HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 0_Modifications_20070416Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP YADKIN-PEE DEE RNER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 2206 WATER QUALITY STUDIES OF THE PEE DEE RIVER AND PROJECT RESERVOIRS QUALITY ASSiIRANCE PROJECT PLAN DRAFT Apri12007 (Revision 2) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT N0.2206 WATER QUALITY STUDIES OF THE PEE DEE RIVER AND PROJECT RESERVOIRS Version 1 Effective Date: To be Filled in with Final DWQ Approval Al-DOCUMENT APPROVAL PAGE1 John U. Crutchfield, Jr. Lead Environmental Specialist, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. W. Reid Garrett Laboratory QA Manager, Senior Environmental Specialist, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Alan E. Madewell Manager, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Vicky K. Will Director, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Energy Carolinas, Inc. Phillip J. Lucas, Sr. Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Project Department, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Manager, Hydro Operations, Fossil Generation Cecil T. Gurganus Manager, Hydro Operations, Fossil Generation Department, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. ' This Quality Assurance Project Plan is not valid without the approval letter from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Power Operations Group, Progress QAPP01, Revision No. 2 1 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2-TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Al Document Approval Page .................................................... ...................................... 1 A2 Table of Contents ................................................................. ...................................... 2 List of Appendices ............................................................... ...................................... 4 A2.1 List of Tables ....................................................................... ...................................... 5 A2.2 List of Figures ...................................................................... ...................................... 6 A2.3 List of Acronyms ................................................................. ...................................... 7 GROUP A. PROJECT MANAGEMENT .................................. ...................................... 10 A3 Distribution List ................................................................... ...................................... 10 A4 Project Organization ............................................................ ...................................... 11 A5 Project Background and Purpose ......................................... ...................................... 16 A6 Project Task Description ...................................................... ...................................... 19 A7 Quality Objectives and Criteria ........................................... ...................................... 29 A8 Special Training and Certifications ..................................... ...................................... 38 A9 Tlnrnmantatinn and Rarnrrlc 49 GROUP B. DATA GENERATION AND ACQUISITION ...................... B1 Sampling Process Design .................................................................... B2 Sampling Methods .............................................................................. B3 Sample Handling and Custody ............................................................ B4 Analytical Methods ............................................................................. B5 Quality Control ................................................................................... B6 Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance ........... B7 Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency ............................. B8 Inspection/Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables ........................ B9 Non-Direct Measurements .................................................................. B10 Data Management ............................................................................... GROUP C. ASSESSMENT AND OVERSIGHT ...................................... C1 Assessments and Response Actions .................................................... C2 Reports to Management ...................................................................... .................. 58 .................. 58 .................. 59 QAPP01, Revision No. 0 2 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2-TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) SECTION PAGE GROUP D. DATA VALIDATION AND USABILITY ........................ ........................... 60 D1 Data Review, Verification, and Validation ..................................... ........................... 60 D2 Verification and Validation Methods .............................................. ........................... 61 D3 Reconciliation with User Requirements ......................................... ........................... 63 REFERENCE 5 ............................................................................................. ........................... 64 QAPP01, Revision No. 0 3 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2-LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES PAGE APPENDIX A. Progress Energy Water Quality Studies (Water RWG Issues Nos. 7 & 8) Conducted for the Hydro Relicensing of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2206, Blewett Falls and Tillery Developments) during 2004 .............................. A-1 APPENDIX B. Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project No. 2206, Investigation into Turbine Venting Measures to Enhance Tailwaters Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants, Study Plan for 2006, Draft .............................................................. B-1 APPENDIX C. Progress Energy Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual .............................................. C-1 APPENDIX D. Progress Energy Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program Procedures Pertinent to the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality and Biological Studies ...................................... D-1 APPENDIX E. State Laboratory Certifications for Progress Energy's Environmental Laboratory and Tritest, Inc. Environmental Laboratory .............................. E-1 APPENDIX F. Chain-of-Custody Forms Used for Water Chemistry Samples Analyzed by Tritest, Inc. and University of Missouri-Columbia and for Chlorophyll a Samples Analyzed by Progress Energy for the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies ................... F-1 APPENDIX G. Water Quality Instrument Field Usage Sheet .............................................. G-1 APPENDIX A. Water Quality Instrument Calibration Data Sheet ....................................... H-1 APPENDIX L Water Quality and Chemistry Data User Log Sheet for Data Editing, Corrections, and Verification ....................................................................... I-1 APPENDIX J. Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program QA Records Checklists for Annual QA Program Self-Assessments........... J-1 APPENDIX K Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program Biology Report Preparation and Review Checklist and Biology Report Review Form ...................................................................... K-1 QAPP01, Revision No. 0 4 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2.1 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1 List of Environmental Study Plans that were developed by the Water Resources Work Group for the FERC Hydro Relicensing of the Yadkin- Pee Dee River Project ................................................................................................ 17 2 Description of Water Quality and Chemistry Sampling Station Locations for Blewett Falls Lake, Lake Tillery, and Downstream Tailwater Areas of the Pee Dee River for the Monthly Study during 2004 ......................................... 23 Description of Sampling Locations for the In-situ Continuous Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Monitors during the Water Quality Studies at the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments, 2004-2010 .................................................................................................................. 24 4 Description of Sampling Locations for the Intensive Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Study of the Pee Dee River below the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments during 2004 .............................................. 24 Water Quality Study Matrix Listing Number of Samples Collected by Sample Station and Month for Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies during 2004 ............................................................................ 25 6 Reporting Limits of Water Quality Instrument Parameters and the Applicable North Carolina Water Quality Standards for Water Quality Studies Conducted at the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments ................................... 36 7 Laboratory Analytical Method, Sampling Holding Times, Preservative Type, Laboratory Detection Limits, and Applicable North Carolina Water Quality Standards for Water Chemistry Parameters Analyzed for the Blewett Falls-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies ................... 37 List of Water Quality Parameters Measured during the Water Quality Studies at the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments during 2004 ................................................................................................................ 41 9 Tritest, Inc. and University of Missouri-Columbia Analytical Quality Control Methods for the Blewett Falls and Tillery Water Chemistry Analyses........ 48 QAPP01, Revision No. 0 5 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2.2 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1 Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Power Operations Group, Hydro Operations and Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Organization Chart ..................................................................................................... 12 2 Organization Chart, Progress Energy Internal and External Reporting of Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies ....................................... 15 3 Schedule for Implementation of Field Data Collection Phase of Water Quality Studies during 2004 for the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing .................. 20 4 Reservoir and Tailwater Sample Station Locations for the Water Quality Studies Conducted at the Tillery Hydroelectric Development during 2004-2010 .................................................................................................................. 21 5 Reservoir and Tailwater Sample Station Locations for the Water Quality Studies Conducted at Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Development during 2004-2010 .................................................................................................................. 22 6 Schedule for Implementation of DO Enhancement Plan, including Water Quality Studies, for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 ........................................................................................................ 30 QAPP01, Revision No. 0 6 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2.3 LIST OF ACRONYMS Federal/State Agencies Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) National Park Service (NPS) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Resource Conservation Service (MRCS) formerly known as Soil Conservation Service National Weather Service (NWS) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (NCEMC) North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation (NCDPR) North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDW~ North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (NCSHPO) North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) U. S. Department of Interior (DOI) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) U.S. Forest Service (LTSFS) Other Entities Alcoa Power Generating, Inc., Yadkin Division (APGI) Appalachian State University (ASU) Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Progress Energy (PE) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNCCH) Facilities/Places Yadkin -Pee Dee River Project (entire two-development project including both powerhouses, dams and impoundments) Blewett Falls Development (when referring to dam, powerhouse and impoundment) Blewett Falls Dam (when referring to the structure) Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant (when referring to the powerhouse) Blewett Falls Lake (when referring to the impoundment) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 7 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2.3 LIST OF ACRONYMS (continued) Facilities/Places Tillery Development (when referring to dam, powerhouse and impoundment) Tillery Dam (when referring to the structure) Tillery Hydroelectric Plant (when referring to the powerhouse) Lake Tillery (when referring to the impoundment) Documents 401 Water Quality Certification (401 WQC) Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) Environmental Assessment (EA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) Initial Consultation Document (ICD) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) National Wetland Inventory (NWI) Notice of Intent (NOI) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment (PDEA) Programmatic Agreement (PA) Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Scoping Document (SD) Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Laws/Re~ulatious Clean Water Act (CWA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) Endangered Species Act (ESA) Federal Power Act (FPA) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Termiuolo~y Alternative Relicensing Process (ALP) Cubic feet per second (cfs) Degrees Celsius (C) Degrees Fahrenheit (F) Dissolved oxygen (DO) Feet (ft) Gallons per day (gpd) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Gigawatt Hour (GWh) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 8 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A2.3 LIST OF ACRONYMS (continued) Terminolo2y Global Positioning System (GPS) Grams (g) Horsepower (hp) Kilogram (kg) Kilowatts (kW) Kilowatt-hours (kWh) Mean Sea Level (msl) Megawatt (MW) Megawatt-hours (MWh) Meter (m) Micrograms per liter (µg/L) Milligrams per liter (mg/L) Millimeter (mm) Million gallons per day (mgd) National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) Ounces (oz.) Outstanding Remarkable Value (ORV) Parts per billion (ppb) Parts per million (ppm) Pounds (lbs.) Power Factor (p.£) Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Programmable logic controller (PLC) Project Inflow Design Flood (IDF) Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Control (QC) Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species (RTE) Ready for Environmental Assessment (REA) Resource Work Groups(RWG) Revolutions per Minute (rpm) Rights-of--way (ROW) River mile (RM) Stakeholders (federal and state resource agencies, NGOs, and other interested parties) Volts (V) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 9 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP GROUP A. PROJECT MANAGEMENT A3. Distribution List This distribution list identifies individuals within specific business units of Progress Energy who are responsible for conduct of the hydro relicensing and license compliance water quality studies identified in this Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). The list also includes the state and federal regulatory agency personnel who will be involved in the review of these water quality study results and water quality certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2206, Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments) during the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing proceedings. Progress Energy: John Crutchfield, QAPP Custodian, Lead Environmental Specialist, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Reid Garrett, Laboratory QA Manager, Senior Environmental Specialist, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Debbie O'Steen, QA/QC Records Administrator, Administration Assistant I, Environmental Health & Safety Services, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Alan Madewell, Manager, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Vicky Will, Director, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Phil Lucas, Relicensing Project Manager, Hydro Operations, Fossil Generation Department, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Max Gardner, Senior Environmental Specialist, Hydro Operations, Fossil Generation Department, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Cecil Gurganus, Manager, Hydro Operations, Fossil Generation Department, Power Operations Group, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality: Alan Klimek, Director, N.C. Division of Water Quality John Dorney, Supervisor, Program Development Unit, N.C. Division of Water Quality Darlene Kucken, Supervisor, Basinwide Planning Unit, N.C. Division of Water Quality QAPP01, Revision No. 2 10 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Mike Lawyer, Environmental Technician V, Surface Water Protection, Fayetteville Regional Office, N.C. Division of Water Quality Supervisor, Modeling/TMDL Unit, N.C. Division of Water Quality (position currently vacant) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency: Heinz Mueller, Chief, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Office, U.S. EPA Region IV Ben West, Biologist, NPDES Office, U.S. EPA Region IV A4. Project Organization The hydro relicensing and license compliance water quality studies of the Pee Dee River and associated project reservoirs (i.e., Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake) involve Environmental Health & Safety Services Section (EH&SS)~ and Hydro Operations Staff from the following Project Energy Carolinas, Inc. business units: Water Projects Media Team, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Power Operations Group Natural Resources Media Team, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas, Environmental Health & Safety Services Section, Power Operations Group; and Hydro Operations (Blewett and Tillery Plants), Fossil Generation Department, Power Operations Group An organization chart for relevant Progress Energy personnel involved in the data collection, data analysis, record keeping, and quality controUquality assurance duties is given in Figure 1. ZProgress Energy's Environmental Health & Safety Services Section (EH&SS) was formerly known as the Environmental Services Section (ESS) which may be used in procedures cited in supporting appendices of this QAPP. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 11 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Figure 1. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Power Operations Group Hydro Operations and Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Organization Chart s (Rezzsed, Apiz12007) Manager Hydro Operations iviar, va unci Phil Lucas Senior Em~ironmental Specialist Lead Environmental Specialist Environmental Coordinator ~~o,,,,,,,~,„ p„,;„„„„;„„ Water Projects Media Team Lead Environmental Environmental Alan ftilatlewell Debbie O'Steen Administrative Assistant Natural Resources Media Team En~~~ironmental Nlike Torn Thompson Jenny U^Jinters Environmental s Note that the organization chart is subject to change and that the designated person for an identified job function may change in future years. The NCDWQ will be notified by Progress Energy of any personnel changes relative to staffing and job assignment responsibilities. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 12 of 6'5 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy A4.1 Water Media Team Function Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP The Water Media Team personnel function in the QAPP is to: Provide project management oversight on conduct of water quality studies; Design study plans for relicensing and license compliance efforts; Serve as independent assessor of quality controUquality assurance of studies; Serve as custodian of the QAPP including updating the document as necessary; Analyze data and prepare reports or provide overview and review of data analysis and report preparation; and, Serve as technicalinterface with regulatory agencies concerning conduct of studies, data analysis, and interpretation of results. The QAPP Custodian is the person responsible for updating the QAPP as necessary and filing the revised document internally within Progress Energy and with the NCDWQ and USEPA. The Lead Environmental Specialist or manager-designated position within the Water Media Team will have that QAPP Custodian role. A4.2 Natural Resources Media Team Function The Natural Resources Media Team and QA Records Administrator personnel functions in the QAPP are to: Perform the sampling programs for each identified water quality study; Maintain and calibrate water quality instruments and other field equipment used for conduct of studies; Ensure data are collected according to appropriate procedures, including adherence to sample holding times, instrument calibration, and quality controUquality assurance procedures set forth in the Environmental Services Section Biology Program Procedures Manual and the Quality Assurance Manual (Progress Energy 2004a, 2004b); Provide oversight as Laboratory QA/AC Manager concerning the Progress Energy laboratory QA/QC program including the state laboratory certification requirements with the NCDWQ; and, Serve as custodian of QA/QC files of water quality studies, including record keeping, records retention, and documentation of field collection verification sheets for sample collections, maintenance of data collection procedures, and editing and verification of data. The Laboratory QA/QC Manager is the person responsible for overseeing the conduct and execution of the laboratory QA/QC program including the state laboratory certification requirements of the NCDWQ. The Senior Environmental Specialist or manager-designated position within the Natural Resources Media Team will have the Laboratory QA/QC Manager role. The QA Records Administrator is the person responsible for record-keeping, records retention, and documentation of the QA/QC program. The EH&SS Administrative Assistant is assigned to this job function. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 13 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A4.3 Hydro Operations Function The Hydro Operations functions in the QAPP are to: Ensure the DO monitoring compliance program adheres to FERC and NCDWQ reporting requirements per specified license article and the 401 Water Quality Certification; and Interface with EH&SS to ensure the DO monitoring compliance program requirements are met including equipment maintenance, performance, calibration, and data capture. A4.4 Internal and External Data Report of Study Results Data reporting of the hydro relicensing water quality studies results are performed on two levels: (1) internal within Progress Energy and (2) external to regulatory agencies and other stakeholders involved in the hydro relicensing process (Figure 2). Internal reporting of the relicensing water quality studies results occurs from the EH&SS's Natural Resources Media Team personnel who are responsible for data collection, QA/QC verification, and data processing. The EH&SS Water Media Team personnel are responsible for study conduct, QA/QC purview, and data analyses/report writing of studies. In turn, the Water Media Team personnel disseminate the study results to the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Project Manager; the relicensing team which is comprised of various business units within Progress Energy; and the relicensing consultant. The water quality studies results are also transmitted externally to various state and federal regulatory agencies and other interested stakeholders as part of the relicensing process, most notably the N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) who are involved in the 401 Water Quality Certification of the hydroelectric project (Figure 2). The Hydro Operations Environmental Coordinator will be responsible for the DO monitoring compliance reporting to the regulatory agencies (i.e., FERC and NCDWQ). QAPP01, Revision No. 2 14 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Figure 2. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Organization Chart4 Progress Energy Internal and External Reporting of Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies (Revised April 2007) Progress Energy vickytnrit Director Environmental Health 8 Safety5ervices Alan P,4adeNrell Manager Energy S upply & CCO-Carolinas John Crutchfield Lead Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Quality Alan Klimek Bleudett-Tillery Environmental Coordinator U.S. Environmental Protection agency J.I. Palmer, Jr. Regional Administrator Region IV Paul P,aNrls Jimmie Overton Alan Clark A4anager t,~lanager P~1lanager Surface U~later Protection Environmental Sciences Planning Branch '""'°""""" Trish PAacPherson Darlene KucKen Mlcnelle uvooltoll Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor INellands & Biological Assessment Unit Basina~iide Planning Program Motlelling,+TA~1DL John Darney Program Development James D. Giattina tvlanager 1nlatertvtanagemeni Programs Bent+Uesi Clean V'JaterAcl Enforcement Section a Note that these organization charts are subject to change in future years and that the designated persons for the identified job functions may change in future years. Progress Energy ~~•ill determine who the appropriate personnel are for reporting results of studies, if there are changes in these organizations. Cecil Gurganus Manager Hydro Operations Hydro P,elicensing Project A4anager John Devine :licensing Consultant QAPP01, Revision No. 2 15 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP A5. Project Background and Purpose The Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 (i.e., the Project), also known as the Blewett Falls and Tillery hydroelectric developments, is currently undergoing relicensing with the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The current license expires on April 30, 2008. FERC regulations require the licensee (Progress Energy) to initiate the relicensing process no later than five years from the expiration date of the license. Progress Energy began its relicensing process during March 2003, with the filing of its Notice of Intent to relicense the Project. Additionally, Progress Energy filed its Initial Consultation Document on February 6, 2003, to provide information on the Project and Project environment. Site visits to the Project were held on March 25, 2003, and a Joint Public Meeting was held on March 26, 2003, to orient interested parties to the Project. For its relicensing, Progress Energy chose the three-stage consultation process coupled with enhanced participation by state and federal resource agencies and other stakeholders. Progress Energy formed Resource Work Groups (RWGs), which met from April through December 2003 to identify interests and issues relative to Project operations. The Water RWG identified environmental issues and developed 18 study plans to address potential environmental impacts to aquatic life, wetlands, sediment transport, water quality and quantity, and water supply in the Project reservoirs and tailwaters (see Table 1; Progress Energy 2004c). Three specific study plans were developed by the Water RWG for the two water quality issues concerning the Project reservoirs (i.e., Blewett Falls Lake and Lake Tillery) and the receiving tailwaters of the Pee Dee River (Table 1; Water RWG Issues Nos. 7 and 8). Copies of the three water quality study plans including a description of the background of each study issue, study objectives, and employed methodologies are given in Appendix A of this QAPP. Subsequent data generated from these studies were used to evaluate Project water quality effects and during discussions with the NCDWQ regarding Section 401 Water Quality Certification of the Project. Based on the results of these three water quality studies and further discussions with NCDWQ staff and relicensing stakeholders during the summer and fall of 2005, Progress Energy prepared a draft Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Enhancement Plan. The Plan outlined steps that Progress Energy would undertake to improve DO concentrations in the Project tailwaters during the warmer summer and early autumn months when low DO concentrations exist in the hypolimnion of each Project reservoir. The seasonally low DO concentrations in the Project tailwaters was identified as the water quality issue during the relicensing process. Progress Energy submitted the draft plan to the NCDWQ on January 17, 2006, during a meeting held to discuss the plan and implementation schedule. The NCDWQ provided comments on the plan on February 15, 2006. A follow-up meeting was held with the NCDWQ on March 17, 2006, to discuss the received NCDWQ comments; review the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification process; and to discuss upcoming DO studies planned for the summer of 2006 and beyond. The final DO Enhancement Plan reflects this on-going consultation process with NCDWQ on Project tailwaters DO issues, and the Plan outlines steps to meet the North Carolina DO water quality standards for the NCDWQ 401 Certification of the Project (Progress Energy 2006a). As part of the DO Enhancement Plan, a study plan was also developed specifically to investigate turbine venting methods to enhance DO concentrations in the tailwaters of the QAPP01, Revision No. 2 16 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Table 1. List of the Environmental Study Plans that were developed by the Water Resources Work Group for the FERC Hydro Relicensing of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project (FERC No. 2206)i. Water Resources Work Group Issue No.~ Stud Plan Title 1 Resident River Aquatic Resources of Project Area 2 Describe Current Reservoir Aquatic Resources of Project Area 3 Current Migratory (Diadromous) Fishery Resources of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River in the Project Area 4 Support Development of Diadromous Fish Restoration Plan 5 Evaluate the Relationships between Project Operations/Hydraulics and Aquatic Habitat, Water Quality, and Fish Migrations 6 Effect of Project on Floodplains and Floodplain Habitats/Hydraulic Connectivity 7 Water Quality -Lake Tillery and Its Tailwaters~ 8 Water Qualit -Blewett Falls Lake and Downstream Areas 9 Water Supply and Planning 10 Sediment Transport 11 Effects of Project Operation on Salinity of the Lower Pee Dee River Estuary and Intercoastal Waterway 12 Project Operations Modeling 13 Shoreline Aquatic Habitat Mapping of Blewett Falls Lake in Support of Development of a Shoreline Management Plan 14 Dam Removal Studies 15 Off-Site Mitigation 16 Desk Top Entrainment Study -Reservoir and Anadromous Fish 17 Drought Management Protocol 18 Habitat (Population) Fragmentation Study iThe study plans that are in bold font and denoted with an asterisk are the hydro relicensing water quality studies that pertain to this QAPP. See Appendix A for the detailed final study plans for these water quality studies. zRefer to Appendix A-2-Resource Working Group Meeting Notes and Study Plans, Volume V of IX, of the Progress Energy Final License Application (Progress Energy 2006a) for a comprehensive description of each study plan and background issues. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 17 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Blewett Falls and Tillery Developments during the summer of 2006 (Appendix B). This DO study plan was submitted to the NCDWQ on May 23, 2006. Water quality studies developed for the DO Enhancement Plan are also covered in this QAPP. These studies include an ongoing continuous water temperature and DO monitoring study in the Project tailwaters, which follows the same study plan outlined in Appendix A and is discussed further below in this QAPP. The purpose of the QAPP is to (1) provide a quality assurance/quality control framework or plan for the conduct of the relicensing and DO Enhancement Plan water quality studies completed and underway, (2) support the future use of data generated from these studies by Progress Energy and the state and federal resource agencies involved in relicensing, and (3) support DO compliance monitoring for the term of this license as required by the Section 401 Water Quality Certification of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project. The USEPA publication, "Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA QA/G-5, December 2002", was used in developing this Project QAPP (USEPA 2002). A5.1 Problem Statement During RWG meetings in 2003, the NCDWQ requested Progress Energy to develop a QAPP for the relicensing water quality studies and to support the DO compliance monitoring for the term of the next license. The QAPP documents the conduct of these studies, including the QA/QC system and procedures in place to ensure collected data are technically valid and accurate. The QAPP will also document a QA/QC system and process for compliance DO monitoring for the term of the license. Data will be used by the NCDWQ in the Section 401 Water Quality Certification of the Project during the relicensing proceedings and to assure water quality standards are met at the Project for the license term. The data generated from these studies were compared to applicable water quality standards for the State of North Carolina, particularly DO concentrations in the tailwaters of the Blewett Falls and Tillery hydroelectric developments (NCDWQ 2004). Data collected as part of the DO Enhancement Plan water quality studies (Appendix B) and the DO compliance monitoring plan in the next license term will be used to evaluate DO concentrations relative to aeration technologies employed at each hydroelectric plant to achieve the North Carolina water quality DO standards. The applicable state water quality standards for the Project are: (1) minimum instantaneous DO concentration of 4 mg/L and (2) daily average DO concentration of 5 mg/L. Seasonally low DO concentrations in the Project tailwaters was identified as the water quality issue during the relicensing proceedings. The NCDWQ has listed sections of the Pee Dee River below each hydroelectric plant as impaired for aquatic life due to low DO concentrations from the hydropower operations (NCDWQ 2006a). These sections are the 15.3-mile section of the Pee Dee River from Tillery Dam to the mouth of Turkey Top Creek and the 6.3-mile section from Blewett Falls Dam to the mouth of Hitchcock Creek. Lake Tillery has been classified by the NCDWQ as drinking water supplies (Class WS-IV, B, CA) and suitable for primary and secondary recreation uses, including fishing, wildlife, fish, aquatic life propagation and survival, and agriculture (NCDWQ 2006b). Blewett Falls Lake and the Pee Dee River reach from the Tillery Dam to Blewett Falls Lake have also been classified by the NCDWQ as drinking water supplies (Classes WS-IV and WS-V, B) and suitable for primary (Class B) and secondary recreation uses (Class C) including fishing, wildlife, fish, aquatic life QAPP01, Revision No. 2 18 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP propagation and survival, and agriculture. Both lakes were classified as fully supporting the designated uses in a 1998-1999 lake assessment conducted by the NCDWQ (NCDWQ 2000, 2002). The Pee Dee River reach below the Blewett Falls Development to the North Carolina- South Carolina state line was classified as Class C or suitable for secondary recreational uses. These data will also be used to determine if the Project reservoirs and tailwaters are meeting the NCDWQ designated water quality use classifications (NCDWQ 2004). The water quality data will also be used in an ancillary fashion to evaluate the environmental conditions regarding the health of fish and benthic macroinvertebrate populations in the Project reservoirs and tailwaters (Table 1; Water RWG Issues Nos. 1-5 and 18). To fully assess the aquatic communities in the Tillery Plant tailwaters, biological monitoring of the benthic macroinvertebrate community will be conducted per a study plan protocol agreed upon by Progress Energy and the NCDWQ. Finally, the NCDWQ has indicated that data generated from the relicensing water quality studies could be used for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development within the river basin. The QAPP would ensure a level of confidence in the data for the regulatory agencies involved in this process. Progress Energy has agreed to develop the QAPP specifically for water quality issues identified with this hydro relicensing effort (i.e., Issues Nos. 7 and 8 in Table 1; Appendices A and B). This QAPP covers the relicensing water quality studies developed by the Water RWG. Additionally, the QAPP covers other water quality relicensing data that Progress Energy collected from the Project reservoirs and tailwaters during the 1999-2002 period and the water quality studies outlined in the DO Enhancement Plan. The water quality data collected during the 1999-2002 period were included in the hydro relicensing Initial Consultation Document filed with FERC and regulatory agencies on February 6, 2003 (Progress Energy 2003). These data were also utilized in the preparation of the Final License Application for the Project (Progress Energy 2006b). The QAPP also covers the continuous temperature and DO monitoring for the license term as required by Section 401 Certification. The QAPP will be filed with the NCDWQ and the USEPA. A5.2 QAPP Relevance to FERC License and Section 401 Compliance This QAPP establishes a high level of regulatory confidence concerning the data collected at the Project for the FERC hydro relicensing proceeding and the 401 Water Quality Certificate requirements. It also ensures that the DO continuous monitoring data are collected in a consistent, reliable manner for direct comparison to the North Carolina water quality DO standards for compliance measures. A6. Project Task Description Three separate water quality studies were conducted for the hydro relicensing proceedings during 2004 (Figure 3). The first study involved a monthly sampling program (January-December) at the Blewett Falls and Tillery hydroelectric developments to characterize the existing water quality conditions at the Project reservoirs and downstream tailwaters, including the effects of the Rocky River tributary inflow (Table 2; Figures 3-5). The second study used in-situ monitors to continuously measure DO and water temperature from May through November in the upper, middle, and lower sections of the NCDWQ-designated 303(d) impaired tailwater reaches below each power plant dam (Table 3 and Figures 3-5). The third study intensively assessed the spatial and temporal patterns of DO and temperature in the Pee Dee River downstream of each power QAPP01, Revision No. 2 19 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP plant over a cycle of plant startup, generation, and shutdown during August (Table 4 and Figures 3-5). The time constraints for performing these studies was dictated by the hydro relicensing schedule and the requirement for filing the Final License Application with FERC by the end of 2006. These studies were completed within the 2004-2005 period. Figure 3. Schedule for Implementation of Field Data Collection Phase of Water Quality Studies during 2004 for the Blewett Falls-Tillery Hydro Relicensing. 2004 Study Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec M thl W t lit on y a er Qua y Project reservoirs and tailwaters Continuous Temperature and DO Study Project tailwaters Intensive Temperature and DO Study ~~ Project reservoirs and tailwaters QAPP01, Revision No. 2 20 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Figure 4. Reservoir and Taih~ater Sample Station Locations for the Water Qualitti~ Studies Conducted at the Tillery Hych•oelectric Development during 20[14-20111. Tillery Hydroelectric Development -Water Quality Sampling Stations APGI Falls Dam N WE STANLY COUNTY CONE EV`OWRWATER QUALTTYTIONITOR LOCATIOfVS -' kmtion Lacetim.OmcvPtiov. (irti,'•er Mde) NCMI NC. Rip}wayT3l Budbe (P.Id 215 ]J NCM2 Aboee Cm~Aaerce afEecl:~P'ver(RM 2115) T~'CM3 14 C. Ei)er~a'l ICU Badge (Rm J73 SJ TrCM4 Dw.m~hemrufew~4¢nr<e ofTmrkey TepCreek (FM 2009) TSBNT1Q.Y lYA1ERQLWIII'/LI®RISTRY BTATIH Id L Y:e 11ev 5W8a~ Lorador~Bemftion ((fie~a Mee) NB] Lmanromcimmdim (R[Axlti.31 rmx Lmvttsmwrr. ~ss MO enMOV¢sstIFM 2197) TYPI Ifudnsamosbeba~ Nf. Ntija~Y-4+'El(RtA2xf31 tYltx Ulprr.zm~oz mTml¢tg li(mx-titl Rl~(228.11 Nlix l~p~xre~ooi ltia~mWxbeba Falb N;AOe4Ns Plm¢(RI~(]38.1( Pa Dre Rya DJOw'!ID%Y RykmdMtir Plmt SIZ4m I.atatim Darnytion QNaINY) NIB HetowmBroadaexk npmwz plm¢c3a<e (RM2159) P'tlB N[. Hj+9rvaY ltO Bny.IR12 D"i391 AR RodT•RVVmI*s.Hi~rai•ZSrid~(<.omdes vµ >m n[Fee Dee RbeatorQbmssej MONTGOMERY COUNTY RICHMOND COUNTY ANSON '' ~ ' GOUNTY ?I ~F~ - TY4 Legentl i _ 't~11p +5+ r~:.n<,p,~YC>,a~M~~~mrt~n~.sa,or,a p Cmtirvo~NGwr Palm,~Mbntnr LC;aims //,~~l1 Mereiw Tertpeaue and 00 SwEyTrame~ts YY' Mitipal N(xer bvlres pZ NLPMI IOYO)IrtyairedtMas br LSZmIVeJ OS}gvi Mies 8ro1 8 85 I 2 3 4 3 8 ' QAPPU1, Revision No. 2 21 of 65 April 16 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Figure 5. Reservoir and Tailr~~ater Sample Station Locations for the Vl'ater Qualihl Studies Conducted at the Blewett Falls Hych•oelectric Development during 24(14-2010. Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Development -Water Quality Sampling Stations :. ~ °'Liftle River ~ ~-~.-. 9 BFH2 mountain 1L _ Creek zy~~" !r BFF2 RfCHMOND ANSON COUNTY COUNTY ~' Blewett Falls Lake~~ f ~~ - •8uffalo ~' ~ ~~ I ~ BFf)2~ Cartledge ~°Creek '~ ~ Creek ,. •' i (Blewett Falls Dam $BF62~ ~ ~ - ~ r°BF1 ''~~~~ L>,BFCM1A ~ BFCM1 __~:-~ ~ ,, __ J• Lr ~ /~ _ %. ~...T BF2 Thompson Creek Legend - BF3 --,iii r BF16 - ~ ~ wrmniywa~>, oea rope lsade~a ' °'~, ~/~.: m- - - re., d oo s ev aosaar .. / . !j7 Mn - VUt Fbm~s 06FCM2(r Island ~~ Hiicheoek t~Z rievNa ao ()mpa~rea Necen w. aaa, •ea or~aen Creek ~ Creek _ - y BF3B f~ MARLBORO - BF4 ~ ' GOUNTY ~\ Jones 6 BFCM3 d~ ~ ..Creek . SOCIETY HILL',~SC ~. B FSl__ ~% C~~_~~' - GHESTERF7ELD This se coon of ricer GOUNTY not to scale 0' 1'e ~ Flat. :. rnr Creek ~+~ ~SC Slate Line WE MARLBORO DARLINGTON COUNTY COUNTY DILLON COUNTY Westfield ~ 'Creek -''81ack Creek 1, BF6 ~ ~~ FLORENCE CHESTERFIELD ~. COUNTY COUNTY sf~''' FLORENCE,---- SC 9 BF2B ~ _ ' " ~ ?y BF46 Mles 0 0; R (bNTH•H7Cl7S R ATER QUALITYMONR ORLOCATIQVS smar. raramr.n~>;atnr. (ia'a•~•nlHe> BFCMI At 9v saf bjb Aire in tle po+•erpladtailrace (FId 188.1) BFCMIA Belox kewsilasepvatry the tai6aze and dazn(RM 18]5) BFCAd2 U.S. Hi~lc•ay 74bridge (INd 184.7) BFCM3 Belox mr~n,~ MHitclexk Creek lRlrf 181.1) TNiEIi51 VE TEMPER.9TURE AND DO STUDY TRANSE Cf 5 Trarmxt Location Deanptim. iRaer AirTe) BFl Stiv~,tlybelcnv p=rwunl. reparaiirc tke tai6ace mW dan+[P,M 1830) BF2 Be1w+Bi5lelvrd and Carll+ds Creek cmdkeazee (A2,d 1~.3) EF3 Bt Ut, High+-J )4 Eri3pe (RA41s'A~ BF4 B ! HitrlvocY C ) wNhezee (RM IBI.]) BFS Beto++A[ill Cre.kewdluenx mrd JwresCreek slwal (P.I~d 175.4) HFS Belox U.S HiglwaylBrvif,=af Ckerrv,SC (PSv]IrA.7J MOM HI.Y\\'ATER QllALIIYICEIEMISTRY STATIONS H4 vm Palk Lake Station IaeetionD~eiption (RvexMJe) EFB2 Lorerraervcvrreaz dam(RM 1833) BFD2 Mid resezwirrwazislm~d (IUw11894) HFF2 Uppzrrezerwubelw•Grassy klmds awa (RM 192 eeH2 up~rreeennuheadwakrs (Edl I4S2) Pe e IkeRe uhelo+v BlnzmttPaHs }Irdrcelectrx PIaM Stvtion Lo emnl7r%viption (Rn•azhlile) BFT1E Eelor 9e safetyb yline in Ue poverplard tailrue (RM 1~.1) BFIB US. Hi•Jway~4S dpe(F1d 184:]) EF2E U.S. Hiplwayl6'd - tC}eraw,SC (HM1547) B£3E U.S.Hi•J+ay IS WlBivls atSxietyHill,SC(R id 145 t7 BF4E U.S. Hiplmay75f?]1 Bridge reaz Ftorerreg SC (FIJI 1002) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 22 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Table 2. Description of Water Quality and Chemistry Sampling Station Locations for Blewett Falls Lake, Lake Tillery, and Downstream Tailwater Areas of the Pee Dee River for the Monthly Study during 2004. Lake Tille Station Location Description (River Mile) TYB2 Lower reservoir near dam RM 216.3 TYD2 Lower reservoir near Morgan Mountain (RM 219.7) TYF2 Mid reservoir below N. C. Highway 24/27 (RM 224.3) TYH2 Upper reservoir at Tater Top Mountain (RM 228.1) TYK2 Upper reservoir headwaters below Falls Hydroelectric Plant (RM 230.1) Pee Dee River below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Description (River Mile) TY1B Below railroad trestle in power planttailrace (RM 215.9) TY12B N. C. Highway 109 Bridge (RM 203.9) RR Rocky River at U.S. Highway 52 Bridge (4.6 miles upstream of Pee Dee River confluence) Blewett Falls Lake Station Location Descri tion River Mile BFB2 Lower reservoir near dam (RM 188.2) BFD2 Mid reservoir near island (RM 189.4) BFF2 U er reservoir below Grass Islands area RM 192.3 BFH2 Upper reservoir headwaters (RM 195.2) Pee Dee River below the Blewett Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Descri tion River Mile BFOB Pow er plant tailrace (below buoy line and peninsula) (RM 188.0) BF1B U.S. Highway 74 Bridge (RM 184.7) BF2B U. S. Highway 1 Bridge at Cheraw, SC (RM 164.7) BF3B U.S. Highway 15/401 Bridge at Society Hill, SC (RM 147.0) BF4B U. S. Highway 76/301 Bridge at Florence, SC (RM 100.2) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 23 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Table 3. Description of Sampling Locations for the In-situ Continuous Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Monitors during the Water Quality Studies at the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments, 2004-2010. Pee Dee River below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Description (River Mile) TYCM1 N. C. Hi hwa 731 Brid e below Tille Dam RM 215.4 TYCM2 Above confluence of Rocky River (RM 210.7) TYCM3 N. C. Highway 109 Bridge (RM 203.9) TYCM4 Downstream of confluence of Turkey Top Creek (RM 200.6) Pee Dee River below the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Description (River Mile) BFCM 1 Power plant tailrace (below buoy line and peninsula) (RM 188.0) BFCM lA Power plant tailwaters below Blewett Falls Dam and tailrace confluence (RM 187.7) BFCM2 U.S. Highway 74 Bridge (RM 184.7) BFCM3 Below confluence of Hitchcock Creek (RM 181.8) Table 4. Description of Sampling Locations for the Intensive Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Study of the Pee Dee River below the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments during 2004. Pee Dee River below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Transect Location Description (approximate river miles from each power plant dam) TY1 Below the railroad trestle and the power plant tailrace (0.2 mile) TY2 Below N. C. Hi hwa 731 brid e and 'ust above shoal area 0.5 mile TY3 Below shoals and old dam site (2.0 miles) TY4 Above Rocky River confluence at Leak Island (5.0 miles) TY5 Below N. C. Highway 109 Bridge (12.2 miles) TY6 Confluence of Turkey Top Creek above Blewett Falls Lake (15.3 miles) Pee Dee River below the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant Transect Location Description (approximate river miles from power plant dam) BF1 Below the safet buo line and the ower lant tailrace 0.2 mile BF2 At Bi Island and Cartled e Creek confluence 1.0 mile BF3 Below U. S. Hi hwa 74 Bride 3.5 miles BF4 Below Hitchcock Creek confluence 6.3 miles BF5 Above Mill Creek confluence near shoal 12.5 miles BF6 Below U.S Highway 1 Bridge at Cheraw, S.C. (23.5 miles) QAPP01, Revision No. 2 24 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Table 5. Water Quality Study Matrix Listing Number of Samples Collected by Sample Station and Month for Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies during 20041. Blewett Falls H droelectric Develo ment-Reservoir Monthl Water Qualit Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total BFB2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BFD2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BFF2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BFH2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 48 Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Development-Tailwaters Monthly Water Quality Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total BFOB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BF1B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 BF2B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 BF3B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BF4B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 84 Blewett Falls H droelectric Develo ment-Reservoir Monthl Water Chemist Station Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec Total BFB2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 BFF2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 BFH2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Develo pment-Tailwaters Monthly Water Chemistry Station Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec Total BFOB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BF1B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 BF2B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 BF3B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 BF4B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 84 Blewett Falls H droelectric Develo ment-Continuous Tem erature and DO Monitorin Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total BFCMl -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo BFCMIA2 -- -- -- -- -- -- X X X X X -- 5 mo BFCM2 -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo BFCM3 -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo QAPP01, Revision No. 2 25 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Table 5. (continued) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Develo pment-Intensive Temperature and DO Study Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total ISBFB2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- 2 ISBZl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISBZ2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISBZ3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISBZ4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISBZS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISBZ6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 Total -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 104 -- -- -- -- 104 Tille H droelectric Develo ment-Reservoir Monthl Water Qualit Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total TYB2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 TYD2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 TYF2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 TYH2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 TYIC2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 Tillery Hydroelectric Development-Tailwaters Monthly Water Quality Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total TY1B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 TY12B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 RR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 Tillery Hydroelectric Development-Reservoir Monthly Water Chemistry Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total TYB2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 TYF2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 TYIC2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 Tiller y Hydroelectric Development-Tailwaters Monthly Water Chemistry Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total TY1B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 TY12B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 RR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 QAPP01, Revision No. 2 26 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Table 5. (continued) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Tillery Hydroelectric Development-Continuous Temperature and DO Monitoring Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total TYCMl -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo TYCM2 -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo TYCM3 -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo TYCM4 -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X -- 7 mo Tille H droelectric Develo ment-Intensive Tem erature and DO Stud Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total ISTYB2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- 2 ISTZl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISTZ2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISTZ3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISTZ4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISTZS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17 -- -- -- -- 17 ISTZ6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 9 -- -- -- -- 17 Total -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 96 -- -- -- -- 96 iSample sizes are given for each study with the exception of the continuous water temperature and dissolved oxygen study which shows the months of monitor deployment. Measurements of water temperature, DO, pH, and conductivity were be taken at 15 minute intervals over the May through November deployment period of the continuous monitors. The intensive temperature and DO study sample number indicates the number of discrete measurements across an entire transect over the sample period (e.g., Station ISTYB2, one vertical profile taken prior to plant operation and one vertical profile taken after plant shutdown). ~BFCM lA was installed during July 2004 at the request of NCDWQ staff. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 27 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Additional DO enhancement studies, as well as continuous temperature and DO monitoring studies, will be conducted during the 2006 to 2010 timeframe (Figure 6). Compliance monitoring for tailwaters DO at the Project will begin by 2011, three years after FERC license issuance. Furthermore, the Tillery tailwaters biological monitoring will be periodically conducted during the next license term per timeline requirements outlined in the final study protocol for the Project. The study plan protocol will be filed as an addendum to this QAPP once the document is finalized by Progress Energy and NCDWQ. The time constraints for these studies include performing the studies to support filing of the 401 Water Quality Certificate (expected filing date of May 2007) and issuance of the FERC license in 2008. Time constraints for compliance monitoring will be dictated by the required filing dates of the results as outlined in the next FERC license and the Project 401 Water Quality Certificate. A.6.1 Field Data Collection The field data collection phase of the three relicensing water quality studies was completed during 2004. Data analyses and report writing occurred in 2005. Results of these studies were issued in draft separate reports to Water RWG stakeholders, including the NCDWQ and USEPA, during 2005. These reports were reviewed by stakeholders, including NCDWQ and USEPA, and finalized either during November 2005 or April 2006 (Progress Energy 2005a, 2005b, 2006c). All three water studies reports were included in Exhibit E, Environmental Report, of the Final License Application filed with FERC on Apri130, 2006 (Progress Energy 2006b). Water quality studies have also been proposed as part of Progress Energy's DO Enhancement Plan for the Project (Figure 6 and Progress Energy 2006b). These studies include (1) continuous water temperature and DO monitoring in the tailwaters of each hydroelectric plant from 2006- 2010 (as necessary) and (2) water quality studies designed to evaluate DO aeration technologies that will be tested at each hydroelectric plant to comply with North Carolina water quality DO standards. Based on the DO aeration technology study results, the most cost-effective technology will be chosen for each hydroelectric development to comply with the North Carolina DO water quality standards in the next FERC license term. The continuous DO monitoring studies will use the same 2004 study plan approved by the NCDWQ and USEPA (Appendix A and this QAPP). Study plans developed by Progress Energy for evaluating DO aeration technologies at the hydroelectric plants will be developed, as needed, during 2006-2008 and submitted to the NCDWQ. A study plan was prepared for testing turbine venting aeration methods for the hydroelectric plants during the summer of 2006. This study plan was submitted to the NCDWQ on May 25, 2006 for review prior to the study (Appendix B). The water quality methods for the 2006 turbine venting study followed methods utilized for the continuous water temperature and DO monitoring program as well as obtaining additional discrete water quality measurements in the Project tailwaters and reservoirs (i.e., water temperature, DO, pH, conductivity, and turbidity). Additional aeration studies are planned for both power plants during 2007 and 2008, if necessary. Study plans will be filed with the NCDWQ as necessary to document the conduct of any future aeration studies in 2007 and beyond. The field methods for collecting water quality data for the studies will be consistent with the field methods and QA/QC framework established in this QAPP. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 28 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP After the selected DO aeration technology is employed at each hydroelectric plant, there will be DO compliance monitoring by Progress Energy in the next license term to ensure each power plant is achieving the state water quality DO standards in the Pee Dee River tailwaters. These compliance DO monitoring data are proposed to be submitted annually, per Section 401 requirements to FERC and NCDWQ, as part of FERC license compliance requirements (Figure 6). The compliance monitoring methods used will be consistent with the methods used for the DO monitoring conducted from 2004 to 2010 as described in this QAPP. The deployed equipment for the compliance monitoring in the next license term may be updated to reflect any technological changes and will be reviewed and approved by the NCDWQ. Any resulting changes to the compliance monitoring methods will be made to the QAPP, and the revised QAPP will be submitted to NCDWQ for approval. A6.2 Statistical Analyses of Data Statistical analyses of the relicensing studies used general parametric statistical descriptors of the data sets including the mean, median, standard deviations, standard errors, range of values, confidence intervals, and tests of significance of the data (i.e., t-tests, one- andtwo-way analysis- of-variance, and correlation analysis). In addition, for the intensive and continuous DO monitoring studies, frequency distributions of DO data were plotted to evaluate DO concentrations in the reservoir tailwaters. The DO concentrations were compared to the North Carolina water quality standards to evaluate whether the collected DO data met the standards. The data were statistically described from spatial and temporal contexts (station, sampling date, plant generation vs. non-generation periods, etc.) with respect to the objectives of a particular study. For compliance DO monitoring, it is anticipated that the data will be analyzed to determine compliance with the North Carolina DO water quality standards. The statistical analysis may include calculation of daily average values, if necessary, and the evaluation of the data with standard statistical parametric descriptors of mean, standard deviation, range of values, and frequency of values. The Tillery Plant tailwaters biological monitoring will follow the NCDWQ standard operating procedures for calculation of EPT scores and Biotic Index Scores for the benthic macroinvertebrate data (NCDWQ 2006c). The biological data will also be evaluated and reported, as necessary, with standard parametric statistical descriptors such as means, standard deviations, standard errors, range of values, and frequency distributions. A7. Quality Objectives and Criteria Water quality studies developed for this Project have undergone extensive review by external relicensing stakeholders, including NCDWQ and USEPA staff This external peer review has provided an additional level of assurance that quality objectives and criteria will be met for the Project. Progress Energy has a Quality Assurance (QA) Program in place to ensure environmental data are collected as specified in studies and to ensure the work performed is accurate, complete, and repeatable. This QA program has been in existence for Progress Energy's Environmental Health & Safety Services Section since 1982. The QA Program also ensures data records and the accompanying study documentation are kept and maintained in locked QA files by a designated custodian independent of the sample collection and data verification process. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 29 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Figure b. Schedule for Implementation of DO Enhancement Plan, including water Quality Studies, for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Na 2206 Water Quality Dissolved Oxygen 1~~lanagement Plan Schedule Revised OSi2&107 Year 20ofi 2001 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2058 i CogtluetDD Confmur~us VGnlafing ContluclDO Canlinueus Ntanltoflgg CondudDO Contguous Vagltofing ContlwaDO Conhoueus MOgltafing CogdudDO Coniinueus Niagflaring Sa9 gD'C Contiguous !~anllorlgg DOCoNinueusManiloringCompliagce~May~Odoher} RoulinaMaiglegagcaofEquipmagf ~~ Ccmplianrs agh Ragulalory Compliagca Reporting of DD Data Rams ig Firs1 Guarlar of PoBotrigg Yaai ' ~-~ ~ment DiafIDOE hag Permanent CondudAtldifional Turblgat~agtigg TeslsOtBoth Developments Contlurl ptldNlogalTu~Ghne 1ca~'mgo~Dther IdaglllladTesls,if Necessar n o Plagsfo~BlatveltFallsagtl TilleiyDaualopmagts FinaIDOEnhancement FlagsfarBlaweltFal~antl TplaiyDavalopmenls Equipmegt y Cantlud Blewelt Falls CtlVlty SpillwayChannelDD Eg6ancemagtTasl SelecfParmag¢nt Coratiogsf<~rCaglmuaus DDMonitadngEqu'ryment S l P l Ins(allandTaslP¢~manent ContlguausDOMonitetlg9 Compliance Equlpmegt FIgalTeslof Pa~magant CogdguousDOMCnlig~igg Compliance EqulpmeN SegInDQEghancement TerhgologyatTill¢ry Development e ect ermanan Cpgtlguaus DD Mogiloru~g Adjuslmegts to DO Equipmagt Enhagcemanl Tachnrdagp ' ~-~ at Tillery Davalopment, if ~-~ Necessary ~-- Igslall and Tast DO file f'mal DO ~~ SuhmilClaag VVaterAd CogduclD9Enhagcamagt Pmtc!}p~aTaslingal Eghagcement TachgologyaflheTllla~y Deuelapmenl Begin DOEnhancamemaf SlaacaflFallsDavalopment Complian~ Implamagtatigg Raporlwithlha S~dloggp1 Cerplicallon Bla~mrhFallsagtlTlllarp Developments TesIDOEnhancemegt FERCagd NCDWD Package to Tachgologp al Blawelt NCD'prC Dete~mNeFinalDO FaIlsDavalopmenl TacBgologias for 8lawetl Falls and Tillery Davalapmegls Cogtlurt DU Eghantamen l Assessmegl ~pllims Stutly QAPP01, Revision No. 2 30 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Progress Energy has a Biology Quality Assurance Manual (Progress Energy 2004a) that provides overall guidance to environmental study activities conducted by Company personnel and approved contractors (Appendix C). This QA manual provides a system of written activities designed to ensure that the work performed for studies is accurate, complete, and repeatable. The QA Manual includes Quality Control specifications. In this context, Quality Control is defined as specific actions that measure or control an item or process according to requirements or standards. The QA Manual provides specific guidance on: (1) Progress Energy's QA policy, (2) organization, personnel, and training, (3) quality planning, (4) sample collection, (5) sample analysis, (6) equipment maintenance and calibration, ('~ data processing and report preparation, (8) documents and document control, (9) self-assessments, and (10) audits. Progress Energy also has a Biology Program Procedures Manual (Progress Energy 2004b) that contains detailed written procedures that specifically govern collection of water quality, water chemistry, and biological samples and the maintenance and calibration of water quality instruments. The pertinent procedures in this manual will be used during the collection of data and the instrument maintenance and calibration associated with the relicensing water quality studies (Appendix D). These procedures are maintained in an electronic file on the Company Intranet computer system and are reviewed annually for any necessary revisions based on any changes in field sampling or laboratory calibration techniques or the use of new sampling equipment technologies. Qualified individuals or Technical Performance Evaluators (TPEs) who are experienced and received training on sample collection and instrument calibration are responsible for annually reviewing and updating the procedures, as necessary. This QAPP pertains mainly to studies that will generate new data to address problem statements or study objectives and license compliance measures; therefore, this section will focus mainly on several performance criteria measures to ensure the collected data and results are valid and repeatable (IJSEPA 2002). These criteria include bias, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, completeness, and sensitivity. A brief definition of each performance criteria and a description of how this QAPP addresses each criteria measure are given below. In addition, the following sections of this QAPP also provide additional detail on how each of these criteria are addressed in study design, field sampling, data handling and analyses, and reporting of the data. • Bias Bias is the systematic or persistent distortion of a measurement process that causes errors in one direction (i.e., the expected sample measurement is different from the sample's true value). Bias is minimized by the use of standard, written procedures which personnel follow in sample collection, instrument calibration, data handling, and data reporting. This ensures consistency in how samples are collected and analyzed if different personnel are involved in the field sample collection or laboratory analyses. Field sample crews consist of two people to provide an additional level of assurance in how samples are collected and handled. In the laboratory, standard methods or procedures for the chemical analysis are followed and documented on laboratory bench sheets or the appropriate electronic data file media QAPP01, Revision No. 2 31 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP The use of water quality instruments is documented with a laboratory and field calibration program. This program provides traceability through written document of the performance of different instruments that are used in the water quality studies. Periodic calibration of laboratory equipment through established procedures are used by Progress Energy and its vendor analytical laboratories to minimize the possibility of instrument measurement bias error and ensure that the water chemistry analyses are accurate and valid. The continuous DO monitors are cleaned periodically to minimize measurement bias associated with biofouling of the temperature, DO, pH, and conductivity probes. The field instruments are checked against alaboratory-calibrated instrument to evaluate consistency of parameter measurements before cleaning and then after cleaning and field calibration of the monitors. Sample bias was also minimized in the design of each experiment by the use of fixed station locations with known GPS reference points. Fixed stations ensure samples are collected at the same geographic location over time and; therefore, the potential for bias is minimized with regard to the location of sample stations. In the relicensing continuous DO monitoring studies, there was intentional bias introduced into the sampling regime with respect to the monitor sample location. Sample locations were chosen for those studies based on the location of the power plant discharge in the tailwaters river channel. This location bias was intentional to ensure that the DO concentrations obtained were conservative in nature (i.e., lowest DO concentrations observed laterally in the river channel with respect to evaluating against the North Carolina DO water quality standards). • Accuracy Accuracy is defined as a measure of the overall agreement of a measurement to a known value. Accuracy includes a combination of random error (precision) and systematic error (bias) that are due to sampling and analytical operations. As stated above, Progress Energy has a comprehensive QA/QC program in place to ensure that results from the relicensing and compliance monitoring studies are valid, repeatable, and accurate. This QA/QC program undergoes both periodic internal reviews by Progress Energy and external reviews by the NCDWQ as part of the state laboratory certification process. Data accuracy includes an instrument calibration program (including field operational checks) to ensure the equipment being used in each study is reliable and accurate in terms of the data recordings or measurements (See Group B Section). Certified vendor laboratories that performed the monthly water chemistry analyses were required to have a comprehensive QA/AC programs to ensure the laboratory results were accurate and complete (See Group B Section). The laboratory QC procedures include using blanks, analyte spikes, reference standards, calibration checks, and replicate samples. Data handling includes a comprehensive data review and checking process (include computer edit check programs) to validate data and ensure the data are complete and accurate (See Group D Section). This data handling also includes the data analysis and report writing steps in the specified studies. There are independent reviews of the data through the editing, data analysis, and report writing steps to ensure the reported data are accurate. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 32 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP • Representativeness Representativeness is defined as the measure of the degree to which data accurately and precisely represents a characteristic of a population; parameter variations at a sampling point; a process condition; or an environmental condition. Reservoir and tailwaters stations were selected for each study, depending upon the study objectives, to ensure samples were spatially representative of different regions or areas of each study area. This included selecting reservoir stations in the upper, mid- and lower reservoir areas to note spatial differences in water quality and water chemistry characteristics aswater entered into the reservoir and traveled downstream to the power plant intake. For tailwater studies, stations were selected in the upper, mid, and lower segments of each river reach identified as impaired due to low DO concentrations under the NCDWQ Section 303(d) listing. The river stations were also chosen to account for anticipated changes in water quality with confluences of major tributaries and point source discharges which can affect water quality with additional instream flow. Finally, the riverine stations were chosen to ensure any geographical changes were taken into account in the sampling design. For example, the Pee Dee River below the Blewett Falls Plant traverses the Piedmont and Coastal Plain Physiographic Regions, which includes the Fall Line Zone. Water quality stations were chosen to account for these geographical changes. Surface and bottom water chemistry samples were taken at the deeper reservoir stations in Blewett Falls Lake and Lake Tillery to ensure the sample design accounted for spatial and temporal differences in water chemistry with seasonal changes in reservoir temperature stratification and DO concentrations. For the 2004 monthly water quality study, reservoir and tailwater samples were collected during power generation and no power generation conditions (selected tailwaters stations for no power generation conditions) to make certain that samples were representative of the range of environmental conditions and also to account for flow conditions during sampling. For the continuous water temperature and DO monitoring study, preliminary measurements of both parameters were taken laterally across the river channel at each station prior to station selection and instrument deployment. The selection of the monitoring station was conservative in nature (channel area with lowest DO measurements) and spatially represented the discharge plume from each hydroelectric plant. The appropriate time step was also taken into consideration for each study and varied depending upon the study and outlined objectives. A monthly sampling frequency was utilized to note seasonal changes in water quality and water chemistry for the monthly water quality sampling. The continuous water temperature and DO study and the intensive water temperature and DO study had sampling designs with frequent sampling (e.g., 15 minute intervals for continuous water temperature and DO monitoring) to account for any rapid change in these two water quality parameters in the power plant tailwaters. These two latter studies also targeted the period of reservoir temperature stratification and DO depletion in the hypolimnion which affect DO concentrations in the Project tailwaters. Progress Energy will work with the NCDWQ on the location placement of the permanent continuous DO monitors in each power plant tailwaters that will be used for compliance DO QAPP01, Revision No. 2 33 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP monitoring in the neat license term. Data from the continuous DO monitoring program (2004- 2010) and the DO Enhancement Plan studies will be used to select representative compliance monitoring locations in the power plant tailwaters. Progress Energy will cooperatively work with the NCDWQ on the biological monitoring sampling station locations and standard operating procedures for the Tillery tailwaters. This joint effort will ensure that the samples collected are representative of the environmental conditions in the identified power plant tailwaters. The study plan protocol for the Tillery biological monitoring program will be filed as an addendum to this QAPP. • Comparability Comparability is defined as a measure of the confidence with which one data set or method can be compared to another. The water quality studies used fixed sampling stations (i.e., same station geographic location) to ensure data were comparable both spatially and temporally. Station locations (i.e., latitude and longitude positions) were documented with GPS equipment with sub-meter accuracy. Stations were either marked with buoys or known geographical features to help with consistency in sampling at the same location. Progress Energy has written procedures in place for all water quality sampling methods to ensure samples are collected consistently in the same manner, if different field crew personnel were assigned to a particular sampling trip. These standard procedures also ensure that the collected data were comparable among these studies and comparable with the historical water quality data collected at the Project by Progress Energy from 1999 to 2002. Personnel involved in the sampling are required to read the procedures and review the sampling procedures with the TPE or the Lead Environmental Specialist responsible for the water quality studies. Comparability during the license compliance term will be accomplished through three different means. First, the use of the same type of continuous monitoring equipment in each hydroelectric development tailwaters will ensure data are comparable within and among monitoring years. Second, the Progress Energy and NCDWQ agreed upon sampling methods protocol will ensure consistency in sample collection and comparability of data at each site within a year and over years for the license term. Third, this detailed QAPP provides the necessary QA/QC framework to ensure the collected data are comparable. It should be noted that DO equipment technology may change over the term of the license period and new equipment may be installed at some point in the future to reflect these technological advances. Any change in sampling methods would also occur at this time, and Progress Energy would work with the NCDWQ to approve any equipment changes and modify the sampling procedures. Furthermore, Progress Energy would update the QAPP based on any future changes in equipment or methods and provide the NCDWQ a revised QAPP at that time. The comparability of previously collected data with the previously deployed equipment technology versus the data collected with new equipment technology would be addressed at the time that the new technology is implemented. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 34 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP • Completeness Completeness is defined a measure of the valid data obtained from a measurement system. Completeness of the data for each study is addressed in several ways. First, a written study plan outlines the specific stations and water quality parameters that will be sampled for each trip for each study. Table 5 outlines the number of samples to be collected at each station for the duration of the study (See Section A6, Project Task Description). Second, the completeness of field sample collection is documented with a Field Collection Verification Sheet (FCVS, see Section B.10, Data Management). The FCVS documents if all scheduled samples were collected and whether there were any discrepancies in sample collection. A reasonable attempt was made by field crews to obtain additional samples if scheduled samples were missed or if there were any problems with laboratory analysis of water chemistry samples. Third, laboratory analyses are documented with Chain of Custody (COC) sheets which document the transfer of samples from the field to the laboratory. Laboratory bench sheets are also utilized to document the sample analysis and the pertinent QC results. Finally, the data analysis phase of the study includes a review of raw data listings and sample sizes that are utilized in the specified statistical analyses or tests. This step ensures that the data analysis includes all of the appropriate data. Additionally, any sample data that are missing or incomplete are reported in the appropriate table in the issued report, including footnotes describing the reason(s) for missing data. For DO compliance monitoring, the data will be reviewed with respect to the operating parameters of the instrument and calibration procedures to determine data validity. Data will be judged to be valid based on this assessment. The completeness of the data set will be determined by the number of possible data points that can be collected during the monitoring season versus the number of valid data points after the review and edit process, as described above. It should be noted that an attempt will be made to collect all data outlined in each relicensing study plan and during the DO compliance monitoring period. However, unforeseen circumstances, (e. g., weather and river flow related issues, theft and vandalism of equipment, equipment malfunction, and safety conditions) may preclude samples being collected and reported. In such cases, the reason(s) for missing data are documented with the FCVS and will be discussed in the reports filed with the NCDWQ. A report will be filed with DWQ annually, as agreed upon by Progress Energy and the NCDWQ or as required by the FERC license and the Section 401 Certification. • Sensitivity Sensitivity is defined as the capability of a method or instrument to discriminate between measurement responses representing different levels of a variable of interest. The performance criteria of instruments used in the water quality studies span the range of values expected to occur under all field conditions and include reporting of significant digits within the instrument operational specifications. Water temperature is reported to the nearest tenth of a degree Centigrade; dissolved oxygen is reported to the nearest tenth of a mg/L; conductivity is reported to the nearest unit of ~S/cm; pH is reported to the nearest tenth of standard pH units; turbidity is reported to the nearest tenth NTU; and Secchi disk transparency is reported to the nearest meter in water depth (Table 6). Instrument calibrations include measuring instrument performance and sensitivity compared to known standards and/or over a range of operating conditions (See Section B7, Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency). QAPP01, Revision No. 2 35 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP In the laboratory, sensitivity is addressed through the appropriate detection levels for the specified parameter of interest and the use of laboratory blanks and known standards to assess instrument performance, sampling handling, and contamination issues during the analyses (Table '~. Reporting of significant digits of these data are within the instrument performance specifications and the laboratory detection and reporting limits. Table 6. Reporting Limits of Water Quality Parameters and the Applicable North Carolina Water Quality Standards for Water Quality Studies Conducted at the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments. Parameter Instrument Reporting Limit North Carolina Water Quality Standard (NCDWQ 2004) Water temperature 0.1°C Not to exceed 2.8°C above natural water temperature and in no case exceed 32°C Dissolved oxygen 0.1 mg/L 4.0 mg/L instantaneous value; 5.0 mg/L daily average value pH 0.1 standard unit 6.0-9.0 Conductivity 0.1 ~S/cm None Turbidit 0.1 NTU 25 NTU -lakes; 50 NTU-streams Secchi disk transparency 0.1 m None iNephelometric turbidity unit. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 36 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Table 7. Laboratory Analytical Method, Sampling Holding Times, Preservative Type, Laboratory Detection Limits, and Applicable North Carolina Water Quality Standards for Water Chemistry Parameters Analyzed for the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies. NCDWQ Laboratory Water Analytical Holding Preservation Detection Quality Parameter Method Time Type Limit Standards Total solids EPA 160.3 7 days Cool, 4 ~C 10.0 mg/L -- Total dissolved EPA 160.1 7 days Cool, 4 ~C 10.0 mg/L 500 mgL solids Total suspended EPA 160.2 7 days Cool, 4 ~C 1 mg/L -- solids Total nitrogen Calculation 28 days HzSOa to pH < 2 0.10 mg/L -- Total Kjeldahl EPA 351.2 28 days HzSOa to pH < 2 0.10 mg/L -- nitrogen Ammonia-N EPA 350.1 28 days HzSOa to pH < 2 0.02 mg/L -- Nitrate+nitrite-N EPA 353.2 28 days HzSO4 to pH < 2 0.02 mg/L -- Total phosphorus APHA 4500-P E 28 days Cool, 4 ~C 2.0 ~g/L -- Ascorbic acid Total organic carbon SM5310C 28 days HzSOa to pH < 2 0.5 mg/L -- Chlorophyll a APHA 10200 H 24 hours Cool, dark if pH < 7 conditions, 4 ~C 0.1 µg/L 40 µg/L3 3 weeks if pH>_7 Biochemical oxygen demand EPA 405.1 48 hours Cool, 4 ~C 2.0 mg/L -- Chemical oxygen demand EPA 410.4 28 days HzSO4 to pH < 2 10 mg/L -- Calcium EPA 200.8 6 Cool, 4 ~C 0.10 mg/L -- months Magnesium EPA 200.8 6 Cool, 4 ~C 0.10 mg/L -- months Sodium EPA 200.8 6 Cool, 4 ~C 0.10 mg/L -- months Chloride EPA 325.2 28 days Cool, 4 ~C 1.0 mg/L 230 mg/L (Action Level)/250 m s Sulfate Hach 8051 28 days Cool, 4 ~C 2.0 mg/L 250 mg/L~ Hardness (calculated) 6 Cool, 4 ~C 1.00 mg/L -- months QAPP01, Revision No. 2 37 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Table 7. (continued) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP NCDWQ Laboratory Water Analytical Holding Preservation Detection Quality Parameter Method Time Type Limit Standards Total alkalinity EPA 310.2 14 days Cool, 4 ~C 1.00 mg/L -- Aluminum EPA 200.8 6 HN03 to pH < 2 50.0 µg/L -- months Copper EPA 200.8 6 HN03 to pH < 2 1.0 µg/L 7 µg/L3 months (Action Level) Mercury EPA 245.1 28 days HN03 to pH < 2 0.2 µg/L 0.012 µg/L NCDWQ (2004). Water quality standard for water supply (WS) classification use. 3Water quality standard for aquatic life classification use. A8. Special Training and Certifications Progress Energy's environmental laboratory, including field data collection of water quality and biological samples, is state-certified by the NCDWQ in North Carolina (Lab Certification No. 006) and by the S.C. Department of Health & Environmental Control in South Carolina (Certification No. 99017001) (Appendix E). State-certification means the laboratory has met specified criteria for water and biological data collection including a rigorous QA/QC program to ensure technically valid data. The Progress Energy environmental laboratory is currently not certified by either state for water chemistry laboratory analyses. Water chemistry analyses are performed by external vendor laboratories, as discussed below. Tritest, Inc. of Raleigh, NC, was the main vendor laboratory providing the laboratory analyses of the water chemistry samples collected during the relicensing studies. The University of Missouri-Columbia provided the laboratory analysis of total phosphorus samples. Tritest, Inc. is also astate-certified laboratory by the NCDWQ in North Carolina (Certificate No. 67) (Appendix E). The University of Missouri-Columbia laboratory is not certified by the NCDWQ. The Task Performance Evaluators (TPEs) who are experienced and received in-house and vendor training on sample collection and instrument calibration are responsible for leading the field data collection phase of the water quality studies. These TPE individuals work within the Water Media and Natural Resources Media teams of Progress Energy's Environmental Health & Safety Services Section (Figure 1). These individuals are also responsible for training and supervising any new employees on field sample collection methods and the maintenance and calibration of equipment. A written list of the qualified TPE individuals and those individuals trained on a particular field or laboratory procedure is maintained in the Biology Program QA File QAPP01, Revision No. 2 38 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP (Appendix D, Indoctrination, Training, and Retraining of Biological Assessment Unit Personnel Procedure EVC-TSDC-00054). All new employees must undergo training orientation on Progress Energy's QA/QC Program including reading the QA Manual and applicable laboratory and field safety procedures (Appendix C, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual, Organization. Personnel, and Training; Appendix D, Indoctrination, Training, and Retraining Procedure EVC-TSDC-00054, and Chemical and Laboratory Safety Procedure EVC-TSDC-00055). New employees are also required to read procedures that are specific to their job duties. The new employee must sign an acknowledgement form indicating they have read and understand the QA Manual guidelines and the applicable laboratory and field safety procedures. These forms are maintained in the QA file. All water quality studies are managed by Mr. John Crutchfield, the Lead Environmental Specialist within the Water Projects Media Team of EH&SS (Figure 1). Mr. Crutchfield is a Certified Fisheries Professional with the American Fisheries Society (AFS Certificate No. 2647, expires December 2009). A9. Documentation and Records Progress Energy maintains a locked QA filing system for retention of data and supporting records for its environmental studies (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051). The QA filing system is organized by the specific environmental project and by the studies conducted for that particular project. A project file has been set up for the hydro relicensing studies, including the specified water quality studies addressed in this QAPP. The QA files are maintained in locked, fire-protected cabinets and maintained by a QA Records Administrator independent of the sample collection and data analysis work activities. Access to these files is controlled by the QA Records Administrator with a log sheet kept of those individuals inspecting QA record files. Records that are generated to complete these water quality studies and maintained in the QA filing system include: (1) field data sheets, (2) equipment calibration and maintenance sheets, (3) water quality instrument sign-out log sheets, (4) sample collection field verification sheets, (5) chain-of-custody sheets for water chemistry and chlorophyll a analyses, (6) vendor laboratory data and pertinent QA/QC reports, including the precision and accuracy results for the analyses, (7) data and QA records transmittal forms, (8) QA records supplement/correction and transmittal forms (as necessary), (9) data analyses program log sheets, and (10) study reports. All hard copies of records associated for these studies will be retained for five years consistent with Progress Energy's corporate records retention policy. The original hard copies and electronic copies of written study reports are maintained for the life of the facility. All field data that are collected from these studies are maintained in an electronic data base on Progress Energy's mainframe computer. Tape backups of mainframe data are made daily and kept by Progress Energy. Electronic files are protected by read-only status. These electronic files are also kept for the life of the facility. The original approved hard copy of the QAPP will be maintained as a controlled document in the Blewett Falls-Tillery hydro relicensing environmental studies file in the locked QA cabinet. Copies of the QAPP and any subsequent revisions will be distributed by the QA Records QAPP01, Revision No. 2 39 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Administrator to the individuals within Progress Energy responsible for conduct and/or oversight of the water quality studies. Copies of the QAPP, including any subsequent revisions, will be filed with the NCDWQ and USEPA. The electronic copy of the QAPP will be retained on Progress Energy's Intranet computer system with read-only access to employees. Only the EH&SS Lead Environmental Specialist, designated Senior Environmental Specialist, or the QA Records Administrator will be allowed to make any revisions to the original document. Any subsequent revisions to the original document will be noted on the title page with the revision number and effective date listed on the page. The data generated from the 2004 relicensing studies (i.e., continuous temperature and DO monitoring study, intensive temperature and DO study, and monthly water quality study) was reported in the Final License Application submitted to FERC and stakeholders on April 25, 2006. The study reports included statistical summaries, tests of significance, graphical depictions of the collected data, and raw data listings, where applicable. The NCDWQ reviewed and provided comments on these reports on February 14, 2006. These comments were subsequently addressed and revisions made to the Final License Application submitted in April 2006 (Progress Energy 2006b). Data collected for studies outlined in the DO Enhancement Plan, including the continuous DO monitoring will be submitted in reports filed periodically with the NCDWQ and USEPA. The continuous DO monitoring report will be filed annually. The reports will also include parametric statistical summaries, tests of significance, if applicable, and graphical depictions of the collected data for each test scenario. Electronic files of the raw water quality data will be made available to the agencies upon request. For the DO compliance monitoring in the neat license term, it is anticipated that the data will be reported annually to the NCDWQ and FERC by a specified date through either paper or electronic media. The report will address compliance with the North Carolina DO water quality standards (i.e., instantaneous DO value of 4 mg/L and daily average DO value of 5 mg/L). It is likely that aweb-based data capture software system will be available for the continuous DO monitors which will allow Progress Energy, NCDWQ, and FERC to review data on a real-time basis during each monitoring season. It is also expected that the web-based system will also allow periodic downloading of collected data. The exact specifications for data reporting will be outlined in the DO monitoring compliance plan filed with NCDWQ and FERC. GROUP B. DATA GENERATION AND ACQUISITION Bl. Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) The sampling methods are described below for each study and for the continuous monitoring plan. The sampling design and number of samples collected per sampling event are given in Table 5. Figure 3 shows the implementation schedule for the field data collection phase of these studies during 2004. These studies were designed and approved by Water RWG stakeholders, which included agency representatives from the NCDWQ and USEPA. Specific sampling methods for the continuous DO monitoring compliance plan will be discussed and agreed upon by Progress Energy and NCDWQ staff as part of the Section 401 Certification of the Project. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 40 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Bl.l Monthly Sampling of Reservoirs and Tailwaters The water quality and water chemistry parameters that were measured and analyzed during the monthly water quality study are listed in Table 8. Table 8. List of Water Quality Parameters Measured during the Water Quality Monthly Studies at the Blewett Falls and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments during 2004. Water Qualit Field Measurements Parameter Water temperature (aC) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) pH Conductivit ~S/cm Turbidity (NTU) Secchi disk transparency (m) Water Chemist Laborato Anal sis Parameter' Total solids Total dissolved solids Total suspended solids Total nitrogen Ammonia-N Nitrate+nitrite-N Total phosphorus Total organic carbon Chlorophyll a Biochemical o en demand Chemical oxygen demand Calcium Magnesium Sodium Chloride Sulfate Hardness Total Alkalinity Aluminum Copper Mercury iSolids, nutrients, and ion constituents will be measured in mg/L. Chlorophyll a, aluminum, copper, and mercury will be measured in ~g/L. Total alkalinity will be reported as mg/L CaC03 and hardness will be calculated as mg equivalents CaC03/L. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 41 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Reservoirs Vertical profiles of water quality parameters (i.e., water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity [surface and bottom only]) were measured at Stations TYB2, TYD2, TYF2, and TYH2, and TYK2 in Lake Tillery and at Stations BFB2, BFD2, BFF2, and BFH2 in Blewett Falls Lake (Table 2; Figures 4 and 5). Measurements were taken with an YSI' Model 650 multi-parameter instrument at the surface (0.2 m) and 1-m intervals from the surface to bottom of each lake station (Appendix D, Water Quality Field Procedure EVC-TSDC-00097). The multi-parameter instrument was calibrated every quarter in the laboratory against known standards and field-calibrated for dissolved oxygen prior to each use in the field. These calibration procedures provided an assessment of instrument reading variability during each sampling trip and over time. Water chemistry and chlorophyll a samples were collected concurrently with the water quality sampling at Stations TYB2, TYF2, and TYK2 in Lake Tillery and at Stations BFB2, BFF2, and BFH2 in Blewett Falls Lake (Appendix D, Collection of Field Water Chemistry Samples Procedure EVC-TSDC-00096 and Chlorophyll Field Studies Procedure EVC-TSDC-00074). Surface and bottom water chemistry samples were collected at Stations TYB2 and TYF2 in Lake Tillery and Stations BFB2 and BFF2 in Blewett Falls Lake. Surface water chemistry samples were collected at the uppermost stations in both lakes (i.e., Stations TYK2 and BFH2) because these stations are shallow and well-mixed, based on results from previous water quality surveys (Progress Energy 2003, 2006c). Tailwalers Surface water quality and chemistry samples were collected concurrently at Stations TY1B and TY12B below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant and Stations BFOB, BF1B, BF2B, BF3B, and BF4B below the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant (Table 2; Figures 4 and 5) (Appendix D, Collection of Field Water Chemistry Samples Procedure EVC-TSDC-00096 and Water Quality Field Procedure EVC-TSDC-00097). Additionally, the Rocky River (Station RR) was sampled to evaluate the influence of this major tributary on the water quality in the Pee Dee River between the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant and Blewett Falls Lake (Figure 4). Chlorophyll a or Secchi disk transparency depths were not measured at the river stations. Water quality and chemistry sampling was also conducted at two tailwater stations below each power plant at baseflow conditions (i. e., at least 6 hours since last power generation event or when stream gages indicate stable flow conditions). Samples were collected during baseflow conditions and during power plant operations at Stations TY1B and TY12B in the tailwaters of the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant and at Stations BF1B and Station BF2B in the tailwaters of the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant (Figures 4 and 5). B1.2 Continuous Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Continuous monitoring of water temperature and DO was performed using YSh Model 600 XLM in-situ monitors from May through November in the upper, mid, and lower sections of the NCDWQ 303(d) impaired river reaches below each dam (Appendix D, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC-EVSV-00071). In addition, the monitors also simultaneously collected pH and conductivity data. The specific locations for the continuous monitors are listed in Table 3 and Figures 4 and 5. Prior to deployment of monitors within the river, vertical and lateral temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements were taken along an established transect QAPP01, Revision No. 2 42 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP placed across the river channel. These measurements determined if there are any significant spatial differences in DO concentrations across the channel. At each transect, the temperature and DO was measured at every 0.5 m depth at approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) intervals across the channel. The continuous monitors was located in the river channel thalweg, at mid depth, during base flow conditions, unless the transect spatial survey showed a significant difference of > 0.5 mg/L in DO concentrations in the river channel. If such a spatial difference existed, the monitor was placed at the location with the lowest DO concentration, providing that there was visible river current and the placement depth ensured that the monitor was submerged under baseflow conditions. The continuous DO monitors were programmed to collect data at 15-minute intervals during the May through November period. The monitors were calibrated in the field and data downloaded periodically. Monitor calibration, servicing, and data downloading were performed on a weekly to biweekly basis from May through August and on a biweekly basis from September through November. One monitor was rotated out-of-service during each trip and replaced with another laboratory-calibrated monitor. The out-of-service monitor was taken back to the laboratory for inspection and calibration and then rotated back into field service during the following sampling trip. B1.3 Intensive Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Study of the Pee Dee River This study intensively assessed the spatial and temporal patterns of water temperature and DO in the Pee Dee River, downstream of each hydroelectric plant. The study evaluated the lateral (channel cross-section) and longitudinal (upstream to downstream areas) differences in the water temperature and DO regimes in the Pee Dee River below the Blewett Falls and Tillery hydroelectric plants. Sampling was conducted at baseflow conditions (no power plant generation), upon typical power plant startup, through flow stabilization, and during declining flows with plant shutdown. In addition, the water temperature and DO stratification patterns was determined in the vicinity of each power plant intake to document the stratification patterns present in both reservoirs during this study. The methods used to measure water temperature and DO follow those outlined in the Water Quality Field Procedure EVGTSDC-00097 (Appendix D). The study was conducted during August 2004 when reservoir water temperature and DO stratification conditions occurred in each reservoir. Six transects were established in the Pee Dee River downstream of each power plant (Table 4; Figures 4 and 5). The lateral and longitudinal patterns of water temperature and DO concentrations were measured at selected transects located in either pool or glide habitat in the Pee Dee River, below each power plant. These measurements were collected at baseflow conditions (no power plant generation) and at typical generation conditions of each power plant which are 7,200 cfs (20 MW, Units 1-6 on, economy load) for the Blewett Falls Plant and 7,000 cfs (38 MW, Units 2 and 4 on, economy load) for the Tillery Plant. Power generation conditions were held as close to steady state as reasonably possible. The Blewett Falls Plant is operated as a "block-loaded" facility meaning that the units are either operating at best efficiency or off. The Tillery Plant is operated as a peaking and load- followingfacility which varies in generation to meet electric system demand. A temporary staff gage was placed and monitored at each transect to detect changes in river stage and initiate data collection with arrival of power plant generation flows. For the lowermost QAPP01, Revision No. 2 43 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP transects, the travel time of the generation flows was approximately 4-12 hours, depending upon the distance downstream. At each transect, the temperature and DO was measured at every 0.5 m depth at approximately 30.5 m (100 ft.) intervals across the river channel. If depths were less than 0.5 m at shallow transects under baseflow conditions, then measurements were taken at the mid-point of the depth. All transect locations were spatially referenced with GPS equipment that has +/- 1 meter (3.3 ft.) horizontal accuracy. Temperature and DO measurements were taken prior to plant startup (baseflow conditions or no power plant generation), at plant startup or detection of increasing river stage with the staff gage, and then at approximate 30 minute intervals fora 4- hour period. A four-hour period was sufficient to produce steady state flow conditions at each transect and to detect any change in DO concentrations at a particular transect. In addition, temperature and DO measurements were taken at approximate 30-minute intervals for another 2 hours on the declining stage of flow. A temperature and DO profile of reservoir stratification conditions at the surface (0.2 m) and 1- meter depth intervals was measured at a representative location near the intake structure of each power plant. This profile was obtained prior to power plant startup and after power plant shutdown. This information was used to evaluate the relative degree of reservoir stratification and anoxic conditions present in the hypolimnion in each power plant reservoir before and after power generation. Temperature and DO concentrations were measured with YSI Model 650, YSI Model 55, or YSI Model 57 instruments. Instruments were calibrated for temperature in the laboratory against National Institute of Standards Technology (KIST) traceable standard thermometers prior to use and also field-calibrated for dissolved oxygen prior to use (Appendix D, Calibration of YSI Telethermometers and Fisherbrand' NIST Traceable Digital Thermometers Procedure EVC- TSDC-00061). B1.4 DO Enhancement Plan Water Quality Studies and License Compliance Monitoring Water quality studies that are proposed for the DO Enhancement Plan for the Project include: (1) continuous water temperature and DO monitoring, as necessary, for the period of 2006-2010; (2) special water quality studies to evaluate the effectiveness of DO aeration technologies during 2006-2008; and (3) DO compliance monitoring in each hydroelectric power plant tailwaters during the next license term. In addition, biological monitoring of benthic macroinvertebrates will be conducted periodically in the five mile river reach below the Tillery Plant in the next license term. The continuous water temperature and DO monitoring will utilize the same experimental design as outlined in Section B1.2, Continuous Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring and the approved study plan listed in Appendix A. Special water quality studies will be developed and submitted to the NCDWQ as DO aeration technologies are evaluated per the DO Enhancement Plan Schedule (Figure 6 and Appendix B; Progress Energy 2006a). The experimental design of these studies will depend upon the specific study objectives and aeration technology being evaluated. It is expected that these studies will utilize continuous water temperature and DO monitors as well as discrete water temperature and DO measurements in the QAPP01, Revision No. 2 44 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Project tailwaters and reservoirs. Reports of these special study results will be filed with the NCDWQ, as necessary, including a Final DO Enhancement Plan and continuous monitoring plan for the Project per Section 401 requirements. The license compliance DO monitoring will likely require continuous DO monitoring at least one selected location in each power plant tailwaters between May and November. Progress Energy will submit a DO compliance monitoring plan for the next license term to FERC and the NCDWQ per Section 401 Certification requirements (Figure 6). The DO compliance monitoring at the hydroelectric plants is expected to begin by 2011. The QAPP protocol will also apply to the water quality studies conducted as part of the DO Enhancement Plan. The QAPP will be updated, as necessary, with the filing of the DO compliance monitoring plan. The plan and QAPP will be filed to support the Section 401 Water Quality Certificate. A study plan protocol will be developed for the biological monitoring of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Tillery Plant tailwaters. The study plan will be reviewed and approved by the NCDWQ for implementation during the next license term. This study plan will be filed as an addendum to the QAPP. B2. Sampling Methods Progress Energy has written procedures for the field collection of water quality, water chemistry, and chlorophyll a samples associated with the relicensing water quality studies (Appendix D, Collection of Water Chemistry Samples Procedure EVC-TSDC-00096, Water Quality Field Procedure EVC-TSDC-00097, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC-EVSV- 00071, and Chlorophyll Field Studies Procedure EVC-TSDC-00074). The benthic macroinvertebrate sampling will follow the NCDWQ standard operating procedures (NCDWQ 2006c). The existing Progress Energy procedure, EVC-TSDC-00077 Benthic Invertebrate Rapid Bioassessment Sampling, will be modified to incorporate the Tillery tailwaters sampling program and will be consistent with the NCDWQ procedures. The revised procedure will be filed with the written study plan protocol that will be filed with the NCDWQ prior to initiation of the biological sampling program. B2.1 Water Quality Methods Measurements of water quality parameters (i. e., water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity) were made or will be made at the specified depths and stations as outlined above in Sections B1.1-B1.3. The methods employed for water quality measurements are listed in Appendix D, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC- EVSV-00071 and Water Quality Field Procedure EVC-TSDC-00097. In the event that the monthly water quality samples had to be re-taken due to equipment malfunction, Progress Energy or its contract workers made reasonable efforts within the scheduled sampling month to re-collect the affected samples. Any discrepancies or deficiencies in the collection of samples were noted on the Field Verification Sample Form and Nonconformance Report and QA Records Transmittal Form (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051). QAPP01, Revision No. 2 45 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP If data are not recorded for any time intervals with the continuous monitors due to instrument malfunction, this discrepancy will be noted on the field collection verification form and in the data reporting. These data can not be re-collected as monitors are in-situ and collecting data continuously during the specified monitoring period. B2.2 Water Chemistry Methods All water chemistry samples (surface and bottom) were collected with a standard nonmetallic water quality sampler (Appendix D, Collection of Field Water Chemistry Samples Procedure EVC-TSDC-00096). Samples were immediately placed in labeled containers, placed on ice, and transported to the vendor laboratories for analyses (Tritest, Inc., 3909 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 all parameters except total phosphorus). The total phosphorus samples were placed in labeled containers, placed on ice, and transported to Progress Energy's environmental laboratory. Total phosphorus samples were frozen and then shipped to the University of Missouri-Columbia Environmental Laboratory for analysis (University of Missouri-Columbia Environmental Laboratory, 302 Anheuser Busch Natural Resources Building, Columbia, MO 65211). Alkalinity, solids (total, total suspended, and total dissolved), total phosphorus, and biological oxygen demand (BOD) samples were planed on ice immediately after collection. Total phosphorus samples were frozen prior to shipment to the vendor laboratory. Total Kjeldhal nitrogen, ammonia-N, nitrate-nitrite-N, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total organic carbon samples were preserved with sulfuric acid. Trace metal samples (aluminum, copper, and mercury) were preserved with nitric acid. Preservatives were placed in the sample bottles in the vendor laboratory prior to each sampling trip. Water chemistry samples were handled with chain-of-custody (COC) forms to document sample collection in the field and transport to the vendor laboratory. The holding times, preservation method, and analytical technique for each water chemistry parameter are listed in Table 7. Progress Energy or its contract workers were responsible for collection and transport of water chemistry samples to the vendor laboratory. In the event that samples had to be re-taken due to expired holding time periods or sample contamination, Progress Energy or its contract workers made reasonable efforts within the scheduled sampling month to re-collect the affected samples. Any discrepancies or deficiencies in the collection of samples were noted on the Field Verification Sample Form and Nonconformance Report and QA Records Transmittal Form (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051). B2.3 Chlorophyll a Methods Chlorophyll a samples were also collected with a standard nonmetallic water quality sampler (Appendix D, Chlorophyll Field Studies Procedure EVC-TSDC-00074). The chlorophyll a sample consisted of a composite sample of equal amounts of water taken from the photic zone, defined as the surface, the Secchi disk transparency depth, and twice the Secchi disk transparency depth. A 500-mL subsample was taken from each composite sample, transferred to an opaque bottle, planed on ice, and kept in the dark until analysis. The Secchi disk transparency depth was measured at the time of sample collection (Appendix D, Water Quality Field Procedure EVC-TSDC-00097). A COC form was used to document sample collection in the field and transport to the vendor laboratory (Appendix D, Chlorophyll Field Studies Procedure EVC-TSDC-00074). QAPP01, Revision No. 2 46 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Progress Energy or its contract workers transported the chlorophyll a samples to its environmental lab for processing (Harris Energy & Environmental Center, 3932 New Hill- Holleman Road, New Hill, NC 27562). Processing of chlorophyll a water quality samples was performed upon receipt at the laboratory (Appendix D, Chlorophyll Laboratory Procedure EVC- TSDC-00103). The sample extraction began with 24 hours of filtration if the sample water had a pH < 7.0 or within 3 weeks if the sample water had a pH >_ 7.0 (filtered samples were frozen). All chlorophyll a samples were read on a calibrated spectrophotometer (Spectron' 20 Gensys, Model 4001-000) within 2 to 24 hours after grinding and extraction in 90% acetone. B3. Sample Handling and Custody The sample collection, handling, transport, and custody transfer from the field to laboratory for water chemistry and chlorophyll a samples was documented with Chain-of-Custody (COC) forms (Appendices D and F, Chlorophyll Field Studies Procedure EVC-TSDC-00074 and Progress Energy [CP&L] COC Form and Appendix F, Tritest COC Form). The COCs documented the sample number (if applicable), location, date, and time of sample collection, parameters to be analyzed, preservative type, sample collectors' names, condition of samples, and date and time of custody transfer from the field sample crew to the vendor laboratory personnel. Comments concerning the sample collection were also made on the COC form. Labels were affixed to each sample collection vessel prior to sample collection, which specified the sample location (Blewett Falls or Tillery) sample station, and parameter(s) analyzed. The date and time were written with an indelible ink marker pen on each sample collection vessel at the time of sample collection. B4. Analytical Methods The water chemistry analytical techniques follow those methods cited in USEPA (1983) and APHA (1998). The specific analytical method for each parameter is listed in Tables 7 and 9. For chlorophyll a, the analytical method, including sample grinding, extraction, and measurement, is listed in the Chlorophyll Laboratory Procedure EVC-TSDC-00103 (Appendix D). Quality assurance/control measures were be used by vendor laboratories to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the analytical methods, which include detection levels, percent recovery of known standards, and calculations of means, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation or relative standard deviation (RSD) (Table 9). The laboratory QC procedures include using blanks, analyte spikes, reference standards, calibration checks, and replicate samples. Laboratory QA/QC reports for all chemistry analyses were generated by each vendor laboratory and kept within the vendor laboratory QA file. Progress Energy can provide this information upon request. The North Carolina state certification of the vendor laboratory also indicates the laboratory has the appropriate QA and waste handling procedures in place for the specified analyses. The specific method for analyzing each method is listed in Table 7. Table 7 also lists the preservation method for each parameter, the parameter holding time, and method detection limits. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 47 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Table 9. Tritest, Inc. and University of Missouri-Columbia Laboratory Analytical Quality Control Methods for the Blewett Falls and Tillery Water Chemistry Analyses. Analytical Quality Control Check Acceptance Parameter Method Check Fre uenc Criteria Alkalinity EPA 310.2 Blank 10% of samples < 1.0 mg/L Laboratory control standard 10% of samples + 10% of nominal Duplicates 10% of samples RSD' < 25% Ammonia EPA 350.1 Blank Beginning end, and < 0.02 mg/L as N every 10 samples Midrange standard Beginning end, and +_ 10% of nominal every 10 samples Laboratory control standard Beginning and end of +_ 10% of nominal sam le anal ses Autodilutor check Beginning of sample +_ 10% of nominal run Matrix spike/Matrix spike Beginning of sample Recovery = 100 ± duplicate run and 5% of 20% samples RSD' < 25% Chloride EPA 325.2 Blank Beginning end, and < 1.0 mg/L ever 10 sam les Midrange standard Beginning end, and +_ 10% of nominal every 10 samples Laboratory control standard Beginning and end of +_ 10% of nominal sample analyses Autodilutor check Beginning of sample +_ 10% of nominal run Matrix spike/Matrix spike Beginning of sample Recovery = 100 ± duplicate run and 5% of 20% samples RSD' < 25% Biochemical Oxygen EPA 405.1 Water blank Beginning of sample < 0.2 mg/L Demand (BOD) run Seed controls Beginning of sample 2.0 mg/L minimum run Seed blank Beginning of sample 0.6-1.0 mg/L run Glucose Glutamic Acid Beginning of sample 198 ± 30.5 mg/L (GGA) standard run Duplicates Each sample batch RSD' < 25% and eve 20 sam les Chemical Oxygen EPA 410.4 Blank Initial sample plus < 10 mg/L Demand (COD) 10% of samples Laboratory control standard Initial sample ± 10% of nominal Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Duplicates 10% of samples RSD' < 25% QAPP01, Revision No. 2 48 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Table 9. (continued) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Analytical Quality Control Check Acceptance Parameter Method Check Frequency Criteria Calcium EPA 200.8 Blank Initial sample and "! 100 to +100 every 10 samples cp /L" Preparation blank Initial sample "! 100 to +100 ~~» Laboratory control standard Initial sample ± 30% of nominal Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Matrix spike/Matrix spike With Aluminum and +_ 30% of nominal duplicate Copper analyses Intemal standard Every sample Recovery = 60- 125% Magnesium EPA 200.8 Blank Initial and every 10 "! 100 to +100 samples cpg/I," Preparation blank Initial sample "! 100 to +100 ~ /L' Laboratory control standard Initial sample ± 30% of nominal Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Matrix spike/Matrix spike With Aluminum and +_ 30% of nominal du licate Co er anal ses Intemal standard Every sample Recovery = 60- 125% Total Hardness Calculation See Calcium and See Calcium and See Calcium and Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium Total Kjeldahl EPA 351.2 Blank Beginning end, and < 0.25 mg/L Nitrogen as N every 10 samples TK Midrange standard Beginning end, and +_ 10% of nominal every 10 samples Laboratory control standard Beginning and end of +_ 10% of nominal sample analyses Autodilutor check Beginning of sample +_ 10% of nominal run Matrix spike/Matrix spike Beginning of sample Recovery = 100 ± duplicate run and 5% of 20% samples RSD' < 25% Nitrate-Nitrite-N EPA 353.2 Blank Beginning end, and < 0.02 mg/L (NOX) every 10 samples Midrange standard Beginning end, and +_ 10% of nominal ever 10 sam les Laboratory control standard Beginning and end of +_ 10% of nominal sam le anal ses Autodilutor check Beginning of sample +_ 10% of nominal run Matrix spike/Matrix spike Beginning of sample Recovery = 100 ± duplicate run and 5% of 20% samples RSD' < 25% Total Nitrogen Calculation See TKN and NOX See TKN and NOX See TKN and NOX QAPP01, Revision No. 2 49 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP QAPP01, Revision No. 2 50 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Table 9. (continued) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Analytical Quality Control Check Frequency Acceptance Parameter Method Check Criteria Sulfate, High Level Hach 8051 Blank Initial sample and every <5 mg/L 10 sam les Midrange standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Laboratory control Initial sample +_ 10% of nominal standard Matrix spike/matrix spike Every 10 samples Recovery = 100 ± duplicate 20% RSD' <25% Sulfate, Low Level EPA 375.4 Blank Initial sample and every <5 mg/L 10 samples Midrange standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Laboratory control Initial sample +_ 10% of nominal standard Duplicates Each sample batch and RSD' < 25% every 10 samples Total Organic SM 5310C Blank Beginning end, and <0.5 mg/L Carbon (TOC) every 10 samples Mid range standard Beginning end, and +_ 10% of nominal eve 10 sam les Low level standard Initial sample ± 10% of nominal Duplicates Every 10 samples RSD' < 10% Spike Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Total Solids (T S) EPA 1603 Blank Initial sample < 10.0 mg/L Duplicates Each sample batch and RSD' < 25% eve 20 sam les Quarterly QA sample Once per quarter Per ERA specifications varies Total Suspended EPA 160.2 Blank Initial sample < 10.0 mg/L Solids (TSS) Duplicates Each sample batch and RSD' < 25% every 20 samples Quarterly QA sample Once per quarter Per ERA specifications varies Total Dissolved EPA 160.1 Blank Initial sample < 10.0 mg/L Solids (TDS) Duplicates Each sample batch and RSD' < 25% every 20 samples Quarterly QA sample Once per quarter Per ERA specifications (varies) Aluminum EPA 200.8 Blank Initial sample and every "! 10 to +10 10 samples cpg/I," Preparation blank Initial sample "! 10 to +10 ~ /L' Laboratory control Initial sample +_ 30% of nominal standard QAPP01, Revision No. 2 51 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Table 9. (continued) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Analytical Quality Control Check Frequency Acceptance Parameter Method Check Criteria Aluminum Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal EPA 200.8 Matrix spike/Matrix spike Every 10 samples +_ 30% of nominal duplicate Intemal standard Every sample Recovery = 60- 125% Copper EPA 200.8 Blank Initial sample and every "! 10 to +10 10 samples cp /L°° Preparation blank Initial sample "! 10 to +10 ~~» Laboratory control Initial sample +_ 30% of nominal standard Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Matrix spike/Matrix spike Every 10 samples +_ 30% of nominal duplicate Intemal standard Every sample Recovery = 60 -125% Mercury EPA 245.1 Blank Beginning end, and <0.1 ~g/L eve 10 sam les Mid range standard Beginning end, and +_ 10% of nominal every 10 samples Low level standard Initial sample ± 10% of nominal Duplicates Every 10 samples RSD' < 10% Spike Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Sodium EPA 200.8 Blank Initial sample and every "! 100 to +100 10 samples cpg/I," Preparation blank Initial sample "! 100 to +100 ~~» Laboratory control Initial sample +_ 30% of nominal standard Midpoint standard Every 10 samples ± 10% of nominal Matrix spike/Matrix spike With aluminum and +_ 30% of nominal du licate co er anal ses Intemal standard Every sample Recovery = 60- 125% Total PhosphorusZ APHA 4500- Blank Every sample run RSD' < 0.5% P E. Ascorbic acid Spike Every 10 samples + 10% of nominal tRSD =Relative standard deviation which is defined as standard deviation divided by the mean value. Total phosphorus analysis conducted by the University ofMissouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 52 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP The total phosphorus samples were run in triplicate after digestion with ammonium peroxydisulfate (Method: APHA 4500-P, E. Ascorbic acid). A blank was made with every sample run and calibration check includes running a reference sample at the beginning and end of triplicate sample runs. A spike of 10% was used in calibration and 4 levels of standard solution plus a blank were used in the method. The precision of the method is 0.5% relative standard deviation (RSD). Relative standard deviation is defined as the standard deviation divided by the mean concentration of the analyte. Standard laboratory turnaround time for water chemistry analyses was 30 days for both vendor laboratories. B5. Quality Control Quality control methods for water quality instrumentation include periodic calibration of instruments in the laboratory and field checks of DO, conductivity, pH, and turbidity (See Sections B6 and B'~. Continuous DO and temperature sondes are also cleaned and calibrated in the field for DO, pH, and conductivity on weekly to biweekly basis (Appendix D, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC-EVSV-00071). In addition, monitors are rotated from field use on a regular basis for periodic calibration under laboratory conditions. DO membranes on sonde probes are checked frequently and replaced if there are signs of wear or deterioration. Each DO sonde is checked against alaboratory-calibrated field instrument when retrieved from the field for cleaning, calibration, and data download. This instrument check provides verification regarding the accuracy and variability of each data sonde and the acceptance of the DO sonde data Chlorophyll a sample bottles were cleaned after each sample event by triple rinsing with tap water and air-drying the bottles. The same sample bottles were used for each sample location during the study. Other water chemistry sample bottles were used once for sampling and discarded after use. Water chemistry analyses conducted by vendor laboratories follow USEPA (1983) and APHA (1998) standardized procedures for the specified parameters. To ensure accuracy and precision of analytical methods, quality control checks are achieved using detection levels, percent recovery of known standards, analytical blanks, spikes, duplicates, and reference and control standards. No field split samples were obtained for the water chemistry samples to determine within-station sample variability for each sampling trip date. Split or duplicate field samples were not requested by NCDWQ or other relicensing stakeholders during preparation of the study plan in 2003. Table 9 lists the quality control checks, check frequencies, and acceptance criteria for each specified water chemistry parameter. Quality control checks for chlorophyll a analysis include the use of blanks as a correction factor (Appendix D, Chlorophyll Laboratory Procedure EVGTSDC-00103). B6. Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance Water quality instrument control, including testing, inspection, and maintenance is under the responsibility of the Natural Resources Media Team's Instrument Coordinator (Appendix C, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual, Section 6.0 Eq~ment Maintenance and Calibration and Appendix D, Water Quality Instrumentation Control Procedure EVC-EVSV- QAPP01, Revision No. 2 53 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP 00058). Instruments are kept and maintained in a centralized laboratory with check-out procedures for instrument use in the field. Any nonserviceable, uncalibrated, and/or non- functioning instrument is tagged and taken out of service. Water quality instruments are checked out prior to each sampling trip on the instrument field usage check-out sheet (Appendix G). Operational checks are made on the instrument in the laboratory prior to data collection in the field. Any instrument that fails the operational check is tagged and placed out-of-service until a detailed inspection and laboratory calibration can be performed. Instruments that can not be repaired in the Progress Energy laboratory are shipped to an equipment vendor for repair. Routine inspection and maintenance is conducted on water quality instruments which include periodic battery replacement, recharging equipment batteries (if rechargeable), inspection of sonde probes, replacing DO membranes, and inspection of sonde and cable coupling apparatus. Continuous in-situ monitors will be inspected, cleaned, and maintained on a weekly to biweekly basis during the May through November study period (Appendix D, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC-EVSV-00071). Water quality sondes with DO probes are kept in a moist environment when not in use to prevent drying of membranes. B7. Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency Water quality instruments (YSI Models 55, 57, and 650) are calibrated on a quarterly basis in the laboratory (Appendix D, Calibration and Operational Check of YSI Oxygen Meters Procedure EVC-EVSV-00062, Calibration and Operation Check of YSI Conductivity Meters Procedure EVGTSDC-00063, and Calibration and Operational Checks of YSI Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVGTSDC-0069). The calibration and operation check tolerances for passing inspection of instruments are: (± 1.O~C for temperature, ± 0.5 mg/L for DO, ± 0.5 pH units, ± 10% for conductivity standards, and ± 10% for turbidity standards > 0 NTU. Three- point temperature calibrations are performed on instruments and reference thermometers are calibrated for use between 0 and 100 C (Appendix D, Calibration of Thermometers Procedure EVGTSDC-00065). Reference thermometers are calibrated against NIST traceable standard mercury thermometers. NIST certified standard solutions are used to calibrate pH, conductivity, and turbidity (Appendix D, Calibration and Operational Checks of YSI Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVGTSDC-00069). Dissolved oxygen is checked in the laboratory and prior to field use and adjusted for the local altitude and/or barometric pressure (Appendix D, Calibration and Operational Checks of YSI Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVGTSDC-00069 and Calibration and Operational Check of YSI Oxygen Meters EVC-EVSV- 00062). A calibration data sheet is used during the water quality instrument calibration checks, and these calibration records are maintained in the Biology Programs QA file (Appendix H, Calibration Data Sheet). Temperature, pH, and conductivity calibration values are recorded on this sheet. Dissolved oxygen is air-calibrated based on altitude/barometric pressure and air temperature but not recorded on this calibration sheet. A calibration sticker is affixed to each instrument after calibration which lists the assigned instrument number, the effective calibration date, the date of neat scheduled calibration, and the person's initials who calibrated the instrument. The continuous water quality monitor sondes (YSI 600 XLM) are calibrated in the field (Appendix D, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC-EVSV-00071). Each of these sondes has been assigned a unique instrument number in order to track instrument calibration QAPP01, Revision No. 2 54 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP and performance. Sondes are cleaned prior to calibration and the pH and conductivity parameters are compared against known standards. The DO probe membranes and sonde batteries are replaced on each maintenance trip and DO is also air-calibrated. Per procedure steps, the sonde parameters are also compared with alab-calibrated multiparameter instrument to check the accuracy and variability of each continuous monitor sonde immediately after the sonde is pulled from the monitor location and prior to cleaning and calibration. Readings from each sonde are also compared against the multiparameter instrument after cleansing and calibration and before re-deployment in the field. Each calibration check in the field is recorded on a continuous monitor service form which is retained and stored in the Biology Program QA files. During each maintenance trip, one sonde is rotated out of service and replaced with alaboratory- calibrated meter. The sonde rotated out of service is taken back to the laboratory for calibration of all parameters, including temperature. This laboratory calibration for each sonde occurs once every twelve weeks during the May-November monitoring season. The chlorophyll a spectrophotometer is serviced and calibrated biennially by Thermo Electron Calibration, Ina Service records associated with this instrument calibration are maintained in the Biology Program QA file. Water quality instrument performance is evaluated against known standards or a temperature- atmospheric pressure calibration table (DO only). The tolerances for water quality instruments are: ± 1.0° for temperature; ± 0.5 mg/L for DO; ± 0.5 unit for pH; ± 10% of known standards for conductivity; and ± 10% for known standards for turbidity (turbidity standards > 0 NTU). If an instrument fails to calibrate for a particular parameter after repeated efforts, the instrument is tagged with an out-of-calibration repair label, taken out of service, and shipped to a vendor for repair and calibration. In such instances, data previously collected by the instrument are reviewed for anomalies or errors. If the data are questionable, the data are either omitted during data analyses or flagged and qualified by the instrument performance/calibration records. All calibration records generated by Progress Energy are maintained as part of the Biology Program records (Appendix C, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual, Section 6.0 Equipment Maintenance and Calibration). B8. Inspection/Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables Routine supplies and consumables (e. g., DO membranes, chemical reagent standard solutions, batteries, and spare cables) are purchased from vendors by the Natural Resource Media Team's Senior Environmental Specialists or the Contract Environmental Technician (Figure 1). Supplies are inspected for breakage of reagent bottle seals or any damage to packages upon receipt from the vendors. Any damaged materials are returned to the vendor and not accepted for use. All DO membranes are inspected visually prior to use. All standard reagents are kept in labeled containers in chemical storage cabinets. B9. Non-Direct Measurements Non-direct measurement data that may be used in interpretation of water quality study results include power plant generating data (megawatt and discharge data in cubic feet per second), lake level data, U.S. Geological Survey river flow (cfs) data, and National Weather Service regional precipitation data. Additionally, water quality data bases maintained by the NCDWQ, USEPA (STOREY data), and S.C. Department of Health & Environmental Control will be reviewed and compared to study results, as applicable. These data will be used to interpret the temporal and QAPP01, Revision No. 2 55 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP spatial trends of water quality variables at each hydroelectric development with respect to power plant operations and tributary inputs. Computer databases maintained by governmental regulatory agencies will be used and accepted as valid data sources as these databases have independent QA/QC programs to ensure technically valid and defensible data. Progress Energy's generation data are maintained in an electronic database format from power plant daily operation logs maintained and verified by plant operations staff, including the operations supervisor. These data are maintained and retrieved via the Company's computer Intranet system. These data are available for data analyses in a locked, read-only file format. Water quality study results may also be compared, where applicable, to study results from the upstream Yadkin Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2197), which is being concurrently relicensed by APGL This project includes High Rock, Tuckertown, Narrows (Badin), and Falls reservoirs. These reports underwent independent review and comment by APGI relicensing stakeholders, including the NCDWQ and USEPA. Any grey literature data (i.e., study results from universities, non-governmental agencies, or industries) that are used to interpret study results will be reviewed and cited appropriately, with consideration given to the study design and methods and QA/QC limitations. Copies of these cited reports will be kept on file with Progress Energy. Digital photographs are taken to document sample collection conditions, including river flow and reservoir levels. These photographs are filed by study and sample trip date on Progress Energy's Local Area Network (LAN) computer system. B10. Data Management Progress Energy has written procedures and work processes in place to document sample collection, data review and editing, data transfer and maintenance onto a mainframe computer, and data analyses and report writing (Appendix C, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual, Section 7.0 Data Processing and Report Preparation). A description is given in the following sections that details the path of water quality and chemistry data from sample collection to data review and editing including long-term storage on the mainframe computer, and finally to data analyses and report writing. Most water quality data (i.e., temperature, DO, conductivity, pH, and turbidity) will be collected in the field via electronic data entry and storage on the YSI Mode1650 and YSI Mode1600 XLM data loggers. Additionally, some data may be directly captured in electronic form by entry onto a field laptop computer using an electronic version of the water quality field data sheet (Appendix D, Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure EVC-EVSV-00071 and Water Quality Field Procedure EVGTSDC-00097). For the intensive water temperature and DO study, the data were entered by hand onto hard copies of the water quality field data sheets. These data were converted to a Microsoft EXCEL electronic file in the office by direct data entry using two people for entry and verification. Data from the water quality data loggers are downloaded in the field onto the laptop computer at the end of the sampling day, in the case of monthly water quality studies using the YSI Model 650. Data for the continuous monitor sondes (YSI Model 600 XLM) are downloaded directly as discrete files onto the laptop computer using an YSI software interface program (ECOWATCH). The ECOWATCH files are later converted to a Microsoft EXCEL file for data review and editing. Backup copies of electronic data files are on QAPP01, Revision No. 2 56 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP computer storage media (i.e., 3.5 inch diskette, CD, or flash drive) made at the end of each work day while in the field to ensure no data are lost due to computer hard drive malfunctions. Water chemistry data were processed by the vendor laboratories, and these data were received in two formats from the vendor laboratories: (1) a hard copy of the laboratory data report analyses for each monthly sample collection and (2) an electronic data set of each monthly analysis in a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet file. The data sets were reviewed and processed into Progress Energy's data management and QA filing system as described below. Afield collection verification sheet (FCVS) is completed by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician after each sampling trip. The FCVS lists the sampling date, the sampling procedure number(s) that was used to collect the data, the type of study, the sample numbers (if applicable), the sampled locations, equipment numbers, sampler collectors names, and whether if there were any deficiencies noted in the data collection (Appendix C, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual, Section 4.0 Sample Collection and Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051). The FCVS is reviewed, verified, and signed electronically by the Lead or Senior Environmental Specialist. If there are any noted deficiencies in the collected samples, the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager must review and approve the FCVS. All FCVS are filed in the Project QA file under the appropriate study program. Any deficiencies that may compromise the data quality are either corrected by re-collecting the affected samples or by noting the deficiency so the specific affected data are either excluded or qualified during the data analyses and reporting. In the office, the water quality and chemistry data are transferred to the Company's Local Area Network (LAN) computer system and maintained in discrete electronic files that are labeled by study type, location, and sample trip date. The LAN storage files are backed up daily by Progress Energy. These data are initially reviewed to ensure these data sets are complete, and all header field information has been completed. The data are inspected at this point for any obvious errors that might be observed. For water chemistry, the hard copies of each laboratory data report are reviewed by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician. Any potential errors or discrepancies in these analytical results are discussed with the vendor laboratory with re-analysis of the affected parameter(s), if deemed necessary. The original hard copies of each monthly water chemistry analysis are transmitted and retained in the Biology Program QA file using the Data Cover Sheet and QA Records Transmittal Form (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051). After this initial inspection, computer-entered data are uploaded onto the Progress Energy mainframe computer via the BIOFRAME software transfer interface program (Appendix D, Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC-00123). BIOFRAME is a custom program developed by Progress Energy which converts computer spreadsheet data files into SAS files. These SAS files are uploaded to the mainframe computer for data editing, analyses, and long- term storage. Each discrete block of uploaded data is labeled with a computer edit batch file name and held in a temporary computer storage area until data review and editing have been completed (Appendix D, Batch Header Record Form for Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC-00123). These data can only be accessed by authorized personnel through a user identification and password clearance with the Progress Energy's Information Technology and Telecommunications Department. From this point forward, the data batch file is tracked with a user log sheet through the data edit and verification process until final uploading to a locked, QAPP01, Revision No. 2 57 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP read-only data file located on Progress Energy's mainframe computer (Appendix D, Data Processing Log Form, Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC-00123). After the data are transferred to the mainframe computer, the data are processed through an error checking data verification program which has specific edit checks written to detect errors in the main data fields. The Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician reviews the flagged data records from this edit verification program output to determine if errors exist in the data set. If the errors are valid, revisions are marked on the affected data verification program records and then these changes are made to the mainframe data file. The data verification program is re-run after data corrections have been made, and the output is again reviewed by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician. This process is repeated until the data are declared "clean" (i.e., no detectable errors through the computer edit verification program). The electronic user log sheet is completed and the data are transferred to a locked, read-only file for long-term storage on the mainframe computer (Appendix D, Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC-00123, Masterfile Log Sheet Form). After the data are declared clean and appended to the data masterfile located on the mainframe computer, the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician completes the data cover sheet to document the data record transfer and submits the sheet to the QA file. If hard copy data sheets were used in the field data collection, these sheets are attached to the data cover sheet for transmittal. At this point, the data are ready for the statistical analyses and report writing phases of the study. The data analyses phase begins by downloading specific data sets based on the requirements of the study plan and report content. Two computer software programs are used for statistical analyses and testing of water quality and chemistry data via desktop computers. The first software program is the BIOFRAME data analyses programs (water quality and water chemistry) which can output descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, median, range, standard deviation, and confidence intervals) and some parametric statistical tests (i.e., t-tests and analysis-of-variance). The BIOFRAME programs are written in SAS language and data are formatted to SAS output. These programs are "canned" in that the user selects the analyses variables of interest (e.g., station location, month, year, and parameter(s) of interest) and submits the program for data analyses output. The SAS program language is written for these programs, and the user does not write any SAS language for the data analyses. The BIOFRAME program code is maintained as locked files on the mainframe computer and can only be changed by authorized personnel. The second computer program that is used for data analyses is PC SAS' utilizing the ASSIST interface which permits greater flexibility in statistical analyses and testing. In the PC SAS' environment, data analyses programs are compiled through a point-and-click menu. Additionally, the user can directly write SAS program language or modify the program produced through the point-and-click menus. This is accomplished through a program edit window. The resulting SAS program that generated the data analysis is saved on the LAN computer system under specified SAS files for that project. These electronic program files are retained in case there is a need to re-run the specific data analysis or if documentation needs to be provided for the specific data analysis. Other computer software programs, such as Microsoft EXCEL or PowerPoint, may be used to graphically plot and analyze data for reporting results. Files generated through the use of these types of graphical analyses are stored on Progress Energy's LAN computer system in designated nonmainframe computer files for the specific study and project. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 58 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Computer printouts of data analysis are retained through the report writing phase and through submittal of the data report to regulatory agencies. These printouts are retained until review and approval of report results and then discarded. GROUP C. ASSESSMENT AND OVERSIGHT Cl. Assessments and Response Actions Progress Energy performs an annual internal self-assessment of the QA Program and periodic independent audits of the QA Program by external entities (Appendix C, Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual, Section 9.0 Self-Assessments and Section 10.0 Audits). In addition, there is oversight by the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager in review and approval of QA records generated and submitted to the QA Program files during the conduct of the water quality studies. This review and approval oversight includes (1) verification of field data collection, (2) documentation of data processing and computer master file submittals, (3) submittals of data and other supporting QA records to the QA file, (4) corrections/revisions to computer master file and subsequent changes to QA records, (5) revisions to existing field or laboratory procedures, (6) maintenance of technical performance evaluator (TPE) lists for field and laboratory techniques, and ('~ self-assessment and audit report findings. The internal self-assessment is performed annually to ensure accountability of the QA records. The Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager assigns another person within the EH&SS other than the primary QA Records Administrator, to perform this self-assessment. This person is also independent of the data collection process for the studies. The results of the survey are documented and reported to the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager. Any deficiencies are reported and corrective actions, as required, are made and documented (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051 and Deficiency Corrective Action Procedure EVC-EVSV-00125). Corrective actions are reviewed and approved by the manager. Any corrective action documentation is also filed in the Biology Program QA file. Additionally, the QA Records Administrator performs an annual review of QA records with the use of a records checklist. The checklist is used to verify study plan requirements and compare field verification forms and data files (including instrument calibration records) within the QA file to ensure all records are complete and whether there are any deficiencies in the QA records (Appendix J, QA Records Checklist for QA Program Annual Self-Assessment). The Laboratory Manager also provides oversight and review of this annual self-assessment (Figure 1). If QA records do not agree, the individual originator of the QA records is notified and the discrepancy is reviewed and corrected, as necessary. Any discrepancy findings are corrected using the QA records supplement/correction and transmittal form (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051, QA Records Supplement/Correction and Transmittal Form). This documentation is reviewed and approved by the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager and is filed in the Biology Program QA file. An independent external audit is performed periodically by Progress Energy's Audit Services. This audit is to evaluate the Biology QA Program and the effectiveness of the program elements in producing quality data. The auditor is external to EH&SS. The audit includes a check of work performance against written procedures and the effectiveness of the QA policy in meeting regulatory requirements. Any deficiencies or nonconformance in the QA program are reported QAPP01, Revision No. 2 59 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP in a written report to the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager and other pertinent EH&SS management. Any deficiencies are reported and corrective actions, as required, are made and documented using the proper reporting forms (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051, Nonconformance Report and QA Records Transmittal and QA Records Supplement/Correction and Transmittal Form and Deficiency Corrective Action Procedure EVC-EVSV-00125). The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) may also perform external independent audits on a periodic basis. The last audit conducted by NCDWQ was in 2006. These audits are related to each state's Laboratory Certification Program, which Progress Energy is a certified environmental laboratory under each respective state (Appendix E, Progress Energy State Laboratory Certifications). Any deficiencies are reported and corrective actions, as required, are made and documented using the proper reporting forms (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051, Nonconformance Report and QA Records Transmittal and QA Records Supplement/Correction and Transmittal Form and Deficiency Corrective Action Procedure EVC-EVSV-00125). Tritest, Inc., the vendor chemistry laboratory has its own QA/QC program and performs its own internal annual, independent audits of its program. The QA Officer with Tritest, Inc. is responsible for the conduct of these internal audits. Additionally, Tritest is also astate-certified laboratory and subject to periodic audits by the NCDWQ. C2. Reports to Management The Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager receives reports from (1) the annual QA checklist review for completeness of data records associated with the water quality studies, (2) the annual self-assessment of the Biology QA Program, and (3) the periodic independent audits of the QA Program. Additionally, results of annual self-assessments and audits are reviewed by the unit and section level management (i.e., See Figure 1, EH&SS Organizational Chart, Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager and the EH&SS Director). As stated in Section Cl, the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager is responsible for the final review of data records and supporting documentation of studies submitted to the Biology QA Program file. The manager is independent of the data collection and analysis processes. The relicensing water quality study reports were filed during November 2005 with the NCDWQ, USEPA, and other relicensing stakeholders. These reports addressed issues raised during the study scoping meetings held during 2003 (see Section A5 of this QAPP). Comments were received and incorporated into these reports. Information in these reports was used in preparing the Final License Application which was submitted to the FERC, NCDWQ, USEPA, and other relicensing stakeholders on April 25, 2006. The relicensing water quality reports were included as appendices to the Final License Application. These documents were submitted to the following personnel within the NCDWQ and USEPA: (1) Mr. Alan Klimeck, NCDWQ Director, (2) Mr. Mike Lawyer, NCDWQ Surface Water Protection Section, (3) Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ Surface Water Protection Section, Wetlands & Surface Water Branch, Program Development, (4) Ms. Darlene Kucken, NCDWQ Basinwide Planning Unit, and (5) Mr. Ben West, USEPA Region IV. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 60 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP These documents are part of the FERC relicensing record for the Project and can be accessed through the FERC website (www.ferc.gov). Reports issued as part of the DO Enhancement Plan, including the continuous DO monitoring annual reports, will be submitted to the following NCDWQ and USEPA personnel (1) Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, (2) Mr. Mike Lawyer, NCDWQ, (3) Ms. Darlene Kucken, NCDWQ, and (4) Mr. Ben West, USEPA. These reports may also be distributed to the FERC, other relicensing stakeholders including other NCDWQ, NCDENR, and USEPA personnel, as identified and necessary, to support the Project relicensing. The license DO compliance reports will be submitted annually to the FERC and NCDWQ. The responsible staff within these respective agencies will be identified prior to submittal of the first report which is expected to occur in 2012. GROUP D. DATA VALIDATION AND USABILITY Dl. Date Review, Verification, and Validation Water quality data (i.e., temperature, DO, pH, conductivity, and turbidity) are accepted or rejected based on instrument calibration and performance standards. Instruments are field- calibrated for DO and compared to a calibration table of temperature and corresponding DO concentrations which are adjusted for altitude/barometric pressure. This calibration table ensures accurate DO measurements. In the case of pH, conductivity, and turbidity, the instrument can be compared against known standards to determine if the field instrument parameter reading is reasonable. If the instrument reading is questionable, a backup instrument is used to obtain the measurements and the questionable instrument is taken out of service until the problem is rectified. All water quality data are inspected by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician during and after field data collection. Instrument performance, coupled with professional judgment, is used to accept or reject the data during field data collection. This professional judgment includes reviewing values that may deviate from any applicable North Carolina water quality standards or values that would be outside the range of expected values (e.g., pH values > 14). Water chemistry sample analysis, including QC results, were reviewed by the vendor laboratory analyst for validity (including accuracy and precision results) prior to being released to Progress Energy. In addition, the water chemistry reports were reviewed by Progress Energy staff after receipt from the vendor laboratory. The water chemistry parameter holding times were checked against the sample collection times recorded on chain-of-custody (COC) forms to ensure all analyses were performed within the specified holding times. The COC form was also reviewed to ensure proper signatory release from the field collectors to the laboratory analyst. Water chemistry reports were reviewed to determine if analyzed parameters met the specified laboratory reporting limits and whether there were any specified Quality Control comments regarding a particular parameter. If a parameter analysis was questionable, the vendor laboratory was requested to re-analyze the particular parameter, if holding times had not been exceeded for that parameter. All water chemistry samples were held by the vendor laboratory until the data were verified by Progress Energy staff. Review of the laboratory data reports and inspection of the data were performed by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental QAPP01, Revision No. 2 61 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Technician prior to uploading electronic data sets to the mainframe computer for data editing and verification. D2. Verification and Validation Methods The first step in data review, verification, and validation is documentation of the field data collection with the Field Collection Verification Sheet (FCVS) (Appendix D, Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Procedure EVC-EVSV-00051). The FCVS documents the procedure used, sample date, sample location, number of samples collected, instrument numbers, data collectors, and whether there were any deficiencies in the data collection. The data collection is verified by the Water Media Team's Lead Environmental Specialist and reviewed by the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager. Any sample deficiencies (e.g., missed sample, questionable instrument performance, etc.) that may compromise the data quality are either corrected by re-collecting or re-analyzing the affected samples or by noting the deficiency so the specific affected data are either excluded or qualified during the data analyses and reporting. After field data collection, data are tracked with the Batch Header record and Data Processing Log Sheet through computer entry or upload, editing, verification, and master filing on the mainframe computer (Appendix D, Processing Data Forms Procedure, EVC-TSDC-00123). The log sheet is used as the chain of custody record for data entry, data edits and verification, and masterfile uploads. Electronic data captured in the field (i. e., continuous DO monitoring study and monthly reservoir and tailwaters water quality study) are transferred from the field computer or data logger directly to the LAN computer system. These data are visually inspected for errors by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician prior to uploading to the mainframe computer for data editing and verification. In the case of data entered on field forms, the data are keypunched directly onto the LAN computer file using two people for data entry and verification. One person enters the data and the second person verifies the keypunched data are correctly entered from the field data form. After this data entry process, the data are uploaded to the mainframe computer for the further data editing and verification. After this initial inspection of the data file on the LAN computer system, the computer-entered data are uploaded onto the Progress Energy mainframe computer via the BIOFRAME software transfer interface program (Appendix D, Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC-00123). BIOFRAME is a custom computer software program developed by Progress Energy which transfers data files into SAS files onto the mainframe computer for data editing, analyses, and long-term storage. Each discrete block of data was labeled with a computer edit batch file name and held in a temporary computer storage area until data review and editing have been completed (Appendix D, Batch Header Record Form for Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC- 00123). These data can only be accessed by authorized personnel through a user identification and password clearance issued by the Progress Energy's Information Technology and Telecommunications Department. From this point forward, the data batch file is tracked with a user log sheet through the data edit and verification process until final uploading to a locked, read-only data file located on Progress Energy's mainframe computer (Appendix D, Data Processing Log Form. Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC-TSDC-00123). After the data are transferred to the mainframe computer, the data are processed through an error checking data verification program which has specific edit checks written to detect errors in the main data fields. The Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician QAPP01, Revision No. 2 62 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP reviews the flagged data records from this edit verification program output from this verification program to determine if errors exist in the data set. If the errors are valid, revisions are marked on the affected data verification program records and then these changes are made to the mainframe data file by a Senior Environmental Specialist. The data verification program is re- run after data corrections have been made, and the output is again reviewed by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician. This process is repeated until the data are declared "clean" (i.e., no detectable errors through the computer edit verification program). The electronic user log sheet is completed and the data are transferred to a locked, read-only file on the mainframe computer (Appendix D, Processing Data Forms Procedure EVC- TSDC-00123, Masterfile Log Sheet Form). After the data are declared clean, the data are appended to the data masterfile and uploaded to the mainframe computer, the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician completes the data cover sheet to document record transfer to the QA file. If hard copy data sheets were used in the field data collection, these sheets are attached to the data cover sheet for transmittal. At this point, the data are ready for the statistical analyses and report writing phases. If any errors are detected in the data sets during data analyses, a request is made by the Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician for a computer master file correction to the affected data record(s) (Appendix D, Instructions for Making Changes to QA Records and Computer Master Files Procedure EVC-EVSV-00124). Two steps are utilized to correct and document errors in data sets that have been stored on the mainframe computer. First, the changes are made to the computer mainframe data set using the Service Request Form. If the data records are entirely electronic (i.e., data collection was made with field laptop computer), a computer printout is made of the data records that need correction. Revisions are then made in red ink on this printout. In the case of field data sheets, the Senior Environmental Specialist requests a copy of the original data sheet from QA file from the QA Records Administrator. Revisions are marked on this copy and attached to the QA Records Supplement Correction Form. The Senior Environmental Specialist or Contract Environmental Technician, who is performing the data analyses, submits the supplement/correction form with attached data records to the Energy Supply & CCO-Carolinas Manager for review and approval of the changes. The request is then forwarded to the Senior Environmental Specialist for changes to the mainframe computer master file. The Senior Environmental Specialist signs the form after receipt and correction of the affected data records. The second step involves documenting the change within the QA files. The QA Records Supplement Correction Form with attached corrected records (either the computer printout or hard copy of the field data sheet) is forwarded to the Energy Supply & Carolinas-CCO Manager for review and approval after the data have been corrected on the mainframe computer master file. The corrected records with the attached form are then forwarded to the QA Records Administrator for submittal to the QA file. The data analyses can then proceed on the corrected data set. In the case of data errors that are detected during analyses but can not be corrected or resolved by the involved report writer and data collectors, the suspect data are omitted from the data analyses. The omitted data are discussed in the report results and also documented with a footnote comment in the table or graph depicting the data set results. Statistical data results that are manually entered into report tables or figures from computer printouts are independently verified by one to two people other than the report writer. This verification involves aline-by-line check of tables and figures for data accuracy during the report QAPP01, Revision No. 2 63 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP review phase. Changes are made in red ink on the draft report and submitted to the report writer for revision during the report editing process. A report preparation and review checklist is used to verify accuracy in reporting data results during the report writing and review process (Appendix K). This checklist is maintained through the various draft stages of the report writing process and during issuance of the final report. The checklist is filed with the original, unbound copy of the report in the Biology Program QA file after the final report is issued. D3. Reconciliation with User Requirements The data analyses and report results of each study focused on the defined objectives of each study as specified in the study plans (Appendices A and B). Briefly, results of the monthly water quality/chemistry study were used to evaluate the influence of Project operations on water quality characteristics in the reservoirs and downstream tailwaters. The historical database (1999-2002) collected by Progress Energy was also compared to the contemporary data collected in this study to evaluate temporal changes in water quality relative to basinwide precipitation and relative inflow. The continuous dissolved oxygen and temperature monitoring studies (2004- 2010) determined the magnitude, extent, and duration of low dissolved oxygen events from power plant operations in downstream tailwaters during reservoir stratification periods, with emphasis on state water quality standards. The intensive dissolved oxygen and temperature study evaluated the lateral and longitudinal spatial differences in these parameters in the receiving tailwaters below each power plant. Additionally, the temporal changes in these parameters were examined relative to a typical power plant startup and shutdown operational scenario. The DO aeration technology studies (2006-2008) will evaluate different technologies to increase DO concentrations in the tailwaters at each power plant over a range of expected operational and environmental conditions (Figure 3 and Appendix B). The intent of these studies is to determine the most cost-effect technology to increase DO concentrations in each power plant tailwaters to comply with the North Carolina water quality DO standards. Study reports underwent both internal (Progress Energy and its consultant) and external (Water RWG stakeholders) review processes as part of the relicensing process. A report review form was used to document the internal Progress Energy report review process including comments by reviewers and subsequent revisions to the draft reports (Appendix K). Comments were incorporated, as relevant, to the report. The external review process of study results involved two steps: (1) a presentation of study results, with accompanying handouts, to the Relicensing Settlement Negotiations Group (includes Water RWG stakeholders, including the NCDWQ and USEPA) and (2) a formal review and comment on the draft report(s) by the Relicensing Settlement Negotiations Group stakeholders. Stakeholders provided written comments, and these comments were reviewed by Progress Energy and incorporated, as relevant, to the report. Resolution of stakeholder comments concerning report results occurred during the Relicensing Settlement Negotiation meetings in 2005-2006 or during scheduled review meetings with stakeholders/resource agencies. Resolution of these comments was documented in written form as part of the FERC relicensing proceeding (Progress Energy 2006b). All written correspondence, including the issued reports, is part of the FERC relicensing record. Results from the study reports were also incorporated into the Environmental Exhibit E of the Final License Application, submitted to the FERC and stakeholders on April 25, 2006 (Progress Energy 2006b). QAPP01, Revision No. 2 64 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Study plans and reports that are produced from the DO Enhancement Plan will be reviewed internally (Progress Energy and its consultant). The study plans and results of study reports will be discussed with NCDWQ staff at periodic scheduled meetings with the final reports issued to the NCDWQ, USEPA, and FERC, as necessary. Any comments that are received from these agencies on the report will be addressed as necessary, either verbally during scheduled meetings, through a response letter to the agency, or an amended report. For DO compliance monitoring, Progress Energy will work with NCDWQ staff to ensure that the reported data meets the agency's need to evaluate Project compliance with respect to North Carolina water quality standards. The data reporting format, per NCDWQ guidelines, will be addressed in the DO monitoring compliance plan which will be published prior to 2011. That compliance plan will be submitted as an addendum to this QAPP. Any data limitations or discrepancies in sample collections will be documented in the reports in either the methods or results/discussion sections of the reports. Specific data limitations will be noted in the data results, as shown in tables or figures, with the use of ancillary footnotes. REFERENCES APHA. 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 20v' edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. NCDWQ. 2000. Water quality progress in North Carolina 1998-1999 305(b) report. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, Raleigh, NC. 2002. Basinwide assessment report. Yadkin River Basin. June 2002. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, Environmental Services Branch, Raleigh, NC. _. 2004. NC DENR-Division of Water Quality "Redbook." Surface waters and wetlands standards. NC Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B.0100, .0200 & .0300. Amended effective: August 1, 2004. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, NC. . 2006a. North Carolina water quality assessment and impaired waters list (2006 integrated 305(b) and 303(d) report). Public Review Draft, February 2006. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, NC. . 2006b. Basinwide information management system. North Carolina waterbodies reports (including stream classifications). .0309 Yadkin River Basin. Internet web site http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/basinsandwaterbodies/hydroYadkin.pdf. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Accessed on February 23, 2007. 2006c. Standard operating procedures for benthic macroinvertebrates. Biological Assessment Unit. July 2006. North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Environmental Services Section. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 65 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Progress Energy. 2003. Initial consultation document. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project FERC No. 2206. Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC. Progress Energy. 2004x. Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual. EVC-TSDC-00049. Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC. . 2004b. Biology Program Procedures Manual. Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC. 2004c. Meeting notes issues study plans. Year 2003 Resources Working Groups, Land Use & Recreation -Terrestrial -Water Resources. Yadkin Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2206. Issues Template-Final Study Plan, Water Resources Working Group, Issues No. 7 and 8, Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes & Tailwaters water quality, January 2004. . 2005x. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2206. Continuous Water Quality Monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Water Resources Work Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 -Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake and Tailwaters Water Quality. November 2005. 2005b. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2206. Intensive temperature and dissolved oxygen study of the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Water Resources Work Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 - Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake and Tailwaters Water Quality. November 2005. . 2006x. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206. Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Dissolved oxygen (DO) enhancement plan. Revised March 27, 2006. 2006b. Application of license. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project FERC No. 2206. Submitted by Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC. Apri12006. 2006x. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2206. Monthly water quality study of Lake Tillery, Blewett Falls Lake, and associated tailwaters. Water Resources Work Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 -Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake and Tailwaters Water Quality. April 2006. USEPA. 1983. Methods for the chemical analysis of water and wastes. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/4-79-020, Cincinnati, OH. 2002. Guidance for quality assurance project plans. EPA QA/G-5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Information, Washington DC. December 2002. QAPP01, Revision No. 2 66 of 65 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX A Progress Energy Water Quality Studies (Water RWG Issues Nos. 7 & 8) Conducted for the Hydro Relicensing of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2206, Blewett Falls and Tillery Developments) during 2004 QAPP01, Revision No. 1 A-1 April 16, 2007 Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 2206 ISSUES TEMPLATE -FINAL STUDY PLAN WATER RESOURCES WORKING GROUP ISSUES NO. 7 AND 8 LAKE TILLERY AND BLEWETT FALLS LAKES & TAILWATERS WATER QUALITY January 2004 PROGRESS ENERGY A-1 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality PROGRESS ENERGY YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER PROJECT WATER RESOURCES WORKING GROUP ISSUES EVALUATION TEMPLATE Issue No. 7: Water Quality -Lake Tillery and its tailwaters 1. Description of Issue Several aspects of water quality have been identified as potential concerns, including: (1) meeting state water quality standards and supporting designated uses in the reservoirs and tailwaters; (2) evaluating the Project operation effects on the water quality in both Lake Tillery and downstream tailwaters; (3) cumulative effects of nutrient and sediment loading on reservoirs and tailwaters; (4) water quality effects of Rocky River inflow; and (5) use of state-certified labs with Quality Assurance Project Plans (EPA QAPP Guidelines) and data compatibility of water quality studies for support of future TMDL development. 2. Proiect Effects Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the tailwater reach below Tillery have been, on occasion, documented as being below the North Carolina water quality standard of 5 mg/L. These DO sags may occur during the time when reservoir stratification and hypolimnetic anoxia conditions occur. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDW~ has listed Lake Tillery Dam to Turkey Top Creek (15.3 river miles) as impaired due to low DO concentrations. This river reach has been identified by the State of North Carolina's 303(d) listing for impaired water bodies (NCDWQ 2003a). Water quality downstream of Lake Tillery is influenced by power plant releases and tributary inputs (e.g., Rocky River). However, tributary input plays a more significant role in influencing water quality with increasing distance downstream of the Tillery plant. Other water quality concerns, such as sedimentation, nutrient enrichment, and the presence of certain metals, are not the result of Project operations. Rather, these concerns may be a result of either point or non- point discharge sources located within the watershed. Reservoir stratification during the summer months may occur and may result in anoxic hypolimnetic conditions, which in turn may result in chemical reduction and increased concentrations of certain constituents. 3. Applicable Existing Information Several sources of existing information are available to assist in the evaluation of the water quality in and below Lake Tillery. Progress Energy has conducted monthly water quality surveys of Lake Tillery and downstream tailwaters during 2000-2002. These surveys also included sampling of the Rocky River just above the confluence with the Pee Dee River. Additionally, Progress Energy conducted biweekly surveys of water temperature, DO, conductivity, pH, and turbidity during the resident fish surveys conducted during 2000. All of these data were collected in accordance with Progress Energy's Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program. Specific sampling procedures for water quality sampling, including sample A-2 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality handling and chain-of-custody, are detailed in the Progress Energy QA/QC Program. The water chemistry analyses were performed by state-certified laboratories. The specific information regarding the laboratory analysis (standards, percent recovery, and accuracy/precision results) and the laboratory's QA/QC programs are available for review. Progress Energy's environmental laboratory, which collected water quality data during these surveys, is also certified by the NCDWQ. Progress Energy has summarized and described these water quality data in its Initial Consultation Document (Progress Energy 2003) published in February 2003 (see Section 4 and Appendices D-E). The 2002 water quality survey data were not included in the ICD due to the publication deadline. These data will be summarized and compared to previously collected data. Power generation conditions at the time of water quality sampling will be compared to the existing data to evaluate the effects of Project operations on reservoir and tailwater water quality. The NCDWQ and Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basin Association have conducted water quality studies at selected stations in the reservoir and/or tailwaters during past years. The NCDWQ has also conducted a basinwide water quality assessment and prepared a water quality plan for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River (NCDWQ 2002, NCDWQ 2003b), and this assessment will be reviewed for relevance to Project operations. The NCDWQ has also finalized its integrated 305(b) and 303(d) report (NCDWQ 2003), and this report provides information relative to impaired water body designations and the designated uses of water bodies. Other water quality data (e.g., NPDES permit data) that may be available from agriculture operations, industries, or companies in the Project vicinity will be identified and reviewed for relevance. 4. Study Needs Progress Energy proposes to undertake two studies in 2004 to investigate potential Project effects on water quality: (1) a temperature and DO study, with continuous monitors, will be conducted during the summer period of May through November to evaluate the river channel longitudinal and transverse (cross-sectional) effects of power house flows on DO concentrations and (2) a monthly water quality (temperature, DO, conductivity, pH, and turbidity and selected chemistry parameters) study of the reservoir and tailwaters reach, including a further investigation of the influence of Rocky River inflow on this reach. This study would evaluate the relative influence of Project operations on water quality characteristics. As part of the DO study, Progress Energy proposed to conduct a third study, a pilot temperature and DO study in the September-0ctober 2003 period, to evaluate the effects of Project operations on DO concentrations both longitudinally and across the river channel at selected sampling transects. This information was going to be used to help define the sampling sites for continuous DO monitors to be used in the 2004 study. However, the proper stratification conditions were not present in the reservoirs at the time of the study, and the data were not collected. Progress Energy plans to conduct this study during 2004 as part of its water quality studies (see Section 5, Final Study Plan and Appendix 1). In addition, DO and temperature continuous monitors will be placed in the upper, mid, and lower portions of the 303(d) impaired river reaches below each of the Project dams to document the spatial and temporal patterns of temperature and DO concentrations during May through November of 2004. A-3 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Resource Working Group Overlap (check if applicable) X Water Resources Issues # 5 and 8 _ Land Use and Recreation Issue # X Terrestrial Resources Issue # 3 J:\Projects\Progress Energy 2003 RWG\Water Resources Group\Study Plans\Issue 7 & Issue 8-FINAL 040112.doc A-4 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality PROGRESS ENERGY YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER PROJECT WATER RESOURCES WORKING GROUP ISSUES EVALUATION TEMPLATE Issue No. 8: Water Quality -Blewett Falls Lake and downstream areas. 1. Description of Issue Several aspects of water quality have been identified as potential areas of concern, including: (1) meeting state water quality standards and supporting designated uses in the reservoir and in the tailwater area, (2) the effect of Project operation on the water quality in Blewett Falls Lake and downstream tailwaters reach (including the relationship with NPDES permitted discharges); (3) cumulative effects of nutrient and sediment loading on reservoir and tailwater water quality; (4) erosion and bank stability relative to sediment loading in the tailwater reach; (5) water quality effects of Rocky River inflow, and (6) the use of state-certified labs with Quality Assurance Project Plans (EPA QAPP Guidelines) and data compatibility of water quality studies for support of future TMDL development. 2. Project Effects Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the tailwater area below the Blewett Plant have, on occasion, been documented as being below the North Carolina water quality standard of 5 mg/L. These DO sags may be the result of stratification and hypolimnetic anoxia conditions in the reservoir. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDW~ has listed the river reach from Blewett Falls Dam to Hitchcock Creek (6.3 river miles) as impaired due to low DO concentrations. This river reach has been identified by the State of North Carolina's 303(d) listing for impaired water bodies (NCDWQ 2003a). Water quality below the Blewett Falls Lake is influenced by powerhouse flows with tributary inputs and NPDES-permitted discharges playing a more significant role in influencing water quality with increasing distance downstream of the Project, particularly in South Carolina. Other water quality effects, such as sedimentation, nutrient enrichment, and the occurrence of certain metals, are not the result of Project operations. Rather, these concerns may be the result from either point or non-point discharge sources located within the watershed. However, reservoir stratification during the summer months may result in anoxic hypolimnetic conditions, which, in turn, may result in chemical reduction and increased concentrations of certain constituents. Erosion and bank stability relative to sediment loading in the tailwaters reach was listed as an issue related to project operational effects. Visual observations conducted during Progress Energy environmental surveys from 1998 to 2002 and again during a RWG instream flow reconnaissance float trip during July 2003, showed no evidence of significant bank erosion due to the fluctuation range in river levels associated power plant operations. Some erosion was noted in the Coastal Plain reach of the river located in South Carolina, but these processes were considered normal for the river, given the soils characteristics (highly friable and loose sandy soils with gravel) and the meandering nature of the river in this reach. Erosion in this reach was related to large-scale flood events beyond the hydraulic control of the Blewett Plant (>9,000 cfs). A-5 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Additionally, bank erosion in this reach helps to support replenishment of instream sand and gravel bars, which provide habitat for fish and macroinvertebrates. The normal range of river level fluctuations associated with power plant operations has not resulted in increased erosion or bank instability. 3. Applicable Existing Information Several sources of existing information are available to assist in evaluating the water quality in and below Blewett Falls Lake. Progress Energy has conducted monthly water quality surveys of Blewett Falls Lake and downstream tailwaters during 1999 and 2001. Additionally, Progress Energy conducted biweekly surveys of water temperature, DO, conductivity, pH, and turbidity during the resident fish surveys conducted during 1998-1999. All of these data were collected in accordance with Progress Energy's Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program. Specific sampling procedures for water quality sampling, including sample handling and chain-of-custody, are detailed in Progress Energy QA/QC Program. The water chemistry analyses were performed by state-certified laboratories. The specific information regarding the laboratory analysis (standards, percent recovery, and accuracy/precision results) and the laboratory's QA/QC programs are available for review. Progress Energy's environmental laboratory, which collected water quality data during these surveys, is also certified by the NCDWQ. Progress Energy has summarized and described these water quality data in its Initial Consultation Document (Progress Energy 2003) published in February 2003 (see Section 4 and Appendices D-E). The 2002 water quality survey data were not included in the ICD due to the publication deadline. These data will be summarized and compared to previously collected data. Power generation conditions at the time of water quality sampling will be compared to the existing data to evaluate the effects of Project operations on reservoir and tailwater water quality. The NCDWQ, the Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basin Association, and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) have conducted water quality studies at selected stations in the reservoir and/or portions of the tailwaters in recent years. The NCDWQ conducted a basinwide water quality assessment and developed a water quality plan for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River (NCDWQ 2002, NCDWQ 2003b), and this assessment will be reviewed for relevance to Project operations. The NCDWQ has also finalized its integrated 305(b) and 303(d) report (NCDWQ 2003a), and this report provides information relative to impaired water body designations and the designated uses of water bodies. The SCDHEC has also conducted an assessment of the South Carolina portion of the Pee Dee River and identified impairments relative to water quality designated uses (SCDHEC 2001, 2002a, 2002b). Other water quality data (e.g., NPDES permit data) that may be available from agriculture operations, industries, or companies in the Project vicinity will be identified and reviewed for relevance. A-6 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality 4. Study Needs Progress Energy proposes to undertake two water quality studies in 2004 to investigate potential Project effects: (1) a temperature and DO study, with continuous monitors, will be conducted during the summer period of May through November to evaluate the river channel longitudinal and horizontal (cross-sectional) effects of powerhouse flows on DO concentrations; and (2) a monthly water quality (temperature, DO, conductivity, pH, and turbidity and selected chemistry parameters) study of the reservoir and tailwater reach. This study would evaluate the relative influence of plant operations on water quality characteristics. As part of the DO study, Progress Energy proposed to conduct a third study, a pilot temperature and DO study in the late September-0ctober 2003 period, to evaluate the effects of Project operations on DO concentrations both longitudinally and across the river channel, at selected sampling transects. This information was going to be used to define the necessary sampling sites for continuous DO monitors that will be used in the 2004 study. However, the proper stratification conditions were not present in the reservoirs at the time of the study, and the data were not collected. Progress Energy plans to conduct this study during 2004 as part of its water quality studies (see Section 5, Final Study Plan and Appendix 1). In addition, DO and temperature continuous monitors will be placed in the upper, mid, and lower portions of the 303(d) impaired river reaches below each of the Project dams to document the spatial and temporal patterns of temperature and DO concentrations during May through November of 2004. Resource Working Group Overlap (check if applicable) X Water Resources Issues # 5 and 7 Land Use and Recreation Issue # X Terrestrial Resources Issue # 3 5. Final Study Plan 5.1 Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the water quality in the Project reservoirs and the Pee Dee River below the Blewett and Tillery Hydroelectric Plants. This study is being conducted to address water quality issues; specifically, the identified issues are: (1) meeting state water quality standards and supporting designated uses in the reservoirs and tailwaters; (2) evaluating the Project operation effects on the water quality in both reservoirs and downstream tailwaters; (3) cumulative effects of nutrient and sediment loading on reservoirs and tailwaters; (4) water quality effects of Rock River inflow; and (5) use of state-certified labs with Quality Assurance Project Plans (EPA QAPP Guidelines) and data compatibility of water quality studies for support of future TMDL development. 5.2 Objectives This study has three objectives: (1) conduct a monthly sampling program at Blewett and Tillery Developments to characterize the existing water quality conditions in the Project reservoirs and downstream tailwaters, including the effects of the Rocky River tributary inflow; (2) intensively A-7 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality assess the spatial and temporal patterns of temperature and DO concentrations in the Pee Dee River, downstream of each power plant; and (3) continuously monitor DO and water temperature from May through November in the upper, mid, and lower reaches of the NCDWQ-designated 303(d) impaired river reaches below each dam. These objectives will characterize the water quality of the Project tailwaters with and without power plant generation. 5.3 Methodology The study will be conducted from January through December 2004. Monthly samples will be collected from the reservoir and tailwaters while the power plants are operating. Samples will also be collected at two tailwater stations below each power plant at baseflow conditions, at least 6 hours since generation or when stream gages indicate stable flow conditions. The stations that will be sampled under baseflow conditions and during power plant operations are: Stations TY1B and TY12B below the Tillery Plant and Stations BF1B and BF2B below the Blewett Plant (see Table 1 and Figures 1 through 4 for these station location descriptions). The sampling stations established during the 1999-2002 water quality studies of Project reservoirs and tailwaters will be utilized during the monthly study (Progress Energy 2003a). A description of the sampling stations is given in Table 1 and stations are located in Figures 1 through 4. Table 2 lists the water quality parameters (i.e., water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity) and water chemistry parameters (solids, nutrients, and ion constituents, total alkalinity, hardness, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and selected trace metals) that will be measured during the monthly study. Table 3 lists the stations where continuous temperature and DO monitors will be located during that study. Appendix 1 details the intensive temperature and DO study that will be conducted below each power plant. Monthl~pling Monthly Sampling of Reservoirs Vertical profiles of water quality parameters (i.e., water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity) will be measured monthly at Stations TYB2, TYD2, TYF2, TYH2, and TYK2 in Lake Tillery and at Stations BFB2, BFD2, BFF2, and BFH2 in Blewett Falls Lake. Measurements will be taken with a YSI® Model 650 multi-parameter instrument or similar instrument at the surface (0.2 m) and 1-m intervals from the surface to bottom of each lake station. Secchi disk transparency depth (m) will be measured in the surface waters at each station. The multi-parameter instrument will be calibrated in the laboratory against known standards prior to use, and field-calibrated for dissolved oxygen, as outlined in Progress Energy's Quality Control/Assurance procedures manual (Progress Energy 2003b). Water chemistry samples will be collected concurrently with the water quality sampling at Stations TYB2, TYF2, and TYK2 in Lake Tillery and at Stations BFB2, BFF2, and BFH2 in Blewett Falls Lake. Surface and bottom samples will be collected at Stations TYB2 and TYF2 in Lake Tillery and Stations BFB2 and BFF2 in Blewett Falls Lake. Surface samples will only be collected at the uppermost stations in both lakes (i. e., Stations TYH2, TYK2, BFH2, and BFK2) because these stations are shallow and well mixed, based on results from previous water quality surveys (Progress Energy 2003a). A-8 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Alkalinity, solids (total, total suspended, and total dissolved), total phosphorus, and BOD samples will be placed on ice immediately after collection. Total phosphorus samples will be frozen after return to the laboratory and then shipped to the vendor laboratory for analysis. Total nitrogen, ammonia-N, nitrate-nitrite-N, COD, and total organic carbon samples will be preserved with sulfuric acid. Trace metal samples (aluminum, copper, and mercury) will be preserved with nitric acid. Chlorophyll a samples will be collected from a composite sample taken from the photic zone, defined as the surface, the Secchi disk transparency depth, and twice the Secchi disk transparency depth. Chlorophyll a samples will be transferred to opaque bottles, placed on ice, and kept in the dark until analysis. Monthly Sampling of Tailwaters Surface water quality and chemistry samples will be collected concurrently at Stations TY1B and TY12B below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant and Stations BFOB, BF1B, BF2B, BF3B, and BF4B below the Blewett Hydroelectric Plant. Additionally, the Rocky River (Station RR) will be sampled to evaluate the influence of this major tributary on the water quality in the Pee Dee River between the Tillery Plant and Blewett Falls Lake. Chlorophyll a or Secchi disk transparency depths will not be measured at the river stations. Water quality and chemistry sampling will be also be conducted at two tailwater stations below each power plant at baseflow conditions (i.e., at least 6 hours since last power generation event or when stream gages indicate stable flow conditions). Samples will be collected during baseflow conditions and during power plant operations at Stations TY1B and TY12B in the tailwaters of the Tillery Plant and Stations BF1B and Station BF2B in the tailwaters of the Blewett Plant. Intensive Temperature and DO Survey This study will determine the spatial and temporal patterns of temperature and DO in the Pee Dee River, downstream of the Blewett and Tillery Hydroelectric Plants. The study will evaluate the lateral (channel cross-section) and longitudinal (upstream to downstream areas) differences in the temperature and DO regimes below each power plant. Sampling will be conducted at baseflow conditions (no power plant generation), upon typical power plant startup, through flow stabilization, and declining flows with plant shutdown. In addition, the reservoir temperature and DO stratification patterns will be determined in the vicinity of each power plant intake to document the stratification patterns present in both reservoirs during this study. The study will be conducted during the earliest part of the year after reservoir stratification conditions exist in each reservoir. The sampling station locations and methodology are described in detail in Appendix 1. Progress Energy will review the study results with the NCDWQ to determine if the placement of in-situ continuous temperature and DO monitors needs to be adjusted during 2004. A-9 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Continuous DO and Temperature Monitoring Continuous monitoring of DO and temperature will be performed from May through November in the upper, mid, and lower reaches of the NCDWQ303(d) impaired river reaches below each dam. Continuous monitors will be placed at specified locations within the NCDWQ-designated 303(d) impaired reach below each dam. The specific locations for the continuous monitors are listed in Table 3. Prior to location within the river, vertical and lateral temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements will be made at each transect placed across the river channel to determine if there are any significant spatial differences in DO concentrations across the channel. At each transect, the temperature and DO will be measured at every 0.5 m depth at approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) intervals across the channel. The continuous monitors will be located in the river channel thalweg, at mid depth, during base flow conditions, unless the transect spatial survey shows a significant difference of > 0.5 mg/L in DO concentrations in the river channel. If such a spatial difference exists, the monitor will be placed at the location with the lowest DO concentration, providing that there is visible river current and the placement depth will ensure that the monitor is submerged under baseflow conditions. The continuous monitors will be programmed to collect data at 15-minute intervals. The monitors will be calibrated and data will be downloaded periodically throughout the sampling period at a frequency equal to or less than manufactures recommendations. Ancillary Data Collection Power plant generation (MW and cfs) data, USGS gaging station flow data (where available), and precipitation data will be obtained for each sample collection event. These data will be used in the analysis of the water quality data Sample Collection Handling and Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program Water chemistry samples will be collected with a nonmetallic Van Dorn sampler, transferred to labeled sample containers, and transported on ice to the laboratory. The holding times of the chemical parameters will follow methods established in APHA (1995) and USEPA (1979). Chain-of-custody forms will document the sample collection and transfer from the field to the laboratory. Laboratories that are state-certified for water and wastewater testing will perform the chemistry analyses. Quality assurance measures will evaluate the accuracy and precision of the analytical methods, which include detection levels, percent recovery of known standards and calculations of means, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation. All water quality and chemistry data will be collected in accordance with Progress Energy's Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program (Progress Energy 2003b, 2003c). Progress Energy is certified by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to collect water quality and biological samples through Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Specific procedures for instrument calibration and water quality sampling, including sample handling and chain-of-custody, are detailed in Progress Energy's QA/QC Program. Detailed record keeping associated with sample collection include chain-of-custody forms, sample collection field verification sheets, field and laboratory data files, vendor laboratory quality assurance data reports, and instrument calibration records. A data edit program will be used to inspect data for accuracy after the data are loaded onto Ado Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality electronic computer files. In addition Progress Energy or its vendor laboratories will be certified to collect samples under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP). 5.4 Location and Duration The study is expected to be conducted over aone-year period from January through December 2004. Station locations are described in Tables 1 and 3 can be located in Figures 1 through 4. 5.5 Data Analysis and Reporting The continuous dissolved oxygen monitoring will determine the magnitude, extent, and duration of low dissolved oxygen events from power plant operations in downstream tailwaters during reservoir stratification periods. This information can be also evaluated relative to the length of the NCDWQ designated impaired reaches below each power plant. The water quality data will be used to evaluate the influence of Project Operations on water quality characteristics in the reservoirs and downstream tailwaters. The historical database (1999-2002) can also be compared to the data collected from this study to evaluate temporal changes in water quality relative to basinwide precipitation patterns and relative inflow. If data indicates that water quality standards (i.e., DO concentrations) are not being met, then Progress Energy will evaluate options for improving DO to meet water quality criteria including turbine venting, spillway aeration, or other options. A report summarizing the study results will be prepared during 2005. 6. References APHA. 1995. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 19~' ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. NCDWQ. 2002. Basinwide assessment report. Yadkin River Basin. June 2002. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, Environmental Services Branch, Raleigh, NC. 2003. North Carolina water quality assessment and impaired waters list (2002 integrated 305(b) and 303(d) report). Final. February 2003. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section Planning Branch, Raleigh, NC. NCDWR 2003b. Yadkin Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. March 2003. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section Planning Branch, Raleigh, North Carolina. Progress Energy. 2003a. Initial consultation document. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project. FERC No. 2206. February 2003. Submitted by Progress Energy, Raleigh, North Carolina. Ad 1 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality --. 2003b. Biology Program Procedures Manual Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Raleigh, NC. --. 2003c. Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual. Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Raleigh, NC. SCDHEC. 2001. Watershed water quality assessment: Pee Dee Basin. March 2001. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Columbia, SC. --. 2002a The 2002 Section 305(b) water quality assessment report for South Carolina, March 2002. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Water, Columbia, SC. 2002b. State of South Carolina 303(d) list for 2002. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Water, Columbia, SC. USEPA. 1979. Methods for the chemical analysis of water and wastes. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-60/4-79-020, Cincinnati, OH. J:\Projec[s\Progress Energy 2003 RW G\Water Resources Group\Study Plans\Final\WR Issue #7 & Issue #8-0401.doc Ad2 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Table 1. Description of water quality sampling station locations for Blewett Falls Lake, Lake Tillery, and downstream tailwater areas of the Pee Dee River for the monthly study. Lake Tillery Station Location Descri tion River Mile TYB2 Lower reservoir near dam (RM 216.3) TYD2 Lower reservoir near Morgan Mountain (RM 219.7) TYF2 Mid reservoir below N. C. Highway 24/27 (RM 224.3) TYH2 Upper reservoir at Tater Top Mountain (RM 228.1) TYK2 Upper reservoir headwaters below Falls Hydroelectric Plant (RM 230.1) Pee Dee River below Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Descri tion River Mile TY1B Below railroad trestle in power planttailrace (RM 215.9) TY12B N. C. Highway 109 Bridge (RM 203.9) RR Rocky River at U.S. Highway 52 Bridge (4.6 miles upstream of Pee Dee River confluence) Blewett Falls Lake Station Location Descri tion River Mile BFB2 Lower reservoir near dam (RM 188.2) BFD2 Mid reservoir near island (RM 189.4) BFF2 Upper reservoir below Grassy Islands area (RM 192.3) BFH2 Upper reservoir headwaters (RM 195.2) Pee Dee River below the Blewett Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Descri tion River Mile BFOB Pow er plant tailrace (below buoy line and peninsula) (RM 188.0) BF1B U.S. Highway 74 Bridge (RM 184.7) BF2B U.S. Hi hwa 1 Brid eat Cheraw, SC RM 164.7 BF3B U.S. Highway 15/401 Bridge at Society Hill, SC (RM 147.0) BF4B U. S. Highway 76/301 Bridge at Florence, SC (RM 100.2) A-6 Final Study Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Table 2. List of water quality parameters that will be measured during the water quality monthly studies at the Blewett and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments during 2004. water want rleta Lvleasurements Parameter Water tee Dissolved Secchi disk vv aver Parameter' Total solids Total dissolved solids Total suspended solids Total nitrogen Ammonia-N Nitrate+nitrite-N Total phosphorus Total oreanic carbon a Biochemical o en demand Chemical oxygen demand Calcium Sodium Chloride Sulfate Hardness Total Alkalin Aluminum nutrients, and ion constituents will be measured in me/L. Chloronhvll a, aluminum, Conner, and mercury will be measured in ~g/L. Total alkalinity will be reported as mg/L CaCO3 and hardness will be calculated as mg equivalents CaCO3/L. A-7 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Table 3. Description of sampling locations for the in-situ continuous temperature and DO monitors during the water quality studies at the Blewett and Tillery Hydroelectric Developments during 2004. Pee Dee River below Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Descri tion River Mile TYCM1 N. C. Highway 731 Bridge (RM 215.4) TYCM2 Above confluence of Rocky River (RM 210.7) TYCM3 N. C. Highway 109 Bridge (RM 203.9) TYCM4 Downstream of confluence of Turkey Top Creek (RM 200.6) Pee Dee River below the Blewett Hydroelectric Plant Station Location Descri tion River Mile BFCM1 Power planttailrace (below buoy line and peninsula) (RM 188.0) BFCM2 U.S. Highway 74 Bridge (RM 184.7) BFCM3 Below confluence of Hitchcock Creek (RM 181.8) A-6 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tilley and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters «~ater Quality Yadkin Falls Hydroelectric Plant Tillery Hydroelectric ~ Plant NORTH CAROLINA Lake Falls Dam TYK2 Uwharrie River Morrow Mountain State Park Mountain Creek 24!27 v Lake Tillery 0 1 2 3 4 Kilometers 0 1 2 Miles T!B2 Tillery Hydroelectric Dam Plant J Hwy 731 Pee Dee River Figure 1: Sample station locations for the monthly water quality study at Lake Tillery during 'znna A-1 Final Study Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tille>ty and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Tillery Hydroelectric Plant NORTH CAROLINA Lake Tillery darks c k ~ Dam N~ 731 r s jRR ',~~~ Y TY1B s~A 7y D~ SR 1772 Rocky River N ~f! N n O S R '6 27 N Pee Dee River 4 TY126 SR ~G3Q I l~ 0 1 2 3 4 Kilometers 0 1 2 Miles Figw•e 2: Sample station locations for the monthly water quality study in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant during 2004 A-2 Final Study Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Lake Tilley and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality Pee Dee River Littl e River Blewett Hydroelectric TY7 2B Plant NORTH CAROLINA BFH2 O~ n Z BFF2~ Blewett Falls Lake N ~BFD BF 2 Dam Blewett Hydroelectric Plant Pee Dee River 0 1 2 w c' 1 1 1 ^ Kilometers Q- 0 0.5 1 I I i ~~ ~ Miles Figure 3: Sample station locations for the monthly water quality study at Blewett Falls Lake dw•ing 2004 -3 Final Study Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelects•ic Project Lake Tillery and Ble~vett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters t~Vater Quality Little River Rocky River Blewett Falls Lake us 74 Station BFOB Station BF1 B North Carolina Station BF2B Cheraw ,~, Bennettsville us 1 ~ Station BF3B Society Hill SC 151401 ~ ~e ~~k ~k Station BF4B ~ Florence us ~orsol = ~~a Q~ ~~ ~ sc 41 tyl South Carolina ~~'~~~,. SC 701 N Johnsonville ,~aS s~ ~ Yauhannah ~~~~ ~c kRj~er Geargetawn D Winyah Bay 0 5 10 15 20 ?S Miles Atlantic Ocean Figure 4: Sample station locations for the monthly water dualit~~ stud~~ in the Pee Dee River 1)P.IAi~r t}7P R)P~~~Pi1. Falls HV[li'OP.IP,CI'i'IC. Plant. (hli'1i76 2011=1 A-4 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Intensive Temperature and DO Study APPENDIX 1 YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 2206 INTENSIVE TEMPERATURE AND DO STUDY OF THE PEE DEE RIVER BELOW THE BLEWETT AND TILLERY HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS A-1 Final Studv Plan Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project Intensive Temperature and DO Study YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 2206 INTENSIVE TEMPERATURE AND DO STUDY OF THE PEE DEE RIVER BELOW THE BLEWETT AND TILLERY HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS Final Study Plan January 12, 2004 PROGRESS ENERGY Progress Energy Final Study Plan, January 12, 2004 INTENSIVE TEMPERATURE AND DO STUDY OF THE PEE DEE RIVER BELOW THE BLEWETT AND TILLERY HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS 1. Purpose The purpose of this study is to conduct an intensive study to determine the spatial and temporal patterns of temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the Pee Dee River, downstream of the Blewett and Tillery Hydroelectric Plants. Results of this study will be reviewed with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality to evaluate the placement of the temperature and DO in-situ continuous monitoring instruments. This study is being conducted as part of the water quality studies proposed in the Water Resources Work Group Issue No. 7, "Evaluate Water Quality of Lake Tillery and Tailwaters" and Issue No. 8, "Water Quality - BlewettFalls Lake and Downstream". 2. Objectives The objective of this study is to conduct an intensive study to determine the spatial and temporal patterns of temperature and DO concentrations in the Pee Dee River, downstream of the hydroelectric plants. The study will evaluate the lateral (channel cross-section) and longitudinal (upstream to downstream areas) differences in the temperature and DO regimes in the Pee Dee River below the Blewett and Tillery hydroelectric plants. Sampling will be conducted at baseflow conditions (no power plant generation), upon typical power plant startup, through flow stabilization, and declining flows with plant shutdown. In addition, the reservoir temperature and DO stratification patterns will be determined in the vicinity of each power plant intake to document the stratification patterns present in both reservoirs during this study. 3. Nature of Study The study will be conducted during the spring or summer of 2004 when reservoir temperature and DO stratification conditions occur in each reservoir. The lateral and longitudinal patterns of temperature and DO concentrations will be measured at selected transects located in both pool and run habitat in the Pee Dee River, below each power plant. These measurements will be collected at baseflow conditions (no power plant generation) and at typical generation conditions of each power plant which are 7,200 cfs (20 MW, Units 1-6 on, economy load) for the Blewett Plant and 7,000 cfs (38 MW, Units 2 and 4 on, economy load) for the Tillery Plant. Power generation conditions will be held as close to steady state as reasonably possible, unless there is unanticipated electrical system demands that necessitate changing power plant generation load. The Blewett Plant is operated as a "block-loaded" facility meaning that the units are either operating at best efficiency or off. The Tillery Plant is operated as a peaking and load-following facility which varies in generation to meet electric system demand. Six transects will be established in the Pee Dee River downstream of each power plant. A description of the transect locations for each power plant is given below: Pee Dee River below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Transect Location Description (approximate river miles from each power plant dam) TY1 Below the railroad trestle and the power plant tailrace (0.2 mile) TY2 Below N. C. Highway 731 bridge and just above shoal area (0.5 mile) TY3 Below shoals and old dam site (2.0 miles) TY4 Above Rocky River confluence at Leak Island (5.0 miles) TY5 Below N. C. Highway 109 Bridge (12.2 miles) TY6 Confluence of Turkey Top Creek above Blewett Falls Lake (15.3 miles) Pee Dee River below the Blewett Hydroelectric Plant Transect Location Descri tion a roximate river miles from ower lant dam BF1 Below the safety buoy line and the power plant tailrace (0.2 mile) BF2 Above Big Island and Cartledge Creek confluence (1.0 mile) BF3 Below U. S. Hi hwa 74 Bride 3.5 miles BF4 Below railroad trestle at Hitchcock Creek (6.3 miles) BF5 Above Mill Creek confluence near shoal (12.5 miles) BF6 Below U.S Highway 1 Bridge at Cheraw, S.C. (23.5 miles) A temporary staff gage will be placed and monitored at each transect to detect changes in river stage and initiate data collection with arrival of power plant generation flows. For the lowermost transects, it is anticipated that travel time of the generation flows will be approximately 4- 12 hours, depending upon the distance downstream. At each transect, the temperature and DO will be measured at every 0.5 m depth at approximately 30.5 m (100 ft.) intervals across the river channel. If depths are less than 0.5 m at shallow transects under baseflow conditions, then measurements will be taken at the mid-point of the depth. All transect locations will be spatially referenced with GPS equipment that has +/- 1 meter (3.3 ft.) horizontal accuracy. Temperature and DO measurements will be taken prior to plant startup (baseflow conditions or no power plant generation), at plant startup or detection of increasing river stage with the staff gage, and then at approximate 30 minute intervals fora 4- hour period. A four-hour period should be sufficient to produce steady state flow conditions to occur at each transect and to detect any change in DO concentrations at a particular transect. In addition, temperature and DO measurements will be taken at approximate 30-minute intervals for another 2 hours on the declining stage of flow. A temperature and DO profile of reservoir stratification conditions at the surface (0.2 m) and 1- meter depth intervals will be measured at a representative location near the intake structure of each power plant. This profile will be obtained prior to power plant startup and after power plant shutdown. This information will be used to evaluate the relative degree of reservoir stratification and anoxic conditions present in the hypolimnion in each power plant reservoir before and after power generation. Temperature and DO concentrations will be measured with YSI Model 650, YSI Model 55, or YSI Model 57 instruments. Instruments will be calibrated in the laboratory against known standards prior to use and also field-calibrated for dissolved oxygen prior to use. Calibration of instruments and field use will follow Progress Energy standard field procedures (Progress Energy 2003a). All water quality data will be collected in accordance with Progress Energy's Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program (Progress Energy 2003a, 2003b). Progress Energy is certified by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to collect water quality and biological samples through Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Specific procedures for instrument calibration and water quality sampling, including sample handling and chain-of-custody, are detailed in Progress Energy's QA/QC Program. Detailed record keeping associated with sample collection include chain-of-custody forms, sample collection field verification sheets, field and laboratory data files, vendor laboratory quality assurance data reports, and instrument calibration records. A data edit program will be used to inspect data for accuracy after the data are loaded onto electronic computer files. 4. Location and Duration The study will be conducted over aone-week period in the reservoirs (to determine temperature and DO stratification patterns) and the Pee Dee River reaches below the Blewett and Tillery Hydroelectric Plants. It is expected that each power plant can be assessed over a 24-hour period. 5. Data Analysis and Reporting Temperature and DO data will be evaluated for lateral and longitudinal spatial differences as well as temporal changes in both variables at each transect. Study results will be reviewed with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality to determine if the locations of the in-situ continuous monitoring instruments need to be adjusted during the 2004 study. The GPS data will be recorded in electronic data files for display in ARCVIEW or other similar GIS mapping software. These data will be plotted on scaled maps to show sample locations in the report. A report will be prepared summarizing the pilot study results and the rationale for placement sites for the continuous temperature/DO monitors during 2004. 6. References Progress Energy. 2003a. Biology Program Procedures Manual (Procedures EVC-TSDC-00058, EVC-TSDC-00062, and EVC-TSDC-00069). Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Raleigh, NC. Progress Energy. 2003b. Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual. Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Raleigh, NC. Progress Energy APPENDIX B Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project No. 2206, Investigation into Turbine Venting Measures to Enhance Tailwaters Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants, Study Plan for 2006, Draft QAPP01, Revision No. 1 B-1 April 16, 2007 Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Investigation into Turbine Venting Measures to Enhance Tailwaters Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants Study Flan for 200b DRAFT „-, ~~: ,~ r~~j'~ ~fi.~ ~~ ~.~~ ~. ^~ ~a' , _~ ~"~ ,~~ ~ ~~ .~~~b ~\ r: . Prepared for Progress Ener~~ Pi°epared by Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc. Apri111, 2006 1.0 Background on Dissolved Oxygen Issues at the Project The N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ has listed sections of the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls hydroelectric plants as impaired for aquatic life due to low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations from hydropower operations (NCDWQ 2006a). These sections are the 15.3-mile section of the Pee Dee River from Tillery Dam to the mouth of Turkey Top Creek and the 6.3-mile section from Blewett Falls Dam to the mouth of Hitchcock Creek (Figures 1 and 2). The Pee Dee River from Tillery Dam to Blewett Falls Lake has a Class WS-V&B water quality classification and the Pee Dee River from Blewett Falls Lake to Hitchcock Creek has a Class C classification (NCDWQ 2006b). Class WS-V&B waters are designated for drinking water supplies and primary recreation uses while Class C waters are designated for propagation of aquatic life and secondary recreational uses. Below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant, the NCDWQ has documented DO concentrations below the state water quality standards for DO (i.e., instantaneous DO concentration of 4 mg/1 and daily average DO concentration of 5 mg/1) (NCDWQ 2003, 2006a). Occurrences below the state DO standards have been documented during periods of lake temperature stratification with resulting low DO conditions in hypolimnetic waters. For the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant, the DO concentrations in the tailwaters area have been recorded on occasion to be below the state water quality standards. Similar to the Tillery Plant, these low DO excursions occur during periods of temperature stratification and low DO conditions in the lake bottom waters, especially during the summer period from May through September. 2.0 Previous and Ongoing Water Quality Studies Progress Energy prepared a report in November 2005, which summarized the results of continuous water quality monitoring in the river, reaches below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants from May to November 2004 (Progress Energy 2005a). The primary objective of the water quality monitoring study was to assess the spatial and temporal patterns of DO concentrations in the Pee Dee River downstream of the Tillery and Blewett Falls plants using in-situ continuous monitoring from May through November 2004. The study evaluated the longitudinal (upstream to downstream) differences in the DO regime in the Pee Dee River with and without power plant operations over a seasonal period of hypolimnetic stratification and destratification of the Project reservoirs. Monitors were placed below each power plant and within the river section designated by the NCDWQ as impaired (due to low DO concentrations) under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. A secondary study objective was to continuously monitor temperature, pH, and specific conductance. Progress Energy also prepared a report in November 2005 which summarized the results of an intensive temperature and DO study of each power plant tailwaters (Progress Energy 2005b). The purpose of this study was to assess the channel lateral and longitudinal trends in temperature and DO concentrations in the Pee Dee River, downstream of the power plants during low flow conditions and typical power plant startup (i.e., power generation) and shutdown (i. e., no power generation) operational sequences. Study reaches and transects also encompassed the river segments impaired due to low DO concentrations. 1 Figw•e 1. Map of Tillery Development and Pee Dee River tailwaters (Reach 1}. Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Development ,~LiftleRlver ~ !.i Mountain }~~~ . .Creek - RlCNMOND ~ ANSON ~~~. COUNTY COUNTY Blewett Falls Lakel '''i ~13uflalo ~ ' `~ `Cartledge "r (Creek '~~'~ Creek t;.;... t f Blewett Falls Dam 8F62~ -: ~~ Jr3 BFCMO~ ~ BFCM1 ~~ ~~~/ `~' BFCM1A ~R ////// _ Th~ n ~, ~~~ I.:~, BFCM2A Creek »- y _ ,. /~ ~_ ~f t~ BFCM2r Island ~/ Hitchcock ___ Creek_ ~ ,,:;Creek ~- MARLBORO COUNTY Jones L3 BFCM3 Creek ' ~ ' SOCIETY HILL;~SC -. f CHESTERFIELD This se coon of rrJer COUNTY nc~ti~~scale '~' ` Flai - ~> nlc Creek state uoe .. - SC MARLBORO DARLINGTON COUNTY COUNTY DtLLON COUNTY Westfield -Creek - -Black Creek - Legend k (.~ nmineo~s VUAer CUalrtyMfoni[or ieC3ronz ~ ti ~~ NCCMfC 3E3(d)lnpaired Nhtxrs for Cizn,l,ed Cx}gen FLORENCE - COUNTY CNESTERFiELD , _ COUNTY l- FLORENLE,~~,~, ~- SC H WE 1 0 OS 3 Figw•e 2. Map of Blewett Falls Development and Pee Dee tailwaters {Reach 2). Continuo us Watel Jualitq n4onitor LOCa[i~ns srmm m eme'gpe r«amw. BPB~IBkmNtFall Tatsl I~liin mu~aaDx wwl trsste atsmpli~ Wuensmoairxar dm. vrd iwib zssNmRM lE83 BfCIilOlRe LVe liver Cms'nnvnourquaNB Fe1m~BMwx Wlk COmmNatam port o[pau~re0 m IN1188.1. BPCMlI>Fe Rexmr7 ranlirwxwoVaquala y~~ptj l~.lemae zabry R£CMIAIP helival Gn~ewv waaquai4' 8ebmke Fmv~sW and Ye zdery ivn 1N1 ]Sr.S BFC[~4.4(R_ike RP/l) f. ~m+nu'wwrqu~ F1m E~ISMtlaMCSnNbe aex ~ =.macttecs BP[IX3Itk!N_livex) Cm~twra aotFrquaMr SFi~ 4+Prv4;e i9m EM 1&.1 ~cF,¢fFrxn Ea+:? r~r»~~mmrvaH Fvaaerron,yr.axixxod: Cbrhm£:IT[I81.1 3 Progress Energy conducted the continuous dissolved oxygen monitoring program again in 2005 and will conduct this same monitoring program in 2006. The study design, including station locations in both reaches of the Pee Dee River, is the same design that was approved by the NCDWQ for the relicensing study conducted in 2004 (Progress Energy 2005a). Progress Energy is currently drafting a report for the 2005 monitoring program and will submit that report to the NCDWQ during May 2005. 2.1 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Studies Completed to Date Progress Energy and DTA staff conducted preliminary DO enhancement testing utilizing direct draft tube venting in August 2005 at both the Tillery and Blewett Falls plants. These tests were preliminary, in nature, and intended to provide further direction in developing a general idea of the potential feasibility of specific DO enhancement technologies at each power plant. At the Tillery Plant, Unit 2 and Unit 4 were tested in 2005. Unit 4 was tested without venting and Unit 2 was tested both vented and unvented. The venting for Unit 2 was achieved by way of a single 6 inch vent connection to the draft tube (Figure 3). The existing draft tube vent for Unit 2 is located at nearly tailwater level and correspondingly did not draw much air. The initial testing results at Tillery Unit 2 showed between 0.3-1.1 mg/1 of DO uptake. This preliminary testing was intended to get a relative measure of aeration effectiveness utilizing the existing draft tube vent connection. More detailed turbine vent testing at Tillery, including tests with the turbine vacuum release valve, will be included in the comprehensive DO studies, outlined in this document. The initial turbine venting results using draft tube venting showed very good DO uptake at the Blewett Falls Plant .Units 5 and 6 at the Blewett Falls Plant were tested for DO uptake with draft tube venting in August 2005. The draft tube venting was accomplished by utilizing a single 3- inch vent line off the draft tube (Figure 4). The initial testing results at the Blewett Falls Plant showed between 2 to 3 mg/1 of DO uptake. Figure 5 shows the turbine discharge in the Blewett Falls tailrace with a vented unit running. As with the testing at the Tillery Plant, the testing at the Blewett Falls Plant was intended to get a relative measure of aeration effectiveness utilizing the existing draft tube vent connection which is quite small (3 inches). It should be noted that there was some spill occurring at the Blewett Falls Dam during the testing period, which may have had some marginal effect on calculated DO uptake. Nonetheless, the indicated DO uptake at Blewett Falls was quite encouraging. 4 Figure 3. Tillery Hydroelech•ic Plant six inch draft tube vent valve used for DO uptake testing during August 2005 . •- ~ {~ 3" air vent usecl '~ J'f in previous test. A Air measurement ' bellmouth and ~ p ~ ~~ monitoring equipment in i'`°1.:;: place. Figure ~. Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant draft tube. Figw•e 5. Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant tailrace discharge cluring draft tube vent testing in August 2005. 3.0 Description of Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments The Tillery Powerhouse consists of four units each with its own separate penstock. The powerhouse equipment consists of three Francis-type ttubines and one fixed blade ttu~bine. The total hyckaulic capacity at Tillery is approximately 18,000 cfs. Tm~bine data are provided in the follottang table. Table 1. Description of the Tillery Hydroelech•ic Plant turbine-generator equipment. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 House Year Installed 1927 1927 1927 1927 Vertical, Vertical, Vertical, Vertical, Vertical, Type Francis Francis Francis Propeller Francis IP Adams Alhs Manufacturer IP 1blorris IP Ivloms Chalmers Leffel Rated Turbine Power 31,100 25,600 31,100 33,000 1,500 Head (ft) Rated 70 70 70 70 Normal Head Range Min 65 - 75 65 - 75 65 - 75 65 - 75 Mai Turbine (cfs} Minirntun 3360 70 @ 3060 70 @ (asstuned 60% 2520 @ 70 ft 3360 @ 70 ft 100 @ 70 ft of maz ft ft Best Efficiency (fi~om 4700 @ 70 4200 @ 70 ft 4700 @ 70 ft 4600 @ 70 CHEOPS} ft ft Table 1 (continued) Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 House Maximum (from 5600 @ 70 ft 4200 @ 70 ft 5600 @ 70 ft 5100 @ 70 ft CHEOPS) Speed 90 75 90 128.6 Runner 173" 170.5" 173" 180" Diameter (in) (throat) (throat) (throat) (OD blades) Yes -One Headcover (1) 10"lever Yes-One (1) Yes-One (1) Vacuum operated 10" lever 10" lever Valves valve operated valve operated valve Yes -One Yes -One Yes -One Draft Tube (1) (1) (1) Yes -4" Vent Vabes connection, connection, connection, diameter 6" dia. 6" dia. 6" dia. Depressing Yes - 4" Air No No No diameter Connection Winter Kennedy Yes Yes Yes Yes Taps The Blewett Falls Powerhouse consists of six units each with its own separate penstock. The powerhouse equipment consists of six horizontal Francis-type turbines. Turbine data are provided in Table 2. Table 2. Description of the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant turbine-generator equipment. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Year Installed 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 Horizontal, Horizontal, Horizontal, Horizontal Horizontal, Horizontal, Type Twin Twin Twin 1, Twin Twin Twin Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Manufacturer S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Rated Turbine 5,350 5,350 5,350 6,400 6,400 6,400 Power (hp) Head (ft) Rated 47 47 47 47 47 47 Normal Head Range Min- 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 Max 7 Table 2 (continued) Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Turbine (cfs) Minimum (assumed 811 811 811 1029 1029 1029 60% of max) Best Efficiency (from 1150 1150 1150 1351 1351 1351 CHEOPS) Speed 164 164 164 160 160 160 Headcover Vacuum No No No No No No Valves Draft Tube Yes -One Yes -One Yes -One Yes -One Yes -One Yes -One Vent Vabes 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" Depressing Air No No No No No No Connection Winter Kennedy No No No No No No Taps 4.0 Study Objectives The 2006 DO enhancement study aY the Tillery and Blewett Falls plants will focus on turbine venting utilizing both draft tube venting and vacuum valves as a means to admit atmospheric air into the flowstream. The overall goal of this testing program is to evaluate the effectiveness and persistence of increased DO concentrations in the flow releases to the downstream tailwater reaohes of the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls plants. Additionally, the testing program will determine whether the employed methods are sufficient to aohieve North Carolina DO water quality standards (i.e., minimum instantaneous DO concentration of 4 mg/L and daily average DO concentration of 5 mg/1). Other means for DO enhancement such as surfaoe water pumps or forced air injection may be tested in 2007 depending upon the outcome of the turbine venting studies and the relative complexity in testing any other identified methods. The NCDWQ will be informed of any other planned test methods and will be apprised of the study plan design and logistics. A series of tests are proposed for eaoh power plant that is described in detail below. Continuous DO monitors will be used to evaluate the longitudinal and lateral changes in DO concentrations in eaoh power plant tailwaters reaoh with the planned venting tests. 8 4.1 Overall Study Plan Design Elements 4.1.12006 Testing Schedule and Duration Testing at Tillery and Blewett Falls plants will be conducted between mid July to late August to coincide with the period of low DO conditions in the hypoliminion of each Project reservoir (see test schedules in Sections 4.2.4 and 4.3.4). The tests will occur from the morning to late afternoon hours, and no tests will be conducted during night hours. This reflects the typical generating period for both hydroelectric plants. Generation is optimized around the heavy summer peak power demand period, which is normally afternoon to late afternoon or early evening. The testing period at both hydroelectric plants is expected to be two weeks in duration. An effort will be made to perform the test within a reasonably short period to minimize variation due to changing environmental conditions. However, unanticipated weather and inflow conditions may affect this proposed schedule. 4.1.2 Powerhouse Units to be Tested For the Tillery Plant, all four units will be tested individually. Units 1 and 3 are identical Francis turbines; Unit 2 is a smaller Francis turbine; and Unit 4 is a fixed blade (propeller) turbine. For the Blewett Falls Plant, all six turbines are dual runners Francis units. Units 1, 2, and 3 are identical but somewhat smaller than Units 4, 5, and 6, which are also identical. Several combinations of turbine units will be tested which are described in detail in Sections 4.2.4 (Tillery Plant) and 4.3.4 (Blewett Falls Plant). 4.1.3 Concurrent Testing at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments In order to balance water flows between the two power plants, the DO testing will be performed concurrently at the Blewett Falls and Tillery plants. The concurrent testing will permit an evaluation of both power plants operating simultaneously and reduce the amount of field time that is necessary to conduct the tests. However, the concurrent testing will also double requirements for both test equipment, instrumentation and support staff. 4.1.4 Hydraulic Capacity and Reservoir Considerations The difference in hydraulic capacity and reservoir storage between the two hydroelectric plants must be taken into account in a concurrent testing schedule. The hydraulic capacity at the Blewett Falls Plant is approximately 50% of the hydraulic capacity at the Tillery Plant. Blewett Falls Lake is also more limited in storage capacity than Lake Tillery. Under normal daily operations, Blewett Falls Lake is drawn down 2-3 feet below the normal operating level of 177.2 ft to make room for discharges from the Tillery Plant. Under normal operating conditions, there is an approximate eight hour travel time for discharges from the Tillery Plant to reach Blewett Falls Lake. The approximate inflow to Tillery in July-August is expected to be approximately 3,000 cfs. For Blewett Falls, the inflow is approximately 4,000 cfs. A continuous release of approximately 80 cfs is maintained at the Tillery Plant and a continuous release of at least 200 cfs is maintained at the Blewett Falls Plant. Unless otherwise noted, all elevations are in NAVD 88 datum. NAVD 88 datum is 0.9 ft lower than 1929 NGVD datum. 9 These conditions may require that DO testing be initiated at the Blewett Falls Plant at an earlier start time than at the Tillery Plant, depending upon target lake levels and watershed inflows. In addition, upstream operations by APGI will have to be taken into consideration for the test period, particularly with regard to scheduled tests at the Tillery Plant. 4.1.5 Data Collection Approach Vertical profiles of temperature and DO will be collected at 1-m intervals from the surface to the bottom at Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake at specified intervals during the test period. The vertical profiles will be taken at established monitoring stations adjacent to each power plant intake structure. These profiles will document the DO conditions in the hypolimnion of each reservoir prior to and immediately after the scheduled tests. Continuous monitoring sondes will be used to collect the resulting temperature and DO data in each power plant tailwaters reach during the test period. The sondes will be serviced and calibrated prior to the tests. Data will be downloaded at the end of the test interval at a minimum, or more frequently as scheduled tests and river conditions permit field crews to safely access the river to download data An operational check will also be performed on the DO monitoring sondes at the end of the scheduled tests. In addition, as river conditions permit field crews to safely access the river, temperature and DO will be measured laterally (across the tailwater reach) at the upper most set of monitoring sondes via a boat using a portable meter. The purpose of these temperature and DO "cross-sections" is to document conditions at, and between, the sonde locations. This data will also be used as an operational check ofthe sondes. The data collection will follow the QA/QC procedures established by Progress Energy to ensure data collected are valid and accurate (Progress Energy 2006a, 2006b). Calibration of instruments and field use will follow Progress Energy's standard operating field procedures (Progress Energy 2006b). The instrument calibration, field use, and data handling and verification methods for this study are consistent with methods given in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that Progress Energy filed with the NCDWQ for relicensing water quality studies in December 2004 (Progress Energy 2004). 4.1.6 Test Duration The minimum proposed interval for each test step will be two hours (i.e., change from unvented or vented operation) to allow the near-field (i.e., between the powerhouse and proposed water quality compliance location) DO levels to stabilize. The time period maybe reduced if the initial test results show that DO levels stabilize quicker. It should be noted that the water travel time downstream and the length of each test will dampen the test results at the lowermost stations monitored for DO at each hydroelectric plant. 10 4.1.7 Turbine Test Settings Turbine test setting will include minimum gate (expected 60% opening); best efficiency gate (expected 80% opening); and maximum gate (95 -100% opening). Operation at partial load settings would be expected The units may not draw significant amounts of air when operating at higher wicket gate openings. If this is the case, the testing program may be truncated. Various turbine tests will evaluate both individual unit performance and the performance of units in combination. 4.1.8 Air Flow Instrumentation One pitot static airflow measurement device will be used at each power plant with an additional spare device on hand. Air measurement sections will need to be fabricated from PVC piping and flanges, which can be directly attached to the venting connections to be utilized. Airflows for individual units can be tested. Each unit will be tested individually and airflows can be tested in combination with other units running. Prior to the field-testing, we will consider the potential for installing a ball valve arrangement to replace the 3-inch globe valve at the Blewett Falls Plant. 4.2 Tillery Hydroelectric Plant Study Design 4.2.1 Air Admission Test Connections Airflow testing at Unit 2 at the Tillery Plant in July 2005 utilized the 6" draft tube vent (Figure 6). The existing draft tube vent for Unit 2 is located at nearly tailwater level and correspondingly did not draw much air. As part of the DO testing program for 2006, the 10" headcover vacuum release valve is recommended for inclusion as well (Figure 7). An airflow measurement section with 10" piping, pitot and static pressure connections, and bellmouth inlet will be required for airflow measurement. The inlet screen and vertical ceiling support attached to the valve flange should be removed to allow attachment of the airflow measurement section. A temporary floor support such as a jack stand can be used to support the valve and piping during testing. The drawings for Unit 4 (propeller unit) also indicate a 4" combination air depression and air vent header. This should be included in the testing. The plant drawings also include a trashrack air blowdown system. It may be feasible to turn this system on for one test to determine what effect this blowdown system has on unit DO levels. 11 Figure 6. Six Figure 7. Ten inch head cover vacuum release valve. =i.2..2~ ~~rater Flo«~ ~'Ie3sui•ements entrance. There is no direct measurement of unit or station flows at the Tillery Plant. Unit flows are estimated by power output tables that estimate turbine flows based on turbine and generator efficiencies. The main units at Tillery include Winter Kennedy piezometer connections {pressure taps) to the penstock and scroll case, which can be used to measure scroll case pressures at different flours. If the Winter Kennedy taps are still usable, these could be used to calculate flows, provided previous calibration testing results are available. The auxiliary turbine is very small with a flov~l capacity of approximately 100 cfs. This would have minimal impact on the estimate of overall flow. 12 4.2.3 Temperature and DO Measurements During Testing Reservoir Conditions Vertical profiles of temperature and DO will be taken at the mid-reservoir Station TYB2 adjacent to the intake structure, during the period of testing (Figure 1). A vertical profile of temperature and DO will be taken at Station TYB2 from the surface (0.2 m) to the bottom at 1-m intervals prior to each test sequence to document the existing hypolimnetic conditions. Another vertical profile will be taken immediately after each test sequence at the end of the day. This will generally involve two reservoir vertical profiles per day during the two-week test period. Measurements will be taken with an YSI Model 650 multi-parameter instrument. The instrument will be calibrated in the laboratory against known standards prior to use and field-calibrated for DO prior to use. Calibration of instruments and field use will follow Progress Energy's standard operating field procedures (Progress Energy 2004b). Tailwater Conditions Continuous monitoring sondes (YSI Model 600XLM or other similar equipment) will be deployed at selected stations in the 15.3 mile section oftailwaters designated as NCDWQ 303(d) impaired waters for DO (i. e., Tillery Dam to Turkey Top Creek Confluence) (Figure 1). This 15.3 river mile section will be defined as Reach 1 during the turbine venting tests. These monitoring sondes will document the longitudinal characteristics of temperature and DO concentrations in this section of the river during the series of turbine venting tests. The general approach will be to deploy calibrated sondes at the specific stations in the river downstream of the powerhouse, perform the turbine tests, retrieve the instruments, and perform apost-deployment calibration check. Each sonde will be programmed to collect temperature and DO data on five minute intervals during the test period. Table 3 lists the designated stations in Reach 1 that will be used during the turbine venting tests and includes several stations established for the 2004 continuous temperature and DO monitoring study (Progress Energy 2005a). Monitoring sondes will be deployed in Reach 1 at Stations TYCM1, TYCMIA, TYCM2, TYCM2A, TYCM3, and TYCM4 during the tests (Figure 1). Stations TYCMIA and TYCM2A are being added to the continuous monitoring locations to better assess DO dynamics in Reach 1. Station TYCMIA is located below a series of shoals downstream of the power plant and will assess the additional aeration and DO uptake as water passes through these shoals. Station TYCM2A is located downstream of the Rocky River confluence, and this station location will assess the additional DO contribution effects of the Rocky River inflow on DO dynamics in the reach. Continuous monitors at Stations TYCMIA and TYCM2A will be deployed near the east river bank to document DO conditions. The intensive temperature and DO study indicated the power plant flow followed this river bank shoreline at these stations (Progress Energy 2005b). 13 Table 3. Description of station locations to be used during the turbine venting tests to be conducted in Lake Tillery and the Pee Dee River (Reach 1) below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant, July-August 2006. Refer to Figure 1 for visual depiction of station locations. Station Monitoring Type Location TYB2 (Lake Tillery) Mid reservoir near intake Lake Tillery adjacent to Discrete vertical sampling powerhouse intake at RM 216.3 TYCMl Pee Dee River ~ ~ Continuous water ualit 9 y Below powerhouse at N.C. Highway 731 Bridge at RM 215.7 TYCMIA Pee Dee River ~ ~ Continuous water ualit 9 y Below old dam weir site at RM 216.6 TYCM2 (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality Upstream of Rocky River confluence at RM 211.5 TYCM2A (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality Downstream of Rocky River confluence at RM 210.8 Downstream of Browns Creek at TYCM3 (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality N.C. Highway 109 Bridge at RM 203.9 TYCM4 Pee Dee River ~ ~ Continuous water ualit 9 y At confluence of Turkey Top Creek at RM 200.8 In addition to evaluating the longitudinal temperature and DO dynamics during the turbine venting test, the channel lateral differences of DO concentrations will be assessed at Station TYCM1. Two additional monitoring sondes will be deployed across the width of the river channel to provide an approximate trisection of the channel of east bank, mid channel, and west bank. These monitors will be designated Stations TYCM1 EB (east bank), TYCM1 MC (mid channel), and TYCM1 WB (west bank). Station TYCM1 has been tentatively chosen as the location for the permanent DO compliance monitoring device. This lateral assessment will provide information on choosing the exact location of the permanent monitoring location in the river channel. Results of an intensive temperature and DO study of each power plant tailwaters showed that the power plant hypolimnetic flow followed the east river bank with a gradient in DO concentrations across the channel from east bank to west bank (Progress Energy 2005b). Generally, the lowest DO concentrations occurred on the east bank in the power plant hypolimnetic flow. The greatest DO concentrations were along the west bank where the reservoir surface waters flowed from the dam fainter gate seepage/spillage. The DO concentrations were generally intermediate in the river mid channel due to mixing of these two flow sources. Level loggers will be installed at Stations TYCM1, TYCMIA, TYCM2, TYCM2A, TYCM3, and TYCM4 to determine the relative change in river stage elevation during the test period. The level loggers will help to evaluate when each test flow reaches a particular continuous monitoring station. The level loggers will be deployed prior to the commencement of tests and retrieved at the end of the test period. 14 4.2.4 Proposed Tillery Turbine DO Aeration Tests and Associated Activities A summary of proposed tests to be performed at the Tillery Plant is listed below. Prior to testing, the air monitoring equipment will be setup at the identified vent and there will be a checkout of the equipment to ensure proper operation during the test. In all, 28 individual turbine venting tests are proposed for the Tillery Plant. Each test will be performed for a two hour minimum period. Additional follow-up tests maybe identified and performed again or tests may modified depending the outcome of the individual tests. The planned tests are: 1. Test 1-Unit 1 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 2. Test 2~Unit 1 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 3. Test Unit 1 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with the trashrack air system valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 4. Test Unit 1 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 5. Test Unit 1 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum one hour. 6. Test (rUnit 1 -Measure DO level and head at 100% gate opening with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 7. Test 7-Unit 1 -Measure DO level, airflow and head at 100% gate opening with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 8. Test Unit 2 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 9. Test 9-Unit 2 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 10. Test 1(?-Unit 2 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 11. Test 11-Unit 2 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum one hour. 12. Test 12-Unit 2 -Measure DO level and head at 100% gate opening with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 13. Test 13-Unit 2 -Measure DO level, airflow and head at 100% gate opening with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 14. Test 1~Unit 3 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours 15. Test 1~Unit 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 15 16. Test 1C~Unit 4 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 17. Test 17-Unit 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 18. Test li;-Unit 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with depressing air valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 19. Test 19-Unit 4 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 20. Test 2(~Unit 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 21. Test 21-Units 1 & 2 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 22. Test 22-Units 1 & 2 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 23. Test 23-Units 1 & 3 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 24. Test 2~Units 1 & 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 25. Test 2~Units 1, 2, & 3 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 26. Test 2C~Units 1, 2, & 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 27. Test 27-Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 28. Test 2i3-Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 10" headcover vacuum valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 29. Retest as necessary. 4.3 Blewett Falls Plant Study Design 4.3.1 Air Admission Test Connections The draft tube vent testing in July 2005 for Units 5 and 6 utilized the 3" draft tube vent connection located at the exposed draft tube. This connection included a 3"globe isolation valve, which would be more restrictive than a port valve like a gate valve or ball valve. It would be beneficial to replace the globe valve with a ball valve if possible at 16 least for one unit. The airflow through this vent connection and the resulting DO levels were monitored during the 2005 preliminary tests. Even with a rather small 3" vent line and with a restrictive globe valve in place, the measured maximum DO improvement was between 2 to 3 mg/1. 4.3.2 Water Flow Measurement Similar to the Tillery Plant, there is no direct measurement of unit flows at the Blewett Falls Plant. Unit flows are estimated by power output tables, which estimate turbine flows, based on turbine and generator efficiencies. Therefore, the unit flows for the turbine venting tests will be estimated from the existing generator output tables. Stream flow conditions below the Blewett Falls Plant will also be assessed using stream flow datafrom the USGS Rockingham gage. 4.3.3 Temperature and DO Measurements During Testing Reservoir Conditions Vertical profiles of temperature and DO will be taken at the mid-reservoir Station BFB2 adjacent to the intake canal and structure, during the period of testing (Figure 2). A vertical profile of temperature and DO will be taken at Station BFB2 from the surface (0.2 m) to the bottom at 1-m intervals prior to each test sequence to document the existing DO conditions. Another vertical profile will be taken after each test sequence. This will generally involve two vertical profiles of reservoir waters per day during the two-week test period. Measurements will be taken with an YSI Model 650 multi- parameter instrument. The instrument will be calibrated in the laboratory against known standards prior to use and field-calibrated for DO prior to use. Calibration of instruments and field use will follow Progress Energy's standard operating field procedures (Progress Energy 2004b). Tailwater Conditions Continuous monitoring sondes (YSI Model 600XLM or other similar equipment) will be deployed at selected stations along the in the 6.3 mile section of tailwaters designated as NCDWQ 303(d) impaired waters for DO (i.e., Tillery Dam to Turkey Top Creek Confluence) (Figure 2). This 6.3 river mile section will be defined as Reach 2 during the turbine venting tests. These monitoring sondes will document the longitudinal characteristics of temperature and DO concentrations in this section of the river during the series of turbine venting tests. The general approach will be to deploy numerous, calibrated sondes at the specific stations in the river downstream of the powerhouse, perform the turbine tests, retrieve the instruments, and perform apost-deployment calibration check Each sonde will be programmed to collect temperature and DO data on five minute intervals during the test period. Calibration of instruments and field use will follow Progress Energy's standard operating field procedures (Progress Energy 2004b). 17 Table 4 lists the designated stations in Reach 2 that will be used during the turbine venting tests and includes several stations established for the 2004 continuous temperature and DO study (Progress Energy 2005a). Monitoring sondes will be deployed in Reach 2 at Stations BFCMO, BFCM1, BFCMIA, BFCM2, BFCM2A, and BFCM3 during the tests (Figure 2). Stations BFCMO and BFCM2A are being added to the continuous monitoring locations to better assess DO dynamics in Reach 2. Station BFCMO will be located in the river channel below Blewett Falls Dam to assess the DO dynamics in that river channel area during the turbine venting tests. Station BFCM2A is located downstream of the Cartledge Creek confluence, and this station location will assess the additional DO contribution effects of the creek as well as any additional aeration as water flows through a series of shoals located below the power plant. Table 4. Description of station locations to be used during the turbine venting tests to be conducted in Blewett Falls Lake and the Pee Dee River (Reach 2) below the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plant, July-August 2006. Refer to Figure 2 for visual depiction of station locations. Station Monitoring Type Location BFB2 (Blewett Falls Lake) Ivhd reservoir near intake canal Lower reservoir near dam and Discrete vertical sampling intake canal at RM 188.3 Below Blewett Falls Dam and BFCMO (Pee Dee River Continuous water quality above point of peninsula at RM 188.1. BFCMl (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality Below powerhouse at the safety buoy at RM 188.1 BFCMIA (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality Below the peninsula and the safety buoy at RM 187.5 BFCMIA (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality Below Big Island and Cartledge Creek confluence at RM 186.2 BFCM2 (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality US Highway Bridge 74 at RM 184.7 BFCM3 (Pee Dee River) Continuous water quality Below the confluence of Hitchcock Creek at RM 181.1 In addition to evaluating the longitudinal temperature and DO dynamics during the turbine venting test, the channel lateral differences of DO concentrations will be assessed at Station BFCMIA. Two additional monitoring sondes will be deployed across the width of the river channel to provide an approximate trisection of the channel of east bank, mid channel, and west bank. These monitors will be designated Stations BFCMIA EB (east bank), BFCMIA MC (mid channel), and BFCMIA WB (west bank). Station BFCMIA has been tentatively chosen as the location for the permanent DO compliance monitoring device. This lateral assessment will provide information on choosing the exact location of the permanent monitoring location in the river channel. Results of an intensive temperature and DO study of each power plant tailwaters showed some lateral differences in DO in the immediate power plant tailwaters. The power plant 18 flow followed the west river bank with a gradient in DO concentrations across the channel from east bank to west bank (Progress Energy 2005b). Generally, mean DO concentrations were greater on the west channel side nearest the power plant tailrace compared to the mean concentrations at the mid channel and east channel side, particularly in the 1.9 mile tailwaters segment below the Blewett Falls Plant. There was apparently enough wicket gate seepage of reservoir water from the power plant to increase DO concentrations on the west channel side. Lower DO concentrations on the east channel side may have been related to DO depletion from algal respiration and little turnover of water on this channel side during the low flow period. Level loggers will be installed at Stations BFCMOBFCMI (point of dividing peninsula), BFCMIA, BFCM2A, and BFCM3 to determine the relative change in river stage elevation during the test period. The USGS Rockingham gage (LTSGS No. 02129000) will be used to obtain river stage data at Station BFCM2 (15 minute interval measurements). The level loggers will help to evaluate when each test flow reaches a particular continuous monitoring station. The level loggers will be deployed prior to the commencement of tests and retrieved at the end of the test period. 4.3.4 Proposed Blewett Falls Turbine DO Aeration Tests and Associated Activities A summary of proposed tests to be performed at the Blewett Falls Plant is listed below. Prior to testing, the air monitoring equipment will be set up at the identified vent and there will be a checkout of the equipment to ensure proper operation during the test. In all, 42 individual turbine venting tests are proposed for the Blewett Falls Plant. Each test will be performed for a two hour minimum period. Additional follow-up tests may be identified and performed again or tests may modified depending the outcome of the individual tests. The planned tests are: 1. Test 1-Unit 1 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 2. Test 2~Unit 1 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 3. Test Unit 1 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 4. Test Unit 1 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum one hour. 5. Test Unit 1 -Measure DO level and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 6. Test (rUnit 1 -Measure DO level, airflow, and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 7. Test 7-Unit 3 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours 8. Test Unit 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 19 9. Test 9-Unit 3 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 10. Test 1(~Unit 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum one hour. 11. Test 11-Unit 4 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 12. Test 12-Unit 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 13. Test 13-Unit 4 -Measure DO level and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 14. Test 1~Unit 4 -Measure DO level, airflow, and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 15. Test 1~Unit 6 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 16. Test 1C~Unit 6 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 17. Test 17-Unit 6 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 18. Test li;-Unit 6 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 19. Test 19-Unit 6 -Measure DO level and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 20. Test 2(~Unit 6 -Measure DO level, airflow, and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 21. Test 21-Units 1 & 2 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 22. Test 22-Units 1 & 2 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 23. Test 23-Units 1 & 2 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 24. Test 2~Units 1 & 2 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 25. Test 2~Units 1, 2 & 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 26. Test 2C~Units 1, 2 & 3 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 27. Test 27-Units 4 & 5 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 28. Test 2i3-Units 4 & 5 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 29. Test 29-Units 4 & 5 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 20 30. Test 3~Units 4 & 5 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 31. Test 31-Units 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 32. Test 32-Units 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level, airflow, and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 33. Test 33-Units 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 34. Test 3~Units 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level, airflow, and head at 100% gate opening with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 35. Test 3~Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 36. Test 3C~Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 37. Test 37-Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 38. Test 3i3-Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 39. Test 39-Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 40. Test 4(?-Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at minimum gate opening (expected 60%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 41. Test 41-Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve closed. Run minimum two (2) hours. 42. Test 42-Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 -Measure DO level, air flow and head at BEP gate opening (expected 85%) with 3" draft tube valve open. Run minimum two (2) hours. 43. Retest as necessary. 5.0 Reporting of Study Results Progress Energy and its consultant, DTA, will prepare a written report summarizing the test results for each hydroelectric development which will include whether any of the employed methods are effective in increasing DO concentrations in the tailwaters of each power plant. The study will determine whether any of the employed methods are sufficient to meet the state water quality standards for DO. The study will also recommend the neat steps for DO tests, if necessary. 21 The report will be submitted to the NCDWQ within 90 days after the study has been completed. Progress Energy will schedule a meeting with NCDWQ staff to review the study results and NCDWQ comments. 6.0 References NCDWQ. 2003. Yadkin-Pee Dee River basinwide water quality plan. March 2003. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina. . 2006a. North Carolina water quality assessment and impaired waters list (2006 integrated 305(b) and 303(d) report). Public review draft, February 2006. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2006b. Basinwide information management system. North Carolina waterbodies reports (including stream classifications). .0309 Yadkin River Basin. [Online] URL:http://h2o. enr. state.nc.us/bims/reports/basinsandwaterbodies/hydroYadkin. pdf. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. (Accessed on March 20, 2006.) Progress Energy. 2004. Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project No. 2206. Relicensing water quality studies of the Pee Dee River and Project reservoirs. Quality Assurance Project Plan. December 2004. Progress Energy. . 2005a. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2206. Continuous Water Quality Monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Water Resources Work Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 - Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake and Tailwaters Water Quality. November 2005. 2005b. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2206. Intensive Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Study of the Pee Dee River Below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Water Resources Work Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 -Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake and Tailwaters Water Quality. November 2005. 2006a. Biology Program Procedures Manual (Procedures EVC-TSDC-00058, EVC-TSDC-00062, and EVC-TSDC-00069). Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina. 2006b. Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual. Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina. 22 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX C Progress Energy Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual QAPP01, Revision No. 1 C-1 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 1 of 13 Document title: Biology Program Quality Assurance Manual Document number: EVC-TSDC-00049 Applies to: Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. -Technical Services Keywords: environmental; biology program quality assurance manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page No. Introduction .................................................................. 1.0 Quality Assurance Policy ........................................ 2.0 Organization, Personnel, and Training ................... 3.0 Quality Planning ..................................................... 4.0 Sample Collection ................................................... 5.0 Sample Analysis ..................................................... 6.0 Equipment Maintenance and Calibration ............... 7.0 Data Processing and Report Preparation ................ 8.0 Documents and Document Control ........................ 9.0 Self-Assessments .................................................... 10.0 Audits ................................................................... 11.0 Definitions ............................................................ Progress Energy INTRODUCTION Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 2 of 13 The Environmental Services Biology Program Quality Assurance (QA) Manual gives overall guidance to biological activities, excluding nuclear safety-related activities as defined in NGGM- PM-0007, conducted by Environmental Services personnel and contractors. In this manual, Quality Assurance is defined as a system of activities designed to ensure that the work performed is accurate, complete, and repeatable. QA includes Quality Control (QC). QC is defined as the specific actions that measure or control an item or a process according to requirements or standards. The quality assurance manual is needed to give uniformity and credibility to all biological programs. This manual includes both administrative and technical activities of the ESS Biology Program. These activities include: Quality Assurance policy Organization, personnel, and training Quality planning Sample collection Sample analysis Equipment maintenance and calibration Data processing and report preparation Documents and document control Audits Each of these elements is described in this manual. A glossary of terms relative to the Biology Program QA Manual is included. Progress Energy 1.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 3 of 13 It is the policy of the ESS Biology Program to ensure that all biological activities (field, laboratory, and reporting) are accurate, complete, and repeatable. This policy is accomplished by developing a system of activities outlined in this ESS Biology Program QA Manual, in the ESS Biology Program Procedures Manual and in the Corporate Corrective Action Plan procedures and policies including self-assessments. The Environmental Services Section is thereby committed to supplying the manpower and equipment necessary to carry out this policy. All personnel are responsible for following the guidelines, policies, and procedures of the Biology Program QA Policy in conjunction with other Company policies. Because the biological activities conducted by ESS are not nuclear safety-related activities, the Corporate Quality Assurance Program (NGGM-PM-0007) does not govern the ESS Biology Program. However, the high standards of the Biology Program have been met, in part, because it incorporates selected features of the Corporate Program where an evaluation by unit management has determined those features would add value to the program. Progress Energy 2.0 ORGANIZATION, PERSONNEL, AND TRAINING Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 4 of 13 The organization of the Environmental Services Section (ESS) is shown on the Progress Energy INTRAnet website http://progressnet/ess/ES S EF/ESS_W EB/Org_Chart/ES S_OrgChart.pdf Specific ESS personnel perform the biological monitoring and assessment activities for the Section and the Company. ESS recognizes that well-trained and knowledgeable personnel are necessary to implement a QA policy. To ensure that employees meet and maintain these qualifications, the ESS utilizes position or job descriptions, periodic evaluations, educational and professional opportunities, on- the-job training, and information meetings. Position or job descriptions are prepared for all permanent personnel and are approved by section management. The position or job description delineates specific job responsibilities of an individual. Updates are made as an individual's work and responsibilities change. The immediate management conducts evaluations with the employee to review his/her performance relative to their accountabilities/responsibilities and their compliance with the guidelines, policies, and procedures of the QA Policy and other Company policies. Professional opportunities include Company sponsorship in job-related professionaUtechnical societies in addition to attendance and participation at professionaUtechnical meetings. The Company also offers an Educational Assistance Program so employees may attend college or university-level courses to update their present skills or knowledge or to increase their performance potential. Employees are encouraged to publish scientific papers or notes. On-the-job training, cross training, and periodic employee information meetings allow employees to assist with duties outside of their own field of work and help employees maintain familiarity with unit policies, procedures, and activities. Because the Biology Program does not include nuclear safety-related activities, vendors performing biological studies for ESS are not required to meet lOCFR50 requirements. However, ESS has established criteria with which all vendors must comply prior to providing biological services for the unit. An Approved Vendor List (AVL) and supporting documentation for all approved vendors is maintained. Progress Energy 3.0 QUALITY PLANNING Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 5 of 13 Quality planning is deciding what actions are necessary for producing data that are acceptable in terms of accuracy, appropriateness, and completeness. The ESS begins quality planning by coordinating with appropriate regulatory agencies, Company departments, and contractors to produce a study program that satisfies the objective(s) of all requests or requirements. When a study program is approved, procedures for sample collection and analysis, equipment calibration and control, data processing, and reporting may be reviewed to correct errors or to make appropriate updates as needed. Biological activities performed by ESS personnel under these procedures are considered Biology Program QA activities, not nuclear safety-related QA activities. Records that document the performance of these activities are QA records: Field Verification Sheets QC records Data sheets Instrument evaluations and calibrations Data from contractors Exhibits Storage, access, and maintenance (including changes) to the Biology Program QA records (not nuclear safety-related) are outlined in the ESS Biology Program Procedures Manual procedures (EVC-TSDC-00050), (EVC-TSDC-00051), (EVC-TSDC-00052). The ESS Biology Program Procedures Manual is electronically stored on the Progress Energy INTRAnet. Progress Energy 4.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 6 of 13 Sample collection procedures are revised as necessary for study programs for the current sampling year. These procedures describe the materials or equipment needed for each type of sampling, instructions for performing the actual sampling, the exhibits to be referenced or used, and the quality control measures that ensure accurate and consistent collections. Procedures are maintained in the ESS Biology Program Procedures Manual. The location and frequency of sample collection at each site are outlined in the ESS Biology Program Study Plans. A monthly sampling schedule is prepared to ensure that all work is performed according to study program requirements. The schedule lists personnel, boats, and vehicles needed for each sampling trip. This schedule is an aid to ensure the completeness of the sampling program. It is not a QA record. Samples collected in the field are clearly labeled with identifying information (such as sample number or specific location and date). This identifying information allows tracking of samples from the time of collection, through any necessary storage, and ultimately until processing is completed. Biology Program QA records (not nuclear safety-related) for sample collections consist of documentation (field verification sheets) provided by the trip leader that all sampling was performed according to procedure(s) or a description of any deficiencies that occurred. Documentation is also provided by the trip leader of calibrated equipment used if applicable (allowing traceability of the data). The Field Verification Sheet should be completed and submitted to the appropriate site lead for review within 5 business days following sampling trip completion. Progress Energy 5.0 SAMPLE ANALYSIS Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 7 of 13 Laboratory procedures for processing samples are in the ESS Biology Program Procedures Manual. Quality control checks are included in selected procedures. These checks usually consist of using standard taxonomic references and reference collections, reprocessing of specified percentage of the samples, processing replicates of a sample, or verification by an outside authority. The results of the quality control checks are reviewed and if found unsatisfactory corrective action is taken. Typically samples brought in from the field are logged in, stored if necessary, and either processed by ESS personnel, contractors, or transported to the appropriate laboratory for processing. The quality control checks and subsequent evaluations are documented and retained as Biology Program QA records (not nuclear safety-related). Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 8 of 13 6.0 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATION Procedures for calibrating equipment and maintaining equipment records have been developed. Response checks or operating instructions for equipment requiring periodic calibration are performed according to instructions found in Biology Program procedures or in the manufacturer's operating manual If the procedure is written such that no further clarification is needed, the manufacturer's operating manual does not need to be referenced. However, if additional instructions are required, the manual is referenced and the correct manufacturer's operating manual is maintained as part of the ESS Biology Program QA files (not nuclear safety- related) with a copy available for use with the equipment. An equipment control procedure was developed to ensure the availability of equipment for scheduled calibrations or response checks. Equipment control also provides for the removal of malfunctioning equipment and making any necessary repairs or replacements. A check is performed to the repaired or replacement equipment to ensure the effectiveness of the corrective action. Preoperational checks of water quality instrumentation are performed to ensure that equipment is functioning properly under sampling conditions. Immediate corrective action is applied to minor problems detected during these checks (such as replacing the dissolved oxygen membrane in a probe). The results from calibrations and response checks are evaluated and any necessary corrective action is taken (e.g., removing equipment from service and evaluating the data). The calibration results and the data evaluations are maintained as Biology Program QA records (not nuclear safety). Materials and equipment should be checked prior to use and repaired, if necessary. If material or equipment is broken during use, it is incumbent upon the user to ensure that steps are taken towards repair or replacement, if needed. Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 9 of 13 7.0 DATA PROCESSING AND REPORT PREPARATION Data processing for Biology Program activities (not nuclear safety-related activities) include the utilization of standardized coding forms (including computer-based forms), data loggers, field logbooks, and storage systems for data. Standardized coding forms, computer-based forms, or direct data upload capabilities have been developed and are used to record all data that will be computer-processed. Complete data records are prepared and stored as Biology Program QA records (not nuclear safety). Log sheets are maintained to document the flow and status of the data. Key stages of data processing (e.g., job number, date declared clean, and date data placed on master file) are recorded. These log sheets are used to aid the data tracking process but are not QA records. Data are stored on a computer master file system, in bound field books, ring binders, file folders, data loggers, or other electronic storage devices. Standardized programs handle most analyses. All data analyses (computerized and hand- calculated) are carefully checked by the originator and a second reviewer to ensure accurate results. Ad hoc computer programs (e. g. SAS Assist, PowerPoint, Excel, Arc View) used to derive data summaries, statistical analyses, graphs and figures included in environmental reports will be saved in the electronic file with the report. All hand-calculated results will be summarized on hand-written sheets containing all pertinent information used in the calculation. These sheets are a verification package to be submitted with the report original to the QA file as non-QA records. Peers and unit management review report drafts. Other groups within the Company may review pertinent drafts of reports. The report original is maintained as a controlled document in the Biology Program Reports QA files (not nuclear safety-related). Progress Energy 8.0 DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 10 of 13 There are several documents that are essential for implementing this Biology Program QA program (not nuclear safety-related). These are the ESS Biology Program QA Manual, Procedures Manual, and Study Plans. A brief description of each follows: The Biology Program QA Manual serves two functions. First, it sets forth the Biology Program Policy and identifies the elements of its QA Policy. Secondly, it provides a reference for Company personnel and regulatory agencies to use when assessing the effectiveness of the QA program. The Biology Program QA Manual is electronically stored on the Progress Energy INTRAnet. The Biology Program Procedures Manual contains detailed descriptions of collecting and processing techniques, all necessary equipment, and the quality control measures that document the accuracy and consistency of the work. Procedures are also written for equipment maintenance and calibration, data reporting, and storage and maintenance of QA records. Preparation of QA records, as well as the specific actions for carrying out a QA program, is outlined in these procedures. The Biology Program Procedures Manual is electronically stored on the Progress Energy INTRAnet. The Biology Program Study Plans outline the sampling programs at each plant site and details station locations and sampling frequency. Controlled documents include the original signed hard copy (stored the Biology Program QA files) and the "Authorized Copy" of the ESS Biology Program Procedures Manual and QA Manual (maintained electronically on the Progress Energy INTRAnet), and Study Plans (maintained in a secure electronic directory). Revisions and additions to the Biology Program Procedures Manual and QA Manual are prepared according to procedure (PRO-SUBS-00001) by ESS personnel. The ESS Biology Program Procedures and QA Manual Administrator(s) will submit the final approved revision of the electronic file to Corporate Document Center and submit the final "Authorized Copy" to the Biology Program QA file (not nuclear safety-related). An INTRAnet "Authorized Copy" is to be used as the master of any hardcopy distribution of a document. All other copies are considered "uncontrolled". The controlled document of the Biology Program Study Plans Manual includes an electronic version maintained in a secure electronic directory. The ESS Biology Program Study Plans and Reports Administrator will make revisions and additions to the original signed hard copy (stored the Biology Program QA files) and the electronic versions of the Biology Program Study Plans as necessary. All copies or printouts are considered "uncontrolled". Controlled documents shall also include the original of all reports generated by the Biology Program. These report originals are stored in the Biology Program QA report file cabinets (not nuclear safety-related) and are maintained by the ESS Biology Program Study Plans and Reports Administrator. Copies of the report originals are considered "uncontrolled." Progress Energy 9.0 SELF-ASSESSMENT Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 11 of 13 An internal self-assessment is performed by the QA Records Administrator on an annual basis to ensure that accountability of the QA records is met. The administrator will use the records checklist notebook to compare with the field verification and data files within the QA files to see if any deficiencies have occurred. Those items will be identified and rectified by ESS. Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 12 of 13 10.0 AUDITS Audits are performed, both internally and by external agencies, to evaluate the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program elements in producing quality data. Individuals other than the QA Records Administrator(s) will conduct the audits. Internal audits may be performed by the Auditing Department. These audits may include a check of work performance against written procedures and the effectiveness of the QA policy in meeting regulatory requirements. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), and other regulatory agencies may perform external audits. These audits may include a check of work performance against the Environmental Protection Plan required by the NRC and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System required by the NCDWQ and the EPA. External audits are generally not conducted on a regularly scheduled basis. Any areas of concern or nonconformance identified during an audit are investigated and rectified by ESS. Progress Energy 11.0 DEFINITIONS Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project Q/\PP AUTHORIZED COPY EVC-TSDC-00049 Rev. 2 (07/05) Page 13 of 13 Authorized Copy: The current and approved version of the document processed and published by the Corporate Document Center. Calibration: Comparison of a measuring instrument with a reference standard or with an instrument of equal or closer tolerance to detect and quantify inaccuracies to determine proper correction factors. Controlled Document: Manuals, electronic files or other information having a limited (controlled) distribution. Any revisions or additions are made according to procedures. Deficiency: A deviation from the approved procedure included in the Biology Program Procedures Manual which is categorized as either a discrepancy or a nonconformance. Documentation: Information that describes, defines, or verifies requirements, procedures, activities, and/or results. Discipline: A particular field of study such as water chemistry, plankton, etc. Discrepancy: A deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure that does not render the quality of an item or activity unacceptable or indeterminate. Nonconformance: Adeficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure that renders the quality of an item or activity unacceptable or indeterminate. Procedure: A document that describes (in sequential order) how to perform an activity and who is responsible for the actions. It may also include any equipment or materials needed. Quality Assurance (QA): The system of actions and responsibilities necessary to provide confidence that all functions of operation are accurate, complete, and repeatable. Quality Control (QC): Specific actions that measure or regulate the characteristics of an item or a process according to established requirements or criteria. QA Record: Documents or records that furnish evidence of the quality of items and/or biological activities (not nuclear safety-related activities). A document becomes a Biology Program QA record when it is completed [i.e., when the document has been approved by unit management and has been accepted by the QA Records Administrator(s)]. Reference Standard: An item set up as a rule for measurement (e.g., NIST traceable standard). Study Plan: A brief outline and description of sampling programs including work required or requested by regulatory agencies or Company groups. Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX D Progress Energy Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program Procedures Pertinent to the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality and Biological Studies QAPP01, Revision No. 1 D-1 April 16, 2007 AUTHORIZED COPY Document title Storage and Maintenance of Biology QA Records Document number EVC-EVSV-00051 appnes lo; Progress Energy Service Company, LLC -Environmental Services FCeyworas: environmental; biology program procedures manual 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to describe a system of storage and maintenance of ESS Biology Program QA records. 2.0 Forms referenced in this procedure: Field Collection Verification and QA Records Transmittal (FRM-EVSV-OD803) Data Cover and QA Records Transmittal (FRM-EVSV-00804) QA Records Supplement/Correction and Transmittal (FRM-EVSV-00805) Nonconformance Report and QA Records Transmittal (FRM-EVSV-00806) 3.0 Responsibilities 3.1 Unit Management A. Approve QA records storage locations and appoint Biology Program QA Records Administrator(s) and Manual Administrator(s). B. Ensure the establishment of appropriate indexing systems for the QA records. C. Ensure that annual records checklists are prepared and updated, as required, for QA records files. D. Approve a receipt control system. E. Ensure the security of storage facilities and approve a system for access and removal of Biology Program QA records. F. Approve a system for supplementing or correcting Biology Program QA records. EVC-EVSV-00051 Rev. 0 (04/06) Page 1 of 3 AUTHORIZED COPY G. Approve a system which surveys Biology Program QA records files and ensures that files are being maintained and stored in accordance with this procedure. Once in every calendar year, assign someone other than the primary administrator to survey the ESS Biology Program QA files to ensure that Biology Program QA records are being maintained and stored as prescribed. 2. The results of the survey shall be documented and deficiencies reported to the unit management. Ensure that corrective actions, as required, shall be made and documented. 3.2 QA Records Administrator A. Ensure that all Biology Program QA records are attached in binders, placed in folders, or placed in envelopes for storage. Stamp folders or envelopes to indicate that they contain QA records. Biology Program QA records shall be stored in locked file cabinets that stay with ESS. Depending on the required record retention period, some Biology Program QA records may be destroyed five years after collection date. B. Maintain the Biology Program QA files by using written indexes. Indexes will be a controlled document maintained in the QA files and updated, as required. The administrator shall ensure that the records transmitted to the QA records files are indicated on the index. File all Biology Program QA records according to the appropriate index. C. Prepare annual QA records checklists. The records checklists are to be used as an aid to verify sampling program requirements. The checklists shall include a listing of QA records required to be transmitted according to the annual ESS Biology Program Study Plans Manual. D. Compare the information on the QA Records Transmittal form with the records received. If the records do not agree, contact the individual transmitting the QA records to correct the deficiency. 2. If the QA Records Transmittal form and the transmitted records agree, the administrator checks the records to ensure that they are legible and indicates the receipt of QA records on the appropriate checklist. If any part of the transmittal is not on the checklist, take corrective action. EVC-EVSV-00051 Rev. 0 (04/O6) Page 2 of 3 AUTHORIZED COPY E. Complete the QA File Name line on the QA Records Transmittal form according to the index file name and sign or initial and date the "Received by" line on the QA Records Transmittal form. File the yellow copy in the QA records transmittal file. The white copy is to be filed as a QA record either by itself or attached to corresponding documents. File all records according to the indexes. It is at this time that the transmitted records officially become Biology Program QA records. F. Secure all Biology Program QA records in locking metal cabinets in areas which are free from adverse environmental conditions (moisture, excessive heat, etc.) within ESS office area. File cabinets should remain locked at all times unless a file is being used. 1. Access to the Biology Program QA records files is limited to the administrators, individuals in the Environmental Services Section involved in the collection of Biology Program QA records, managers, and auditors. Access is granted by an administrator or unit management. 2. QA records may be removed from the filing area by an administrator, individuals in the Environmental Services Section involved in the collection of Biology Program QA records, managers, or auditors provided the removal is documented. Documentation shall identify the Biology Program QA record removed, the individual removing the file, the date the file was removed, and the date. G. When aSupplement/Correction form is received, compare the information on the SupplementlCorrection form against the supplemental or corrected Biology Program QA records. If deficiencies are noted, contact the originator to correct the deficiencies. When all supplements/corrections have been filed, the administrator shall sign or initial and date SupplemenUCorrection form. The white copy of the SupplementlCorrection form is filed in the Supplement/Correction file and the yellow copy is filed in the QA Records Transmittal file. 3.3 Biology Program personnel (originator) A. All personnel transmitting records to the Biology QA files shall complete an appropriate transmittal form (see EVC-EVSV-00050 and FRM-EVSV-00803, FRM-EVSV-00804, FRM-EVSV-00805, FRM-EVSV-00806). All forms shall be reviewed by unit management and transmitted to the administrator. B. To supplement/correct a Biology Program QA record, a QA Records Supplement/Correction and Transmittal form FRM-EVSV-00805 must be completed and approved by unit management. The completed form and supplemental or corrected QA records (as required) shall be transmitted to the administrator. EVC-EVSV-00051 Rev. 0 (04106) Page 3 of 3 FIELD COLLECTION VERIFICATION AND QA RECORDS TRANSMITTAL FORM QA File Name Sampling Date(s) Program Sampling was conducted as described in the Biology Program Study Plans Manual and followed approved procedures in the Biology Program Procedures Manual. Procedure Sample Number Type Number(s) Locations (if applicable) Equipment Number(s) (If applicable) Verified Deficiencies?Yes No Comments: (If yes, explanation required below. See Procedure EVC-EVSV-00125) Signed', Reviewed Received leader) (Date) (Date} Keywords: envlmnmental; d+nlogy pregtam procedures mama:', EVC-EV$V-00050 FpM-EVSV-00803 ApP~~as to: Progress Energy $orvice Company, LLC -Environmental Services Rev 0 04/05 Page 1 of 1 AUTHORIZED COPY QA File Name DATA COVER SHEET AND QA RECORDS TRANSMITTAL FORM Program: Procedure Number: Sample Numbers: Date(s): Total Number of Records Attached: Deficiencies? Yes _ No _ (If yes, explanation required below. See Procedure EVC-EVSV-00125) Comments: Prepared by: Approved by: Received by: Date uate uate White Copy-QA Records File Yellow Copy-QA Records Transmittal File Kaywortls: a un:al, blolpgV Orograrn prccebures manual, EVC-EVSV-00050 FRtd~EVSV~00804 Applies <o: Progress Energy Service Company LLC-Envsonmentai Services Rev 0 04;06 Page t of t AUTHORIZED COPY (lA File Name (2P. RECORDS SUPPLEMENTICORRECTION AND TRANSMITTAL FORM QA Record Prepared by: SupplemenUCorrection Date Approved by: Date Received by: White Copy-QA Records File Yellow Copy-QA Records Transmittal File hSeywarda: envuonmemal; Oiuioyy program praceauras manual, EVC-EVSVA0051 FP.M-EVSV-0.7e05 0.ppllas to: Progress Energy Service Company, ~LC - Envrtonmenlal Services Rev. 0 04106 Page 1 of t AUTHORIZED COPY QA File Name NONCONFORMANCE REPORT AND CA RECORDS TRANSMITTAL FORM Applicable Document(s): Description of Nonconformance: Date Nonconformance Identified: Person Identifying Nonconformance: Nonconformance Adversely Affects Quality of Work: Yes No Explanation: Corrective Action: Prepared by: Date Approved by: Date Received by: Date White Copy-QA Records File Yellow Copy-GA Records Transmittal File Keywords: a cn~al, Otology program prpCOduroS manual; EVC-EVSV-00051 FRM-EVSV~0G30o Applies to: Progress Enc.gy Serv~co Company, LLC-Envlronmenlai Services 0.ev0 OdfD6 Paga 1 01 1 AUTHORIZED COPY Indoctrination, Training, and Retraining ~:.,.v.r~r,~.mee EVC-TSDC-00054 •w~<-~:. Progress Erergy Cprolvws. tnc. - Tecnnral Services •.m+:~~. nnmronmanlal. biplogy program procaaurcs manual AUTHORIZED COPY 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to ensure personnel are qualified to par.'orm tasks al an acceptable level of quality This document establishes yuideGnes for provrdmg indoctrination. training, and -etraming for any personnel (ae ,Progress Energy emFloyees convactors, and vendore) wn7ucting work ror Progrca-. Enemy using D~ology Proyram procr'ures. 2.D Responslbflltles 2.1 Unit Nanagement A Approve a training procedure that encompasses indoctrnalion. training. and retraining. t Ensure that the scope, method, and objective of inddctnnatron, tratnirg, and retaining are given 2 Ensure framing program's qualifications. as required, are appropriately documented a. Records of personnel training and relratniny shall be maintained as non-QA retards m the ESS Biology Program OA filos tnct nuclear safely- re!atedl to a notehook !hat wtll be considered an unconlrolietl dccurent b Qualifiptions perlairnny to tramirg and retrarong for the cu.~rent rewsrons of technrral procedures should be documented. 3 Enwre that current ESS Biology Program procedures ae evadable EVC-1$npgpp5,, flue. ] NHNO) PaOO r of ] AUTHORIZED COPY B Ensure all personnel following Biological Program prxetlures are indecVinated. trained, and retrametl such that they are knowledgeable in the applicable procedures and requirements. 1 Indoetrinate new personnel as to the scope. purpose. and implementa0on of the manuals and procedures. Prowde sufficient Vammg [o the extent necessary to assure safe execution o1 their duties. a. Appoint a tlesrgnee(s) to review wrath new personnel the methodology for accessing procedures, chemical and laboratory safety procedures and policies, and training requirements for assigned tasks. b, The designeers) shall document the indoctrlnallon it the Indoctrination Training, and Retraining of ESS Biological Program'ersonnel Records notebook 2, Ensure all personnel following Biology Program procedures are qualified to perform (heir assigns-c! tasks. a. Training may be accomplished through formal courses, and/or parLCipatlon m technical wor'ashops and meetngs, antllor or.-the-pb :raining. 6. Assign procedure owners (and backups as appropriate) for all &ology Program procedures For the technical procedures (and others as appropriate) the owners well be the Task Perfo!rranCe Evaluation (TPEj evaluatcre. These evaluatrrs also s"bind have thorough kno+vledge of tPe!r assigned procedure(s) allowing Ihem to train and evaluate Vamees (1) The TPE evaluator is automatically quakfied fer the procedure(s) hefshe has bben assigned (2) The TPE evaluator determines whether the trainee is qualified to perform the tasks In a specific procedure independently based on observed performance, simulation walk-through, or discussion During the evaluation the trainee should rtbt receive any prompting, direction. assistance or coaching from anyone (3) If the trainee s performance is determined not to be satisfactory, the TPE evaluator identifies areas for further msVUCtion and practice. The individual may reschedWe an evaluation 141 If the knowledge and skills of the V amee are satisfactory, the TPE evaluator notifies the Administrator that the md+vidual is qualified to mdependentty perform that speafic prorzdure. Only yuebiied mtlividuas may be fip loader for field -sampling The AdminosVator will add the name to the Isl of Qualified Indrv:duals :n the Indoctrination. Traininc, and Retraining of ESS Biological Program Personnel Records notebook. and sgn or initial m the space prorded for the current revision number. E'v,: i SG: nC4U Rw. J 104481 r>Ye 2 0l AUTHORIZED COPY C, Ensure that atl personne+ conducting work for Progress Energy usrng Biology Program procedures are relrainetl, as needed, such that they rema+n knowledgeable in the applicable procetlures and requirements t When a leChn!cal procedure (or orhers as appropriate} is re•rsetl, the Task Performance Evaluation evaluator (procedure owner) shall ensure that ESS personrrol (including temporary personnel; are retrained 'ar the new revision oefore the +rdrv+dual may independently conduct work according to that procedure. Retaining may include a formal presentation, cn-the-}ob Ya;nmg, ardtor exolanalion ut the changes in the new revision The TPE evaluator should inform the Admnvstralor L",at trg indwidual has been retrained `cr the new revision The Administrator w~U Inihal in the space provided in the Intloctrinahon. Trainurg and Retraining of ESS Biological Program Personnel Records notebook that this person hes beon retrained. 2 Ntten defidenl performance is obserretl or noted. the Individual s quahficat:on for Thal procedure may be revoked. He/she may not perform the [asks independently to! that procedure unhl they have Initialed corrective achcns by recemng additional instruction in the area of the deficiency be requalified by a TPE evaluator Follow the Deficerxy CorreCtiveACtior, PraceduPO fEVC-TSDCIi(1t25} to do.-ument defciency. +i necessary. 2.2 All Personnol Following Biology Program Procedures A. Read. understand, and adhere to all applipbte Environmental Serv!ces Section &ology Program procedures. B. Conduct work following only those procedures of ESS Biology Program m which you have Deen qualified by a TPE evaluator a work under the direct supervision of a lead person who is qualified C. New Personnel lohowing Biology Program procedures must read. s+gn, aria date the Indoctrination Acknowledgment of Understanding document. AUTHORIZED COPY Document Idle Chemical and Laboratory Safety Document numher EVC-TSDC-00055 aPPres to Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. -Technical Services Keywords: environmental; technical services department; biology program procedures manual 1.0 Purpose A. To define the responsibility of each employee to recognize the hazards and precautions associated with chemicals and reagents used in the workplace. B. To identify the rights and responsibilities of each employee to become familiar with the Chemical Safety and Health Management Plan which includes the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), the Progress Energy Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan (SAF-SUBS-00017), the Hazardous Waste Management Program, and the DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation Program. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 All ESS Biology Program personnel A. Chemical Safety and Health Management Plan: 1. Receive training explaining the Chemical Safety and Health Management Plan including the use of Material Safety Data Sheets to assure that employees understand the work practices and the use of personal protection equipment to ensure their safety and health during the storage, handling, and disposal of chemicals. 2. Understand the health and safety hazards associated with chemical use by reading and following chemical labels, and by referring to the MSDS and other documents relating to the chemicals being used. 3. Be aware of how chemical handling or use may expose oneself or other employees to a chemical hazard. 4. Report incorrect or missing chemical labels to the laboratory facility coordinator or unit management. EVC-TSDC-00055 Rev. 2 (05105) Page 1 of 5 AUTHORIZED COPY 5. Notify the laboratory facility coordinator if a new chemical is being ordered so that a new MSDS will be obtained and the chemical inventory updated. B. Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan: 1. Receive initial training by the local Chemical Hygiene Officer or the Laboratory Facility Coordinator explaining the Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan as prior approval from management before being permitted to handle hazardous chemicals or perform other procedures that involve chemical hazards in the laboratory. 2. Utilize standard operating procedures in the laboratory and understand the health and safety hazards associated with the processes being performed. 3. Use appropriate protective equipment (including that for personal protection) to minimize exposure to hazardous chemicals and materials. Refer to the fallowing Corporate Safety Guidance Documents: SAF-SUBS-00017, Laboratory Safety Guideline (Section 4, Exposure Control); Corporate Safety Guidance, SAF-SUBS-00015; or "Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories." For example: Broken glassware shall not be picked up directly with the hands. Leather gloves shall be used for handling broken glassware or it shall be cleaned up using mechanical means, such as a brush and dustpan. 4. Know that some chemicals are extremely hazardous and refer to the Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan, Laboratory Safety Guideline (Section 8), for their proper use. 5. Notify unit management, the laboratory supervisor, the laboratory facility coordinator, or the local chemical hygiene officer of potentially unsafe conditions or practices. 6. Know that no element of the individual procedures contained in this manual may supersede the company's safety standards and policies. C. Hazardous Waste Management Program (HEEC): 1. Be aware of the "Management of Hazardous Wastes at the Harris Energy & Environmental Center" procedure, from the HE&EC Administrative Procedures Manual, which provides guidance to properly manage surplus chemicals, hazardous and nonhazardous wastes in accordance with corporate, state, and federal environmental regulations. 2. Work with the Hazardous Waste Coordinator to resolve questions or problems concerning chemical wastes, surplus or expired chemicals. EVC-TSDC-OD055 Rev. 2 (05!05) Page 2 of 5 AUTHORIZED COPY 3. Surplus or expired chemicals should be stored, if possible, in the original containers to prevent mixing and possible chemical reactions. Transfer these chemicals to the Hazardous Waste Coordinator for proper disposal. 4. Use the red plastic safety disposal cans for laboratory wastes. These should be labeled with the words "Hazardous Waste" or with the name of the specific contents. Do not mix hazardous wastes with nonhazardous wastes. These cans should be emptied daily into the appropriate waste containers. 5. Dispose broken glass only in the labeled glass disposal boxes. Sharps must be discarded in containers that are closable, puncture resistant, and labeled. Sharps containers may not be over-filled and must be closed immediately prior to removal or replacement. Containers shall not be reusable. 6. Notify the Hazardous Waste Coordinator of any potentially unsafe conditions or practices concerning chemical or hazardous wastes. D. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Transportation Program: 1. Receive the General Awareness Training if required by the U.S. DOT for hazardous materials transportation. 2. Receive additional hazardous materials training when necessary if employee is required to be able to: a, prepare shipping papers. b. prepare hazardous materials packaging for shipment. c. conduct DOT placarding of vehicles. d. conduct proper loading of hazardous materials. 3. If required when transporting hazardous materials ensure that: a. Shipping papers are properly completed, signed, and stored within reach of the driver. b. A current copy of Progress Energy's U.S. DOT Hazardous Materials Certificate of Registration or the current registration number must be carried in the vehicle. This certificate or registration number must be made available, upon request, to any authorized representative or special agent of the DOT. c. A current Emergency Response Guidebook will be carried with the shipping papers. Attaching a copy from the ERG pages of the ERG numbers and information corresponding to the materials listed on the attached shipping papers is acceptable. EVC-TSDC-00055 Rev. 2 (05/05) Page 3 of 5 AUTHORIZED COPY 4. If you have any questions or require additional training for hazardous materials transportation, notify your unit management or the DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation Program Coordinator. 2.2 Laboratory Facility Coordinator (Chemical Safety and Health Management Program) A. Conduct initial and annual chemical inventories and update the inventories when new chemicals are received or storage quantity ranges change. B. Maintain current copies of the chemical inventory and MSDS at the facility and provide these upon receipt of valid requests. C. Work with unit management to assure that all employees have received initial training in the Chemical Safety and Health Management Plan. Maintain training records and provide additional training as needed when new chemicals or procedures are to be used. 2.3 Unit Management A. Chemical Safety and Health Management Plan: Work with the Laboratory Facility Coordinator to ensure that all employees receive training explaining the Chemical Safety and Health Management Plan including the use of MSDS, personal protection equipment, and safety during storage, handling, and disposal of chemicals and hazardous materials. B. Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan: 1. Work with the local Chemical Hygiene Officer (or Safety Section Representative) and the Laboratory Facility Coordinator to ensure that all employees receive initial training explaining the Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan, including safety and health considerations to be followed when using hazardous chemicals, as prior approval before they are permitted to implement laboratory operations, procedures, or activities that involve hazardous chemicals. 2. Work with the Laboratory Facility Coordinator to ensure the availability of information and equipment needed for compliance with the Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan; including personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves, safety glasses, etc.) and laboratory safety and exposure control equipment (e.g. chemical spill kits, broken glass disposal boxes, etc.). 3. Ensure the implementation of the Corporate Chemical Hygiene Plan and support the work of the local Chemical Hygiene Officer in achieving his assigned responsibilities. EVC-TSDC-00055 Rev. 2 (05105) Page 4 of 5 AUTHORIZED COPY C. Hazardous Waste Management Program (New Hill): Ensure that a current copy of the "Management of Hazardous Wastes at the Harris Energy & Environmental Center" procedure, from the HEEL Administrative Procedures Manual, is available to employees and support the work of the Hazardous Waste Coordinator in achieving his assigned responsibilities. D. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Transportation Program: Ensure that all employees receive the DOT Hazardous Materials General Awareness training if required. E. Participate in periodic inspections of work areas where chemicals are stored, handled, and prepared for disposal. 3.0. Coordinators (New Hill or Raleigh): A. Chemical Hygiene Officer -Safety Section Representative B. Hazardous Waste Coordinator -Jeff Nicklaw (New Hill) C. Biology Laboratory Facility Coordinator -Susan Weathers (Raleigh) D. DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation Coordinator -John Toepfer (Raleigh) E. HEEC Environmental Coordinator -Janice James (New Hill) 4.0. References A. Chemical Safety and Health Management Program, Progress Energy Safety Section. B. CP&L Corporate Safety Guidance Documents; 1. Laboratory Safety Guideline (SAF-SUBS-00017) 2. Personal Protective Equipment (SAF-SUBS-00025) 3. Bloodborne Pathogens (SAF-SUBS-00015) 4. Chemical Safety and Health Management/HAZCOM (SAF-SUBS-D00161 5. First Aid (SAF-SUBS-000101 C. Management of Hazardous Wastes at the Harris Energy & Environmental Center. (NGGS-EVC-0001) D. DOT Hazardous Materials Training, Training Section (EVC-TSDC-00055) E. OSHA Standard 29 CFR Section 1910 F. OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (Standard for General Industry) G. Threshold Limit Values, published by the American conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. H. Prudent Practice for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, National Academy Press, Washington, D. C. EVC-TSDC-00055 Rev. 2 (05/D5) Page 5 of 5 Document title Water Quality Instrumentation Control Document number EVC-EVSV-00058 AaP~les to: Progress Energy Service Company, LLC -Environmental Services ICeyworas: environmental; biology program procedures manual AUTHORIZED COPY 1.0 Purpose To provide the methodology and/or procedure to be implemented in the checkout/check in of equipment, equipment maintenance and repair, the documentation of calibration records, laboratory calibration and field operational checks, and usage for water quality field instrumentation. This procedure also provides for the evaluation of data as needed. 2.0 Responsibilities 2.1 Instrument Coordinator A. Provide water quality instrumentation that is available to unit personnel for field monitoring or investigative purposes. B. Provide a centralized location (e.g., storage closet) for field monitoring equipment and ensure "physical" control over equipment. C. Ensure that calibrations are performed according to the frequency given in the instrument calibration procedures. If instrument coordinator is not available, a designated appointee will be responsible for this action. D. Attach calibration stickers to instruments and include information as follows: 1. Calibration due or expiration date. 2. Date calibrated. 3. Calibration performed by. E. Ensure that nonserviceable, uncalibrated, and/or non-functioning equipment is: 1. Flagged and/or tagged with a note indicating that the instrument is not to be used. 2. Removed from the central location, and placed in the calibration lab (or otherwise limit accessibility to unit personnel). EVC-EVSV-00058 Rev. 0 (04/06) Page 1 of 2 AUTHORIZED COPY 2.2 ESS Personnel A. Sign out instruments on a field usage sheet available at the instrument central location. B. Perform an operational check to equipment according to the instrument procedure. C. Ensure proper usage of field equipment including transportation to, from, and in truck or boat. D. Return and sign in equipment. Record on the field usage sheet the parameters for which operational checks were performed. Ensure instrument number(s) is(are) recorded on field usage sheet. E. Record equipment number on Field Collection Verification and QA Records Transmittal Form (FRM-EVSV-00803). F. Report any damage, malfunction, and/or failure of equipment directly to instrument coordinator or designated appointee. Do not return malfunctioning instruments to the centralized location. G. Work with instrument coordinator to provide prompt evaluation of data collected with instruments found or believed to be out of calibration or functioning improperly during field sampling. 2.3 Instrument Coordinator A. Ensure that equipment found to be out of calibration or functioning improperly is promptly evaluated and the validity of data collected with the instrument since the last calibration is determined (in coordination with the Site Lead or the Unit Manager). B. Ensure that maintenance and repair work are performed as needed. C. Maintain documentation of calibration records (including signature or initials of the persons performing the calibrations), repair, and instrument usage. 2.4 Unit Manager A. Transmit statements of equipment failure and evaluations of data (prepared by instrument coordinator) to the QA file. EVC-EVSV-00058 Rev.0 (04/06) Paget 0(2 AUTHORIZED COPY Oawment title Calibration of YSI Telethermometers and Fisherbrand NIST Traceable Digital Thermometers Document number EVC-TSDC-00061 APPres to, Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc-Technical Services Keyword s: environmental; technical services department; biology program procedures manual 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to establish a method for the calibration of YSI telethermometers. 2.0 Form referenced in this procedure: Calibration Data Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00853). 3.0 Scope and Frequency 3.1 Temperature calibrations will be performed quarterly in the laboratory (± tolerance of 10 percent). 3.2 Reference thermometers must be NIST-traceable. 3.3 An operational check of the YSI meters will be performed prior to field use. 4.0 Summary of Methods A three-point temperature calibration will be performed. A reference thermometer (traceable to an NIST or NBS certification) and the test probe are immersed in an ice bath and in water baths capable of maintaining uniform ambient and warm water temperatures. After the temperature has stabilized, the actual temperature from the reference thermometer and the indicated temperature from the test instrument are recorded. The deviation between the true temperature and the indicated temperature from the test instrument is noted. The deviation is compared to the tolerance for the test probe, and the instrument is deemed serviceable or rejected on the basis of comparison. 5.0 Equipment or Apparatus 5.1 Mercury-in-glass thermometer calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly known as the National Bureau of Standards) with certificate of calibration or thermometer of similar quality traceable to NIST (or NBS). EVC-TSDC-00061 Rev. 3 (05/05) Page 1 of 3 AUTHORIZED COPY 5.2 Constant temperature water baths capable of maintaining uniform temperatures. 5.3 Ice bath. 6.0 Reagent List N/A 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferences 7.1 If the red-line adjustment cannot be made for the YSI meters, the battery is low and must be replaced. 7.2 No element of this procedure may supersede the Company's safety standards and policies. 8.0 Procedure 8.1 Temperature Calibration (Laboratory): A. With the meter off, the needle should be all the way to the right on the scale (at 50°C). Make adjustments with the meter screw. (YSI meters only). B. Turn the meter on with the probe disconnected; the needle should red-line. Make adjustments with the red-line screw (see Section 7.0). (YSI meters only). C. Prepare an ice bath by filling a container with crushed ice. Add sufficient water to just cover the ice, and compress the ice until it reaches the bottom of the container. Pour out excess water or add ice as required to keep the container filled. D. Prepare an ambient temperature water bath. The container shall maintain a constant temperature. E. Prepare a warm temperature water bath. Set the temperature controls at a point between 40° and 50°C. A constant temperature shall be maintained. F. Immerse the reference thermometer and the test probe in the ice bath. Wait for the thermometer to stabilize. Read and record the indicated temperature from the reference thermometer. Read and record the indicated temperature from the test instrument. Remove the reference thermometer and test probe from the ice bath and allow several minutes for temperature stabilization before proceeding. G. Immerse the reference thermometer and test probe in the ambient temperature water bath. After stabilization, read and record the indicated temperatures of the reference thermometer and test probe. EVC-TSDC-00061 Rev.3 (05!05) Page 2 of3 AUTHORIZED COPY H. Immerse the reference thermometer and test probe in the warm temperature water bath. Water temperature must be stable and uniform. After allowing time for the temperature of the thermometer and probe to stabilize, read and record the indicated temperatures. 8.2 Operational Check (Field): When the instrument is checked out, prior to actual field use, an operational check must be performed as described in 8.1 A-B. 9.0 Calculations N/A 10.0 Results All observed temperatures, calculations where appropriate and other necessary information should be neatly logged on a Calibration Data Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00853). The deviations between the test instrument and the reference thermometer are compared, and the test instrument fails calibration if the deviation exceeds 1 °C. All documentations are kept in the ESS Biology QA. 11.0 Definitions N/A 12.0 References Liquid-in-Glass Thermometry, U.S. Department of Commerce/National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly known as the National Bureau of Standards), Monograph 150. 13.0 Quality Control A reference thermometer traceable to an NIST or NBS certification shall be used. Reference thermometers which are not traceable to NIST when purchased will be calibrated in conjunction with an NIST traceable thermometer by the Progress Energy Chemistry Laboratory or by the qualified ESS personnel once during the lifetime of the thermometer. EVC-TSDC-00061 Rev. 3 (05105) Page 3 of 3 AUTHORIZED COPY Calibration and Operational Check of YSI Oxygen Meters EVC-EVSV-00062 wrr•~ e. Pra~ress Energy Scrvke Company, LLC - Env~ronmenlal Sernces a.wn~n. enmrommenlal, Plology Program proccowes manual 1.0 Purpose The purpose ~F this procedure i5 to establish methotls for the calibration and operatonal check of YSI oxygen meters for tietd use 2.0 Forms referenced In this procedure: Cahbrauon Data Sheet IFRM-EVSVA0853) 3.0 Scope and Frequency 3 t A temperature cahbrauon will be performed quarterly (+ tole-anca of 10 percentl 3 2 An operational Check of dissolved oxygen will be performed by personnel prior to use. 4.0 Summary of Methotls 4 1 A temperature calibration is performed in the laboratory usrg a reference Ihermdmeler, uniform temperature water barns, anti an ice bath. a2 An operational Instrument check of dssotvetl oxygen is performed prior to use to atltust the instrument for the local altitude andlor barometric pressure 5-0 Equipment a Apparatus 5 t vSl Oxygen Meter. 5.2 Membranes and O-rings, 5.3 Reference thermometer traceable to NIST or NBS. 5.4 Unicorn temperature water baths for ambient and warm temperature wlibralions- 5.5 Ice bate EVGEVSV,000B[ riw J (u26) ~ n,~ye i o~c AUTHORIZED COPY 6.0 Reagont List Fresh electrolyte solution (half-saturated KCI solution vnlh Kodak Photo-Flo) 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interterencos 7 1 Battey charge shbuid b2 checked before beginnlrg the temperature calibration or dissoved oxygen operational check. Replace instrument battenes io the Model 57 when unable to ad(ust to red tine Recharge stirrer batteries for t4 to t"o hours when the voltage reads below 6.0 volts on the 0 tc 70 scale while in the BAIT CHECK pcsitian Replace instrument batteries In the Model 59 when the LOBAT warning shows on the display (approximately 50 hours of use remain), Replace stirrer baCenes d the LOBAT yarning shows while the sllrrer comrol Is held at the BAIT CHK position (5 hours or less of battery hfe remains) 7.2 Operation of the Mode! 57 must be checked in the same position (vertical, horizontal, or tilted back) as d would be when in operation n the field 7.3 No element of this procedure may supersede the Compareys safety standards and polices Appropriate safety precautions should be used wren handling chemicals Refer fo Material Safety Dala Sheets far specific descriptions of the Dhysicai and chemical propemes, physical and health hazards, and precautions for safe handling and t e 8.0 Procedure 6 1 Temperature catibreUbn i7aboratory; The temperature reading of the meter must be compared U that of a reference thermometer by immersing the probe and thermometer into uniform temperature water baths and an ice bath Wait for the readings to stab3ize: then read and record 8.2 Dissclved oxygen operational ch,ec'r. (fieltl} A. Prepare probe for operation by replacing memCrane it necessary. When changing membrane, fist ceU with fresh electrolyte There shoud be no wrinkles in the membrane and no av bubbles should appear under the membrane- When fitting with electrolyse be sure to depress the pressure compensator (see instruction manual for Models 57 and 56) Blot membrane dry with tissue. Taking care not io get membrane wet, place plastic "calibration° bottle containing a moist sponee over the probe Before eabhrating, allow up to 15 minutes icr optimum probe stabilzation Reoolanze whenever the instrument has been OFF or the probe has been disconnected EVC.EVSV.WCG7 4w o (OWGi °a9~.'otc B Model 55 AUTHORIZED COPY 1, Ensure that rite sponge inside the instruments calibration chamber is wet Insert the probe into the calibration chamber the ONIOFF button on the host of the oxygen and temperature readings to stabilize 3. Use two fingers to press and release the two ~ ~ keys at the same time. 4. The LCD wilt prompt you to enter the local altitude m hundreds of feet Use the arrow keys to mcrea;e or decease Use altitude When the proper attitude appears on the LCD, press the ENTER key once to wew the calibration value m the lower right of the LCD. and a second time to mope to the salinity compensation procedure. 5. Tne LCD wdl prompt you to enter the approximate saliniry of the water you aro about to analyze You can enter any number from 0 to GO furls per thousand (PFT) of salinity Use the arrow keys to Increase or decrease the salinity compensation Whan rite correct saluvry appears on the LCD. press the ENTER key Once the :zlibrabon process ~s complete, rho only keys which will remain operational are rite MODE key, the LIGHT key, and the ON/OFF key You can mode back and forth from reading dissolved oxygen in [he mgfL mode or the °h air saturaGcn mode by pressing the MODE key C. Modet 57 t. Wih switch in the OFF position. adjust the meter pointer to zero wdh the screw in the center of the meter panel Readjustment may be necessary d the instrument position is changed. 2 SwBch to RED LINE and aalus. the RED LINE knob until the meter needle aligns wllh the red mark at the 31'C position 3 SwRch to ZERO and ad)ust to zero with zero control knoo 4. Attach the prepared probe to the PROBE connector of the instrument, and ad)usl the retaining ring finger-fight 5. Sw4ch to TEf~1P and read F. Usc the probe temperature reatling to find the 0; value Irom the following chary. ~. ~~:-lYSi ~f3T new. a (W10;~ Po9n r• y AUTHORIZED COPY OXl'GY:N SOLIIRILI7"1''a U °/no ('H LORIN ITY. 760 mm 1111 i;_~sr o.0 11. 0,2 1!.3. na u~~ 1~6 fl_? u_3 u9 D 1a.6 la.s6 Id.52 1348 Ia.a3 I~I •I 1x.30 IJS2 I.12X 13.1a 1 IJ2 IJ 7 I4.W 13.11 Ia.UR Ia.Oj 13.02 13.99 13.90 13.93 ? IS? 13.60 I?.R2 1?.7R 1373 137 I?.G6 13.0? I?.SR 1353 3 13.5 1].77 I?.a4 13.31 13.3N Ii iS li.?~ I?.29 I?lti I?.23 J I]2 U.6 13.7? I?.OS 13.04 13.0 12.90 1:92 12.RA 12.83 5 I'_,R 13'7 I2.7J 12.71 12bA I2.ti5 12.62 12.59 12.50 12.5? o 12.5 12.37 I'_AS 1_'.31 1'_33 12 75 12.32 L'.29 1226 122? 7 12.2 12.'7 12.13 12.11 12.08 12.05 12.112 II!N! II!)6 II9? 8 IL9 II t7 ILR4 ILAI 11.7A II.?5 11.72 11.09 11-66 11.0] 9 II-0 11.57 IL54 IL51 IIAA 11.45 11.32 1139 11.?6 II.33 10 11.3 I I :8 I L26 11.23 11 22 1120 11,18 1 1.16 I I I.1 1 1 ~ 12 II III 1107 ILOS IL01 IO9R 10.95 1(1.92 IC.R9 IU.A6 IU.B? I ^_ 10.8 IOTA 10.70 I U.7a 10.72 l0, 70 10.66 I C.66 10.63 I n.Gl 13 10.0 Io.Sri IU.56 IO,iJ 10.92 In.S 10.38 In Sn IO.J4 lu.d'_ Id 111. •t 1098 1(136 10.34 10.32 111.3 111.28 111-20 IU.23 I11?2 19 10 2 10.7 111. U 10. I I I O.OR 10.05 1 D.02 499 996 993 16 99 0.28 9.86 9-Sa 9.R'_ 9.8 9.78 5.76 9.7-1 9,?~ 17 27 46S 9b6 9.63 9b2 9.G 9.58 9.76 9.53 9.52 13 4,i 97A 9.46 9.d•1 9.42 2.1 U.3N 536 9.33 9,12 19 9.3 9.29 9?A 9.27 926 925 '>?3 ,.23 9?2 9.21 211 9.2 9..5 9.16 9.1a 9.12 9.1 9.OS 5,U6 4.Oa 9,02 '_I 9.0 398 X9G 89a 8.92 R9 3.RR A,RO R,RS X.82 _7. R.S 8.~9 8.?R 8.77 8.76 8.?5 8.74 8.73 8.72 R.?I '_3 S. i N.e3 8.G6 8.64 8.62 S.G 3.78 A.56 X.53 5.52 2a Bj R.d9 ri.dR 347 A40 835 8,34 843 X.a'_ 841 15 R4 6.)3 R.]6 8.34 A.32 R.] S.2R A.'_6 R2a 8.2' 26 8' 6.9 8.16 8.17 8.16 R.IS S.U 6.13 31'_ 8.11 27 A.I N.ON 5,116 3.UJ 8.U2 3.11 798 7.96 'r 9a Z92 2A 7.9 7.79 7.RR 7 Al 1.86 ? R5 7,Ra 783 7.82 7,81 ?9 7.R 7'9 7.78 7.77 7.76 7.75 IJ4 ?.73 7.?2 7.71 3U 7 7 i.e8 7.6fi 7.67 7.62 7.G 7.j8 ;•.j6 7.9a 7.52 31 I.j 7.d9 7.38 7A7 746 7.35 743 r3? 7.a'_ 7.31 32 la 799 ?3R 7.?7 7.3fi 7.35 7.3•t 7.33 73'_ 7.31 ?3 73 7_'V T.2R L27 7.26 7.25 7.2J 7.23 7.22 7~1 33 7.1 7..9 7.18 7.17 7.10 7.15 7.13 7.13 7.12 7,11 35 71 7.09 7,UR I,U7 7.OG 7,115 7,IW 7,03 7.02 7dll EVG[VSV-06002 e<u- 0 IeeVB1 oex ~ o+e AUTHORIZED COPY Determine local elUU~tle or atmospheric correcUOn factor from the following char) LOCAI. .A I.TI'tIIUE OR AT3105PIlFRIf CHART Prrssurc Imml AltltuJc lfcct Correction Fnctar Ti5 -<an I.ol 760 it I UO 745 is? O.yB 7311 1,09a 0.96 i I4 11~bR 2y4 fi99 2,27a U.y2 GRa 2.Rfid fl VII 069 3,466 U.88 G54 4.087. 0.8fi n38 4, r5t+ 0.84 623 5;103 11,82 bOR 6.065 0.80 593 ti,741 U.78 57s 7.aao 11.76 s62 s ^a n.74 547 sA3o 0 72 532 9.694 0 70 517 10,17? tl.ti8 5t12 I L_7] 0.66 tVC{VP':-f.G~P= aM o i06M. PH9hsu1L ~ AUTHORIZED COPY 8 M~Iliply the ae value from the Oxygen Solubility Charf ty the correction (actor frcm the Local Altitude or Atmospheric Chart EXAMPLE Assume temperature = 2t 0`C and aa4ude = 2200 feet From the OZ Chad -- the G; value for 21.0`C is 4.0 ppm From the Altitude or Atmospheric Chart -the ccrrection factor !cr 2200 feet is aoou! 0.92. Therefore, the cormcted 0, vatue ~s 5.0 ppm x052=628 ppm 9 Switch to the appropriate ppm range, set the SALINITY knob to the appropriate settng, and adjust the CALIBRATE knob until the meter reads the comer 01 value from Step 8. Wait until the 0, vaiue stabilizes- Readtust if necessary D Mode! 56 t. Connect the prepared probe to the PROBE receptacle, and screw the retammg rmg finger-tight 2. Adjust SALINITY knob to the appropriate setting. 3 Set the funct[on switch to ZERO, and adjust the display to read 00.0 wtth the 0~ ZERO control 4. D 0. "Air Calibration" can be performed by two methods a Set funebon switch to percent mode (%). When the display reading has stabilized, uNock the 0; CALIB control locking ring and adJust the tllsplay to the CALIB VALUE indicate-d in the following pressutelaltitude chart, Retork the locking ring to prevent madverent changes evc~vsv~aoauz ~ Rev. o ma~16i vao~ r ~~ e ' AUTHORIZED COPY CALIBRATION VALUES EOII ~:4RIOCS ATAIpSPHE1tIC PRIitiSURES AND AI_TITI UES Nurmul harometri: vanatious arc eyuiralent to - c 5UU feet al sta r level PRESR`RE ALTITC~ DE nchcsH !W!>_l6'. kPa _I!7 CRdb.Vnluc - 3023 76R 012,3 -276 -Xa un 39.92 760 11113 u II IVO 34.61 752 IOn.3 37R Ri 99 39.73 79i 99,3 SSX 170 96 ?9.03 73? 98.3 SJI 'SG 97 28,7J 730 v'!3 1126 343 9G 2RA7 7?3 96,3 I•li3 J31 45 'R II itJ u5.? 1703 519 •).1 '?.83 7117 9.12 1995 60R 93 •?.5'_ 699 v71 2'_'90 696 92 '_71J 692 921 2387 ?R9 9I 2G.Y3 68•f v l _' :867 R80 90 36,61 676 901 7100 972 S4 26.73 669 69.3 349b IOGO SX -6.0'- obi RR1 3X04 1160 87 '5.75 659 X7.1 JIIS 125= 66 !5 J3 6Jfi 8GJ JJ 3b 1350 BS ]? I: 63R A5 I J7J7 IJ.i1 R4 2i.&1 631 RJJ 5067 15i: X3 23.53 623 X}.1 t791 IG4_ X3 .'.3 a4 bOR 81.1 G(M{7 I Bd. 80 23.63 600 ft0,(/ 6381 193' 79 23.71 Sy! ?9.11 6717 '097 76 23.Qi S83 78.0 7056 '_ I5I T/ ?2,76 i7R 77.11 7301 2_'Sf 74 22 i4 570 76.0 77x9 376? 75 ?3.13 562 75,0 %I WJ 2JfiG ii 31.85 553 74 0 895< 3577 i7 '_I 54 SJ7 73.0 BR { 5 '667 ?2 ?126 5JU 71.9 91i% 3197 7I 30.93 5}2 70.11 y545 '_909 711 30.63 524 69.9 9917 3023 d9 ]U 15 517 6x9 10293 }137 G$ 2o.n4 so9 G7A la,?3 3253 n? 1476 503 66A IIOSA 3371 GG EVC{VSV-011082 Rev.O NaDbl Pa3c lrrP AUTHORIZED COPY b Or set D.O value accord+ng to Section 8.2. B, 5 thrcugh 8. 9.0 Calculations NIA 10.0 Rosults Far the tmperature calibration, the read+ngs of Ih2 meter and the reference thermometer must be within - LO`C or the motet fails the accuracy check. Temperature cahbrahon information should be neatly logged on a CaGbrabcn Dala Sheet (FRM-EVSV-GQ9531 11.0 Definitions N/A 12.0 Reforonces 12.1 YSi Model 55 Oxygen Meter Instructions 12.2 Y51 Model 57 Oxygen Meter Instructions. 12.3 YSI Model 58 Oxygen Meter InsWCGOns. 12.4 APHA, 1975 Standartl Methods for the Exam+nahon of Water and Wastewater. 14'" ed pp d43-445. 12.5 l+gwd-+n-Glass ThermomeGy. U S, Department of CommercelNahonal Institute of Standards antl Technology (formerly NBS), Monograph 150. 13.D Quality Coctrol 13.1 Malfunctions of equpment will be reported to the instrument coortl+nator so that necessary steps to repa+r equipment can be taken t3.2 D+ssolved oxygen operational checks are performed prior to field or laboratory use to determine whether equipment Is flmctioning properly and M adjust the instrument for local altitude and/or baromeV+c pressure 13.3 When stonng probe. replace probe guard and Insert the probe into the protective plash: hottle containing moist sponge or store in other moist and protective container EVG Ey5yAM82 aeu. 0 10~7l81 PapC II W. 9 AUTHORIZED COPY Calibration and Operational Check of YSI Conductivity Meters EVC-TSDC-00063 •sI•-~~ Progress Enegy Carolinas. Inc. - Tecnn:cal Services r.w•.m environmental broloay program procetlures manual 7.0 Purpose The Rurpose d this procedure ~s to establl5h a method for cahbratrcn and operational cherks of VSI conductivity meters 2.0 Forms referenced In this procedure Calibration Data Sheet (FRM=TSDC-J,0853) Salinity Operational Check Dala Sheet (FRM-TSDC-008531 3.0 Scope and Frequency 3. t Tempe2ture cahbraUOns shall be performed quarterly js tolerance of t0 percent) for YSI models capable of measuring temperaiure- 3.2 An operational instrument check of conduchwty wtl1 be performed quarterly (± tolerance Dt 7G percent) 3.3 An operational :nstrument check of sal:rnry wnll be performed annually Is tolerance of t 0 percent i. 4.0 Summary of Methods 4 1 A three~FOint temperature whbration wall be performed A reference Thermometer (traceable to an NISI or NBS certification) and the test probe are Immersed to an Ice bath aM In water baths capable of malntaming uniform ambw_nt and warm v+ater temperatures Ater the temperature ras stabilized. the actual temperature from the reteren:e thermometer and the Indicated temperature from Le test instrument are recorded. The deviation between the true temperature and the Indicated temperature from the test :nstrument rs nosed. The dev~alior Is compared to the tolerance for the test probe, and the Instrument is deemed serviceable or rejected on the basis of comparison 4.2 A caDbrauon or operational instrument check of conductivity is performed quartery Toe accuracy of the mater Is checked by using YSI KCI conduc4viry standard of 7000 macro siemens Avoid any contamination of the standard. Never calibrate with conductro:ry standards that are less than t 0 mslcm (same as t000 micro siemens). ^,ese standards arc easfy contam:naied by residual DI wafer and even RF noise. ~- F(o L (lIS'( 1 Ni+PIOt] AUTHORIZED COPY 4.3 An operational instrument check of salinity is performed arnua6y for ;nose insiroments with salimty measunng capability. The accuracy of the meter is checked by using three salinity standards according to Rrocrdure EVC-TSDC-00059), 5.0 EquipmontorApparatus 5. t YSI conductlv!ty meter 5.2 Mercury-In-glass Lnermometer Calibrated by the National institute of Standards and Technology (formerly known as the Natonal Bureau of Standards) vnth certificate of Calibration or thermometer of similar quality Traceable to KIST (or NBSj 5,3 Constant temperature wafer baths. 5 4 Ice bath. 8.0 Reagent List 6.1 One reliable KCI conductivity solution (1.0 mslcm). 6.2 Deionrzed water. 6.3 Three sodium chloride solutions (for meters with sal!niy measunng capability). 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferences 7.1 An +nstrument check must be performed prior to use 7.2 tf the conductlvty Celt for YSt mode! 35 have been stored dry. !t should be soaked to deionized water for 24 hours before use 7 3 If the meter does not use automatic temporature compensation, and if the sample temperature is not at 25", multiply the raw conductivity vaUe by tho correction factor found on the table in EXHIBIT A of this procedure 7 4 No eemern of this procedure may supersede ;he Gomparry s safary• standards a^d polioes Appropriate safety precautions should be used Hnen handling chemicals Refs- b Material Satety Data Sheets for speciric descnpticns of the physical and cherniCal proparties, physical and health hazards, and precauitons for safe handkng and use. EVC450GUJG5J Rov: (a,:N19 Popetd5 8.0 Proceduro AUTHORIZED COPY 8.1 Temperature calibration (?abcratory) The temperature reatl+nos of tre instrument must be comparotl to that of a reference thermaneler 6y unmers+ng both +nto an ice bath, an ambien. temperature wafer bath, aid then into a warm temperature wator bath Readin3s are recorded at each range w..^.en temperatures are sable- Trns ca9bration must be performed quarterly (3 tolerance of 10 percent) To prepare the amb+ent bath, pour tap water halfway into the large glass cylinder comainer and avow overnight fa the temperature to stabilize To prepare the warm bath, fill the versa bath up to the top to cover the hoanng elements and turn bath on to stabilize -43' C To prepare the cold bath, fill a large p asllc wnta+ner w+th ice water to insure +nstruments reads <i 0- (, B 2 Conducuvity operational check A. YSI Model 35. 1 ~ Rinse probe with de+onaed water end dry before msert+ng probe into KCI standard. 2. The meter should be w+thln .10 percent of the conducLVlry value. 3, Meter should also be checked wish prec+sion cell res+stor. B YSI Model 30. 1 Rinse probe with deion+zed water and dry before mserLng probe into KCI standard 2. The meter must be recabbrated d conduclivrry values are not within ~ 10 percent. 3 Calbration adiustrnent (if requued; a Piece clean deed probe into the mnductrvlty standarc completely covering the oval shaped hole on the side of the probe Do not rest the probe on the bottom Or sides of the container. Ensure that no a+r twbbles ere trapped in the probe b Press and release the up and down arrow keys at the same time The CAL symbol wdi appear on the display. c. Use lrie up or doom arrow key 10 adJUSt IFie d:Splay to read the value of the cabbratior. standard 1M+en the reading is stable press the ENTER key, The display wdl read SAVE for a second to indicate that the calibraGOn has been accepted Fvc ~~a-~. ~: na, a re+~a~. awe sas d Repeat Step 8.~6.;~. 8.3 Salinry operational check: Refer to Procedure EVC-TSDC-00059), AUTHORIZED COPY 9.0 Calculatforts Multiply the reading from the conductivity style (Exhibit A) by the factor on which the mode swatch (If appropnatej was set. Refer to step 7.3. 10.0 Results For the Temperature calibration. the difference in the readings between me instrument and the reference Tnermometer must be within 1.0'C or the Instrument fats calibration The conducnv:Dy readings of the buffers are tlelerm~ned by the YSI meter These readings should be vdthln i 1p percent of The known ~oalue of the standard. If the difference is greater thar t0 percent, the instrument tats the operational chec~ Neatly record the temperature and conductivity calibration information on a Cahbrauon Data Sheet (FRM-TSDC-008@.3). Record salmry information on Satimty Ope-ational Check Data Sheet (F R M ~ TS UC-008b3). 11.0 Definitions N/A 12.0 References 72 1 Ligwd-In-Glass, Thermometry. U.S. Department of Commerce) National Institu!e of Standards and Technology (formerly known as N8S), Monagraph 150 12.2 YSI Conductivity Meter Instruction Manual 13.0 Quality Control 13.1 Probe should be stored in deionized water 13 2 Egwpment matfunchons must be promptly 2ported to the instrument coordinator so that necessary steps to repair equipment can be taken. tY41 &'lGWtS] Rev 2 rO3Ma] Pageed5 AUTHORIZED COPY rsnmt: ~ Corcactlo0 Smnpfo Faclor temporaturc Lt14 1.712 t 109 107 t t Q4 1,702 7 099 t 097 109a 1 092 1090 1 087 t 089 t 082 1080 I Oi8 1075 1.073 t 0+7 7 068 t 066 t 064 1067 1 Ofi9 1957 1 05a i 052 7.050 7 Oa8 t 065 I Oda 1 Oa i 1039 1 037 t Cad 1.032 A39 : 028 '..026 I oz3 1921 LG I9 I Ot7 1.0:5 1075 1 077 f 009 25 0 I DGO 25 I C 9Ad 25 2 0 S96 25.3 D 994 25 a 0 952 25 5 0.990 25.6 0 988 25.7 3.545 25.8 n 98a 259 0.982 28.0 098C 261 09)8 26.2 0.9'5 26 3 0 0?a 266 U572 26.5 0.970 26.6 0 9"c9 26.7 0.56E 46 B 0 06a 26 9 L' 962 27.0 0 960 27.1 0.956 27.2 0.95) 27.3 0.955 27.4 27.5 0.953 C 95I 276 C949 277 G947 27.8 0945 27 9 0.043 28A 0.9x1 28.1 0940 28 2 0.935 28.3 0.936 28.4 0 93a 28.5 0.932 28 0 0 930 26.7 0 929 gas o sr 28.9 29.9 0.925 0923 29.7 0927 491 0.020 29.3 C.918 29 4 0 918 29.5 0.974 28.6 0.973 EVL?SDGMOd] 9e(z ICS•W) 0 e5ote Calibration of Thermometers EVC-TSDC-00065 .r,~e: x Progress Enorgy Ca;olmas, Inc. - Tcthnical Serves e.r.aa. enVlronmenta, lechnlca~ SBrVICCl eeparimenl, e+pl9yy program procedures manual 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure Is to outline the steps for the calibration of reference Thermometers for use between 0' antl t0U"C. 2.0 Form referenced in this procedure Thermometer Calibration Data Sheet (FRM-'fSUC-00854) 3.0 Scope and Frequency Ths method is used to calibrate thermometers vfiic7t are not NIST traceable poor to being use0 far temperature reference m the Instrument Calibration Program. 4-0 Summary of Methods A reference tt~rmometer (traceable to an NIST or NBS cenl6cauor) antl the lest thermometer are m,merszd m a IiGwd bath :apable of main!alning a uniform ;emperature The actual tenpzralur from the referencz lhermometzr and the irni:caied temperaturz from the test 1~ermometer are recorded Correction for emergent stem are applied where applicable. The dev:ahon is compared to the tolerance for the test inermometer, and thz thermometer is either accepted as accurate and usable or rejected on the bases of the comparison. 5.0 Equipment o~ Apparatus 5 t Mercury In glass themtomerer calibrated by the NISI (formerly NBS) with certificate of cahbraUOn or thermometer of similar quality which has been calibrated against a czriitied thermometer 5 2 Constant temperature water bath for use Detwcert ambient and t06°C. capable of mamlaning a uniform temperature. 5.3 Ice bath [YC~TSC.:-0W9p ~ Fcw t r1~~pyl Pape f c 6.0 Reagent List N!A 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and tntorferences AUTHORIZED COPY No element of this procedure may supersede the Company's safety standards antl pokcies. 8.0 Procedure 8 ~ Calibration Of Test Thermometers and Instruments A Cxarnine EII Usermometers aubmlhed for calibrebon Reject the thermometer it ony of the following IrcegulanDes are observed t. Foreign marier m the capillary DuID, inUUdmg glass chips or oxides of mercury 2. D_tective design or workmanship 3. Part of graduatetl scale not usable. 4, Errors In scale or numbermc. 5. backs in glass 6 Any nthor reason which In thn opinion of mo ralihratinp txhnicun would makes tfx thermometer unreliable. 8. Prepare an we bath by lilting a container with crushed ice Add sufficient vwater to cover the Ice, and compress the Ice unf11 rt reaches the beltom of the container Pour out excess wafer or add ice as required to keep the wnlamer filled, G Prepare a constant temperature water barn and adjust the temperature to a setting near the top of the graduated scale of the test thermometer The bam shall be continuously stirred. D. If the reference thermometer can be completely Immersed vertically m the constant temperature water bath and the ice bath, the procedure is simplified in that the calculation of an emergent stem corection is unnecessary If complete immersion is not possible. due to inadequate depth o1 the ice or water bath, the reference thermometer should be Immersed to a known division on ne measurna scale For exarrp:e, immerse to the t0`C mark. An emereent stem carrection wdl be required for preCisE calculation of the reference temperature Where partial immersion thermometer is to be calibrated, me thermometer needs tc be Immersed in the ice or ctlnsianl temperature bath up to the immersion Ilre FVGT:DFCODaS Rev. t 112NS) Page TnrS AUTHORIZED COPY E. ShoWC an emergent stem correction be regwred m the callbraUOn, the ambient temperature will have to he measured Securely clamp an auxiliary thermometer m a vertical posiUOn in close proximity to the emergent stem o` the reference or lest Ihermcmeier somewhat nearer to the top of the bath than to the liquid meniscus After three minutes read and record the ambient temperature F. Immerse the reference antl test Ihermome!ers in the :ce bath Wait for the thermcmeters to stabilize. Read antl record [he mtlicated temperatures hom the reference thermometer and test thermometer Remove the fast thermometer from the ice bath and allow sevorat minutes for temperature stabilization before proceeding G ?lace reference and last tnermometers in the bath (see 8 1-C ), allow sufficient time for stabilizanon of the bath and thermometers. and rapidly read and record the Indicaic'<f temperatures H, A minimum three-point temperature calibra0on across the range of the lest thermometer i5 suBiclenl for most appficaUOns t The deviation m temperature between the test thermometer and the reference thermometer at each temperature is catcutated ono reported on the calibration data sheet. 8 2 Ccrrec2ons For Emergent Stain A. Emergent stem corrections must be made to reference and test thermometers where it i5 necessary to use a Iota! Immersion thermometer veith a oort~on of the liquid columr In the stem emergent from the bath medium Stem .orrec6ons are not required where total :mmersion thermometers can be complatety immersed or where partial mmersion Ihenmometers can be immersed to the :mmersion point 6. If a total immersion Thermometer Is used with part of the ligrr;d column in N0 capillary emergent from the bath. Me emergent stem correcton Is calculated according to fhe following formula Stem correcbon = K x n (t. - t) IMrere K = The ditferenbal expansion coefficient of mercury (or oiner liqud in the thermometer such as alcohol, toluene, pentane etc.) In the partcular kintl of glass of which dte thermometer is made (numerical values are listed below) n =number of degrees emergent from the bath rr = IemperdtUre Of the bath t =mean temperature o` the emergent stem evc-*socaaws n~~. r vans ~.,a„ , m AUTHORIZED COPY Values of K for mercury m glass thermometer are nstetl as totlows: Differential Expansion Coefficiem (Kj Of Mercury In Glass Thermometors Cetsws Thermomoters K K Notmal BorosfliCate Glass Glass 0 OJO768 O.OOD164 (Mean Temp 0°-t00°C~ Fahrenheit Thermometers K K Normal Borositicate Glass Glass 0.000088 0.000091 (Mean Temp. 0'-200'F( Example of emergent stem correction: If the observed reading was 84.76'C and the thermometer was immersed to the 20^ mark on the scafe so the! GS° 01 the wlumn protected mto the air and [he mean temperature o! the emergent stem was found to be 3E'C Then Stem correction = 0.00016 x 65 (85'C - 98"CI = 0 49"C Where a becomes necessary to calculate emergent stem corrections for partial- immersmn thermometers or calorimetnc thermometers. reference should be made to NISTrNBS Monograph 150 due to the complexity of these calculations 9.0 Calculations 9.1 The t-ue temperature of the Dath medium +s calculated from the mtllcated reatlmg of the reference lhermomOter as follows: True temperature =observed reading plus the emergent seem correction (see 5ectlon 8 2-B) where applicable 9 i The deviation .n temperatures al each calibration point beWeen the reference and test thermometer Is Galculaletl antl recordetl 10.0 Results Report appnpriate results on the 11.0 Dellnltlons N+A EV41SnL'MLMtl Rvv 1111,VJ~ Poge~N!~ 12.0 References AUTHORIZED COPY U.S Department of CommercetNatwnal Insfitute of Standards an] Technology (formerly Naecral Bureau of Standards) Liquid-in-glass Thermometry, Monograph 750 13.0 Quality Control Cer1iG,^,ano.^. of NIST (or N85) Vaceabiiity is ma~ntamzd in the QA file EVGl50C-WOGS Rev i(t~rya) fs~e5o15 Calibration and Operational Checks of YSI Multi- Parameter Water Quality Monitor EVC-TSDC-00069 .+;,o., =- progress Ero:gy Carolinas. Inc - TechNCa~ Serv~us +.w:~~. envnonmenbP lechmcal getvices oepartmenf. biology program proceduws nanual 1.0 Purpose Tne purpose of this procedure is to establish methods for the calibration and operabonal check o? the YSt Mulh-Parameter Water Quality Monlor for field use 2.0 Forms roforeneed In th(s procedure: Cahbrabon Data Sheet (FRM: TSDC-00853) Turbidly CaGbrabon Dale Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00870) 3.0 Scope and Frequency 3 1 Temperature, pH and conductvily cahbrabon checks shall 3e performed quarterly (ttolerance of t0 percent) 3.2 Turbidlty calibration checks shall be performed quarterly Itvolerance of 10 percenq 3.3 Dissolved oxygen, conduct;vity. and pH operabonal checks shall be performed by personnel pndr to held use. 4.0 Summary of Methods 4 i Temperature rs measured by converting the resistance changes of the thermis[or to temperature The algonlhm for conversion to temperature Is 6ullt Into the software of the nstn:mentabon No calibration adjustment is performed m the temperature mode, is three-point temperature ca;ibration check vdll be performed 42 Dissolved oxygen Is calibrated mwater-saturated air a.3 Conductivity is caliDraled usrng a known conductivity standard 4.4 A two-point pH calibration is performed with two known pH standards 4 5 A two-point turbidity calibration Is performed with nvo known standards, one of which must be U Nl-U evc-rsoc-mmse rtev.3 avrvl a r m. AUTHORIZED COPY 5.6 Equipment or Apparatus S.7 Vellow Springs Incorporated Multi-parameter Weter Quality Monitor. 51 Thermometer traceable to NI5T 5 3 Ice bam 5 4 Ambient-temperature water bath. 5.5 1Narm-temperature water Dalh. 6.0 Reagent Llst 6. t Two pal butter solutions Seg., 7 00 and 10.00}. 6.2 A conductivity standard reference solubon. )YSI standard 1,000 pSlcm) 6.3 Two turbidity ~tandardC (e.g., Flrct elandard: 0 NTU - deioniaed, dlebllsd. or other Blear •,vater, second standard a point within the 10.1000 NTU range) 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferences 7.1 No element of this procedure may supersede me Companys safety standards and policies Appropr~ato safety precautions shoWd be used when handling chemicals. Refer to Matenal Sa`ety Data Sheets for specific descriptions of the physical and chemical properties. physical and health hazards, and precautons for sate handling and use. 7.2 When lowering and raising the cable, it must be held away ham the srde of the boat or stn.cture so as not to drag against me edge. 7.3 Probes must not be allowed to dry out during storage or iransportahon 7.4 Check all calibration values m the RUN mode 8.0 Procedure 0 1 Temperature calibration check. A Prepare an ice bath. an ambient-temperature water bath, aitl a wane- temperature water bath. B Immerse the YSI temperature thermistar and the NIST-traceable reference thermameter into the ambient-temperature water bath Wad for the temperature readlrgs to stabilize. Read and record the temperature data. rvc a^c.}~r.~V F6V 3 (U1U51 Vage]da AUTHORIZED COPY G Imme~se the YSI temperature herm~stor and the NIST-traceaGie reference thermometer into the ice bath Wail for the temperature readings to stabilize. Read and record Lne temperature data D. Immerse the YSI temperature lhermistor antl the NIST-traceable reference thermometer mto Lhe warm-temperature water Gath Wait for the temperature readirgs to stabilize. Read and record the temperature da'a 8.2 Dissolved oxygen tU01 operational check. Place a small amount of water or a wet sponge or towel m he bottom of the calibration cup to "air calibrate' the DO mode 8.3 Conductivity calibration and operational check To cal brale the conductivity mode place the probe end of Me sonde Into the conductivity standard solution without removing the sonde guard The probe must be cumpletety immersed past the vent hole- Allow time for temperature equilibration before entering the catibrahOn value of the conducbviN standard. 8 4 pH ra~lbralion and operational check A Allow ~.ime fur temperature equilibration before entering the value of the pH butter solubcn Carefully immerse the probe end of the sonde Into the pH 7 solution 8 Rinse and dry the sonde. Repeat step 8 4 A with a second buffer solution of pH 10 solubcn. 8.5 Turbidity callbraoon A. Immerse tho Sonde mlo the 0 NTU eolution NOTE. The 0 NTU standard must be calibrzted first. Allow time for temperature equl6bradon Ihen press ENTER. Input the va ue 0 00 NTU aline prompt and press ENTER. When the readings nave stabilized, press ENTER to confirm cahbrahon and [lion press ENTER to conLnue. 0 Carehliy dry the sonde and probes before Immersing the sonde mto the secontl 4ubrdry standard Input the turoimly value In NTU of the second standard, Fress ENTER After the readings have stabilized, press ENTER to confirm the calibration and th9n press ENTER to return to the Calibrate menu 9.0 Calculations NIA evGiJn:-i.VuE! rtvy. a (>,ywr PRpe J d ~ AUTHORIZED COPY 10.0 Results 70 1 The instrument fails cahbrahon and operations! checks if the deviation between the instrument end the known values exceeds the following IofErances Tolerances Tomperature ! 1 0°C DO ± 0.5 mg/L pH ±0.5 pH unit Contluctiviry i 70°h for standards Turbidity ~ 70°k (for standards > 0 NTU S 10.2 Ouartedy cahbra6on checks of temperature, pH, and conducfivity data traceable to NIST will be logged on Calibration Data Sheets (FRM-TSDC-00853). 10.3 Quarterly calibration check of turbidity wiU be noted on Calibration Data Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00853) or Turbidity Calibration Data Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00870) 17.0 Dafiniti0ns NTU - NephElometnc lurb!d~ty unM1. 72.0 Reforoncos YSI 600XL Nulb-Parameter Water Quality Monitor Instruction Manual 13.0 Quality Control 13. t Quartrly calibration checks for temperature pH, and AnduMivdy must be conducted with NIST-traceable standartls- 13.2 Referto YSI Instrumenlauon tdanual for al~bralon speafics svc.rsocar~a9 Rmr r ;as~as; ~~.+n~.a~+ o c a m " u c m o-_ n F m c r ~ _ o T r Z p S m L 9 ~. C O O n N O Q o ~ C rv ~ O R O C O c 'e u u' v D w v c ° u S ''-e- U n ~ x w R c` E y ~ c d E a E m c c C d E e ~ c o ~ N C a ~ m t 10 0 C O .~ .~ U v a 7 F- AUTHORIZED COPY Continuous Water Quality Monitor Procedure «<., <~, ~~~e. EVC-EVSV-00071 eoo.,o ProgreS!'cnergy Service Company, LLC - Environmenla Services K.r..a. envuonmen:3l, hwlogy program procetlures manuol 1.0 Purpose To provide continuous water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DOJ. hydrogen ion activity lP~l6 and conductivity data fcr me Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelecric Plants. These data wdl indicate the spatial and temporal vanabon rn these water quality parameters m the river reaches below each hydroelectric plant 2.0 Forms referended In this procedure: Cahbranon and Operational Checks of YSI Mulh- Parameter Water Ouairty Morntor IEVGTSDC-00089) Contrwous Monitor Service Form 'Ft RM.EVSV_i)Cta3Jj Field Cellec4on Verification and QA Records Transmittal (FRM-EVSV-00803) 3.0 Scope and Frequency Continuous monitors are placeo in the river below the power plants per monrtonng schedule requirements where Iluctualing dissolved oxygen levels are a concern The monitors should be serviced on a biweekly basis to enswe instrument battery life is not exceeded and should be serviced more frequently, if biofoufing is problen:~etic. 4.0 Summary of Methods AUTHORIZED COPY 5.0 Equipment of Apparatus 5 1 YSI 6JOXLM sondes to measure temperature. DO, pH, and conductivity 5 2 Two-arch diameter PVC pipe wdh holes dolled In one end to protect sondes and avow (eater now 5 3 3/16' staleness steel wire rope 5.4 ThlmWes swivels, gwck links, turnbuckles, compression sleeves, bolES. nuts. and washers 5-5 Placement anchors]>801bs.for mid-channN deploymentand <151bs.forsondes tethered to bridge pilings] 5 8 Floats and rope 5.7 Appropriate sized wrenche>, pliers, wire cutters, and compression sleeve crimping tool 5 8 Cotton swabs, small brushes for probes. large brush }or PVS pipe and sonde. sduut bottle. de-ionized water. and paper tissues 5,9 Knife or scissors 5.10 Callbrahon cups 5.11 DO membrane sheets antl o-rings 5.12 Sanding discs for DO probes 5.13 AA ba@enes (4 batteries per sondes 5.74 Lapfop computer with cable for attachment to sonde 5.15 Field data sheets, field notebook, and pendls 5.16 Laboratory stand 5.17 5 gallon bucket 5.18 Boat zndlcr waders depending upon mondonng si3e 5.19 Persoial floatatlon device for each crew member EVGEViV A1G'il R[n 0 (GARS; F.*je ~ ~l i AUTHORIZED COPY 6.0 Reagent List 6. t Conductivity standard sotuhons (1,000 Ns/cm conductiwryl 6 2 pH standard solutions (pH 7.00 and 70.00 standards) 6.3 Potassium chloride solution for dissolved oxygen probes 6,4 Sodium sulfite solution (4 grams of NaaSO~in 1liter of de-ionized water) 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferences i. t Understand the power plants operating schedules so that sondes can be sarvicetl when -aver Flows are most appropriate. 1Nhen working be1cN each p1aN check in with plant operators Rrior to entering the river and after exiling Avad wading in dte river during baseFlow condit:cns U-e., power plan) ~s not gereraungj unless you know trio poNar plant s operating schedule Personal Ooatation devices (PFDs) will be worn during servicing at instrumenls- 7 2 Ensure that equipment ~s working properly and has been calibrated according to the procedure Calibration and Operational Checks of YSI Mulli•Parameter Water Quabty Monitor (EVC-TSDG00069). 7 3 No element of this procedure may supersede the Company's safety stanoards and policies Appropriate safety precautions should be used when handling cnemicats. Refer'.c Material Safary Da!a Sheets (MSDS) for specific descnphons cf the physical and cFamiCal properbes, Rhysrcal and health hazards, and precaUtlOns far sate hantlling and use- ? 4 Refer to the YSI Environmental Operations Manual for mairtaming and IroublEShoohng instrument problems i 5 Algal tiofou6ng has the potential to influence DO concentrations and should be removed from me sonde on a regular basis to minimize this bias 8.0 Procedure for fervicing 3ondea 8.1 Determine ophmai order for servicing sondes based on plait operating schedules as well as best access Roinls for wading or launching a boat 8.2 Remora debris from Instrument and Able Detach PVC sfr3am and instrument from cable at the quick Ilnk connection. 8.3 Connect continuous monitor to computer cable and stop the unattended sampling. 8 4 Record water quality data `or coo continuous rnondor sonde and a calibrated multlparameter field instrument on the Continuous Monitor Service Form {FRM-EVSV-OC630i Determine p0 level in a sodium sulfite solution EYC-EV5Vd00h Rev.O rabgb, a ~ ^ ~l5 AUTHORIZED COPY 8.5 Remote sonde from PVC sheath antl dean boN with river water Clean probes using de-Ionized water, brushes, and cotton swabs. 8.6 (Optio~aq R there Is a potential that the monitors ability to accurately record data was Impaired due to excessive b~ofouling Ihen aker deanirg the continuous monitor, again record water quatn tlata for bolo instruments. Determine 00 lever m a sodium sWfite Solution, for the contnuous mondor. 8.7 UDload data from the sonde to a laptop computer 6.B Program the sdntle to start recording data ter the next collection period. Use a file name that identifies U?e Sonde, the location. and the start tlale 8.9 Chance DO membranes antl add fresh KCI soluion 8.10 Check the accuracy of the pH and conductivdy probes as o~glned in Che procedure CallbraUon and Operational Checks of YSI Mulb-Parameter Water Ouakty Mondor ! FVGTSDC~Q069 ) 8,11 Calibrate DO in water-saturatetl air as outlined in the procedure Cafibrabon and Operational Checks of YSI MWti-Parameter Water Ouahty Monitor I EVGTSDGODOo~). 8.12 Recoil water quatlty data for both instruments and determine DO level In a sodium sulfite solution for the continuous monitor 8.13 Replae the 4 sonde AA batteries. 8.14 Check the sonde to ensure it is operating properly. 8 16 Reattach sonde In protective PVC sheaN to cable 6 16 Record a8 pertinent calibration and Instrument deviation Information on the Continuous Monitor Service Form (FRM-EVSV-00630). 9-0 Calculations N/A 10.0 Results Data recorded by the contnuous monitors are uploaded to a networked computer, saved as an Ecowatch file, and convened to a Mlcrosok Excel file for data r>view antl editing Data re~rded on the Continuous Monitor Service Forrr: (ft2.M. EVSV-008301 Is maintained in a notebook to 'rack continuous monitor pertormance and service scledule All written records regarding Instrument calibrations are filed in the Biology Program's Oualily AssurancerCua6ty Comvol project fges eyoEVSVaco?+ nc.. u ;oaae; a• , ~: °. AUTHORIZED COPY 11.0 DeTinltlons N/A iZ.O References YSI Environmental Operations Manual -6-Series cnvrconmental Nonitonng Systems. YSI Incorporated, Yellow Springs. Ohio. 13.0 ~uallty Control i3 1 Lead Ecienbs[ or technician should Instruct personnel serv~ang continuous monitors In the proper metirods anti station locations. t3 2 Ail contnuous mondors are serviced within the shortest rime period possible and in as tittle time as possible to mtmmize data discrepanues anc Instrument downtime 13.3 F~eid verification sheets rFRM-EVSV-00§C3) should be completed by field personnel upon r=tum from sampling to Indicate any procedural discrepanaes 13A Lead 5(AentistlteChniaan should check tlata upon receipt to determine accuracy tf the data are considered questionable in leans of vafitlny, these data will not be used in repcn anaryses 135 COMInJ0O5 water quality servlca forms •wlll be filed in the pr~lect file as part of the Biolcgv Program s Quality Assurance/0ualiry Controi Program 13.6 Appropi~ale back-Ups of fieltl data filar chnnld tua mamginoA nn th? 2ppropnate electravc medium In adddion to data download to field laptcp computer EVC-Ee5J-000*i Rpy.0 (0&0Bi Gape sel, AUTHORIZED COPY o,;;,,,,,,, ,,,,. Chlorophyll Field Studies EVC-TSDC-00074 Avol~~ ~o Proyre55 Energy Carolinas, Inc - T¢chmgl SvmceS ttrwrm ¢pVllOnm¢nill, feCflRiCal 58rV.YRS C¢paAm?nT blC:ogy p10ym1n prUC6?Ur?s Ranpol 1.0 Purpose Chlorophyll mom[onng provides an Indication of seasonal and yearly changes in phytupianktoT biomass. 2.0 Forms referenced in this procedure CPBL Chain-oi-Custody Record (FRM-TSDC-0_ earl 3.0 Scope and Frequency Refer to Envvonmental Program Summary for current year 4.0 Summary of Methods Samples are obtained with a Van Dorn sampler and put In opaque bottles. Samples are kept cold (e.g , on ice) and returned to the laboratory for processlrg A sample chain ct custody fFRM~TSDC_00872) is mainlameU. 5.0 Equlpmentorgpparatus 5 t Van Dorn sampler S 2 Cooler and ice. 5.3 Labeled, opaque sample boWes 5 4 Instrument(s) icr measuring pH and temperature. 5 5 Secch disk 6.0 Reagent list N!A EVGT$95.090*~ RRV I ttTUa1 GRVe t tIJ AUTHORIZED COPY 7.0 Limitations. Precautions, and Interferences 7. t No element of Ovs procedure may supersede the company'; safety standards and po6aes 7.2 Put samples in labeled, opaque bottles antl keep on ice after collection. 7 3 PFDs wUl be vrorn at all times when working or sampling m boats or when traveling between staucns The only exceptions are as follows. A When the boat is not underway (not powered) 8.0 Proceduro 8. i For all sites. some speclal studies, or spe:.ial crcumstances, sample the water column at surface. Secch~ depth, and Rwce Secchi depth using a Van Dorn sampler. Note Sampling at a single depth m Cowing waters is suROent as those waters are generally well mixed Far scme special studies, dip the sample bottle to wlleC a s!.rface sample Speaal circumstances mctude sample locaiicns whet Lhe depth of tYe water column br the thsrmoc!ine ~s less than twice Secc'u depth When either spe^:al arcumstana? ensts samples will be col;ected at the surface. one half the dsiance to the bottom or Inermocline, and lust above the bottom or fhermoclme 8 2 Place samples in a clean plastic container of adequate volune and mix. 8.3 Fill lateled, opaque boMe wuh composlted sample. 8.4 Store sample In cooler on ice to be returned to the laboratory for processing. 8.5 Recprd date antl location of sample(s) m field logbook along valh pH and tempaalure at surface and Secchi disk depth at each statlon 8.6 All peronent information must be filled out accurately and umpletely on the CPSL sample chain of custody (ERfv9-TSRC-00872) This document well be malnfained as part of the OA file. 9.0 Calculations N!A ENC~TSCC-GNP Rev 2PNC3S Fape 2n13 10.0 Results AUTHORIZED COPY Samples are processed m the laboratory. Data are then placed on computer master file to be utilized in annual reporFS and/or as information requested by regulatory agencies or other mleres:ed parties 11.0 Definitions NfA 12.0 References N/A 13.0 Quality Control Lead scientist should instruct personnel taking samples In the proper methods and sampling Iccalions Instrument(s) for measuring pH and temperaWre should be operationally checked prior to use GVUSOGCOUI~ or_ 21~L0)i Fagc l al J Pagc of CPL CULLECTfO*I COLI_EC'CION rlEl.l) CHAIN OF C'L'S'1'OU1' PRil3E~'I ~.nntrtt mrF rrn+e rR:~NCrCI: r:~R:~n~~r=acro u 1 raesrkv:~trvh m~wr:rv~~erno~ o.~ Im,: w, <,rr:r~•f no::.uw n r!:rupudun le _.. I:mv n'n Saendn lo<. rodllr n d:n~wd~a _ir~. ,..n _: Uu_ Inrn ..Wont: cs t. rcJihnurown r. fl'AI Gmbn rNn.¢oM I'.Irymb6Vr IWn:• I-xr~ 6 P..::vnnueNl CmbG I nv:¢macmul5rm.a Xfuq~ wrm. i, lit.,. v:r r:~r. Nr N c ;rte? VI t:LIr'ALl'rp1r611Apr YHlnu'-ifi [rltl:plYnl C~r~O 1'144~eJ 1.'-op1¢rpy L.:Lr-u.l -0rar:~•:rul Cigp 11.IV mnaJ M' pr uur •~IxlmruLrni wrNr f.rn m..r r.y.ca vp~r~r tmlrnavn r.n:r.v.r nu'.u E'a. i.....V.f w iN^ V:f': .~M b; Gnpe f!up ~ Mrm r.a . rune avn an 241 n AUTHORIZED COPY Benthic Invertebrate Rapid Bioassessment Sampling EVC-TSDC-00077 Mo.. ~_ Prograss Energy Ca~cnas, ln: -Technical Services rer.onc environmental, tacl!niCel SarmC08 Department 6:otogy program p•. ocedurea manual 1.0 Purpose Benthic Invenebrafe Rapid Bioassessment samp4ng will be conducted to assess the relative biological health of the Pigeon River as related to water q~efity improvements antl for identified special studies. A bioclassification rating of "Good" er better will be used as a part of the crr:eoa In determining whether Instream flow releases from the Walters Hydmelectnc Project are appropriate 2.0 Scope and Frequency 2,1 Sampl ng will be conducted in the calendar year (1995) after issuance of the operatng license for the Walters Hydroelectric Plant and thereafter every third year of the license penod or until all criteria for the instream Oov, regwrements are met. Sampl ng will lie conduged tlurirg August for the',Nalters Hydroelectric Plant. Scope and frequency for special studies will be as outlined in section 4.0 of that study 2.2 Refer b the Environmental Services Section Biology Program Study Plans for the currerr year for the sampling loca[ions- 3.0 Summary of Methods Sampling methods and rating of the benthic invertebrate will follow the methods described in Lenat (1983. 1993), NCDEM (1991, 7995), CPBL (1995), NCDENR (2001), and In Appendix A (FERC 1994} of the Wagers Project license 4.0 Equipment or Apparatus 4.1 Kick net, dip net, and wash buGret (500-1000 um mesh). 4,2 U.S. Standard Steve No. 50 (300 pm mesh). 4.3. Assorted size sample jars, Ovals. antl while enamel pan. 4 4 Forceps and labels. [VGTSOGOJa]'! rhV 7 {1b9~ fRye i ul~ AUTHORIZED COPY 4.5 Fieltl notebook, pencils, and pens. 4.6 Waders with appropriate wading boots. 4.7 Temperature, dissolved oxygen. specific conductance, and pH meter(s). 4.8 Came~a wah. color slide film 5.0 Reagent Lis: 5,7 95% denatured ethanol. 6.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferences 6 1 The rcugh terrain and hazardous stream cortlilions (strong currents with uneven stream bottom) dictate the appropriate wading attire. Workers should use caution and yood judgement about the safety of ilia sampling conditions. High over flow may p~ectutle sampling and require rescheduling the sampling trip 6.2 No etemem of this procedure may supersede the Company's safety standards and policies Approprate safely precautions should be used when handling chemists. Refer'.o Material Safety Data Sheets for specific descriptions of the physisl and chemical properties. physisl and health hazards. and precautions for safe handling and use, 7.0 Procodure 7 1 Ten q~ahtahve samples era collected from each samplury bcation according to the Noon Carolina Division or Water Quality (formerly Division of Environmental Management) rapid bioassessmenl methods (Lariat 1988 and NCDENR 2001). Wb,p, W°robnntM 8°myMr No. gam W lyp> Cwrsomns (GOO.IOOO iunl rsy, wrey,l R:IEes Y<k rwl in~O.OSNNanO: mm elrumm i.ohairtsnl aanss Gpiti1 3 Cmp~aite msNrOante Mrlb SIrWSIId _ldVBS LPGI QIIid 1':M W<Ie' 1 CpmpOSil! west, rlnv-,into ISao writ AWwrrJU ROa vet lo3s u S Yacmrc Swvs tiu0 NO Sp ] CpVp°sJe wa9r, $sM $arW J ~ SNOarC SwVp Sit! NO. 50 1 GIXn4VSn! (3r NSlu~hanx Vivuai COIIOCLOCe Ln~ge mckn /1d~IS mnWOSi ~ GCrnp05t~ T~fi ~N[ EVr4 r5UG4W9r Rev. 2 112tl]I rape : °t t AUTHORIZED COPY 7.2 All organisms are preserved .n 95'/o denatured-ethanol ~n properly labeled wa!s and Jars and returned to the laboratory. Fragile specimens, large specimens of hellgrammites Corydalus comutus, and crayfish, are preserved and stored in mdwiduany labeled vials. Samples w41 be analyzed by Company personnel or sent to a vendor for rdentincation :o the lowest practical level and enumeration. 7.3 At each sample site, water quality data (temperature. dissolved oxygen, pH. and conductivity) are collected and recorded In the field notebcok m addition to field notes, photographs (slides). and a general description of the sample site. 8.0 Calculations Refer to the metric criteria and scoring procedures described in Lenat (t 988, 1993). NCDEM (7997; 1995). CP&L (1995), NCDENR (2001), and In Appendix A (FERC 1994) of the issued license. 9.0 Results Data are placed on computer and wdl be analyzed and summarizad in reports issued to the N.C. D~wsion of Water puality and the U.S Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 10.0 Definitions N7A 11.D References 11.1 FERC 1994 United Slates of Amenp 69 FERC Chapter6l ,168. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Carolina Power & Light Compare/, Protect Nos. 432-004 and -008, Nonh CaroGra Electric Membership Corporation, Project No- 2748-000. Order issuing new license. Appendix A Criteria for instream tiow releases into the bypassed reach of the Pigeon River al the Waltea Hydroeectnc Project November 4, 1994 11.2 CPBL 1995. Walters Hydroelectric Plant. 1993-1994 research and tleveiopmenl projec', Development and application of biotic inC~cies to evaluate wafer quality in the Pigeon River at the NYallers hydroelecMC Project Carollra Power & Light Company. Raleigh, NC. 77 3 Lenat, D. R. 1988. Warer quahry assessment of streams using a qualitative collection melhad for benthic macromvertebrales. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 7:222- 233. 11.4 Lenat, D R. 1993- A biotic index for the southeastern Unned States: derivation and list of tolerance values, with critena for assigning water-quality rafings. J. N. Am Benthol Soc. 12279-290 Eve-rsocoo~n nn. z nuaoi paee3aa AUTHORIZED COPY 11.5 NCDEM 1991. Biologi:a; assessmem of water quahry m Nonh Carolma streams: benlh c macroinverlebrate data base and long tens changes in water quality. 1983- 1990. Nonh Carolina Department of Environment. Health. and Natural Resources. Division of Environmental PoSanagement, Mater Quality Section. Rateign NC 11 6 NCDENR. 2001. Standard operating procedures for bent~ic macroinvertebrates April 2001 North Carolina Department of Environment, and Natural Resources. Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section Raleigh. NC. 12.0 puality Control 12.1 Lead scientist will InSWCt persons assisting in the collection of the samples in the prope~ sampling techniques and station locations 12.2 A refe2nce and voucher collection is maiNained for each sample sde for each sample date (year] to ensure that identifications are correct and consistent erc~~caeon aev z nzuat r: a cis AUTHORIZED COPY Collection of Field Water Chemistry Samples EVC-TSDC-00096 •eole. ~~~ Prograss E~ryy Carolinas, Irti - Tecnmwl Services ~.~m~ vnmronmeJtar. iecnmcai services department Oaoloyy program procedures manual 1.0 Purpose To provide Nater chemistry data as required by regNatory agencies and to provide support data for biological programs. 2.0 Scope and Frequency Refer to Emnronmental program Summary for current year 3.D Summary of Methods Water samples are collected with a standard nonmelall!c water sampler. Samples are p!acetl in labeled containers, placed on ice. and sent to a laboratory. When required, a sample chain of custody is maintained 4.0 Equipment or Apparatus 4 1 Cooler and ice 4.2 Sampe containers or equivalent nonmetallic container. 4.3 Nonmetallic, subsurface water bottle sampler, 4.4 Waterproof marker pen. 4.5 Sample bottles containing appropriate preservatives as required for analysis, e,g trace metals bbt6es containing nitnc acid, TOC bones containing sulfuric acid, ammonia-nitrogen and nitrate-rnlrile bottles containing sulfunc acid. etc 5.0 Reagent List N!A eVG 151X:-00086 qau I 1 ti:OJl page 1 b. J 6.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Intorforences AUTHORIZED COPY 6.1 Store all water chemistry samples on Ice and send [o laboratory as soon es possible to avail messing sample bolding times. 6.2 Surface samples are to be collected ~usi below the surface to avoid collecting surace scum fi 3 If a przserved sample Is spelled or the bottle is overfilletl. the sample must be discarded and recollected to ensure that samples are adeq~atoly preserved. 6.4 No element Of this procedure may supersede the Company's safety standartls and policies Appropriate safety precautions should be used when handling chemicals Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets for speafic descripnons of the physical and chemral properties. physical and health hazards, and preputions for safe handiing end use. 6.5 When a sample chain of custody sheet is maintained, all pertinent Informafion must be fitled out accurately and completely. 7.0 Procedure 7 t Label sample container with the sample number, location c~tle, station code, date, and d:pth using waterproof marking pen i 2 Sampe contalnars will be nosed a mirnmum of two times with the sample water poor to sample container filling. The water sample Is Vansferrec from the sampler into the 5amp'e containers, filled unlll overflowing, and capped securely. The samples ;houlo be seated as SOOn a5 possible vrith the mamma; amount Of entrained art IO prevent oxidative changes. Phosprons sample bottles should be filled so that the water level 2aches bus! below the shoulder of the bottle This Is done because the lamp es are frozen when returned to the lab and will ruptwe the bottles as they freeze if they are overtilled. 7.3 Bottles containing preservabves must not be rinsed prior to filling. Care must be taken not to overfill the bottle as preservative may be lost cr diluted 7.4 When sampling for analysis at volatile organic compounds. special precautons must be taken not to over1111 me bottle and also to ensure Thera are no air bubbles traoped In the bottle 7.5 Water clremestry surface samples are aotiected - 0 2 m bebw the surtace- FPGiSlJrJ009R ~c. I :) 2291 Vapo ] ol'_' AUTHORIZED COPY 7 6 Bottom samples are collected with the nonmetallsc subsurface sampler - 0.5 m from botlorn. 1'ne sampia ~s hanslerred to labeled container as described m 7 2 Through 7.a, Ir till or xdimcn! appears In sample or ;r sampling gear dop rte; properly seal, sample must be discarded and recollected 7 7 Place samples immediately on ice for transport to the anaytical labs: story. 7.8 When samples are sent to a laboratary for specfic analyses, a chain of custody sheet fur Chase samples will be maintained dunng sample transfer, and all pertinent Information will he flied out accurately and completely, and the chain of custody will be sent to the OA fife. 7.9 Phosphorus samples 8.0 Calculations NIA 9.0 Results Samples br0.ight .n Irom the field are sent to an anatyticat chem15Uy laboratory for analysis. Resuhs are ~laCed on computer master file to be utilized in annual reports and/or as mforma6on requested by regulatory agendas. 10.0 Definitions N!A 11.0 References Antenran Public Health Association, Standard Methods for ilia Examinason of Water and Waste water. 19" Edition 1995, 1015 Fifteenth St.. NW, Washington, DC 20005 12.0 Quality Control 12.1 Lead scientist or technician should instruct Dersonnel taking samples m the proper methods and Stabbn IOCa60h5 12.2 A sarrgle analysts request form/cham of custody form and sample seals will be comphted as requtrad evaT~ocrom~e nuu u+aros: a eswa AUTHORIZED COPY Water Quality Field Procedure EVC-TSDC-00097 e~e...m Drogmss Ene,yv Cardenas, inc. -Technical Services K~,:.m envirortnxnt+i, cec~nical services nceamnent. o,obgy progrem Drocedums manual 1.0 Purpose To proada data on water temperature. dissolved oxygen (DO), hydrogen Ion actimry (pH), conductivity, Secchi disk, salinity, turbidity, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) as required by regulatory agencies and as needed to determine environmental wnddions 2.0 Forms referenced In this procedure Water Quality Data Shee. (FRM-TSDC-OU852) PhotosyntheLCaily AC.. Ratl Fieltl Data Sheet (FRM-TSDC-008fi4) Field Collection Verihcauon and DA Records Transmdtal (FRFA-TSDC~00803) 3.0 Scope and Frequency Refer to ESS Biology Program Study Plans Manual for current year 4.0 SummaryolMethods Water quality measurements (water temperature, DO, pH, conduGivdy, Secc+tl disk transparency depth, ;aknity, and photosynthetically active ratl~ation) are recorded at the specified decths and stations indicated In the current ESS Biology Program Study Plans Manual 5.0 Equlpmenl of Apparatus 5.1 Field temperature. DO, pH. conduchvity, turbidity, and sallndy meter(s) end probes; 5.2 Data sheets and pendis or data lagglrg device. 5.3 Secchl msk. 5.4 LI-COR' underv+ater spherical quantum sensor, lowering frame, and quantum/: ad,ometerlphotometer EVGTSDG-0G09T Itev. 2 n2M2! Pope I a! 6.0 Regent List N!A 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferences AUTHORIZED COPY i. t No element of Ovs procedure may supersede the Company's safety standards antl policies Appropnato safety precautions shoultl be used when handLnc chemicals. Refer lc Matenal Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for spec!fic descnptions of the physical and ctiem~cal properties, physical and health hazards. and precautions for safe handing and use. 7.2 Ensure that equipment is working properly and has been cahtrrated according to schedule. The LI-COR' underwater spherical quantum sensor and calconneclor are calibrated biennially by the manufacturer 8.0 Procedure 8. t Header information potation code. date, samplers' initials, and station) are recorded on the data sheet (FRM-TSDC>00652 /FRM-TSDG00864), or entered into a data logging device which has an electronic form suitable for enlerm9 and up!oarling water quality data Observe and record weather conditions led., cloud conditions, apprenmate wind speed and direction, precipdation) and the instrument number. Military time is recorded beginning wath the first and concluding with the last depth san:p3ed 8.2 Lower the lmperalure, U0, pH, contluctivlty, turbltlrty. and Balindy probels) ;ust below water suAace to measure surface data Allow nine for IhC instrument to egwhbrate The sphencal quantum sensor and lowcring k2me are held ;ust above the surace of the water on the sun-ht s~tle of the boat or stream antl the function SwllCt is set on the "SENSOR tin air)" function for a mea5Vem2nL of the amount of incident (I„) light that is reaching the water surtace An appropriate scale range is setecLd on the quantum%radiorneter/photometer which wUl yield the most prepse readirg 8 3 Record regwred data in the appropriate column(s) on the Water Quality Data Sheet (FRM_TSDC-OOE52 / FRlvt: TSpGODB'o4~- or enter the data in the tlata logging device. If using the data-ioggidg device, use the protocol for data securely outlined m sertio~ t of the PC SAS Owck Reference Manual (March 200t) Photosynthetically active radiation es measured at Q2 m, and then every D.5 m from G 5 m to 3 0 m and then every tD m meter from 3 0 m to 8 0 m dr unM readings cannot be made accurately on me "3 X t0°" range scale of the quantumtrad~.ome:edphotometer. The function swrch s set on the "SENSOR (in water)" funcllon Data are recorded do the PhoSOSynihehcallyActtve RamaSOn Fletd Data Sheet (FRM TSDC-CDE54j. 8.4 EqudiCranon time is allowed at each tleptn. Temperature is rewrded to the nearest D P'C. dissoWed oxygen to the nearest 0 1 mgAiler, pH to the nearest 0 1 standard unit, mnducnvily td the nearest 1 urnt Iu_tilcm) turbidity in Qvo signl0cant digits (one KVt?150GA~031 Pev.[J1'Jn ~ Pwe Yarn AUTHORIZED COPY deurrel point oRSep, salin+ty to the nearest 0, t ppt. and pho[osyntnehcally active rad+ahun tc the nearest 0.01 micrceinstein per second per square meter (pErseGmZ) 8.5 The bottom sampte depth Is recorded by rounding to [he nearest meter. 8.6 Secchi disk depth is read al each reservoir staticn or a5 raQuired by Lne current monitoang program. Record Seec:~i d+sk depm to the nearest 0 1 m Measurements should be an average of two readings--first when the disk usappears and the second when the disk reappears as it is being rased In adCWOr,. measurements should be recorded on the shaded (and d possible, leewarcj side of the boat. 8 7 Procedure dlsuepancies occurring In the field should be ncted on the data sheet (FrzM-iSDC-00852 / FRM-TSDC-OD864), or in the comments section of data idyying dewce 9.0 Calculations WA 10.0 Results Uata are plated on computer master file (if appropriate) and uhhzed In annual reports. or as required to dexrmine environmental Conditions. 11.0 Definitions N!A 12.0 References 12.1 LI-COR" instruction manual LI-1856 quantumlradiomeledp-rofometer. LI-COR Incorpxated, 4421 Superior St.. P O. Bdx 4425, Vncoln, NE 68504 12.2 Lind. 0 T 1974. Handbook of common methods in hmnology. C V. Mosby Co., St Lows. MO. 12.3 American Public Health Assouation, Standard Methods for'he Examination of Water and Wastewater. t9"' Edition 1995, 1015 fifteenth SL. NW. Washington, DC 20005. FVG I$el-4W9] qvv 2 tl:~9T eagv 3 01 ~ 13.0 duality Cortrol AUTHORIZED COPY 13.1 Lead saenGSt or technician should Instruct personnel takm3 samples in the proper methods and station locations. 13.2 AU slaoons are sampled on the same day (d possible) m as little lime as possible. 13.3 Fetd verification sheets (FRM-TSDC•00&031 should be completed oy field personnel upon return from sampling to indicate any procedural dismpancies. 13,4 Lead sGenhst/tecnnician should check data upon receipt to determine accuracy It data are suspect, samples should he retaken EVG15pC W~91 Nuv.: 112~GI) Vage a ara AUTHORIZED COPY AUTHORIZED GOPY Chlorophyll Laboratory Procedure EVC-TSDC-00103 •w+sw Progress Energy Garot~nas, inc -'echnira~ Serxces a.r.>n. envlronmenta!, lechnlcal services department; oi0byy program orowdures rranual 1 (1 Purpose To outline a method for processing chlorophyll samples. 2.0 Forms referencetl In this procedure: CPSL Chain-of-Custody Recortl (FFM-TSDC-00872) ChloropnyH Recortl Shael (FRM-TSDC-008551 3.0 Scope and Frequency F6ten.^.g of water samples is done as soon as possibla. Sample exirac6on ~s begun within 24 hours of filtration if from water hawnb pH < 7 0 or wRhin 3 weeks d from caster having pH 7 U (Potered samples must be frozen! All samples are read 2 to 24 hours after grinding and ezlraction In 90% acetone. 4.0 Summary of Mothods Samples are 'filtered, yrouno. and extracted. Samples are then reatl or. a spectrophotometer for later calculation of chlorophyll cencenHatiors The sample chain of custody (FRM-TSDC-00872) provided with the samples will bo ma ntained 5.0 Equipment or Apparatus 5.1 Filtenny Basks_ waste reservoir, tubing, and mandotds 5.2 Vacuum iillration tunnets and ciamps- 5-3 Deion¢ed water and acetone Squirt bottles 5.4 Labeled cenMfuge tubes and caps 5 5 Choorodhyll Record Sheets (FRM-TSDC-00855). 5 6 Forceps. 5 7 Glass-fiber filters. EvGIS('G.001 OS Rev J 10:+061 imago +or4 AUTHORIZED COPY 5.8 500 ml graduated cylinders. 5,9 Vacuum pump(s) 5.10 Field book(s). 5.11 Gnncing tube 5.12 TeOOn pestte. 5.13 Gnndng motor. 51a Centrifuge. 5.15 Spetlrophotometer and cuvettes 5.0 cm 5 1G Dropper bottle- 6.0 Reagont List 6 1 Acetone -90% (90 ml of 100°h acetone plus 10 mI deioniz.~ H2OJ -100% 6 2 Delonaed H2O. 6.3 0 1 N HCL (Add 8.5 ml of concentrated HCL to approximately 500 ml deionized H2O and ddute to one liteq 6.4 Saturated magnesium carbonate solunon (tg MgCOa rn 100 ml deionized H2O) 6.5 Acetone-90% (wdh magnesium) 190 ml t00% acetone plus 10 ml saturated MgCO~ SOlulbn] 7.0 Limitations, Precautions, and Interferonces 7 1 Fdtta~ion should be done as soon as possrbte. Samples are kept In opaque containers held at approximately 4°C 7 2 Time elapse from filiation to extracbdn--up to 3 weeks .n freezer if samples from water hawng dH >_7 0. Samples from acidic water must be extracted within 2a hours. 7 3 Time elapsed from extraction to reading-2 to 24 hours after grinding and extraction In 90',G acetone (vnth magnesium) 7.4 Do not touch fillers with bare fingers. E'.1.-TSnC l01 OJ Rev. ~ iCY~~i Poge 2 c' ~ . AUTHORIZED COPY 7 5 No element of this procedure may supersede the CompanS's safety standartls and policiES. Approprate saiery precautions should oe used when handling chemicals Refer to Mateoal Safety Dala Sheets for specific descnpllons of the physical and chemrCal properties. physical and health Hazards, and prequtions for safe handling and use. %.6 The spectrophotometer wall be calibrated by an outside vendor annually (x30 days) 7.7 AIf pedinent information must be Llled out accurately and corttpletely on the CP&L sample chain of wstod'y (FRM-TSDC-C0872S. Samples are returned To the laboratory for analyws. The sampie chain of custody wAl be placed m the OA five 7.8 FiltraUCn and sample analyses should be conducted in an area mth subdued lighlirvg 7.8 Whenever the cuvettes are placed In the spectrophotometer for reading or zeroing the ends of the cuvettes should ke wiped with lens paper tc ensure the optical path is dear B.0 Prxedure 8 1 Place glass fiber filter in vacuum flitrapon funnel apparatus. 8.2 Shake sample well. pour one allqubl or 50-500 ml into graduated cylinder, and transfer to vacuum filtraGdn funnel. 8 3 Rinse graduated cylinder well with dewnrzed Hz0 and put rose in funnel B 4 Rlter until almost dry, ensuring vawum pressure does not exceed 6 inches Hg. wash vnnel wdh deionized water while pump is still running (this washes cells tram funnel walls), 8.5 When wash has nearly passed through filter, turn vacuum cff Remove the idler with forceps or gloved fingers and blot excess water from the fiIQ?r 8.6 Rol! or fold filter so Glbale is on inside (do not touch filtrate) slip into appropriately labeled centrifuge tube. and cap tube. 8.7 After sample set is filtered. either freeze filters imrnedraiely or begin extraction (filters may be stored up to 3 weeks In freezer if samples are from water having pH z 7 0 or 24 hours if from water having phi < 7 0> 8.8 Gnnding of filters should be Bona in a fume hoed tlue td the vo;ablizauon of acetone by the grinder Te begin extraction, place filter in grinding tube with 13 ml of 90°!, acetone (with MgCO,i sctution Onnd ftrer with Teflon pestle attached to grind:na motor until "Gear soluton" is Homogeneous. EVGTSpGO~N] Rw 1 IObOy i Pu,~a3°I6 AUTHORIZED COPY 8.9 Transfer ccnrents of gnndmg tube to centrifuge tube and nose with 90°k acetone (with MgCC;) soluton until volume reaches 74 ml (In some Instances, it may be necessary to use 15 ml to nose the gnndmg tube completely) A 70 Steap sampfas 7-7G hone: in a dark refnr~prator at approximately 4^C. 8 11 Tum on the Spectronics Genesys 20 spectrophotometer and allow rt to warm up for 0 5 hour before reading samples 6.12 Wher ready [o read the sample(sj, centrifuge rVthem for 15 minutes at approximately 675 g. ARer cenhifuging the samplejs), decant the clarified extract Into aclean, appropriately Labeled centrifuge tube and cap. Those samples not read immediately should he stored In the dark anti! troy are read 8.13 Designate the cuvedas by rnarkmg Them as a reference arcl sample cuvette The cuveCes will be used spedfically for those purposes dunrg the sample analysis process Rinse the cuvettes and then caps. This is done by mibally rinsing three Umes with f00°/ acetone and then three Umes wdh 90%, acetone 6.14 Ftll the reference cuvette with the 50% acetone solution and cap it. 8 15 Open the door of the spectrophotometer Place the reference cuvette into the nrve!'.e holder and close Ne door 8 16 Using the "rim ~" or "rim .' key set ma spectrophotometer at 750 rim Press the'0 ABS t00%T' key to set the reference blank. When the blank has been set, remove the reierence cuvette from the spectrophotometer 8 17 Pour 'he sample into the sample cuvett^_ Place the sample cuvette m the cuvette holde-. Close the spectrophotometer doer Record the "7°0' reading on the Chtomphyll Rerord Sheet (FRtvt-TSD0008%; m the wtumn labeled "C750 " Remove the sample cuvette from the spectrophotometer 8 18 Replace the reference cuvette Into the cuvette holder and close the door 8.19 Using the 'rim -' or'nm - "key set the specUopho[omeler at 664 rim Press the "0 ABS t00°kT" key to measure the reference blank, When the blank has been set, remove the reference cuvette `rem the spectrophotometer 8.20 Replace the sample cuvette In the cuvette Holder Close ;ne spectrophotometer door. Record me '664" reading on the Chlorophyll Record Sheet (FRM~TSDC _Ct1ti55y m the column labeled "CG64 " Open bte door of the spectrophotometer Remove the samp~e cuvette from the spectrophotometer. 6.21 Replxe the reference cuvette into the ceN Holder antl Uose the door 8.22 Using the "rim -" or "rim -' key set the spectrophotometer at 665 rim Press the "0 ABS -00%T' key to measure the reference blank. When the blank has been set. remove the reference cuvette from the spectrophotometer ae-isoc-0n+os ae°. o rasvsr sage+ore AUTHORIZED COPY 8.23 Add 0.1 ml of 0 1 N HCL to the sample wvette. Gently invert the awette 3 times. Replace it into the cuvette holder and close the spectrophotometer door. 6.24 Wan 90 seconds and record the "665" reading on the data sheet under the column labeled "A6fi5." Open the door of the spectrophotometer and removz the sample cuvztte from the spectrophotometer 8.25 Replace the reference cuvette into the cuvette holdar and Gcse the door 826 Using the "rnn ~' or `rim -' key set the spectrophotometer at 750 rim. Press the `0 ABS 100°kT' key 10 set the reference blank. When the blank has been set. remove the reference cuvette from the spectrophotometer. 8.2"/ Reptace the sample cuvette m the cuvette hadzr. Close the spectrophotometer door Record the `750' reading on thz Chlorophyll Record Sheet (FRM-TSDC-0080 in tha column labeled "A750." Open the door df the spacVOphotomeler Remove the sample cuvette from the spectrophotometer 8.28 Dump she contents of the sample cuvette Rinse the sample cuvette as described in Step 8 13 8 29 Repeal Steps 8.15 through 8.28 until all samples have been analyzed Note: The reference cuvette tloes not need to be refilled between sample analyses d all samples are read during thz same lime period 8.0 Calculations 9. t For Spectrophotometer Method Chlorophyll calculations' (Strickland antl Parsons 1972) CM a qtg/0 = 26.7 (CCaa, - CAr,e) v V.1 t-` CCae, = Cae, - Ciao CAa5s ° AFnS - A7sa v =volume acetone used for extraction (ml) V =volume of water filtered (liters) t =pat? length of the cuvette (cm) Phaeophyton tµgA) = 26.7 (1.7 (CArneJ - CCae,) v V t 1 ~' Note Average Ch 1 a is average of water-Column values for One lrans9ct and station, ~JGrSOC~W tO] ~ R5i 31052x5) ~ Oage 9ola AUTHORIZED COPY 10.0 Results Dats are placed on computer master Fite to be uulized m annual reports and:or m response to requests from regulatory agencies or other interested parlies- 11.0 Definitions NIA 12.0 References 12.1 APH.4, 1995 Standard Methotls for the Examination of VJater and Wasb:v.~ater 76°' ed. American Public Health Association, rtiashmgton. D.C 12 2 Strickland. J D, H .and T. R. Parsons. 1972. A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Bull Fish. Res. Bd, Canada, 167, 301 pp. 13.0 Quality ConVOI 13 1 Checks are made behveen tlata sneers and computer printout 13.2 Blanks (containing 90% acetone) are used as a correction factor 13.3 Appropriate records will be kept tar samples and egwpmeni used for processing samptes 13 ~ if the Sample holding period (see Step 6,7) 15 exceeded poor to the bme samples can be analyzed, Procedure EVC-TSUC-00074 wdl be implemented to wllec; a second set of samples to De analyzed according to this procedure EVGTSDC!10107 Reu 3 ('J&G61 Pege6°Iv J ~ J W ~ w x = 6 N Q O c C C 2 W SUK 2 J ~ Q 'n Oa p = N W W V f ~ w ~ n > `" z ow- w V ~_- 0 a ;~ o.... ~ ~ s e > s - 0 c e u _ v 7_a-~rv o oa ~.. W moz-..-wo C v wzcY s E ~ - ~ um~_ c 0 U >O~J3i _ wx~rc<VrE N 10 ~JLW E - ~. w¢ C z~r mwa N<2CJ Utir2 m e - 1 ^a> ~~z-r v `m r.~c.-oz O ` v I _ LL -, AUTHORIZED COPY Processing Data Forms a..m~,v ~..mv~~ EVC-TSDC-00123 :wv, ~„ progress Erorgy Caroli::as Inc - Tacnnmal Sen•ICea ~•.~a+ enmmnmerlall teGhnfpal smvices depamm~nt. blolpgy program prountlures manual 1.0 Purpose The purpose o(thls procedure is to define the steps and responsimlitles for processing data collected for biology programs as summarized in Exhibit A) 2.0 Fonns referenced m this procedure Batch Header Record (FRM-TSDC-OD8091 Environmental Services Jab Header/Request (FRM-TSUGGQSQSj Data Processing Log (FPM-TSDC-00807) Data Cover and OA Records Transmittals (FRM-TSDC-008041 Master8le Log (FRtvt-TSDC-00872] 3.0 Responsibilities 3 1 Biolocy Program personnel(orlginator) A. It data are to be sent to Data Entry 1 Ensure that data sheets for a data set are together and that all Information has bean correctly filled in. Ensure that all numbers and letters are legible. 2 Make a legible copy of the data sheets and retain. Do not stamp data sheets 'unconVOlled" at this time 3 Attach a completed Batch Header Record Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00809) to each batch of approximately 15 data sheets. 4 Fill out Environmental Services Job Fleader/Request Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00808) and attach to the batch(es) of data. 5 Fill out Data Processing Log Sheet (FRM•TSDC-00807) and send data sheets (and attached forms) to Data Entry EY[aap[.e0~2] Rev.: n2ro]I Page : er 1 AUTHORIZED COPY 6. Receive ,nrtial verification program outpm from the batch production lob run on the mainhame punter Log in cartridge tape reel number, date of verification program, and da;e that data is returned from Data Entry on Data Processing Log Shaet. 7 Afler data is returned hom Data Entry, stamp any retained copies of tlata sheets as "uncontrolled" 8, Check venflcation program printout of the data set for errors. Use the mainhame cempufer TSO program to correct errors and rerun verifiration pregram arresting errors as necessary. 5 Nfian data are "clean" (no readily detectable errors), date and m,hal OC Job SUIUa portion of Job HeadeNRequest Sheet and retain pink copy 10. Send yetlow and white copies of Job Header Sheet to Cala Processor and record the date declared "Dean' on the Data Processing Lag Sheet. 4 If data are not to be sent to Data Entry' i Data to be uploaded to the mainftanie. a. Ensure that all informabon has been correrry filled it for a data set and -s ~n a format suitable for uploading to the mainframe b. Upload data using the appropriate program c. Fill out Data Processirg Log Sheet (FRlvt_TSDGOObr,7} and applicable intormaUOn on the Environmental Services Job HeadeORequest Sheet (FRM-TSDCAp868) d. Run appropriate veofiCation program Check verification program printout for errors, Use the mainframe cdmputer TSO program to correct errors and rerun venfiwlion program correcfing errors as necessary e. YJhen data are "Dean" (no errors), fill out applicable information in theOC Job Status portion of Job HeatlerfRequest Sheet and retain pink copy f Send yellow and wnrte copies of Job Header Sheet to Data Processor and record the date declared "clean' on the Data Processing Log Sheet. 2. Data to be retained on personal computerrLAN system a. Obtain approval From unit management to retain data on personal compuledLAN system anU not on the mainhame computer. 6. Enter data on personal computer. EYCr511C-aa V9 ar , i'2'09i Yaffe ] o, 9 AUTHORIZED COPY Review data for conepieteness and accuracy When data are declared "clean", complete a Data Cover and QA Records Transmittal Sheet fFRDA~ 75DC-008041 and attach a hard copy pnnlout and an electronic copy of the data set Route to and management. 32 Unit Management A. Review request for retaining data on personal computerfLAIJ system and not on the mainframe computer Inform orlginalor of approval disapproval B. Sign and date a Data Cover and OA Records Transmittal Sheet and route to DA P,ecords Adminstralcr 3.3 Oata Processor A, When Job Header/Request Sheet is reserved indlwang that the job is declared "clean,- record on Masierfile Log Sheet (FRM-TSDC-00812' and update the MasteRle on the main/rame computer. 8. If printout indicates that the data are not dean, send veMCation printout to onginalpr to correct C- Date and sign QC Job Status portion of Job Heatler/Request Sheet, return yellow copy tc onginotor, and file white copy m the Biology Program Masterfile Update NatebCOk retained by the Dafa Processo: 3 4 Biology Program personnel (originator) A Record the date the tlata are placed on Masterfle on Date Processing Log Sheet B May discard pink ano yellow copies of Job Header/Request Sheet alter ntormaGOn is recorded on Data Processing Log Sheet EVr•`SDGVJ 177 nev r(+bp7) Pegg 701 AUTHORIZED COPY G\HIBII' :~ EIG~C,GL W i~ Rnu i p2RJ9) ~apn a nt ~ Batch pleader Record Sheet Form BATCH HEADER RECORD SHEET JOB NAME: l ~J 1 6 8 11 13 16 BATCH HEADER RECORD ID JOB NO. BATCH NO. a ~ttlnt:.MM:.~i(.v1~m.IKD)I f.~V ~n ~r.~ro].. r........i _.. i_.....~l i.~ - G:bi •P v ~ mpm f.~il P-n..c -r.._~ i'^`A' y~ ')O AUTHORIZED COPY Jos NwASFR. DATE RFDUESTFD+uRLDaJFn: J r MM W YYW NAMF CARTR+DGE TAPE HUIRBER LDCnTIGN. EDIT PARAMETER PHONE PRUGRAIA PrtRAME IFH C(iST CENTER -38L1i PRS/U4f.JIUN JQB REOUE6Tt JBEMOt_ RRUJECi CODE DEN/ (RIbAM p'aasslm upon receiq of nxluest) .JUb VAI.IES f:SHFRIFG CySTER` M+bC FISHERIES CYS BH~N~SMI;N ~~jEy IM?IRGEMEHT 5YSf Elt _RFISHR6W RCRELHCV.' R6RUNRBW RNANBW RFUISHAN' flRC{?AW RFRRCVJ RGHCVRiRV: _R1ICRCW RLtH/PN _RBFR:,I'/ RFGFAW _ R6PR6W _ kS_~RA\V _ HH1RNJ ~~{~jjjlf~y5 (Eµ Vtt1FR TFMP SY$~i~ Wj.,yk ~:~GM SYyI'1~10 1FRNF.SIHIaI SVS'FM RCIHLOHAW RNV}R8\`/ _ _ RTERFW HAMHAW _ R*'HHA`N ROBftav: _ RCHNAIV _ HNIHC':+:.W Fnl kb'N _RBIRDW HKFRkHB:'i FSBKAW _RELAANI flAlA1.lI HAW flbtaHCW RGMRASY NSCHAW _RIJ+kdW gLV.itAVl NIHtFHAVJ NVLkIHHLV _ H1YHI-~UV _ kVG Wu'~ k9%F4VJ FSCRAW +L,A~:. _Illh~ ::1.'._~.-F:~~...'Nil. I+~:~W 1NIS lINEI OC JOB STATUS SYSTEM' LUCATICN DATA YEAR tlJle ClvJnl mean Oam lAaMnMlab mtuh 'MblE -0ATA IlAHAGEIf.ENT COPY vFLLD'N-C.°CGRY YIKM~GRIG'~RAIUH CLOY lu M~rMe Y.V~'-~`i .n~u+Y lnn.v~rc~ Fnya t20) AUTHORIZED COPY ~. 0 ur OU G cJi C. .~ U V 0.. r ..+ M n E W a c E W N Z u O 7 E 6 E ~, r N T 7 w7 N Y F~ .o ` c Y Gq o'$ °WE ~n ~~ ~wa so e< aW o~ c" ~ o° yVLqy ak iC ° ~ 3 Y p G E ~ 2 CA Fite Name DATA COVER SHEET AND OA RECORDS TRANSMITTAL FORM Program Procedure Number. Sample Number. Oate(sj'. Tolal Number of Recoils Attached' IDeOCiencles9 Yes _ No _ Qf yes. oxplanatron regwrnd below. See Prccedwe Fk ~.EVSV-l 01 125} Comments Prepared oy. Dau Approved by Dare Received by 08[f Whtte Copy-OA Records File Yellow Copy-QA Records Transmittal Ftle ~.ri~m. ~oo.vM..-...~.rn...~.... u~,--~i.....:,~,~_..,.,.. ~.d~ aim 1.41J1 AUTHORIZED COPY Masterfile Log Shect Form Syx;om J00 Namz Su05y61em LlaaleR~k Pmprom AUTHORIZED COPY AUTHORIZED COPY Instructions for Making Changes to QA Records and Computer Master Files EVC-EVSV-00124 +ooa+•~ progress Erergy Service Company. LLC - Environmental Servires i...:.a. envlronmeKa~l Otology p+Ogram proOeUwes-manual 1.0 Purpose This provedure is to be used in requesting changes to Biology Program QA rewrds or to the compute- master;de as appropriate. Forms referenced In this procedure Service Request Form (FRM-EVSV-008t0f Taxonomic Updala Form (FRM_NSV_Q0877) QA Records Supplement+Correclion and Transmittal (FF2P,A-[VSV?]OBpS) Data Cover and CA Records Transmitta!siFRA~6E V SV-0C8041 3.0 Responsibilities 3 7 Ongmator A CA Record(s) Changes 1 Contact a CA Records Admmistralor for access to the QA files and locate the data sheet{s) wntainmd the error(s) 2 Make one leg,ble copy of the CA Record(s) and mark the Correction{s) vn the cony .n red ink. Do not mark cerrechvn(s) such that the original data is urveadable. Irntiat and date the correction(s) in red mkand ccmplete a CA Records SupplemenVCorrection Form iFRM-EVSV•OOE05). 3 To fill out ino CA Records SupplemenVCorredion Form, provitle sufictent Information [o easily locate the record m the QA Oles (e.g.. sae- year procedure nunber, sample date) in the "¢A Record" column. Under the 'S.icplemenUCorr?GLOW" column, indicate the Change IX addaion to the rewrd. Sign the 'PreFaretl by " Lne and date EV{:-EYC1'~OI]a Rov. a IwY51 N~ae ~ m9 AUTHORIZED COPY 4. St,bmil the corrected record and the QA Records SupplamenUCovectlon Form to unit management for approval B. Maslerfile Changes 1 IUentify the data records(s) conta:mng the error(s) 2 CI?any indicate the required changes on a Service Request Fonn {RPA-EVSV-00$1Q) A copy of the data sheet(s) or retard(s) with the changes marked may he helpful 3 Submd the Semce Request Form with any attachment: to and management for approval, C. Taxonomic Changes !_ FI out Service Request Form (FRM-EVSV-00810) to have changes made to masterfde computer. 7.. If data are part of QA file, complete Taxonomic Update Form F( RM-EVSV1;0~1! ) and OA Records SupplemenUComection Form (fR_M-E~/SV-OG805), 3. Fcnvard all completed forms to appropriate and management, 3.2 Unil Management A. Review request and attachmengs) (if applicable) B. if correction s not approved, contact originator If approved, sign Service Request Form andlor QA Records SupplemenUCorrection Form (if applicable). C. Forward Service Request Form w:[h attachment(s) to Data Processor. D Fbrvvard qA Records SupplemenVCortection Form with atbUted corrected records to a QA Records Administrator. 3.3 Oata °rocessor A. As needed, run master 61e check program to verify data on the master file and contaa ongmator d problems are found Assign request number to Service Request Form B. Make the requested charges to the computer master file As needed. re-run master file check program to verify changes were made. sv~ rvsv w+zr ae.. o tweet rsyo z o. i AUTHORIZED COPY C- Sign and dale the Service Repuost Form and attach the wnde copy with arsy attachments to a completed Data Cover and QA Records Transndttal Form (FRM-EVSV-00804) and submit to the QA Records Adminuva[or. D. Send me yellow copy of the signed and dated Service Realest Form to the originator 3.4 QA RecordsAdmmrslrator A Stamp or print the following statement on the original DA record 'Data has been corrected See following page " Then initlal antl date the sta:emenl in red Ink. B. Rlace the corrected QA record behind the original OA recor6 and file records. 3.5 Onginator A After recewiny me yelow copy of Service Request Forrn, indicabnd that the data has been :hanged, you may use the data m any analyses as needed. Contact Uata Processor II problems are found Retain yellow wpy (ophcnal) B Transmt QA Recortls SupplemenVCOrrecLon Form and data correction(s) according to Procedure EVC-EVSV~0005i. FVf.{VN-0OIN im J!CLOb; Pa0e JO~J PFGE _ Of 1 SERVICE REQUEST FORM REVI910x DATE: DATA MANAOEMENT USE ONLY LCOATION: PROJECT. REPORT. CORRESPONDENOE DATE NFEOED REQUEST NO. DETAILED SPECIFICATN)NS: PROGRAMS USED. t_ 2 / 7 ORtOR1ATOR(SI DATE SU~ERWSGW(S) OFIF PROGRAIAIERISi GATE WlltC-0ATA MANAGEMENT COPY VEUOW-0RIGIMATOR COPY n\P inMn:a crCeBAWtq 4P\ntt~ rza•n mqr ^rnrrfanlL~~a rzmwrY )wWwr ~: ,UM /•w~" ~ ~ Taxonomic Update Shcct Form TAXONOMIC UPDATE As d. Source MgxuY r.wn wlwap ngaa~wn.~ aEK.EVSV :c :~ lMbr b. i~.Vyu &~•h L+a~CVrprry ~,C-Erravnn~b 5m~a pqq AUTHORIZED COPY y~ - OA RECORDS SUPPLEMENT~CORRECTION AND TRANSMITTAL FORM GA. Record ~ypylynrr;r'LCaReclron Prepare0 oy OA Rle N¢mn Deta ApptOVe0 by. Dete Raewea by. D¢t¢ White Copy-OA Records Fllo y¢Ilow Copy-OA Records Tr¢nsmtltal Flle •rMp L. ibY~u trvJi7w.<~ima,. r~.. ~F •u.nnnn ~t~~.~~r .!c AUTHORIZED COPY ~ ~~ ~~~ DATA COVER SHEET AND QA RECORDS TRANSMITTAL FORM Program: Procedure Number Sample Numbers' Total Number of Records P.ttdched. OA Few Name Deficiencies? Yes _ No ~ (II yes, exptanahon required oelow See Prceedure EVC,-EVSV-00125~ Comments Prepared ay Dafe Approvetl by Date ReceNed by- Da!e White Copy-QA Records Fib Yellow Copy-0A Records Transmittal Fde %W /- ~ -NM-I'/: i, (J0. rntl~~~lo. Tv._nJ. ,H ~/r.u (u~.. v~'/tnm/. ..u ./.an p. AUTHOR12E0 COPY o~:vro~me Deficiency Corrective Action Procedure u>„m...n~mn., EVC-EVSV-00125 n:.m::< Progress Energy Sernce Company, LLC - Env=ranmcntal Sermccs n.~r..:,~ environmenlst. oology program Procedures menua+ AUTHORIZED COPY 1.0 Purpoc¢ The purpose of this procedure is to establish the rospons+6dities and actions necessary for the identification, documentation, and =orrecbve action necessary for resolution of a deFGency discovered dunng the ccllection, processing, assessme MS, checking, or reviewing records or activities of the Biology Program. For this Biology Program procedure. two types of deficiencies are defined (1) A discrepancy Is a deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure which des not render the quality of an dem or activity unacceptable or ~ndetermmate (2) A nonconformance is defined in charactensnc. documentation, or procedure which does renders the quatlly of an dem or activity ur,accealable or ~ndeterminate- 2.0 Forms referenced in this procedure: Field Co1lecLOn Vel,.r~raqun and QA Recortls Transn•~Ittal (FRM-EVSV-?0603) Data Cover Sheet antl QA Records Transmittal Sheet(FRM-EVSV-609or_) Nonconformance Report and QA Recods Transmittal (FRM-EVSV-0OfiQ6} 3.0 Responsiblllties 3.1 Biology Program personnel (Or:g:nator) A Indicate that a deficiency was discovered by checking "Yes' at the 'DEFICIENCIES7' section of the OA Rewrds Transmittal Sheet B Document the deficiency in the "COMMENTS" section of ether a 1. Feld Collection Verification and QA Records Transmittal Sheet ([RM-EVSV-00803) rt [he tlefciency is discovered before or during data ccllection, or EVCEVfi:•-':at;5 r«v a Ituiw) .aeo~ne AUTHORIZED COPY 2. Data Cover Sheet and CA Records Transmittal Sheet (fRM-EVSV-!'.0804) attachetl to data or memo to the file it the deficiency is ciswered after data co'~lecoon 3.2 Unit tanagement A. Discuss the deficency with the ongmator, if necessary 8 Determine d the deficiency is by definiUOn a dlscrepancy o- a nonconformance C. II the dehaency is determined to be a dlscrepancy. 1. Decide if a serf-assessment or correctve action UI any; is to b9 laKen antl resolve with originator. 2. Document the comecuve action and actions to be ImplEmented to prsclutle rEpelitidn (if possible) beneath the tleficiercy statement. 3 Sgn and date the Field Collection Verification and CA Records Trarsmittal Sheet or Data Gover Sheet and CA Records T;ansmiaal Sheet intlicahng that me deficiency has been resolved 4 Routo to QA Records AtlmmisUator D If the deficiency Is determined to be a nonconformance. 1 A.self-assessment or corrective action Should be wntten far all identified nonconformances 2 Require the ongmator to complete the applicable sections of the Nonconformance Report and CA Records Transmittal Sheet jFRM-EVSV_;)OBG6) 3 Upon completion of self-assessment cr corrective acticn, sign and date the Nonconformance Report and CA Records Transmittal Sheet 4 Route to OA Records Administrator 3.3 biology program personnel (Driginatory A If unit management determines that a deficiency is by definition a nonconformance, wore a seif~assessment and complete a Noncrntforrnance Report and CA Records Transmittal Sheet (FRM-EVSV-00805) t On the Nonconformance Report and QA Records Transmittal Sheet. Gst the applicable procedurels) andfor documenUs) governing the work. c!C-EYSV~0e126 R.w 0 laid) >aEO> rt i AUTHORIZED COPY 2 Recortl the date lha nonconformance was identified and the person who Idenfifed the nonconformance 3 Descnbe the nonconformance In detail including the cause and eftecl of the nonconformance. A. Describe t*.e corcecbve action. as determined with the unit management Thal wlll correct the nonconformance (i/possible) and prevent recurrence. 6. Route to unit management for approval. cvc-evsv.wizs Aw. a ia~nel N.QC a of ~ Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX E State Laboratory Certifications for Progress Energy's Environmental Laboratory and Tritest, Inc. Environmental Laboratory QAPP01, Revision No. 1 E- 1 April 16, 2007 o° ~..' O ._ ... _ ~ ~ ~ v „ ~, a ;~ .. _ ~. ~. ~, ~ ~ `' ~U~ U li V ~' 4r Lei Z -v O ~ ~ ~~}}v'1~ C ~ rLl Q Sr z ....~ ~ 4 ~ ..yr ' F .. A r-. ~~ .o __ ~~ //.~/0 M~.1 O V 4~ v .,~ o~ W o~ 04 0 an -a ~ N . ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~~ ~ a "" . 1r ~ ~+ OiJ a o G ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~. ~, .~~ o v a~~ ~ o `" ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ .~ ,., -~ ~ w t-,-.1 O N A ~ ~ O ~ ...~ U ~ ^ j'1 4J 4,--I L-~ '~ ~ a C V a °' ° ^^0 ~ ~ Y~r Q~ ^ ~ ~ fir. bA C ~ V •~ •~ Nom.°z ~~~ ~~o .~ ~ ~~ s ,~ Y C c u ~_ ~, - f L -' '2 es C ~ ~ v~ V U 1~ 1. v V ~ 7 _ /1 V C .~ r •r ~~' V ,~? ;'; ~.~ H D H E C -_ ,: ~ .. ~ . ~_ 1, -~ F-~ . - , ~. ,.~<<„~,~ ,.;~, r6ii~P14 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Environmental Laboratory Certification Program In accordance with the provisions of Regulaton 61 ~ 81, entitled "State Environmental Laboratory Certification Regulation," /'/{OGY{L3'S' L:~'L!{GI' C,I ROL /.x:15 hM1'C .{1 +1 .~'L'1I IHL/. f/01.1.6~.1/A~~' RD VF.11'HIL/...~7)R'flIC.4KOl.l,~;1 "Sh? is hereby terrified to perform analyses as docurnenfed on the attached parameter lisf(s;. This certification dons not guarantee vafdify of data generafod, but indicates the laboratory's adherence to prescribed methodology, quality control, records keeping, and reporting procedures. This certificate is the property of S.C. Df1EC and must be surrendered upon demand. This certificate anon-transferable and is valid only for the parameters and methodology listed on the attached parameter listisi, Loborntnrr Dirvnnr: HL>tD G.dRRL'T7JR / ,~f CcrtiJl'ieg.ludruri(r: .\"<' ' / '~~~~ ~ ~ ~'r~ Ualr n/'Lvur~ \brrnrhrr '$.!I!!fi ~ Q/fBC/Or Uule• n/'L.cpirnllnn:.\'n ovrnhgr flt ~ ?Otl~ _ cirri/ilnre:Lrmhrr. 94n1'ngl OHicc o! Envrronmenr~l Laboratory CerfilrcoMon LL 2 ' E v 9 <E O R ~~ ~r J ~ - € F D a ~l j" d E~ '' g-0 e~ z Q '~ `=.~ ; fie ~ ~ ~ - w F \ 'c= a w V r;r~~ ~; ~- ~ ` ? Q ~ a G ~ ~ .'i ~- (n M 8 c ~ LL ~ ~• ~ W 2 '~~. fib, ' ' H /y frr ~ a ~ ~ ~ a - LN ` O c = ` .£ _. ~ ~ ' F ~ F_ ~_ ~ _ - s a < o D OO -' ~ o W V _ ...~ Nortk CaroCna Department of .~feaCth and'7fuman Services Laboratory Cert~atzon hta.iorJ~rrricxritliJheprtrrtsi:vs;!~ti21u(thorra!(7'!'~1''C';1(' 17:L) U. '00 avtiJr~:rtiim fbr fltrr arr,:hsrs ci ;t nrd;nr( a nli r /t;; c fiirr ~tr.urtea to Tritest Inc. LaboratoJy Number 37731 7v~r tkz l~r(fou ui'1 arr;rlvfe ~7rotrp;s:~ Microbiology, Inorganics, Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Volatile Organic Chemicals n1ZTrr to n ~ ctrl .;tat Jrs sGer•r i _July 1, 2004 July 31, 2005 t ~•'rfi ~T::C ~T.~TritrlOn ~~l!d Le ali ~D4-r~(irr, ~A)l),j, lfQ'IL ~{~~ / Ja:gq$taar)lc,t(-rh Drn•:rar / /t~_/~ ou ~i rrr'rrar•, ~Ur'~17i ~tpn:!;rrrq'L{:zre~(erYe(,-atiorr i. in e't i or. ,~'ii]~t C.abOlaldrv Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX F Chain-of-Custody Forms Used for Water Chemistry Samples Analyzed by Tritest, Inc. and University of Missouri-Columbia and Chlorophyll a Samples Analyzed by Progress Energy for the Blewett-Tillery Hydro Relicensing Water Quality Studies QAPP01, Revision No. 1 F-1 April 16, 2007 rt 2 c 2 U ^ 17 I ~ ~ ~ i a ^ LI z u o d 's ° a ~ z a ~~ ~ ~ a is ^ ~ ~ m > ~; ~' o>: c v n~~~ m t S s m n ~ b CL ~ G _ Q Z O ~ ~~ '~ ~ ~Q<~ o s Y G^ . /~ a a a' i=. _ d U 0 •~ ~ ~ U m ~ ~ I_~ a s~ >>_- Y O ~ y H ~ p r JS X'i J d C ~Nn _ ' ~ a E $ i ~ '4 C U ¢ c o < r = d P~~e ul CPKL. COLLGI'TIUN x'111 LGCT[ON f I Ea .11 C1L~IN OF CUS'1'UpY' ,a!.arl r til'a 1 ~ i ILa 1'!. 7161(. tRnNir1 I i n nN rnR.asnsrr:c. nr ' . V, r 1'I{Ltil-:R VA TI a'P lo9nnpr.xd U. __ - .. 1... ~...npk, Y<av~..J il. Iteilnyu~Y.d E1. tv m ~ ~ -pln 14~~~nn: (11 ItrNnge 'A IV IJrv,rWn 11', lUly Lm~ V. ~u..~¢. Ilzcnr:V On.Jwux.~Yr Nmula l'PkL C¢QY 11611e uN Idryrtvnrt nn ~ IlumJrvrn Aln ,m~iu.~~ll..m~ L,. ~,w u.. .. r.., "~Nuum 1 14. ~•~, sn N.•r. Il.n til ~.. tWU .I'I't;L lamrn L.Y/. YJLnr_rdl.euN,m ~ Ihnl!Jt.i.,..un q... ~.,, i. ~1i . .......... .. Ii..` ue.l A.:1. 1.. Mub l~rMUni wgYp, l:nq ~ rrm~ rralnm. ~ p wrryu V ~_. n u un.u l n.ICM1.wL! Lp__ MW [.vpOt Iry Ue~a~r.. -r.n nnu .r r .. Uw AUTHORIIEO COPY Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX G Water Quality Instrument Field Usage Sheet QAPP01, Revision No. 1 G-1 April 16, 2007 CPR I. Riuloy;ic:J asscctinrcnl Unit l5'ater (lu:flity Instrument Piellf Usage USER NAM1tI•: sl: pFSIlNAT70N (ur actieitrl: nrp;rrtw= aalr' hwumm~l nvmhrtlnpc 2rm ..l iuu C..hhrmwn r.rtn ,d , ,htr.+r..m t~.npuni„rc. ~T10N 1 v 1 Itcmm Jare Pauucear~: Im:bwncln numlml. __ ': Poor w tkc Opetanuuul ("heck ~m Lnma•J by .:nnliod 4¢r•nnnrl iminlmcol nwrutinn rrxinerblc , von_~'c.• Tcrn(CNWrci Of ICI~IIIC Llhti~ Ihsso veA Ox en Co:~uclivn H TmMJnv LL•nnv _..- •CO~IMI•:Nl:S ON INtiTRU~IENT RL•SPONtiF: Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX H Water Quality Instrument Calibration Data Sheet QAPP01, Revision No. 1 H-1 April 16, 2007 Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX I Water Quality and Chemistry Data User Log Sheet for Data Editing, Corrections, and Verification QAPP01, Revision No. 1 I-1 April 16, 2007 H W W_ N J 4' 'E' W W j N N m J N Z W f 0 W Q LL - W ~ W f ~ ~ 0 Q bH z~i CO I I F ~ N y O V ~ U wow O Q ~ y 6 G N r 2 Q O~W wV~ W W V Q p W C pp U N H ~ 2 00~ W LLB' W LIiZ 1- C O ~~j V C 0m O~ z F C wx> ~wu i ~. QUu O ~ ON Ww ap 0 C n W YI I J C aW ~f N J 2 a N 0 S ~i n a E Progress Energy APPENDIX J Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program QA Records Checklists for QA Program Annual Self-Assessments QAPP01, Revision No. 1 J-1 April 16, 2007 Environmental Services Section Biology Program 2004 QA Records Checklist 2004 Current Version: QA Records File Index a Drawer 1 2004 QA Procedures Manual ~ 2004 QA Procedures Manual Inactive Revisions 2004 Exhibits/Revisions 2004 Records Transmittals Drawer 3 Indoctrination, Training, and Retraining of BAU Personnel -Records ~ n 2004 Environmental Pro ram Stud Plans 2U~4EU Calibrations Envi><•onmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 7 2004 QA Records Checklist Water Quality Instrll. Control Jan Feb Mau• Apr Ma}• June Jnly Ang Sept Oct Nov Dec Data EVC-TSDC-00057 Flowmeters (G.O.) (1/yeaz-Maz) Flowmeter (Mardi McBirney) Data (1/year} Data EVC-TSDC-00058 Water Quality Inst. (quarterly}) ___ ___ (annually for refractometers only) Data DaGx EVC-TSDC-0006 Scales (quarterly) __ . Balances (annually } Data 20~4EUTE Reports Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER S 2004 QA Records Checklist TECVD Reports •J~ Feb Mar Apr May .June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-0010'7 Report # Data Report # Data Report # Data Report # Data Report # Data Report # Data 2444BUAS Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRA~VER S 2404 QA Records Checklist Asheville Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jm~e July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00072 FV Phytoplankton (may not have data) {odd months-Jan, Mar,NIay,Jul,SepNov} Data EVC-TSDC-00074 FV Chlorophyll a (odd months -Jan, NIar, NIay, Jul, Sep Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00076 FV Zebra. mussels (may not have data) .................... (odd months -Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep Nov} Data EVC-TSDC-00096 FV Water Chemistry (odd months -Jan, Mar, NIay, Jul, Sep Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00097 FV «%ater Quality {odd months -Jan, M~u~, May, Jul, Sep Nov} Data 2(l(/4EUBZ1 Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 9 2004 QA Records Checl~list Blewett Falls Special Study Jan Feb Mar .4pr May Jnne Jnly Aug Sq~t Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00056 FV Insheam Flow Special S[udy Aug, Sept Data EVC-TSDC-00056 FV Robust Redhorse Special Study NIay, Oct Data EVC-TSDC-00056 FV Continuous DO Monitoring Special Study NIay -Noe Data EVC-TSDC-0007{ FV Chlorophyll a Monthly Data EVC-TSDC-00075 FV Benthic Invertebrate Apr & Jun Data EVC-TSDC-00080 FV Electro£ishing Data EVC-TSDC-00046 FV Water Chemistry Nlonthly Data EVC-TSDC-00097 FV Water Quality Nlonthly Data 2UO4EUFNP Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRA«'ER 11 2444 QA Records Checklist BrUI1SW1Ck •J~ Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00081 F~' Entrainment (1/month} Data/ QC EVC-TSDC-00084 ,~ Impingement (1/month) __ _ ___ _ Juvenile and adult Data) QC Laval Data/ QC 2U~4EUCF Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 14 2004 QA Records Checklist Cape Fear Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Ang Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00076 FV Zebramussels - Spring & Fall) (may not have data) Data EVC-TSDC-00099 Effluent toxicity testing FV Data months - Feb, May, Aug, Nov) (Outfall #007) 2UO4EUSH Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 15 2004 QA Records Checklist Harris Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jm~e July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00072 FV Phytoplankton (may not have data) {quarterly -Jan, May, Jul, Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00074 FV Chlorophyll a {quarterly -Jan, Nlay, Jul, Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00076 FV Zebra. mussels {may not have data) .................... {quarterly -Tan, May, Jul, Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00079 F~' Aquatic vegetation {1/year -fall} Intake canal {MI), Aux res {Z) Data EVC-TSDC-00080 FV Electro£shing {quarterly -Feb, NIay, Aug, Nov) Data Technical Specifications (Ea~CRC} EVC-NGGC-0003 FV Sediments-3,4 (1/yeat•) FV Sediments-26,41,52 (2/yr) Vegetation (1/year-Oct or Nov} FV FV Fish {2/year-May, Nov) EVC-TSDC-00096 FV Water Chemistry (quarterly -Jan, May, Ju1,Nov) Toxicity testing dilution wafer (1/year during May ~2) Fti. Data 2UO4EUSH Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 15 2004 QA Records Checklist Harris Jan FeL Mar Apr May June July Ang Sq~t Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-0004 i FV «'ater Quality (quarterly -Jan, NIay, Jul, Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00095 Groundwater Monitoring FV Data EVC-TSDC-00094 FV Effluent toxicity testing fathead (Outfall #006 Cooling Tower Blowdo~m) 24-hr. acute 90°/v Pass/fail .................... (1/quarter -Feb, May, Aug, Nov) Data Effluent toxicity testing FV (Chitfall #00'7) (HEEC) {1/quarter -Feb, May, Au„Nov) 24-1u. passr`fail Data 2U~4PU1VfY Envi><•onmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 17 2004 QA Records Checklist Mayo Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July ring Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00072 FV Ph}~toplvikton (may not have data} _ _ - __. Data EVC-TSDC-04074 FV Chlorophyll a (even months -Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec} Data EVC-TSDC-00076 FV Zebra mussels (even months -Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) (may not have data) Data EVC-TSDC-00079 FV Aquatic vegetation (1/year -Summer or fall} Data EVC-TSDC-00080 FV Electrofishing (Apr, May, Oct, Nov}} Data 2U~4PU1VfY Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 17 2444 QA Records Checklist 2U~4EURE Envi><•onmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 19 2004 QA Records Checklist Robinson Jan Feb Mar .4pr May June July ring Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00072 FV Phytopl<~nkton (even months - Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oc[, Dec} (May not have data} Data EVC-TSDC-000?4 FV Chlorophyll a {even months - Feb, Apr, Jnn, Aug, Oct, Dec} ..................... . Data EVC-TSDC-00076 FV Zebramussels (eeen months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) (may not have data) Data EVC-TSDC-00080 FV Elech~ofisliing (twiceiyear -May, Nov) Data Tech Specs Sampling(;r~RC) (formerly procedure 6.6.1) Refer to Procedure EMP-001 Environmental Samplingin the Aohinson Plant Operating Manual. ..................... Fish -Zlyr -possibly NIay & Nov FV- { may not have data} Data L'eaetatimi, & sediment FV 1/ ear -ma not have data Data EVC-TSDC-00096 Water chemistry FV (even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) Data EVC-TSDC-00097 F`; Wafer quality {even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) Data 2(f(f4EURX Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 23 2004 QA Records Checklist Roxboro Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Scy~t Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00072 FV Phytoplankton (even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) (may no[ haee data) Data EVC-TSDC-00074 FV Chloiropliyll a (even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec} Data EVC-TSDC-00075 F~ Zebu mussels (even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) (may not have data) Data EVC-TSDC-00095 Trace elements -once,`yr -spring FV Fish (regulaz and Se only} _. _ __ __ Data Sediment FV Data Zooplankton FV Data Benthos FV Data 2U~4EURX Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 23 2004 QA Records Checklist Roxboro (continued) Jan Feb Mar Apr May .June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00096 FV Water chemistry (even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) Data EVC-TSDC-00097 FV Water quality (even months -Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) Data EVC-TSDC-00099 FV E$luent toxicity testing Heated water discharge (#003 - quatterly -NIa<', Tun, Sep, Dec} Z4hr. acute Pass/Fail - fathead minno~G~ Data Coal pile runoff (#006 - FV once.~year-1st discharge} 2ahr. definitive test - fathead mnmow Data 2(f(f4EUSU Envi><•onmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 25 2004 QA Records Checklist SU22011 Jan Feb Mar Apr May .June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00072 FV Ph}~topl~nkton (odd months -Jan, IvIar, May, Jul, Sept, Noc) (may not have data) Data EVC-TSDC-00074 FV Chlmrophyll a _ ___ (o<ld months -Jan, Mar, May, 7u1, Sept, Noc) Data EVC-TSDC-000'?6 FV Zebra iVlussels (odd months -Jan, Mar, May, Tul, Sept, Nov) (may not have data} Data EVC-TSDC-00079 FV Aquatic Vegetation (tvvicer'pear--spring, summer) Data EVC-TSDC-00080 F`, Electrofishing _ _ _. (Once every3months-IVIa<•,Jun, Data S t, Dec EVC-TSDC-00095 FV Trace elements Fish Lake & River {once,`year) Data Sediment FV {once/year} Data EVC-TSDC-00096 F`; Water chemistry (odd months -Tan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov) Data EVC-TSDC-00097 FV Water Quality (odd months -Jan, NIm', May, Jul, Data Sept, Nov) 2(l(/4EUTZ Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAVtiER 2G 2004 QA Records Checl~list Tillery Special Study Jan Feb Mar .4pr May Jmme Jnly Aug Sgrt Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-00056 FV Special Study Data EVC-TSDC-00056 FV Special Study Data EVC-TSDC-00074 FV Chlorophyll a Monthly Data EVC-TSDC-00075 FV Benthic Invertebrate Apr & Tun Data EVC-TSDC-00080 FV Electrofishing Data EVC-TSDC-00496 FV Water Chemistry Monthly Data EVC-TSDC-00097 FV Water Quality Monthly Data 2U~4EUWA Environmental Services Section Biology Program DRAWER 27 2004 QA Records Checklist Walters .Ian Feb Mar Apr May .June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec EVC-TSDC-04056 FV Dissolved oxygen monitoring Special Study (Jun, slug) Data EVC-TSDC-00072 F`, Phy~toplankton (Unce/month) Data EVC-TSDC-00074 FV Chlorophyll a (Unce/month} Data EV'C-TSDC-000'75 FV Benthic Invertebrates (Unce/yea<• -slug} Data EVC-TSDC-00089 FV Fish ISI river monitoring (Unce/yea<• -Jul} Data EVC-TSDC-00090 FV Dioxin monitoring (Unce/yea<~ -Nov) Data E~'C-TSDC-00096 F~ Water Chemistry _ _. (Once/month} Data EVC-TSDC-00097 Wafer Quality FV _. _ . _ _____ __ (Unce/month) _._._. Data Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project QAPP APPENDIX K Environmental Health & Safety Services Section Biology Program Biology Report Preparation and Review Checklist and Biology Report Review Form QAPP01, Revision No. 1 K-1 April 16, 2007 Final Res Ten .All final review draft pages marked as "UraO" ^Final nvirw draft shoal) appear as the final report would ^Biology report r••+icw form attached ^Uetermine which resiewen chose m hare a final review of the report ^If rcyucrted, rcmrn each reviewers technical rrview draft and rumments back m them along with final rcvieu draft ^Fiuul revicn includes Ecc permitting personnel and plant cuxtomcr+ ^Reasonahlu rcvire period given keeping recicurr schedules in mint ^Each rc•riewer's cuuuucnls on final review, if any, nsalced and finaldrtft revised ~Leud \\'ri«r signs and dates Uiology report re+ic++ form after all comments have been rcsnh~cd frnm the «xhnical anti fiord reriews Finalhc• Rennet ^"Uruft" removed frnm all pngcs ^Ronte all report rrview forms and lnal draft to manugemcm prior w final approval ^A7anugcmcnt signs unJ dotes final if satisfied the report is ready fur puGlicution ~A single unhuund final report vubmitted lu the QA Filc in brn+vn report (older ~Iligh qu:dih bound lnal report copies made for distributimt All report rrview forms submitted to the Q:\ File io brown repart folder as non-QA ducunrenu ^All regulatory aunndtmeuts relaarf w the report fulRlled Technical ltevicw ~Rcriwvcn provided report draft iu siugle page anJ I I/2 space) fortast ~RiuloKv report mice form atL•tched ', ~Itinlugy report ttchnical re+ie++ limited to FSti members "^~Reasnnublc rceir+e perioJ gircn keeping re+icw cr schedules in mind JRl41c+V 1•r] sign and date Biology technical report rcricw form il' appropriate ^I?ach rev icwcrs comments resolved and report dralY nviscd ULcad writer sign. and doles report rrview form if rcriewcr is satlsfitvl w ith report and hav signed form Biology Report Review Form Trpc of revieo~ TecGnical'1] Report Tille: (check when comple[e) Pinal ^ Lead \\'rilcr: ~I Rct icwcr: NrNewrr. 1'kase retie++ the rapnrt sod n-+ake eppmpnrc commcmxiorrcauutc '\IIa~J rhos: pages +mtlt wnurn eommrntzm the (orm andiron, i. ?i, Irad \fnicr Major issunr.cnunrcncs reyuinoc sprci5c resolutions should be summarrved bclew .\ liuol xnCO is opuaui: a+ur s:gnrnae below slKnifics Ibat ya do not need to rceicw the reµ~rt again tiirn ,rod date bclcnv atcr all mn'aucat+ Iwvc Mxn resolved le tour nsluhtlinu. Lend Willer: Major ssue:9cnnuntnls ssnllrn helowmun De re;adved u'iai the revrewar anJ ssamtmry eflhe resoluuon indicntcd blow Stgn and dam w Ibc halan of Ihis form a;ltt all mator cmm~ent> have been addrtssrd :ual Ille +anh the report Ill'41CN'Cf SI~,IIatWC alld nalC Lead N'nter Sigaawre and Uale QAPP01, ReNslon No. 1 J- ApAI 16, 2007