HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8940418_HISTORICAL FILE_19950315STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 �1y0y18 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE q q 5 0315 YYYYMMDD ys*nrto State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager March 15, 1995 Mr. William H. Clark Bill Clark Construction Company, Inc. 4014 Oleander Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Subject: CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE with Stormwater Regulations Stormwater Project No. SW8 940418 North Chase - Lakemoor New Hanover County Dear Mr. Clark: The Wilmington Regional Office received the revised Stormwater Submittal for North Chase - Lakemoor on February 22, 1995, with final information on March 13, 1995. Staff review of the plans and specifications, including the statement of intent to deed restrict the allowable built -upon area to 2,366 square feet for each of the 45 lots shown on the approved plan, has determined that the project as proposed will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003(a)(3), and the Third Directive, Curb and Gutter Requirements, dated November 15, 1989. The revision consists of the vertical realignment of Trotter's Court so that all of that runoff drains to Swale #5. Any modification of the plans submitted to and approved by this Office or further development of this site regardless of the fact that the modification may be less than 1 acre, will require an additional Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built -upon surfaces, addition of built -upon surfaces, redesign or further subdivision of the project area as shown on the approved plans. This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. The project shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Wilmington Regional Office. This Certification does not supersede any other permit or approval. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project. This could include the Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, the Division of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quality Certification and/or a Dredge and Fill Permit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Wetland Permit, NPDES stormwater permit if disturbing five acres or more, local County or Town Agency permits under their local ordinances, or others that may be required. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Clark March 15, 1995 Stormwater Project No. SW8 940418 Deed restrictions, including the allowable built -upon area per lot, must be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds, prior to the sale of any lot. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions, including deed book number and page, must be forwarded to this Office within 30 days of the date of the recording. Failure to record and/or submit the deed restrictions to this Office is considered a violation of this Certification. An Engineer/Designer/Owner Certification (copy attached) must be submitted upon completion of construction. The Certification will verify to this Office that the stormwater controls, general layout of the project, and the amount of impervious area, are in substantial compliance with the approved Stotmwater Plan. The E/D/O Certification will not be accepted until the deed restrictions have been recorded. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis or me at (910) 395- 3900. Sincerely, dL Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\CERTIFIC\940418.MAR cc: Linwood Stroud, P.E. Alan Golden, New Hanover County Inspections Bradley Bennett Beth Easley, New Hanover County Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files North Chase - Lakemoor New Hanover County Stormwater Project No. SW8 940418 Engineer/Designer/Owner Certification 1, , having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction of the stormwater control system for this project such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the plans and specifications approved by the NCDEM Water Quality Section. The layout of the impervious surfaces and the road details, as constructed, conform with the layout and road details shown on the approved plans. (Note: if a copy of the recorded deed restrictions has not been forwarded, you must provide a copy along with this form.) Signature Date DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DENSITY % C q G ENGINEERED PROJECT DATA Project Name Lakemoor Location (County, Township/Municipality, Address, State Road) Northchase Development, Cane Fear Township. New lianov r County Owner's Name Bill Clark Construction Company, Inc. MailingAddress 4014 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina 2833&44 Phone Number (910) 392-3192 Submittal Date May 11, 1994 4ri Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings) .5-? Lot residential subdivision Name of Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff Cape Fear River Classification of Water Body SB If SA waters, engineered system, and distance is <0.5 miles, attach report of chloride sampling results mg/I State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Check appropriate blanks) CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control x 404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal X Other (Specify) CALCULATION OF BUILT UPON AREA Built upon area means that portion of a development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, gravel, etc., but not including wood decking. If the project includes areas draining to different water classifications, please note them separately below. Classification Built upon area Total Project Area % Built upon Area Allowable B/U Area Subwatershed SB 3.29 30.00 Subwatershed Is the Project B/U Area 5 the Allowable B/U Area? Yes % Built upon area = (built upon area / total project area) • 100 (If no, an engineered system is required.) Built upon area limits for projects to meet density: SA waters — 25%, Other —30% STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM Describe how the runoff will be treated Minimum of 100 feet of grass swale before discharge to ditch or pond. "'lE" `Office use only. L�1 MAY 3 1 1"4 L�J DEM • n• SW 8 940418 ti BUFFER AREA Is the built upon area at least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes If no, please provide a description (Note: Only boat ramps, public roads, public bridges, and walkways to water related facilities are allowed within 30 feet of the mean high water line if the project is intended to meet stormwater control requirements through density limits.) DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS By my signature below, I certify that the recorded deed t res td-protective covenants for this project shall limit the allowable built -upon area per lot to 2050 236(asquare feet inclusive of right-of-way, structures, pavement, walkways or patios of brick, stone, or slate, not including wood decking, state that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, and that benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina, therefore, the covenant gannot be changed or deleted without consent of the State. The deed restrictions shall also require that no swale may be filled in or piped. CERTIFICATION I, William H. Clark , certify that the information included on this submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15 NCAC 2H.1003 (b). I authorize the below IT erson or firm to submit stormwater plans on my behalf, and agree to abide by the deed/TestE4istate4ient above. Provide authorized person or firm name and address below: Z %ol .WDO` & ES )-Oo � l o ? .9 Gomm A>, e,•ee 14y f2 GNeeh ✓JJ" �G z7�� 756- 93Sr7-- I, Judy B. Allen ,allotary Public fortheStateof North Carolina County of Pitt do hereby certify that William H. Clark personally appeared before me this Ill W day of May , 19 94 , and acknowledges the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, My commission expires 9/19/96 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN -OFF Regional Office 11 RUG 94 D'�dcx, A Date IndiQual Evaluating Date cc: Applicant/WiROBradley Bennett/Central Files 0 LAREMOOR SUBDIVISION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Lakemoor Subdivision is a private subdivision in NorthChase Development, New Hanover County, developed by Bill Clark Construction Co., Inc. The subdivision includes improvements which will be constructed and which will require perpetual maintenance. The improvements include a storm water management system which relies on grassed swales to provide treatment of storm water runoff before release to surface water. Routine maintenance is required in order for the grass swale system to function properly. There is in existence a homeowners association, NorthChase Homeowners Association, Inc., to provide for this and other maintenance of common areas, and all lots in Lakemoor subdivision must be members of NorthChase Homeowners Association, Inc. The developer, Bill Clark Construction Co., Inc., has warranted that said improvements will be performed in a proper and workman -like manner, and that saI id improvements will meet all federal, state and local regulations and that the same will be inspected and approved by the appropriate authorities. The Homeowners Association will perform routine inspection and maintenance as outlined below. Dues will be established at a level sufficient to fund the required maintenance personnel. As a minimum, the required maintenance procedures will include: (1) Ensure that grass is mowed a minimum of one (1) time every ten (10) days during the growing season. pev- £S 6-9-9y (2) Inspect swales once monthq(for erosion or blockage. Reseed and repair as necessary. MAY 3 1 1994 5D S g40418 In addition, the Homeowners Association will enforce the [ctive covenants as related to the grass swales. By: . Ammons, Pre STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ASSOCIATION, INC. Emily B. Voigt a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that ANDREW L. AMMONS personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing and annexed instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this the 27th day of May , 1994. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 7-22-96 txOTAR L`CO ��''.., DER C� ;,.•' ki STROUD ENGINEERING, L^Qd 107 B Commerce Street Illl�(1 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 MAR 1 $ 1 - % (919) 756.9352--------------"""" 61J r`i J., ,°ha +0, L L FzP 3PClt WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Prints O Plans ❑ Change order ❑ DATE IL VX ATTE TION t rs,da LewS RE: �4CJ•li the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: \❑ For approval Lg For your use �❑ As requested ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS STAR I DEM ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO RECYCLED PAPER mod' Contents: 60%Pre-Consumer •10%Post-Consumer SIGNED: M enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. H STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1078 COMMERCE STREET GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27858 (919) 756-9352 February 20, 1995 Ms. Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 RE: Lakemoor Subdivision Northchase Development Dear Ms. Lewis: FEB 2 2 1995 --------------------- 11.18 Pursuant to our meeting with DOT we have revised the plans to eliminate the valley gutter across the intersection. Revised plans and runoff calculations of affected areas are enclosed for your information. Thank you for your help in the resolution of this problem. Sincerely, / Linwood E. Stroud, P.E. 5279 LES/bsf CC: Jim Kenny Bill Clark 107 COMMERCE ST. SUITE B GREENVILLE, NC 27858 (919) 756-9352 RE"OvEDD FEB 2 2 1995 DEM �xoJ:�swB HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (919) 247-7479 JOB La�-e /y1 Ql�lr CRe�<sed) STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. SHEET NO OF 107 B Commerce Street GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27858 CALCDUTED BY L DATE (919) 756.9352 CHECKED BY DATE PPOpUCi A411Sgb Sm )M 01471 b",B WM ISriY15610) Trapezoidal Charnel. Analysis & Design Open Channel - Uniform flow . Worksheet Name: Lak:emoor Comment: CI-4 to Exist. 30" CMP Solve For Depth Given Input Data: Bottom Width..... Left Side Slope.. Right Side Slope. Manni.ng's n...... Channel Slope...,. Discharge........ Computed Results: Depth............ Velocity......... Flow Area........ Flow Top Width... Wetted Perimeter. Critical. Depth... Critical Slope... Fr-oude Numbed.... 3.00 ft 5.00:7. (H:V) 5.00:1 (H:V) 0.030 0.0113 ft/ft 6.08 cfs 0.46 ft 2.46 fps 2.4'7 s-f 7.64 ft 7.74 ft 0.40 ft 0.0202 ft/ft 0.76 (flow is Subcritical) Open Charnel Flow Module, Version 3.12 (c) 19% Haestad Methods, Inc. ,* 37 Brookside Rd .* Waterbury, Ct 06708 Trapezoidal Channel Analysis & Design Open Channel - Uniform flow Work:sheet Name: Lak:emoor Comment: CI-1 to Canal Solve For Depth Given Input Data: Bottom Width..... Left Side Slope.. Right Side Slope. Manning's n...... Channel Slope.... Disci -large........ Computed Results: Depth ............. Velocity......... Flow Area........ Flow Top Width... Wetted Perimeter. Critical Dept,h... Critical Slope... Froude Number.... 3.00 ft 5.00:1 (H:V) 5.00:1 (H:V) 0.030 0.0020 ft/ft 3.50 cfs 0.55 ft 1.14 fps 3.15 sf 8.49 ft 8.60 ft 0.30 ft 0.0219 ft/ft 0.33 (flow is Subcritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.1.2 (c) 1990 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708