HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC223258_FRO Submitted (7)_20220916M ".Pr Yi !' h R 51 4 t N A Lan d-Disturbin n Permit Application fleas virnplew both pages of this form and return t-o Physical Address Maifirtg Address SCM East 5t, PCl Box S-4S Pi LWxmro, NC 273 12 P1 L&boro, NC 21n12 Phone: (919) 5454269 ror C}icfi C Jse= P7m,�c see $EIRM 171'ING FWW C.11,-tRT tc} dewrmine whiuli perm it and plan req u ircmt�nt�; app Iv to your pm.jw and then chcck ontr of the boxzs below 0 1,xnd-DistAr>ing Permit, The fol]aWM9 LLems ar-c ri:y+a i r5ed to obwn this Permit: complctW application, plans, and fccs. 1.and-LX5KFFb1np, Perinit appli rations ®wit include all parcel slots (in -one appl Km ion with the tt}1a] amount ra f disturbanw frw al I parmLllmL All clearing aA dii"r0.mnce must be i rrclu&-d wlin i--alC:ulaliag dist•urbcd area. Fne Requiremwt-v _ Parm,i L Fee: M(Ydiswrbed acm Ulan R-uvi w Fec; S2Wd-LAurbcd Herr. I-ees are mended up to tW next whole itcrt�. BKam le= 1 aac or less is $500, l _01-2 awvi is $1,000, and 2-01-3 is $1,500- Plan Requ ircwrnM, De�'_ subirEit (1) GWy of art 4-,r[k4ion control p[an complcl0 & snied by a professional kind -$ur+reyor, pmfc�icmal engin=, cvr rq.istered I and-*c-�pe srcbit"t. This plan m ust uneei the Cnic- +a of -the Chatham County Erosion rntml P Ian Ruvic w Checklist anal unclude all applicab le oDns ruclitm details. 'ffiaw rxm be f) and an the Chatham CA)urity %V a# r lmmj Protection wc:hsite- on tll. Fnvs m C mtrol 'his plan must satisfy. Al local, stag and Cederal rnirrim urn plan naquirernertts, n Ggncrnl Flan: w"it {jj copy Of Bite plan along with the Chatham Counly Residential Gvntzal P Ian- 51tc plan is not required to W complct-cd by a design profcsslonal- The RQ�id,efldal GCMral Plan can be f6und on the (%, Whani Coun Ly Watershed Protection webmto ot, the [residential Construction wehpagc. Indwatr, lot dram tatoern s on sheet l of the Re%Aential Gwen l Plan. © l es len tial LM Permit- The follr,win:g items afe r quir tAT c,htai a this permit: wmpleled appiication, silt plan, and fcc, FADE 3 "FINANCIAL, RESp - STj3TLI'I'Yf0WN1-RS1 LLL' F RTtirl„ not required. � . - Fee Requirements: plan RequircmmLs: 100 flat fee Siw Plan showing property bmindafics. The site plan m-quired by the FJnvij�errtal licahh ox Ctvtra] PcrrniUlan L?e ardncn� i suff'ici nt_ _ ALL C.IlrCKs MA[3F.YAVA131,1i TO C1 ,i,-MIA-M {.,OLtNT!' Page Iof3 Land -Disturbing F-M-1734A CFUN-<"1 Perm it Application M -So M F •• S• A a o L I N A *"Thiz mx.Wug axad street :address of die priritip2l PIACC Of I aMiUVSS for the personiex&Ey 15handall- rcgIro-nsible :1j11 the land owne(s) must A JP-()- box is NOT accept2 ble as an a&rtz y. ^'' If the finaaelail}• r j)1Dnsi M-e pcmua'pn rl* is ditl`ereaf from the current land awner, :en :3 �reemc nt .4gned by both Tytirtiek m uxJ bl+ p 7 :3 I IoWi rig th-e flilxncially resFo-nsible p M perNon In L undue[ the Ian d-disi o rW(L9 a1zt3vity on tlke property. DATE: 619;22 A r1DRESS OF PROJECT, 1032 God revs VI , Pit !%b , NG 2nl2 LATITIJDE. 1.OINGTT1L DE OF PROPE RT V AT SITE ENTRANCE' 35•7-891-79-239 PAID 1. #( C M2504 •I TAL DISTU RUED ACRES or 9QUARE FELT: � 0.38 acres pl,Rpo SE ()FAl`=TIV[TV, new 5FD FY K AMOUNT Sl ]BM I'I-I-Elk. *$ LAN WWIN47f RED 1'rT� att}ich a e t� li ��iii{�n�xL ou'ncrs Ple€ provide a �xwrnplete i i st of part nem nianaiging r cwbeN and rcgislaW ageniM i fthe r-uponsible entity of land o ncr iq a gnmp of in-div idual� corporate orrtimlion or entity. Name- Triple A HornCs Plwllc- 4 12- r}t - AdcirM-s,: PO 1117 E-Mail- lau pte +5,.40 - Nolly Springri, NC 50* sigft=M' �. ! Name; _ -- AddTess' NgRTi U:� Ntwrth Carolina) mama Address: b le only if difi-trent 1�m proyenY Qwrw Phone- i!N A AG f NT (appikWc residFc in T-NGLNL E RiSl TRVE,YO 197 E vwB Rd C-niv. NC 27513 C,mL,iCEPerson- D n Rhad$s p}„=, 91!L-M- 310 Fbooe; E-bait- Situte; "O(JON 1='OIVTR��. PerSOM to cnn Jae# should Crosion & rce d wen t "ntrod iasucs aria: slu riri%t Iand-disturbin k, Zvl Cor,, t 1'erson: Sadd Dail �'cmpany N=: Triple A Horner Phaoc- 919-27D-11 $ �Ikis„ I • davidr.�trlplc�horxg Pag�2of3 Soil Erosion and Sedinlev tenon Control r� �► n , •rry Financial RespoTtsibility/own r rahip Form Nal' kEQUIRED To fly_ C OMP ETFI)1• OR R&SMEA M 1. 1171' PERMUS. PLEASE FEAR TI I H i OLLO INQ IN E'ORNIATIQ, _ 1 } 'Phis %x-LIon must be sipitd ;n LIx prcS�a= 48 NMLF 2) All Lmd-I rhin9 perrrrits � -�licI fCrr up tv (2) }ears tMrn Lk of iSslL5mn=- If ccirct�YF7 UMOM WarnW3T finis p$ro7it May be hg�r.� exLended for (2) n per d i c candid D13s of G C:Iiadhrsm CbUnty Soil l:rcx WML and Saiimewaticm Ourivcd Of-dLuanov- 4.Twn wE LIAL TKtiQe, Lhr Tend-DisturbbW 'pWMIL Irt y bO FCv cd Cur fziilun} to axnpty witb Ow o,rdLnuwr. if the permiz is rcuoksxd, all oth►ir pornmilx mvL approve,als arc withhelcL urail the pwpo t)r is once alpin i n cawplhmztO v.iEh C'haMarn Courtly myulmions_ Also, l�M wrirtcn ootVc� x t;viL p na]ty [�nej he ;rlstig�G[�d agein�l 1 gym, + + rr �rer amdf �rldiL;,�ns] finewinll±+ Tcq;m N c patty [if an}r) f w vito-lal.lodU oftbe C'halfnam ICUurtty Saul Ucm' m and Sj3dilnQOMdon C onLml Ord fm=. Fhis rw d1LY is up to $50DO,00 per viablilan per day and U a.n*vzd daLly kT tvery (Ly the Pers rty Es un xivladt,. lrutcrttning m�� wilh 4,r h=Lpering as xLiork caaL result m 8 evil perm,LY wilhqut writreaL 110tit; e, 3) 7lic intarawiun pR,+•oiled nn this farm is Roue and axrw tG the beA of my knawiedpe a� Me rf errd waS PTUvWLA L�y Inc while undcr4-wth_ 4) This form must be gkgnerl by the propv~rt±' c�rwrn ; f a�� or,dr5+i�ue7_ I f cptvncT] by a a�anpa cr ci ir]}i}t3tJiln_ this form rnu�t he sigl7cd by an ufJ'%4M. director, paEier. WRW*ey-iWf3CTL. cr other FK:ffvmi with autim?,ity 4, cxoune ju5tnamemas for LIV Oxporntlan ;urcl Scca parried by a oompLett LLqfall partners_ mnnagang TmM5LxzS and rqg�-rred agUULs of ibe {gmpany err wrporai"- Namc wkd TirJe~ DLBn Eufp� President Corr pmy (if applitzb l- Tti A ° �i�rrature- . ADDMONAL 1•'I AN ALLY R> SPONTSMU PARTY (ifxny)-, Name and Title- S16ma[um: - NORTH CAROLI N A ACTS I 1 (if:2 0Y)' !*lame CA,rrrpany; 4ieiLLre= *********************q-:§*********T�*zJ;******�*:********* ****** 11 �,Lf - _.a N{firy PuF0-3c of WT CourLty to OIC of M*O C+ra -do perchy Curti ry that Ale per+wm LLy appeADDd L' ryre nw (his day and under wLh ackn 'Lodged rrAd.ing the Lnt&rriaLi m above and aeknowledged thatYhe aht,w rmm ww cxcruLvd by b i m nr her_ Wjtn�7 my IlarLd anal of vial peal, this file. Lt day of t Z)&�- N-olury Nblis MY runLmis5 IOn exvmL. L -T� ,0TARJ, (��JA ,) er L I rr t f+rl�t Page 3 Df.3