HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013027_More Information (Received)_20220622STA"FF'OF NOR,114 Rol, INA
COUINTY OF Select Permit No.
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P urstumt to (-J.S. 143-2151 (dl) and entered in'lo his day of
by and bemeen the North Carciilina Management
Cortirnission., ari aglency of the State of N(:)rth Carolina, hereinatler known �,is the COMAUSSIGN; wtd
a non-profit corporation orgamized
and existing, under anid by vii�,Iue of dic laws of the Suale of' North Carofins, hereinafter known zis, the
I "I'he ASSOCIATION was forrnt,,%] 161- t1W PUTT�OSC,, arnong otliers, ofhandling the property, affiairs and
busiriess of" the develoinnent knwxn as
(her cinafter ffic Dieveh)P rneriii)of o
" pfiera: ng, rrmintaining. T'e-L()11,,,,,,,tructing imid repairing the conamon,
clements of the lands ariid inaprovernients subJect tic) tinit mynership, inchiding the %vastewater c,(,,)[1eCtioj1
system with pumps, was,te)N,,ri,ter,treatt7,ieuit %4,orks, ztnd/or, disIxxsal f1,tcifities (hiereinafter [Asposal System);
and oficollecting dues and assessment 'to provide and for such operafi(,)n, re -construction
and rcp,�6r
2. The ASSOCIATION desires, to construct and/or o ate a Disposal, Systern tio provide sanilary sewage
disposial to serve the Development ona4,tid hands.
1 Fhe ASSC)",,']'Ak"'I"1('),'N'lial,,s apphed to the COMMISSION fim the issuance of,"A Ple"ll'I'lit Twursuant 110 G"S. 143-
215,1 ti(') construct, rnaintain, and/or INspro sal System.
4. Hie Developtnent w,,Ls icre,ited siubJect to tmit mvnerqhip in the d%)O.Htigs otfier, irnprovementsand
lands, thi"ougli riling of" a Dmlaration Of., I Jilit (Ywrlership (hereinafter Declaration), pursu,�Iml to Chapter
47C ofthe M."irthi Carolina (Jeneral Sujtuljcs.
5, 7'he COMMISSION desires to ,,issure that the Disposal Systern (if' ffie Development is properly
constructed, inaintained',,tvid operated in accordance %vit[i law ancl permit, pn,'�ivisions tn, order to protect th&
quality watiers ofthe State and the public
NONAI, irt consideration of the prcnrnses and the benefits to be derived by i oaf, the parfies
heretio, the COMMISSION a,nd ASSOCIA"HOC dio herel)y mutually agree as fbllows:
I The ASSOC1ATION slizill co'nstruct the Disposal Sy.qeai andAn as any as ditions or modifications to
the Diq>osal Sy'stein in accordance widi thie,ermit and pkins ainid spice, i ficat ions issuied wid
approved by the COMMISSION, and shall 11-wreat"ter prc)perly operate and mainitzlin such systems and
1`4161ities in sacrdancle with ttppilicable permit provisions and la\N�.
,, j rj,,,,
,,ifion and Assoc!ialion R laws that the DisrK)sial Systcm . ASSOCIATION shaH provide in thie Dechtr, Y
and apf)U-Mrwances thereto are part tjifdiie cornmon ie[emtmts and shall thcreafter he properly mainuiinecl
ai"id oPeraled in conforrinity \Nrith paw and tite pravisions of the pe"mit fix, construction, apen-ation, repair,
arid inaintenance ofthe systerrr°i and fiacilifiies, 1"he [)cc1arati(:m wid Bykam,s shall idicnfflthie enfire
dispic),ml system as a cenrimon element, which will recei,�e the 1"tighest
priority for cmperidilures hy, the Asso<-iation mcpt, fbr Fcdcral, Suitic, arild local taxcs and irus'unmwt
FORM', I K)A 0 f -20 Page I u1'2
3 The ASSOCIATION shall provide in the Declaration andAssociation Bylaws that the Disposal System
will be maintained out of the coniLmari expenses, In order to assure that there sliall be Rinds readily
available to repair, rliairitain, or, construct the Disposal Systern beyorid thiC rOLItine oplicration and
maintenance expenses, the Della nafion and Association E`iylaws stiall provide that as fund iw created (nit of
the conirrion expenses. Such fund sliall be separate from the rx,,nifi.ne iTmaintcnanec fitnid allocated for d-te
facifit,y and shall be part ofthe yetrly budget.
4. Ln the event the conaTion expensx,,� aH(,)icafion and separwe fiind(s) zirc not adequate f'or the eonstruclion,,
repair., and niaintionance ofthe Dispx,)sal System, ffile, Declaration and Asxwittion, Bylaws shall provide fim
special assessments tcckwer such necessary ccts. fl,wre shaH be no hinit on the arm, Innit of such
assessments, andthe Deciaration and flylaws shall 'he, provided such that ,�pecial assessnients cwi be inade
as necessary at any finie.
5. H'a wwstew,,iter collection systern and wasle%�vatcr treatmeni and/or disposal fttcifiQy proNrided 'by any city,
M age t-r b
own, vill, county. wati ie! and w%wcr aul horifies or ot1-x,,r unit of " -ovemnkent shall filereinafte CCUMC
a%,Lfflable to, serve the Development, the ASSOC[,, TION shall take, such action as, is niecesf ry to cause the
existing and � , blurewastewater of the DeimYelcjpaiem to be accepted and discharged into said governmental
system, and shall convey or trarusf& as much of the T)isposkd, Systirni and SUch niecess,&O, easeinerits as the
govennnental unit inay recluirio axs corOition ofaccepting the I)evelopment's %�%rastewalcr,
Relocignizing that it would be contrary to the ptiblic interest andtio thie public health, safety and welfarefor
the ASSOCITATION to enter intO vo�unLiry diSSOIL1601) without having made adequate provisioll for the
continued proper ntainteriance, repair, and operalion, of' its Disj,)osal Systicni, ffie ASS()(`1AT1(,,)N shall
pro),,ide in the ASSOCIATION ByLaws Lhat tiie ASM)'(1ATIONT sliall riot enter irito vo,.,�ltintrydissl(,)Iut,ilc)rI
without first having trwisf6rred "its said stem anid facilities (o sonic person, curl-x'Mation. or other crAlity
zicceplable to and approved bi.y, the, CONIMISSION by the issuance ofa Fwmiit.
" 1"he ASSOCIATION shall not tnansfer, convey, assign or, otherwise relinquish or release its resixwisibility
�ror the cwj,merafioin aand rnaimenance of its 1),lisposal ystern until a pennit has beeri reissiied to the
ASSOCIATION's successor.
8flie agreerner'its set C(:i1rth in numbered paragraphs 1, 13, 4, 5., 6, and '7 aNive shall be condifions (,,Wany
plerrnit issued by the COMMISSION to tfie ASSOCIATION R:wr the construction., rilaintenanoe, repair and
operation ofthe F)isposal Systern,
9, A copy of this agreeniera sliall be filed ,it the Regisicr of'!Jeeids in the County(jes) where tfie 1)eck..vation
is filed anid in the offices, of ffie Secretary of" State ol'Nord,) Car(,,flina with the Articles of Incorporation of
tht Association.
IN WITNESS WIJEREOF, this, was, eXecuted in duplicate origirtals by the duly, autholized
representative of the parties hereto ori, the thly and yea1r,written as indicated by each ofthe plartiles riarned below -
Nainc ol'ASS(�)CIA'.11ON
. . . . .... .. . . .. . . . ...
S. Daniel Smith, Director (SignatlUrie)
Divisic)n oPA,"ater, Resources
FORM: H(M 0 1 -20
.......... ..
Pnnt ��,anje and,)`idie
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