HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07755_Well Construction - GW1_20220819 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6111 R. 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 1� For Internal Use Only: , 1.W 1 Contracts Iutormatio : I _ WCD ContactorNamc o aROM TO Dt�LRnTfON :" a 3 vn ! Z ti a eo R ft. 4 NC Well Coma&r Gnificatien Number °°?lS.011TEIC YSINCi:fui<malii'"e3 M. .OItI71iER B bib to FROM TO DIAMETER THIMERS 1N11TER4U. oCV�YS i Je4I,d l �I cSeY-rlcC R ,� c e �O � s-D iI • - I � � � 0 :16rIlVNF.fiCASirYr>FOR'TtInU4 : "'the+nidt:rlitie'd:l ..�_"—•�•-- 2.Well Construction Permit i}. O TO oU Mfi THtCrcam WAVER AL Liar nil eppllwbre—fl emuwerioapennt (1 e. C.Carony.Auto.Yonance,ere.) R. ft. In. 3.WeII Use(check well use): _... __..._w.. I Supply en: .__-FRQH YO D Erna SLOTSIZE Tn MATERIAL Dlturd [� tcipallpablie 0 R. R io.hermal(Reatindcooling Supply) idential Water Supply(single) R. RshwCommcmiol Residential Water Supply(sharod)lion FROM TO ATESIAL DU ACPa19MMCni & MOr1Nrater supply WeIINtYVA ix, itoring Recovery R. rL on Well:ifer Recharge []Groundwater ltemedietionP.Y£crSWragcandRecwcry DSalinityDenier FROM TO MATERIAL&rTest -0Stormwater Drainage n ft.rimental Technology Subsidence Control D. R. ermal Closed Lou E)Traeerhermal(fieatitrg/Ca""I.— enun Other loin under-821 Rem],i, FROM TO orscaoPrmN tor,bndnrQ.wlVrak see tlr 1 CT fR tt Ce C-(a 4.Date Well(s)Completed: r, a WeIl1Dq o a % ij i oAr r -C 5a.Well Location: O d 2 y h /. ✓ /�` e— lur`l� Kvelua.l ti rc rt Faa7itylOwnerName FacdityM9(itipplicabra) rt 1 V a( AUG 1 9 2OZZ phpicat Addrme,Cttp,add tip �— m rL /. Comm P,melyde"aniaoNa.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeb1minutedseconds or dedmal degrees: (irwall Bold.77,-0-2% is suffidem) 21 Certification: 3 s el " e.?o;e) W 6.b(are)the well(s)COPermanent or MTemporuy Srginttaeo cpified Well Contractolr Dale By iijnia8 tlua forft 1 here6y unto rlmr the vdl(r)um f k m)cwunmud of oacotdoam a 7.Is ibis a repair to an existing well: rj'�. or ON. with ISANCAC 02C.0100 or!JR NGC 02C.0200 Well Connnruton Staadattlt and that a (frhislsarepah.JiffernlaroamwellConrtmWoniformaonmideeplam the nammofthe cePYof this mcotdimbeenpivifdMro the ivellmmtr. repair undere2Imamrbrealonoronthe Me*ofArrfann. 23,Site diagramor additional well details: 8,For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed•Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use thi;back of I"page to provide additional welt site details or well construction,only 1 GW 1 Is needed. Indicate TOTAL,NUMBER of wells Construction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total Weil depth below land surface: > 7 G UQ 24a. For All Wel1rC Submit this focal wi0tut 30 days of completion of well bbrmuGtple veal ltrre►1 deprh.,fd71nem(aample.3®200 and 2®!00) construction to the following: 10.Stafle rarer level below top of casing: (11.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit lfHmer 18"1 MOM unit use'+ 1617,fait ScrvlcE Cchter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Bonhole diameter�(in.) / 24h.For injection\Velir. to addition to stmdnrg the farm to the addrus in 24a 12.Well construction method.� 'fA Y'l above,also submit one copy of fhis fban Within 30 days of completion of well (Le.augc,rosary,cable,di-1 pusb.cw) —• Construction to die following: i. Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center•,Raleigh,NC 276991636 c 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test r u 24c.For Water Supply&injection Wclla: In addition to sending the form to the addresses)above, also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of 131n Disinfcetlon type: �!I Amount: y�y completion of well construction to the county health department of the county whue Consitucted_ FamGW-1 Nov*Cm hmDcpurmeafaf6aommaeoa!Quality-DivisionofWatafusam es Revisod2-22-2016'