HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0079057_Annual Performance_20220901 THE TOWN 0 OF _ 1 - PRESERVE I PROSPER Water and Sewer Department RECEIVED August 30, 2022 SEP o Y 2022 System Performance Annual Report NCDE NC DENR/ Division of Water Quality/Surface Water Protection Section QJDWR/NPDES Attention: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SUBJECT: TOWN OF MANTEO ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR COLLECTIONS AND WWTP I have enclosed three copies of the Town of Manteo's Annual Performance Report for both the Collection System (WQCS00163) and the WWTP (NC0079057). The time period covered for this report is between July 2021 and June 2022. We are notifying customers with the following message on their bill through the mail or email whichever method that they receive. The message that will appear on the bill follows: Your 2021-2022 Annual Wastewater Performance Report is now available online. The direct link to the document is https://www.manteonc.gov/wastewaterperformancereport. You can also find it via www.manteonc.gov/departments/water-and-sewer. Click on Wastewater Performance Reports under Resources on the right. Hard copies are also available at Town Hall. Sincerely, Josh O'Brien Water and Sewer Director Town of Manteo PO Box 246 Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-3513 (office) (252) 473-1811 (fax) jobrien@manteonc.gov 1 ll,r r Utility Statement Itm-u ti,- TOWN OF MANTEO s 7 ,' PO BOX 246 MANTEO,N.C.27954 ac 141. g ,1 252-473-2133 I �30�pr37 Summary of Charges Service Address Service Charges - -- — Bill Date Account# WATER 45.89 08/31/2022 iiiiiiimmil SEWER 79.52 Total Due Due Date PENALTY 00 125.41 09/20/2022 RECONNECT .00 NSF CHARGE .00 This is the only billing statement you will receive. OTHER .00 No second or late notices will be sent. CREDIT BAL REF .00 BAD DEBT .00 To receive future statements electronically visit https://townofmanteo.estmt.net 1125-8203-4JW8 METER NUMBER PREVIOUS READING CURRENT READING USAGE UNITS DESCRIPTION 70152715 459786 468065 8279 G T ry a7 Your 2021-2022 Annual Wastewater Performance Report is now available online.The direct link to the document isuhttps://www.manteonc.gov/wastewaterperformancereport. You can also find it via:www.manteonc.gov/departments/water-and-sewer. Click on the Wastewater Performance Reports under ti Resources on the right. Hard copies are also available at Town Hall. Please detach lower portion and remit with your payment Account# 7 7 },-.,, .cr'fikl TOWN OF MANTEO Due Data 00/20/2022 1> PO BOX 246 rI y,) MANTEO N.C.27954 125.41 Current Due Past Due .00 Total Due 125.41 £'= Penalty Amount 12.54 r.=Total Due After Due Date 137.95 '''''''—AUTO'•5-DIGIT27948 No Second Amount, 12366100 0426-UTL I 1 1 1 Notice Rendored Enclosed TOWN OF MANTEO WATER AND SEWER PO BOX 246 �� tlll� .I I .I J1 Id 1 1�11 ! MANTEO NC 27954-0246 III Itl I l [ I III Illll I I 1 1 111 1It1,111 III411111lll''111'll'11111IIIIIdl11'I1ll'911'1111111111I1'll'I THE Town 0 RECEIVED OF =_ SEP 01 2022 PRESERVE , NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES '�� nn PROSPER The Town of Manteo 2021-2022 Wastewater Performance Report Operations covering from July 2021 through June 2022 Town of Manteo Wastewater Treatment Plant NC0079057 Town of Manteo Sewer Collection System WQCS00163 We are pleased to present to you this year's Wastewater Performance Report. This report includes a description of the Sewer Collection System and the Wastewater Treatment Plant as well as system performance, system upgrades,permit violations, and public education information. This report covers the used water that leaves your residence or business and the process that it goes through during the treatment system. If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water,please contact Josh O'Brien at 252-473-2133. We want our valued customers to be informed about their water and sewer utility. If you want to learn more,please attend any of our regularly scheduled meetings. They are held at 407 Budleigh Street. Meeting information is listed on our website at www.manteonc.gov. Sewer Collection System Description The Town of Manteo's sanitary sewer collection system connects your residence or business to the Town's wastewater treatment system. Your connection discharges into the maze of pipes underground that further connect to lift stations throughout the town. Lift stations help propel the wastewater to the Wastewater Treatment Plant where gravity flow is prevented. Utility contact and emergency response information is posted on signs located on the outside of each lift station. All of our lift stations are monitored by our SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)which will notify us in case of an emergency. Fats, Oils and Grease Your connection to the collection system is a responsibility that continues to expand and grow. y p tY P Regulatory requirements from the State of North Carolina Division of Water Resources mandates that municipalities take measures to reduce Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)--a violation of the EPA Clean Water Act. Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) discharged into public sewer systems is the leading cause of SSOs. Grease buildup occurs when Fats, Oils,and Grease produced from and aided in cooking end up in the sewer system. Whether you're a Food Service Establishment,business or resident of the Town of Manteo who generates FOG,you play an important role in preventing Sanitary Sewer Overflows. Sanitary 1 sewer systems are neither designed nor equipped to handle the FOG that accumulates on the interior of the municipal sewer collection system pipes. Over 30% of North Carolina's 1999 sanitary sewer overflows were the result of pipe blockages from FOG accumulation from residential,institutional and commercial sources. The best way to manage FOG is to keep the material out of the plumbing systems. FOG reduces the internal diameter of your sewer line. A four-inch sewer pipe can quickly become a two-inch pipe or smaller. Other debris grabs hold of the buildup which causes line clogs. We have found that besides FOG, the number one cause of small line clogs comes from flushing wipes. Wipes do not dissolve. A gravity sewer line moves water at a slow pace, and the velocity of the water does not carry enough force to transport wipes long distances. Wipes get left behind in your line and easily stick to internal surfaces of the pipes until a blockage occurs. The best practice is to dispose of wipes in the trash. ✓ Scrape and collect the grease into a waste container, FATS, OILS and REA and dispose of it inthe trash/garbage. -0 Meat Juices -0 Cooking Oils IVOrA ✓ Place food scraps in waste -► Salad Dressings MASH containers or garbage bags - Sandwich Spreads CAN for disposal with solid -r• L.v d _ wastes. -' Butter, Margarine -. Shortening ✓ Place a wastebasket in -► Dairy Products bathrooms to dispose of solid wastes like disposable diapers and personal hygiene It) III 17'LINA IP products. ✓ Do not flush wipes. Even F* /10�'1 wipes that say they are r t.ASH ITtit KIil Ti flushable do not dissolve and 1RA�,��,► ► most likely will lead to a line clog. Sewer Collection System Performance The Town of Manteo did not receive any violations for this compliance period. SSO's (Sanitary Sewer Overflows): The Town of Manteo had no reportable SSOs during this report period. Sanitary sewer overflows may result from a variety of causes: inflow and infiltration due to high water levels;blocked pipes from rags,roots,and grease accumulation;broken lines from corrosion or construction activity;power failures at pump and lift stations within the system. 2 Sewer Collection pg System Upgrades Capital Improvements: • Waterfront Lift Station Replacement (in progress, not completed) o This project will replace the current sewer lift station at 100 Queen Elizabeth Avenue. The current lift station is a dry well-wet well application with 520 gallon per minute pumping rating with limited wet well storage capacity. This station was originally constructed in the early 1940's and the last recorded update was in 1992, over 26 years ago. Due to the location of this pump station,it is subject to periodic flooding when the waters rise in Shallowbag Bay. o The project will address several deficiencies and bring the station up to current design criteria. The project will include the installation of a new cylindrical precast wet well, two submersible pumps and increased storage capacity. A new control building will be built in close proximity to the wet well with pump controls, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) telemetry and an automatic transfer switch for a new permanent stand-by power generator. By-pass pumping connections will be installed as well as other station components in a single location which will be flood proofed. Repair and Maintenance: • Burnside Lift Station: PM maintenance • Bowsertown Lift Station: PM maintenance,wet well cleaning Replaced VFD for pump #1 Replaced control panel HVAC unit Replaced all four b/u wet well pump switches Replaced wet well level transducer • Ballast Pt. Lift Station: PM maintenance • East Hammock Lift Station: PM maintenance Replaced check valve on pump #1 PMs for East-West Hammock Permanent Generator • West Hammock Lift Station: PM maintenance Replaced damaged siding on pump building • Roanoke Village Lift Station: PM maintenance,wet well cleaning • Waterfront Lift Station: PM maintenance Replaced HVAC mini-split inside control building • Wingina Lift Station: PM maintenance,wet well cleaning • Cedar Bay Lift Station: PM maintenance,wet well cleaning Replaced pump #2 Replaced pump #3 • Cypress Cove Lift station: PM maintenance,wet well cleaning • Peninsula Lift station: PM maintenance Replaced SCADA UPS • OTHER: PMs for standby trailer generator Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Description The Town of Manteo's Wastewater Treatment Plant is a grade three activated sludge tertiary treatment facility treating wastewater from the Town's sanitary sewer collection system. This plant treats wastewater utilizing preliminary screening and grit removal, secondary biological treatment and nutrient removal via an 3 • oxidation ditch and secondary clarifiers, tertiary effluent filtration and post aeration followed by chlorination disinfection and de-chlorination prior to discharging effluent to Shallowbag Bay. Wastewater entering the plant is directed through a micro-strainer unit and grit removal system. The micro-strainer removes large and stringy objects from the wastewater flow that could damage downstream process equipment while also rinsing the screenings,returning organics to the waste stream. Wastewater then flows through a grit removal system that removes the inorganic solids (grit) which will not break down in the biological system while allowing the organic solids to continue through the treatment process. Effluent wastewater from the grit removal system and drainage from various treatment processes are pumped by the influent pumps to the oxidation ditch where the concentration of organic matter and nitrogen are reduced during the extended aeration activated sludge process by the biological action of microorganisms. The organisms convert the organic matter into biomass and release nitrogen as gas. The oxidation ditch provides the oxygen needed by microbes in the system for biological oxidation of organic materials and for the conversion of ammonia to nitrate and the anoxic conditions needed for denitrification. Effluent wastewater from the oxidation ditch flows to the final clarifiers which provide an undisturbed environment for the separation of solids from the water. After the solids settle in the clarifiers,the active solids are recycled to the oxidation ditch to maintain the microbe population at a level which promoted optimum removal of nutrients. Excess sludge is wasted from the system to the aerobic digester to maintain healthy levels of microbes in the treatment process. Wastewater displaced from the final clarifiers flows by gravity to the effluent filters. Wastewater percolates down through the automatically backwashed filters to remove a major portion of the suspended solids in the water. After water flows through the filters,it flows into the chlorine contact tank. Sodium Hypochlorite is added at the head of the tank. The wastewater is dechlorinated at the tail end of the tank by the addition of Sodium Bisulfite. Effluent flows from the contact chamber to the post aeration structure where the water is subjected to the action of a floating aerator to bring the dissolved oxygen concentration to appropriate levels before it is pumped via a force main to Shallowbag Bay for dispersal. Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades During the time period of this report, the following items were completed: Capital Improvements: • Replaced grit system suction assembly • Replaced old caustic tank,pump with new caustic feed station closer to oxidation ditch. • Replaced bearing blocks for oxidation ditch aeration drive #3, aeration drive #4 • Started chemical feed for total copper removal with two new chemical feeds prior to secondary clarifiers. • Replaced mud valve on WAS well at clarifier#1 • Replaced mud valve on WAS well at clarifier#2 • Started preliminary engineering for WWTP UV Disinfection and Resiliency Project. Approved for Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan for project. Repair and Maintenance: • Pump PMs for influent and effluent pump stations • PMs for WWTP generator • PMs for WWTP motors,pumps, oxidation ditch aeration drives, clarifier drives (daily,weekly, monthly, etc.) 4 • • Annual WWTP tank cleaning completed for clarifiers, filters, chlorine contact chamber, aerobic digester, sludge holding lagoon • Replaced microstrainer gearmotor and reducer. • Replaced wear plates and brushes on microstrainer • Replaced impellers and wear plates on influent pumps • Replaced both bearings and flex coupling on oxidation ditch aeration drive #2 • Replaced one bearing on oxidation ditch aeration drive #3 • Replaced all four bearings, flex coupling on oxidation ditch aeration drive #4 • Replaced thermal overload relay for WAS pump #2 • Replaced washwater pump on filter#1 • Replaced chlorine pump • Replaced motor contactor and thermal overload on washwater pump filter#1 • Replaced MCC bucket for aerobic digester Operations: • Conducted stabilized sludge haul January 2022: 278,000 gallons sludge removed via contractor • Conducted stabilized sludge haul June 2022: 247,000 gallons stabilized sludge removed via contractor Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance The Wastewater Treatment Plant met 100% of the NPDES permit requirements for the time period of this report. All sample results averaged under permit limits. No violations were issued within the time period of this report. No sanitary sewer overflows occurred (SSOs) over 1,000 gallons or any that reached surface waters during the period of this report. The NCDEQ Division of Water Resources,Washington Regional Office, conducted the Toxicity Compliance Inspection WWTP inspection in May 2022.WWTP was found to be compliant. 5