HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002857_Monitoring - 04-2022_20220811 ti DWR - NonDischarge Monitoring Report Submittal •4 .. NORTH CAROLINA Enrlranmenlel QHaflly Monitoring Report Submittal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Permit Number#* WQ0002857 Name of Facility:* Piedmont Custom Meats Month:* April Year:* 2022 Report Information Type* Upload Document* Revised-NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, Piedmont Custom Meats.pdf 2.26MB NDMLR PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2,NDMLR,GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* amie.ferguson@pacelabs.com Name of Submitter:* Arnie Ferguson Signature: Date of submittal: 8/11/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Reviewer: Gerald,Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0002857 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Winston-Salem Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 8/29/2022 Page 1 of 3 , NON-DISCHARGE AVASTE AV.ATER MONITORING REPORT PERNII F NUAIBER: VVQ0002857 MONTH: April \ EAR: 2022 F.A,I ITAt NAME: Piedmont Custom Meats NN AN TF COUNTY: Casocil ..--- ri-iow Monitoring Point. Etluent El Influent Parameter Mcnitorno Port. Effluent' D Influent: C: j Surt-att,:e Water(SW): 1 0 SW Code Name Tnere Effluent Stow 4-2:r chi.,NIonth Generated Ai This Facitaw Yes: 0 No Li ,e1,, Q,r i 12,0r 316 ,.; 70:C0 Or,00 CM.,+1,2 i ,OC: 4r °COO 005 D Aarwal C„5r,y Rafe Reece, A rime ,Ccperalar CRC 1Flowl mo Coloerm T 2400 7 me on ori Treatment Kos/dual Hi/D., 1 .C6c6reeme t.,1.39 1,051 L Clock 56c 5ee.7 S.qem an i-hi.iriae 2,1 C 1,11-5',, r“; I \Ran', 110 2,15-1-e, Ilk\ Chloe& ' \ecoes RI sin HP', 1 '''N ,"011.,,,,,, \II', or,L kli,L 00,0 klc 1 160511 Oh,L. Mc 1 --11 Oil,1. hi c L Oil,L 1 510 L W. I 1.816 I _ 2 1 , 1.8Hr , I 1.8i6 .1 1 1.816 .........., — 5 1,816 i .... , ........7 ....... . .._ _ 1.sio ....... ..... ....7 1040 0.591 Y 1,816 6.4 -__ <6.111 a 2.210 _ . . 9 22111 ,, in 2,210 — - — , II 6990 0.50 Y 2.210 6.-111 <9.01 --s. 12 0845 IL 7 5 ) 2.069 - 13 2,9110 1 14 2.1269 „-- 15 2„9119 16 1009 17 2.0119 - - . Is 2,0119 19 2.000 1 — _ 25 11155 11.50 Y 2.999 6.2 -M31 II 965 t - - -- —22 965 23 965 „ I 24 965 — / 25 965 26 965 — --:-- 27 11117 9.59 Y 965 6 3 <0.91 _ 28 __. LIM 29 1,1119 , 30 1.019 - _ — 3i -kven6ze 1.647 S <0.91 — , Dail,Meximum 2,2111 6.40 <1491 6'It — . Daily Minimum 965 _ ._ <0,91 Nlionchl Limits.E.-`0.'2,.). 5090 Composite 1 /GralliGh Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC): Glenn Price Grade: SI Phone: 136-906-284 I Check Box if ORC flas Changed: _ ORC Certification Number: 98793 I/20771 Certified Laboratories(1): Pace Analytical Services (2): . Person(s)Collecting Samples: Glenn Price NI ail ORIGIN.NL and Too COPIES to: ATTN: Non-Discharge Compliance Unit X _ DEIN R (SIGN,kTuttE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHA Division of Vs 116."Quality Di this signatur e,I certil), that this report i'S 1110c6 rate and 1617 Mail Service Center complete to the hest of my knon ledge. RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 DENR Form NDAR-1 (5/2003) NON DISCHARGE WASTEWATER MONITORING REPORT FACILITY STATUS: Please answer the following question: Com gli:rnt (Y,N) I. Does all ► onitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements? If the facility is non-compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. f / Q �} tf''f t -f �%,L•r r ! J I rt t e c/r~ it /71'/"-2Z t �J - 2 �f� �� ;,rig- r /l r 'C..K� c' C�` C% % / '� Z� `-° T // Z S t l t e!n Z 1(lJ _L /f'C P N't:=z e� C ,rt(< 5 5"e' v 2 ! a S^r h 4 . 4 cs -�-f GA 2— 1 yyw re " ,( Vt n !' -1 C ) ' l-, e e /` e ‹f "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that a qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true,accurate, and complete. I am aware that there arc significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." �-- �"' (�( ` ` Baron Neal McDuffie (Signature of Permitee)* Date (Name of Signing Official-Please print or type) Baron Neal McDuffie(Authorized Agent) Field. Services Director(Pace Analytical Services) (Permittee-Please print or type) (Position or Title) 9683 Kerr's Chapel Road 336-582-8247 03/31/21 Gibsonville,NC (Phone Number) (Permit Exp. Date) (Permittee Address) _ PARA_ME_TER CODES 01002 Arsenic 31504 Coliform, Total 00600 Nitrogen,Total 00929 Sodium 01022 Boson 00094 Conductivity 00630 NO2 & NO3 00931 SAR 00310 RODS 01042 Copper 00620 NO3 00745 Sulfide 01027 Cadmium 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00556 Oil &Grease 00515 TDS 00916 Calcium 31616 Fecal Conform WQ09 PAN (Plant Available) 00010 Temperature 00940 Chloride 01051 Lead , 00400 pH 00625 TKN 50060 Chlorine,Total , 00927 'Magnesium 32730 Phenols 00680 TOC Residual 71900 Mercury 00665 Phosphorus,Total 00530 TSS/TSR 01034 Chromium 00610 NH3 as N 00937 Potassium 00076 Turbidity 00340 COD 01067 Nickel 00545 Settleable Matter 01092 Zinc Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance/Enforcement Unit at(919)733-5083,extension 529. The monthly average for Fecal Coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean, Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. it-signed by other than the Perm Mee,d legation of signatory authority must be on tile with the stale per I5A NCAC 2B.0506(6)(2)(D). _. Page 2 of 3 NON-DISCIIARGE APPLICATION REPORT SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) THERE ARE TWO APPIICATION FIPELDS PER PAGE.USE ADDIDTIONAIL PAGES AS NEEDED PERMIT NUMBER: NVQ0002857 MONTH: April YEAR: 2022 FACILITY N ,\IE: Piedmont Custom Meats WWTF COUNTY: Caswell Formulas Daily t.eadlifig einchles) e[Volume Applied(gallonsI x 0 1336 f cubic feet:gallon)x 12(inches,foul)))i[Area Swayed(acres)x 43,560)ot-learn feetracrej or =Nollume Applied( a orb /[Area Sprayed(acres)x.7 1- (gallonsiacre-moh), Maximum Hoc by Loading(inches) H Daily Loading nriches)V[Time irrigated(minutes1.1ED(minutes/hour)] Monthly Loading finches) =Sum of Daily Loading(inches) 12 Month Floating Into (inches( )=.Sum of this month's Monthly Loading(inches)and preytous 11 month's Monthiy Loadings(nches) Average Weekly Loading(inches) Hi[Monthly Leading inches month)f Number of days in,the month Idayshnonte 1)rr 7(days cued) Diio Imgation Occur At This Facrlinf Dm negation Occur On This Field, Did OffigatiOn Occur On This Reid, — Yes: No, I 1 Yes: y..... No U I—I Yes) Ni 0 Reid NUmer 1 Fielg Numb'eM 2 Area Sprayed(acres)) 1 Area Sprayed(acres)) 1 Cover Crop: Fescue Cover CroP, Fescue Permittea Hourly Rale)mrceesj.. 0 2 Hormitted Houey Rate onudes i 0) WEATHER CONDITIONS Permitted Yearly Rate nrches1) 52 Perri-lifted Year Rate tincoes1, 52 D A weather To.pouluoo Storage S r tint lddonium T Code at Precrogta- Lagoon l,,,huu, t..; 15l111111, IIIM011, I . . .—........ ............. ...... , ( 21 . . --....,..... ...... ....-.. ..................... 0 6 ' 7 PC 67 0 1.75 5940 165 0.22 0.08 5940 165 — 0.22 _ 0.08 8 _ — 111 i 1 7 40 0 1.9 11520 320 0.42 0.08 11520 320 0,42 0,08 772 'C 54 0 2.5 la., — p— — 14 . . 13' . , . 16 , " — — 18 OS C 44 0 2.4 , 21 22 , 23 1 25 1 1 — — 26 -, 27 C Si) 0 2,2 9180 255 0.34 0.08 9180 255 0.34 . 0.08 --,-- . „ 29 31 iV8,1,,i,2V4I.,,,, ,.,,;482 ,N87:;21. 0 98 i.0:.'5,::*b.',:4;. ::' '::,a44./PAC:54.:i.i'':- .44nIik.,40:4 0.98 pliOkililE0itAil: l 2 Mood Illouluu Twol duke.,q gwiN,%,,,i*e.:,.,,,,,,,,,,?pV,A0zi* 5,03 .'i',.;i1e#10,04: 4.47 FIROMMlett ., ..,,I.,4„,w, ..:ii::.,,-;. g.::;,:.,J,,:.;;;; .: 0,25 t4'.5';,,,. .. .-1.;;,',11.,A..''''C.:f:,,.',:2*Ok" ','''''',;02: ', ',%1;;N:P 0.25 ;f1400.401X40#00:. 833 Il tiler Codes:C-clear,PC-partly cloudy.Ct-cluudy,R-raill,Sii-soutY,SI-Yleld Spray Irrigation Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC): Glenn Price Phone: 336-996-2841 ORC Certification Number: 987931/20771 Check ox if ORC IIas Changed:[ Mail ORIGIN,1.1,and Two COPIES to: ATTN:Non-Discharge Compfiance Unit X DENR (SIGNATURE OF OPERNFOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) Division of Water Quality By this signature,I certify that this report is accut-ate and 1617 Mail Service Center complete to the best of my knowledge. R.! "G11,NC 27699-1617 ........,____________........._..........,..................____......_ * — .--- DENR Form NDAR-1 (5/2003) FACILITY STATL1Si Please indicate( hv insertiirg Y(es) or N (o) in.the appropriate box) whether the facility has been COMPilant With the following permit requirements.: (Note: If a requirement does not apply to your facility put(NA) in the compliant box.) Compliant (Y,N) 1. The application rate(s)did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit. E$E1 2. Adequate measures were taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s). 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with the permit. [11 / 4. All buffer zones as specified in the permit were maintained during each application. q711 5. The freeboard in the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s)was not less than the [atil limit(s) specified in the permit. If the facility is 11011-C'umpliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. asik. e b &r-cf (444 i5ece 7-za. • zz d ye_ -/.0 e sr i'vt rex.e;v.(I e". /vie Sre5e. --f7rvt". 0etyw. e i., to• L 54a.--6, 7Ckl-e&C at-ef 0/IA 1'4- /e,.5 AA . -reef ( "vue do-j-t 4 c-ALHQ d c 1•.> the A.46,4 ce e dews rt.?,rk Of reS0iw e-ci 4.4r -71.2.e.tac rice el co+ 6rAcf hie..ck 1A Lsi1itc . 1yfij•iz -2 2_ "I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that a qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the in:forinafion submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate,and complete. lam aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." -7-1J 2 Baron Neal McDuflie (Signature of Permitee)* Date (Name of Signing Official-Please print or type) Baron Neal McDuff-le(Authorized Agent) Field Services Director (Pace Analytical Services) _ (Permittee-Please print or type) (Position or Title) 9683 Kerr's Chapel Road 336-582-8247 03/3112 I Gibsonville, NC (Phone Number) (Permit Exp. Dale) (Permittee Address) If by other than the Permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the stale per I SA N('AC 28.0506(13) (2)(D). DENR Form NDAR-1 (5/2003) Page 3 of 3 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) THERE ARE TWO APP'LI'CATION FIELDS PER PAGE.USE ADDIDT(ONAL PAGES AS NEEDED PI R\I1T NI'\IIlItR: WQ0002857 MONTH: April YEAR: 2022 FACILITY NAME: Piedmont Custom Meats \\ANTE COUNTY: Caswell Formulas: Daily Loading(inches) -['Volume Applied(gallons)x G 133h(cubic feeL'gallon)x 12(inches,foot)))[Area Sprayed(acres)x 43,560(square teet'acre)or [olume Applied(g<llaorosp![Area Sprayed('acres)x 27,152(gallons/acreanch).. Maximum N-fcurly Loading(loui'le3) -tally Loading('lurches)/{Time irrigated(ruinates)/50(minutes/hour)] Monthly Loading(inches) 'Sum of Daily Leading(inches) )2 Month Floating Total(inches) A,Sum of this month's Monthly Loading(inches)and previous 11 month's Monthly Loadings(inches} Average Weekly Leading((itches) _[Monthly Loading(inches,'month f Number of days in the month)daysfimanth)1 t 7(dayslweek) Did trrrgason Occur At This Facility. Did Vrrtguton Occur On This Feld: Did Irrigation Occur On This Field' Yes +',.. No: I I Yes. ' No:'. El Yes'. No: X Fiery Numcttr: 3 - Pieter hfvrailier-, -- Area Sprayed(acres): 1 Area Sprayed(ourer): 1 Cover Cron Fescue Cover Crop: Fescue Permutea(loony Rate VInches I. 0 2 Formtaed Hoary Ram pinches):"0 2 WEATHER CONDITIONS Permitted Yearly Rale inches 52 Permitted Yearly Rate(inchesj: 52 a U ,,�, Wcourea' T mnermtlurrcre Siorr3trr xl icy i a i�umii 'Y hl '�• Carle' at Prcop�la' L'mipce "+',-rim Tciea 6.,.r.l:, n rtr, ±.'IuRa a"iiuiW It 1 Ii..arty IT, 7'I'ki�.uti,ar Inn a ti.S.iu, inl~I,rl' Ixr-.rttiC L„s.l'ii I., ,I 3i, I I''1«xl I lrr•.vl.,.l L,,,eu°eii� I.ti,liio f f'� {pYf ViPS" li�� E.ul.ntrc lt��iti idltil6ty 1�.4titi =,�11.1r. uoimid�^,: ui,:lr�x pil'F,,v I 7 PC' 67 tI 1.75 10 II 411 0 1.9 1' .'C 54 0 2. 13 16 18 11 C 44 0 2.4 ......... -. it i -- 23 24 25 26 27 C' 59 0 2.2 9180 255 0.34 0.08 28 us Ti.rl t,rltans'ir. Yln'I Ilre_iii,is,I 5; ' r01„ !, i �( °4 91 ray 0.00 r 0.34 0.00 'I'>yii(°i1l'iat'' ("u'rr� �t P er,�.rt,1Yud.lr l.�rarr�_u�,ktio,i „, 1 �r (too o.00 *11'ualhu I rakes:,C-cl Oa,,PC-p,srlly cloudy,CI-doudv,Ix-rain„Sn-snow,SF-steel Spray irrigation Operator in Responsible Charge(01:1C): Glenn Price Phone: 336 996-2841 ORC Certification Number: 987931/20771 Check Box if ORC Has Changed: Mail ORIGINAL anl'lalo COPIES to: ATTN:Non-Discharge Compliance Unit X DENR (SIGNATURE 01''C1l'ER.#-I-OR IN RESPONSIBLE CII.lRGE) Dir:isiort of'Water Quality By this signature,I certify that this report is accurate and 1617 Mail Service Center complete to the best of my knowledge. ,11,NC' 27699.1617 DENR Form NDAR-1 (5/2003) FACILITY STATUS: Phase indicate( b v insert;rig v(c,,i)0 r \ (o) in the appropriate box) whether the facility^ has been compliant with the following permit requirements: (Note: if a recut irement does not apply to your facility put(NA) in the compliant box.) Compliant.(Y,N) I. The application rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit. Er] 2. Adequate measures were taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s), EP 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with the permit. 117:1 4. All buffer zones as specified in the permit were maintained during each application, 5. The freeboard in the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s) was not less than the EXII limit(s)specified in the permit. If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if nee•ssary. .21) # ALM.t`4ted AR-e‘co-i-cl ex ce e elect ait ; `1-7- 2-a •P ll, .. ...s 462 ce,4r1-4 I c., ilit le... e. -1.-4/%4. ,ec4i.t t OA- Z 5 a-f le.5.5 41,-.1-1 2,0 44.4 _TT il°474ee AIC.btAIR ezfe-e.P___ •- t :ANE WS at t`e cl zu 1- 6-4 cf P-o-c l'irli 1.A_P-I So-dc (0.- e em.fi 044 cs. 6y if' 12- 2-2- "I certify,under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that a qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, incl ing the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." /3 ---s-------e------ 2-1/).------ ----7--/J .2 2'. Baron Neal Mc Du[fie (Signature of Permitee)* Date (Name of Signing Official-Please print or type) Baron Neal MeDuftie (6 uthorized gent) Field Services Director (Pace Analytical Services) (Pennittee-Please print or type) (Position or Title) 9683 Kerr's Chapel Road 336-582-8247 03/31/2 l Gibsonville, NC (Phone Number) (Permit Exp. Date) (Permitice Address) * If signed by other than the Permittee,delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 213.0506 (b) (2)(D). DENR Form NDAR-1 (5/2003)