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SW8080947_HISTORICAL FILE_20081016
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 b$D01 }A DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2009 t01b YYYYMMDD i it e r O�� 9QG Michael Easley Goternor William G Ross Jr Secretary i North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 0 'f Coleen 11 Sullins P E Director Division of Water Quality October 16 2008 Thomas Singleton, Manager HVMP, LLC 1001 College Court New Bern, NC 28562 Subject Stormwater Permit No SW8 080947 Bogue Sound Church High Density Protect Carteret County Dear Mr Singleton The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for Bogue Sound Chruch on October 15, 2008 Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the protect, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 We are forwarding Permit No SW8 080947 dated October 16, 2008, for the construction of the subject protect This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 16, 2018, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems If any parts requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable you have the right to request an adtudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P O Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447 Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter please contact Chris Baker or me at (910) 796-7215 Sincerely, Edward Beck G' Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ENB/csb S \WQS\STORMWAT\PERMIT\080947 oct08 cc Brandon Finch P E , The John R McAdams Company Carteret County Building Inspections Chris Baker Wilmington Regional Office Central Files NorthCarolma ,Naf ira//y North Carolina Dnrsion of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 Phone (910) 796 7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet www newaterauality ore Fax (910) 350 2004 1 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10 % Post Consumer Paper Jlale Owiniwarer management oystems Permit No SW8 080947 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143 General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Thomas Singleton and HVMP, LLC Bogue Sound Church Whaley Lane, Carteret County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of an infiltration basin in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H 1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 16 2018, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations I DESIGN STANDARDS 1 This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data 2 This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 16 on page 3 of this permit The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 124 086 square feet of impervious area 3 The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans 4 All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans 5 The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system Page 2 of 7 ovate otormwater ivianagemem aystems Permit No SW8 080947 6 The following design criteria have been provided in the infiltration basin and must be maintained at design condition im=Surface Area. W el, 1 11on,� utte;Storaf?ge m ` rte; ' `of,Sod''r e'd Infil ation,;rj t ,oval High Water °FMSt: Ito Draw Down; ; ' �ng'St�ream/River �r it Irldext NGM1560 4` _ , _ 18,0854 340722 109,856 11,013 23,057 1 87,616 15 15 15 047 1 0 58 1 1 62 _ 28 - - f - - ----- 28------ 1 18 _ 2 776 1 4,528 3,044 2847 2858 1962 1,473 2,901 11947 Wando Wando Wando_ _ 052 052 052 2526 2374 1598 12- - - - - 144 792 Jumping Run/White Oak Bogue Sound/ White Oak _ 20-36-9 T20-36-(85) SA HQW 1 SA HQW II SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1 The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface 2 During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately 3 The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to a Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months) b Sediment removal c Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter d Immediate repair of eroded areas e Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications f Debris removal and unclogging of bypass structure, infiltration media flow spreader, catch basins piping and vegetated filter g A clear access path to the bypass structure must be available at all times Page 3 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 4 Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken 5 The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data 6 Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification A modification may be required for those deviations 7 If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility 8 Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements at all times The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications and calculations prior to construction for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to those listed below a Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans including the stormwater management measures built -upon area details, etc b Protect name change c Transfer of ownership d Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area e Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area The protect area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought f Filling in, altering or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan 10 The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction 11 A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction 12 The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made Page 4 of 7 estate atormwater management aystems Permit No SW8 080947 III GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director In the event of a change of ownership or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6A to 143-215 6C 3 The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local state and federal) having jurisdiction 4 In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily including the creation of nuisance conditions the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems 5 The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility 6 The permit may be modified revoked and reissued or terminated for cause The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition 7 Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual 8 Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit 9 The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days Permit issued this the 16th day of October, 2008 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION rort;oieen h �:iuums, uirector Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 5 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 Bogue Sound Chruch Stormwater Permit No SW8 080947 Carteret Countv Designer's Certification I , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification Noted deviations from approved plans and specification Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 6 of 7 estate wormwater management aystems � Permit No SW8 080947 Certification Requirements 1 The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage 2 The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area 3 All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system 4 All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system 5 The bypass structure weir elevation is per the approved plan 6 The bypass structure is located per the approved plans 7 A Trash Rack is provided on the bypass structure 8 All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation 9 Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3 1 10 The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system 11 The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided 12 All required design depths are provided 13 All required parts of the system are provided 14 The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans cc NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Carteret County Building Inspections Page 7 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Thomas Singleton and HVMP, LLC Bogue Sound Church Whaley Lane, Carteret County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of an infiltration basin in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H 1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 16 2018, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations I DESIGN STANDARDS 1 This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data 2 This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 16 on page 3 of this permit The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 124,086 square feet of impervious area 3 The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans 4 All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans 5 The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system Page 2 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 M The following design criteria have been provided in the infiltration basin and must be maintained at design condition urainage Area acres Onsite, ft2 Offsite ft2 _ Total Impervious Surfaces ft2 Design Storm, inches Basin Depth, feet _ Bottom Elevation FMSL Bottom Surface Area ft2 _ Bypass Weir Elevation, FMSL Permitted Storage Volume ft3 Type of Soii Expected Infiltration Rate, in/hr _ Seasonal High Water Table, FMSL Time to Draw Down, hours Receiving Stream/River Basin _ Stream Index Number Classification of Water 18,854 34,722 I 109,856 0 0 0 11,013 23,057 1 ( 87,616 --1 5 5— 15 047 1 _1 058 1 62 28 28 18 2,776 4,528 _ 3,044 2847 2858 1962 1,473 2,901 I 11947 Wando Wando Wando 052 0 52 0 52 2526 2374 1598 12 _ 144 792 Jumping Run/White Oak B Whit Soan White Oak 20-36-9 _ 20-36—(8 SA,HQW SA,HQW II SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1 The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface 2 During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately 3 The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to a Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months) b Sediment removal c Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter d Immediate repair of eroded areas e Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications f Debris removal and unclogging of bypass structure, infiltration media, flow spreader, catch basins, piping and vegetated filter g A clear access path to the bypass structure must be available at all times Page 3 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 4 Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification A modification may be required for those deviations If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements at all times The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below a Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc b Project name change c Transfer of ownership d Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area e Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought f Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan 10 The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction 11 A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction 12 The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit Within the time frame specified in the notice the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made Page 4 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 III GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request 2 Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6A to 143-215 6C 3 The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction 4 In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems 5 The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility 6 The permit maybe modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition 7 Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual 8 Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit 9 The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days Permit issued this the 16th day of October, 2008 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 5 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 Bogue Sound Chruch Stormwater Permit No SW8 080947 Carteret County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the protect, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification Noted deviations from approved plans and specification Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 6 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 080947 Certification Requirements 1 The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage 2 The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area 3 All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system 4 All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system 5 The bypass structure weir elevation is per the approved plan 6 The bypass structure is located per the approved plans 7 A Trash Rack is provided on the bypass structure 8 All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation 9 Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3 1 10 The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system 11 The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided 12 All required design depths are provided 13 All required parts of the system are provided 14 The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans cc NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Carteret County Building Inspections Page 7 of 7 I DWQ USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number_ I — A-1-erg bow - kill—.5 IA-) Y 03 9 D') State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation individual etc who owns the project) 2 Print Owner/Signing Official s name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance) Mr Thomas Singleton, Manager 3 Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above City New Bem Phone (252 j 672-5451 Email cdr@wardsmith com State NC Zip 28562 Fax (252 ) 672-5477 4 Project Name (subdivision facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans specifications letters operation and maintenance agreements, etc ) 5 Location of Project (street address) Intersection of NC 24 and Whaley Lane City Morehead Township County Carteret Zip 6 Directions to project (from nearest major intersection) From intersection of US 70 and NC 24, take NC 24 4 5 miles west to Whaley Lane Site is on left, just past Whaley Lane 7 Latitude 34' 44 0 81 N Longitude 760 52 9 06 W of project 8 Contact person who can answer questions about the project Name Brandon Finch, PE Telephone Number (919 287-4 r Email fmchOecoengr com II PERMIT INFORMATION 1 OCT 4 1 Specify whether project is (check one) ®New [:]Renewal [:]Modificationn Le 2 If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit list the existing permit numberN/A and its issue date (if known)N/A 3 Specify the type of project (check one) ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Redevelop ❑General Permit ❑Universal SMP ❑Other 4 Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks, information on required state permits can be Form SWU 101 Version 03 27 08 Pagel of4 obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623 6748) ❑CAMA Major ®Sechmentation/Erosion Control ❑404/401 Permit ❑NPDES Stormwater III PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below summarize how stormwater will be treated Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project Runoff from the protect will be treated using on site infiltration basins designed to capture the runoff from all site BUA The design storm used is 15 inches of rainfall The site drams to Bogue Sound and Jumping Rum, which are both classified as SA HOW water bodies at the site location 2 Stormwater runoff from this project drams to the White Oak River basin 3 Total Property Area 7 51 acres 4 Total Wetlands Area 0 21 acres 5 100 Wide Strip of Wetland Area n/a (<100) acres (not applicable if no wetlands exist on site) 6 Total Project Area** 7 51 acres 7 Project Built Upon Area 37 9 % 8 How many drainage areas does the project have?4 9 Complete the following information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage areas in the project attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below For high densit projects coin lete the table with one drainage area for each engineered stormwater device Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name See Attachment A See Attachment A Stream Class & Index No Total Drainage Area (sf) On -site Drainage Area (sf) Off -site Drainage Area (sf) Existing Impervious* Area (sf) Proposed Impervious*Area (so '% Impervious* Area (total) Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On -site Buildings (sf) See Attachment A See Attachment A On site Streets (sf) On -site Parking (sf) On -site Sidewalks (so Other on site (sf) Of -site (sf) Total (sf) * /mpuvious arca is defined as the built upon area including but not limited to, buildings roads parking areas sidewalks gravel areas ctc **Total project area shall be calculated based on the current policy rcgardmg inclusion of wetlands in the built upon arca percentage calculation This is the area used to calculate percent project built upon arca (BUA) 10 How was the off site impervious area listed above A IV DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS BY 1 One of the following deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all su bi �'sions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly a table listing eacli lot l number size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment Forms can be downloaded from httn //h2o enr.state,nc.us/su/bml2 forms htm - deed restrictions Form SWU 101 Version 03 27 08 Page 2 of 1.1 Form DRPC 1 High Density Commercial Subdivisions Form DRPC 2 High Density Developments with Outparcels Form DRPC-3 High Density Residential Subdivisions Form DRPC-4 Low Density Commercial Subdivisions Form DRPC-5 Low Density Residential Subdivisions Form DRPC 6 Low Density Residential Subdivisions with Curb Outlets By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the ayplicable items required in the above form, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot V SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms Forms can be downloaded from httl2 //h2o enr state nc us/su/bmp forms htm Form SW401-Low Density Low Density Supplement Form SW401 Curb Outlet System Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SW401-Off-Site System Off -Site System Supplement Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SW401-Infiltration Basin Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SW401-Infiltration Trench Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SW401-Bioretenhon Cell Bioretenhon Cell Supplement Form SW401-Level Spreader Level Spreader/Filter Strip/Restored Riparian Buffer Supplement Form SW401-Wetland Constructed Wetland Supplement Form SW401-Grassed Swale Grassed Swale Supplement Form SW401-Sand Filter Sand Filter Supplement Form SW401-Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Supplement -tYP� TT' oar JET 8y 9 �q�8 Form SWU-101 Version 03 27 08 Page 3 of 4 VI SUBMI I I AL REQUIREMENTS Only complete nppltcatton packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) A complete package includes all of the items listed below The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office (Appiopnatc office may be found by locating piolect on the inluacttvc Onitn(. map at (,til) n� u_ w i�t,im�S him) Plcase indicate that you have provided the following icquued infra ination by initialing in the, space piovided nc xt to cacti item Initials • 01Igmal and ont (opt/ of the Stot mwatcr Management Per mil Application I orin 6aF • Or tgmal and one t opy of the Diced Resh tchons & Protective Covenants Pot in (if j�e tcgancd as pu Patl IV about) • Original of the apphcable Supplement I orm(s) and O&M agteeniont(s) for each BMP Beir • Pet nut application processing fee of $505 (I-xpress $4 000 for I ID $2,000 for LD) payal)h to NCI)FNR B?f • Calculations & detailed nanahve descnphon ofstoinwatet tuatment/management B" • ( opy of any applicable soils report 02F • I wo copies of plans and specifications (sealed, signed & dated) including gar Devclopnu nt/Ptojcct name I ngnneer and fine - I egund Noi th at tow Scale - Rcvrsron number & date - Mcan high water lux - Dirac nsunx.d ptopc r ty/ptojcct boundary I ocahon map with named stiects of NCSR numbois 01igmal contours proposed contours spot elevations finished flooi clevations Delaik of loads drainage ftatUtcs collection systems and stounwatu eonhol nuasuics Wetlands de Iincated, m a note on plans that none exist 1 xistmng draunage (inc ludung off -site) dtautage easements pipe sizes, runoff calculations Di ainagc aicas dchnc ated Vegetated buffets (where requited) VII AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authonly to anothct individual of funs so that they may provide tnfoimatton on your behalf plcasc connplctc thtssectton (ex destgnuigent;ux(iof firm) Destgnatcd agent (individual of f]nn) Brandon I inch Pl Madmg Addtcss PO Box 14005 City Research I t tangle Pat k State NC 71p 27709��T1 Phone (919 1 2874262 1 ax 919 361-2269 1 nnatl finch 11ccocnrt coinQ70 oe Vltl APPLICANT'S CCR7ICICATION I (punt of h/p( nann ofpet son 6stcrl in Guural lnforrnnttou thw 2) Phonms Smg_leton ��V cutrfy that the mfor matron included on this pernut application form is, to the best of my knowledge, cot sect and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the apptovcd plans that the tequued deed restirctrons and protective covenants " ill be tecotded and that the proposed pi oject corn plies with the requuentenls of 15A NCAC 21-I 1000 Stgmtute J�-4Q DateAr Q0L D� I oun SWU-101 Vuston 03 27 08 Pae 4 of BOGUS SOUND CHURCH ATTACHMENT 'A' B R FINCH, PE TMS 08000 9/30/2008 Basin Information To SWMF #1 To SWMF #2 To SWMF #3 Remainder of Site Receiving Stream Name Jumping Run Jumping Run Bogue Sound Jumping Run / BogueSound Receiving Stream Classification SA HQW SA HQW SA HQW SA HQW Drainage Area 18 854 SF 34,722 SF 109 856 SF 163,574 SF Existing Impervious Area 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF Proposed Impervious Area 11,013 SF 23,057 SF 87 616 SF 2,400 SF Impervious Area (total) 58 4% 66 4% 79 8% 1 5% Impervious Surface Area To SWMF #1 To SWMF #2 To SWMF #3 Remainder of Site On -site Buildings 0 SF 0 SF 29,166 SF 0 SF On -site Streets/Parking it 013 SF 23,057 SF 52,122 SF 0 SF On -site Sidewalks 0 SF 0 SF 2,328 SF 0 SF On -site Retaining Wall 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 2 400 SF On -Site Future Impervious 0 SF 0 SF 4 000 SF 0 SF Off -site 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF Total 11,013 SF 23 057 SF 87,616 SF 2 400 SF 0 INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS4 ^ FILENAME S \WQS\INBASIN\080947 WK1 PROJECT NUMBER SW8 080947 DATE 16 Oct 08 PROJECT NAME Bouge Sound Church DRAINAGE BASIN 220A REVIEWER C Baker RECEIVING STREAM CLASS SA HQW Index No If ORW is site within the 575 AEC? SITE AREA F 7 51 acres IDRAINAGE AREA 18 8-5 -41 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION BUILDINGS PARKING/A; CONCRETE OTHER % IMPERVIOUS 1= 1 58 SOILS INFORMATION ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH) SOIL TYPE 7- REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE SURFACE AREAS / ELEVATIONS / Elev BOTTOM TOP 28 47 31 VOLUME / DEPTH / DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM INCHES DESIGN VOLUME TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE DEPTH OF RUNOFF TIME TO DRAWDOWN 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity i = 33 inches / hour Qr=CIA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity i = 6 3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr 10 min event = 11013 MEG&] mace a l nere IT N RV= 05+ 009 (I )= 0 52 INCHES/HOUR or 0 000012 FPS Inc Volume Acc Volume -38864 -38864 1376 63 CUBIC FEET 0 47 FEET 11 4 IHOURS I MUST BE <1, 0 01 0 03 CFS CFS Must be > Or 136 08 CF < 1376 63 CF COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are (not) within Design Requirements r �Z INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS PROJECT NUMBER SW8 080947 PROJECT NAME Bouge Sound Church DRAINAGE BASIN White Oak RECEIVING STREAM Jumping Run Index No 20 36 9 SITEAREA1 7 51 acres IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION BUILDINGS PARKING/ASPHALT CONCRETE OTHER 04 % IMPERVIOUS 1= SOILS INFORMATION ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TAI SOIL TYPE REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE Ejjff SURFACE AREAS / ELEVATIONS / VOLUMES BOTTOM 28 FILENAME S \WQS\INBASIN\080947 WK1 DATE 16 Oct-08 REVIEWER C Baker CLASS SA HOW If ORW is site within the 575 AEC? DRAINAGE AREA 1 34 7221SF 23057 23057 a 1 here if R 05+ 009 (1 ) _ 23 471 FEE do 0 52 INCI 0 000012 FPS n 1 1 633921 633921 1 TOP i 28 58 5 121 73179 091 9787 0� VOLUME / DEPTH / DRAWDOWN CALCULATION c DESIGN STORM INCHES 1 5 DESIGN VOLUME 2811 C BIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 2798 2 Et1BIC FEET DEPTH OF RUNOFF 058 FEET TIME TO DRAWDOWN 143 HOURS 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity i = 33 inches / hour Qr=CiA= 002 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= 005 CFS 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity i = 6 3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr 10 min event = 202 45 CF < COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are (not) within Design Requirements <1 Must be > Or 2798 21 CF A INFILTRATION BASIN ANALYSIS PROJECT NUMBER SW8 M36-8 PROJECT NAME Church DRAINAGE BASIN RECEIVING STREAM Index No SITE AREA 7 51 acres IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION BUILDINGS PARKING/ASPHALT CONCRETE OTHER % IMPERVIOUS 1= 79 SOILS INFORMATION ELEVATION OF SEASONAL HIGH W SOIL TYPE F REPORTED INFILTRATION RATE SURFACE AREAS / ELEVATIONS / \ FILENAME S \WQS\INBASIN\080947 WK1 DATE 16 Oct 08 REVIEWER C Baker CLASS SA HOW If ORW is site within the 575 AEC? DRAINAGE AREA 109 856 SF MeIS! riace a .i nere it Kanonai RV= 05+ 009 W = 077 15 98 FEET MSL Wando 0 52 INCHES/HOUR 0012 or 0 00FPS BOTTOM 18 1 3 044 1 18 5 299 0 TOP 19621 7 387 4362321 VOLUME / DEPTH / DRAWDOWN CALCULATION DESIGN STORM INCHES 1 5 DESIGN VOLUME 10543 CUB TOTAL VOLUME AVAILABLE 10354 32 CUB DEPTH OF RUNOFF 199 FEE TIME TO DRAWDOWN 785 HOL 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity i = 33 inches / hour Qr=CiA= 003 CFS Qp through the bottom of the balm= 004 CFS 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity i = 6 3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr 10 min event = 385 98 CF < COMMENTS Volume and drawdown are (not) within Design Requirements 111 BE <120 Must be > Or 10354 32 CF DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY nE C E I V ED IIJ^�Sj SEP 1 12008 INFILTRATION SYSTEM INVESTIGATION DWQ PROJ # Complete and email this form to Vincent Lewis@ncmad net If there are more than 7 areas to be tested attach a second sheet /IOW b 9 State Sod Scientist Confirmation Visit dateltime Project Name T;&caut: C,<� pi,.,Ze4t County CAyiyc- Street Address '�Aj. r.r / o, c¢ Nr-2cl At o `OiN, Directions from the nearest intersection of two major roads 1e� CP US10 s f,&IA Nb24 4'5 wuo, W�51 WI+A4� l f-.-E S Er Is (>J l Lei Jmsr %T- Wt� I Ate' >1 acre being disturbed? PYES ONO CAMA Major required? DYES 2gNO Consultant Name Amos C,• Phone Consultant Firm Name 7oti' 1P, (`' AaAth$ co, 11,� Bore Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a) Existing Ground Elevation b Proposed Bottom Elevation c) Difference (a minus b) d) Add 2 ft Min Bore Depth) e Hardpan Depth? f) Approx Elev Of SHWT g) Max lowest bottom elev _ h Infiltration Rate OK? * A Confirmation of SHWT " 2." _ ,50 T 3 For projects requiring more than 5 hand borings, manpower or equipment to conduct the excavation must be provided by the consultant *State Soil Scientist Use ONLY Comments SOd to A turo.r S Required Attachments 1 Legible vicinity map 2 Complete Sods Report C=a�s (Z2Po2T T.or *;T compwr ) 3 PDF formatted site plan with the boring locations to be tested Site plans should be emailed or hand -delivered only Illegible faxed maps will not be accepted All proposed infiltration areas and existing active utility lines located within the proposed basin/trench must be marked and flagged If these areas are not flagged the Sods Scientist reserves the right to decline to do the investigation If the proposed Infiltration system will be located In an area of existing pavement and there is no open area nearby, equipment capable of breaking through the impervious layer must be provided The sods Investigation does not take the place of a sods report prepared by an appropriate professional The Sods Scientist will only verify the sod conditions that are reported !n the Sods Report and make a determination as to the suitability of the site to meet the infiltration design requirements under NCAC 2H 1000 and assumes no liability should the system fad S \WQS\STORMWATER\FORMS\infiltration site visit I 0 Reyisevdt3108 y J, HY 4 o- (1E C E I V ED p�,8{ SEP 1 12008 DWO PROD 0 S $ n VICINITY SKETCH Surveyor s CYarllf cation m IswM w c tMsKIN a'{"w ...crv. p ( w5 IS A SOIL READ t� N VERY BAD GONDITON Surveyors 2nd CerN(Ica Non L❑Y Y PA HM . [3' 0 I Jf gpurct�y..`=may IARA Luau DI NUYM >Yi ED m �> +tea u w r urtmR, 1�= 9 j 0.VY'm[m YMPYCM .m�u on[W.n9v > wwaow II s[mn. um+v nwcyvw< ❑ tro+w+ae `1j Pro-v EZ v .at.+ua z C B- iii VERNON 9 TAYLOR LOTSSUBDIVISION LOTS IN P NRN . D Y J6FA'� uN � I 1l �n ll' y n oa �I WETLANDK ALONG „1.— SOUND SO �BOGJ m 'I „ I px d0 ��` LIP . c t> ®ss u uut-ARY uq v[ t� Ws.wuv ROGUE SOUND USCE 404 Wetlard Certit ca Ion ANN 200 0 20 ADD 600 PAPHC SCALE cc WETLAND CALLS o I RP rz NOT_S HIS PROPERTY IS SAE,ECT 0 4L EASEMENTS ACR EMENTS AND RIGHTS OF AA Or RECORD PRIOR TO THE MT or THIS MAP REVERENCES MAN' BOOK T PAGE 280 DIED BOOK A59 PACE 236 MAP BOON 19 FACE 95 FLOOD IWORVA ION THEN FROM FIR V J72053 BCOJ DATED JVLY 6 2303 WETLANDS MAP FOR TRACT 14 AND LOT 20 TRACT 15 0- THE VERNON 8 TAYLOR LOTS SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY SUNJEY FOR y HVNP LLC S iAC A W P TAYLOR N IR$ SVBDMSIo� EVATIO\S BASED ON, N A V 0 1988 TOPOGRAPHIC I\PGRNATICN AODE) -0 THIS MAP 9-08-2008 Wt. LANDS ADDJ TO T-S MAP ON APRIL 21 2008 Lc,d 5, ey rg I as rt w w uR PART¢, nwoq c — aYI t. a Carteret County Site i Subject Carteret County Site From "Clark, Amos" <Clark@ecoengr com> Date Wed, 10 Sep 2008 16 34 02 -0400 To "Janet Russell" <Janet Russell@ncmad net>, <vmcent Lewis@ncmail net> Please find attached a request for site visit for a proposed infiltration system We are trying to get all of this together for submittal prior to 10/1 (if possible) Thanks for all your help Amos D Amos Clark PE Division Director Office 919-287 4262 Cell 919-417-2547 Add to address book FIlEcoEngineering A do pion of 1 he John R MkAdam% ( onipan) Inc P O Box 14005 Research Triangle Park NC 27709 Design Services Focused On Client Success Please consider the environment before you print this e-mall Content -Description site visit req_001 pdf site visit req_001 pdf Content -Type appbcation/octet-stream Content -Encoding base64 Content -Description map_001 pdf [map_001 pdf Content -Type application/octet-stream Content -Encoding base64 1 of 1 9/11/2008 8 34 AM N ' N OPOSED"4 ( I IN LTRATIDN AREAS. _ 5n 1 \\ (L \ 1 1 1 II \ II I �I Il lj I I j It p tI l I , I I I 11 I I I i I i I { tw I �(i VERNON B TAYLOR j - LOTS SUBDIVISION REFERENCE M B 19 PG 95 PROPOSED TAT 14 AC RECREATIONAL AREA 51 1 I lj1 II PROPOSED CHUCH iBUILDING I �'I I ` 1 } I 4 4 WETLAND AREA SED OPEN AIR CORED AREA l� o ( GRAPHIC SCALE i ( I j 200 0 100 zoo 400 .a0h = 200 tt SOUND-wll� ��— LINE BOGUE SOUND P[M[C1 x. TMS-08000 I BOGUE .SOUND CHURCH THE JOHN R McADAMS INC —TMS-08000O PROPOSED SnE LAYOUT JIMCOMPANY i =zoo CAR7ERE7'COUNIY NC o 4ow m�n.m-um ��wu . lour >41-'+499 09-18-08M.I.I. PRELIMINARY LAND 8: SOILS MAP OF ' THE SINGLETON - TAYLOR TRACT (--8 acres) FOR POTENTIAL STORMWATER INFILTRATION USABILITY Win. Morehead City West Area - Morehead Township - Carteret Co - NC -NiNq . Lat 34"73089 N, Long 76.87206 E; PIN #633604838491000 w iDeep +70", well drained, sandy soils for potential stonmater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +48 - 65". Estimated permeability 5 - 10 min/in (+6 - 12 m1hr) - to +70" depths. Wanda soil types. •m Deep+70', moderately well drained, sandy soils for potential shallow to ultra -shallow 1 �+ placed stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table+30 - 47". Estimated permeability 5 - 10 min/in (+6 - 12 inlhr) to +70' depths. Wando, Onslow.. and sT Seabrook soil types. ' II----- Deep+70", somewhat poorly to moderately well drained, sandy soils for potential ultra- shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high of , water table +15 - 29'. Estimated permeability 5 - 15 minin (+4 - 12 m1hr) to +70' depths. 7".•' Mandarin, Conetoe. Seabrook, Padolus, and Leon -dry phase soil types. --.. Poorly to somewhat poorly drained, sandy soils with possible hardpan spodic horizons which are considered unusable for infiltration .. potential stormwater usage without major fill site improvements. Estimated seasonal high perched water table <12 - 14'. ,,- Estimated permeability 5 - 100 min(n (+0.6 - 12 in)hr) to +50" depths. Leon, Pactolus- wet phase, and Lynn -haven soil types. -= Potential 404 wetlands or 404/CAMA tidal wetlands that may come under USACOE, NCDENR-DWO-0WO jurisdictions. These areas cannot be filled or massively disturbed without the proper Federal & State permits. These areas unsuitable for stormwaterinfittration usage. Leon Open tidal waters of Bogue Sound classified as S.A. Waters. CAMA reviews all development activities 75 ft landward of the normal high tide line. Stormwater structures are +50 8 from the normal high tide line. Approximate locations of proposed sormwater infiltration systems per McAdams h, conceptual drawings. \\c, Approximate described soil boring location. ` SCALE: 1 Inch = —300 Feet r (all lines paced 8: approximate) September - 2008 Land Management Group, Inc. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT NAME OF LIMI FED LIABILI FY COMPANY HB4P LLC SECRI TARY 01 STA I E I L C ID NUMBER 0450055 NATURE OF BUSINESS Mmtagementlinvestment REGISTEREDAGENT IVASLAW LLC REGISTERED OFFICE MAII ING ADDRESS PO Bov 867 Ncw Beni NC 28563 E Filed Annual Report 1 04887667 For year 2008 Do not date enter manuilly STATE OF FNCORPORAI ION NC RFGIS FERFD OFFICF STRFFT ADDRFSS 1001 College Court New Bet it NC 28562 Craven Countv PRINCIPAI OFFICLIELEPHONENUMBER (2D2)2470494 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAII ING ADDRESS PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS MANAGERS/MEMBER S/ORGANIZERS Nome 7howasilleLetm Singleton Title Alanaget Address 1463 Hwv 24 1463 Highway 24 Neuport NC 28.)70 1463 Hit v 24 Neuport NC 28570 CER I IFICATION OF ANNUAI REPORT MUST BE COMPI LTED BY AI L LIMITFD LIABILITY COMPANIES Main IS Smglaton FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY A MANAGER/MEMBFR I homas Singleton 03/26/2008 DAIS Manager TYPE OR PRINT NAME T1 PF OR PRINT TITLF ANNUAL REPORT FEE $200 MAIL TO Secretary of State Corporations Division Post Office Box 29525 Raleigh NC 27626 0525 RF(-FTNTFD OCT 1 4 2008 BY - --- • 1 98 03 5006 ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF HUMP, LLC 0- 0/Svvs. �IL,ED // Zbatv" He 101998 EFFECTIVE ELAINE F SECRETARY OFST TE FORTH CAROI IN 4 We, the undersigned, hereby do make and acknowledge these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company under and by virtue of the law of the State of North Carolina, as contained in Chapter 57C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, entitled "North Carolina Limited Liability Company Act," and to that end hereby do set forth 1 The name of the limited liability company is HUMP, LLC " 2 The limited liability company shall dissolve no later than January 1, 2048, unless the members unanimously shall extend the term prior to the dissolution date 3 The name and address of each organizer executing these Articles are Name Stanley M Sams Address Post Office Box 8088 Greenville, NC 27835-8088 4 The street address of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is 120 West Fire Tower Road, Winterville, Pitt County, North Carolina 28590, the mailing address of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is Post Office Box 8088, Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina 27835-6088, and the name of the initial registered agent of the limited liability company at such address is Stanley M Sams 5 All members of the limited liability company+ also shall be managers of the limited liability company 6 These Articles of Organization shall be effective upon the filing of same by the North Carolina Secretlary of State Or T 1 4 2008 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed or caused this instrument properly to be executed in their respective names, this the day of A, y_ , A D 1998 Sta ley M %ams, Organizer Prepared by and return to Stanley M Sams For the firm of Ward and Smith, P A Post Office Box 8088 Greenville, North Carolina 27835-8088 Telephone (919) 355-3030 Facsimile (919) 756-3689 98G0019(A) GVLMAIN\111433 1 z i 4r,O un/ne2'R0Tes , ANNUAL REPORT FOR LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 99 NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY HvhIP, LLC SECRETARY OF STATE L L C ID NUMBER C-04500,�5 105 0061 FISCAL YEAR ENDING MONTH/DAY/YEAR —FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID NUMBER CHECK HERE IF INFORMATION HAS NOT CHANGED SINCE MOST RECENTLY FILED ANNUAL a REPORT COMPLETE LINE 8 ONLY I REGISTERED AGENT & REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS FILED MAY 2 1999 2 STREET ADDRESS OF REGISTERED OFFICE EFFECTIVE ELAINE SEcRETY OF NORTHGSTATE A20LINA 3 IF REGISTERED AGENT CHANGED, SIGNATURE OF NEW AGENT SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO APPOINTMENT 4 ENTER PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS HERE ADDRESS CITY 5 ENTER PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER HERE 6 ENTER NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS OF MANAGER(S) HERE- ST- ZIP- B i` N11 Vigo 9:I:�K�I1� NAME- ADDRESS TITLE- CITY ST ZIP NAME- ADDRESS TITLE CITY- ST ZIP NAME ADDRESS TITLE CITY 7 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE NATURE OF BUSINESS ST ZIP 8 CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT, MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES ��./nyt419- -fit r�� 1 -3 ' FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY MANAGfA OF L L C M DATE rffornAS P7 SiNG'<C ion/ /4(rL=/Z_ TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE pPP0.0. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT 0 rs NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY HUMP LLC SECRET ARY OF STATE L L C ID NUMBER 045005D NATURE OF BUSINFSS Management/investment! REGISTERED AGENT WASLAW LLC REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS REGISTERED OFFICF STREET ADDRESS PO Box 867 New Bern NC 28563 E Filed Annual Report 1-04887667 For year 2008 Do not data enter manually STATE OF INCORPORATION NC 1001 College Court New Bern NC 28562 Craven County PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER (252) 247 0494 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS MANAGERS/MEMBERS/ORGANIZERS Name Thomas Mclean Singleton Title Manager Address 1463 Hwy 24 1463 Highway 14 Newport NC 28570 1463 Hwy 24 Newport NC 28570 CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT MUS I BE COMPLETED BY Al L LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES Thomas Singleton FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY A MANAGER/MEMBER Thomas Singleton 03/26/2008 DATE Manager TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE $200 MAIL TO Secretary of State Corporations Division Post Office Box 29525 Raleigh NC 27626-0525 F W Bogue Sound Church Subject FW Bogue Sound Church From "Clark, Amos" <Clark@ecoengr com> Date Wed, 8 Oct 2008 14 41 43 -0400 To "Janet Russell" <Janet Russell@ncmail net> FYI Sorry for the confusion Amos Brandon will be down there Tuesday -----Original Message----- FromClark, Amos Sent Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2 40 PM To 'Linda Lewis' Finch, Brandon Cc Robert Patterson Scott Vinson Subject RE Bogue Sound Church Linda - Thanks for working with us on this - I do appreciate your help Since the Express Review will be based on the 1995 rules per your email below and your prior correspondence to us, we will go ahead and move forward in the Express program as you have described We will bring our check for $4000, and use the plans and application that are already submitted We will meet with Chris Baker on 10/14/08 Thanks again for your help Amos -----Original Message----- FromLinda Lewis [mailto linda lewis@ncmail net) Sent Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5 38 PM To Clark, Amos Finch, Brandon Cc Robert Patterson Scott Vinson Subject Bogue Sound Church Amos & Brandon OK- the application is here, but again it's either going Express or it's not We can't have the same project being reviewed at the same time in different parts of the same program Your request for an Express review was received on September 30, 2008, so it will be reviewed under the 1995 rules In anticipation of you being satisfied that the 1995 rules are being applied, I am returning the check for the regular application fee If the plans and application are complete, when it's time for your Express meeting, please bring your check for $4000 00 (unbundled stormwater only), or whatever Janet says is your fee, to the Express meeting and use the plans and application that are already submitted I'll hand those plans over to the scheduled reviewer Will that be OK� Linda of I 10/8/2008 4 39 PM 1 (31 CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 From Clark Amos [Clark@ecoengr com] Sent Wednesday October 08 2008 2 49 PM To CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 Cc Bartone Dave Subject FW Bogue Sound Church Fyi - my response to Linda -----Original Message----- FromClark, Amos Sent Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2 40 PM To 'Linda Lewis', Finch, Brandon Cc Robert Patterson, Scott Vinson Subject RE Bogue Sound Church Linda - Thanks for working with us on this - I do appreciate your help Since the Express Review will be based on the 1995 rules per your email below and your prior correspondence to us, we will go ahead and move forward in the Express program as you have described We will bring our check for $4000, and use the plans and application that are already submitted We will meet with Chris Baker on 10/14/08 Thanks again for your help Amos -----Original Message----- FromLinda Lewis [mailto linda lewis@ncmail net] Sent Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5 38 PM To Clark, Amos, Finch, Brandon Cc Robert Patterson, Scott Vinson Subject Bogue Sound Church Amos & Brandon OK- the application is here, but again it's either going Express or it's not We can't have the same project being reviewed at the same time in different parts of the same program Your request for an Express review was received on September 30, 2008, so it will be reviewed under the 1995 rules In anticipation of you being satisfied that the 1995 rules are being applied, I am returning the check for the regular application fee If the plans and application are complete, when it's time for your Express meeting, please bring your check for $4000 00 (unbundled stormwater only), or whatever Janet says is your fee, to the Express meeting and use the plans and application that are already submitted I'll hand those plans over to the scheduled reviewer Will that be OK� Linda I CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 From Clark Amos [Clark@ecoengr com] Sent Tuesday October 07 2008 10 40 AM To CLINT D ROUTSON 5451 Subject FW Express & Regular Application at the Same time Second email We have the option of taking the submittal we made on 9/30 and moving' that submittal into the express review program Based upon what we are seeing here, it has a project number in the system, and as long as it is accepted as complete on 10/14, it will be vested I have had no luck in getting a 'dual review" Unless we go above Bradley Bennett's head, I think we have to choose as to what is the best route to take What are your thoughts w/r/t this -----Original Message----- FromLinda Lewis (mailto linda lewis@ncmail net] Sent Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10 23 AM To Clark, Amos Subject Re Express & Regular Application at the Same time Amos Bogue Sound Church was assigned a project number and is scheduled for an Express review on October 14 At this point, it will be reviewed under the 1995 rules unless the project is determined to be substantially incomplete at the October 14 submittal meeting and can't be made complete within 24 hours Linda Clark, Amos wrote > Thanks for following up with that This is for the Bogue Sound Church > project that was submitted into the Standard review process on September > 30th > Our client is wanting to make both submittals (express and standard) in > the belief that having both submittals in the program is the best way to > protect his rights under the old NCAC coastal regulations He is uneasy > with the Standard review process (since all of the old comment letters > that we used to receive had the statement in there that the application > is being returned as incomplete), and he did not feel safe with only > using the express review process since he would not be issued a SW8 > number until the express review submittal on 10/14 (per the Session Law, > that project number :s what deems a project vested under the old > regulations) I understand your standpoint that you cannot have the > same project going through both review processes at once, but I also > understand his uneasiness with not knowing for sure if he is vested > under the old program at this point > I just checked the RIMS website, and saw seoeral submittals on 9/30 that > had been issued project numbers, but Bogue Sound Church was not one of > those If we had a project number at this point, that may ease his fear EXHIBIT 9 G_ 1 4 > of losing vested rights \� you know when/if that number be > assignecP > > -----Original Message----- • From Li^da Lewis (marlto Linda lewis@ncmail net) > Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3 13 PM > To Clark Amos > Subject Express 6 Regular Application at the Same time > Amos > It's unanimous from all concerned in Central office and regions that an > application can take only one route, either express or regular, not both > > at the same time This isn't a rules question, this is an administrative > question The application can be accepted into either program, but not > both While there's nothing specifically prohibiting this, neither is > there anything specifically allowing it If your client should ever > divulge his/her real intent, I would like to know why > Linda 2 n CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 From Clark Amos (Clark@ecoengr com) Sent Tuesday October 07 2008 10 33 AM To CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 Subject FW Express & Regular Application at the Same time I Clint - Here is the first of two emails from DWQ this morning w/r/t the dual express / standard review Note that Linda has also copied Bradley Bennett in the Central office Bradley is the State Stormwater Program supervisor I will forward the second email to you following this one -----Original Message----- FromLinda Lewis [mailto linda lewis@ncmail net] Sent Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10 19 AM To Clark, Amos Cc Bradley Bennett Subject Re Express 6 Regular Application at the Same time Amos When I first read that in the Session Law, I too, thought as you did However, my understanding from our internal discussions with Central Office staff is that we are to follow the intent of the Legislature The assignation of a number to a CAMA application or an SEC application for tracking purposes does NOT mean that a complete stormwater application has been received and does not guarantee that the application will be reviewed under the old rules A complete stormwater application received prior to October 1, 2008 or a vested right is needed to assure that If the project has been in your shop for some time, then I would assume that certain other permits or approvals have been obtained, such as a local government preliminary plan approval Thi is a perfectly acceptable vested right provided it was approved prior to October 1, 2008 In the workshops, it should have been discussed that for express, it is our intent to review and permit projects as we did when the Phase II rules were rolled out last year Any project that submitted an express request to Janet prior to October 1, 2008, or that holds a valid vested right, is to be reviewed under the old rules, even if the applicati, is submitted after October 1, 2008, or the actual review takes place after October 1 It is incumbent on the consultant to provide a complete application on the scheduled submittal meeting day, or to make the application complete within 24 hours of the submittal meeting The Bogue Sound Church project will not be assigned an application number until a complete application has been accepted into the regular program, or an Express Review is scheduled Linda Clark, Amos wrote > Thanks for following up with that This is for the Bogue Sound Church > project that was submitted into the Standard review process on September > 30th > Our client is wanting to make both submittals (express and standard) in 1 r ~ >•the belief that having boAkubmittals in the program is test way to > protect his rights under the old NCAC coastal regulations He is uneasy > with the Standard review process (since all of the old comment letters > that we used to receive had the statement in there that the application > is being returned as incomplete), and he did not feel safe with only > using the express review process since he would not be issued a SW8 > number until the express review submittal on 10/14 (per the Session Law, > that project number is what deems a project vested under the old > regulations) I understand your standpoint that you cannot have the > same project going through both review processes at once, but I also > understand his uneasiness with not knowing for sure if he is vested > under the old program at this point > I just checked the BIMS website, and saw several submittals on 9/30 that > had been issued project numbers, but Bogue Sound Church was not one of > those If we had a project number at this point, that may ease his fear > of losing vested rights Do you know when/if that number will be > assigned? > -----Original Message----- • From Linda Lewis (mailto linda lewis@ncmail net) > Sent Thursday, October 02, 2008 3 13 PM > To Clark, Amos > Subject Express & Regular Application at the Same time > Amos > It's unanimous from all concerned in Central office and regions that an > application can take only one route, either express or regular, not both > at the same time This isn't a rules question, this is an administrative > question The application can be accepted into either program, but not > both While there's nothing specifically prohibiting this, neither is > there anything specifically allowing it If your client should ever > divulge his/her real intent, I would like to know why > Linda 2 CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 From Clark Amos [Clark®ecoengr com] Sent Tuesday October 07 2008 6 01 PM To CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 Subject Fw Bogue Sound Church Clint - Let s discuss tomorrow -------------------------------------- D Amos Clark, PE Division Director 919-417-2547 (Mobile) Eco Engineering A Division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc Sent from my wireless device -----Original message----- FromLinda Lewis To Clark, Amos, Finch Brandon CC Robert Patterson Scott Vinson Sent Tue Oct 07 17 37 42 2008 Subject Bogue Sound Church Amos & Brandon OK- the application is here, but again it's either going Express or it's not We can't have the same pro3ect being reviewed at the same time in different parts of the same program Your request for an Express review was received on September 30, 2008, so it will be reviewed under the 1995 rules In anticipation of you being satisfied that the 1995 rules are being applied, I am returning the check for the regular application fee If the plans and application are complete, when it's time for your Express meeting, please bring your check for $4000 00 (unbundled stormwater only), or whatever Janet says is your fee, to the Express meeting and use the plans and application that are already submitted I'll hand those plans over to the scheduled reviewer Will that be OK� Linda F EXHIBIT H 1 CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 From Clark Amos [Clark@ecoengr comj Sent Tuesday September 30 2008 2 44 PM To Janet Russell Cc CLINT D ROUTSON 5451 Subject RE Bogue Church Request Janet - This date will work for us Please reserve that time for the express review for working with us on this project Amos -----Original Message----- FromJanet Russell [mailto Janet Russell@ncmail net] Sent Friday, September 26, 2008 5 33 PM To Clark, Amos cdr@wardsmith com Subject Re Bogue Church Request September 26, 2008 `Rogue Sound Church Gentlemen The Express Stormwater submittal meeting for Bogue Sound Church has been scheduled with *Chris Baker on October 14, 2008 at 11 00 AM* here in the Thank you Wilmington Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, 28405 The applicant or his assistant is required to attend the meeting Please be sure to carefully go over the checklist for a complete project application on the BMP Manual website This is the same checklist that our reviewers use when determining whether or not the application package is complete Also, please note that plans should be submitted folded to 9" x 14" to fit our file system Please respond within 2 business days to confirm and reserve the submittal meeting date_ The registered' number that the computer assigns has not been assigned yet It will be assigned next week When the stormwater application package is received as complete the registered status will be changed to the standard permit number Having expended the money for the plan design and submitting the Express Request prior to October 1 should provide the *vested* requirement for your project under the law I have been told that it does Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator Clark, Amos wrote > > Janet- > As per our discussion this afternoon, I have talked with the client > and he wants to go ahead and schedule the Express Review for the week > of October 13-th Please do send me an email confirmation of this 1 EXHIBIT n s > and the actual date and t1l,and please also send to me t W8 > permit number that is assigned to the project > Thanks for all your help > Amos > D Amos Clark, PE > Division Director > Office 919-287-4262 > Cell 919-417-2547 > <http //www ecoengr com/stationery/vcf/D %20Clark vcf> > <http //www ecoengr com/> > P 0 Box 14005, Research Triangle > /Design Services Focused On Client > environment before you print this Park, NC 27709 Success/ *Please consider the e-mail * E THE JOHN R McADAMS COMPANY, INC LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To Ms Janet Russell Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 (910) 796 7215 Re Bogue Sound Church I am sending you the following item(s) Date September 30 2008 SEP R 0 ?008 HAND DELIVER ** Job No TMS-08000 COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 1 $505 Epee Review Fee - Check #4627 2 Final SW M mt Permit Application 2 Infiltration Basin Supplements & O&M Agreements 2 SW M mt Final Desi n Calculations 2 SW M mt Final Design Plans These are transmitted as checked below ❑ As requested ® For approval ❑ For review and comment Remarks ® Foryouruse Copy to D AmoS Clark PE Signed dLn R D Bartone PE Brandon R Finch PE Sr Stormwater Project Manager FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ❑ Copy Letter of Transmittal Only to File ® Copy Entire Document to File CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING SURVEYING PO Box 14005 . Research Triangle Park NC 27709 • (919) 361 5000 • fax (919) 361 2269 w johnrmcadarns corn BOGUE SOUND CHURCH Carteret COLintv, North Carolina I . I Storn? Drclincr(,,,e CIklllhttiO17S Project NLI111t-)Cl-: 13 v: 13\: Date: Tms-08000 Dave D. Bartone, 11-1' Leonard Mcl31-% de 111, F11 September 30, 2008 A THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. 1RIA\(;1 I If P O. B- i40115 I ,,q I, Fo, k. NC 27,� all 1)19� ',bl 0 X AX919 3561 2269 6701 Grme l Road, state 205. Chadottu, NC 28226 -01 5- 0800 FAX 70.1 -,27 20103 390-1 N-1111, Dr S t, 200 W1,11,l,jtmW 28403 970. 711, F1�81 FAX 1110 '9,)8j ;1 Bogue Sound Church • Storm Drainage Calculations General Description The Bogue Sound Church project is a proposed hotel development located in Carteret County The project is located east of the intersection of NC Hwy 24 and Hall Road Existing Site Conditions This project consists of a 2 85-acre vacant wooded lot NC Hwy 24 has an existing 12" water main running parallel with the road in front of the site Calculation MethodolopV and Assumptions The pipe systems were sized using "StormCAD version 4 5 by Haestad Methods" This program accepts the input data from each inlet, as well as physical charactenstics of the storm system to be designed, and calculates flow rates and pipe sizes throughout the system For rainfall data, an OF curve for the 2, 10 and 25-year storm event describing the Wilmington region was used The final results of this program, as well as calculated pipe sizes and hydraulic grade lines, may be found in the appropriate section of this report The minimum pipe size used for this project is 15 inches and all pipe material is reinforced concrete (RCP) • For the individual storm drainage inlet, a drainage area was measured and the soil type was determined for that drainage area as well as a projected impervious surface percentage The Rational Coefficient ("C") used was 0 35 for impervious area and 0 95 for impervious area This information was used to calculate a weighted rational "C" factor for the 2 and 10-year storm This data was used to size the storm drainage pipes An example of the calculation is provided below Impervious Area (Paved, Concrete or Building) = 0 5 Acres C Value = 0 95 Grass Areas = 0 7 Acres C Value = 0 35 2 and 10—year weighted C = f (0 50 x 0 95) + (0 70 x 0 35)) / (0 50 + 0 70) = 0 60 All pipes are designed to have a minimum slope of 0 50 % The hydraulic grade line at the outlet is assumed to be at the crown of the downstream pipe Attached are the calculations to show the design methods • I OCT a 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Description Existing Site Conditions Calculation Methodology and Assumptions ATTACHMENTS 1) Storm Drainage Layout 2) Catch Basin Drainage Areas 3) IDF Rainfall Graphs and Table • 4) Inlet Rational "C" 5) 10-Year Storm Drainage Report 6) 10-Year Hydraulic Grade Line Report 7) 10-Year Hydraulic Energy Profiles 8) 1-Inch Per Hour Profile and Report for EW-1&4 9) Rip Rap Outlet Protection Calculation for EW-1 &4 10) Rip Rap Outlet Protection Calculation for Roadway Flumes 11) Swale Calculations 12) Culvert Calculations 0 • • 0 1 Storm Drainage Layout 2 Catch Basin Drainage Areas 3 DIF Rainfall Graphs and Table 4 Inlet Rational "C" 5 10-Year Storm Drainage Report 6 10-Year Hydraulic Grade Line Report 7 10-Year Hydraulic Energy Profiles 1-Inch Per Hour Profile and Report for 8 EW-1 &4 Rip Rap Outlet Protection Calculation 9 for EW-1&4 Rip Rap Outlet Protection Calculation 10 for Roadway Flumes 11 Swale Calculations 12 Culvert Calculations Scenario Base 149M. P-1 W,, CB-6 P-3 CB-3 P<1 • 0-1P-5I J13-2 Title Bogue Sound Church Protect Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \land\stormcad\09 30-2008 model stm The John R McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 2014] 09/30/08 09 22 34 AM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1 203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 r-1 IDF RAINFALL GRAPHS AND TABLE Attachment 3 L 90 Intensity Duration Frequency Curve 1 years 2 years 5 years 10 years 25 years 10 I. 50 100 150 20.0 250 30.0 35.0 40 0 45.0 50.0 550 60,0 Duration {min) 0 Title. Rogue Sound Church Project Engineer. Leonard McBryde w\ \Iand\storrncad\00,30,2008,lod.IltI The John R McAdams Company Sto—CAD ,4.1. 1 [4 20141 09130108 09 40 23 AM C 11—tad Methods. Inc 37 SrociksidP Read Waterbury..CT 067081 +1-203-755-16,56 Page 1 rif 1 • • • Rainfall Table Return Periods Durations 1 year 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 5 min 1 00 590 664 720 8 11 10 min 1 00 503 576 630 714 15 min 1 00 438 509 560 638 20 min 1 00 389 456 504 577 30 min 1 00 317 378 420 484 60 min 1 00 204 249 280 326 Rainfall Intensities are in (m/hr) Title Bogus Sound Church Protect Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \Iand\stormcad\09 30 2008 model slm The John R McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 20141 09/30/08 09 44 30 AM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1 203 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario 10-Year Storm • s Inlet Report Label Area (acres) Inlet C RID-1 019 095 CB 3 059 094 CB-6 032 078 CB 7A 063 093 CB 8 044 095 Title Bogue Sound Church Protect Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \land\stormcad\09 30-2008 model stm The John R McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 20141 09/30/08 09 41 00 AM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 10-YEAR STORM DRAINAGE REPORT Attachment 5 Scenario 10-Year Storm Storm Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Inlet Area (acres) Inlet C Inlet CA (acres) System CA (acres) Tc (min) System Tc (min) System Intensity (in/hr) Total Flow To Inlet (cfs) Full Capacity (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Size Slope (fvft) Dn Invert Elevation (ft) Up Invert Elevation (ft) On Hydraulic Grade (ft) Up Hydraulic Grade (ft) Dn Rim TC-TG Elevation (ft) Up Rim-TC-TG Elevation (ft) Composite Rational C RD-1 019 095 018 018 500 500 720 1 31 611 1095 P-7 7500 018 500 720 1 00 667 6 inch 0018667 21 50 2290 22 19 2461 2430 2540 CB-8 0 44 095 042 022 500 500 720 303 313 095 P-1 31500 022 500 720 4,58 342 15 inch 0005032 2075 2234 2219 2285 2430 2559 CB-7A 063 093 059 034 500 500 720 566 1 86 093 P-6 1500 034 500 720 457 203 15 inch 0005000 2075 2083 2219 2221 2430 2408 JB-1 075 721 680 1 25 P 2 24000 075 721 680 11 36 307 18 inch 0011688 1770 2050 21 30 21 85 2325 2430 CB-6 032 078 025 1 44 500 855 656 499 280 078 P 3 500 1 44 855 656 000 302 24 inch 0000000 1720 1720 21 23 21 24 2325 2325 CB 3 059 094 055 199 500 858 656 402 5 33 —0 94 P4 17000 1 99 858 6 56 2631 605 24 inch 0013529 1750 1980 1870 21 11 2388 2325 JB-2 199 897 648 747 P 5 3500 1 99 897 648 2418 603 24 inch 0011429 1700 1740 1808 1870 1900 2388 0-1 1 99 906 647 748 • Title Bogue Sound Church Protect Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \land%stormcad\09-30-2008 model stm The John R. McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 20141 09/30/08 09 29 23 AM ® Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1 203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 10-YEAR HYDRALIC GRADE LINE REPORT Attachment 6 Scenario 10-Year Storm HGL Report Label Size Total Dn Up Dn Up Depth Depth Has Critical Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity Energy Energy Energy Specific Specific System Invert Invert Hydraulic Hydraulic In Out Hydraulic Depth In Out Head Head Grade Grade Slope Energy Energy Flow Elevation Elevation Grade Grade (ft) A Jump? (ft) (Ns) (ft/s) In Out Line In Line Out (ft/ft) In Out (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) P-7 6 Inch 1 31 21 50 2290 2219 2461 1 71 069 false 049 667 667 069 069 2530 2288 0032256 240 1 38 P-1 15 Inch 163 2075 2234 2219 2285 051 1 43 false 051 342 1 33 018 003 2304 2221 0002609 070 1 46 P-6 15 Inch 249 2075 2083 2219 2221 1 38 1 43 false 063 203 203 006 006 2227 2225 0001489 144 1 50 P-2 18 Inch 513 1770 2050 21 30 21 85 1 35 360 false 087 307 290 015 013 2200 2143 0002373 149 373 P-3 24 inch 949 1720 1720 2123 21 24 404 403 false 1 10 302 302 014 014 21 38 21 38 0001760 418 418 P-4 24 inch 1315 1750 1980 1870 21 11 1 31 1 00 false 1 31 6 OS 8 37 057 109 21 67 19 59 0012267 1 87 209 P 5 24 inch 13 00 1700 1740 18081 18 70 1 30 1 08 false 1 1 30 6 03 7 48 0561 0 87 192 1 B 95 0 008811 1 86 1 95 • • Title Bogue Sound Church Project Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \land\stormcad\09-30-2008 model stm The John R. McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 20141 09/30/08 09 30 14 AM C Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1-203 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 i • 10-YEAR HYDRALIC ENERGY PROFILES Attachment 7 Profile Scenario 10-Year Storm • • • Label 41 Rim 19 00 ft Sump 17 00 fl Label JB-2 Label CB-3 arr., �z an a _ _ Label CB-6 Label JB-1 Rim 24 30 ft Label CB-8 Rim 25 59 ft Sump 22 34 ft 2600 Sump 17 40ft RIM-23-25-ft--Rim 2 25- Sump 17 20 ft Sump 17 20 ft Sump 20-50 ft I — 0+00 \ 1+00 Label P-5 Up Invert 17 40 ft Dn Invert 17 00 ft L 35 00 ft Size 24 inch S 0 011429 ft/ft Title Bogue Sound Church w N, Vand%stonncadt09-30-2008 model stm 09/30/08 09 30 52 AM \ 2+00 Label P-4 Up Invert 19 80 ft Dn Invert 17 50 ft L 17000ft Size 24 inch S 0 013529 ft(ft 3+00 Label P-3 Up Invert 17 20 ft Dn Invert 17 20 ft L 500ft Size 24 inch S 0 000000 ft(ft \ 806% (ft) 5+00 Label P-2 Up Invert 20 50 ft Dn Invert 17 70 ft L 240 00 ft Size 18 inch S 0 011688 fbft The John R. McAdams Company ® Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 6+00 \ 7+00 Label P-1 Up Invert 22 34 ft Dn Invert 20 75 ft L 31500ft Size 15 inch S 0 005032 fttft 2300 Elevation (ft) 2100 1900 1700 8+00 Protect Engineer Leonard McBryde StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 2014] Page 1 of 1 Profile 0 Scenario 10-Year Storm Label: JB-1 Rim: 24.30 ft Sump: 20.50 ft Label: P-6 Up. Invert: 20.83 ft Dn. Invert: 20.75 ft L: 15.00 ft Size: 15 inch S: 0.005000 ft/ft Label: CB-7A Rim: 24.08 ft Sump: 20.83 ft 24.50 EI evati on (ft) 22.00 20.50 Station (ft) Title Bogue Sound Church Project Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \land\stormcad\09-30-2008 model stm The John R McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 ]4 2014] 09/30/08 09 31 20 AM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1-203 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 0 Label: JB-1 Rim: 24.30 ft Sump: 20.50 it Profile Scenario 10-Year Storm Label. RID-1 Rim: 25.40 ft Sump: 22.90 ft , 25.50 23.50 22.00 I - 20.50 4+50 4+80 5+30 Station (ft) Label. P-7 Up. Invert: 22.90 ft Dn. Invert: 21.50 ft L: 75.00 ft Size 6 inch S: 0 018667 ft/ft EI evati on (ft) Title Bogue Sound Church Project Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \1and\slormcad\09 30 2008 model stm The John R McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 20141 09/30/08 09 31 38 AM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1 203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 r� u E 1-INCH PER HOUR PROFILE AND REPORT FOR EW-1&4 Attachment I E Profile Scenario 1-Ich per Hour Storm Label CB-6 Rim: 23.25 ft Sump: 17.20 ft 2400 Label: EW 1 & 4 Rim- 18.25 ft --__--- __---- { 2100 Sump- 17.00 ft 19.00 17.00 0+00 \0+40 Station (ft) Label: P-8 Up. Invert: 17 20 ft Dn. Invert: 17.00 ft L. 40.00 ft Size: 15 inch S: 0 005000 ft/ft Elevation (ft) Title Bogue Sound Church Project Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ 09-30-2008 model (1 inch per hour storm) slm The John R McAdams Company StormCAD v4 1 1 [4 2014] 09/30/08 09 33 30 AM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1 203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Detailed Report for Outlet EW-1 & 4 .Scenario Summary Label 1-Ich per Hour Storm Physical Properties Alternal Base -Physical Properties Catchments Alternative Base -Catchments System Flows Alternative Base -System Flows Structure Headlosses Alterr Base Structure Headlosses Boundary Conditions Allern Base Boundary Conditions Design Constraints Alternal Base Design Constraints Cost Alternative Base Cost User Data Alternative Base User Data Geometric Summary X - Y 5 214 89 It 3 361 67 It Station 0+00 ft Elevations Ground Elevation Rim Elevation 1825 ft 1825 ft Sump Elevation 17 00 It Tailwater Hydraulics Tailwater Condition Free Outfall Hydraulic Grade Line Out 1756 ft System Flow Summary •System Total System Flow Flow Time System Intensity System CA Total Diverted Flow In 201 cfs 937 min 1 00 in/hr 1 99 acres 000 cfs System Rational Flow System Known Flow System Additional Flow Total Lost Flow 201 cfs 000 cfs 000 cfs 000 cfs Incoming Diverted Flow Local Diverted Flow In Total Diverted Flow In 000 cfs 000 cfs Global Diverted Flow In 0 00 cfs Design Constraints Summary Pipe Matching Matchline Offset Design Structure Elevation Crowns 000 It true Allow Drop Structure? Local Pipe Matching Constr Desired Sump Depth true false 000 It User Data Date Installed Title Bogue Sound Church Project Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ 09-30 2008 model (1 inch per hour storm) shin The John R McAdams Company Stomi v4 1 1 [4 2014] 09/30/08 09 33 39 AM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA +1-203-755 1666 Page 1 of 1 RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTION CALCULATION FOR EW-1&4 Attachment 2 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION • Project Bogue Sound Church Date September 30, 2008 Project No TMS-08000 Designer Leonard McBryde Pipe and Flow Data Outlet ID EW #1 & #4 Pipe diameter 15 in Pipe slope 0 50% Outlet flowrate 2 0 cfs Source of flowrate data StormCAD Outlet velocity 3 7 ft/sec Source of velocity data StormCAD Outlet pipe downstream my 1700 Tailwater elevation 1756 Source of TW elev data Stom CAD Zone from graph below = 1 • Fienre A 06 b 1 25 Zone 7 20 15 10 Zone 5 Zone4 i j 5 Lone 1 O zone ti Zone2 I I I I I Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (f ) • 1 Calculations based or NCDOT Class A Ripra - 5' L x 3 75' W x 9"Thick Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length I Width 1 Class A 3 9_ 4_ x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) f 3 x D(o) 3 Class 1 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class 1 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x DIM 6 Cass II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D_(o_) 7 Special study required NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual Design of Riprap Outlet Protection - EW I & 4 xls 9/30/2008 RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTION CALCULATION FOR ROADWAY FLUMES Attachment 3 DESIGN WORKSHEET FOR ROADWAY FLUME FLOW "O" • Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer Project Number TMS-08000 Date ID Rip Rap Pad #I CALCULATE TIME OF CONCENTRATION • Leonard McBryde 111, E 1 September 30, 2008 K= 04 KValues Length of Flow Path = 175 feet Overland Flow on Grassed Surfaces 20 Height of Watershed = 2 feet Overland Flow on Paved Surfaces 04 Calculated t(c) = 09 minutes Channel Flow in Natural Channels 1 0 Channel Flow in Mixed Urban Setting I 1 Channel Flow in Pipes or Paved Channels 02 CALCULATE RAINFALL INTENSITY IDF Curves for Wilmington, NC Return Period g It Intensity 10 252 30 8 15 in/hr CALCULATE WEIGHTED RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT Area - A Description of Surface C Value (acres) Grassy Areas 035 000 Wooded Areas 02 660 Disturbed Areas 06 600 _ Impervious Areas _ _ 095 025 Total 025 Weighted Rational C 0 95 CALCULATE FLOWS From Rational Equation Q = C * I *A Return Period Flow (cfs) 10 1 9 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION • Project Bogue Sound Church Date September 30, 2008 Project No TMS-08000 Designer Leonard McBryde Flume and Flow Data • ID Flume Width (W) Curb Heigth (H) Outlet flowrate (Q) Outlet velocity Zone from graph below = Rip Rap Pad #2 36 in 6 in 1 9 cfs Source of flowrate data 1 3 fUsec Source of velocity data Figure 8 06 b 1 25 Zone 7 20 Zane 6 V 15 to j Lone 4 5 Zone 3- Zone 1- j Zune 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Flume Width (it) 11 NCDOT Class A Riprap - 12' L x 9' W x 9"Thick Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width I Class A 3 9 x D(o)_ 3 x D(o_) 2 Class B 6 2_2 -4 6 x D(o) x D(o) 3_ Class I 13 22 8_x_D(o) _3 3 x D(o) 13 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I _ 22 5 Class II 23 _ 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 _27 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) _ study required 7 Special Rational Q/W'H 1 Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual • Design of Riprap Outlet Protection - Pad 1 xls 9/29/2008 DESIGN WORKSHEET FOR ROADWAY FLUME FLOW "O" is Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer Project Number TMS-08000 Date ID Rip Rap Pad #2 CALCULATE TIME OF CONCENTRATION • 0 Leonard McBryde I1I, E I September 30, 2008 Use Kerpich Equation K= 04 (USBR 1974) to Calculate Time of Concentration - t(c) KValues Length of Flow Path = 225 feet Overland Flow on Grassed Surfaces 20 Height of Watershed = 2 feet Overland Flow on Paved Surfaces 04 Calculated t(c) = I 2 minutes Channel Flow in Natural Channels 1 0 Channel Flow in Mixed Urban Setting 1 I Channel Flow in Pipes or Paved Channels 02 CALCULATE RAINFALL INTENSITY IDF Curves for Wilmington, NC Return Period g h Intensity 10 252 30 8 06 m/hr El CALCULATE WEIGHTED RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT scripuon of Surface Grassy Areas Wooded Areas Disturbed Areas mpervious Areas Rational C CALCULATE FLOWS Area - A C Value (acres) 035 000 02 000 06 000 095 020 Total 020 0 95 From Rational Equation Q = C * I *A Return Period Flow (efs) 10 1 5 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION • Project Bogue Sound Church Date September 30, 2008 Project No TMS-08000 Designer Leonard McBryde Flume and Flow Data • ID Flume Width (W) Curb Heigth (H) Outlet flowrate (Q) Outlet velocity Zone from graph below = Rip Rap Pad #2 36 in 6 in 1 5 cfs Source of flowrate data 1 0 ft/sec Source of velocity data Figure 8 06 b 1 25 -Zone 7 20 Zone 6i 15 Zone 5 10 j Zone 4 5 Zone 3 Zone 1 0 Zone 2 1 it/se 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Flume Width (ft) 11 NCDOT Class A Riprap - 12' L x 9' W x 9"1 hick Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 _ 2_ 3 4 __5 _6 7 Clas_sA_ _Class B Class I Cla_ss I Class II Class ll 3_9 6 22___ 4xD(o)3xD(_o) _6__x D(o) 3 x D(o) _3 x D(o) 3 x_D(o) _ _ _13 _ 22_ 22 8 x_D(o) x D(o) _13_ 23 23 Special 27_ _8 10 x D(o)_ 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o_) 3 x D(o) 27 study required Rational Q/W*H I Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual • Design of Riprap Outlet Protection - Pad 2 xls 9/29/2008 DESIGN WORKSHEET FOR ROADWAY FLUME FLOW "O" 0 Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer Project Number TMS-08000 Date ID Rip Rap Pad #3 CALCULATE FIME OF CONCENTRATION • 0 Leonard McBryde 111, E I September 30, 2008 K= 04 KValues Length of Flow Path = 240 feet Overland Flow on Grassed Surfaces 20 Height of Watershed = 4 feet Overland Flow on Paved Surfaces 04 Calculated t(c) = I (1 minutes Channel Flow in Natural Channels 1 0 Channel Flow in Mixed Urban Setting 1 1 Channel Flow in Pipes or Paved Channels 02 CALCULATE RAINFALL INTENSITY IDF Curves for Wilmington, NC Return Period g h Intensity 10 252 30 8 12 in/hr CALCULATE WEIGHTED RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT Area - A Description of Surface C Value (acres) Grassy Areas 035 000 Wooded Areas 0 2 0 00 Disturbed Areas 66 600 Impervious Areas 0 95 0 35 Total 0 35 Weighted Rational C 0 85 CALCULATE FLOWS From Rational Equation Q = C * I *A Return Period Flow (cfs) to 27 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Project Bogue Sound Church Date September 30, 2008 Project No TMS-08000 Designer Leonard McBryde Flume and Flow Data ID Flume Width (W) Curb Heigth (H) Outlet flowrate (Q) Outlet velocity Zone from graph below = 7- Rip Rap Pad #3 36 in 6m 2 7 cfs Source of flowrate data 1 8 ft/sec Source of velocity data 1 F,Cure 9 06 b 1 25 Zone 7 20 — Zone 6 r 15 -° to Zone 5 i Zone 4 5 Zone 3 Zone I 0 i Zone 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hume Width (it) NCDOT Class A Ripra - 12' L x 9' W x 9"Thick Zone Material Diameter I Thickness Length I Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o)_ _ 22 2 Class B 6_ 6 x_D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I -I __13 _22__ _8_x_D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class 13 22 _ 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) - 6 Class II - - -- - 23 -- - 1 27 - -- --- 10 x D(o) --- ----- 3_x_D(o) 7 Special study required Rational Q / W*H I Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual • Design of Riprap Outlet Protection - Pad 3 xls 9/29/2008 f� Ditch Design Stability Check for Established Channel - Q10 Project TMS 08000 Performed By Alwyn V Smith III El Date September 29 2008 Location Ditch #1 Input Land Use Primarily Cleared Wooded Area 0 00 acres Grass Area 1 90 acres Gravel Road Area 000 acres Impervious Area 0 05 acres Total Drainage Area 1 95 acres C - value 037 Length of Channel 394 Heigth of Channel 2 Slope of Channel 1 00% Left Side Slope 2 1 Right Side Slope 2 1 Bottom Width 2 75 (if trapezoidal channel) Intensity(2) 5 9 in/hr Intensity(10) 72 in/hr Q2 420 cfs 010 513 cfs Lining = Tall Fescue Permissible Velocity Vp = 5 ft/sec (See N C Erosion Control Manual Table 8 05a) Avg Channel Depth = 2 It +/- Final Condition Design (Q10) Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n" Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V' R Manning n' 1 001 21 21 0 050 1 80 285 584 049 088 0 060 2 00100 21 2 1 0 060 1 58 325 615 053 083 0 065 3 00100 21 21 0 065 1 50 342 628 054 082 0 065 NO PERMANENT LINER REQUIRED CHANNEL IS STABLE AS GRASS LINED CHANNEL AT Q10 Stability Check for Bare Earth Channel - Q2 Protect Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Total Drainage Area C value Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width 02 TMS 08000 Alwyn V Smith III El 9/29/2008 Ditch #1 Primarily Cleared 0 acres 1 9 acres 0 acres 1 95 acres 037 Final Condition Design (Q2) 001 21 21 275 4 20 cfs Side Slope Side Slope Ditch Design Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V - R Manning n 1 001 21 21 0 050 1 70 247 552 045 076 0 065 2 001 21 21 0 065 142 296 593 050 071 0 067 If 02 bare earth channel velocity is less than 2 0 ft/sec temporary liner is not required NO TEMPORARY LINER REQUIRED Stability Check for Established Channel - Q10 Project Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Impervious Area Total Drainage Area C - value Length of Channel Heigth of Channel Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Intensity(2) Intensity(10) Q2 Q10 Lining = Permissible Velocity Vp= Avg Channel Depth = TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El September 29 2008 Ditch #2 Primarily Cleared 045 acres 9 95 acres 000 acres 2 76 acres 13 16 acres 047 1020 2 1 00% 21 21 2 75 (if trapezoidal channel) 5 9 m/hr 7 2 m/hr 36 68 ds 44 76 ds Tall Fescue Final Condition Design (Q10) Ditch Design ft/sec (See N C Erosion Control Manual Table 8 05a) It +/- Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Lone Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area WP R (Area / W P) V' R Manning n 1 001 21 21 0 050 326 1372 11 78 1 16 380 0 037 2 00100 21 21 0 037 409 1094 1058 103 423 0 035 3 00100 21 21 0 035 424 1055 1040 101 430 0 035 NO PERMANENT LINER REQUIRED CHANNEL IS STABLE AS GRASS LINED CHANNEL AT Q10 Ditch Design Stability Check for Bare Earth Channel - Q2 Project TMS-08000 Performed By Alwyn V Smith III El Date 9/29/2008 Location Ditch #2 Input Land Use Primarily Cleared Wooded Area 0 45 acres Grass Area 9 95 acres Gravel Road Area 0 acres Total Drainage Area 13 16 acres C value 047 Slope of Channel 001 Left Side Slope 21 Right Side Slope 21 Bottom Width 275 Q2 36 68 cfs Final Condition Design (Q2) Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area W P R (Area / W P) V ' R Manning "n 1 001 21 21 0 050 310 11 83 1098 1 08 334 0 039 2 001 21 21 0 039 374 980 1004 098 365 0 037 If Q2 bare earth channel velocity is less than 2 0 ft/sec temporary liner is not required TEMPORARY LINER REQUIRED - GO TO TEMP LINER TAB Ditch Design Temporary Liner Selection for Bare Earth Channel - 02 Protect Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Total Drainage Area C - value Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width 02 TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El 9/29/2008 Ditch #2 Primarily Cleared 0 45 acres 9 95 acres 0 acres 13 16 acres 047 001 21 21 275 36 68 cfs Temporary Liner Design (Shear Stress, Q2) Lining Type Manning n y d s T Allowable T PASS/FAIL Jute Net 0 022 624 1 24 0 010 077 045 FAIL Single Fiber Roving 0 021 624 1 21 0 010 076 060 FAIL » Straw with net 0 033 624 1 51 0 010 094 1 55 PASS >> USE Fiber with net 0 033 624 1 51 0 010 094 225 PASS Synthetic Mat 0 025 624 1 32 0 010 082 600 PASS • Ditch Design Stability Check for Established Channel - Q10 Protect TMS-08000 Performed By Alwyn V Smith III El Date September 29 2008 Location Ditch #3 Input Land Use Primarily Cleared Wooded Area 000 acres Grass Area 036 acres Gravel Road Area 0 00 acres Impervious Area 0 00 acres Total Drainage Area 0 36 acres C value 035 Length of Channel 110 Heigth of Channel 2 Slope of Channel 1 00% Leff Side Slope 21 Right Side Slope 21 Bottom Width 2 75 (if trapezoidal channel) Intensity(2) 5 9 in/hr Intensity(10) 72 in/hr Q2 0 74 Cfs Q10 0 91 cts Lining = Tall Fescue Permissible Velocity, Vp = 5 ft/sec (See N C Erosion Control Manual - Table 8 05a) Avg Channel Depth = 2 ft +/- Final Condition Design (Q10) Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning "n' Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V - R Manning n 1 001 21 21 0 050 1 07 085 391 022 023 0 140 2 00100 21 2 1 0 140 052 173 485 036 019 0 145 3 00100 21 21 0 145 051 178 490 036 019 0 145 NO PERMANENT LINER REQUIRED CHANNEL IS STABLE AS GRASS LINED CHANNEL AT Q10 Ditch Design Stability Check for Bare Earth Channel - Q2 Protect TMS 08000 Performed By Alwyn V Smith III El Date 9/29/2008 Location Ditch #3 Input Land Use Primarily Cleared Wooded Area 0 acres Grass Area 0 36 acres Gravel Road Area 0 acres Total Drainage Area 0 36 acres C - value 035 Slope of Channel 001 Left Side Slope 21 Right Side Slope 21 Bottom Width 275 Q2 0 74 cfs Final Condition Design (Q2) Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning "n Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V' R Manning n 1 001 21 21 0 050 095 078 382 020 019 0 140 2 001 21 21 0 140 049 1 51 463 033 016 0 150 If Q2 bare earth channel velocity is less than 2 0 ft/sec temporary liner is not required NO TEMPORARY LINER REQUIRED Stability Check for Established Channel - Q10 Project Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Impervious Area Total Drainage Area C - value Length of Channel Heigth of Channel Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Intensity(2) Intensity(10) Q2 Q10 Lining = Permissible Velocity Vp= Avg Channel Depth = TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El September 29 2008 Ditch #4 Primarily Cleared 020 acres 130 acres 0 00 acres 000 acres 1 50 acres 034 140 2 2 00% 21 21 2 75 (if trapezoidal channel) 5 9 in/hr 7 2 m/hr 2 98 cfs 3 64 CIS Tall Fescue Final Condition Design (Q10) Ditch Design ft/sec (See N C Erosion Control Manual - Table 8 05a) ft +/ Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V' R Manning n 1 002 21 21 0 050 210 1 73 485 036 075 0 065 2 00200 21 21 0 065 1 72 212 521 041 070 0 068 3 00200 21 21 0 068 168 217 525 041 069 0 068 NO PERMANENT LINER REQUIRED CHANNEL IS STABLE AS GRASS LINED CHANNEL AT Q10 Stability Check for Bare Earth Channel - Q2 Protect Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Total Drainage Area C - value Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Q2 TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El 9/29/2008 Ditch #4 Primarily Cleared 0 2 acres 1 3 acres 0 acres 1 5 acres 034 Final Condition Design (Q2) 002 21 21 275 2 98 cfs Ditch Design Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V ` R Manning n 1 002 21 21 0 050 198 151 463 033 065 0 070 2 002 21 21 0 070 1 55 1 92 503 038 059 0 075 If Q2 bare earth channel velocity is less than 2 0 f /sec temporary liner is not required NO TEMPORARY LINER REQUIRED • • • Stability Check for Established Channel - Q10 Protect Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Impervious Area Total Drainage Area C - value Length of Channel Heigth of Channel Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Intensity(2) Intensdy(10) Q2 Q10 Lining = Permissible Velocity Vp= Avg Channel Depth = TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El September 29 2009 Ditch #5 Primarily Cleared 0 89 acres 439 acres 000 acres 000 acres 528 acres 033 300 2 1 30% 21 21 2 75 (if trapezoidal channel) 5 9 in/hr 7 2 m/hr 10 38 cfs 12 66 cfs Tall Fescue Final Condition Design (Q10) 1 Ditch Design ft/sec (See N C Erosion Control Manual Table 8 05a) ft +/- Side Slope Side Slope Assumed - Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning "n Velocity Area WP R (Area / W P) V' R Manning n 1 0 013 21 21 0 050 259 489 731 067 1 73 0 040 2 00130 21 21 0 040 304 416 682 061 1 85 0 047 3 00130 21 21 0 047 270 468 718 065 1 76 0 048 NO PERMANENT LINER REQUIRED CHANNEL IS STABLE AS GRASS LINED CHANNEL AT Q10 Stability Check for Bare Earth Channel - 02 Protect Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Total Drainage Area C - value Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El 9/29/2008 Ditch #5 Primarily Cleared 0 89 acres 4 39 acres 0 acres 5 28 acres 033 Final Condition Design (Q2) 0 013 21 21 275 10 38 cis Ditch Design Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V' R Manning n 1 0 013 21 21 0 050 246 422 686 062 151 0 045 2 0 013 21 21 0 045 266 391 664 059 1 57 0 048 If Q2 bare earth channel velocity is less than 2 0 fUsec temporary liner is not required TEMPORARY LINER REQUIRED - GO TO TEMP LINER TAB Ditch Design Temporary Liner Selection for Bare Earth Channel - Q2 Project Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Total Drainage Area C - value Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Q2 TMS 08000 Alwyn V Smith III El 9/29/2008 Ditch #5 Primarily Cleared 0 89 acres 4 39 acres 0 acres 5 28 acres 033 0 013 21 21 275 10 38 cfs Temporary Liner Design (Shear Stress, Q2) Lining Type Manning 'n" y d s T Allowable T PASS/FAIL Jute Net 0 022 624 06 0 013 049 045 FAIL Single Fiber Roving 0 021 624 058 0 013 047 060 PASS » Straw with net 0 033 624 074 0 013 060 1 55 PASS >> USE Fiber with net 0 033 624 074 0 013 060 225 PASS Synthetic Mat 0 025 624 064 0 013 052 600 PASS Ditch Design Stability Check for Established Channel - Q10 Protect Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Impervious Area Total Drainage Area C value Length of Channel Heigth of Channel Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Intensity(2) Intensdy(10) 02 Q10 Lining = Permissible Velocity Vp= Avg Channel Depth = TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III, El September 29 2008 Ditch #6 Primarily Cleared 2 05 acres 548 acres 0 00 acres 0 00 acres 7 53 acres 0 32 380 2 1 60% 21 21 2 75 (if trapezoidal channel) 59 in/hr 7 2 in/hr 14 34 cfs 17 50 cfs Tall Fescue 5 ft/sec (See N C Erosion Control Manual - Table 8 05a) 2 ft +/ Final Condition Design (Q10) Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V' R Manning n 1 0016 21 21 0050 301 581 789 074 222 0043 2 00160 2 1 2 1 0 043 339 516 749 069 2 34 0 041 3 00160 21 21 0041 348 502 740 068 236 0041 NO PERMANENT LINER REQUIRED CHANNEL IS STABLE AS GRASS LINED CHANNEL AT Q10 • • 1 Stability Check for Bare Earth Channel - Q2 Project Performed By Date Location Input Land Use Wooded Area Grass Area Gravel Road Area Total Drainage Area C - value Slope of Channel Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Q2 TMS-08000 Alwyn V Smith III El 9/29/2008 Ditch #6 Primarily Cleared 2 05 acres 5 48 acres 0 acres 7 53 acres 0 32 Final Condition Design (Q2) 0 016 21 21 275 14 34 cfs Ditch Design Side Slope Side Slope Assumed Actual Iteration # Long Slope LT RT Manning n" Velocity Area WP R (Area / WP) V - R Manning n 1 0 016 21 21 0 050 285 502 740 068 1 93 0 045 2 0 016 21 21 0 045 311 462 713 065 202 0 046 If Q2 bare earth channel velocity is less than 2 0 fUsec temporary liner is not required TEMPORARY LINER REQUIRED - GO TO TEMP LINER TAB Ditch Design Temporary Liner Selection for Bare Earth Channel - 02 Protect TMS 08000 Performed By Alwyn V Smith III El Date 9/29/2008 Location Ditch #6 Input Land Use Primarily Cleared Wooded Area 2 05 acres Grass Area 5 48 acres Gravel Road Area 0 acres Total Drainage Area 7 53 acres C - value 0 32 Slope of Channel 0 016 Left Side Slope 21 Right Side Slope 21 Bottom Width 275 Q2 14 34 cfs Temporary Liner Design (Shear Stress, Q2) Lining Type Manning "n" y d s T Allowable T PASS/FAIL Jute Net 0 022 624 068 0 016 068 045 FAIL Single Fiber Roving 0 021 624 066 0 016 066 060 FAIL >> Straw with net 0 033 624 084 0 016 084 155 PASS >> USE Fiber with net 0 033 624 084 0 016 084 225 PASS Synthetic Mat 0 025 624 072 0 016 072 600 PASS DESIGN WORKSHEET FOR CULVERT FLOW "O" • Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer Project Number TMS-08000 Date Culvert ID Culvert #1 CALCULATE TIME OF CONCENTRATION • 0 Leonard McBryde III, E I September 30, 2008 Use Kerpich Equation (USBR, K= 2 1974) to Calculate Time of Concentration - t(c) K Values Length of Flow Path = 1 040 feet Overland Flow on Grassed Surfaces 20 Height of Watershed = 8 feet Overland Flow on Paved Surfaces 04 Calculated t(c) = 21 4 minutes Channel Flow in Natural Channels 1 0 Channel Flow in Mixed Urban Setting I 1 Channel Flow in Pipes or Paved Channels 02 CALCULATE RAINFALL INTENSITY IDF Curves for Wilmington, NC Return Period g h Intensit 10 252 1 30 1 4 90 in/hr CALCULATE WEIGHTED RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT Area - A Description of Surface C Value (acres) , Grassy Areas 035 000 Wooded Areas _ 02 _ 12 82 Disturbed Areas 06 0 00 Impervious Areas 095 _ 000 Total 1282 Weighted Rational C 0 20 CALCULATE FLOWS From Rational Equation Q = C * I *A Return Period Plow (cfs) 10 126 Culvert Calculator Report Culvert #1 ee For Section Size Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 2950 it Computed Headwater Elevation 2802 ft Inlet Control HW Elev 2802 f( Outlet Control HW Elev 2799 it Headwater Depth/ Height Discharge Tailwater Elevation Control Type 202 1260 cis 000 It Inlet Control Grades Upstream Invert Length 2500 It 4000 It Downstream Invert Constructed Slope 2480 it 0005000 ft/ft Hydraulic Profile Profile Slope Type Flow Regime Velocity Downstream CompositeM2Pressure Mild Subcn ical 757 ft/s Depth Downstream Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope 1 34 ft N/A It 1 34 it 0012774 Wit Section Section Shape Section Material Section Size Number Sections Circular Concrete 18 inch 1 Mannings Coefficient Span Rise 0 013 1 50 ft 1 50 ft llel Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev Ke 2799 It 060 Upstream Velocity Head Entrance Loss 079 it 040 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev, Inlet Type K M C Y 2802 ft Square edge w/headwall 000980 200000 003980 067000 Flow Control Area Full HDS 5 Chart HDS 5 Scale Equation Form Submerged 1 8 fit' 1 1 1 • Protect Title Bogue Sound Church Project Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \caics reports\storm\culvert cvm The John R McAdams Company CulvertMaster v1 0 09/29/08 05 27 37 PM © Haeslad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 DESIGN WORKSHEET FOR CULVERT FLOW "O" • Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer Project Number TMS-08000 Date Culvert ID Culvert 42 CALCULATE TIME OF CONCENTRATION • 0 Leonard McBryde III, E I September 30, 2008 Use Kermch Equation K= 2 (USBR, 1974) to Calculate Time of Concentration - t(c) K Values Length of Flow Path = 605 feet Overland Flow on Grassed Surfaces 20 Height of Watershed = 8 feet Overland Flow on Paved Surfaces 04 Calculated t(c) = 11 5 minutes Channel Flow in Natural Channels 1 0 Channel Flow in Mixed Urban Setting 1 I Channel Flow in Pipes or Paved Channels 02 CALCULATE RAINFALL INTENSIFY IDF Curves for Wilmington, NC Return Period g h Intensity 10 252 30 6 08 in/hr CALCULATE WEIGHTED RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT Area - A Description of Surface C Value (acres) Grassy Areas 0 35 000 Wooded Areas 02 1 86 Disturbed Areas 06 000 Impervious Areas 095 0 00 Total 186 Weighted Rational C 020 CALCULATE FLOWS From Rational Equation Q = C * I *A Return Period Flow (efs) 10 23 Culvert Calculator Report Culvert #2 lae For Section Size Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 2950 ft Headwater Depth/ Height 099 Computed Headwater Elevation 2729 it Discharge 230 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev 2729 it Tailwater Elevation 000 ft Outlet Control HW Elev 2729 it Control Type Inlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 2630 it Downstream Invert 2550 it Length 7000 it Constructed Slope 0011429 ft/ft Hydraulic Profile Profile S2 Depth Downstream 056 ft Slope Type Sleep Normal Depth 056 ft Flow Regime Supercritical Critical Depth 065 ft Velocity Downstream 508 ft/s Critical Slope 0007318 ft/ft Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0 013 Section Material Concrete Span 1 00 it Section Size 12 inch Rise 100 ft Number Sections 1 tlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev 2729 it Upstream Velocity Head 028 it Ke 020 Entrance Loss 006 It Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev 2729 it Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Groove end w/headwall Area Full 08 ft' K 000780 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 200000 HDS 5 Scale 2 C 002920 Equation Form 1 Y 074000 is Project Title Bogue Sound Church Protect Engineer Leonard MCBryde w \ \caics-reports\storm\culvert cvm The John R McAdams Company CulvertMaster vt 0 09/29/08 05 38 14 PM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755 1666 Page 1 of 1 DESIGN WORKSHEET FOR CULVERT FLOW "O" • Project Name Bogue Sound Church Project Number TMS-08000 Culvert ID Culvert #3 CALCULATE TIME OF CONCENTRATION • 0 Designer Leonard McBryde 111, E I Date September 30, 2008 K = 2 K Values Length of Flow Path = 1 710 feet Overland Flow on Grassed Surfaces 20 Height of Watershed = 20 feet Overland Flow on Paved Surfaces 04 Calculated t(c) = 267 minutes Channel Flow in Natural Channels 1 0 Channel Flow in Mixed Urban Setting 1 1 Channel Flow in Pipes or Paved Channels 02 CALCULATE RAINFALL INTENSITY IDF Curves for Wilmington, NC Return Period g It Intensity 10 252 30 4 44 m/hr CALCULATE WEIGHTED RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT Area - A Description of Surface C Value (acres) Grassy Areas 035 000 Wooded Areas 0 2 1041 Disturbed Areas 0 6 000 Impervious Areas 095 _ 2 76 Total 13 17 Weighted Rational C 036 CALCULATE FLOWS From Rational Equation Q = C * I *A Flow (efs) Return Period 209 10 Culvert Calculator Report Culvert #3 Sive For Section Size Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 1300 ft Headwater Depth/ Height 049 Computed Headwater Elevation 1297 ft Discharge 2090 cis Inlet Control HW Elev 1290 ft Tailwater Elevation 000 ft Outlet Control HW Elev 1297 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 11 50 It Downstream Invert 11 00 ft Length 5000 ft Constructed Slope 0010000 ft/ft Hydraulic Profile Profile S2 Depth Downstream 082 ft Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 080 ft Flow Regime Supercritical Critical Depth 1 02 ft Velocity Downstream 668 ft/s Critical Slope 0003910 ft/ft Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0 013 Section Material Concrete Span 300 ft Section Sze 36 mch Rise 300 ft Number Sections 2 Aak qIIIIIIItlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev 1297 ft Upstream Velocity Head 037 ft Ke 020 Entrance Loss 007 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev 1290 ft Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Groove end w/headwall Area Full 141 ft' K 000780 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 200000 HDS 5 Scale 2 C 002920 Equation Form 1 Y 074000 • Project Title Bogue Sound Church Protect Engineer Leonard McBryde w \ \caics-reports\storm\culvert cvm The John R McAdams Company CulvertMaster vl 0 09/29/08 05 26 56 PM ® Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Ec®Engineering A division of The John R McAdams Company Inc BOGUE SOUND CHURCH DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Final Design Calculations for the Proposed Infiltration Basins TMS-08000 • September 2008 0. S ° 027476 rya' ° %�y��tiGINE�4°�G�`: eel, Research Triangle Park, NC [[ Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park Brandon R Finch, PE North aide Parks 2905 Senior Project Manager Widen Parkway Dun h Carolina 27713 800 919 28 262 919 361 2269 Fax www ecoengrcom Design Services Focused On Client Success BOGUE SOUND CHURCH Final Stormwater Management Plan Design General Description Located north of Bogue Sound off of NC Highway 24 Just east of its intersection with Hall Road in Carteret County, North Carolina is the proposed development known as Bogue Sound Church Proposed development on this 7 51-acre site is the construction of a church, along with the associated streets, parking, utilities, and other infrastructure improvements In the post - development condition, the site will greater than 25% impervious, thus classifying it as a high - density development Bogue Sound Church is located within the White Oak River Basin Stormwater runoff from the proposed development drams to both Bogue Sound and Jumping Run According to the N C Division of Water Quality BasinWide Information Management System (BIMS), both of these drainage features are classified as SA, HQW For this reason, development on this site must meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 02H 1005 and 15A NCAC 02H 1006 These regulations are as follows Applicable Stormwater Management Regulations I Per 15A NCAC 02H 1005 Stormwater Requirements Coastal Counties All development activities within the coastal counties which require a stormwater management permit in accordance with Rule 1003 of this Section shall manage stormwater runoff as follows • (1) development activities within the coastal counties draining to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) shall meet requirements contained in Rule 1007 of this Section, (2) development activities within one-half mile of and draining to SA waters or unnamed tributaries to SA waters (a) High Density Option Higher density developments shall be permitted pursuant to Rule 1003(d)(2) of this Section if stormwater control systems meet the following criteria (i) no direct outlet channels or pipes to SA waters unless permitted in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H 0126, (n) control systems must be infiltration systems designed in accordance with Rule 1008 of this Section to control the runoff from all surfaces generated by the one and one-half inches of rainfall Alternatives as described in Rule 1008(h) of this Section may also be approved if they do not discharge to surface waters in response to the design storm, (m) runoff in excess of the design volume must flow overland through a vegetative filter designed in accordance with Rule 1008 of this Section with a minimum length of 50 feet measured from mean high water of SA waters 0 is II Per 15A NCAC 02H 1006 All development activities which require a stormwater management permit under Rule 1003 of this Section and are within one mile of and draining to waters classified as High Quality Waters (HQW) shall manage stormwater runoff in accordance with the provisions outlined in this Rule More stringent stormwater management measures may be required on a case -by -case basis where it is determined that additional measures are required to protect water quality and maintain existing and anticipated uses of these waters (1) All waters classified as WS-I or WS-II (15A NCAC 2B 0212 and 0214) and all waters located in the coastal counties (Rule 1005 of this Section) are excluded from the requirements of this Rule since they already have requirements for stormwater management Overall Manaeement ofStormwater Runoff from Bogue Sound Church Bogue Sound Church is proposed to be permitted as a high -density project The project drams to SA waters, meaning to qualify for low -density, the total BUA must be less than 25% However, the site will be designed such that the maximum total built upon area (BUA) for the total project area will exceed this threshold, thus warranting the high -density classification In order to meet the requirements of section 15A NCAC 02H 1005, stormwater management will consist of three (3) infiltration basins designed to infiltrate the runoff generated by all contributing drainage area during the first one and one-half inches of rainfall Storm events larger the one and one-half inch rainfall will bypass the infiltration basins and sheet flow through a 50' vegetative filter strip via a level spreader The infiltration basin designs will be in accordance with DWQ standards (per section 15A NCAC 02H 1008) Calculation Methodoloev Rainfall data for the Carteret County, NC region is from NOAA Atlas 14 The 2-year rainfall depth is 4 46 inches, the 10-Year rainfall depth is 6 87 inches, and the 100-year rainfall depth is 11 45 inches All of these storms were modeled within PondPack Version 8 0 assuming a SCS Type III rainfall distribution Please reference the precipitation data section within this report for additional information 2 Using maps contained within the Carteret County Soil Survey, the site soils were determined to range from hydrologic soil group (HSG) `A' soils to HSG `C' soils Since the method chosen to compute post -development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, to allow for a more conservative design with respect to peak flowrates, HSG `D' soil type was assumed for SCS Curve Number selection 3 The post -development time of concentration to the infiltration basins were assumed to be 5 minutes in the post -development condition This is a conservative assumption 4 The on -site topography used in the analysis is from a combination of field survey information provided to The John R McAdams Company, Inc by Prestige Land surveying, Inc Please refer to the post -development watershed map for more information 5 Onsite wetlands delineation was performed by Land Management Group, Inc • Environmental Consultants Wetlands delineation survey information was provided to The John R McAdams Company, Inc by Prestige Land Surveying, Inc 6 Soil boring information in the vicinity of the proposed infiltration basin was provided to 16 The John R McAdams Company, Inc by Land Management Group, Inc Environmental Consultants 7 PondPack Version 8 0, by Haestad Methods, Inc was used to generate post -development peak flow rates and model the proposed infiltration basins 8 Velocity dissipaters/nprap plunge pools are provided at the water quality volume inlet pipes to prevent erosion and scour in these areas The dissipaters are constructed using np rap, underlain with a woven geotextile filter fabric The filter fabric is used to minimize the loss of soil particles beneath the np rap apron The dissipaters are sized for the 10- year storm event It is a permanent feature of the outlets 9 Pondpack Version 8 0, by Haestad Methods, was used to generate the stage -discharge rating curves for the proposed infiltration basins 10 The stage -storage rating curves and stage -storage functions for the proposed infiltration basins were all generated outside of PondPack and then input back into PondPack for routing calculations 1 I Water quality sizing calculations were performed in accordance with the N C Stonnwater Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR October 2007) The water quality volume resulting from the one and one-half inch rainfall event was sized using the simple method The infiltration basin drawdown time was computed by dividing the water quality volume depth in the infiltration basin by an assumed infiltration rate of 0 52 inches per hour Per DWQ design criteria, this is the minimum infiltration rate allowed • for an infiltration basin The actual infiltration rates at the location of the proposed basins are much higher and range from 6 to 12 inches per hour (see enclosed soil boring data from Land Management Group, Inc) 0 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS 08000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS B R FINCH, PE 9/29/2008 • Top of Dam = 2950 Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max WSE [R] Freeboard [It] 15"Storm (WQ Vol 026 00 2822 1 128 10 Year 234 232 28 88 062 100 Year 405 401 2906 1 044 Design Drainage Area = 18854 sf = 043 acres Design Impervious Area = 11013 sf = 025 acres % Impervious = 58 4 % Top of Dam = 2950 ft Design Storm IWO Vol)= 150 inches WQ Volume= 1357 of WQ Storm Depth= 047 fit (includes infiltration chamber only) WQ Volume Elevation = 2847 ft (includes infiltration chamber only) bnfiltration Basin Floor Surface Area = 2776 sf Soils Hydraulic Conductivity= 052 in/hr Drawdown Ttme= 113 hours = 05 days Bypass Weir Spillway Crest = 285 ft Bypass WeirSpillway Leath= 5 ft Top of Dam = 2950 Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max WSE [ft] Freeboard IN15'Storm W Vol 042 00 2831 119 10 Year 445 4 30 29 08 042 100 Year 760 742 2930 020 —> FII�FRA,TION113ASIN,#2 SUMMARY Design Drainage Area = 34722 sf = 0 80 acres Design Impervious Area = 23057 sf = 053 acres %Impervious= 664% Top of Dam = 2950 ft Design Storm (WQ Val)= 150 inches WQ Volume= 2811 of WQ Storm Depth = 058 It (includes infiltration chamber only) WQ Volume Elevation = 28 58 R (includes infiltration chamber only) (infiltration Basin Floor Surface Arm = 4528 sf Sods Hydraulic Conductivity= 052 in/hr Drawdown Tune= 143 hours = 06 days Bypass Weir Spillway Crest = 286 R Bypass Weir Spillway Leath =_ _ 5 R 1 of 2 HOGUE SOUND CHURCH SUMMARY OF RESULTS B R FINCH, PE TMS 08000 9/29/2008 46 => IN ilaTiRA7110 BASIN 43ILOUTING RES L'TS Top of Dam = 2300 J Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max WSE [R] Freeboard [R] 1 5" Storm (WQ Vol 242 0 0 1938 3 62 10 Year 1426 7 49 2161 139 100 Year 24 12 1341 2239 061 Design Drainage Area = 109856 sf = 252 acres Design Impervious Area = 87616 sf = 201 acres %Impervious= 798% Top of Dam= 2300 It Design Storm (WQ Vol)= 1 50 inches WQ Volume= 10543 cf WQ Storm Depth = 1 62 fl (includes infiltration chamber only) WQ Volume Elevation = 1962 fl (includes infiltration chamber only) linfiltration Basin Floor Surface Arm = 3044 sf Soils Hydraulic Conductivity = 052 in/hr Drawdown Time = 799 hours = 33 days Bypass Pipe Elevation = 198 It Bypass Pipe Diameter = 24 inches 2 of • 0 1 MISC SITE INFORMATION 2 PRECIPITATION INFORMATION 3 SITE SOIL INFORMATION 4 POST -DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 5 FINAL DESIGN OF SWMF #1 6 FINAL DESIGN OF SWMF #2 7 FINAL DESIGN OF SWMF #3 8 SWMF BYPASS CHANNEL DESIGN MISC. SITE INFORMATION BOGUS SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 ConneciGIS �lyfTWv-.....�._ t-vc•� •--..s.a. II.S`� i ^',24`•i.�-' ��D�.� �'q x x � '�1''-�Si'f��.'� y+� xr� i�i�°41�7 i i+ TO e`I`� ° �� t 4'_ yt'�1 t'6 ii; r'�Pi, ta� . j t,y�' �i :' i= i pllfpo, �' : ^• `+� - , 'i+LL SSdM3" ' e{+ +•`,q+.�q�" 31 j•ZP� =r�� rt �7 V+ pig , lF_r mjr f}911 �51j .'�- r {� ..1�}.. f Via %��d�`�ln�, ^�wa��?- �y � t!-�1 �''� !19 : x _l'lll `l"� � $-fl 1l� Du CG`v t','�'-�'i�;�91F- la ��Si•+,`'_f'i Lt'..,.I f b�SE i -.^�°m y�,_,•_i�� 7 �Y�y,l{y _g1- r }= —"'OrZ �.C'���Gi n:�cj-L �t� M�aar f' j'v � �{^' - f1 • iT� }�i�' �l FC ���'iiFiii_� ��i23oC_,5 ��� { � i'�� 1 =i LY-tt� _�V{k_yi1 - _ •� ` tt `�" ,�" tip ;2 .r .7 t .''' e.. �_ �,+s.+.�.�+ a.o=' "_ 't-: j�,f• `�t�� !� 1 q� i lr+n'- e'k'{ R�r r r t•_ Parcels (Update 9/4/2008) OWNER HVMP LLC D/ PIN15 633604838491000 HOUSE NUMBER (7 0000000 B/A Digit EX 0000812) S• NAME STREET TYPE CITY MAILING ADDRESS HOUSE 1463 MAILING ADDRESS ZIP NUMBER DIRECTION MAILING ADDRESS HWY 24 EAST MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS NEWPORT STREET STREET TYPE CITY MAILING ADDRESS NC MAILING ADDRESS ZIP 28570 MAILING ADDRESS PO STATE BOX TOTAL ACRES 7 534 DEED DATE 20060522 DEED BOOK 1172 DEED PAGE 386 TOWNSHIP MOREHEAD BEDROOMS 0 BATHROOMS 0 TOTAL SQUARE FEET 0 YEAR BUILT 0 CITY LIMIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT 14 W P TAYLOR LAND FIRE DISTRICT BROAD/GALES CK FIRE RESCUE DISTRICT BR/GALES CK MOTHER 0 CONDO RESCUE — PDOT 8491 STRUCTURE VALUE 0 LAND VALUE 685656 TAX VALUE 685656 OTHER VALUE 0 SALE PRICE 695000 BLT_CONDO 0 PRID 13O23BO719 ROLL _TYPE R Noise aicuz Risk level 1 1085 feet ''FQ.b99 • http Hcarteret connectgjs com/Map/PnnlWmdow aspx?Map=h_ags_mapfcfada329e7d48093bc097e8 I d0394b jpg&Results=Tme9/23/2008 It 15 34 AM mil/ �° r: J�� �� ' � 4a\ s" 5'• s- �\ ".�.b� iu-�d _s v 3i' _ u3,��•. j'g; $� ��- g xQ✓ ' �` c` b.�' ,S"ar';5�` q F `r 70 c x .a Sa°T4 v FSL^- x• •'�� w. a F}t'^" ib i.�� .fir -1L- � _ 4 O'gt s y G ¢'n` •� � 4 �� iQrt �9 ' � L Y•r� � � ,-�- "a_"`S "!' �''°• 4�� a .L � � �� i V '63' s` ��> J� ,� ?w+ .+r.'+i h/a. ^K £F�� Q.t.• • ••{ �a#`.��' V�6p.'��i`5 }zk+# a �p�aa�o '•Y't � \�Fs: 3"�� SJ t�� .. Tr zFv. ' 3� a� _ � 3as^1T.�'✓•��5,,� ct a. L��`z.. �ra;o "'p a� r� ` o d a�a_ �' r*� c wf xs w' a a'� 1 l V .• - '! " � /( scam SITE Lq/Iw MTPACOASTAL w Dayteaccn o DayUoscm o SCALE 1 24000 0 1 MILES 0 1000 YARDS y a 0 1 KILOMETER 10 W Name MANSFIELD Location 034' 44 01 35" N 076' 52 08 09 W NAD 27 Date 9/23/2008 Scale 1 inch equals 2000 feet Name of Stream tes"Oon cuff Gass torte Basin Stream Index # Dubling Creek From source to White SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-30 Oak River •Boathouse Creek From source to White SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-31 Oak River Bogue Sound From Hogue Inlet (from SA ORW O1/01/90 White Oak 20-36-(0 5) (Including a line running from Intracoastal the eastern mouth of waterway) Hogue Inlet to SR 1117 on the mainland) to a line across Hogue Sound from the southwest side of mouth of Gales Creek to Rock Point Hogue Sound From a line across SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-(8 5) (Including Hogue Sound from the Intracoastal southwest side of Waterway to mouth of Gales Creek Beaufort Inlet) to Rook Point to Beaufort Inlet Deer Creek From source to Bogus SA ORW 01/01/90 White Oak 20-36-1 Sound Spooner Creek From source to Hogue SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-10 Sound Hoop Pole Creek From source to Hogue SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-12 Sound Money Island Bay Entire Bay SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-13 Money Island From source to Money SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-13-1 •Slough Island Bay Allen Slough From source to Money SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-13-2 Island Bay Harbor Channel Entire Channel SC 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-14 Tar Landing Bay Entire Bay SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-15 Fishing Creek From source to Tar SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-15-1 Landing Bay Fort Macon Creek From source to Hogue SA HOW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-16 Sound Hunting Island From source to Hogue SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-2 Creek Sound Taylor Bay Entire Bay SA ORW O1/01/90 White Oak 20-36-3 Goose Creek From source to Hogue SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-9 Sound Sanders Creek From source to Goose SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-9-1 Creek Archer Creek From source to Hogue SA ORW O1/01/90 White Oak 20-36-5 (Piney Cr ) Sound Sanders Creek From source to Hogue SA ORW O1/01/90 White Oak 20-36-6 Sound East Prong From source to Sanders SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-6-1 Sanders Cr Creek Sikes Branch From source to East SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-6-1-1 Prong Sanders Creek Page 2 of 16 Name of Stream Descnphon Curr Class Date Basin Stream Index # Broad Creek From source to Bogus SA HOW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-7 Sound Oest Prong Broad From source to Broad SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-7-1 Creek Creek Hannah Branch From source to West SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-7-1-1 Prong Broad Creek Sandy Branch From source to Hannah SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-7-1-1-1 Branch Wolf Branch From source to West SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-7-1-2 Prong Broad Creek East Prong Broad From source to Broad SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-7-2 Creek Creek Gales Creek From source to Hogue SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-8 Sound East Prong Gales From source to Gales SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-8-1 Creek Creek Jumping Run From source to Bogus SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 20-36-9 Sound Roosevelt All of the fresh C SW ORW 06/01/88 White Oak 20-36-9 5-(1) Natural Area waters within the Swamp property boundaries of the natural area including swamp forest, shrub swamp and ponds Roosevelt All of the saline SA Sw ORW 06/01/88 White Oak 20-36-9 5-(2) Natural Area waters within the boundaries of the natural area including •Swamp brackish marsh and salt marsh NEWPORT RIVER From source to Little C 06/01/56 White Oak 21-(1) Creek Swamp NEWPORT RIVER From Little Creek SA HQW 06/01/56 White Oak 21-(17) Swamp to Atlantic Ocean with exception of Morehead City Harbor restricted area Smiths Swamp From source to Newport C 06/01/56 White Oak 21-10 Branch River Deep Creek From source to Newport C 09/01/74 White Oak 21-11 River Laurel Branch From source to Deep C 09/01/74 White Oak 21-11-1 Creek Little Deep Creek From source to Deep C 09/01/74 White Oak 21-11-2 Creek Snows Swamp From source to Newport C 06/01/56 white Oak 21-12 Branch River Sandy Branch From source to Newport C 06/01/56 White Oak 21-13 River Lodge Creek From source to Newport C 06/01/56 White Oak 21-14 River Page 3 of 16 r PRE CIPI TA TION INFO"A TION BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 3 ® POINT PRECIPITATION �♦��4'►� FREQUENCY ESTIMATES � t • FROM NOAA ATLAS 14 NORTH CAROLINA 34 672 N 76 685 W 0 feet hove Precipitation Frequency Atlas of the United Stara NOAA Atlas 14 Volume Vernon G M Bormm D Martin B Lin T Pareyhok M Yeks end D Rdey NOAA National Weather Smma Sdve, Sennl, Maryland 20N F tmcted WedSep2420 8 Confidence Limits Seasonality Loca[1on Maps Other Info GIS data Maps DOGS Return to State Map is Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) (years) min lion x 1,1 M! !m"! ❑❑❑❑� J sv � I do 11112 31 10 that 0 48 0 76 0 95 1 31 1 63 2 03 2 20 2 66 3 16 3 66 4 21 4 78 5 52 6 28 8 47 to 50 13 o4 15 67 2� 0 56 0 90 113 156 1 96 2 47 2 67 3 22 3 83 4 46 5 11 5 79 6 65 7 53 10 09 12 47 15 44 18 51 0 0 65 1 04 1 32 1 RS 2 41 3 12 3 38 4 09 4 89 5 76 6 56 7 38 8 36 9 33 12 27 15 00 18 45 21 87 710 0 -731Efl 1'48# 2 15 2 79, 3 69 4 3 ?1 4 8-8 5 87j 6 871 7 81 8 68 9 77 10 82 14 06 17 041 20 94 24 57 25 0 83 1 32 167 2 47 3 29 4 46 4 94 6 00 7 26 8 50 9 69 10 59 11 79 12 96 16 59 F19-841 24 44 28 26 50 0 901 [jE 1 82 2 74 3 7l Efl 5 75 7 00 8 52 9 90 11 33 12 20 13 48 14 73 18 68 22 07 27 27 31 16 100 0 971 155 1 96a 3 00 4 13 5 83 6 61I 8 07f 9 90 I 1 45 13 16 13 95 15 30 16 62 F20-861 24 35 30 23 34 12 200 I OS 166 2 10 3 26 4 58 6 59 7 55 9 26 11 43 13 I5 15-2 0 15 86 l7 26 18 65 23 16 26 71 33 33 37 12 500 I FE ETI F71 El EZ Efl ETI EE 13-7 11 I5 72 18 29 EE 20 08 21 56 26 42 29 95 37 65 41 18 1000 1 22 192 2 42 3 91 5 71 8 59 10 I5 12 55 I5 75 17 91 20 96 21 34 22 46 23 97 29 06 32 48 41 12 44 32 These precipitation frequency estimates are based on aoanial dnraMneerre_ All is the Average Recurrence Interval Please rater 0 NOAA Attxi 14 Document for more mformaoon NOTE Farmatbng forces estimates near zero to appear as zero * Upper bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI** ❑5 10 IS 30 60 120 �❑6 12 24 48 ❑4 ❑7 10 20 30 45IF 60 (years) min min minLindmin min hr hr hr hr hr day day day day da day day 0 52 0 83 1 03 142 1 77 2 21 2 42 2 98 3 58 4 03 4 66 5 22 6 01 b 82 9 12 1 124 13 98 16 71 =2 0 61 0 97 122 169 2 12 2 69 2 94 3 61 4 34 4 91 5 65 6 34 7 25 8 l8 10 87 13 37 I6 55 19 73 0 0 70 1 13 1 43 2 03 2 60 3 39 3 72 4 59 5 54 6 34 7 26 8 07 9 I 1 10 14 13 23 16 09 19 79 23 32 10 0 79 126 1 60 2 32 3 02 4 00 4 42 5 48 6 65 7 54 8 62 9 51 10 65 1176 I5 16 18 28 22 47 26 17 25 0 89 142 1 80 2 67 3 55 4 83 5 40 6 71 8 20 9 32 10 67 I 1 58 12 86 14 08 17 88 21 28 26 24 30 14 50 0 97 155 196 2 96 4 01 5 56 6 28 7 81 9 59 10 84 12 46 13 35 14 71 16 02 20 15 23 69 29 33 33 27 100 I OS 168 2 12 3 24 4 47 6 33 7 22 9 00 1 I I 1 12 53 14 49 15 29 16 72 18 10 22 57 26 20 32 56 36 51 200 113 180 2 27 3 53 4 95 7 I5 8 25 10 3I 12 82 14 42 16 79117 42 18 89 2034 25 I 1 28 85 36 03 39 84 500 1 24 196 2 47 3 93 5 63 8 34 9 79 12 26 I5 37 17 30 20 31 20 66 22 10 23 64 28 78 32 47 40 94 44 44 1000 133 2 09 2 63 4 25 6 21 9 36 I 1 14 14 00 17 68 19 80 23 43 23 71 24 86 26 46 31 86 35 40 44 95 48 08 Th.. pri bound of the confidence ini at 90% confidence level is the value which 5%of the simttated ouanWe values fw a woven hewuenev axe roister than These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a radial duration series. AM is the Average Recurrence Interval Please re@r he NDAAMa IA DxmnM for me information NOTE FotmaNng prevents eSLmales near zero to appear as zero * Lower bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI*)� 10 15 30 60 120 �� 12 24 48 4y 7y 10 20 30 45 60 (ycgrs min min min nun min min hr IF, In hr Iv it da day day day day 11 da �1 0 44 0 70 0 88 121 1 50 1 87 2 01 2 40 2 84 3 37 3 85 4 40 5 08 5 81 7 91 9 82 I2 21 1 773 =2 0 52 0 83 1 04 1 44 1 80 2 27 2 44 2 91 3 44 4 10 4 66 5 33 6 13 6 97 9 43 11 68 14 44 17 39 0 60 0 96 122 173 2 22 2 86 3 08 3 68 4 37 5 29 5 97 6 77 7 68 8 62 1 144 14 04 I7 23 20 50 10 0 67 I OS 136 197 2 57 3 37 3 66 4 38 5 23 6 27 7 08 7 94 8 94 9 97 13 OS 15 89 19 51 22 97 25 0 76 121 153 2 26 3 01 4 06 4 46 5 35 6 42 7 70 8 71 9 61 10 73 11 88 I5 35 18 42 22 65 26 31 50 0 82 131 166 2 50 EE 4 64 EE 6 20 7 47 8 90 1 IO o 91 10 99 12 19 13 42 17 17 20 38 25 18 28 90 100 0 89 141 1 78 2 73 3 75 5 26 5 89 7 10 8 59 10 19 11 57 12 45 13 71 15 01 19 02 22 35 27 72 31 46 200 0 95 150 189 2 94 4 I3 5 90 6 67 8 OS 9 82 1157 13 19 14 00 15 30 16 69 20 93 24 35 30 32 34 02 500 1 02 -0-91 1 62 2 04 3 24 4 65 6 79 7 80 9 46 1 159 13 56 15 56 16 25 17 52 19 Ol 23 51 25 57 27 00 F2 9-q 33 79 36 49 37 39 39 91 1000 F E0 EE Efl E7j Eil EE 10 67 EE I5 22 17 53 HE HE F20--8-71 The lower bound of the confidence interval at 904 confidence level is the value which 5 h of the simulated quantde values for a given frequency are less than vniii 11ai �c \rcas I) u[I cc t to I't]a sell l'o.st-(-o r S [I LICI 10 1) & t micr Storrriwatcr rroc rain I, equircill ell is rage 1 of NC Areas Subject to Phase II Post -Construction & Other Stormwater Program Requirements Map LO(JeflG '4K The rf�"op , the I",1 a,ak,r*, o� 0' ' " 008. Please Lhn th� o,k ,tlocal,)ov,,,t(city or :ty) 1,1 y—Ir loclU." L. 'eofy spoc,lk ston—,k-, b),CT to Swrm oter PosPConstiructron j) o, f,-,sad ;w,j pod ",", and L 'UU(, 4, f4(- Uivlyic r ,I Wafer Qi 9/29/200s I A 4t;alit YI DWQ UENR i-g-, CARTERIE1 Regional PrnrutYuil State Balls IiQW0RW Type SA -Shellfish Waters Notes litti): 204.211., 19.201SLorrm,natcr/prtnt.as1)x'.'(',MD -IN I -_'6 942780520� 1 4;92)&-`t'N1IN- ',4.67()',999992549&,X%1A... T21) 2008 Precipitation Frequency Data Server flai,,c 2 of'3 0 Text version of tables based Point PI—pItItIll Frequency Est ... ...... 1a.672 H 76.635 u o 't 23 5 7 91O 1nC. 10 eo l00 140 20n 100 5110 I0a0 5-- 7 7 7 7 Maps - Pf&,,units us&,,cjics=pd&stMcrw... 9,'24,12005 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 3 ol'3 10,W A"70-W 401 if .a4 1 LEGEND County Stream Q ' Q, —, �Mi I i Lary Area Lake/Pond; Oc can National Park Street Other Park Expressway City Highway 0 C,,r--ty,6 'S x Lar ;T. S..Ie 1:228503 mi Other Maps/Photographs - . ..... . ... zl" g',n ni-pal 1, 'lap Vl'o (1h, U'; AlVatershed/Stream How Inlormation - Foldth, W4t5. h d J." d- lu C using flt S Climate data Sources - 1-1 " '— I , " lll. 1!1:1" r' I"! a �11 fh.,, lo,a .... ..... "ahm 30 M"uvs (IC910C 71,0) D—t;,l —,N.,,red dn—j, II. NCDC iwmc • cgi-I)itl,'IICISC,bLlil([OLit.pCrl?tVpe-pt'&,Li3iiLs- us&-sciies pcl&statena... 9124,200 Precipitation Maps for USA • • Fig B-2 Approximate geographic boundaries for SCS rainfall distributions (SCS, 1986) [WVW/O " WN. Fumte it LI�Li tr. nr nroII [button 9 Type I �Nk Type IA Type I Pa lofI 6e http //www lmnoeng com/RamfallMaps/RamfallMaps htm 9/29/2008 SITE SOIL INFORMATION BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 U S,DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE a= SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE AND FOREST SERVICE SOIL LEGEND The first letter a capital Is the initial letter of the sod name The second letter is a capital if the mapping unit is a third order unit otherwise it is a small letter The thud letter If used %S always a capital and shows the slope SYMBOL NAME AaA Altavista loamy fine no 0 to 2 percent slopes Ag Augusta loamy fine sand Ap Arapahoe fine sandy loam ALB Al loamy fine Send 0 to 6 percent slopes Be Beaches coastal BE Beaches storm tidal BM Belhaven muck 1/ Bn Beaches Newhan complex 0 to 30 percent slopes By8 Baymeade fine sand 1 to 6 percent slopes Cd CH CL CnB Co CrB CT Cu DA De D. DO 0u Fr Goa 14'CO20L,046LG 51016 C-12004? HIS A —> KLB LF Ln Lu Ly MA Mc Mn Mu Nc Nd Ne Nh NOA NoB On Pa PO Ra Ro C SS SEA T. To A as W WsS WUB Corolla Duckston complex Carteret santl frequently flooded I/ Carteret sand low frequently flooded 1/ Comte, loamy fine Sand 0 to 5 percent slopes Corolla fine sand Craven loam I to 4 percent slopes Croatan muck 1/ Corolla Urban land complex Dare muck 1/ Deloss fine Sandy loam Deloss mucky loam frequently flooded Donovan muck frequently flooded 1/ Duckston fine Sand Irequenfiyflooded Tripp fine sand 2 to 30 percent slopes Goldsboro loamy fine sand 0 to 2 percent slopes Hobucken muck frequently flooded 1/ Kureb santl 0 to 6 percent slopes Lahtte muck frequently flooded 1/ Leon sand Leon Urban land complex Lynchburg fine Sandy loam Masontown mucky loam frequently flooded 1/ Mandarin Urban land complex Mandarin sand Murvdle mucky send Newhan Corolla complex 0 W 30 percent slopes Newhan fine sand dredged 2 to 30 percent slopes Newhan Urban land complex 0 to 8 percent slopes Newhan fine Sand 2 to 30 percent slopes Norfolk loamy fine Send 0 W 2 percent slopes Norfolk loamy line sand 2 to 6 percent slopes Onslow loamy sand Pantego fine Sandy loam Ponzer muck 1/ Rams One sandy loam Roanoke loam Seabrook fine sand State loamy line sand 0 to 2 percent slopes Tomotley fine sandy loam Torhunts mucky fine Sandy loam Wando fine santl 0 to6 percent slopes Wasda muck al Urban land complex 0 to 6 percent slows I/ These mapping units are third order and were designed for less Intensive use They have and delineations that are usually larger and more variable than others In the survey area y CARTERET COUNTY, OU N Cs Mi Rs La Ln Fn AD H Sn STAT LAN[ [sa ROAI D, Otl Tr RDA[ Int i St Co RAILI POWI (nc PIPE Eric FENC (no LEVE Wil All Wit DAM' Lai Me PITS Gr Mu ��r��a,�.�al `8o�zaullaozfa • Y'odt l#oe r' as 2522 9Q m7fars, Ao" Wahoi6a 28402 �0o1meofi ,°% o mAa qll'T,�a ,qmr� /�mw 3f0-452-0009 8805 °1/'iT1Waea/.1e ,4vo uw gaik 95 66 9/0-452-0060 OeWnnwryka, ,/t'Y 28408 fv c y "MA Ird DATE September 16, 2008 SUBJECT Land & soils evaluation within of the Singleton - Taylor Tract (-8 acres) to determine general usability for infiltration stormwater treatment systems Tract located on the north side of NC Hwy 24, W Morehead City area, Morehead Townshrp,Carteret County, North Carolina Lat 34 73089 N, Long 76 87206 E, PIN # 633604838491000 TO Mr Tom Singleton Mr D Amos Clark, PE HUMP LLC McAdams Company 1463 NC Hwy 24 P O Box 14005 Newport NC 28570 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (252) 247-5709 (919) 287-4262 [o], 417-2547 [m] The land and sods of the Singleton - Taylor Tract (-8 acres) were evaluated on a qualitative basis to determine the potential for on -site stormwater infiltration system usage Current NCDENR-DWQ "Stormwater Management" rules •and regulations (NCAC 15-21-11- 1000) were used as guidelines in making this evaluation New and revised NCDENR-DWQ coastal stormwater rules are tentatively scheduled to become effective October 1 2008 and are more rigorous than current rules This is a general evaluation that consists of transacts across the tract, free -style sods mapping and shallow borings, and qualitative estimates of the land and sod properties No quantitative on -site or specific testing was completed as part of this evaluation Currently, coastal stormwater must be treated by infiltration basins or an equivalent alternative method when the proposed project is greater than 1 acre in size, has >25% impervious surfaces is within 1/2 mile of and drains directly to Class S A Waters or their unclassified tributaries This tract appears to be located <1/2 mile from Class S A Waters (see USGS topo) of tidal Bogue Thus, if a high density project drams to the S A classified waters of this portion of Bogue Sound, then prescriptive engineered infiltration methods or infiltrative "best management practices" (BMP) must be utilized for stormwater treatment on high density projects Low density projects (<25%) do not require engineered stormwater treatment systems Principle sod and site standards for high density development (>25% impervious) with an engineered infiltration system are ---the infiltration system's bottom must be 2 ft or greater from the seasonal high water table, —must be capable of complete draw -down within 5 days, ---the soil's hydraulic conductivity must be >0 52 in/hr, -- recent fill material is not usable, —historic fill materials (<1977) can be used if it meets the minimum site cntena stated above This tract is located on a gently rolling (1 - 6% slopes) sandy sediments, in a coastal plain geomorphic setting Elevations are 0 - -30 ft amsl within the proposed areas evaluated (see USGS topo map) Surface and subsurface drainage appears to be in a south or southeastern direction pending grade and location towards Bogue Sound The tract is currently undeveloped and lighted forested, with minimal historically existing impervious surfaces found The enclosed land & sods map shows the various land/soil types found (see sods map) The following are brief descriptions of the land & sod types found •The "Green" Areas (see map) are well drained sods, with deep uniform sand textures to +70 inch depths The estimated seasonal high water static water table is +48 - 65 inches from the present surface, based upon soil • wetness indicators and drainage features Estimated permeability is <5 — 10 min/in or +e — 12 m/hr to +70 Inch depths from present surface, based upon sod texture and structure Sod types found are Wando These sites are potentially usable for in -ground stormwater infiltration systems pending depth to seasonal high water table 0 The "Yellow" Areas (see map) are moderately well drained sods, with deep uniform sand textures to +70 inches The estimated seasonal high water static water table is +30 — 47 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators and drainage features Estimated permeability is <5 — 10 min/in or +6 — 12 in/hr to +70 inch depths from present surface, based upon sod texture and structure Sod types found are Wando, Onslow, and Seabrook These sites are potentially usable for shallow to ultra -shallow placed stormwater infiltration systems pending depth to seasonal high water table and fill site improvements The "Brown" Areas (see map) are moderately well to somewhat poorly drained sods, with deep uniform sand textures to +70 inch depths The estimated seasonal high water static water table is +15 — 29 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators and drainage features Estimated permeability is <5 — 15 minfrn or +4 — 15 in/hr to +70 inch depths from present surface, based upon sod texture and structure Sod types found are Mandarin, Conetoe, Seabrook, Pactolus, and Leon -dry phase These sites are potentially usable for ultra -shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration systems pending depth of fill site improvements and depth to seasonal high water table The "Pink" Areas (see map) are somewhat poorly drained soils, with moderately deep sand textures with possible hardpan spodic horizons <40 inches of the present surface These sites are considered to be unusable for stormwater infiltration usage due to shallow seasonal high water table indicators, high organic surfaces, poor landscape positrons, and/or restrictive permeability indicators Estimated seasonal high / perched water table <12 — 14 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators Estimated permeability is +5 —100 min/in or +0 6 —12 rn/hr to +50 inch depths, based upon sod texture and structure Leon, Pactotus-wet phase, and Lynn - haven sod types The "Gray" Areas (see map) are potential 404 wetlands and/or 404-CAMA tidal wetlands These areas are regulated by U S Army Corps of Engineers, and/or NCDENR-DWQ-DCM These areas cannot be filled or massively disturbed without Federal & State permit approvals Unusable for stormwater infiltration usage The "Blue" Areas (see map) are the open tidal and saline waters of Bogue Sound These waters appear to be classified as S A Waters by NCDWQ The landward limits is the normal high tide line CAMA reviews all development activities 75 ft landward of the normal high tide line Stonnwater structures are typically located +50 ft from the mean or normal high water line Careful planning and design should be exercised to Insure usable sod areas are reserved in the conceptual design for any future development to allow for stormwater infiltration treatment purposes The sod areas evaluated have slight to severe limitations for usage with on -site stormwater infiltration systems, and will be dependent upon final locations, engineered structure utilized, and depth of the infiltrative bottoms relative to the seasonal high water table levels We recommend using '% of the average natural permeability rate for the infiltrative stormwater system's design rate NCDENR-DWQ is the regulatory agency over stormwater systems and has final review, approval, and permitting authority These and other regulatory agencies must be contacted for their reviews, general concurrences, and required permits before initiating any development activities We recommend NCDWQ to review a pre -application plan for their general concurrence, if infiltration is to be utilized on these sites Sod logs can be provided upon request CV j Larry F Baldwin, CPSS/SC ARCPACS #214 NCLSS #10 ConnectGIS Page I of I AVIIIAP LEL HOUSE HUMBLR 11 i(I W"VA 0i'pt FY' 3010NIVY "[W-Li ( 1 YPL'. QTY MWIAPIC, VARJNC AIA)RIE'l-S !C); jSF 114fdABMI DIREUIOM Vi v -A AA11,11N, 1N)2E�; A S! 70 ROX. 'Ac: 31 PPCf.'M'�' I'M J,I I .LC %! TRAC i i Ai Fe 1 Mll: vdE (AS CRIC F: ':FS('Rjp q0H [AYI 01 IRF IFR: I �.ONL(� ull;i RIC!` P�SCaMIF POt ) i: 349f w -ItL( roH- VAUJt 0 1 AND VAL UV: TAX VALLK, 6356 56 :)`HtP, IALIJII': 1) SALF "MCF; 1951000 311 CONFIC). N111): 1'A)j'juu;(4 ROLL TYPE: k Noise: XI.W: Risk I—cl: 1.: 1035 feot aspx I Ndapfit 91115/2008 Ti^[raSciv,_'I him"e Coum"iy ot'dit, USGS ZUSGS 5 lim SW of WildviioudI North Carufloa, Muted States if itil !,f a. RIM-, 44,,, rif 12, If W, f L u mpipg 200y d fill If]' I Iflor II,i III Terms of Use Plivacy Statement hill) tisa rimlif Iri fit fillag— ll'ift"O W 18,1(" X 2 I Y 96116,W t&D-01 1 9"1 112008 0 E PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE SINGLETON - TAYLOR TRACT (-8 acres) FOR POTENTIAL STORMWATER INFILTRATION USABILITY Morehead City West Area - Morehead Township - Carteret Co - NC Lat 34.73089 N, Long 76.87206 E; PIN #633604838491000 1 Deep +70 well drained, ;aody 1pik. Te, pl;Mleftal sU-o-oe-I ilU2tion usage L,inn,,wd seasonal high water table s48 65' Csb.talcd p®rt-ei-bilay 5 10 "'olio tiii 12 Infit to 1 ?0" depths Wands soil types Deep I (T. I,wdrafoly vieR dpi—d, sandy sods for 111allu, tojo uil placed stormwater I"Illertien U3oq1I -.-ra[ high -Itll lahle -. �J d 7 'II-tru p,--b,fity 5 19 rr h,, 12 olh,;p, IN' depths IN211ir 0111IIIIII led SI!;'I nk soil fly — 0-P 1 /0", 1011-11;d P-ly to -110rately well drained. sandy ,A, III potential ultra shallow to lilt rile improved M01o"lloel Moll illien U:4agp —Illvltld "Itel 11,, 29" estimated ielle-blilly 5 15 1 -1 12 Ohr) III � 711' J,pfhs "I -dai 1. aietpe. £e eh oll 11, PoNol- and I III, phase rof 0/p- mGrlrfy t" somewhat -orly aroteed sandy soils wilh posidtla hardpan ';poiic '�i 'ivlh are --do,,id -o-bo for potential stortnwater ulolha;ion "aq, wlthoni ojo, All ste, toiprovu;noos Estimatedti,uh va!,�,•li,bf, Estim ated ..... Ited peemoibIhN 5 - 100 nimpm (10 G 12 inftr) to +50" tion;hl 1--,; I.Wolur; ,,(e phase and 1-y- have., ,oll types. Potential 404 W,11-111 .1 MOCAMA spot iolrrlilfis lh,lt I'loy come under USACCE. ,4 C DENR DWQ DVVQ �Iie- areas cannot be filled or disturbed Wtl—t lha proper 'Aoufl & State p--1, Those areas unsuitable for ,a csoo"'e"ofilliat— usago Leon 'Ip"n "dal ifs f B.'g,ji,S Ju td I i rflr l 11, S A Vv,1,-- CAIAA:."ill IL Vatot ad"r— (1, it hid'.',ud ,; the '."n, "'t, kdE tin „liar drrvmqt� SCALE. 1 Inch = -300 "'z'v" !all Jules rJaced & appiroximatp) September - 2008 s . 2A ropzo�end • Land Management Group, Inc. PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE SINGLETON - TAYLOR TRACT (-8 acres) FOR POTENTIAL STORMWATER INFILTRATION USABILITY Morehead City West Area - Morehead Township - Carteret Co - NC Lat 34.73089 N, Long 76.87206 E; PIN #633604838491000 Deep -/0 well d-ned, sandy soils for potential starmwffier Infiltration usago. Estimated seasonal high water table +48 - 65"- Estimated permeability 5 10 minlin (+6 12 io/hr) W.70 . depths. Wanda sail types. - Deep -70 moderately well drained, sandy soils far potential shallow to ultra -shallow placed stormwater Inlllhatioo usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +30 - 47' Estimated perrncabllity 5 - 10 minViin (+6 - 12 iolhr) to +70' depths. Wande, Onslow, and Seabrook sail types. - Deep <70", somewhat poorly to modoratsfy well drained, sandy soils for potential - ultra -shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated scas.ri,l high water table +'15 - 2, Estimated permeablltty 5 - 15 minho (+4 - 12 in/hr) to +70- depths. Mandan", Course., Seabrook, Pnotolus, and Leon -dry phase soil types. Poorly to somewhat poorly drained, sandy soils with possible hardpan spathe horizons which are considered unusable for potential stefmwater Infiltration usage without major till site Improvements. Estimated seasonal high perched water table <12 - 14". Estimated permeability 5 - 100 min/in (-10.6 - 12 In/hr) to +50" depths. Leon, Pact -'us - wet phase, and Lynn -haven soil types. Potential 404 wetlands or 404/CAMA tidal wetlands that may come under USACOE, -... NCDENR-DWO-DWO jurisdictions. These areas cannot be filled or massively disturbed witheutthe proper Federal & State permits- I"here areas unsuitable for stormwater infiltration usage. Leon Open tidal waters of P 7ue Sound classified as S.A. W ters C'AMA reviews all develop activities 75 fI Iandwa d of the nom I high fide line. Stormwaor ,tru,tum, are +50 it from the normal high tide line Appre mate locations of proposed stormwater infiltration system, per McAdams concepipe! drawings App-o met,, dascriCed Sail Curing location SCALE: 1 Inch = -300 Feet (all lines paced & approximate) September - 2008 • • J BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS To SWMF #1 Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition ©.M NT-P, _> To Infiltration Basin A Watershed Breakdown Measured Onsite Impervious from Roadway/Parking Lot = Measured Onsite Impervious from Sidewalks = Measured Onsite Imperviousfrom Buildings = Measured Onsite Impervious from Retaining Walls = Onsite Future Impervious = BR Finch, PE JW Caldwell, PE 9/29/2008 11,013 square feet 025 acres 0 square feet 000 acres 0 square feet 000 acres 0 square feet 000 acres 0 square feet 000 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area (Acres) Comments On -site open 80 0 18 Assume good condition On -site impervious 98 025 - On -site wooded 77 000 Assume good condition On -site pond 100 060 Off -site open 80 0 00 Assume good condition Off -site im ervtous 98 000 - Off -site wooded 77 TOO Assume good condition Total area = 014 Acres 0 000 -k Square Miles Composite SCS CN = Total Watershed % Impervious = 580,E B Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to 5 minutes (CONSERVATIVE) Time of Concentration = 500 minutes SCS Lag Time = 300 minutes (SCS Lag = 0 6* Tc) 00500 hours Time Increment = 087 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) ` 2008-09-24 PostDev-HECHMSInputs As To SWMF #1 • • ROGUE SOUND CHURCH HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS TMS-08000 To SWMF #2 SCS @URUF1 }sIiS MUMS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments impervious 98 - Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition _> To Infiltration Basin A Watershed Breakdown BR Finch, PE JW Caldwell, PE 9/29/2008 Measured Onsite Imperviousfrom Roadway/Parking Lot = 23,057 square feet 053 acres Measured Onsue Impervious from Sidewalks = 0 square feet 000 acres Measured Onsne Imperviousfrom Buildings = Measured Onsite Imperviousfrom Retaining Walls = Onsite Future Impervious = 0 square feet 000 acres 0 square feet 0 00 acres 0 square feet 0 00 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area (Acres) Comments On -site open 80 027 Assume good condition On -site impervious 98 053 On -site wooded 77 000 Assume good condition On -site pond 100 000 Off -sue open 80 060 Assume good condition Off -site im ernous 98 000 - Off -site wooded 77 000 Assume good condition 7 otal area = OT&0 Acres Q 1r245qa Square Miles Composite SCS CN = 92g Total Watershed % Impervious = 667 B Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to 5 minutes (CONSERVATIVE) Time of Concentration = 500 minutes SCS Lag Time = 300 minutes (SCS Lag = 0 6• Tc) 00500 hours Time Increment = 087 minutes (= 0 29'SCS Lag) 2008-09-24 PostDev-HECHMSInputs xls To SWMF #2 • • • BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS To SWMF #3 Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition _> To Infiltration Basin A Watershed Breakdown BR Finch, PE JW Caldwell, PE 9/29/2008 Measured Onsue Impervious from Roadway/Parking Lot/Court = 52,122 square feet 120 acres Measured Onsite Imperviousfrom Sidewalks = 2,328 square feet 0 05 acres Measured Onsite Impervious from Buildings = 29,166 square feet = 067 acres Measured Onsite Impervious from Retaining Walls = Onsite Future Impervious = 0 square feet 000 acres 4,000 square feet 009 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area (Acres) Comments On -site open 80 0 51 Assume good condition On -site impervious 98 201 - On -site wooded 77 000 Assume good condition On -site pond 100 000 Off -site open 80 000 Assume good condition Off -site impervious 98 000 - Off -site wooded 77 000 Assume good condition Total area = ;2,,,+�525g5 ,°s - Acres 0 003$;44 ' Square Myles Composite SCS CN = Total Watershed % Impervious = B Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to 5 minutes (CONSERVATIVE) Time of Concentration = 500 minutes SCS Lag Time = 300 minutes (SCS Lag = 0 6* Tc) 00500 hours Time Increment = 087 minutes = 0 29*SCS La 2008-09-24 PostDev-HECHMSInputs As To SWMF #3 To SWMF#1 a _a p IB-F-8#I N �A To SW MF4r2 ti a _n N IB-FB#lw or N N MA W N N 3 To SWMF#3 14 ti IB#3w 0 W co `< N N s�. IB#3 W ov ¢uvr jg4 rA SctFE NAIX Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents • ++*+*+***+*x****++++++ MASTER SUMMARY **+++++++++++++++++x++ Watershed Master Network Summary 1 01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ********+++++++++++ Carteret County WQV Design Storms 2 01 ++++++++++++++++++++++ CN CALCULATIONS **+++++++++++++++++++ TO SWMF #1 Runoff CN-Area 3 01 TO SWMF #2 Runoff CN-Area 3 02 TO SWMF #3 Runoff CN-Area 3 03 +++++++++++++++++++++++ POND VOLUMES +++++++++++++++++++++++ IB#1 Vol Elev-Area 4 01 IB#2 Vol Elev-Area 4 02 IB#3 Vol Elev-Area 4 03 IB- FB#1 Vol Elev-Area 4 04 IB-FB#2 Vol Elev-Area 4 05 ++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET STRUCTURES *****++++++++++++++++ IB#1 - 12 Outlet Input Data 5 01 SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Table of Contents 11 Table of Contents (continued) IB#1 - Dam Outlet Input Data 5 03 • IB#2 - 12 Outlet Input Data 5 05 IB#2- Dam Outlet Input Data 5 07 IB#3 - Bypass Outlet Input Data 5 09 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2009 Type Master Network Summary Page 1 01 Name Watershed File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW • E • MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection Carteret County Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type WQV 1 5000 Synthetic Curve --------------------- ICPM CALCULATION TOLERANCES ------------------------------- Target Convergence= 000 cfs +/- Max Iterations = 35 loops ICPM Time Step = 3 00 min Output Time Step = 3 00 min ICPM Ending Time = 2100 00 min ----------------------------- RNF ID ---------------- TypeIII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall +Node=Diversion ) (Trun= HYG Truncation Blank=None L=Left R=Rt LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun IB#1 POND 1 015 IB#1 OUT POND 1 000 IB#2 POND 1 034 IB#2 OUT POND 1 000 IB#3 IN POND 1 197 IB#3 OUT POND 1 000 *IB#3 OUTFLOW JCT 1 000 IB- FB#1 POND 1 024 IB- FB#1 OUT POND 1 015 IB-FB#2 POND 1 053 IB-FB#2 OUT POND 1 034 *TO IB#1 JCT 1 000 *TO IB#2 JCT 1 000 TO SWMF #1 AREA 1 024 TO SWMF #2 AREA 1 053 Qpeak min 729 00 3 00 732 00 3 00 726 00 417 00 3 00 726 00 729 00 726 00 732 00 3 00 3 00 726 00 726 00 Fr -AV iNFL-o�lTO 13AS,^K OJRM/G pf-Ar w«LoL-j reo" GAS,%NS Dv2t^Xa .JQ, Cvf-W Max x WSEL Pond Storage ft ac-ft 28 22 015 28 31 034 9 38 197 28 24 002 28 31 010 PEAL' �c ESA nuJS 0v2 nG V4fVo"' "am -N# y raof as-S 1,4A„ ) r"f B-CPASS eL.r,/ARw,S SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 • • Type Master Network Summary Page 1 02 Name Watershed File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW ------------------------------- ICPM CALCULATION TOLERANCES ------------------------------- Target Convergence= 000 cfs +/- Max Iterations = 35 loops ICPM Time Step = 3 00 min Output Time Step = 3 00 min ICPM Ending Time = 2100 00 min ------------------------------- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method ('Node=Outfall +Node=Diversion ) (Trun= HYG Truncation Blank=None L=Left R=Rt LR=LeftSRt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun min cfs ft ac-ft ----------------- ---- ---------------- -- TO SWMF R3 AREA 1 197 726 00 _ 2 92 ___ ------------ SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 • • Type Design Storms Page 2 01 Name Carteret County Event 1 yr File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\ Storm TypeIII 29hr Tag WQV DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Storm Tag Name = WQV Carteret County Data Type, File ID = Synthetic Storm TypeIII 29hr Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 1 5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 1990 00 min Resulting Start Time= 00 min Step= 6 00 min End= 1440 00 min SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Runoff CN-Area Page 3 01 Name TO SWMF #1 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA •---------------------------------------------------------------- • Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres 8C %UC CN ------------- ---- - _____ ----- --__-- Impervious 98 250 98 00 Open 80 180 80 00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 430 90 97 (90) SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company Pond Pack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Runoff CN-Area Name TO SWMF N2 Page 3 02 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW • • RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Impervious 98 530 98 00 Open 80 270 80 00 COMPOSITE AREA 6 WEIGHTED CN ---> 800 91 93 (92) SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Runoff CN-Area Page 3 03 Name TO SWMF k3 File X \Pro9ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA i----------------------------------------------------------------- • Impervious Area Ad3ustment Ad3usted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN _____ _____ _ --- ------ Impervious 98 2 010 98 00 Open 80 510 80 00 COMPOSITE AREA 6 WEIGHTED CN ---> 2 520 94 36 (94) I S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 4 01 Name IB#1 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum • ____ (ft)(sqin)---'_(sq 28 00 ----- ft) ----------- 2776 (sq ft) _---------- 0 (ac-ft) --------- 000 (ac-ft) ____ 000 28 50 ----- 3116 8833 034 034 29 00 ----- 3478 9886 038 072 29 50 ----- 3845 10980 042 114 • • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq rt (Areal*Area2)) where EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1 EL2 respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 4 02 Name IBH2 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW Elevation Planlmeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft)(sq_ in)-'--(sq ft)(sq ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) • 28 00 ----- 4528 0 000 000 28 50 ----- 5038 14342 055 055 28 60 ----- 5142 15270 012 067 29 00 ----- 5565 16056 049 116 29 50 ----- 6111 17508 067 183 • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq rt (Areal*Area2)) where EL1 EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Axea2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 4 03 Name IBR3 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ----- ____------------------- (sq in) (sq ft) (sq ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) • 18 00 ----- ___------------ 5299 ----------- 0 __---------- 000 ______ 000 19 00 ----- 6685 17936 137 137 20 00---- 7828 21747 166 304 21 00 ----- 9027 25261 193 497 22 00 ----- 10282 28943 221 718 23 00 ----- 11596 32797 251 969 • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq it (Areal*Azea2)) where EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2 respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 9 09 Name IB- FBN1 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ---- --------------------------- (sq in) (sq ft) ----------- (sq ft) ----------- (ac-ft) ------------ (ac-ft) ------- • 28 00 ----- 297 0 000 000 28 50 ----- 351 892 003 003 29 00 ----- 472 1230 005 008 29 50 ----- 610 1619 006 014 is • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq rt (Areal*Area2)) where EL1 EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal Area2 = Areas computed for EL1 EL2 respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 0 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol E1ev-Area Page 4 05 Name IB-FB#2 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum • (ft) (sq in) 28 00 ----- (sq ft) 1331 (sq ft) 0 (ac-ft) 000 (ac-ft) 000 28 50 ----- 1587 4371 017 017 28 60 ----- 1640 4840 004 020 29 00 ----- 1864 5252 016 037 29 50 ----- 2165 6038 023 060 • 11 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq it (Areal*Area2)) where EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company Pond Pack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 01 Name IB#1 - 12" File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS • Min Elev = 28 00 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 29 50 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall El, ft E2, ft ______---------------- --------- Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 28 000 29 500 TW SETUP, US Channel SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 02 Name IBR1 - 12" File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW • 0 • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = Culvert -Circular ------------------------------------ No Barrels = 2 Barrel Diameter = 1 0000 ft Upstream Invert = 28 00 ft Dnstream Invert = 28 00 ft Horiz Length = 17 00 ft Barrel Length = 17 00 ft Barrel Slope = 00000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA Mannings n = Ke = Kb = Kr = HW Convergence = INLET CONTROL DATA Equation form = Inlet Control K = Inlet Control M = Inlet Control c = Inlet Control Y = T1 ratio (HW/D) _ T2 ratio (HW/D) Slope Factor = 0130 5000 (forward entrance loss) 031279 (per It of full flow) 5000 (reverse entrance loss) 001 +/- ft 1 0098 2 0000 03980 6700 1 160 1 307 - 500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ below T1 elev Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ above T2 elev In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 6 T2 At Tl E1ev = 29 16 ft ---> Flow = 2 75 cfs At T2 Elev = 29 31 ft ---> Flow = 3 19 cfs S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 03 Name IB#1 - Dam File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS • Min Elev = 28 00 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 29 50 ft J ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall E1, ft E2 ft ----------------- -------------------- --------- Weir-Rectangular WR ---> TW 29 500 29 500 TW SETUP DS Channel SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company Pondeack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Name IB#1 - Dam Page 5 09 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW • • • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type ---------------- # of Openings Crest Elev Weir Length Weir Coeff Weir TW effects = WR = Weir-Rectangular -_-_-____-1_______ 29 50 ft = 30 00 ft = 2 600000 (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES Maximum Iterations= 30 Min TW tolerance = 01 ft Max TW tolerance = 01 ft Min HW tolerance = 01 ft Max HW tolerance = 01 ft Min Q tolerance = 10 cfs Max Q tolerance = 10 cfs SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 05 Name IB#2 - 12 File X \Pro]ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS • Min Elev = 28 00 It Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 29 50 ft • OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) o--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall E1 ft E2 ft ----------------- - ------------------------- Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 28 000 29 500 TW SETUP, IS Channel 0 SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 06 Name IB#2 - 12" File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW • \J • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ------------------------------------ = Culvert -Circular No Barrels = 2 Barrel Diameter = 1 0000 ft Upstream Invert = 28 00 ft Dnstream Invert = 28 00 ft Boris Length = 17 00 ft Barrel Length = 17 00 ft Barrel Slope = 00000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA Mannings n = Ke = Kb = Kr = HW Convergence = INLET CONTROL DATA Equation form = Inlet Control K = Inlet Control M = Inlet Control c = Inlet Control Y = T1 ratio (HW/D) _ T2 ratio (HW/D) _ Slope Factor = 0130 5000 (forward entrance loss) 031274 (per ft of full flow) 5000 (reverse entrance loss) 001 +/- ft 1 0098 2 0000 03980 6700 1 160 1 307 - 500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ below T1 elev Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ above T2 elev In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control interpolate between flows at T1 s T2 At Tl Elev = 29 16 ft ---> Flow = 2 75 cfs At T2 Elev = 29 31 ft ---> Flow = 3 14 cfs SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 07 Name IB42- Dam File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS • Min Elev = 28 00 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 29 50 ft • • OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall El, ft E2, ft ------ ------------------ --------- Weir-Rectangular WR ---> TW 29 500 29 500 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 • • • Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 08 Name IB#2- Dam File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = WR Structure Type = Weir -Rectangular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev = 29 50 ft Weir Length = 30 00 ft ' Weir Coeff = 2 600000 Weir TW effects (Use ad]ustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES Maximum Iterations= 30 Min TW tolerance = 01 ft Max TW tolerance = 01 ft Min HW tolerance = 01 ft Max HW tolerance = 01 ft Min Q tolerance = 10 cfs Max Q tolerance = 10 cfs S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 09 Name IB#3 - Bypass File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW • REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS Min Elev = 18 00 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 23 00 ft ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall El, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------ -------- _-------- Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 19 800 23 000 TW SETUP US Channel S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 10 Name IB#3 - Bypass File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Stoxm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000 PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA • Structure ID = BA Structure Type ------------------------------------ = Culvert -Circular No Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2 0000 ft Upstream Invert = 19 80 ft Dnstream Invert = 17 00 ft Horiz Length = 201 00 ft Barrel Length = 201 02 ft Barrel Slope = 01393 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA Mannings n = 0130 Ke = 1 2000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = 012411 (per ft of full flow) Kr = 1 2000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = 001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA Equation form = Inlet Control K = Inlet Control M = Inlet Control c = Inlet Control Y = T1 ratio (HW/D) _ T2 ratio (HW/D) _ Slope Factor = 1 0098 2 0000 03980 6700 1 153 1 300 - 500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ below T1 elev Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ above T2 elev • In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control interpolate between flows at T1 s T2 At T1 Elev = 22 11 ft --> Flow = 15 55 cfs At T2 Elev = 22 40 ft ---> Flow = 17 77 cfs • Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES Maximum Iterations= 30 Min TW tolerance = 01 It Max TW tolerance = 01 It Min HW tolerance = 01 ft Max HW tolerance = 01 ft Min Q tolerance = 10 cfs Max Q tolerance = 10 cfs S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 Appendix A A-1 Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- I ---_- IB#1 4 01 IB#1 - 12 5 01 IB#1 - Dam 5 03 IB#2 9 02 IB#2 - 12' 5 05 IB#2- Dam 5 07 IB#3 4 03 IB#3 - Bypass 5 09 IB- FB#1 4 04 IB-FB#2 4 05 3 01 3 02 3 03 ----- W ----- Watershed 1 01 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 56 PM Date 9/29/2008 • • • To SWMF IB-F6zt1 lJ 0 To SWMF D a a_ N IB-FB#2 w To SWMF 941, . D n a w IB#3 w w La co m IB#3 gYvnsS to-YR 'lm-v¢ QOJTv G w wrtL�Df4 SNSM6� Table of Contents Table of Contents *+***++++++xx+++++++++ MASTER SUMMARY **x+x+x+++++++++++++++ Watershed Master Network Summary 1 01 x+++x++x+x++++++++ DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Carteret County 10-YR Design Storms 2 01 +++++++++++++++++++x++ CN CALCULATIONS ****+++>+>+++++++++++ TO SWMF #1 Runoff CN-Area 3 01 TO SWMF #2 Runoff CN-Area 3 02 TO SWMF #3 Runoff CN-Area 3 03 +++++++++++++++++++++++ POND VOLUMES ++++x++++++x+>+++++++++ IB#3 Vol Elev-Area 4 01 IB- FB#1 Vol Elev-Area 4 02 , IB-FB#2 Vol Elev-Area 4 03 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ************++++++++x • IS #1 - Overflow Outlet Input Data 5 01 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Table of Contents ii • • Table of Contents (continued) Composite Rating Curve 5 03 IB H2 - Overflow Outlet Input Data 5 09 Composite Rating Curve 5 06 IBg3 - Bypass Outlet input Data 5 07 Composite Rating Curve 5 09 5/N 6211012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Master Network Summary Page 1 01 Name Watershed File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-10&100 PEW • • • MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection Carteret County Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ____ __ _____________ 10-YR 6 8700 Synthetic Curve TypeIII 24hr 100-YR 11 4500 Synthetic Curve TypeIII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall +Node=Diversion ) (Trun= HYG Truncation Blank=None L=Left R=Rt LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ________ Type Event ac-ft Trun *IB#1 BYPASS ____ JCT ______ 10 __________ 204 *IB#1 BYPASS JCT 100 366 *IB#2 BYPASS JCT 10 395 *IB#2 BYPASS JCT 100 698 IB#3 IN POND 10 1 293 IB#3 IN POND 100 2 251 IB#3 OUT POND 10 1 292 IB#3 OUT POND 100 2 249 *IB#3 BYPASS JCT 10 1 292 *IB#3 BYPASS JCT 100 2 249 IB- FB#1 IN POND 10 204 IB- FB#1 IN POND 100 366 IB- FB#1 OUT POND 10 204 IB- FB#1 OUT POND 100 366 IB-FB#2 IN POND 10 395 IB-FB#2 IN POND 100 698 IB-FB#2 OUT POND 10 395 IB-FB#2 OUT POND 100 698 TO SWMF 41 AREA 10 204 TO SWMF #1 AREA 100 366 TO SWMF #2 AREA 10 395 TO SWMF 02 AREA 100 698 TO SWMF #3 AREA 10 1 293 TO SWMF #3 AREA 100 2 251 Qpeak min 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 735 00 732 00 735 00 732 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 126 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 726 00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs __ ___71(t2 ft ac-ft 210-YR ------------ ovrLww �o LE./EL SPP•EADE.2S 61 360 39 545 2 34 4 05 2 32 2 003 4 01 29 06 005 4 45 7 60 4 30 7 42 2 34 4 05 4 45 7 60 14 26 24 12 020 030 pg" Ec rF -n DNri 6vE�ff SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 • Type Design Storms Page 2 01 Name Carteret County Event 10 yr File X \Protects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\ Storm TypeIII 24hr Tag 10-YR DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Carteret County Storm Tag Name = 10-YR Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeIII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6 8700 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 1440 00 min Resulting Start Time= 00 min Step= 6 00 min End= 1440 00 min Storm Tag Name = 100-YR Data Type, File ID = Synthetic Storm TypeIII 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 11 4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 1440 00 min Resulting Start Time= 00 min Step= 6 00 min End= 1440 00 min S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company Pond Pack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Runoff CN-Area Page 3 01 Name TO SWMF H1 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA •-------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • Impervious Area Ad3ustment Ad3usted Soil/Surface Description CN acres 9C %UC CN --------- ------------- ----- ---- ------ Impervious 98 250 98 00 Open 80 180 80 00 COMPOSITE AREA 6 WEIGHTED CN ---> 430 90 47 (90) SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/200B Type Runoff CN-Area Name TO SWMF #2 Page 3 02 0 • • File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-105100 PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Ad3ustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ------------- ----- ----- ------ Impervious 98 530 98 00 Open 80 270 80 00 COMPOSITE AREA a WEIGHTED CN ---> 800 91 93 (92) S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 • • • Type Runoff CN-Area Page 3 03 Name TO SWMF #3 File X \Pr03ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-10s100 PEW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN ____ ------------- ---- --------- ----- ---- Impervious 98 2 010 98 00 Open 80 SID 80 00 COMPOSITE AREA 5 WEIGHTED CN ---> 2 520 99 36 (94) S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 4 01 Name IB#3 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-105100 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1'A2) Volume Volume Sum • (ft) (sq in) --_----------------------------- (sq ft) (sq ft) 0 (ac-ft) ----------- (ac-ft) — 19 80----- 7595 000 000 20 00 ----- 7828 23134 035 035 21 00 ----- 9027 25261 193 229 22 00 ----- 10282 28943 221 450 23 00 ----- 11596 32797 251 701 • • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) ' (EL2-EL1) ' (Areal + Area2 + sq it (Areal'Area2)) where EL1 EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2 respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 4 02 Name IB- FB#1 File X \Protects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al'A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq in) (sq ft) (sq ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 28 50_____3510 • 000000____ 29 00 ----- 472 1230 005 005 29 50 ----- 610 1619 006 O11 • • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS ' Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) - (Areal + Area2 + sq rt (Areal*Areal)) where ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 0 SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company Pond Pack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Vol Elev-Area Page 4 03 Name IB-FBH2 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-105100 PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1'A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) Isq in) (sq It) (sq ft) lac-ft) lac-ft) • ________________________________________________________________________ 28 60 ----- 1640 0 000 000 29 00 ----- 1864 5252 016 016 29 50 ----- 2165 6038 023 039 • POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq rt (Areal*Area2)) where EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2 respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 01 Name IS #1 - Overflow File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS • Min Elev = 28 50 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 29 50 ft • OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall E1 ft E2, ft ----------------------------------- Weir-Rectangular WR ---> TW 28 500 29 500 TW SETUP DS Channel a S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 02 Name IR #1 - Overflow ' File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW • • • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = WR Structure Type = Weir -Rectangular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev = 28 50 It Weir Length = 5 00 It Weir Coeff = 2 600000 Weir TW effects (Use ad3ustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel --------------'_—_----------------- FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES Maximum Iterations= 30 Min TW tolerance = 01 It Max TW tolerance = 01 ft Min HW tolerance = 01 ft Max HW tolerance = 01 ft Min Q tolerance 10 cfs Max Q tolerance = 10 cfs S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Composite Rating Curve Name IB kl - Overflow Page 5 03 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • wSElev, Total Q ----------- Elev Q ft cfs 28 50 00 28 60 41 28 70 1 15 28 80 2 11 28 90 3 24 29 00 4 50 29 10 5 90 29 20 7 40 29 30 9 00 29 40 10 70 29 50 12 48 is Notes _____ Converge _________________________ TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Contributing Structures _____ _____ -------------------------- Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WE Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 09 Name IS #2 - Overflow File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW • • REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS Min Elev = 28 60 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 29 50 ft ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall E1 ft E2, ft ----------------- ----------------------------- Weir-Rectangular WR ---> TW 28 600 29 500 TW SETUP, IS Channel SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Name IB #2 - Overflow Page 5 05 File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-105100 PPW • • • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type ----------------- # of Openings Crest Elev Weir Length Weir Coeff Weir TW effects = WR = Weir -Rectangular ----------------- 1 28 60 It = 5 00 ft 2 600000 (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES Maximum Iterations= 30 Min TW tolerance = 01 ft Max TW tolerance = 01 ft Min HW tolerance = 01 ft Max HW tolerance = 01 ft Min Q tolerance = 10 cfs Max Q tolerance = 10 cfs SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Composite Rating Curve Name IB 02 - Overflow Page 5 06 File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-10s100 PPW ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • WS Elev, Total Q Elev Q ft cfs 28 60 00 28 70 91 28 80 1 15 28 90 2 11 29 00 3 29 29 10 9 50 29 20 5 90 29 30 7 90 29 90 9 00 29 50 10 70 • • Notes -------- Converge ------------------------- TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- ----- -------------------------- Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR Free Outfall WR S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 07 Name IB#3 - Bypass File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-10s100 PPW • • REQUESTED POND WE ELEVATIONS Min Elev = 19 80 ft Increment = 10 ft Max Elev = 23 00 ft ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ----------- --------- -------- Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 19 800 23 000 TW SETUP US Channel SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Outlet Input Data Page 5 08 Name IB#3 - Bypass File X \Projects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW ,0 • • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ------------------------------------ = Culvert -Circular No Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2 0000 ft Upstream Invert = 19 80 ft Dnstream Invert = 17 00 It Horiz Length = 201 00 ft Barrel Length = 201 02 It Barrel Slope = 01393 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA Mannings n = Ke = Kb = Kr = HW Convergence = INLET CONTROL DATA Equation form = Inlet Control K = Inlet Control M = Inlet Control c = Inlet Control Y = T1 ratio (HW/D) _ T2 ratio (HW/D) _ Slope Factor = 0130 1 2000 (forward entrance lossl 012411 (per ft of full flow) 1 2000 (reverse entrance loss) 001 +/- It 1 0098 2 0000 03980 6700 1 153 1 300 - 500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ below Tl elev Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ above T2 elev In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control interpolate between flows at T1 & T2 At T1 Flee = 22 11 ft ---> Flow = 15 55 cfs At T2 Elev = 22 90 ft ---> Flow = 17 77 cfs Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP US Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES Maximum Iterations= 30 Min TW tolerance = 01 ft Max TW tolerance = 01 ft Min HW tolerance = 01 ft Max HW tolerance = 01 ft Min Q tolerance = 10 cfs Max Q tolerance = 10 cfs S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Type Composite Rating Curve Page 5 09 Name IB#3 - Bypass File X \Pro3ects\TMS\TMS-08000\Storm\SWM Permit Submittal\TMS-08000-106100 PPW ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • WS Elev, Total Q Notes _______________ _ ________ Conve Converge _________________________ Elev Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures ________ 19 80 _______ 00 ________ _____ Free Outfall __________________________ None contributing 19 90 03 Free Outfall BA 20 00 11 Free Outfall BA 20 10 25 Free Outfall BA 20 20 44 Free Outfall BA 20 30 68 Free Outfall BA 20 40 98 Free Outfall BA 20 50 1 31 Free Outfall BA 20 60 1 70 Free Outfall BA 20 70 2 12 Free Outfall BA 20 80 2 58 Free Outfall BA 20 90 3 08 Free Outfall BA 21 00 3 62 Free Outfall BA 21 10 4 19 Free Outfall BA 21 20 4 79 Free Outfall BA 21 30 5 42 Free Outfall BA 21 40 6 07 Free Outfall BA 21 50 6 74 Free Outfall BA 21 60 7 44 Free Outfall BA 21 70 8 16 Free Outfall BA 21 80 8 89 Free Outfall BA 21 90 9 64 Free Outfall BA 22 00 10 39 Free Outfall BA 22 10 11 15 Free Outfall BA 22 20 11 92 Free Outfall BA 22 30 12 70 Free Outfall BA 22 40 13 47 Free Outfall BA 22 50 14 24 Free Outfall BA 22 60 15 01 Free Outfall BA • 22 70 15 77 Free Outfall BA 22 80 16 53 Free Outfall BA 22 90 17 28 Free Outfall BA 23 00 18 02 Free Outfall BA • SIN 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM Date 9/29/2008 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names IB #1 - Overflow 5 01, 5 03 IB #2 - Overflow 5 04, 5 06 IB#3 4 01 /• IB#3 - Bypass 5 07, 5 09 IB- FB#1 4 02 IB-FB#2 4 03, 3 01, 3 02, 3 03 _____ W ----- Watershed 1 01 • • S/N 6217012070C3 The John R> McAdams Company PondPack Ver 8 0058 Time 5 59 PM A-1 Date 9/29/2008 FINAL DESIGN OF SWMF #1 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 .: 0 FOREBAY/FLOW DIVERSION CHAMBER In m, f� 1 / �W -7 \� CIO \ I Lo / I• \ / / /I 1 I I I II II • II I II it I / I 11 II it \1 I II I I I 9 1 2 II II I \ I1 I 1 II II m II 11 I / / \ -TOP 28 M =-�9 so (8- FT WIDE _ MIN_ 0 0 H:�;iorc.��mr 30 0 15 30 60 I inch = 30 ft FOREBAY/FLOW DIVERSION CHAMBER CONTOUR AREA (SF) 280 247 285 351 290 472 295 610 INFILTRATION CHAMBER CONTOUR AREA (SF) 280 2.776 285 3,116 290 3,478 295 3,845 � 1 0 LA 10 \ \ Crtl I II s� III I IIIv f�l I III 1111111 � I I I IIIuI I v I I I 1, I INFILTRATION CHAMBER FLOOR = 28 00 „r 1 I o / I II I 1 po II � � I I NO n,Os-oe000 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH ® THE ANY, R McADAMS rMsoa000-Ex �L7�y�,� COMPANY, INC 1"-30' CAR EDl'�� /"\OTTITlY, 7� C ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYOEL4 ..FT TRA71ONl� ASS IN #1 -- GRADING IPA P RESEARCH 1 TRIANGLE PPET/09ARK N4005 09-29-2008 (919) 551-5000 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN B R FINCH PE TMS-08000 SWMF #1 9/26/2008 • 0 Staee-Storage Function Project Name Hogue Sound Chumh Designer B R Finch PE Job Number TMS 08000 Date 9/26/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) 4117l (f,, t) 2800 20 2776 1 2850 03 3116 1473 050 2900 1 0 3478 3297 1649 3122 0 99 2950 1 5 3845 3662 1831 4952 1 1 51 Storage vs Stage 6000 5000 y = 3150 1 x"ois u 4000 R' = 0 9998 rn 3000 n `o 2000 1000 0 00 05 10 15 20 Stage (feet) Ks = 3150 1 b = 1 1015 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS 08000 INFILTRATION BASIN SWMF #I B R FINCH, PE 9/26/2008 • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks= 31501 b= 1101D Zo= 280 Elevation [feet] Storage Storage - Worst [cq [acre-feet] [acre-feet] 28 0 0 000 282 535 0 012 284 1148 0 026 285 1468 0 034 0 000 286 1795 0 041 0 007 288 2464 0 057 0 023 29 3150 0 072 0 039 292 3851 0088 0 055 294 4563 0 105 0 071 295 4924 0 113 0 079 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TM S-08000 • a • INFILTRATION BASIN SWMF #1-Forebay Stage -Storage Function Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer B R Finch PE Job Number TMS 08000 Date 9/26/2008 B R FINCH PE 9/29/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 2800 20 247 2850 03 351 299 150 150 050 2900 1 0 472 412 206 355 098 2950 1 5 610 541 271 626 1 52 Storage vs Stage 700 — 600 y = 364 ix, 2973 500 R2 = 0 9991 LL m 400 rn c 300 200 100 0 00 05 10 15 20 Stage (feet) Ks = 3641 b = 12973 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN B R FINCH, PE TMS 08000 SWMF#1-Forebay 9/29/2008 • • • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks = 364 1 b = 12973 Zo = 280 Elevation [feet] Storage Storage - Worst [cf] [acre-feet[ [acre-feet] 28 0 0 000 - 282 45 0 001 _ 284 111 0003 28 5 148 0 003 0 000 286 188 0 004 0 001 28 8 273 0 006 0 003 29 364 0 008 2205 292 461 0 011 0 007 294 563 0013 0010 295 616 0014 0011 ROGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN CALCULATIONS TMS-08000 SWMF 91 B R FINCH, PE 9/29/2008 >> Determmahon of Water Quality Volume (WQ v) • WQ v = (P)(R v)(A)112 where, WQv= water quality volume (m acre-ft) Rv = 0 05+0 009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data Total area, A = 043 acres Impervious area = 025 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 584 % Rainfall, P = 15 inches Calculated values Rv= 0 58 WQv= 003 acre ft 0 37 acre -inches 1357 of �> Drawdown Calculations Per the NCDENR handbook 'Stormwater Best Management Practices" (October 2007) drawdown of the •stormwater runoff shall occur within 5 days using a minimum infiltration rate of 0 52"per hour Input data WQv= 1357 of Stage I Storage Data Infiltration Chamber Ks = 31501 b= 110tD Zo = 28 00 Vol in 1 5" Rainfall= 1357 cult Assumed Infiltration Rate = 0 52 in/hr = 0 0433 ft/hr Calculated values Depth of WQv in Basin = 047 ft 559 inches EL = 2847 ft SA of Bottom Basin Contour = 2776 sq ft Drawdown Time 113 hours 05 days • BOGUE SOUND CHURCH SWMF #1 B R FINCH, PE TMS-08000 9/29/2008 F777TVEL SPREADER DESIGN CALCULATIONS Calculation of Level Spreader Length The purpose of the level spreader is to provide a non -erosive outlet by converting concentrated flow into sheet flow and release it uniformly over the vegetated filter strip The level spreader length should be designed such that during the 10-year storm event, an non -erosive velocity (in this case, 5 feet per second maximum) is released from the level spreader into the vegetated filter strip The required level spreader length can be computed using the weir equation Level Spreader Length Calculation ==> 10-Year Storm Peak Flowrate Q10 = 232 cfs Weir Coefficient, Cw = 30 Design Flow Depth on Level Spreader 2/3'H = 4 inches Corresponding Driving Head on Level Spreader H = 6 inches Required Level Spreader Length = 2 feet Calculation of Level Spreader Exit Velocity As previously mentioned the level spreader should be designed such that a non -erosive velocity is released from the level spreader into the vegetated filter strip The velocity exiting the level spreader can be computed using the continuity equation Q=VA 10-Year Storm Peak Flowrate, Q10 = 232 cfs Design Level Spreader Length = 2 feet Design Flow Depth on Level Spreader 2/3`H = 4 inches Flow Area (Level Spreader L ' 2/3'H) = 073 square feet Computed Level Spreader Exit Velocity = 318 feet/second • FINAL DESIGN OF SWMF #2 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMs-08000 16 1 "o 1 , \ \ 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / I 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 , I 1 1 1 \1 1 1 I I I I � I I 1 1 I I I \- I 1 11 I I I Ilrn 1 I 11 \ 1 i 1 I i 1 0 x GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 I Inch = 30 ft FOREBAY/FLOW DIVERSION CHAMBER CONTOUR AREA (SF) 280 1,331 285 1 587 286 1 640 290 1 864 295 2,165 INFILTRATION CHAMBER CONTOUR AREA (SF) 280 4,528 285 5,038 286 5,142 290 5,565 295 6,111 I 0 0 IINFILTRATION CHAMBER FLOOR = 28 00 FOREBAY/FLOW DIVERSION CHAMBER Roj � N TMS-08000 ® THE JOHN R McADAMS MI NAME. TMS08000-Ex BOGUS SOUND CHURCH COMPANY, INC ENGINEERSC Ly, 17=3U CARTERS` COuMY, 1� C RESEARCH TRIANGLE RIA NN6R5/SURVEYORS v l.i - G 1 I lr li P O BOX 4005 I PARK, NC DATE 09-29-2008 INFII.1'RAIION BASIN #2 -GRADING PLAN P i BOX uoos ZIP znou-"oos (ala) xl—soon BOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN B R FINCH, PE TMS-08000 SWMF #2 9/26/2008 • '• State -Storage Function Project Name Hogue Sound Church Designer B R Finch, PE Job Number TMS 08000 Date 9/26/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 2800 00 4528 2850 05 5038 4783 2392 2392 050 2860 06 5142 5090 509 2901 060 2900 1 0 5565 5354 2141 5042 099 2950 1 5 6111 5838 2919 7961 1 51 Storage vs Stage 9000 — 8000 7000 y = 5081 8x' ON LL 6000 R2 = 0 9999 m 5000 a 1° 4000 `o w 3000 2000 1000 0 00 05 10 15 20 Stage (feet) Ks = 5081 8 b = 1 094 HOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN B R FINCH, PE TMS 08000 SWMF #2 9/26/2008 • • 0 _> Stage - Storage Function Ks = 5081 8 b = 1 094 Zo = 280 Elevation [feet] Storage Storage - Worst 1cl1 [acre-feet] [acre-feet] 28 0 0 000 28 2 874 0 020 284 1865 0 043 - 28 6 2906 0 067 0 000 28 8 3981 0 091 0 025 29 5082 0 117 0 050 292 6204 0 142 _ 0 076 294 7343 0 169 _ 0 102 295 7919 1 0 182 0 115 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN B R FINCH PE TMS 08000 SWMF #2-Forebay 9/29/2008 Stage -Storage Function 1• • 0 Project Name Bogue Sound Church Designer B R Finch, PE Job Number TMS08000 Date 9/26/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 2800 00 1331 2850 05 1587 1459 730 730 050 2860 06 1640 1614 161 891 060 2900 1 0 1864 1752 701 1592 099 2950 1 5 2165 2015 1007 2599 l 51 Storage vs Stage 3000 2500 y = 1612 6x1 1553 LL 2000 R2 = 0 9997 U rn 1500 R O 1000 500 0 00 05 10 15 20 Stage (feet) Ks = 1612 6 b = 11553 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 INFILTRATION BASIN SWMF #2-Forebay B R FINCH, PE 9/29/2008 • 0 _> Stage - Storage Function Ks= 16126 b= 1 1553 Zo= 280 Elevation [feet) Storage Storage- Worst [cf] [acre feet] [acre-feet] 28 0 0 000 282 251 0 006 284 559 0 013 286 894 0 021 0 000 28 8 1246 0 029 0 008 29 _ 1613 0 037 0 017 292 1991 0 046 0 025 294 2379 0 055 0 034 295 2576 0 059 0 039 ROGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN CALCULATIONS TMS-08000 SWMF #2 B R FINCH, PE 9/26/2008 > Determrnntmn o'Water Quality Volume (WQ v) WQ v = (P) (R v) (A)/12 where, WQv= water quality volume (m acre-ft) Rv= 0 05+0 009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (m inches) Input data Total area, A = 080 acres Impervious area= 0 53 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 664 % Rainfall, P = 1 5 inches Calculated values Rv= 0 be WQv= 006 acre ft = 077 acre inches = 281t cf �- > Drawdo_wn_ Calculations_ J Per the NCDENR handbook 'Stormwater Bert Management Practices" (April 1999) drawdown of the •stormwater runoffshall occur withm 5 days using a minimum infiltration rate of 0 52"per hour Input data WQv= 2811 cf Stage /Storage Data Infiltration Chamber Ks = c081 8 b = t 0940 Zo = 2800 Vol in 1 5" Rainfall = 2811 cu ft Assumed Infiltration Rate = 052 in/hr = 0 0433 ft/hr Calculated values Depth of WQv in Basin = 0 58 ft 698 inches EL= 2858 ft SA of Bottom Basin Contour = 4528 sq ft Drawdown Time = 143 hours 06 days BOGUE SOUND CHURCH SWMF #2 B R FINCH, PE TMS-08000 9/29/2008 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN CALCULATIONS Calculation of Level Spreader Length The purpose of the level spreader is to provide a non -erosive outlet by converting concentrated flow into sheet flow and release it uniformly over the vegetated filter strip The level spreader length should be designed such that during the 10-year storm event an non -erosive velocity (in this case, 5 feet per second maximum) is released from the level spreader into the vegetated filter strip The required level spreader length can be computed using the weir equation Level Spreader Length Calculation ==> 10-Year Storm Peak Flowrate, Q10 = 430 cfs Weir Coefficient, Cw = 30 Design Flow Depth on Level Spreader 2/3'H = 4 inches Corresponding Driving Head on Level Spreader, H = 6 inches Required Level Spreader Length = 4 Ifeet Calculation of Level Spreader Exit Velocity As previously mentioned, the level spreader should be designed such that a non -erosive velocity is released from the level spreader into the vegetated filter strip The velocity exiting the level spreader can be computed using the continuity equation, Q=VA • 10-Year Storm Peak Flowrate, Q10 = 430 cfs Design Level Spreader Length = 4 feet Design Flow Depth on Level Spreader, 2/3`H = 4 inches Flow Area (Level Spreader L ' 2/3'H) = 1 35 square feet Computed Level Spreader Exit Velocity = 318 feet/second • E FINAL DESIGN OF SWMF #3 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 ml!E N9 TMS-08000 ILeNAY6 TMS08000-Ex BOGUE SOUND CHURCH SCAM 1"-30 CARTERET COUNTY, NC DATE 09-29-2008 WILIRAMON BASIN #3 - GRADING PIAN THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC PO BOX 14003 ZIP M09-4005 (9I9) 361-MOO BOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN B R FINCH PE TM 5-08000 SWMF #3 9/29/2008 Stage -Storage Function • Protect Name Bogue Sound Church Designer B R Finch, PE Job Number TMS 08000 Date 9/26/2008 • 0 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S S Fxn (fcct) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 1800 0-0—T 5299 1900 1 0 6685 5992 5992 5992 1 02 2000 20 7828 7257 7257 13249 1 96 2100 30 9027 8428 8428 21676 295 2200 40 10282 9655 9655 31331 399 2300 so 11596 10939 10939 42270 5 11 Storage vs Stage 45000 40000 35000 y = 5866 9x' 20% R2 = 0 999 LL 30000 u 25000 a 1O 20000 0 n 15000 10000 5000 0 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 Stage (feet) KS = 5866.9 b = 1.2099 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS 08000 INFILTRATION BASIN SWMF #3 B R FINCH, PE 9/29/2008 • • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks = 58669 b = 1 2099 Zo= 180 Elevation [feet] Storage Storage - Worst [cf] ]acre-feet] (acre-feet] 18 0 0 000 - 18 2 837 0 019 184 1936 0 044 - 18 6 3162 0 073 - 18 8 4479 0 103 - 19 5867 0 135 - 19 2 7315 0 168 - 194 8815 0202 - 19 6 10360 0 238 - 19 8 11947 0 274 0 000 20 13571 0 312 0 037 202 15230 0 350 0 075 204 16921 0 388 0 114 _ 206 18642 0 428 0 154 208 20390 0 468 0 194 21 22166 0 509 0 235 21 2 23966 0 550 0 276 21 4 25790 0 592 0 318 21 6 27636 0 634 0 360 21 8 29505 0 677 0 403 22 31394 0 721 0 446 22 2 33303 0 765 0 490 224 35231 0 809 0 535 226 37177 0 853 0 579 22 8 39142 0 899 0 624 23 41 124 0 944 0 670 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN CALCULATIONS TMS-08000 SWMF #3 B R FINCH, PE 9/29/2008 • _> Ihternnnation of!Later _Qualrty Volume (WQ v) WQ v = (P)(R v)(A)/12 where, WQv= water quality volume (m acre-ft) Rv= 0 05+0 009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (m inches) ==> To North Inlet ==> To South Inlet Input data Input data Total area, A = 1 58 acres Total area, A = 060 acres Impervious area = 147 acres Impervious area = 054 acies Percent impervious cover, I = 933 % Percent impervious cover, I = 89 2 % Rainfall, P= 15 inches Rainfall, P= 15 inches Calculated values Calculated values Rv= 089 Rv= 08D WQv= 0 18 acre-ft WQv= 006 acre ft = 2 10 acre -inches = 0 77 acre inches = 7641 cf — 2791 cf ==> Direct to Basin Input data Total area, A = 034 acres Impervious area = 000 acres Percent impervious cover, I = I I % Rainfall, P = 15 inches Calculated values Rv = 006 WQv= 000 acie ft = 003 acre -inches = 112 cf Total WQ Volume = 10>43 of = 024 acre-ft 290 acre -inches BOGUS SOUND CHURCH INFILTRATION BASIN CALCULATIONS TMS-08000 SWMF #3 B R FINCH, PE 9/29/2008 =>Drawdown Calculakons •Per the NCDENR handbook 'Stormwater Best Management Practices" (April 1999) drawdown of the stormwater runoffshall occur within 5 days using a minimum infiltration rate of 0 52"per hour • • Input data WQv= 10543 cf Stage I Storage Data Infiltration Chamber Ks = D866 9 b = 12099 Zo = 18 00 Vol in 1 5" Rainfall = 10543 cu ft Assumed Infiltration Rate = 0 52 m/hr = 0 0433 ft/hr Calculated values Depth of WQv in Basin= 1 62 ft 1948 inches EL = 19 62 It SA of Bottom Basin Contour= 3044 sq It <=Area of Infiltration portion ofBasun Drawdown Time = 79 9 hours 3 3 days BOGUE SOUND CHURCH SWMF #3 B R FINCH, PE CMS-08000 9/29/2008 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN CALCULATIONS • Calculation of Level Spreader Length The purpose of the level spreader is to provide a non -erosive outlet by converting concentrated flow into sheet flow and release it uniformly over the vegetated filter strip The level spreader length should be designed such that during the 10-year storm event an non -erosive velocity (in this case, 5 feet per second maximum) is released from the level spreader into the vegetated filter strip The required level spreader length can be computed using the weir equation Level Spreader Length Calculation ==> 10-Year Storm Peak Flowrate Q10 = 749 cfs Weir Coefficient Cw = 30 Design Flow Depth on Level Spreader 2/3'H = 4 inches Corresponding Driving Head on Level Spreader H = 6 inches Required Level Spreader Length = 7 Ifeet Calculation of Level Spreader Exit Velocity As previously mentioned, the level spreader should be designed such that a non -erosive velocity is released from the level spreader into the vegetated filter strip The velocity exiting the level spreader can be computed using the continuity equation, Q=VA 10-Year Storm Peak Flowrate Q10 = 749 cfs Design Level Spreader Length = • 7 feet Design Flow Depth on Level Spreader 2/3`H = 4 inches Flow Area (Level Spreader L " 2/3'H) = 235 square feet Computed Level Spreader Exit Velocity = 318 feet/second 0 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 B R FINCH, PE 9/30/08 • • 0 NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe flow Q in cfs 7 49 Flow depth (ft) = 0 76 slope S in % 1 18 Outlet velocity (fps) = 6 867 pipe diameter D in in 24 Manning number n 0 013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results Pipe diameter (11) 200 Outlet velocity (tps) 6 87 Apron length (ft) 1200 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) 3 A 9 >>6 B 22 a< 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 CALCULATION Minimum TW Conditions W = Do + 0 4*La =200'+12'*04 =68ft CONCLUSION USE NCDOT CLASS `B' RIP RAP 12'L x TW x 22" THK (o (0 SWMF BYPASS CHANNEL DESIGN BOGUESOUND CHURCH TMS-08000 re / • I • Table 8 05a Maximum Allowable Design Velocihesl for Vegetated Channels Typical Soll Grass Lining Permissible Velocity Channel Slope Characterlstics2 for Established Grass Application Lining (ft/sec) 0-5% Easil Erodible Berma "ass 50 on p as is a esudcue 4 5 (Sands & Silts) Bahiagrass 45 Kentucky bluegrass 45 Grass legume mixture 35 Erosion Resistant Bermudagrass 60 Plastic Tall fescue 5 5 (Clay mixes) Bahiagrass 5 5 Kentucky bluegrass 5 5 Grass -legume mixture 45 5-10% Easily Erodible Bermudagrass 45 Non plastic Tall fescue 4 0 (Sands & Sifts) BZagrass 4 0 Kentucky bluegrass 4 0 Grass -legume mixture 30 Erosion Resistant Bermudagrass 5 5 Plastic Tall fescue 5 0 (Clay Mixes) Bahiagrass 5 0 Kentucky bluegrass 5 0 Grass -legume mixture 3 5 >10 % Easily Erodible Bermudagrass 3 5 Non plastic Tall fescue 25 (Sands & Silts) Bahiagrass 2 5 Kentucky bluegrass 2 5 Erosion Resistant Bermudagrass 4 5 Plastic Tall fescue 3 5 (Clay Mixes) Bahiagrass 3 5 Kentucky bluegrass 3 5 Source USDA-SCS Modified NOTE 'Permissible Velocity based on 10 yr storm peak runoff 2Soil erodibility based on resistance to sod movement from concentrated flowing water 3Before grass is established permissible velocity is determined by the type of temporary Inver used Selecting Channel To calculate the required size of an open channel, assume the design flow is uniform and does not vary with time Since actual flow conditions change Cross -Section throughout the length of a channel, subdivide the channel into design reaches, Geometry and design each reach to carry the appropriate capacity The three most commonly used channel cross -sections are 'V'-shaped par- abolic, and trapezoidal Figure 8 05b gives mathematical formulas for the area, hydraulic radius and top width of each of these shapes 8054 • Table 8 05c Retardance Classification for Vegetal Covers (• Retardance Cover Condition A Reed canarygrass Excellent stand tall (average 36") Weeping lovegrass Excellent stand tall (average 30") B Tall fescue Good stand uncut (average 18") Bermudagrass Good stand tall (average 12 ) Grass -legume mixture (tall fescue red fescue,sencea lespedeza) Good stand uncut Grass mixture (timothy smooth bromegrass or orchardgrass) Good stand uncut (average 20") Sencea lespedeza Good stand not woody, tall (average 19") Reed canarygrass Good stand cut (average 12-15") Alfalfa Good stand uncut (average 11 ") C Tall fescue Good stand (8-12") Bermudagrass Good stand cut (average 6 ) Bahiagrass Good stand uncut (6 8") Grass legume mixture -- summer (orchardgrass redtop and annual Good stand uncut (6 8") lespedeza) Centipedegrass Very dense cover (average 6") Kentucky bluegrass Good stand headed (6 12 ) Redtop Good stand uncut(15 20") D Tall fescue Good stand cut 3 4 Bermudagrass Good stand cut (2 5") Bahiagrass Goo Stan cut (3 4" Grass legume mixture - fall spring (orchard - grass redtop and annual lespedeza) Good stand uncut (4 5") Red fescue Good stand uncut (12 18") Centipedegrass Good stand, cut (3 4") Kentucky bluegrass Good stand cut (3 4 ) E -Bermudagrass Good stand cut (15") Bermudagrass Burned stubble Modified from USDA SCS, 1969 Engineering Field Manual 8058 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH BYPASS CHANNEL DESIGN B R FINCH, PE TMS 08000 SWMF#/ 9/29/2008 PROJECT Bogue Sound Church - PROJECT # TMS 08000 B R Finch PE •DESIGNER DATE 9/29/2008 • Q to = Q ioo = 1 KO 12CN EI CALC-ULA LIONS _> Proposed Channel Section 2 32 cfs (from Pondpack routing calculations) 401 cfs (from Pondpack routing calculations) Section = Trapezoidal Longitudinal Slope = 1 50 Left Sideslope= 3 HV Right Sidedope= 3 HV Bottom Width = 5 ft Lining = Bermuda Vr = 5 ft/sec From Table 8 05a Depth = 1 ft+/ __> 10-Year Storm Calculations (using Flowmaster) Assumed "n" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Velocity V'R Actual "n" Comments 0 11 _> 100 Year Storm Calculations (using Flowumster) Assumed "it" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Velocity V•R Actual "n" Comments SWMF #1 - 10 Year Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel •Project Description Worksheet SWMF#1 - 10 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings 0110 Coefficient Slope 1 5000 % Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 232 cfs Depth 044 ft Flow Area 28 ft2 Wetted 779 ft Perimeter Top Width 764 ft Critical Depth 018 ft Critical Slope 325459 % Velocity 083 ft/s Velocity 001 ft Head Specific 045 ft Energy Froude 024 Number Flow Type Subcritical Project Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design files\tms08000 fm2 The Jahn R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [614b] 9/29/2008 3 42 57 PM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755 1666 Page 1 SWMF #1 - 10 Year Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel l Protect Description • Worksheet SW MF#1 - 10 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning s Formula Solve For Channel Depth f1• • Section Data Mannings 0 110 Coefficient Slope 1 5000 % Depth 044 ft Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 232 cfs HE 044 It V1L, H1 NTS Protect Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design files\tms08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [6141b] 9/29/2008 3 43 32 PM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Appendices • Step 10 for grass lined channels once the appropriate channel dimensions have been selected for low retardance conditions repeat steps 6 through 8 using a higher retardance class corresponding to tall grass Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit • • _m C l C m 08 06 04 02 I NOTE 1 if design velocity is greater than 2 0 ft/scc a temporary lining may be required to stabilize the channel until vegetation is established The temporary liner may be designed for peak flow from the 2-yr storm If a channel requires temporary lining the designer should analyze shear stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation For the design of temporary liners use tractive force procedure NOTE 2 Design Tables —Vegetated Channels and Diversions at the end of this section may be used to design grass lined channels with parabolic cross sections Step 11 Check outlet for carrying capacity and stability If discharge velocities exceed allowable velocities for the receiving stream, an outlet protection str ic- lure will be required (Table 8 05d pg 8 05 9) Sample Problem 8 05a illustrates the design of a grass lined channel ON Less ' :ONE ago 2 030 4 6 8 10 VR, Product of Velocity and Hydraulic Radius 8 10 20 1 Figure 805c Manning s n related to velocity hydraulic radius and vegetal retardance Note From Sample Problem 8 05a multiply Vp x Hydralufic Radius (4 5x0 54=2 43) then enter the product of VR and extend a straight lineup to Retardance class -0 next protect a stmght fine b the left b determine a trial manning s n Rev 12,93 8057 SWMF #1 -100 Year Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Description •Project Worksheet SWMF#1 - 100 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning s Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings 0 080 Coefficient Slope 1 5000 % Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 401 cfs Results Depth 050 ft Flow Area 33 ft' Wetted 817 ft Perimeter Top Width 800 ft Critical Depth 026 ft Critical Slope 155521 % Velocity 1 23 ft/s Velocity • Head 002 ft Specific 052 ft Energy Froude 034 Number Flow Type Subcrnhcal • Project Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design files\tms08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [614b] 9/29/2008 3 48 48 PM © Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755 1666 Page 1 SWMF #1 -100 Year Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel -Project Description Worksheet SWMF#1 - 100 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings 0 080 Coefficient Slope 1 5000 % Depth 050 ft Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 401 cfs • ,t r 0 5.0 ft V1N H1 NITS • Project Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design files\tms08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [614b] 9/29/2008 3 49 21 PM 0 Haeslad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755 1666 Page 1 Appendices • • 5 4 3 2 c rn C I C m 08 06 04 02 Step 10 For grass lined channels once the appropriate channel dimensions have been selected for low retardance conditions repeat steps 6 through 8 using a higher retardance class corretipondmg to tall grass Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit NOTE 1 If design velocity is greater than 2 0 Nscc a temporary lining may be required to stabilize die channel until vegetation is established The temporary liner miy be designed for peak flow from the 2-yr storm If a channel requires temporary lining the designer should analyze shear stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation For the design of temporary liners use tractive force procedure NOTE 2 Design Tables —Vegetated Channels and Diversions at the end of this section may be used to design grass-lmed channels with parabolic cross -sec tions Step 11 Check outlet for carrying capacity and stability If discharge velocities exceed allowable velocities for the receiving stream an outlet protection struc- ture will be required (Table 8 05d pg 8 05 9) Sample problem 8 05a illustrates the design of a grass -lined channel ■■...�ii��.■�i r �� \■■■\���t\=maw q�= a k���_ 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 20 VR, Product of Velocity and Hydraulic Radius Figure 805c Manning s nrelated to velocity hydraulic radius and vegetal retardance Note From Sample Problem 8 05a multpty Vp x Hydratulic Radius (4 5x0 54_2 43) then enter the product of VR and extend a straight fine up to Retardance dass "D' next project a straight line b the left to determine a trial manning s n Rev 12,93 8057 BOGUS SOUND C14URCH BYPASS CHANNEL DESIGN B R FINCH PE TMS 08000 SWMF #2 9/29/2008 PROJECT Bogue Sound Church 4 TMS-08000 •PROJECT DESIGNER B R Finch PE DATE 9/292008 Qto = 430 cis (from Pondpack routing calculations) Qr" = 742 cfs (from Pondpack routing calculations) —> Proposed Channel Section Section = Trapezoidal Longitudinal Slope= 100 % Left Srdeslope = 3 H V Right Sideslope = 3 H V Bottom Width = 5 it Lining= Bermuda VP = 5 ft/sec From Table 8 05a Depth = 1 it +/ 10-Year Storm Calculations (using F(owmaster) Assumed' n" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Velocity V*R Actual "n" Comments [it] [0'] [R] [ft] [ft/sec] 008 058 39 868 045 109 049 008 n=008 • _> 100-Year Storm Calculations (using Flowmasler) Assumed "n" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radios Velocity V*R Actual "n" Comments [ft] [ftt] [ft] [ft] [ft/sec] 0 065 07 5 943 0 53 1 49 079 0 065 n= 0 065 SWMF #2 -10 Year Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet SWMF#2 - 10 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning s Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings 0 080 Coefficient Slope 1 0000 % Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 5 00 ft Discharge 4 30 cfs Results Depth 058 ft Flow Area 39 ft' Wetted 868 ft Perimeter Top Width 849 ft Critical Depth 027 ft Critical Slope 153574 % Velocity 1 09 ft/s Velocity 002 ft • Head Specific 060 ft Energy Froude 028 Number Flow Type Subcritical • Project Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design files\tms08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [614b] 9/29/2008 4 01 25 PM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 SWMF #2 -10 Year Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel -Protect Description Worksheet SWMF#2 - 10 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings 0 080 Coefficient Slope 1 0000 % Depth 058 ft Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 430 cfs l • • 058 ft V1N H1 NTS Protect Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design flesums08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [614b] 9t29I2008 4 02 00 PM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755 1666 Page 1 Appendices , , • ' t, ' ' r`° " d ' Siep `]0, Foy,grass ImecL(ha ls' once theAappioppa ' channeCd_unenstnns = have been selected for low retardance conditions repeat steps 6 through 8 uu�st'ng�� a higher retardance class corresponding to tall grass Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit • E 5 4 3 2 G rn m � 1 c ro 08 06 04 02 may be required to stablh7e the channel until vegetation is established The temporary liner may be designed for peak flow from the 2-yr storm If a channel requires temporary lining the designer should analyze shear stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation For the design of temporary liners, use tractive force procedure NOTE 2 Design Tables —Vegetated Channels and Diversions at the end of this section may be used to design grass lined channels with parabolic cross sections Step 1] Check outlet for carrying cap icily and stability If discharge velocities exceed alloti able velocities for the rec civmg stream an outlet protection strut ture will be required (Table 8 05d pg 8 05 9) Sample Problem 8 05a illustrates the design of a grass lined channel -�IN .■„1MMEME■■111-■ M-����11M� . � .. � ® ■ ■■.■.��i��.�i .. rto 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 20 VR, Product of Velocity and Hydraulic Radius Figure 805c Manning s n related to velocity hydraulic radius and vegetal retardance Note From Sample Problem 8 05a mulbpty Vp x Hydraluhc Radius (4 5x0 54=2 43) then enter the product of VR and extend a straight lineup to Retardance class -D next project a straight line to the left to determine a final manning s n Rev 12,93 8057 SWMF #2 -100 Year Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel i Project Description • Worksheet SWMF#2 - 100 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings 0 065 Coefficient Slope 1 0000 % Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 742 cfs Results Depth 070 ft Flow Area 50 ft2 Wetted 943 ft Perimeter Top Width 920 ft Critical Depth 038 ft Critical Slope 92153 % Velocity 149 ft/s Velocity 003 ft Head Specific 073 ft Energy Froude 036 Number Flow Type Subcntical (• Protect Engineer JRM Employee x \ \design files\tms08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 [614b] 9/29/2008 4 12 28 PM 0 Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 756 1666 Page 1 SWMF #2 - 100 Year Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel ( Protect Description • Worksheet SWMF#2 - 100 Year Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings 0 065 Coefficient Slope 1 0000 % Depth 070 ft Left Side Slope 300 H V Right Side 300 H V Slope Bottom Width 500 ft Discharge 742 cfs (Y• Yr 070 ft V iL H 1 NTS Protect Engineer JRM Employee x % design files%tms08000 fm2 The John R McAdams Company Inc FlowMaster v6 0 (614b] 9/29/2008 4 13 24 PM m Haestad Methods Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Appendices • • E 0) m 06 06 04 02 Step t0 For grass -lined channels once the appropriate channel dimensions have been selected for low retardance conditions repeat steps 6 through 8 using a higher retardance class, corresponding to tall grass Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit —NOTE I -If design'velocity is gmater than 2-0 f-V ec , a temporaiylmmg may be be required to stabilize the channel until vegetation is established The temporary liner may be designed for peak flow from the 2-yr storm If a channel requires temporary lining the designer should analyze shear stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation For the design of temporary liners use tractive force procedure NOTE 2 Design Tables —Vegetated Channels and Diversions at the end of this section may be used to design grass -fined channels with parabolic cross sections Slept] Check outlet for carrying capacity and stability If discharge velocities exceed allowable velocities for the receiving stream, an outlet protection strut ture will be required (Table 8 05d pg 8 05 9) Sample Problem 8 05a illustrates the design of a grass -lined channel ■■■■■moll■■■MMM1111■ ■■■�iii'�1■■ : ' ■ ■■■���1�II►�= = ■ oil —Less than 2 Wl"M 1IMM MEN All ■■■�11� USE WMM:.::I. M VR, Product of Velocity and Hydraulic Radius 6 8 10 20 Figure 8 05c Manning s n related to velocity hydraulic radius and vegetal retardance Note From Sample Problem 8 05a multiply Vp x Hydralulic Radius (4 5x0 54=2 43) then enter the product of VA and extend a straight Ime up to Retardance class "D" next prolect a straight fine to the left to determine a trial manning s n Rev 12,93 8057 �47?3/2d/9iI72PiJ7LG� (9d32liLl�l7�d Yod 611ice Xox 2522 (ifvf f, AaA Waml"ia 28402 !1acftnet 04w" Opa g 0805 Made 05 94/"un,gfan, AV 28403 DATE September 16, 2008 71 ED ocT 1 4 Zoos BY glmfw 910-452-0009 °9ax 910-452-0060 fv v In7t6f5fi )a SUBJECT Land & soils evaluation within of the Singleton — Taylor Tract (-8 acres) to determine general usability for infiltration stormwater treatment systems Tract located on the north side of NC Hwy 24, W Morehead City area, Morehead Township, Carteret County, North Carolina Lat 34 73089 N, Long 76 87206 E, PIN # 633604838491000 TO Mr Tom Singleton HVMP, LLC 1463 NC Hwy 24 Newport NC 28570 (252) 247-5709 Mr D Amos Clark, PE McAdams Company P O Box 14005, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 287-4262 [o], 417-2547 [m] The land and sods of the Singleton — Taylor Tract (-8 acres) were evaluated on a qualitative basis to determine the potential for on -site stormwater infiltration system usage Current NCDENR-DWQ "Stonnwater Management" rules and regulations (NCAC 15-2H- 1000) were used as guidelines in making this evaluation New and revised NCDENR-DWQ coastal stormwater rules are tentatively scheduled to become effective October 1, 2008 and are more rigorous than current rules This is a general evaluation that consists of transects across the tract, free -style sods mapping and shallow bonngs, and qualitative estimates of the land and sod properties No quantitative on -site or specific testing was completed as part of this evaluation Currently, coastal stormwater must be treated by infiltration basins or an equivalent alternative method when the proposed project is greater than 1 acre in size, has >25% impervious surfaces, is within 1/2 mile of and drams directly to Class S A Waters or their unclassified tributaries This tract appears to be located <1/2 mile from Class S A Waters (see USGS topo) of bdal Bogue Thus, if a high density project drains to the S A classified waters of this portion of Bogue Sound, then prescriptive engineered infiltration methods or infiltrative "best management practices° (BMP) must be utilized for stormwater treatment on high density projects Low density projects (<25%) do not require engineered stormwater treatment systems Principle sod and site standards for high density development (>25% impervious) with an engineered infiltration system are —the infiltration system's bottom must be 2 ft or greater from the seasonal high water table, —must be capable of complete draw -down within 5 days, —the soil's hydraulic conductivity must be >0 52 m/hr, — recent fill material is not usable, —historic fill materials (<1977) can be used if it meets the minimum site criteria stated above This tract is located on a gently rolling (1 - 6% slopes), sandy sediments, in a coastal plain geomorphic setting Elevations are 0 - —30 It amsl within the proposed areas evaluated (see USGS topo map) Surface and subsurface drainage appears to be in a south or southeastern direction pending grade and location towards Bogue Sound The tract is currently undeveloped and lighted forested, with minimal historically existing impervious surfaces found The enclosed land & soils map shows the various land/sod types found (see sods map) The following are brief descriptions of the land & sod types found The "Green" Areas (see map) are well drained sods, with deep uniform sand textures to +70 inch depths The estimated seasonal high water static water table is +48 — 65 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators and drainage features Estimated permeability is <5 — 10 min/in or +6 — 12 in/hr to +70 inch depths from present surface, based upon sod texture and structure Sod types found are Wando These sites are potentially usable for in -ground stormwater infiltration systems pending depth to seasonal high water table The "Yellow' Areas (see map) are moderately well drained soils, with deep uniform sand textures to +70 inches The estimated seasonal high water static water table is +30 — 47 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators and drainage features Estimated permeability is <5 — 10 min/in or +6 — 12 m/hr to +70 inch depths from present surface, based upon sod texture and structure Sod types found are Wando, Onslow, and Seabrook These sites are potentially usable for shallow to ultra -shallow placed stormwater infiltration systems pending depth to seasonal high water table and fill site improvements The "Brown" Areas (see map) are moderately well to somewhat poorly drained sods, with deep uniform sand textures to +70 inch depths The estimated seasonal high water static water table is +15 — 29 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators and drainage features Estimated permeability is <5 — 15 mmin or +4 — 15 m/hr to +70 inch depths from present surface, based upon sod texture and structure Sod types found are Mandarin, Conetoe, Seabrook, Pactolus, and Leon -dry phase These sites are potentially usable for ultra -shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration systems pending depth of fill site improvements and depth to seasonal high water table The "Pink" Areas (see map) are somewhat poorly drained sods, with moderately deep sand textures with possible hardpan spodic horizons <40 inches of the present surface These sites are considered to be unusable for stormwater infiltration usage due to shallow seasonal high water table indicators, high organic surfaces poor landscape positions, and/or restrictive permeability indicators Estimated seasonal high / perched water table <12 — 14 inches from the present surface, based upon sod wetness indicators Estimated permeability is +5 — 100 min/in or +0 6 — 12 m/hr to +50 inch depths, based upon sod texture and structure Leon, Pactolus-wet phase, and Lynn - haven sod types The "Gray" Areas (see map) are potential 404 wetlands and/or 404-CAMA tidal wetlands These areas are regulated by U S Army Corps of Engineers, and/or NCDENR-DWQ-DCM These areas cannot be filled or massively disturbed without Federal & State permit approvals Unusable for stormwater infiltration usage The "Blue" Areas (see map) are the open tidal and saline waters of Bogue Sound These waters appear to be classified as S A Waters by NCDWQ The landward limits is the normal high tide line CAMA reviews all development activities 75 ft landward of the normal high tide line Stornwater structures are typically located +50 ft from the mean or normal high water line Careful planning and design should be exercised to insure usable sod areas are reserved in the conceptual design for any future development to allow for stormwater infiltration treatment purposes The sod areas evaluated have slight to severe limitations for usage with on -site stormwater infiltration systems, and will be dependent upon final locations, engineered structure utilized, and depth of the infiltrative bottoms relative to the seasonal high water table levels We recommend using 'Yz of the average natural permeability rate for the infiltrative stormwater system's design rate NCDENR-DWQ is the regulatory agency over stormwater systems and has final review, approval, and permitting authority These and other regulatory agencies must be contacted for their reviews, general concurrences, and required permits before initiating any development activities We recommend NCDWQ to review a pre-applirabon plan for their general concurrence, if infiltration is to be utilized on these sites Sod logs can be provided upon request r r Larry F Baldwin, CPSS/SC ARCPACS #2183, NCLSS #104 L-unnecitjin. Page 1 of I Parcels (Update 914/2008) OWNER: HYMP LLC PIN15: 63360483849100C, HOUSE NUMBER j7 0000000 D/BiA [Nsft Ex. 0000912): STREET NAME: STREET TYPE: CITY: MAILING ADDRESS MAIL14C ADDRESS HOUSE .NUMBER: DIPECT*K)N: MAILING FW14 EAST MAILING.. ADDREPSS MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS STREET: STREET TYPE: CITti: NiAILING HC MAiLiNG ADDRESS 28570 NIARANG ADDRESS ADDRESS STATE: ZIP: Po SOX: TOTAL ACRES: 7.534 DEED DATE: 2006052.2 USED BOOK: 1172 DEED PAGE: 366 TOWNSHIP: MOREHEAD BEDROOMS: 0 BATHROOMS: G TOTAL SQUARE 0 YEAR BUILT: 0 FEET: CITY LiWT: LEGAL TPACT 14 W P DISTRIC-f: BROADiGALLS Ft E DESCRIPTION: TAYLOR LAND CE FIRE RESCUE BRAGALES CK DISTRICT: RESCUE M07HER: CONDO_- 8491 STRUCTURE VALUE: G LAND VALUE: 685656 TAX VAL UP: 695656 .OTHER VAI LIE: SALE I RICE: 695003 BLT CONDO: 0 P R., I, . 1302180719 ROL'— TYPE: R Noise: alcLz.: Risk Ievet: 1: 1085 feet el connectgi S P6 ntk i �,Px �p c Cl CO11, . u 7-J 4♦ J limp' o zoom 0200yd errr�(,fLlse Privacv Statement PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE SINGLETON - TAYLOR TRACT (-8 acres) Morehead City West Area - Morehead Township - Carteret Co - NC Lat 34.73089 N, Long 76.87206 E; PIN #633604838491000 Deep +70", tveli drained, sandy soils for potential stormwater infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high water table +48 - 65', Estimated permeability 5 - 10 minlin (+6 -121ll.hr) to +70" depths Wardt, soil types, Deep +70" moderately well drained. sandy soils for potential shallow to ritra-shalla. placed stormwater infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high water table +30 - 47", Estimated permeability 5 - 10 minfin (+6 - 12 irdhr) to 170" Copilot, Wanda, Onslow, and Seabrook soil types 0 orio +70', somewhat poorly to moderately well drained, sandy soils for potential ultra -shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high water table + 5 - 29', Estimated permeability 5 - 15 min/in (+4 - 12 in/hr) to , 70" depths Mandarin. Carteret, Seabrook, Pactolus. and Leon -dry phase sell types. Poorly to somewhat poorly drained sandy soils with possible hardpan spods horizons which are considered unusable for potential stormwater infiltration usage without major fill site impnovernents, Estimated seasonal high perched water table <1 2 - 14 Estimated permeability 5 - !GO minfirn (+OS - 12 in/hr) to +50t depths Leon Pactolus- wet share. and Lynn -haven s oil types Potential 404 wetlands or 404/CAMA tidal wetlands that may come under USACOE N C DENR-DVVQ-DWQ jurisdictions.These areas cannot be filled of massively disturbed without the proper Federal & State permits These a,-eas unsuitable for stormwater infiltration usage Leon Open scat waters of Etoque Sound classified as S,A VVai C44A reviews or development a0vidoe 75 f, andwand of the r—mal high tide line Satranwatc, structures are � K ft from the normal high tide line. Approximate locations of proposed stormwater infiltraliort systems per McAdams cor-ceptual drawings SC ALE; I Inch = -300 Feet (aU lines paced & approximate) 8�a ttc Deep 17 0' ' well drained, sandy soils for potential stormwatef infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high water table +48 - 65 Estimated permeability 5 - 10 min/in (+6 12 in(hr) to +70" depths. Wanda soil types Deep +70', moderately well drained, sandy soils for potential shallow to ultra -shallow p, aced stormwater infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high water table 130 - 47" F - 10 min/in - 12 inithr) to +70' depths Wanda, Onslow. and _ stmoned permeability 5 (+6 Seabrook soil types Deep + 70". somewhat poorly to moderately well drained, sandy soils for potential ultra -shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high water table 15 - 29' Estimated permeability 5 - 15 min/in (+4 - 12 indri-) to 170" deaths Mandarin Conermt, Seabrook, Pactolus. and Leon -dry phase soil types. Poorly to somewhat poorly drained, sandy soils wild possible hardpan anodic horizons which are considered unusable for potential stormwater infillilabon usage without major fill site improvements Estimated seasonal high perched water table <12 - 14" Estimated permeability 5 - 100 minion l+0,6 - 12 inmrt to +50` depths, Leon Pactolus wet phase, and Lynn -haven soil types Potential 404 wetlands or 404/CAMA tidal wetlands that may come under USACOE NICDEN R -DVVC-0'1,(Q jurisdictions, These areas cannot be filled or niassiveti, 41scirte - a without the proper Federal & State permits These areas linsuilane for stormwate, infihrtion usage Leon r caper total —tens of Bwue Sound ctassificd as SA Vva-s OAMW, reviews all deg didmenf activities 75 It landward of the normal nigh Joe line Suot—wer innu-hger, are + 5p lit from the. normal high tide line Apprcsml noostli"s of proposed stormwater infiftraticr systems per McAdams cc oceplual drawings. 'ZCALE: I Inch = -300 Feet (at[ lines paced & approximate) ROUMM�� Land Management Group, inc. I I I a 11 1 11 . Morehead City West Area - Morehead Township - Carteret Co -BBC Lat 34.73089 N, Long 76.87206 E; PIN #633604838491000 Deep +70" well drained sandy soils for potential stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +48 - 65" Estimated perrywabifity 5 - 10 mmoin (�6 - 12 inmr) to +70' depths. Wanda sod types Deep -7 0, moderately well drained, sandy soils for potential shallow to ultra shallow, ly aced star mwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table 4 30 - 47' r sfirmated permeability 5 - 10 minlin (+6 - 12 inkhr) to 1,70' depths, Wanda, Onslorn, and Seabrook soil types Deep 70", somewhat poorly to moderately well drained sandy soils for potential ultra -Shallow to fill site improved sto"water infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high .ate, table + 15 - 29" Estimated permeability 5 - 15 min/in (+4 - 12 Whir to +70" depths r", andann Comers, Seabrook, Pactops. and Leon -dry pripso sod types Poorly to somewhat poorly fiamodr Sandy Soils With Possible hardpan spod,c horizons which are cons al unusable for potential stormwater infiltration usage without major fill site improvements Estimated seasonal high fileichetf water table -12 - 14 Estimated permeability 5 - 1,00 minAn (1+0,6 - 112 rft! to +50 depths Lear., PacraiLs wot phew, and Lynn -haver roil types Potential 404 wetlands a, fNiOAMIA fidar wetlands that may come under USACOE h[CDENR-EfVVQ-lDWQ jansdictoris These press cannot be filled or massively disturbed .,Tnoul the proper Federal 8 State permftis Those -areas unsuitable for " formwf:Ter rnGluatior. usage Leon Open tidal v,atcrs of Rogue Sound classvfec as S A Watcrs CAPAIA re,re.s all devetop.mcm activities 75 ft landward of the normal Inch tide fi-ic SldfrriwaTer structures are + 50 fl from the no -al high tide line. Approximate rocalront, of proposed stormwater firfiffiefion systems per McAdams conceptual d—mq, Sr -ALE: I inch = -300 Feet (all lines pacea & apprcfximate� September - 200S 2Ao NG N`N't Land Management Group, Inc. PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE SINGLETON - TAYLOR TRACT (-8 acres) FOR POTENTIAL STORMWATER INFILTRATION USABILITY Morehead City West Area - Morehead Township - Carteret Co - NC Lat 34.73089 N, Long 76.87206 E; PIN #633604838491000 EMOssp +70". well drained, sandy soils for potential stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table 448 - 65". Estimated permeability 5 - 10 minlin (+6 - 12 in/hr) to N0" depths. Wando soil types. 11 Deep +70". modemmly wail drained, sandy sails for potential shallew to 0—hallow placed stormwaler infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +30 - 47". Estimated permeability 5 - 10 minfo (+6 � 12 m/M) to *70" depths. Wando, Onslow, and Seabrook soil types. ODeep +70", somewhat poorly to moderately well drained, sandy sails for potential ultra -shallow to fill site improved stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +15 - 29'. Estimated permeability 5 - 15 minlin (+4 - 12 Mint) to +70' depths. Mandarin, Conetoe, Seabrook, Paddles, and Leon -dry phase soil types. Poorly to somewhat poorly drained, sandy soils with possible hardpan spodic horaces which am considered unusable for potential stormwaler infiltration usage without major fill site improvements. Estimated seasonal high perched wator table <12 - 14-. Estimated permeability 5 - 100 mintn (+0.6 - 12 iMtr) to +50" depths. L eon, Paclolus- wel phase, and Lynn -haven soil types. Potential 404 wetlands or 404/CAMA tidal wetlands that may come under USACOE, NCDENR-DWO-DWO jurisdictions. These areas cannot be (filled or massively dishiPoed wilhnul the proper Federal 8 State permits These areas unsuitable for stormwater infiltration usage. Leon Open tidal wafers of Bogus Sound classified as S A. Wailers. CAMA reviews all development activities 75 fit landward of the normal high tide line. StormwaWr structures are +50 it from the normal high tide line. Approximate locations of proposed stormwater infiltration systems per McAdams conceptual drawings. SCALE: 1 Inch = -300 Feet (all lines paced & approximate) September - 2008 P 01 TRANSACTION REPORT OCT-17-2008 FRI 09 49 AM FOR NCDENR 910 350 2004 l< � � >K SEND DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP OCT-17 09 47 AM 912526725477 11351, 8 FAX TX OK 396 TOTAL 1M 35S PAGES 8 l< � State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F Easley, Governor FAX COVER SHEET Date To Co fYl nl L L- �- Fax o� S oa - L9-Z a- �a 4 -1~) Re` J William G Ross, Jr, Secretary No Pages (excl cover) Express Permritmg from SandraExum Phone (910) 796-7265 Fax (910) 350-2004 127 Cardmal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405. (910) 796 7215 • An Equal Opportunity AFtirntative Action Employer t P 01 t TRANSACTION REPORT t t OCT-17-2008 FRI 09 57 AM t t t FOR NCDENR 910 350 2004 t t SEND t t DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP OCT-17 09 55 AM 919193612269 I'll" 8 FAX TX OK 397 � t t t TOTAL 1M 11S PAGES 8 t t t>Ktt�tt��ttt�>K�t���tt�tttttt�ttttttt>Ktttttt�tt��ttttttt�ttttttttttttttttttt�tt�>Kttt�>;;tt�tt>Kttttttt�t State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F Easley, Governor FAX COVER SHEET Date ilk_-_1 -I- U To Co R t? 1—r uAil LS Fax aR Re Hard copy to follow ff'iUram G Rasa, Jr, Secretary No Pages (excl cover) Express Permitting rrom Sandra Fxum Phone (910)796-7265 Fax (910)350-2004 127 Cardinal Drive Extcnsion Wilmington, NC 28405 • (910) 796-7215 • An rqual Opportunity Atfirmanve Action Employer 0 �J CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451 From Clark Amos [Clark@ecoengr com] Sent Thursday September 25 2008 2 19 PM To CLINT D ROUTSON 5451 Subject FW Bogue Sound Church Let's discuss this -----Original Message----- FromJanet Russell [mailto Janet Russell@ncmail net] Sent Thursday, September 25, 2008 12 34 PM To cdr@wardsmith com Clark, Amos Subject Bogue Sound Church September 25, 2008 *Bogue Sound Church* The Express Program is in receipt of your Express Request to review the Bogue Sound Church proDect for a stormwater permit In the Express Program I cannot schedule a submittal date until I know when Vince Lewis is doing the field verification for the seasonal high water table This requirement is relative to infiltration pro3ects *only * These are the only types of pro3ects where a field inspection is consistently made prior to the review of the application (due to the nature of infiltration as treatment) You indicate that the stormwater application has been submitted into the regular stormwater program or will be prior to the October 1, 2008 rule change That is a good idea Once Vince Lewis makes the site visit and verifies that there is adequate separation for an infiltration system to work for stormwater treatment, the pro3ect can be transferred into the Express Program As long as the application package has not already been reviewed in the regular program, we will deduct the $505 00 regular application fee from the Express fee if the pro3ect is transferred I can go over that process more thoroughly if you decide to go that route *By submitting your Express Request prior to October 1st, you are vested under the old stormwater rules as long as your application package is significantly complete when it does come in on the scheduled meeting date in Express (this is per Lind Lewis) * Please let me know how you want to proceed Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator Customer Service 1 y EXHIBIT 9 8 about blank September 26, 2008 Bogue Sound Church Gentlemen The Express Stormwater submittal meeting for Bogue Sound Church has been scheduled with Chris Baker on October 14, 2008 at 11 00 AM here in the Wilmington Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, 28405 The applicant or his assistant is required to attend the meeting Please be sure to carefully go over the checklist for a complete project application on the BMP Manual website This is the same checklist that our reviewers use when determining whether or not the application package is complete Also, please note that plans should be submitted folded to 9" x 14" to tit our file system Please respond within 2 business days to confirm and reserve the submittal meetine date The "registered" number that the computer assigns has not been assigned yet It will be assigned next week When the stormwater application package is received as complete the registered status will be changed to the standard permit number Having expended the money for the plan design and submitting the Express Request prior to October 1 should provide the vested requirement for your project under the law I have been told that it does Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator Clark, Amos wrote Janet - As per our discussion this afternoon, I have talked with the client, and he wants to go ahead and schedule the Express Review for the week of October 13th Please do send me an email confirmation of this and the actual date and time and please also send to me the SW8 permit number that is assigned to the project Thanks for all your help Amos D Amos Clark PE Division Director Office 919-287-4262 Cell 919-417-2547 .Add to address book FFg]EcoEngineering A di% mon ul I ha John R McAdams ( ompan) Inc I of 2 9/26/2008 5 31 PM about blank Amos I believe that we received this project in the regular stormwater program Please verify I guess that you'll transfer the project on the 14th into Express? Janet Clark, Amos wrote Janet - This date will work for us Please reserve that time for the express review Thank you for working with us on this project Amos -----Original Message----- FromJanet Russell [mailto Janet Russell@ncmail net] Sent Friday, September 26, 2008 5 33 PM To Clark, Amos, cdr@wardsmith com Subject Re Bogue Church Request September 26, 2008 *Bogue Sound Church Gentlemen The Express Stormwater submittal meeting for Bogue Sound Church has been scheduled with *Chris Baker on October 14, 2008 at 11 00 AM* here in the Wilmington Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, 28405 The applicant or his assistant is required to attend the meeting Please be sure to carefully go over the checklist for a complete project application on the BMP Manual website This is the same checklist that our reviewers use when determining whether or not the application package is complete Also, please note that plans should be submitted folded to 9" x 14" to fit our file system Please respond within 2 business days to confirm and reserve the submittal meeting date The "registered" number that the computer assigns has not been assigned yet It will be assigned next week When the stormwater application package is received as complete the registered status will be changed to the standard permit number Having expended the money for the plan design and submitting the Express Request prior to October 1 should provide the *vested* requirement for your project under the law I have been told that it does Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator Clark, Amos wrote Janet - I of 2 9/30/2008 5 49 PM Bogue Church Request Subject Bogue Church Request From "Clark, Amos" <Clark@ecoengr com> Date Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16 45 48 -0400 To "Janet Russell" <Janet Russell@ncmail net> Janet - As per our discussion this afternoon, I have talked with the client, and he wants to go ahead and schedule the Express Review for the week of October 13th Please do send me an email confirmation of this and the actual date and time, and please also send to me the SW8 permit number that is assigned to the project Thanks for all your help Amos D Amos Clark PE Division Director Office 919-287-4262 Cell 919-417-2547 Add to address book [jlEcoEngineering A di%scion of Me John R McAdams Company Inc P O Box 14005, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Design Services Focused On Client Success Please consider the environment before you print this email 1 of 1 9/26/2008 2 11 PM about blank September 25, 2008 Bogue Sound Church The Express Program is in receipt of your Express Request to review the Bogue Sound Church project for a stonnwater permit In the Express Program I cannot schedule a submittal date until I know when Vince Lewis is doing the field verification for the seasonal high water table This requirement is relative to infiltration projects only These are the only types of projects where a field inspection is consistently made prior to the review of the application (due to the nature of infiltration as treatment) You indicate that the stormwater application has been submitted into the regular stormwater program or will be prior to the October 1, 2008 rule change That is a good idea Once Vince Lewis makes the site visit and verifies that there is adequate separation for an infiltration system to work for stormwater treatment, the project can be transferred into the Express Program As long as the application package has not already been reviewed in the regular program, we will deduct the $505 00 regular application fee from the Express fee if the project is transferred I can go over that process more thoroughly if you decide to go that route By submitting your Express Request prior to October 1st, you are vested under the old stormwater rules as long as your application package is significantly complete when it does come in on the scheduled meeting date in Express (this is per Linda Lewis) Please let me know how you want to proceed Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator Customer Service 1 of 1 9/25/2008 12 32 PM For DENR Use ONLY ©� North Carolina Department of Environment and Reviewer CSg RA Natural Resources Subing NCDENR Request for Express Permit Review Tim Confirm cA A�, 'i.Q� FILL IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review FAX or Email the completed form to Express Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan fPDF rile) and vicinity map (same Items expected in the application package of the project location Please Include this form in the application package �J k p P l3t'— • Asheville Region -Alison Davidson 828 296-4698,ahson davidson@,ncmail net • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region David Lee 919-7914203, davd lee(e ncmad net • Mooresville & Patrick Grogan 704 663.3772 or patrick groganfi9ncmad net • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252 946 9215 or Ivn hardisonfp)ncmail net • Wilmington Region Janet Russell910-350-2004 orlanet russelloncmad net NOTE Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day Project Name BOGUE SOUND CHURCH County CARTERET Applicant THOMAS SINGLETON Company HVMP. LLC E C E 1 V E D Address 1001 COLLEGE COURTCity NEW BERN, State NC Zip 28562- IunSu Phone 252-672-5451 Fax 252-672-5477 Email cdr @wardsmith com SEP 1 3 2008 Physical Location NC 24 AND WHALEY LANE, CARTERET COUNTY ow4 Project Drains into BOGUE SOUND waters —Water classification SA (for classification see- PROD a http /d12o enr state nc us/bims/reports/reportsWB html) Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin Is project draining to class ORW waters? N within Y2 mile and draining to class SA waters Y. or within 1 mile and draining to class HQW waters? Y Engineer/Consultant AMOS CLARK, PE Company THE JOHN R MCADAMS COMPANY, INC Address 2905 MERIDIAN PARKWAY City DURHAM, State NC Zip 27709-_ Phone 919-361 5000 Fax 919-361-2269 Email clark@ecoengrcom (Check all that apply) ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWQ, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR, ❑ OTHER _ ❑ Stream Origin Determination # of stream calls — Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW _ (Provide permit #)] ❑ High Density Detention Pond _ # Treatment Systems ® High Density -Infiltration 3 #Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Bio Retention _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density—Stormwater Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density Other _ # Treatment Systems /❑ MODIFICATION ❑ Major ❑ Minor ❑ Revision SW ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Manna Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with _ acres to be disturbed (CK # (for DENR use)) WETLANDS QUESTIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED BELOW ❑ Wetlands (401) Check all that apply Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ❑ No Buffer Impacts ❑ No ❑ YES acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed ❑ Yes ❑ No Minor Variance ❑ No ❑ YES US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed ❑ Yes ❑ No Major General Vanance ❑ No ❑ YES 404 Application in Process wl US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No 401 Application required ❑Yes ❑ No If YES, ❑ Regular Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ❑ yes ❑ No I or DI NR uu only Fee SDlitformul6DleDermits (Check# 1 Total Foe Amount t SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance Mal, El Min $ ❑ SW HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen $ 401 $ LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ NCDENR EXPRESS July 2008 BOGUE SOUND CHURCH Express Review Project Narrative General Description The proposed project is located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of NC 24 and Whaley Lane, in Carteret County, North Carolina The tract is a long, narrow parcel approximately 125 feet wide and 2,650 feet long, containing approximately 7 51 acres The site is described as Lot 14 of the Vernon B Taylor Lots subdivision, and further identified by PIN 6336-04-83-8491 The proposed use for this property is as a church, with an outdoor recreation area, a covered open air assembly area, and associated driveway and parking areas Applicable stormwater management requirements for development on this site are those found in 15A NCAC 02H 1000, effective December 1, 1995 The site will comply with 15A NCAC 02H 1005 (2) (b) Since the site will be developed under the high density option, stormwater runoff from the site will be treated using above ground infiltration basins, as shown on the attached site sketch The site will be designed and constructed in one phase No development is planned in any area considered to be a "protected buffer" area The State Soil Scientist (Vincent Lewis) is scheduled to visit this site on October 2, 2008 to verify the findings made by our soil scientist, Land Management Group, Inc Final designs, computations, and narrative for this site will be submitted at the scheduled Express Review We are requesting an express review for this site for either September 29, 2008 or September 30, 2008 Site Spect�cs • Total project area (area of legal parcel) — 7 51 acres • Approximate disturbed area foi project — 5 9 acres • Proposed site impervious surface (BUA) — 2 75 acres There are no current built upons areas on site • Proposed impervious percentage — 36 6% • The site drains to the Bogue Sound, which is classified as an SA, HQW surface water The stteam index number is 20-36-(8 5) • Area of project in jurisdictional wetlands — 0 21 acres total, 0 06 acres of which is CAMA wetlands, the remainder are section 404 jurisdictional wetlands Any wetland disturbances planned for this project will be permitted as required under sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act Wetland areas are noted on the site sketch and enclosed soils map • All BUA will be collected and treated in one of the above ground infiltration basins, using vegetated swales where possible and piping where necessary Offsite drainage will be diverted away from the site stormwater facilities to the extent possible • A soils investigation has been completed by Land Management Group, Inc The areas identified on the enclosed sketch plan are suitable for use as infiltration per this report A summary of the soils findings are included with this narrative • 1 here are areas of environmental concern (AECs) on the sound end of the site, however, there is no development proposed within 75 feet of any AEC delineated area • The site will be served by public water and private septic for wastewater disposal CIE C IE 1 11 ED SEP 2 3 2008 DWQ PROJ # NC HY 24 VICINITY MAP INFILTRATION AREAS I I 1 (na) I III 1 ( I\I I I � II CIE C E i V �pp^�Sp► SEP 2 3 201 j ➢ DWQ I 1 I� POW I `IMI➢ I Im VERNON B TAYLOR LOTS SUBDIVISION RE ERENCE MB 12 PG 95 PROPOSED TRACT la I 1 RECREATIONAL AREA >51 AC PROPOSED CHUCH BUILDING 1 a04 WETLAND PREn IY 1 1 PROPOSED OPEN MR COVERED AREA FLOOD ONE I u 1 GRAPHIC SCALE G —1� 1 Hs AEC UNE ECM L Inch 200 It FLOOD ZONE ME ELIN ] ^"— SIC NOTE C SOUND WETLAND EC �`� UNE �NARSH AND WATER LINE MARSH AND LAND LME HOGUE SOUND rMs-oe000 BOGUE SOUND CHURCHJiMCOMPAJOHN THE R YINC cADAMS ® me.µ. rlMs-oe0000 I =2.1 PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT m CAR'IERL+1'COUNIY NC .tee uwxN rmre-.em 1° 09—IB-08 Ivml xl�•wmnea Subject From "Clark, Amos" <Clark@ecoengr com> Date Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16 02 40 -0400 To "Janet Russell" <Janet Russell@ncmail net> CC "CLINT D ROUTSON - 5451" <CDR@wardandsmlth com> Janet — Please find attached our request for express review for the Bogue Sound Church project in Carteret County We are shooting for a submittal prior to 10/1, therefore we are requesting either Monday 9/29 or Tuesday 9/30 This is the project that I spoke with you about on September 12, 2008 At that time, you indicated that the state soil scientist (Vincent Lewis) would have to visit the site prior to submittal in order for the Project to be accepted into the Express Permit Review, however, the state soil scientist was to be on vacation starting September 18th and will not be able to visit the site until October 2nd As you are aware, on October 1, 2008, the stormwater rules for the coastal counties change Since Vincent is on vacation and unable to visit the site prior to October 1 , but he will be able to visit the site on October 2, the developer of the Project feels the State's denial of the Express Review Application due to the requirement of the visit by the state soil scientist pnor to acceptance could be deemed arbitrary by a court, and if the denial becomes detrimental to the Project, the developer wants to establish and document what occurred to protect his rights should he decide to pursue legal action The developer also has requested that we submit under the Standard Review process prior to October 1, 2008, to establish rights under the stonnwater program under the pre -October 1 rules Since we enjoy a good working relationship with your office, I wanted you to understand what was occurring, and request that you reconsider allowing this project into the Express Review Program Thanks, Amos D Amos Clark, PE Division Director Office 919-287-4262 Cell 919-417-2547 Add to address book [JEcoEngineering A di%mon of fhc John R WAdams lompam Inc P O Box 14005, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Design Services Focused On Client Success Please consider the environment before you print this eanall i Content -Description request form_001 pdf uest form_001 pdfl, Content -Type application/octet-stream 1 of 2 9/24/2008 4 53 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Page I of 1 Carolina 'r? "r rN-orth Elaine F Marshall CDEPARTMENT OFTt1C Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE <. PO Box 20622 Raleigh NC 27626 0622 (919)807 2000 CORPORATIONS (urporalolt IlOnre 5ewdl Dy Lolpoi tie Nanin- Search for Nev Cot porr`1un Sed1<h fly R(gist, i<rl Agent ImOortaut frotl<v (oiooiatiom IAq f to neomiers A� sccnuon l AO loWcro M inufact uaiS Olssolwrol Rc.pnit., Noi-Pi ant R< port, Venf / ( 2rfif ieahon Online Annual Retorts I INNS & LEGISLATION K66C B26 Animal RPptutG SOSf U Number ( or 1 -aeon 2001 Dili Sommai 1es 1999 Senate fi lls Annual Reports 1�97 COr110l lt10oh 199/ keri,ster for r Procurement DEpt of Rr venue ONLINE ORDERS Ltd t An 0 der New Paym.nt Proccduies CONTACT US (_olpol,1bi a, DIVISKIn TOOLS bou(tary Of State 1101110 Sr crelar/ of State 511e M ill Printable Page Date 9/11/2008 Click here to View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Notifications 1 7-1 Print apre populated Annual Report Form I Annual Report Count I File an Annual Report I Corporation Names Name Name Type NC HVMP, LLC Legal Limited Liability Company Information SOSID 0450055 Status Current -Active Date Formed 2/10/1998 Citizenship Domestic State of Inc NC Duration JAN 2048 Registered Agent Agent Name WA5LAW 1 LC Registered Office Address 1001 College Court New Bern NC 28562 Registered Mailing PO Box 867 Address New Bern NC 28563 Principal Office Address 1463 Hwy 24 Newport NC 28570 Principal Mailing Address 1463 Highway 24 Newport NC 28670 http //www secretary state the us/corporations/Corp aspx9Pitemld=4887667 9/11/2008 r LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY J ` ANNUAL REPORT NAME OF LIMITFD I IABII 1 rY COMPANY HVI11' LLC SECRETARY Or STATr I L C ID NUMBER 0450055 NA CURL OF BUSINESS il4anagement/nrvestinenl REGISTERED AGENT WASL4W LLC REGISTERED OrrICE MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 867 New Bern NC 28563 L-Filed Annual Report -1 04887667 For year 2008 Do not data enter manually S1 A I E OF INCORPORATION NC RFGISTERI D OFFICE S I RLFT ADDRESS 1001 C allege Corti t New Be) it NC 28562 Cr aven Counly PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELLPHONI- NUMBER (252) 247-0494 PRINCIPAL OFI ICE MAILING ADDRESS 1463 Highway 24 Newport NC 28570 PwNCIPALOrTICESrRLEIADDRESS 1463Hwy24 Neupoit NC 28570 MANAGERS/MEMBERS/ORG AN IZERS Maine Thomas McLean Singleton 1 Title Manager Address 1463 Hwy 24 CERTIFICATION Or ANNUAL REPORT MUST 13F COMPI EFED BY ALI. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES I horuas Smgloon 03/26/2008 rOR&I MUST BE SIGNED BY A MANAGER/MEMBLR Thomas Singleton DATE Manager TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT T11 Lh ANNUAL REPORT rEF S200 MAIL TO Secretary of State Corporatro Di"sion Post Office Boa 29525 Raleigh NC 27026 0525 L.9.ne AA r N-P�r 7 Y� S L,) g bo 941 [ .- VICINITY SKETCH " '°" SMrve�or s Certification ..rtiw cn R ,,NR p e e. 1.K1 f INN. mufn ro+ nw[+ Aw HALL xn AM aye.N,NNIU. a MA A m[ n FA a Kr IN mnx u _ ZTA- 'MAN, Is A so, ROAD ry VERY 9AD CONJ,r ON Surveyors 2nd Certification ,ED p IT,0�Cr lAP y v� ❑e i— ARY R v ++[ N n m aauKc v eau [s Puna v ua 1'' C] crul aw sDrv. IS el' o �Ym—a— s[no-f ye vu— ff^ A NO Il1' ❑ °a oe[s a°Mmr rt uurV rK/rx'P u[ �W uorn lol �("SY[MP uam u u Y YL 17. �N1 n f m 1. Aa P VERNON B TAYLOR x `A - LOTS Su90IVISION 4. ..e2M / MIT A IY IN Y oRxry M.[ ,A, JI ill" � n •H o.. WETLAND LINE ALONG e W BOGUE SOUND cPnu .s AME ml �;1 BY[ W S ss y2 nm wW ua Kn1. yf [AA—N.lu ✓ W BOGUE SOJND U S C E 404 Wetland Cert,ficenon ice 0 2 0 ADO No GRAPHIC SCAU - FEET p WETLAND CALLS 'r, [ 1 5 LI a .a NOT-S HIS PRO.ERM IS SMI CALL EASEM NM MIP ACREEVC S AND RIGHTS Of Y OF RECORD PRIOR TO THE DATE OF rv6 MAP REFERENCES MAP BOOK 1 PACE 29' DEED BOOK J59 PACE 236 MAP BOOK 19 PACE 95 FLOOD IN ORMATION TAKEN FROM FIRM 32206336WJ DATED JMLY 16 2303 WETLANDS MAP FOR TRACT 14 AND LOT 20 TRACT 15 0- THE VERNON B TAYLOR LOTS SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR T HVMo LLC FACT A .P TAYLOR HERS SuBONi510% : EVAI BASED ON N AV D 988 TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ADDED TO THIS MAP 9-08-2008 WETLANDS ADDED TO T-15 HAP ON APRIL 21 2008 1? 'A