HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140947 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140923'NCDENR , North Carolina; Department of, Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. -Skvarla, III Governor° - `Secretary, September °23, 2014 DW,R' #14-0947 Franklin County Ken'Sutherland 605 Sagamore Dr,'. `Louisburg; NC"27,549 Subject: APPROVAL ,O,FMINOR VARIANCE PER THE TAR - PAMLICO RIVER `BASIN RIPARIAN BUFFER PROTECTION- RULES (15A NcAC 026.0259) WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 6.05 Sagamor,e Drive Dear Mr. Sutherland: You ,hav , our approval for,the frnpacts listed below for -the, purpose desedbed'ib yourap,plication dated August 26, 2014, and received ,by the'Division of ,Water Resources (Division) on September 2, 2014. This letter shall "act.as your'Minor Varlanee:Approval as described within 15A NCAC 02B .0259'(9)(b). PI'ea"se,note that "you should get any other >federal,Pstate or local permits before proceeding with your project, i'ncludingt_hose required �by (but not limited to) Sediment and :E'rosion Control, Nbn- Discharge, and Water,Supply Watershed regulations. This Minor`V_,ariance Approval shall expire,five (5)'years'from,the date ofithis letter. This, approval requires you,to,compLy °with,,the "following conditions *: '1. The following'impacts,are hereby, approved provided that all of'the other specific and general coriditions of the Buffer Rules are met. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts.. Type of Impact Amount: Approved Amount Approved (units) (units) + Permanent Temporary — Buffers• Zone '2 44 (square feet) r feet) 0 (squa a ee ) NoAhCarol - - NdAw! North Carol inaiDivision of Water, Resources 1'628 Mail Service Center Raleigh; NC- 27699 -1628 Phone (919) 791-4200' Customer Service 'Internet- www,ncwaterquahty, org "Location'38Wl3afrett "Drive R'al'eigh, NC 27609 Fax (919)789-7,159 1- 877 - 623 -6748 An Equal'Opportunity /AffirtaUve Acton Employer — 50 %'Recycled110 %'Post "Consumer Paper 6,05 Sagamore Drive DW R, #14 -0947 MINOR VARIANCE APPROVAL Page'2 of 3 2. No Zone'1 Impacts No impacts (except for "exempt" uses as identified within '15A NCA' C,2B .0259) shall occur'to Zone 1 of the protected'ripar,ian Ibuff.,ers unless,otherwi"s - +approved by,the Division. No impervious surfaces shall be'added to Zone 1 „unless otherwise approved by °theiD,ivision; 1. Buffer Mitigation You are required to mitigate for impacts to the protected °riparian b,uffer-s. The required area of mitigation to compensate'for impacts to the protected ,riparian buffers is,66 square feet as required undergthis variance approva[and 15A NCAC 2B .0259. We understand that °you are intendingtoplant one tree that,is native” tq the, pied mont,of 'North Carolina inthe riparian buffer. 'Th'is planting, will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements.Under 15A NCAC 02,61.0260(9),. 3. Pfotective, Fencing The outside buffer, wetland'or•water boundary ,and - along'theconstruction corridor within these boundaries approved shall be clearly, marKed,•wifh orange warning fencing (or similar high visibility material)-for °,the areas that'have,been,approved to infringe within the bufferr-, wetland or water prioi to an,y land disturbing activities to ensure, compliance with 15'A NCAC 0213.02-59. 4, ',No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill�of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in Wetlands, waters, or;riparian areas, 'beyond the,footprint ofthe impacts•depicted in, the, application., All construction, activities; including, the, design ,'installation,roperation, and maintenance of sediment and ,,erosion control, !Best Management. Practices, shall be performed so "that no violations of state,water quality _ standards,,statute's,,or rules'occur., ,5. This approval,and its'condifilons are final and binding unless contested. This MinorVariance Approval can •be,coniested as;prov,ided in,Articles 3 and 4 of G'eneralStatute 150D by filinga written petition for,,an administrative hearing,to the Office -of Administrative Hearings (hereby-known as,OA`F'i). A� petition forni, m m ay be obtai'ned;fro the OAH at h'ttp: % %wwW.ncoah.com /_ or by ,calli'ng'the OAH Clerk's Office; at�(919) 43.1 -3000 for information. Within thirty (30) calendar, days °of receipt of th'i's notice, a petition must be filed with the OAH. A petition, is considered fi-led when the original and,one (1).copy along with any,appli'cablerOAHrfiling' fee'is�received in, the OAH during, normal office hours (Monday_ through Fri'day`between'B :00am, and;S:bopm,, excluding, official,state,holidays). ?' �A. 505,Sagamore Drive DWR #1,4 -0947- MINOR VARJANCEAPPROVAL `Page 3,of 3,, The petition ftfay, be,faxed fathe`OAH at 431 .-3'100,^providgcl th­e,qrigi'na[:and'Ion­e copy, of'the petition, along, with any zlppi-icable,OAH filing fee -,i's received by the'OAH withih.,five (5), business days followinigfhe,fixed transmission.. Mail_in-g,8ddress,for'th'e,0AH-.- 'If, seridihg,'ok,Pirst Class Mail If sending Via, deliveryservice, via the OS Postal,Service-.-, (e.g. VPS,,Fedfx)._., 'Office,of Administrative FfLsarings Office of Adryfithistrdtive Hearings 6714 Mill Service Center 1711 New Kolpethurch Road, Ra-'leigh'-, N'C- 27699,-6714 Raleigh, MC-27609-6285 One,('I,)� cop7ybf-the petition must also be. 5erved.to, DEN-iR- Lacy Wesnell, Gerfdrbl, Cbtfn-sel Depaft-ment'of Environment and Natural Resources, C 1:601'Mail Service"Center Ralbigh,,Nit 27699=1601 'Pie-ase,seln'd ,ore (l),pppy,pi the, petition to,DWR,: f sendihgoy First Class,Mbil, If sending Via, delivery service Via, the US Postal Service: (e,g. UPS; FedEx),.' Kdren, Higgins Karen Higgins NC OMR-DWR—Webscape,Un it, KDENR=DWR — Webscape Unfit 1650 Mail Service,Center 512--N L Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699,-1650 Raleigh,, Nt 27604 This letter compICALis the.`r-e_VieW,6f,',the Division underfhedTar-!Rarnli'co- s� ,kipqei'ah,buffee,Rule as des(fribed in 15A RCAC,0213 '0259. Please contact I;herri,Smith at r9l_,19-79,1­4251 or cherri.smithPncd6nr­.g6V�ff ydLf haV -any q.06stionsbr concerns. .S* cer ly; 7cuncdenr. ov,,,, you nav Obi; i4 I )bn army -S roji f upervi rVater,Quaility' 'egionalOp 0_1 B gratJons Section cc:_ bWk,,'RRO 401 files