HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8100315_APPROVED PLANS_20100610STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 100315 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT IP APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 G I o Cblo 10 YYYYMMDD I Total Site Area = 3.41 i LEGEND I Pro ect Area —3.41 i J FIGHT VV 'v',/VV --- 19.9 6 Disturbed Area =2.23 ---- I I i A7�rui/ANo OLH /7-SO ;-c J29 E ',VT rJ V ONTOI,JVV iI EFT: LINE —_—_ I - - - - - - 3 R �y p �� AY T VVTV �V� V AKEV ( ,I V� _ ,�I _ VI V V ETAT VL VI L1j7; �cd STRIP R i A V,, �e_ Dr�IS I � CONC. CURB PROPANE TANK / i — 1 / SEE DETAIL 2/AS-1.00 _95.9,4 I i ' 256 79' S Sri ' 30 36' E _� r------� - - - --- e 3 -� - I I � 1 772 ,. _ - �) M�nin� Iu�V C onSAl I1ctio -- x _� �nEance I =r dy a�>I - (421 I j 46 �I NO WHEEL STOP TO \ I I .LULL\I u Vil �� ALLOW OVERFLOW 00 44 cu rJ ING IN GRASS 0 9 � I)RIVEWAY DIVENVIVi V �o - ��E ---- -- ,, Cd. / //I I - i�� � -�CONC. WHEEL STOPS TIFF UY J uA S SI rr� r �Lu L 3 ( - ®EA. PARKING SPACE/ 1. THr PR�1L/1 SIiL WILN CJN`;IRhCIEG W,U , `� ti _ u R " Fir c -- ✓ 5` CONC. SIDEWALK ,IPx j C.J. @ 48'' O.C. �F -S, !, 2. DRIVEWAY OPEN1NC IS /5' WiDF O v L_ PF-F\)MApaD'F T POUL- D I PS / E \I ') O IN! V — s 3. FL'L !` ONE R( n :N1E SFCT101 n!?,' TF'r,!„a CENTERI INF OFI>RI`dE!%,i,4Y ED,,'- OF P!\VENiFNf \. %' I 1 r �, i OF I IWY 11 % R = 0' SONCONIC. 0 DRI ;yF ,/nv RADIUSES PA p� 0 . IPA✓ , J. T'.✓E'�%V A,v IU I`d l:.A by t-`ST r,hCrY�RTv Llf�L IS 31.//w' I r II� _ -,i _. �i _ _ ._� �® .. � ?�,1'� ' ,. — I - �� i. .cry v __cT �' I i�.._--I "t#_— ;� ! 6 DPI\ XA�AiFF�Ir.,i i GOPERTY L,rJL fP u,T POLE ------ F �— p' SE3 S-1'.00- ,� T- C' Lin, — I,- nQ 1' -- IT !LDIN 0 LCr,T 1 Hv!I EMI L� a.,.25-I 6 /.h82' �::) �� �• �' v v. PIJLDIIrIG lY) RIGHT 01 WAY - �I GR STRAP-! �I _ -=— : �-- - EDGE OF r'A'.'_^�9EPVT , 0 R!��I 1 i JF �, AY I , SO-',,� 10. PROPERTY =RONTAGF IS 229+ 60151i Lk , I I n t= �/ A. l,iV P�JCI.I I � �t I I. i„✓�✓tR. ,�DFV.. ��h,� ICU N.� LEVEL � �..�s� „ , 4 r _LC�.,TUI`. ,- �1, y I I, i 2. FRI rk: Tip li'JSTALI-4TION Oi= 1H';- DFtI,/EVvgy �,T v:='dtI THEE EXIJT,N1' DTC'T WILL NF�D G �� -- - "L_vNE;! OUT TO p,l_I_Odr, TILE Ii,IVER1 JI F �-.-_._-40 5 - - - - _ - -- -�__�, ----- - - 1 ✓ -- «� I \!I BT TJ R-SF A;I /`,iJ TI h:'y1110"� `.;�F 41 33. - --' II', � i i �i ���_. - � ,-'-_- - 1 , az� ,. :->n ,�.y - _. _ j I i .. ___1.---_---__-.-------� vt,ILI PRO�.yI,)L 10OF (�U✓1_Fr„(,C AFr_r),E THE S �__ V- _-_ CONC. aIDEWALK �_. i r,Ti I 3. CUI VI_i<F CONSISTS Cit 100 crf 0 R(P PILL AND -- --. -� FT' N;S /`USI-'':TO M294, TYPE 3 (SIM001H '-- T_l n a N if R WITH INTEGRATED Bit 1I_ AND .PIG;)T !--� 2 HC SIGNAGE: SIGN R7-8, �� POWER COMPANY TO SET NEW TRANSFORMER HERE J 0 1 N �/. AD, N-1? DI IVA OR AliROVEC LOIJAL. �� fn OIN c, cP I_I_ BE ITII�_GRA LL, BF_I_ AND SPIGOT Ni V SIGN R7-80 & VAN AY'if iA<2 /'?lOEZ,F'iGS /ASTVI FA / / RUBnr f. GASXEI ON ., IGOT ' ND. _ � �i ACCESSIBLE SIGN CB , ,77 P7 2, n PIPE AND 1/CIJ_ MU.> BE 0 ONE PER APPLICABLE CODES A117 9 �0 29 OUCGENEOUSLY 'VOLDED P!ECE- WELDR WELDED O RII TION BLI W7 I NO! DE ACC- Frr„ I 0 G I4. DRIVEWAY WIDTII AT C LBER' IS 89.774' . _;LOPE 0 BRI`1CNLw l;VVAY 10iv? IDGE\niCOD YG JI AVEN U L 15 3 7 r c R Pond (entire pond including the forebay) S.�T Elev. Surface Area Inc. Vol. Ace. Vol. �, �; (Bottom) A` PHALT vVITH 8' AI�C GRaV, I_ COM ACTT I) UNDERNFA[Y _ �_�!� ;� Y/ PP (TP) - V V D (Top Veg.) (Bottom Veg.) (Sediment CO) (10yr Storm) 35 1,209 NA NA 40 6,005 12,182 12,182 41 8,467 7,236 19,418 40.5 7,875 NA NA 39.5 3,857 NA NA 36 1,695 NA NA 40.4 7,566 3,039 15,221 ( / � Pond (Forebay alone) _,- III Surface Area Inc. Vol. Arc. Vol. Figure Project: Title: C1 Pender County EMS Date: 11/30/2009 1 Scale: 1" =30' Site Plan WALTON hNGJMER1NG Drawn by: JRH I Project #: 201001 (Bottom) (PP) 35 221 NA NA 40 1,337 1 2,485 2,485 Revision Date: 04/28/2010 PEIVAuVANT PAR/r /AKE PROPERT/ES T/ 3032 A 022 T ,Oi / 9, 1.,0 s5, /'Y ! 49 A/�A,rN/ AVAA r 3/0 Ac /� Ac/ TfR ,>' ,� "G /49 ✓ - I t I LF) F ----- v / v / , � - I St / / T / i NC -WY 517 -AST .0 SITE OCATION OB _3/J 2, A OV TRAY i, MG _A; Pr- 149 ��31s NORTH CARC+,INA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SPD 69-i0'(D Nctitv thr ;v soon of I_And R-sources Cat 910-796-7215 prior to 'ocylnning vndk. 'r tall a q-ipurjry gravel conrtruc� on entrance (50' n n-inIm(mIn) oft Picici wo d Avenue) �--I.ar veqetation as eg rec for consirc�ion Jf ero Ian cc 0 -)1 mr inure (o t�rtion end and arrllna2e �,,ralc-) 0o not perform earth dl�;trtrGl (g activity at this point ICI 1 !nstrur'lon. A ddIttonally, e c ! rtlor pc,r d serve a sedneMtrn.) dur [u the coast (etlon fcis,,a ht vegc.t.ltive filter wl l he establisher ucir%g control matting. n +ell silt /, rice arou id the project a ea and for thr Northeast eorn,cr of the disiurbad ar cy, as shown on 'the ,e map. 6. Constn!cl dr datcition pond and swoles as shown an plan. 1. Beq n sFe clearing, grading, earthwork and o,her co (,>rruction per t1 : plan. b Eskft-;Ilsl`1 tlr sl grades a5 ,-)nstruc7ion cc,,Lceeds. O yelrtorrn 't inn o,-(cry anti/or permanent seeding pc -P,LrJ spec il, ahur , 'Irnmr-diately c`ter final grades are esiabl shed 10. At >ly straw rnuk-.h anc tack pcc glcn ,�p ,ciilic ynhons irnined atcly ,cfter seeding. CAI NDARTCAr FOR 7ACII RBOUND DIJ?JtP9ANC1E, Ihefwithin oppy straw rn1 Ich or,d tack :,er plain L)e6licatici.a vvilh n >a r, time s I r � 1 � cn.rJ t, II Ilru, �rn Jc r ar>II eu. r ar,n I will F y � � c cases, ce necessary to py riot seedlny -n Ir g And lacking aoc�n nrrle 1 ,.'clv after fin II cir are to -Ached Advil` onally perrnanent Mound cuccer tur all dlto bed areas nul t be had h,lrn vorl g dciyn -,I-t0, )nser, u/, a rde� ays r�tiP ich�ve, s �hortcr, tullowh r j co=�iplci on of co�� .rn�Tion_ 2. Lrocion cortrol measures other than those shown on the plan '1,11I be Installed should t1he need arise. - 3 S/oAe e SWALE CROSS-SECTION Represents All Swales Not to Scale 2'' 1-1 or 1-2 Asphalt Compacted Natural Subgrade Parking Lot/Driveway Cross -Section Forebay Vegetated Slope Above '.. Permanent Pool Around OUTLET STRUCTURE Entire Perimeter i (See Detail) 8'' ABC Gravel Compacted RISER AND 13ARRELL DETAIL Temporary Pool Dawatering Holes Number of Holes =5 aa H(Meire .. Can F.Wera hoe}In Riser (Principal Spillway) with wire Trash Screen Corrugated Steel Pipe mesh=4 x4" Did. = 24" Top and Bottom \ D B A la x. spot' g) C I Top of Berm IT Top of Riser Elevation = 41.00_ Permanent Pool Elevation = 40.00 / \ P�/\\\Y hew LEMON LET/NH NG OP i739, PG 329 NOTES: I. POND TO BE SEEDED WITH BERMUDA GRASS. 2. VEGETATED SHELF TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SPECIES. ����� /Bdrrell Inlet _773i / Inve33rtgg Elev. art Riser Height 4' \Concrete Antiflotatio� Block 9 Length = Width - 2.5' Height = 2' 30' EL, 42.00 ' veg9etated $ f / Pool_ EL. 41,00 F,iter (See Detail) - - - - - - - _ _ _=TdOr j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - Q 10 r Storm EL 40 40 - - - - _._-� _sr _.Y- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ Ol,i -- _ - - - -- �ii z.i3', 1 a u ,,.. Iu;I -_-_-_ U Permanent Pool - EL. 40 00 - _ _ ., Sediment Clean Outl EL_36.00 -� ? y ___-__- r'.- ee I'u Inv. = 37.0 FL. 35.00 5.00 ire a _ 'i.,. @ s t : = 1i �♦ r n :� r _ "e c / Q lu Jr.O,. v2�el0le� J=err nrOLlnd E,tu_ F2,Imei�r me'l-, H „b a aw n CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL cN RT RI _ tno9B �1 - p:r a /a' n<m n oapin (_. . �s amo,-. g" c s mkd cGeLs.) J 1�, Not to Scale 9__ r 0 Voice Ve ated She L xp Qom/ 50 min IN FLOW OUT -LOW `- v 50 Constructionto vmimum Ent rice , 6"min �.&'�' 23 - gregme coarse eg 6`a _ J J a25,3�, Y<V L. i J r �Cf] i � W 1=4.5' oun.� SPREAIER (R'➢-RAP a_ ilia. j Dro'nage te Erosion Control Speci`iecdons -i-osion don of measures shall oe con trsr.ted r accordc•Ice wit" The Semmen chor and Erosion on.rot ier (as cPr oved by the Nor Cc,o�.ina Depar; Went of En ircnm rt anc Nataral Resources. ,Lent Cuullty Section). ,T. Seed S.yn on dl turbed a ea shot be seedec In accordance n the Secimeatotion and 3,oqion Coe r I Pier ( opproved by the North Coro iro D pdrm en of Environn ent and Natural Peour-ces Land Cu I_+y Section) 3. all Iverls sh 'Il b_ ..orrugcted pl,;dti.c pipe (--PP' or opdrdvea eq.,dl rn acdordcnce 'vitF specificc ors beta I 9. s to I 7 Pipe c d ',ttlrg CF shcl be high dersl v polyethylene plpe and f _rigs ApSHT M252 Type S {smoot' nt ). ADS 4-12 or aocrov d e gual. Joints shal be sna4 _ounlers 5 / to 3n P. Pipe and Fi+ mgs CFF shall te high density poly trylene pipe and fl tings: AASI i0 d/94 Tyoe ` moot. in eror ''�ith nt grated cell an.t nlgot loi its) ADS N I21 Ultra r cp roved equal. routs hall be in ..ora_ed bell x spigot ✓v/h-TM F477 ribber EKat on spigot end. Pi ar' bell must be of one romogere-ocs'y n-olded piece. Welded or -nctlon bells will not be accepted. LEGEND PIGDT Cr 1/yY CENTER FINE DRAINAGE EaS_Iv NT - - - - - DKIS ING EODJ-OURS PROPOSED CONTOURS PROP RTY '�.,NE ----- DIU IV E_ ,=f i `,e/ II FILTER STRIP Pe 10 �AI Ii L\ � l �w r I I rl n I � o CIO h, J�6 `'o° 000 C, -------------- oar �,p� i 1 I ' i l I in = 42.00 Entergency Spillway Elevation = 41.00 Outlet Invert F Corrugated, Steel Outlet \ Anti -Seep Collar Pipe (Barrel) Did. = 18" Class B Rip -Rap Outlet Apron 15' (min.) VEGETATED FILTER DETAIL Not to Scale (See Plan View for Rip Rap actual depiction) Energy Dissip or --.>30 -- m � ... w v\•u v w. � •I �� �� 540 5 1 i --= --�o�e-- __.., / 4 4e -- ro.a=.'iwa.w,.a. �� � ,..ae,w 151 .5 M -� I. arm.=.a.wa.as.uam.rwemm.n. PARK L4f(E PROPFRT/ES PB 7,7 /-'ti' Z T Z TebNa.i4e L B 6 . PG 2 � Machine MM 9Mand APPIIWIon Raise mmmn . are. nmmi rea �T'� f&� mnemppe,rnmles waa.,.uwuna .unx..r. m..r.ew, aeemane»ne. 2..r.m....hir..,.� �m.ma . w: ®.aaa mo% Melpmeace yr. "max m. •¢vw,�'pep 0�. hearcm e Pmamiw rip Was::'- Pond (entire pond including the Forebay) Elev. Surface Area Inc. Vol. Acc. Vol. Bottom (PP) (TIP) (Top Vag.) (Bottom Veg.) Sediment CO (1 Oyr Storm) 35 1,209 NA NA 40 6,005 12,182 12,182 41 8,467 7,236 19,418 40.5 7,876 NA NA 39.5 3,857 NA NA 36 1,695 NA NA 40.4 7,566 3,039 15,221 Pond (Forebay alone) Elev. Surface Area Inc. Vol. Acc. Vol. (Bottom) (PP) 35 221 NA NA 40 1,337 2,485 2,485 Mateflal Rea Per Acn Onni Notes Orgenlr Mvinbee $traw 321snv owaFereed ParoC aprealfay cons. my weeds. enoor ll.; mu sit be tacred down Woaamps "Few Ahd, Thal wM 12 asnnrcaeMon A dr or Nmuknrtfor MIpit. byhantl Nod for air. Wandfiber aS tJana sesnfsaller msse. A6oheheduloaaera Wbyerwowp oo rem um Ve an, dry aaftsF earx 95 auhicrams Ardryshr0dtlndre ngd,Wmukn bbwRT cop hemmer mllsa arch 3� P hand nee oo „m u9e aspba9phC GrnsWlks 48tore suekh rypiYY oM1.,...bbwea.d. spirit, 09M bngiha. henE. Not for use lnlbema smima ra I., Grace m dryaheeid I rad0aa cmaa a meNR seed. seed bearing memo Nm, ant war, le.reel Covorveo 1I unlmm wavenot WtlKlaMa assume. Bwl when irgle rya are tread with oryuJs mum. FLe a Caesarea gs WWromma wmedNw. see, 0.1 ran Caere Exceiabr Covereree ehogenxmulch. WAM1SI ndswaledkw .ante g Foner,ove as hone WnrnwunnWnpar Apply.T p otlar rovina In roam. Mtn rcha'. Can toxro0ecnl. eCanmeA aches T2irua a0pla00 ere1sm2535 sam000.q n. CM1amblSlablllzanz Aquavin follow Nor exaNmial te pWd 9rvster Aagzpray man term Gmxwl AN N,ecllicatln�s 38 T....I"neeTwore Terra sea crwlsoa G.nagza �a3 M-1E5 'Three to PaauCe No. all Grass Least Charmda luxe of lea. name= dense im0, eprowerem w coed. Rip Rap Energy Dissipator Elev. 7 30, Vegetated Filter Wetland Plants Sk%en ra ,Monte Comntsmial Inundation Common Nana Form Availobilky TOlsrena Wildlife Value Notes A%AYndia u9:Pida Emergent Year up te t ft. High. Samise are eaten Full sun to Partlal Rhode Arrow arum by wood Cache Emergent Yes up to 1 ft Nb d Aligner colonizer Ariow9rhead/Duck potato sMotherne, sand Andmpapai We' Aar Perimeter Y. up to 3 In. High. Song9birds antl Tolerant to flucWagnq water Breomaed9e browaem. WMw food levels a partial abode and Cover A,d Emergent Y. up to 1 ft N/A Rauira full an Bwgi�sralus spenL8m(opaMrvn o'emermam Submergent Y. Yee Low fad value. Good Free fitail g SAY. Shade aoonbll hobftent and shaker far financier, Rapid grewth. fish antl invertebrates. 3LYr➢t4aywn - Common Three -Square Emarged Y. up to a in. HiSSh. Saetla, cover. Waterfowl, Fast colonizer. Can tokrete d�men. FlAI songbirds. pedade of Cure. High metal removes. Sybme -t Yes Yes High. Fad for waterfowl High metal amovw OR=qqs Duckwatl /emergent and fleh 3burwrus cw»ws Emergent Y. up to 1 h. Low, except for Rapid growth. Shape reasons. La.M's toy waadduckee btic mascMaym Emergent Yes up to 3 in. Low. Nester Fug sun, can Wamte indicate March Hibiscus drynes . Po too * amo'oys Eme M Y. up to 1 ft, Moderate. Ducal. Full a.. to portal had.. Pkkeresswed Nectar for butterflies. Poymnagenysa pecNa#as Submergent Yee Yes Extarrany higgh. Remove. harry metals IF Weed Waterfowl, m m, and Ric Emergent You up to 3 in. High. Food one caves. Fail an99 Proovuiaee f ron of outgrew shoreline aterbilizathap Lb +PF Emergent Year up to 3 In. High, Waterfowl and Many handand and avwal Sedgy songbled. upland apple.. .52/taus raP�w Emergent Yes up to / fL Moderate. Good wvar Full hen. Agg.i weady S aterrF Bulrush and food, alias such m P. Po� Horwn. yU6 aqa Emergent Yea up to i ft. High. waterfowl, Feet colonizer. Tolemnt of smarlwsad h=.d anaboda. Seeds and cower fluctuating water buds. ✓wacus ethanol Emergent Yes up to f M Modamte Tolerate vat or dry Soft Rush conditi... Emergent Yes up to 3 ff. Moderathige o rc butFadflue soloing sg Mxar her wateroeveleof Padcwm amgwyum Padma ter Ya up to 3 In. High . Sails, cover far Tobretes set and dry Switchgraes waterfowl antl aongmMe. condifba. ejaculate m Perimeter Ya up to 3 In. Low Tolerant to dry peKad t a sweat Flag meld colonzer. Tolerates SubmWF aciam conditions. EANeo condro6nsls Suemergent Y. Yea Low Good water oxygenate. High WMerweed rx jent, cope-, man9an and ehramlum "goes tWybnede amMcex Submergant Yes Yeas High. Food for T.I.rant of murky water and Wild Calory walerfoW. Habitats for high nutden iaads. fish and bramphuraa. 2Wiwe agwsNca Emerged Yes up to i ft. High. Face for bird.. Prefere full sun. Wild Rice Tabb from: ( i�� ffi cn,.r..waf.r wReIdnds Syatams:.Maselar s for meeting SOrarsm mtl afifactim .e„r,nw it er audience is hat Alltl_- 96aoac EegNa, Schueler NOTE: Consult with the US Department of Agriculture and/or The Natural Resource Commission Service for planting specifications. \ P,/Pyt' / A/'�F D P�PCF'7Pc! OB sr. 32, PC 6 � '- 99.79 TRLC i, PB PG 149 Nara /Nara. all \\'� / Total Site Area - 3.41 / 4r�'" Project Area =3.41 Disturbed Area =2.23 o / \ss ',//I ch _ T a\h \c O\cifil\O' \1^i` i; Taate6.1011 Tompmry Goarkhr'tg Reset andatlonS tar Leta Winter and Early spring swdmgmixtum $p y� pourprei'adei Ryetire Airselleopaddes woba is Piadmom ant Cox "1 11Hsm. Koean in Mou .di bo ant+ anmsal iesaidexa wash dwaliall O+Sampanty Cave 4 Rol+oextand beyond June Seeding dales ihurrtaMs-Above 4006: Feb. 15 • May 15 0etow Mee I Fab, F Mey t Pivdmo sharer- t -May 1 Coastal Plan Des. i-gar. 46 Noy sag emopdnlante PaaawrerAMmand 70 creare 1 slso 10ler 2,er01prparegrauatl ag+Muk i lard Smetana and7501Waae f0�1PI0fertillzw. Mulch Apply 4,000lafaoa sheave. Aaotmr sister by tacfCng wife alpaca, ,rotting, AD a mulch ancchodng W. disk with eadw ea nearly shelighe oare, be wad as a mulch arehodng foal Practice Standards and.Tpel �•�'� lAfatteaNRC1 RdeHllz mgww.h is not fully Ad""te. Reseed, relargara andonlche IT. EM modinsiny Mxgvymg srabnaz mbar darrhge. Definition Apphaadoa of. pareemor breast of straw m odor farm reaahw, Am"I or Tablee.11y seam mmu,W 0 NL so] so Seeding No. 7CP for: Gra ealined Channels; Purpose Ta PauecsdxsnFlswfattfmmihefmus f Nnp, nprcianJovmehW llpw. Coastal Plain, Lower Mulch achimpw growihafvugemdon sducaerepoessim, remNmxta 1, Piedmont, and Dry Soils In and exuprose, waW powrh Ni [mtienrly used to sccem larmwrye the Central Piedmont pNr6nser. Conditions Where Mwah temiwny The pemwme shadings Renominate, A. met car Let be Practice Applies sccdeahcansc.1ass,area should he mulchM rot nwiJa luFNxaary luixac. exesuf Ne wdserfao Oscan rxaon a mF ICh m ancax. ft, rest wnwl fiber :rod seed Nca3ca Centre respass nle. MwcX aaundplanung3af um,.rhrvbr or tmund Caesars m sub lint oho sr. Itcrwccn plsmts, Planning A<mrial muleX is Nit monenccove pmcticw maanrorumwlhnp,. urorraod Considerations arosiw on iasuahJlad onpvu 6mm�e.fnbhJiment fre"heW rod w' g rot ls[ia loss ceapamnnn, pmecnla.evird' art aedu rsolle earearo yearea. mWcm:essehamperamres,prmrdaxeswtahlem cmmlrmaicrarscal seem+ns 4on sea may inch`4Y¢ irk mnlaauonm@ of Lhe IDa i]rsa,icn vlLMxwcnalmaw xood reps dzXmddW teak hic.Trow. Loh NC nlOxFenecvv4. DJldltusvma orals N .....Treatment. mdgr rxd Ikc pnnw unnrmmewaoapmr wcunu Pep. ^ireart emmmda r 1 n ueg king a ey m mni,iy feidlva'ari rss or mtaarvW [nwver uaX he muted iTabla6lda}. MC). A vanuy of maze row fanner Roc dun dcmtored se Theme Imeo Far u•e az mulch, particularly in did IaFoas such as wsa:rwvys and chaanuts yaooas lyposaf Meng AFCFI aoplaoma Mble as m negaFe newerimv ahemlt l soil stabhzarrersel bailer whanuaW nkne,v kvxeReatise des shop types of rnuk6as Thee prWuets are primwrly usofai far Fsking waxl lihrmulchas •Ibachniw Nmnenulsfar mulChirexiiouidbc basal an Cut candymra,xewe Seeding Mbiture spa ., Rafe(Iblacn) Common Bermadageas 40E0(1-2 IW1,000 tell Beetling dates Coastal Plant: Apr.-Juiy Piedmont Apr. 15-June 30 Boil amendments Apply time and Isel barer according to soil testa, or apply idep Ib/acre ground agnweuml limeslons antl 500 Dlacre 10-10-10ranllizsr. Mulch Use jute, excelsior mining, or other effegve channel II material te ever Mebonom retehannds Rod ditches.The lining should extend above Fire h ghest calculated depth m fire On channel and. slopes above this hi ant n draaegea not cafe ring temporary tnings, apply 4,000 Iblacre gran straw and anchor straw by steppers netting over the lop. Mulch and anchoring materials must Fro To allowed to wash down slopes where they can Clog drainage devices. Maintenance A minimum of 3 weeksi r s a aired far W ins q and repair pent p mulch trequsnlly. Rafertil ze the buowing Apr. with 50Ib/ame ngmgan. 1 Refer to Appendix 8.021or botanical names type olisCyemdanaM sire of mama. A pnoollit pplial and mckCd art is �1 'i �U always hnbreill. It be mgecally imprrunl when ead'Nmw fur 8yarrhanon30 6 V arc at o W.. suck as midsummer and well winter, and an difaeult nmss seen as yr smfn and A." here, souNem asposwrs. a .ld CMULChaE forms, is tMmulCh mmdmmmnnlyus:J in cenjuradon whhse.Win,, T qrr w s .II pl1.1hhinXhata c romle111.le.a and maybit Spreadnt,hand ,w with a mulch nlnwer. Straw maybe la -a m winJ hew moo hmrkW down Weed chips zm swiable far vcus Nat will not be c'II rem.[. snit arcvnd omamaml plamings. OFips do rot "sea muting. aCrause they Ancestral .lowly dray man be Road with 12 pouWs of nkroeen pm tan m fm'svN Tempormysaadmg saaamg a0xtura !i! nwom"mdationsfor Species Role (to"*) Summer German metal 40 In ilia Piedmont and Mountains, a smog•stemmisd Sudangrasa may be subsetutad at a rate of 50 Ibeecol. Seeding alias Maantain3-M4y is - Aug, 15 Piadmo0h-May 1 , Aug. 15 CAastaiPaln-Apr Al 16 Sgltameadlaehte NROW,a M"rA,IimsoisaiFlasisorapply2;00o�faruaground agpi luraltimealane and 7501btacro 10-10-10Isaniser. Myloh Apply 4,0001b/aoro straw. Anchor straw ty, tale ring wall asphae. Fining, or a mulch anehulrtg tbol. A disk with bWas set nearly straight can be us" we a mulch amharirg tear Maimaname R9fakihrs it gdawlb Is hot 1.11, selective, Resdad.e fenlate and mdceir lot mvdiatsly fokowing areasbn a+oNer damags. Tabfe 6,100 Temporary SoOirtg itecammeridatlons for Fail Seeding mixture Species IWoifNaars} Sys bl in) tea seedm$datea i Mountaars-Adg. is. Dec is Coastal Plainand Piedmont -Aug. IS Dx. 3g Doll amendments Follow Poll We OF apply 2.000@'acre ground agricultural troastono and j 1,000 Iblaare 1040.10 Ishi�zgr. Mulch Apply 4,000 b'awa straw. Amoco el raw by inking with stapnah, nailing, or a mulch anchaang real, A disk vfdn Landes sal nearly slraigfel can be use$ as A mulch ofxhoriag their Maintenance Repair add rohnifl ea damaged .ends Immediately. Topd+eaw islit 50 Ibtxra of nitrogen in March. ff a is repeatedly to eafend tempera cover beyond June 15, oYeri with 50 laeam+e Kale (Piadmbnt and CO V,,i Plain ar Korean untains lea eders in In F F 1 I flea 3 P o ab 48Fy0 early MaaCh HOY 53 EAST LEGEND E_Cll T E R I_ I INI E NRA `'I/ti r E_ASE'IvlENT-'-'--------- `X,J G ( G TGIJRj P1F0P S 0NT0uRJ PROPERTY LINK ----- D S JR6._J AREA. 1 U.o86 VEhr,ATV FTrR RA, s\1A 0 E i=',RLA NA I E R A, / t r, r, . ."An J i A`: pAlNAG F AR - 3 ,A DR /JEVVAY MENSIGN THE PROJECT SITE WHEN CONS' -PLC ED WILL EI OY 5 BAYS 2, __PI VvAY G� NIN IS 75' BIDE 3. THERE IS ONr ROr-) INTERSE 'ION 473 FROM C EN R LE C DR h `vT EDGE OF PAVEMENT C HVvv 17 4. DPIVE641Y RADIUSES ARE 50' 5 G Vr' Ay TO \1 ST PRCPER'Y LINE IS 32 334' 6. DRIVEWAY TO FARTHEST PROPERTY !_INE IS u.28/' 7. BG LDING 10 E' OF PAVEMENT IS 85.04' R BJI 1DING a0 RIGHT O v1V`,Y S 64.07/' 9. EDGE 0:7- PAV/ IVENT FO PICri, 0'- WAY IS 19.278' 10. PROPERTY FRONTAGE IS 222.605' _ I GU A KT A DRiVRUNS RUNS ! E✓�L A: AN IN,EPT F E; OIN Or 41 33 FOR 100 � AYI PRIOR G PCTrL_ To\ IT CIJ VKEPT, ,HE EXISTING Dr CH V/'iLL NE_ TO Y- EPNED GUT TO T TOA' THE I,NVER 0�- THE U t ART TO REST AAN ELE Jr', ION OF 41.33. T F'� �6 !'LL PRU`.iID .� '' OF ;E.r, KGA.,� GAE THE PIPE 13. c' VtRT CONS C`r i00 18 RCP PPE AND FITTINGS: AASHT0 U294, TYPE S (SIV00 H INTERIOR hl ; INTEGRATED BELL AND SPIGOT Clf T ) S N-12 TR^ OR APPPO✓ED 0�,y . ss LINT r SHAi l RE II` IFSRP � EC - AND SPIGC- W cc P/ FZ r I PE GAS CVJ� GOT END. PIPE AND 51-111 MLST SE OF ONE 0�10vE"Jc U�'_Y MO_CED EIECE. W-LDED OR FRICTION BELLS WII_- NOT BE ACCEPTED 4. DRIVEWAY A'ID_TI-i T JL/ERT IS 88 467' 15_ SLOPE Of DRVEWAY FROM 41D WOOD A`,/ NCE IS 3% 16. DRIVE rrAY 1VILL CONSIST OI 2 F A or S 5.9B A PHAI' _N TI H 8 ABC SEA /EL COls rE T_O UNC RNEAT IT I ,r Figure Project: C7 Pender County EMS Date: 11/30/2009 Scale: 1" =30' I I Il i I I I l , ri � LEMO✓�✓ LET/NH4/VD OB 17 3,C PG 329 i I , II I I� - --- - - - - - „ tvf II- '~ I 173.448 I I , I I I I� I Total Site Area = 3.41 Project Area =3.41 Disturbed Area =2.23 j-1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - _ - LCMC/i LE --- Q0S _ -- 59'� 54 ,r✓ i / ' CH WB 77_; 2. a P E29 PROPANE TANK CONC. CUB SEE DETAIL 2/AS-1 00 J rtlG G 1 Ent ante � I h aWal r.� � � r,�rs�>k`�*���i�atf`' €ro , �I� �rI '12• -, "4j.,,-M1.,, 4'' C O d O OJ S1111a E 3 x af: ..yta +.,,a @.. ,+ 'VIM SLOPE 3% SLOPE_,sr Y�tp `z.Gma, �& C` ~ 8„ RC? P ; P � III I 7/ OE 's+iii,£ r r 1 1---1- R = Q Lz xF , O t ur -c, n CON 1 �29 001 2C r 7a �I I'D POLE dJ: ..:, SE 3 AS}.0 ' .�. 2 5 r, � / � °'U .r.�E`r.7+�.�.P, "z , w.y„r?`�Y� .z1 � �L?•��``»':+� x� ` , 'x GREASE TRAP-1 11 is r4 r h ,ro h ti ( 9 r k� r ii N"u { , _ � 2 ,N � ur v�F �S. ws �;,£'n. k"'R4,x a' � •wy T' ��.. y� s CONC, r r �1 E HC SIGNAGEs SIGN R7-8, POWER COMPANY TO SET NEW TRANSFORMER HERE ��--�- SIGN R7-80 & VAN ArE2 {!F F GPER;%ES ACCESSIBLE SIGN o V Gd 37/ PG 272 �s s �0. 2 PER APPLICABLE CODES vB $ PG 29 5 (.5 1 5 30 60I -title: Drainage Plan WALToNENGJNEERJNG Drawn by: JRH Project #: 201001 Pond (entire pond including the forebay) Elev. Surface Area In . Vol. Acc. Vol. _ c (Bottom) (PP) (TP) (Top Veg.) (Bottom Veg.) Sediment CO (10yr Storm) 35 1,209 NA NA 40 6,005 12,182 12,182 41 8,467 7,236 19,418 40.5 7,875 NA NA 39.5 3,857 NA NA 36 1,695 NA NA 40.4 7,566 3,039 15,221 Pond (Forebay alone) Elev. Surface Area Inc. Vol. Acc. Vol. (Bottom) (PP) Revision Date: 35 221 NA NA 40 1,337 2,485 2,485 04/28/2010 �L /✓r� ry /1� i PAFv L;r'E w FTiES /tB 3C32 PG 022 7C/2.Ilse 35 - /49 RE!✓/ i °/VT A!R , PFF 4//19 j-5, CAT' 149 L- A LF rl � I , I 1 �(n E IT _OCA-: tor, PSRyy ZDAAT PFJ/PFFTiES ' r UFO✓2 PO 022 YNSTP -PON SEQ''ENCE koti`y the ,'Vs or of Land Resources a` 910 796-7215 p-ior to aeg mire worIsr. L 1-fall a temp rcry r,. a !e'I Construction e ,-ar.,.C:e (A0' long mininiU of': Ridge,,vood Averue/I � , 3. cleu egetalion cs recuir c Icr onstr .� ; rtslor rIl+/r,,. me aSQ es ! de`,er)t a -)end and �,'alnGC sv Jlcs), Do not pen lo; In Barth dlSt'JrbinL ccT_IVIT./ a7 gals point !i"? cons.rUcT,ioir,. A .,--a the ce,e tior pond wlli serve as a sediment trap du -lag the o c_ruciicn p use. 4. -he veoetative Ir I --r wiI be established using cont:Tol matting. ^,c `F dcr e o �-rt e t 5. Mull silt fence a -can . The project �r c no for i U�„_h as. �o-ner of the c sturbec arec as s',ace/,, on rh-- s,� n up. 6. Construct the ae'entioh pond and swales cs shown on plan. 7. Beg n site el aria_, grading, earthwork crc ctr,e, constrac'.lon per this plar. 8. Establis'r `final al -.-des as c-onstruc' on Oroceeds. 9. Per-orlm temporary and/or perrnarert seeding peg- plcn sp I _ions immediately att r finol gra e e e aclished. 10 Apply strati milch and task per plc l soec',ficotlons Immediately a per seeding. IMP(PIHIv- ,f fn I Grades cre not establ ec n 21 C,M EDDAR DAYS FdR EACH GPOUND GIw UR-rakYE, heapply ra%/ nIu Ch and tack per plce specifications s_.d Hme o rood int�final grades are s.ablis led. In scch cases, t wlll be ecessa,y to perform seeding, -nulc Irg and acking nooI- m-red a'ely after final grade ire estacl's-ed AdH Iono.iy, per -Tar rt around cover for cll o s urccc Areas rr- t be ablisll d wi n t 15 v orNing days o 90 Co-)ece Iv ccleoder ays (whi_'nev, Is-_-orier) Fol'ow ng complehon of corsTstruction. 12. Ero on control measure other char those shown c the plan will ce installed should tte need arse. I 0 CR\IMAGE AREA DRA NAF"E 4REA 2 DRA dA\E AREA 3 �' ARKT\ 6 60 sgt - \38 ^ c AR\IN\ �' = �8 2 2 sqf \ 0c A. M PARKIKG sgft 0 A- BU -DING 4906 sq-`t - 0.1 Ac Bj',LDING - 1039 sgft 0.24 Ac B'\LDING 0 sgft J.00 ; r, SID\:',\LK 224 sift - 0.0`2 Ac \D\JJAL.r< T36 sgtt 0.01? Ac SIDEVNALK 1858 sgft G\43 Ac TOTAL 22190 sqi; 0.51 1`,c TOTAL 1 9953 scT 0.46 Ac T OTAL - 1 858 sq\ 0.043 ;c DPAINAG- A\E4 II 28721 sq. i. - 0,66 o A,. SID'LWA.LKS TRANSFORMER 1082 scft 0.025 Ac H L PAD 584 si f t 0.C36,Ac RAII\,AG fiRE 2 26581 sgft - 0.6" Ac i BUILDING 330' sq`t C135 r',c HEL. PAC I�VN KWAY 452 sq`t - 0.D10 Ac TOTAL VIPERVIOUS PARKING - 25582 scf, 0.59 Ac BUILDING - 15301 sgft 0.35 Ac SID� VVA 1 8 sgft 0.07 Ac OTA- 44001 sgft 1 \ 1 Ac 0 201001 00, 200 ER\M `GE 4-�=4, 3 41939 sc"t 0.06 A, PAR\,N 25582 sg`t 0.55 4,c