HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07637_Well Construction - GW1_20220817 MCORD(GW-1 1.well contractor informal,.., For Internal Use Only Christopher Wachter wraluonnectarName 110 FROM D ON 408A R. ft. 0 1 O^ 1 NC Wall Ca fL [On Number Cummings, 16.OUTER CARING IBI oadwas O' W,.L'_VMM CoI Nants Developments Inc. mom TO DI THI 6 PVC 2.Well Construction Permit g. 1811 16.IMER'C"ING OR TUB RROM TO DIAMETER 3.Wen Use(cheek well use): I...... County,State.Varknic.'I IN ;��� In. iiRFI���: Agricultural 17:Sc Geothemid(Heating/Cooling Supply) E3municipal/Public TO D B JeRaidetiflill water Supply(single) R. In. Industrlaycommercial LOT61 TMMH MA L t* DResidentini Water Supply(shared) I&GROUT 044pply Well-. FROM q itoring 0 20 • Pan Cement POW M AMOI uft Recharge [3`03'O Non 'qo Men action e : Recovery ft. AundWaterRomadiation Aquifer Storage and Recovery 19.g 139almily Bonier is JAquifer Test E E3Stonuwatw Drainage ft. OD Experimental Technology 'a 13SUbsidence Control 300themUll(Closed Loop) IL e2fingfCooling Return) 13Tracer 1 20 D did' nOther(explain under#21 Remarks) FROM TO IMON 4-Date Well(s)Completed: - Well IR-a ft. W# R. 52.Well Location: R. R. ft. Facility W#(if-ppl—I.M.) Lo 1,1 06 IL P I I y 3 1 11 0—ft,i-,—.rw——Z 40)............. .......... oo&. 0000009 21. County Pawl Idaniffleation No.(PIN) gb-Latitude and longitude In ftul/11"Utellseconds or decimal degrees: WWII field,ono lai/long is suffidaut) 3�o 7 j. qqq N -71Q 0 27-1�L 12.Certtiff 6-Is(are)tie we"(s)iMpernument or 131remporary SOB ofeard Well Contractor ?,Z Date 7.Is this a repair to an eldsting well: [3Yes or J@No signhtg 'far'"'1 he'TAY cerl#y'hal the"eft(s)was(were)004811 la accord4ace Fthislearepsh-,flU out known I&VII contirucilon Worinallon and explain e fislage a CO'C-0MCACO2C.0200WOPIlCO)ulmdlonStandvda d1hata f1hisprm, 11,Mb cOPY ofthis record has heen provIded to the%vH o1swer repair under#21 reffis*SeWan or on the back a '(1hp an 9.For GeoprobI or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wdh having the same 23.Site diagram or additional well details: YOU May me the back Of this Pisa to provide additional wall site details or well construction.only I GW­I Is needed.i Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwalls construction details. You May also alld additional pages ifuccelsitry. drilled: 9.Total Well depth below land surface: SUBMUMAL MaRMIONS For 1111111010%vik lkt all depths 1fd&-prent. 10-3@200'wid 2@(00t) —0.) 24a. For ALSeLs: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 10-Static water level below top of easing; construction to the following: (livater kvel is abovecogiftZ assIiIJ Division Of Water Resources,Information Processing unit, 1617 Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. 6 (in.) 12.Well construction method. Rotary 24b.El1EJS12SfiM_VY&_. In addition to sending die form to the address in 24a I above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (I.e.aulw,rotary.cable.directconattuation to die following.. cl R WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Prolimm, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield{Rpm) Method of test.,Air Rotary_ 24c. 1 on Wells: In addition to sending the form to 13b.Illsinfiction type. HTH Amount: die a 86(es) above, submit one COPY Of this form within 30 days of zo IL completion of well construction to the county health department of the county ----------- where constructed. Folm GW_I NOfdl Camllne Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resourm Rovised2-22-2016