000 11/7/2002 1430 USGS 3513000 11/8/2002 1170 USGS 3513000 11/9/2002 1170 USGS 3513000 11/10/2002 1090 USGS 3513000 11/11/2002 2340 USGS 3513000 11/12/2002 2950 USGS 3513000 11/13/2002 2800 USGS 3513000 11/14/2002 2260 USGS 3513000 11/15/2002 1810 USGS 3513000 11/16/2002 2820 USGS 3513000 11/17/2002 2600 USGS 3513000 11/18/2002 2080 USGS 3513000 11/19/2002 1850 USGS 3513000 11/20/2002 1700 USGS 3513000 11/21/2002 2200 USGS 3513000 11/22/2002 2060 USGS 3513000 11/23/2002 1830 USGS 3513000 11/24/2002 1710 USGS 3513000 11/25/2002 1610 USGS 3513000 11/26/2002 1390 USGS 3513000 11/27/2002 1430 USGS 3513000 11/28/2002 1340 USGS 3513000 11/29/2002 1200 USGS 3513000 11/30/2002 1220 USGS 3513000 12/1/2002 1130 USGS 3513000 12/2/2002 1120 USGS 3513000 12/3/2002 1170 USGS 3513000 12/4/2002 1340 USGS 3513000 12/5/2002 3070 USGS 3513000 12/6/2002 2270 USGS 3513000 12/7/2002 1970 USGS 3513000 12/8/2002 1860 USGS 3513000 12/9/2002 1800 USGS 3513000 12/10/2002 1740 USGS 3513000 12/11/2002 2190 USGS 3513000 12/12/2002 1800 USGS 3513000 12/13/2002 2130 USGS 3513000 12/14/2002 1970 USGS 3513000 12/15/2002 1980 USGS 3513000 12/16/2002 1920 USGS 3513000 12/17/2002 1690 USGS 3513000 12/18/2002 1740 USGS 3513000 12/19/2002 1810 USGS 3513000 12/20/2002 4930 USGS 3513000 12/21/2002 2980 USGS 3513000 12/22/2002 2630 USGS 3513000 12/23/2002 2300 USGS 3513000 12/24/2002 4290 USGS 3513000 12/25/2002 4090 USGS 3513000 12/26/2002 3190 USGS 3513000 12/27/2002 2630 USGS 3513000 12/28/2002 2600 USGS 3513000 12/29/2002 2280 USGS 3513000 12/30/2002 1790 USGS 3513000 12/31/2002 1840 USGS 3513000 1/1/2003 2260 USGS 3513000 1/2/2003 2290 USGS 3513000 1/3/2003 2140 USGS 3513000 1/4/2003 1910 USGS 3513000 1/5/2003 2170 USGS 3513000 1/6/2003 2020 USGS 3513000 1/7/2003 1690 USGS 3513000 1/8/2003 1660 USGS 3513000 1/9/2003 1830 USGS 3513000 1/10/2003 1310 USGS 3513000 1/11/2003 1120 USGS 3513000 1/12/2003 1520 • USGS 3513000 1/13/2003 1740 USGS 3513000 1/14/2003 1170 USGS 3513000 1/15/2003 1120 USGS 3513000 1/16/2003 1180 USGS 3513000 1/17/2003 1390 USGS 3513000 1/18/2003 1230 USGS 3513000 1/19/2003 1400 USGS 3513000 1/20/2003 1590 USGS 3513000 1/21/2003 1070 USGS 3513000 1/22/2003 1040 USGS 3513000 1/23/2003 1050 USGS 3513000 1/24/2003 1490 USGS 3513000 1/25/2003 1580 USGS 3513000 1/26/2003 1010 USGS 3513000 1/27/2003 962 USGS 3513000 1/28/2003 960 USGS 3513000 1/29/2003 1560 USGS 3513000 1/30/2003 1930 USGS 3513000 1/31/2003 1560 USGS 3513000 2/1/2003 1280 USGS 3513000 2/2/2003 1150 USGS 3513000 2/3/2003 1100 USGS 3513000 2/4/2003 2180 USGS 3513000 2/5/2003 1800 USGS 3513000 2/6/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 2/7/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 2/8/2003 1420 USGS 3513000 2/9/2003 1270 USGS 3513000 2/10/2003 1570 USGS 3513000 2/11/2003 1540 USGS 3513000 2/12/2003 1470 USGS 3513000 2/13/2003 1410 USGS 3513000 2/14/2003 1670 USGS 3513000 2/15/2003 3190 USGS 3513000 2/16/2003 3580 USGS 3513000 2/17/2003 3660 USGS 3513000 2/18/2003 3030 USGS 3513000 2/19/2003 2780 USGS 3513000 2/20/2003 2190 USGS 3513000 2/21/2003 2280 USGS 3513000 2/22/2003 8140 USGS 3513000 2/23/2003 6110 USGS 3513000 2/24/2003 4300 USGS 3513000 2/25/2003 3520 USGS 3513000 2/26/2003 3380 USGS 3513000 2/27/2003 3730 USGS 3513000 2/28/2003 3580 USGS 3513000 3/1/2003 3220 USGS 3513000 3/2/2003 2930 USGS 3513000 3/3/2003 2520 USGS 3513000 3/4/2003 2460 USGS 3513000 3/5/2003 2310 USGS 3513000 3/6/2003 5000 USGS 3513000 3/7/2003 3990 USGS 3513000 3/8/2003 3430 USGS 3513000 3/9/2003 3110 USGS 3513000 3/10/2003 2800 USGS 3513000 3/11/2003 2390 USGS 3513000 3/12/2003 2210 USGS 3513000 3/13/2003 2140 USGS 3513000 3/14/2003 2110 USGS 3513000 3/15/2003 2000 USGS 3513000 3/16/2003 2460 USGS 3513000 3/17/2003 2240 USGS 3513000 3/18/2003 2290 USGS 3513000 3/19/2003 2140 USGS 3513000 3/20/2003 2560 USGS 3513000 3/21/2003 2130 USGS 3513000 3/22/2003 1780 USGS 3513000 3/23/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 3/24/2003 1800 USGS 3513000 3/25/2003 1670 USGS 3513000 3/26/2003 1630 USGS 3513000 3/27/2003 1550 USGS 3513000 3/28/2003 1560 USGS 3513000 3/29/2003 1500 USGS 3513000 3/30/2003 1610 USGS 3513000 3/31/2003 1540 USGS 3513000 4/1/2003 1460 USGS 3513000 4/2/2003 1550 USGS 3513000 4/3/2003 1520 USGS 3513000 4/4/2003 1430 USGS 3513000 4/5/2003 1930 USGS 3513000 4/6/2003 1960 USGS 3513000 4/7/2003 2510 USGS 3513000 4/8/2003 2440 USGS 3513000 4/9/2003 4110 USGS 3513000 4/10/2003 3840 USGS 3513000 4/11/2003 3860 USGS 3513000 4/12/2003 3400 USGS 3513000 4/13/2003 2900 USGS 3513000 4/14/2003 2650 USGS 3513000 4/15/2003 2640 USGS 3513000 4/16/2003 2690 USGS 3513000 4/17/2003 2540 USGS 3513000 4/18/2003 2980 USGS 3513000 4/19/2003 2090 USGS 3513000 4/20/2003 1830 USGS 3513000 4/21/2003 2190 USGS 3513000 4/22/2003 2540 USGS 3513000 4/23/2003 2340 USGS 3513000 4/24/2003 2250 USGS 3513000 4/25/2003 2200 USGS 3513000 4/26/2003 1700 USGS 3513000 4/27/2003 1550 USGS 3513000 4/28/2003 1480 USGS 3513000 4/29/2003 1640 USGS 3513000 4/30/2003 1710 USGS 3513000 5/1/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 5/2/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 5/3/2003 1690 USGS 3513000 5/4/2003 1470 USGS 3513000 5/5/2003 2980 USGS 3513000 5/6/2003 19500 USGS 3513000 5/7/2003 16200 USGS 3513000 5/8/2003 10100 USGS 3513000 5/9/2003 6620 USGS 3513000 5/10/2003 5330 USGS 3513000 5/11/2003 4680 USGS 3513000 5/12/2003 4110 USGS 3513000 5/13/2003 3430 USGS 3513000 5/14/2003 3110 USGS 3513000 5/15/2003 3010 USGS 3513000 5/16/2003 2900 USGS 3513000 5/17/2003 2740 USGS 3513000 5/18/2003 2620 USGS 3513000 5/19/2003 2370 USGS 3513000 5/20/2003 1900 USGS 3513000 5/21/2003 2370 USGS 3513000 5/22/2003 3300 USGS 3513000 5/23/2003 2860 USGS 3513000 5/24/2003 2650 USGS 3513000 5/25/2003 2400 USGS 3513000 5/26/2003 2360 USGS 3513000 5/27/2003 2280 USGS 3513000 5/28/2003 1860 USGS 3513000 5/29/2003 1820 USGS 3513000 5/30/2003 1770 USGS 3513000 5/31/2003 1700 USGS 3513000 6/1/2003 1660 USGS 3513000 6/2/2003 1960 USGS 3513000 6/3/2003 1720 USGS 3513000 6/4/2003 1790 USGS 3513000 6/5/2003 1580 USGS 3513000 6/6/2003 1580 USGS 3513000 6/7/2003 3340 USGS 3513000 6/8/2003 2960 USGS 3513000 6/9/2003 1970 USGS 3513000 6/10/2003 1770 USGS 3513000 6/11/2003 1740 USGS 3513000 6/12/2003 1930 USGS 3513000 6/13/2003 1740 USGS 3513000 6/14/2003 1700 USGS 3513000 6/15/2003 1850 USGS 3513000 6/16/2003 1720 USGS 3513000 6/17/2003 1850 USGS 3513000 6/18/2003 2750 USGS 3513000 6/19/2003 2390 USGS 3513000 6/20/2003 1920 USGS 3513000 6/21/2003 1850 USGS 3513000 6/22/2003 1700 USGS 3513000 6/23/2003 1200 USGS 3513000 6/24/2003 1270 USGS 3513000 6/25/2003 1130 USGS 3513000 6/26/2003 1210 USGS 3513000 6/27/2003 1170 USGS 3513000 6/28/2003 1170 USGS 3513000 6/29/2003 1020 USGS 3513000 6/30/2003 1190 USGS 3513000 7/1/2003 1960 USGS 3513000 7/2/2003 4240 USGS 3513000 7/3/2003 2660 USGS 3513000 7/4/2003 2210 USGS 3513000 7/5/2003 2040 USGS 3513000 7/6/2003 2260 USGS 3513000 7/7/2003 2560 USGS 3513000 7/8/2003 2250 USGS 3513000 7/9/2003 2060 USGS 3513000 7/10/2003 1870 USGS 3513000 7/11/2003 1900 USGS 3513000 7/12/2003 1690 USGS 3513000 7/13/2003 1780 USGS 3513000 7/14/2003 1740 USGS 3513000 7/15/2003 2290 USGS 3513000 7/16/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 7/17/2003 1730 USGS 3513000 7/18/2003 1630 USGS 3513000 7/19/2003 1880 • USGS 3513000 7/20/2003 1590 USGS 3513000 7/21/2003 1470 USGS 3513000 7/22/2003 2170 USGS 3513000 7/23/2003 1670 USGS 3513000 7/24/2003 1430 USGS 3513000 7/25/2003 1330 USGS 3513000 7/26/2003 1420 USGS 3513000 7/27/2003 1390 USGS 3513000 7/28/2003 1400 USGS 3513000 7/29/2003 1330 USGS 3513000 7/30/2003 1190 USGS 3513000 7/31/2003 1370 USGS 3513000 8/1/2003 1620 USGS 3513000 8/2/2003 1560 USGS 3513000 8/3/2003 1220 USGS 3513000 8/4/2003 1250 USGS 3513000 8/5/2003 1480 USGS 3513000 8/6/2003 1230 USGS 3513000 8/7/2003 1180 USGS 3513000 8/8/2003 1170 USGS 3513000 8/9/2003 1240 USGS 3513000 8/10/2003 1280 USGS 3513000 8/11/2003 1260 USGS 3513000 8/12/2003 1170 USGS 3513000 8/13/2003 1190 USGS 3513000 8/14/2003 1130 USGS 3513000 8/15/2003 1110 USGS 3513000 8/16/2003 1280 USGS 3513000 8/17/2003 1480 USGS 3513000 8/18/2003 1210 USGS 3513000 8/19/2003 1020 USGS 3513000 8/20/2003 1180 USGS 3513000 8/21/2003 1130 USGS 3513000 8/22/2003 1320 USGS 3513000 8/23/2003 1180 USGS 3513000 8/24/2003 1140 USGS 3513000 8/25/2003 1170 USGS 3513000 8/26/2003 843 USGS 3513000 8/27/2003 877 USGS 3513000 8/28/2003 813 USGS 3513000 8/29/2003 849 USGS 3513000 8/30/2003 949 USGS 3513000 8/31/2003 1470 USGS 3513000 9/1/2003 1230 USGS 3513000 9/2/2003 1410 USGS 3513000 9/3/2003 1080 USGS 3513000 9/4/2003 1890 USGS 3513000 9/5/2003 1560 USGS 3513000 9/6/2003 1530 USGS 3513000 9/7/2003 1380 USGS 3513000 9/8/2003 1330 USGS 3513000 9/9/2003 1390 USGS 3513000 9/10/2003 1400 USGS 3513000 9/11/2003 1340 USGS 3513000 9/12/2003 1230 USGS 3513000 9/13/2003 1300 USGS 3513000 9/14/2003 888 USGS 3513000 9/15/2003 808 USGS 3513000 9/16/2003 751 USGS 3513000 9/17/2003 707 USGS 3513000 9/18/2003 685 USGS 3513000 9/19/2003 672 USGS 3513000 9/20/2003 617 USGS 3513000 9/21/2003 629 USGS 3513000 9/22/2003 1570 USGS 3513000 9/23/2003 2270 USGS 3513000 9/24/2003 1010 USGS 3513000 9/25/2003 915 USGS 3513000 9/26/2003 871 USGS 3513000 9/27/2003 1250 USGS 3513000 9/28/2003 1520 USGS 3513000 9/29/2003 1150 USGS 3513000 9/30/2003 846 USGS 3513000 10/1/2003 923 USGS 3513000 10/2/2003 857 USGS 3513000 10/3/2003 834 USGS 3513000 10/4/2003 894 USGS 3513000 10/5/2003 931 USGS 3513000 10/6/2003 831 USGS 3513000 10/7/2003 779 USGS 3513000 10/8/2003 877 USGS 3513000 10/9/2003 908 USGS 3513000 10/10/2003 835 USGS 3513000 10/11/2003 1130 USGS 3513000 10/12/2003 988 USGS 3513000 10/13/2003 644 USGS 3513000 10/14/2003 720 USGS 3513000 10/15/2003 781 USGS 3513000 10/16/2003 732 USGS 3513000 10/17/2003 699 USGS 3513000 10/18/2003 700 USGS 3513000 10/19/2003 675 USGS 3513000 10/20/2003 645 USGS 3513000 10/21/2003 666 • USGS 3513000 10/22/2003 661 USGS 3513000 10/23/2003 631 USGS 3513000 10/24/2003 649 USGS 3513000 10/25/2003 649 USGS 3513000 10/26/2003 833 USGS 3513000 10/27/2003 1290 USGS 3513000 10/28/2003 1020 USGS 3513000 10/29/2003 912 USGS 3513000 10/30/2003 868 USGS 3513000 10/31/2003 950 USGS 3513000 11/1/2003 824 USGS 3513000 11/2/2003 695 USGS 3513000 11/3/2003 760 USGS 3513000 11/4/2003 808 USGS 3513000 11/5/2003 1230 USGS 3513000 11/6/2003 1560 USGS 3513000 11/7/2003 1460 USGS 3513000 11/8/2003 1210 USGS 3513000 11/9/2003 951 USGS 3513000 11/10/2003 999 USGS 3513000 11/11/2003 1030 USGS 3513000 11/12/2003 999 USGS 3513000 11/13/2003 1030 USGS 3513000 11/14/2003 1050 USGS 3513000 11/15/2003 1050 USGS 3513000 11/16/2003 918 USGS 3513000 11/17/2003 834 USGS 3513000 11/18/2003 1050 USGS 3513000 11/19/2003 8900 USGS 3513000 11/20/2003 3830 USGS 3513000 11/21/2003 2630 USGS 3513000 11/22/2003 2200 USGS 3513000 11/23/2003 1990 USGS 3513000 11/24/2003 2100 USGS 3513000 11/25/2003 2010 USGS 3513000 11/26/2003 1850 USGS 3513000 11/27/2003 1870 USGS 3513000 11/28/2003 2950 USGS 3513000 11/29/2003 2600 USGS 3513000 11/30/2003 2140 USGS 3513000 12/1/2003 1840 USGS 3513000 12/2/2003 1830 USGS 3513000 12/3/2003 1620 USGS 3513000 12/4/2003 1770 USGS 3513000 12/5/2003 1840 USGS 3513000 12/6/2003 1920 USGS 3513000 12/7/2003 1830 USGS 3513000 12/8/2003 1550 USGS 3513000 12/9/2003 1500 USGS 3513000 12/10/2003 2400 USGS 3513000 12/11/2003 2750 USGS 3513000 12/12/2003 2280 USGS 3513000 12/13/2003 2120 USGS 3513000 12/14/2003 2380 USGS 3513000 12/15/2003 2050 USGS 3513000 12/16/2003 1850 USGS 3513000 12/17/2003 2270 USGS 3513000 12/18/2003 2020 USGS 3513000 12/19/2003 1970 USGS 3513000 12/20/2003 1860 USGS 3513000 12/21/2003 1720 USGS 3513000 12/22/2003 1530 USGS 3513000 12/23/2003 1940 USGS 3513000 12/24/2003 2540 USGS 3513000 12/25/2003 2180 USGS 3513000 12/26/2003 2080 USGS 3513000 12/27/2003 1720 USGS 3513000 12/28/2003 1590 USGS 3513000 12/29/2003 1630 USGS 3513000 12/30/2003 2140 USGS 3513000 12/31/2003 1750 USGS 3513000 1/1/2004 1700 USGS 3513000 1/2/2004 1510 USGS 3513000 1/3/2004 1540 USGS 3513000 1/4/2004 1730 USGS 3513000 1/5/2004 3090 USGS 3513000 1/6/2004 2490 USGS 3513000 1/7/2004 1970 USGS 3513000 1/8/2004 1800 USGS 3513000 1/9/2004 1920 USGS 3513000 1/10/2004 1720 USGS 3513000 1/11/2004 1440 USGS 3513000 1/12/2004 1440 USGS 3513000 1/13/2004 1350 USGS 3513000 1/14/2004 1340 USGS 3513000 1/15/2004 1300 USGS 3513000 1/16/2004 1280 USGS 3513000 1/17/2004 1260 USGS 3513000 1/18/2004 1580 USGS 3513000 1/19/2004 1440 USGS 3513000 1/20/2004 1280 USGS 3513000 1/21/2004 1400 USGS 3513000 1/22/2004 1180 USGS 3513000 1/23/2004 1130 • USGS 3513000 1/24/2004 1130 USGS 3513000 1/25/2004 1410 USGS 3513000 1/26/2004 1950 USGS 3513000 1/27/2004 1680 USGS 3513000 1/28/2004 1510 USGS 3513000 1/29/2004 1440 USGS 3513000 1/30/2004 1380 USGS 3513000 1/31/2004 . 1250 USGS 3513000 2/1/2004 1230 USGS 3513000 2/2/2004 1250 USGS 3513000 2/3/2004 2170 USGS 3513000 2/4/2004 1940 USGS 3513000 2/5/2004 1980 USGS 3513000 2/6/2004 5220 USGS 3513000 2/7/2004 4710 USGS 3513000 2/8/2004 3120 USGS 3513000 2/9/2004 2640 USGS 3513000 2/10/2004 2380 USGS 3513000 2/11/2004 2440 USGS 3513000 2/12/2004 2640 USGS 3513000 2/13/2004 2420 USGS 3513000 2/14/2004 2290 USGS 3513000 2/15/2004 2310 USGS 3513000 2/16/2004 2200 USGS 3513000 2/17/2004 1730 USGS 3513000 2/18/2004 1710 USGS 3513000 2/19/2004 1660 USGS 3513000 2/20/2004 1670 USGS 3513000 2/21/2004 1770 USGS 3513000 2/22/2004 1690 USGS 3513000 2/23/2004 1620 USGS 3513000 2/24/2004 1600 USGS 3513000 2/25/2004 1600 USGS 3513000 2/26/2004 1500 USGS 3513000 2/27/2004 1510 USGS 3513000 2/28/2004 1400 USGS 3513000 2/29/2004 1290 USGS 3513000 3/1/2004 1160 USGS 3513000 3/2/2004 1500 USGS 3513000 3/3/2004 1660 USGS 3513000 3/4/2004 1440 USGS 3513000 3/5/2004 1390 USGS 3513000 3/6/2004 3410 USGS 3513000 3/7/2004 2310 USGS 3513000 3/8/2004 1920 USGS 3513000 3/9/2004 1780 USGS 3513000 3/10/2004 1730 USGS 3513000 3/11/2004 1600 USGS 3513000 3/12/2004 1520 USGS 3513000 3/13/2004 1460 USGS 3513000 3/14/2004 1400 USGS 3513000 3/15/2004 1430 USGS 3513000 3/16/2004 2130 USGS 3513000 3/17/2004 1820 USGS 3513000 3/18/2004 1750 USGS 3513000 3/19/2004 1820 USGS 3513000 3/20/2004 1730 USGS 3513000 3/21/2004 1730 USGS 3513000 3/22/2004 1620 USGS 3513000 3/23/2004 1580 USGS 3513000 3/24/2004 1520 USGS 3513000 3/25/2004 1670 USGS 3513000 3/26/2004 1630 USGS 3513000 3/27/2004 1470 USGS 3513000 3/28/2004 1160 USGS 3513000 3/29/2004 1200 USGS 3513000 3/30/2004 1390 USGS 3513000 3/31/2004 1400 USGS 3513000 4/1/2004 1380 USGS 3513000 4/2/2004 1320 USGS 3513000 4/3/2004 1180 USGS 3513000 4/4/2004 1110 USGS 3513000 4/5/2004 1160 USGS 3513000 4/6/2004 1260 USGS 3513000 4/7/2004 1240 USGS 3513000 4/8/2004 1240 USGS 3513000 4/9/2004 1200 USGS 3513000 4/10/2004 1040 USGS 3513000 4/11/2004 1010 USGS 3513000 4/12/2004 1040 USGS 3513000 4/13/2004 3520 USGS 3513000 4/14/2004 2640 USGS 3513000 4/15/2004 2010 USGS 3513000 4/16/2004 1800 USGS 3513000 4/17/2004 1630 USGS 3513000 4/18/2004 1450 USGS 3513000 4/19/2004 1320 USGS 3513000 4/20/2004 1350 USGS 3513000 4/21/2004 1330 USGS 3513000 4/22/2004 1270 USGS 3513000 4/23/2004 1250 USGS 3513000 4/24/2004 1170 USGS 3513000 4/25/2004 1130 USGS 3513000 4/26/2004 2110 • USGS 3513000 10/7/2006 788 597 656 USGS 3513000 10/8/2006 779 597 702 USGS 3513000 10/9/2006 1150 580 876 USGS 3513000 10/10/2006 917 614 735 USGS 3513000 10/11/2006 798 563 690 USGS 3513000 10/12/2006 937 713 817 USGS 3513000 10/13/2006 760 580 693 USGS 3513000 10/14/2006 732 538 667 USGS 3513000 10/15/2006 722 521 640 USGS 3513000 10/16/2006 760 521 636 USGS 3513000 10/17/2006 5720 760 3120 USGS 3513000 10/18/2006 3810 1550 2450 USGS 3513000 10/19/2006 1610 1380 1490 USGS 3513000 10/20/2006 1810 1280 1580 USGS 3513000 10/21/2006 1810 1210 1470 USGS 3513000 10/22/2006 1550 1200 1290 USGS 3513000 10/23/2006 1350 1080 1160 USGS 3513000 10/24/2006 1380 837 1020 USGS 3513000 10/25/2006 1310 876 1040 USGS 3513000 10/26/2006 1260 837 1020 USGS 3513000 10/27/2006 2950 886 1370 USGS 3513000 10/28/2006 2920 1890 2360 USGS 3513000 10/29/2006 2160 1430 1790 USGS 3513000 10/30/2006 1650 1290 1380 USGS 3513000 10/31/2006 1370 1200 1250 USGS 3513000 11/1/2006 1220 1010 1140 USGS 3513000 11/2/2006 1700 1170 1410 USGS 3513000 11/3/2006 1500 1050 1170 USGS 3513000 11/4/2006 1410 817 1020 USGS 3513000 11/5/2006 1370 798 989 USGS 3513000 11/6/2006 1360 769 961 USGS 3513000 11/7/2006 1600 779 966 USGS 3513000 11/8/2006 2740 1250 1660 USGS 3513000 11/9/2006 2240 937 1540 USGS 3513000 11/10/2006 1780 1000 1320 USGS 3513000 11/11/2006 1920 989 1220 USGS 3513000 11/12/2006 1840 1010 1310 USGS 3513000 11/13/2006 1550 937 1160 USGS 3513000 11/14/2006 1500 886 1080 USGS 3513000 11/15/2006 4610 968 1650 USGS 3513000 11/16/2006 5950 3600 4740 USGS 3513000 11/17/2006 3600 2650 3020 USGS 3513000 11/18/2006 2670 2310 2470 USGS 3513000 11/19/2006 2320 1650 2140 USGS 3513000 11/20/2006 1890 1480 1580 USGS 3513000 11/21/2006 1510 1350 1410 USGS 3513000 11/22/2006 1770 1320 1600 USGS 3513000 8/21/2006 1390 690 951 USGS 3513000 8/22/2006 901 623 732 USGS 3513000 8/23/2006 1150 665 840 USGS 3513000 8/24/2006 1110 598 785 USGS 3513000 8/25/2006 815 566 671 USGS 3513000 8/26/2006 1050 543 761 USGS 3513000 8/27/2006 716 512 615 USGS 3513000 8/28/2006 648 482 587 USGS 3513000 8/29/2006 734 520 630 USGS 3513000 8/30/2006 881 535 627 USGS 3513000 8/31/2006 3510 543 962 USGS 3513000 9/1/2006 3460 1090 1600 USGS 3513000 9/2/2006 1170 872 1030 USGS 3513000 9/3/2006 1360 910 1150 USGS 3513000 9/4/2006 1250 815 1050 USGS 3513000 9/5/2006 1890 901 1340 USGS 3513000 9/6/2006 1270 853 1120 USGS 3513000 9/7/2006 1180 797 997 USGS 3513000 9/8/2006 1290 725 1080 USGS 3513000 9/9/2006 1320 825 1170 USGS 3513000 9/10/2006 1190 806 939 USGS 3513000 9/11/2006 1210 788 969 USGS 3513000 9/12/2006 1210 770 1080 USGS 3513000 9/13/2006 1880 872 1340 USGS 3513000 9/14/2006 1620 990 1300 USGS 3513000 9/15/2006 1340 779 1090 USGS 3513000 9/16/2006 1250 682 1050 USGS 3513000 9/17/2006 950 590 696 USGS 3513000 9/18/2006 1180 607 1020 USGS 3513000 9/19/2006 1390 788 1120 USGS 3513000 9/20/2006 1190 761 998 USGS 3513000 9/21/2006 1160 682 953 USGS 3513000 9/22/2006 1140 559 912 USGS 3513000 9/23/2006 1310 797 1050 USGS 3513000 9/24/2006 3980 872 2820 USGS 3513000 9/25/2006 3270 1510 2440 USGS 3513000 9/26/2006 1880 1060 1390 USGS 3513000 9/27/2006 1540 1040 1450 USGS 3513000 9/28/2006 1410 1090 1330 USGS 3513000 9/29/2006 1450 834 1160 USGS 3513000 9/30/2006 1400 825 1220 USGS 3513000 10/1/2006 1170 732 840 USGS 3513000 10/2/2006 1130 659 764 USGS 3513000 10/3/2006 857 650 755 USGS 3513000 10/4/2006 837 632 732 USGS 3513000 10/5/2006 808 614 712 USGS 3513000 10/6/2006 989 667 833 • USGS 3513000 7/5/2006 1410 843 1090 USGS 3513000 7/6/2006 2100 960 1400 USGS 3513000 7/7/2006 1120 743 908 USGS 3513000 7/8/2006 1070 699 846 USGS 3513000 7/9/2006 872 656 776 USGS 3513000 7/10/2006 940 607 685 USGS 3513000 7/11/2006 806 615 737 USGS 3513000 7/12/2006 960 590 696 USGS 3513000 7/13/2006 960 623 771 USGS 3513000 7/14/2006 2460 682 993 USGS 3513000 7/15/2006 2420 1070 1460 USGS 3513000 7/16/2006 1140 752 885 USGS 3513000 7/17/2006 788 623 670 USGS 3513000 7/18/2006 980 598 744 USGS 3513000 7/19/2006 950 590 748 USGS 3513000 7/20/2006 1070 623 810 USGS 3513000 7/21/2006 1070 725 845 USGS 3513000 7/22/2006 1710 843 1340 USGS 3513000 7/23/2006 1160 797 949 USGS 3513000 7/24/2006 960 640 762 USGS 3513000 7/25/2006 1830 788 1300 USGS 3513000 7/26/2006 1120 752 936 USGS 3513000 7/27/2006 1230 699 908 USGS 3513000 7/28/2006 940 708 812 USGS 3513000 7/29/2006 1310 690 847 USGS 3513000 7/30/2006 1060 716 827 USGS 3513000 7/31/2006 872 623 697 USGS 3513000 8/1/2006 1010 574 679 USGS 3513000 8/2/2006 960 574 699 USGS 3513000 8/3/2006 970 590 729 USGS 3513000 8/4/2006 815 607 711 USGS 3513000 8/5/2006 1020 607 786 USGS 3513000 8/6/2006 834 566 638 USGS 3513000 8/7/2006 743 566 622 USGS 3513000 8/8/2006 743 543 637 USGS 3513000 8/9/2006 910 528 650 USGS 3513000 8/10/2006 1050 512 731 USGS 3513000 8/11/2006 843 615 732 USGS 3513000 8/12/2006 1310 615 847 USGS 3513000 8/13/2006 970 631 742 USGS 3513000 8/14/2006 690 520 571 USGS 3513000 8/15/2006 1150 512 659 USGS 3513000 8/16/2006 1000 648 825 USGS 3513000 8/17/2006 901 582 687 USGS 3513000 8/18/2006 708 512 618 USGS 3513000 8/19/2006 872 505 627 USGS 3513000 8/20/2006 1710 648 975 USGS 3513000 5/19/2006 1560 853 1060 USGS 3513000 5/20/2006 3460 843 1830 USGS 3513000 5/21/2006 3010 1540 2280 USGS 3513000 5/22/2006 1830 1350 1550 USGS 3513000 5/23/2006 1640 1160 1360 USGS 3513000 5/24/2006 1730 1160 1500 USGS 3513000 5/25/2006 1230 1040 1120 USGS 3513000 5/26/2006 1340 1090 1230 USGS 3513000 5/27/2006 1180 1020 1100 USGS 3513000 5/28/2006 1420 940 1160 USGS 3513000 5/29/2006 1320 901 1050 USGS 3513000 5/30/2006 1090 930 1070 USGS 3513000 5/31/2006 1800 881 1230 USGS 3513000 6/1/2006 1490 1180 1300 USGS 3513000 6/2/2006 1330 1090 1210 USGS 3513000 6/3/2006 1260 1040 1160 USGS 3513000 6/4/2006 1360 920 1050 USGS 3513000 6/5/2006 1340 853 994 USGS 3513000 6/6/2006 1450 825 973 USGS 3513000 6/7/2006 1210 797 905 USGS 3513000 6/8/2006 1250 770 891 USGS 3513000 6/9/2006 920 761 827 USGS 3513000 6/10/2006 1110 725 849 USGS 3513000 6/11/2006 1070 716 862 USGS 3513000 6/12/2006 843 690 730 USGS 3513000 6/13/2006 834 665 703 USGS 3513000 6/14/2006 1080 665 790 USGS 3513000 6/15/2006 1040 631 738 USGS 3513000 6/16/2006 834 607 667 USGS 3513000 6/17/2006 970 598 691 USGS 3513000 6/18/2006 761 590 644 USGS 3513000 6/19/2006 690 574 596 USGS 3513000 6/20/2006 761 574 624 USGS 3513000 6/21/2006 960 566 660 USGS 3513000 6/22/2006 950 551 657 USGS 3513000 6/23/2006 1070 543 676 USGS 3513000 6/24/2006 1170 797 965 USGS 3513000 6/25/2006 2220 770 1580 USGS 3513000 6/26/2006 3790 1180 2190 USGS 3513000 6/27/2006 3480 1710 2210 USGS 3513000 6/28/2006 1760 1040 1440 USGS 3513000 6/29/2006 1450 980 1130 USGS 3513000 6/30/2006 980 891 926 USGS 3513000 7/1/2006 1260 862 966 USGS 3513000 7/2/2006 862 825 841 USGS 3513000 7/3/2006 1250 797 984 USGS 3513000 7/4/2006 1460 825 963 • USGS 3513000 4/2/2006 1070 960 1010 USGS 3513000 4/3/2006 1850 950 1370 USGS 3513000 4/4/2006 1830 1120 1310 USGS 3513000 4/5/2006 1490 1020 1160 USGS 3513000 4/6/2006 1270 920 1030 USGS 3513000 4/7/2006 990 950 971 USGS 3513000 4/8/2006 1520 940 1260 USGS 3513000 4/9/2006 1400 1090 1210 USGS 3513000 4/10/2006 1370 1020 1080 USGS 3513000 4/11/2006 1290 960 1030 USGS 3513000 4/12/2006 970 940 951 USGS 3513000 4/13/2006 940 910 925 USGS 3513000 4/14/2006 910 881 897 USGS 3513000 4/15/2006 1290 862 975 USGS 3513000 4/16/2006 1350 834 1000 USGS 3513000 4/17/2006 1330 815 973 USGS 3513000 4/18/2006 1250 797 896 USGS 3513000 4/19/2006 1200 779 1000 USGS 3513000 4/20/2006 1330 834 1040 USGS 3513000 4/21/2006 1570 834 1220 USGS 3513000 4/22/2006 4790 1520 3320 USGS 3513000 4/23/2006 3080 1760 2460 USGS 3513000 4/24/2006 1760 1460 1590 USGS 3513000 4/25/2006 1870 1400 1570 USGS 3513000 4/26/2006 2460 1400 1870 USGS 3513000 4/27/2006 2780 1710 2120 USGS 3513000 4/28/2006 2120 1490 1750 USGS 3513000 4/29/2006 1960 1360 1620 USGS 3513000 4/30/2006 1370 1270 1330 USGS 3513000 5/1/2006 1280 1180 1250 USGS 3513000 5/2/2006 1630 1150 1320 USGS 3513000 5/3/2006 1660 1110 1290 USGS 3513000 5/4/2006 1420 990 1120 USGS 3513000 5/5/2006 2020 1040 1510 USGS 3513000 5/6/2006 1810 1030 1400 USGS 3513000 5/7/2006 1490 1010 1170 USGS 3513000 5/8/2006 1350 1180 1250 USGS 3513000 5/9/2006 1590 1010 1270 USGS 3513000 5/10/2006 1450 980 1090 USGS 3513000 5/11/2006 1620 990 1150 USGS 3513000 5/12/2006 1630 970 1160 USGS 3513000 5/13/2006 1570 920 1100 USGS 3513000 5/14/2006 970 910 941 USGS 3513000 5/15/2006 910 843 887 USGS 3513000 5/16/2006 1540 862 1040 USGS 3513000 5/17/2006 1540 853 1030 USGS 3513000 5/18/2006 1490 843 1020 USGS 3513000 2/14/2006 1760 980 1250 USGS 3513000 2/15/2006 1770 1060 1340 USGS 3513000 2/16/2006 1720 1110 1340 USGS 3513000 2/17/2006 2030 1280 1530 USGS 3513000 2/18/2006 2400 1410 1830 USGS 3513000 2/19/2006 2180 1280 1700 USGS 3513000 2/20/2006 1980 1200 1590 USGS 3513000 2/21/2006 1850 1190 1520 USGS 3513000 2/22/2006 2370 1390 1700 USGS 3513000 2/23/2006 2590 1720 2170 USGS 3513000 2/24/2006 2310 1470 1840 USGS 3513000 2/25/2006 2100 1370 1720 USGS 3513000 2/26/2006 2000 1250 1550 USGS 3513000 2/27/2006 1890 1170 1390 USGS 3513000 2/28/2006 1790 1360 1530 USGS 3513000 3/1/2006 1490 1360 1370 USGS 3513000 3/2/2006 1390 1160 1260 USGS 3513000 3/3/2006 1760 1130 1310 USGS 3513000 3/4/2006 1470 1040 1180 USGS 3513000 3/5/2006 1430 1010 1110 USGS 3513000 3/6/2006 1390 1020 1090 USGS 3513000 3/7/2006 1340 950 1040 USGS 3513000 3/8/2006 1360 930 1050 USGS 3513000 3/9/2006 1260 901 985 USGS 3513000 3/10/2006 1610 1090 1290 USGS 3513000 3/11/2006 1490 980 1140 USGS 3513000 3/12/2006 1460 960 1140 USGS 3513000 3/13/2006 1450 940 1080 USGS 3513000 3/14/2006 1450 1020 1140 USGS 3513000 3/15/2006 1370 910 1030 USGS 3513000 3/16/2006 1320 843 982 USGS 3513000 3/17/2006 1340 862 988 USGS 3513000 3/18/2006 1340 834 958 USGS 3513000 3/19/2006 1260 825 934 USGS 3513000 3/20/2006 2160 834 1090 USGS 3513000 3/21/2006 2160 1400 1850 USGS 3513000 3/22/2006 1790 1070 1320 USGS 3513000 3/23/2006 1530 1000 1170 USGS 3513000 3/24/2006 1460 1000 1160 USGS 3513000 3/25/2006 1410 970 1090 USGS 3513000 3/26/2006 1400 920 1080 USGS 3513000 3/27/2006 1360 862 1070 USGS 3513000 3/28/2006 1340 901 1050 USGS 3513000 3/29/2006 1310 891 985 USGS 3513000 3/30/2006 1110 891 935 USGS 3513000 3/31/2006 1090 910 955 USGS 3513000 4/1/2006 1320 940 1180 USGS 3513000 12/29/2005 2300 1560 1880 USGS 3513000 12/30/2005 1980 1320 1720 USGS 3513000 12/31/2005 1840 1250 1570 USGS 3513000 1/1/2006 1730 1180 1440 USGS 3513000 1/2/2006 4410 1370 2510 USGS 3513000 1/3/2006 4940 2670 3500 USGS 3513000 1/4/2006 2960 2100 2440 USGS 3513000 1/5/2006 2420 1670 2030 USGS 3513000 1/6/2006 2190 1590 1880 USGS 3513000 1/7/2006 2000 1430 1750 USGS 3513000 1/8/2006 1880 1290 1480 USGS 3513000 1/9/2006 1690 1070 1310 USGS 3513000 1/10/2006 1720 960 1290 USGS 3513000 1/11/2006 2270 1240 1590 USGS 3513000 1/12/2006 2060 1130 1510 USGS 3513000 1/13/2006 2780 1070 1500 USGS 3513000 1/14/2006 3130 1990 2370 USGS 3513000 1/15/2006 2020 1180 1430 USGS 3513000 1/16/2006 1770 1130 1330 USGS 3513000 1/17/2006 12800 1410 3190 USGS 3513000 1/18/2006 13000 4630 7500 USGS 3513000 1/19/2006 4630 3350 3850 USGS 3513000 1/20/2006 3350 2810 3050 USGS 3513000 1/21/2006 3810 2700 3310 USGS 3513000 1/22/2006 3230 2810 2960 USGS 3513000 1/23/2006 3250 2830 3080 USGS 3513000 1/24/2006 3130 2700 2880 USGS 3513000 1/25/2006 2720 2060 2330 USGS 3513000 1/26/2006 2530 1840 2230 USGS 3513000 1/27/2006 2330 1730 2070 USGS 3513000 1/28/2006 2250 1630 1970 USGS 3513000 1/29/2006 2590 1590 1990 USGS 3513000 1/30/2006 2340 1450 1820 USGS 3513000 1/31/2006 2490 1490 2020 USGS 3513000 2/1/2006 2130 1370 1800 USGS 3513000 2/2/2006 2030 1320 1690 USGS 3513000 2/3/2006 2120 1420 1880 USGS 3513000 2/4/2006 3110 1980 2380 USGS 3513000 2/5/2006 2640 2210 2390 USGS 3513000 2/6/2006 2270 1470 1950 USGS 3513000 2/7/2006 2120 1580 1920 USGS 3513000 2/8/2006 2050 1480 1780 USGS 3513000 2/9/2006 1990 1160 1620 USGS 3513000 2/10/2006 1790 1080 1480 USGS 3513000 2/11/2006 1800 1190 1570 USGS 3513000 2/12/2006 1810 1120 1490 USGS 3513000 2/13/2006 1720 1000 1460 USGS 3513000 11/12/2005 623 474 508 USGS 3513000 11/13/2005 482 474 481 USGS 3513000 11/14/2005 881 422 504 USGS 3513000 11/15/2005 682 482 540 USGS 3513000 11/16/2005 1890 482 1150 USGS 3513000 11/17/2005 1410 623 845 USGS 3513000 11/18/2005 1210 615 815 USGS 3513000 11/19/2005 1150 566 775 USGS 3513000 11/20/2005 1060 520 648 USGS 3513000 11/21/2005 1450 559 746 USGS 3513000 11/22/2005 1450 970 1280 USGS 3513000 11/23/2005 1370 623 961 USGS 3513000 11/24/2005 1250 582 873 USGS 3513000 11/25/2005 1230 582 878 USGS 3513000 11/26/2005 1140 520 648 USGS 3513000 11/27/2005 734 535 592 USGS 3513000 11/28/2005 1360 559 732 USGS 3513000 11/29/2005 6490 1250 3430 USGS 3513000 11/30/2005 2720 1750 2170 USGS 3513000 12/1/2005 2210 1430 1640 USGS 3513000 12/2/2005 1560 1450 1500 USGS 3513000 12/3/2005 1490 1430 1460 USGS 3513000 12/4/2005 1720 1430 1560 USGS 3513000 12/5/2005 2250 1310 1700 USGS 3513000 12/6/2005 2050 1690 1800 USGS 3513000 12/7/2005 1710 1070 1410 USGS 3513000 12/8/2005 1660 1010 1340 USGS 3513000 12/9/2005 3110 1660 2320 USGS 3513000 12/10/2005 1960 1720 1820 USGS 3513000 12/11/2005 1720 1620 1670 USGS 3513000 12/12/2005 1640 1490 1550 USGS 3513000 12/13/2005 1520 1020 1320 USGS 3513000 12/14/2005 1460 960 1230 USGS 3513000 12/15/2005 3690 1400 2440 USGS 3513000 12/16/2005 3350 2060 2550 USGS 3513000 12/17/2005 2060 1880 1970 USGS 3513000 12/18/2005 1950 1640 1840 USGS 3513000 12/19/2005 1730 1310 1630 USGS 3513000 12/20/2005 1610 1090 1240 USGS 3513000 12/21/2005 1610 1030 1320 USGS 3513000 12/22/2005 1570 970 1240 USGS 3513000 12/23/2005 1490 950 1170 USGS 3513000 12/24/2005 1460 940 1070 USGS 3513000 12/25/2005 1990 1110 1390 USGS 3513000 12/26/2005 1930 1150 1470 USGS 3513000 12/27/2005 1610 1090 1320 USGS 3513000 12/28/2005 2060 1120 1380 USGS 3513000 8/10/2005 2530 1340 1780 USGS 3513000 8/11/2005 1700 1180 1460 USGS 3513000 8/12/2005 1650 1150 1510 USGS 3513000 8/13/2005 4110 1110 1650 USGS 3513000 8/14/2005 3990 1360 2000 USGS 3513000 8/15/2005 1740 1170 1500 USGS 3513000 8/16/2005 1740 1130 1410 USGS 3513000 8/17/2005 2320 1090 1350 USGS 3513000 8/18/2005 3020 1380 2060 USGS 3513000 8/19/2005 2810 1970 2290 USGS 3513000 8/20/2005 2000 1650 1770 USGS 3513000 8/21/2005 1660 1390 1540 USGS 3513000 8/22/2005 3460 899 1350 USGS 3513000 8/23/2005 3460 1060 1630 USGS 3513000 8/24/2005 1840 979 1360 USGS 3513000 8/25/2005 2070 1150 1470 USGS 3513000 8/26/2005 1520 1060 1250 USGS 3513000 8/27/2005 1580 1480 1560 USGS 3513000 8/28/2005 1850 1540 1630 USGS 3513000 8/29/2005 1840 1600 1680 USGS 3513000 8/30/2005 6740 1800 4230 USGS 3513000 8/31/2005 5000 2870 3460 USGS 3513000 9/1/2005 3030 2590 2790 USGS 3513000 9/2/2005 2590 2100 2460 USGS 3513000 9/3/2005 2100 1760 1970 USGS 3513000 9/4/2005 1920 1680 1800 USGS 3513000 9/5/2005 1760 1660 1700 USGS 3513000 9/6/2005 1700 1600 1680 USGS 3513000 9/7/2005 1600 1550 1580 USGS 3513000 9/8/2005 1600 1500 1550 USGS 3513000 9/9/2005 1570 871 1240 USGS 3513000 9/10/2005 1540 1040 1390 USGS 3513000 9/11/2005 1510 1020 1350 USGS 3513000 9/12/2005 1480 969 1180 USGS 3513000 9/13/2005 1400 777 1050 USGS 3513000 9/14/2005 1350 741 1010 USGS 3513000 9/15/2005 1350 713 966 USGS 3513000 9/16/2005 1320 713 980 USGS 3513000 9/17/2005 1380 823 1040 USGS 3513000 9/18/2005 1130 695 838 USGS 3513000 9/19/2005 1200 677 802 USGS 3513000 9/20/2005 1180 660 777 USGS 3513000 9/21/2005 1310 660 1080 USGS 3513000 9/22/2005 1340 1120 1190 USGS 3513000 9/23/2005 1310 1110 1180 USGS 3513000 9/24/2005 1290 741 941 USGS 3513000 9/25/2005 741 600 622 • USGS 3513000 9/26/2005 969 592 740 USGS 3513000 9/27/2005 1550 722 1050 USGS 3513000 9/28/2005 1270 642 824 USGS 3513000 9/29/2005 1290 634 822 USGS 3513000 9/30/2005 1280 634 813 USGS 3513000 10/1/2005 1240 631 852 USGS 3513000 10/2/2005 1020 607 745 USGS 3513000 10/3/2005 1010 598 722 USGS 3513000 10/4/2005 1210 590 789 USGS 3513000 10/5/2005 1240 582 788 USGS 3513000 10/6/2005 1580 574 936 USGS 3513000 10/7/2005 1610 1390 1470 USGS 3513000 10/8/2005 1760 1390 1590 USGS 3513000 10/9/2005 1400 1310 1340 USGS 3513000 10/10/2005 1410 1290 1310 USGS 3513000 10/11/2005 1420 656 1070 USGS 3513000 10/12/2005 1320 615 984 USGS 3513000 10/13/2005 1320 656 1080 USGS 3513000 10/14/2005 1270 631 1060 USGS 3513000 10/15/2005 1270 615 1030 USGS 3513000 10/16/2005 1200 598 1010 USGS 3513000 10/17/2005 1190 566 936 USGS 3513000 10/18/2005 1170 543 788 USGS 3513000 10/19/2005 1230 535 725 USGS 3513000 10/20/2005 1260 551 887 USGS 3513000 10/21/2005 1270 535 886 USGS 3513000 10/22/2005 1250 582 935 USGS 3513000 10/23/2005 1190 528 818 USGS 3513000 10/24/2005 1200 528 858 USGS 3513000 10/25/2005 940 543 698 USGS 3513000 10/26/2005 1030 528 673 USGS 3513000 10/27/2005 872 520 653 USGS 3513000 10/28/2005 788 497 621 USGS 3513000 10/29/2005 743 520 628 USGS 3513000 10/30/2005 699 505 544 USGS 3513000 10/31/2005 699 505 589 USGS 3513000 11/1/2005 699 497 553 USGS 3513000 11/2/2005 682 489 550 USGS 3513000 11/3/2005 656 482 536 USGS 3513000 11/4/2005 673 482 538 USGS 3513000 11/5/2005 656 459 521 USGS 3513000 11/6/2005 505 474 483 USGS 3513000 11/7/2005 489 466 478 USGS 3513000 11/8/2005 623 459 502 USGS 3513000 11/9/2005 615 459 499 USGS 3513000 11/10/2005 631 459 559 USGS 3513000 11/11/2005 699 474 544 • USGS 3513000 6/24/2005 1710 1620 1670 USGS 3513000 6/25/2005 1650 1580 1620 USGS 3513000 6/26/2005 1650 1550 1590 USGS 3513000 6/27/2005 1680 1200 1460 USGS 3513000 6/28/2005 2120 1180 1760 USGS 3513000 6/29/2005 2560 1870 2150 USGS 3513000 6/30/2005 2010 1720 1820 USGS 3513000 7/1/2005 2210 1680 1820 USGS 3513000 7/2/2005 1740 1610 1660 USGS 3513000 7/3/2005 2120 1550 1720 USGS 3513000 7/4/2005 1970 1620 1710 USGS 3513000 7/5/2005 1960 1610 1750 USGS 3513000 7/6/2005 3390 1800 2050 USGS 3513000 7/7/2005 9140 2970 5790 USGS 3513000 7/8/2005 5700 3440 4340 USGS 3513000 7/9/2005 3740 3390 3550 USGS 3513000 7/10/2005 3580 2620 3320 USGS 3513000 7/11/2005 3960 2460 2900 USGS 3513000 7/12/2005 4940 3850 4410 USGS 3513000 7/13/2005 4430 3940 4170 USGS 3513000 7/14/2005 4140 3520 3720 USGS 3513000 7/15/2005 3540 3270 3400 USGS 3513000 7/16/2005 3510 2320 3190 USGS 3513000 7/17/2005 2520 2190 2330 USGS 3513000 7/18/2005 3740 2100 2240 USGS 3513000 7/19/2005 3830 1950 2590 USGS 3513000 7/20/2005 3020 2120 2590 USGS 3513000 7/21/2005 3740 2580 2940 USGS 3513000 7/22/2005 3920 3150 3550 USGS 3513000 7/23/2005 3150 2140 2340 USGS 3513000 7/24/2005 2140 2040 2110 USGS 3513000 7/25/2005 2040 1760 1860 USGS 3513000 7/26/2005 1840 1750 1790 USGS 3513000 7/27/2005 1810 1700 1760 USGS 3513000 7/28/2005 1880 1440 1680 USGS 3513000 7/29/2005 2730 1400 2090 USGS 3513000 7/30/2005 2460 1710 1960 USGS 3513000 7/31/2005 2340 1650 1870 USGS 3513000 8/1/2005 2470 1390 1940 USGS 3513000 8/2/2005 1740 1200 1460 USGS 3513000 8/3/2005 2190 1170 1570 USGS 3513000 8/4/2005 2110 1600 1740 USGS 3513000 8/5/2005 1810 1570 1630 USGS 3513000 8/6/2005 1830 1080 1500 USGS 3513000 8/7/2005 2120 969 1260 USGS 3513000 8/8/2005 2120 1520 1850 USGS 3513000 8/9/2005 1920 1660 1780 USGS 3513000 5/8/2005 1750 1220 1390 USGS 3513000 5/9/2005 1740 1190 1410 USGS 3513000 5/10/2005 2010 1190 1520 USGS 3513000 5/11/2005 2280 1310 1650 USGS 3513000 5/12/2005 1790 1230 1420 USGS 3513000 5/13/2005 1740 1230 1500 USGS 3513000 5/14/2005 1910 1440 1630 USGS 3513000 5/15/2005 2270 1610 1880 USGS 3513000 5/16/2005 2290 1710 2000 USGS 3513000 5/17/2005 1710 1300 1440 USGS 3513000 5/18/2005 1870 1300 1550 USGS 3513000 5/19/2005 1830 1310 1440 USGS 3513000 5/20/2005 4240 1300 3030 USGS 3513000 5/21/2005 2970 1970 2580 USGS 3513000 5/22/2005 2340 1930 2230 USGS 3513000 5/23/2005 2170 1570 1830 USGS 3513000 5/24/2005 1610 1460 1560 USGS 3513000 5/25/2005 1960 1260 1560 USGS 3513000 5/26/2005 1770 1180 1380 USGS 3513000 5/27/2005 1840 1130 1370 USGS 3513000 5/28/2005 1720 1130 1360 USGS 3513000 5/29/2005 1600 1160 1390 USGS 3513000 5/30/2005 1810 1100 1300 USGS 3513000 5/31/2005 1490 1080 1220 USGS 3513000 6/1/2005 1520 1060 1310 USGS 3513000 6/2/2005 2520 1400 2040 USGS 3513000 6/3/2005 2100 1890 1960 USGS 3513000 6/4/2005 2070 1350 1500 USGS 3513000 6/5/2005 1810 1380 1720 USGS 3513000 6/6/2005 1840 1100 1330 USGS 3513000 6/7/2005 1990 1160 1740 USGS 3513000 6/8/2005 2350 1320 1840 USGS 3513000 6/9/2005 2180 2000 2070 USGS 3513000 6/10/2005 2280 1650 2000 USGS 3513000 6/11/2005 2310 2000 2100 USGS 3513000 6/12/2005 8340 1490 2550 USGS 3513000 6/13/2005 13400 5950 9080 USGS 3513000 6/14/2005 5950 2650 4420 USGS 3513000 6/15/2005 5370 2190 3460 USGS 3513000 6/16/2005 2640 2000 2170 USGS 3513000 6/17/2005 2220 1950 2030 USGS 3513000 6/18/2005 3030 1840 2000 USGS 3513000 6/19/2005 3170 1890 2160 USGS 3513000 6/20/2005 5230 1810 2610 USGS 3513000 6/21/2005 3490 1770 2450 USGS 3513000 6/22/2005 2240 1840 2110 USGS 3513000 6/23/2005 1840 1500 1690 USGS 3513000 3/22/2005 2250 1420 1690 USGS 3513000 3/23/2005 3510 1890 2570 USGS 3513000 3/24/2005 2680 2430 2550 USGS 3513000 3/25/2005 2470 2250 2360 USGS 3513000 3/26/2005 2250 1760 1960 USGS 3513000 3/27/2005 2530 1740 1930 USGS 3513000 3/28/2005 3740 2430 2920 USGS 3513000 3/29/2005 2860 2340 2650 USGS 3513000 3/30/2005 2710 2520 2650 USGS 3513000 3/31/2005 2650 2500 2580 USGS 3513000 4/1/2005 2620 2190 2360 USGS 3513000 4/2/2005 5740 2430 3640 USGS 3513000 4/3/2005 3440 2560 2930 USGS 3513000 4/4/2005 3170 2410 2770 USGS 3513000 4/5/2005 2990 2320 2670 USGS 3513000 4/6/2005 2940 2340 2820 USGS 3513000 4/7/2005 3050 2680 2820 USGS 3513000 4/8/2005 3220 1960 2830 USGS 3513000 4/9/2005 2950 1750 2210 USGS 3513000 4/10/2005 2840 1650 2180 USGS 3513000 4/11/2005 2840 1650 2100 USGS 3513000 4/12/2005 2610 1680 2190 USGS 3513000 4/13/2005 3740 2000 2830 USGS 3513000 4/14/2005 3940 3070 3480 USGS 3513000 4/15/2005 3080 2310 2650 USGS 3513000 4/16/2005 2730 2040 2360 USGS 3513000 4/17/2005 2460 2340 2400 USGS 3513000 4/18/2005 2340 1770 2210 USGS 3513000 4/19/2005 1850 1660 1730 USGS 3513000 4/20/2005 1840 1580 1700 USGS 3513000 4/21/2005 1790 1510 1610 USGS 3513000 4/22/2005 2460 1600 1890 USGS 3513000 4/23/2005 2790 1660 2120 USGS 3513000 4/24/2005 2290 1520 1900 USGS 3513000 4/25/2005 2170 1460 1830 USGS 3513000 4/26/2005 2350 1490 1970 USGS 3513000 4/27/2005 2380 1550 2060 USGS 3513000 4/28/2005 2250 1480 1880 USGS 3513000 4/29/2005 2250 1550 1880 USGS 3513000 4/30/2005 2310 1680 2100 USGS 3513000 5/1/2005 2520 1630 2140 USGS 3513000 5/2/2005 2290 1520 1860 USGS 3513000 5/3/2005 2040 1440 1720 USGS 3513000 5/4/2005 1960 1380 1660 USGS 3513000 5/5/2005 1880 1380 1560 USGS 3513000 5/6/2005 1850 1300 1530 USGS 3513000 5/7/2005 1830 1260 1480 USGS 3513000 2/3/2005 2140 1420 1720 USGS 3513000 2/4/2005 1830 1290 1470 USGS 3513000 2/5/2005 1770 1220 1400 USGS 3513000 2/6/2005 1740 1200 1370 USGS 3513000 2/7/2005 1740 1180 1490 USGS 3513000 2/8/2005 1700 1180 1260 USGS 3513000 2/9/2005 1210 1180 1190 USGS 3513000 2/10/2005 1230 1190 1210 USGS 3513000 2/11/2005 1190 1090 1140 USGS 3513000 2/12/2005 1130 1090 1110 USGS 3513000 2/13/2005 1290 1100 1160 USGS 3513000 2/14/2005 1880 1240 1510 USGS 3513000 2/15/2005 1650 1370 1490 USGS 3513000 2/16/2005 2140 1350 1510 USGS 3513000 2/17/2005 2100 1350 1560 USGS 3513000 2/18/2005 1890 1260 1460 USGS 3513000 2/19/2005 1930 1220 1420 USGS 3513000 2/20/2005 2590 1260 1600 USGS 3513000 2/21/2005 6340 2070 3970 USGS 3513000 2/22/2005 5290 3490 4080 USGS 3513000 2/23/2005 3490 2920 3180 USGS 3513000 2/24/2005 3370 2950 3150 USGS 3513000 2/25/2005 3000 2170 2690 USGS 3513000 2/26/2005 2490 2030 2200 USGS 3513000 2/27/2005 2430 1920 2120 USGS 3513000 2/28/2005 2750 2120 2380 USGS 3513000 3/1/2005 2650 1960 2260 USGS 3513000 3/2/2005 2350 1580 1950 USGS 3513000 3/3/2005 2120 1520 1720 USGS 3513000 3/4/2005 2070 1460 1600 USGS 3513000 3/5/2005 1990 1500 1610 USGS 3513000 3/6/2005 1870 1420 1520 USGS 3513000 3/7/2005 1960 1380 1520 USGS 3513000 3/8/2005 3920 1920 3290 USGS 3513000 3/9/2005 2990 2190 2700 USGS 3513000 3/10/2005 2840 1950 2410 USGS 3513000 3/11/2005 2490 1830 2100 USGS 3513000 3/12/2005 2500 1720 2100 USGS 3513000 3/13/2005 2410 1670 1940 USGS 3513000 3/14/2005 2490 1810 2180 USGS 3513000 3/15/2005 2250 1620 1840 USGS 3513000 3/16/2005 2470 1770 1980 USGS 3513000 3/17/2005 2430 1800 2130 USGS 3513000 3/18/2005 2370 2040 2300 USGS 3513000 3/19/2005 2150 1700 1850 USGS 3513000 3/20/2005 2120 1650 1790 USGS 3513000 3/21/2005 2040 1580 1720 • USGS 3513000 12/18/2004 2560 2440 2500 USGS 3513000 12/19/2004 2460 2370 2420 USGS 3513000 12/20/2004 2400 2240 2310 USGS 3513000 12/21/2004 2320 2240 2270 USGS 3513000 12/22/2004 2290 2110 2190 USGS 3513000 12/23/2004 4240 2190 3260 USGS 3513000 12/24/2004 3150 2560 2730 USGS 3513000 12/25/2004 2560 2440 2490 USGS 3513000 12/26/2004 2440 2370 2400 USGS 3513000 12/27/2004 2370 2270 2320 USGS 3513000 12/28/2004 2290 2240 2260 USGS 3513000 12/29/2004 2250 2190 2220 USGS 3513000 12/30/2004 2210 2170 2190 USGS 3513000 12/31/2004 2180 2110 2150 USGS 3513000 1/1/2005 2140 1430 1930 USGS 3513000 1/2/2005 2100 2000 2060 USGS 3513000 1/3/2005 2080 1930 2000 USGS 3513000 1/4/2005 2050 1930 2020 USGS 3513000 1/5/2005 2040 1960 2020 USGS 3513000 1/6/2005 2250 1970 2060 USGS 3513000 1/7/2005 2140 2000 2030 USGS 3513000 1/8/2005 2780 2000 2420 USGS 3513000 1/9/2005 2340 1910 2140 USGS 3513000 1/10/2005 2040 1890 2010 USGS 3513000 1/11/2005 2030 1950 2010 USGS 3513000 1/12/2005 1950 1420 1530 USGS 3513000 1/13/2005 2940 1420 1570 USGS 3513000 1/14/2005 5660 2580 3840 USGS 3513000 1/15/2005 2590 2170 2380 USGS 3513000 1/16/2005 2440 1970 2160 USGS 3513000 1/17/2005 2290 1800 2000 USGS 3513000 1/18/2005 2310 1520 1970 USGS 3513000 1/19/2005 2280 1620 1900 USGS 3513000 1/20/2005 2210 1580 1860 USGS 3513000 1/21/2005 2150 1570 1830 USGS 3513000 1/22/2005 1950 1510 1560 USGS 3513000 1/23/2005 1540 1390 1450 USGS 3513000 1/24/2005 1660 1280 1390 USGS 3513000 1/25/2005 1840 1360 1480 USGS 3513000 1/26/2005 1450 1400 1430 USGS 3513000 1/27/2005 1430 1310 1370 USGS 3513000 1/28/2005 1320 1080 1210 USGS 3513000 1/29/2005 1620 1270 1350 USGS 3513000 1/30/2005 1700 1220 1410 USGS 3513000 1/31/2005 1540 1110 1300 USGS 3513000 2/1/2005 1650 1090 1220 USGS 3513000 2/2/2005 1660 1080 1270 USGS 3513000 11/1/2004 1560 1100 1450 USGS 3513000 11/2/2004 1790 1040 1240 USGS 3513000 11/3/2004 2470 1420 1730 USGS 3513000 11/4/2004 5700 1800 3320 USGS 3513000 11/5/2004 3720 2150 2690 USGS 3513000 11/6/2004 2490 2150 2300 USGS 3513000 11/7/2004 2180 1970 2080 USGS 3513000 11/8/2004 1990 1680 1910 USGS 3513000 11/9/2004 1850 1740 1820 USGS 3513000 11/10/2004 1800 1280 1540 USGS 3513000 11/11/2004 1760 1070 1310 USGS 3513000 11/12/2004 3420 1080 2420 USGS 3513000 11/13/2004 3130 2380 2660 USGS 3513000 11/14/2004 2430 2210 2280 USGS 3513000 11/15/2004 2210 2070 2140 USGS 3513000 11/16/2004 2080 1540 1900 USGS 3513000 11/17/2004 2000 1450 1750 USGS 3513000 11/18/2004 1930 1400 1600 USGS 3513000 11/19/2004 1880 1350 1620 USGS 3513000 11/20/2004 1840 1340 1500 USGS 3513000 11/21/2004 1760 1270 1410 USGS 3513000 11/22/2004 1720 1260 1380 USGS 3513000 11/23/2004 2190 1400 1860 USGS 3513000 11/24/2004 8550 2110 5310 USGS 3513000 11/25/2004 6700 4160 5210 USGS 3513000 11/26/2004 4180 3390 3730 USGS 3513000 11/27/2004 3390 2970 3130 USGS 3513000 11/28/2004 3150 2730 2930 USGS 3513000 11/29/2004 2760 2500 2640 USGS 3513000 11/30/2004 2560 2370 2480 USGS 3513000 12/1/2004 6270 2430 4310 USGS 3513000 12/2/2004 3600 3100 3310 USGS 3513000 12/3/2004 3130 2400 2830 USGS 3513000 12/4/2004 2790 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1870 USGS 3513000 10/2/2004 1810 1740 1780 USGS 3513000 10/3/2004 1760 1660 1730 USGS 3513000 10/4/2004 1970 1480 1710 USGS 3513000 10/5/2004 1750 1170 1480 USGS 3513000 10/6/2004 1620 1050 1240 USGS 3513000 10/7/2004 1660 1150 1430 USGS 3513000 10/8/2004 1580 1110 1420 USGS 3513000 10/9/2004 1550 1080 1370 USGS 3513000 10/10/2004 1550 1060 1260 USGS 3513000 10/11/2004 1560 1050 1300 USGS 3513000 10/12/2004 1510 1040 1260 USGS 3513000 10/13/2004 1670 1460 1620 USGS 3513000 10/14/2004 1610 1050 1410 USGS 3513000 10/15/2004 1460 890 1020 USGS 3513000 10/16/2004 1570 880 1100 USGS 3513000 10/17/2004 1570 1040 1290 USGS 3513000 10/18/2004 1560 1480 1520 USGS 3513000 10/19/2004 3000 1500 1850 USGS 3513000 10/20/2004 2050 1230 1600 USGS 3513000 10/21/2004 1620 1120 1400 USGS 3513000 10/22/2004 1580 1070 1370 USGS 3513000 10/23/2004 1510 1040 1220 USGS 3513000 10/24/2004 1610 1040 1400 USGS 3513000 10/25/2004 1550 1060 1370 USGS 3513000 10/26/2004 1490 890 1190 USGS 3513000 10/27/2004 1420 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3513000 12/18/2006 1280 650 819 USGS 3513000 12/19/2006 1280 650 832 USGS 3513000 12/20/2006 1260 641 826 USGS 3513000 12/21/2006 1260 650 831 USGS 3513000 12/22/2006 3410 750 1520 USGS 3513000 12/23/2006 2440 1590 1900 USGS 3513000 12/24/2006 1780 1140 1490 USGS 3513000 12/25/2006 1970 1320 1590 USGS 3513000 12/26/2006 1890 1160 1500 USGS 3513000 12/27/2006 1780 798 1370 USGS 3513000 12/28/2006 1700 1160 1520 USGS 3513000 12/29/2006 1650 1110 1440 USGS 3513000 12/30/2006 1580 1100 1330 USGS 3513000 12/31/2006 5340 1140 1720 USGS 3513000 1/1/2007 8620 3380 5100 USGS 3513000 1/2/2007 3380 2640 2940 USGS 3513000 1/3/2007 2650 2310 2430 USGS 3513000 1/4/2007 2310 2120 2210 USGS 3513000 1/5/2007 2730 2120 2320 USGS 3513000 1/6/2007 2730 2210 2420 USGS 3513000 1/7/2007 4410 2150 2480 USGS 3513000 1/8/2007 5440 3440 4250 USGS 3513000 1/9/2007 3460 2970 3090 USGS 3513000 1/10/2007 2980 2500 2720 USGS 3513000 1/11/2007 2520 2380 2450 USGS 3513000 1/12/2007 2400 2160 2240 USGS 3513000 1/13/2007 2240 2120 2190 USGS 3513000 1/14/2007 2140 2070 2090 USGS 3513000 1/15/2007 2080 1920 2010 USGS 3513000 1/16/2007 2140 1510 1890 USGS 3513000 1/17/2007 1820 1360 1500 USGS 3513000 1/18/2007 1860 1330 1580 USGS 3513000 1/19/2007 1860 1310 1550 USGS 3513000 1/20/2007 1800 1240 1540 USGS 3513000 1/21/2007 3190 1250 1760 USGS 3513000 1/22/2007 3230 1780 2240 USGS 3513000 1/23/2007 2190 1540 1930 USGS 3513000 1/24/2007 2020 1450 1820 USGS 3513000 1/25/2007 1930 1380 1620 USGS 3513000 1/26/2007 1820 1300 1530 USGS 3513000 1/27/2007 1740 1290 1420 USGS 3513000 1/28/2007 1760 1260 1400 USGS 3513000 1/29/2007 1680 1100 1330 USGS 3513000 1/30/2007 1680 1160 1330 USGS 3513000 1/31/2007 1650 1080 1270 USGS 3513000 2/1/2007 1650 1130 1340 USGS 3513000 2/2/2007 1650 1130 1300 USGS 3513000 2/3/2007 1510 1050 1170 USGS 3513000 2/4/2007 1350 827 1010 USGS 3513000 2/5/2007 1350 798 957 USGS 3513000 2/6/2007 1370 857 996 USGS 3513000 2/7/2007 1480 817 947 USGS 3513000 2/8/2007 1470 798 1090 USGS 3513000 2/9/2007 1420 769 958 USGS 3513000 2/10/2007 1410 750 977 USGS 3513000 2/11/2007 1390 722 958 USGS 3513000 2/12/2007 1380 732 940 USGS 3513000 2/13/2007 1390 722 914 USGS 3513000 2/14/2007 1440 897 1100 USGS 3513000 2/15/2007 1330 722 1020 USGS 3513000 2/16/2007 1240 677 958 USGS 3513000 2/17/2007 1150 667 795 USGS 3513000 2/18/2007 1210 695 818 USGS 3513000 2/19/2007 1220 667 844 USGS 3513000 2/20/2007 1200 686 838 USGS 3513000 2/21/2007 1840 1000 1310 USGS 3513000 2/22/2007 1670 886 1280 USGS 3513000 2/23/2007 1590 798 1170 USGS 3513000 2/24/2007 1370 769 988 Guerra, Bob From: Sara_Ward@fws.gov Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:03 AM To: Tom Belnick Cc: Edwards, Roger; Guerra, Bob; Mark_A_Cantrell@fws.gov; John_Fridell@fws.gov; Pete_Benjamin@fws.gov Subject: Whittier WWTP - FWS additional comments Attachments: WhittierWWTP122309memo.pdf Hi, Tom. Our Asheville Field Office staff attended an August 25, 2009 meeting to discuss additional issues related to the Whittier WWTP permit renewal (including results of mussel survey work and dye study and future monitoring considerations). The attached memo provides additional FWS input related to these topics for your consideration. I would be happy to discuss these issues with you further when I return to the office after a holiday vacation on January 4th. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy holidays! Sara (See attached file: WhittierWWTP122309memo.pdj) *********************************************************************** Sara E. Ward U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 Ext. 30, Fax: 919-856-4556 Email: Sara Ward@fws.gov *********************************************************************** 1 646- - f/v1,44,1647 Pei United States Department of theREiCE IVE D MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 December 23. 2009 DEC 2 8 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH Tom Belnick, NC Division of Water Quality, Supervisor, Western Region NPDES Program, Raleigh, NC Sara Ward, Ecologist, FWS, Raleigh, NC Whittier Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plant Jackson County, North Carolina (NPDES Permit # NC0087602) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) provided technical assistance comments regarding the proposed permit renewal for the Whittier Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) on August 25, 2009. We have reviewed the response to draft permit comments and mussel survey results completed on behalf of the applicant (October 30, 2009 letter addressed to you from Mr. Forrest Westall, McGill and Associates) and met with representatives of the applicant on November 23, 2009 to discuss measures to prevent impacts to the Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana), a federally -listed endangered mussel, and its occupied habitat. Based on our review of the new materials and consideration of recent discussions, the Service offers the following additional comments for your consideration during the permit renewal process: 1. We have reviewed the mussel survey and dye study completed by consultants for the applicant. The recent survey data and dye study provide details that inform selection of future routine water quality monitoring sites. We understand that the applicant prefers to complete a one-time intensive monitoring effort to determine instream ammonia concentrations in the vicinity of the discharge point. As we suggested previously, it is important to evaluate instream water quality conditions during periods of low stream flow and high facility inflow volume to gauge potential worst case scenarios. Accordingly, we remain supportive of weekly (rather than twice a month as required in the draft permit or one intensive event as proposed by the applicant) sampling during periods of low flows (June — November) and during the highest inflow periods and be completed coincident with effluent grab sample monitoring upstream and downstream of the discharge point. Flows may vary considerably in the river due to upstream regulation, so we request that any low -flow sampling occur during the daily low flow period. Targeting sample collection to low flow periods can be achieved using information from USGS gages upstream and Duke Energy's website, which predicts the timing of generation flows at least 12 hours in advance for the discharge location (http://www.duke- energy.com/lakes/nantahala/nan-downstream-flow-releases.asp). Based on the location of endangered mussels and the mixing zone characteristics identified through dye test observations, we recommend that downstream samples be collected at 15 meters, 40 meters, and 75 meters below the outfall. Samples should be collected from the channel in proximity to the left descending bank where the effluent appears to remain concentrated (per dye study results). This monitoring should occur for a minimum of 2 years to allow a reasonable demonstration period. If instream concentrations remain below protective ammonia concentrations for mussels of 0.3 mg/L total ammonia as N for chronic exposure (refer to September 15, 2009 email correspondence to Mr. Bob Guerra from Ms. Sara Ward for additional details), a reduced monitoring frequency may be appropriate 2. The Service previously recommended that upstream mussel survey work be completed by the applicant. Although upstream surveys were not completed during the recent effort, we understand from our recent meeting that the applicant would be willing to complete this work in order to establish a pre -operational baseline. It is our understanding that future mussel survey work and status review will be completed by federal and state resource managers and will not be a permit requirement for completion by the permittee. 3. Because the outfall has already been constructed, minimization of impacts to mussels present in the Tuckaseegee River in the vicinity of the facility via outfall design modification was not completed as previously envisioned. Consequently, we recommend that a condition be added to the permit requiring the applicant to revisit outfall design components to maximize dilution (e.g., diffuser installation) if the required instream monitoring indicates ammonia concentrations above protective ammonia concentrations for mussels. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on supplemental materials related to the permit renewal. Should you have any questions about our comments or if we can provide other assistance, please contact me at 919/856-4520 x.30. -7,(ya,k North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission December 2, 2009 Mr. Tom Belnick Division of Water Quality, Western Region NPDES Program 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 SUBJECT: Whittier Sanitary District WWTP New NPDES Permit No. NC0087602, Tuckaseegee River Jackson County Dear Mr. Belnick: On July 27, 2009 the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission) provided comments on the proposed NPDES permit for the Whittier Sanitary District WWTP in Jackson County. We received additional project information in October 30, 2009 correspondence from Mr. Forest Westall with McGill Associates and met with Mr. Westall on November 23, 2009. Additional comments from the Commission on the permit action are provided under provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d), North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.), and the North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 10I.0102. We appreciate your attention to the need to protect sensitive resources in the Tuckaseegee River, most notably its Appalachian elktoe mussel population. To assist with this effort, we request that the following issues be addressed: 1. The mussel survey and die study were not conducted before design and construction, and so, the outfall was not placed and configured to minimize the exposure of mussels to the discharge. Also, the survey was too limited in scope to detect potential toxicity problems at the plant; the population immediately upstream was not surveyed. This upstream "control" information is critical to isolating possible problems associated with the facility from greater watershed Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 - NC0087602 Page 2 December 2, 2009 Jackson County influences. Therefore, we request that the mussel survey be augmented with data from immediately upstream of the discharge. 2. Ammonia monitoring has been requested by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We support their recommendations. However, we also request doing a dilution study to more precisely estimate instream waste concentrations under various river flows if the discharge remains as a simple bank outfall. The dye study showed that effluent mixing will be limited and therefore instream waste concentrations will likely be much higher than a calculation based on all river flow. An effluent diffuser or other outfall retrofit should be pursued if ammonia in the mixing zone would approach levels that are toxic to mussels. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment further on this permit action. Please contact me at (828) 452-2546 extension 24 if there are any questions about these comments. Sincerely, Dave McHenry Mountain Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program ec: John Fridell, USFWS Angie Rodgers, NC Natural Heritage Program Roger Edwards, NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Guerra, Bob From: Belnick, Tom Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 10:38 AM To: Guerra, Bob Subject: FW: Whittier Permit Attachments: image001.jpg BobG- we'll need to regroup on this one. Tom Belnick Supervisor, NPDES West Program NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Forrest Westall[mailto:forrest@mcgillengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 4:01 PM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Edwards, Roger; Haynes, Keith; marcus@mcgillengineers.com; mikew@mcgillengineers.com Subject: Whittier Permit Hi Tom, I met with USFWS, WRC, Natural Heritage and the Asheville RO DWQ yesterday at the plant site. I think we made some progress on the resource agency concerns, but I'm not sure we are on the same page. They still seem to want more monitoring than I believe is justified here. After the meeting I still stand by the recommendations made in my letter. Periodic upstream and downstream NH3-N monitoring isn't going to accomplish much and I like the idea of a more intensive single monitoring event that looks in detail below the discharge during a low flow period at concentrations in proximity to mussel locations. They like the idea of the intensive monitoring, but they want a lot more monitoring events. I believe it is more prudent to do limited intensive work first and then to modify the plan based on the results. With detention times in the plant (at current flows) on the order of several days, full nitrification is likely with effluent numbers low (below 2 or even less). The actual plant discharge during this permit cycle is likely to be less than 10 to 20 % of permit flow. As a result, there is a very low likelihood of finding any chemical effect from the discharge outside of the area where the effluent enters the river. I left you a voice mail and we can talk about the next step. John Fridell, USFW, stated he would have to "go through" the Raleigh staff to respond and I indicated I would be in touch with you. I believe I've done all that I can to address their concerns. We want to be able to assure them that the resource isn't in danger, and I think my recommendations will do that. Thanks, Forrest McGill :1SSOCi.4TES "Building Partnerships by Providing Superior Service with Professional Integrity" Forrest R. Westall, Sr., PE McGill Associates, P.A. PO Box 2259 Asheville, NC 28802 Physical Location: 38 Orange Street, Asheville i NitEs 63'MiJ hie: MC0087602_ !'McGffl ASSOCIATES October 30, 2009 Mr. Tom Belnick, Western NPDES Supervisor Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Belnick: -e" '4 �f( feirili Ate ! j984-20py RECEIVED NC'!" DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH RE: Whittier Sanitary District Draft Renewal NPDES Pennit — NC0087602 Mussel Survey and Response to Comments on the Draft Permit Jackson County, North Carolina Based on discussions we have had over the last several weeks, McGill Associates in consultation with the Whittier Sanitary District has taken steps to address comments provided on the Draft Renewal Permit for the District's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) discharge to the Tuckaseegee River. The information provided in this letter is submitted on behalf of the District in support of renewal of its current discharge pennit. The focus of his letter and the attached report is based information provided before the Pennit went to notice (including a letter from Fish and Wildlife Associates dated July 14, 2009 that we provided), the draft permit, our discussions and a letter from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) dated August 25, 2009. Engineering• Planning • Finance 11cUi11 A.csociales, P..I. • P.O. Box 2259, ,Lher;lle, :1'C'?8'80? • 55 Broad.Si,c'i. ;is/erille, 8('?8801 828_252-0575 • Fax: 828-252-2518 Mr. Tom Belnick October 30, 2009 Page 2 of 5 Mussel Survey In response to requests for a site specific survey of Appalachian elktoe mussel in the vicinity of the outfall from the WWTP, we contracted with Fish and Wildlife Associates to perform the survey. The survey was conducted on October 1, 2009. A report of that effort is attached. The report also includes the result of a dye study performed on October 8, 2009. The dye work was done to respond to a request from the resource agencies involved with the review of this permit (primarily US Fish and Wildlife Service, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program). The results of the mussel survey show several areas of mussel presence were detected downstream of the discharge point. The majority of mussels were located 40 to 75 feet from the left descending bank (LDB--the same side as the outfall location). Since the outfall is located at the edge of this bank and the dye results indicates that a small discharge in the outfall location would "hug" the LDB for a long distance downstream as it mixes with the river flow, the orientation of the outfall would minimize any potential impact to the mussels. An outfall further into the river (in addition to presenting some very difficult engineering, environmental and permitting issues) would in fact expose mussels to any effects of the effluent more quickly than its current location. The study confirms the conclusions provided by Ms. Pamela M. Boaze in her July 14 letter. The orientation and location of the outfall provides a reasonable effort to minimize the effect of the discharge on mussel populations below the outfall. Effluent Characteristics: Ammonia (NH3-N) and Total Residual Chlorine In responding to resource agency concerns about in -stream ammonia concentrations below the outfall and their potential effect on mussels, we provide the following comments. We understand and appreciate the concerns of the agencies about overall water quality impacts to the habitat and health of the elktoe. We strongly believe that the overall health of the mussels and their habitat are a function of the entire watershed. The Tuckaseegee is a large watershed with a variety of land uses and activities that can and do affect the water quality of the river. Because of the location of a hydroelectric facility in the upper basin, the flow of the River, particularly during dry periods, is supplemented by releases in the summer and early fall. At the point of discharge from the Whittier WWTP the conditions in the River are dominated by the watershed above the outfall. As noted in the US Fish and Wildlife Services letter of August 25, 2009, the volume of the permitted flow from Whittier is very small in relation to the flow of the River even at very low levels (minimum release conditions). The potential of the outfall to affect the overall water quality of the Tuckaseegee at this point is extremely limited. Mr. Tom Belnick October 30, 2009 Page 3 of 5 Because the facility has UV disinfection, residual chlorine will not be an issue. We understand that DWQ plans to remove any chlorine residual limits from the permit. The permit holder has no provisions or plans to use chlorine. The only other identified major constitute of the discharge with potential to have a "direct" effect on the mussels is ammonia. Normal operation of the facility should result in ammonia concentrations of less than expected from secondary treatment effort. Even at low flow the discharge at permitted flow levels is a very small percentage of flow of the river. During the survey the discharge would make up only approximately 0.04 % of the River's flow. Specifically, on the day of the mussel survey the River flow was a minimum of 375 cfs (approximately 242 mgd—millions of gallons per day). The Division of Water Quality in its dissolved oxygen modeling "assumes" a NH3-N level around 20 mg/1 at secondary treatment levels. Despite the fact that the Whittier facility will provide treatment effort beyond secondary, an effluent ammonia level of 20 mg/1 at the River flow noted on October 8th and the discharge at permit flow would result in the potential to raise NH3-N levels in the River by 0.008 mg/1. Typical detection capability for most laboratories is +/- 0.05 mg/1. Thus, the discharge even at permit flow and NH3-N levels beyond what could be expected would result in an in a downstream concentration change within detection variation. Typical upstream and downstream NH3-N sampling isn't likely to show any difference in the two values, except within the variation of the sample analysis method itself. At higher flows this effect is even more pronounced. The maximum in -stream concentrations of effluent constituents will be along the LDB as the effluent mixes with the River. Based on the report locating the main mussel populations approximately 40 to 75 feet from the LDB and the observation that the major percentage of the flow is toward that side of the river (location of the thalweg toward the LDB side), the effluent is likely to have the opportunity to mix with 30 to 40 % of the river flow by the time any of the effluent could come into contact with the main mussel populations. The dye study showed that the effluent would not have even reached 40 feet across the River 600 feet below the outfall. The dispersion of the dye at this point made it difficult even to observe any residual of dye, meaning that mixing forces even along the LDB are significant. At 30 to 40 % dilution, the effluent at the elevated NH3-N levels used above would have the potential to raise upstream NH3-N levels by only approximately 0.02 mg/1. We believe that this is a "worse case" prediction of the levels likely to be seen in proximity of the main mussel populations. This potential increase is also likely to be "lost" within the analytical methods for measuring ammonia. The dye study supports the appropriateness the current outfall design and configuration. The report also helps establish that the discharge will have limited impact on the mussel populations present in the Tuckaseegee. As noted, the Whittier discharge will be a minor consideration in determining the overall water quality of the River at this location. Mr. Tom Belnick October 30, 2009 Page 4 of 5 Request for Additional Mussel Sampling Based on the results of this evaluation, we conclude that additional mussel monitoring by the Whittier Sanitary District isn't appropriate. The survey performed provides a picture of current mussel populations and distribution in the River at this point, but any changes in this "snapshot" of the elktoe in this River will not in any reasonable evaluation be the result of the Whittier discharge. Certainly the status of the elktoe is important from an ecological standpoint, but any additional monitoring of this type to help track this situation should be conducted as an overall assessment of changes in this watershed over time. The responsibility for this monitoring doesn't properly belong to the Whittier Sanitary District. The only purpose of this survey was to help confirm the design and configuration of the outfall itself. In -Stream NH3-N Sampling In relation to the proposed NH3-N monitoring in the permit and the comments from US Fish and Wildlife Service on this point, we believe that a specialized study at specific River flow situations will be much more effective in determining potential impact to mussel populations. A single monitoring evaluation at low and moderate flow levels (at high flow levels it is highly unlikely that an impact would ever occur) will establish the potentially highest in -stream NH3-N near mussel locations. The basic approach would be to collect upstream samples, effluent samples and downstream samples at specific locations where mussels are likely to occur. It would be possible to collect downstream samples at several locations. The downstream samples would be collected in the river directly above mussel habitat areas established by the survey. This will require sampling personnel to enter the river and using the location information provided in the survey collect samples of the water flowing over the site. The objective would be to collect data at the highest population areas that are likely to be in the discharge plume of the plant. Periodic upstream and downstream data collected at typically established stations will not be useful in determining potential impact. In addition, as noted in this letter the likelihood of even measuring any change in NH3-N levels in the River is remote indeed. We understand that the resource agencies have requested the opportunity in participating in the development of an in -stream monitoring plan/program. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with the agencies at the site and discuss the most effective way to monitor the potential impact of the discharge on ammonia levels near mussel locations. I hope the information provided here will address the issues raised and allow the permit to be issued as soon as possible. Since this project is directed at providing better wastewater management in this area by eliminating an existing discharge and to allow for Mr. Tom Belnick October 30, 2009 Page 5 of 5 sanitary sewer service to areas with concentrated septic tank usage, it is essential to proceed with these efforts. I will contact Mr. Roger Edwards in the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Regional Office and we will work jointly to contact the interested resource agencies to schedule a meeting on site to discuss monitoring. Upon completing this effort, we will forward you comments summarizing the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, McGILL ASSOCIATES, ieC.-- /fe)(( R. aer-77/ FORREST R. WESTALL, P.E. Enclosure Cc: Mr. Mitchell Jenkins, Whittier Sanitary District (w/enclosure) Mr. Joe Cline, Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority (w/enclosure) Mr. Roger Edwards, NCDWQ (w/enclosure) Mr. Pete Benjamin, USFWS (w/enclosure) Mr. Dave McHenry, NCWRC (w/enclosure) Ms. Angie Rogers, Natural Heritage Program (w/enclosure) Mr. Mike Waresak, McGill Associates Mr. Marcus Barksdale, McGill Associates P:2000/00725/letters/permitresponseletter-10-09.doc MUSSEL SURVEY ON TUCKASEGEE RIVER BELOW WHITTIER SEWER OUTFALL October 1, 2009 Introduction McGill Engineering desires to have a mussel survey conducted downstream of the Whittier Sewer outfall as part of the conditions for an NPDES permit (Figure 1). After an informal consultation with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. designed the survey to determine the path of the effluent and the distribution of the mussels across the river channel. Methodology The mussel survey was conducted from the discharge point downstream for 4 river widths. Mussels were identified, the location GPS'd and the number of individuals at each site noted. Information on relic shells was also collected. The entire width of the river was searched for 600 feet by view bucket and scuba. The shore line was marked at 50 foot intervals for mapping purposes. GPS readings were taken with a Garmin GPS map 76 CSx. Reference points were taken at known points to facilitate layout over the aerial photo. The mussel survey crew consisted of Dr. Ben Laseter, Charles Lawson, Leslie Bilbrey, Wendell Pennington, and Joel Worsham. To determine the path of the effluent, a dye study was conducted. The dye was a fluorescent red liquid dye, FTW Red 50 by Kingscote Chemicals. The first run was dribbled in to simulate the release of effluent. Photographs of the dispersal were made. A second run was made with the dye released all at once in order to visually be able to determine the dispersal in the river. Results The mussel survey was conducted on October 1, 2009. The weather was fair and sunny, with morning fog until 11 am. Flow on the Tuckasegee River (based on the Barker's Creek gage) registered — 400 cfs at the start of the day and had dropped to —375 cfs by the conclusion of the study. Visibility was excellent. The mussel survey was conducted from downstream to upstream using view buckets. Then, the deep holes were surveyed by scuba. A total of 66 live mussels, Elasmidonta raveneliana, and 11 relic shells were found. Spatial distribution is shown in Figure 2 on an aerial of the Tuckasegee River. Most sightings were individual specimens, but seven sites had multiple specimens too close to distinguish by GPS. Only three specimens were found in the deep hole that extended from 350 feet to 400 feet mid -river. ij Substrate observations were made as the survey progressed. The river makes a long bend from the sewer outfall to the Highway 74 overpass in Whittier with the outside of the bend being on the left descending bank (LDB). Substrate from 0 to 350 feet was boulder, bedrock and cobble from mid -river to the LDB. From 350 to 400 feet, there was a deep pool below a large area of bedrock. The substrate was sand and/or bedrock. Along the right descending bank (RDB) extending almost to mid -river, the substrate was gravel and sand for the entire 600 feet of the survey. The thalweg follows the LDB from the outfall to the overpass, then swings across to the RDB and Conley Creek enters on the left. By the time the water reaches the Whittier bridge, the river has straightened and flow is equal across the entire river width. The dye study was conducted on October 8, 2009. The river flow was ~515 cfs with fair visibility due to overcast conditions. The first run was made at 1:45 pm. The dye was administered over about a five minute period at the outfall on the LDB. It did not disperse immediately, eddying around the insertion point. After spreading out for 5 feet upstream and three feet out into the river, it then began to move downstream. It took approximately 10 minutes to reach the 200 foot mark downstream. At 225 feet, there is a small stream that enters the river. The dye extended only about 10-15 feet out into the river at this point. By the 600 foot mark, the dye extended approximately 30 off the bank. The first run of dye was never observed spreading across the entire river. By the time it had reached the overpass, it was difficult to visually determine its location. A decision was then made to do a second run. It was discovered that dye was still observable at the outfall and at the mouth of the small stream (225 foot mark) in sufficient concentration that it was still bright orange. This was approximately 1 hour after initial insertion into the river. The second dye run began at 3:20 pm. Again 500 ml of dye was released, just all at once. The same results were observed. The dye stayed along the LDB, slowly extending from 10 feet to 30 feet out into the river. The peak of the dye had reached 600 feet downstream within 10 minutes. It was faintly observed at the overpass, but not at the Whittier bridge. Conclusions It was the professional opinion of the investigators that there were likely more mussels buried in the substrate. The survey was conducted within a few days of a flooding event which had transported a heavy sediment load. Combined with the declining water temperature, the mussels were not as active. Live mussels were not handled, except for a couple of individuals. The relic shells averaged 3 inches in length. No small relic shells were found. The majority of the mussels occurred in the river between 40 feet and 75 feet from the LDB. Twenty-six mussels were found in the quadrant (0-37 feet) closest to the LDB. Potential impacts from the effluent will be greatest in this area. The two areas where dye persisted more than 1 hour were approximately 10 feet long and 3-5 feet wide. No mussels were present in those areas. a r rnping ation LC>1 i ;� \- '�IN N ' ' 1 � 1\i USGS Quadrangle Whittier, NC Figure 1. Location map of mussel survey on Tuckasegee River, Whittier, North Carolina. .s r • N 1114.° ff[[[ J i • Great Smoky Mountains NP Swain Count' P• Site Location Feet 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 Relic mussel Single mussel vs . - r • -1/4 ;Al • .a* je - A AiSIFiL AtranikFet -ala..1r 1 J' Figure 2. Location of Appalachian elktoe from sewer outfall down stream 600 feet, Tuckasegee River, Whittier, North Carolina, October 2009. Dye application at sewer outfall First run of dye study completing application of dye First run at 150 foot First run, dye at 225 foot First run, dye at 600 feet AO' L ‘‘; • ' - - ' • Ai; • • . - • t;• ',Too •. • • Mit;"•,e. • ' • ,‘ 1.„- , • • 4.. Second run of dye study Initial application 041 Residual dye at outfall, 30 minutes after application Guerra, Bob From: Edwards, Roger Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:51 AM To: Guerra, Bob Cc: Haynes, Keith Subject: RE: Whitter WWTP We what to be involved in the selection/determination of the up and downstream sampling points. Roger Edwards - Roger.Edwards@ncdenr.gov North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Protection 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. From: Guerra, Bob [mailto:bob.guerra@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:31 AM To: Edwards, Roger Subject: FW: Whitter WWTP FYI. This renewal garnered public comments from Fish & Wildlife relating to a permit required mussel survey prior to installation of a new outfall and other mussel related questions which were agreed upon at last issuance 2004. The draft permit, sent to you as well, indicates that before discharge commences, ARO must be notified to be involved in locating upstream and downstream sampling points. Would you like to be notified when the overdue mussel survey is completed and go to the site when the instream sampling points are determined or let TWESA, Fish & Wildlife (ARO Office), Mc Gill and permittees determine theses sites? Let me know your preference ASAP so we can move forward with issuing this renewal. From: Sara_Ward@fws.gov [mailto:Sara_Ward@fws.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 9:11 AM To: Belnick, Tom; Guerra, Bob Cc: Mark_A Cantrell@fws.gov; John_Fridell@fws.gov Subject: Whitter WWTP Hi, Tom and Bob. Thanks for your call yesterday regarding the comments we provided DWQ re. the Whittier WWTP. I appreciate your responsiveness to the concerns we've raised. I spoke this morning with Mark Cantrell of our Asheville Field Office about the couple remaining issues we discussed yesterday (completion of the instream mussel surveys and final selection of a downstream sampling location for routine ammonia measurement). Mark has already been in contact with Fish and Wildlife Associates (Whittier Sanitary District's contractor for mussel survey work) regarding the instream survey (which was planned for late last week, but could be impacted by 1 'recent heavy rains and high water flow). They have also discussed completion of the dye study which will ,potentially be helpful in narrowing the instream mussel survey effort and guiding selection of an appropriate downstream routine ammonia monitoring site. When the field work is complete, we'll provide DWQ with feedback about the adequacy of the survey and a recommendation for the downstream monitoring site per your request. I understand you would like to finalize this permit by the end of the month (provided the field work being done by the permittee is complete), so we will be in touch as soon as we have the opportunity to review Fish and Wildlife Associates' work products for their ongoing field work. Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Take care, Sara *********************************************************************** Sara E. Ward U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 Ext. 30, Fax: 919-856-4556 Email: Sara_Ward@fws.gov *********************************************************************** 2 Guerra, Bob From: Sara_Ward@fws.gov Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:27 AM To: Guerra, Bob Cc: Belnick, Tom; Pete_Benjamin@fws.gov; Mark_A_Cantrell@fws.gov; John_Fridell@fws.gov; Brian_Cole@fws.gov Subject: Whittier District WWTP - NC0087602 Attachments: graycol.gif; pic05021.gif; ecblank.gif; FWS_WhittierWWTP08252009.pdf Hi, Bob. Thanks for the extention of the comment period to allow FWS input on the Whittier Sanitary District WWTP renewal (NC0087602). FWS comments on the renewal permit are attached. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions orwould like to discuss this information. Please keep me informed of any revisions to the renewal or final permit decisions. Take care, Sara (See attached file: FWS WhittierWWTP08252009.pdJ) *********************************************************************** Sara E. Ward U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 Ext. 30, Fax: 919-856-4556 Email: Sara Ward@fws.gov *********************************************************************** "Guerra, Bob" <bob.guerra@ncdenr.gov> "Guerra, Bob" <bob.guerrana ncdenr.gov> 08/17/2009 10:13 AM To"Sara Wardnfws.gov" <Sara Ward@fws.gov> cc"Belnick, Tom" <Tom.Belnick@ncmail.net> SubjectRE: Whittier District WWTP - NC0087602 Per direction from Tom Belnick, NPDES west supervisor, DWQ will extend the public comment period for the Whittier NC0086702 Permit renewal for one week. Your comments will be received for inclusion with a deadline of COB Monday August 24, 2009. Attached please find the materials you requested. Further questions or anything else I can assist you with, do not hesitate to contact me. APlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein i • From: Sara Ward@fws.gov [rnailto:Sara Ward u@,fws.gov] Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:04 AM To: Guerra, Bob Cc: Tom Augspurger@fws.gov fws.gov Subject: Whitter District WWTP - NC0087602 Hi, Bob. It was nice talking with you this morning. I appreciate you sending electronic copies of the draft permit and associated materials (e.g. fact sheets, etc) for the Whittier Sanitary District WWTP (NC0087602). As we discussed, we just reviewed the notice last week and realize that the public comment period ends today. Per your suggestion, FWS would like to request an extension of the public comment period of two weeks to allow us to review and provide technical input on the draft permit. FWS appreciates DWQ's prior receptiveness (during the 2004 permiting process) to special protection measures for the federally -endangered Appalacian elktoe (and its habitat in the vicinity of the facility outfall) and your willingness to extend the comment period to allow our input on the renewal permit. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Take care, Sara *********************************************************************** Sara E. Ward U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 Ext. 30, Fax: 919-856-4556 Email: Sara_Ward@fws.gov ***********************************************************************[attachmen t "87602 dft pmt (7-15-09).doc" deleted by Sara Ward/R4/FWS/DOI] [attachment "dft cvr ltr 7-15- 09.doc" deleted by Sara Ward/R4/FWS/DOI] [attachment "Map 7-15-09.ppt" deleted by Sara Ward/R4/FWS/DOI] 2 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 August 25, 2009 Mr. Bob Guerra North Carolina Division of Water Quality Point Source Branch, NPDES Western Program 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Guerra: Luipy The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) proposed permit renewal for the Whittier Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Jackson County, North Carolina (NPDES Permit # NC0087602). The proposed permit follows a request for renewal of a small (0.1 million gallons per day [MGD] or about 0.16 cubic feet per second [cfs]) discharge of treated municipal wastewater into the Tuckaseegee River in the Little Tennessee River Basin. We provide the following technical assistance comments for your consideration in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.0 661 et seq.) and the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.0 1531-1543). The Tuckaseegee River is occupied by the Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana), a federally -listed endangered mussel. The Tuckaseegee River is also designated critical habitat for this species at and downstream of the discharge point. The Service provided comments on the proposed permit for this facility previously (April 22, 2005 email to Mike Templeton, DWQ, from S. Ward, FWS) that recommended protective measures for the Appalachian elktoe and its habitat. We appreciate that several of those recommendations were embraced in the facility's permit and are reflected in the draft renewal permit including instream monitoring for ammonia, completion of instream mussel surveys to determine the presence of the species in the vicinity of the outfall, use of effluent filtration and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, and a standby power requirement. Although the discharge is relatively small and the instream waste concentration resulting from the discharge is unlikely to present a threat to aquatic biota under normal conditions, our technical recommendations are intended to assure protection of the occupied and designated critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe. 1. The Service previously recommended that an instream mussel survey be completed in the vicinity of the proposed outfall (prior to its construction) to a) determine potential impacts to Appalachian elktoe mussels resulting from facility construction and operation and b) guide the ultimate placement of the pipe to minimize any identified impacts. We appreciate that DWQ included this outfall survey as a permit condition; however, it appears that the applicant did not perform instream surveys and only evaluated potential impacts to mussels after outfall construction was complete. That assessment, completed by Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. (Boaze 2009). noted that the Appalachian elktoe is known to occur within 100 feet of the outfall (based on prior surveys) and, in 2008, mussels were found in the bedrock crevices along the reach. Because site -specific instream mussel surveys have not been conducted at the location of the outfall (as previously recommended by the Service and required by the permit), we recommend that these surveys be completed before the facility begins operations. In addition, future mussel survey work (upstream and downstream of the outfall) is recommended at least annually to gauge the success of the mussel protection measures implemented in the permit. The applicant should submit a survey plan so there is no further delay in the conduct of a required survey of sufficient detail. 2. We appreciate that instream ammonia monitoring is included as a permit condition. We previously recommended that such monitoring occur at a minimum during periods of high inflow and low streamflow at a sufficient frequency to determine potential impacts to mussels. We recommend that the upstream and downstream monitoring be conducted weekly (rather than twice a month as required in the draft permit) during periods of low flows (June — November) and during the highest inflow periods and be completed coincident with effluent grab sample monitoring. If instream concentrations remain below protective ammonia concentrations for mussels (which we would be pleased to provide for DWQ's consideration) for a sufficient demonstration period, a reduced monitoring frequency may be appropriate. Because the outfall has already been constructed, we recommend dye tests be conducted in order to locate a mutually agreeable site for instream monitoring to be performed. In order to identify an appropriate downstream monitoring site, we would like to consider the location of endangered mussels, their habitat (based on the results of mussels surveys recommended in #1 above), and the mixing zone characteristics identified through dye test observations. 3. We appreciate the commitment of the facility to use UV disinfection. The previous permit transmittal letter (April 29, 2005 letter from DWQ to Mr. George Rogers) noted that the terms and conditions of the NPDES permit presume that the WWTP would employ effluent filtration and 1 JV disinfection as well as standby power when operational. We do not see similar language in the draft 2009 permit renewal and recommend its inclusion. OVCCc/©E /fr✓ Ft�9� cov L T67t m 4. We understand that total residual chlorine limits are included in the draft renewal permit as a contingency in the unlikely event that UV disinfection is disrupted. We recommend that the applicant pursue redundant measures to assure UV disinfection is maintained without such interruption. If chlorine disinfection must be implemented, we recommend that an instream (upstream and downstream) monitoring requirement be added to the permit such that monitoring is completed during the same periods that ammonia instream monitoring is performed. The Service is concerned that the permit includes a total residual chlorine (TRC) compliance level of 50 pg/1 nearly three times higher than the state standard for this parameter. Our office provided input regarding low-level TRC analytical methods and performance during DWQ's development of their TRC policy for NPDES permits. More 7 recently, we provided input at DWQ's request regarding corrections for potential manganese interference with the low-Ievel colorometric TRC method (October 15, 2007 email to T. Belnick from S. Ward). We were unaware of the May 2008 memorandum issued by DWQ to permittees outlining a new compliance level and suggest that, while revised compliance levels may be appropriate on a facility -specific basis (e.g., for effluents with high tannin levels or other discoloration), the policy is far too broad and under -protective of the environment. Low-level chlorine measurement is achievable in our experience with water and wastewater treatment effluents and instream samples and should not require higher compliance levels. This is particularly important in habitats like the Tuckaseegee River where rare fauna are present in the immediate vicinity of the outfall. Accordingly, if chlorine disinfection becomes necessary here, we recommend that DWQ use a compliance limit of the state standard (17 pg/1) unless there is a site - specific interference issue that makes accurate low-level TRC measurement impractical_ This is important to assure protection of local imperiled mussels. We appreciate the extended opportunity to continent on the proposed renewal and thank you for your consideration of our input. Should you have any questions about our response of if we can provide other assistance, please contact Sara Ward of this office at 919/856-4520 x.30. Pete B min Field Supervisor cc: Brian Cole, FWS, Field Supervisor, Asheville Ecological Services Field Office Steven Fraley, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission David McHenry, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Angie Rodgers, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program 3 Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Stephen T. Smith Chairman Charles Peterson Vice Chairman Donnie Brewer Thomas F. Cecich Stan L. Crowe John S. Curry Marion Deerhake Tom Ellis E. Leo Green, Jr. Freddie Harrill Ernest W. Larkin Kevin Martin David H. Moreau Darryl D. Moss David B. Peden Dickson Phillips 1I1 Kenny Waldroup Steven D. Weber Forrest R. Westall, Sr. 76 eub 6/we] Pevm, N. C. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION August 17, 2009 David M. Bates Peggy Crosby Center 348 South Fifth Street Highlands, N.C. 28741 Dear Mr. Bates, Dee Freeman, Secretary, N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources I have received your letter of August 10, 2009 regarding the Whittier NPDES wastewater permit. 1 have asked about this and have told that the facility has already proposed to utilize ultra -violent disinfectant for this new discharge. If you would like additional information about this, please contact: ECEVED Tom Belnick Supervisor, NPDES West Program NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 919-807-6390; fax 919-807-6449 Cc: Tom Belnick Yours truly, 2,-rEfkievaii Stephen T. Smith Chair N.C. Environmental Management Commission DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Eo 6- - Fy/ - Jackson - Macon Conservation Alliance Peggy Crosby Center • 348 South Fifth Street • llighlands, NC 28741 828-526-9938 • jmca@dnet.net August 10, 2009 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 RE: NC0087602 Whittier NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT Dear Sir or Madam: The purpose of this letter is to comment on the permit application by the Whittier Wastewater District. Because of the historical record of bacterial contamination of the Tuckasegee River at various points itl our opinion that there is a need to provide ultraviolet treatment to the effluent before it is discharged from the treatment plant. This should reduce the potential of additional contamination to an already heavily burdened river system. Sincerely, David M Bates Executive Director File: NPDES 8-10-09 Whittier A 501(c) (3) Organization North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission July 27, 2009 Mr. Bob Guerra Division of Water Quality, Western Region NPDES Program 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 SUBJECT: Whittier Sanitary District WWTP New NPDES Permit No. NC0087602, Tuckaseegee River Jackson County Dear Mr. Guerra: Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission) reviewed the notice about the new proposed NPDES permit for the Whittier Sanitary District WWTP in Jackson County. This facility will discharge 0.1 MGD of treated wastewater into the Tuckaseegee River. Comments from the Commission on this proposal are provided under provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d), North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.), and the North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 10I.0102. The Tuckasegee River is designated an Aquatic Significant Natural Heritage Area of national significance because of numerous rare aquatic species. It supports the federally endangered Appalachian elktoe mussel (Alasmidonta raveneliana) and is designated as critical habitat for the species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It also supports rare species like the olive darter (Percina squamata, FSC, NC -SC) and hellbender (NC SC, US FSC, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). The hellbender population here may be the healthiest in the state. Water quality in the river is already compromised because of sedimentation and other non -point and point pollution sources. Recently, it was added to the 303d List because of elevated fecal coliform contamination. The river is projected to have ample assimilative capacity for the proposed discharge. However, the Commission is concerned that operational upsets will eventually harm rare aquatic species. Mussel declines have occurred downstream of the Franklin WWTP on the Little Tennessee River in Macon Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 NC0087602 Page 2 July 27, 2009 Jackson County County and more recently below the Burnsville WWTP on the Cane River in Yancey County. Chlorine is acutely toxic to aquatic life and freshwater mussels are extremely sensitive to ammonia. Therefore, ultraviolet light or ozone systems are recommended instead of chlorine and de -chlorination systems. Ambient concentrations in the range of 0.3 to 1.0 mg/L total ammonia as N at pH 8 do not appear toxic to freshwater mussels (Augspurger et al. 2003). New WWTPs and facility improvements should employ technology that achieves these low ammonia concentrations. The Commission supports including instream ammonia monitoring, mussel surveys near the outfall site, outfall design to avoid mussel impacts, and the ammonia standard and site specific management strategy (T 15A NCAC 2B0.0110) permit opener clauses to help conserve aquatic resources in the river. Regarding the site specific management strategy, the Commission encourages its development given ongoing and potentially increasing water quality problems in the watershed and because the strategy is overdue (target effective date March 2007). Regarding special permit conditions, the Commission also recommends referencing UV disinfection as this is the proposed technology specified in the Environmental Review for the facility. The Commission also requests that the Whittier Sanitary District be required to contact Commission staff and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Asheville immediately if treatment problems arise. This would facilitate our assessment of any aquatic resource damages, assist the Division of Water Quality with remedial actions, and help assure the safety of field staff who routinely survey the Tuckaseegee River. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this permit action. Please contact me at (828) 452-2546 extension 24 if there are any questions about these comments. Sincerely, M Tito, Pt e fK- V wueli-D ICE , 026 Dave McHenry Mountain Region Coordinator, Habitat Conservation Program ec: Allen Ratzlaff, USFWS Angie Rodgers, NC Natural Heritage Program Reference: Augspurger, T., A. E. Keller, M. C. Black, W. G. Cope, and F. J. Dwyer (2003) Water quality guidance for protection of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) from ammonia exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:2569-2575. Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Management Commission/ NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit The North Carolina En- vironmental Manage- ment Commission. ro- poses to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Written comments re- garding the proposed permit will be accepted until30 days after the publish date of this no- tice. The Director of the NC Division of Water hold Quality public) hearing should there be a sig- nificant degree of pub- lic interest. Please mail comments and/or In- DWQatatnthe above pad sonssmaytvirsittthe DWQ at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC to review information on file. Additional informa- tion on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our {{ebsite: gwg��ww.ncwatera ual lty.or Bo7-o63Q4bycalling (919) The Whittler2r Distreiict permitpplNC00487602 nfor County. Thisnpermitted discharge Is from treat- ed domestic astewa- ter to, the Tuckaseegee River in the Little Ten- nessee�y1lRiver Basin. AIM, 2009 • NOTARY PUBLIC ( /pp,0MBE GO zpneeee 051atiat4 ASHEVILLE CITIZEN T IES VOICE OF THE MOUNTAINS • CITIZEN-TIMES.com AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION BUNCOMBE COUNTY SS. NORTH CAROLINA Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Elyse Giannetti, who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that she is the Legal Billing Clerk of The Asheville Citizen -Times, engaged in publication of a newspaper known as The Asheville Citizen -Times, published, issued, and entered as first class mail in the City of Asheville, in said County and State; that she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Asheville Citizen -Times on the following date: July 17th , 2009. And that the said newspaper in which said notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina. Signed this 17th, day of -July, 2009 (Signa of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me the 17th, day of July, 2009. (Nota}y Public) My Commission expires the 6th , day of October, 2011. (828) 232-5830 I (828) 253-5092 FAX 14 O. HENRY AVE. I P.O. BOX 2090 I ASHEVILLE, NC 28802 I (800) 800-4204 C) GAMBIT Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. 25 Water Tower Lane • P.O. Box 241 • Whittier, NC 28789 Phone: (828) 497-6505 • (828) 497-6506 • Fax: (828) 497-6213 Email: fwa@dnet.net • Web: www.fishandwildlifeassociates.com July 14, 2009 Marcus Barksdale McGill Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 2259 Asheville, NC 28802 Re: Whittier Waste Water Treatment Plant Outfall Dear Mr. Barksdale: Per our telephone conversation, I have visited the waste water treatment plant at Whittier and examined the outfall pipe installation. The discharge is via a pipe extending from the plant through the bank to the Tuckasegee River. Approximately 5 feet of pipe is exposed, positioned 6 feet above the current level of the river. The plant discharge will fall onto rip rap, flowing down the rock into the river. To prevent sloughing or loss of the bank around the exposed pipe, sheet piling was placed as a barrier to hold the soil on the bank. These metal sheets extend 12 feet down to bedrock, and the discharge pipe sticks through the metal sheet about 8 inches. The installation was done in such a manner as to minimize the potential for erosion around the pipe during storm and flood event. The erosion of soil during the discharge of treated waste water will be minimized by the placement of rip rap. The stone used was of variable size, but is mostly flat rock and well within the size that could be moved by flood waters. There are Appalachian elktoe known to occur within 100 feet downstream of the outfall. This area was surveyed in 2003 and has been periodically examined every other year since then. In 2008, mussels were found in the bedrock crevices along this reach. *The Appalachian elktoe, Alasmidonta raveneliana, is a federally endangered species and the Tuckasegee River has been designated as Critical Habitat for this mussel. The mussels previously located in this stretch of river tend to occur from the middle to left descending bank. Steps taken to minimize effects to this species from the waste water discharge include disinfection of the waste water by ultraviolet light rather than chlorine, avoidance of bank erosion, and avoidance of sediment disturbance in the river during discharge. The river is experiencing natural changes that affect the Appalachian elktoe habitat. Growth of algae on the river boulders and bedrock has occurred since the 2004 hurricane flooding. Sand bars and sediment deposition were also found in this area. Degradation of the mussel habitat for this stretch of river occurred and has persisted since 2004. Mussels are still present, but an Fish and Wildlife Associates, 25 Water Tower Lane • P.O. Box 241 • Whittier, NC 28789 Phone: (828) 497-6505 • (828) 497-6506 • Fax: (828) 497-6213 Email: fwa@dnet.net • Web: www.fishandwildlifeassociates.com intensive survey has not been undertaken to determine if there has been a decrease in the population. Numerous elktoe relic shells were observed in 2008, but most likely had washed down from upstream. The wastewater treatment plant discharge is likely to cause some nutrient enrichment down the left descending bank until mixing occurs, probably at the inflow of Conley Creek. However, since Duke Energy operates on a peaking schedule, it is not anticipated that localized nutrient enrichment will contribute significantly to the existing natural problem. The peaking flows experienced every 12 hours on the Tuckasegee River should be sufficient to move the nutrients downstream daily. In general, the wastewater treatment plant discharge and the orientation and design of the outfall should have minimal impact on the Appalachian elktoe and their habitat in the vicinity of the outfall. Sincerely, a ,a Pamela M. Boaze President sTz ti `_� �� �� N.- __-' / - %_ —'-• / \\ i\'-7 / \ I ! \ I WAL TRAIN WASTEWATER \ I TREAJMT PLANT • 1— \ I. 1\ qi I\\\EW \ / / \ / / \\ \ \\.(/ ' j / 111 \ \ \ / I 0• �7__—_i \ \1.. \ / \ (\\ / \\ 0 \ (\ 1. \\ \\1 \0 \ \\ .: • 1 . 1 • \."\ \ I I-)\ \ \ 1•Ilj 1 1: ) . 1l1 \11 r \ \ 11 \ \ \ \11 1 \ 1 \ \ \� 1 \ \0 1 J'1` J� FIGURE IV -I \ \ SCHEMATIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT LAYOUT / - FUTURE Cam. TERTIARY \ FILTER PROPOSED BAR SREEN AND FLOW SPUTTER Box PROPOSED INFLUENT FORCE MAIN WHITTIER SANITARY DISTRICT \\ SWAIN & JACKSON COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA \\ \ \ -5 \ N. • N. \ \ \ \ \ \\ N. \\ \\ \ N.\\ \\ \ �\ \ N. \ N. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ DISCHARQE \ PROPOSED- \ \ \ TUV DISINFECTIQ•N • \ OPERATIONS BIJILDINO PROPOSED INFLUENT PUMP STATION \ N. \ .\ \ \ \\\\ . \\\ \ \\ \ \` \\ .\ \ \ \ \ N N \1 \ \ \ �\ �\ \ \ \ N. N. \ \ ▪ N. \ PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER eGill ENGINEERING • PLANNING •FINANCE OBasin Boundary Municipalities S USGS Gage ® Dam �./ Tuckasegee River '_ Hydrology Waynesville WHITTIER SANITARY DISTRICT 125 BONNIE LANE SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA 28779 828-586-1962 April 27, 2009 Attn: NPDES Unit NC DENR/DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Permit Renewal Whittier WWTP (NC 0087602) Jackson County RECEIVED DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH With this letter and completed application, the Whittier Sanitary District requests renewal of the Whittier WWTP NPDES permit. Construction of the facility is not yet complete, but is moving forward under the authority of A to C #087602A01. In accordance with a Contract and Agreement dated April 23, 2007 by and between the Whittier Sanitary District and the Tuckasigee Water and Sewer Authority, the Authority agreed to act as the construction agent for the Whittier WWTP, including all necessary administrative and fiscal actions, such as this NPDES permit renewal application. Per this same Contract and Agreement the Authority will operate, maintain and (once construction is complete) accept title to the WWTP and its associated wastewater collection system. If you have question or comments regarding this application please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Stan Bryson at the Tuckasigee Water and Sewer Authority. Sincere — .✓ Mitchell Jenkins, Chair Whittier Sanitary District Enclosure: NPDES Form 2A cc: Bill Gibson, Southwestern Commission Joel Storrow, McGill Associates P:\WORDDOCS\Whittier Application for NPDES Permit Renewal.04-09.doc FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District WWTP, NC0087602 FORM 2A NPDES APPLICATION OVERVIEW PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee Form 2A has been developed in a modular format and consists of a "Basic Application Information" packet and a "Supplemental Application Information" packet. The Basic Application Information packet is divided into two parts. All applicants must complete Parts A and C. Applicants with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd must also complete Part B. Some applicants must also complete the Supplemental Application Information packet. The following items explain which parts of Form 2A you must complete. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION: A. Basic Application Information for all Applicants. All applicants must complete questions A.1 through A.8. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States must also answer questions A.9 through A.12. Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow >_ 0.1 mgd. All treatment works that have design flows greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must complete questions B.1 through B.6. Certification. All applicants must complete Part C (Certification). SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: RECEIVED D. Expanded Effluent Testing Data. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States and meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data): r1 f�l � +•Y - Lw 2C09 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the information. DENR - WATER QUALITY INT SOURCE BRANCH Toxicity Testing Data. A treatment works that meets one or more of the followirrg'Qte, la must complete Part E (Toxicity Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to submit results of toxicity testing. Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes. A treatment works that accepts process wastewater from any significant industrial users (SlUs) or receives RCRA or CERCLA wastes must complete Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes). SIUs are defined as: 1. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N (see instructions); and 2. Any other industrial user that: a. Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the treatment works (with certain exclusions); or b. Contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the treatment plant; or c. Is designated as an SIU by the control authority. Combined Sewer Systems. A treatment works that has a combined sewer system must complete Part G (Combined Sewer Systems). EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 1 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District VWVf P, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee �.:•:•:•::ti{.�::::.:•::: ...:.....:....N ....::•I.::i •i � •. .� ....� ....:......:.:::.�� •:.:•: •.!�:::: �.L}:� :::':•i •yli •::.� l:�: l:�:: .•:.: i•X:..�•.i •1i'ii •: i•' •i •:•i • 1 0 All treatment works must complete questions A.1 through A.8 of this Basic Application Information Packet. A.1. Facility Information. Facility Name Whittier Sanitary District WWTP Mailing Address , 145 Passmore Lane Whittier NC 28789 Contact Person -Mitchell Jenkins Title Chairman. Whittier Sanitation District Telephone Number (828) 497-6816 Facility Address Jackson County Industrial Park (not P.O. Box) Whittier NC 28789 A.2. Applicant Information. If the applicant is different from the above, provide the following: Applicant Name Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority Mailing Address 1246 West Main St Svlva NC 28779 Contact Person Stan Bryson Title Wastewater Plant Operations Supt. Telephone Number (828) 586-9318 Is the applicant the owner or operator (or both) of the treatment works? owner X operator Indicate whether correspondence regarding this permit should be directed to the facility or the applicant. facility X applicant A.3. Existing Environmental Permits. Provide the permit number of any existing environmental permits that have been issued to the treatment works (include state -issued permits). NPDES NC 0087602 PSD UIC Other RCRA Other A.4. Collection System Information. Provide information on municipalities and areas served by the facility. Provide the name and population of each entity and, if known, provide information on the type of collection system (combined vs. separate) and its ownership (municipal, private, etc.). Name Population Served Type of Collection System Ownership Whittier Sanitary District Seperate Municipal • Total population served 85-115 initially EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 2 of 22 t FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District VVVVrP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee A.5. Indian Country. a. Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? Yes X No b. Does the treatment works discharge to a receiving water that is either in Indian Country or that is upstream from (and eventually flows through) Indian Country? Yes X No A.6. Flow. Indicate the design flow rate of the treatment plant (i.e., the wastewater flow rate that the plant was built to handle). Also provide the average daily flow rate and maximum daily flow rate for each of the last three years. Each year's data must be based on a 12-month time period with the 12th month of "this year" occurring no more than three months prior to this application submittal. a. Design flow rate 0.100 mgd Two Years Aqo b. Annual average daily flow rate No flow c. Maximum daily flow rate • No Flow Last Year This Year No flow No flow No flow No flow A.7. Collection System. Indicate the type(s) of collection system(s) used by the treatment plant. Check all that apply. Also estimate the percent contribution (by miles) of each. X Separate sanitary sewer 100 0 Combined storm and sanitary sewer A.8. Discharges and Other Disposal Methods. a. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to waters of the U.S.? X Yes No If yes, list how many of each of the following types of discharge points the treatment works uses: i. Discharges of treated effluent one ii. Discharges of untreated or partially treated effluent -0- iii. Combined sewer overflow points iv. Constructed emergency overflows (prior to the headworks) v. Other b. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to basins, ponds, or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the U.S.? Yes If yes, provide the following for each surface impoundment: Location: Annual average daily volume discharge to surface impoundment(s) Is discharge -0- -0- -0- X No ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? mgd c. Does the treatment works land -apply treated wastewater? Yes X No If yes, provide the following for each land application site: Location: Number of acres: Annual average daily volume applied to site: Is land application ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? d. Does the treatment works discharge or transport treated or untreated wastewater to another treatment works? mgd X Yes No EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 3 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District VWVfP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee If yes, describe the mean(s) by which the wastewater from (e.g., tank truck, pipe). the treatment works is discharged or transported to the other treatment works It is anticipated that waste sludge will be transported via tank truck to the TWSA Plant #1 for treatment. If transport is by a party other than the applicant, provide: Transporter Name Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number S ) For each treatment works that receives this discharae, provide the following: Name Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Plant #1 Mailing Address 1246 West Main St. Sviva NC 28779 Contact Person Stan Bryson Title Wastewater Plant Operations Supt. Telephone Number (828) 586-9318 If known, provide the NPDES permit number of the treatment works that receives this discharge Provide the average daily flow rate from the treatment works into the receiving facility. e. Does the treatment works discharge or dispose of its wastewater in a manner not included in A.8. through A.8.d above (e.g., underground percolation, well injection): If yes, provide the following for each disposal method: Description of method (including location and size of site(s) if applicable): NC 0039578 Est. .0001 mgd Yes X No Annual daily volume disposed by this method: Is disposal through this method ❑ continuous or 0 intermittent? EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 4 of 22 • FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whither Sanitary District WWTP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee WASTEWATER DISCHARGES: If you answered "Yes" to question A.8.a, complete questions A.9 through A.12 once for each outfall (including bypass points) through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. If you answered "No" to question A.B.ago to Part B, "Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow Greater than or Equal to 0.1 mgd." A.9. Description of Outfall. a. Outfall number 001 b. Location : Jackson Co. Industrial Park. Whittier 28789 (City or town, if applicable) (Zip Code) Jackson (County) NC (State) 83.21.60 35.25.72 (Latitude) (Longitude) c. Distance from shore (if applicable) N/A ft. d. Depth below surface (if applicable) N/A ft. e. Average daily flow rate no flow (design is 0.1001 mgd f. Does this outfall have either an intermittent or a periodic discharge? Yes X No (go to A.9.g.) If yes, provide the following information: Number f times per year discharge occurs: Average duration of each discharge: Average flow per discharge: ' mgd Months in which discharge occurs: g. Is outfall equipped with a diffuser? Yes X No A.10. Description of Receiving Waters. a. Name of receiving water Tuckaseeoee River b. Name of watershed (if known) Lower Little Tennessee Sub Basin United States Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code (if known): c. Name of State Management/River Basin (if known): Little Tennessee United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code (if known): 0601023020010 06010203 d. Critical low flow of receiving stream (if applicable) acute N/A cfs chronic cfs e. Total hardness of receiving stream at critical low flow (if applicable): N/A mg/l of CaCO3 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 5 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District WWTP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee A.11. Description of Treatment a. What level of treatment are provided? Check all that apply. X Primary X Secondary Advanced x Other. Describe: b. Indicate the following removal rates (as applicable): Design BOD5 removal or Design CBOD5 removal Design SS removal Design P removal Design N removal Other Tertiary filters and uv disinfection 90 oA 90 % 0 0 c. What type of disinfection is used for the effluent from this outfall? If disinfection varies by season, please describe: Ultra violet If disinfection is by chlorination is dechlorination used for this outfall? Does the treatment plant have post aeration? Yes No Yes X No A.12. Effluent Testing Information. All Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum, effluent testing data must be based on at least three samples and must be no more than four and one-half years apart. Outfall number: 001 PARAMETER pH (Minimum) pH (Maximum) Flow Rate MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE AVERAGE -DAILY VALUE Value nla nla n/a Units S.U. S.U. mgd Value n/a Units mgd Number of Samples 0 Temperature (Winter) n/a o c n/a oC 0 Temperature (Summer) n/a o c n/a oC 0 For pH please report a minimum and a maximum daily value ............... ........ ................................... ................................... MAXIMUM:DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE: DAILY: DISCHARGE Cone:' Units Conc Units`. Nurnber of:;< Samples ANALYTICAL METHOD • CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (Report one) BOD5 n/a CBOD5 FECAL COLIFORM n/a TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) n/a EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 6 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District VVVITTP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee ............ ........ •. .....:::<;;:::::.::.: . .... ......•...:..... :• •:::••:.:••}:{. K {.:: � •:::::. * ::•: •: � :•::•: � :•: :•:: . • f•:.:::....:. :..:.4:::• .. : :.Lti ::ti.;:i•......: :•:4::::• : :•::ti•:•:ti : •: :ti :ti•::ti.:.::ti.:ti.:::ytiti.:.:::: • • All applicants with a design flow rate z 0.1 mgd must answer questions 8.1 through B.6. All others go to Part C (Certification). B.1. Inflow and Infiltration. Estimate the average number of gallons per day that flow into the treatment works from inflow and/or infiltration. 0, new lines gpd Briefly explain any steps underway or planned to minimize inflow and infiltration. Routine maintenance and cleaning of lines. area extending at least one mile beyond facility property boundaries. This B.2. Topographic Map. Attach to this application a topographic map of the map must show the outline of the facility and the following information. (You may submit more than one map if one map does not show the entire area.) a. The area surrounding the treatment plant, including all unit processes. b. The major pipes or other structures through which wastewater enters the treatment works and the pipes or other structures through which treated wastewater is discharged from the treatment plant. Include outfalls from bypass piping, if applicable. c. Each well where wastewater from the treatment plant is injected underground. d. Wells, springs, other surface water bodies, and drinking water wells that are: 1) within 14 mile of the property boundaries of the treatment works, and 2) listed in public record or otherwise known to the applicant. e. Any areas where the sewage sludge produced by the treatment works is stored, treated, or disposed. ' f. If the treatment works receives waste that is classified as hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) by truck, rail, or special pipe, show on the map where the hazardous waste enters the treatment works and where it is treated, stored, and/or disposed. B.3. Process Flow Diagram or Schematic. Provide a diagram showingtheprocesses of the treatmentplant, including all bypass pipingand all g 9 9 YP backup power sources or redunancy in the system. Also provide a water balance showing all treatment units, including disinfection (e.g., chlorination and dechlorination). The water balance must show daily average flow rates at influent and discharge points and approximate daily flow rates between treatment units. Include a brief narrative description of the diagram. , B.4. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s). Are any operational or maintenance aspects (related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality) of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? X Yes No If yes, list the name, address, telephone number, and status of each contractor and describe the contiactor's responsibilities (attach additional pages if necessary). Name: Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Mailing Address: 1246 West Main St. Svlva NC 28779 Telephone Number: (828) 586-9318 . Responsibilities of Contractor: Operation and maintenance for 1 yr warranty period and then transferred into Authority's ownership. B.5. Scheduled improvements and Schedules of Implementation. Provide information on any uncompleted implementation schedule or uncompleted plans for improvements that will affect the wastewater treatment, effluent quality, or design capacity of the treatment works. If the treatment works has several different implementation schedules or is planning several improvements, submit separate responses to question B.5 for each. (If none, go to question B.6.) a. List the outfall number (assigned in question A.9) for each outfail that is covered by this implementation schedule. 001 b. Indicate whether the planned improvements or implementation schedule are required by local, State, or Federal agencies. Yes ❑ No • EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 7 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District WVVfP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee c. If the answer to B.5.b is "Yes,' briefly describe, including new maximum daily inflow rate (if app'icable). d. Provide dates imposed by any compliance schedule or any actual dates of completion for the implementation.steps listed below, as applicable. For improvements planned independently of local, State, or Federal agencies, indicate planned or actual completion dates, as applicable. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. Schedule Actual Completion Implementation Stage MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY - Begin Construction 08/04/06 - End Construction est. 07/01/09 - Begin Discharge est 08/01/09 - Attain Operational Level est 08/01/2011 - e. Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other Federal/State requirements been obtained? X Yes 0 No Describe briefly: B.6. EFFLUENT TESTING DATA (GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD ONLY). Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combine sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum effluent testing data must be based on at least three pollutant scans and must be no more than four and on -half years old. . Outfall Number: • :�=:::�:�<::::>:::.::.>;::.:}::.::::.>:::.::.;::.::.:•::•.;::.:::.:-:::::.::<:<.::.;:<.::•::.�.�:�.::.:.:<;::::..>::.:..::.::.:<'::::»:.:<.:<.::.::;.>}:.::.::;::•:::.;:-::.:: .................................. <:.::::.;}:.METH . : <; :: ;::::::>:;:::;:::::= ::: _::::>::<:>::; < «;<:::::::::;::.:::::: :;;:<::::::.::::.:::.;::.:::::.}:::.::.:::.:: ::: ::;Unit6 :: �::: �:;: • ::<::: C ::::;; := �:<:>: �� �:<•: •� :•: �::> -----.tuft..................... ::::::::Uultg::::; :;: • :: :N ber... : ;_ ::: :::::.;::;;: CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS AMMONIA (as N) CHLORINE (TOTAL RESIDUAL, TRC) DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (TKN) NITRATE PLUS NITRITE NITROGEN OIL and GREASE PHOSPHORUS (Total) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) OTHER >.;•7M ::::::.�:::tit•:Y:.}:ti{{:•:•.::{.. :...:........... • l}:'{:::•:•}}:;: .•:}}f}f.•..:. . r.. IC:.... .:::: .. •...:ti:}j .�{••y'::• j�::•:•j�{•?>::• •'r::'{ :::>} :; ••• ••• • •✓i� r}y:{;•;; ;:;:• y ;: ; iT. {v}• ;j;;: .... .. r:..: r.. r..• '. .: .A. EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 8 of 22 4 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Whittier Sanitary District VVWTP, NC0087602 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Renewal RIVER BASIN: Little Tennessee J.j: :::tiff':::':':':'::`.`:•:'::{•:ti{{'.:{tiff :•:{ti•:ti•t:•;ti•: ..:{ : �ti{;.:;:::•: {.• � •• 1:':: i: ::� •::':::::: M1: ff}•:::': •:..'.'. � : �4I.•.►�•:,���1�::::•: :�::� �;�.: t:4: til:; •'ti ::� •�::. � rN::::::::::::. r. ::: :: ': ':•:'::•{ti:;:::{ :::: ':•:::`::':. • :'r •R•:• f::: •• •• '/it:7l).... ::} :;;.:::.. i:r:: ': v::$:>:$' : : ;: ::':':'"; :y ::}i•:{{{::+{4:}.... , .:',:;}:;:::i;}::}':;:;:...}{tiff{ :• •_j.:.;; {.{•;;:•:: •:::: �:.: :;: ;{: :. • �:{•;'.}.:y :; :'::}}:. .'r;: ;:y '••'• �••'•••• :{: • • • • All applicants must complete the Certification Section. Refer to instructions to determine who is an officer for the purposes of this certification. All applicants must complete all applicable sections of Form 2A, as explained in the Application Overview. Indicate below which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting. By signing this certification statement, applicants confirm that they have reviewed Form 2A and have completed all sections that apply to the facility for which this application is submitted. Indicate which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting: X Basic Application Information packet Supplemental Application Information packet: ❑ Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data) ❑ Part E (Toxicity Testing: Biomonitorng Data) ❑ Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes) ❑ Part G (Combined Sewer Systems) ....i........................................... • • • • •�i- � I:::.:I�L� EI~:�1= � 1 tr .'f —•<��>:::..•::.:.�.::::::::::.:.�::.�:.�:::::•.�.:�.:�•::::•:.:::::��•':s�:::<`:::•�::::::�:::<:�:::�<::::::::�:: :At #:: :L • A•„,,,, ,,,,,, `...tVlt? ::.; : `H .fN 1. I,, . t A • V. • • • I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name and official title Stan Brvso , Wastewater nt Operations Superintendent. TWSA ..r Signature i i Telephone number O28) 586-9318 Date signed 01170� Upon request of the permitting authority, you must submit any other information necessary to assure wastewater treatment practices at the treatment works or identify appropriate permitting requirements. SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO: NCDENRI DWQ Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 9 of 22 -1' ti\i111A\i1. 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OUT 1835.0 PROP AT PI 0 FACT SHEET FOR EXPEDITED PERMIT RENEWALS ial for ex edited 1 permit r n wal Reviewer/Date ii 007 Permit Number NJ c co$ -7 6 0 Z Facility Name \ J U►; i'e t San ► l a r y P; .s 1 (...4 6) L JT f Basin Name/Sub-basin number Ltfie cn n¢i$c, RINjel oy o0 oz Receiving Stream mac. d ,., s e gee R, tr Stream Classification in Permit 13 Does permit need NH3 limits? No Does permit need TRC limits? N o Does permit have toxicity testing? No Does permit have Special Conditions? , YQ.S Does permit have instream monitoring? yes Is the stream impaired (on 303(d) list)? No Any obvious compliance concerns? Q Any permit mods since last permit? d Existing expiration date / a / 31 /zoo 7 New expiration date 1 o / 31 / 2.o) 2 New permit effective date 'a j ,JRC G•4s u 5 rW 5 can.ti tdt! la 'a j ,JRC G•4s u 5 rW 5 can.ti tdt! la z0a4 re pie-11E1.J 1/.pail W's ,..,/;4;,,, /. 2 s J. s 1',J AI, C , SJ k.s Ivy o b Cans l rt,ci:vh S4C+t..s {14 t I< he o N. . YES_ This is a SIMPLE EXPEDITED permit renewal (administrative renewal with no changes, or only minor changes such as TRC, NH3, name/ownership changes). Include conventional WTPs in this group. YES_ This is a MORE COMPLEX EXPEDITED permit renewal (includes Special Conditions (such as EAA, Wastewater Management Plan), 303(d) listed, toxicity testing, instream monitoring, compliance concerns, phased limits). Basin Coordinator to make case -by -case decision. YES_ This permit CANNOT BE EXPEDITED for one of the following reasons: • Major Facility (municipal/industrial) • Minor Municipals with pretreatment program • Minor Industrials subject to Fed Effluent Guidelines (lb/day limits for BOD, TSS, etc) • Limits based on reasonable potential analysis (metals, GW remediation organics) • Permitted flow > 0.5 MGD (requires full Fact Sheet) • Permits determined by Basin Coordinator to be outside expedited process TB Version 8/18/2006 (NPDES Server/Current Versions/Expedited Fact Sheet)