HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG040139_Plansheet - Other_20220610/ p ( EXIST. REGULATORY FLOODWAY rn EXIST. TOP OF BANK (TYP) I PIN: 551-505-7372 I \ \ — I � � — — 6p0 DIVINE ARMISTEAD EXIST. CREEK CENTERLINE (TYP)` _ ` EUGENE ESTATE I T4 — — D.B. 12689, P.G. 290 P.B. 22, P.G. 96 - / / / O EXIST. TOP OF BANK TYP D.B. 14066, P.G. 249 � n nn —Mn —7—Mn Mn 14'WIDE CONSTRUCTION ROAD cLL—gg / 550g�p ACCESS PER NCDEQ #6.80 M(TYP)EX. WATERMAIN \ \ 95 \� \ 5 � EXIST. 15' STREAM BUFFER EXIST. 25' ACCESS EASEMENT I PROP. WATERMAIN TO BE PER NCDEQ STD. #6.74 SPECIAL SEDIMENT \ PROP. WELL BUILDING #2 / I \ \ \ \ INSTALLED UNDER MCKEE �� CONTROL FENCE �� SILT \— FENCE (TYP) I PROP. BUILDING DRAINAGE CREEK VIA DIRECTIONAL EXIST. WSACC SANITARY SEWER 5� / NCDOT #1606\ 5 .01 \ DENUDED LIMITS (TYP) / \ / DRILLING EXIST. UTILITY POLE (TYP) o TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EXIST.0 MMUNITY / / / 5 / I / ENTRANCE PER NCDEQ #6.06 ENCROACHMENT AREA EXIST. WWTP / / EFFLUENT LINE 604 \ S PROP. 8" WATERMAIN n / PIN: 550-583-6440 (SEE SHEETS C-2.00 - C-2.04) � dy l0 / \ \ 1 / STINSON JAMES A JR / J / / 5 / O S STINSON MARNITA T WF D.B. 908, P.G. 227 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN DENUDED LIMITS (TYP) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TYP) 10EXIST I \ \ A W HIGH 607 �� 6p6 \ SS O V A DOUBLE ROy( \ ` EXIST. RIGHT-OF-WAY (TYP) / / / \ EXIST. CAROLINA WATER y / HAZARD SILT FENCE (TYP) / o e 60� ` / _ EXIST. OVERHEAD (40.AFF<< / / / SERVICE SANITARY SEWER / o� OJT % UTILITY LINES (TYP) . U6i� O�Ii&4 / EXIST. PROPERTY LINE (TYP) 608 N� � \ — � . � � � � � / � � 595 — O� EXIST. 30' UNION / \ \ ay O \ \� / 00_ _/1p \609 POWER EASEMENT /_ PIN: 550-583-8467 / N / 6/ -\ \\ + - �S CAROLINA WATER ��- 610 `\ SERVICE INC OF NC / / g / / 6```1' \ OJT` SS " D.B.13669, P G. 151 EXIST. 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN �� / — EXIST. STORM DRAINAGE TYP y�10 _� / �— S I I �y� PIN:550-583-6244 / �� EXIST. COMMUNITY — — ' EXIST. FENCE (TYP) + 612 � / \ O ep° ENCROACHMENT AREA \ / ROCKY RIVER INVESTMENTS LLC / / / ` f / / 0,9 v EXIST. REGULATORY FLOODWAY \ \ i P.B. 22, P.G. 96 / / v _ _ 0 6/3 V A v D.B. 11764, P.G. 95 / / / / 605 \ 61 / co Oro PIN: 550-5 3-5117 COULTER WILLIAM C / ���/// EXIST. SANITARY SEWER / / / /\ / / // ggqV 0 / \s EXIST. CAROLINA WATER �� / � MURRAY SHARI R / / , / / / o�/ / �— 614 — \ s SERVICE SANITARY SEWER / �/ / — , 2MANHOLE (TYP) D.B. 10511P.G.44 / 615 z� \s' I FLOODWAY EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 0 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT STOCKPILE ANY MATERIAL WITHIN THE EXISTING FLOODWAY. 2. ANY AREAS DISTURBED WITHIN THE FLOODWAY SHOULD BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND NO / / / / / / �' / \ �— / / WWTP I \ \ // 4,l \ s� EXIST. SANITARY SEWER / LATER THAN 7 DAYS AFTER THE PROPOSED WATERMAIN HAS BEEN BACKFILLED AND EXISTING GRADE HAS / / / 6°� , / \ `/ �o� s/8 _ \ ss\ MANHOLE (TYP) / I BEEN REESTABLISHED TO MINIMIZE EROSION FROM FLOODING EVENTS. 6� 3. CONTRACTOR WILL RESTORE THE FLOODWAY TO EXISTING GRADE. I- / / ' PIN:550-593-3038EACH ORCHARD ESTT \ \ 612 / \ _ PHOME WNERS ASSNAINCS \ \/ P.B. 70, P.G.2 D.B. 123R P.G. 195 NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET C-4.08 FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND SHEETS C-4.01 - C-4.08 FOR EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS. 2. SEE SHEETS C-1.01 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES. / PIN:550-583-5562 / LANG STEVEN DAVID LANG JENNIFER BRANDY WIF co / I I PROP, 8" WATERMAIN / (SEE SHEETS C-2.00 - C-2.04) - - � it - � O O 8 O �- \� �/ EXIST. GRAVEL ROAD (TYP) \ \ \ \ EXIST. 500 YEAR FL ODPLAIN WWTP } 2S —_ — 625 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ ,� � 626 _ EXIST. PROPERTY LINE (TYP) s�o \ \ \ 00 62a DENUDED LIMITS TYP \ \ \ \ \ TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TYP) \\ \ \ \ \ / EXIST. FENCE (TYP) / /� 6 �/ J� M TOTAL SITE AREA: ±7.54 AC � / � � � / /i / � � � �/� %y�/° \ /— �ry � SILT FENCE (TYP) TOTAL DENUDED AREA: ±2.00 AC / / \ / / / / /�/ �� ° / / / �� / / �dl��—J— \ �� EXIST. WATERMAIN (TYP) 63p \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ � \\ EXIST. GRAVEL ROAD (TYP) \ _ — LEGEND. / / � _ - - _ _ _ � 3,\ EXIST. BOUNDARY LINE EXIST. S M DRAINAGE( YP) _ PIN: 550-592 5978 \\ \ \ EXIST. MAJOR CONTOUR 555 - — — — — - i / / / / / PIN:550-593-2030 / _/� \ \ \ MIENS CRITROY TINA \ --------------------- — — / / / / / CAROLINA WATER \ MICKENS 0, P.G. 2 WF \ EXIST. MINOR CONTOUR 552 _ — / � V \ � e A P.B. 70, P.G. 2 \ \ \/ / / SERVICE INC OF NC _ EXIST. TREELINE / D.B.12197,P.G.213 636 \ 633 \ \D.B.1\,P\G.316\\ \ \ \ \ EXIST. R/W------------- / ` � / / / / / � � / / � \ °' d° PROP. 8" WATERMAIN (SEE SHEETS C-2.00 - C-2.04) \ \ EXIST. PROPERTY LINE � / / �ti \ / / / / � / / _ — —� \ � � \ •,� \ \ � � � \ � 635\ \ 550-592-4971 \� '-1 CL S LESLIE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION \ CLOKES EL E K WF _ ENTRANCE PER NCDEQ #6.06 \ \ I / i P.B.78 P. D.B. 12987, P.G. 4 LEGEND: LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION/ DENUDED LIMITS -- -- PROP. R/W STORM DRAINAGE —7 — V —7 —7p — TREE PROTECTION FENCE CONSTRUCTION FENCE A X X TD<TD TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (NCDEQ #6.62) DOUBLE ROW HIGH HAZARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE SPECIAL SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE (NCDOT #1606.01) ❑ DROP INLET PROTECTION (NCDEQ #6.51) OCATCH INLET PROTECTION TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT (NCDEQ #6.06) _ ROCK CHECK DAM (NCDEQ 6.63) PERMANENT SLOPE STABILIZATION NOTES: 1. ALL PERMANENT SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER AND ALL PERMANENT DITCHES SHALL BE STABILIZED USING NORTH AMERICAN GREEN S150 REINFORCED VEGETATION INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS USING STAPLE PATTERN "D". SOIL TYPES ChA CHEWACLA SANDY LOAM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES, FREQUENTLY FLOODED (GROUP B/D) IdB IREDELL LOAM, 2 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES (GROUP C/D) POD POINDEXTER LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES (GROUP C) PIN:550-592-4817 - \ \ \ EXIST. PROPERTY LINE (TYP) GAWEL THOMAS B ` \ PIN: 550-592-6941 \ POORMAN ERIN A WF EXIST. WATERMAIN (TYP) ` HOLLAND SAMUEL ANTHONY P.B. 70, P.G. 2 \ HOLLAND REBECCA ANNE WF _/\ / D.B. 14228, P.G. 145 _ , P.B. 70, P.G. 2 \ / EXIST. STORM DRAINAGE (TYP) I � � D.6.14467, P.G.261 1 1 I PIN: 550-592-3844 \ \ o� 1 I PROP. CATCH INLET v / JONEs JAMEs T v \ �� � PROTECTION (TYP) P.B. 70, P.G. 2 \ D.B. 13705, P.G. 1 EXIST. UNDERGROUND �\ GAS LINE (TYP) � EXIST. WATER METER (TYP) EXIST. CLEANOUT (TYP) � I I I EXIST. DRIVEWAY (TYP) I / \ EXIST. 2' VALLEY CURB AND GUTTER (TYP) � m EXIST. 4' SIDEWALK (TYP) \ \ \ PIN: 550-592-6871\ � NILSON HOWARD L III EXIST. 5' PLANTING STRIP TYP _ \ / ( ) d \/ UCOP—T/ -- �� \ NILSON HOWA L WF EXIST. RIGHT-OF-WAY TYP /� s�9� ss OM � s3 / / P.6.70,P.G.2 (TYP) � G / v0 NJ 8 cJ / \ D.B. 13322, P.G. 299 I / s40 �s ude� EXIST. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE (TYP) EXIST. MAILBOX (TYP) EXIST. UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS LINE (TYP) � POGO \S?- s5 i EXIST. SANITARY SEWER (TYP) \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ P\C EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT (TYP) \ PIN: 550-592-5785 6 \\ \\ \ \HAMILTON LAUREN W \ ^ \ \ \JOHNSONKIMBERLYASPOUSE \ \ ly's�Q\)NGpo"��� 7 / \ P.B. 70, P.G. 2 \\ \ s \ D.B. 12694, P.G. 133 3S PIN: MICH \\ \ \ \\ \\ FORBES MICHAEL EL D 61AVID 0 6g � o FORBES TAYNA Y WF \ P.B. 70, P.G. V \ \ A V\ D.B. 12986, P.G. 2301 DPUSHPA \ PIN: 550-59 6'4 HAKAL SHAILESH \ S \ PANGENI SPOUSE SP\ \ \\ / P.B. 70, P.G. 2 \ \ \ \\ / \ \ D.B. 14461, P.G. 117 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ BEFORE_ YOU DIG! \ \ \ \ \ \ CALL 1-860-632-4949 ONE -CA L CENTER \ A \ \ \ IT'S THE AW! L.LndDe ' 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 KEY MAP SEAL \III\1111111111//// CAR Sl 04 �oF Ess' o✓,: SEAL 050693 W. 5,�`�• llllllllllll 05/06/2022 111111111111/// S IGN CORPORATE SEA PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15-2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: 1 "=40' 0 20' 40' 80' ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET NUMBER C-4.00 5/5/2022 11:30 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT Practice Standards and Specifications 0 Practice Standards and Specifications 0 ' L.ndDesigm. 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 Definition A temporary sediment control measure consisting of fabric buried at the bottom, stretched, and supported by posts. Purpose To retain sediment from small disturbed areas by reducing the velocity of sheet flows to allow sediment deposition. Conditions Where Below small -disturbed areas that are less then '/4 acre per 100 feet of fence. Practice Applies Where runoff can be stored behind the sediment fence without damaging the fence or the submerged area behind the fence. Do not install sediment fences across streams, ditches, or waterways, or other areas of concentrated flow. Sediment fence should be placed along topographic elevation contours, where it can intercept stormwater runoff that is in dispersed sheet flow. Sediment fence should not be used alone below graded slopes greater than 10 feet in height. Planning A sediment fence is a system to retain sediment on the construction site. The fence retains sediment primarily by retarding flow and promoting deposition. Considerations In operation, generally the fence becomes clogged with fine particles, which reduce the flow rate. This causes a pond to develop behind the fence. The designer should anticipate ponding and provide sufficient storage areas and overflow outlets to prevent flows from overtopping the fence. Since sediment fences are not designed to withstand high water levels, locate them so that only shallow pools can form. Tie the ends of a sediment fence into higher ground to prevent flow around the end of the fence before the pool reaches design level. Curling each end of the fence uphill in a "J" pattern may be appropriate to prevent end flow. Provide stabilized outlets to protect the fence system and release storm flows that exceed the design storm. Deposition occurs as the storage pool forms behind the fence. The designer can direct flows to specified deposition areas through appropriate positioning of the fence or by providing an excavated area behind the fence. Plan deposition areas at accessible points to promote routine cleanout and maintenance. Show deposition areas in the erosion and sedimentation control plan. A sediment fence acts as a diversion if placed slightly off the contour. A maximum slope of 2 percent is recommended. This technique may be used to control shallow, uniform flows from small disturbed areas and to deliver sediment -laden water to deposition areas. The anchoring of the toe of the fence should be reinforced with 12 inches of NC DOT #5 or #57 washed stone when flow will run parallel to the toe of the fence. Sediment fences serve no fimction along ridges or near drainage divides where there is little movement of water. Confining or diverting runoff unnecessarily with a sediment fence may create erosion and sedimentation problems that would not otherwise occur. Rev. 5/13 6.62.1 Practice Standards and Specifications Steel < post 1�E Plastic or Ce 'sy wire ties Wire °'° 18-24" fence M Ii Natural N.21i ground 8" down & 4" forward along 24" the trench Filter fabric Wire fence Cross -Section View Filter Steel fabric Backfill trench post and compact thoroughly mmmmm m mmm 4mm `° 4mmmmmmm mm mom mm4,m m m4 m m . mmm 4mmminm44 4m 4m4mmmmm m mmm m 4 m mm ommmmm m m 4 m m 8„ min 24" .mmm mmm°m m mm m m m °04 mmmmm mm0m4 mmm, mmm mm mmmm. mm Figure 6.62a Installation detail of a sediment fence. Rev. 5/13 Natural ground �psl� 6.62.5 Straw barriers have only a 0-20% trapping efficiency and are inadequate. Straw bales may not be used in place of sediment fence. Prefabricated sediment fence with the fabric already stapled to thin wooden posts does not meet minimum standards specified later in this section. Anchoring of sediment fence is critical. The toe of the fabric must be anchored in a trench backfilled with compacted earth. Mechanical compaction must be provided in order for the fence to effectively pond runoff. Design Criteria Ensure that drainage area is no greater than 1/4 acre per 100 feet offence. This is the maximum drainage area when the slope is less than 2 percent. Where all runoff is to be stored behind the fence, ensure that the maximum slope length behind a sediment fence does not exceed the specifications shown in Table 6.62a. The shorter slope length allowed for steeper slopes will greatly reduce the maximum drainage area. For example, a 10-20 % slope may have a maximum slope length of 25 feet. For a 100-foot length of sediment fence, the drainage area would be 25ft X 100ft = 2500sq.ft., or 0.06 acres. Table 6.62a Maximum Slope Slope Length (ft) Maximum Area (ftz) Slope Length and Slope for <2% 100 10,000 which Sediment Fence is 2 to 5% 75 7,500 Applicable 5 to 10% 50 5,000 10 to 20% 25 2,500 >20% 15 1,500 Make the fence stable for the 10-year peak storm runoff. Ensure that the depth of impounded water does not exceed 1.5 feet at any point along the fence. If non -erosive outlets are provided, slope length may be increased beyond that shown in Table 6.62a, but runoff from the area should be determined and bypass capacity and erosion potential along the fence must be checked. The velocity of the flow at the outlet or along the fence should be in keeping with Table 8.05d, Appendix 8.05. Provide a riprap splash pad or other outlet protection device for any point where flow may overtop the sediment fence, such as natural depressions or swales. Ensure that the maximum height of the fence at a protected, reinforced outlet does not exceed 2 feet and that support post spacing does not exceed 4 feet. The design life of a synthetic sediment fence should be 6 months. Construction MATERIALS Specifications 1. Use a synthetic filter fabric of at least 95% by weight of polyolefins or polyester, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements in ASTM D 6461, which is shown in part in Table 6.62b. Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120' F. 6.62.2 0 The Slicing Method Ponding height 1 SPACING: max. 24' 6.' max , on open runs 4' max on pooling areas Attach fabric to upstream side of post FLOW Drive over each side of silt fence 2 to 4 times with device exerting 60 p.s.i. or POST nFPTH• 2 feet greater compacted soil compacted soil \\\ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \\ j\\' I /\\j/\\ //\ \ 20 "Ns No more than 24" of 36' fabric is allowed above ground. ............. --------------- Top of Fabric T Belt T top 8" Diagonal attachment doubles strength. Li ATTACHMENT DETAILS: • Gather fabric at posts, if needed. • Utilizethree ties per post, all within top 8'' of fabric. *Position each tie diagonally, puncturing holes vertically a minimum of 1" apart. • Hang each tie ona post nipple and tighten securely. Use cable ties (50lbs) or soft wire. Roll of silt fence Horizontal chisel point Sllcina blade 3" width 0.7' Post installed after compaction Silt Fence Completed Installation Rev. 5/13 Vibratory plow is not acceptable because of horizontal compaction Figure 6.62b Schematics for using the slicing method to install a sediment fence. Adapted from Silt Fence that Works 6.62.6 Rev. 5/13 2. Ensure that posts for sediment fences are 1.25 lb/linear ft minimum steel with a minimum length of 5 feet. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3. For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. Table 6.62b Specifications For Sediment Fence Fabric Temporary Silt Fence Material Property Requirements Supported' Un-Supported' Type of Test Material Units Silt Fence Silt Fence Value Grab Strength ASTM D 4632 N (lbs) Machine Direction 400 550 MARV (90) (90) X-Machine Direction 400 450 MARV (90) (90) Permittivity2 ASTM D 4491 sec-1 0.05 0.05 MARV Apparent Opening Size ASTM D 4751 min 0.60 0.60 Max. ARV3 (US Sieve #) (30) (30) Ultraviolet Stability ASTM D 4355 Retained 70%after 70%after 500h of exposure 500h of exposure Typical Strength 1 Silt Fence support shall consist of 14 gage steel wire with a mesh spacing of 150 mm (6 inches), or prefabricated poylmer mesh of equivalent strength. 2 These default values are based on empirical evidence with a variety of sediment. For environmentally sensitive areas, a review of previous experience and/or site or regionally specific geotextile tests in accordance with Test Method D 5141 should be performed by the agency to confirm suitability of these requirements. s As measured in accordance with Test Method D 4632. Rev. 5/13 CONSTRUCTION 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 24 inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3. Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with 4 feet minimum overlap to the next post. 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the upslope side of the posts. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. Fasten the wire reinforcement, then fabric on the upslope side of the fence post. Wire or plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile strength. 5. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 feet apart. Support posts should be driven securely into the ground a minimum of 24 inches. 6. Extra strength filter fabric with 6 feet post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Securely fasten the filter fabric directly to posts. Wire or plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile strength. 6.62.3 Practice Standards and Specifications Maintenance Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. References ASTM D 6461- 99. "Standard Specification for Silt Fence Materials" ASTM International. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on the ASTM website. ASTM D 6462 - 03. "Standard Practice for Silt Fence Installation" ASTM International. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on the ASTM website. C. Joel Sprague, PE, Silt Fence Performance Limits and Installation Requirements. Sprague and Sprague Consulting Engineers and TRI/ Environmental, Inc. Carpenter Erosion Control. http://www.tommy-sfin.com/ Kentucky Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Manual, 2004. Runoff Control Measures 6.20, Temporary Diversions Outlet Protection 6.41, Outlet Stabilization Structure Appendix 8.03, Estimating Runoff 6.62.4 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier (Figure 6.62a). 8. Place 12 inches of the fabric along the bottom and side of the trench. 9. Backfill the trench with soil placed over the filter fabric and compact. Thorough compaction of the backfill is critical to silt fence performance. 10. Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. SEDIMENT FENCE INSTALLATION USING THE SLICING METHOD Instead of excavating a trench, placing fabric and then backfilling trench, sediment fence may be installed using specially designed equipment that inserts the fabric into a cut sliced in the ground with a disc (Figure 6.62b). Installation 1. The base of both end posts should be at least one foot higher than the middle of the fence. Check with a level if necessary. Specifications 2. Install posts 4 feet apart in critical areas and 6 feet apart on standard applications. 3. Install posts 2 feet deep on the downstream side of the silt fence, and as close as possible to the fabric, enabling posts to support the fabric from upstream water pressure. 4. Install posts with the nipples facing away from the silt fabric. 5. Attach the fabric to each post with three ties, all spaced within the top 8 inches of the fabric. Attach each tie diagonally 45 degrees through the fabric, with each puncture at least 1 inch vertically apart. Also, each tie should be positioned to hang on a post nipple when tightened to prevent sagging. 6. Wrap approximately 6 inches of fabric around the end posts and secure with 3 ties. 7. No more than 24 inches of a 36 inch fabric is allowed above ground level. 8. The installation should be checked and corrected for any deviations before compaction. 9. Compaction is vitally important for effective results. Compact the soil immediately next to the silt fence fabric with the front wheel of the tractor, skid steer, or roller exerting at least 60 pounds per square inch. Compact the upstream side first, and then each side twice for a total of 4 trips. Rev. 5/13 Practice Standards and Specifications Definition A graveled area or pad located at points where vehicles enter and leave a construction site. Purpose To provide a buffer area where vehicles can drop their mud and sediment to avoid transporting it onto public roads, to control erosion from surface runoff, and to help control dust. Conditions Where Wherever traffic will be leaving a construction site and moving directly onto a public road or other paved off -site area. Construction plans should limit traffic Practice Applies to properly constructed entrances. Design Criteria Aggregate Size -Use 2-3 inch washed stone. Dimensions of gravel pad - Thickness: 6 inches minimum Width: 12-feet minimum or full width at all points of the vehicular entrance and exit area, whichever is greater Length: 50-feet minimum Location -Locate construction entrances and exits to limit sediment from leaving the site and to provide for maximum utility by all construction vehicles (Figure 6.06a). Avoid steep grades, and entrances at curves in public roads. Figure 6.06a Gravel entrance/exit keeps sediment from leaving the construction site (modified from Va SWCC). /N Rev. 5/13 6.62.7 6.06.1 KEY MAP SEAL CARo u EAL 050693 PIII 05/06/2022 ��ttllllllll/// CORPORATE SEAL... one;•. •.yti'�: ,,,,��/�T$ • C '��f/Ili I111t\t\\ PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15 2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:30 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4.01 0 Practice Standards and Specifications 0 Practice Standards and Specifications L.LndDe ' 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 Washing —If conditions at the site are such that most of the mud and sediment are not removed by vehicles traveling over the gravel, the tires should be washed. Washing should be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone that drains into a sediment trap or other suitable disposal area. A wash rack may also be used to make washing more convenient and effective. Construction I. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots, and other Specifications objectionable material and properly grade it. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans, and smooth it. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of the foundation in locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2- inch stone. After each rainfall, inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. References Runoff Conveyance Measures 6.30, Grass -lined Channels Sediment Traps and Barriers 6.60, Temporary Sediment Trap 6.05 Definition Practices to preserve and protect desirable trees from damage during project development. Purpose To preserve and protect trees that have present or future value for their use in protection from erosion, for their landscape and aesthetic value, or for other environmental benefits. TREE PROTECTION AREA no IUnT FNTFR i s t Figure 6.05a Tree protection zone. A protected zone preserves roots and soil and keeps branches clear of contact with construction equipment and materials. Conditions Where On development sites containing trees or stands of trees. Practice Applies Planning Conserving the right trees can reap rewards for developers, homeowners, Considerations and communities. Healthy trees enhance property values and community development by providing shade, wildlife habitat, and beauty. Sickly, stressed trees reduce property values, discourage potential buyers and detract from a community. Post -construction maintenance and removal of trees is difficult and expensive. Replacing trees after construction can also be costly and time consuming. Preserving and protecting trees and other natural plant groups often results in a more stable and aesthetically pleasing development. During site evaluation, note where valuable trees and other natural landscape features should be preserved, then consider these trees and plants when determining the location of roads, buildings, or other structures. Trees that are near construction zones should be either protected or removed because damage during construction activities may cause the death of the tree at a later time. Trees should be considered for preservation for the following benefits: • They stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. • They reduce stormwater runoff by intercepting rainfall, promote infiltration, and lower the water table through transpiration. • They moderate temperature changes, promote shade, and reduce the force of wind. • They provide buffers and screens against noise and visual disturbance, providing a degree of privacy. • They filter pollutants from the air, remove carbon dioxide from the air, and produce oxygen. • They provide a habitat for animals and birds. • They increase property values and improve site aesthetics. Consider the following characteristics when selecting trees to be protected and saved: Tree vigor —Preserve healthy trees. A tree of low vigor is susceptible to damage by environmental changes that occur during site development. Healthy trees are less susceptible to insects and disease. Indications of poor vigor include dead tips of branches, small annual twig growth, stunted leaf size, sparse foliage, and pale foliage color. Hollow or rotten trees, cracked, split, or leaning trees, or trees with broken tips also have less chance for survival. Tree age —Old, picturesque trees may be more aesthetically valuable than smaller, younger trees, but they may require more extensive protection. Tree species —Preserve those species that are most suitable for site conditions and landscape design. Trees that are short-lived or brittle or are susceptible to attack by insects and disease may be poor choices for preservation. Tree aesthetics —Choose trees that are aesthetically pleasing, shapely, large, or colorful. Avoid trees that are leaning or in danger of falling. Occasionally, an odd -shaped tree or one of unusual form may add interest to the landscape if strategically located. However, be sure the tree is healthy. Wildlife benefits —Choose trees that are preferred by wildlife for food, cover, or nesting. A mixture of evergreens and hardwoods may be beneficial. Evergreen trees are important for cover during the winter months, whereas hardwoods are more valuable for food. Construction activities can significantly injure or kill trees unless protective measures are taken. Although direct contact by equipment is an obvious means of damaging trees, most serious damage is caused by root zone stress from compacting, filling, or excavating too close to the tree. Clearly mark boundaries to maintain sufficient undisturbed area around the trees. Design Criteria 1. Take stock of trees on the site. Hire a professional arborist or urban forester to inventory existing trees. An inventory records the variety, location, size, and health of each tree. A proper tree inventory creates the foundation for a successful tree protection plan. A professional can identify valuable trees and those that need attention or removal. Identify any stressed trees that need removal. Stressed, unhealthy trees have wilting leaves, dying limbs, thinning crowns or other signs of declining health. Always remove insect-, disease-, or storm -damaged trees prior to construction. This is fast, efficient, and saves resources. 2. Draw a base map. Include all the important site features such as existing vegetation, property lines, utility connections, slopes, and required setback distances before drawing in the proposed building(s): • Map grading and drainage. • Identify priority trees for protection. Mark their locations on the base map and sketch in approximate tree protection zones where temporary fences should be located around priority trees. • Locate the building footprints: the areas where structures and their amenities will affect the landscape. Draw in the driveways, parking areas, and decks. • Mark trees that need to be removed or pruned to make room for future structures and construction equipment. 3. Prepare a tree protection plan. A tree protection plan designates the valuable trees that must be protected during the construction process. Assemble a team to write a tree protection plan before ground is broken. The team should include the site managers as well as professionals who can provide tree protection advice (Table 1). Do not leave anyone out who should be involved. By working together, the team can identify potential conflicts between construction needs and tree protection, and identify compromise solutions. Planning takes time, but it pays off during and after construction. Using the base map, the team can plan for tree protection, foresee problems, and solve them. Early planning helps to keep construction on schedule, reduce costs, and avoid conflicts: • Locate construction activities after considering the priority trees and the development requirements. • Look for potential conflicts, and explore alternate solutions. • Consider grading and stormwater drainage. Remember that cutting or filling around roots will weaken and eventually kill valuable trees. Weigh alternatives such as retaining walls to protect priority trees. • Designate tree protection zones (TPZs). The protection plan should specify the location of temporary tree protection fences to protect trees and their root zones during construction. TPZ fences identify "exclusion zones" where construction and equipment use is prohibited. Effective TPZs maintain a radius of at least 1.25 feet of protected area for each inch of trunk diameter (Table 6.05a). 6.06.2 Rev. 5/08 6.05.1 6.05.2 Rev. 5/08 Rev. 5/08 6.05.3 0 Table 6.05a Mature Tree Protection Zone Guidelines Mature Tree Protection Zone Radius Trunk Good Better Best Diameter Protection Protection Protection 8 inches 10 feet 12 feet 20 feet 12 inches 15 feet 18 feet 30 feet 16 inches 20 feet 24 feet 40 feet 20 inches 25 feet 30 feet 50 feet • Identify techniques that will protect valuable trees. A tree professional can develop a schedule oftree maintenance activities, including watering, mulching, and fertilization. Stay committed to this plan throughout the project. ir_r3c woad, " c3 zr rAm aw 1 d- wMSe nak ° �4"8•envoa! Yor7'rr `, G o?•eu•e Rc./ aak = Retain = Remove Figure 6.05b Simple tree protection plan. A plan identifies the size and species of existing trees, designates trees that must be protected, and marks trees to be removed. It also indicates planned structures, vehicle access, and excavation areas. Practice Standards and Specifications Design Criteria The following general criteria should be considered when developing sites in wooded areas: • Leave critical areas (such as flood plains, steep slopes and wetlands) with desirable trees in their natural condition or only partially cleared. • Locate roadways, storage areas, and parking pads away from valuable tree stands. Follow natural contours, where feasible, to minimize cutting and filling in the vicinity of trees. • Select trees to be preserved before siting roads, buildings, or other structures. • Minimize trenching in areas with trees. Place several utilities in the same trench. • Designate groups of trees and individual trees to be saved on the erosion and sedimentation control plan. • Do not excavate, traverse, or fill closer than the drip line, or perimeter of the canopy, of trees to be saved. Construction 1. Erect TPZ fences. Restrict access to TPZs, with tall, bright, protective Specifications fencing. Most fencing is inexpensive and durable enough to last throughout most construction projects. Temporary tree protection fencing should be erected before clearing, deliveries and other construction activities begin on the site. 2. Prohibit or restrict access to TPZs. All on -site workers should be aware of the TPZs and the restrictions on activities within the zones. Use these TPZ guidelines for the best effect: • Post "keep out" signs on all sides of fencing. Do not store construction equipment or materials in TPZs. • Prohibit construction activities near the most valuable trees, and restrict activities around others. • Assess crew and contractor penalties, if necessary, to keep the TPZs intact. 3. Monitor trees. Vigilance is required to protect trees on construction sites. Use a tree professional or train your staff to monitor tree health during and after construction on a regular, frequent basis. Watch for signs of tree stress, such as dieback, leaf loss, or general decline in tree health or appearance. 4. Monitor TPZ fences. Assign a crewmember the weekly responsibility of checking the integrity of TPZ fences. Repair and replace TPZ fencing as needed. 5.Optimize tree health. Assign a trained crewmember or hire a professional to complete regular tree maintenance tasks, including watering, fertilization, and mulching to protect tree roots. Consult a tree professional for advice on these practices if needed. Survival of protected trees will increase if these practices continue during construction. Healthy trees require undisturbed healthy soils. Do not cause injuries to trees and roots. Do not change the soil, grade, drainage, or aeration without protecting priority trees 6.05.4 Rev. 5/08 Rev. 5/08 6.05.5 0 Figure 6.05c Tree protection zone guidelines. Figure 3. Tree protection zo ne gui dell nes. An effective zone encircles a radius of at least 1.25 feet of protected area for every inch of trunk diameter. A tree with a trunk diameter of 12 inches requires a protected radius of at least 15 feet and ideally 30 feet. 12-Inch �� i liameter tree trunk Dripline Best r=30ft 29 A radius of 30 feet Maintenance Continue to care for the site until the new owner takes possession. Take these steps after all materials and equipment have been removed from the site: • Remove tree protection zone fences. • Prune any damaged trees. In spite of precautions, some damage to protected trees may occur. In such cases, repair any damage to the crown, trunk, or root system immediately. • Repair roots by cutting off the damaged areas and painting them with tree paint. Spread peat moss or moist topsoil over exposed roots. • Repair damage to bark by trimming around the damaged area as shown in Figure 6.05d, taper the cut to provide drainage, and paint with tree paint. • Cut off all damaged tree limbs above the tree collar at the trunk or main branch. Use three separate cuts as shown in Figure 6.05d to avoid peeling bark from healthy areas of the tree. • Continue maintenance care. Pay special attention to any stressed, diseased, or insect -infested trees. Reduce tree stress caused by unintended construction damage by optimizing plant care with water, mulch, and fertilizer where appropriate. Consult your tree expert if needed. • Inform the property owner about the measures employed during construction, why those measures were taken, and how the effort can be continued. Figure 6.05d Wound repair and pruning of damaged trees. Trim bark wounds with a tapered cut, then apply tree paint. I� I 1 1 I rti Tree wound Prune damaged branches with three cuts to avoid peeling bark from the trunk when limb falls. Practice Standards and Specifications Trim and taper References Construction and Tree Protection, AG-685 (Revised) North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 6.05.6 Rev. 5/08 Rev. 5/08 6.05.7 KEY MAP SEAL \��\\IIIIIIIIII//// CARS o4�oFEss�o••.lr�: SEAL — 050693 G IN EF-Ft.;: W. S, ///1111111\\ 05/06/2022 \\\\\\III////// CORPORATE SEAL //1111111\\\ PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15-2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:30 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4.02 Practice Standards and Specifications Practice Standards and Specifications 0 TS Definition Planting rapid -growing annual grasses, small grains, or legumes to provide initial, temporary cover for erosion control on disturbed areas. Purpose To temporarily stabilize denuded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a period of more than 21 calendar days. Temporary seeding controls runoff and erosion until permanent vegetation or other erosion control measures can be established. In addition, it provides residue for soil protection and seedbed preparation, and reduces problems of mud and dust production from bare soil surfaces during construction. Conditions Where On any cleared, unvegetated, or sparsely vegetated soil surface where vegetative cover is needed for less than 1 year. Applications of this practice Practice Applies include diversions, dams, temporary sediment basins, temporary road banks, and topsoil stockpiles. Planning Annual plants, which sprout and grow rapidly and survive for only one season, are suitable for establishing initial or temporary vegetative cover. Temporary Considerations seeding preserves the integrity of earthen sediment control structures such as dikes, diversions, and the banks of dams and sediment basins. It can also reduce the amount of maintenance associated with these devices. For example, the frequency of sediment basin cleanouts will be reduced if watershed areas, outside the active construction zone, are stabilized. Proper seedbed preparation, selection of appropriate species, and use of quality seed are as important in this Practice as in Practice 6.11, Permanent Seeding. Failure to follow established guidelines and recommendations carefully may result in an inadequate or short-lived stand of vegetation that will not control erosion. Temporary seeding provides protection for no more than 1 year, during which time permanent stabilization should be initiated. Specifications Complete grading before preparing seedbeds, and install all necessary erosion control practices such as, dikes, waterways, and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed preparation difficult and increase the erosion hazard. If soils become compacted during grading, loosen them to a depth of 6-8 inches using a ripper, harrow, or chisel plow. SEEDBED PREPARATION Good seedbed preparation is essential to successful plant establishment. A good seedbed is well -pulverized, loose, and uniform. Where hydroseeding methods are used, the surface may be left with a more irregular surface of large clods and stones. Liming —Apply lime according to soil test recommendations. If the pH (acidity) of the soil is not known, an application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/acre on coarse -textured soils and 2-3 tons/acre on fine - textured soils is usually sufficient. Apply limestone uniformly and incorporate into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Soils with a pH of 6 or higher need not be limed. Fertilizer —Base application rates on soil tests. When these are not possible, apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-1,000 lb/acre. Both fertilizer and lime should be incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. If a hydraulic seeder is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more than 30 minutes before application. Surface roughening —If recent tillage operations have resulted in a loose surface, additional roughening may not be required, except to break up large clods. If rainfall causes the surface to become sealed or crusted, loosen it just prior to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other suitable methods. Groove or furrow slopes steeper than 3:1 on the contour before seeding (Practice 6.03, Surface Roughening). PLANT SELECTION Select an appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6.1 Oa for seeding in late winter and early spring, Table 6.IOb for summer, and Table 6.1Oc for fall. In the Mountains, December and January seedings have poor chances of success. When it is necessary to plant at these times, use recommendations for fall and a securely tacked mulch. SEEDING Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seeder (broadcast), drill, cultipacker seeder, or hydroseeder. Use seeding rates given in Tables 6.1Oa-6.1Oc. Broadcast seeding and hydroseeding are appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot be driven. Hand broadcasting is not recommended because of the difficulty in achieving a uniform distribution. Small grains should be planted no more than 1 inch deep, and grasses and legumes no more than 1/2 inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking or chain dragging, and then lightly firmed with a roller or cultipacker. Hydroseeded mixtures should include a wood fiber (cellulose) mulch. MULCHING The use of an appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment under normal conditions, and is essential to seeding success under harsh site conditions (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Harsh site conditions include: • seeding in fall for winter cover (wood fiber mulches are not considered adequate for this use), • slopes steeper than 3:1, • excessively hot or dry weather, • adverse soils (shallow, rocky, or high in clay or sand), and • areas receiving concentrated flow. If the area to be mulched is subject to concentrated waterflow, as in channels, anchor mulch with netting (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Maintenance Reseed and mulch areas where seedling emergence is poor, or where erosion occurs, as soon as possible. Do not mow. Protect from traffic as much as possible. References Site Preparation 6.03, Surface Roughening 6.04, Topsoiling Surface Stabilization 6.11, Permanent Seeding 6.14, Mulching Appendix 8.02, Vegetation Tables Table 6.10a Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Late Winter and Early Spring Rm 6/06 6.10.1 6.10.2 6.10.3 6.10.4 0 Table 6.10a Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Late Winter and Early Spring 6.10.4 Seeding mixture Species Rate (lb/acre) Rye (grain) 120 Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) 50 Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. Seeding dates Mountains —Above 2500 feet: Feb. 15 - May 15 Below 2500 feet: Feb. 1- May 1 Piedmont —Jan. 1 - May 1 Coastal Plain —Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 Soil amendments Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10b Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer Seeding mixture Species German millet Practice Standards and Specifications Rate (lb/acre) 40 In the Piedmont and Mountains, a small -stemmed Sudangrass may be substituted at a rate of 50 lb/acre. Seeding dates Mountains —May 15 -Aug. 15 Piedmont —May 1 -Aug. 15 Coastal Plain —Apr. 15 -Aug. 15 Soil amendments Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. 6.10.5 Practice Standards and Specifications PS Definition Controlling runoff and erosion on disturbed areas by establishing perennial vegetative cover with seed. Purpose To reduce erosion and decrease sediment yield from disturbed areas, to permanently stabilize such areas in a manner that is economical, adapts to site conditions, and allows selection of the most appropriate plant materials. Conditions Where Fine -graded areas on which permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is the most practical or most effective method of stabilizing the soil. Permanent Practice Applies seeding may also be used on rough -graded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a year or more. Areas to be stabilized with permanent vegetation must be seeded or planted within 15 working days or 90 calendar days after final grade is reached, unless temporary stabilization is applied. Introduction During the initial phase of all land disturbing projects, the protective layer, either natural or man-made, is removed from the earth's surface. As the protective layer is removed, the resulting bare areas are exposed to the natural forces of rainfall, freezing, thawing, and wind. The result is soil erosion that leads to sediment pollution of North Carolina streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. This design manual presents many alternative strategies for preventing erosion and reducing sediment loss during the construction process. Establishment of protective vegetative cover during the construction project, however, is the crucial step in achieving soil stabilization, controlling soil erosion, and preventing sedimentation ofwaterways. Without a sufficient amount of root mat and leaf cover to protect and hold the soil in place, large volumes of soil will be lost and waterways will be degraded long after projects are considered complete. Sections of this practice standard address many of these various situations and set forth selection criteria for the appropriate cover based on purpose and adaptability. Some sediment and erosion control practices recommended in earlier editions of the manual may no longer be applicable. For example, many popular and commonly used seed and plant varieties have been identified as invasive. Invasive plants are defined as species that aggressively compete with, and displace, locally adapted native plant communities. In select cases where no practical alternative is available, these plants may be considered on a limited basis for soil stabilization, understanding that the goal is to eliminate the use of all invasive plants in favor of non-invasive native and/or introduced species that will provide an equally acceptable vegetative cover. Where there is no alternative to the use of invasive species, measures need to be incorporated in the installation and maintenance of these plants to limit their impacts. 0 Seeding mixture Species Rate (lb/acre) Rye (grain) 120 Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) 50 Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. Seeding dates Mountains —Above 2500 feet: Feb. 15 - May 15 Below 2500 feet: Feb. 1- May 1 Piedmont —Jan. 1 - May 1 Coastal Plain —Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 Soil amendments Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. It is imperative that disturbed soils be totallyprotected from erosion and sediment loss during construction and before a project is considered complete and acceptable. Installing appropriate vegetation in an immediate and timely fashion is the optimal means of achieving this stabilization. Vegetative specifications for most exposed soil conditions across North Carolina are provided in this section of the manual. It should be noted however, that no two sites in the State are exactly alike; therefore the protective vegetative cover for individual sites should be carefully selected. Each requires its own investigation, analysis, design and vegetative prescription as set forth in this section of the manual. This practice standard describes three stages of vegetative cover; immediate, primary and long term. Effective and acceptable stabilization can be provided only when the optimum combination of immediate, primary, and long term vegetative practices are applied. The vegetative measures presented in this chapter include application of seed, sod and sprigs. Use of field and container grown plants are not addressed in this manual. Planting of these types of vegetation is typically at spacing and intervals that will not provide the required protective cover. However, the design professional is encouraged to utilize these larger plants to compliment the required protective cover, particularly where these types of plants will provide seed for continued long term cover and wildlife habitat. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS SOILS Test and analyze the type(s) and quality of the existing soils on a site, their pH ranges, and their nutrient levels. Taking soil samples from the different areas of the project site and having them tested at a state or independent lab will provide a baseline for determining the pH modifiers and additional nutrients required for the selected plant varieties. Disturbed conditions on a site may produce a variety of soil communities. Nutrient and pH levels in deeply cut soils will be quite different from those soils found on the original surface. When sites are highly disturbed through mechanical means such as grading, the soils become mixed together in many different ratios. These areas should be identified and tested. Results from soil tests will usually include recommended application rates of soil modifiers such as lime and fertilizer for the selected plant species in the particular soils. Application rates will be itemized in the report. The texture of the soil on a site, which is the proportion of sand, silt, and clay in the soil, is an important physical indicator of the site's ability to support vegetation. In heavy clay soils amendments may be necessary to provide an adequately drained planting medium. Conversely, in extremely sandy soils, amendments may be required to provide for moisture and nutrient retention. Rev. 5/08 6.11.1 6.11.2 Rev. 5/08 ' L.ndDesigm. 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 KEY MAP SEAL CARo //, u EAL 050693 = PIII 05/06/2022 ���11111111//// S IGN CORPORATE 0' 0/11111111\ PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15-2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:30 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4-03 Practice Standards and Specifications Practice Standards and Specifications ' L.ndDesigm. 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 Soil tests will indicate the texture of the given soil but will not provide recommendations for amendments that will improve the soil texture. Generally, the addition of organic materials will improve the porosity of heavy clay soils and improve the water holding capacity of extremely sandy soils. On sites where these different soil conditions exist, it is recommended that a design professional with experience in soil modification be employed to recommend the proper amendments. For more information visit the NCDA Agronomic Services Soil Testing web page http://www.agr.state.nc.us/agronomic/sthome.htm SOIL PREPARATION Proper soil preparation is necessary for successful seed germination and root establishment. It is also necessary for establishment of rooted sprigs, sod and woody plants. Heavily compacted soils prevent air, nutrients and moisture from reaching roots thereby retarding or preventing plant growth. The success of site stabilization and reduction of future maintenance are dependent on an adequately prepared soil bed. Following are the requirements for preparation of areas to be vegetated by grassing, sprigging, sodding, and/or planting of woody plants: General Requirements: • Preparation for primary/permanent stabilization shall not begin until all construction and utility work within the preparation area is complete. However, it may be necessary to prepare for nurse crops prior to completion of construction and installation of utilities. • A North Carolina Department of Agriculture Soils Test (or equal) shall be obtained for all areas to be seeded, sprigged, sodded or planted. Recommended fertilizer and pH adjusting products shall be incorporated into the prepared areas and backfill material per the test. • All areas to be seeded or planted shall be tilled or ripped to a depth specified on the approved plans, construction sequence and/or construction bid list. Ripping consists of creating fissures in a criss-cross pattern over the entire surface area, utilizing an implement that will not glaze the side walls of the fissures. Site preparation that does not comply with these documents shall not be acceptable. The depth of soil preparation may be established as a range based on the approval of the reviewing state or local agency. Once tilled or ripped according to the approved plan, all areas are to be returned to the approved final grade. pH modifiers and/or other soil amendments specified in the soil tests can be added during the soil preparation procedure or as described below. • All stones larger than three (3) inches on any side, sticks, roots, and other extraneous materials that surface during the bed preparation shall be removed. Areas to be Seeded: • Till or disc the prepared areas to be seeded to a minimum depth of four (4) inches. Remove stones larger than three (3) inches on any side, sticks, roots and other extraneous materials that surface. If not incorporated during the soil preparation process, add pH modifier and fertilizers at the rate specified in the soil test report. • Re -compact the area utilizing a cultipacker roller. The finished grade shall be a smooth even soil surface with a loose, uniformly fine texture. All ridges and depressions shall be removed and filled to provide the approved surface drainage. Seeding of graded areas is to be done immediately after finished grades are obtained and seedbed preparation is completed. Areas to be Sprigged, Sodded, and/or Planted: • At the time of planting till or disc the prepared areas to a depth of four (4) to six (6) inches below the approved finished grade. Remove all stones larger than three (3) inches on any side, sticks, roots and other extraneous materials that surface. If not incorporated in the ripping process, add pH modifier, fertilizer, and other recommended soil amendments. • Re -compact the area utilizing a cultipacker roller and prepare final grades as described above. Install sprigs, sod and plants as directed immediately after fine grading is complete. Mulch, mat and/or tack as specified. VEGETATION Availability of seed and plant materials is an important consideration of any construction stabilization effort. Throughout North Carolina, climate, economics, construction schedule delays and accelerations, and other factors present difficult challenges in specifying the different vegetation needed for site stabilization. To help resolve this issue, vegetative stabilization requires consideration in three categories: ■ Immediate Stabilization — nurse crop varieties (Note: temporary mulching may be utilized for immediate stabilization if outlined on the approved plans and construction sequence.) ■ Primary Stabilization — plant varieties providing cover up to 3 years with a specified maintenance program ■ Long Term Stabilization — plant varieties providing protective cover with maintenance levels selected by the owner An adequate job in one of these areas does not guarantee success in the later phases. Horticultural maintenance must be included in the plans. Immediate vegetative cover will always require additional fertilization, soil amendments, soil tests, overseeding and/or other horticultural maintenance until primary vegetative cover is established. Where provisions are made for regular maintenance, primary vegetative cover may be the end result. An example of primary vegetative cover being acceptable as an end use would be lawns in residential and commercial developments that are established, monitored and complimented with regular and approved horticultural maintenance practices. (See Example 6.11.a.) In projects where continual maintenance will not be provided or scheduled following the primary stabilization of a project, long-term stabilization will be necessary. Maintenance of initial and long-term stabilization can cease only after the long-term cover has established and hardened to local climatic conditions. Maintenance of long-term vegetation must be included in the project construction sequence and on the approved plans. Examples of areas suitable for long term vegetation include roadsides, reforestation areas, restored flood plains, restored riparian areas, phased closing of landfills, and mining reclamation. Complete stabilization requires using at least two, and most times, all three vegetative phases. The design professional must clearly communicate this point in their specifications, construction sequence, and in direct communications to owners and installers. The charts in tables 6.1l.a through 6.11A provide information to assist the design professional in this task. The tables are not inclusive and are presented only as alternatives. The professional is expected and required to provide design and specifications that combine the information in the manual with knowledge of the particular sites and their constraints. pH AND NUTRIENT AMENDMENTS Determining the nutrients that enable seed and container plants to grow, flourish, and become established after planting are critical elements of the design and stabilization process. The soils tests previously described will provide a recipe for amendments based on particular plants and particular soils. The test results will recommend the amounts of base elements (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium), pH modifiers and other trace elements that should to be added to the soil for selected species of seeds and plants. The acid/base characteristic of the soil is a primary component of soil fertility. If the soil acidity is not in the proper range, other nutrients will be ineffective, resulting in less productive plant growth. Most plants grow best in a pH range of 6.5 — 7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral). The soil tests will recommend the specific amendments and application rates required to achieve this range. These amendments must be incorporated into the soil (not applied on the surface) to be effective. (See the General Requirements for soil preparation specifications and timing for incorporation of soil amendments.) The base elements are easily found in bulk quantities. Lime can also be obtained in large quantities. They all must be thoroughly incorporated into the soil through appropriate mechanical means. Ground surface applications without proper soil mixing will result in poor results. In addition to the base fertilizers, other trace elements are needed to produce healthy and vigorous growth. These include but may not be limited to sulfur, manganese, zinc, boron, chlorine and molybdenum. If not already included with bulk mixes of the base elements, they can be obtained from commercial suppliers. Provisions for soils test during and/or after initial grading is complete shall be included on the approved plan, in the approved construction sequence, and on the bid item list utilized for the project. If you did not obtain a soil test: Follow these recommendations for all grasses except centipedegrass. 1. Apply 75 pounds of ground limestone per 1,000 sq. ft. 2. Apply a starter type fertilizer (one that is high in phosphorus) based on the type of grass and planting method. Fertilizer bags have a three -number system indicating the primary nutrients, such as 8-8-8 or 5-10-10. These numbers denote the N-P-K ratio —the percentage of each nutrient in a fertilizer. The percentages are always noted in the following order: N Nitrogen for green color and growth. P205 Phosphorus for good establishment and rooting. K20 Potassium to enhance pest and environmental stress tolerance. Some common examples of starter type fertilizers required for a 1,000 sq. ft. area include 40 pounds of 5-10-10, 20 pounds of 10-20-20, or 16 pounds of 18-24-6. For sandy soils, typical to coastal plain and sandhills of North Carolina, fertilizer rates should be increased by 20 percent. Where available, it is recommended that the design professional specify organic compounds that meet the fertilization requirements, pH and other element requirements. Initial studies have indicated that these compounds have a more positive effect on the environment than some of the synthetic compounds used to manufacture inorganic fertilizers. These materials are readily available in the commercial trade as well as found in recycled yard waste debris, sewerage sludge, lime -stabilized sludge and animal manures. Materials proposed for use must be industry certified and/or privately tested and certified to be acceptable for proposed areas of use and application prior to approval. MULCHES AND TACKING AGENTS Mulches and tacking agents may be required or necessary to protect a seedbed's disturbed surface until the seed can germinate and provide the required protection from erosion. Selection of the materials used in this application should be based on their ability to hold moisture in the soil, as well as protect exposed soil from rainfall, storm water runoff, and wind. The availability of the selected material and the means to apply it are critical factors to consider when planning for the stabilization of any disturbed area. The mulch must cover a minimum of eighty (80) percent of the soil surface and must be secured by a tacking agent, crimping, or protective biodegradable netting. Netting that incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine should not be used in wetlands, riparian buffers or floodplains due to the potential of small animal mortality. See Section 6.14 for detailed specifications and product applications. SOIL BLANKETS Soil blankets can be an acceptable and effective method of temporary sediment and erosion control in lieu of nurse crops. See Section 6.17 of the manual for descriptions of this product and how it can be used in conjunction with this section. In absence of mulches and tracking agents other means of protection may be necessary and required. Rev. 5/08 6.11.3 6.11.4 Rev. 5/08 Rev. 5/08 6.11.5 6.11.6 Rev. 5/08 Practice Standards and Specifications PROTECTIVE MATTING Protective matting consists of an impervious cover secured to the soil surface in lieu of vegetative cover. It is used to protect and stabilize the surface where the process of seeding or planting forms of vegetation may cause more erosion and off -site sedimentation than application of the mat. It is also used where a disturbed area is intended to lay fallow for a period of time before additional construction or land disturbance takes place. If a pervious matting is selected, a combination of vegetation and matting is required. Seeds can be applied prior to installation of the matting only after proper seedbed preparation has been provided. Also, live stakes, dormant sprigs, and other vegetation forms can be inserted in the pervious matting once it has been installed. Pre - seeded pervious matting may be used for quicker root establishment and stabilization only if certified dating and germination guarantees are provided. The reviewing agency must approve all pre -seeded matting on site prior to installation. Matting that incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine should not be used in wetlands, riparian buffers or floodplains due to the potential of small animal mortality. See Section 6.17 for detailed specifications and recommended product applications. STABILIZATION IN WETLANDS, RIPARIAN BUFFERS, AND FLOODPLAINS Land disturbing activity involving streams, wetlands or other waterbodies may also require permitting by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the N.C. Division of Water Quality. Approval of an erosion and sedimentation control plan is conditioned upon the applicant's compliance with federal and State water quality laws, regulations, and rules. Additionally, a draft plan should be disapproved if implementation of the plan would result in a violation of rules adopted by the Environmental Management Commission to protect riparian buffers along surface waters. Care should be taken in selecting vegetative stabilization of wetlands and riparian buffers to comply with permitting requirements of other agencies, as well as provide adequate ground cover. Planning Considerations for Land Disturbing Activities Within Wetland, Riparian, and Floodplain Areas Wetlands, riparian areas, floodplains, and/or terrestrial areas between streams and uplands, serve to buffer surface water and provide habitat for aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna. When cleared and disturbed, these sensitive areas are difficult to protect. Because of their proximity to water courses, relatively high ground water tables, and flooding potential, detailed analysis and design is necessary to determine the appropriate erosion control measures during construction. Determining the appropriate and most expeditious means of permanent vegetative stabilization in these areas requires equally detailed analysis and design. The following considerations for erosion control and stabilization should be taken into account during the design phase of the land disturbing project where sensitive areas are involved: • Obtain soil tests to determine the soil type, pH, texture and available nutrients. • Based on the soil tests provide a schedule of nutrients and other soil amendments that will be required. 0 • Select a seeding mix of non-invasive species that will provide immediate stabilization a short-term environment that will support and compliment ( pp p permanent vegetative stabilization) and include a selective native species mix that will eventually provide a permanent cover a long-term P YP p ( g environment that, with minimal maintenance, will provide adequate root and leaf cover). • Invasive species are to be avoided. If native species and introduced non- invasive seed sources are not available, protective matting that will hold and foster the development of native cover from adjacent seed sources should be used. Continuous maintenance must be employed until the selected species have matured and are no longer susceptible to competition from invasive plants. If no alternative to the use of invasive seeds and plants is available, invasives approved on the plans may be utilized only with strict containment measures outlined in detail on the plans, in the construction sequence and in the maintenance specifications. • A quickly germinating nurse crop of non-invasive, non-competitive annual grass species can be used along with native seeding and/or matting. These temporary systems should be planted at minimal density so that they do not inhibit the growth and establishment of the permanent, native species. (See the plant chart in Table 6.1 La for recommended native and nurse crop species.) • Seed bed preparation is key to successful establishment of seeds. Particular care should be taken, however, when working in wetlands, riparian areas, or floodplains due to their sensitive nature. Careful consideration should be given to the types and placement of large equipment working in these areas. This process must be outlined in detail on the plan's construction sequence. • Installation techniques vary and should be planned for accordingly. • A maintenance plan must be established for optimal plant establishment, submitted with the plans and included in the bid list for the project. Like all construction sites, wetlands, riparian areas, and floodplains will vary widely in physical makeup across North Carolina. Different conditions will dictate specific treatment, design and plant selection within the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain regions. Soil tests, seedbed preparation, mulching, matting, and maintenance will be critical for successful vegetative establishment and long-term protection of these environmentally sensitive areas. Unavoidable impacts to these areas during land disturbing activities need to be addressed in detail on the plan sheets and construction sequence. Practice Standards and Specifications Native Seed and Plant Selection for Stabilization of Wetlands, Riparian Areas, and Floodplains Upon the completion of the land disturbing activity, vegetative cover must be established on all areas not stabilized by other means. If work in these areas stops for more than 15 working days, temporary vegetative cover and/ or matting must be applied to all disturbed areas. The goal is to protect these areas from erosion and to prevent sedimentation of adjacent streams, wetlands, lakes, and other water bodies. Planning considerations for wetlands, riparian areas and floodplains will require additional research, detail and specifications. Native grasses are usually required as a condition of a 401 Water Quality Certification or a trout buffer variance. Native vegetative species are plant species that naturally occur in the region in which they evolved. These plants are adapted to local soil types and climatic variations. Because most native species do not germinate and establish as readily as some introduced species, it is necessary to provide a non-native nurse crop or matting to stabilize the soil until the native crop can become established as the dominant cover. Once established, the native plants will produce an extensive root structure that, if properly maintained, will stabilize soils and reduce erosive forces of rainfall and overland stormwater flow. Many of these plants also possess characteristics that, when established, allow them not only to survive, but also to thrive under local conditions. Seeding a mixture of perennial native grasses, rushes, and sedges is a way to establish permanent ground cover within wetlands, riparian areas and floodplains. The use of propagated plants is another method of reestablishing natives in these environments. Selecting a seed mixture and/or propagated plants of different species with complimentary characteristics will provide vegetation to fill select niches on sites with varying physical conditions. The design professional should note that because most native species do not germinate and establish as readily as some introduced species, it is necessary to provide a non-native nurse crop or matting to stabilize the soil until the native crop can become established as the dominant cover. For additional information about acceptable nurse crop varieties, consult the planting list in Appendix 8.02, local seed and plant suppliers, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service or a qualified design professional to assure the proper selection and plant mix. 0 Permanent native seed species within the seed mixture should be selected based on natural occurrence of each species in the project site area. Climate, soils, topography, and aspect are major factors affecting the suitability of plants for a particular site and these factors vary widely across North Carolina, with the most significant contrasts occurring among the three major physiographic regions of the state — Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain. Sub -regions of the state should also be considered. For example, the Triassic Basin in the Piedmont region may have characteristics that call for special soil treatment, limited plant selection, and special maintenance. Even within the riparian area, there may be need for different species depending on site conditions (i.e., dry sandy alluvial floodplains with wet pockets). Therefore, thoughtful planning is required when selecting species for individual sites in order to maximize successful vegetation establishment. Native seed and plant species are included on the plant list in Appendix 8.02 of this manual. The design professional should note that regardless of the benefits and advantages of native seeds and plants, there are potential issues if proper planning, installation and maintenance do not occur. These may include: • Potential for erosion or washout during the establishment stage; • Seasonal limitation on suitable seeding dates and availability of seed and plants; • Adaptability of species at specific sites; • Availability of water and appropriate temperatures during germination and early growth; and • Lack of maintenance to control invasive plants and undesirable competition. PLANTING • Seed — Prepare the seed bed as described above in soil preparation. Apply seed at rates specified on the plans, and/or as recommended in Tables 6.11 a-c of this manual, with a cyclone seeder, prop type spreader, drill, or hydroseeder on and/or into the prepared bed. Incorporate the seed into the seed bed as specified. Provide finished grades as specified on the approved plan and carefully culti-pack the seedbed as terrain allows. If terrain does not allow for the use of a cultipacker, the approved plans and construction sequence must provide an alternative method of lightly compacting the soil. Mulch immediately. • Sprigs and Sod — Install onto the prepared seed bed per the most current guidance in Carolina Lawns, NCSU Extension BulletinAG-69, or Practice 6.12 Sodding. Rev. 5/08 6.11.7 6.11.8 Rev. 5/08 Rev. 5/08 6.11.9 6.11.10 Rev. 5/08 KEY MAP SEAL CARo''�% 4,.• Esio X EAs 050693 = PIII 05/06/2022 ���11111111//// CORPORATE EAL 11''k,1, �,Ag PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15 2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:30 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4.04 Practice Standards and Specifications Practice Standards and Specifications • Woody plants (liners, container, B&B) — These materials are typically used to complement an herbaceous protective cover. They eventually are major components of long-term, permanent stabilization and should be chosen and planned in conjunction with immediate and long-term maintenance. The plants should be selected and specified by the design professional for each individual project. See Practice 6.13 Trees, Shrubs, Fines, and Ground Covers. MAINTENANCE The absence of or an incomplete landscape management specification and/ or complete maintenance schedule shall constitute grounds for disapproval of the plans. Proper maintenance is critical for the continued stabilization once vegetative cover is established. Although maintenance strategies for different sites may be similar, no two construction sites in North Carolina have been or will be able to be controlled or protected in identical ways. Variations in climate, topography, soils, available moisture, size and many other conditions will dictate the maintenance methodology to be used. A detailed schedule of maintenance will be required on the plans. This schedule will illustrate how the initial planting will be maintained to assure immediate, short term and permanent protection. The schedule will address topics such as appropriate irrigation of plants during the early establishment phase, drought conditions, excessive rainfall, mulch replacement, supplemental seeding, supplemental soils tests, application of nutrients and amendments, control of competitive and invasive species, disease and insect control, and corrective maintenance, measures to address failure of vegetation to become established. Contractual responsibility for maintenance after initial establishment of vegetative cover will be provided on the plans, in the construction sequence and on the bid list for the project. Maintenance bonds and/or warranty guarantee may be required of the responsible party, especially for areas in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive sites such as wetlands, riparian buffers, floodplains, and waters of the State. See Example 6.11a for a sample maintenance specification and a minimum maintenance check list that shall be provided on all plans. RECOMMENDED BID LIST (These items should be itemized on documents utilized to obtain pricing for planting pertaining to vegetative stabilization of land disturbing projects in North Carolina.) • Soil test prior to grading (price per each test). • Soil test during grading operations (price per each test). • Soil test at completion of grading and/or prior to seeding, sprigging, sodding and application of fertilizer, lime, and other soil amendments (price per each test). • Ripping/subsoiling to a depth of six (6) inches. (Provide an alternate for ripping to a depth greater than six (6) inches.) (price per acre) • Tilling/discing ripped area to a depth of four (4) inches and re -compacting with a cultipacker roller (include in seeding price). • Seeding (price per square foot). • Mulching (price per square foot). • Repair seeding (price per square foot). • Repair mulching (price per square foot). • Matting (price per square yard). • Watering (price per thousand gallons). • Mowing (price per square foot). SEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS The following tables list herbaceous plants recommended for use as nurse crops for immediate stabilization and primary crops for initial and long-term stabilization. Nurse crops are expected to develop in two to five weeks and, with adequate maintenance, be an effective method of soil stabilization for a period of six months to one year. Nurse crops are not effective as primary long-term cover, however if properly maintained they can be an adequate cover and protection for the development of primary crops. The goal for a primary crop is for it to develop over a three-week to one-year period and be effective up to three years with a well-defined maintenance program. The long-term goal for a primary crop is the initial step toward a sustainable protective cover without the need of maintenance. Where the primary crop is intended for a managed lawn and landscape aesthetics, the effective period can be extended by a more intense maintenance program. Where native species are utilized and become established during the planned maintenance program, a permanent cover that will support future succession species should exist and require little or no additional maintenance or management. In uses of both nurse and primary crops, the development periods listed on the tables are optimal based on normal climatic conditions for the planting dates listed. The sediment and erosion control maintenance program must recognize that optimum temperatures and rainfall are the exception rather than the rule. The design professional needs to provide flexibility in the stabilization plan to address the potential ranges of temperature and moisture conditions we experience in North Carolina. Information is provided for seeding rates, optimum planting dates in the state's three regions, sun and shade tolerance, invasive characteristics, compatibility in wetlands and riparian buffers, and installation maintenance considerations. By going through the lists the design professional can select the nurse and primary seed varieties and maintenance characteristics they feel are best suited for their site conditions, vegetation management expertise and maintenance capabilities. To use the information in the seeding charts the plan preparer must: • Determine what nurse crop best fits their site, soil conditions, and permanent seed mix. • Obtain soil tests for all areas to be seeded. • Know the site's region: mountains, piedmont, or coastal plain. • Know if the areas to be seeded are sunny, part shade, or full shade. • Know if the areas are well or poorly drained. • Know if wetlands or riparian buffers are included in the areas to be seeded. • Know if a chosen crop is invasive and if so, what potential impacts it will have on the site and adjacent properties. With this knowledge the plan preparation may proceed utilizing the charts provided to provide the several seed mixes that will be applicable to the different areas requiring stabilization. fC a a a N o 1p m E m a m a m a o m d Q $ @ c aDi m @ '6" @ c a�i �' o E m m 2 m 2 0_ a H 5 m@ m T@ m E@ m m aDi C c O@ E O N L " @ o m" m o m" m d 3 C N @ E 'O 2 � m 9 J m; -O m@ � -O m@ � o _$ O U N a N @ 8 3 a� 8 c o a c E c 'u S z 3 c 5$ 3 Z$ c 3 Z$ c m e 7 c@i @ @ 7 @ 2 o o 3 3 .m $m $ m`o a3c`0 0 0 3c o : ca.'� acm Lcm acm m v wN�,8 c c O o p, E> C C o E> a, C C :2 O N > 'o c O N > v ' O N > m @ O > m > > o m o ._. m o o E o E o n E ``o, E E a o o c c o `O- c o `o- c o r m L >> o m :Et@ L o m o.n>$@> U o U o U n 3 U t m 3 U 3 = u o >Z N N z z z z z y z L a c 3 o m ry 9 E m} } } } z z z v a a 3 " N ry N N N O O O N m 0 @ N} } } } Z Z Z @ T � v E E @ i c d you) u) u) u) u) (n u) o co c N E 3 L2 N m N l0 0 $ 3 �. e v ao w w as N 0 a co co co co in % m° a @ V E v io ao ao a� rn ca o jn it - Im a - E o- .a N N @ d o N in o Z > > n E m m _ tc : E n m m u n N u v z °' N O' U C N M E N vQ-@ J °' °' z L io 0 _@ O o � U M N am_ N o c t O C O E a $ $ h $ h N h w N a O m_- LL to m m m m cal m c 8. 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N .3 'd .L. w .3 m a, O O O O O > O > O > O - M 6 8 m w _o.E 0 3@ a 3 a a 3 a a 3 a a 3 a a 3 a @ a 3 a E@ a 3 a E@ a m LiMOn .. o o L m o @ o .m@ > an d z° > z z zo z z z zo zo }I o Z o n 3 A m 8 iv o m@ m }' m 3 .E m 3 m m 3 m m o` c` a 2 v v a c` v v` C m Z Z } Z Z Z Z Z 3 m _ in N In N 41 i� � 41 N N m B u a Z Z Z N Z Z a c E V t[J � R V z R a iv u, E O 'r = Y v Y ? 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FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 KEY MAP SEAL CARC) u EAL 050693 III 05/06/2022 PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS- SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15 2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:31 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4.05 Practice Standards and Specifications Practice Standards and Specifications L.LndDe ' 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 Seed Mixes for Native Species ( Ibs/ac) When Mixed with 3, 4, or 5 Other Native Species (See Table 6.11.a for nurse crop species to be added to these mixes) 3 Other (total 4 species) 4 Other (total 5 species) 5 Other (total 6 species) Switch Grasses (A) 3.5 lbs. 3.0 lbs. 2.5 lbs. Indian Grasses B 7.0 lbs. 6.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs. Deertongue (C) 6.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 4.0 lbs. Big Bluestem (D) 7.0 lbs. 6.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs. Little Bluestem E 7.0 lbs. 6.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs. Sweet Woodreed (F) 2.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 1.5 lbs. Rice Cutgrass (G) 6.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 4.0 lbs. Indian Woodoats (H) 2.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 1.5 lbs. Virginia Wild Rye (1) 6.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 4.0 lbs. Eastern Bottlebrush Grass (J) 2.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 1.5 lbs. Soft Rush (K) 2.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 1.5 lbs. Sedges (L) 2.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs. 1.5 lbs. NOTE: With the native varieties, the seed mix should be in the range of 15 pounds per acre. Depending on availability of native seeds adaptable to North Carolina, the percentage of a particular variety used may be reduced or increased accordingly. Although diversity is desirable, it is imperative that the primary crop develop and become an effective protective cover. In addition to the native species mix, additional nurse crop species must be included to provide immediate stabilization and an adequate ground cover. Rev. 5/08 SECT ON 6.11.19 NOTES Example 6.1 La GUIDELINES FOR WRITING MINIMUM LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT SPECIFICATIONS Following is an outline that demonstrates what should be included in specifications that will insure the long term stabilization of disturbed sites in North Carolina. As noted before in this manual, each construction site in the state is unique and has features that will require special provisions for revegetation and stabilization. The outline provided below cannot address these individual sites. It is the responsibility of the design professional and the financially responsible party to see that the specifications are edited to fit their site and to assure that permanent stabilization is achieved. General Provisions A. Intent: 1. These specifications are prepared with the intent of promoting outstanding performance in long- term stabilization. They are to be used as guidelines in establishing sediment control and vegetative standards for the sites. Final technical decisions such as herbicides, fertilizer ratios, times of application and schedules are to be determined by the Contractor, who has the responsibility to obtain soil test and to manage the vegetation to achieve the desired results. The maintenance specifications must address maintenance for sediment and erosion control vegetation during construction and for permanent/long-term stabilization. B. Description of Work: 1. Perform all work necessary and required for the (insert period of contract) maintenance of the project as indicated on the drawings, in the project manual, and specified herein. 2. Licensing: a) Contractor shall provide verification of current, applicable pesticide applicator licensing for each applicator that will handle pesticides on the contracted sites. 3. Contract Administration a) Staffing: The Contractor shall provide adequate staffing, with the appropriate expertise, to perform all required work. b) Monthly Site Review meetings will be held. Attendees will include the Contractor's Project Manager and Site Foreman and the property manager or other representative designated by the financially responsible party. Result of site reviews will be documented and circulated to the attendees and the owner by the contractor. c) The Contractor will communicate with the proper person on a monthly basis to summarize work performed and immediately notify the project manager of any failure of the site to remain stabilized. II. Materials A. Soil Additives: Additives are to be applied per soils test taken prior to, during and after construction. (Use this section to provide the types and quantities of fertilizers, lime, and other soil amendments called for in the soils P report. Include all soils test reports in the specifications document. This narrative or list should P P include quantities, rates, mixes, organic information, manufacturer, sources, and other information suggested in the soils test.) 6.11.20 1. INLET MAINTENANCE SHALL BE DOCUMENTED IN PROJECT LOG BOOK. 2. FILTER TYPES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 3. FILTER BAGS MAY BE REMOVED WHEN SITE IS STABILIZED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. 4. FILTER BAGS SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO STREET ACCEPTANCE. 5. FILTER BAGS SHALL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED ON A REGULAR HOOD BASIS (NOT BE MORE THAN HALF FULL AT ANY TIME). 6. FILTER BAGS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED IN EXISTING CITY OR NCDOT ROADS. GRATE �� 1" REBAR FOR REMOVAL FROM FILTER E DUMP LC CATCH BASIN CATCH INLET PROTECTION DEFLECTOR CUTLET N S TA E LAT O N NOT TO SCALE Rev. 5/08 NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit for Construction Activities (NCGO1) A. Pesticides: 1. Establish an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for the site that relies on targeted insect and disease control coupled with sound stabilization management and water management practices. 2. These specifications do not include pesticide treatments for infestations of Southern Pine Beetle, Gypsy Moth, or Fire Ants. The contractor shall notify the Owner if these pests are observed on site. 3. All pesticides shall be applied by a North Carolina licensed applicator in accordance with all State and Federal regulations and per manufacturer's recommendations. B. Mulches: Mulch for areas not subject to erosion and over wash by storm water should be called out in this section addressing its maintenance, replacement, removal and conversion to other uses. Those subject to erosion and over wash by storm water must be addressed on the plans and in the calculations. III. Execution A. General: 1. Good long term stabilization is based on the proper maintenance, management and balance of nutrients, soil moisture and general cultural practices. It is recognized that fewer fungicide and pesticide treatments as well as lower fertility rates are required with a well managed, balanced landscape. The following section is meant to promote this balance and therefore do not highlight specific quantitative standards. (Quantitative standards should be addressed as site specific by the design professional in conjunction with the owner and contractor.) Calendar references are general and are to be used only as a guide. Weather and soil conditions that are most appropriate for a given process, procedure and/or area of the state shall be the determining factor in scheduling work. B. Soil Tests: 1. After the soil test prior to stabilization, tests shall be made yearly in the fall to determine the required soil additives for all stabilized areas. If known nitrogen requirements are not specified by previous test, they need to be determined by the subsequent soils test and the proper applications made. Fertilizer ratios may be determined through analysis of the soil tests coupled with the contractor's experience and knowledge of the site. C. Mowing Rev. 5/08 1. Mowing for maintained turf/lawns a. Mow areas intended for "groomed appearance" on a schedule during the growing season and as required throughout the year to provide the desired appearance. (Establish a mowing frequency here that addresses the specific plant species used and their growing habits.) This frequency will be a minimum standard. Particular properties and their peculiar characteristics as well as individual plant species may require mowing more often than the stated minimum may be required. This should be noted in this section. b. The range of turf species suggested for lawns in the three growing regions of North Carolina vary as to optimum maintained height. The selected species should be maintained at a height recommended by the seed producer. Do not cut too short and do not allow the turf to attain a height that will cause the crop to decline or die. Consult individual seed producers and/or packaging for recommended mowing heights. c. Mow with a mulching mower to limit the amount of clippings removed, or mow and blow in such a manner that clippings are not evident and not to adversely effect the growing capacity NCDENR/Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES (Effective Aug. 3, 2011) SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, slopes 7 days None High Quality Water (HQW) Zones 7 days None Slopes steeper than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length. All other areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14 days None, except for perimeters and HQW Zones. NPDES STABILIZATION CHART 6.11.21 and/or health of the existing vegetation turf. It is important clippings are allowed to remain spread throughout the lawn area, to the extent possible, so that they might aid in building a more productive soil profile and root zone. 2. Mowing other stabilized areas to promote continued growth. Include mowing specification here for other stabilized areas which require maintenance but not a "groomed" appearance. Also include specifications for mowing areas where it is desirable for woody native volunteer vegetation to become established. This should include attention to mowing stakes or other way of protecting the desired woody natives from the mowing operation. D. Watering 1. Irrigation System Maintenance and Monitoring: If stabilized areas are to be irrigated the design professional should include specifications for the system, its maintenance and its operation in this section. 2. In the absence of an automatic or manual irrigation system, provisions for providing adequate water to stabilized areas should be addressed in this section. 3. (Provisions should be made in this section for adjustments to application rates of water during times of regulated droughts and/or periods of excessive rainfall.) E. CONTROL OF INVASIVES: Competition from invasive species can be detrimental to the establishment of the permanent vegetative cover. Left unchecked, these invasives can undermine a revegetation process in a short period of time and eventually lead to unprotected soil and sediment damage. Make site observations monthly to check for the presence of such species and, if found, treat them immediately with the appropriate cultural practices and/or by the use of seasonally -appropriate and site appropriate herbicides. F. Maintenance items including fertilization, mowing, continued soils testing, repair, mulching, matting and soil preparation are to be addressed in the approved construction sequence and on the project bid list. 6.11.22 Rev. 5/08 KEY MAP SEAL � CAR '/''% O 04 �oF Ess' o l✓,: SEAL - 050693 GIN EF-�•�\ W. S, 05/06/2022 \�\111111111,,� CORPORATE ' SEAL �, A\g PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15-2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:31 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4-06 Practice Standards and Specifications Definition The stabilization of temporary construction access routes, on -site vehicle transportation routes, and construction parking areas. Purpose To control erosion on temporary construction routes and parking areas. Conditions Where All traffic routes and parking areas for temporary use by construction traffic. Practice Applies Planning Improperly planned and maintained construction roads can become a continual Consideration s erosion problem. Excess runoff from roads causes erosion in adjacent areas, and an unstabilized road may become a dust problem. Construction vehicle traffic routes are especially susceptible to erosion because they become compacted, and collect and convey runoff water along their surfaces. Rills, gullies, and troublesome muddy areas form unless the road is stabilized. During wet weather, unstabilized dirt roads may become so muddy they are virtually unusable, generating sediment and causing work interruption. Proper grading and stabilization of construction routes often saves money for the contractor by improving the overall efficiency of the construction operation while reducing the erosion problem. Situate construction roads to reduce erosion potential, following the natural contour of the terrain. Avoid steep slopes, wet or rocky areas, and highly erosive soils. Controlling surface runoff from the road surface and adjoining areas is a key erosion control consideration. Generally locate construction roads in areas where seasonally high water tables are deeper than 18 inches. Otherwise, subsurface drainage may be necessary. Minimize stream crossings and install them properly (Practices 6.70, Temporary Stream Crossing and 6.71, Permanent Stream Crossing). When practical, install permanent paved roads and parking areas and use them for construction traffic early during the construction operation to minimize site disruption. Design Criteria Road grade —A maximum grade of 10% to 12% is recommended, although grades up to 15% are possible for short distances. Road width-14 feet minimum for one-way traffic —20 feet minimum for two-way traffic Side slope of road embankment-2:1 or flatter. Ditch capacity —Roadside ditch and culvert capacities-10-year peak runoff. 6.80.1 6.80.2 0 Stone surface —Use a 6-inch course of "ABC' or "base course" or larger as specified in N.C. Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. Permanent road standards —Design standards are available from the N.C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways District Engineer. Follow these specifications for all permanent roads. Construction 1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots, and other objectionable material. Specifications 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain if it is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas, if they are available. Keep grades sufficient for drainage, but generally not more than 2 to 3%. 4. Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bars or turnouts (References: Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and fills at 2:1 or flatter for safety and stability and to facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-inch course of "ABC' crushed stone evenly over the full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, install subsurface drains or geotextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 8. Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, fills, and other disturbed areas or otherwise appropriately stabilize as soon as grading is complete (References: Surface Stabilization). 9. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. Maintenance Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as needed. Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff -producing rains. Maintain all vegetation in a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated immediately. References Surface Stabilization 6.10, Temporary Seeding 6.11, Permanent Seeding Runoff Control Measures 6.20, Temporary Diversions 6.23, Right-of-way Diversions (Water Bars) Practice Standards and Specifications Runoff Conveyance Measures 6.30, Grass -lined Channels 6.31, Riprap-lined Channels Other Related Practices 6.81, Subsurface Drain 6.84, Dust Control North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures 6.80.3 L.LndDe ' 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 KEY MAP SEAL CARO . 04 .oFEss/o•• if -; SEAL - 050693 G IN V..- ZIP ///1111111\\ 05/06/2022 DDF S IG* l CORPORATE LEAF ,,� .T�. • • C A.gpti�. //1111111\\� PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15-2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:31 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4.07 EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: EROSION CONTROL NOTES: MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE: 1. OBTAIN GRADING/EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVAL FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (NCDEQ). 2. 2. SET UP AN ON -SITE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR AND OWNER TO DISCUSS EROSION CONTROL MEASURES A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. 3. PRIOR TO CLEARING OR INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL DEVICES, CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE CLEARING 4. LIMITS AND STAKE ALL TREES, STRUCTURES TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, ALL PERIMETER CONTROLS (CONSTRUCTION/TREE 5. PROTECTION/BUFFER FENCING, SILT FENCE, INLET PROTECTION), AND ANY OTHER MEASURES AS SHOWN ON SHEET C-4.00. CLEAR ONLY AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL THESE DEVICES. NOTE: NO SITE GRADING / 6. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. 5. CALL FOR ON -SITE INSPECTION BY INSPECTOR. WHEN APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR, CLEARING AND GRUBBING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE WATER MAIN ONLY MAY BEGIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DILIGENTLY AND 7. CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND STRUCTURES. 8. INSTALL THE WATER MAIN AS SHOWN ON SHEETS C-2.00 - C-2.04. CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED AND MULCH AREAS 8. DISTURBED BY THE WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION AS SOON AS THE WATER MAIN HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND THE TRENCH HAS BEEN BACKFILLED AND BROUGHT TO GRADE. 9. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DILIGENTLY AND CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND STRUCTURES. 10. STABILIZATION IS THE BEST FORM OF EROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY SEEDING IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE EROSION CONTROL ON LARGE DENUDED AREAS AND ESPECIALLY WHEN SPECIFIED AS PART OF THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. ALL SLOPES MUST BE SEEDED WITHIN 7 DAYS. 11. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHOULD BE CHECKED PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EVERY MAJOR STORM EVENT. 10 IF ANY FAILURES ARE FOUND THEY SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR SO THAT 11 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS CAN BE PERFORMED AT APPROPRIATE STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION. 13. NO DEVICE SHALL BE REMOVED UNTIL SITE IS STABILIZED. APPROVAL BY A NCDEQ INSPECTOR MUST ALSO BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 12 14. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOULD BE CHECKED PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EVERY RAINFALL EVENT. 13 REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AS REQUIRED. INSPECTION AND REPAIR REPORTS SHALL BE KEPT BY THE CONTRACTOR AND PROVIDED TO THE INSPECTOR AND LAND DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL AGENT AS REQUESTED. 14 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. AFTER ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS AND PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED, BEGIN CONSTRUCTION ON THE 8" WATER MAIN TO INTERCONNECT THE BRADFIELD FARMS AND SILVERTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS. 19 2. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND AFTER SUCCESSFUL INSPECTION/AS-BUILTING, TESTING, AND CHLORINATION APPLY FOR NCDEQ PERMIT TO APPLICATE. ONCE APPROVAL TO ACTIVATE IS GRANTED WELL 20 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN. 3. SILVERTON WELL BUILDING #2 WILL BE DEMOLISHED, AND INTERNAL PLUMBING WILL BE REMOVED. THE EXISTING HYDROPNEUMATIC TANK WILL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF. DURING CONSTRUCTION SILVERTON WELL #2 WILL NOT BE IN OPERATION. A NEW WELL BUILDING, FOUNDATION, INTERNAL PLUMBING, AND SCADA CONTROLS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR WELL #2. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE WELL #2 WILL BE TESTED AND BROUGHT BACK INTO OPERATION. 21 4. AFTER SILVERTON WELL #2 CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND THE WELL IS BACK IN OPERATION THE SAME PROCESS WILL BE REPEATED FOR SILVERTON WELL #1. SEE SHEETS C-1.01 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE N.C. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, AND NCDOT. WASTE AND EXCESS BORROW SHALL BE LEGALLY DISPOSED OF OFF -SITE. ANY GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE (NCDEQ) ORDINANCE AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. GRADING MORE THAN ONE ACRE WITHOUT AN APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE (NCDEQ) EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. GROUND STABILIZATION MUST OCCUR WITHIN 7 DAYS ON PERIMETER AREAS AND SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1, AND GROUND STABILIZATION MUST OCCUR WITHIN 14 DAYS IN OTHER AREAS. REFER TO THE N.C. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT MAY BE REQUIRED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE STATE (NCDEQ) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED NO STEEPER THAN 2:1. 2:1 FILL SLOPES GREATER THAN 10, REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TERRACING. PERMANENT CUT AND FILL SLOPES PLACED ON A SUITABLE FOUNDATION SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED AT 2:1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR FLATTER. PERMANENT SLOPES OF 3:1 SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED WHERE MOWING IS DESIRABLE AND AS INDICATED. IF FILL MATERIAL IS BROUGHT ONTO THE PROPERTY OR IF WASTE MATERIAL IS HAULED FROM THE PROPERTY, THEN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCLOSE THE LOCATION OF ANY OFF -SITE BORROW LOCATION AND/OR WASTE BURIAL LOCATION TO THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. DRIVEWAY PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES IN NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY MUST BE PRESENTED AT PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO GRADE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT OFF -SITE GRADING, PERMISSION MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL REMAIN UNTIL SITE HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE BIODEGRADABLE EROSION CONTROL MATTING AND HYDROSEED ON ALL SLOPES GRADED AT 2:1 OR GREATER AS INDICATED ON THE PLAN AND ON ALL SLOPES ADJACENT TO ANY STREAM, WETLAND, OR EXISTING POND. BASIN SLOPES / EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE STABILIZED AND SEEDED IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. SLOPES GREATER THAN 10 FEET SHALL ALSO BE MATTED. CHANNEL LINING OR MATTING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR DIVERSION DITCHES WHERE VELOCITIES EXCEED 2 FPS. THE DEVELOPER SHALL MAINTAIN EACH STREAM, CREEK, OR BACKWASH CHANNEL IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED STATE AND SHALL REMOVE FROM THE CHANNEL AND BANKS OF THE STREAM ALL DEBRIS, LOGS, TIMBER, JUNK AND OTHER ACCUMULATIONS. INLET PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INLETS LOCATED IN THE WORKING AREA AND ARE REQUIRED UNTIL THE SITE IS FULLY STABILIZED. EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE OPERATING CORRECTLY. SELF INSPECTION RECORDS MUST BE MAINTAINED FOR EACH INSPECTION EVENT AND FOR EACH MEASURE. AT A MINIMUM, INSPECTION OF MEASURES MUST OCCUR EVERY 7 CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER ANY STORM EVENT > 0.51N RAIN/24HR. RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS FOR PREVIOUS 30 DAYS SHALL REMAIN ON SITE AND AVAILABLE FOR AGENCY INSPECTORS DURING NORMAL WORK HOURS. PER SECTION II.B.3 OF THE NPDES PERMIT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DILIGENTLY AND CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE NCDEQ SELF -INSPECTION PROGRAM IS PREFORMED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. THE SELF -INSPECTION REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED AFTER EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT. PHASES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: INSTALLATION OF PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, CLEARING AND GRUBBING, COMPLETION OF ANY GRADING OF SLOPES OR FILLS, INSTALLATION OF STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY GROUND COVER. ANY OFF -SITE BORROW AND WASTE REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT MUST COME FROM A SITE WITH AN APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN, A SITE REGULATED UNDER THE MINING ACT OF 1971, OR A LANDFILL REGULATED BY THE DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. TRASH/DEBRIS FROM DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES OR GENERATED BY ANY ACTIVITIES ON SITE MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT A FACILITY REGULATED BY THE DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OR PER DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OR DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES RULES AND REGULATIONS. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY STORM EVENT, BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY REPAIRS OR CLEANING NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE COMPLETED IMMEDIATELY. 2. ALL SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE REFERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO THE SEEDING SCHEDULE. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTE: LANDDESIGN, INC. DOES NOT INTEND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING NOTES TO DICTATE NOR TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, PROCEDURES, AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHICH ARE GOVERNED BY LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL GUIDELINES. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION RELATED ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT. FLOODWAY EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT STOCKPILE ANY MATERIAL WITHIN THE EXISTING FLOODWAY. 2. ANY AREAS DISTURBED WITHIN THE FLOODWAY SHOULD BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND NO LATER THAN 7 DAYS AFTER THE PROPOSED WATERMAIN HAS BEEN BACKFILLED AND EXISTING GRADE HAS BEEN REESTABLISHED TO MINIMIZE EROSION FROM FLOODING EVENTS. 3. CONTRACTOR WILL RESTORE THE FLOODWAY TO EXISTING GRADE. Lell"d.De 'ca-l. 223 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.333.0325 WWW.LANDDESIGN.COM NC ENG. FIRM LICENSE # C-0658 KEY MAP SEAL CAR SEAL - 050693 �NGINEEF /�ILI1' W. 5 X \\ 11/1llllll\\\\\\\ 05/06/2022 \\\\\II I III///// .\ ESIGN CORPORATE SEAL •...... 1v H C Age PROJECT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY, NC LANDDESIGN PROJ.# 1020017 REVISION / ISSUANCE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 11-15-2021 2 LAND DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL 02-25-2022 3 ZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION 04-29-2022 4 NCDEQ STORMWATER APPLICATION 05-06-2022 DESIGNED BY: PWS DRAWN BY: PWS CHECKED BY: DCS SCALE NORTH VERT: N/A HORZ: ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" SHEET TITLE 5/5/2022 11:31 AM DAPHNE BRICE Z:\TEMPLATES\SHEETS\CD SHEETS\CIVIL\SHEET-24X36.DWT EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET NUMBER C-4.08