HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140705 Ver 1_Mitigation Bank DRAFT_20140721��14v�.oS Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Bank PRE - PROSPECTUS 0 Neu -Con Umbrella Mitigation Bank Johnston County, North Carolina Neuse River Basin H UC 030202011105 Environmental Banc & Exchange 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 919 - 829 -9909 j, j, 2 2.014 May 2014 ® ICKSON Community Inlrostruclure consu11onm WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919 - 782 -0495 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ ..............................1 1.1 Project Description .......................................................................................... ..............................1 1.2 Project Location .............................................................................................. ..............................1 1.3 Service Area .................................................................................................... ..............................1 1.4 Purpose and Objectives .................................................................................. ..............................1 1.5 Site Ownership ............................... ............................... ................................ ..............................2 2 QUALIFICATIONS .......................................................................................... ..............................3 ' ",2.1 Bank Sponsor ................................................................................................. ............................... 3 2.2 Consultant ....................................................................................................... ..............................3 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................................. ..............................4 3.1 Existing Jurisdictional Waters of the U. S ......................................................... ..............................4 3.1.1 Site Mapped Soil Series .......................................................................... ............................... 4 3.2 Vegetation ....................................................................................................... ..............................4 3.3 Constraints ..................................................................................................... ..............................4 4 PROPOSED BANK CONDITIONS ..................................................................... ..............................6 4.1 Conceptual Mitigation Plan ............................................................................. ..............................6 4.1.1 Stream Restoration ................................................................................ ............................... 7 4.1.2 Monitoring ............................................................................................. ............................... 7 5 BANK ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION ...................................................... ..............................8 5.1 Establishment and Operation of the Bank ...................................................... ..............................8 List of Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2. USGS Topographic Map Figure 3. National Wetlands Inventory Map Figure 4a. 1950 Historical Conditions Figure 4b. 1981 Historical Conditions Figure 5. Soils Map Figure 6. FEMA Map Figure 7. Conceptual Design Plan Figure 8. LIDAR Map Selma Mill PRE - PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank i May 2014 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Project is located on a 25.6 -acre site immediately north of Selma in Johnston County, NC. Several unnamed tributaries that traverse the site that exhibit diminished habitat and stability as a result of past and on -going agricultural activities and impervious watershed conditions. The site was identified by EBX -Neuse I, LLC as having potential to help meet the compensatory mitigation requirements for stream impacts in hydrologic unit 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin. The proposed project involves the restoration and enhancement of 5,604 linear feet of streams that have been disturbed by agricultural activities, active cattle grazing, and watershed land use. The conceptual design presents 3,333 linear feet of stream restoration and 2,271 linear feet of stream enhancement, generating 4,762 Stream Mitigation Units (SMU). The Selma Mill project will also be utilized to'provide 20.9 buffer mitigation units through the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) Neuse Riparian Buffer Mitigation program. The buffer mitigation will be developed through a separate banking instrument. 1.2 Project Location The Selma'Mill Mitigation Bank is located in Johnston County immediately north of Selma, NC (Figure 1). The coordinates of the site are 35.547574 °N and - 78.283716 °W. To access the Site from Selma travel north on NC HWY 96 (N Sumner Street). The site is on the left side of the road beginning immediately north of W Chestnut Street. The site extends approximately 2,300 feet north on the left side of NC HWY 96. A tributary crosses NC HWY 96 approximately 1,900 feet north of W Chestnut Street. 1.3 Service Area The Selma Mill Mitigation Site will provide stream mitigation credits to offset unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources within the Upper Neuse subbasin (8 -digit USGS HUC 03020201). 1.4 Purpose and Objectives The purpose of the proposed Bank is to generate compensatory mitigation credits for inclusion in the Neu -Con Umbrella Mitigation Bank in hydrologic unit 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin. The project goals address stressors identified in the watershed, and include the following: • Nutrient removal, • Sediment removal, • Stormflow attenuation, • Filtration of runoff, and • Improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat. The project goals will be addressed through the following project objectives: • Construction of stable stream channels, • Stabilization of existing stream channels, Selma Mill PRE - PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 1 May 2014 • Buffer enhancement and restoration, • Addition of large woody debris such as log vanes, log weirs, and root wads, • Construction of trash removal device, and • Stormwater control from urban watershed. 1.5 Site Ownership The land required for the construction, management, and stewardship of this mitigation project includes portions of the parcels listed in Table 1. Table 1. Site Ownership Option 1 Landowner PIN County Deed Book & Page Number Parcel Acreage Protected Acreage Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -0517 Johnston '00444-0216 2.18 2.18 Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -1137 Johnston 00634 -0465 0.22 0.22 Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -2842 Johnston - - -- 1.35 0.11 Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -2955 Johnston 00595 -0433 0.37 0.08 Howard, Paul H 261514 -34 -2063 Johnston 00595 -0433 0.84 0.25 Howard, Paul H 261514 -34 -2163 Johnston - - -- 0.79 0.26 Howard, Paul H 261514 -34 -2360 Johnston 00488 -0026 1.9 0.87 Howard, Paul H 261514 -44 -4014 Johnston 00656 -0466 95.9 18.26 Janice B Coats Revocable Trust 261514 -44 -4614 Johnston 03618 -0161 13.74 3.38 Option 2 Landowner PIN County Deed Book & Page Number Parcel Acreage Protected Acreage Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -0517 Johnston 00444 -0216 2.18 2.18 Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -1137 Johnston 00634 -0465 0.22 0.22 Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -2842 Johnston - - -- 1.35 0.11 Howard, Paul H 261514 -33 -2955 Johnston 00595 -0433 0.37 0.08 Howard, Paul H 261514 -34 -2063 Johnston 00595 -0433 0.84 0.25 Howard, Paul H 261514 -34 -2163 Johnston - - -- 0.79 0.26 Howard, Paul H 261514 -34 -2360 Johnston 00488 -0026 1.9 0.87 Howard, Paul H 261514 -44 -4014 Johnston 00656 -0466 95.9 11.65 Janice B Coats Revocable Trust 261514 -44 -4614 Johnston 03618 -0161 13.74 0.005 Selma Mill PRE - PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 2 May 2014 2 QUALIFICATIONS 2.1 Bank Sponsor The Selma Mill Mitigation Site shall be established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Neu -Con Umbrella Mitigation Bank made and entered into by EBX Neuse I, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor. Company Name: EBX Neuse I, LLC Company Address: 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100, Raleigh, NC 27606 Contact Name: Norton Webster Telephone: (919) 608 -9688 Email: norton @ebxusa.com 2.2 Consultant The Designer for the Selma Mill Mitigation Site is W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc (WK Dickson). Company Name: W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. Company Address: 720 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact Name: Daniel Ingram Telephone: (919) 782 -0495 Email: dingram @wkdickson.com Selma Mill PRE- PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 3 May 2014 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 Existing Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. A detailed wetland delineation has not been performed. The delineation will be approved by the USACE during the initial environmental screening phase of the project. The stream channels were classified using North Carolina Division of Water Quality methodology. 3.1.1 Site Mapped Soil Series The Johnston County Soil Survey shows thirteen mapping units across the project site. Map units include ten soil series and borrow pits (Figure 5). The upland soils found in this area of the county formed in sandy sediments from marine and fluviomarine deposits or loamy alluvium. The upland soils at this site are on a river terrace above the active floodplain. The soil series found on the site are described below and summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Mapped Soil Series Map Unit Map Unit Name percent Drainage Hydrologic Landscape Symbol Hydric Class Soil Group Setting Goldsboro sandy loam, Moderately Flats, Marines, GoA 0 — 2% slopes 2o � well B Terraces Lynchburg sandy loam Somewhat Flats, Marines, L y 2% poorly C Terraces Norfolk loamy sand, 0 Flats, Marines, NoA — 2% slopes 5% Well g Terraces Norfolk loamy sand, 2 NoB — 6% slopes 2% Well B Floodplains Norfolk -Urban land NuA complex, 0 -3/o slopes 0% Well B Uplands Ra Rains sandy loam 80% Poorly B/D Flats, Marines, Terraces Wehadkee loam, Depressions, Flood Wt frequently flooded 85% Poorly D plains 3.2 Vegetation Current land use around the project is primarily residential, pasture, agriculture, and forestry. Land use immediately surrounding the project includes residential, pasture, and row crops. Within the project easement two prominent vegetative communities are present: active pasture and row crops. Exotics species are also present, including Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense). 3.3 Constraints The site is easily accessible from NC HWY 96. The proposed project is constrained by existing culvert elevations beneath W Chestnut Street and NC HWY 96. Overhead power lines are also preset in the Selma Mill PRE - PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 4 May 2014 project area. There are no major constraints to construction of the Site. The Site is readily accessible from N Sumner Street via access roads on the property. One existing stream crossing will remain along Reach A to allow the landowner access to the agriculture fields and adjacent property. The project area is not within a FEMA 100 -year flood zone (Figure 6). Selma Mill PRE - PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 5 May 2014 4 PROPOSED BANK CONDITIONS 4.1 Conceptual Mitigation Plan The Selma Mill stream mitigation project presents the opportunity to provide up to 4,762 SMU through two options. Table 3 details the mitigation types and WMUs generated. The proposed conceptual design plan is shown in Figure 7a and Figure 7b. Table 3. Proposed Mitigation Summary Option 1 Reach Length (LF) Mitigation SMU Ratio Al 939 1:1.0 939 A2 1,625 1: 1.0 1,625 B1 956 1:1.5 637 B2 320 1: 2.5 128 B3 399 1:1.0 399 B4 229 1: 1.5 153 B5 215 1: 1.0 215 C1 766 1: 1.5 511 C2 155 1: 1.0 155 Total: 5,604 - 4,762 Option 2 Reach Length (LF) Mitigation SMU Ratio Al 939 1:1.0 939 A2 1,625 1: 1.0 1,625 B2 127 1: 2.5 51 B3 275 1:1.0 275 B4 229 1: 1.5 153 B5 215 1: 1.0 215 C2 86 1: 1.0 86 Total: 3,496 - 3,343 Option 1 contains the full mitigation potential of the Selma Mill Site. Option 2 is presented as an alternative to account for potential landowner constraints with the Janice B. Coats Revocable Trust parcel. The ultimate extents of the Bank will be contingent on potential uplift, IRT coordination, and landowner negotiation. Selma Mill PRE - PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 6 May 2014 a 4.1.1 Stream Restoration Current stream conditions along the proposed restoration reaches demonstrate significant habitat degradation as a result of impacts from livestock, historic land uses, and impervious watershed conditions. Additionally, the riparian buffer is in poor condition throughout most of the project area due to grazing and agriculture. The Selma Mill project will include Priority Level I stream restoration and stream enhancement Levels I and II. Additionally, stormwater controls and trash removal may be provided by construction of a BMP. Stream restoration efforts will be accomplished through analyses of geomorphic conditions and watershed characteristics. The design approach will apply a combination of analytical and reference reach based design methods that meet objectives commensurate with both ecological and geomorphic improvements. Proposed treatment activities may range from minor bank grading and planting (enhancement) to re- establishing stable planform and hydraulic geometry (restoration). For reaches requiring full restoration or extensive enhancement, natural design concepts will be applied and verified through rigorous engineering analyses and modeling. The objective of this approach is to design a geomorphically stable channel that provides habitat improvements and ties into the existing landscape. Planted vegetation will be based on target reference communities. 4.1.2 Monitoring Stream stability and vegetation survival will be monitored across both the restoration and enhancement areas of the Site to determine the success of the stream and buffer mitigation. Stream stability will be monitored with cross section surveys and visual assessment stream walks. Vegetation survival rates will be monitored using vegetation plots. If constructed, BMP performance will be determined through - water quality. Potential parameters include Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous with samples taken upstream of the project, at the BMP outlet, and in the downstream channel. Selma Mill PRE- PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 7 May 2014 5 BANK ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION 5.1 Establishment and Operation of the Bank This Bank Parcel shall be established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Neu -Con Umbrella Mitigation Bank made and entered into by and among EBX -I, LLC, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Services, the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, the NCDWR, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, collectively, the Interagency Review Review Team. Selma Mill PRE- PROSPECTUS Stream Mitigation Bank 8 May 2014 \I i �k /W i Z.A Mills ,,M'a • l �® V ry SE F I.. •Obg� *•r s� • / nt.XkW.S7 Legend Streams Proposed Easement Waterbody O 03020201100050 M 1 • tr a ♦ rIa' "t a4 Ch sPN Churrd Rd y � h / =U 1 • ..khp Lille / t4 _ • a � x � • bltl Gr•ah N4 r F `1 MrorR -na Mill Site � /rr+j•✓iAr11 0.A / r l � ' • t � t Il,.rr, � � •ara., _ i Hsr.■c.., o• �= Rtl L-1 1 g Ux Miyryy • _ + J ro • a /1 3 • • u I z" N s 4 '�yr • a ., l� � S Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Selma Mill Site 0 0.75 1.5 3 Miles 1 inch = 1.5 miles Scale: NTS JOHNSTON COUNTY LA S8 % terry • "� "/ 7• 187 S E •a••KSa '.� / '.ii • f i •may• ' , PIC j Selma Mill Site --'-•- 50 _f �` -• . • (. ti a Pit �' �" @.. y ® •��• � `-� e `'• � •,/ •fit soG ........... • • " pifOpltE s �tt90i� • / y �L:t Hr.>.t jF �• , ,R: �' • o • .� cif �' ; 4 , . �`�Selma \5t�jr92 MrmCr,a� �¢�`'� �\�li}''!0.. � i•�_•,. �i� ( / ` Crro SNm • •• / / c Memorial Gi "d%,s - ' \ Pat k Ip Ilia SIC- 4k vt ark Source: Selma Quadrangle Figure 2. USGS Topographic Map Selma Mill Site Proposed Easement 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet 1 inch = 2,000 feet 0 z a 2 iY w FOURTH AV F PRIMROSE ST w W WALNUT ST a N w U- a W CHESTNUT ST x � �C.) U O l O Q- O� GL �'9ti0 < Sp ,PC, , Source: USGS 1950 Aerial Photography OBX z 3 I rn U Z A OFeNgtiI�OR<FOR I2 Oy0 „O IE N I' _ST � m �2AF<yg2j �O DIXIE DR ST F IL,4,�c y�ROSON Gov P0� <y�MST QOM �LO�OST P Figure 4a. 1950 Historical Conditions Selma Mill Site 0 300 600 1,200 Feet 1 inch = 600 feet J W 0 x Roads I Proposed Easement Figure 4b. 1980 Historical Conditions Selma Mill Site Roads 0 300 600 1,200 Proposed Easement Feet 1 inch = 600 feet Figure 5. © Soils Map Roads Selma Mills Site Streams 0 300 600 1,200 Proposed Easement � Feet Johnston County Soils 1 inch = 600 feet Figure 6. FEMA Map Roads Selma Mills Site streams 19 � 0 300 600 1,200 Proposed Easement Feet FEMA 100 -yr Floodplain 1 inch = 600 feet Figure 7a - Option 1. ~ Conceptual Design Plan Selma Mill Site WK 0 150 300 600 DDICKSUN Feet ecmmunur m,m.nunw. .mmmm 1 inch = 300 feet Figure 7b - Option 2. Conceptual Design Plan Selma Mill Site P►WK 'L 0 150 300 600 IDICKSON X I Feet commun,tv Int-1 t— name 1 inch = 300 feet N z U z YF Jh �FeR,9'°�oCFO w Mo R > R w W WALNUT ST oar LL ��Oy� m� qLF <vQ� ~ W CHESTNUT ��� PECAN DR ST �Oh �F <�lgeFT ��� G� `ice FCR�S�O< , DIXIE DR 'sue �,oq� v� � Ri�ygRos ?Q � FiOF <yq�S �P� WINSTON CIR Figure 8. LIDAR Map Selma Mills Site Roads 0 300 600 1,200 Streams Feet Proposed Easement 1 inch = 600 feet