HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120144 Ver 2_Mitigation Bank Information_20140916�,A v 2- a BANK PARCEL DEVELOPMENT PLAN p �C�C��dG jj Caraway Creek Mitigation Site J WEI - Buck Swamp Umbrella SEP 1 6 2014 Mitigation Bank 1 September 2014 WILDLANDS ENGINEERING Prepared by: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 312 W Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 919 - 851 -9986 Fax: 919 - 851 -9987 Caraway Creek Mitigation Site WE|-Buck Swamp Umbrella Mitigation Bank -HKJC 03020201 Bank Parcel Development Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 Project Location and Description .. ... ................................. .... .... .... ... ...... ................. l 1.1 Introduction ...— .... .... .. ........... ........... ..... ...... ... ... .. ................... ..... ... ....l 1.2 Parcel Location ........ . .... .. ...................... ... ..... ... .. . ........ .................. .... ... ........ l 30 Project Area - Existing Conditions. ...........------.....—. .......................... 2 2.1 Parcel Soils ............................... ... ..... . ........................... ..... ...... — .... ......... 2 2.2 Existing Vegetative Conmrnunit/es . ... . .. ....................... ..... . .... ... .. .................... 2 2.3 ThreatenedandEndengeredSpec/es.—..—.—.. ... —..------ ..... .—..3 24 Cultural Resources--..... ... — . —. . -- -- — — ..... .. . .. .----.. 4 2.5 Environmental |ssues— ... . ... . ... ...... -------- .... ..... ............... ..... .4 2.6 FEMA F|oodp|am /RoodvvayMapping ..... ------ ........ . .. . . . .. . ................. — .4 3.0 Proposed Neuse Buffer and Nutrient Offset Restoration Plan .. . —. ------- . . 5 31 Parcel Preparation. .......--..-----..........— .. — — ----- ..... ^.`5 3.2 Planting ......... ... ... ... ... ....... . —... .............. ...... ... .... .................. ... ..... . ... 5 40 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan ........................ . ... ....... .................. ..... ..... . ..... .7 41 Monitoring Protocol ........ ... ......... ...... ...... .. ..... . ..................... . ..... ... . ....... 7 42 Parce|Ma/ntenance -------- ....--.—... ....................... .... ......... .......... 7 5.0 Financial Assurance .. ........................... ...... ... ... . ........................ .......... .. .... ................. 7 GO Mitigation Potential ................... . ... ....... ... . ... .. .............. . ... ........ ... .. ............. 8 7.0 References ....................... ... ... ... ... ........................... ... .. ... . ...... ... .................. ...... 8 FIGURES Figure Service Area Figure V|cin/tyK4a' Figure,3 NRCS Soils Map Figure Credit Generation Map Figure FEMAF|oodp|a/n Map APPENDIX Correspondence with NC Cultural Resources Department EDR Radius Map Report Historical Aerial Photographs DVVR Determination of. Streams, Subject to�Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules Parcel Photo Log Caraway Creek Mitigation Site WEI - Buck Swamp Umbrella Mitigation, Bank - HUC 03020201 Bank Parcel Development Plan The Caraway Creek Mitigation Site ( "Parcel ") is proposed as an addition to Wildlands Engineering's ( "Sponsor ") WEI — Buck Swamp Umbrella Mitigation Bank ( "Bank ") The Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI) for the Bank was signed on July 3, 2013 The project Parcel, shall be planned and designed encompassing land along the Neuse River, Caraway Creek, and its tributaries in Wayne County, NC J The purpose of the Bank is to provide Neuse buffer and nutrient offset mitigation credits to compensate for buffer impacts and development requiring nutrient offset payments within the service area, Hydrologic Unit 03020201 (with the exception of the Falls Lake drainage area) The service, area is depicted in Figure 1 1:0 Project Location and Description 1.1 Introduction The Parcel involves the restoration of Neuse buffers and nutrient offset riparian areas in order to help reduce non -point source discharge of contaminants into streams and agricultural ditch channels within the Neuse River Basin The project area is approximately 62 6 acres and will be protected with a permanent conservation easement Out of the 62 -6 acres, 14 8 acres will be restored for Neuse buffer credit, 35 6,acres will be restored for nutrient offset restoration credit, and 12.2 acres will be buffer preservation with no associated credits. The Sponsor may use the 14 8 acres for either Neuse buffer credits or nutrient offset credits, but not both In general, Neucse buffer widths,will extend 50'feet,and nutrient offset restoration area widths will extend at least 200 feet from the top of the channel bank. The project will be divided into two phases. Phase 1 includes 4 82 acres of preservation, 3 88 acres of buffer restoration and 27 34 acres of nutrient offsets Phase 2 includes 7 42 acres of buffer preservation, 10.96 acres of buffer restoration, and 8 25 acres of nutrient offset. Further explanation of the two phases is'included in Section 3 of the BPDP 1.2 Parcel Location The proposed Site is located in central Wayne County, approximately four miles south of the City of Goldsboro (35° 19' 39 65" N, 78° 0' 42.47" W,) To get to the site traveling east on US Hwy 70 from Raleigh, merge onto 1795 S/ US -70 E /US -13 S for 3 4 Miles Turn left onto Old Mt Olive Hwy and continue for 12 miles. Turn Left onto Genoa Road The site can be accessed by a driveway 0 2 miles down Genoa Road on the left, or on Robert Ave, an additional 0 4 miles down Genoa Rd (Figure 2). The proposed site is located in a rural watershed within the Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) and within sub -basin 03 -04 -12 Stormwater runoff from the site drains into two ditches The eastern most ditch drains into an unnamed tributary and then to Carraway Creek, which connects to the Neuse River on site The westernmost ditch drains into an unnamed tributary, which connects to the Neuse River off - site. Both Caraway Creek and the Neuse River are classified as Class C, Nutrient Sensitive Waters by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Caraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 3. HUC 03020203. - BPDP 2.0 Project Area - Existing Conditions 2.1 Parcel Soils The soils in the proposed project area are mapped by the Wayne County Soil Survey. There are five main soil types on the site: Dragston loamy sand, Goldsboro loamy sand, Johns sandy loam, Kalmia loamy sand, and Lumbee sandy loam. These soils are described below in Table 1. A soils map is provided in Figure 3. Table 1. Project Soil Types and Descriptions Soil Name Location Description Dragston Located in the central These soils are nearly level and very deep. They are loamy sand and western portions of found on broad, smooth flats of interstream divides. the project They are somewhat poorly drained. Infiltration rates are moderate and surface runoff is slow. Goldsboro Located along the These are moderately well drained soils. They are loamy sand southwestern drainage nearly level and very deep. They are found on broad, ditch smooth divides near shallow drainage ways. Infiltration rates are moderate and surface runoff is slow. Johns sandy Located along Caraway These soils are somewhat poorly drained with slopes loam Creek and the unnamed from 0 -2 %. They are nearly level soils found on broad tributary in the east of smooth stream terraces. They have moderate the project permeability. Kalmia loamy Located in the central These soils form in coastal plain sediments. They are sand, 0 -2% northern portion of the well- drained, nearly level soils found on broad, slopes project smooth stream terraces. They have moderate permeability and low shrink -swell potential Lumbee sandy Located in the central These soils are poorly drained and found in shallow loam portion of the project drainageways and broad, smooth, flat areas on stream terraces. They have moderate permeability and low shrink -swell potential. Source: Wayne County Soil Survey 1976, USDA -NRCS 2.2 Existing Vegetative Communities The project site consists primarily of open agricultural fields currently in row crop production. Recent crops include corn, soybean, tobacco, sweet potatoes, and wheat. Streams, ditches, and other stormwater conveyances on the site have little to no existing riparian buffer. The riparian area adjacent to streams, ditches, and other stormwater conveyances on the site have been mowed in most locations on an annual basis. Small areas along Caraway Creek, and the unnamed tributary have an existing narrow buffer, which will be preserved. The project includes restoring the Neuse buffer along the Neuse River, Caraway Creek, an unnamed tributary, and two drainage ditches (Figure 4). A photolog of the site is located in the appendix. While the Parcel is dominated by agricultural fields, there are some existing buffers located within the project area (Figure 4) that will be preserved. The existing buffers and forested areas adjacent to the Caraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 2 HUC 03020201- BPDP Parcel consist primarily of swamp chestnut oak (Quercus m'ichabxu), water oak (Quercus ngra), willow oak (Quercus phellos), red maple (Acer rubrum), sweetgum (Dquidambar styraciflua), box elder (Acer negundo), American elm (Ulmus amerncana), Black gum ( Nyssa sylvatica), and persimmon ('alospyros virgrnico) The forested areas along the eastern boundary of the project were, assessed for existing vegetation conditions on August 25, 2014. This forested area is generally characterized as a Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp, according to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) classification system (Schafale and Weakley, 1990) Table 2 includes a list of the species found in this ecosystem type and have the potential for occurrence in the eastern forested area adjacent to the Project Table 2. Adjacent Forested Areas,Existing Tree and Shrub Species (Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood Communities *) cientifi ame Sc N � mmon R it I Name, Co Wetland Indicator Status Eby Carya aquatics Water,'Hickory OBL Quercus shumardu, Shumard Oak FACW- Celtis laevigato Sugarberry FACW Ilex deadua Deciduous Holly FACW- Nyssa aquatica Water Tupelo OBL - plix ngra Black Willow OBL Clethra alnifolia Sweet Pepperbush FACW Cynlla racemiflora Swamp Titi FACW Fraxinus carohniana Water Ash OBL Itea virgrnica Virginia Sweetspire FACW+ Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum FAC Diospyros virginiana Persimmon FAC Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC L9quidambarstyraciflua Sweetgum FAC+ Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine FAC Quercus rubra Red Oak FACU Quercus phellos Willow Oak FACW- bobdendron,tullpifera Yellow Poplar FAC Platanus ocad mtolls American Sycamore FACW- Juniperus virgrnlana Eastern Red Cedar FACU- Notes *Source: Schafale & Weakley (1990) 2.3 Threatened and Endangered Species The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) database was searched for federally listed threatened and endangered plant and animal species for Wayne County, NC. Two federally listed species, the bald eagle Caraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 3 HUC 03020203- - BPDP (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and the red - cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), are currently listed in Wayne County (Table 3). I able J. Ustea I nreatenea and tndangerea Species In COunty, NL Bald eagle BGPA Near large open water bodies. fakes, (Hollaeetus leucocephalus) marshes, seacoasts, and rivers Red - cockaded woodpecker E Open stands of mature penes (P►coides borealis) E = Endangered, BGPA =Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act Bald eagle Bald eagles typically live near large bodies of open water with suitable fish habitat Including lakes, marshes, seacoasts, and rivers. This species generally requires tall, mature tree species for nesting and roosting Bald eagles were de- listed from the Endangered Species List in June 2007, however this species remains under the protection of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) This species is known to occur in every U S state - except Hawaii, Red - cockaded woodpecker The red - cockaded woodpecker is typically found in large open stands of pines with trees over 60 years in age The foraging habitat for this species may Include pine hardwood stands of longleaf and southern pine, over 30 years in age. Known populations of the red - cockaded woodpecker have been observed within Wayne County over the past 20 years A pedestrian survey of the site was performed,on August 25, 2014. No individual species or their habitat was found to exist on the site 24 Cultural Resources Review and comment from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) with respect to any archeological and architectural resources related 'to 'the Parcel was requested on September 2, 2014. Wildlands is currently awaiting a response and will forward it to NCEEP upon arrival 2.5 Environmental Issues An EDR Radius Map Report with Geocheck was ordered for the site through Environmental Data Resources, Inc The target property was not listed in any of the Federal, State; or Tribal environmental databases searched by EDR There,were,,however, properties listed in databases within one mile of the property There Is one Hazardous Substance disposal site (Nevi Duty Electric) located approximately one mile from the project site and there Is one state and tribal landfill (Recycled Materials, Inc) located one half mile from the project site The Genoa Mart, located a quarter mile from the project site has a registered underground storage tank One incident was recorded in the Incident Management Database located at Gaf Materials, approximately one half mile from the site The Executive Summary of the EDR report is included in the Appendix 2.6 FEMAFloodplain /FloodwayMapping The northern half of `the parcel is located within the Federal Emergency Management Association's (FEMA's) approximate 100 -year floodplain boundary (FIRM Map # 372059700J, Figure 5) A portion of Caraway'Creek Mitigation Site Page 4 HUC 03020201 - BPDP CarawayCreek and the unnamed tributary are located within Zone AE, and the Neuse buffer and downstream portion of Caraway Creek are located within the designated floodway The planting of riparian buffers and minor bank stabilization measures on Caraway Creek planned on the Parcel are not expected to have any impact on the floodpla'in and floodway areas 3.0 Proposed Neuse Buffer, and' Nutrient Offset Restoration Plan Actions required to develop the subject site for mitigation will require altering current land use practices Both the Neuse buffer and the nutrient offset restoration areas will involve replanting appropriate native tree and shrub species along the project corridors Minor bank grading and stabilization w,ill'take place along Caraway Creek where eroded meander bends have migrated into the agricultural fields Intensive vegetation management and a rigorous herbicide schedule will need ,to be implemented over the first few years of tree establishment in the restoration areas to prevent establishment of invasive species that will attempt to out - compete the planted native vegetation More detailed descriptions of the proposed restoration activity follows. 3.1 Parcel Preparation The majority of the site slated for Neuse buffer or nutrient offset restoration has been maintained as a cleared agricultural field. These areas are relatively clear and will require little site preparation other than select herbicide treatments or limited mechanical clearing to remove undesirable underbrush prior to planting The restoration area will be planted with a mechanical tree planter The mechanical planter will rip, plant, and compress the soil around the tree and roots which will break up any plow layers and create good soil contact with the tree roots Site preparation and planting is planned to begin December 15, 2015 for Phase I and. December 15, 2016 for Phase Il. The Sponsor will ;manage vegetation growth by mowing in between planted trees as needed during the monitoring period Additionally, selective applications of a pre- emergent herbicide will be used to control weedy competition. Past project experience has indicated that use of these techniques significantly limits competition by undesirable vegetation and results in significant increases in tree growth 3.2 Planting The revegetation plan for the site will include planting of bare root trees and controlling invasive species growth. Bare root trees selected for the site, will be native bottomland hardwood species typical' for Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp communities as defined by Schafale and Weakley (1990). Trees will be planted at the density recommended in the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program's (NCEEP) Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration "Trees should be planted at a density sufficient to provide 320 trees per acre at maturity,." Tree species specified for planting on the Ca_rawayCreek Mitigation, Site Parcel are detailed in Table 4. Table 4. Selected Tree Species Appropriate for Butter Restoration Common Max Unit India. # of Species Name Spacing Type* NO Stratum Y Spacing Stems - _ Taxodium Bald Cypress 12 ft R 0 25 " -10" Canopy 6 -12 ft 4,608 distichum briodendron Yellow Poplar 12 ft. R 0 25 " -10" Canopy 6'12 ft' 4,608 tulipifera Caraway Creek Mitigation'Site Page 5 HUC'03020203. - BPDP Quercus Willow Oak 12 ft R phellos 4,608 6 -12 ft 4,608 Plntus 1 32,256 Sugarberry FACW Ilex decidua Sycamore 12 ft R occidentahs ** OBL Salix,nigra Black Willow Betulo,nigra River Birch 12 ft R Quercus Swamp FACW Frox►nus carolmiana Water Ash OBL 12 ft. R michauxn Chestnut Oak Blackgum FAC Froxinus Green Ash 12 ft. R pennsylvanlca FAC Liquidambarstyraciflua Sweetgum 0 25"-10" 1 Canopy 0 25 " -10" Canopy 0- 25 " -1.0" Canopy 0­25"-10" Canopy 0- 25 " -10" 1 Canopy 6 -12 ft 1 4,608 6 -12 ft 4,608 6 -12 ft. 4,608 6 -12 aft. 4,608 6 -12 ft 4,608 Subtotal 1 32,256 * L = Live Stake, P = ,Herbaceous Plug, R = Bare Root * *Sycamore will not be planted adjacent to neighboring forested areas where sycamore has been ident1fied as present. "Character Trees" are defined as planted or volunteer species identified from a survey of local vegetation on less, degraded sections of the specified stream and from reference literature that details native species A list of Character Tree species other than the species specified for planting is listed in Table 5 Table 5. Character /Existing Tree and Shrub - Species (Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood Communities *) Caraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 6 HUC 03020203.- BPDP 1106mmon Name Status Carya aquatica Water Hickory OBL Quercus sh"umardii Shumard Oak FACW- Celtis loevigota Sugarberry FACW Ilex decidua Deciduous Holly FACW- Nyssa aquatica Water Tupelo OBL Salix,nigra Black Willow OBL Clethra olnifolia Sweet Pepperbush FACW Cynlla racemiflora Swamp Titi FACW Frox►nus carolmiana Water Ash OBL Itea virginica Virginia.Sweetspire FACW+ Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum FAC Diospyros virgmiona Persimmon FAC Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC Liquidambarstyraciflua Sweetgum FAC+ Pmus toeda Loblolly Pine FAC Caraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 6 HUC 03020203.- BPDP Notes *Source: Schafale & Weakley (1990) 4.0 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan 4.1 Monitoring Protocol Vegetation monitoring plots will be installed and evaluated, within the buffer restoration area to measure the survival of the planted trees The number of monitoring quadrants required was determined in accordance with the Carolina Vegetative Sampling Protocol (CVS) Levels 1 & 2 A total of 39 plots will be established within the credit generation area: 22 plots in Phase 1 and 17 plots in Phase 2 The size of individual quadrants will be 10 square meters for woody tree species and shrubs Vegetation assessments will be conducted following the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 1 Protocol for Recording Vegetation (2006) A reference photo will be taken from the southwestern corner of each plot All planted stems will be marked with flagging tape and recorded The first annual monitoring, activities will commence at the end of the first growing season, at least five months after planting has been completed Species composition, density, and survival rates will be evaluated on an annual basis by plot and for the entire site The Sponsor shall submit to NCDWQ an annual monitoring report, no later than December 31St of each year for five consecutive years and will follow the terms and conditions of the UMBI signed on July 3, 2012 Success criteria within the Neuse buffer and nutrient offset restoration areas will be based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 planted stems per, acre after five years of monitoring. 4.2 Parcel Maintenance Adaptive measures will be developed or appropriate remedial actions will be implemented in the event that the site or a specific component of the site fails to achieve the success criteria outlined in Section 3 3, Site maintenance will be performed to correct any identified problems on the site that have a high likelihood of affecting project success Suth items include but,are not limited to excess tree mortality caused by fire, flooding, drought or'insects Any actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria and will include a work schedule and updated monitoring criteria 5.0 Financial Assurance Following approval of the Caraway Creek Mitigation Site BPDP, the Sponsor shall provide a Performance Bond from a surety that is rated no less than an "A -" as rated by A.M. Best The Performance Bond amount shall be 100% of the estimated cost for implementation of the project as described in the approved BPDP, but not less than $150,000.00 In lieu of posting the performance bond, the Sponsor may elect to construct the project prior to the first credit release In that case no performance bond will be necessary, Caraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 7 HUC 03020201 - BPDP After com'pletion of the restoration /construction, a separate Performance /Maintenance Bond will be secured --for 100% of the estimated cost to, implement the monitoring and maintenance plan but not`less than $100,000 00 The Performance /Maintenance Bond shall apply at the inception of the monitoring period for a term of one year, to be extended annually for a minimum of five years Upon DWQ approval, this may be lowered each year based on the adjusted cost to complete the monitoring 6.0 Mitigation Potential Approximately 62 6 acres of land will be protected with a permanent conservation easement Out of the 62 6 acres, 14 8 acres will be restored for Neuse buffer credit, 35 6 acres will be restored for nutrient offset credit, and 12 2 acres will be buffer preservation The Sponsor may use the 14 8 acres for either Neuse buffer credits or nutrient offset credits, but not both The. Parcel will generate a total of 35 6 acres (80,919 pounds) of nutrient offset credit,and 14.8 acres (644,668 square feet) of Neuse. buffer credit Phase 1 will generate 27 34 acres (62,053 pounds) of nutrient offset credit and 3.88 acres (169,013 square feet) of Neuse buffer credit Phase II will generate 8 25 acres (18,866 pounds) of nutrient offset credit and 10.96 acres (477,418 square feet) of Neuse buffer credit 7.0 References Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program October 2004 Peet, R K., T R. Wentworth and P S White 1998 A flexible, multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure Castanea 63 262 -274 http / /cvs.bio unc.edu /methods htm Schafale, M P and Weakley, A.S. 1990. A Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation USDA, Soil Conservation Service, 1974 Soil Survey of Wayne County WCaraway Creek Mitigation Site Page 8 HUC o3ozozoi - BPDP FIGURES I D rh n n , — r • :I e State Area w Harris Re- 1. ` Ra�knROC, t Ilansrl [uunh Caraway Creek Service Area 35 County Boundaries r n (outs i Red Franklin r j IIIIIIttS e ' hr n 1'10 Na villr ,p k sa VI In % u It I nuntS Caraway Creek Site ,hsAr j%U U I g �Ai1 •Sil �oq p �-• Fim willt.om wantr Mack reek y 1..- - -- Ille y� iW�tO 1- 1t1 1 PjJ 1 Ru rr lulnrr �,or ( reek 501 Fal s ' J • on [no GEr^� Ihu hull 5 a- duk to t rnmU �� r ilt F `arjCate IOn Afei Ly .�—• "�, A ' • !r � I D rh n n , — r • :I e State Area w Harris Re- 1. ` Ra�knROC, t Ilansrl [uunh Caraway Creek Service Area 35 County Boundaries r n (outs i Red Franklin r j IIIIIIttS e ' hr n 1'10 Na villr ,p k sa VI In % u It I nuntS Caraway Creek Site ,hsAr j%U U I g �Ai1 •Sil �oq p �-• Fim willt.om wantr Mack reek y 1..- - -- Ille y� iW�tO Figure 1 Service Area Map W I L D L A N D S 0 5 10 Miles Caraway Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I Neuse03020201 Wayne County, NC i Z �N'.Ilnut ( reek 301 � • on to CANS id `�Lse I inden Ly .�—• "�, the St aft Gu '1 _ \Carvers ri J Creek -V Fr t -�;ta t Park Wade n _•,,� c ..i • ' t%1 P%O Fort gg , y L If �_�'�i ^ 4 421 C- 301 Fastoeer v G r. , •f'a er • c u IS i Z r ayet eville Sampsu `' ;? - It burg Cuunh'„ t 9 Stedm %ut It 1 Tu Figure 1 Service Area Map W I L D L A N D S 0 5 10 Miles Caraway Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I Neuse03020201 Wayne County, NC Figure 2. Vicinity Map W I L D L A N D S 0 0.75 1.5 Miles Caraway Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I I I I Neuse03020201 Wayne County NV • Mly I MOM', g as Oil vx wm Mae W.z CID cr. ON nw-mg- flz IMA C14 OR .7 5-1a "g ON gv; ULI )ZI !A� Viv MEN 17, VU-A"T-M- �q . k.4. ij XtM .M,4 man . w- ". c;: Yl -a-W- M, FAk-Z. • .�;J!.'t/ q. '•w: .ly.' '} i'it,'J;v {Y '4j./ J, �i�,/�,V :,.S} =t < }y S`: +�^ `:}r !Z" CD PP � AR. He W*V-, -Z� tttt % ai- qyj, v, 0-if"O y, NP Ai:i ilk A0 OF aw Aolw, rsi%1% CZL Qj Ln 'N C) rz .6 C3 m C) rn Q) Z3 LL C) C) CO O O C) C) (Y) O z w z LU LU Z 40 Z LU 4t) � o � c o O` Oi O U C v O o v m 3 v U � U o v 3 °h' 3 Qj m v Z iz N N LL O O O O O LO O LO N C n� 1-i ? zLU W Lu �Z a0 QZ W � `~ Z a o �n � c o LL- v c n, Qj c v m `i j a� 0 3 °; o � Q, v Z N LL O O O O O Ln 0 cn 0 AZ z°C W W �Z a0 AZ W a 3 APPENDIX AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE WILDLANDS ENGINEERING September 2, 2014 Renee Gledhill- Earley State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -4617 Subject: Request for Records Search Caraway Creek Mitigation.Bank Site Wayne County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Gledhill - Earley: We are hereby contacting the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office regarding the presence of any historic properties or cultural resources within the referenced project area. The project is located on Genoa Road, approximately 0.25 miles east of Old Mt Olive Hwy. The attached USES Vicinity Map and Site Map illustrate the approximate location of the project area. This project is located within a rural agricultural area with adjacent "forested areas and small residential lots. The purpose of this project is to add to the WEI --Buck Swamp Umbrella Mitigation Bank. Construction of this project will result in the replanting and establishment of native riparian buffer species. No impacts to on -site Jurisdictional Waters of U.S. will occur as a result of this project. Pleaseprovide a written response,concerning your determination regarding the presence of any historic properties or cultural resources within the project area. Thank you for your attention to this- matter. Sincerely, - //� 1710- Angela N Allen, PE Water Resources, Engineer 312 W Mdlbrook Rd,.,Sulte 225 Raleigh,- NC-27609 0 (P)&19- 851 - 9966,- (F) 919- 851'9986 E ®R RADIUS REPORT Caraway Creek Mitigation Site 345 Genoa Road Dudley, NC 28333 Inquiry Number: 4049846.2s September 10, 2014 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll (rEDROEnvironmental Data Resources Inc www.edr t.com2.0050 www.edrnet.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ES1 OverviewMap----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2 DetailMap---------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 3 MapFindings Summary ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4 MapFindings------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 8 Orphan Summary --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. 13 Government Records Searched /Data Currency Tracking- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GRA GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum------------------------------------ - - - - -- A -1 Physical Setting Source Summary -------------------------------------------- A -2 Physical Setting Source Map------------------------------------------ - - - - -- A -7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings------------ ----------------- ----- - -- - -- A -8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched------------------------------ - - - - -- PSGR -1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1- 800 - 352 -0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS ". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TC4049846.2s Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA's Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527 -13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION r.19191: »1*1 345 GENOA ROAD DUDLEY, NC 28333 COORDINATES Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator: UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): Elevation: 35.3277000 - 35° 19' 39.72" 78.0115000 - 78° 0'41.40" Zone 17 771661.4 3913285.2 64 ft. above sea level USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY Target Property Map: Most Recent Revision East Map: Most Recent Revision AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 35078 -C1 SOUTHWEST GOLDSBORO, NC 2001 35077 -C8 SOUTHEAST GOLDSBORO, NC 2001 Portions of Photo from: 20120628, 20120510 Source: USDA TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ( "reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL_ __ __ _____ ___ __ ______ ___ National Priority List TC4049846.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Proposed NPL-------- - - - - -- Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS-- ---- ------- - - - - -. Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL_ ___ ____ __ _ __ _ __ National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS-------------- - - - - -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System FEDERAL FACILITY --------- Federal Facility Site Information listing Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC- NFRAP--------------- CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS----------------- Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non - CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA- TSDF-- -- -- -- -- - --- --- RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA- LQG---- -------- - - - - -- RCRA- Large Quantity Generators RCRA- SQG----- ------- - - - - -- RCRA- Small Quantity Generators RCRA- CESQG--------- - - - - -- RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS -------- Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL --------- Sites with Institutional Controls LUCIS----------------- - - - - -- Land Use Control Information System Federal ERNS list ERNS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS__________________ _____ Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State and tribal landfill and /or solid waste disposal site lists OLI______ __ __ ____ ______ ______ Old Landfill Inventory State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST----- ------------- - - - - -- Regional UST Database LUST TRUST---------- - - - - -- State Trust Fund Database LAST---------- -------- - - - - -- Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks INDIAN LUST- -- ------- - - - - -- Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal registered storage tank lists AST------ ----- -- -- ---- -- -- -- AST Database TC4049846 2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDIAN UST_________________ Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land FEMA UST ------------------- Underground Storage Tank Listing State and tribal institutional control/ engineering control registries INST CONTROL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP_________________________ Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites INDIAN VCP___________ _ _____ Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS -------------- Brownfields Projects Inventory ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS ------- . -_ A Listing of Brownfields Sites Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9__________ Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations ODI_______________ ___________ Open Dump Inventory SWRCY ---------------------- Recycling Center Listing INDIAN ODI__________________ Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL_________ ____________ Clandestine Drug Labs US HIST CDL-- ------- ------ National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2____________________ CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS ----------------------- Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS 80_____ ______________ SPILLS 80 data from FirstSearch SPILLS 90_________ __ SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR________ RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated DOT OPS____ ____ ____ ________ Incident and Accident Data DOD_______ ____________ _ _____ Department of Defense Sites FUDS____________________ _ _ __ Formerly Used Defense Sites CONSENT______ ______ _______ Superfund ( CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD__ ____ __ ___ ______________ Records Of Decision UMTRA_ _______ ______ ________ Uranium Mill Tailings Sites US MINES__ __ ____ ___________ Mines Master Index File TC4049846.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TRIS-- -- ------ --- ------ - - - --- Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA- -- --------------- - - - - -- Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS------------------ -- - - -- FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) HIST FTTS------------- - - - - -. FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing SSTS------------------ - - - - -- Section 7 Tracking Systems ]CIS-------------------- - - - --. Integrated Compliance Information System PADS----------- --------- - - -- PCB Activity Database System MILTS ------------------------ Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO_______ __________ _ __ Radiation Information Database FINDS----------------- - - - - -- Facility Index System /Facility Registry System RAATS------- ------ ---- - ---- RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RMP------------------- - - - - -- Risk Management Plans UIC----- --- --- --- ------ - - - - -- Underground Injection Wells Listing DRYCLEANERS------------- Drycleaning Sites NPDES---------------- - - - - -- NPDES Facility Location Listing INDIAN RESERV------- - - - - -- Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS - - - - -- State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing 2020 COR ACTION---- - - - - -- 2020 Corrective Action Program List LEAD SMELTERS ------------ Lead Smelter Sites PRP__ _________________ _ _ _ _ __ Potentially Responsible Parties US AIRS----- ------ ---- - - - - -- Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US FIN ASSUR-------- - - - - -- Financial Assurance Information Financial Assurance_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Financial Assurance Information Listing COAL ASH EPA-- -- --- - - - - - -- Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER-- - - - - -. PCB Transformer Registration Database COAL ASH DOE------ - - - - -- Steam - Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH ------------------- Coal Ash Disposal Sites EPA WATCH LIST ----------- EPA WATCH LIST EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP---- -- ------ - - - - - -- EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR US Hist Cleaners-- - - - - -. EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA LUST------------- - - - --. Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank RGA LF---------------- - - - - -- Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List RGA HWS------------- - - ---- Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. TC4049846.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL NC HSDS: The Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites list contains locations of uncontrolled and unregulated hazardous waste sites. The file contains sites on the national priority list as well as the state priority list. The data source is the North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. A review of the NC HSDS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/09/2011 has revealed that there is 1 INC HSDS site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page HEVI DUTY ELECTRIC WNW 1/4 - 112 (0.341 mi.) 0 8 State and tribal landfill and /or solid waste disposal site lists SWF /LF: The Solid Waste Facilities /Landfill Sites records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. The data come from the Department of Environment & Natural Resources' List of Solid Waste Facility Contacts in Alpha Order. A review of the SWF /LF list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/01/2014 has revealed that there is 1 SWF /LF site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation RECYCLED MATERIALS, INC. Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 538 OLD MOUNT OLIVE HIG W 0 - 1/8 (0.023 mi.) 1 8 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environment & Natural Resources' Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/09/2014 has revealed that there is 1 UST site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation GENOA MART ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 659 GENOA ROAD SSW 0 - 1/8 (0.060 mi.) 2 8 Local Lists of Landfill/ Solid Waste Disposal Sites HIST LF: A listing of solid waste facilities. A review of the HIST LF list, as provided by EDR, and dated 11/06/2006 has revealed that there is 1 TC4049846.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY HIST LF site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page RECYCLED MATERIALS, INC. 538 OLD MOUNT OLIVE HIG W 0 - 1/8 (0.023 mi.) 1 8 Records of Emergency Release Reports IMD: Incident Management Database. A review of the IMD list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/21/2006 has revealed that there is 1 IMD site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page GAF MATERIALS 430 OLD MOUNT OLIVE HIG WNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.320 mi.) 5 11 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station /filling station /service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR's review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR's opinion, include gas station /filling station /service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records ", or HRHR. EDR's HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. A review of the EDR US Hist Auto Stat list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 2 EDR US Hist Auto Stat sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Not reported Not reported Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 687 GENOA RD SSW 1/8 - 114 (0.128 mi.) A3 9 687 GENOA RD SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.130 mi.) A4 10 TC4049846 2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 29 records. Site Name GA- PACIFIC CORP CHIP -N -SAW GEORGIA - PACIFIC CORP CHIP -N -SAW TRI- COUNTY ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP THOMPSON'S GROCERY WAYNE HARDWOOD LUMBER, INC. WHITFIELD ENTERPRISES EQUIP YARD ZELMA S CASEY'S 76 GROCERY SINGLETON'S GROCERY PIKERVILLE QUICK MART CARTER'S BODY SHOP TURNER EQUIPMENT CO INC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION STEVE & PAT CONVENIENT STORE SPRUILLS GROCERY STONEY CREEK GROCERY RAYBORN DEW SAULSTON COMMUNITY STORE BROADHURST GROCERY GEORGE F. PEELE PORT UNIT 219 MOBILE EQUIPMENT CO. COMER BROTHERS LUMBER CO. FALM WEBBERS HATCHERY METAL CRAFTERS GOLDSBORO NC BASF WYANDOTTE CORP SECUR CAR -GEN INC FUNK SEEDS INTL GOLDSBORO WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Database(s) SHWS CERC- NFRAP, RCRA -CESQG LUST TRUST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA -CESQG TC4049846.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 detail MAP - 4049846.2s n/ Target Property o 119 v4 112 Miles Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property Indian Reservations BIA Hazardous Substance ♦ Sites at elevations lower than Oil &Gas pipelines from USGS Disposal Sites the target property 100 -year flood zone A. Manufactured Gas Plants 500 -year flood zone i Sensitive Receptors ® National Wetland Inventory ElNational Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites ❑ State Wetlands This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and/or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Caraway Creek Mitigation Site CLIENT: Wildlands Eng, Inc. ADDRESS: 345 Genoa Road CONTACT: Angela Allen Dudley NC 28333 INQUIRY #: 4049846.2s LAT /LONG: 35.3277 / 78.0115 DATE: September 10, 2014 6:23 pm HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS DWR STREAM DETERMINATION e a �x a_ T !� A y 104 F� t WO t 0. INQUIRY #: 4049846.5 4 YEAR: 1980 (rEDR = 1000' le r INQUIRY #: 4049846.5 YEAR: 1959 = 500' (( i N , CEEM i ", ►'� r t r INQUIRY #: 4049846.5 YEAR: 2010 14 4N (CEDR = 500' �sammommna ss r. �� se .tz 2ZA'A"RA RCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor August 25, 2014 G &E Smith and Sons, LLC Attn. Mr. Stacy Smith 345 Genoa Road Dudley, NC-28333 Mr Norwood B Howell 118 Oak Heights Road Goldsboro, NC 27530 Subject Property: Caraway Creek UTs to Caraway Creek, Neuse River Basin John E. Skvarla, III Secretary DWQ # 14 -0820 Wayne County On =Site Determination for Applicability to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules,(15A, NCAC 2B .0233) Dear Messrs Smith and Howell. On August 25, 2014, at the request of your consultant Mr John Hutton of Wildlarids Engineering, Inc, Anthony Scarbraugh conducted an on -site determinations to review unnamed tributaries (UTs) to Caraway Creek located on the subject property for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B 0233) The features are labeled as "14 -0820 A and 14 -0820 B" on the attached maps initialed by Mr. Scarbraugh on August 25, 2014. The project is located between 345 Genoa Road and the Neuse River near the Town of Dudley, Wayne County. At your request, Mr. Scarbraugh conducted on -site determinations as stated above. During, his review, he evaluated the streams using the DWR Stream Classification Form. He evaluated the stream reach 14 -0820 A at 35.32593 N, 78.01651 W and calculated the score to be 24.25 points. He evaluated the stream reach 14 -0820 B at 35:32612 N, 78.01462 Wand calculated the score to be 21.5 points. The form states that if the score is "greater than or equal to 19 points the stream is at least intermittent " The Division of Water Resources (DWR) has determined that a portion of feature labeled as "14 -0820 A and 14 -0820 B" on the attached maps, and highlighted in blue is subject to the Neuse Buffer Rules. The features and its associated buffers should be identified on any future plans for this property. The owner (or future owners) should notify the DWR (and other relevant agencies) of this decision in any future correspondences concerning this property. This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Division of Water Resources- Water Quality Regional Operations Section - Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 Phone. 252 -946- 64811,Fax- -252- 975 -37161 Internet, www ncdenr gov An,Equal Opportunity i Affirmative Action Employer— Made in part by recycled paper Stacy Smith and Norwood B Howell Stream Determination Page 2 of 2 The owner (or future owners) should notify the DWR (and other relevant agencies) of this decision in ,any future correspondences ,concerning this property. This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the, date of this letter: Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by'the DWR or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it'is,sub)ect to the buffer rule may request 'a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director,in writing c /o, Karen Higgins, DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Individuals that dispute a determination by the DWR or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface Water'froril the bufferrule may ask .for an adjudicatory hearing You ,must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60 -day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including' downstream and ,adjacent landowners) ;is notified of this decision. DWR recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask fora hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General, Statutes to� the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N C 27699 -6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days This letter -only addresses the applicability10 the buffer rules and doesnot approve any activity within the buffers. Nor doesthis letter,approve any activity within Waters of the United States or Waters of the State. If you have any additional questions or require additional information please,call Anthony Scarbraugh in the Washington Regional Office at (252)948 -3924. Sincerely, Robert Tankard, Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Attachment USGS Topographic 1:24,000 Quadrangle Map "SW Goldsboro" copy of sheet 25, 1974 version of Wayne County Soil Survey cc: DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit File Copy Eric Kulz, DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Daniel Taylor, Wildlands Engineering, Inc., 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225, Raleigh, NC 27609 Filename 14 -0820 SCALE 1-12000 0 - 1000 -2000 3000 FEET 0,1' 0 09' W 1 078' OV ?. 1 OO 00" W 078* 0 078* 00'20 Or to Orw O. 9 00" W nv % A 1"NivOl It,co er z 0 9 0- at 0 —7b e-` 7 ige fir ,N� J v 14-082C B e: -Z -C> O r,7 V - c, 3.7 J, 7- T z 0 2a" cq- 00 -Isr IWA z j Arw I �O C> 73 p C>_ V-0 YIVV M/36 O� 0111. U, bo". w 078' 01' 00 00" W 078" 00''40.00" w lill I I I 1 1017181 0101"20 00" w SCALE 1-12000 0 - 1000 -2000 3000 FEET N Z wJ o0oi OOOOt0I•o1QaS 00x1 Dwz o0of oast 0004 oil" 1 0 N N N 1 r rr . ervM ^�Y�.eM.tl.eN. NMI .e1rw....r.p�o-r��eelOW'GN +wtFr1 '/WrAn.W MMa. O[61 wM1...��.... w« I.: S:• w. p. eAa^. v.,, s/ r.. M. ph^ NMry.' a. Wsw/ wewe�L^!'.•MMw^'P:erw.......... eGprn.alNn.rne ea.le Yri sr 2fiI Ns.W+W �... n.w a�I.W.� SZ'ON VN1108VJ HIiMN'A1Nno:) 9NAVM , PHOTOGRAPH LOG ?W7 Mfr. J'�.. - .. 00-- i( UT1 UT1 WCaraway Creek Mitigation Site - Photo Log HUC 03020201 - BPDP Caraway Creek UT1 UT2 Caraway Creek Mitigation Site - Photo Log HUC 03020201 - BPDP UT1