HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-08732_Well Construction - GW1_20220826 Jan. 29. .2018 10:580 Env. Health No. 6711 R. 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1� For Internal Use Only: , 1.w) I Contraao lulorr/mail//o���t / r C�.Ni'7 `/ �L( �/ f /\ •�•`:_�::=:eii:_.z_��•rr—ten..�.-m:.T--- __`�'•i-�''-:i<�Tx•=?�-="- wellConatici rName - EROM TO I DFSCRIP7701Y O (6 tt. NC Well ConnacarCeni6ceGonNumber '._IS:i011TEXCASLY[}:td;FinuD[<a5e3:vYeIIs:OR*EBi fii')Udibttlet=, r!;' i FROM TO DIAMEIEE TH[CIClESS htATF1tTAL (7QPIYS I J(a 1!Ltl/1 6/m Se, Lt� n, rt Comp (/ 7</ t: `Y . ) � 7/4/ :16t7NNElt.C11518f(�OIt:THA1Nl�v----ther'n+at:Jofed�to ��+.:•�='"�'�"-=r 2.lYellConstructlonPermit#: ! FROM I To I I-)WI a TWC3K0n;g9 suTEwAr hlrf nil applicable well eaurraerioh.—In(t e.UIC,Comlry,State,Yarl-ce,etc..) R, R. In 3.well Use(eheekwen use): rt. - R. i°• Water supply Well! :12:SCREEN.:¢��_•:�_>.._::::--::__......:_.:_.....--.......-.:.,-----.�:.—._ FROM 110 1 DIAMETER SLOTSIZE ThlCKNM f MATERIAL _AgtiCUlN[sl rctpal/publlC ft. Geothermal(Heating/CDaling Supply) _Residential Water Supply(single) it. - _IndushwComrrrcncial Residential Water Supply sharcd WHOU ----- ---" •-- _- - _ _Irritoation - FROM To Ii MATERIAr. M1FLACEMENr'MM0D&A5l(1UNr. Non-Water Supply Wall tr. �So (6 �` � �I- Monitoring ❑Ret Query R R 1-GeofficrinAl ection Well: h, tr. quifer Recluirge QGmundwater Remediatiolt je �9:SAlYD1Gi1X�SGP.0 Fa"'Rwble'_=:•�=:_.�:-Yt�•-•_•....--'T'=-=•"�� quifer Storage and Recovery [3SalinityBearier FROM) To MATERIAL EMPCACV-11= 11011 quifcrTest -❑StormwaterDrainage n xperimental Technology CISubsidenceControleothermal(Closed Leap) ❑Tracer =�O�D R3:flG aiiad,eddlttohatvhee6:lf'nrciota(Hent;ng/Cool ngReturn Other lainonderli2l Remarks FROM TO DFSCRIP[rON mlor,hrardncL%selVrock M,tri..io:e e1c1 4.Date Wells)CompletedtJ Sa, Wellmm It. �D ft Sa.Well Location., 71J0, Ge—,I y . J? �r/� it ft. Facilily1014herNaol& - - Facility 09tifcpplicablrs) IL R. 'Phys Adana,City,add Zip b M County Pe,eal ldent;6eation No.(PINj Sb.Latitude and 10ugllude in degrees/miautes/aeconds or decimal degrees: (ifwallll Hold.one 1a01onnggissufficient) �( Q r� 21.Certiration: N V /aO� �o/O W 6.I8(Rre)[be weli(S)IOPermanent or ❑Temporary Sigunire oteertiliedWellContraetor Date By Q-4 ddr forha 1 hereby Cc*char tha wel!(s)was(here)eahtnreted m accotdanca 7.Is this tt repRlr to aD existing wets: ❑Yes or QNo with 1Sd NCtC 02C.0100 or 1S.r X.W 02C.0100 Mel!CoAnnnulon Slarkfowr and that a {/ddslsarepal,frfiombraasrwdieamtrucriorrinfarina/ionmrderpfamthenaarroofthe copy ofrhts&widhasbeeuprotldedroMeirel/owner. repair under e71 remarlr seciian area Ilia baef oirift form 23.Site diagram or additional ive11 details: B.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use i1n;back-of this page to provide additional well site details or well eonstmetion,ouly i OW-1 is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBBR of wills construction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled S11IIMITTAL iNSPRIICIL0 _ 9.Tarn[well depth below land surface:_ � A) 24R, For All Wells: Submit this form within 30"dsys otf c3mpletioil.of 'ol4t�` For mulaple Wells lur all&PAS;f&fjaear(emmple.3(200•and2@10f0'•) construction m the following: n 10.Static water level below top of casing: � � (ft.) Division of Water Resources,InformRilort�rd ' -9 11enit?022 lfrrarerlawf irabmecruwg rua+" 1617.fail Service Cchfcr,Ra e! NC 27699-1617 1_ 754SJr'-1 P!a'l..K".Y�ji�t'�,[t''I 11,Earehale diameter.�r(in.) 24b.For infection Wells; In addition to scndntg the ib(m" ess m'2VTft �!^ �p�� above,also submit one copy of this Than within 30 days of comp1 11OR of well 12,Wellronsttcabl, method: !\�'ttar 1� construction to the following: (i.c.auger,rotary•cable,direct pusl4 eto.) - Division of Water Resourceg,Undetground tnjeedon Control Program, FOR WATLR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigb,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(Epm) `/� Method of cast. Jr ' rl 24e.For Water Supply&Inleetton Wells: In addition to sending the form to _ the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Uislnfeetlan type: I f Amount: 3 completion of well constuction to to county health department of the county _ where CDnslmcted. - FormGW--] NoKhCamlineDeputmadtafFavuoameaarlQuality-DivisionofWatuRcromees Revisa 2-22-2016' T!r