HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8950213_Historical File_19970326State of North Carolina ,laepartment. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 26, 1997 Mr. Ronald McNeil, Partner S & R Partnership 2340 Forty-first Street Wilmington, NC 28403 A0 IDEHNF=?L Subject: Permit No. SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons Phase III/Brighton Place High Density Commercial Stormwater Project Dear Mr. McNeil: New Hanover County The Wilmington Regional Office received a modification to the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Liberty Commons Phase III/Brighton Place on December 29, 1996, with final information on March 18, 1997. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 950213 Modification dated March 26, 1997, for the construction of Liberty Commons/Brighton Place. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 26, 2007, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an ajudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 276117447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis, or me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, `�t C_V_ '�(---, t Or Ct— Rick Shiver, P.G. Acting Regional Water Quality Supervisor RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIPERMIT1950213.MAR cc: Phil Norris, P.L. Tony Roberts, New Hanover County Inspections Beth Easley, New Hanover County Engineering Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State Stormwater Management Systems Permir No. W9 950211 Madifi ation STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO S & R Partnership Liberty Commons Phase XIBrighton Place New Hanover County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of a Detention Pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules ") and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 26, 2007 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Data Sheet. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 180,774 square feet of impervious area. 3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 2 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DATA SHEET Project Name: Permit Number: Location: Applicant: Mailing Address: Application Date: Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff. Classification of Water Body: If Class SA, chloride sampling results: Pond Depth: Permanent Pool Elevation: Total Impervious Surfaces Allowed: Outparcel Future (Buildings/Parking) Offsite Area entering Pond: Required Surface Area: Provided Surface Area: Required Storage Volume: Provided Storage Volume: Temporary Storage Elevation: Controlling Orifice: State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No- SWR 9-50213 MndiFiratinn Liberty Commons Phase M]Brighton Place 950213 Modification New Hanover County Mr. Ronald McNeil, Partner S & R Partnership 2340 Forty-first Street Wilmington, NC 28403 February 22, 1995, revised December 29, 1996 UT Hewlett's Creek "SA" Other ponds in the area permitted include State Farm and the Senior Center. 6 feet 37.5 MSL 180,774 square feet 37,897 square feet (60 %) 52,394 square fcct N/A square feet 9,786 square feet 13,100 square feet 15,052 cubic feet 15,257 cubic feet 38.6 MSL 2" pipe 3 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No- 4wg 9S(171I Rn •1ifie•9tinn 4. The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 5. Deed restrictions must be recorded prior to the sale of any outparcel or future area shown on the approved plans to ensure that future owners are made aware of the built -upon area limitations. The following statement must be recorded: "To ensure continued compliance with the NC Division of Water Quality Stormwater Management Permit Regulations, 15A NCAC 2H.1000, the outparcel and future area as shown on the approved plans are limited in their built -upon area. The outparcel is limited to 37,897 square feet and the future development area is limited to 52,394 square feet of built -upon area, inclusive of that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement, structures, pavement, walkways of brick, stone, slate, and gravel but not including wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. " "All built -upon area from the outparcel or future area must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system." "Additional built -upon area will require a permit modification. " "The connection into the stormwater control shall be made such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. " 6. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area does not exceed the allowable built -upon area. 7. The following items will require a modification to the permit: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area. e. Further subdivision of the project area. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan In addition, the Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 8. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No_ SWR 950213 Modification H. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permittee will comply with the following schedule for construction and maintenance of the stormwater management system: a. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for it's intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface except roads. b. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. C. All connections into the stormwater system from future areas/outparcels shall be made such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. 2. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device and catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 3. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 4. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 5. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 6. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the DWQ within 30 days of the date of the recording. The recorded copy must be signed by the permittee, dated, stamped with the deed book number and page, and bear the stamp of the Register of Deeds. 5 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SWR 950211 Modifi ration 7. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DEHNR Staff permission to enter the property for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. Permit issued this the 25th day of March, 1997. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION E l` C V S (--� 1' v V r-- L A. Preston Howard, Ir. , P. E. , Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons Phase III/Brighton Place 2 Liberty Commons Phase III/Brighton Place Stormwater Permit No. SW8 950213 Modification New Hanover County Engineer's Certification I, State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SWR 950913 Madifi a inn as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date 7 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY A&K# 96189 NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION I. GENERAL INFORMATION (Please print clearly or type) 1. Project Name Liberty Comwns4k ghton Place 2. Location, directions to project (include County, Address, State Road) Attach map. New Hanover County 2320 41st Street, Wilmington, NC 3.Owner's Name S&R Partnership Phone 910-392-6899 4.Owner's Mailing Address 2340 41st Street City Wi1mi i ton State NC Zip 5. Nearest Receiving Stream Watson"s Branch Class C 28403 6. Projectdescription Assisted :living care facility with paved parking and access, . H. PERMIT INFORMATION 1. Permit No. (robefelled ittbyDW� 2. Application Date / -20- Feeenclosed$ 385.00 3. Permit Type: New Renewal 4. Project Type: Low Density X Detention Infiltration Redevelop —General —Alter Offshe 5. Other State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Cheek appropriate blanks) CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control X - 404 Permit III. BUILT UPON AREA (Please see NCAC 2H.1005 thru .1007for applicable density limits) Drainage Drainage Breakdown of Impervious Area Basin Basin (Please indicate below the design impervious area) Classification C Buildings 1.3 Ac. Existing Built -upon Area Proposed Built -upon Area Total Project Area N/A Streets A l C 7t- O ` 13 A- % Built -upon Area 50 IV. STORMWATER TREATMENT (Describe how the runoff will be treated) Collected and routed through stormwater detention pond. Parking/sW 1.98 Ac. Other 0.87 Ac. (Future) Totals 4.15 Ac. V. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded for the type of project applied for. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the covenant cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VI. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION I, Ronald McNeil certify that the information included on this permit (Please print clearly or type) application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. I authorize the belo ppa�o person or firm to submit stormwater plans on my behalf. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature and Title '-17- Date VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION (Please fell in the tame of the engineer/surveyor authorized to stdtmit plans on die owner's Gelwlf.) J. Phillip Norris, P.E. Person or firm name _ Andrew & Kuske Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mailing Address 902 Market Street City Wibungton State NC Zip 28401 Phone910-343-9653 Please submit application, fee, plans and calculations to the appropriate Regional Office. cc: Applicant/WiRO//Central Files Office use o STt� R A D E C E I V E DEC 2 01996 D RA PROJ .# U c5MI3 Mvi ATTACHMENT A LOW DENSITY AND ALL SUBDIVISION PROJECTS GENERAL SUBN=AL REQUIREMENTS 1. A completed stormwater permit application 2. Two sets of plans showing north arrow, scale, revision date, property/project boundaries, lot lines, proposed and existing contours, drainage areas, mean high water line, wetlands, easements, the 30' minimum vegetated buffer between impervious areas and surface waters, proposed impervious areas, and road cross -sections. 3. Calculations of the built -upon area, For subdivisions, please show the methodology for arriving at the per lot bt:ilt-upon area. For non -subdivision projects, please break down the calculation. into buildings, roads, parking, and other (include all impervious areas). 4. Low density projects with curb outlet systems will require: a. Drainage area delineation and swale locations shown on the plans. b. Detail of the swale, showing minimum 5:1 side slope. C. Velocity calculations, indicating a non -erosive flow for the 10 yr storm. d. Inlet and outlet elevations. Maximum longitudinal slope is 5 %. e. The type of vegetated cover specified on the plans. f. A flow spreader mechanism located at the swale entrance. g. A signed Operation and Maintenance Plan. DEED RESTRICTION REQUIREMENTS The following statements must be included for all low density projects, and for all subdivisions: No more than 3789% square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-►vay between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures, including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material, not including wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. 77ze covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. No one may fill in or pipe any roadside or lot -line swale, except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. 1`,or curb outlet system projects, no one may pipe, fill in, or alter any. lot line swale used to meet North Carolina Stormwater Managemenr Permit requirements. NOTE If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number, size, and the allowable built -upon area for each lot. STORMWATER p E C E 1 V E FEB 0 51997 D PROJ # =_ _= John R. Andrew, P.E. Andrew & Kuske J.A. Kuske, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. J. Phillip Norris, P.E. 902 Market St. • Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4733 a Telephone 910/343-9653 • Fax 910/343-9604 STORMWATER MAINTENANCE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES LIBERTY COMMONSIBRIGHTON PLACE A&K PROJECT NO.96189 RESPONSIBLE PARTY A. S&R Partnership 2320 41 st Street Wilmington, NC 28403 910-392-6899 2. DETENTION POND AND COLLECTION SYSTEM E C E I V E DEC 2 01996 D PROJ #5 ' 4%oz13 A. The detention pond will be checked after every major storm event to insure that the outlet structure is working properly and is not clogged with debris. Remove any accumulated sediment or debris. Any signs of erosion or deterioration of the pond side slopes or any other feature must be repaired before the next storm event. B. The depth of the pond will be checked every six months to determine the depth of the permanent pool. The pond will be cleaned out when silt deposits reduce the depth of the permanent pool below 6.0 feet. The side slopes of the pond shall be mowed as required to maintain a grass height not to exceed 8 inches in height. C. Collection basins and piping will be checked every six months and kept clear as necessary 3. CERTIFICATION The owner will submit to the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources an Engineer's atioP15�1;,the stormwater facilities were constructed in accordance with approved plans. Owner re: NOTARY'S CERTIFICATION State of North Carolina County of 12-17-96 New Hater Jeria M. Coleman , a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid, certify that Ronald McNeil personally appeared befoi acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the 17th day of Dumber , My Commission Expires: 7-26-97 Date- Design 202 N. Fifth Ave. Andrew and Kuske CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Sheet Of Check Job For G b-U•- G,Gr-rt�s-li}^S Job No. 12e!5v1 6E 6'rra 7Z) S7 a2r�� �G'E-vl a /-:L&W �IJa L Ta S�zz o -5�= -t- / 95, , sF STORMWATEh D E C E I V E MAR 181997 D Pw cT PROJ k ZI3 ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 902 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4733 John R. Andrew, P.E. J.A. Kuske, P.E. MAR 16 18-9r J. Phillip Norris, P.E. .............. svZ (3 910-343-9653 / FAX 910-343-9604 ......s.. r- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL cc SIGNED CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED: Information contained in this document is privileged and confidential, intended for the sole use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee you are hereby notified that any dissernination. distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this document in error please immediately notify the sender and return to the address above. .p4SUTEy State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr. Division of Water Quality Jonathan B. Howes Governor Water Quality Section Secretary March 10, 1997 Mr. Phil Norris, P.E. Andrew and Kuske 902 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons Phase III New Hanover County Dear Mr. Norris: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Liberty Commons Phase III on February 25, 1997. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The spreadsheet indicates that the provided volume of 11,600 is not sufficient to hold the required volume of 15,500 cubic feet. The calculations do not show a calculation for the required volume. Please revise the storage elevation to provide 15,500 cubic feet, and submit 2 copies of the revised plans. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 10, 1997, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395- 3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDE%FO\950213.MAR cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3945 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Fax Transmission Report To ..................... Phil Norris, P.E. From ................... DEHNR Tn1iRO Sender's fax user name: TEST Phone number dialed...: 9,3439604 Remote CSID........... : 910*343*9604 Start date ............. 03/10/97 Start time ............. 1:54:20pm Duration of call....... 0:01:40 Transmission Speed....: 9600bps Transfer mode.........: Fax, fine Pages.................. 2 Pages sent ............. 2 Files .................. Files sent ............. Retries ................ 0 Transmission errors...: 0 Fax server name.......: NROAR02FAX Billing code........... Status ................. Sent Andrew &Kuske CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. John R. Andrew, P.E. J,A. Kuske, P.E. J. Phillip Norris, P.E. 902 Market St. • Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4733 • Telephone 910/343-9653 • Fax 910/343-9604 February 25, 1997 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer NC DEHNR/Div. of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons Phase III (Brighton Place) A&K Project No. 96189 Dear Mr. Lewis: STORMWATER D E C E I V E FEB 2 51997 D PROJ #5zZI3 Regarding your letter of February 21, 1997, we are responding as follows: 1. The weir elevation has been revised to reflect an elevation of 37.5. 2. As far as we know the area in question is included in the future development. 3. Calculations confirming that the forebay holds 20% of the storage volume are enclosed. We have enclosed revised plans and calculations for your review and approval. Please let us know if you need any other information. Sincerely, ANDREW & E CONSUL G E GINEERS, I C. J Phillip Norris, P. JPN/sbs cc: Mr. Thomas Ballard/Ballard Architects 96189-2 Design ` Andrew and Kuske Sheet 202 N. Fifth Ave. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 / Ot / Check Job Jy For fg� 1 ly /ci�� �G�rt� Job No. Aa L = 'ZI'JOb -5F s1c�zo C� Z Z�7 o CF 1 ! , CQo D 7 Vo o �� STORMWATER E C E I V I- FEB 2 51997 D TO2 ' PROJ # IS State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr. Division of Water Quality Jonathan B. Howes Governor Water Quality Section Secretary February 21, 1997 Mr. Phil Norris, P.E. Andrew and Kuske 902 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons Phase III New Hanover County Dear Mr. Norris: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Liberty Commons Phase III on February 5, 1997. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The weir elevation between the forebay and the main pool must be z37.5, s38.3. 2. The piece of pavement I was referring to that was previously approved and is now excluded from the calculation is highlighed on the enclosed copies taken from the previously approved plan and the current submittal. Should this area now be considered a part of the future built - upon area? 3. Please provide your calculations verifying that the forebay will hold 20 % of the volume. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 a 'telephone 910-395-3900 O.Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Norris February 21, 1997 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification ---------------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to March 21, 1997, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINF01950213.FEB cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive caL011510H, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer FEB 0 5 1�'�7 John R. Andrew, P.E. Andrew & KuskeZgG� J.A. Kuske, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC.--------------------------- J. Phillip Norris, P.E. 902 Market St. • Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4733 • Telephone 910/343-9653 • Fax 910/343-9604 February 3, 1997 NC DEHNR Div. of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Attn: Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Re: Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons/Brighton Place A&K Project No. 96189 Dear Ms. Lewis: We are responding to your comments of January 9, 1997 as follows: 1. Sealed calculations are enclosed. 2. There is no drainage from the existing site to the proposed pond. All existing areas drain to the existing pond on the northwest side of the property. 3. The area of pavement noted remains part of this project and is accounted for in the calculations. The shading was turned off by accident. 4. No wetlands are known to exist on the property within the project limits. We have added this statement to the plans. 5. The pond detail has been completed and is shown on the revised plans. 6. We did not know that the forebay was required to hold 20% of the storage volume. The plans have been modified to do so. 7. The 38.3 storage contour has been shown on the plans. Ms. Linda Lewis February 3, 1997 Page 2 8. A completed Attachment A is enclosed. We are enclosing sealed calculations and three sets of revised plans for your review and approval. Please let us know if you have any additional comments. Sincerely, ANDREW & SKE CONSULT G NGINEERS, I J. Phillip Norris, P.E. enclosures cc: Thomas Ballard/Ballard Architects w/revised plan Miller Building w/revised plan 96189-1 Date Design Andrew and Kuske Sheet C c r 202 N. Fifth Ave. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 / Of 010, Check Job For Jobs No. j S7uIz,•��..nT��c 7~cDEslc,✓ �31`►�r�Tor.t "I—LActr- I 961 $4 5► ; PA -rA ^TJT-AcT A RCA ?SL04 Art -CA P/AvE jt- P d lZr_-A 90 Ir\P A c A A c A',' G 3, (0•3 0, 8¢ /, 2 S 2, p 4 S8 n 2,48 0,¢& 0,73 1,19 5'2 1'4s N1A /A 0,507 Go PONp O, (,7 O p 0 0 'ro-rAL S,'Z3 1,30 /,9S 4,/s So U SE SS sO 1=GIZ DE SIC, n/ ssVisteI1eer,+,p, �H CARP, Ic :' �.•'p4ESS10�•:9 /. ,. ^' Y CC C • A SS v� c_ Co � bEG-P/rjo g� T55 SE AL •� SAIDA = 2.1 s, - - =�: 1012 S A = g, 2 3 A G �t O, O 3 I ,� �i:V 1 i� L: °'OC`�+`� Ac < rD . 3 o Ac PR o vIOED �;; CE lkw �.�• +. s Jieui�xr C L E v, AxeA sr-DIZ G✓n., 5—,orZ 9�/�3�5'G TT SF c>< c r= 37,1- 13,10o &TORMWATEf2a9, ago 3 9•S /S-I 900 Z y� 000 41.5 /9, 200 3Si loo G4 roo ¢1 5on ' E 3.5' z,7oo o /o�,op E C E I V E 42 :5 or- 57olz Acc = 3s.3 2 Co FEB © 51997 �/- /�©o cF /S v D E M I PROD #.�Sl9sc5Z13 oRIFrc- E DC SIC, G7= I1,ro0n cF-=2VAYs 4 4 NrzJ/orgy 1 3�00 S'Lc11.4 0.067 cr-s 4= a,& A z� 7z 11 g- 2. o• o&,7 GF 5 = O, G A 2 (27.2 o,-3S') A = o. o2-4 $F 4 144 Imllr- Z _ ?.9 Ir✓ z t r= Date Design Andrew and Kuske sheet y�/ C S 202 N. Fifth Ave. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 z Of z Check Job For Job No. S TOr-xkN..nTE.L tZE!>c s,cv FZlc I14T17::'c-Acez- 9&I PREGor,lSTKOcTonj FLO G = 0,2 TItihE OF Gpr/1�lGEh'Trt�T.on! _= 2,97 lu/iati z Lc3oo� = (O, 007)[ o,4.)C3 oo2018 = z �5F 4, s' /,v x 60 mlw Ht 6 $ ti,Fwr = o,00671, us6 66 f,1-/ 4, e CFs Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 1 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems WATERSHED ROUTING O> 3❑ O O 22 21 4❑ 5❑ 23yyV 0 O 1❑ 20 y �O6❑ Q P-] °'jo �O e OSUBCATCHMENT REACH Q PDND I ' LINK Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 2 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Pcepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems SUBCATCHMENT 1 AREA TO DI #1 PEAK= 1.0 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .06 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .23 75 550-. IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 8.9 L=110' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 2 AREA TO DI #2 PEAK= 3.4 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .20 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .78 75 5516 IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method _ Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 9.6 L=120' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 3 AREA TO DI #3 PEAK= 1.6 CFS @ 12.16 HRS, VOLUME= .10 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .39 75 6016 IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 12.0 L=160' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 4 AREA TO DI #4 PEAK= 1.8 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .11 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .42 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment- Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 9.6 L=120' s=.005 '/' Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 3 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems SUBCATCHMENT 5 AREA TO DI #5 PEAK= .5 CFS @ 12.11 HRS, VOLUIvIE= .03 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .11 75 60% IMP., SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 8.3 L=100' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 6 AREA TO DI #6 PEAK= .4 CFS @ 12.10 HRS, VOLUME= .02 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .09 75 60% IMP., SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 7.6 L=90' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 7 AREA TO DI #7 PEAK= 1.3 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .08 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .30 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 9.6 L=120' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 8 AREA TO DI #8 PEAK= 2.3 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= .14 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .55 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 10.8 L=140' s=.005 '/' E Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 4 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems SUBCATCHMENT 9 AREA TO DI #9 PEAX= 3.1 CFS @ 12.19 HRS, VOLUME= .21 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .84 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 14.4 L=200' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 21 FUTURE AREA D TO POND #1 PEAK= 6.3 CFS @ 12.35 HRS, VOLUME= .54 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD 2.48 70 52% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 25.9 L=350' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 22 POND AREA TO POND #1 PEAK= 1.9 CFS @ 12.10 HRS, VOLUME= .10 AF ACRES CN .67 60 POND & GRASS SCS TR-20 METHOD TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 7.1 L=50' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 23 FUTURE AREA E TO POND #1 PEAK= 4.5 CFS @ 12.30 HRS, VOLUME= .36 AF ACRES CN SCS TR•-20 METHOD 1.45 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 22.5 L=350' s=.005 '/' Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 5 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by AI\"DREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 1 PIPE FROM DI #1 TO POND #1 Qin = 13.1 CFS @ 12.25 HRS, VOLUME= .92 AF Qout= 12.9 CFS @ 12.29 HRS, VOLUME= .91 AF, ATTEN= 11, LAG= 2.7 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 ..3 .3 .3 .5 .7 1.1 8 1.2 2.6 1.8 3.7 10.9 2.0 4.2 12.8 2.3 4.7 13.9 2.4 4.8 14.0 2.4 4.9 13.9 2.5 4.9 13.1 30" PIPE n= .01 LENGTH= 245 FT SLOPE= .0006 FT/FT REACH 2 PIPE FROM DI #2 TO DI #1 Qin = 12.5 CFS @ 12.22 HRS, VOLUME= .86 AF Qout= 12.4 CFS @ 12.25 HRS, VOLUME= .86 AF, DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .3 .3 .3 .5 .7 1.1 .8 1.2 2.6 1.8 3.7 10.9 2.0 4.2 12.8 2.3 4.7 13.9 2.4 4.8 14.0 2.4 4.9 13.9 2.5 4.9 13.1 30" PIPE n= .01 LENGTH= 175 FT SLOPE= .0006 FT/FT STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 2.03 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.0 FPS TRAVEL TIME = 1.3 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS ATTEN= 11-9, LAG= 1.8 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.95 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.0 FPS TRAVEL TIME = 1.0 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 3 PIPE FROM DI #3 TO DI #4 Qin = 1.6 CFS @ 12.16 HRS, VOLUME= .10 AF Qout= 1.5 CFS @ 12.18 HRS, VOLUME= .10 AF, ATTEN= 1°s, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .2 .3 4 .3 .8 .9 .9 3.2 1.0 1.1 3.7 1.1 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.3 1.2 3.8 15" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 130 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT 1.3 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= .54 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.1 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .7 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 6 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 4 PIPE FROM DI #4 TO DI #5 Qin = 3.3 CFS @ 12.15 HRS, VOLUME= .20 AF Qout= 3.2 CFS @ 12.17 HRS, VOLUME= .20 AF, ATTEN= la, LAG= 1.7 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .2 .3 .4 .3 .8 .9 .9 3.2 1.0 1.1 3.7 1.1 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.3 1.2 3.8 REACH 5 15" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 180 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT PIPE FROM DI #5 TO DI #6 STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= .88 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.5 FPS TRAVEL TIME _ .9 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Qin = 3.6 CFS @ 12.17 HRS, VOLUME= .23 AF Qout= 3.6 CFS @ 12.17 HRS, VOLUME= .23 AF, ATTEN= Oo, LAG= .5 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .1 .3 .3 .5 5 .4 1.2 1.1 1.3 5.2 1.2 1.5 6.1 1.4 1.7 6.6 1.4 1.7 6.7 1.5 1.8 6.6 1.5 1.8 6.2 18" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 60 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= .81 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.7 FPS TRAVEL TIME _ .3 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 6 PIPE FROM DI #6 TO DI #7 Qin = 4.0 CFS @ 12.17 HRS, VOLUME= .25 AF Qout= 3.9 CFS @ 12.18 HRS, VOLUME= .25 AF, ATTEN= 0!k, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0-0 .2 .3 .3 .5 .5 .4 1.2 1.1 1.3 5.2 1.2 1.5 6.1 1.4 1.7 6.6 1.4 1.7 6.7 1.5 1.8 6.6 1.5 1.8 6.2 18" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 95 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT .8 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= .86 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.8 FPS TRAVEL TIME _ .4 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 7 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN PX'epared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 7 PIPE FROM DI #7 TO DI #8 Qin = 5.1 CFS @ 12.17 HRS, VOLUME= .33 AF Qout= 5.1 CFS @ 12.19 HRS, VOLUME= .33 AF, ATTEN= 11i, LAG= 1.3 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 18" PIPE 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .1 n= .012 .3 .3 .5 LENGTH= 160 FT .5 .4 1.2 SLOPE= .003 FT/FT 1.1 1.3 5.2 1.2 1.5 6.1 1.4 1.7 6.6 1.4 1.7 6.7 1.5 1.8 6.6 1.5 1.8 6.2 REACH 8 PIPE FROM DI #8 TO DI #2 Qin = 10.3 CFS @ 12.18 HRS, VOLUME= .67 AF Qout= 10.1 CFS @ 12.24 HRS, VOLUME= .67 AF, DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SQ-FT) (CFS) 30" PIPE 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .3 .3 .2 n= .01 .5 .7 1.0 LENGTH= 300 FT .8 1.2 2.3 SLOPE= .0005 FT/FT 1.8 3.7 10.0 2.0 4.2 11.7 2.3 4.7 12.7 2.4 4.8 12.8 2.4 4.9 12.7 2.5 4.9 11.9 STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.03 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.9 FPS TRAVEL TIME _ .7 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS ATTEN= 2%, LAG= 3.5 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.76 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 2.7 FPS TRAVEL TIME = 1.8 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 9 PIPE FROM DI #9 TO DI #8 Qin = 3.1 CFS @ 12.19 HRS, VOLUME= .21 AF Qout= 3.1 CFS @ 12.21 HRS, VOLUME= .21 AF, ATTEN= 0%, LAG= DEPTH END (FT) (SQ-FT) AREA DISCH (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .l .3 .3 .3 .5 .4 .7 1.1 1.3 3.0 1.2 1.5 3.5 1.4 1.7 3.8 1.4 1.7 3.9 1.5 1.8 3.8 1.5 1.8 3.6 18" PIPE n.= .012 LENGTH= 83 FT SLOPE= .001 FT/FT 1.1 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.09 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 2.3 FPS TRAVEL TIME _ .6 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 8 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 20 PIPE FROM POND #1 TO STREET SYSTEM Qin = 4.6 CFS Q 13.11 HRS, VOLUME= .99 AF Qout= 4.6 CFS Q 13.19 HRS, VOLUME= .96 AF, ATTEN= 0%, LAG= 4.8 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 18" PIPE STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD 0.0 -0.0 0.0 PEAK DEPTH= 1.18 FT .2 .1 .1 n= .01 PEAK VELOCITY= 3.0 FPS .3 .3 .4 LENGTH= 450 FT TRAVEL TIME = 2.5 MIN .5 .4 .9 SLOPE= .0012 FT/FT SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS 1.1 1.3 4.0 1.2 1.5 4.6 1.4 1.7 5.0 1.4 1.7 5.1 1.5 1.8 5.0 1.5 1.8 4.7 Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 9 TEN YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 7.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems POND 1 DETENTION POND #1 Qin = 24.6 CFS @ 12.30 HRS, VOLUME= 1.91 AF Qout= 4.6 CFS @ 13.11 HRS, VOLUME= .99 AF, ATTEN= 81%, LAG= 48.4 MIN ELEVATION AREA INC.STOR CUM.STOR STOR-IND METHOD (FT) (SF) (CF) (CF) PEAK STORAGE = 50791 CF 37.5 13100 0 0 PEAK ELEVATION= 40.7 FT 39.5 15900 29000 29000 FLOOD ELEVATION= 43.0 FT 41.5 19200 35100 64100 START ELEVATION= 37.5 FT 43.5 22700 41900 106000 SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Tdet= 87.5 MIN (.99 AF) # ROUTE INVERT OUTLET DEVICES 1 P 37.5' 2" ORIFICE/GRATE Q=.6 PI r-2 SQR(2g) SQR(H-r) 2 P 38.3' 2' x .3' ORIFICE/GRATE Q=.6 Width 2/3 SQR(2g) (H-1.5 - [H-Height]-l.5) 3 P 40.8' 10' SHARP -CRESTED RECTANGULAR WEIR Q=C L H-1.5 C=3.27+.4 H/4 L=Length-0(.1 H) Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 10 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems SUBCATCHMENT 1 AREA TO DI #1 PEAK= 1.4 CFS @ 12.11 HRS, VOLUME= .08 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .23 75 55o IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 8.9 L=110' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 2 AREA TO DI #2 PEAK= 4.8 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .28 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .78 75 55o IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 9.6 L=120' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 3 AREA TO DI #3 PEAK= 2.2 CFS @ 12.15 HRS, VOLUME= .14 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .39 75 60o IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 12.0 L=160' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 4 AREA TO DI #4 PEAK= 2.6 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= ACRES CN .42 75 60°s IMP, SOIL GROUP A .15 AF SCS TR-20 METHOD TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 9.6 L=120' s=.005 '/' Ilata for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 11 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HVdroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems SUBCATCHMENT 5 AREA TO DI #5 PEAK= .7 CFS @ 12.11 HRS, VOLUME= .04 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .11 75 60% IMP., SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 8.3 L=100' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 6 AREA TO DI #6 PEAK= .6 CFS @ 12.10 HRS, VOLUME= ACRES CN .09 75 60% IMP., SOIL GROUP A 03 AF SCS TR-20 METHOD TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 7.6 L=90' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 7 AREA TO DI #7 PEAK= 1.8 CFS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= ACRES CN .30 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A .11 AF SCS TR-20 METHOD TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 9.6 L=120' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 8 AREA TO DI #8 PEAK= 3.2 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= ACRES CN .55 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A .20 AF SCS TR-20 METHOD TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 10.8 L=140' s=.005 '/' Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 12 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems SUBCATCHMENT 9 AREA TO DI #9 PEAK= 4.5 CFS @ 12.19 HRS, VOLUME= .30 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD .84 75 60t IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 14.4 L=200' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 21 FUTURE AREA D TO POND #1 PEAK= 9.4 CFS @ 12.34 HRS, VOLUME= .79 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD 2.48 70 52o IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 25.9 L=350' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 22 POND AREA TO POND #1 PEAK= 3.1 CFS @ 12.10 HRS, VOLUME= .17 AF ACRES CN .67 60 POND & GRASS SCS TR-20 METHOD TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 7.1 L=50' s=.005 '/' SUBCATCHMENT 23 FUTURE AREA E TO POND #1 PEAK= 6.5 CFS @ 12.30 HRS, VOLUME= .51 AF ACRES CN SCS TR-20 METHOD 1.45 75 60% IMP, SOIL GROUP A TYPE III 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Method Comment Tc (min) CURVE NUMBER (LAG) METHOD Segment ID: 22.5 L=350' s=.005 '/' Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 13 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 1 PIPE FROM DI #1 TO POND #1 Qin = 15.0 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= 1.30 AF Qout= 13.8 CFS @ 12.16 HRS, VOLUME= 1.30 AF, ATTEN= 8%, LAG= 1.3 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .3 .3 .3 .5 .7 1.1 8 1.2 2.6 1.8 3.7 10.9 2.0 4.2 12.8 2.3 4.7 13.9 2.4 4.8 14.0 2.4 4.9 13.9 2.5 4.9 13.1 REACH 2 30" PIPE n= .01 LENGTH= 245 FT SLOPE= .0006 FT/FT PIPE FROM DI #2 TO DI #1 STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 2.50 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.0 FPS TRAVEL TIME = 1.4 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Qin = 16.7 CFS @ 12.18 HRS, VOLUME= 1.23 AF Qout= 13.6 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= 1.22 AF, ATTEN= 19%, LAG= 0.0 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH _(FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .3 .3 .3 .5 .7 1.1 8 1.2 2.6 1.8 3.7 10.9 2.0 4.2 12.8 2.3 4.7 13.9 2.4 4.8 14.0 2.4 4.9 13.9 2.5 4.9 13.1 REACH 3 30" PIPE n= .01 LENGTH= 175 FT SLOPE= .0006 FT/FT PIPE FROM DI #3 TO DI #4 STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 2.50 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.0 FPS TRAVEL TIME = 1.0 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Qin = 2.2 CFS @ 12.15 HRS, VOLUME= .14 AF Qout= 2.2 CFS @ 12.17 HRS, VOLUME= .14 AF, ATTEN= 1%, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .2 .3 .4 .3 .8 .9 .9 3.2 1.0 1.1 3.7 1.1 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.3 1.2 3.8 15" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 130 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT 1.2 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= .67 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.3 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .7 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS t Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 14 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 4 PIPE FROM DI #4 TO DI #5 Qin = 4.7 CPS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= .29 AF Qout= 4.0 CPS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .29 AF, ATTEN= 155k, LAG= 0.0 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .2 .3 .4 .3 .8 .9 .9 3.2 1.0 1.1 3.7 1.1 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 1.3 1.2 3.8 15" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 180 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.25 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.6 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .8 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 5 PIPE FROM DI #5 TO DI #6 Qin = 4.7 CPS @ 12.12 HRS, VOLUME= .33 AF Qout= 4.6 CPS @ 12.13 HRS, VOLUME= .33 AF, ATTEN= 1i, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .1 .3 .3 .5 .5 .4 1.2 1.1 1.3 5.2 1.2 1.5 6.1 1.4 1.7 6.6 1.4 1.7 6.7 1.5 1.8 6.6 1.5 1.8 6.2 18" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 60 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT .5 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= .96 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.9 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .3 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 6 PIPE FROM DI #6 TO DI #7 Qin = 5.2 CPS @ 12.13 HRS, VOLUME= .36 AF Qout= 5.1 CPS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= .36 AF, ATTEN= 1%, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH _(FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .1 .3 .3 .5 .5 .4 1.2 1.1 1.3 5.2 1.2 1.5 6.1 1.4 1.7 6.6 1.4 1.7 6.7 1.5 1.8 6.6 1.5 1.8 6.2 18" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 95 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT 1.0 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.04 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 3.9 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .4 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS k Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 15 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HYdroCAD 4.50 000475 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Svstems REACH 7 PIPE FROM DI #7 TO DI #8 Qin = 6.9 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= .46 AF Qout= 6.4 CFS @ 12.28 HRS, VOLUME= .46 AF, ATTEN= 80, LAG= 8.6 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .1 .3 .3 .5 .5 .4 1.2 1.1 1.3 5.2 1.2 1.5 6.1 1.4 1.7 6.6 1.4 1.7 6.7 1.5 1.8 6.6 1.5 1.8 6.2 18" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 160 FT SLOPE= .003 FT/FT STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.50 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 4.0 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .7 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 8 PIPE FROM DI #8 TO DI #2 Qin = 13.3 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= .96 AF Qout= 12.8 CFS @ 12.22 HRS, VOLUME= .95 AF, ATTEN= 40, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .3 .3 .2 .5 .7 1.0 .8 1.2 2.3 1.8 3.7 10.0 2.0 4.2 11.7 2.3 4.7 12.7 2.4 4.8 12.8 2.4 4.9 12.7 2.5 4.9 11.9 30" PIPE n= .01 LENGTH= 300 FT SLOPE= .0005 FT/FT 5.1 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 2.29 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 2.6 FPS TRAVEL TIME = 1.8 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS REACH 9 PIPE FROM DI #9 TO DI #8 Qin = 4.5 CFS @ 12.19 HRS, VOLUME= .30 AF Qout= 3.7 CFS @ 12.14 HRS, VOLUME= .30 AF, ATTEN= 180, LAG= DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 0.0 -0.0 0.0 .2 .1 .1 .3 .3 .3 .5 .4 .7 1.1 1.3 3.0 1.2 1.5 3.5 1.4 1.7 3.8 1.4 1.7 3.9 1.5 1.8 3.8 1.5_ 1.8 3.6 18" PIPE n= .012 LENGTH= 83 FT SLOPE= .001 FT/FT 0.0 MIN STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD PEAK DEPTH= 1.50 FT PEAK VELOCITY= 2.3 FPS TRAVEL TIME = .6 MIN SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 16 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcomputer Systems REACH 20 PIPE FROM POND #1 TO STREET SYSTEM Qin = 20.0 CFS @ 12.70 HRS, VOLUME= 1.70 AF Qout= 4.8 CFS @ 12.51 HRS, VOLUME= 1.10 AF, ATTEN= 76., LAG= 0.0 MIN DEPTH END AREA DISCH (FT) (SO -FT) (CFS) 18" PIPE STOR-IND+TRANS METHOD 0.0 -0.0 0.0 PEAK DEPTH= 1.50 FT .2 .1 .1 n= .01 PEAK VELOCITY= 3.0 FPS .3 .3 .4 LENGTH= 450 FT TRAVEL TIME = 2.5 MIN .5 .4 .9 SLOPE= .0012 FT/FT SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS 1.1 1.3 4.0 1.2 1.5 4.6 1.4 1.7 5.0 1.4 1.7 5.1 1.5 1.8 5.0 1.5 1.8 4.7 c Data for 42nd ST. LIBERTY COMMONS Page 17 FIFTY YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL= 9.0 IN Prepared by ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 24 Sep 96 HydroCAD 4.50 000479 (c) 1986-1996 Applied Microcombuter Systems POND 1 DETENTION POND #1 Qin = 30.2 CFS @ 12.31 HRS, VOLUME= 2.77 AF Qout= 20.0 CFS Q 12.70 HRS, VOLUME= 1.70 AF, ATTEN= 34%, LAG= 23.2 MIN ELEVATION AREA INC.STOR CUM.STOR STOR-IND METHOD (FT) (SF) (CF) (CF) PEAK STORAGE = 62040 CF 37.5 13100 0 0 PEAK ELEVATION= 41.4 FT 39.5 15900 29000 29000 FLOOD ELEVATION= 43.0 FT 41.5 19200 35100 64100 START ELEVATION= 37.5 FT 43.5 22700 41900 106000 SPAN= 11-15 HRS, dt=.02 HRS Tdet= 66.5 MIN (1.69 AF) # ROUTE INVERT OUTLET DEVICES 1 P 37.5' 2" ORIFICE/GRATE Q=.6 PI r"2 SQR(2g) SQR(H-r) 2 P 38.3' 2' x .3' ORIFICE/GRATE Q=.6 Width 2/3 SQR(2g) (H"1.5 - [H-Height]-i.5) 3 P 40.8' 10' SHARP -CRESTED RECTANGULAR WEIR Q=C L H"1.5 C=3.27+.4 H/4 L=Length-0(.1 H) State of North CaroILga Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional office James B. Hunt, Jr. Division of Water Quality Jonathan B. Howes Governor Water Quality Section Secretary January 9, 1997 Mr. Phil Norris, P.E. Andrew and Kuske 902 Market Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification Liberty Commons/Brighton Place New Hanover County Dear Mr. Norris: The Wilmington Regional Office received a modification to the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Liberty Commons/Brighton Place on December 20, 1996. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Sealed calculations were not received as part of the submittal. 2. Is there any drainage into the pond from any of the existing site? 3. One area of pavement that was shown as proposed on the previously approved plans is no longer shaded in and appears to now be considered existing. ALL previously proposed impervious areas approved under the March 6, 1995 permit that have been constructed under that permit must be shown and accounted for as part of this modification. 4. Delineate all wetlands on site, or note on the plans that none exist. 5. Pond section detail is incomplete. Please add width, slope, and beginning elevation for the vegetated shelf; forebay depth and width; and the location of the 3:1 required slopes. 6. Has the forebay been designed to hold 20% of the total storage volume? 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Norris January 9, 1997 Stormwater Project No. SW8 950213 Modification 7. Please delineate the 38.3 design storage contour. 8. Please complete Attachment A to restrict the built -upon area for the outparcel. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to February 9, 1997, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer KE/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\950213.JAN CC' Linda Lewis Central Files ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 902 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4733 AN 0 j 1997 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL John R. Andrew, P.E. J.A. Kuske, P.E. J. Phillip Norris, P.E. 910-343-9653 / FAX 910-343-9604 To: - Date: I-7-q-7 Job No. 9Col P9 Subject: WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA D( ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS XPRINTS ❑ TRACINGS ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ DISKS ❑ COPY OF LETTER FAX TRANSMITTAL: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL Call 910-343-9653 if you have any difficulty receiving this mesage. COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 Ict�.s [ AS REQUESTED [)<FOR YOUR USE ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ FOR APPROVAL ❑ FORBIDS DUE ❑ YOUR PRINTS LOANED TO US REMARKS: CC: SIGNED CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED: Information contained in this document is privileged and confidential, intended for the sole use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this document in error please immediately notify the sender and return to the address above. John R. Andrew, P.E. Andrew & Kuske DEC u 1�,6 J.A. Kuske, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ------------------- ------- J. Phillip Norris, P.E. 902 Market St. • Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4733 • Telephone 910/343-9653 • Fax 910/343-9604 December 16, 1996 NC DEHNR/Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Attn.: Ms. Linda Lewis Re: Liberty Commons SW8 950213 Modification A&K Project No. 96189 Dear Ms. Lewis: E C E I V E DEC 2 0 D 1996 P R 0 J #:5— LIV '&Z I -SHOD In response to your letter of October 21, 1996, this is a revision to the previously approved plans for SW8 950213. The owners wish to delete the two ponds in the front of the site and replace them with a larger pond in the rear. This new pond has been expanded to handle runoff from the vacant property between the proposed pond and 41 st Street as well. We have enclosed a revised application and fee of $385.00. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, ANDREW KUSKE CONS U IN ENGINEER , INC. .Phillip Norris, P. JPN/sbs cc: Thomas Ballard/Ballard Architects 96189 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Jonathan B. Howes Governor WATER QUALITY SECTION Secretary October 21, 1996 Mr. Phil Norris, P.E. Andrew and Kuske 902 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION Liberty Commons Brighton Place Application No. SW8 950213 Modification New Hanover County Dear Mr. Norris: The Wilmington Regional Office received a two sets of plans, cover letter, and calculations for Liberty Commons Brighton Place on October 10, 1996. The application is incomplete. Will this be a revision to the previously permitted SW8 950213 plans, or a completely new phase? A completed application and $385.00 application fee must be provided prior to further review of this project. Upon receipt of the requested information, and a determination that the application is complete, a permit will be issued within 90 days. This project will be reviewed by Linda Lewis. Please direct all correspondance to the reviewer and reference the name of the project and the Application number shown above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the reviewer at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer I JBB/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWA1WCEIM950213.00T cc: Linda Lewis -s►o�r�d origira� +ncrt- ��n-f���,- � I � �22 � 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer