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SW8080901_APPROVED PLANS_20080905
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 08 Oq O 1 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ® APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 200 8 D 9 0 5 YYYYMMDD 'Deco0 NOTE: / Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers (contractors, subcontractors and other site personnel) do not damage construction Plaza Minorsey / stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by M.B. 15, Pg. 48 / RAM.B. 14, D ev6 Corp the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the D.B. 537, Pg. 886' g' contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify 041 Zone D.B. -1 Zog.ne 248 / O to the fullest extent practicable that stakes, other measures and grades Multi -Family / B-I Zane are, or appear to be, accurate and correct, and immediately, but prior Vacant top 14.46 to any associated work, notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, C. Inv- (-)8.04 / error or question regarding the work. The Engineer shall not be responsible ecb if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to. The Engineer shall top 12.63 inv. 1-88 / ecb possible gas not be responsible where due to damage, his staking can not be verified. CL inv. 10 48 inv. 1.88 �te to 12.79 painted utility �d6'c �� For critical or costly components of the work, where the contractor believes 4' inv. 2.06 / crossing - i1e -�'. ,�°y per - inv. 10.29 (sw) VeA. ,oaf ..=0~0 0 \ that staking may not be preserved, the contractor shall request the staking Sidewalk inv. Z51 (se) _ �`�� \ entity to place staking in an area where its preservation can be insured. I I II 1 / 2 prnG is 1 �OS emh ny sign top 13.09 '(o be rG (+ub\nt i p \ sign � � 1 / oeco 6 Inv - (-)12.10 � I � ex. RGP �9� / ( �W x Rm746.20' "- I5F Ex.4' x. L-177.54' o f Sidewalk sign CN=11476'37'17'i o ex cone A I N82'56'00"E 34 177.12' co ewm ex pad II I b 22.73 l� 4° • ex. cone ruard �7° mw with pad past ecb top 13.09 collar .\yed ex 124.7'R R-20' gq.3'R ex d p\anter ISF SF ec moo° _ex. conc. block top .73 retaining wall ern �hainl � � / inv. . 3 (se) 215W ew ewm inv. 9.70 (ew) \. fence ex. / 6 u ewm headwall ex. 30" RCP / 'n 4.3'R /O $ a epp toex conc. base lA i v. 1.37 41 Elev. 13 for sign nJ m Inv 1.44 ,nv. -� '0 \ 0� .W remains nF ' b\' O_ chain link p inv. 1.74 / 50 MBL Flood Zone °� o Shade X 1 B 6' 2 b\ \00 D cc pad ut .o O 1 C 6F $ N \�' 1 yI 1 D O , s 'o ex building In a b\ oo \ n 1 E s - remains of ex. 5' \ \ 00, .o 6D chain link fence 61 -D ; c'v a 00` a O / 1F I 6C 1 c 2 ' e \ 'D •� \ \p0` N 0 ` L_exb conc. block ci 6B retaining wall I N n � � ex conc. o \ 2A b\ � Brook Valley \ pad o 0 Section 2-A 6A b\ D.B. 3051, Pg. 911 R-7 Zone ' Woods N6 2B Single Family Line '� 06 O s \ \ D0� •� ' 2C61 6 c \ b\ n m $ 00` w ` 2D 5E D f0 \ 2E 5D o 0 6 A O Cal c \ N 2F _ o ° 0 g b\ 0 0 ' /49 5-A.g ° Ci66 p 5C \ S \ op` W b o \ V N_ _ m 5B 30' Drainage 5-Ag N6 g / I 0 00 t Easement \ 5-Ag P' Cp 5A Flood Zone AE / I ° N6 \ 00 0 4' Sidewalk Gp (Typical) , 5tormwater \� / Detention \b' O Pond \6 pA 5 , \02-egw Legend: R/W - Right-of-way C4G - Curb and Gutter A?K ISF - Iron Stake Found 1 A - 2- m Lot Number , \ e O `asphalt - ohpl - Overhead Power Line drive - Flood Line ex. - - - - - Wetlands Line sign MEL - Minimum Building Line S ecb - Existing Catch Basin asphalt RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe drive egv - Existing Gate Valve Inv. - Invert CL - Centerline eco - Existing Clean Out ewm - Existing Water Meter emh - Existing Manhole mw - Monitoring Well POND LANDSCAPING CHART -Y-ry-yv�- Woods Line Small Understory Tree At Maturity Quantity Key Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Hei ht S read Cp Washington crataegus p-enopyrum Deci�25'�20' � Nwy 24/2E Hawthorn .\-x 8 Total �A Shrubs � At Maturity Vicinity Sketch Quantity K� Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Hei nt Spread Not to Scale 4 Ag Glossy belia Abe is if gran lor Evergreen 3' - ' 31 40 Total Line NOTES: I. This project is not within any areas of environmental concern except as shown. 2. All drives 4 parking to be asphalt. 3. 5' private access easement along all lot lines between buildings. A. Private drainage easements are reserved over each lot, but outside any building, for building, landscaping 4 storm drainage. 5. 20' public utility 4 access easement to be centered over all water 4 sewer mains 4 10' public utility 4 access easements to be centered 00 over all water services up to 4 including water meters 4 sewer clean -outs. building 6. Stop sign location shall be in accordance with the design Ox. O standard in the pedestrian circulation plan. O 7. All exterior Lighting will be located and positioned as to not adversely affect any roadway traffic. 8. Flood lines digitized from an electronic overlay of FEMA map CPN 370175 4377J (City of Jacksonville) effective TRACT DATA Nov. 3, 2005. ez. building9. Boundary and Topographic contours taken from a survey by Parker 4 Associates, Inc. dated 05/28/08. Total Acreage ..................... 3.94 AC. 10. Wetlands line taken from a survey by Parker 4 Associates, Inc. Acreage in Park or Other Usage .... 0 Ac. dated 06/24/08. Open Space Required ................ 1200 S.F. x 34 = 0.94 Ac. 11. All sidewalks will be free of cracks and damage prior to Open Space Provided . 1.63 Ac. the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. Acreage to be Disturbed 12. The existing topo is found on existing conditions plan, or Exposed ................. 2.59 Ac. sheet 3 of 8. Proposed spot elevations are found on Zone ............................... TCA grading, drainage, erosion and sedimentation control plans, Existing Use ....................... Vacant 13. No N.C.G.5. or U.5.G.5, monuments within 2000' of site. Proposed Use ....................... Townhouses 14. "STOP" signs shalt be RI -I 30'1 and installed to MUTCD Standards Existing Number of Lots ............ 2 (7' from bottom of sign to ground". Proposed Number of Lots ............ 34 + 1 Open Space= 35 15. All roadway markings and signs must be in accordance with the Manual Bobby Ray 4 Number of Units .................... 34 of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTGD) and in accordance with Peggy Ann Morton M.B. 14, Pg. 66 Minimum Lot Size Allowed ........... N/A City of Jacksonville's Codes and Ordinances. D.B. 700, Pg. 651 Minimum Lot Size Proposed .......... 1200 S.F. 16. Parcels within this project are subject to the provisions of the sewer 5-1 Zane Average Lot Size ................... 1,242t S.F. allocation policy of the City of Jacksonville and sewer capacity for Church Ownership Status ................... Fee Simple any parcel may not be available. Density ............................ 9.88 Units/Acre 17. This site is identified on the comprehensive sidewalk plan. Max. Percentage of Lot Coverage .... 45% 18. The owner of this project may be eligible for a partial reduction in the Approximate Linear Feet Drives ..... 515 L.F. monthly stormwater fee that will be associated with this development. Linear Feet of New Streets ......... 0 To qualify for a fee credit, the owner will need to provide to the city Type of Units ...................... Dwellings engineering division upon completion of the project. A completed credit application accompanied by a copy of the state - issued stormwater permit as well as a copy of the site plans. Deed Reference: D.B. 3010, Pg. 925 & 931 Ia. Public access easements are reserved along the private drives to the pond Tax Map 442, Parcel 16 & 17 4 25' around the fence surrounding the ponds. NC PIN #437706479620 & 437707570677 SETBACKS Front yard ........................ 10' lU'YSI iC 0g � :?:PL :':egg / I b 38 3A $ / N Side yard 5 (10 i between buildings) Y.O.BOS��„?t-.r•, (l�n;_i,_let �g,,,;- .0Y76 L't,^, 6N N $ Rear yard .... 10' ° / GP A / 2 �4.3,R -Ag 3'IQ 6 6N 3C aaii3is, +a,. Flaadway , DA, POND LANDSCAPING ; a ��............. N aaa N(.��,R I 4 Green or black vinyl \b �� O 3D lb a� .•VESSip1, �+_ coated chain link fence. \b '� / \0 6 3F O \b �e ` i QP N 3E 0A L.F. Fence ......................... 403.5 L.F. _ f !•: -Ag BOA' 0 \6• Landscaping Required ............... 1/50 L.F. (Under Story Trees) = 8 'gyp I \2 L- CSt3 04C 4B p 4A 0A \b 50% Screening (Shrubs) = 40 %,9 2 6 Landscaping Provided ............... 8 Under Story Trees '. %�`0 ,48 0 $ 26 08' Wetlands Line 40 Shrubs ~•"®/ .5' l a ?.,��`C " _ . \ (TYp•) �q, N N, F as ° i °jNeHel�aaa Cp WAE \ \ Flood Zone It atl n ° Cp A O Flood zone � shade x / � NORTH �,A,qn pZEP�iENT COMMISS ION �i3Y SLtJ�'C O Sc l 15F 36.64' ISF 28 , DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY S8q'46 23' W 7q'Og 4 30' Drainage _ ISF I , ISF N81'52 07 Easement Not for Recordation, Conveyances or Sales V � N79'Sg „W SF „W 80.10, I5F in Preliminary/General Plan r �1 I5F ISF SF Ck Creek .p�� 63.3 ' A8`0\"W N73 $� 534'43'31"W �- -r-_� Is vl ISF N86.35'3q"W 960 W 24.08' Little Deep 574'5q'Ol"W Doris Place ISF ISF Gulley Branch 26 45' - W Zr N48'32lO"W m in I 20.gq' S53'2q113"114 o 18.30' W -540'15'35"W 25.79, 2'51'30"W 14 AV �C p Y Rev. 08/26/08 JJL - Revised per COJ/TRC Comments. Rev. OS/Oii JJL - Revised per COJ/TRC Comments. Rev. 7/28/08 TLC - Revisions per COJ/TRC comments Acorn Forest Townhomes M.B. 47, Pg. 17q D.B. 2g18, Pg. 555 TCA Zone Multi -Family cx. 27 Doris Avenue Jacksonville Twp., Onslow Co., North Carolina I - Owner/Developer. Garland W. & Sue C. Tuton P.O. Box 1066 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28641 ex uc ng Phone (ql0) 577-1441 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: 07/07/08 0 10 20 30 60 90 SCALE: 1 "=30' FE T /ex. ilding / I Parker Associates, doateIdPConsulting Engineers - L Surveyors -La Planners ,os4inB aar;�� FIELD BOOK: Doris Ave., Pg. 1-7 P.O. Box 976 - 28541-0976 DISK NAME: ACAD 2110 - 306 New Bridge Street - 28540 `FILENAME: Doris-gen.dwg JJL Sheet 1 of 9 Jacksonville, North Carolina `JOB NO.: S080205-4445 - - Phone (910) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-3441 ) TYPE "A" BUFFER LANDSCAPING CHART e m epbpp41 Small Understory Tree / Legend: Y 2-egwR/N At Maturity /�� C4G - Right-of-way way •Po. Quantity K Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height S read 15F - Curb and Gutter SI••r� Bracken ct. '�_ /� �A iK ISF - Iron Stake Found 5 Qv Liv Oak Quercus Vinginiana Evergreen 30 ' 40' Ramsey Bros Dev. Corp. ex E�jP B Ar Red Maple Acer rebrum Deciduous 90' - 60' 30' - 50' Plaza Manor / M.B. 14, Pg. 66 / sign'i % 9 i py 13 Total M.B. 15, Pg. 48 D.B. 435, Pg. 248 1 A - Lot Number 2- m GremFord PI. � 1, D.B. 537, Pg. 886 emh u n aw� `asphalt .-- chpl - Overhead Power Line J� Small Understory Trees 041 Zone eVocart top 14-46 Sit �chmark B vv drive _ - Flood Line Multi -Family / //�� i • ex - At Maturity / inv. (-)8.04 / �( , g - Wetlands Line Quantity K Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread. / /oe�/Avenue / \� sign FFE -Minimum Building Line Cf Flowerin- g Dogwood Corpus F�iI'Ta Deciduous 20�6' 21 30' possible gas C� FFE -Finished Floor Elevation �4 '94 / Painted painted utility / 'Dpic i ��i Ur`e- ---��_ n wen asphalt TYp. - TYpical \y�• 24 Total crossing 1 Vv 00 ' ke tJ drive 9 9 y t�y r -�-o e v - Existing Gate Valve Shrubs Sidewalk / Crosswalk - = i / 2 D V Wes; (P Q1i 1�� i) ! �oj ; ' ��0 ^ `\ mout amh -EExisting iCMannho e \ At Maturity wa Cuts oyed ,; y! \\ ( ex. \ \ mw - Monitoring Well 24� Quantity 'K Common Name Botanical Name Shrub Type Height Spread .� /' .�o bs It C ���h i s'gn NWy *4 Cpc Japanese Fadcypress Chamaecyparis pisifera Evergreen 6' --1 ' 6' / \ 4 Total cultivar�\ R/W - - ;ii gF Ex.4' `�`x Site Benchmark "A" Site Benchmark "B" TRACT DATA vicinity sketch * 6' Tall at planting - -- R-746.20 H/G - Sidewalk sign - L-177.54 Ramp 0 o - "X" Chiseled in the top of curb i 'X" Chiseled in the top of curb Not to Scale 4*000 __ex. conc. Total Acreage ..................... 3.99 AC. CH-N76'3717 E Ar pad g 177.12' ; ° a wen \ and of a block wall Datu 17.5I emh 34' woodop H/C " � " Acreage in Park or Other Usage 0 Ac. Ramp /' I I Datum 2'N " Datum NAVD 8B Open Space Required . 1200 S.F. x 34 0.94 Ac. tap 13.09 N82'56'oo"E Site Benchmark A Datum NAVD 88 inv. (-)12.10 ti ,. I I \ ez. - metal Open Space Provided ................ 1.6 Ac. 22.73' o n \ award Acreage to be Disturbed n�, o S Q1 6-Ag '6 Cp ex conc\ C p post or Exposed ....................... 2.59 Ac. e sX =20 Ea �p0ro`yd PAo pad ex. cur block Zone ............................... TCA _a C of 10 0 -ISF _ 0 \ \ o retain g �011 Existing Use ...................... Vacant ---Fr -� 4' Sidewalk ry 8� / 3 I wen swan Cp NOTES: Proposed Use ............... • .. • . • • . Townhouses - uewm 5tree / Ag0 ex. conc. base \ Existing Number of Lots 2 39 + 1 0 n S = 35 I epp LANDSCAPING NOTES: be a minimum of 2 inches in caliper and 8 feet in height. 2. When mature, a large deciduous tree should be at least 40 feet high, have minimum crown width of 30 feet, and a trunk of at least 12 inches. B. Each understory tree at the time of planting shall be a minimum of 7 gallons. 4. Each shrub at the time of planting shall be a minimum of 3 gallons. S. Coordinate any proposed plant substitutions with City Landscape Superintendent prior to planting. 6. All landscaped areas to be grassed. 9 Brook Valley Section 2-A D.B. 3051, Pg. qbq R-7 Zone Single Family in Lo ° OAr 5' for sign 1. This project is not within any areas of environmental Proposed Number of Lots ............ pe pace . / 2 /( / / / \ \ C remains of ex. 5' except as shown Number of Units .................... 34 s 13 Flood Zone pconcern P r chain link fence ......... n Ar O Shade X � 2. All drives 4 parking to be asphalt. Minimum Lot Size Allowed N/A �� \ Average Lot Size Minimum Lot Size Proposed .......... 1200 S.F. ° / �� ` \ 3. 5' private access easement along all lot lines between buildings. .......... . . . ... • 1242t S.F. z / ; � 4. Private drainage easements are reserved over each lot, but • , !i Ownership Status Fee Simple qh outside my building, for building, landscaping 4 storm drainage. 6-Cf 4-Gpc gyp) N \ sex. conc 5. 20' public utility 4 access easement to be cantered over all water 4 Density ............................ 9.88 Units/Acre 15' Type "A" Buffer ( W \ Ar pad sewer mains 4 10' public utility 4 access easements to be centered Max. Percentage of Lot Coverage .... 45% 43 Alternative Design art _ over all water services up to 4 including water meters 4 Approximate Linear Feet Drives ..... 515 L.F. per Section 115-G .... • . . - sews- clam -outs. Linear Feet o New Streets . 0 (46) V N c CyP.) / (i Type aofUnits f ...................... Dwellings b. Stop sign location shall be in accordance with the design G standard in the pedestrian circulation plan. t0 \ p Deed Reference: D.B. 3010 Pg. 925 & 931 w •. � Q- \ 7. All exterior lighting will be located and positioned as to ' c not adversely affect any roadway traffic. Tax Map 442, Parcel 16 & 17 WG ° B. Flood lines digitized from an electronic overlay of NC PIN #437706479620 & 437707570677 (�yP) M Cp FEMA map CPN 37017E 4377J (City of Jacksonville) effective 3 \ Nov. 3, 2005. SETBACKS w ex conic block . Boundary and Topographic contours taken from a survey by z :. g O • remains of ex. \ \ C retaining wall Parker 4 Associates, Inc. dated 016/28/11 Front yard ........................ 10' 5chain = ' in link ' ' p r \ 10. Watlanda line taken From a survey by Parker 4 Associates, Inc. Side yard ......................... 5' (10' between buildings) ' 'Ar 0 9 •:..�. fence / _ 11. Alldoted 06ks/will be free of cracks and to Rear yard ......................... 10' A i damage prior ex. o p 9 �r pad conc /' , \ the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. i , 0 BUILDING DATA tS (�yP) - 12. The existing topic, is found on existing conditions plan, 20' Type "A" I Accaee - \° /% / \ A sheet 3 of 8. Proposed spot elevations we faux! on Natural Buffer - N Point o / grading, drainage, erosion and sedimentation control plane, Max. Building Height Allowed ....... 56' o (TYp.) - 0 /i j \ 13. No N.C.G.S. or U.S.G.S. monuments within 2000' of site. Proposed Max. Height of Building ... 35' (2 Story) 1 6-Cf 14. "5TOP" signs shalt be RI-1 30'x30" and installed to MUTCD Standards Sprinkler Yes I Ar N ,y /�/` \ \ (7' from bottom of sign to ground". Proposed Building S.F. ............. Sixplexes - 6,840 S.F. x 5 = 34,200 S.F. Cp 15. This site is identified on the comprehensive sidewalk plan. Quadplexes - 5,007.8 S.F. x 1 = 5,007.8 S.F. 6 o Ib he owner of this project may be eligible for a partial reduction in the Total - 39,207.8 S.F. q5 ) ° o monthly stormuwter fee that will be associated with this development. _ IQv '• ••° ("�yP / �% / /'1� \ Cp To gyalify for a fee credit, the owner will road to provide to the city Constuction Materials .............. Brick/Vinyl Siding/Cone. Slab ° engineering division upon completion of the project. A completed credit /� "/ \ \ t A y' ) application accompanied by a copy of the state - issued stormwater per (�yP. i r o as well as a copy of the site plans. PARKING DATA ro o Cp e" Curb Y N I 5-Ag 0 P 13 \ Parking Required ................... 2 spaces/w two or more bedrooms = 68 Spaces W A V � J IAr ° "• '� Parking Provided ................... 68 Spaces 5'R Drainage Ea Ar 20' Perimeter Buffer Compact Spaces Allowed Pm �q 30' Drain L O 5-Ag 6-Cf yCj `\9 � 4 / 4- (Up to 25% for lots w/ 10 or R �° Bobby Raimore spaces) ....................... 17 Spaces Easement 5_Ag r 2-Ag 2-A9 Peggy Ann Morton CP Stormwater 7 !Y 8 O N M.B. 14, Pg. 66 Compact Spaces Provided ............ 0 Flood Zone AE / Ar o Detention 2-Ag t0 Ar o, D.B. 700, Pg. 651 Pond ° 2 5P°ae� ° N1 B hwZore LANDSCAPING DATA ante hen ht must be a Cp 2 Dum ster P 12 �t psP �9 _'_ •• -�- p \ \ a9 Boundary 199,896.9 = 3.49 AC. minimumof6' high or (See Detail) 9 �" N / 5_ taller then the container. 6 -a ... � 'o VAA .............................. 25, 726.5 / Whichever is greater. 5 Ig n 5'R ^- '� _ ..• '._ ' -� Cp ZSA without Building ............. 35,133.7 S.F. ' Ali i h P 1 -� \ ISA with Building .................. 53,927.1 S.F. / ISR................................ 0.478 (Moderate) o 5 8 r�paceg 9 -. •- - ,` \ \ 10' Type B' Buffer with fence Landscaping Required ............... 3,087.2 S.F. (Total) 5'R 4 2-Ag `. - C p e trees 4 trees per L.F. ) 1,543.E S.F. (Interior) 3-Ag 5\aL�o�K ,` ({ begverifed byCityof Jacksonvilleall to during / .9 \ 4 protected prior and 24Trees ShrubsT(Total) LANDSCAPE ISLANDS 1 = 200.0 s.f. (Interior) 2 = 200.0 s.f. (Interior) 3 = 207.0 s.f. (Interior) 4 = 200.0 s.f. (Interior) 5 = 200.0 s.f. (Interior) 6 = 242.0 s.f. (Interior) 7 = 200.0 s.f. (Interior) 8 = 200.0 s.f. (Interior) 9 = 242.0 s.f. (Grassed Island) 10 = 355.2 s.f. 11 = 842.7 s.f. 12 215.6 s.f. 13 = 266.5 s.f. -c 's construction) 4 _ �_,�-� O 2 Trees (Interior) Floodway I Ar I 6-Cf 6 '� -_�;` Ar 10 Shrubs (Interior) 6-Ag Gate 80 q / - 4' Green or \ \ Landscaping Provided .............3,329.0 S.F. (Total) black vinyl 5 A 1,649.0 S.F. (Interior) coated chain 5 Trees (Total) Wetlmda Ag �,. i ;• \ \ o�'= j N'CA�'L'S 54Treesb(Interior) v( s Line \ I link fence. O 2- `'Q.A ..,A+ �' o \\ r° c 0 Shrubs (Interior) " �1 - ? P P Flood Zone AE �_ Flaad Zane �aa °POND LANDSCAPING I L�YrN��� \ C13 Shade x vt�O(�•.�OSUR�'a�' L.F. Fence ............. 403.5 L.F. ��/ 1 Ov Q \ / -� \ -� ,i�,.`° Landscaping Required ............... 1/50 L.F. (Under Story Trees) = B ' al/ / \ .� ISF 36.64' ISF 28 0 / N; " 50% Screening (Shrubs) = 45 / �!\ SSq'46 23' W N79'0g 4 30' Drainage Cp Landscaping Provided ............... 8 Under Story Trees I I - ISF \ - - - - - - - �'b Easement \\ 45 Shrubs ISF / N79•c�, "W SF ISF SF ry�PPm N8l'52'07")y 80.10, SF Cb Creek ISF in Special Use, Site, Dimensional and Landscaping Plan v / 63.35' / Ol„y1 43 55 �- 574'5q'01"W �� ISF N86'35 3q W 56a As Little Deep 26 48' Doris Place ,s I / ISF Gulls Branch ISF y 27 Doris Avenue 6 I I N48'32' 10"W m Jacksonville Twp., Onslow Co., North Carolina 20.gq' 553'2q'13"W S40'15'35"W 20' Perimeter Buffer 18.30, W Owner/Developer: c / I I 25.7q' 502'Sl 3o„W POND LANDSCAPING CHART Garland W. & Sue C. Tuton NOTE: 14 q2 SITE LANDSCAPING CHART Small Understory Tree P.O. Box 106E Contractor shall insure that he and all his wo(kers (contractors, \^ Jacksonville, North Carolina 2854I subcontractors and other site personnel) do not damage construction rye. Large Canopy Trees At Maturity Phone (q10) 577-1441 stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the Quantity Key Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify At Maturity Cp Washington Crataequs phaenopyrum Deci wows 25'��-20' �� GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=30' to the fullest extent practicable that stakes, other measures and grades h iy,1 Quantity K� Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type He. ight Spread Acorn Forest Townhomes Hawthorn DATE. 07/07/08 are, or appear to be, accurate and correct, and immediately, but prior 3A�5A Ar Re Map a Acer rebrum Deciduous 40" 30' - 50' M.B. 47, Pg. 179 8 Total 0 10 20 30 60 90 to any associated work, notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, D.B. 2g18, Pg. 555 SCALE: 1 �"=30' error or question regarding the work. The Engineer shall not be responsible SF 5 Total TCA Zone Shrubs FEET if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to. The Engineer shall Multi -Family At Maturity not be responsible where due to damage, his staking can not be verified. -6 Shrubs For critical or costly components of the work, where the contractor believes �YI Quantity Key Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread Parker & Associates, Inc. �PinB Hor(yoDa E � At Maturity 4F- Ag Glossy Abelia Abe is gran i for Evergreen 3' - 3'�- Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners that staking may not be preserved, the contractor shall request the staking QuantityKey Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread 95 Total - area where its enervation cm be insured. U + FIELD 800K: Doris Ave., Pg. 1-7 P.O. Box Bridge - 2e541-0978 entity to place staking in an ar preservation Ag G ossy A e is a is grandiflor Evergreen 3' - 3'�- DISK NAME: ACAD 2110 908 New Bridge Street - 28540 y = Rev. 08/28/08 JJL -Revised per COJ/TRC Comments. 2 Ea Burning Bush Enonymus photo Deciduous 6' - 15' 15' FILENAME: Doris gen.dwg JJL Sheet 2 Of 9 7acksoavllle, North Carolina Rev. 08/06/08 JJL - Revised per COJ/TRC Comments. 23 Total JOB NO.: S080205-4445 Phone 910) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-3441 Rev. 7/28/08 TLC - Revisions per COJ/TRC comments. VZ v. F'e° c0 TKC Co"trw.evc-VS. m eppp T / 0eco/ 2-egw Legend• y R/w - Right-of-way p• �� CEG - Curb and Gutter G / n " �:' ISF - Iron Stake Found Site Ben B/ ore YI ohpl -Overhead Power Line �qr Top 16.0 2- rl - Flood Line s 14, / FL -III / e / �� asphalt - - - - - Wetlands Line a 9). Pipe B Inv. 12. Stabilized / \ drive MBL - Minimum Building Line ,P Enb°a a •ion / / / ex FFE - Finished Floor Elevation ?• Inv. 1.88 , eco sign MEG - Match Existing Grade SITE Bracken Ct. et Inv. 1.88 top / v$l�ue Street) e i RCD Y Rock rd (Check Dam �1 top 12.79 i ublic pr u,m asphalt 4' nv. 2.06/ inv. 10.29 sw QO (P goe key o drive FES - Flared End Section Sidewalk (( �) 6�n 1�'vY '� /� Inv. - Invert Greenford Pl. ', I inv. 7.51 s= C2-�,5va� v. In \ -Centerline Line sop 12.63 I I I 'I /� W� Curter ' Top 17, 17.0 w/FES s x \ RCP Pr Reinperty f forced Concrete Pipe e 1 o be wn Inv. 13.5 .� g0 eco scb - Existing Catch Basin I I x 15' RCP / �� RRA - Rip Rap Apron 1 Ex.4 \ �- - Flow Arrow o I?Sidewalk x 16.15 - Proposed Elevation Ike x tap 12.73 Top 15. sign GENERAL NOTES: of of - Silt Fence inv. q.70 (sw Inv. 10.0 0 - rr rr CL -Clearing Limits \>-eh a ( ) � Site Benchmark A I. AH easements to be Drainage � utility at \ dimensions shown, unless otherwise noted. O - Pipe Label 34' I A ' Clearing Limits at I I I II III EG* ° Al Pro Line 2. This project is not within any areas of 1 ert environmental concern, ex as noted. - Inlet Protection around ecb x. r RCP M G* I Swale 3. Flood lines digitized from an electronic overlay of - etcEarth Basin and Yard Inlet NwY• 24/258 \^ ?4 top 13.Oq 18.0 FEMA map CPN 370175 4377J (City ofor ex. __ Jacksonville). Effective Nov. 3, 2005. -Retaining Wall �� 3:1 Swal Top of Berm 21.0 4. Topographic contours taken from a survey by 1 3:1 resat ¢. Swale Parker 4 Associates, Inc. dated 05/25/08. Vicinity Sketch chainllnk --- B 6. 20.32 S. Wetlands line taken from a survey by Parker 4 Associates, Inc. -tY fence ex I 0/ dated 06/24/08. Not to Scala earn headwall x 30" RCP /" \ 6. For additional details, sm specifications and Z Interceptor Swale inv 1.� v. 2-69 additional plans. «,e 6 Site Benchmark "A" Site Benchmark "B" epp i v. 1.37 � lev. 13 S �/� � • . / , � 7. Sidewalks shall be free of crocks and breaks - Swale 20.5 prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. " " i " Inv 1 44 P 1 Out /; / 8. Areas noted for trails and greenways aid/or X Chiseled in the top of curb 4 X Chiseled in the top of curb %- - Top of Berm 21.0* required sidewalks shall be unobstructed from and of a block wall Elev. 17.51 /FES CE- Swale Iq.23 6" below grade to 8' above grade (overhead Elev. 20.17 ( clearance). Telephone pedestals, electric transformers, drop inlets, fences, or any other EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION Release scale obstructions shall be removed ax! / or relocated CONTROL NOTES: \ in order to create and maintain this clearance. Natural to P c I. Construction Sequence: Elevation ' 6.5' I �! DRAINAGE PIPE CHART A. Notify prior of Jacksonville Public works Deportment, Engineer and / II Owner prior to beginning construction. lion wal g. \ / j 2 Swale B. Clear only the area necessary to install the construction entrance, others 20.32 detention to be used as a tern AREA Q10 DIAMETER GRADE LENGTH tad ( pansy sediment basin), silt fences, / 20 6 PIPE (acres) (cfs) (inches) (%) (if) � perimeter swf these The remainder and bulk of clearing is not to be done Sherpa / / C until installation of these four items has been completed. / _ / , Al 0.37 1.7 18" RCP 0.13% 53 C. Sediment control measures are required to be installed at the earliest pond draintol r a I _�` ll ;I A2 0.41 1.9 18" RCP 1.8% 55 practicableGrading operations shall begin at date offer start of work. Gradi pond / �� Top of Berm 21.0 B 0.1 0.6 12" RCP 1.23% 81 low points, points of outfall release on at other- locations of where 11 , C 0.49 3.0 15" RCP 0.90% 128 sediment control measures are shown on plan; and the sediment control Y D 0.13 0.8 12" RCP 2.98% 101 YI devices (sediment traps, silt fences, diversions storm water treatment E 1.03 6.3 18" RCP 0.41% 73 Silt fence at � / - � � �A Top A,]q eras, etc.) shall be irotaHed before on aimultmeoualy with the grading I� Inv. F 0.06 0.4 12" RCP 1.89% 106 of on era draining to the device. Clearing Limits Y ng ��`, n� G 0.15 0.9 12" RCP 1.0% 101 D. Install stabilized construction entrances prior to beginning construction. O \; 3:1 Swale H 0.19 1.2 12" RCP 1.2% 50 E. Cleargrub entire project area. Naul off all cleared debris. No burning Pegg. Am Morton / I / D ° Interior Drai Bobby Ray E and grub 0.22 1.3 12" RCP 0.59% 59 allowed. / �� to pond M.B. 14, Pg. 66 J 0.68 9.2 15" RCP 2.1% 90 F. Construct stomwater pond. II I I E ® Tip 16.0 ¢Swale 2L15 R 1.14 7.0 18" RCP 0.45% 45 G. Install silt fence where drown immediately after clearing. Fill site. Rough F 15.5 L 1.82 11.1 24" RCP 1.67% 12 grade and temporary seed areas not to be disturbed during street ' YI ape E-10.7 j' l _ Top of Berm 22.0 construction. pe C-12.0 ��` _ r H. Limits of clewing will be as shown. Silt fence shall be installed at Brook Valley ' In 10.4 ® pipe 0-12.0 i 4 \ / Swale 20.50 the down slope edge of clearing immediately after area is cleared. Section 2-A / _ Q=CiA CPP =Corrugated Plastic Pipe Silt fence shall be maintained until the area is stabilized completely. D.B. 3051, Pg. q6q �- I I I I _ j ! `� ' I=7.2 in/hr. Silt fences as shown based on topographic information in the ® •' (Smooth wall interior) Yl Interne Swale to locations expected to be needed to trap sediment prior to entering j �� \ existing Interceptor *_0.85 g RCP =Reinforced Concrete Pipe slope Concrete op 13. j / � � -Peak flows are mitigated down areas. Actual locations of installation shall be adjusted to Spillway I I inv. qut I 10.2 / \ / / '� • - / by Pond Retention. the actual physical an site topography. That is, where silt fence is Silt fence at 0 \ K /l l �l Curb cut to allow not slope, silt fence shalan the l but nstalledthe • Where theual hactualltopograpohywnward Clearing Limits drainage to flow into NOTE: reflects an upward slope silt fence is not required. parking lot 1. Gantroctan shall use invert elevations shown on plans for construction. I. Install sanitary sewer service. Grades shown above are rounded. Begin Interceptor Swale 2. Pipe lengths do not include flared and sections. J. Install storm drain pipes and catch basin protection. s \ I 70 J Elevation 23.0* K. Install water service. / low L. Rough grade drives and parking. /17. \ M. Construct building. J' j N. Fine grade street. Place CABC over compacted subgrade. Contractor s test, on the 7.1 / ® subgrode prior to�eand installing stonuct and e, a proof l on thestone prior to Rip Rap a / Flood Zone AE Lined Berm � � � l installing asphalt. The proof roll testa shall be conducted in the 8 ( presence of a City of Jacksonville Construction Inspector. O. Complete fine grading of landscaped areas in parking lots and mound I ' Berm Elevation - 27.0* or building. / P above existing contours to P. Maintain erosion control measures as needed to assure full functioability. deflect Offsite Stormwater. Q. Install asphalt surface course. R. Seed, fertilize, and mulch all disturbed areas within 15 days of �\ Gleani Limits a tC completing any phase of the grading work. Apply temporary seeding If / 1 \ area is to be disturbed again and permanent if seas have been final Top 15.55 \��. �� \ graded d accepted by engineer and owner. FL-15.05 2SeedinanI 6. . g Specifications: � Pi I Inv. 12. $ - � ��- Apply time and fertilizer d work into seed bed, seed mixture shall be Gleaning Limits / I Pipe J In 12 16 IS - � - \ distributed uniformly and covered with a clam straw mulch. Mulch shall be I 6 wa\ ✓. crimped or tacked to help hold in place. See Detail sheet for material and application rates. Elevation a drain 3. Contractor is responsible for maintaining all erosion control measures and deflect Oman. drainage shall amend measures as required to prevent accelerated erosion from taking to existing drain. Floodway O '0 ,� .�,I \ !� place on this site, until site is restabilized and accepted by City of Jacksonville, engineer and owner. / • In .Out 6• \ - N YI - , _== 4. Upon restabilization of all disturbed areas and swales, contractor shall remove all temporary erosion control facilities and grade, grass, mulch, and restabilize Gate the areas. ....... YI I Ftobd Top 16.- Zone A Inv. 12.4 \ -- _ r - / \ G Y I I7 0 si J- =� Vegetated `Gl C -i Inv. 14 0 ' /� -_ 217 T 25wala Filter Strip Flood Zone l R - Shade Y I 6\ �0 To 16. etention waI Swale Inv. 15.0 Y Others 17. 5 3:1 Swale on top of / drainage pipe Wetlands Liner - Emoreency Spillway I ll Elevation 11.6 ' � � � Q � Gleaning Limits r'-n Release • 0 Elevation 8. W Concrete Level Spreader NOTE: I I Elevation 7.5 Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers (contractors, Use Typical straight faced subcontractors and other site personnel) do not damage construction curb 4 gutter as level stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by IL �� spreader the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify to the fullest extent practicable that stakes, other measures and grades J are, or appear to be, accurate and correct, and immediately, but prior to any associated work, notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, error or question regarding the work. The Engineer shall not be responsible L // Aaron Forest g. 17q ames P if ail of the above measures are not strictly adhered to. The Engineer shall M.B. 47, Pg. not be responsible where due to damage, his staking cm not be verified. For critical or costly components of the work, where the contractor believes that staking may not be preserved, the contractor shall request the staking entity to place staking in an area where its preservation can be insured. FIELD BOOK: N/A Rev. 08/21/08 JJL - Revised pipe chart. I DISK NAME: 21 FILENAME: Doris - Rev. 8/06/08 JJL - Revised per COJ/TRC Comments. is-gen.dwg JJL JOB NO.: 8080205-4445 Rev. 7/28/08 TLC - Revisions per COIcomments. Sheet 4 of 9 i,iiiiigtl rrr Pri`, �( � b Grading, Drainage, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan Doris Place 27 Doris Avenue �� Jacksonville Twp., Onslow Co., North ¢Ia3 I" -j Owner/Developer: Garland W. & Sue C. Tuton P.O. Box 1066 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541 Phone (4110) 577-1441 DATE: 07/07/08 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=30' 0 10 20 30 60 90 SCALE: 1 "=30' ION FEET Parker & Associates, Inc. ing Ha Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners s°'4 n�� P.O. Box 976 - 28541-0976 306 New Bridge Street - 28540 Jacksonville, North Carolina Phone (910) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-3441 p�fri. • . s i4r<f4pf•. ,✓� :pf4dff4<, Vfrfefrrii, `��\�fr�if ♦ �rUrf �rfii .,fppfr<pfrirti \\I%filfrei,.f ?11. • 1 li t Pll.at�_. NOTE 2 WELDED WARE FENCE 4' SPACE. TOP do BOTTOM WIRES ARE 10 GUAGE MIN., INTERMEDIATE WIRES ARE 12 1/2 GUAGE MIN. EXTEND FENCE 6" INTO EXCAVATED TRENCH SELF -FASTENING STEEL POSTS. `, DRIVE POSTS 24" INTO GROUND �\ BRACE POSTS AT /-LOW POINT 110• STEEL DRIVE POSTS NOTES MIN. 24• (E-XTRP( DEPTH REOUIRED FOR(UNSTABLE SOILS) 1 • Toe in backfill Into trench and compact the soil firmly to anchor the bottom of the silt fq 4 so that the runoff is forced to go through the fence. No runoff is to flow( rider the fence. 2. To Increase storage capacity and prolong the 'I a of the silt fence, excavate a 6"x6" sediment trench uphill along the line of osts whenever possible. 4. Total drainage area flowing to silt fence may not exceed 1 acre / 100 LF. of silt fence. 5. Silt fences shall not be used at pipe outlets or in areas of concentrated flow (creeks, ditchlines, swales etc.) TYPICAL SILT FENCE Not to scale INSTALL RIP RAP ONE FOOT OPVER wW r TOP OF BANK W W APRON - NON -WOVEN GEOTExnLE 1.5 x d5o BUT NOT LESS THAN 6' MINIMUM NOTES- 1. Initial course of rip rap to be laid in excavated bed of side slopes. Rip -rap is not to be told on top of grade of side slopes. END OF PIPE TREATMENTS Not to Scale FIN15HED GRADE Z 5UBGRADE� N Ju II 19 GA HARDWARE CLOTH( 1/4"ME511 OPENINGS) 8" CONCRETE BRICK WAUS�.Z OR PRECA5T VAULT WITH EXTENDED BASE. / GROUT INVERT CHANNELS mot- 24'X3G' HEAVY DUTY FRAME AND GRATE TEMPORARY GROUT 4' MIN. 5TEEL 5TAKE :1 PROP05ED 5UDGRADE PIPE DIA. + 12" MIN. PIPE LI G11 OR M57 WA5HED STONE 19 GA HARDWARE CLOTH( 1/4"ME5H OPENING5 ) CAPITOL FOUNDRY DI-840.03 OR VULCAN V4066-1 FRAME, COVER & HOOD PS1-PF STEPS PROVIDED BY PRECAST MANUFACTURER OR M.A. INDUSTRIES SEE DETAIL C06.04 -.. (MUST BE 16" WIDE, '• d' ' INSTALLED TO BE 7" FROM -• - - ,+ , FACE OF WALL TO BACK OF.-;..; STEP AND NO GREATER < '-:•_= THAN 12" SEPARATION) MIN.• ' 15" OF CLEARANCE MUST i= BE FROM CENTER OF STEP TO OUTSIDE OF BOX "'d • d s , FOR PRECAST BOXES, JOINTS TO BE SEALED }• `:: WITH BUM RUBBER =._-..-=.:•':=:." JOINT SEALANT ' EXTENDED BASE CURB TRANSITION BACK OF HOOD ALIGN WITH BACK OF CURB SEE NOTES BELOW & DETAIL 634.02 VARIES MAXIMUM 8'-0" WITHOUT ENGINEER'S APPROVAL SEE DETAIL 639.01 FOR PIPE CONNECT ON AND FORMED INVERT CONSTRUCTION is 3" PRECAST CONCRETE CONCRETE BRICK NOTES: BOX SHOWN BOX SHOWN 1. Use either concrete building brick - ASTM C55, grade N, type 1 or clay brick - ASTM C32, grade MS. 2. Mortar to be type M. 3. Concrete pipe to be class III 4. Precast boxes to conform to latest ASTM C-913 5. Precast boxes concrete strength to be a minimum 4,000 PSI at 28 days 6. See detail 634.02 for miscellaneous notes, TYPICAL CATCH BASIN AND CURB INLET WITH HOOD g. e4 REDAR AT 1 2" O.C. E.W. OR MONOLITHIC PRECA5T BOTTOM NOTE5: 1. BOX TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WdTH NC DOT STANDARD5. BOX TO BE ENLARGED TO ACCOMMODATE LARGER OR MULTIPLE PIPES AS REQUIRED. 2. FRAME AND GRATE TO BE rA5T JORDON IRON WORr5 V53GO-1 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3. SILT BARRIER TO BE HARDWARE CLOTH AND 45 AND 057 STONE 4. ALL SEDIMENT, WET, MUCKY, OR YIELDING 501L MATERIAL5 5HALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH COMPACTED 5EECT FILL PRIOR TO PLACING BA5E COURSE. YARD INLET CATCH BASIN 2' TYPE 5F9.513 BC5C ASPHALT WITH TENIl'ORARY SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE 8' CABC COMPACTED 5U5CAWE Rev. 08/06/08 JJL - Revised per COJ/TRC Comments. Rev. 7/28/08 TLC - Revisions per COJ/TRC Comments. Not to scale Drainage Structures Notes: 1. Boxes may be reinforced masonry, masonry, precast concrete or cast -in -place reinforced concrete. 2. Any non-standard box (non-standard meaning not shown in this manual), is to be designed by a NC Professional Engineer and approved by the Public Services Director. 3. The maximum height of an un-reinforced masonry drainage structure with 8" walls shall be limited to 8'-0" from invert of the outlet pipe to the top of the casting. Depths greater than B'-0" shall have wails 12" thick. Basins over 12 in total depth shall be designed by a NC Professional Engineer and approved by the Public Services Director.. Four inch walls are not allowed on drainage structures. Bottom slab on structures shall be reinforced when box depth exceeds 8 ft. 4. Steps are to be provided on all basins deeper than 36". 5. Steps are to be PS1-PF as manufactured by M. A. Industries or an approved equal. Locate on non -pipe walls. Steps shall meet OSHA requirements. 6. Mortar in masonry boxes is to be type M. 7. Clay brick structures are not allowed. 8. Concrete pipe is to be minimum class III. 9. Concrete building brick is to meet ASTM C-55, Grade N. Type 1 and must be NCDOT standard. 10. All cast -in -place or precast concrete drainage structures located in paved areas accessible to truck loadings to be designed to meet AASHTO HIS 20-44 loading. See manufacturers details for wall, top and bottom thickness. 11. Inside of boxes shall allow for 6" of clearance on both sides of pipe. The dimension shown on the structures in this manual are minimum dimensions. For boxes with greater dimensions, either corbel walls, add a reinforced concrete top slab or lengthen box by adding additional grates & frames. Top and bottom slabs to be designed by NC Professional Engineer and approved by the Public Services Director for H2O loading. 12. Maximum horizontal span of an 8" thick wall shall not exceed 8' for boxes of 8 feet or less in depth and 10 feet for boxes 12 feet or less in depth. TEMPORARY LINER TO BE CURLEX I FOR 5WALE VELOGTIE5 UNDER 5 FP5 AND CURtEX 11 FOR 5WALE5 VELOClTC5 UNDER 7 fP5 BY AMERICAN EXCELSIOR COMPANY OR EQUAL NATURAL GROUND __-_-- 111 Imo' L Cll�lr' 3 or Varies SWALE DETAIL 4' WALK 3000 P51 CONCRETE 51DEWALK GXG-1 O/ 10 ww'M I/4%FT. MIN. SLOPE 1/2' PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE i0 77 X\\\\ s s s e G. COMPACTED SUBGRADE COMBINATION CURB/SIDEWALK NOT TO 5CALE 1 /8' RADIUS 11 �1/2' PREFORMED ASPHALT IMPREGNATED •' EXPANSION JOINT., •; TYPICAL EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL R/W VARIES (SEE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE 1'-O'MIN. SIDEWALK AND GREENWAY PLANS 3' MINIMUM iVARIES TOOLED EDGE (TYPICAL) SEE DETAIL 401.01 ® 4" THICK 3000 PSI CONCRETE S/W 1/2 r' 1/41 ® 12 CURB 4nDN SLOPE �1 PAVEMENT _ * VARIES, MAXIMUM SLOPE 3:1 COMPACTED UNDISTURBED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE SUBGRADE SUBGRADE PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR. TYPICAL SIDEWALK with UTILITY STRIP R/W VARIES (SEE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE 1'-0"MIN. SIDEWALK AND GREENWAY PLANS) 3' MINIMUM EXISTING VARIES TOOLED EDGE (TYPICAL) SEE DETAIL 401.01 �ADE 4" THICK 3000 PSI - CONCRETE S I11/z 12 - - _ _ /W ON SLOPE 12 CURB \\ J. �1 • /�/ //��/V� / - • .. -. .. : -• . _ � V PAVEMENT III VARIES, MAXIMUM SLOPE 3.1 COMPACTED UNDISTURBED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE SUBGRADE SUBGRADE PUBUC SERVICES DIRECTOR. TYPICAL SIDEWALK with UTILITY STRIP NOTES: 1. Provide 1" deep tooled traverse structural score joint with 1/8" radius at 6'-0" o.c. 2. 1/2" reformed asphalt impregnated expansion strip joints to be placed 32'-0 o.c. longitudinally, adjacent to curbs, when butting existing structures, concrete, or buildings, and at changes in width. TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL Not to Scale m 0 611 6e 6° 2 6"x6" WWF 6'0, 6'0° Slopes may vary but positive drainage must be maintained DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL SUP RESISTANT WARNING SURFACE ISOMETRIC VIEW MAXIMUM SLOPE = 12:1 LA III ' ff 11IFF (TINTED BATTLESHIP GRAY) 20'R = S-1 7/8" SEE NOTE 4 VARIABLE w z I - SLOPE -RESIDENTIAL- NOT TO EXCEED 12:1 SEE NOTE 3 w w 0 - ��� PC OF RETURN 1 •_id l O EXISTING ROAD .. •• •00 © - o� o•ao:O.o'-� -Ca R R/W \ I I a I/ R/W CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROFILE (SEE NOTE) PLAN VIEW 50' MIN. LENGTH TEMPORARY STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Not to scale Canstructim Soscificatiens I. Stone sift - Use 2'-3" Dianetw Stare. 2. Lerwth - As effective, but not lees th. 50 feet. 3. Thk - Not less tfm six 6) nch". 4. Width - Not less thm full width of all pants of inerese ar aWvss, Mnimum oP 12'. 5. wasMna - When necessary, wheals shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrain mtc public right-of- way. when woshng is neq irad, it shall bs done m m area stabilised with crushed stone which drains into m approved sediment trap m sediment basin. All sediment shall I. pravmted from mterirp my stone drain, ditch, m water= though uss of sandbags, grovel, boards m ctlwr approved methods. 6. Mdntenmce - The entrance shall bs maintained in a coditim which will prevent frocking m flowing of sadirrnmt mto public riahte-0E- This m ire peniodic top dressry with additional stave ce "IItims demand and repar and/or clemad. of 7 meceuroe usad to trap sediment. All sediment, spilled, dropped. washed m 7. Install Geo-Nbric order rack. PLAN VIEW Not to scale w wW w =j--a - -a- - -- 1t1 ".'. d,y•a I!. s. . - •d GATE ( NOTE 2) • a � - .;• • 6" THICK CONCRETE PAD ,J1 ",per Q,I :I�-- - ""ail _� - • °d•I`I-'• TO BE 3,000 PSI AIR ___� I,l '• SLOPE•: SLOPE ". ENTRAINED AT 28 DAYS W �, ,i ••d TO DRAIN .•. 4I"._ _ "_"a'r...-.TO DRAINJ:t ..r'•{.�::..'r. --.:.._.It �. TURN DOWN EDGE FOOTING BELOW 1. Y i. L--- di__t._/.J _--- a PROVIDE 1' CHAMFER IF FRONT CORNER(S) ARE SURROUNDED BY ASPHALT (TRAFFIC AREAS) (- 8 0" T 6 -0' 1 (2) 6" DIP OR STEEL PIPE FILLED WITH BOLLARDS. SEE DETAIL 409.04 SECTION A -A CONCRETE Fence height rust be n minimum of 6' high or taller than SLOPE MAY the container which ever Is greater. VARY BUT POSITIVE _ 8'-0" 6'-0" SLOPE MAY VARY BUT DRAINAGE MUST POSITIVE DRAINAGE MUST BE MAINTAINED 4'-0" BE MAINTAINED 1�1 co I 1 lil FT' BUILDING in 1 1 I�-8" TYPICAL PROVIDE 6x6 W2.9 x W2.9 WWF - 2" FROM TOP 8" SLAB AND MIN 3" FROM �- L2] EDGE NOTES: 1. Provide 1/2" preformed asphalt impregnated expansion strip along perimeter of pad if concrete dumpster pad abuts any concrete. 2. Dumpster to be screened. Minimum gaie width to be 10'-0" in accordance with the City of Jacksonville zoning ordinance. DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL (WITHOUT FLOOR DRAIN) FIELD BOOK: N/A DISK NAME: ACAD 2110 Not to scak FILENAME: Doris-gen.dwg JJL JOB NO.: S080205-4445 Sheet 7 of 9 e' MINIMUM �\ I\I 1/2• PREFORMED 4'-0" MINIMUM ��� EXPANSION STRIP 6' MINIMUM VARIES PER RADIUS OF CURB RETURN sr��c^yl9 4" THICK 6' MINIMUM w O� �~ CONC. SIDEWALK l 1/2- PREFORMED "ADA DETECTABLE w ASPHALT IMPREGNATED WARNING DEVICES' VERTICAL CURB EXPANSION STRIP 12:1 MAXIMUM SLOPE PAVEMENT COMPACTED BACKFILL- SECTION A-AII='- NOT TO SCALE i VARIES PER RADIUS OF CURB RETURN DEPRESSED CURB II DEPRESSED CURB 1/2 PREFORMED ASPHALT IMPREGNATED EXPANSION STRIP VERTICAL CURB 6'-0" 4'-0' 6'-0' ¢ MIN• TOP OF CURB � VARI. SLOPE NOT ' GUTTER TO EXCEED 12:1 LINE DEPRESSED CURB SECTION B-B CAST IRON MAT WITH BUILT IN TRUNCATED DOMES IS TO BE SET FLUSH WITH THE CONCRETE AND THE ENTIRE SURFACE BETWEEN THE MAT AND CONCRETE GLUED WITH EPDXY CEMENT. EACH MAT IS TO BE NOTES: AT LEAST 2' LONG AND 3' WIDE. 1. Detectable warnings shall contrast visually with adjoining surfaces, either light on dark or dark on light. 2. The material used to provide contrast shall be an integral part of the walking surface. 3. Dimensions assume 90' centerline Intersection of streets. 4. Concrete shall be tinted battleship gray. Painted surface will not be acceatable. TYPICAL WHEELCHAIR RAMP - TYPE I Not to scale Seedine Svecifications Fall Permanent Seeding -__.......-............._.._....................__....... ....August 15 - November 1 Lime.... ............ ........ ................... -_..__--._----------------------- ..................... ....................................... _.._...2 tons/ac 5-10-10 Fertilizer ........... .... __...___...-... .... _...... .___............................ ..__1000 Ibs/ac 0-20-0...... ......... ...__...._...._...._......_...................... ___ ................ _.._- ................................... -........_..500 Ibs/ac Unscarlfied Service Lespedeza............ ....................... .._....__......... .----- _.._..._----...__............. ... 60 Ibs/ac Ky-31 Fescue ..... ........__..................... .......................... _._........ ................................................... __.... .30 Ibs/ac RyeGrain ........ ........................................................................... - ................. ..___25 Ibs/ac *Straw Mulch ........_._......_.--------__..-----._.___......_...___- ................... ................ ...2 tons/ac Fall Permanent Seeding - Centipede: ....... September 1 - February 28 Lime.__.___._..._..___.....___........_._................. ............ ......................... _.__......... .__....... - ........... 2 ions/ac Fertilizer (low nitrogen approved for Centipede) ............. (Appropriate fertilizer approved for centipede application) Rye Grain....... .......... .... ........ ... - .... _ .... ...90 Ibs/ac Centipede Seed ___._ ____-. ........... ... ...15 Ibs/ac (overseeded in spring) *Straw Mulch ....._.__._.....__......._......_.__.__.--.__...._._............ ............................ ......._...___....._...2 tons/ac Winter Temporary Cover November 1 - February 28 Lime.................. ............................... .........._............____._.._.................. .___2 tons/ac 10-10-10 Fertilizer.._ ........................ -___.......... ___ ........ _..._.._........._..__............... .-_......_....... 700 Ibs/ac Oats_ ............................. .... _...... ._.__..__.................. - ................... 50 Ibs/oc RyeGrain ..... ....................... .._.............................................. _.__._............................._.._...._.20 Ibs/ac *Straw Mulch. -_.... -.... _..._............. ........... _...._..._...___ ......_..._-.._..._................................. ... -..._..... 2 tons/ac Spring Permanent Seeding ............................................... March 1 - April 30 Lime.... .............. .................... ___ 2 tons/oc 5-10-10 Fertilizer - _ ......................_................._......... ..._............._...........1000 Ibs/ac 0-20-0._-_............__........._.......................................... ...... .................. ............................. ...... ........... 500 Ibs/oc Scarified Sericea Lespedeza._....__............................................ ...................... ............................. .50 Ibs/ac Ky-31 Fescue .. ... -.... ........ ___ -----...----.......... .............. .__...... ............_......... ............ ....................... 30 Ibs/ac BrowntopMillet _......_...._............ ........ ..................................... __..._..........._...._....._.._.._...._...........20 Ibs/ac *Straw Mulch...... ............................................. _-............................................ ...--.............. . 2 tons/cc Spring Permanent Seeding - Centipede April 1 - July 15 Lime, _-_......_.._...... ___ ...... -.... ................ 2 tons/ac Fertilizer (low nitrogen approved for Centipede) -..........(Appropriate fertilizer approved for centipede application) CentipedeSeed_.___..._ ............................................. .............................................................. .........._....90 Ibs/ac *Straw Mulch ..... .............._.........._.................._.........................................._._...._......._._.2 tons/ac Late Spring Permanent Seeding ........... ............-_........._....._.__........March 15 - June 30 Lime. ............... ._._.._......._...__.................................................................................................... ........._.......2 tons/oc 10-10-10 Fertilizer. _....................... ...__..........._.._....._..._........_......._...1000 Ibs/ac 0-20-0.._..... .._..._........_......._.................... - .......... ........ ..................................................... ......500 Ibs/ac Scarified Sericea Lespedeza............................................................................................................40 Ibs/ac Common Bermuda Grass (hulled)-...... ....... ............................................... _.__.................. ..8 Ibs/oc *Straw Mulch. ........... . ............ ................................. - ................................ .......... .............. 2 tons/oc Summer Temporary Cover............................................................................June 30 - August 3 Lime........ -----___.......... _................ ............ ......................... ...................................................... -......_......... 2 tons/cc 10-10-10 Fertilizer ........ ____ .......................................... .._........_...._........._.................._........._.700 Ibs/ac BrowntopMillet . .................................. ....................................... ..... ......._.__.................. - ................... ..40 Ibs/ac *Straw Mulch ......... ...............................__....._..._............................._..._..........._._......... 2 tons/ac NOTES: 1. * Mulch will be doubled if crimping is the method used. n UrV� a iy 145755 V yeti NE�, Grading, Drainage, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Detail Sheet Doris Place 27 Doris Avenue Jacksonville Tulp., OnsloLu Co., North Carolina Owner/Developer: _ Garland W. & Sue C. Tuton �' -Y p 116'7 f b P.O. Box 1066 Jacksonville, North Carolina 25541 i Phone (q10) 577-I441 DATE: 07/07/08 SCALE: Not to Scale Parker & Associates, Inc. ng Aatj Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 0s �� P.O. Box 976 - 28541-0976 306 New Bridge Street - 28540 Jacksonville, North Carolina Phone (910) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-3441 , 'SHE L.-T to U)= 8 SITE G" HIGH G" WIDE CONCRETE CURB EACH 51DE G" DIA. RIPRAP 5HALL BE /— IMBEDDED 3" MINIMUM INTO CONCRETE SPACED IN 5TAGGERED ROW5 AT 1 2" ON CENTER F-I 2" EACH 51D 12, PIPE INLET 0000000000000000000 CO )000000 0000 O 00000000000 0 00000000 ~ 0000000000000000000 = V' 000000 00000 0 o_O_O_000_0�0°0°000 3 LENGTH VARIES 15HALL GO TO BOTTOM OF POND, TEMPORARY POND PERMANENT POND 2: G" THICK CONCRETE SPILLWAY, REINFORCED WITH WWP ME5H. % FOREBAY SPILLWAY SHALL BE CUT INTO POND BANK SLOPE, AND SHAPED TO FIT POND SLOPE. TOP OF CONCRETE 5LAB EVEN WITH POND BANK SLOPE. SPILLWAY 5HALL EXTEND TO BOTTOM OF FOREBAY SECTION VIEW CONCRETE SPILLWAY WITH RIP RAP 21 NOT TO 5CALE LINE BOTTOM R SLOPE5 OF EMERGENCY SPILLKAY NITW FABRIC AND RIP RAP. 2:1 BOTTOM ELEV. 11.6 15' EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 3:1 51DE 5LOPE5 ABOVE PERMANENT POOL FOREBAY 2: 1 51DE SLOPES f To Outfoll Stormwater Pond Detail 1'-20' Scale Excavate Pond depth 1' below final elevations to allow for sediment storage. NOTE: THE VEGETATED SHELF SHALL BE PLANTED WITH JUNCU5EFFUSES (SOFT RUSH) AT I FT. ON CENTER. IN= 10.0 TEMPORARY POOL ELEVATION PERMANENT POOL ONE INCH 5TORAGE ELEVATION= 10.0 5 FOOT BERM DEPTH= 1 1.2 FOREBAY BOTTOM ELEVATION 3.0 Top of Pond Elevation 13 16" RCP MAIN BA51N BOTTOM ELI STORMWATER POND CROSS SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Excavate Pond depth I' below final elevations to allow for sediment storage. Trash Rack to be cast iron grate with I" openings Bolt grate to concrete Catch Basin. Inv. In e.0 Shelf 3.0 24" Inside Diameter Precast Concrete Solid Box Ux I Base 6n 24' 6 OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE MAIN BAY 2: 1 51DE EXISTING GROUND 5TORMWATER DETENTION POND OUTLET STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL 6" Dia. 12" Long Aluminum Orifice Pipe, with 1.5" dia. hole drilled in end plug. Orifice shall be provided with an Aluminum trash screen with 1/2" Mesh. Invert elevation at Outlet Structure shall be perm. pool elevation Grout pipe securely into place. e Pool Elev. 11.2 Permanent Pool Elev. 10.0 Bottom of Pond G. I'G' f I/2'R 3' R 4% 1 2' 24" 04' oil)44F.Wq1jo44 + "h14 LORI -Detail shown to be used as a level spreader DATE SCALE: Detail Sheet Doris Place 27 Doris Avenue Jacksonville Twp., Onslow Co., North Carolina Garland W. & Sue C. Tuton P.O. Box 1066 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541 Phone (910) 577-1441 ._ 07/07/08 NOT TO SCALE Parker & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Plal P.O. Box 976 - 28541-0976 JJL Sheet 9 of 9 306 New Bridge Street - 28540 Jacksonvllle, North Carolina Phone (910) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-3441 U Rev. 08/21/08 JJL - Revised Emergency Spillway detail. Rev. 7/28/08 TLC - Revisions per COJ/TRC comments. FIELD BOOK: N/A DISK NAME: ACAD 2110 FILENAME: Doris-gen.dwg JOB NO.: S080205-4445 �Qing Aoryz�