HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021159 Ver 2_Site Plan_20070904~ ~ ~ Wetland Imuact Line Table - e-- ~W~' Tie Lines: I - "1 ="2" 13.97' N 32°20' W "11 ="12" 34.0" N 32°13'45" W ' Loc i : at o n of 404 VII ' etiands. ~ ~ 8 ~ "2' ="3" 40.84' N 57 °35' E "12"-"13" 41.6" N 56 °40'8" E ~ ~ F "3" 20.00' S 69°43'39" E "13" 6.65" N 72°56'22" E 4° t0 ° 171 " 2.3~ $32 ° I "4'="5" 21.30' S 58°40'8" W "14••_••15" 17.3" S 47°10'38" W „mom "5" 17.50' N 32°13'45" W "15"-"16" 41.0" S 57°17'14" W 3' S32 °06'E 147 130 ~ 137 101 35.9 S54°40'W 20.5' N62°02'W 16.2' S41 °02'W "6"-"7" 5.70' S 57°'55'21" E "16" 34.1" N 32°13'45" W ~~183° t0 "164" $.0' N32 ~.0' N32°14'W 1~ 131 138 10~ - ~ - - - - - - - - "7' =„8" 20.0' N 57 °20' W "17" 37.0" N 31 °7'23" W 38.3' N79 °17'W 27.7' S57 °10'W 46.1' N86 ~0'W "8" 5.70' N 57°20' W "18"-"19" 17.77' N 79°27'59" W ••164" t0 °188~~ 90.0 S3 "9"-"10" 6.65' S 42°38'14" W "19"-"20" 40.00" N 9°52'56" E 0.0' S37 °41' E 149 132 139 10~ Vicinity Map N.T.S. "10"-"11" 41.6" S 56°40'8" W "20" 24.20' S 797'59" E 39.4' S55 °19'W 25.7' S 12 ~9'E 11.8' S59 °20'W 164 to 202 113.8 S "202" to "196" 35.2' S2 13.8' S35 °10"E 150 133 140 1 Qq 33.0' N60 °35'W 24.6' N72 °44'E 20.3' S05 °58'E 5.2' S25~4'E 151 134 141 10~ 29.5' S58~2'E 39.1' S41 °20'E opsail Souris "164" to "207" 213.2' S ~ 164 to 208 239.4 S 9~ 13.2' S33 °18'E 135 142 106 20.1' N57~2'E 21.0' S43 ~7'E 39.4' S34 °47'E 136 143 147 39.9' S87~1'E \ 9 144 108 28.0' N59 °22'E 145 109 Revised Area of Wetlands to be Fi ~ ° ~o be Filled: 25.5' N86~7'E 146 110 s NOTE: The following planned impacts have be ~ Lot 9 House: 32x40 to 26x36 gave been reduced: 111 s \ ~pt~ \ Lot 10 House: 32x40 to 28x32 Lot 11 House: 32x40 to 32x36 Location f o Coast I VV a etlands. o`~~' Lot 12 House: 32x36 to 24x36 112 Lot 13 House: 32x36 to 24x36 • eG \ \ Lot 14 House: 32x36 to 36X24 171 ~s~ Qt~ ~ ~ Lot 15 House: 29x36 to 36x24 35.86' N65 °0'28" E 113 e P \ ~ Lot 16 House: 30x30 to 30x26 .172 ` Lot 18 House' 32x34 to 30x32 ~ ~ ~ \ 25.05' N49°4$'5"E 114 ~ 6 Lift Station impact reduced from 173 40x40 to 20x45 13.68' N31 °19'50"E 115 174 ~ ~ \ ~ . - 30.15' N44 °5'46"W 116 O 175 ~ ~ ` ~ 27.09' N ° ' 117 66410E 176 ~ ~ \s~, Additional Wetlands To B \ ~ 0 0.1735 s To Be Filled: 30,77' 7 ° ~ 118 S91325E ~ 177 ~ G. \ 16.06' N 119 85°6 44 E o Total Area of Wetlands F 178 120 lands F~Iled; ~ .1702 sf 34.87' N73°34'19"E ~ 179 121 -o ~ ~ \ 21287.7 Sq. Ft. = 0.484 o~, 0.4845 Ac. / 27,90' S86°1'29"E ~ 180 NOTE: All Conservation Easements have S~~ \ \ \ ~ \ a,~ =so Sf been set 5 off the proposed home ~ o, \ , 14 ~ 122 .17 N72 °50 25 E footprint. ` ~ ~ 181 123 ~ 31.58' N51 °52'45"E ~ ~f r~rr 182 ~r~--~~-~r 124 r r r n ~ CONSERVATION EASEMENT = 33,356 S.F. \ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ J .~'~~~r~ 125 \ c v i Level Spreader Coastal Wetlands 126 REVISED CONSERVATION EASEMENT = 40,303 S.F. ~`~X ~ C ~ J\ Restoration Sketch \ ~'l 127 \ \ ` \y 15 \ 2 ,~oa \ C.A.M.A. Q.M.A. WETLANDS LINE 1~R Area of Wetlands to be Filled: ~~z~~ v 129 C ~ \ S' 179' 18 1 NOTE: A 6' portion of Lot 17 and a ~ , Loot House76S~q. Ft.) Driveway (Sq. Ft.) 1 ~ = g3 703 _ 1 _ - _ t,~2 W 10 314 - ~ ~ 4.. e~,~~d= S.3' corner portion 18 will be cantilevered over the Level Spreader. 1 1 - „172 _ ~ 3G'x3L J 12 913 52 \ ~ House 88 , ~ 8~~~ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 13 660 429 ~ ~1 _ ^~~o~ ~~~s~ ~R ,~a- 'i Driveway .,;ew ..171 / ~ °y 14 208 479 ~ ~ , ~ i~2_, 2c2~, 15 230 388 2 ' ~~zo~~ ~ ,y ~ sA 20 , _ '202" 1, A temporary gravel construction entrance a n^ 50 long will be established (already done). ~ ~ !l Tau ~bi > 16 582 104 'w ~ 0 17 674 - o' ~ a ~ f,~ 20 349 _ oeo ..19' ;~~e ~ ~ ~,o:~ ~ °~9~'~ _ 2. Ground fabric with rip-rap will be placed alon . _ 1 g6 in Figure 3 (already done}. 22 493 486 ~ ~ o o~;~"way , 2~,~?~. ~ e„o-+ ~ 2 778 °`\J 23 7 1 ~,~o~~= ~ a~ ~ . s 24 - 467 ~ ~ ~ozs ~ ~ q\ ',s ho f . s 3. Silt fencing will be Placed along the road right 10' Utility Eaart»nt seen in Figure 3 (partially completed}. 25 - 606 0 o~ds 3,Q'a ~ LS moo, o ' 29 - 541 ~ o~ „ ~ ~ n ~ y ~ e . 30 - 300 e'~~77~~ ~ I~o ).~s~`°°d ~ ^ ~ s ~~207~~ 4. Steep slopes will be seeded per specifications ~2, ~ Figure 3 (already done in disturbed areas of lots Vr TOTAL 5 943 s ft. ~c~ q 5,348 sq. ft. ;5~~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ T~~ 0.136 Ac. 0.123 Ac. g ~ ` ~ , ~ C ? 2~8,~ ~ 5. Rock check dams and outlet spreaders will be ti ~ 4' ~ see Figure 3. V6,, 1 1 4~ ~ , 3 ~4_ ~~~'"2 OTHER WETLAND FILL = 2,272 S.F. (0.052 Ac.) \ G-!~ ~~~"1~12,~ ~ a5 S 1 ~ "20 ' 6. The level spreader will be constructed, See Fig Q~. 1 ~s y ~ ~ ~s~ 7. Swales will be constructed and seeded, See Fi~ 5 Total Area of Wetlands to be Filled: e~,~ ~,~r , ~ ~ ~ ~ + a„ o ~ The paved road will be constructed, ~a~~ ~ ~a _ 1~~~ ~ ~piands 13,563 Sq. Ft. = 0.311 Aa j~ ~ 3 , ~o ~ s~ , s~^ ~ „2,~~ , ~6 9. Silt fencing will be removed after the road is I ~ ~ o ~ ; 4~ ~ permanent vegetation has been established in sw 0, g ~ ~ „13~ NOTES: ;r ~,a i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 10. Silt fencing will be installed prior to construe _ a~. s~, house and driveway (on a lot by lot basis). r a~2`~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .s ~v~ _ ~ 1. Total Area = 13.0 Acres o ' ~ ~ 11, Silt fencing will be removed after com letion p ,,i ~ L ~ , - house and drivewa on a lot b lot basis . / ~o ~ 2 Minimum Lot Size = 5,000 sq. ft. ~ Y C Y ) / '~R ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~r;~ a a~` s? s 12. Erosion control measures other than those s - ~~~2'1'~ s ~ plan will be installed should the need arise. ~ a i s ~ o f ~ Q o 2. Zoning: R-5 , o ~ p~ ~ s `SS ~ \o~,a= d~ ~ ~s? X22' PL ~ 6 s ~ NOTE: Water pumped from sewer/water system cf ~b , g~, s `g areas will be pumped into a "Dirtba "filter ba f 3. Building Setbacks: / .~e~ / v "139" prior to dischar a to overland flow. The "Dirtba " 9 Front Yard: 15' 39" i do placed in wetlands. Side Yard . 7.5 ~ Original House/Driveway Footprint: / ~~\~5 ~ „ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ Rear Yard: 20' ~--i ~ s~, , ~ osf Side Yard (Abutting Street): 10' i / ?v ~ ~r~ \~e o s, ~ g s f ~ 6', ~ ' G~~~~, ' ~ ~ ~ GS +~o, . 3:1 •lop~ (V~q~totiw ~tabif 5 ~ 'c ~ 0'~J ~ ~ ~ a5 ~ S Croat l ~ , o ~ 4. Developed By: T.P., Inc. ~i ~ / "'~2'~; PO Box 2658 - / ' 'S ~ S~ ~2~ ~ I ~ 4 ~ ~ 23 0 ~ ' 1 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ +~0, - - - f-u~d we~m~es--- ~,-Imaocte 22 s • `143" r,5~r .41'14 ~5 °°il~ s~ ~ 8~~ ~ Surf City, NC / X410 ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~\d . ~ - - - S Thb I~ c typicol croa-aeciion found on p ~ V ~e ~ ~ , ~ , ~ lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 28445 , ~ ~ / °°O (910) 328-6969 NOTE: THE AREA OF WETLAND IMPACT J" ~ ~ ' .r .r s 1 0 co , g~'J 3 SURROUNDING THE PUMP STATION ~o~ / ` 5. Being a part of Tract A of WILL BE REDUCED IN SIZE AND ~ s~ ~ _ 5 i RESTORED FENCE MOVED AND GRAVEL 15' shown in Map Book 10, on REMOVED ~ 151 ~ n 1 r r l ~ , , ~i OG ~~o, ~ ~ ' ~S S ~ ~ ~ Page 76. ) ~ ~ f~ ~ 6. 1 0' Utility Easement alon NOTE: LEVEL SPREADER & SWALE / ~j ~ 8 0 ~ ` s °4 ~ ~t Frontage Lots 4 and 5. g OUTLET SPREADER ARE PERMANANT -j ~o,~ DRAINAGE MEASURES DESIGNED TO ~ ~ ~ REESTABLISH SHEET FLOW FOR ~ / ~ ~ o, , , o 16 `o~, boo STORMWATER LEAVING DEVELOPMENT. °sj ~ .I~(~E_N_~ ~ TOTAL AREA = 13.0 ACRES (566,280 S.F.) ° ~ ..s o1o S,o~ ~,a ~ o ~ e ~ PROJECT AREA = 356,676 S.F. _ Swale C.L. nic~Ti innrn nnrn ~ ~.~,r,~.. . ~ \ E e ~ a~ ~n \ ~ 1 O ~ ~ ~ 0~ f~ ~ ~ Culvert ~E IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 89,169 S.F. (25~) ~o / Level Spreader IMPORTANT: BY NC LAW, GROUND COVER MUST BE ESTABLI WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 30 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHE Wetland Boundary SHORTER) FOR EACH GROUND DISTURBANCE AB~ISH ED ~o o ~ ~ / 0 / ° - ~5 ICHEVER IS / ~ ~ 0 1~ ~ J5e ~ / o ~ Outlet Spreader ° ~ 8 50~Construction ~ d~ VVV ~ ~g~,,~0 / Entrance ~c"°" ~ ~ 14 0 0 ~ / ~ ~e~' o ~ ~ e P 0 o<~ao° Establish Grass on Slope Per 0 Rock Dam • 0~ Specificadons within 30 days \V ~ e ~ ply Establish Grass on Slope Per ~.~,.M sue. , ~ / Speafications within 30 days ~j ~ 2 of Disturbance, F~o-~ Check Dc~m p ~~,~~q o~.i y ~sb ..~s~~ r~ ~...zs~~ ~ ~ ~~~o N 3 ~ o °`\Je / 0' x ' Silt Fence ~ ~ ~ / aJ ~e ~ / ~ ,~o`I O~ ~ ee NOIE Pav~m~M wrfacy U to E~ fhM wkh pd~tlnq gro0~. \ / O ` Rip -Rap Bank o~ ~ 10' X 20' ~ o~ye Stabilization ~ r~ SILT FENCE AROUND HOUSES IS TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF EAC Wetlands FIII HOUSE AND REMOVED AFTER ESTABLISHMIENT OF PERMANENT GROUND COVER. ~ ~j / Establish Grass on Slope Per 1 ~ F EACH c~~ Specifications within 30 days ~ of Disturbance, ~ ~ ~ Symbol with heavier weight indicates chain fink fence ~~~~n 0 Conservation Easement ,~0 'o ~ Drainage D.E. THIS PLAT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE JURISDI 00~ 0 Easement OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT PURSUANT TO TH ENGINEERS WETLAND DELINEATION MANUAL A Additional Wetland LILLETTE MOORE OF THE U.S. ARMY CORPS Fill CERTIFIED ON A SEPARATE PLAN PREPARED PADGETT, N.C.R.L.S. ~ a OG RISDICTION OF SECTION 404 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ THE 1987 CORPS OF / AL AS DETERMINED BY / P BPS OF ENGINEERS AND QED BY DANNY MARCO Revised R/W 0 60' 120' ~ THIS PLAN IS BASED ON 240 DANNY MARCO PADGETT, Conservation Easement II Figure Project: Title: Restored Wetland The restored utility easement shall be a part of Conservation 3 Oceanaire Development CAMA/Wet l a n d s Plans ALTOI~ Easement II Revision Date: 8/23/07 Revialon D _ _ evasion Date: 6126107 Date: 2/21102 Scale: 1" . 60' Dravm b : ALMIDMP/JLWIRMW Project