HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0044725_Report_19850905NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0044725 LMAC WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: September 5, 1985 This document is printed on reuse paper - ig7nore any content on the reirerise side f/uvi° cz-(,- State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary September 5, 1985 Director MEMORANDUM TO: Mick Noland Dennis Ramsey FROM: Steve W. Tedder SUBJECT: Toxicological Evaluation/Laurinburg-Maxton Airport Commission WWTP Attached is the final report concerning an intensive toxi- cological evaluation of the Laurinburg-Maxton facility in Scotland County. If there are any questions, please contact myself or Ken Eagleson at 733-5083. SWT/gh Attachment cc: Ken Eagleson Larry Ausley Bob DeWeese Meg Kerr Jay Sauber Jim Overton Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer LAURINBURG/MAXTON AIRPORT WWTP TOXICITY EXAMINATION NPDES #NC0044725 C1I1U{ffl) IHHffl) North Carolina Department of Natural Resources & Community Development MOBILE Bioassay and Biomonitoring LABORATORY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION SEPTEMBER,1985 LAURINBURG-MAXTON AIRPORT COMMISSION WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NPDES NO. NC0044725 April, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures ii Introduction 1 Toxicity Examination 2 Chemical Sampling _ 10 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Analysis 13 Conclusions • _ 23 Recommendat ions _ • 24 Appendix 25 - Daohnia pulex Test Procedure �... •26► - 96 Hour Flow -Through Teat Procedure... 27 - Ceriodeohnie Reproduction Test Procedure 19 - Benthic Macroinvertebrate Procedure 30 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Final Mortality Results of 96 Hour Flow -Through Test 4 Table 2. Sampling Site Descriptions 8 Tabte 3. Results of Chemical Analyses 11 Table 4. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxa Collected.... 17 Table 5_ Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxa Richness. 22 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP 3 Figure 2. 96 Hour Flow -Through Test Mortality 5 Figure 3. Mean Cumulative Reproduction of Ceriodaohni=e< Test ;.. 7 Figure 4. Study Area and Sampling Locations 9 INTRODUCTION An on -site toxicity examination was conducted at the Laurinburg-Maxton Airport Commission Wastewater Treatment Plant (NC0044725) April 1-6, 1985. This investigation was accomplished to provide baseline toxicity data on the wastewater treatment facility in order to evaluate the effects of proposed future additions to the industrial contributors to the facility. This facility, located in Scotland County, treats primarily domestic and industrial wastewater from nearby industries. These industries discharge approximately 219 thousand gallons of wastewater each day to the Laurinburg-Maxton Airport facility for -trea-tment. Individual contributions of these facilities are listed below. Carolmet, Inc. (cobalt ore processing) 151,000 GPD Johns Manville (fabricated rubber prod) 12,000 GPO Charles Craft (textile) 16,000 GPD Lee L. Woodard (metal fabrication) 17,000 GPD Scotland Mfg. (metal fabrication) 23,000 GPD This document details findings of chemical and biological sampling, including the following: 1.) 48 hr. static bioassay using paohnia,eulex on effluent samples to determine acute toxicity. 2.) 96 hr flow -through acute bioassay using Pimephales promelas (fathead minnows) performed on effluent collected at the final clarifier prior to chlorination. 3.) Chemical samples collected from effluent, influent, and receiving stream. 4.) Collection and analysis of macroinvertebrate samples to determine the impact of the effluent on the receiving stream populations. 5.) Seven-day Ceriodaohnia reproduction test to assess sub -lethal (chronic) toxicity. The Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP discharges into the Lumber River (Class "C") in the Yadkin/Pee-Dee River Basin. The 7010 (low flow) for the Lumber River is 130 cis. The permitted flow of the facility is 1.0 MGD. During 7010 low stream flow and average permitted effluent flow conditions, the effluent from Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP comprises 1.2% of the receiving stream. Results of past compliance sampling inspections have recorded permit violations in levels of TSS, sodium, cobalt, and pH. Waste treatment processes include bar screening and grit removal, aeration by oxidation ditch, clarification, chlorination, and sludge drying beds. A schematic of the Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP appears in Figure 1. TOXICITY EXAMINATION An on -site toxicity examination was requested for the Laurisnburg-Maxton Airport WWTP by the Division of Environmental Management's Fayetteville. Regional Office. The request was made in anticipation of future Increases in the number of industries the facility serves. One 48 hour static test was performed prior to the examination on October 20, 1983. This test yielded an LC..o value of 71%. A second test was performed on the effluent april 29, 1985 with an LCso result of 83% The LCso value is the effluent concentration lethal to 50% of the teat organisms. The flow -through bioassay was performed on effluent collected prior to chlorination at the final clarifier. Dilution water for this teat was obtained from Juniper Creek at SR-1405 in Scotland County. The flow -through bioassay was initiated at 9:40 A.M. on April 2, 1985. The test organisms, fathead minnows, were 26-31 days old and obtained from cultures at the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory. These fish were acclimated to Juniper Creek water on March 28.1985. The fathead minnows were transferred to test chambers with dilution water approximately 20 hours prior to test initiation. Grit Chamber tf Iuent Bar Screen Influent Sampling Pt. (Station 02A) Discharge FIGURE 1. LAURINBURG— MAXTON AIRPORT Chlorine Contact WWTP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM -3- Bioassay Sampling Pt. (Station 02) Ten fish were placed In each chamber with replicates of six concentrations end a control (dilution water). The toxicant delivery system cycled 372 times during the course of the test. The final 96 hour mortality data is as listed In Table Table 1. Final Mortality Results of 96 Hour Flow -Through Test Effluent Concentration No. of Organisms Mortality 100 10 4 100 10 6 75 10 4 75 10 1 50 10 1 50 10 2 25 10 2 25 10 2 10 10 0 10 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 C 10 0 C 10 0 This data is depicted graphically in Figure 2. The 96-hour LC•o value was -determined to be 100%. This value indicated an effluent concentration of 100% will cause a 50% kill of the test population within a 96 hour period. Toxicant Concentration Figure 2. 96 Hour Flowthrough Test Mortality 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 • a 1 1 LC =100 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %Mortal ity A seven-day Ceriodaohnia static replacement bioassay was performed on dilutions of effluent in order to assess sub -lethal toxicity. This test was conducted at the Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory using dilution water obtained from Lake Johnson (Raleigh, N.C.). This dilution water was chosen for the test in light of the low pH of the dilution water used on -site (Juniper Creek). Data from this teat is presented in Figure 3. At the end of the seven day test period, a significant reduction in reproductive success of the test organisms was noted at the 10% effluent concentration. Reproduction similar to that of the controls was recorded for the 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1.0% effluent concentrations. Reproductive success at the 25% and 50% concentrations were drastically reduced to mean values of 0.6 and 0, respectively. No significant mortality was noted in any of the test concentrations up to the highest tested of 50%. Since the on -site Investigation was conducted, two additional self -monitoring bioassays have been accomplished by this facility. Test results of June and July showed Daphnia pules, LCso values of 89% and 72% respectively. These values compare closely to the 71% LCso measured by DEM prior to the on-s4te investigation. 25 20 15 10 Oi Figure 3.Mean Cumulative Reproduction Ceriodaphnia Chronic Bioassay Mean Young Produced Significant chronic impact at 10.0% effluent 0 2 4 Day of Test 8 LAURINBUiG-fAXTON AIRPORT MP Control 0 0.01 t 0.10t • 1.0% 10. 0% O 25. 0% 50. 0% ■ -7- Table 2. Sampling Sites Station 01 Lumber River at NC-71 approximately 175 meters above the Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP. At this point the Lumber River is approximately 25 meters wide with a sandy substrate. Station 02 Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP collected from the final clarifier, prior to chlorination. This is the bioassay sampling point for the Daohniapulex static testa, Ceriodaohnia reproduction teats, and the flow -Waugh bioassay. Station 02A Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP influent collected immediately prior to the bar screen. Station 028 Laurinburg-Maxton Airport WWTP effluent collected at end of the chlorine contact chamber. ' Station 03 Lumber River at SR-1303 approximately 6400 meters below the Laurinburg-Maxton discharge. At this point the Lumber River is approximately 30 meters wide with a sandy substrate. Station 04 Juniper Creek at SR-1405. Here the substrate is sandy with bottom vegetation and the creek is approximately 4 meters wide. This is the dilution water site for all site bioassays. Figure 4. Laurinburg—Maxton Airport WWTP Study Area CHEMICAL SAMPLING A series of chemical samples was collected during this evaluation and sent to the Division of Environmental Management Chemistry Laboratory for analysis. A description of the sampling stations is found in Table 2. All samples were collected as instantaneous grabs with the exception of Station 02 samples (toxicity sampling point) which were taken as 24 hour composites. Figure 4 contains a map of the study area and includes sampling site locations. Results and summaries of chemical analyses are documented in Table 3. Metals analyses reported zinc concentrations of 150 ug/1 on April 3 and 280 ug/1 on April 6 in the effluent. At these concentrations and 7010 conditions, the concentration in the receiving stream would average 2.53 ug/1. At average stream flow and average facility flow, the instream concentration of zinc is estimated to be .205 ug/I. The N.G. Water 0uality Action Limit for zinc is 50 ug/1. Zinc concentrations of 90 ug/1 and 120 ug/I were detected in the influent on April 3 and April 6 respectively. All other sites had concentrations of (20 ug/I on both sampling dates, which is the lower detectable limitfor zinc. Metals analyses also reported copper concentrations in the effluent of 40 ug/1 on April 3 and -60 ug/I on April 6. At low flow conditions these would indicate an instream average concentration of 0.59 ug/I of copper. Levels of 30 ug/I and 80 ug/l (April 6) were detected in the influent. Upstream, downstream and dilution water sites were found to have (20 ug/1 of copper which is the lower detectable Limit. At average stream flow and average facility discharge, copper concentrations instream are predicted to be .048 ug/I. The N.C. Water Duality Action Level for copper is 15 ug/1. Organics analyses revealed influent concentrations on April 3 of 420 ug/1 butanoic acid, 170 ug/1 of chloromethyl benzene, 1200 ug/I of isooctanol, 700 ug/l of trichlorobenzene, 90 ug/I of butyl octanol, 430 ug/I of phosphoric tributyl ester, and 11,000 ug/1 of a petroleum oil and other unidentified peaks. —10— Table 3. Results of Chemical Analysis A 1 C 0 j E F 0 N I PERNITTEO FLOAT (KAX) 1 AVE1OGE OISA3ARRCE (AGO) .2a3 AVERAGE511(0O FLOAT (ff S) 460 7Q10 (ffS) 130 Olenictl/Faysicsl units ' Aster Quality Station 01 Station 02 Station 021 Station 028 'Station 03 Station 04 Analyses Standards 85/04/13 85/04/03 15/04/03 85/04/03 85/04/03 85/04/03 I::: PPO 1 5.4 no1 1.1 FF8 17 4a 230 17 16 :Califon: OF Fecal !100 rl 6200 2800 1401000 20 11000 Califon: Tube Fecal 11 lesidae. TOT11 PPO 57 1300 1100 63 33 • volatile PPR 41 140 230 44 30 • fixed FPO 13 1200 1500 19 3 ;Reside SOSFEO0E0 PPS 11 20 23 9 7 volatile PPS 7 16 20 5 5 fixed FPN 4 4 3 4 2 4 "O (standard wits) 6.01.0 6.9 8.1 7.9. 6.4 5.6 Oddity PPN 1 5 6 7 14 Alkalinity PPR 10~ 460 410 10 3 4 Chlorides PPO 7 380 390 4, 7 4 loftiness FPO 12 36 40 32 16 'Phenols FPO <5 <5 30 <5, <5 <.011 WO PPO .03: .5S 1.6, .04 "TAN PFO .3 1.3 4.3 .3 .2 102,103 FPO- .4 .19 .18 .42 .14 P. total FPO .1 15 16 .14 .03 Aleniaoa PP8 <100 <in <100 <100 <101 'Caddell FP8 2 <20 CO <20 <20 c20 Chronic' I FPO 50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 ,Cobalt FP8 1 1000 <100 300. 3200 <100 <100 Copper PM - 15(11)t <20 40 30 <20 <20 Iran a FPO 1018(AL) 300 300 500' 410 2408 '1Aercary FPO .2 <.2 <.2 <.2 (.2 , Nickel FPO 50 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 Lead FPO 25 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 Zinc PP8 50(11) <20 150 90 <20 <20 1ri 1utyl Tin lyydride PP8 .0th <.02 <.02 (.02 c.02 <.02 Oaideatified- Orsardc Peeks 6 1 3 101E 'Botanic Add FM 420 CAlormketby1 benzene FPO ' 190 Iseoctsuol PHI 1200 yTridllorobeazeoe FPO NC- 1 att0501 �Phot$aric PP8 30 tributyl ester PHI 430 Petrslees sil aideat.peaks FPI 11000 leszeoedicarbssylicsdd, - ittosyttkylaster FPO $ eeedinrbeuy c;,- dioctylester FPO _ t (AL) Values represent action levels as specified in .0211 (6)(4) Fresh Water Classifications Standards. Table 3. (Cut:) 1 K L 8 0 0 P o a 1 PERMITTED ROD (IIGO) 1 AVERAGE DISCHARGE (S130) .283 AVERAGE STREAM fUOY (CFS) 460 • 7g10 (CFS) 130 Chtnical/Physicsl snits Station 01 Station 02 Station en Station 03 Station 04 Predicted Mark Predicted stress*. Analyses 15/04/86 , 85/84/06 85/04/06 85/04/06 85/04/05 canaaVetien at anceatretl� et 7010 creditless eve.disdterge t fie PM 20 138 2380 17 15 Califon: if fecal /180 N1 Fanfare: Tube Fecal Resides. TOTAL FPI 78 1308 2180 53 30 15.32 1.238 volatile PPO 32 188 558 25 17 1.81 .152 fixed PPS 38 1180 1108 28 13 13.55 1.535 Residue SOSPEEEO PPI 7 50 360 12 3 .65 .052 volatile -PM 4 66 340 3 ' 3 .48 .533 fixed _ PPO 3 24 14 3 <1, .15 .013 ,11 (standard nits) 6.7 7.5 7.8 6.1 6.1 Oddity PP6 7 2 25 5 Alkalinity PPI 3 340 350 0 5 Chlorides PPM 8 370 520 8 3 Oardness MO 60 64 68 10 30 Phenols PPS ' (5 <5 8 <5 4 _ <5 4:5 <5 *1113 , - FPI .04 .11 3.3 .04, .51 .5814 .0001 Ta fM1 .4 3.5 6.1 .3 .3 .83 .002 Kft,503 _ PPA• .44 - ' 1.7 .34 .42 .15 , .01 .801 P. total PPII .11 16 15 .1 .02 .16 .015 aliNiaEUE 'Cadmium -FPO - 180 480 200' 200 100' <100 <1011 -PP8 <20 <200 <2 <20 <20 <20, <20 CAteulan FPO (50. <50 <50 <50 , <50 <50 <50 Cobalt 'CoPrier 4 PP8 3.53 .285 PP8 <20 60 _ f0 <20 <20 .51 .048 Ina , !P5 300 750 4250 3804. 250, 5.53 .475 8ermry FPO- <.2 .2 <.2 <.2 <.2 <.2 <.2 ilidcel fP8 <100-<100 <100� <108 <100 <180- (100 Lead PPS <100 <100 <180 <100 <100 <100 <100 Zinc PP8 <20 280 120 <20 <20 2.53 .205 4Tri Butyl Tie Mydride FPO (.01 4.01 4.01 (.01 <.02 (.02 (.02 Unidentified -Organic Peaks Malt + 15 2 8011E 4 eceaic Acid PP8 Chloranethyl Wrest PP8 _ 14 Iseactaaol PP8 Tricalarobee:ene PP6- - IIdyl aCtanol PP 8 Ptoric trlbetyl ester PP8 htreleav eillei/eet.peeks PPI tlenzeaedicerboxylicac1d,- , botexyetbylbeyletter 1P8 12 leaseneditarboxylies• dlectylester PP8 740 * This value represents predicted instream concentrations using average effluent concentrations and assuming upstream concentrations of 0. ***** Sample not analyzed. The April 6 influent contained 16 unidentified organics ranging from 14 ug/I to 7100 ug/I. Trichlorobenzene is used largely as a dye carrier or herbicide intermediate and is an EPA priority pollutant. Isooctanol is used as a plasticizer, an antifoaming agent, and a surfactant. Uses of chloromethyl benzene include a solvent agent for intermediate organic chemicals and dyes. Analysis of the April 3 effluent sample found one unidentified organic substance at 15 ug/i. Organics were not performed on the second day's effluent sample due to laboratory problems. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE ANALYSIS Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected on April 3 and 4, 1985 at three locations on the Lumber River in conjunction with a flow -through bioassay performed at the Laurinburg-Maxton WWTP. The Lumber River meanders through the coastal plain in this area and is considered a kblackwater" river due to leaching of tannic acids from backwater and swampy areas along its banks. The section of the river sampled was about 10-20 meters wide and 1-3 meters deep. Numerous snags provided good habitat for the benthic fauna. Samples were collected using the Division of Environmental Management's standard qualitative collection techniques (DEM 1983) at the NC-71 bridge (above the WWTP) and at the SR-1303 bridge (approximately one-half mile downstream and below the discharge point of the WWTP). The third sampling site was another one-half mile downstream, at the SR-1393 bridge. Deep water at this third station required using a boat to collect samples here, resulting in a semi -qualitative collection (all samples taken except kicks). The sample at Station. 01, above the WWTP, yielded a total taxa richness value (ST) of 95, and a taxa richness value for the intolerant groups Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (Se'T) of 37. This site had a large number of snags covered with podostemunt, and a lower flow backwater area with much detritus. These two habitats were both diverse and productive. Some taxa from all the major benthic groups were found to be abundant. The dominant taxa were mayflies (LeotoDhlebia, Eohemerella catawba, Furvloohelle temDo►alis. Peeudocloeon, Stenonema modestum). a stone fly species, Isooerle sp. 10, caddisflies (Cheumatoosvche, j'ivdroosvche decalda) and dragonflies (CaloDterYx and Enallaoma). Also, most of the taxa in the intolerant groups were common or abundant which is another indication of good water quality. A complete listing of taxa found at all stations with their abundance is given in Table 4. Station 03, below the discharge from the WWTP, had a lower 8T value (76) and a slightly lower SlpT (32) value. However, a change in the habitat at this station, could account for the lower total taxa richness. This site had fewer snags to sample, no backwater area, more exposed sand and less detritus. Most of the intolerant taxa that were common or abundant at the other two stations were also common or abundant below the discharge. This diversity and abundance indicates that the WWTP discharge is not having a significant toxic influence at this station. This is reinforced by the fact that the taxa not found at Station 03 were tither rare at the other locations or found associated with detritus or low flow habitats not found here. Of the 139 total taxa from all three stations, only 10 were collected at Stations 01 and 05 but not at Station 03. Comparison of taxa richness values for major benthic. groups Viable 5) shows the largest reduction at Station 03 occurred in the trichoptera. Again, the taxa net collected at this site were found in the backwater and detritus areas of the other stations. Station 05, at SR-1393, was sampled using a boat, because the river was too deep to allow for regular qualitative sampling. As a result more snags were sampled et Station OS than et either Station 01 or 03. This may have influenced the high Sap? value (39) recorded at this station. A total of 89 taxa were collected with close to 60% of those being rare in abundance. Dominant organisms were basically the same at this station as at the other stations. The high proportion of taxa in sensitive groups (39/89) is another indication of a healthy fauna. Heavy Podostemun growth on Togs provided a complex habitat, yielding many of the organisms collected. Bottom sand was relative coarse and fairly unproductive. One mayfly, Ephemerella arco, was common at all three stations, but was not previously recorded from North Carolina. It will be tentatively listed as a new state record until verification of the species determination is made. All three stations were given an Excellent biological classification using the criteria for "Coastal A" (shallow, fast moving) rivers. The SfPT values for all stations (Station 01 = 37, Station 03 = 32, Station 05 = 39) were well above the criteria level of 27 for an Excellent rating. However, April is a time of peak abundance for benthic macroiavertebrates. Winter species may still be present, as well as the early fosters of the summer fauna. In order to determine if these were seasonally high Selby values, a comparison was made with Benthic Macroinvertebr-ate Ambient Network samples taken from the Lumber River at Pembroke in July, 1983. That site was also given an excellent rating based on ST/SepT values of 89/28. In the mayflies, the summer paetis species were replaced by Ephemerella species, but other taxa were similar. The caddisfly taxa were also similar during both sampling periods, however, five additional stonefly species were present during this sampling which would not be present during the summer. Even if these were subtracted out from the Sappy values, an Excellent rating would still be given, although this ratomg wpiid be marginal for Station 03. There was a minor reduction in benthic macroinvertebrates at Station 03, below the discharge of the WITP. However, the high number of abundant taxa in groups intolerant of.toxic and organic -effects indicated that the reduction in total taxe richness was associated with habitat change, rather than any toxic influences. Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling indicated excellent water quality in this section of the Lumber River. Table 4. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Collected from the Lumber River, April 3 and 4, 1985 with abundance values (R. Rave, C =Common, A =Abundant ) Taxon Stations 1 2 3 NC 71 SR 1303 SR 1393 Oligochaeta LuMbric ulidae C C C Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri R - - Derodigitata C - R Dero obtusa C - - Nais sp. C R - Slavina appendiculata - - R Spirosperma carolinensis - A - Quistadrilus multisetosus - - R Vejdovskyella comata R - - Ephemeroptera Baetis pygmaeus C C C Centroptilum sp. - R Pseudocloeon sp. A A A Stenonema modestum A A A S. smithae C - C S. exiguum - R - S. integrum - R - S. terminatum - C Heptagenia marginalis R - C Hexagenia sp. - - R Siphlonurus marginalis A C R Leptophlebia sp. A A A Paraleptophlebia sp. R C R Caenis sp. - R - Ephetnerella argo C C C E. Catawba A A A Ebrylophe1la bicolor - C - Eu. temporalis A A A Dannella simplex C - C -17- Taxon Stations 1 2 3 NC 71 SR 1303 SR 1393 Pleooptera Acroneuria abnormis R R A. mela C R Amphinemura sp. C R Prostoia sp. R - Pteronarcys dorsata C C Neoperla clymene C A Perlesta placida C C Perlinella n. sp.? C A Isoperla bilineata C - I.sp. 10 A A A Tiichoptera Chimarra sp. R A A Phylocentropus sp. C - C Polycentropus sp. C R R Nyctiophylax sp. - - _R Brachycentrus sp. R - R Lepidostoma sp. R - - Lype diversa C - C Macronema carolina - - C Cheumatopsyche spp. A A A Aydropsyrhe decalda A A A H. venularis C C C Cecetis sp. A A C Nectopsyche exquisita R C - ¶1 iaenodes tardus A R C Ceraclea nepha C R C Ceraclea resurgens C R R Ironoquia punctitissima R - - Psilotreta sp. - C - Odonata Argia sp. R Enallagma sp. A Calopteryx sp. A Gomphus spp. C A A A R A C C Stations 1 2 3 Taxon NC 71 SR 1303 SR 1393 Drom gomphhus sp. - - R Progomphus obscura - R - Hagenius brevistylus R R R Boyeria vinosa - C R Nasiaeschna pentacantha R - - Macromia sp. R C C letragoneuria sp. C R C Somatochlora sp. - C - Libellula sp. - R - Coleoptera Ancyronyx variegatus R - - Macronychus glabratus C C A Dubiraphia quadrinotata - - R Optioservus sp. - R - Stenelmis sp. C A A Dineutus sp. R C - Berosus sp.` - - R Peltodytes sp. R - C Hydroporus sp. A R A Hydrobius sp. R - - thochrus sp. - - R Megaloptera Corydalus cornutus - R R Climacia areolaris Crustacea Palaemonetes paludosus Procambarus sp. - R Asellus sp. A R Hyallela azteca - C CrangonYx sp. R A Diptera Tipula sp. R C Simulium (phosterodorus R R group) SNP ,M11, MOD IMM -19- Taxon Stations 1 2 3 NC 71 SR 1303 SR 1393 Chrysops sp. R - - Pseudolimnophila sp. R - Palpomyia group C - C Corynoneura C R R Th enemaniella sp. R C - Cticotopus bicinctus gr. R - A Qrthocladius nr. clarkei group C A A symposiocladius acutilabis - R - Rheocricotopus robacki A - C Rheosmiittia sp. - - R Nanocladius balticus C - - Hydrobaenus - R - Xylotopus par C R - Parakiefferiella triquetra R - - Dukiefferiella gracei gr. R - - Rheotanytarsus sp. R - R Tanytarsus sp. R R - - Ablabesmyia parajanta A A A Conchapelopia gr. A C C Nilotanypus sp. A - R iabrundi ni a sp. - C - Clinotanypus pinguis C - C Polypedilum scalaenum - A - P. convictum R C C P. halterale R - R P. failax R - - Microtendipes pedellus R - - 3Yibelos sp. C A C Cryptochironomus fulviventrus - R - ChirononWs sp. - - R Robackia demeijerei - R - Stelechomyia perpulchra - - R Stenochironomus sp. - - R Stictochironomus sp. - R - Potthastialongimanus R - - -20- Taxon Mollusca Menetus dilates Physella sp. Ferrissia rivularis Other Ranatra sp. Hydracarinidae Dugesia tigrina Placobdella papillifera Mooreobdella/Erpobdella sp. Pelocoris sp. Pyralidae Corixidae Stations 1 2 3 NC 71 SR 1303 SR 1393 A C MUD C R R R OMR OOP C R R MEW MMIN R R A R R /11 R R Table 5. Taxa Richness Values for Major Benthic Groups Lumber River, April 3 and 4, 1985 * Station 1983 B-MAN Et Groue 1 2 3 Pembroke Ephemeroptera 12 13 15 12 Plecoptera 10 8 9 4 Trichoptera 15 11 15 13 Oligochoeta 6 3 4 2 Cdonata 9 10 9 9 Coleoptera 7 5 7 10 Megaloptera 1 1 1 1 C rustacea 2 4 3 2 Diptera (misc.) 5 2 2 3 Diptera-Chironomidae 21 16 17 26 Mollusca 2 0 2 2 Other 5 3 5 5 **ST 95 76 89 89 ***SST 37 32 39 28 Biological Classification: Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent * BMAN sample taken near Pembroke in July 1983 ** Total Taxa *** Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera taxa CONCLUSIONS Results of chemical analyses indicate that no significant increase in measured parameters is occurring downstream of the Laurinburg/Maxton Airport WWTP discharge. Total fixed residue and chloride values indicate a waste stream of high ionic content and based on various other parameters, highly variable in nature. Effluent constituents that would be predicted to cause some of the observed toxic effects on test organisms would include zinc concentrations of 150, and 280 ug/I and copper concentrations of 40 and 60 ug/l, though these would not translate to concentrations of concern when diluted by the receiving stream. Toxicity tests performed on the effluent seem to indicate little toxicological variability based on 48 hour Daphnia aulex,static tests. Results of these ranged from 71% to 89% for four tests, including 2 self —monitoring tests performed for the facility. The 96 hour fathead minnow flow —through LCso of 100% would indicate that this organism is slightly Tess sensitive to the effluent while still indicating the same relative toxicity level. Ceriodaphnia reproduction data indicate that a population suppression will occur at an effluent concentration of 10%, while 1% would show no significant effects to the population. These levels of toxicity may be associated in part with the levels of copper and zinc measured in the effluent discharge. The toxicity of metals, however, may be minimized when discharged in an effluent containing domestic waste. It is because of this, that other unidentified constituents are probably also contributing to the whole effluent toxicity. Relating this information to an instream waste concentration of 1.2% during 7010 stream flows, end 0.33% during average stream flows, the effluent is not predicted to cause any significant damage to biological communities in the Lumber River. Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling and analysis of the Lumber River upstream and downstream of this"discharge indicate a community change in the river below —23— the discharge. This phenomena is attributed to habitat differences rather than a toxic impact based on intolerant species common to both upstream and downstream sampling locations. In summary, it appears that even though toxicity testing shows that the Laurinburg/Maxton Airport WWTP effluent does exert an acute toxic effect on aquatic life, the effect is negated by the dilution received as it enters the lumber River. RECOMMENDATIONS 1.) Due to the presence of at least one EPA Priority Pollutant organic substance in the influent, the sources and concentrations of organic chemicals should be closely monitored to prevent any degradation of wastewater treatment efficiency and/or discharges in excess of present levels. 2.) Toxicity abatement procedures and pretreatment programs should continue to strive for moderation of the influent levels of zinc, copper, and cobalt. 3.) Future chronic toxicity testing should be considered using a species resident in the low pH waters encountered in the Lumber River basin. This low pH can show dramatic differences in observed toxicities of effluents and must be addressed in setting appropriate chronic toxicity limitations for discharge. 4.) Future acute toxicity testing should be accomplished upon addition of any further contributors to the waste water treatment system and the resulting toxicities compared against those encountered during the scope of this investigation. APPENDIX 48 Hour Oa hnia pulex Screening Bioassay Aquatic oxicology Group N. C. Division of Environmental Management The Aquatic Toxicology Group performs 48 hour static bioassays using the cladoceran Daphnia pulex to estimate the toxicity of waste discharge to aquatic life in receiving streams. All test and sampling glassware and equipment are washed with soap and hot water, then rinsed in nitric acid, acetone, and distilled/deionized water. to remove all toxins and contaminants. Effluent samples are collected by OEM Regional Office or Aquatic Toxicology personnel. All samples are collected chilled and above chlorination unless otherwise specified. Each sample is collected as a grab or 24 hour Laboratory using an automatic sampler and is sent chilled to the Aquatic Toxicology Cory by state courier or bus. The sample must be received within 24 hours after collection. The samples are prepared for testing by being thouroughly mixed. adjusted to standard test temperature, and aerated if dissolved oxygen is below 40% saturation. Chlorine is removed with Sodium Thiosulfate if applicable. Initial pH and DO are also recorded. The effluent is then diluted with D. ulex culture waer, typically to P tYP Y seven concentrations (with replicates) from 0 to 90% effluent. Each test chamber receives 100 mis total volume and ten 24 hour old D. pulex test organisms. The test is conducted in a 20 degree centigrade incubator with a 14:10 hour I ight:dark cycle. Mortality of the D. pulex is recorded after 48 hours, along with final pH and dissolved oxygen. A 48 hour- LC5a, or concentration of effluent lethal to 50% of the test organisms in 48 hours, is calculated from the mortality data. An instream waste concentration (IwOO for the effluent in the receiving stream is calculated using the treatment system design flow and low —flow (7Q10) stream flow. The LC50 and IWC are then used to predict instream toxicity. If the effluent toxicity and/or the !WC are high, a persistance bioassay may be conducted. This involves a second 48 hour static D. pulex bioassay on the same effluent sample after it has been exposed to light and aeration for an additional 48 hours. if there is a 100% reduction in the LC50, the effluent is considered to be non—persistant. 96 Hour On —site Flowthrough Bioassay Aquatic Toxicology Group N. C. Division of Environmental Management Candidacy for an on —site toxicity evaluation by the Aquatic Toxicology Group is determined on the basis of acute toxicity of the effluent in comparison with instream waste concentration. Acute toxicity is determined by a 48 hour screening static bioassay using Daphnia pulex. For each on —site, flowthrough bioassay, a pre —test site inspection is performed in order to: 1) Determine appropriate areas for physical placement of the mobile laboratory. 2) Acquire proper equipment and installation needed for electrical service. 3) Determine appropriate areas for effluent sampling and equipment needed for such. Sampling is done above chlorination unless otherwise specified. 4) Determine possible areas for dilution sampling (actual receiving waters or other unstressed streams in the area) and equipment needed for such. 5) Collect additional samples of effluent and possible dilution waters for further static Daphnia pulex acute and static renewal Ceriodaphnia sp. reproduction bioassays to determine the range of concentrations of effluent for the f l owthrough bioassay, to test for potential toxicity of possible dilution waters, and for fish acclimation to the chosen dilution water. 6) Determine route suitability to the facility for the mobile laboratory (eg. low clearances, poor road conditions). 7 Discuss test procedures and requirements with appropriate facility personnel. 8 Determine appropriate sampling sites and techniques for benth i c macroinvertebrate surveys. Upon actual arrival on —site with the mobile laboratory, dilution water is obtained and dilution and effluent pumping systems are set up and tested. Two to three week old fathead minnows are wet transferred to the test chambers (containing approximately one 1 iter of dilution water), ten fish to a chamber. Seven concentrations (with replicates) including a control are used. The second day on —site the dilutor and the dilution and effluent pumping systems are turned on and the fathead minnow flowthrough bioassay is begun. A water bath is utilized to bring the effluent and dilution water to a constant 20 degrees centigrade. Test organisms are fed newly hatched brine shrimp twice daily throughout the test. A Ceriodaphnia static renewal reproduction bioassay using newborn organisms is begun the first day on —site. The organisms are transfered to fresh dilution and effluent solutions daily and initial and final pH and dissolved oxygen are recorded. The number of young born per organism per day is recorded and mean cumulative reproduction is calculated for each concentration. The test is conducted in a 25 degree centigade incubator with 10 light:14 dark photoperiod. Test organisms are fed a mixture of yeast and algae. Individual chemical/physical parameter meters are calibrated daily according to DEM standards. Hydrolab systems measure and record dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and specific conductance in the test chambers with the highest and lowest concentration of effluent at 15 minute intervals throughout the test. These systems • are calibrated at test initiation, the mid —point of the test, and test terminatlon.0ata from these systems is recovered daily and stored on magnetic tape and hard copy. On alternate days, samples of dilution water, effluent at the sampling site, final effluent, and the receiving stream upstream and downstream of the -27- discharge point are analyzed for hardness. On variable effluents, daily residual chlorine measurements will be made at the above described sites. During the on —site evaluation, Biological Monitoring Group personnel collect benthos samples at the upstream, downstream and dilution sites (see Benth i c Macroinvertebrate Survey appendix). Where appropriate, electrofishing is undertaken upstream and downstream of the discharge to obtain resident fish population data. On a site —specific basis, various other efforts are undertaken, such as monitoring dissolved oxygen levels in the receiving stream. On a daily basis, test chamber screens are cleaned, dilution water is collected (where appropriate), effluent and dilution pumping systems are checked and adjusted as necessary, and pH, dissolved oxygen, and fish mortalities are recorded for each chamber. Two separate 24 hour composite samples of effluent are collected by means of an automatic sampler for chemical analysis. Receiving stream and dilution water samples are also taken for chemical testing. Static 48 hour Daphnia pulex bioassays are conducted on a 24 hour composite sample of the effluent and a grab sample of the influent. A photographic record is made of the treatment facility, sampling points, receiving stream, and sampling procedures while on —site. At the end of the 96 hour test period, the dilutor is turned off and final mortality observations are made. Breakdown and packing routines are performed and the mobile laboratory is transported back to the Cary Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory. Several special care operating procedures should be mentioned. At facilities that discharge for only a portion of the day, effluent samples are compos i ted by the dilutor system into a large reservoir on board the mobile laboratory for use as the effluent while discharge is not in progress. If the effluent has a high oxygen demand, aeration systems for the test chambers are utilized and dissolved oxygen levels in the chambers are monitored closely in order to prevent levels from dropping below 44% saturation at test temperatures. In the event that actual receiving waters are deemed unfit for the test (i.e. potentially toxic), an alternate source of dilution water is sought in the vicinity. Ceriodaphnia .1E. Reproduction Bioassay Procedure Aquatic Toxicology Group N. C. Division of Environmental Management The Ceriodaphnia aquatio bioassay is oonduoted to estimate the effect of an effluent or other water sample on reproductivity. The cladoceran Ceriodaphnia sue. is used as test organism in a 7 day static renewal bioassay. A control and 8 concentrations of effluent ranging from 0.01% to 100% are typically used. There are 10 animals per concentration, each animal in a one ounce polystyrene test chamber with 15 mis of solution. The test is conducted in a 25 degree centigrade incubator with a 14 light/ 10 dark photoperiod. The test is initiated with newborn animals, or neonates. Adults having brood sacs of 5 or more eggs with visible eyespots (indicating eggs are about to be released) are isolated and checked periodically. Neonates are removed and grouped according to time of birth. Selected groups are then composited to make the youngest set of 90 or more neonates born within a 4 hour period. The test is begun when the neonates are introduced into the test chambers. Temperatures must be within 2 degrees centigrade for transfer. The animals are transferred daily to new test chambers containing freshly mixed solutions. Chemical/physical parameters are measured twice for each batch of solutions. The initial value is taken before the animal is introduced and the final value after the animal has been transferred out the next day. Dissolved oxygen of greater than 40% saturation is necessary. The animals are fed daily, just after transfer. Each animal receives 1/2 standard dose of yeast and 1/2 standard dose algae (one drop or 0.05 mis of a solution made by dissolving 0.25 grams active dry baker's yeast in 100 mis of distilled water plus one drop of a solution of 1.71 x 106 cells/ml Selenastrum capricornutum). As reproduction begins, only the adult is transferred to a new chamber. A drop of concentrated nitric acid is added to the old chamber. This kills the young so they can be easily counted under a dissecting microscope. A mean number of young produced per adult is calculated for each concentration. Mortality of greater than 10% in control test organisms invalidates a test. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Procedure Biological Monitoring Group N.C. Division of Environmental Management The sampling methodology requires that a stream or river be wadable. High water conditions may severely impair sampling efficiency by making critical habitats unaccessible. A fixed number of samples are collected for each station. These include: 2 kick net samples of riffle and snag areas; 3 sweep net samples of bank areas and macrophyte beds; 2 fine mesh washdown samples of rocks and logs; 1 elutriated sand sample; 1 leafpack sample; and 1 visual search of rocks, logs, leaves, and substrate. The benthic macroinvertebrates are picked out with tweezers and preserved in alcohol. A collection card is filled out which includes such data as canopy cover, dissolved oxygen, pH, stream temperature, substrate composition and stream morphology at the site. Organisms are identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, generally to species. Density of each taxon is rated as Rare (1 or 2 individuals), Common (3 to 9), Abundant (10 or more). Most organisms may be identified using only a dissecting microscope, but Oligochaeta and Chironomidae must be mounted and identified with a compound microscope. Reference collections are maintained and all samples are kept and stored by study area. The first level of analysis summarizes the data by total number of taxa or "taxa richness" (S) and density (N) for each station.The association of good water quality with high taxa richness is intuitively obvious even to the non -biologist. Increasing levels of pollution gradually eliminate the more sensitive taxa, leading to lower and lower taxa richness. Clean, unstressed, aquatic communities are characterized by a density (N) end taxa richness (S) above average levels. Toxic stress (including pesticides and metals) reduces both S and N below the average. Sediment stress, especially at low levels, tends to decrease density, but affects taxa richness only slightly. Finally, nutrient enrichment tends to increase the total number of organisms, while selectively favoring a few types of organisms tolerant to this type of pollution. The second level of analysis summarizes data by taxonomic groups (mostly orders of insects). A particularly useful parameter is the "EPT" value: the sum of the taxa richness for the intolerant insect groups Ephemoroptera, Plectoptera, and Trichoptera. The EPT value is consistantly related to water quality. The final step in data analysis is to summarize the data separately for each taxe.The presence or absence of individuals of "indicator species" is, in itself, insufficient for characterizing water quality. Tolerant species are present in all aquatic habitats, however these species will usually become dominant only in polluted systems. Information on pollution tolerance of any given taxon, combined with quantitative data on -30- its distribution can often be related to specific chemical or physical changes in the environment. -