HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07662_Well Construction - GW1_20220818 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information:: f IJII�/'v(1) /Tji:l C QSCGJXt� uC��/re'� MVC 4. Dlscaurrumwell C`enaacloi Nan)cft. lGGC;. tjifle CWdl C'ontnctnr Cenilicauon Number or multi-cased wells)OR 1.1NEvableDh\\IIiTt:R xL1l't:RIU. f O� fig•Gr, /.�/-•/���/�1 Z:14 I i'ontp;nn'Name /t ��t11 ///� 16.INNER C!77- In. ai cilned-too Tl11CKNESS �HATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: C L / ti : - p•(i.'i•.U/C'Corrnp'.Sfnlr. Inrmnnt ew) 3.Well rise(check well use): 17.SCREEN itterSupply We[l: roue% rO DIAMETER SLOT strE TntCKN6s MATERIAL. ^Municipal/1'uhlic ft. ft. in. Agriculnual Q . C,ieolhcrmal(I IcatingiCnoling Suppiv) Qll;esidential Water Suppiy(single) ❑, 0, in. In(IustriallContnterci:li si( n b) to �pg�iphared) IR.GROAT y i FROM To ntA1111,u. rstrt.na:ntE�Tarr:Tuonx.naaiuN'r Irri'anon a ft. 0. lion-Water Supply V1'ell: 2Q22 • U ft. ft. . Monitoring qve y Injection Well: I'r ft. fr. Aquifer Recharyc nod +list:f rot'�ti(i�itMi" q t11{ ( ?thy(, 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) AyuiterStora¢c and Recovery Sal(ir1� 13 111vK FROM ru %tnrsRtnh Faml.,\CENIENr str:Tnun ft, ft. Aquifer Test OStunmvater Drainage _ Espeiimemal Technology DSubsidence C'onuol fl. ft. Ge0lhemtal(Closed Loop) Tearer 20.DRILLING I,OG attach additional sheets if necessary FROM l'1) Df:SCRIP'1'ION kolnr,heMnrs.cn+Urn<k t% r, rein aim,etc. Geothermal(Beating/Coolin r Return) Mother(explain under 1121 Remarks) r rncvti/ ` sal e�_ 4"Date Well(st Completed: 72 Z` Z Z—Well ID# ��� — P rt' L h, �e /�ro(.v�•SLs -r fa ­/ L ft. O I. 5a"Well Location: c✓� L ft. SS" ft. iO A. ar rI rl, rt. I'acdilv4hvner Nufm// `. Facility ID+t til aPplicahlel o lllivcical Atldtes�.C'ily.and ZIP MRE�,NIARKS 1C �)�✓iCjO�GCoumy Parcel Identification No.IPIN) 4 ✓ Vrfen)Sh.Latitude and longitude in deg,reeslminuteslseconds or decihtal degrees: e�� u ��P 's41:well field.one lat'lolig is SlIictem) . �j Prof Signnmre of Ccnified Nell t.nntractor i - Date 6.Is(are)the well(s)OIPermanent or [giTenrporary ltr u.Rninl,rho/urrrr,l hr,chi r u n/r rhal 0, %111,u r ell r r+l rnmtnu wd m arurrr"m u 7.Is this a repair to an existing,well: [3l'es or No wdr/s.l,\( t('02(".olnu w l s I�(•IG'n C 0200 Ir ll 1 nrsu r rrr,n 5rmu1✓r'+11 rind don<r ll;hi..i�a r,-p;rir,r//nrvt%noun ar/!i'urr.lrm Burr inRrrrnnriun rind dnin der nature ul the ruin•n/ihis I., I ha,h+•rn pan,l+J m i!n•n,!1,,nrr. rrpaw m der y21 remu4s -Prrm1 ur tin rh:hunk o%thl'h,rm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may rise the back of this paec�to provide additional well site details or%Veil S.For Gcoprohe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction details. You m:q•also ituaih additional pages if necessary. construction.only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (lolled: _.-- ` St,111M1TTAL INSTRUCTIONS ' 9.'1'mal well depth below land surface: SJ (ft-) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this t6rm within 30 days of completion or well /'ur our/rgrlr❑vll,lisl ait d"I'll),d di/)error ,;vamph• 70.100.unr/J'u Mff) construction to the following: I 10.Static water level below top of casing: �� (ft.) Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit. 11"arve rr del 1,'11 r,moire,%:.ter"r 1617 flail Service(:'enter,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: (in.) 24b.For Infection Yells: In addition to sending the Ruwt to the address in 24a ��N�•C above,also submit one copy of this firm within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: construction to the followine: i re auger,rotary,cable.direct Pugh,etc.) Division of Water Resources.(inderg;rnund Injection Comtrol Program. FOR WATER SUF'PIa'WF:I.IS ON1.1': 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC:27699-1636 t3a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Witter Supply& Iniection Wells: ht addition to scndu%e the form to the address(es) above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 day; of 13h.Disinfection hype: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the count% where constructed. Re,ncd -72.20I0• F,nnt 6W-I North Carolina Dcpartnicni of 1_miromnemal Qmllm-DI,%sum of\1';ncr 1(csourag