HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0700031_Sample Collection Form_20220913North Carolina Division of Water Resources Laboratory (Water SciencesSection) Water Sample Collection &Submittal Form Visit ID: (optional) Y J- /�� �ut Tog— ID Al" 1� LE Al. Lab Use Laboratory Sample Number: Only: Location Description: _ 1� ( V 3 j LC r (1 7 c n ' / Location Code: DC O 06 J ( l) , ) '7 5 4/ / Dote Received: M/D/Y Time Received: (24 hrformat) / / • County: fn� y/.. l C- AC., \ L l0 d R Collector: / (_ h� ., I LC I r P .__ Priority: Ambient Routine Compliance COC Emergency OA Water Matrix: Surface Ground Waste Blank Solution Foam Location River/Stream Estuary Stormwater Monitoring Well Effluent Field Blank //�, ,L Other&(J\�4E type: Lake Canal Influent Filter Blank Trip Blank Water Supply 11 I I DWR Region: /based oa county) �;1 C v" C ('� `� DWRO Office: (or agency ')' ,! \\ /'\ I� .v Received By: River Basin: _ _ / 11AA�� ( A,9 .. (�r1 V'( 1 / c o uate (m/d/Y): fb ain/endl Q r ✓ /I l /2 a '�1/ l f / — — — Delivery Method: State Courier Notes: Time(24 hr): (begin/end) d : I( `-r > IV /) . /'t y Hand Delivered ZIN, Other: Sampling Method: _ Grab Other. Chlo 'noted Filtered Dissolved analysis: Enter "DIS"in in Field check -boxes for parameters Sample "A Secchi /A�� De the L� De the (`l,A oglnfle Temperature on Arrival(Y): • compozrt. De -chlorin ted in Field Lab Comments: Lot ks/ 1..:) Awe f E c u (le( E/.�� Collector- Comments: �' �2.Ogil cc/ge+'t sa' �` co( (( (1 E: G'C og Field Parameters (optional): Preservative : Y Water Temp ( C): pH (s.u.): 6 Dissolved Oxygen (Pprn): Conductivity (pmhos/cm): Salinity (PPU: Microbiology Parameters: Preservative Wet Chemistry Parameters: Preservative Metals Parameters: Preservative Metals Parameters Can't: Preservative Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 A Bromide A S. Aluminum (Al) E Thallium (TI) E B00: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day A X. Chloride A Antimony (Sb) E Tin (Sn) E cBOD: Carbonaceous BOO, 5-day A Fluoride A X Arsenic (As) E Titanium (Ti) E Coliform: Fecal MF B-C Sulfate A Barium (Ba) E Vanadium (V) E y Coliform: Total MF 8- C Chlorophyll a A Beryllium (Be) E IC \ Zinc (Zn) E Specific Conductance, at 25°C A Color: ADMI A Cadmium (Cd) E ' Mercury 1631, low-level I TOC - Total Organic Carbon A -G Color: Platinum Cobalt A x Calcium (Ca) E Boron (B) E Turbidity A COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand A -D K, Chromium (Cr), Total E Hardness. Total as oc03- by titration E Other Parameters: Cyanide, Total A -H -P Cobalt (Co) E Organics Parameters: pH Y Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) A - I X Copper (Cu) E Acid Herbicides A -C MBAS (surfactants) A X Iron (Fe) E Organochlorine Pesticides A - C Nut ients Parameters: Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable A - D X Lead (Pb) E Organonitrogen Pesticides A -C Ammonia as N (NH3-N) A -C -D Phenols, Total Recoverable A - D - M Lithium (Li) E Organophosphorus Pesticides A -C XNitrate-Nitrite as N (NO3+NO2-N) A -D Residue: Total (Total Solids) A '( Magnesium (Mg) E PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) A-C Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (TKN) A -D Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total A K Manganese (Mn) E Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) A - C Total Phosphorus as P (TP) A- D Residue: Suspended (Suspended So/ids) A Mercury (Hg) E TPH Diesel Range A- C Nitrite as N (NO2-N) A Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Suspended A Molybdenum (Mo) E Volatile Organics (VOA) A-C-F-L Nitrate as N (NO3-N calculated) x TDS-Total Dissolved Solids A x Nickel (Ni) E 1,4-Dioxane C - L Orthophosphate as P (PO4) A - Z Silica A )C Potassium (K) E TPH Gasoline Range A-C-F-L Cyanotoxins: Sulfide A-1 Selenium (Se) E Perfluorinated Compounds (PEAS) A-T Microcystin A Tannin & Lignin Silver (Ag) E Biological: Sodium (Na) E Phytoplankton / Algae A -R Strontium (Sr) E Preservative Legend (circle above as needed):(A)coo156°C,(B) cool <10*C,(C)0.008%Na,5,0,(when chlorine is present1.(D)H,SO4 to pH<2,(El HNO,to pH<2, CFI HCI topes<2.(GI H,PO. to off <2.CHI 6 NaOH to oil>10<11. III INH.I,SO4oH=9.3-9J. I11 zinc acetate & N OH to pH to >9, (K) pH 6-9 ascorbic acid [when chlorine is presentl,(L) le ve no headspace, (M) ferrous ammonium sulfat [when chlorine is present),(P) ascorbic acid [when chlori e is present),(R) L ols, (T) Trizma [when chlorine is present],(Y) analyzed within 15 minutes of sample collection, (Z) filtered in field within 15 minutes using 0.45um pore size O 443 11) 0 y Water Sample Collection & Submittal Form Location Code: G 2 Location Description: Location Type: P. a` 0 8 iJ 0 r� Monitoring Well c 00 lAL. '0 G E ass 0Lu 6 LLI UJ LU a 0 0 0 a a Metals Parameters Con E O F E. E E 3 a c 00 0 M u 4.3 co m Hardness, Total as caco Organics Parameters Acid Herbicides Organochlorine Pesticide Organonitrogen Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) Semi -Volatile Organics (BNAs) TPH Diesel Range Volatile Organics (VOA) CO 0 d TPH Gasoline Range Perfluorinated Compounds (PFAS) 3 m m Phytoplankton / Algae g a a LU LU LIJ LIJ LW LW LIJ Lid LLI UJ LLI 0 0 oa Metals Parameters: £ E c 0 c m E m Beryllium (Be) E E 0 3 V O E E 0 0 0 a 0 0 a Q. E 2 0 c c c O E a 0 2 2 E 0 E 0 0 2 E 0 Strontium (Sr) xx xx X 1 No Preservative 0 2 a 0 a 2 a a a a 2 a Wet Chemistry Paramete 2 00 0 O 0 c O 0 Color: ADMI 0 0 V Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) Oil and Grease, HEM, Total Recoverable Total Recoverable O W Residue: Total (Total Solids) Residue: Volatile/Fixed, Total Residue: Suspended (Suspended Solids) a 0 0 00 i 0 0 0 Tannin & Lignin V E F 3 0 0. a a a 00 00 a O a a 0 a a a a a 0 0 0 E Preservative : Y Microbiology Parameters: Alkalinity, as CaCO3, to pH 4.5/8.3 0 0 0 co 0 0 cBOD: Carbonaceous BOD, 5-day oliform: Fecal MF x 0 E 0 e tg 0 0 s a TOC -Total Organic Carbon 2.7 a 0 Other Parameter a Nutrients Parameters 2 2 E e as N (NO3+NO2-N) 2 2 r a Total Phosphorus as P (TP) 2 0 2 2 w v 0 171 2 a Orthophosphate as P (PO4) 0 O