HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-08603_Well Construction - GW1_20220419 �r.L eoxsrxtrcrrox xE �1 .
.. Forte Use Oaf:
L wen Coueaetor Iaformstio. -
well k o�eos� I V E a�:Wer�Rzoa�s. -
�- -L APR 19 2022 ,1opR �vv$ a oK
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O>txlustaal/Camm¢eiai apply(smglo)
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L9—c4dlftI9Aq=) C)Od=(CMIak M&w#21Remads) $ so D nort ,.� �' • ~;
4.Date Wel!(s)Completed. �f—t 3 -�-_• well mo tz
Sa.Wen Lotafiow '
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5b.Latitgde and longtade in d or deemtal degrees:
OF-&M4 one b vim gis snfliedrstj
3/ , 2z certiditalion:
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G.Is(are)the welks). EA manent it I -- /-s= L Z
QTemporary 3 ZAQ S>8 ofCa tifre3Wen Date
9.Is this a &'avzO*f. R I>—ycm»J'yv wdw
reP�toaaees&gweb- ayes ay�t9No LSdN=02C:0100-ZUA-4CO2C�jVeQ ..
IjA&freaep�r, llas ore�rr� � �ienmroeaftJr ofridsmmdhm&arpvw&dmrlm�rdo�nur-
're��oid�t:2l rseu�sar�asorts�rbaeFo�z$rfnres _. _. •
8.For Geo 23•Sine diagram or additional well deb r.
pc�obrJDPT or Qosed-Loop Geothetmai Wells l�S the same YOU MY ffie*e back of f9s page to pwl ide ad�el vdl o m£o
CO=ftVCdon>aaly l GW--1 is needed i didte TOTAL NUbd BER ci-%eM ( 'See 6me inRemarks Bwcj Youmag also afthadditiaoal p Vs Ifmes=p.
9.Toblweil depth belowlandsmtwe t�' LG
Foraar�pJs,nllr&eraIIdepdal C e-3C,�pp•�2@I� (� SnbmtthisGW-lwi#hin30dapsofweIIcomgletiaapertltefollowlag:
IQ StaSe water kvel blow tap of easiteg:— / (®Q (�) 242.For All Wells: origimd£oaa to Division of Wags,Rm mm (DWR).
Ijrcrolastsrato„reatr�pse" Iaf cnPsoce Unk 1617MC.Raldgh>NC27699-1617
IL Borehole dnmetsr: (m,) 24b.Roi Inca lion Welts Cagy to DWR•Un& oxmd I*eetim coutmi Tic)
1 a r RDVi >1636 MSC,RaleiSk NC 27699-1636
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2.We1Imstreefion metImb c 1 14 r✓'
Cu aogr{softy,eabTe,daeetpasb,eaa) 24c.For Wafer Sauoly and Otxn-Loon Geothermal Retina WeIIa:Capyto the
envrtnamerdalheatth coaaty
24d.For Water Wells do' over 1, GM.CopyIDXVA�CCpCf jA
13a.Yield(� lMetlsod offrst: >1 11 MSC,. C 1 Il
13b.DlAd sewn type: `I Amo.
Faint GW-1' '
Naomi CsQol maDepa ofEnvaammenal Qoaliry•Division of WaftrResotaus Revised 6 -2018