HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0007507_Monitoring - 07-2022_20220818 ti DWR - NonDischarge Monitoring Report Submittal ' •4 .. NORTH CAROLINA Enrlranmenlel QHaflly Monitoring Report Submittal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Permit Number#* WQ0007507 Name of Facility:* Pasquotank County Industrial Park Month:* July Year:* 2022 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Wastewater Jul-2022.pdf 2.98MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1,NDAR-2,NDMLR,GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* Harrism@co.pasquotank.nc.us Name of Submitter:* Michael L. Harris Signature: Date of submittal: 8/18/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Reviewer: Gerald,Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0007507 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Washington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 8/30/2022 FORK NDMR 05-16 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 1 Permit No.: WQ0007507 Facility Name: Pasquotank Industrial Park County: Pasquotank : Month: July Year: 2022 PPI: 001 I Flow Measuring Point: Parameter Monitoring Point: Ei Influent I I influent I--.4 Effluent f k:a i•4 7 ..... : f.31 Fifit 1Pnt 1Ljoui1weter pwerrpi I curfare Parameter Code --ii.iZ';:000;v"i. 00310 1,:11094s,s0::1:„,„' 50060 ' ,':31*,416E..„ 00610 "'11.10254:''i c i ' ,w ',-:',' :„,, ,,';',v,:,,ii •:,,,',.:''''2,4;'s ,ss‘: ,4:k.-t.kss, ' w-w ,, -',:'--4 r; .,..k::', k''1:t' 'g'0? '76 043qar, i) - rt ‘4 ,,.,,vt c ,,, ,..... ,,:: .... 0 ''I" §':'‘AtZ it „„ 4„ it -c uszionos:1 a *%1v.R,',,, ozkze = isIzzi.E.4 0 AVV*0:'''Aif'' a '- 0 l',,,,t)4!•=,,t!':::. E ,t, Vsk , te;1.z4: - 8 ° i=--cc mlttk. E a (/) v' -§,•1'.Po i 0 Oo Z4 fatlaillelilrRilkdik mg/L 4,:lingCY mg/L 4#1":041ML., mg/L .:4t, ,,4 ITIMMEMII N1.1.1111.1. jiiikV su Nin4,-"lisarniiim s. : ,,,:,r 111.1.11!:,, t4Sii,:7:,',,i,,,„,:::111111., 1 09:08 0.5 ;',;k7k,Citit RiiilIZ-4 0-8 l'47,MIA Flt4ia„,,,i- iii.MINMAMMMELP:,K\t‘‘, 2 11.11111 it1409.:S, _ t,,,„,*'3-tr,- Ol't:Z: P4KMIIIMIMMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII 1,!.If'" : kir„Z"V"11111 ,,A1111.11 ;SMV„: 3 2.1111.1111.0400QN:: 4 -f4:41,1,:, -:--Q\. ,..:.', . ign,,L ,'!': ,\AC':. , ;--', .,.4 *:liT,T-ZA , , ,, 5 1350 1 I'08070* 7r' '' 0.6 ,kgrq,Pf ;.„, N,m,*' XREMP 9 t kONS,Z 444,'''ig,n ,W,„V1W,A 6 10-.31 0-5 41.0.0,1 r'' 'V'7kVk''; 0.7 ',-',,'..V.t 0„ , „, :,,,-. „,:oNs:', ,JK-%':t7q: 9-1 ;-u,s,*,,*,,-0 !'.ii* 4b iiZ7 ;n ,,, R„z'-„go vzoonIIIIIIII NVI*.,..4.,411111111.11_ 7 14:38 1 :02081,860V iart ,N 8 08:55 0.75 rili4P:"i'!; %W 0.7 9 1 a 1 1 1 0:17 0.75 46,060'g 42 ittsftwi 0.9 p' Oppi:?; 5.33 k'1''''*-02:'',N, <0.04 it714Ii,,,,„:2_,L,",i 7.1 1'*,'141„,$1„!.,:)! ',i4N-2'9, '0„i t :,P,i1Sn 12 13'.39 0.5 8-8____0;',,I17ig.4 . LaNi!.„:„ 11111111111111014‘',NT'''','1111111111 L13 09:10 0.75 14 08:40 1 15 10:170.5 1 K:r,!,i', ,t<.ft4-,5:,.!.,? 16 17 ',..414AP3P i :P','%'''''°"' Uttr:;NUMINIII kr1MAI NI 4A.10'ff '--, ,-N,s 18 11.01 0.5 &2:12g.ppQ3,: 9 *-11- tk 0.7 19 15.22 0.75 !:406t(9O4,f ,,,VACZ111 0.5 .__ „ 20 10:20 0.75 4.41.4=ApIT ',„-Mves-rm- 0.6 21 09:00 0.75 47,1181-42,00 ,s',;ZAgM,,i 0.7 8.8 k„*„', FA,,i,3! t,).1.T(k!,:i11111111.1 22 13.30 1 '''''3,54.50,„,,' 1 1Ni.,,,ze 0.7 "V;'Z ',..,, , , m',,.. ' i"'te,:'„V,: 8.9 : ,J:t'NFI :r ,,,,,,-,;,-,,: ,-, 23 1.1111110.1111111* Ati,: 24.1.111 - .:&.1-44290'„::: - -25 1515 0 75 : 26 10:23 0.5 27 13:51 0.75 01,95,,,,860 , ,' 4,,N:' 0.5 28 1447 0.5 ,,,,,, 1 ,,,,;,,,,„1111.1111111111111- - -111111111- MINEM111.1 29 09;19 0.75 0.6 30-° 1 ',-'F''''':' ,:- „ '„-,',',, , „ _ '11.1111111.01=111111111.111.111111111.111.11111111111111.111111 l'ikIIIMIII..g.IMII.MIMMIIMIIMIIII4,-45390''',H- ' \ ' MillIllMillIll.IMI"liIllIlliMl" 7 11111.1111111111111.111.. 31 1.1.11 Average: T 0.00 -,...„ Daily Maximum: „:'%255;;5:90 42.00 '' '::: 0.90 I. - 14:',02., , _ 0 9.10 ,A5i,i115_2. 29,00?:' : 11111_ Daily Minimum: ', ::„ 0:„,„ „ 42.00 '' 1 ' 0.50 - '-0.00:' 5.33 , 1,4„.02 , 0.04 7.10 _ '1,8'18,, ; Sampling Type:1 pq-pp'i-eel. : Grab Oiab"tt Grab Qrab Grab ':.' Grabt ' Grab ':Grab: ' Grab , 'Oratitil,:MMIM111.11.1. 'Gra:b:AMNIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII Monthly Limit: : .-17,4000 s : _.,-, 111.11111.11 " '11111111111.1111111.111. . - - , 111 Daily Limit: „, ':, , ,' ' ' i,‘ ,: , : , ,„, „,,„,,, 111.1111111.111 : Sample Frequency: ',OonliOuops„, Monthly 3,)‹., ear,- Per Event ,:stylortbly- , Monthly 'f'S'rtIttintlq, Month Mont*,:: Per Event : Monthly 3 X Year t*',Mpa ., - '''' 111.11111."111111111111111.111_, „,,,,„„. FORM: NDMR 05-16 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of`1g Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Jackson W. Taylor Name: Environment 1, Inc. Name: Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? G Compliant ❑' Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Michael L. Harris Permittee: Sparty Hammett Certification No.: 27686 Signing Official: Sparty Hammett Grade: Spray Irrigation Phone Number: 252-330-4006 Signing Officials Title: County Manager Has the `c ged since t previous NDMR? 1 Yes ;ll, No Phone Number: 252-335-0865 Permit Expiration: 6/30/2028 gnature Date Signature Date By this signature,I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify,under penalty of law.that this document and all attachments wereprepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the hest of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate.and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties tor submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Page 1 of 2 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-1) Permit No.: W00007507 1 Facility Name: Pasquotank County Industrial Park County: Pasquotank I Month: July Year: 2022 v ftMi00014**gRiC,:klii Field Name: 2 a' '1' 'z'Fliiii*iiiii6:,,,, tik-41*,, '1*,,'• Field Name: 4 tIN0i0' -,tt,,, t't:xt.,":0--0‘,0,PI,.',0, Did irrigation occur .-*-... v:te*,vi,,,u, P. (acres):::.,,-.,.\,...,Atea :F.. ...-,A ,B.,2,5 ,,,„,4 Area(acres): 6.3 40It004kteaiacres)(00- -47,t ',,,t ,,t, Area(acres): 6.47 -0 00----v- zn, " 7;,,,,,' N '14t;iiieiti; i: ll:c, '!1A6i.idii.btit:kW. Cover Crop: Hardwood at this facility? r'''t 1' ibiiN4i-70.4':irz,, M6iii*OleW Cover Crop: Hardwood N - , , ,, _'',''',:',"'„::',,,..:,, ,. .,..,'.ft-r. ' , :1' ''''' '' Hourly Rate(in): 0.307 4i61*06,47(tat .. .630V1&, : Hourly Rate(in): 0.307 '",iiPttlY;t:Rate:,4,11:4) :'t%k,' 9M7z-'::„c ,D YES 0 NO AiiiiiO4ikfliftl.s' Il 'ti-,6A2r,,;.V'S, Annual Rate(in): 34,84 Annual Rate 3'0°,!t4''iks:5O,k',,,II,"!tt''', Annual Rate(in): 35.36 I_ Weather Freeboard tie1(±fritirTga70?Ilt:Oi\g,itt'i,aftk,I!0itI: Field Irrigated? E YES 0 NO \FI14.16140t 12:*,7\,.1:\ -,,,_, iF:':,3 Irrigated? 0 YES 0 NO g , ,, .. :,' w -. T5 ri, E 0) st) E E W W .12 ›, -0 7 .5 0 a'Po %,40.71. , ,,; ,,.:',. t .4zzz,7,:iii' E .0 0 2 2-,_,c g -. ..„.s ..g.:Ap.,L ut,..,4q, *4,775t,, E:etE:e., = -;71 ,E 0 -,r; 0 (s m . ,,,,tEklk ,.:147,%,.. 7.-akry 's . a E a W7 '4't' E RI .•-.z.2.-',i, ,v- \_,4430---A-, ::_:-qx*I0Outii 75 a_ i= 1-. a o g , 6 ,I..,!„,;,P,NI, V-.-N,, n3ZY',V,,j'' > < a t o. -7,. 2 rzi ;'-, ok......clF,i ,P„,k.,_,,,,',,S,N,'‘,,,--., 1,'‘F44,0kX43,& > < , -I -1 V\IS7A- ' '', I .-- ',IF,,,tti4i",;4'it ..E E :(12" fi) 0 cg Z-.- -<''-",4 '' S-*.' - ke-, - -.Z: hk'-4,- _ m ., k,,'\.,.--V, cu 1- .,..-w-,,,,,!- ,,,,,„,:„.::,, .F in ft ft .. 44011,u01 x‘v„,„,„..:171.to-v,,,&--,:z\--4,617,:z:i:!,:4iii*,,,,,,t 4.1 gal min in ,, "iii3O,1,iof,, , gal min in in _. 1 C 80 0" 36,5" ZZIt,2,:', J1 ',. . ..1:5-\-‘'S t,''.'7 n't7r!. : 3 „,::,,, .T,, ,i ',i ''''-,-,„%"1„-C, ,i,,,C\N :,...-‘7 %--og,.„,,,nb,,,,:zip,,2:1,,,,-.N.,„%,,N,().-!?, ...z,,,iN,1.1. , 2 R 82 .05" 3'6" iik1,0',''.%0;"" 00,00t -- ,, , ,,,n, t,---ttittt'Z',,,Sn. KOW-7-A. ,',--: . ,-;\-,!,-..---,.. ,-,,, :, ,,, 3 C 80 0" 3'6" „0,0,t :t00WAV0INIV, :ZOM''''' 0„,:*,;.1 ,\ ,, - -,: i*VZrt:-.;%79\t-Wg:,U4.rZ Ci'5gi,4 C 81 .9" 36" ::t,' ''0''Y'iV i4,11VA. , Z'$4:,,a,00:;',..% 5 C 80 0 3'6" IN'tI,e, tt"00 Nt00It006, ,;,N,,,,,,li„:Z44 yw't,A,!:q ,, ,, , ,'& , 6 C 81 0" 35.5" 0.'- 0 0'- ‘0", 1.VV,vt*: „ Zi\', -, '"&U,,%tt A,v,,,,00, i -'' LV 01WW',M _\----,,\-',',\'':'.';-L*',W il\, -;.--‘,-, ,h," LL,"'"' -L-- ,1 0.21 ':,:t00 ,N0:0.0t,:0t.tttl,,.,--k",,'N10:0°I-Iw'7't;:,AVVrIt 39,000 60 7 C 79 0" 36.5" 0.22 , i).2.2, .. 4,t,,,,,,i::Ay:„,,tt,",t'I',I, s0.'0,:-,k''*-'''.-0,7:,:0'_,;t„'?,,,,kA.,0°':,:ti, 36,000 -60 • 0.21 -r ,-. dt,ttidInti:i:$6' Q il(*ILI-itIlti;'.., 8 CL 78 5" 35.5" Vt'-''k4AR' 1' -\''*i' '' '-''L'''.,''-‘ - ',::11 :k- ,,,,,;:i ': $i,,ii ::' 9 CL 75 .1" 3'4" ',01°ttitg Z'0V7s1V\-70'Nt&„4,t:,,t,',&,,,,.000 ', ,-* -,',,L',,: ','-0.N '',,,W':,,, ,,:,,,,,,m 10 CL 70 .2" 3'4" , : "P' iU%,' IV.-41t 0Nd tt0''\0'‘IZilit'0),1",'":1;',',1 , 'N.N.0,\I -,_"-,.`","00'',tt 0, ,,-0'.',•,t,',,kt,Itt-.00-,,,,,,,k.,,," 36 000 60 0.21 0.21 11 CL 73 .9" 3'5" i'iVfll',:l'',,A tta0,4V:!1-S. ,::-4,0411'. ' ,R,kqtv,,I.wT,::-: ,,,,1„ ..,,,,, ,:-<%.. ,, 36,000-4 ,,,,'.,,,,,,,,-,-,A,,,,,-‘ ,,1----r-„,,,,,,,w,, ,1,,,,,,w,,,,1„,„i ,c,r, 0 60 v-t2:61000VIQ, 160k,,41 ',Itti4C7j 7,1:04t,:,! 0.22 0.22 ,,,,,„„,_ , 12 C 77 0" 3'5-5" NtM.:V!Ii SN,,IT,, ,-',,„N,y,,, -,,,,---,--: :I ,v° 1-13 C 78 0" 3'6" ft23400, IIV$$M P0.12,,;Nool , *--''''N,-. N''!-- sl" 4\I'C7* ,TN\ ''' ,,, 36,000 60 021 0.21 ,L,,,,,,,,,,, N, ,,,,,,,,.,,,$„,,,, -:,,% ,, ,,,,,,i--, '-ti ',,V i'', ,,' '\'' --,-,,,,- ,,-,-,',, 14 CL 78 ,5" 3'5.5" ,,, ,',,,,,, '-,,-,!': ,, \--,w,w L ,!,.,-,;,,,,,,, 15 CL 74 0" 35.5" k0:",'01:,Uztr044- 1 t;iI 16 PC 88 0" 3'4" ' - ':'!'4 '''ONVN!at,n0!1'lLSA1-V, t,,, 0- 7'0PKViil'' N''''', NA,f t ,‘l P , , N ''‘ ' 17 C 77 0" 36" '*'03iI:VM:St, Z0‘ti..t,,I ',40,-,'',4', ,,',•:, 18 C 79 0" 35.5" 1,:,,AH;,0,6,0i,i 440,M0r,I,OZIPM i',' oloin, ,r., 006:,,,1 ',:,., 0,ix!,E,i!r.'.,1,a,,iglx-:„.,-;k.-P.. 1., :6.&,,PM' ','', ,, J IN;,6,71%.1' 36,000 60 0.21 0.21 19 C 80 0" 3'5,5" ett:01t,IN,'I',I,'0't'kIAltt't0t 'kt- , , ' ' -Lf ' ' 'W4 E,,,,„,44 :,„. -A',.:, . 39,000 60 0.22 0.22 ..t'-- -6;0.00:4:s;f'!,0()'''' *041st:iii%0'. (P11f.,,':20 C 81 0" 3'5" N,'',4 „',4 ftk*,,,, ',',--,,-, 21 C 81 0" 34,5" !::',A,w!-1 ,:,::ookItin:141Zos,,s'::,, :::T"' : ' , ,, ,•, 36 000 60 0.21 0,21 22 C 80 .45" 33.5" pa,pg,'',,,t0stt,,,0*,,I.i..0:,0t ,..:', , -', ,'1 23 PC 93 0" 3'4" 24 C 80 0" 3'6" 25 C 79 0" 33.5" , 26 C 81 0" 3'3" 0 3SX100 i , 01,.:: :::0;:2o(::, .:- in2r.): : - ' -- -- 27 C 81 1.2" 3 1 — l''''''''' 28 C 83 .75" 3.5" 29 C 82 0" 2'110 ' ... " .30 CL 78 0" 211" 4/,„ s :i.8.,01''':;,10'0-':.. ,.;:,7,4,7/.1,"'-i'''.t14,Q-0:,,:::;; 31 R 80 0" 210" .,"';''zipzede... 180,000 1.05 Monthly Loading; ''‘00‘2,900::1YijeZzir,""P„..e'-" '' ),43'-t, ,,:". -/,,,,t 117,000 e ' 0.67 „ ,12 Month Floating Total . _ 4,8 _ , 13.84 0. , 4/7 94 _ 16 86 e :_ FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page_1 of 2 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? j Compliant ==I Non-Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Compliant E Non-Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Compliant [I Non-Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? Compltant Non-Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? E Compliant E Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Michael L. Harris Permittee: Sparty Hammett Certification No.: 27686 Signing Official: Sparty Hammett Grade: Spray Irrigation Phone Number: 252-330-4006 Signing Official's Title: County Manager Has the changed since t previous NDAR-1? 0 Yes E No Phone Number: 252-335-0865 Permit Exp.: 6/30/28 I Signature Date Signature Date By this signature. certify that this report is accurrale and complete to the best of my knowledge I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted,Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Page 2 of_2_ FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 July Year: 2022 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-1) k::::::: :asqu::a,:: ,w-<, Field Name: 8 Permit No.: WQ0007507 Lacility Name: Pasquo(ank County InduFsiterlfdaINPaamrek: 6 ''' 'F:fe:Ittl1.14* 4V'N ,',„ N , Area(acres): 7,63 leiii*l41:170.;:i '':?A'AQ'AA 7 s,A,‘ '''''"AA''''' ,A AAttf:4;A4WA! Area(acres): 6.61 C , : .„ 'ArleT'-' 6 .0.i 0,\\‘‘,Nt:0;.9PlrlA:::::::, Cover Crop: Hardwood Did irrigation occur ,: 4#440409!4,',4 ,\trl , ‘,,, b.:,-6.4i,*4oi ,: 1,i,*,(4-wo91slz*; Hardwood -_- 0.307 Cover Crop: - '" -, ,,, . , , ,77 Hourly Rate(in): at this facility? Cover Crop ''„';'&00:1*,N ,th3073 :.::, , 0.307 56.68 iQt !:.F Hourly Rate(in): r---tiiIiiiiiit*6*1CnICOr4i2:aft,t!1,t', 2 YE:1.36{ NO 1! !!!!!!1:a !!!.itil!!!!!! 0 NO YES 0 NO 'Lii,:i.)i, ji7,,: c,!':Fl1): ,'n,-1:tt:4,,p4,,-6,i„.N.,.4...b,: i,f,tlii AnFnieuidaliRrraigteat(eind)?: Annual Rate(in): E ...._ co ri Field Irrigated?tcrim , ---‘'tf--'-----1„4,7---'i4-' p:',''' " ,,'-iz-'1,_„ iti4.*,,,, Field Irrigated? N Yr.DES k,,'11? \,,. :\1- 1 >\:-: .'tt ,ilt c/) 7 = - Weather Freeboard N. S\Ik' N'k,.,k.st",'0W4I ,,„ ,: !,, ,' A o F W43 V "'i44 INN. ' ig7st § t, .E4' a .2,'?'7,1 . . . - -,,,,,,,,,,*,r:,,Nt,,,iNesi,.,N;: ci ,:,itok a) is (1.) 11 >''•- E I :5 kn-', zriT;%r ::,_;k-,.,r---,oi,:s,(g.!, ..., .,,- I- 'E ,.... 0 „, 12 ,- -t.„!-Ai'ittik,. 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' , :\,,,,, :,' ., . . 36,000 60 0,16 '-','- : ' s . : ' ' ' 7• 77----- 33,000 60 0.16 27 C 81 1.2" 31' , ,„ 28 C 83 .75" 3.5" 29 C 82 0" 211" 1 1,21 7.7. f 30 CL 78 0" 211" 1.81 ?"1 :;i,:4 :9",i9',.9' ,ii:2.,!4, :,:,v , 250,000 21.78 31 R 80 0" 210" itv "," , .:L - ' , „„,,,, / _ -3775r,, ,,,t 056.' 24.07 Monthly Loading: i'2881,43,00;;,, !.. t*,:y-4_,,,, '1'i't2C5.6-t. / , 12 Month Floating Total(in): FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page_2 of_2 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? El Compliant Non-Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Compliant i-1 Non-Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? 0 compliant 0 Non-Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? El Compliant 0 Non-Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? l] Compliant J Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Michael L. Harris Permittee: Sparty Hammett Certification No.: 27686 Signing Official: Sparty Hammett Grade: Spray Irrigation Phone Number: 252-330-4006 Signing Official's Title: County Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? El Yes No Phone Number: 252-335-0865 Permit Exp.: 6/30/28 / Signature Date Signature Date ( By this signature.I certify that this report is accurrale and complete to the best of my knowledge, I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathenng the information.the information submitted is.to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete,I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617