HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07753_Well Construction - GW1_20220819 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 R. 1i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 1� For Internal Use Only: i.W 1 Ceottacto Iuiormatt lL � Ssa�•wnx8 :2ts1�t>rs.:_"_r�,�:- _.-..r ._:.�T:�=�^: •—•-x== Well Contractor Name 00114 To DESCRIPTION Y: 7S R R I5' R iti 5 NC well Co Certification Number i ec WH3 GV Etf'CASLYii:foisON _ ..lb:ORbRYEIt f- Atb " ^:"1,o �: FROM 11 ntAMerER retcictFss TraWL - � ::1 IIVN1SItCASia[t�OA'CbniNG!""iti-er'nirit:rl"rded:t '•tea,+.�T=�=r 2.Well Constraenon permit IV: 0 FROM TO VIAM M TRECtavW sreTERtai lfsroilopplicablexeAwr cdwpent#-a tIiC.Comrry.Some,Yalaace,arc..) R. R. lo. 3.Well Use(ebeckwell use): n• h. Im ifirrigation ater Supply Well: �12:tit?1tBF1L¢_���_�.0 Im To DIAMETER SLOTS= ThIM- MATERIAL- Agricultural QM icipal/Pnblic fr. ft. ia. G.wh►rmal(13eating/Cooling Supply) esideatial Water Supply(single) tr. IL IndustrWCommanciol bResidentiai waterSupply(Shared) --:PROM TO MATERIAL AIPLACPMPrrX nn AMOUNr iYon-Water Supply Well tr. ra l Monitoring DRecovey IR ft: Injection Well: Aquifer Reebargo 0Groundwnter Remedistion 194AVVIGROBEFAM Fii'"'ttaftil' AquifcrStorageandRecovery DSalinityHa Tier Rmt To MATERIAL --- I EMLACURNI'M]"1110D •r Aquifer Test I -j]Stom►W9ter Drainage & fr. Experimental Technology 0SUbsidenceConnol m it. Geothermal(Closed Loop):- �Traeer s 2RA _Geothermal(Hcating/CodliniRetura) LjOther lain unda#2l Remarks FROM TO t►FaeuaPr[ox ten6.rdnerQ.satl%se�s ds 4.Date Well(s)Completed: of Well W# / p 11 ft 5a.Well Location 2 Qcl g�j� wr�rF�/�S a n Faa7iryllhvturNaou Facility log(itipplicable) n' n' a2 l�a _ 11hricet a&-;Gtr,adZia a --»: `. ��Smart nA :tip ,_....._..- _•_--- .Yn--= Coaaty pmoel lAi'M.Mewiaa No.(PiN) Sh..Latitude and lonifimde to degreealmiautesliecon)ds or decimal degree: J 6� (irwall J� Id.one avlog is sufficient) /Gnl t� 22 Certification: p�,V Ig- 7fd d N W 6.I3(are)1hewetl(3) Permanent or OTempor2ry Sigmttato tttiBedWdlContracror Dale By aismng rlds farm.I A-Ay 6[rt Jj ff-the fnell():Pas 6rere)eofulmered ai aowMaece 7.IS this a repair to an existing weu: OYes or No wdh 1SANCAC 01C.0100 or iJA NGtC OIC.0100 We/l CoAft tx ion SmMprde and that a IfiNs Is a repel,fit!ord,iuownwdr camin crionhfma otion andaeplam the r itim ofihs copyofthis nicoMhot been protI MM thewe0 owner: repair umfor e]1 rearesls sauion or on the Aackaffhtsfomr. 23•Site diagram or additionaf well delalls: S.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geoffmajal Wells having the same You may osc the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only i GW 1 is needed.Indicate TOTAL,NUMBER of wells eonsttuctiondetails.You may also attach additional pages if rumesvary. dulled. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land sorfaec: O J p1) 249. For All Walla: Submit this form wi0tin 30 daps of completion of well Formulaplawenrla:rarldepduJdtfJerenrfemmple.3�100andl®if00) construction to the following 10.Staftc water level below top of casing: �! (a) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit /fvarer level rs above au&e use+" 1617 Mail SoMce Ccbhr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 11.Borehole diameter. pn.) 24D.For Infection Well In addition to sertdiffg the faun to the address is 2Aa p I, above,also submit one copy ofthis That Within 30 days of completion of Well 12.Well construction method: rIt construction to the following: (i.c.auger,miary.table,ducat push,eto.) Division of Water Resources,Uudetground injection Control Program, FQR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mad Service CQ&.Raleigh,NC 27699-106 c 13a.Yield(gprn) J G Method of tesC . 24.For Water Supply Br Injection Wells: In addition to sending the Iota to /� ` the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount:Amount: 3 completion of well consttuctioti to the county health department of the county where eonsimcled- r FormGW-1 NonaChmfi nDgnrsmmtafEdam mearalQmlity-DivisionofWoterRcsomtcs Revised2-22-2016' i