HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120946 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_20140808Rti' R � j J awcn - o 94 Annual Monitoring Report YEAR #3 Morgan Creek Floodplain (at Mason Farm) Orange /Durham Counties, North Carolina EEP Project #258 Contract # 16- 005217 y. air' N 7 MY — 03 Monitoring Report Data Collected: October 2013 Submitted: December 2013 D FUG 8 2014 ER ouauTY I El aaffenent PROGRAM RECEIVED JAN 242013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PFD GRAM Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 217 West Jones St. Suite 3000A Raleigh, NC 27603 Annual Monitoring Report YEAR #3 Morgan Creek Floodplain (at Mason Farm) Orange /Durham Counties, North Carolina Project #258 Contract • 11 7V MY — 03 Monitoring Report Data Collected: October 2013 Submitted: December 2013 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 217 West Jones St. Suite 3000A Raleigh, NC 27603 �. Prepared by: Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. P.O. Box 690429 1VM �,} Charlotte, NC 28227 Ei RaiILI,ie nt MOGENSEN MITIGATION. INC YNO<i MGM TABLE OF CONTENTS I Executive Summary 1 IIe, Methodology 4 III References 5 APPENDICES Appendix A Project Vicinity Map & Background Figure 1 Vicinity Map 7 Tables la Project Components 8 Tables lib Component Summations _ 8 Table 2 Project Activity & Reporting History 9 Table 3 Project Contact Table 10 Table 4 Project Attributes Table I 1 Appendix B Visual.Assessment Data Figure 2 Current Conditions Plan View 13 Table ,5 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table , , 14 Photo's (Veg Plots & Berm Openings) 16 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 6 Vegetation Plot Criterion Attainment 23 Table 7 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata 24 - Table 8 CV,S Stem Count Total & Planted 25 Appendix D Hydrologic Data Table 9 Verification of Bankfull Events 27 Table 10 Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment 28 Groundwater Gauge Charts 29 I. Executive Summary The Morgan Creek Floodplain Site (Site) is located on the Mason Farm Biological Reserve (MFBR), and is owned by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and'was constructed for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement- Program (EEP) The design was done by Ward Consulting Engineers, P C and constructed by iverworks, Inc. The third' year monitoring was done in October 2013 by Mogensen Mitigation, Inc (NMI). The monitoring was,done in conformance with the NCEEP Monitoring Report Template_ Version 1.5 adopted 8 June 2012 and monitoring requirements issued by the NCIRT in November 7, 2011 and can be,found at http / /portal ncdenr:orp,/c /document library/get file ?p 1 id= 1169848 &folderld = 2288101 &nam e =DLFE -39234 pd f The Site is located on the MFBR immediately adjacent to A E. Finley Golf Course and,down the road from the North Carolina Botanical Garden. The, Site is in the Morgan Creek Local Watershed planning area and is in the Cape Fear River (Haw) 14 -digit HUC 03030002060080 The Site has been used for biological research for UNC — Chapel Hill Restoration actions included the construction of berm openings to increase flood water access to the floodplain behind the artificial berm along Morgan Creek The project involved 14 37 acres of wetlands, the preservation of'5.61 acres of wetlands and preservation of 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer along the south bank of Morgan Creek The Catena Group delineated the wetland preservation area in 2005 and the reference wetland in February 2008, none of which were verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTIVES Goals 1 Facilitate regular flooding of the Morgan Creek floodplain behind the berm; 2 Promote attenuation- of sediment and nutrients on the flood plain; 3. Reduce downstream flooding by creating additional storm water detention, 4. Reduce erosion by limiting flooding shear stress on Morgan Creek banks ; 5 Restore more natural hydrology to 14 37 acres of impacted wetlands, 6 Preserve 5.61 acres of existing wetlands; 7 Re- establish a natural plant community through plantings and invasive species control, 8 Preserve 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer on the south bank of Morgan Creek Objectives 1 Create five (5) stable openings in the existing artificial berm to allow flood waters to access the conservation easement; 2 Successfully plant 14 37 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands with native desirable trees and shrubs; 3 Demonstrate jurisdictional hydrology in 14 67 restored wetland acres by way of measuring groundwater through RDS continuous read monitoring gauges; 4 Preserve the entire Site through means of a conservation easement or deed restrictions in perpetuity. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 1 Morgan Creek Foodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Five vegetation plots were located, flagged and monitored using Version 4.2 of the CVS -EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol. The success criterion specified in the mitigation plan requires a minimum survival rate of 320 stems per acre for MY 3. During MY 4 the success criterion drops to 288 stems /per acre and then in MY 5 260 stems per acre are required. All vegetation data was collected on September 30, 2013 and October 21, 2013. Based on the overall vegetation count data for MY 3 there are 197 planted stems /acre surviving. There is a combined total of 1206 planted and natural stems /acre. All five vegetation plots fell short of meeting the 320 stems /per acre target by more than 10% this year. The overall low density of surviving planted trees is supplemented with a good survival of desirable native volunteer species except for Plot 5 which is overgrown with Japanese stiltgrass ( Microstegium vimineum) and Johnson grass. All plots exhibited natural regeneration of woody species ranging from 324 to 1092. Natural species observed in plots include green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), red elm (ulmus rubra), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciva), silky dogwood (cornus amomum), and persimmon (Diospyrus virginiana). Data collected for all the plots are included in Appendix C. Problem vegetation areas were observed and photographed. These areas were dominated by microstegium, Japanese honesuckle (Lonicera japonica) and the invasive shrub buckthorn (Rhamnus davurica). Other invasive species observed included kudzu (Pueraria Montana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Chinese lespedeza (Les pedeza sp.), multiflora rose (Rosa multiora) and porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata). Japanese stilt grass is ubiquitous throughout the site and is problematic but very difficult to treat. Johnson grass is located along the path ways and in open areas within the conservation easement area. This species is problematic Significant Flood Events MMI began monitoring the Morgan Creek Floodplain in the late summer of 2013. No significant flood events have taken place since the data collection began this fall. Previous year's monitoring reports note that there have been multiple storm events which have successfully flooded the conservation easement area through the berm openings. MY 2 report prepared by Ward Engineering, PC indicated that flood events that reach 7.8 feet above normal water surface elevation allows water to access the flood plain through the berm openings. MMI has accessed the USGS Stream Gauge #02097517 and according to this data flood stage reached 8 feet above normal water surface once (two consecutive days) in 2013 although none of those events occurred during the MMI monitoring time frame. MMI has re- installed manual crest stage gauges (CSG) at each berm opening and we plan to check these after each significant flood event that might produce flooding through the berm openings. Each significant storm event crest elevation will be noted using the CSGs and comparing it to the USGS stream gauge and precipitation data. The flow volume, frequency and duration of flooding through the berm openings will be extrapolated by using the CSG's flooding elevation data, USGS stream gauge data and on a detailed topography map. This will allow for a Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 2 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 reasonably accurate calculation of flooding volume and frequency We will estimate the duration of each significant flood event for the remainder of 2013 and all of 2014 & 2015 This will be included in the MY 4 and MY 5 monitoring report along with the flooding calculations described above Berm openings #1, #2 & #3 all have varying degrees of erosion problems This is expl'amed ,in more detail below Wetland Hydrology Nine RDS Groundwatergauges were installed according to the Technical Note Hy- lA -3 J (USAGE 1993). The gauges record data every twelve hours and are downloaded,quarterly. Seven wells are located within or immediately adjacent to the conservation easement area and one is a reference gauge located off site. One gauge ( #8) was located in the Big Woods section of the MFBR and is abandoned according to Perry Sugg (NCEEP PM), therefore, it is no longer included in the annual monitoring reports Five gauges (1, 2, 4, 5 and 6) are in Wetland Restoration Soil Unit 1 where groundwater is expected to be within 12" of the surface for at least 12 5 % of the growing season (27 consecutive days) Two gauges (3 and 9) are located Wetland Restoration, Soil Unit 2 where the groundwater is expected to be within 12" of the surface for at least 5% of the growing season (11 consecutive days) According to the NRCS -USDA the growing season runs from March 27 to November 3 which is 221 days (0 125 x 221 = 27 days & 221 x 0 05 = 11 days) Gauge #7 was originally installed in the reference wetland but was moved to a new location due to beaver activity and is now referred to as 410 This gauge but not= #7 will be included in the subsequent,annual monitoring reports Precipitation data was not collected from the onsite rain bucket gauge due to a malfunctioning bucket Therefore onsite rainfall data was not available for most of the year We have supplemented the site data with data from the NC Climate Office (Station name Chapel Hill — Williams Airport A USGS stream gauge located 1500 feet upstream of the Site (Station ID 0209517) was used to correlate precipitation data and with groundwater gauge data and is shown in the Groundwater Gauge Charts in Appendix E The data from the RDS gauges indicates all wetlands have achieved jurisdictional '.hydrologic success criteria` with the exception of Gauge #3 which was faulty and,did not record data in 2013 Gauge& #3 was replaced with a working RDS unit in October 2013 and that, data will be included in the following years' monitoring reports Gauge #'s 1, 4, 5, 6 & 9 achieved jurisdictional hydrology for more the 12 5% of the growing season with gauge #'s 1, 4, 5 & 6 exceeding 20% Gauge #2 achieved jurisdictional hydrology for 10% of the growing season which exceeds the 5% minimum hydrology criteria Comparing the previous years' monitoring reports there is a definite trend toward reaching jurisdictional hydrology in all the wetland areas being monitored Gauge #10 is the reference gauge and recorded jurisdictional hydrology for 76% ofthe,growing season. This indicates that the new gauge location is in an area with obvious jurisdictional hydrology and can be used for future comparisons Problem Areas The following is a summary of other problem areas (other than vegetation survival and invasive species) such as beaver encroachment„ status of berm openings and anthropomorphic impacts_ Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 3 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 No beaver activity was observed during the numerous site visits made this fall. There is quite a bit of passive recreation by pedestrians but this is limited to walking on the mowed paths so no problems exist at this time. Several berm openings have erosion problems especially Berm Opening #1 (see photo) which has a significant pool that has eroded out. This should be repaired as well as the other berm openings that are experiencing erosion issues (Berm Opening's #2 & #3). Berm Opening's #4 & #5 are in reasonably good condition. Photos of all Berm openings can be found in the Site Photo's in Appendix B. II. Methodology All photos were taken with a Nikon digital camera and are available electronically. A Trimble Hand Held GPS unit was used to locate veg. plot corners, groundwater gauges and problem areas. An RDS data collector was used to download the groundwater data from all gauges. All graphics have been done using ArcGIS and are available electronically. ,• A. Vegetation Methodologies Five 10 x 10 square meter vegetation plots were monitored according to the CVS -EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for Recording Vegetation 4.2 (Lee et al 2008). The plot corners are marked with 1" PVC pipe and marked with bright red flagging tape. All plots were easily located except for Plot #5 which was dominated by Japanese stilt grass, Johnson grass and lacked any surviving planted trees. After interviewing the previous years' monitoring company we located and marked Plot #5 with PVC pipe. Data collected from each plot is included in Appendix C. Monitoring plot locations are shown on the maps in Appendix A. Plant identification was aided by the seminal publication Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and Surrounding Areas (Schaffle & Weakly). B. Wetland Methodologies Originally, nine (9) RDS GW Monitoring Gauges were installed and were downloaded this fall. Gauge #8 is no longer being monitored and Gauge #7 has been replaced with Gauge Location #10. Gauge #3 was faulty when we downloaded all the data. This gauge was removed and replaced with a working gauge in October 2013 supplied by NCEEP. All gauges are downloaded quarterly throughout the growing season to ensure that the gauges are functioning properly. Gauges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10 will be monitored for the next two monitoring years. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 4 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Data is provided in an Excel spreadsheet and supplemented with data from the. State Climate Office. All raw data supporting the tables, figures and graphs in the appendices are available to NCEEP upon request. III. References Lee, Michael T; Peet, Robert K, Roberts, Steven D; Wentworth, Thomas R. (2008). CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 2 NRCS -USDA 2013 Climate Information for Orange County in the State of North Carolina NCCO 2013 NC Climate Office Annual Precipitation Data (Station name Chapel Hill — Williams Airport) USGS 2013 USES Real -Time Water Data for North Carolina Stream Gauge Station ID #02097517 Weakly, Alan (2011) Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and the Surrounding Areas MiIler, James H Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests A field guide for ident� cation and Control. USDA Forest Service Southern Research station General Technical Report,SRS -62 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 5 Morgan Creek Floodplain 1\/fY -03 Monitoring Report —Final December 2013 APPENDIX A. PROJECT VICINITY MAP AND BACKGROUND DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 6 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 .ti d- & *4p % .APO 1c O WAC-Z FMCu CZOGLE E4 TO /u::rLSSED WAACH 7011 1 T7 Syr r _ Irr'ti Carolira — ErD"err EnFnncerner- tiS-'ti 4 II 'Ao►9vr : feaw no odP{atn tt. - �, Orange /bjrharr LoinGev. NDrth -^atolna *� Eft' IL' ?50 FIGURE 1 MORGAN CRFFK Fl OODPI AIN (EEP # 258) AERIAL VICINITY MAP .�, Mogensen Mitigation, Inc - P O. Box 6901429 . Charlmme. NC 28227 F704) 576 -1111 ,• .p- 1c O WAC-Z FMCu CZOGLE E4 TO /u::rLSSED WAACH 7011 1 T7 Syr r _ Irr'ti Carolira — ErD"err EnFnncerner- tiS-'ti 4 II 'Ao►9vr : feaw no odP{atn tt. - �, Orange /bjrharr LoinGev. NDrth -^atolna *� Eft' IL' ?50 FIGURE 1 MORGAN CRFFK Fl OODPI AIN (EEP # 258) AERIAL VICINITY MAP .�, Mogensen Mitigation, Inc - P O. Box 6901429 . Charlmme. NC 28227 F704) 576 -1111 Table la. Project Components Table 1a. Project Components Morgan Creek Flood lain -'EEP #'258 Project Footage Component Existing Restoration Approach or Stationing Mitigation Mitigation BMP Comment or Reach Feet/Acres Level Acreage Ratio Units Elements'! ID Wetlands 1437 R 14137 1 1 1437 Wetlands 5 61 P 5 61 51 1 12 1 = BRu= Bioretention Cell, SF = Sand,Fllter, SW = Stormwater Wetland, WDP = Wet Detention Pond, DDP = Dry Detention Pond, FS = Filter Strip, Grassed Swale = S, LS = Level Spreader, NI = Natural Infiltration Area, O = Other, CF = Cattle Fencing, WS = ,Watering System CH = Livestock Housing Table lb. Component Summations Table 1 b. Component Summations Morgan Creek Flood lain — EEP# 258 Non- Restoration Stream Riparian Rlpar Upland Buffer Level I Wetland Ac Ac Ac Ac BMP �•_ Non - Rlverine_ Rlvenne Restoration 14 37 Enhancement Enhancement Enhancement II Creation Preservation 5 61 Totals 19.98 (FeeVAcres) MU Totals 15.49 Non- Applicable i Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 8 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Morgan Creek Flood lain - EEP# 258 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Conservation easement MOA NA _ Aug-05 Restoration Plan Jul -06 Aug-06 Final Design — Construction Plans Aug-06 Nov -08 Permanent Conservation Easement NA May-09 Construction NA Jul -10 Bare root, containerized planfings y NA Dec -10 Mitigation Plan / As -built ear 0, Monitoring —baseline) Mar -11 Au -11' Year 1 Monitoring Nov -11 _ Dec -11 Year 2 Monitoring_ Oct -12 Nov -12 Year 3 Monitoring Sep-1 3 Dec -13 _ Year 4 Monitoring Bolded items are examples of those items that are not standard, but may come up and should be included Non = bolded items represent events that are standard components over the course of a typical project Mogensen Mitigation,,Inc 9 Morgan Creek,Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 3. Project Contacts Table Morgan Creek Floodplain -EEP# 258 Designer Ward Consulting Engineers, P,C 8368 Six Forks Rd, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Primary project design POC Becky Ward 919 - 870 -0526 Construction Contractor River Works, Inc 8000 Regency,Parkway, Suite 200 Cary,'NC 27518 Construction contractor POC Will Pedersen 919 - 459 -9001 Survey Contractor Turner Land Surveying, PLLC 3201 Glenndge Dr Raleigh, NC 27604 Survey contractor POC Elisabeth Turner 919 - 875 -1378' Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P O Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27930 Planting contractor POC Charlie Bruton 919- 424 -6555 Seeding Contractor River Works, Inc 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Contractor point of contact Will Pedersen 919 - 459 -9001 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource 336 - 855 -6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Core Nursery 919 - 542 -6186 Mellow Marsh Farm, Inc '919- 742 -1200 Dykes and Son Nursery 931 - 668 =8833 ArborGen (SuperTree Seedlings) 800 - 222 -1290 NC Forestry Service`(Claridge Nursery) 919- 731 -7988 Monitoring Performers Mogensen Mitigation, Inc, Goldstein & Associates, Inc 1221 P O Box 690423 Charlotte, NC Corporation, Pkwy, Raleigh, NC 28227 27610 Stream Monitoring POC N/A Vegetation Monitoring POC Rich Mogensen (Mogensen Mitigation, Inc ) 704 - 576 -1111 Wetland Monitoring POC Rich Mogensen (Mogensen Mitigation, Inc ) 704 -576 -1111 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 10 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 4. Project Attribute,Table Table 4 Project Attribute Table Morgan Creek,Flo_odplam -EEP# 258 Project County Orange /Durham Physiographic Region Piedmont (Triassic Basin)__ Ecoregion Central Piedmont Project River Basin Cape Fear River,Basm USES HUC for Project (14 digit) 3 03E +12 NCDWQSub -basin for Project 3/6/2006 _ Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? Haw River (Jordan Lake) WRC Hab Class (Warm, Cool, Cold) Warm % of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design phase? No Restoration Component Attribute Table Site Drainage area N/A Stream order N/A Restored length (feet) N/A Perennial or Intermittent N/A Watershed type (Rural, Urban „Developing etc) N/A Watershed LULC Distribution (e g) N/A Residential N/A Ag -Row Crop N/A Ag- Livestock N/A Forested - N/A Etc N/A Watershed impervious coven( %) N/A NCDWQAU /Index number N/A NCDWQ classification WS- IV,NSW 303d listed? Yes Upstream of a 303d,listed segment? Yes Reasons,for 303&hsting or stressor Standard Violation Total acreage of easement 3154 Total vegetated acreage within the easement 1975 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 116 Rosgen classification of pre - existing N/A Rosgen classification of As -built N/A Valley type _ N/A Valley slope N/A Valleyside slope'range (e g,24%) N/A Valley toe slope range (e g 2 -3 %) N/A Cowardm classification N/A Trout waters designation N/A Species of concern, endangered etc ? (Y /N) No Dominant soil series and characteristics Chewacla Series Depth _ Clay %' - K - T Use N/A for items that may not apply Use ” -" for items that,are unavailable and "U" for items thatbare unknown Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 11 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 APPENDIX B: VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 12 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 J C3 r- In z Tb T N R� `D six K IT u Oo .'1�.�yi v ouCC,#rtr S 8 MoRc b � o /b l,• Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. I I [3o r IAN CfEEK FLOODPLAN (EEP 4258) Muge -en Mitigation, Inc. dT CONDTTTONS PLAN VIEW u N�II � O Box 690029 GE /DURHAM COUIRMS 1:..,' cnnoa157s iut2� NORTH CAROLINA 13 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 C a) E fn h a) y N Q C O c O U C O Q) Ln d t9 r a m a) U Q Q) C N d LO LO m a) O7 co d U a C 41 47 N tC W C y E m o o Y O o U) U O (D C M m o O o O o d m O r-- r-- O r— V O M M O M O U \a 0 ` C O � a) m O M a Z M O O v V v V O O v V E V O O O O O O Q m a): n cn U CL N O a) O O C LO H 0 N O U) m C a) m 70 O C a) C m O .cl tm O LO U-) O LO = O U O = a z f N _ C C C en m c E 0 O O. O d •� J J J o r N C cm 0 (n CD @ w _ Q O cu _ Q O U a) O O O0 O o N ` 0 m m m tea` d C 4) C� C O N 1 C C U w d rn:2 cn Q) N d O _c O O_ Q a) U (D c0 a7 d _ LO L O N U > m a) L cu (n T 'O - O U a7 U C cm co T -O C � 7 m N O O O fn E >` U cu O 3 En a) O U N E � (n U') � C U > > cn C OO OU M E 3 N w-0 U) O .- O E in C O ? > 3 cn C — U -0 � 00 T m - .O Q O t �T. 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VEGETATION PLOT DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 22 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 6. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 6 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? MY =03 Planted Stem Density (stems /acre) MY -03 Total Stem Density (stems /acre) VP1 No 283 324 VP,2 No 202 1012 VP3 No 283 1093 _ VP4 No 243 931 VP5' No 0 486 Total 1011 3846 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 23 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 7. CVS Metadata 'Report Prepared ^By Melissa Lanza 12/2/2013 Date Prepared 1328 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT---- - - - - -- cvs-eep-entrytool- database name v2 3 11 mdb database location C \U'ers \Melissa \Downloads computer name MELISSAPC file size 39919616 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT---- - - - - -- PROJECT SUMMARY - - -- Project Code Description of database file, the, report worksheets, and a summary Metadata of project(s) and project data Each,prolect is listed with its PLANTED stems,per acre, for Proj, planted each year This excludes live stakes River Basin Each projecths listed with its TOTAL stems per acre„ for each year, This includes live stakes, Proj, total stems all planted stems, and alMatural /volunteer stems stream -to -edge width (ft) List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live Plots stems, dead stems, missing, etc ) Required Plots (calculated) Frequency distribution of vigor classes for Vigor stems for all plots Frequency distribution of vigor classes Vigor by Spp listed by species List of most,frequent damage classes witH number of occurrences and Damage percent of total stems impacted by each Damage values tallied by type for Damage by Spp each species Damage values tallied by type for Damage by Plot each plot A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each Planted Stems by Plot and Spp plot, dead and missing stems are excluded A matrix of the,count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers ALL Stems by Plot and spp combined) for each plot, dead and missmg,stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY - - -- Project Code 258 project Name Mason Farms Wetland Enhancement and Restoration on Mason Farms Biological Description Reserve imOrange /Durham Counties River Basin Cape Fear length(ft) stream -to -edge width (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 5 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 24 Morgan Creek Floodplaln ,MY -03 Monitoring,Report — Final December 2013 un �V 6� G. ^O C 0 c 0 F-' c 0 0 U E U 00 a� ,a ca E-� C M -E, Q LL 1 ot� LL O Y v N � u V C � r O bD O O O rr� } Ln N �r Id? �aaa E�oa u c 0 �o o,o CY C g v c v 0 WE ow ��1�1111111�1111��I Iw WN �IIIII�RC�II�II �VIII III��II�■NIIIII■11111111����� II�IBl�IBIiIII�$IIIio �I III C M -E, Q LL 1 ot� LL O Y v N � u V C � r O bD O O O rr� } Ln N �r Id? �aaa E�oa u c 0 �o o,o CY C g v c v 0 WE APPENDIX D. HYDROLOGIC DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 26 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 9. Bankfull Events Accessing Through Berm Openings Table 9. Bankfull Events Accessing Through Berm Openings Morgan Creek Floodplain -EEP # 258 Date of 'Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method_ Photo # 17- Dec -10 n/a Visual observation of wrack lines MY= 01 #6 3- Jun -11 27- May -11 USGS Gauge height >11 0 feet, Visual observation of overland flow /indicators MY- 01 #7 1- Aug -11 31- Jul -11 USGS Gauge height >9 0 feet, Visual observation of overland , flow /indicators MY- 01 #8 7- Sep -11 7- Sep -11 USGS Gauge height >8 5 feet n/a 23- May -12 23- May -12 USGS Gauge height >8 feet, n/a 28- Jul -12 28- Jul -12 USGS Gauge height >9 7 feet n/a 3- Sep -12 3- Sep -12 USGS Gauge height >9 3 feet n/a 19- Sep -12 19- Sep -12 USGS Gauge height >10 1 feet, Visual observation of overland flow /indicators 6 30- Jun -13 30- Jun -13 USGS,Gauge height >8 5 feet n/a 1-Jul-'13 1- Jul -13 USGS Gauge height >8 5 feet n/a Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 27 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 Table 10. Wetland Criteria Attainment Table 10. Wetland Criteria Attainment a - Data missing — ;groundwater level monitored.for -71� days of the growing season b - Data missing= groundwater level monitored for 115 days of the growing season c - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 145 days of the growing season d - Data missing groundwater level monitored for 141 days of the growing season e - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 131 days of the growing season f - Data missing — „groundwater level monitored for 416 days of the growing season g - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 69 days of the growing season Gauge 3 was replaced due to malfunction and did not yield viable data Gauge 7 was removed prior to restoration activities Gauge 8 data is unrelated to the success of the wetland restoration,project component Hydrology Success Criteria Five gauges (1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) are in Wetland Restoration Soil Unit 1, where groundwater is' expected to be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 12 5% of the growing season - Two gauges `(3 and 9) are in Wetland Soil Unit,2 where the groundwater is expected to be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 5% of the growing season Growing Season March 23 to November 3 (source http / /www wcc nres usda gov /cgibin /state pl ?state =nc) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 28 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 ,Gauge # Max # Consecutive Days % Growing _Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consecutive Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consecutive Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max # Consecutro e,Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained 1 20 9 Yes 61 28 Yes 35 16 Yes 50 22 Yes, 2 53d 24 Yes 34 15 Yes 8 4 No 23 10 Yes 3 5d 2 No 5, 2 No 3g 1 No - - 4 3e 1 No 8a 4 No 23 10 Yes 48 21 Yes 5 24d 11 Yes 53 24 Yes 61 28 Yes 52 23 Yes 6 23d 10 Yes 51 23 Yes 55 25 Yes 51, 23 Yes 8 = _ 9 0d 0 No 32 14 Yes 24 11 Yes 32 14 Yes 10 (Reference Gauge) 0 No 61 28 Yes 93 42 Yes 169 76 Yes a - Data missing — ;groundwater level monitored.for -71� days of the growing season b - Data missing= groundwater level monitored for 115 days of the growing season c - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 145 days of the growing season d - Data missing groundwater level monitored for 141 days of the growing season e - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 131 days of the growing season f - Data missing — „groundwater level monitored for 416 days of the growing season g - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 69 days of the growing season Gauge 3 was replaced due to malfunction and did not yield viable data Gauge 7 was removed prior to restoration activities Gauge 8 data is unrelated to the success of the wetland restoration,project component Hydrology Success Criteria Five gauges (1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) are in Wetland Restoration Soil Unit 1, where groundwater is' expected to be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 12 5% of the growing season - Two gauges `(3 and 9) are in Wetland Soil Unit,2 where the groundwater is expected to be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 5% of the growing season Growing Season March 23 to November 3 (source http / /www wcc nres usda gov /cgibin /state pl ?state =nc) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc 28 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -03 Monitoring Report — Final December 2013 bn Mp lD V Q M N O £TOZ /Z /ZT c o N O r4 N ZTOZ /SZ /0T 0 0 0 0 0 c c 00 to N Q t c 0 a U cu D- I C O qj N N on C O l7 Q/ u 7 O N 3 0 a m w ar L U C N L oD Z v OU 7 0 U' E f0 Q1 N N I C L_ Q N v is 3 'D 7 O n X U Y c 0 m m 0 cc rr (7 N N O N V T C m N N N Q L N E c o 01 Z Y o ? 0 r p1 N f0 L � ` N m N U C C U O U � 3 0 m` 0- - w Qi Y 0 N V C M N r O £TOZ /Z /ZT ZTOZ /SZ /OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 �o V N N V N CX7 Y c c o is o U) io n p � c a � I � 0 N N O O N N m C 3 0 c.� v �a 3 0 v .o L c N I c s oq v co �o l7 'a a N N � U I N C >, II ca � N N C, C C) a) � fU L_ L N E c d O Ol U) Z p O 3 rn � N N � L � O 2 N7 I � C O U L N o) Zz o ii Z-1 (1) tLo m V 10 O O EIOZ /Z /ZI O o 0 o O o 0 O o0 to C N X Y c O C lC C O to N � O d C v m T of d Cl) I o N N O C N O m m C 3 0 �l I u, 3 0 a m v L u C N N I C L OD X 6/ CO 7 m LD 16 d N N N U N C T 11 I ^ N N N d � M � L � N CL E m v � 0 0 'a) U O 3 r op -0 N f0 C t 0 0 I � C O U U m 3 a CD ` o n (7 J� On I ro At 0 o £i0Z /Z /Zi ZTOZ /8Z /Oi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W lD c't N N d' N c 0 Q u 61 d I C O �v UJ N h0 G 3 0 v �a 3 0 v m v L v C N C L b0 cu N 7 m m LD C m QD41 in QD N C O_ t] v �o 3 C O X C7 Y c 0 io co K M O N O N N C [D N l. Cl. �. Cl. M � N � .D N E c O Of Z o C N f6 L � U N m � U G C O U U m 3 m ZZ m o zs Ze- On Ovej, 0 0 CD £i0Z /Z /Zi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 �o Q N N ' c 0 .Q u d a I C O �D QI N OD C 3 0 Y v �o 3 0 a m v L _C N C t cu Z w bo 7 to C7 E m FU C7 I C L Q Q1 QJ ca 3 C 0 B X Y c 0 U) io iv Q' c+� O N O N N C �a a� w N- M � N � � N E c 0 O Ol Z O � O r OI N C0 L � ` N 3 C C O U U � 3 a� m_ o n �L � W�^ Mo u Ln a m N o £TOZ /Z /ZT ZTOZ /SZ /OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . N O 00 kD N N !} A 0 w C C O a u v a I C O �a N N to C .3 0 t� I a V t0 N n O N co H N L u C N N 1 L 00 Z N 00 7 m U' E N Q/ ✓1 In U I C L d Q m 3 a C O Y C O f6 R O c c+� 0 N N_ O N U jA C T 11 co d l. N C cn y r� N C C 7 Z O 0 cp N Co t y i �y ca C O c1 CA COto N c o a 0 :s C N d.1 v c a a� O l�A cv Mil 0 O ETOZ /Z /ZT ZTOZ /8Z /OT 00 W tDD oV O O O CD X C7 Y c 0 S - c (A 0 m is •Q D 'V C Q) f0 d I c O N_ C O O N to W N on C .3 0 t� I v u _m N 3 0 ai m v L c t m aj x a, m E <v v N N � T C I as a) a � l. NCl. C � � L a N n E c � O N Z ; OI '30 N N a 7 U y O I C C O U m 3 m c , o °- 0 ZEI e