SW8 rjl 1223
2 0 0-1 1100,
t 1
November 9, 2007
M. Kent Mitchell, Managing Member
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
9- --aa3
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coleen H. Sullins, Director
Division of Water Quality
Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification - Correction
Harbour Village Eastern Basin
High Density Subdivision Project
Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Mitchell:
The Wilmington Regional Office issued Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8
971223 Modification dated November 6, 2007, for the Harbour Village Eastern Basin, The
stream index number was reported incorrectly on page 3 of the permit. Please replace Page 3
of the permit with the attached, corrected page.
The corrections listed above do not impact the approved plans or permitted stormwater
control system.
If you have questions, please call Mary Jean Naugle or me at (910) 796-7215.
Edward Beck
Regional Supervisor
Surface Water Protection Section
ENB\ml S:\WOS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\971223 mod correction nov07
cc: Bruce Marek, P.E.
Wilmington Regional Office
Central Fill-
es-M.J. Naugle
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive E.etensian Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service
Wilmington Regional Office Internet, w _nce�a�uilitvnrp Fax (910) 350-2004 1-877-623-6748
An Equal Opponunily/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
6. The following design elements have been permitted for this wet detention pond
facility, and must be provided in the system at all times.
Low Density
Drainage Area
Drainage Area
Drainage Area, acres:
Onsite, ft2:
Offsite, ft2:
Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2:
Lots ft2:
Streets, ft2:
Parking, ft2:
Sidewalks, ft2:
Offsite, ft2:
Design Pond Depth, feet:
7.5 max. (installed prior to
TSS removal efficiency:
Design Storm:
1 inch
Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL:
Permitted Surface Area @PP ft2:
Permitted Storage Volume, ftj:
Storage Elevation, FMSL:
Controlling Orifice:
1.61 " ID 0 pipe
Permanent Pool Volume, ft3:
Forebay Volume, ft3:
Maximum Fountain Horsepower:
1/8 HP
Receiving Stream / River Basin:
Bald Head Marina Bald Head Creek
Stream Index Number:
Classification of Water Body:
1. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature
(such as swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater
management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving
approval from the Division.
2. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area for
the entire lot does not exceed the maximum allowed by this permit. Once the lot
transfer is complete, the built -upon area may not be revised without approval
from the Division of Water Quality, and responsibility for meeting the built -upon
area limit is transferred to the individual property owner.
3. If an Architectural Review Board or Committee is required to review plans for
compliance with the BUA limit, the plans reviewed must include all proposed
built -upon area. Any approvals given by the Board do not relieve the homeowner
of the responsibility to maintain compliance with the permitted. BUA limit.
4. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one
or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame
specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the
Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee
shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director
that the changes have been made.
5. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety,
vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any
built -upon surface.
pant I of A
Michael E. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Colleen 11. Sullins, Director
Division of Water Quality
November 6, 2007
M. Kent Mitchell, Managing Member
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island. NC 28461
Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots
High Density Subdivision Project Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Mitchell:
The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for
Harbour Village Eastern Basin on August 15, 2007 with additional information received on
September 26, October 24, and November 6, 2007. Staff review of the plans and specifications has
determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in
Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification, dated
November 6, 2007, for the modification of the project, Harbour Village Eastern Basin.
This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 6, 2017, and shall be
subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the
Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for
operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance
problems. Please note that Bald Head Island Limited, LLC is responsible for ensuring built -upon
areas are within the permitted allotment and for conveying this information to the lot buyer prior to
the sale of any lot.
If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have
the right to'request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following
receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter
150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings,
P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be
final and binding.
If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please
contact M.J. Naugle, or me at (910) 796-7215.
Edward Beck
Regional Supervisor
Surface Water Protection Section
ENB/mjn: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\971223mod nov07
cc: Stephen O. Robertson, Chief Operating Officer, BHI Limited, LLC
Jim Henry, Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Brunswick County Inspections
Jeff Phillips, Brunswick County Engineering
Division of Coastal Management
Wilmington Regional Office, Central Files, M.J. Naugle
,�hCarolina N
North Carolina Division of Wager Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service
Wilmington Regional Office Internet=w_ngvge�unliy,nig Fan (910)350-2004 1-877-623-6748
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 5l1 . Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of
North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations
M. Kent Mitchell, Managing Member and Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Harbour Village Eastern Basin
East side of Bald Head Island, Brunswick County
construction, operation and maintenance of one wet detention pond for the high density
area and a 25 % low density area, in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H
.1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater
management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file
with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit.
This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 6, 2017 and
shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations:
1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater
described in the application and other supporting data.
2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater
runoff as described in Section 1.6 on page 3 of this permit. The low density
portion is permitted for 28 single family lots, each allowed a maximum built upon
area equivalent to the building envelope (see Summary of Built -Upon Area -
Attachment A, dated August 14, 2007). Runoff from the high density area will be
treated in a detention pond, sized to handle 203,485 square feet of built -upon
area. The built -upon area for lots in the high density area is listed in Attachment
A - dated August 14, 2007 and Exhibit A — dated October 24, 2007.
3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference
and are enforceable parts of the permit.
4. The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this
project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system.
5. Development within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may be subject to a
reduction in the allowable built -upon area due to CAMA regulations. At a
minimum, maintain a 30 foot vegetated filter between High Water Line and BUA.
Page 2 of 8
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
6. The following design elements have been permitted for this wet detention pond
stormwater facility, and must be provided in the system at all times.
Pond Low Density
Drainage Area Drainage Area
a. Drainage Area, acres: 6.97 3.07
Onsite, ftz: 303,614 133,745
Offsite, ftz: 0 0
b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ftz: 203,485 29,230
Lots ftz:
Streets , ftz: 12020,27274 29,230
Parking, ftz: 17,000 0
Sidewalks, ftz: 13,068 0
Offsite, ft : 0 0
C. Design Pond Depth, feet: 7.5 max. (installed prior to 2006)
d. TSS removal efficiency: 90% -
e. Design Storm: 1 inch -
f. Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 3.9 -
g. Permitted Surface Area @PP ftz: 6640 -
h. Permitted Storage Volume, ftl: 17,136 -
i. Storage Elevation, FMSL: 6.08 -
j. Controlling Orifice: 1.61 " ID 0 pipe -
k. Permanent Pool Volume, ft3: 30,525 -
I. Forebay Volume, ft3: 6,100 -
m. Maximum Fountain Horsepower: 1/8 HP -
n. Receiving Stream / River Basin: Bald Head Marina ICWW
o. Stream Index Number: 15-25 15-25
p. Classification of Water Body: "SC" "SA"
1. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature
(such as swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater
management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving
approval from the Division.
2. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area for
the entire lot does not exceed the maximum allowed by this permit. Once the lot
transfer is complete, the built -upon area may not be revised without approval
from the Division of Water Quality, and responsibility for meeting the built -upon
area limit is transferred to the individual property owner.
3. If an Architectural Review Board or Committee is required to review plans for
compliance with the BUA limit, the plans reviewed must include all proposed
built -upon area. Any approvals given by the Board do not relieve the homeowner
of the responsibility to maintain compliance with the permitted BUA limit.
4. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one
or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame
specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the
Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee
shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director
that the changes have been made.
5. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety,
vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any
built -upon surface.
Page 3 of 8
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
6. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for
revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any
modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed
a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size.
b. Project name change.
C. Transfer of ownership.
d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area.
e. Further subdivision, acquisition, or sale of all or part of the project area.
The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for
which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major
permit was sought.
f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the
approved plan.
7. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a
modification to the permit.
8. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either
dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project
will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the
approved plans.
9. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of
the system will be repaired immediately.
10. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy,
and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received
from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted
facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and
specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the
approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification.
11. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be
restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device,
and prior to occupancy of the facility.
12. Permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the
guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control
Planning and Design Manual.
13. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance
necessary to assure that all components of the permitted stormwater system
function at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan
must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled
intervals including, but not limited to:
a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months).
b. Sediment removal.
C. Mowing and re -vegetation of side slopes.
d. Immediate repair of eroded areas.
e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and
f. Debris removal and unclogging of structures, orifice, catch basins and
g. Access to all components of the system must be available at all times.
Page 4 of 8
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
14. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon
request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date,
activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken.
15. This permit shall become void unless the facilities are constructed in accordance
with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and
other supporting data.
16. Prior to the sale of any lot, the following deed restrictions must be recorded:
a. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with
State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 971223 Modification,
as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000.
b. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the
extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Stormwater Management
c. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and
parties claiming under them.
d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded
without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of
Water Quality.
e. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take
place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality.
f. Twenty -eighty (28) of the 33 lots contribute built -upon area to the low density
area. Total lot BUA contributing to low density is 29,230 square feet. See
Attachment A and Exhibit A for BUA per lot limits. The total BUA contributing
to the high density pond is 203,485 square feet. This allotted amount
includes any built -upon area is taken as the building envelope constructed
within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way
between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area
includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick,
stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open
wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools.
g. The building envelope for the allowable built -upon area is based on current
Bald Head Island lot setback lines. Bald Head Island Limited, LLC is
responsible for conveying this information to the lot buyer prior to the sale of
any lot.
h. Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may be subject to a
reduction in their allowable built -upon area due to CAMA regulations.
i. All runoff on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be
accomplished through providing roof drain gutters, which drain to the street,
grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales and
directing them into the pond or street. Lots that will naturally drain into the
system are not required to provide these measures.
j. Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit
17. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the Division within
30 days of the date of recording the plat, and prior to selling lots. The recorded
copy must contain all of the statements above, the signature of the Permittee, the
deed book number and page, and the stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds.
18. Prior to transfer of the permit, the stormwater facilities will be inspected by DWQ
personnel. The facility must be in compliance with all permit conditions. Any
items not in compliance must be repaired or replaced to design condition prior to
the transfer. Records of maintenance activities performed to date will be
Page 5 of 8
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
19. Decorative spray fountains will be allowed in the stormwater treatment system,
subject to the following criteria:
a. The fountain must draw its water from less than 2 foot below the permanent
pool surface.
b. Separated units, where the nozzle, pump and intake are connected by
tubing, may be used only if they draw water from the surface in the deepest
part of the pond.
C. The falling water from the fountain must be centered in the pond, away from
the shoreline.
d. The maximum horsepower for the fountain pump is based on the permanent
pool volume. The maximum pump power for a fountain in this pond is 1/8
1. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and
approval by the Director. In the event there is either a desire for the facilities to
change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a completed
"Name/Ownership Change Form" must be submitted to the Division of Water
Quality, signed by the parties involved, along with the applicable documents as
listed on page 2 of the form. The project must be in good standing with DWQ.
The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not
be approved.
2. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all of the terms and conditions
of this permit until such time as the Director approves the transfer request.
3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may
subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in
accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C.
4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with
any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by
other government agencies (local, state, and federal), which have jurisdiction.
5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of
nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action,
including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of
additional or replacement stormwater management systems.
6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The
filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and re -issuance or
termination does not stay any permit condition.
7. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the
purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours.
8. The permittee shall notify the Division in writing of any name, ownership or
mailing address changes within 30 days.
9. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by
the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of
Permit issued this tla sixth day of November 2007.
Division of Water Quality
By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
Permit Number SW8 971223 Modification
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State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
Harbour Village Eastern Basin Page 1 of 2
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
Brunswick County
Designer's Certification
I, , as a duly registered in
the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full
time) the construction of the project,
for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the
best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project
construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial
compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications.
The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is a part of this Certification.
Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications:
Registration Number
Page 7 of 8
State Stormwater Management Systems
Permit No. SW8 971223 Modification
Certification Requirements: Page 2 of 2
1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted
2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted
amount of built -upon area.
3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the
runoff drains to the system.
4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system.
5. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan.
6. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans.
7. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure.
8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation.
9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1.
10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-
circuiting of the system.
11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been
12. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans.
13. All required design depths are provided.
14. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, a
forebay, and the vegetated filter.
15. The required dimensions of the system are provided, per the approved
cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office
Brunswick County Building Inspections
Page 8 of 8
Print Form
Dale Receiv
Fee Paid
I Permit Number
t o
oo o 05y
►s t 2-z5/_t
State of North Carolina Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots SW8-971223 Mod
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
This form may be photocopied for use as an original
1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project):
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance):
Stephen O. Robertson, Chief Operating Officer Foe n - VL--rsf m t i c NEL L , p(� qtv a c 1 N�, I�em6ER
3, Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above:
P.O. Box 3069
City:Bald Head Island State:NC Zip: 28461910-457-
Telephone Number: 10-457-735$
4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans,
specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.):
Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots SW8-971223 Mod
5. Location of Project (street address):
East side of Bald Head Island Marina: Along Keelson Row, Tanbark Ct., Windward Ct. & Leeward Ct.
6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection):
Take Ferry to Island from Indigo or Deep Point Marinas in Southport, Get off Ferry, Project is across (to east)
of the marina.
7. Latitude: 33 deg 52' N
Longitude: 78 Deg 00.0' W of project
8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project:
Name: Bruce Marek, P.E. Telephone Number: ( G%/U
1. Specify whether project is (check one): New
Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page I of4
AUK 1.
5 2007
Harbour Village East Basin Lots SW8-971223 Mod
2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the
existing permit number SW8-971223 and its issue date (if known) 6-2-98
3. Specify the type of project (check one)
Low Density X High Density _Redevelop General Permit Other
4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks):
CAMA Major —Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404/401 Permit NPDES Stormwater
Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at
1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative
(one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project.
There is an existing pond at the tent site. Overflow is piped to the marina (SC Waters)
2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin.
3. Total Project Area: 10'04 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 3' 0 %
5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 2
6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the
project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below.
V1014 Q
Basin Information
Drainage Area 1
Drainage Area 2
Receiving Stream Name
BHI Marina 18-88-8-5
Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4
Receiving Stream Class
Drainage Area
6.97 ac
3.07 ac
Existing Impervious* Area
3.15 ac
0.39 ac
Proposed Impervious`Area
Total4.67 ac 2o3 qpocj
Total 0.67'ac Zq 23o5
% Impervious* Area (total)
Impervious' Surface Area
Drainage Area 1
Drainage Area 2
On -site Buildings
120274 sf 2.76 ac
29230 sf 0.67 ac;
On -site Streets
53143 sf 1.22 ac
On -site Parking
17000 sf 0.39 ac
On -site Sidewalks
13068 sf 0.30 ac
Other on -site
Off -site
Total: 203485 sf 4.67 ac
Total: 29230 sf 0.67 ac
Impervious area is defined as the built upon area Including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas,
sidewalks, gravel areas, etc.
Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 AUG 15 2007
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Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots SW8-971223 Mod
7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? non, per Engineer
The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all
subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table
listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment.
1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number
as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not be
changed or deleted without the consent of the State.
2. No more than see attachments square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials.
Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood
decking or the water surface of swimming pools.
3. Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings.
4. Built -upon area In excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to
5. All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control
System. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity
and performance of the system as permitted.
By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project
shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons
claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted
without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot.
The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each
BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status
and availability of these forms.
Form SWU-102
Wet Detention Basin Supplement
Form SWU-103
Infiltration Basin Supplement
Form SWU-104
Low Density Supplement
Form SWU-105
Curb Outlet System Supplement
Form SWU-106
Off -Site System Supplement
Form SWU-107
Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement
Form SWU-108
Neuse River Basin Supplement
Form SWU-109
Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement
Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4
nE C E 9 V ED
Unp( AUG 1 5 2007
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SW8-971223 Mod
VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS BHI— Harbour Village Eastern Basin
Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ).
A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be
submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office.
Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided
next to each item.
ni 'a
• Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form _
• One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP0
• Permit application processing fee of $420'(payable to NCDENR)SVJSA90�
• Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management _
• ftm copies of plans and specifications, including:
�J -Development/Project name rtakSir SfJtMpAPlllof PL
- Engineer and firm pN A6(. rg4*r Sw 1
-Legend C ! -North arrow 4,00AVoVV COPY Iron. C4064J
Revision number & date
Mean high water line
Dimensioned property/project boundary
Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers
Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations
Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures
Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist
Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations
Drainage areas delineated
Vegetated buffers (where required)
If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your
behalf, please complete this section.
Designated agent (individual or firm): Bruce Marek, P.E.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3069
City: Bald Head Island State: NC Zip: 28461
Phone: ( 910 ) 457-7517 Fax: ( 910 ) 457-7463
I,(print ortypenameofpersonlistedinGeneral Information, item 2) Stephen O Robertson
certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and
that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions
and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A
NCAC 2H .1000.
Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4
Date: c�/�Ic 7
(�E G E I V ED
AUG 1 5 2007
11/06/2007 12:07 9104577463 BALD HEAD ISLAND PLA PAGE 01
Telephone: (910) 457-7515
Fax Number: (910) 457-7463
7b: Mary Jean Naugle From: Bruce Marek
Par. 350-2004 Pages: 2
Phsna: Onte: November6, 2007
Res SW8 971223 HV Eastern Basin Lots CC:
bNP Caw t-e7m c A�--) C�
Post Office Box 30W Said Head Island, North Carolina 2WI -..
1 6I'll -®J
Re: SW8 971223 Mod Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots
Subject: Re: SW8 971223 Mod Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots
From: Mary Jean Naugle <Mary.Naugle@ncmail.net>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 09:50:18 -0500,
To: Bruce Marek <bmarek@bhisland.com>
I just read your memo again. Please be sure that you use the same elevation datum
reference for the stormwater permit. Your depth of 7.88 feet on Pond 41 supplement
is not possible when you had a Permanent Pool of 3.9 ft and a bottom of - 3.6 ft.
The difference between those numbers, and thus the depth is only 7.5 ft.
Please check your plans, calculations, and all references to elevation. Stay in the
same datum reference for elevation.
thank you,
Mary Jean
Bruce Marek wrote:
I I'll fax it within 15 minutes
Mary Jean Naugle <Mary.Naugle@ncmail.net> 11/6/2007 8:41 AM >>>
Can you correct page 3 of each supplement and fax or e-mail it to me?
fax: 910-350-2004.
thank you,
Mary Jean
Bruce Marek wrote:
Hi Mary Jean,
My measurements were from the top of the forebay divider wall wood cap, which
is at elev 6.15 FMSL NGVD 29. I agree with your assessment if we were
measuring from permanent pool elevation. Since water depth is not always at
permanent pool depth, especially this drought year, measuring down from the
top of the forebay wall (not the cut -down), gives us an easy way to walk along
the wall and "stick" the depth. I have a note that the measurement is from the
divider cap.
Do I need to change my sheet?
IMary Jean Naugle <Mary.Naugle@ncmail.net> 11/5/2007 7:10 PM >>>
Please verify the pond 41 supplement on page 3, section 4. It appears the
sediment clean out should be:
"when the PP depth reads 5.63 ft [not 7.88] in the main pond...
and the PP depth reads _t_ 5.06 f[not 7.31] in the forebay .
The elevations on the diagram are correct, but please verify the values in the
text lines. It means how deep down from the PP if one "sticks" the depth.
Please verify and fax or e-mail me a corrected sheet.
I am trying to draft the permit modification now.
thank you
Mary Jean
1 of 2 11/6/2007 9:50 AM
BH1 SW8-971223 Quartermasr Row Covenant Sheet
Subject: BHI SW8-971223 Quartermasr Row Covenant Sheet
From: 'Bruce Marek" <marekyd@ec.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:09:32 -0400
To: <mary.naug1e@ncmai1.net>
M.'Bruce Marek-Island" <bmarek@bhisland.com>, "Marek Yacht & Design" <marekyd@ec.rr.com>
Hi Mary Jean,
Attached is the changes to the covenant sheet for the Quartemaster Row Lots. Hope
that is all that is needed for you to wrap up our review for Harbor Village East
Basin Lots SW8-971223.
Bruce Marek, P.E.
for Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Planning Dept.
Content -Type: application/msword 11
Content -Encoding: base64
OCT 2 4 7007
BY: ---_ _ -
1 of 1 10/24/2007 2:12 PM
SWS-971223 Mod
Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stom order Permit
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bad Head Island Limftec, LLC
Bab Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head island, BrunsWck County, NC
Rev 10.18-07
Corrected acreage
Project Narrative
Summary of Project Area: Aug2007 Permit ModiflcatioNU date
303613 of
6.97 acres
133745 sf
3.07 acres
437358 of
10.04 acres
Summary of Streets
(CAD Area includes Curbs, bump owls, end of street turnarounds, etc.)
Width Curb
A - LxW
Cad Arse
Max L xW or CAD
Keelson ROW
Sta 9+10 to 23+53 1443 ft
16 It
23088 of
25828 at
25828 of
0.75 acres
Tanbark Ct
Sla 0+00 to 1+97 197 It
20 If
3940 sf
4210 at
4210 at
0.12 acres
VVadaard Coat
Sta 0+00 to 3+20 320 It
19 fl
6080 of
Shon Alley
Sla 0+00 to 0+70 70 It
8 If
560 at
Leeward Court
Sta 0+00 to 2-61 261 ft
4959 of
Brinkman Ali
Sta 0+00 b 1+60 160 8
a ft
1280 of
12879 at
1 SOM of
0.43 acres
Tweeds Low
Sta 0+00 to 3+53 353 It
14 It
4942 sf
7173 at
7173 of
0.21 acres
52241 sf
1.51 acres
53143 of
1.54 acres
Summary of Parking:
Starting from South to North
Keelson Row West (Marina) Side
Keelson Raw Wert (Manna) Side
Length Nominal Width
Nominal Wdth
54 It 10 it
540 of
12 It
897 at
40 If 6 It
220 sf
72 It
12 It
828 of
40 It oft
220 at
so ft
12 It
690 5f
48 It 6 ft
264 Sf
66 ft
12 ft
759 of
48 ft 6 ft
264 at
42 It
6 ft
231 of
30ft 6ft
165 of
12 If
66 sf
12ft oft
66 Sf
66 of
54 It 12 It
621 of
36 It
6 ft
198 at
20 ft 12 ft
230 at
40 It
220 of
20 ft 12 It
230 M
40 ft
6 ft
220 at
30 It 14 It
405 at
36 ft
6 ft
198 of
loft 12 ft
184 sf
36 ft 12 It
414 sf
330 SI
30 It 14 ft
405 of
54 fl
297 at
30 It 12 It
345 of
80 It
6 It
440 sf
48 ft 24 It
1152 Sf
48 It 24 ft
1152 of
Tad Site
loft 12 If
207 at
11.5 ft
851 st
30 It 14 It
405 sf
74 It
851 sf
30 It 12 ft
345 of
102 ft oft
561 at
60 It 6 It
330 at
8726 sf
7296 at
Spaces use curbs of curb for rrominal xitlth,
Total Existi
16022 ft
which Was calculated in streets. Widths in Cale is .5' less.
Pro sed:
17000 fl
0.39 acre.
1 trsilli
SEA L 4r"0 i
OCT 17 2007
W East Basin SOeasParldng
SWS-971223 Mod
Modification to Juns 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
Rev 10.16-07
Coffeow acreage
Project Narrative
Summary of Project Area: Aug2007 Permit Modification/Update
303613 sf
6.97 scram
133745 sf
3.07 acres
437358 sf
10.04 acres
Summary of Streets
(CAD Area Includes Curbs, bump outs, end of street tumarounds, etc.)
Length Width w Curb
A = LxW
Cad Area
Max LxW or CAD
Keelson Row
Star 9+10 to 23+53 1443 it
16 fl
23088 sf
25828 sf
25328 st
0.75 acres
Tanbark Ct
Sta 0+00 to 1+97 197 It
20 8
3940 sf
4210 sf
4210 sf
0.12 acres
Windward Coal
Sta 0+0010 3+20 320 it
6080 sf
Short Alley
Sta 0-00 to 0+70 70 It
8 It
560 sf
Leeward Coat
Sta 0+00 to 2-61 261 it
4959 sf
Militiamen Alley
But 0+00 to 1+60 1so fl
8 If
1280 sf
12879 cl
15030 of
15030 sf
0.43 acres
Teniate Loop
Star 0+00 to 3+53 353 It
14 it
4942 sf
7173 sf
7173 st
0.21 acres
52241 sf
1.51 acme
53143 sf
1.54 acres
Summary of Parking:
Starting from South to North
Keelson Row West (Marina) Side
Keelson Raw West (Marina) Side
Length Nominal Wirth
A = LxW
Nominal Width
A = LxW
54 fl loft
540 at
78 it
12 If
897 sf
40 it 6 It
220 in
72 it
12 it
828 sf
40 It 6 It
220 sf
so ff
12 It
690 sf
48 it 6 If
264 at
66 fl
12 it
759 sf
48 fi 6 fl
264 sf
42 a
6 fl
231 sf
30 It 6 If
185 sf
12 If
6 It
66 sf
12 it 6fl
66 sf
12 If
66 sf
54 It 12 It
621 sf
36 If
6 It
198 sf
20 If 12 it
230 sf
40 It
6 it
220 sf
20 it 12 it
230 sf
40 fl
6 it
220 sf
WIf 14 If
405 sf
36 it
198 sf
16 it 12 it
184 sf
28 it
6 0
154 sf
36 R 12 It
414 sf
6 It
330 sf
30 If 14 It
405 sf
54 it
6 it
297 sf
30 If 12 6
345 sf
80 fl
6 It
440 sf
48 it 24 It
1152 sf
48 fl 24 It
1152 sf
Tern Site
18 If 12 If
207 sf
i t5It
851 at
30 If 14 It
405 sf
74 it
11.5 It
851 sf
30 fl 12 fl
345 sf
102 fl 611
561 sf
60 It 6 It
330 sf
8728 sf
7296 sf
Spaces use some of arD (or nominal width,
Total Existi
16022 fl
which was calculated in streets. Widths in Cale Is .5less.
Pro sad:
17000 fl
0.39 acres
7OCT 1 7 2007
BY: =- -J
'\\\I `war9rrr
\.#Q�WIH 4\ CARO, , aaaaaaa V` a
�FESS%. s�9
= ° �F�4L ''r-= �7
t �668a `/o 7
W East Basin Streets -Parking
October 15, 2007
Stephen O. Robertson, Chief Operating Officer
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Subject: Request for Additional Information
Stormwater Project No. SW8 971223 Modification
Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots at Bald Head Island
Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Robertson:
Coleen H. Sullins Director
DivislQn of Water Quality
The Wilmington Regional Office received a State Stormwater Management Permit Application
for Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots at Bald Head Island on August 15, 2007, with additional
information submitted on September 26, 2007. A preliminary review of that information has determined
that the following information is needed to continue the stormwater review:
Provide deed restrictions for all 33 lots proposed and label the lot numbers and
built -upon areas assigned.
Deed restrictions were submitted but provided
BUA different
than the proposed plans.
Lot #
Plan SW1
(BUA submitted)
(BUA submitted)
33,000 sf with lot 3
not labeled
3242 sf
not labeled
2881 sf
not labeled
11,760 sf
not included in plan or supplement
with lot tat 33,000 sf
not labeled
not included
3584 sf
not included
4650 sf
not included
3000 sf
not included
3000 sf
2. Provide consistent lot numbering on plans, supplements, and deed restrictions. For
. example, some of the discrepancies identified were:
There is no lot number assigned to the new lot labeled as "New Area # 1 " on plan #
(��� SW1. There is already a a lot labeled QM1.
phi,_ ✓l cannot identify the location of lot 1A and 1 B on plan SW#1.
•/"New area #2" labeled on plan SW#1 as 11,507 sf BUA on the plan, but is reported
L G as 4456 sf BUA on the table at top left, yet reported as 11,760 sf in the deed
restrictions. T, h�rJeed restrictions also mention a note at the bottom that the streets
a ts, and parking iiv6re not included in the BUA. All-BUA-must-be includedlThere is,, a(I
Q�2 already a lot labeled QM2 and HV2 and this conflicts with new area 2.
✓The total impervious in the top right had of plan SW1 box labeled: "2007 &Qot&,5
Mod/update" reports impervious for drainage area #1 as 186,701 sf, whereas the A-cz&
supplement documents report 203,485 sf.
II� The total impervious in the top right had of plan SW1 box labeled: "2007
tl,110 01 Mod/update" reports impervious for total project as 233,917 sf; whereas the
supplement documents report 232,715 sf. Correct the calculations also.
• 1 cannot identify lots labeled as QM1 and HV1AHV1B, or QM2 against HV2. NoncCarolina
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service
Wilmington Regional Office Internet: www.newaterguality.org Fax (910) 350-2004 1-877-623-6748
An Equal Opportunity/Affrmabve Action Employer - 50 % Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper
ly Lo is proposed in the deed restrictions but not on the plans or supplement or
BUA documents.
The low -density supplement reports 28 lots whereas the table on plan SW1 reports
��i a table on the plans for each lot that corresponds to the plan view and the deed
restrictions and the supplements. In the table, provide the following columns: Lot #,
BUA total, lot area total, BUA draining to pond, BUA draining to low density.
3. A note included under the table of BUA requests permeable pavement allocation. If permeable
pavement allocation is requested, then provided the allocation to the BUA and itemize the
amounts with each lot for sidewalks, parking, or streets; provide the operation and
maintenance agreement and the calculations to demonstrate the BUA allotment, and include
the locations on the plans.
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review.
The requested information should be received in this Office prior to October 30, 2007, or the application
will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items,
including the application fee.
The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an
approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to
enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A.
Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any
questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at
Mary Jean Naugle
ENB/mjn: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2007\971223Mod oct07
CC: Bruce Marek, P.E. 910-228-2484, fax 910-457-7463
M. Kent Mitchell, Managing Member
Mary Jean Naugle
P. 01
OCT-15-2007 MON 02:57 PM
OCT-15 02:57 PM 94577463 501, 2 FAX TX r OK) 873
• Lot *4 is proposed In the dead restdctions but not on the plans or supplement or
BUA documents.
• The IOW-denshy supplement repo29 lots whereas the table On plan SW1 roportS
Provide a table on the plans for each lot that ce esponovide the fot vA la columns: Lot #,
restrictions and the supplements. In the table, BUA draining f lO low density.
BUA total, lot area total, BUA draining to pond, 9
3. A note include
allocatioit under ns requested, thetable of EIUA n provided the allocationermeable to thelSUA andlitemaze the
amounts with each lot for sidewalks, parking, or streets: provide the operation and
maintenance agreement and the calculations to demonstrate the BUA allotment, and Include
the locations on the plans.
Please note that this request for addigonal information is In response to a preliminary review.
The or to October
the application
trned as incomplete. The return of alp ojedn this �cen dceu� re ub3mWil of all required
wig bereturned ems,
including the application fee.
other than a construction entrance under an
The construction of any impervious surfaces,is
approved Sil�aciion pursuant to NC Sn143 215.SA. a violation o} NCGS 143-215.1 end is subject to
Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any
questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 795-1215 or email me at
Mary Jean Naugle
ENB/mjn: S:\WOS\STORMWATERWDDINFO\2007\971223MOd oct07
CC: M tm Mhchell Managing Member
Mary Mary Jean Naugle
Bruce Marek, P.E.
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
Cell:910-228-2482 Fax:910-457-7463
September 26, 2007
,SFP 2 6 2007
Ms Mary Jean Naugle' S
NC DENR — Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: Stormwater Express Review S W8-971223 request for additional information
Dear Ms Naugle,
Per your September 19, 2007 letter, I submit the following:
1. Letter signed by Mr. M. Kent Mitchell, President & Managing Member of Bald Head Island
Limited, LLC dated 9-25-07 stating the Mr. Stephen O. Robertson, Senior Vice President &
Chief Operationg Office, has signing authority for the company for stormwater permits. With this
is a 1 page Consent of Action from the Managing Members of the LLC dated 5-19-06 electing
Stephen O. Robertson as Senior Vice President.
2. Three copies of the updated pond drawing SW2 dated & sealed 9-25-07 are included. With
plan approval, we will install a new orifice on the existing discharge structure, designed similar
to the one in chapter 10 of the 2007 State BMP Manual. Detail is included on drawing.
Seasonal High Water Table in the Harbor Area has been permitted in the past at 2 FMSL or
lower. The Permanent Pool elevation is +3.90', thus meeting requirements of design
permanent pool above SHWT. Please note that this pond was built in 1997. The 10' vegetated
shelf requirement at that time was only 6'.
For item 26, the pond is already vegetated. In 1997, 1 don't believe there was a restriction on
the use of weeping love grass at that time. I also understand that as the state was beginning to
establish its stormwater program, researchers from NC State University came out to Bald Head
Island in 1983 & 1984 to experiment with native plantings. Bald Head Island features some of
the first, if not the first, infiltration basins in the state. Blends of weeping love grass and
wildflowers such as marsh marigolds and native gaillardia have been successfully used on the
island for over 20 years. These are very drought resistant, and grow well in the very sandy soil
of the island. That is what is growing at the pond. Included is a letter from Landscape Architect,
Donna Clemmons.
3. Corrected Calculation Sheet °HV Eastern Basin Lots -Summary" is included with a 9-25-07 rev
date. I unknowingly set the auto -sum function to sum the 29230 sf of bua 3 times by grabbing
the cells above the bottom box.
4. I have replotted sheet SW1 in color, and added a legend to help delineate the Low Density
and High Density areas. Three copies are included, sealed and dated 9-25-07.
`t Bald Head Island Limited, LLC- SW8-971223 Mod Page 2
5. Deed restrictions are included for the Quartermaster Row part of the project. The existing
deed restrictions list the impervious coverages, but didn't have all of the language you now
require. 1 have a draft addendum which includes the new verbage plus the updated impervious
coverage. Lot 4 does not currently exist. Harbour Village lots pre-existed the 1987 stormwater
rules, and there are no binding covenants in regards to stormwater. I understand from permit
research that the original SW8-971223 permit, was a reconciliation of a 1994 and/or 1996
permit, and in 1997 there was an agreement on the Low & High Density Areas shown on the
The pond is in a recorded "Common Area", and there are exiting access easements. In the
proposed Quartermaster Row amendment, we are intending to give a blanket easement not
only for pond access, but also for utilities, etc. The existing easements to the pond follow the
perimeter of the site, and don't acknowledge that there is now a paved loop road on Lot 2 (the
Tent Site), which is what you would use to access the pond with any equipment.
The band along the marina front was listed as a series of approximate 20'x20' "postage stamp"
lots, with 100% impervious coverage. There has been correspondence between Linda Lewis,
myself, and CAMA in 2006 whereby Bald Head Island Limited, LLC can track the amount of
impervious and give periodic updates. SW1 is intended to be the most recent update, and we
have dropped the numbers from a potential of 15337 sf of impervious to only 12,200 sf of
impervious, with 7433 sf +/- already being in existence.
6. Check #1273 for $500.00 is included.
I have included 3 sets of both drawing sheets rather than 2 so that I can give CAMA a set with
your stamped approval for their permitting needs. We have found that if each sheet has the
DWQ approval, then there is no question which is the latest approved drawing. And I think that
the color plotting make nicer drawing sets (at least for this project) than for us to black & white
copy after the fact.
Please do not hesitate to call me at 457-7517 ( at BHI Tuesdays & Thursdays) or cell 228-2484
or 799-9245 (my Wilmington office) if you have any questions and/or comments concerning the
Bruce Marek, P.E.
For: Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Planning Department
CC: Jim Henry — Director of Planning & Development
Steve Robertson — COO
September 25, 2007
NCDENR — Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Signatory Authority
To Whom It May Concern:
As President and Managing Member of Bald Head Island Limited. LLC, I have delegated
Mr. Stephen O. Robertson, Sr. Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, the authority
to sign for stormwater permits for the numerous company projects.
Although Mr. Robertson is not himself a Manager of Bald Head Island Limited, LLC, he
has full legal authority to bind the company by reason of unanimous action of the
Managing Members, as evidenced by the enclosed consent resolution. Should you have
any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
SEP 2 6 2007
Bald Head Island
Post Office Box 3069 • Bald Hcad Island, North Carolina 28461
1-800-888-3707 • ww sv. b n l dh ea dis l a n d. c om
We, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the Managing Members of BALD HEAD
ISLAND LIMITED, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, acting by consent and without
meeting, hereby elect and/or confirm the election of the persons named below to the offices set out
beside their names, to hold said offices until their successors are designated, hereby delegating to
the persons named below full authority to perform the duties and exercise the powers of their
respective offices, pursuant to and as set forth in Article VIII of the Regulations of Bald Head
Island Limited, LLC, to wit:
M. Kent Mitchell - President;
Mark D. Mitchell - Executive Vice President;
Stephen O. Robertson - Senior Vice President;
Shirley A. Mayfield - Secretary / Treasurer.
This action is effective as of May 19, 2006.
Michael K
Aa—� (SEAL)
Mark D. Mitchell
Managing Member
2c'�, (SEAL)
C. Grant Mitchell
Managing Member
�t (SEAL)
Spi N. V ilakis
Man ember
SEP L 6 nn/
SW8-971223 Mod
Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 2&403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
rev 9-25-07
Summary of Impervious Area: 1998 Permit Conditions
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5
289834 sf
6.65 acres
Area Draining To Low Density =
DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4
133745 sf
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
423579 of
9.72 acres
Summary of Built Upon Areas: 1998 Permft
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 (SA)
Area of acres
Area of
Area sf
55557 of 1.28 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
84787 at
1.95 acres
Bldgs (Marina Frond)
15337 at 0.35 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
15337 sf
0.35 acres
10679 of 0.25 acres
0 of
0.00 acres
10679 at
0.25 acres
57128 at 1.31 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
57128 sf
1.31 acres
48000 of 1.10 acres
0 of
0.00 acres
48" of
1.10 acres
186701 at 4.29 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
215931 of
4.96 acres
Summary of Impervious Area: Aug 2007 Permit Modification/Update
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marna 18-88-8-5
303613 at
6.97 acres
Area Draining To Low Density= DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8 4
133745 of
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
437368 of
10.04 acres
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 SC
Drainage Area #2 SA
Area sf acres
Area of
Area sf
Lots (HV1J1) �44134o11wgq
57757 of 1.33 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
86987 sf
2.00 acres
Bldge (Marina Frond)
12200 of 0.28 acres
0 of
0.00 acres
12200 of
0.28 acres
Tent Site OM2 BUA'
11760 sf 0.27 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
11760 at
0.27 acres
Future: QM1, OM3
33000 at 0.76 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
33000 sf
0.76 acres
Future: OM 4A,413 5567
5557 of 0.13 acres
0 of
0.00 acres
5557 sf
0.13 acres
Subtotal BUA
120274 of 2.76 acres
29230 sf
0,67 acres
149604 of
3.43 acres
120274 of 2.76 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
149504 at
3.43 acres
Streets: Pavement
53143 of 1.22 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
53143 sf
1.22 acres
Parking: Pavement '•
4592 of 0.11 acres
0 of
0.00 acres
4592 of
0.11 acres
Parking: Brick "
12408 at 0.28 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
12408 sf
0.28 acres
13068 sf 0.30 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
13068 at
0.30 acres
Impervious Totals
203485 of 4.67 acres
29230 of
0.67 acres
232715 at
5.34 acres
'Tent Site BUA does not include
the loop mad 7175 of or its two 84'04' cart parking = 2352 of areas. They are now
in streets & parking-
-Developer may at a future date redo existing parking as pervious avers/turfstone per Chapter 18 of SNIP Manual for area credit.
a o S1'l;l
151584 q,(
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HV Eastern Basin lots -Summary S E P 2 6 2007
'Modifieatlon:to Jurie,2,.1998NCDENR Stormater Permit
', =-Bruce'Marek
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
rev 9-25-07
Summary of Impervious Area` 1998"Permit Conditions.
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5
289834 sf
6.65 acres
Area Draining To Low Density= DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4
133745 at
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
' .- .. - ' ., • -
, 623578sf -. -
9.72 acres
- .:.. ;. .. .
Summary of Built Upon Areas:
1998 Permit
Areas Dminfng to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 (SA)
Am of acres
Area sf
Area at
55557 sf 1.28 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
84787 of
1.95 acres
Bidgs (Marina From)
15337 sf 0.35 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
15337 sf
0.35 acres
10679 sf 0.25 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
10579 sf
0.25 acres
57128 sf 1.31 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
57128 sf
1.31 acres
48000 sf 1.10 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
48000 at
1.10 acres
186701 sfo - -4.29 acres'
- 29230 sf
0.67 acres .'
. 215931 sf '-
Summary of Impervious, Area: Aug 2007,Permit Modification/Update
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters Bald Head [stand Marina 18-08-&5
303613 sf
6.97 acres
Area Draining To Low Density= DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4
133745 sf
3.07 acres
TotaLPmject Areas-:-
_, .. ,
_ _.
437368 sf
10.114 acres "
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drains a Area #2 (SA)
- ,Area, sf- -acres..
-Area sf
:acres -
Lob (HV1J7)
5T757 sf 1.33 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
86987 sf
2.00 acres
Sidgs (Karim Frond)
12200 sf 0.28 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
12200 sf
0.28 acres
Tent Site OW BUA'
11760 sf 0.27 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
11760 at
027 acres
Future: OMt, OM3
33000 at 0.76 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
33000 sf
0.76 acres
Future: ON 4A,4B 5557
5557 sf 0.13 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
5557 sf
0.13 acres
Subtotal BUA ' . - - - `
120274 elf - 2.76 acres'
`: 29230 sf
0.67 acres -
149504 sf-
- 3.43 acres
120274 sf 2.76 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
149504 sf
3.43 acres
Streets: Pavement
53143 at 1.22 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
53143 sf
1.22 acres
Parking: Pavement"
4592 sf 0.11 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
4592 sf
0.11 acres
Parking: Brick "
12408 of 0.28 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
12408 sf
0.28 apes
13068 sf 0.30 apes
0 sf
0.00 apes
0.30 acres -
Impervious Totals ,
' > "
:" (203485 sf} 4.67 acres "
- 29230 sf
•� 0.67 acres
`232715 sf ,J
- . ..
5.34 acme:-.
'Tent Site BUA does not include the loop road 7175 sf or its two 84Y14' cart parking = 2352 sf areas. They are now in streets & parking.
Developer may at a future date re -do existing parking as pervious paversnurfstone per Chapter 18 of BMP Manual for area credit.
1A CARO,�.,,ws '.
15681 q�
/9� Y
HV Eastern Basin Lots -summary I SEP 2 6 2007
ModlBeatlontoJune 2,1998NCDENRSIormaterPermit
BruceMarek,:P.E. "
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 20403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
rev 9-25-07
Summary of Impervious Area:1998 Permit Conditions '
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 1"841-5
289834 at
6.65 acres
Area Draining To Low Dens = DAtt2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4
133745 at
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
.'9.72 acres
Summary of Buft Upon Areas:
19S8 Permit
Arms Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 (SA)
Area of acres
Area of
Area sf
55557 sf 1.28 apes
29230 sf
0.67 acres
84787 sf
1.95 acres
Burgs (Marina From)
15337 sf 0.35 acres
0 sf
0.00 apes
15337 at
0.35 acres
10679 at 0.25 apes
0 at
0.00 acres
10679 at
0.25 apes
57128 sf 1.31 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
57128 sf
1.31 acres
48DOO sf 1.10 apes
0 at
0.00 apes
48" sf
1.10 apes
186701 of - 4.29 acres -"
29230 sf
0.67 acres
216931 of
4.96 acres
- 64.4%
Summary of Impervious Area: Aug 2007'Permit Modification/Update
Area Draining To Ports - DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-8885
303613 sf
6.97 acres
Area Draining To Low Density =
DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-84
133745 sf
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
- -
437368 sf
10.04 acres
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 SA
Area at acres
Area sf
Area sf
Lots (HV131)
57757 sf 1.33 apes
29230 sf
0.67 acres
86987 sf
2.00 acres
BMgs (Marina From)
1220D sf 0.28 apes
0 of
O.DO apes
12200 sf
0.28 apes
Tent Slte O111112 BUA'
11760 sf 0.27 apes
0 sf
0.00 apes
11760 sf
0.27 apes
Future: CA". OM3
33000 sf 0.76 apes
0 at
0.00 apes
33000 sf
0.76 apes
Future: QM 4A,48 SW
5557 sf 0.13 apes
0 sf
0.00 acres
5557 sf
0.13 acres
Subtotal BUA
- 120274 sit 2:76 acres
29230 of
0.67 acres
149604 sf
3.43 acres
120274 sf 2.76 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
149504 sf
3.43 apes
Streets: Pavement
53143 sf 1.22 apes
0 at
0.00 acres
53143 at
1.22 acres
Parking: Pavement"
4592 sf 0.11 apes
0 sf
0.00 acres
4592 sf
0.11 apes
Parking: Brick »
12408 sf 028 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
12408 sf
028 acres
13068 sf 0.30 apes
0 at
0.00 apes
13068 sf
0.30 apes
Impervious Totals
203486 sf 4.67 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
232715 sf
5.34 acres
'Tern Site BUA does not include
the loop mad 7175 sf or its two 84704' cart parking = 2352 sf areas. They are now in streets 6 parking.
-Developer may at a fuhae date redo e4sting parking as perhous paverstturfstone per Chapter 18 of BMP Manual for area credit.
HV Eastern Basin Lots -Summary SEP 2 6 2007
BALD HEAD ISLAND, is made as of the day of 2007, as follows:
WHEREAS, Bald Head Island Limited, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, is the
developer of that certain real property on Bald Head Island known as Quartermaster Row, a
nonresidential subdivision located in the Village of Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC; and,
WHEREAS, Bald Head Island Limited, as Declarant, has heretofore caused to be recorded
in the records of the Brunswick County Registry at Book 1353, Page 404, certain Protective
Covenants which regulate the ownership and use of the Quartermaster Row real property; and,
WHEREAS, Bald Head Island Limited, as Declarant, has recorded as part of the aforesaid
Protective Covenants certain provisions required by the Stormwater Management Permit issued by
the State of North Carolina pertaining to impervious coverage and related limitations for said
Quartermaster Row property; and,
WHEREAS, Bald Head Island Limited is the sole owner of all of the real property
constituting the Quartermaster Row subdivision and has full right and authority, pursuant to Article
I I of the aforesaid Protective Covenants, to amend said Covenants in the manner hereinafter set
forth, without the consent orjoinder of any other party;
NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant, Bald Head Island Limited, LLC, hereby declares that the
Protective Covenants for Quartermaster Row, Bald Head Island, North Carolina, set forth in Deed
Book 1353, Page 404 of the Brunswick County Registry, shall be amended to include the following
covenant provisions applicable to all of the Lots and property therein, to wit:
Each Lot in Quartermaster Row shall contain a maximum allowable built upon area
(BUA) which may be covered by impervious surfaces (as defined by the Department of
Environmental Management), as set forth on the attached Exhibit A. These allotted amounts
include any BUA constructed within the Lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-
way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. BUA includes, but is not limited to,
structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, and coquina, but does not include raised,
Sp 2 6 2007
open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools
Filling in or piping of any vegetative conveyances (ditches, swales, etc.) associated with the
development of the property, except for average driveway crossings, is strictly prohibited. All Lots
shall provide a minimum thirty (30') feet of vegetated buffer area between impervious areas and
surface waters, and all roof drains shall terminate at least thirty (30') feet from the mean high water
mark. Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) may have their permitted
maximum built -upon area reduced, due to CAMA jurisdiction within the AEC.
The covenants pertaining to stormwater regulations may not be changed or deleted without
concurrence of the Division of Water Quality, Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
State of North Carolina. Construction of additional impervious areas such that low density
requirements are no longer met will require a permit modification to be issued prior to construction.
An engineered system will be required to collect and treat the runoff from all built -upon areas
associated with the development, including that area permitted under the low density option.
The provisions of the Protective Covenants pertaining to stormwater may be enforced by
the State of North Carolina, as well as any other party entitled to enforce said Covenants. To the
extent that the State of North Carolina should revise its existing stormwater permit to allow
different imperious surface amount(s) on any one of more of the Lots, upon filing by Declarant or
the Association of a notice of said change in permit, the impervious surface limitation as to said
Lot or Lots shall be automatically deemed amended to comply with the changed impervious
surface limitation allowed by the State of North Carolina by permit. The covenants pertaining to
stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of
North Carolina, Division of Water Quality, and alteration of the drainage as shown on the
approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality.
There are hereby reserved for the benefit of the Owners of the Lots, the Declarant, the
Association, all public and private utilities, and the Village of Bald Head Island, those certain
easements for vehicular access over and across the property and Lots in Quartermaster Row as
may be reasonably necessary for the installation and maintenance of all utilities, public and
private, and for the maintenance of an existing stormwater detention pond, as heretofore
described in the Protective Covenants for Quartermaster Row.
This Amendment is made as a result of the modification of the Stormwater Management
Permit Number SW8-971223MOD, issued to Declarant for Harbour Village Eastern Basin, and is
intended to insure continued ongoing compliance with said permit and with rules adopted by the
State of North Carolina. The covenants contained herein are to run with the land, and shall be
binding on all parties and persons claiming under them.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Declarant has caused this instrument to be
executed by its duly authorized attorney in fact, under seal, this the _ day of , 2007.
a Texas limited liability company
1, , a Notary Public for said County and State, do
hereby certify that for Bald Head Island
Limited, LLC, personally appeared before me this day, and being by me duly sworn, says that he
executed the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of the said Bald Head Island Limited, LLC.
WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the day of 2007.
Notary Public
My commission expires:
Qmi Qw�
LOT 1 AND LOT 3 -- 33,000 square feet, combined
LOT 11,760 square feet*
PROPOSED LOT 4 -- 5,557 square feet
The impervious coverage figure for Lot�2 does not include an
additional 9,527 square feet for streets (7,175 sq. ft.) and parking
(2,352 sq. ft.) on the Lot.
}2F.GDrwD _D 01112-I20011
000/1-13� 3 ,
These Protective Covenants for Quartermaster Row, a non-residential subdivision located in the
Village of Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, North Carolina, are made, published and
declared by Bald Head Island Limited, a Texas Limited Partnership ("Declarant") as of this j Of
day of January, 2000.
Declarant has subdivided property owned by it, and more fully described on that plat of survey
for Quartermaster Row recorded in Map Cabinet ; Z, Instrument 2-11 , Brunswick County
Registry ("the Plat") into three (3) lots ("the Lots"), and a Common Area. In order to provide for
the effective administration of the Lots, and to ensure compliance with various permitting
requirements imposed by the State of North Carolina and the Village of Bald Head Island,
Declarant has chartered a North Carolina, non-profit corporation named Quartermaster Row
Commercial Association, Inc. ("the Association"), to administer and manage the Lots as more
( fully set out herein. These Protective Covenants are executed and recorded by and on behalf of
Declarant, and the owners from time -to -time of the Lots and the Common Area.
Declarant hereby subjects the property described on the Plat to the terms and provisions of these
Protective Covenants for the use and benefit of all present and future owners of the Lots and the
Common Area, for the mutual benefit of Declarant, the owners of the Lots, and the owners of
the Common Area.
I. Description. These Protective Covenants shall run with the land and shall bind
and enure to the benefit of the owner of each Lot and the owner of the Common
Area as shown on the Plat, and the property made subject to these Protective
Covenants is all of the surveyed property shown on the Plat, as the Plat may be
amended from time -to -time.
2. Common Area. The Common Area as shown on the Plat contains a stormwater
retention pond constructed in accordance with a stormwater permit issued by the
State of North Carolina. Said retention pond provides required stormwater
management control for the Lots, as well as properties located within Bald Head
Island Harbour, as those lots are more fully described in the Amended and
Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Bald Head
-. Island Harbour, recorded in Book 985, Page 384 et. seq., Brunswick County
RECF.TV'r':- ; 1
SEP `Z 6 ' 007 '
SY: 5�------
Registry, as the same may have been, or may in the future, be amended ("Harbour
Covenants"). The Common Area shall be conveyed by Declarant to the
Association, no later than the end of the calendar year following conveyance of
any one of the Lots to a third party, other than a third party owned or controlled
by Declarant. It is expressly acknowledged that the Common Area provides the
required stormwater collection and retention for certain lots subject to the
Harbour Covenants, and that, for the lots so benefitted, a non-profit corporation,
the Harbour Association of Bald Head Island (the "Harbour Association"), is
charged with administration of the Harbour Covenants. It is expressly understood
and agreed that the Association shall maintain the Common Area in good
condition, and in compliance with all applicable permit conditions imposed by the
State of North Carolina in regard to the stormwater collection and retention
system, as long as the Harbour Association agrees to contribute two-thirds of the
cost of such maintenance and upkeep. The Board of Directors of the Association
is expressly authorized to enter into joint maintenance and upkeep agreements
with the Harbour Association allocating maintenance responsibilities and
contributions as set out within these Protective Covenants. Until such time as a
joint maintenance agreement is entered into by the Association and the Harbour
Association, Declarant shall maintain the stormwater retention pond and its
appertenant facilities.
It is expressly agreed that the bulkhead and dam within the Common Area, and
any system of conveyance located within the Common Area, is to be maintained
as part of the permitted stormwater management system benefitting the
Association and the Harbour Association, with expenses of such repair and
maintenance to be allocated as set out hereinbefore. Any portion of the collection
and distribution system for the permitted stormwater system not located in the
Common Area shall be the full maintenance responsibility of the association
benefitted thereby. To the extent there are portions of the conveyance or
discharge system, such as overflow piping allowing discharge to the Marina, which
piping is not directly the conveyance of collected stormwater benefitting only one
association, such conveyance or discharge system shall be maintained as though a
part of the Common Area.
3. Other Bulkhead Maintenance. There exists a bulkhead along the perimeter
boundaries of most of Lots 1, 2'and 3. Such bulkhead shall be maintained in a
good and usable condition by the Association.
4. Retaining �Wall. There exists a retaining wall on Lot 2. The owner of Lot 2 from
time -to -time shall be fully responsible for the maintenance of said retaining wall,
without contribution from the Association or from the owners of Lots 1 or 3.
5. Driveway Easements. There exists a driveway easement (depicted on the Plat)
between Lot .1 and Lot 2, and between Lot 2 and Lot 3. Such driveway easements
shall be maintained in good and passable condition at all times by the Association,
notwithry standing the paror parties utilizing said driveway easements, it being the
intent of the parties that such driveway easements be available for utilization to
provide secondary access to structures to be constructed on the Lots. Declarant,
as long as it owns all of the Lots, shall have full authority to improve the driveway
easements as it deems appropriate; at such time as any of the Lots have been
conveyed to a third party, no improvement shall be made in the driveway
easements without the approval of the Association.
It is the intent of Declarant that, to the maximum extent feasible, easements be
granted from time -to -time by the owners of each of the Lots to allow joint service
vehicle access to improvements to be constructed on each of the Lots. In order to
further this objective, as long as Declarant owns at least one Lot, no improvements
may be constructed on any Lot without the approval of Declarant, which approval
shall not be unreasonably withheld, but which approval may be withheld unless
reasonable accommodation and grant of easement is made to benefit the adjoining
Lot owners as to reasonable service and access needs, to minimize interference
with appropriate, functional and aesthetic use of the Lots when improved.
6. Easements. There are depicted on the Plat various maintenance and access
easements. These easements may be utilized, to the extent necessary, for access to
the Common Area by Declarant, the Harbour Association and the Association.
Such maintenance and access easements may further be utilized by the Declarant
and the Association, and their agents, for purposes of maintenance of the
bulkheads. No improvement shall be constructed within said maintenance and
access easements without the approval of the Association and the Village of Bald
Head; however, Declarant reserves the right to construct improvements within the
Common Area, either before or after conveyance of the Common Area to the
Association, for purposes of beautification or related landscaping.
7. Binding Effect. All covenants, restrictions, reservations, easements and privileges
contained herein shall run with the land and the grantee, by accepting any deed to
any portion of such land as described herein, accepts the same subject to these
Protective Covenants and its terms and conditions and agrees for himself, his heirs,
successors and assigns, to be fully bound by each and all of the terms and
conditions of these Protective Covenants, jointly, separately and severally.
8. Utility Easements. Subject to approval of Declarant as long as Declarant owns all
of the Lots, and subject to the approval of the Association at such time as
Declarant does not own all of said Lots, any maintenance and access easement
shown on the Plat may be utilized as a utility easement, without necessity of
joinder of the owner of the Lot across which said maintenance and access easement
crosses. There is also reserved a ten (10) foot utility and drainage easement across
the Lots, immediately adjacent to Keelson Row.
Assignment. As used herein, Declarant shall mean and include Bald Head Island
Limited and any of its successors and assigns specifically assigned rights of
Declarant herein.
10. Bylaws and Rules. The Association shall adopt bylaws, and, in accordance with
said bylaws, the Association may adopt rules and regulations for utilization of the
Lots. Any such rules and regulations adopted in accordance with the provisions
of the Bylaws shall be fully applicable and shall be binding upon the owners of
each Lot, and their guests and invitees.
11. Amendment. These Protective Covenants may be amended at any time upon the
joinder of the owner of any two of the three Lots shown on the Plat. Any such
amendment shall become effective upon recordation in the office of the Register
of Deeds of Brunswick County. No amendment shall be made which alters the
obligation of the Association to contribute to the maintenance of the Common
Area without the approval of Declarant, as long as it owns any Lot, and without
the approval of the State of North Carolina.
12. pervious Surface. The maximum impervious surface allowed on any Lot is set
out on Exhibit A attached hereto. Impervious surfaces include any hardened
surfaces joining the pavement on Keelson Row to a Lot, and further include
pavement, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, walkways or patios of brick, stone
or slate, but do not include open wood decking. No amendment altering the
impervious surface limitation on any Lot may be made effective without approval
of the State of North Carolina.
WITNESS our hands and seals as of the day and year first above written.
rfrieth M. Kirkman
I, Lorraine Thompson, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Kenneth M. Kirkman personally
appeared before me this day of January,'2000 and acknowledged the due execution of the
foregoing instrument.
Notary Public
My Commission expires:
IALSEALNotary Public - North CarolinaBRUNSWICK COUNTY
LORRAINE THOMPSON � i Co�nu1sa-Ezp�eA1 _ \
LOT 1 — 9,400 square feet
LOT 2 -- 13,240 square feet
LOT 3 — 25,360 square feet
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September 25, 2007
!Mary Jean Naugle
Division of Water Quality
Wilmington Regional Office
Bald Head Island has a twenty-year history of using a weeping lovegrass/
wildflower seeding mix, it works and it is pretty.
When Stormwater regulations came into existence in 1987, Bald Head Island
created one of the first infiltration swale/basins in the State of N.C. , which
was overseedcd with BHI native lovegrass and wildflower mix. Since then this
has been our preferred seeding schedule.
The topography of Bald Head Island is flat, basically a beach, we do not incur
typical erosion problems and runoff that would otherwise require a landscape
contractor seeding blend. Such a blend would also require watering, mowing
and soil amendments which would change our native plant and soil composition.
Our pond is existing and the vegetation has worked perfectly with our
environment for twelve years. With the existing North Carolina drought
conditions it further shows us that native plantings arc the best way to go
especially for these types of ponds ,slopes and more importantly sand.
We welcome you to visit our island and see how well our seeding schedule
1 'spec�� t gully, 4WM V 0/
nna Clemmons
Landscape Architect, Asla
Bald Head Island , N.C.
FOR: NCDENR 9103502004
SEP-20 12:08 PM 94577483
P. 01
SEP-20-2007 THU 12:11 PM
31011, 9 FAX TX OK
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional office
Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
Date: 9/20/07 No. Of Pages: (excluding cover) 8
To: Bruce Marek From: Miriam Hughes
CO: CO: Express Permitting
FAX #: 910-457-7463 FAX#: 910-350-2004
REMARKS: Harbour ViUaLre Eastern Basin Lots — Additional Information
127 Cardinal Drive Eatenalan, Wilmington, N.C. 284os-3a45 Telephone (910) 796-7215 Fax (91o) 350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Afthmative Action Employer
Michael F. Fasley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coleen H. Sullins, Director
Division of Water Quality
September 19, 2007
Stephen O. Robertson, Chief Operating Officer V
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
Subject: Request for Additional Information
Stormwater Project No. SW8 971223 Modification
Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots, Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Robertson:
The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for
Harbour Village Eastern Basin Lots on August 15, 2007. A preliminary review of that information
has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue
the stormwater review:
Lly Provide an applicant and signing official who is registered on the North Carolina
etary of State a
who is a managr of the LLC. Mr. Robertson is not lis
1a(_p as arma ages of the nLdLC. Alternativeyeprrovide signed and sealed signatureted
authority from a manager of the LLC, who is listed on the secretary of state
website, to Mr. Robertson. 15A NCAC 2H.1003 (e). The secretary of state listing
is attached for your reference.
2. Provide plans of the updated pond to reflect the changes reported in the
narrative. Although the supplement and calculations were provided for the
proposed changes, no pond details were updated. All information updated must
be submitted on the plans. Attached for your reference is a checklist of required
information. It appears from the narrative that the following has been changed:
permanent pool elevation, top of overflow discharge structure is raised; orifice
elevation and size are changed. If there are other items that are changed, please
// list.
✓3q� Please correct the Impervious total for drainage area #2. It appears it should
report 29,230 square feet, whereas 87,690 sf is reported. (See attached)
4. Please clearly delineate the drainage areas. Although plan #SW1 labels the two
drainage areas, there is no line delineation separating the areas.
�5/jk-W Please provide deed restrictions to reflect the proposed changes in built -upon
areas on the lots.
R�-iu Submit $500 fee to cover additional reviews in the express process.
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review.
The requested information should be received in this Office prior to October 2, 2007, or the
application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all
required items, including the application fee.
The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an
approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to
enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A.
Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have
any questions please call me at (910) 796-7303 or email me at mary.naugle(a)ncmail.net.
Ma`an augle�
No" Carolina
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Emension Wilmingma, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-0215 Cusmmer Service
Wilmington Regional Office Internet: wcv.r novale"'nalin_n,, Fax (910)350-2004. 1-877-623-6748
An Equal OpporlunitylAtfrmative Action Employer - 50 % Recycledl10 % Post Consumer Paper
ENB/mjn: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINF_O\2007-\97_1223MOD sep07
cc: Bruce Nlarek—P-E., 9 00-228-2484,_fax 91.0=457-7463
Mary'J'ean Naugle
SW8-971223 Mod
Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stonnater Permit
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
Summary of Impervious Area: 1998 Permit Conditions
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5
289834 sf
6.65 acres
Area Draining To Low Density =
DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-84
133745 sf
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
423579 at
9.72 acres
Summary of Built Upon Areas: 1998 Permit
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining
to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 (SA)
Area sf acres
Area sf
Area sf
55557 at 1.28 acres
29230 at
0.67 acres
84787 st
1.95 acres
Bldge (Marina Front)
15337 sf 0.35 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
15337 sf
0.35 acres
10679 sf 0.25 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
10679 sf
0.25 acres
57128 at 1.31 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
57128 sf
1.31 acres
48000 sf 1.10 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
48000 sf
1.10 acres
186701 sf 4.29 acres
- 29230 sf
0.67 acres
216931 sf
4.96 acres
1 64.4% -
Summary of Impervious Area: Aug 2007- Permit • Modification/Update
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5
303613 sf
6.97 acres
Area Draining To Low Density= DA#2: SA Waters -Bald Head Creek 18-88-84
133745 sf
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
437358 sf
10.04 acres
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area 01 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 SA)
Area sf
acres -
Area sf
Lots (HV7-31)
57757 sf 1.33 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
86957 sf
2.00 acres
Bldgs (Marina Front)
12200 sf 0.28 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
12200 sf
0.28 acres
Tent Site QM2 BUA'
11760 at 0.27 acres
0 at
0.00 acres
11760 sf
0.27 acres
Future: 0111111, QM3
33000 sf 0.76 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
33000 sf
0.76 acres
Future: QM 4A,48 5557 sf)
5557 at 0.13 acres _
0 sf
0.00 acres
5557 sf
0.13 acres
Subtotal BUA
120274 sf 2.76 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
149504 sf
3.43 acres
120274 of 2.76 acres
29230 sf -
0.67 acres
149504 sf
3.43 acres
Streets: Pavement
53143 sf 1.22 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
53143 at
1.22 acres
Parking: Pavement"
4592 sf 0.11 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
4592 sf
0.11 acres
Parking: Brick "
12408 at 0.28 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
12408 sf
0.28 acres
13068 at 0.30 acres
__0 sf,_.
0.00 acres
13068 sf
0.30 acres
Impervious Totals
203485 sf 4.67 acres
87690 at
0.67 acres
232715 sf
5.34 acres
'Tent Site BUA does not include the loop road 7175 sf or its two 84'x14' cart parking = 2352 sf areas. They am now in streets & parking.
-Developer may at a future date re -do existing parking as pervious aversfturfstone r Chapter 18 of BMP Manual for area cretlit.
6'peAS' •r>are
y �rp Y
HV Eastern Basin Lots -Summary -Vr- tlf 'S+t•r-'1I2(Y
Page 2
8. The names, titles, and usual business addresses of the current managers of the limited liability company are:
(use attachment ifnecessary)
Name Business Address
Mark D. Mitchell P.O. Box 595, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
Michael K. Mitchell P.O. Box 3069, Bald Head Island, NC 28461
C. Grant Mitchell 10077 Grogan's Mill Road, Ste. 475, Woodlands, TX 77380
Spiros N. Vassilakis 10077 Grogan's Mill Road, Ste. 475, Woodlands, TX 77380
9. Attached is a certificate of existence (or document of similar import), duly authenticated by the secretary of
state or other official having custody of limited liability company records in the state or country of
formation. The Certificate of Existence must be Icss than six months old A photocopy of the
certification cannot be accept
10. If the limited liability company is required to use a fictitious name in order to transact business in this State,
a copy of the resolution of its managers adopting the fictitious name is attached.
11. This application will be effective upon filing, unless a delayed date and/or time is Specified:
This the 0day of June, 2006
Name of Limited Liability Company
(&Wa M. Kent Mitchell)
Type or Print Name
1. Mling fee is $250. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State.
RALEIGH, NC 27626-0622
(Revised January 2002) (Form L-09)
Corporations Section TE p
'P.O.Box 13697
Austin, Texas 78711-3697
Office of the Secretary of State
Roger Williams
Secretary of State
The undersigned, as Secretary of State of Texas, does hereby certify that the document, Certificate of
Conversion for Bald Head Island Limited LLC (filing number: 800658158), a Domestic Limited
Liability Company (LLC), was filed in this office on May 19, 2006.
It is further certified that the entity status in Texas is in existence.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto signed my name
officially and caused to be impressed hereon the Sea] of
State at my office in Austin, Texas on June 09, 2006.
Come visit us on the internet at http://ivww.sos.state.tx.us/
Phone:(512) 463-5555 Fax: (512) 463-5709 TrY: 7-1-1
Prepared by: SOS -WEB . Document 132409370003
I. Objective
A. Collect all runoff from all BUA (proposed and/or existing and/or offsite) as the case maybe, by
any means including piping or swales, and direct it to the pond.
B. Check the proposed pond design to make sure it meets or exceeds the minimum design
criteria for surface area, volume and drawdown.
II. What makes up a complete wet detention pond application package?
A. Two sets of sealed, signed & dated layout & grading plans with appropriate details.
B. Completed application with supplement(s), SWU-101, SWU-102, SWU-104.
C. Deed restriction document, if applicable (for subdivisions & projects with out parcels)
D. Sealed, signed & dated calculations.
E. Estimated seasonal high water table elevation at all pond locations.
F. Chlorides test results if the project is within ''/z mile of SA waters and a wet pond is proposed.
Chlorides testing must be accomplished by averaging the chloride concentration of five (5)
water samples taken '% mile downstream from the project site, that are taken on separate
days, within one hour of high tide, and not within 48 hours following a rain event. The samples
must be analyzed by a State certified laboratory.
Ill. BIMS entry (for DWQ use only)
Enter & track application acknowledged date, review date, add info requested/received dates, permit
issue dates, and drainage area info. Best done after the add info letter is written and before sending
permit up for signature.
IV. Shell documents (for DWQ use only)
Permit shells: s:\wqs\stormwater\shells\highcompond
s:\wqs\stormwater\shells\H Dhybrid
Spreadsheet: s:\wqs\stormwater\excel spreadsheets\pond
VI. Review Procedure
1. An original signature is required. Photocopied signatures cannot be accepted.
2. A completed signed, dated and notarized wet detention pond supplement (SWU-102)
with an original signature.
3. The numbers on the supplement match up to the numbers used in the calculations and
shown on the plan details.
4. Built -upon areas are reported in square feet in Section 111.6.
5. Receiving stream name and classification. This is important because in the non -Phase 11
counties, a wet pond cannot be used on a project that is within %mile of and draining to
SA waters. For Phase 11, a wet pond is allowed within '/2 mile of SA waters.
6. Section 111.6 is filled in -cannot be left blank. One column must be filled in for each
proposed wet pond.
7. If the applicant is a corporation, partnership or LLC, look it up on the Secretary of State
Corporations Database. Make sure corporation is spelled correctly (capitalization and
punctuation matter) and that the person signing the application is at least a vice-
president in the corporation, a General Partner in the partnership, a member in a
member -managed LLC, or the manager of a manager -managed LLC. Need
documentation to support if the Articles of Incorporation do not list the members or
managers of the LLC. If an agent signs, then a letter of authorization is needed from the
president, vice president, general partner, member or manager.
8. For subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement must be
provided. ,
Wet Detention Pond, cont.
The orifice is sized based on drawing down the calculated minimum volume in 2-5
t days. The average head to use in the orifice equation is approximately one-third of
the distance between the permanent pool elevation (PPE) and the elevation of the
next available outlet above the Dermanent c5o6l-The elevation of the next available
itner the -elevation where the minimum volume is provided, or it can
e`mporary'-pool`elevation T( PEl to report on the supplnt rary pooemewill tie_ ___
the next available outlet above the PPE. The tempol volume
3-n—the supplemerif'is the volume between the specified PPE and the
2. For Phase II projects that are within %, mile of and draining to SA waters, the
discharge rate leaving the pond can be no more than the pre -development discharge
rate for the 1 year 24 hour storm.
3. For Phase II projects, no discharge to surface waters may occur from wet ponds. The
discharge leaving the orifice must be effectively infiltrated prior to reaching surface
4. The average pond depth is the permanent pool volume divided by the permanent pool
surface area. The result must be between 3 ft. and 7.5 ft. Parts of the pond can be
deeper than 7.5 ft., but in no case can any part of the pond be less than 3 ft deep.
5. If the 85% TSS chart is used a 30' vegetated filter must be provided at the outlet of the
pond. If the 90% TSS chart is used, no filter is required.
6. Use the correct SA/DA TSS chart from the BMP Manual noting that there are different
charts for different areas of the State.
7. Required surface area at permanent pool.
8. Provided surface area at permanent pool (Based on pond dimensions)
9. Required volume calculation based on 1.5" storm for Phase II projects and 1" storm for
all others.
10. Table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes and accumulated volumes for overall
pond and for forebay, to verify volumes provided.
11. Forebay designed to hold 20% of the permanent pool volume. (Range of 18%-22% OK.)
12. Non -erosive flow for 10 yr. storm in the vegetated filter, if using 85% TSS.
13. The seasonal high water table must be at or below the proposed permanent pool
elevation to assure that the necessary volume will be available above the permanent
14. Rounding numbers off during the calculation process can result in deficiencies. Do not
round the numbers until you get to the final result.
15. An additional one foot must be excavated below the bottom elevation of the pond. The 1
foot sediment accumulation depth is not included in the average depth calculation.
Wet Detention Pond, cont.
C. PLANS- Due to storage space constraints, plan sheets should be kept to a minimum. For
small commercial single wet pond projects, the plan set could consist of only 2 or 3 sheets,
layout, grading and details. For larger projects, show as much information as possible on as
few sheets as possible, without cluttering them up.
1. Development/Project Name
2. Engineer name and firm.
3. Legend
4. North Arrow
5. Location Map with nearest intersection of two major roads shown. Major road is any 1, 2,
or 3 digit NC, US or interstate highway.
6. Scale- standard engineering scale, no off-the-wall stuff.
7. Date
8. Revision number and date, if applicable.
9. Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations, pipe
inverts, swale inverts, etc.
10. Existing drainage (piping, swales, ditches, ponds, etc.), including off -site. Include a map
delineating the offsite drainage areas.
11. Property/Project boundary lines, bearing & distances.
1.2.o(Mean High Water Line or Normal High Water Line, if applicable.
C3. The permanent pool elevation must be above the SHWT and above the lowest elevation
of adjacent wetlands. Evaluate the need for a liner and/or berm/slurry wall to prevent
dewatering the wetland.
14.. Drainage easement widths, pipe sizes and swale inverts are provided.
11 Wetlands delineated, or a note on the tans that none exist. Get a copy of the wetlands
delineation map signed by�fEEngineer�' s, or fiave the applicant include a copy
of the unsigned delineation map submitted to the Corps. Wet ponds may not be located
in wetlands unless a permit to fill those wetlands has been obtained.
16. Details for the roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, including sidewalk width, radii, dimensions &
17. Apartment / Condo development- Provide a typical building footprint with dimensions
and note all concrete and wood deck areas.
18. The drainage area for each wet pond isslearly delineated and numbered to match up to
the calculations and supplement. Drainage area delineation is best done as a separate
plan sheet.
19. A pond section detail to include the forebay, a 10 foot wide vegetated shelf, pertinent
elevations for the bottom, permanent pool, temporary pool, and SHWT, 3:1 slopes
above the permanent pool, and the weir elevation between the main pond and the
..�The 10 vegetated shelf extends 6" below and 6" above the permanent pool elevation.
21.E An outlet structure detail showing a trash rack with 4i" square openings, the necessary
orifice invert elevation (i.e., the permanent pool), orifice size and temporary pool
22. Dimensions for each line and arc formed by the permanent pool contour.
23. Where the 85% TSS chart was used, a 30 ft. vegetated filter strip is required to be
shown on the plans & detailed (elevations, inverts, slopes, and flow spreader
mechanism). Please note that the filter strip is not a ditch.
24. A forebay is provided for each inlet and located so as to prevent short-circuiting.
25. The pond must have a minimum 1.5:1 length to width ratio and a minimum 3:1 flow path
length. Artificial "baffles" of timber, vinyl, or earth can be used to create a longer flow
path. The top elevation of the baffle should be set at the temporary pool elevation or
' A Vegetation plan is specified for the pond, including slopes. Wetlands species are
listed for planting on the 6:1 shelf. Weeping Love Grass is not suitable as a permanent
vegetated cover for pond slopes.
27. All roof drainage must be directed to the pond. Show the roof drain collection lines on
the plan. This is necessary for projects where the buildings back up the property lines
where roof drainage may leave the site prior to going through the pond.
SW8-971223 Mod
Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC 8/7/2007
Summary of Impervious Area: Aug 2007 Permit Modification/Update for Wet Detention Basin (Pond) Design
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Manna 18-88-8-5 303613 sf 6.97 acres
Area sf acres
57757sf 1.33 acres
Burgs (Marina From)
12200 sf 0.28 acres
Tent Site QM2 BUA*
11760 sf 0.27 acres
Future: QM1, OM3
33000 sf 0.76 acres
Future: OM 4A,4B (6657 sf)
5557 sf 0.13 acres
Subtotal BUA
120274 sf 2.76 acres
120774 sf 2.76 acres
Streets: Pavement
53143 sf 1.22 acres
Parking: Pavement ""
4592 sf 0.11 acres
Parking: Brick "
12408 sf 0.28 acres
13068 sf 0.30 acres
Impervious Totals
203485 sf 4.67 acres
-rent Site BUA does not include the loop road 7175 sf or its two 84'xl4' can parking = 2352 sf areas. They are now in streets a parking.
"Developer may at a future dale
redo emstrng parking as pervious pavwsftfttDne per Chapter 18 of BMP Manual for area credit
Site Impervious
0.95 4.67 acres 4.44
Sandy Soil, < 2% slope
0A0 2.30 aces 0.23
Drainage Area Total
6.97 acres 4.67
Composite C - Sum CAIDA =
C A Design Rain Volumes
Site Impervious
0.95 4.67 acres 43560 sf/ac i"/(12"/ft) = 16104 cu It
Sandy Soil, < 2% slope
0.10 2.30 acres 43560 si/ac 1 "I(12711) = 835 cu It
Drainage Area Total
6.97 acres Required Temporary Storage Volume = 16939 cu ft
Wet Detention Basin (Pond) Data Pond Built in 1998 In Common Area near Tent Site 1.0" Design Rainfall
Note: Wet Pond (In Common Area by Tentsite) was built in 1998 to Vertical Datum NVGD 29. Because of FEMA Zone changes,
Vertical Datum now being used by surveyors on Bald Head Island is NAVD 88. To keep consilem wile original 1998 permit numbers
NGVD 29 is used on SWU-102.
Pernartent Pool elevation has beeen raised .30' to account for the larger required surface area because of the
addition of area to the drainage area (by "annexing" south end of Keelson Row for the "Bald Head Island Landing" CAMA/SW Project)
Pond Areas/volumes have been adjusted for the new in permanent pond elevation, and verified by recent survey data translated from NAVD 88).
Top of overflow discharge structure is being raised 1 1/2" (.13') to account for higher temporary pool, and onface is being reset to elev +3.90'.
Seasonal High Water Table for the Bald Hoed Harbor Area has traditionally been indicated as betweert 1.5 FMSL and 2.0 FMSL, with
2.0 FMSL being conservative. Pond temporary pool is above this elevation. Pond overflow is piped to Bald Head Island Marine, SC Waters
Benchmark for pond sediment removal is at 6.151ms1 NGVD 29 on wood capping of forebay divider top.
Required Permanent Pool Surface Area SAIDA from 90%TSS Table 10-3 NCDENR 2007 BMP Manual 7.5 H Pond Depth
60% Impervious = 1.9 SAIDA
70% Impervious = 2.3 SAIDA
By Linear Interpolation
67.0% = 2.18 SAIDA 2.1811006.97 acres 43560 sflac - 6619 sf
Provided Surface Area at
3.90 FMSL NGVD 29 - 6640 sf
Stage -Storage Volume Calculation per Table 3-7 NCDENR 2007 BMP Manual Increment Incremental Cumulative
Surface Area It Volume Volume
Pond Bottom: -3.6 1500 sf
Less than 2.82 NAVD 88
Operational Volume 0 0
2.82 FMSL NAVD 86
390 FMSL NGVD 29 6640 sf 0 0
3.00 FMSL NAVD 68
4.08 FMSL NGVD 29 6810 sf 0.18 1211 cu It 1211 cu It
4.00 FMSL NAVD 88
6.08 FMSL NGVD 29 7830 sf 1.00 7320 cu it 8531 w it
5.00 FMSL NAVD 88
GAS FMSL 14DVD 29 9380 sf 1.00 8605 cu ft 17136 a If
5.50 FMSL NAVD a8
6.58 FMSL NGVD 29 9780 sf 0.50 4790 cu ft 9192iq ft
6.00 FMSL NAVD 88
7.08 FMSL NGVD 29 9780 at 0.50 4890 Atli
t�e�'tfi fl
4' a
Required storage volume of
Temporary Pool Volume
Permanent Pool Volume
Foreb I e
16939 cu ft occurs at approximate elevation 6.06 FMSL NG 29',p',�
17136 cu it occurs at approximate elevation 6.08 FMSL NG1/D 29 ° Q,�t)'
30525 cu combined volume of main basin a tomboy
1100 app, 20% of volume Forebay Bottom -2.85 (top = 1 +0 sf,".bottom -0. in
u '+ AUG 1 5 2007
HV Eastern Basin Lots -Ports.
SW8-971223 Mod
Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick Ccumty, NC
Design Discharge Oriface so that pond drains in between two (2) days and five (5) days
0 = C'A'(2gh)^.5
Rearranged, A = 0/(C' (2gh)^.5)
where C = onface coefficient =
= Onface Diameter (sf)
g = gravity (ftfsee2)
It = pressure head (ft)
Stage -Storage Volume Calculation per Table 3-7 NCDENR 2007 BMP Manual
Incremental Cumulative
Surface Area
Volume Volume
Pond Bottom: -3.6 1500 sf
Less than 2.82 NAVD 88
Operational Volume
0 0
2.82 FMSL NAVD 88
3.90 FMSL NGVD 29 6640 sf Pond Penn Pool
0 0
3.00 FMSL NAVD 88
4.08 FMSL NGVD 29 6810 sf
1211 cu It 1211 cu ft
4.00 FMSL NAVD 88
5.08 FMSL NGVD 29 7830 sf
7320 cu It 8531 cu It
6.08 FMSL NGVD 29 9380 sf Outlet Overflow
8605 cu ft 17136 cu ft
5.50 FMSL NAVE) 88
6.58 FMSL NGVD 29 9780 sf
4790 cu ft 21926 cu ft
6.00 FMSL NAVD 88
7.08 FMSL NGVD 29 9780 sf
4890 cu ft 26816 cu It
Required storage volume of
16939 cu It occurs at appmArnate elevation
Temporary Pool Volume
17136 cu It occurs at approximate elevation
Temporary Pool Volume
17136 cu It 17136 cu ft
Time to drain:
2 days 5
172800 seconds 432000
Flow Rate 0 =
0.0992 cis 0.0397 cfs
Max storage level =
6.08 FMSL NGVD 29 6.08 FMSL NGVD 29
Pond Penn Pool = Onface Ht
3.90 FMSL NGVD 29 3.90 FMSL NGVD 29
Height Difference
2.18 ft 2.18 It
Ave Pressure Head It =diff2
1.09 ft 1.09 ft
A read = 0/(C' (2gh)At5) =
0.0197 sf 0.0079 at
A sf' 144 sq in/sf =
2.84 aq in 1.14 sq in
Reqd Onface Diameter =
1.90" inside diam 1.20" inside diam
Use 1 1/2" Schedule 40 Pipe
1.61" inside diam
A sq in
2.04 sq in
A sf
0.0141 sf
Draw Down Rate 0 =
0.0711 cis
Draw Down Time Seconds =
241107 seconds
Draw Down Time Hours =
67.0 his
Draw Down Time Days =
\ 2.79 days
AUG 15 2007
HV Eastern Basin Lots-0nface
SW8-971223 Mod Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit Bruce Marek, P.E.
Project: Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots P.O. Box 3069
Client: Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Location: Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC 8f/2007
Project Narrative
Summary of Project Area:•Aug 2007 Permit ModificationNpdate
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1: SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5 303613 sf 6.97 acres
Am Draining To Lax Density = DA#2: SA Waters- Bald Head Creek 1""A 133745 sf 3.07 acres '
Total Project Area 437358 sf 10.04 acres
Summary of Project Area: 1998 Permit Conditions
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1: SC Waters- Bald Head Island Manna 18-88-8-5 289834 at 6.65 acres
Draining To Low Density = DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-" 133745 at 3.07 acres
Total Project Area 423579 sf 9.72 acres
Said Heed Island Limited, LLC Stormwater Permit SW8-97-1223 is being modified/updated to allow the approximate 10 awes of Land
south of the Bald Head Island Marina that predated stornwater regulations (mostly developed prior to 1987) to be brought under new or existing
CAMA and Stormwi ter Permits. This area, to be known as "Bald Head Island Landing", is bounded on the east by Bald Head Creek (SA Waters),
the north by Bald Head Island Marina (SC Waters), and the west by the Atlantic OceaNCape Fear River Mouth (SB Waters).
The generally flat topography of the site (and mostly at elevation 6 FMSL to 8 FMSL) meant that the best method of handling the northeast
corner of Ball Head Island Landing was to include approximately 0:25 acres by the Eb 8 Flo Manna From Restaurant in the Harbor Village Eaten
Basin Lots Permit SW8-971223. There is an existing catch basin at the old southern boundary of SW8-97-1223 in the center of Keelson Row
which, with a little bit of grading change during the next paving poject, will handle the somhwater from what will be the intersection of Keelson
Row, Marina Wynd, and the start of the new (proposed) cart bridge.
Thera is also an additional .06 acres added to tot OM1, ("Quartermasters Row" Commercial Development around the Tent Site), which is land
previously not included in the stomwater project boundary. The total project increase is 0.32 acres.
In 1998 the project was permitted with 6.65 acres draining to the wet detention basin (pond) near the tent site, whose overflow is piped into the marina
(SC Waters). An additional 3.07 acres was permitted as low density, without any engineered treatment system. It was taken as the back half of the
Harbor Village Lots, which in theory, but not in practice drain to the creek. The highly Conductive sand soils on the island make it doubfful that
rain makes it over the bulkhead. That however, was an agreed on solution because several of the lots were sold prior to the existence
of.slont water regulations, and it would have been difficult to impose strict measures on owners that did not originally have deed restrictions.
The Low Densely (DA#2) portion of this project has not been charged. It remains with the same areas and impervious coverage form the prior permit.
The High Density portion of the project has the .32 acre increas in area, as well as a 0.38 acre increase in impervious area. See project summary for
proposed impervious areas. Numbers were also reworked to better follow the current SWU-101 format of reporting numbers.
The Tent Site 13UA does riot include the loop road 7175 of or its two 84'x14' cart parking = 2352 sf areas. They are now, in streets 8 parking.
There are short areas along the manna wall where < 10 pit of roof at the gazeebo, bath house and swilling cub infiltrates directly off the roof
along the land side of the marina wall in vegetaed planters. Tin roof style is such that gutters were not feasible, and impact is minimal.
The Developer may at a future date redo existing or future parking as perviouspavers/turfstone per Chapter 18 of BMP Manual for area mod.
Please write into the permit an allow2nce for such area credits if the state guidelines are followed.
The Wet Pond (In Common Area by Tentsite) was built in 1998 to Vertical Datum NVGD 29. Because of FEMA Zone changes,
Vertical Datum now being used by surveyors on Bald Head Island is NAVD 88. To keep consitent with original 1998 permit numbers
NGVD 29 is used on SWU-102. Permanent Pod elevation has beeert raLsed..W-toaccount for.the larger required surface area because otthe
addition of area to the drainage area (by "annexing" south end of Keelson Row for the "Bald Head Island Landing' CAMNSW Project)
Pod Areastvdumes have bear adjusted for the raise in permanent pond elevation, and verified by recent survey data translated from NAVO 88).
Top of overflow discharge structure is being misnd l 12" (.13') to account for higher temporary pod, and onface is being rs-set to elev +3.90:�
Seasonal High Water Table for the BaW Head Harbor Area has traditionally been indicated as between 1 S FMSL and 2.0 FMSL, with
2.0 FMSL being conservative. Pond temporary pool is above this elevation. Pod overflow is piped to Bald Head Island Marina, SC Waters
r bHrr4:
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�uu^(pp AUG 15 23107
PROJ If DWO HV EaBtem Basin Lots Narrative
SW8-971223 Mod Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit Bruce Marek, P.E.
Project: Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots P.O. Box 3069
Client: Bald Head Island Limited, LLC Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Location: Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC 8/142007
Attachment to SWU-104 Low Density Supplement
SA Site Area = 133746 sf = DA#2
DF Density Factor = 0.25 (=1998 Unchanged SA Low Density Permit DF)
RA Road Area = 0 sf
OA Other Area = 0 sf
No. Lots 28 that drain to DA#2 (includes 1 lot each for lot 3A & 38)
Calculation: For irregular st alifthaped loft: Drainage Area Allowable BUA - (SA'DF) - RA-OA = 33436 at
DA#2 DA#2
1 A 0 sf 18 922 at
111 0 sf 19 963 sf
2 0 sf 21 666 sf
3A 430 sf 22 0 sf
3B 3300 sf 23 1613 sf
5 1610 sf 24 962 sf
6 0 sf 25 962 at
7 1237 sf 26 990 sf
8 1875 sf 27 1239 sf
9 903 sf 28 1138 at
10 910 sf 29 788 sf
11 628 sf 30 1138 sf
12 690 sf 31 813 sf
13 690 sf 86 495 sf
14 690 sf 87 594 sf
15 1435 sf
16 936 sf
17 613 sf
SUBTOTALS: 15947 sf 13283 sf
Area Draining To Low Density = DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4 133745 sf 3.07 acres
Per Cent Impervious 21.86%
Changes from 1998 Permit. Note: Low Density Area DA#2 Impervious did not change except for Lot 3A, 3B Split
Lot 1 Harbor Village was split into lots 1A & 1B for construction of a Duplex. Lot was/is 100% impervious, None in DA#2.
Lot 3 Harbor Village was split into lots 3A & 38 for construction of a Duplex. DA#2 impervious has been split to numbers shown..
Lot 86 Harbor Village was was enlarged after addition of new bulkhead along Coastal Wetland Line. No change in DA#2 Impervious.
( 1200 sf impervious area was added to the high density (pond) portion of the lot.)
Lot 86 Harbor Village was was enlarged after addition of new bulkhead along Coastal Weiland Line. No change in DA#2 Impervious.
(1000 at impervious area was added to the high dens' (pond) portion of the lot.)
f1E C E I V ED
IunU� AUS 15.2007
HV East Basin Lots for SWU-104
del L.:9r '"a
is A'
1 %084 g;
SW8-971223 Mod
Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island, NC 28403
Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
Summary of Impervious Area: 1998 Permit Conditions
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5
289834 sf
6.65 acres
Area Draining To Low Density = DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88Ad
133745 sf
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
423579 sf
9.72 acres
Summary of Bulk Upon Areas: 1998 Permit
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 (SC)
Drainage Area #2 (SA)
Arm of acres
Area sf
Area sf
55557 sf 1.28 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
84787 sf
1.95 acres
Bldgs (Marina Front)
15337 sf 0.35 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
15337 sf
0.35 acres
10679 sf 0.25 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
10679 sf
0.25 acres
57128 sf 1.31 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
57128 sf
1.31 acres
48000 sf 1.10 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
48000 sf
1.10 acres
186701 sf 4.29 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
216931 at
4.96 acres
Summary of Impervious Area: Aug 2007 Permit Modification/Update
Area Draining To Pond = DA#1:
SC Waters- Bald Head Island Marina 18-88-8-5
303613 sf
6.97 acres
Area Draining To Low Dens' = DA#2: SA Waters - Bald Head Creek 18-88-8-4
133745 sf
3.07 acres
Total Project Area
437368 sf
10.04 acres
Areas Draining to Pond
Areas Draining to Low Density
Drainage Area #1 SC
Drainage Area #2 SA
Area all acres
Area sf
Area sf
Lots (HVI41)
57757 sf 1.33 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
86987 at
2.00 acres
Bldgs (Marina Front
12200 sf 0.28 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
12200 sf
0.28 acres
Tent Site OM2 BUA*
11760 sf 0.27 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
11760 sf
0.27 acres
Future: OM1, OM3
33000 at 0.76 acres
0 sf
0.00 acres
33000 sf
0.76 acres
Future: OM 4A,413 (5657
5557 sf 0.13 acres
0 sf
0.00 apes
5557 sf
0.13 acres
Subtotal BUA
120274 sf 2.76 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
149504 sf
3.43 acres
120274 sf 2.76 apes
29230 sf
0.67 acres
149504 sf
3.43 acres
Streets: Pavement
53143 sf 1.22 acres
0 sf
0.00 apes
53143 sf
1.22 acres
Parking: Pavement"
4592 sf 0.11 apes
0 sf
0.00 apes
4592 sf
0.11 acres
Parking: Brick ^
12408 sf 0.28 apes
0 sf
0.00 acres
12408 sf
0.28 acres
13068 sf 0.30 acres
0 sf
0.00 apes -
13068 sf
0.30 acres
Impervious Totals
203485 sf 4.67 acres
87590 sf
0.67 acres
232715 sf
5.34 acres
'Tent Site BUA does not include the loop road 7175 sf or its two 84'x14' cart parking = 2352 sf areas. They are now in streets & parking.
-Developer may at a future date re -do existing parking as pervious paverafturfstone per Chapter 18 of BMP Manual for area credit.
rer1��p999 rnsl►yr,
nE C E 9 V ED
Iu�Su AUG 15 2007 HV Eastern Basin Lots -Summary
SW8-971223 Mod Modification to June 2, 1998 NCDENR Stormater Permit Bruce Marek, P.E.
Project: Harbor Village Eastern Basin Lots
P.O. Box 3069
Client: Bald Head Island Limited, LLC
Bald Head Island,
NC 28403
Location: Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, NC
1 A 3242 sf 3242 sf 0 sf 18
2060 sf
1138 sf
922 sf
1 B 2881 sf 2881 sf 0 sf 19
2165 sf
1202 sf
963 sf
2 4150 sf 4150 sf 0 sf 21
4315 sf
3649 sf
666 sf
3A 3584 sf 3164 sf 430 sf 22
2745 sf
2745 sf
0 sf
3B 4650 sf 1350 sf 3300 sf 23
3130 sf
1517 sf
1613 sf
5 3030 sf 1420 sf 1610 sf 24
2165 sf
1203 sf
962 sf
6 2885 sf 2885 sf 0 sf 25
2165 sf
1203 sf
962 sf
7 2715 sf 1478 sf 1237 sf 26
1835 sf
845 sf
990 sf
8 4005 sf 2130 sf 1875 sf 27
2620 sf
1381 sf
1239 sf
9 2120 sf 1217 sf 903 sf 28
2515 sf
1377 sf
1138 sf
10 3290 sf 2380 sf 910 sf 29
1815 sf
1027 sf
788 sf
11 1520 sf 892 sf 628 sf 30
2515 sf
1377 sf
1138 sf
12 1615 sf 925 sf 690 sf 31
1865 sf
1052 sf
813 sf
13 1615 sf 925 sf 690 sf 86
3000 sf
2505 sf
495 sf
14 1615 sf 925 sf 690 sf 87
3000 sf
2406 sf
594 sf
15 2985 sf 1550 sf 1435 sf
16 1710 sf 774 sf 936 sf
17 1465 sf 852 sf 613 sf
SUBTOTALS: 49077 sf 33130 sf 15947 sf
37910 sf
24627 sf
13283 sf
57757 sf
1.33 acres
29230 sf
0.67 acres
86987 sf
2.00 acres
1998 Permit Original Numbers that have changed above. Changes shown
above in bold.
HV1 6123 sf 6123 sf 0 sf -
HV3 8235 sf 4504 sf 3730 sf
HV86 1800 sf 1305 sf 495 sf
HV87 2000 sf 1406 sf 594 sf
Note: this is an increase of 2200 sf impervious in DA#1 (draining to the pond)
Notes: Lot 1 Harbor Village was split into lots 1A & 1 B for construction of a Duplex. Lot was/is 100% impervious.
Lot 3 Harbor Village was split into lots 3A & 3B for construction of a Duplex. 100% Lot impervious has been
Lot 86 Harbor Village was was enlarged after addition of new bulkhead along Coastal Wetland Line
and 1200 sf impervious area added to the high density (pond) portion of the lot.
Lot 86 Harbor Village was was enlarged after addition of new bulkhead along Coastal Wetland Line
and 1000 sf impervious area added to the high density (pond) portion of the lot.
aD E C E ' " ED
AUG 15 2007
PROJ #-- — — —"��—
HV East Basin Lots - Lots
BHI Sheds
Subject: BHI Sheds
From: "Bruce Marek" <marekyd@ec.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:35:02 -0400
To: "Heather Coats" <heather.coats@ncmail.net>, "Linda Lewis" <Iinda.lewis@ncmail.net>
CC: "Jim Henry" <jhenry@bhisland.com>, "Bruce Marek-Island" <bmarek@bhisland.com>, "Marek Yacht &
Design" <marekyd@ec.rr.com>
Good talking to both of you this morning. Quick summaty since Linda said that she doesn't care about "temporary"
sheds built within allowable bua. 7
The 4 Shoals Club sheds, the 2 tent site sheds, and the 1 shed at the ferry depot fall into this category. All are 12'02' or
Two of the Shoals club sheds fall in the footprint of the 3000 sf future Pavilion Expansion in basin 3 of sheet Rec 3A
SW8-980920 Mod. The other 2 Shoals club sheds are in the foortprint for a 20'x20' future storage building in basin 4. ,
The Ferry depot shed, also temporary, is in the permitted footprint of the future Transpo World/Baggage Claim building.
The two tent site sheds (Harbor Village East Basin Lots SW8-971223) are also temporary, and will be replaced when we
build our major retail building and/or replace the tent with a real building. We already have designs for both big
buildings, but they are not in this year's budget.
The 2 sailing club sheds are more of a permanent item, but still 12'x12' in size, plus say 312 sf of pavers = 600 sf total
area. These are also in Harbor Village East Basin Lots, (SW8-971223) on the strip of 20'x20'+/- "postage stamp" lots
that are permitted at 100% impervious. See attached pdf where CAMA last year referenced Linda saying we could self
track our impervious. There should be an April 19, 2006 Linda Lewis e-mail that allowed this, but mine has long since
been purged from my computers. Hopefully the CAMA letter is enough for us to move ahead on the Sailing Club Sheds,
and we will later in the year update what has been built. This is in lieu of submitting a plan revision, as we are still
30%+/- under our permitted bua for the area.
I will submit a letter of continuance to Heather this week for my MOV for my 410+/- sf impervious inside the marina AEC
asking to wait until Stormwater Permit gets issued with our July 30,2007 Bald Head Island Landing Submittal. Thus no
response from Linda will be needed at this time.
Thanks again for taking time to talk to me today.
Bruce Marek, P.E.
Content -Type: application/pdf
SW8-971223 - CAMA 191-86 5-2-06 Letter re Keelson Row Impervious.pdf Content -Encoding: base64
1 of 1 7/11/2007 1:27 PM
Pagel of 3
Bruce Marek
From: "Bruce Marek" <marekyd@ec.rr.com>
To: "Linda Lewis" <linda.lewis@ncmail.net>
Cc: "Jim Henry" <jhenry@bhisland.com>; "Marek Yacht & Design" <marekyd@ec.rr.com>; "Bruce
Marek-Island" <bmarek@bhisland. com> r.nlffC
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 7:37 AM
Subject: BHI Projects 1 0 3 2007
Good Morning Linda,
Here is the summary of the BHI Stormwater Projects/Issues as I see them. They are not necessarily in order of
1. Sheds: I now have 4 CAMA letter of refinement requests in for a total of nine 12'x12' roofed area sheds. Two
of the CAMA requests also include 312 sf of pavers/pavement as lead in to the sheds. All are covered by existing
permits, and are located either in the footprint of permitted future building pads, or are in areas that have
allowable impervious still available. For CAMA purposes I also call the sheds 10'x11' building footprint, as this
Qyields the 12'x12' size with front & back 1' overhangs, and 6" end overhangs.
q6/15/07 CAMA 199-87 Letter of Refinement request for 4 sheds at the Shoals Club, Cape Fear Station SW8-
920Mod. This is from sheet Rec3A of the 3/16/06 approved Stormwater set. When CAMA did their
acceptance of the Stormwater plans, they specifically wrote in the letter of refinement that details had to be
provided for any new buildings at the Shoals Club site, since we had stormwater permitted 3 building
addtions/expansions, a (lookout) tower, and a 20'x20' storage shed. These were in areas of small and large
structure setbacks from the Ocean Hazard AEC.
What really is needed is two of the sheds at the end of the driveway in the future 3000 sf (50'x60') building
building pad in Basin B3. These are needed to store tables, chairs, etc.
288 sf for two sheds seems a reasonable request for where we are permitted for 3000 sf of impervious. In basin
B4, we already have impervious permitted for a 20'x20' shed. We are finding that the 12'x12' sheds are easier to
build on the island. Here again, 288 sf is less than the 400 sf permitted.
It is possible that we will decide to only build the two at the top of the driveway in basin 3, and then if/when we
build the 3000 sf expansion of the Shoals Club Pavillion, we relocate the sheds to the Basin 4 location.
Preferably you will concur that the 4 sheds are on permitted impervious, and then this becomes a CAMA L.O.R.
issue. If plan revision is required, which probably wouldn't be scheduled until after the end of the summer season
or first hurricane, then we would accept it if we could only do one shed in basin 3, and one shed in basin 4 now.
P1b Two Sailing Club Sheds on Keelson Row SWS-971223 CAMA 191-86 L.O.R. request date July 2, 2007.
ast April 19 (2006) you responded tome by e-mail that for the Harbour Village East Basin Lots we could self
track our impervious for the postage stamp lots along the marina. This was referenced into our May 2, 2006
CAMA L.O.R for "Harbour Side at Keelson Row" . Only 9609 sf of the permitted 15337 sf have been committed.
With the 2 sheds plus 312 sf of pavers, we are looking at 600 sf of impervious, still leaving over 5000 sf
unused/undesignated. Perhaps you can reiterate to CAMA that everything doesn't need to be run by you. We
are well capable of watching/tracking our impervious amounts.
e 1c Two Tent Site Sheds on Keelson Row SW8-971223. CAMA 191-86 L.O.R. request date July 2, 2007. Same
quest as 1 b, but on the other side of the street, and outside of the 75' AEC. Not sure if CAMA will question
these, but the area is in Permit 191-86. These sheds plus 312 sf of pavers/pavement = 600. sf. The general
tentsite area had an original allowable from the 1997 Klein drawing/permit of 48000 sf impervious. We are much,
much lower than that at this time. I don't have that drawing at home to do an accurate accounting, but we haven't
yer built the big retail building that we considered in the original permit.
1 One shed at the Ferry Landing Depot. CAMA 172-87 L.O.R. Request. SW8-940918 Mod. We already have
_Vxl� CAMA permitted sheds in the footprint of the future 1792 sf (24'x56') Transpo World/Baggage Claim building
Page 2 of 3
near the marina entrance. These are used for UPS, lost bags, generator storage, etc. We need an additional one
for the increased storage needs this season.
Hopefully you can provide one answer for all of the shed issues, so that it doesn't bog down the system. These
sheds are small enough that the building department doesn't even require building permits. .
2. CAMA Notice of Violation #0748D for Development inside of the AEC along Marina Wynd.
I will have a copy of my response to CAMA/Heather Coats dropped off at your office today, as I am required to
contact you per the NOV. When we couldn't achieve a timely impervious swap solution for the 1500 sf to 2000 sf
of widening that we proposed for a CAMA Letter of Refinement to #172-87, after discussions with Jim Gregson
we approached the project from a standpoint of staying outside of the 75' AEC. We felt that we could do this
without much modification to what we originally proposed as our paving limits. Outside of the AEC, they no longer
would ask for stormwater concurranoe. Without a need for a CAMA Permit, and at approximately 2000 sf of new
pavement, we weren't into requiring sediment and erosion or stormwater permits either. Unfortunately, we ended
up placing gravel/pavement inside of the 75' AEC in two small areas, one of 230 sf, the other 180 sf.
The 230 sf area is where I didn't use the southeastern comer of the barge landing ramp as my measurement
point, which is where Heather & Ed Brooks measured from. In my mind and on my drawing that I used to confirm
being outside of the 75' AEC, the hydraulic barge ramp wasn't the marina comer. I don't think it fits the "float a
canoe" designation for navigable waters, but I don't have any reason to contest either the point that the CAMA
reps used.
That leaves me with 180 sf of "development" at the corner/ intersection of Keelson Row with Marina Wynd. The
shift to staying outside of the AEC meant that we were better off the closer we wnt to the marsh, rather than
closer to the marina. Marks that I had on the ground from when I was still hoping for an impervious surface swap
were used for the clearing. This was mostly fine, except where we faired back into the curbline at Keelson Row.
I thought that CAMA would set flags, I would draw a corner radius prior to paving, remove any nonconforming
base material, and we were done with a "clean project'. CAMA however, considered the grading and placement
of gravel as new "development", so correction at paving time was already too late.
I guess first question is, if it was only 410 sf of impervious, and I did it was all directly behind Eb & Flo's, would
there have been a way to work out an "impervious swap" deal, knowing that we have an upcoming July 30
stormwater review date to actually permit this area?
Second, which CAMA wants to know, is this area permitable for StormwateR I assume the answer is yes, and
we have already taken steps to submit it. Once permitted, then they will/may issue my L.O.R. rather than
requiring me to tear out such minor asphalt amount.
Third, if not, we stand ready to tear out asphalt, remove rock, and to restore area to prior sand condition
I believe CAMA needs some sort of official answer on this.
3. SW8-970625 North Bulkhead Lots. BHI Planning just got a renewal notice for this stormwater permit, for a
$420 fee, and prior to 180 days prior to permit expiration date of August 2007. Hard to do an 180 day prior
renewal when notice arrives at end of June. Do we need to do anything to rush this? I don't remember getting
renewal notices on our 19 other permits, is this something new?
4.SW8-010215 Mod Service Village Low Density. This had an express plan revision December of 2006. Permit
came back with a wrong owner name, i.e. not the correct wording for BHI Limited, LLC (with BHI spelled out). We
asked for this to be corrected, and at the same time I wanted to revise two impervious numbers, since our
architects drew bigger builings than I originally thought. I gave three revised drawings to Cameron Weaver, and
he wasn't sure if we would be charged another full $2000 express fee, an express $1000 revision fee, or just the
$400 std fee. I have not heard anything back, and we may start construction this fall. Can you tell us what we
have to do?
5. Pervious Pavers. I still have a request in for Express Review if possible to get a one page letter or less that we
can add into all of our covenents that use of pervious pavers/pavement per state guidelines will be�@Iowed the
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Page 3 of 3
area credit as laid out in the state stormwater BMP manual. Is this possible yet?
Enough for this morning. I will need express plan revision dates for Cape Fear Statiopn SW8-980920 Mod for
three or four sheets of the 40 sheet set sometime in August, as well as another plan revision to SW8-971223
Harbour Village East Basin Lots (unless that happens in conjunction with the BHI Landing review that was putting
most of the area into SW8-940918 Ferry Landing Depot, but a corner by my Keelson Row/Maritime Way corner
into 971223. Fo I need to involve Cameron Weaver, or for Express Stormwater do I go directly to you now?
Thanks, and have a great day!
Bruce Marek, P.E.
for BHI Planning
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� 0 1, t I - - * I
Bruce Marek, P.E.
P. O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
July 2, 2007
Ms. Heather Coats
NCDENR Division of Coastal Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: Letter of Refinement for CAMA Permit # 172-87 Bald Head Island "Marina Development" Request
for Permission to build/add Storage Shed at BHI Ferry Depot
Dear Ms. Coats:
Enclosed are 5 copies of 8.5"xil" drawing dated & sealed 7-2-2007 in support of this Letter of
Refinement request for Bald Head Island Limited, LLC CAMA Permit 172-87. The desire is to add one
approximate 12'xl2' storage shed at the BHI Ferry Depot. The location for this shed is near the marina
channel entrance, adjacent to the three existing Baggage Claim, UPS and Depot Maintenance
storage sheds. This is in the already permitted 24'x56' footprint of the 1792 sf future Tram Handler/
Baggage Claim Building. The L.O.R. request is also for the addition of wood boardwalk/ramp to allow
easy access to the new shed from the existing concrete sidewalk, to match what was done at the
other three sheds. If this does not require a Letter of Refinement, please let me know so that
construction can commence on a timely basis.
This area is covered by State High Density Stormwater Permit #SW8-940918 Ferry Landing Depot. Last
year, in conjunction with a stormwater plan update/revision to Harbor Village East Basin' Lots SW8-
971223, Linda Lewis of DWQ Stormwater agreed per e-mail dated 4/19/06 that Bald Head Island
Limited could/should self track itself on its stormwater impervious amounts. I believe this e-mail was
then referenced into the CAMA Letter of Refinement for Keelson Row Harbour Side Lots submitted last
April 20 (2006). Since this project falls under a different stormwater permit, I don't know if she will give
us the some liberty, but I also can't see where she wouldn't allow a total of approximately 576 sf of
bua where 1792 sf is already permitted.
If you have any'questions and/or comments, please call me at 910-799-9245 or cell 910-228-2484.
Please have a copy of the Letter of Refinement faxed to 910-457-7463. Thanking you in advance for
kind attention to this matter.
A o
Bruce Marek, P.E. k ✓` Tr'' :a °`\P�`�'y
For Bald Head Island Limited
cc: Jim Henry, Director, BHI Planning & Development; M. Kent Mitchell, CEO
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Bruce Marek, P.E.
P. O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
July 2, 2007
Ms. Heather Coats
NCDENR Division of Coastal Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: Letter of Refinement for CAMA Permit #191-86 Bald Head Island "Harbour Village Development"
Request for Permission to build Two Storage Sheds at Tent Site ,
Dear Ms. Coats:
Enclosed are 5 copies of 8.5"xl1" drawing dated & sealed 7-2-2007 in support of this Letter of
Refinement request for Bald Head Island Limited, LLC CAMA Permit 191-86. The desire is to build two
small I Vx10' storage sheds (I2'x12' roofline) at the Keelson Row Tentsite. The locations for these two
sheds are outside of the 75' BHI Marina Estuarine AEC. If they do not require a Letter of Refinement,
please let me know so that construction can commence on a timely basis.
This area is covered by State Stormwater Permit #SW8-971223 Harbour Village East Basin Lots. tent,,
site area is part of the 1997 permit 48,000 sf "Future" impervious surface. See attached sheet 3 of DWQ
Project Data Sheet. Last year, in conjunction with other construction along both sides of Keelson Row,
Linda Lewis of DWQ Stormwater completed a stormwater plan update orl April 12, 2006. Ms. Lewis
agreed per e-mail dated 4/19/06 that Bald Head Island Limited could/should self track itself on its
stormwater impervious amounts. This e-mail was then referenced into the CAMA Letter of Refinement
Keelson Row Harbour Side Lots dated May 2, 2006 with the wording "applicant need not obtain
additional (stormwoter) authorization for the units provided that they were consistent with their allotted
built upon area".
Much of the 48,000 sf still remains available, as the grassed area south of the tent has not yet been
built upon. The two sheds at 144 sf each, plus say 312 sf of impervious pavers or concrete for walkways
to the sheds, total just 600 sf of new development. Please note that we may use some sort of pervious
paver system, which is allowed a credit on how stormwater area is calculated. However, being many
square feet shy of what is permitted, I won't go into a detailed analysis unless/until necessary.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please call me at 910-799-9245 or cell 910-228-2484.
Please have a copy -of the Letter of Refinement faxed to 910-457-7463, Thanking you in advance for
kind attention to this matter.
Bruce Marek, P.E.
For Bald Head Island Limit ecf� ;, ? S '` j .�"'�
cc: Jim Henry, Director, BHI Planning & Development: M. Kent Mitchell, CEO
JUL 0 2 2007
P.O.BOX 3069
NC 28461
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Bruce Marek, P.E.
P. O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
July 2, 2007
Ms. Heather Coats
NCDENR Division of Coastal Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: Letter of Refinement Request for CAMA Permit #191-86 Bold Head Island "Harbour Village
Development" Request for Permission to build Two 12'x12' Storage Sheds at Sailing Club Site
Dear Ms. Coats:
Enclosed are 5 copies of 8.5"xlI" drawing dated & sealed 7-2-2007 in support of this Letter of
Refinement request for Bald Head Island Limited, LLC CAMA Permit 191-86. The desire is to build two
small I I'x10' storage sheds (I2'xl2' roofline) with a courtyard of brick pavers in between, on the
previously permitted (in 1997) impervious areas adjacent to the east side of the Bald Head Island
Marina Basin along Keelson Row. The locations for these two sheds are between the Sailing Club
Clubhouse approved by Letter of Refinement dated April 5, 2006, and the Marina Bath House
approved by Letter of Refinement dated December 27, 2000. On my April 20, 2006 "Keelson Row
Harbour Side Lots" CAMA Letter of Refinement Drawing Cl, the new shed positions are between
roofed areas A (Sailing Club) and B (Gazeebo).
This area is covered by State Stormwater Permit #SW8_971223 Harbour Village East Basin Lots. The
sheds are part of the 26,016 sf Building & Sidewalk permitted area. See attached sheet 3 of DWQ
Project Data Sheet. Last year, in conjunction with other construction along both sides of Keelson Row,
Linda Lewis of DWQ Stormwater completed a stormwater plan revision on April 12, 2006. Ms. Lewis
agreed per e-mail dated 4/19/06 that Bald Head Island Limited could/should self track itself on its
Stormwater impervious amounts. This e-mail was then referenced into the CAMA Letter of Refinement
Keelson Row Harbour Side Lots dated May 2, 2006 with the wording "applicant need not obtain
additional authorization for the units provided that they were consistent with their allotted built upon
As previously determined last year, sidewalks equaled approximately 10,679 sf, leaving 15,337 sf
available built upon area between the marina wall and the sidewalk. From the accounting on the
Keelson Row Harbour Side Lots CAMA drawing, 9,609 sf of bua was proposed/ approved in this area,
leaving over 5700 sf still available. The two sheds at 144 sf each, plus say 312 sf of impervious pavers in
between, total 600 sf of new development. Please note that we may use some sort of pervious paver
system, which is allowed a credit on how stormwater area is calculated. However, still having 5000 sf
of what is permitted available, I won't go into a detailed analysis unless/until necessary. Note also that
items B,C,D, & M from the April 20, 2006 Cl drawing have not yet been constructed.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please call me at 910-799-9245 or cell 910-228-2484.
Please have a copy of the Letter of Refinement faxed to 910-457-7463. Thanking you in advance for
kind attention to this matter. < �f14 \HnCA�C'
Bruce Marek, P.E. SEtI�
For Bald Head Island Limited 15634
Enclosures r '°• ° aQQa' 'ZI
cc: Jim Henry, Director, BHI Planning & Develcpment:UM_Kerif M1t&e11, CEO
P.O.BOX 3069
NC 28461
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Bruce Marek, P.E.
5489 Eastwind Rd
Wilmington, NC 28403
July 2, 2007
Ms. Heather Coats
NCDENR Division of Coastal Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: Notice of Violation #07-48D for Development (Road Widening Work) inside of 75' AEC Buffer along
Marina Wynd near SE Corner of Marina, Bald Head Island, NC
Dear Ms. Coats:
Enclosed are 5 copies of an 8.5"xl1" drawing/supporting documentation in reply to the above
referenced incident. The road widening was along a 350 linear ft section of roadway that existed pre
1985 near the marina barge landing/barge staging area/Eb & Flo's Restaurant. The roadway
widening was intended to be in full compliance with CAMA requirements. The semi-annual paving
week on Bald Head Island arrived without my being able to negotiate an impervious area swap from
the Stormwater Division for the 1500 sf to 2000 if of desired road widening. I had been trying since
March 6, 2007 to include this work as a Minor Mod or Letter of Refinement to BHI Marina Development
CAMA Permit 172-87.
We rescheduled the widening to be the lost of the island paving projects in order to find a suitable
solution. After phone conversations with Jim Gregson on June 41h & June 61h, our approach shifted to
doing the widening totally outside of the 75' Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) contiguous with
Bald Head Island Marina. This solution would not require a CAMA permit, permit modification or letter
of refinement. Without the CAMA permit requirement, then Stormwater concurrence for this pre-
existing area was not required, since less than 1 acre was being disturbed. In fact, with the 1500+/- sq
ft of impervious gravel "development" we had already removed from the truck parking lot in
anticipation of an impervious swap; 250+/- sq ft of asphalt "development" removed near Eb & Flo's
within the AEC, and another approximate 350 sq it of asphalt planned to be removed for
planters/swales, we were looking at a net no change in impervious "development". Subsequent to
the phone conversation with Mr. Gregson on June 6th , we firmed up the scheduled for paving outside
of the AEC for Friday, June 8rh. Jim indicated that you and Ed Brooks were on the island, and he
called to have you do an official measurement.
As you and Mr. Ed Brooks found on your site visit on June 71h, two areas of what was supposed to
outside of the 75' AEC, had marl (gravel) that was inside of the 75' AEC. Visually, your June 7rh
inspection/measurements of the prior day's grading/installation of marl base may have missed that
existing pavement that had been damaged during the installation of tiebacks and allowed backfill of
the creekside bulkhead under Bulkhead General Permit #40454 had already been "peeled". This was
to allow the full 8' width usage of the asphalt paving machine on the shoulder widening. At the
southwest end of the paving where it ties into the existing pavement, the new asphalt is totally an
overlay of the original road. From surveyor data points taken pre and post asphalt paving, these areas
totaled approximately 230 sq It and 180 sq It of impervious pavement addition inside of the 75' AEC.
Please see the drawing showing the 2827 sq ft of asphalt pavement, of which 2060 sq ft was actual
road widening, Area 1 (230 sf) and Area 2 (180 sf).
The Area 1 infringement occurred when I took my 75' AEC radius (on a drawing), from the southeast
corner of the open water portion of the barge landing, rather than from the southeast comer of the
steel barge ramp that you measured from. In my mind, that portion of existing road edge was already
beyond the 75' AEC, and I didn't think otherwise about it. From the CAMA Website talking about
Public Trust Waters and Estuarine Shorelines, it defines navigable waters as those able to float a canoe.
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Since you couldn't get a canoe in the barge ramp area without getting it crushed, I thought I had
reasonably established Area 1 as outside of the marina AEC. The somewhat trapezoidal shape using
your measurement point yielded impervious surface that is 58' long by 5' max width in the AEC. This
can be trimmed out if required. Express Stormwater, CAMA and Sediment & Erosion Permit dates have
already been requested for "Bald Head Island Landing" which encompasses 10 acres from the marina
extending out to the Village owned right of ways of North Bald Head Wynd and West Bald Head
Wynd. Stormwoter review is scheduled for July 30, 2007, at which point I anticipate gaining approvals
for all of the planned impervious in the 10+ acre area.
Area 2 is at the tie in of Marina Wynd to Keelson Row. The original existing pavement had a 40'
outside radius. An approximate 75' outside tangent -tangent radius can tie the existing Keelson Row
curb line into the outside of 75' AEC pavement widening with no infringement into the AEC zone. I
already had some marks on the ground from when 1 was more worried about getting to close to the
marsh, rather than keeping outside of the 75' radius from the Keelson Row corner of the marina. I
thought that you and Mr. Brooks would place some CAMA flags, and then on the Friday morning I
would strike a curve that kept pavement outside of the 75', but nicely "fairing in" to the existing
Keelson Row curbline. In my phone conversations with both you and Ed Brooks that Friday, I was
informed that the placing of the gravel (impervious), not the final placement of asphalt, was
considered new development which triggered this NOV. By that point I couldn't undo the gravel
placement, although I did, and still offer to cut back this corner curve to the 75' tangent -tangent
radius and remove the offending impervious surface. As a side note, 40 sq ft of the 180 sf of
pavement is actually covered by stormwater permit #SW8-971223 for Harbor Village East Basin Lots, for
which a considerable amount of impervious surface allocation is still available.
The developer, Mr. Kent Mitchell, is one of the, if not the most environmentally sensitive developer in
the state. He will dictate changing a road or relocating a house on a site plan in order to save a tree.
He has promoted the golf cart only image of the island, which allows for a lot narrower roads on the
island. The standard for a two lane primary road is only 14' of paved width, which is only 2' wider than
one lane of traffic on the mainland. He allowed the creation/purchase by the state to preserve 200
prime acres of Maritime Forest. Bald Head Island could have been a totally different place if the
Mitchell Family had gone for a Myrtle Beach Style Development rather than what you see today.
For a bit of history, On March 6, 2007 1 had first submitted a Letter of Refinement Request which
included the proposed roadway widening and the bulkhead boardwalk under CAMA Permit # 177-87.
Permit #177-87 includes the marina development, slip layouts, and the development in the Area of
Environmental Concern (AEC) along the South and West sides of the Marina. The Eb & Flo's restaurant
and surrounding area is part of this permit, but had its beginnings as a 1986 Letter of Refinement to
Permit #22-74, which was the original marina development permit. In 1991, #22-74 was merged into
Permit # 177-87 by CAMA request. The Mitchell's had purchased "the island" in 1983
Your office asked us to get Stormwater concurrence allowing the additional pavement, originally
figured at approximately 2000 sf, and to change our application to a minor modification. I proposed
an impervious area swap to Paul Bartlett and Linda Lewis for a like amount of gravel parking lot to be
removed for a net no change in impervious area. Impervious area swaps had been granted in the
past for minor additions/renovations of the restaurant.
Linda Lewis replied to my e-mail request on April 9, 2007 saying that we would need to do a
Stormwater Plan Revision. April 9 was 4 days after my quadruple bypass surgery. When I finally got
back to reading my e-mails, (with blurry vision from all of my medications) I glanced at her response
but forgot that I had gotten a response. I also got a new computer, with a larger monitor, and when I
changed over, my old e-mails were left behind on my laptop. I continued to e-mail to follow up on my
swap request, and on May 30 Linda re -sent her April 9t^ e-mail. I also discovered that the State e-mail
system will sometimes cause a -mails with the Bald Head Island name in the heading bar to not get
delivered. I had lost valuable time in my search for a solution. May 30 did not allow me time to do a
plan revision, especially since there wasn't a stormwater permit for this end of the marina in existence.
If I had come upon the approach of widening the road outside of the AEC sooner, and if I had time to
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digest that 410 sq ft might be inside of the AEC, perhaps I could have more readily done a stormwater
"swap" for 410 sq ft of existing impervious surface directly behind Eb & Flo's. When you are only 25'
away, that is more direct than the truck parking area 400' away
As mentioned in prior paragraphs, if it is, deemed necessary, considering the upcoming stormwater
permit submittal which would allow concurrence for impervious "development", we could/would
remove and restore the 230 sq ft and the 180 sq it intrusions into the AEC. Reading further from the
CAMA Website, our intrusion probably lessened the chance for siltation by correcting awkward road
alignment forced by the constraints of the marina and the marsh. The Keelson Row curve had been
often overrun by trucks (including the Village Fire Truck & Waste Industries Garbage Truck) while
negotiating the original road width. Taking out the 410 sq ft of impervious, even if restored to natural
sand/love grass, might be no better for the environment than the actual paving. Keeping Public
Safety in mind, the widened road is more user friendly for the citizens of the state, whether tourists,
vacationers, or year round residents.
I submit this reply with regrets that I was unable to stay out of the marina AEC with new "development"
or to timely to have been able to properly permit what did end up in the AEC. With completion of this
letter, I will be following up with Linda Lewis of DWQ, and also making the required mail notification to
the adjacent property owners, who I have already verbally communicated with. If you have any
questions and/or comments, please call me at 910-799-9245, 910-457-7517 or cell 910-228-2484.
Thanking you in advance for kind attentiot%jo this matter.
Bruce Marek, P.E.
For Bald Head Island Limited
ti L'/i�?L7,�yi
Jim Henry, Director, BHI Planning & Development; M. Kent Mitchell, CEO
Linda Lewis, DWQ
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Coastal Management
Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
May 2, 2006
Bald Head Island Limited li� ���
C/o Jim Henry 0/
Post Office Box 3069
Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461
Dear Mr. Henry:
This is with reference to your request to modify State Permit /f 191-86, which was renewed on 9/2/05 and expires
on 8/31/07. The action proposed in your submittal is the construction of "Harbour Side at Keelson Row",
adjacent to the east side of the Bald Head Island Marina Basin. The proposed project area was included as
impervious area in the existing stormwater plan (#SW8 971223) that was approved by the NC Division of Water
Quality. The submitted drawing depicts the final dimensions and detail of the proposed construction for the
remaining units (A-M) located adjacent to the east side of the Bald Head Island marina basin, off the Cape Fear
River, in Brunswick County.
Upon reviewing the submittal and conferring with Doug Huggett, Major Permits Section, I have determined
that the proposed action is consistent with existing State rules and regulations and is in keeping with the
original purpose and intent of the permit. I hereby submit this Letter of Refinement authorizing the
modification of State Permit X 191-86, as described in your letter and plans dated 4/20/06, and received in
our office on 4/20/06. On 4/12/06, the NC Division of Water Quality, Stormwater Section approved a Plan
Revision (SW8 971223) for two of the above referenced units and stated that the applicant need not obtain
additional authorization for the remaining units provided that they were consistent with their allotted built -
upon area. By copy of this letter we are also notifying the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers of our action.
If you have any questions concerning the above or if I can be of any other assistance, please advise.
Sincerely, f
James . Gregson
District Manager
cc: Doug Huggett, DCM
O'Brien/McCall, LPO
Henry Wicker, COE
Linda Lewis, DWQ,
127 CardinalDrive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845
Phone: 910-796-7215\Fax: 910-350-2004 \ nccoastalmanage ment.net
An Equal Opportunity \Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \10% Post Consumer Paper
Bruce Marek, P.E.
P. O. Box 3069
Bald Head Island, NC 28461
Ph:910-457-7517 Fax:910-457-7463
April 20, 2006
Mr. Ed Brooks
NCDENR Division of Coastal Management
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Re: CAMA Permit#191-86 Letter of Refinement Request for "Harbourside at Keelson Row" a
comprehensive site plan for the previously Permitted Marina Basin "Postage Stamp Lots" adjacent to
East Side of the Bald Head Island Marina Basin
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Enclosed, please find five copies of drawing C1 dated 4-20-06 for "Harbourside at Keelson Row" on
the previously permitted impervious areas adjacent to the east side of the Bald Head Island Marina
Basin along Keelson Row. This project is similar to the one approved by Letter of Refinement to Permit
191-86 dated December 27, 2000 for the Marina Bath House and Letters of Refinement dated April 5,
2006 for the Star -Moon Unit and the Sailing Club Complex. In light of these recent LOR's, Bald head
Island Limited's Planning Department had a design meeting to finalize the entire 20'+/- strip.
Site drainage is to Keelson Row, and through catch basins/storm piping to the pond at the Tent Site.
Linda Lewis of DWQ Stormwater completed a stormwater plan update on April 12, 2006. The update
included the above mentioned units, whose impervious surfaces were subtracted from the bua
allotment of 15,337 st as approved/permitted based on the original 1997 SW8-971223 Klein Engineering
drawings. Ms. Lewis has agreed per e-mail dated 4/19/06 that Bald Head Island Limited (with the
helpful assistance of the Village of Bald Head Island Building Department) will keep an accounting of
the impervious area. A tally is included on the Letter of Refinement drawing.
If you agree that this drawing is consistent with Permit 191-86, a timely Letter of Refinement will help us
meet Village of Bald Head Island Building Permit Deadlines prior to upcoming FEMA changes. A faxed
copy when complete would also be helpful.
We always appreciate your kind assistance on our projects. If you have any questions and/or
comments, please call me at 910-457-7517 or Jim Henry at 457-7268/279-0019.
Thanking you in advance for attention to this matter.
Respectfully, ; ,' 0A CA,��'
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Bruce Marek, P.E. = 15684/-o�'�
For Bald Head Island Limited
Enclosures f'�E^ Q�:
cc: Jim Henry, Director, BHI, tannin�ko�velopment
M. Kent Mitchell, CEO, Bak/ head Island, Limited
APR 2 0 ZuuG
APR 2 0 2001;
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