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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110762 Ver 2_No Effect Determination from NC Dept of Cultural Resources_20140924Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
NORFOLK, VA 23551 -2487
Ser N46/008
April 1, 2014
Kevin Cherry, Ph.D.
Deputy Secretary, North Carolina Office of Archives and History
State Historic Preservation Officer
4619 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699 -4619
Dear Dr. Cherry:
The United States Navy (Navy) is preparing an Environmental
Assessment (EA) to analyze the proposal to improve target areas of the
Navy Dare County Bombing Range (DCBR). The improvements would include
the establishment of target areas and maintenance roads for three
locations on the Navy DCBR to allow for more realistic training
scenarios, allow for maintenance operations to be completed, enhance
range personnel safety, and increase Operational Range Clearance
The DCBR, a c.1964 facility jointly used by the Navy and United
States Air Force, encompasses 46,000 acres of marshland, forest and
open space, and contains targets for inert weapons delivery practice.
A cultural resources survey of the DCBR was conducted by Pan American
Consultants, Inc., in 1996. The survey, which included field
investigations, did not identify any significant archaeological
resources. The level of disturbance documented on the property led
the researchers to conclude that it is highly unlikely that any intact
archaeological sites are present. No historic buildings or structures
are known to be located anywhere on the DCBR, including the Navy
impact area. The North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office
(SHPO) concurred with Pan American Consultants' recommendation that no
further cultural resource investigations were necessary and that no
National Register eligible archaeological resources are likely present
in a letter dated August 6, 1996 (enclosure 1). These findings were
presented in the Cultural Resources Management Plan for Seymour
Johnson Air Force Base, DCBR, Fort Fisher Air Force Recreation Area
(1998, 2008). The current management plan also states that there are
no traditional cultural properties or related Native American issues
known for the DCBR. On November 9, 2010, the North Carolina SHPO also
concurred with the Navy's determination that no historic properties
would be affected by an action similar to the proposed undertaking
(enclosure 2).
Based on the information stated above, the Navy believes that no
historic properties are present within the DCBR, and the proposed
undertaking will have no effect upon National Register of Historic
Appendix D D -1 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
Ser N461008
April 1, 2014
Places eligible resources. In accordance with Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act, the Navy seeks your concurrence
with these findings by letter, with any additional comments or
questions within_ 30 days of receipt. Enclosures (3) and (4) show the
location of the proposed undertaking. Please contact Mr. Joseph Vlcek
at (757) 836 -8475 or by email (Zoseph.vlcek, if you have
questions about this project.
Environmental Readiness Branch
By direction
Enclosures: 1. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources
August 6, 1996 letter to the U.S. Navy.
2. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources
November 6, 2010 letter to the U.S. Navy
3. Location of the Dare County Bombing Range
4. Navy Dare County Bombing Range Target Improvement
Appendix D D -2 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
Rpr- 2e' -sA ?.4 :SI O_C?9
North t::at^oltna Department of Cultural Resources
r.m es D. 1 lr- Cuv►er.or Pirisloc of AUch 6w and } tan y
e,.t.y PUY r.� Sou Wy .s.rrr y r. Coo-, twnuw
Au@tcat e, 1 9se
Dr. Mike Russo
Air Force Project Coordinator
National Park Service
Southeast Regional Office
76 Spring Street
Atlsnta, Ciaor$la 30303
Re Draft Report, US Air Fetal Cultural Resources
Servicawide overview Project, Seymour Johnson AFB,
Gmldoboro, Weyne Courny, North Carolina, ER 97- 709148
Deer or. Russet
Thank you for your letter of Julys B, f S!M. con"rrang the above project.
We have ravlewed the draft report concerning Seymour Johrwon Air Forte Sass.
For the most pan, Seymour Johnson has done an excellent foil under Sections 108
and 110 of the National Hlstotic Preservation Act and is to be conpretulatad for
thafr efforts.
In terms of amhaaologiaal resawass, the following is the current status of
investigations at the various facilltles Included in site report.
1 . Saymour Johnson AAaln Bars. Arohsoologlcsl site 31 WY9, the only recorded
situ an the biome proper, was re',181 d by a member Of our ateff In 1 978. The
site had been destroyed by arosion and is not slioible for the National Register of
Historic Pieces_ We do not recommend any erchesological Investlgationa on the
main bara due to the high level of ground disturbing activitlas that have taken
place in tha past_
2. oars County ordnanes Rertps. A rrrernbar of our staff conducted an aerial
reconnaissance of this facility in 1978 to assess the potential for archaeological
resrces. Given the swampy nature of the terrain Ind the continued use of the
I fl cgity as on ardnama range, it Is our opinion that no National Register sllgibis
arohseologfeal fesaurcaa are likely to be prasant. The recent survey of 21,330
aeras of the facility supports We oprnloo since no archasoleglesi resources were
I located. We were not consulted prior to the survey nor ware we g:van a copy
of the letter by David Anderson of the Natlonai Park Service concerning his
opInlon thast the survey by Parso edoan C•onsultenta was inadequate_ Ws
request that ■ copy of his latter be forwarded to us as soon as possible so that
we may respond to or. Andereon'a concwma. We do not believe that any
toy V� ra..aa 3ua.t • st,7.tyti Nonh C.M1 s 27601_2007
Enclosure (1)
Appendix D D -3 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
. Pr. MDU Rvuu4
Av"G, i%9K Nis?
additional archaeological survey is nacessary at the par* County Ordnrutce
3. sort Fisher Recreation Area, We have received the archaeological surrcey sport
by Panamsrleen CormWtsnts cencerMng the 1131 -scr■ tract controlled by the
U.S. Alr Faroe at the Fort Fisher Recreation Area. Three archaeological sites
wets either revisited or located during the lmfsstrgstlon. As stitad 1n out letter
of 3uly IQ, 1090, to Paul Wets of the Savannah Corpa: wq 0oneur that site
31 iVF{587• • Is eiig(bfe for 11atRay lit thf NtiansJ Ftitltilr e# His ;oils Plaaas.
recommendations or syslustlons weft Included In the report for site), -
31 NH64,2 • • or 3tf NE80, and in the some latter we requested clarlfrestivn of
their slipi'bility statue, which we have ya1 to recelve.
4. Minor Tracts. The minor tracts lnslude the Jasper and Oatltnd CQ+rimunication
Sines and tiro 5umm ralt, $,uiston and Neu" Middle Marker. Annox sk, We
need locations for these tacrAtlas as wall as pertinent Wormatfon concarnrng the
extant buildings and rand use hafore we can evaluate their potontisl for
containing slgnlflcant archaeological rsaatucas.
We trust that the above Information ciariff#e the status of Station 10 end Section
1 10 complianca for srcha sale alcal raaaureas at Soyrnout Johnson Air Fora Hasa.
8y cur .iuty 22, 1996, 1atta+r we responded to the draft historic structures survey
report try PPanamwfcan Consultants for Saymout Johnson Air Force Bait. A co
c} put letter is enclosed. We have reload the Issue of whedwr the ai2ht World War
if buildings constitute a historic dtWIct, seed are owalting a response.
The above car mtertts. are mode pursuant to Soctlan 106 of the National Hlatoric
Preservation Act and the Advlaow Cou" l on HIstarle Prsser"Von,d Fraouistlans
for Gom,pflarAw wide Seatiarf 106 codified at 36 CFR Pert 800.
Thank you for your Cooperation and conaidsration. If you have questions
concerning the above comment, plaase contact Renee GladhIM- Earley, envlronmantal
review anardinator, at 919033.4763.
Doputy State Hietorle Pressmatlon Officer
DS: o1w
ca: David Arrdwa ©n
Nalionel Perk Service
Southasstern Areheaeloglaal Center
P.O. Box 2416
Talloheerae, Florida 33312
tsc: FIE f iZrt O
Enclosure (1)
Appendix D D -4 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
Nardi Carolina Dcpamuent of Cultural Resotuvc
Sta1. Hi.earfc Ptc.ervation
.lk.adr Aaxea Feeduq Caxm`or 9:fue alANrro v3 Af T
fi�S A. i'�AiY.�r Pkmip+eSll'..w`. pa�vvt.
Htt� �. frt —, �7 5oc�caq Lheil Bmuk, Deem
Noverftb c 9, 2910
R. D_ trite
17.Paxanwt of &. *9-7
Nmval FacQti� ineezi ag Coe2=ard. Atlantic
6504 .Hanvt— So.,i.: —d
Norfolk, VA 23508 -1278
F, fnrrease the Sm ee Aiea of Tzkget Pads, Roads, mud Storage and Maiatucauoe Axc2 -%
Dot. County Bombing Sad Flec�� Combat Pang., Dais County, FR 10 -1981
17ear Mr. C� rfi au
Th..: yon for y— I.trer o f October 20, 2010, the abovd project
[We have revieecd the information and detemµned that the pto}ecr yell oar adver 1y affect any h6caric
The above eoeamentd are =de pvssttaat to SSeaian 106 of the Nuiowl Hitruric Preset 46dn Act and the
above wt enu are nude pv�t to Svcdan 1.1% of the Nmi aal Histasic.P�doa Act =a the Ad-..q
Camdl an Flwouc Ptes.rrati.e. R.guLti.m for C— pliant. o¢ th $e.tion 1.06 =adwG d. a 36 CPA Part 900.
"Thank you The your coepcxttfotl.and couddmilom Lfyou have gocstions cow=niug 'tbc above comment, tonua Renee ledinTd- p -.l.y, environmental kw . diL or, at 919 - 07.6579. In all future
cotmm, niikd— conc.xning this project, dm the aiwvUrtiei+eaced =.Idng nnmbc .
Pelu Sandb.dt
.S.aaHstw kr.}ec. €a..c. w.tR accnw= Waa+. AM— ",I N:rJ tk - Rddb Yf: TIfV 17 ae4e.�n.r it�y macwl
Fnc asure 3: Location of the Dare County Bombing Range
Enclosure (2)
Appendix D D -5 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
Croat Ft
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aorta Cero.n � wow
Bombing Range
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Enclosure (3)
Appendix D D -6 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
Appendix D D -7 July 2014
t ait F -'
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{IAi�ro v.r UC -G Ima�.�p dRid iEY27rz41bi
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FM E.pansm f-tpnnts
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Bombing Range
Infrastructure Expansion
4 350 740ards r. air•: ccpyrpM C 1917 ESM.
(ESRI_Str.slM y_wwW_301.
Aq r9�n r rw.l
Enclosure (9)
Appendix D D -7 July 2014
Improvements to Targets at the Navy Dare County Bombing Range Final Environmental Assessment
. „�.
North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources
State Historic Preservation Office
limntraw ill. l4 im,s, Acl immin wr
0-- P.1 %Ic( :."y
SctircEarl� tiu.arr I�luctr
May 13, 2414
G. L. Edwards, Director via email to: j<�scpli.vlcck r7,nav�.lnil
Environmental headiness Branch
Department of the Navy
US Fleet Forces Command
1562 Mitscher Ave, Suite 254
Norfolk, VA 23551 -2487
Ofr— of Ardu— and E lmr—
nc-puty 4cro q 1:evirt C "-,
RE: Improve Target Areas of Navy pare County Bombing Mange, Dare County, ER 10 -1981
Dear Mr. Edwards:
Thank you for your April 1, 2014, letter concerning the abovc-refcrcnced undertaking. We have reviewed the
materials presented and concur with your finding that no historic properties will be affected.
The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR
Part 800.
Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment,
contact Renee Gledhill- I Barley, environmental review coordinator, at 919 -807 -6579 or renec4rledhill-
arl r , In all future communication concerning this Project, Please cite the above referenced
tracking number.
Ramona M. Bartos
Loc.atiore 109 E -jores Simt,4 P.J igh NC 27601 Morning Add-- 4617,M.9 Service. (:corm, Raleigh NC 276994617 Trlcphone/Fa : 0144 EM V7- GSxa/807 -1501)
Appendix D D -8 July 2014