HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-08602_Well Construction - GW1_20220419 WELL eOxST1tUCTION RED Gw 1
��W_4 For.Iaternal Use Otr�y:
L Well Conti actor Iaforma�m '
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l�aIIappliaa57ereIImraarela,pmx�rsl�t1rCCoroa�.smreYm�mxx,ae) & g Sate is scsar:rer,
3.Well Use(check well me)I. $
Water SUpplly Wel<: 11T >-���--e.
OAgtieolhual liC PROM
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CAqmfcr Stele and Recovny DSdh;ky Bataa -tn. PA :`ar.i c., a-c :. •
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4.Date We11(s)Comp�ieted: '1 'Z Z Wen IDS R tz
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Sh.Latitgde and longitude in degrees/mmntestseeonds or del degrees
Ill,tme ba/loagis snftieiea!) ' 22.CerdfiIop�
6.D(are)the well(s): ermaneat' nr E3Temporary J? O5(� s 210-fifQW-it n
7.Is this a 1iJ• +� (J) 11 eoJaoLaedDraoaavianon.Jtli
1el to�erd welh� ayes or �ONo lSdNr-4COZC:0100a ISdNC,gCO2C O200WedCprabram� bmafa�aQeavPy
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'repoirander�ll>aaranlssaetfanarmiflJebm�oftlaFrfovm. _ "-w
23.sift dUgrsm or additlonal well details:
8.For Geoprobe/Dpr or Qosed-Loop Geo hamai WeIIs hz ftfhe same You may use fha back of this page to Watide addit and vmH oomhuelm info
conskucdoe6Doty1 GW-1 is.needed.Iod ciftTOTALMMBERofweft (add`see Over'inRJmmftBox}YoumayalsoatW&&Mmdpisifn==y,
d,Ma ,
9.Totaiwd depth beloslmdsnrface:
For•rarltlplersdrlistoQdepBaiJl(=ZWg@ 200•md2@M (t) SubmittbhGW-1 Within 30 days ofweIloompletion per the followhr.
10.Stafic water level below top of ease g LO (�) 24a.For All W� Ong'ooal fmm to Division of Water Rnsotaees (DWR�
If u+arolewdtsabaYeemS�'�!!e"+' 1n5o�2IIonPtoeess*Unk M M5C.Raldgl NC27699-1617
1L Borehole diameter: C� lI gym,) 24b,For bkcdon Wens Copy',to DWR>UnduV otmd Ijeation Ca*d UM
Ptoptam>1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ..
1ZWelFeoavhactionmethod:u�d�ai.l ForWatersa and -
(La m8a�9.�k daxtynsb>toe.) —� �• 24c. aaly Ooea-Loon h Geoth�Rettaa��We><s�Copym the
�Y emmmeatal eahh
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONI,Y 24d.For Water Wells do' over 10040 GM.Copy tbXMX CC=A
13a>Yield(Epm) Method of test: Perron ptogcii6 M 1 11 r,. C 1 I1
13L Ditio3fi don type: Amomt:
OW-1' )IM*Cm&aDepa=ofEnvfiom=Id Qna*-Dbi&n of W=rResomm Revived 66-2018