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GW1-2022-07592_Well Construction - GW1_20220817
><,a.Co�s��atr�Tio>ir>�>E�o�t®rovv '� 1.Well Contractor Infor For Internal Use Only: Font Forn • ration: CHRISTOPHER WATCHER Well Contractor Name 14:WATER ZONES' 4448A PROM TO R. DESCRIp1•lON NC.Well Coatraotor Cortlficatian Number CUMMINGS DEVELOPMENTS, INC 1t 18.'OLT1ING`Poe'molft:ceeedmill ' R ifi "D Company Nam OR':L1NE e FROM TO DIAMETER 77tICKNESa MATERIAL 2.Well construction Permit +1 ft.: � e� In' .teB Ltar a!l applkablr the/I consertrrt6on Permits LL Z'Z etc.) 76'�NER Cgg1NG 0R_T.UBINCr O EM P County State.t'arlanEr, t�oM To aft It 3.Well Use(check well use): R• IL, lo. CKNEss MATERIAL Water SUPIX Well: II• LL Agricultural 17.SGREEN:; OM Geothermal(HeadMunicipal/Public FR Asr - ng/CoolingSupply) LT E7ER sLOTSIze esidential Water Supply(single) DI In gas ^ MATERI AL IndusniaUCornmential ential Water Supply(shared) fr. Irri ion Resid PP Y( R• !in. Nlon-Water Su 18: ROu r PP1Y Well: FROM 40 Monitoring O ft. MATERIAL 20 R' EMPLACEMPNTME?1On&AMOUNT �Ilcetion eJJ; Recovery PCRT.CEMENT POUR Aquifer Recharge ft. f1' Aquifer Storage and Recovery Groundwater Romodiation II• R Aquifer TestSalinity Berrien 49:SA FROM ND/GRAVEL+PACK p� a-li- 1 s Experlmentol Techoology 13stormwater Dt inage MATERIAL "' *' R. & EMPLACEMpNTMErHDo Geothermal(Closed Loup) Subsidence Control Tracer R' IL Geothermal ea Cool' ?A.DRILLING LOG Returmr) Other ex lain under#21 Remarks ON! To edaeh tiddltlun`al ahaetadtne - DESCRu0noN color he eoNroek n etc.► "ate Wells)Completed: '2 -�iz n• � Well IIIID# So.Won Location: R' �2 1L ` C c Q L a� _ ►'_. R• ft. Fatuity/pWyor II• IL, Fscruty 1D#(ifepPUcable) UND l�t l l►� 06 p Physical Address,City,and Zip R' ff. qp fL county Q D Ni O&3( 21.REMARifB; pr,aliDn Pr,%- hive!Idcmificatlon No.(PIN) `�'= 'ft Latitude and to (ifwcll field,one lath longitude ci dt)"/Rdnutufi;eeonds or decimal degrees: ong is autl6cioM) 3 °/0. N—.-� 6 ZZ• 7 al / z2.Cc go j ti.Is(are)the wells p W ()Permanent or o empora 7�zi -zz rY Signal CoRIt)cd Wo11 Contractor 7.Is this a repair to an existing wen: Daeo Ifth/s Lc a Er 13Yes or fS)vo signing this farm,I hereby cerl(jy that the rve//(aJ was pair.m ad knoraE well n thettctlon fyJorarotlon and explain the natuir the rn o this r (u rv)ronstruated ht accordance avlh 15A NCAC D1C.0l00 or lSd NCAC 01C.0200 Well COnslrttctl0n Slatdads and that a repair trader#1I remarks section omen the backoflhtsjorm. 4r Py r ccond/ms teen provided to the%ell.wire►: 9,For Geoprobe/DPT or hosed-hoop Geothermal Wells having 23,Site d constnrctio You may a erthe back of thispageWell to 4 only I GW 1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL ng the same provide additional well site details or well drilled: NUMBER of wells constructtoa details, you may 9•Total well depth below land surface: � ~ Y also attach additional pages if necessary 3UBMIT'rsr IagTR[1CrIANa Far ma%Np/e wellS!/Staft depths U'dffreEa(example 3@200'aad 1©l009 (ft.) 24a. For n e i 10.Static water level below top of casing: Construction to the following.Submit this folyn within 30 days of completion of well llwaterlavo//Sabovecas/nS.Else +' (ft.) 11.Borehole din Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, meter: (in.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Ralel 12.Well construction method. g�NC 27699.1617 ROTARY above, -For Inteetlon ells; In addition'to sending the form to the address in 24a (i.n.auger,rotary,cabin,direct push,eels) above,also submit one copy of this form`'within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: i FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Lo jection Control Program, 13a.Yield(gPID) 1636 Mail Service Center,Rate Method of test: AIR ROTARY i$h,NC 27699.IW6 13b.Disinfection type: HTH Y&Forltur Wa-- t1.i Inte�en the aadress(es) above, also submit o copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: C --`•��• In addition to sending the form to completion of well construction to the county health department of the county Form GW.1 where constructed. f North Carolina DepaxmentofEnvironmontal Quality-Div)sionofWaterResources t