HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-08546_Well Construction - GW1_20220513 �e0NSTRUCT1 10N RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use,Only � � 41V 1.Well Contractor lnfornation: w �t7�1//p w10WATER ZONES � + �� :, ir► Well Contractor Name FROM �,E�T'O :as DtiSCRIPTIAN 303(a'A/� ft. it NC Well Contractor Certification Number Ark° -p.•- !W-e �. �c15.(UUTER?CASING:for,mu]&:eesedardl3 TOR�L'Il!iERr rfa YADMN WELL COMPANY,INC. FROM To kDlAMETER 4THIt�NES3,rMATEarALr�r . CompanyName Ij j'3- S 2 (y 166II�IIVERCASIIVG;OHiTUBING f0iffrmal?dosed`:loo a� 2.Well Construction Permit#: l SO% ,..i'4FROMS"14TO DDIAMr=MMITMCIOM =lMiiTERIAL�, List all applicable well construction permits(Le.EUa County,State,YariFq! eta) in. ,OC ti IL ' m , 3.Well Use(check well use): t " N 117 gSG'IMN Water Snppty Well: a: r 11FROMM ST0r1 1DIkMETER '9SW SUXA`TMCMX5Sti�MATER[AL'r OAgticuitnral ❑�ljttntctpaUPub11 �.k � ft. 'a OGeothennal(Heating/Cooling Supply) sideatial Water Supply(single) tt. OIndush-ial/Commercial OResidential WatterS�upply4(�shared) IBrGROUT ❑h7i On DVJells>l00,0O0'GPD rFROM�!TOY IMATERIAL IEMPI:ACEMENTaMETH0D�rgTAM0DNT7 Non-WaterSupplyWell: CMonitoting !]Recovery it S Injection Well:. sf OAquifer Recharge 110roundwater Remeihahon � I9�SAPIDIGRAYEL'+PACK da lic`a"lilE erOAquifSr Storage and Recovery 7Salinit Bv > � 11momam 1MATERUV J1 ff1XCEMLNT:MrS n UD OAguifer Test Idi rmwsYer Drainage $ �` oExperimental Technology []Subsidence Corpnl' ❑Geoihermal(ClosedLoop) 0 MRl;i0bDRILLINGI:U:G'a'tiachTed3itioneltahets�ifnecesa ❑Geothermal(Heating/CoolingBet ro) 00t ' (gitplam;under#21 Retnexks) *FROMi 4701 rDasGR>MOK ml F7 aFdaen roatm—ex"" 4.Date Well(s)Completed y' 7� 2ZJ*e11ID#� 'l �-3 /OvTJ I W.9fv .� Sa.Well Location: � PFlone i •A�..a�.- a. ft ft � �:m +-a� ft ft F`amlity/OOwwnc/N�amfe FacilrtyID#0f.apphceble) owl 011150AIMMEN ° + "T Physical Address,City,and, t ,.�� ra r Cody, . TO FaroeliIdratifc"°'atioallo'(PaT) �fl#0fAi8s♦0f1 fO � BOG P 5 .Latitude and longitude in degr s/minutes/seconds or decrmal degrees: (ifwellfield,one Wong is sufficient) ` ���� '�sn 22•Certification: 6.Is(are)the well(s): OPermanent or ClTemporary 5rgaetnre o CerhSedWell dL for Date Bys/gn�argisform,lhetebyarfjfytha the,well(s),was(were)cmts6uctedtnarxordancewtth 7.Is this a repair to an e3d sting well. Dies or 'L�Ro '� 1SAINGAC 01C D,00 or 'Ad Well Construclfan:Standards and Utot.a co lfihis fs a repa/r,fdl out known well construction i>fformation and aplam,the nature of thethts neeord:har,beenprovlded fo lhe• ell owner repair under#21 remarks section or on the back of this form -• 23.5ite,diagram or additionalw details: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or G7osed-Loop Geothermal Wells havuig t same You may use the back of this page tO provide additiotrel well constsucRon info - °. (add Sao Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages,' +necessary. cons�tmction,only 1 GW 1 is needed.Indurate TOTAL NU1VlB13R of wells dn7led:• 24.SUBMr�rA7.•]OVSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface f4 ^Wf (ft) gU itlithis GW-1 within 30 days of well completloD per the following: For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferai(trample-3Qa ZOa a�n�2 laq "a- 4 7 .wlata. F.or Ail Wells: Oripnal form to Division of Water p ourc 10.Static water level below top of casing: ><t� (ft') Infomtati"'WrocessingTTnit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-161i7 if water level Is above casing,use"+' 71r/ 13it Off 640.F.or Inflection Wells:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(IUC) 11.Borehole diameter: (�•) r Kg� ,1636`-1VISC;4Relpgh,NC 27699-1636 AIR ROTARY y.: 12.Well construction method: :24c.ForlWater;Supply;and;Open-Loop Geothermal.Return Wells:Copyto e (i.e,auger,rotary,cable;direct posh etc.) x county*environmental ihcalth dipartment of the county Wfieiz!iirstalled FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY : 24d.For Water Wells producina,over 100,000 GPD_:Copy to DWR,C CUA 7 J• 1 �yPe rout Prognun,+161:1 MSCdRalergh,NCu27699a1'61+1 13a.Yield(gpm) Method oftest (�' 4s >' 70%HTH � OZ� ,,,DATE SITEyV1�31T�ED: ry 22 13b.Disinfection type: Amount (r --- --- SITE BY'AIi "1'r 9ayt iy Pri