HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140887 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140919U91 NCDENR North Carolina Departrnent of'Environmen't and Natural - Resources - Pat McCrory, John_, E: Skvarla, III Gov`,ernor` 1 ° 'S666tary +` ea `F ,raw September'19' „2014 D W R , #' 14- 0887 Orange County Ashbury_Associates Residential; Attn':W.illiam Spang P.O. to-x 2065 ChapeIIHi11, NC,275115 Subject: APPRC +VAL OF,401 WATER QUALITY'CERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Ashbury Subdivision Phase 2 Dear Mr; Spang: You ihave, ourzpproval for -tlie impacts listed' below'fo,r the. purpose described, in•your application'_ dated,August, -15, 2014 and received by the Division, of'Water Resources (Division) on August, 15, 2014, with' additional information received via email on September 12, 2014. 'These impacts are, covered by the. attached Water Quality',General Certification Number 3890 and the conditions listed below: This certification is as- sociated w0 the mse of Nationwide Permit Number, 29 once it is issued to you.by�the U.S. Army,Corps,of Engineers. Please note that you should get anyoth& federal, stateor'ilocal perrriits�before proceeding:vvith your project; includirigthose required'by - (but ,not limited 'td) Sediment and Erosion'Control, Non- Discharge,,a ld Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval requires;you,to foll_ow'the conditions listed'in,the en closedcertifications and the following additional conditions: J. The following-impacts are hereby appeoved'provided that all,of the oth=er specific and' general conditions,of the Certifications; Gener-al•Permitand /or Buffer Rules are met. No other'.impacts, are approved, including incidental 'impacts. Type of Impact- Amount.Approved Amount Approved (units) '(units) Permanent Temporary Wetland' 0.047 (acres) 0'acres), One NOonLCarol Natu dk N6rth Carol-inalDivision of Water Resources,, 1,628, Mad Service Center 'Raleigh; NC'27699 -1'628 Phone (919),791 -4200 Customer, Service ,Internet www ncwaterquahty -org 'COcation 3800 Barretf Dnve Raleigh, NC `27609 `Far (919),788 =7159 I- 877 -623 -6748' ,An Equal Opp6rtumtylk irnat ve ActionlEmployer — 50%Recycled /10% Post'ConsumerPaper Ashbury Subdivisibh Phase.2 DWR #,14 =0881 401 APPROVAL ,Page 2` of 4 Site 1 Wetland Q:012. (acres) ,0, (acres) Site 2 _ Wetland 0005 '(acres) 0 (acres) Site 3 _ Stream 116 (I[ineaHeet)` 0 (linear feet) Site i Stream 32 (linear feet) 0 (linear feet) Site 2 Stream ; - 0 (linear feet) 22 (linear feet) Site 3' 2. Stormwater,Manake"n el t;Plan (SMP), Aar) rovaI from Loca'I Comm unitvlReouired' .You,are required to iprovide, one copy (hard copy or digital) of the approved SNIP, including ,plan details- onJull -sized plan sheets, with proof of the, City of Mebane'sapproval. The. approved ,SMP shall, be submitted to, the DWR Webscape Unit i(1617�Mail Service'Center, Raleigh „NC` 2,7699 - 1617) ,before any impacts' authorized' in this certification occur.. After it is approved and submitted to the'Division, ,the'SMP may not be modified without pr,'ibr°wr,,itten authorization frorn the City p'f'[M'ebane. Ifthe SMP i!i:modified; in the future, then you shall provicle,one,modified,SMP with proof�of �approval'to the DWR Webscape, Unit prior to the comrbencernent ofthe modifieati "bns. ' '3. No Waste, Spoi1,- Solids,'or Fill, of Any Kind No Waste, spoil', solids; or fill of,any kind'shall occur iri wetland's, waters, or riparian areas beyond'the' foot print of the impacts depicted in the Pre - Construction, Notification. All construction activities, it cludingetKe design, instaI_lati'on,,operation,,aiid maintenance,of ,sediment.a , d erosion - ntrol Best `Management; Practices,, shall be perfo,r,_med so that no ,vioiations,of state water quality standard's, statutes, or ruIles,occur'. 4. Protective; Fencing, The outside buffer, wet-land-Or water`bound'ary and,alongthe construction corridor, Within these ' boundaries approved under "this authorization shall'be,clearly marked With orange, 'Wdr ing`fencing,(or similar'high visibility p_ aterial) for'the areas that,have been approved to 'infringe within +the buffer, wetland or water,prior'to any land, disturbing activities;,to ensure compliance with 15'NCAC'02H .0500. 5. 'This, approval is for the, purpose and design described' in your application. The ,plans and specifications for this project,are .incorpor'ated �by reference, as part of the Certification. If ,you change your project, you,must,nofify1the Division and you,may be required'to'submit a new application package with'the appropriate fee: If the property is;sold, the new owner must'be Ashbury Subdivision'Phase 2 DWR# 14 -0887 A01APPROVAL. Page3 of 4 given a copy of this approval letter and, GeneralCertification and is responsible for complying with all conditions., 6. This approvalland' its conditions are,fi`nal,and binding unless contested. This Certification can be contested as,provi'd'ed in,Articles 3 and 4 of General - Statute .15013 by filing a written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office of Ad'rrministrative Hearings (hereby known,as OAH). A petition form may be,obtained ;from the OAH, at http: / /www ,.ncoah.com / or by calling the OAH, QlerVs Office; at (9,19), 43.1=300.0 foriinformation. Within thirty (30) calendar days of,receipt.of this, notice,a,petitibn `must be filed with the�OAH; A petition, is considered filed when'the�original and one (1) copy,,along,with any app'licable,OAH filing fee is,received in the,OAH, during normal off'i'ce hours (Mond'a,y, (tough Friday between 8:OOam and 5:00prn, "excluding official state, holidays),., The petition may be faxed to the OAH at (919,) 431 - 3,100, provided thebriginal and one copy of ,the petition along with,any ago licable,OAH filing fee is.received by the OAH within five (5,) business days following the faxed transmission. ,Mailing add"re"ss fbr -the OAH: If sending( by First Class Mail via ;the US Postal Service: Office of "Administrative, Hearings 6714 Mail'Service Ceriter Ra_'leigh; NyQ.27699 =6714, If sending via delivery service ,(e.g. UPS, Fed Ex): Office of Adminisiraiive:Hearings 1711 New Hope, Church'Road Raleigh, NC 27609 -6285 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served to DENR: Lacy ,Presnell, General Counsel - Department of Environrenent and,Natural Resources, 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC -27699 =1601 Please send 6ne,'(1) copy of the petition to DWR: if s "ending,by Firsttlass,Moil via the US Postal Service-: -Karen Higgins ,NC DEWDWR — Webscape Unit 1617 MaKSei;vicb�Center If sending via'deli,very'service, ,(e.g. UPS; FedE -x): Karen Higgins NC DEN R-DWR - Webscape Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street - Ashbury Subdivision Phase 2 DWR # 14 -0887 401 -APPROVAL Page 4 of 4 Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 Raleigh, NC 27604 This letter completes the review of the Division under section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Please contact Cherri Smith at 919 - 791 -4251 or cherri.smith @ncd'enr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sin rely, D anny Smit Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Enclosures: 3890 cc: U.S: Army Corps of Engineers; Raleigh Regulatory Field Office; 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, St. , 105; Wake Forest, NC 27597 Bob Zarzecki; Soil & Environmental Consultants; 8412 Falls of'Neuse R&, Ste. 104; - Raleigh, NC 27615 DWR RRO 401 Files