HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8070213_APPROVED PLANS_20181023STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 010113 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 201 $ l0 2 3 YYYYMMDD u v I COMMON AREA OPEN SPACE DRAINAGE EASEMENT DATE: OCTOBER 20/8 -� 4 LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND 5 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 7 6 OWNER / DEVELOPER: Punston Land 8 Timber, LLC -.. 1007 EVANGELINE DRIVE .. _ - - 8 Leland, INC 28451 - - " - 910-383-1425 PHASE 6 SECTION 1, EVANGEL/NE PLATS ...-. ".".". . .... - - MAP BOOK 37 PAGE 35 -.". ". -WETLANDS -. -.. MAP BOOK 37 PAGES 42-44 " " " " -."AREA.". .. MAP BOOK 39 PAGES 62-64 MAP BOOK 58 PAGE 24 MAP BOOK 58 PAGE 25 .... .ON MAP BOOK 58 PAGE 52 -, -, COMMON AREA -.,"," -_, OPEN SPACE - MAP BOOK 59 PAGE 94 _ DRAINAGE EASEMENT MAP BOOK 71 PAGE 79 MAP BOOK 71 PAGE 60 .. MAP BOOK 71 PAGE 68 .. ... .... ..... MAP BOOK 73 PAGE 18 1 MAP BOOK 75 PAGE 12 II` MAP BOOK 75 PAGE 26 MAP BOOK 75 PAGE 40 WETLANDS \ MAP BOOK 78 PAGE 60 AREA MAP BOOK 78 PAGE 91 /\\ MAP BOOK 80 PAGE 24 ... MAP BOOK 80 PAGE 92 0 " 0.38 Ac. POND 11 DRAINAGE AytEA 12 50 i 0.30 Ac. / 0-32 Ac. 13 A 51 0.39 Ac. 2 I ,���• 46 47 /_----� 48 - .. .. LWEE ANDS R\J�� 31 �I EVN 30 O�P�tGP Goes 01" / 0 PRELIMINARY, PLAN NOT FOR RECORDATION OR CONVEYANCE r Y PdM� Ory qY ti�� sMa r M iv,nwl ISM �r b M � aM MY� .01 0 7 56 55 54 CEHTERLIH THEU S\. WATERS OF 32 /33 / 34 WETLANDS • 90 :• 270 12 DRAINAGE AREA Now ;s,\ 6 5"0 POND 11';- ..•S: _ �/:'- '. �a ,., �� ,, :.�"-...om,:. , --i III I. �/'\ `.. \ \�s"`xYS-r 1 2 10 / iX'M9i \ iA ` .�.�.( 1-`- / Av '1V,1Aa/ "I] \ J34". '"°>, 12635.4 SQ STATE 15,5 'RCP CP .JJ\\ `\� 1 , OUTLET STRUCTURE POND #11 TOP 34.97 WEIR 34.04 3' long BOTTOM 30.12 ORIFICE (2") 32.90 INV 24" RCP 32.75 INV 24" RCP(OUT) 32.48 RAGE= WET P0ND#11 15718.2 SQ. FT. 0.36 ACRES5„ fjpT �t3,�2 I nil9R 573 l , ._...__ __ (?$ '�31�4 - y 1Up -- p 2�x2S ay2�2 .......... i625 pp �3595 3Rp 99'33 00 as .55 IP-RAP � 1 2,77 ry� j i tn' � � L � _ j-J Ln. / // x 34.9t / - r bIb j4c9 ITS. tt Q��,ty NOTE: 404 KETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. 999 / 616 RIP -RAP 6 /� 4mn / 35.48 20' 0' 20' 40' 60' SCALE IN FEET: 7 "= 20' DESIGN WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - Surface Area required = 8,800 sf Surface Area provided = 13,000 cf @ WSEL 33.0 Storage Volume required = 13,600 cf Storage Votume provided = 14,600 cf @ WSEL 34.0 AS -BUILT WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - Surface Area required = 8,800 sf Surface Area provided = 12,635 cf @ WSEL 32.9 <97% OF DESIGN) Storage Volume required = 13,600 cf Storage Volume provided = 15,595 cf @ WSEL 34.0 Copi+igl,t A HonoM' Design SerNcee, P.A., Nf n'gM1ls reser ed. Beprodvclias , ou of the ConlMte of this doovmt.M, er ooditions W doIsllons to this documsnl. in whole or pail, wllhp t wrllten consent of the Cwd Svrwypr or En9h'eer, is On9h,1x'Iot. 61, copies Pom IWe erginol of this doovmonL marked with the W;9hol signature and wlq(nal seol of Me Svro, r or Engineer, Mau he considered to W .did and Ito. copies. BRUNSWICK FOREST - wet detention/retention pond No,11 VOLUME REQUIRED: R=1(P)(Pj)(Rv)/121(A) SEE PAGES A.1 and A. 2. °Controlling Urban Runoff: Design Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ : A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPsn (P) 1" WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - (Pj)= 0.9 Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet ( Rv) = 0, 05 + 0. 9( 3. 75/7. 5) = 0, 50 ( A) = 7. 5 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 3,75 acres R= C(1>C0.50/12]<7,5) = 0.313 acre-feet TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.5 acres 7.5 acres total - 3,75 acres impervious = 3,75 acre green = 13,600 cf REQUIRED STORAGE 14,600 cf PROVIDED STORAGE @ ELEV. = 34.0 SA REQUIRED 3. 75 / 7. 5 = 0. 50, or 50% DRAWDOWN Average head from storage elevation to orifice - At 6. 0' depth, 90% TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 2. 7 34. 0 - 33. 0 / 2 = 0. 5' 2" PVC dra i n to draw -down pond: 7. 5 x 0. Ol x 2. 7 = 8,800 sf SA REQUIRED Orifice equation: Q = CA(2gh) ^ 1 /2 At E lev. = 33, 0 = 13,000 sf SA PROVIDED T = 2-1/2 days WELDED REBAR TRASH GRATES. GALVANIZED WEIR CUT K&DED BAR TRASH RACK BOLTED IN PLACE ONE EACH BOX ELmJ4.97 E-aeb 90 ELBOW DOKN rr In 8"BELOW WSEL EL.3}@ e Iri tVSfL� .id:0 329 `210/ANE7E7 PIPE PVC W/ GRA &L COWR VIEW NOT TO SCALE WIDE WEIR CUT -/ ?4 RCP I tNN.32.75 arter !NV= INV=3dU pia 3a-a 3290 SECTION VIEW OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 11) NOT TO SCALE - N ALL SLOPES =o 3:1 MAXIMUM w Foreboy volume WSEL 20% of required Li 32.9 storage, typical- p _33'O Foreboy ,Oo�\ Bottom 2e"6 Elev.=25.6 4'min. Qe`�o FOREBAY SECT/ON DETAIL NOT TO SCALE STATE STORAGE VOLUME _ 14 699-ef 14,015 CF EMBANKMENT TOP= -S9 36,9 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL = MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made immediately. 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 4.5' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned if excess water above design surface no longer drains properly. 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is approximately 257o filled or sediment level is within 4.5' of water surface. 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded as necessary, according to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. L� 36.0 TOP OF BOX = VVFIR CIITC = 35.0 32.8 _� 10' WIDE, 10:1 VEGETATED SHELF Directly under Water Surface Mcr ZW N N 20 2U ao� U Z M W S 17) N W W N H ma`s H tn Q 5 n �O I II �O Jp(J, WU` n U) w K w� 1< U1 Q W X o 24"RCP W v 1 PIPE rn N M 24 RCP w EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.11 AS -BUILT SUMMARY (11-24-08)1 ITEM 1. All slopes permanent vegetation 2. Normal pool surface area 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 4. Pond depth ( deepest point) 5• Bottom elevation (deepest) 6. Orifice elevation 7• Weir elevation (State storage) 8. State storage volume 9. 10' vegetated shelf 10. 10' access 11, Foreloay 12, Outlet elevation 13. Primary Spillway elevation 14, Emergency Spillway elevation 15, Embankment elevation 16. Side slopes (typical) 17. Orifice size AS -BUILT Yes 12,635 sf 32. 9 MSL 7. 7 feet 25. 2 MSL 32. 9 MSL 34.07 MSL 15,595 cf Yes Yes Yes 32. 8 MSL 35. 0 MSL 36, 0 MSL 36, 9 MSL 3: 1 to 5: 1 2" PVC SEP 0 5 20118 1 W DENR / DWQ SWS 07Q2oi a Pond Asbuilt (Pond 11) Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER; FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1007 EVANGELINE DRIVE LELAND, NC 28451 910-383-1425 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS �y 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY,F-. WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 71-24-08 S"Ie: 1 "=20' Drawn: MJL Checked: DSH Project No: Pho-r'ond II as6ui/t Sheet No: 1 1 Ot: i 00- 4 1 WIDE U) STATE STORAGE VOLUME D a) 66,275 cf 69,295 of LJ !�, Lj U-1 EMBANKMENT TOP= 35.8 00 L� EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL = 35tr 34.8 1 3 17 0 _J Z TOP OF BOX _.k4� 34.7 It O�� E�J P— I LLJ STATE STORAGE ELEVATION = -3T.-5 33.0 WEIR CUTS = _i� 33.0 1- 1-- -(0 1< < W 57< 3: Lei NORMAL WSEL= ­a8 30.4 INVERT OUT= 30.4 24"RCP 1 PIPE 10' WIDE, 10:1 VEGETATED SHELF Directly under Water Surface BOTTOM EL= 24I(' 22.8 ........... \1 \1 EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.12 WELDED BAR 16­1 _F 24-RCP I I TRASH RACK BOLTED IN PLACE ONE EACH BOX R:34-65 90 ELBOW V DOWN 8"RELOW WSEL 3'0" 4 WEIR CUT 7-7 304 J. 0, 2`01AMErER PIPE 5J PVC W1 GRAVEL COVER (X 2 PLAN VIEW 3' WIDE WEIR CUT INV=3a40 " ouncr I INV= INV=J0,6- r Jore 1 9.75 —— SECTION VIEW OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 12) NOT TO SCALE ALL SLOPES 3:1 MAXIMUM WSEL � 30.4 Foreboy volume 20% of required storage, typical Forebay Bottom No 4'min. �1� Llev.=224l0 <ti N OUTLET PROTECTION AS ON PLANS FOREBA Y SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BRUNSWICK FOREST - wet detention/retention pond No,12 Design Catcutation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 10.0 acres TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 20,0 acres 20,0 acres total, 10,0 acres impervious = 10.0 acre green SA REQUIRED: 10 20 = 0,50, or 50% At 6.0' depth, 90% TSS removal, From chart - SA/DA Factor = 2.7 20,0 x 0.01 x 2.7 = 23,500 sf SA REQUIRED At Etev. = 30.0 = 24,000 sf SA PROVIDED C9,aIV4kf Ct HOnOW Des,A Set O, P.A., AR 110fil resared, ROAr Ctien a w Of fh* OOOIents Of thil dooam.." 0, OOOUUanl 0' Oebllons t. IIA, OOO,IO"J, M .0. , We. e)Ih.f ofiffaO CoOlaIt of the, Land Surveys Or E.9;V1, is p oha,R#O. OOty Wien &OrO fe,1 or;qMal of M, dONO,.It. -oH vRh the ri.0 sgnafure -d aNiIOF sOO` Of the Snroyav Or CAgbI,Or, Malf bO c aeOd 10 ft . Ae w0 V„. AS -BUILT SUMMARY (11-24-08): ITEM AS -BUILT 1, All slopes permanent vegetation Yes 2. Normal pool surface area 23,165 sf 3. Normal, pool Surface Elevation 30.4 MSL 4, Pond depth (deepest point) 7.6 feet 5, Bottom elevation (deepest) 22,e MSL 6, Orifice elevation 30.2 MSL 7. Weir etevation (State storage) 33.0 MSL 8. State storage votume 69,295 cf 9. 10' vegetated she i. f Yes 10. 10' access Yes 11. Foreloay Yes 12. Outlet elevation 30.4 MSL 13, Primary Spillway elevation 34,7 MSL 14, Emergency Spittway elevation 34.8 MSL 15. Embankment elevation 35,8 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical,) 3; 1 to 5:1 17. Orifice size 2' PVC MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs mode immediately, 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned if excess water above design surface no longer drains properly. 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 5.25' of water surface. 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded as necessary, according to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. VOLUME REQUIRED: R=C(P)(Pj)(Rv)/121(A) SEE PAGES A,1 and A,2, 'Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual For Planning and Designing Urban BMPsO (P)= I' (Pj)= 0.9 (Rv)= 0.05 + 0.9(10,0/20.0) = 0.50 < A) = 20.0 R= I ( 1) ( 0. 50/121 ( 20, 0) = 0.833 acre-feet 36,300 cf REQUIRED STORAGE 66,275 cf PROVIDED STORAGE @ ELEV.= 32,5 DRAWDOWN: Average head From storage elevation to orifice - 32.5 - 30.0 / 2 = I. 25' 2a PVC dra in to draw -down pond: Orifice equation: Q = CA(2gh)^1/2 T = 4 days X an 5 —X-2 L48 x3rw \'e X3" Zxno X,.-- \�x X3,12b xa�:, X _IX 30140.3 SQ. FT. 0.69 ACRES X3"0 X'9 4., X "0, '\x STATE STORAGE= >�Zl --- I — 1� \ X 46 1 X 3120 x2gea X MW U71 X .. P , 8 69,295 CFXs �7 XZ1% ,X X 23165.2 SQ. FT 48 / , 52� X 0.53 ACRES /X >61. X X7 X 329 X)e'. 09 XZ323 9 XK. (� Co 11,9,e X. , I I I X 04 X,4 X73 A./ A1 39 1 1 1 11)" 3 M x3s 1 11 X nol /X34 1 X 3 X m, I"i 777 XI/ X/31 X;k, X3 50 �.Jsolab6d /t , _/ /// " / An WIM02anA4M Avdwm '7� <?,/V / / X3313 X�n _V X331, Cb /,V� 31 7,1 X22 7, N. 00 xT.� X xl"5 3141 372 )X31 j5 �'S 7 3 x7i X r'. Xw.X;V1 --x X141 X' XT 01 X317 14 IX60 X,Z Y�Zlr, �747' X XI540 X3572 55, X/ 1Z xa� A. - 7" 7 , Xn 7 X),59 xn�, X33� I � N,_� bpi�%—X133& X)4 16 a� 1� X33.45 X X X ? X� 2, W X33V 79 5'4� X29nc Y79 �X3 X 34/tt � / 7 _1� J > X X 4I /(V x Xke4l X 3184 x. p#( 79M X3 X% X,,35, �i X3V91 �93.11_ X3481 xJ X32c i 4 pm xa�se \x3 X ne, Xn4s C X� X'16'/ U X33, XW XP 3 a xa, 3 1 I a -- \ ------n 2901 XM X U, 2.0 X� X, X'5�1 '=: �.-r \ WET POND# 12 X — .\ 1� , // 11 / / - I X 35 --41612 7 C,> /X­ X Z7, x3eP2 X­9-��e � X46 X3"3 X3,eq �7A DESIGN WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS — Surface Area required = 23,500 sf Surface Area provided = 24,000 cf @ WSEL 30.0 Storage Votume required = 36,300 cf Storage Votume provided = 66,275 cf @ WSEL 32.5 AS -BUILT WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - Surface Area required = 23,500 sf Surface Area provided = 23,165 cf @ WSEL 30.4 (97% OF DESIGN) Storage Volume required = 36,300 cf Storage Votume provided = 69,295 cf @ WSEL 33,0 20' 0' 20' 40' 60' SCALE IN FEET: 1 "= 20' DENR I DWQ SW8 070213 Pond Asbuilt (Pond 72) Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CARot O� S�;InZ SEAL 20007 GINNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1007 EVANGELINE DRIVE LELAND, NC 28451 910-383-1425 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES 7 P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 (94., 170�te 11-24-08 stole: 7 "=20' D'o.n! MJL Checked: DSH SheetProject No: Ph6 Pond 12 asbu%;: N. \ I F.• L STATE STORAGE VOLUME = 86,24s cf 69,295 cf EMBANKMENT TOP= _r;a'6 35.8 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL = _O-Q 34.8 TOP OF BOX = 34.7 STATE STORAGE ELEVATION = 33.0 WE 7 NORMAL WSEL=-0'6 30.4 INVERT OUT= TS = _72-./33.0 30/t 10' IWIDE, 10:1 VEGETATED SHELF Directly under Water Surface 3 1F 24"RCP 1 PIPE EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.12 WELDED BAR 6"1 24"RCP TRASH RACK 6„ BOLTED IN PLACE ONE EACH BOX 4 4 £L-34.65 E1=34 5 90 ELBOW DOWN 8"BELOW WSEL EL=3302 4, N �$ M 4' W5EL= 3BQ Z4 WEIR CUT 2 DIAMETER PIPE G PVC W/ GRAVEL COVER J CL PLAN VIEW 3' WIDE WEIR CUT rl 24 RCP INV=30.40 ouarr INV= INV=3arB PIPF 30. 1 0-.5 - EL=29,66 Groat 9 SECTION VIEW OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 12) NOT TO SCALE ALL SLOPES m 06 O r+ 3:1 MAXIMUM J Forebay volume WSEL 20% of required Wo 33'0 30.4 storage, typical - '�.0. Forebay oo� Bottom OUTLET El /I, 4'min, ev.=23.7 ASOONCPLANS FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 4' WIDE (n N W F" W W N ao 0 1 0 o � C� � M (n W Of Li W Li to a o W Q 0W AS -BUILT SUMMARY (1 1-24-08) I ITEM AS -BUILT 1. All slopes permanent vegetation Yes 2, Normal pool surface area 23,165 sF 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 30.4 MSL 4. Pond depth ( deepest point) 7,6 feet 5, Bottom e tevat i on ( deepest) 22.8 MSL 6, ❑rifice elevation 30.2 MSL 7, Weir elevation (State storage) 33.0 MSL 8, State storage volume 69,295 cf 9, 10' vegetated shelf Yes 10. 10' access Yes 11. Forebay Yes 12, Outlet elevation 30.4 MSL 13, Primary Spillway elevation 34,7 MSL 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 34.8 MSL 15, Embankment elevation 35.8 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical) 3: 1 to 5 1 17. Orifice size 2" PVC MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made immediately, 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned if excess water above design surface no longer drains properly, 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 5.25' of water surface. 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded as necessary, according to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet, BRUNSWICK FOREST - wet detention/retention pond No.12 VOLUME REQUIRED: R=1(P)(Pj)(Rv)/127(A) SEE PAGES A. 1 and A, 2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: Design Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ : A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs' (P) = i' WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - (Pj)= 0.9 Impervious area ca l cu t at i ons: See Project Data Sheet (Rv) = 0.05 + 0, 9( 10. 0/20. 0) = 0.50 (A) = 20.0 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 10.0 acres R= C(1)(0,50/127(20.0) = 0,833 acre-feet TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 20.0 acres 20.0 acres total - 10.0 acres impervious = 10.0 acre green = 36,cf REQUIRED STORAGE 66,27575 cf PROVIDED STORAGE @ ELEV.= 32.5 SA REQUIRED: 10 / 20 = 0. 50, or 50% DRAWDOWN Average head from storage elevation to orifice - At 6.0' depth, 90% TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 2,7 32, 5 - 30, 0 / 2 = 1. 25' 2' PVC dra in to draw -down pond 20. 0 x 0. 01 x 2. 7 = 23,500 sf SA REQUIRED Orifice equation Q=CAC2gh)^1/2 At Elev. = 30.0 = 24,000 sf SA PROVIDED r=4days copyright n, Hone er Design Se ces, P.A., All Nghts resa md. Reproduction or use of the contents or this document, Or addihans er d[letlaes to this m dacuant, in Whale or port, Without Witten consent of the Land Surwyar or Engines, is prohibited. Only copies from the miglnof or this dmment. marked with the original signature and orlyinol seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be wild and true cables _ _ _ �/' �� X32i5% - �X iA326� _ X 35.J5 -\ \ �- XC26 X,269�/� / i 36i0 �� X 43 s �- X3x6J X3530 r / i JF33�� i - x3s� -_ -� X3sa ` X35,49 \\\X. X 3L25 y19] / / x3593 /i(�L�: B�� •� X35i5G� / � / i(3129 ]I�6 � - _� \ X35� 32.N 30140.3 SQ. FT. 0.69 ACRES X33>a j �� x29A5�IAI\. ��X35e1si� , STATE STORAGE= ({J 69,295 CF ;20 23165.2 MS' Q. FT. / zl� 9.55 0.53 ACRES52/� �J 309 _ xx � x J3 2]9� X Al / es 92 / X 329 /yam / X � J 3ob]� Xe9 + 310 365 X3590 / /� / �� a , �1 9D X22e I I 1 x30. / / Xz§.4 �I 2 x�z4 113 x�3��x35.J0 � .rrn"`r4 .��"' 32.39 ( VVV/ / / % x23.10 / �(I1 219x]I� / / I X359, II I / ' l \ I 33i 35 ] I ea X 1 Xz3a9 X / XJ s3], 2],I]' I i ' XIfS 599 / Asolated %// '; x290 X35,74 I I x2 / I Wetlands Area %,, W ` 135.,6 Z / ��j] x3593 / X3391 I /- �Iti/1_/ � X(�6e X� X29 J9 134i)] oo x;9.32 X.S� X356s �` J260 A - \X", �9V X3188 LLL/// / X32.BIX 95 X 5a�j i x 3 5a2 3��0pEN BR�OGE X2 93 / "11172� 3513 / / 1 / / // -X29.46 i i 313 X�/ X35.0. � / 2531 , / ��313+ j(j a / / / X3s.n9 d,N33s3 x 55 / / ,28.13 x� Xz/ / X33as Xj 9 X31� 3549 Xs � _/ �X3X9 �._�36�06 x35� / / X � i / Jn X '86 / X356° xis Ja ;Xns4 I / 3090 / .� x33.32 ��M23J5� /�1 vv �� / Xas.Jl X_34 4 36 zz X3�5 ] 3602 XX/a<6 v X354i5�36 X3336 7X33/%?3.3e / I x 21 x3352 /� / J0.] x29.56 6 / /x]].I12py 6' �(/ 2658 /X 96iU X3a 1 X /�/ - �xx360� X ]361 /QJ6 x2961 / \ \\ / , x3fl30 /92.93 2\8.45 X 'Y�l^39Y3 Xi6i06 / it / \ X 33.81 ::all / 1 I I ,✓V x36.64 \ \20.a1 // 3 J:299 / ( 09 x j YaiTn ' / / X29.49 2905 / V X3a/9 XzS� - / X3ssX9e�a 4 X36ne � � � / X2658 X25\ .5z } / / / 3]ea % J xv,9 / x 3Ael I \ / \ / � / / X359 � / I 2 93 iii ]\�1)l I / :��Y X3Z.3]X 32at / X ]5 I I I C., N / XAR�09 /y,/y�(/__) \,Y[223]I ',..��,'// 3001, llll \\ X ]a.36 1 X36.88 ]62 \ \ 1Ly23.�S/IY` 4]2)BB / / / X3221 X 3a 20 3 ] / / � �,y.,/ / XX 3a 5] 20l P594 I X30. i^- \2545 yyyy�� X360n L-/// x332> x3 X30 5599 �. 2 8r1240LL_� x2. 3 X30 X 11, ` \ X32° x29 29] ,X/I l Y+n / � WET P0ND#1 2 x 629 / xis 62 / X X3.1 \ `\� X35,7+ 60 x363] X Ix DESIGN WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - Surface Area required = 23,500 sf Surface Area provided = 24,000 cf @ WSEL 30.0 Storage Volume required = 36,300 cf Storage Volume provided = 66,275 cf @ WSEL 32.5 AS -BUILT WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - Surface Area required = 23,500 sf Surface Area provided = 23,165 cf @ WSEL 30.4 (97% OF DESIGN) Storage Volume required = 36,300 cf Storage Volume provided = 69,295 cf @ WSEL 33,0 I 20' 0' 20' 40' 60' SCALE IN FEET: 1 "= 20' DENR / DWQ SW8 070213 Pond Asbuilt (Pond 12) Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CA °e q aeZ� SS SE AL 20007 OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1007 EVANGELINE DRIVE LELAND, NC 28451 910-383-1425 ~a a IN`�^°r�m HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS y y 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY rl,}„ WILMINGTON. N.C. 28403 hois � dsilm.com 11�11`J' L n PHONE: (910) 343-8002 dlf F \All\BForest\as-builts\ponds\Ph6-Pond 12 asbuilt.dwg Date: 11-24-08 Scale: 1' =20' Grown: MJL checked: DSH Project No: Ph6 Pond 12 osbuilt Regulated Wetlands Area IR3997 Q�� XE1.54 \ / - ^4/ 1 �K 13 3 / - OUTLET STRUCTURE POND #11 TOP 34.97 WEIR 34.04 3' long BOTTOM 30.12 ORIFICE (2") 32.90 INV 24" RCP 32.75 \ ` IN 24" RCP(OUT), 32.48 '��9n 12635.4 SQ. FT. 0.29 ACRE / �3131 STATE ST RAGE= '\ 32 \\j" 15,595 �cP\ WET P0ND#11 15718.2 SO. FT. r(rNVV(yyy+���•� � � \ 0.36 ACRES 1z1p �j�5 109 h _�' Ih3L5cil --Men x S.Je 103 �-- 3.32 J�3L26i,.3a ' V� \3508 �I'�6.25119 3595 1 X�8.04 1 16�� h31.39 \ \ \ 5 31AI ' ITS 3.. 3333 IJC sz 'P -RAP / 2,9 19 i 1 V ryrV,� 41 X 10 / / 'i3.ee� 3.36 / Idl1 � / 1 / x 34.9141 CO 9J� ]n6 3aIrysh67 / / / NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. mare ]� �C BRUNSWICK FOREST - wet detention/retention pond No 11 Design Calculation Summary for NCDENR / ➢WQ WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - Irlpervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 3.75 acres TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.5 acres 7,5 acres total - 3.75 acres Impervious = 3.75 acre green SA REQUIRED: 3. 75 / 7. 5 = 0. 50, or 50% At 6, 0' depth, 90% TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 2, 7 7,5 x 0,01 x 2.7 = 8,800 sf SA REQUIRED At Etev. = 33.0 = 13,000 sf SA PROVIDED WELDED REBAR TRASH GRATES, GALVANIZED NOT TO SCALE WEIR WT 16"I 24"RCP WELDED BAR TRASH RACK 3' WIDE WEIR CUT 6„ BOLTED IN PLACE - ONE EACH BOX 4 4 EL_J4.97 Elr3fe 4" 4� 90 ELBOW DOWN -Jt04 1� 5 i � N B'•BELOW WSEL Ey�y-g a e 24 RCP 4' WSEL- INV-J2.75 anti WEIR CUT 3JD J29 iNV= INV=JR-O via£ 3.0' 77 .. _... =O i J2.90 - `2"DIAMETER PIPE PVC W/ GRAVEL COVER 30.12 5J Grout 9 PLAN VIEW N SECTION VIEW OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 11) NOT TO SCALE ALL SLOPES 3:1 MAXIMUM WSEL _332 32.9 o� 10 o'` Qe ° 4'min. l^ 'J Foreboy volume 20% of required storage, typical Forebay Bottom \ Elev.= .245f0 FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE VOLUME REQU I RED: R=I ( P) ( P j) ( Rv) / 121 ( A) SEE PAGES A.1 and A. 2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs' (P)= 1" (Pj)= 0, 9 ( Rv) = O. 05 + 0. 9( 3. 75/7. 5) = 0. 50 (A)= 7. 5 R= C < 1)(0, 50/ 121 (7, 5) = 0.313 acre-feet 13,600 cf REQUIRED STORAGE 14,600 cf PROVIDED STORAGE @ ELEV. = 34.0 DRAWDOWN: Average head from storage elevation to orifice - 34. 0 - 33. 0 / 2 = 0. 5' 2' PVC drain to draw -dawn pond: Orifice equation. Q = CA( 2gh)^1/2 T = 2-1/2 days STATE STORAGE VOLUME 4,609 of 14,015 CIF EMBANKMENT TOP= 39 36.9 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL = L 36.0 TOP OF BOX = 6l 35.0 10' WIDE, 10:1 VEGETATED SHELF Directly under Water Surface ma: W OO N 1= U w cc) U w N w w Nw M d3 5 N w < II � O r. O wZ N 1 _ n � � II [If W ;- H H V q Q w X 24"RCP W F-- 1 PIPE rn u24"RCP EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.11 i RIP $ 1 616 X 35. 88 6 _RAP 0 '�6.37 i ?97 7 x 3548 / ; AS -BUILT SUMMARY (1 I-z4-08) ITEM AS -BUILT MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1 All slopes permanent vegetation Yes 2. Normal pool surface area 12, 635 sf 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall 3, Normal pool Surface Elevation 32. 9 MSL 20' 0, 20' 40' 60' event and needed repairs made immediately. 2. 4. Pond depth ( deepest point) 7. 7 feet Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 4.5' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned 5. Bottom elevation ( deepest) 25.2 MSL if excess water above design surface no longer drains 6. Orifice elevation 32. 9 MSL SCALE IN FEET 1 "= 20' properly. 7. Weir e t evat i on ( State storage) 34, 07 MSL 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is 8. State storage volume 15,595 cf approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 4.5' of 9. 10' vegetated shelf Yes water surface. 10. 10' access Yes 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded 11. Forebay Yes as necessary, occording to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. 12. Out(et elevation 32. 8 MSL 1 Primary Spillway elevation 30 MSL DESIGN WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - VEGETATIVE PLAN - 14. 4, Emergency Spillway elevation 36.6.0 MSL Surface Area required = 8,800 sf 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with 15. Embankment elevation 36. 9 MSL Surface Area provided = 13,000 cf @ WSEL 33, 0 "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and 16. Side slopes (typical) 3: 1 to 5; 1 Storage Volume required = 13,600 cf Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. 17, Orifice size 2" PVC Storage Volume provided = 14,600 cf @ WSEL 34.0 AS -BUILT WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - Surface Area required = 8,800 sf Surface Area provided = 12,635 cf @ WSEL 32,9 (97% OF DES;GN) Storage Volume required = 13,600 cf Storage Volume provided = 15,595 cf @ WSEL 34.0 Cap,,Vht O, Hanover Oeeir SerM.., P.A., NI rights reserved. Rapraduclko ar ✓se of the tents of MI. document, w oddbans or ddellads to this document, in whole or part, without written consent of the Land Suruator ar Engineer, is Prohibited OVY copies from 0. artgind of Nis docament, marked with the arigind signature and arioal seatofthe Surefar or Engineer, shill be ca,kdered to be v & and true copies. DENR I DWQ SW8 070213 ljtxS�6' CAI o o"Z 13 Pond Asbuilt (Pond 11) Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSW'ICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1007 EVANGELINE DRIVE LELAND, NC 28451 910-383-1425 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, EN61NEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Dote: 11-24-08 Scale: 1 "=20' Drawn: MJL Checked: DSH Project No: Ph6-Pond it osbuili Sheet No: 1 1 Of: F. 11 osbuilt. Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 2 Resirden tia/ Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan LOCATED /N THE TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROL/NA DATE: NOVEMBER 2006 SCALE: ! = 200' OWNER / DEVELOPER: Funston Land & Timber, LLC 1018 E. Grandiflora Drive Leland, NC 910-383-1425 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 1,416,324 sf, 32.51 Acres SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PROJECTS DWQ# SW8 031211 DWQ# SW8 060901 DLQ# BRUNS-2004-281 DLQ# BRUNS-2004-326 DLQ# BRUNS-2007-016 DLQ# BRUNS-2007-210 PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CE Practice 6.06 Shall be installed at the entrances of the proposed project in and from Low Country Boulewxd as show. Drainage is away from the road and sedimentation will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather It may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the Plane. Cut and RII slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter except where specifically indicated. Care sholl be taken during land grading activities not to damage existing treas that are not required to be removed. 3. SEDIMENT FENCE O Practice 6.62 $F Sediment fencing should be Installed as show an the Plen, first, to delineate and protect low areas, and around any X-X-X temporary stockpile areas as necessary to prevent any graded Interior areas from eroding onto adjocwt lands or roadway, or into Inlets. 4. OUTLET STABILIZATION OP Practice 6.41 Ripmp aprons will be located at the downstream end of WI discharge pipes to prevent scour. 5. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Practice 6.80 Upon reaching find grade and ofter utilities have been installed, roadways and parking areas are to be stabilized by placing sub-bose course of approved 8' ABC stone, as shown in the typical cross-section detail on the Plan, to reduce erosion and dint during the remainder of building construction. 6. SEDIMENT BASIN SB Practice 6.61 The Sediment Basin 'am to be constructed (see CanstrucHon Schedule) as the primary Practice to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Detailed design and spillway configurations are specified In the details as show an this Plan and the Narrative. The PVC outlet is to be blocked during sedimentation function (or not installed) until entire watershed Is permanently stabilized and pond is converted to permanent stomwter management detention / retention function. The Contractor may choose to Install the orifoce during sedimentation function. ONLY if he screens the and and protects the inlet with #57 stone. 7. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH / BERM: TD Practice 6.20 Diversion channel is to be installed as show on the Pion to receive runoff from disturbed areas and divert it to the Sediment Basin as show. & PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING P$C Practice 6.71 Permanent Stream Crossing bottomless box culvert sections are to be constructed and sized by others, to convey stormwater from upstream. undisturbed seas in the existing well- defined channel, to existing outfalls. Care should be taken to construct the culverts as quickly as possible, during dry weather, and stabilize vegetatively or with rip-rop If necessary as rapidly as Is feasible. 9. INLET PROTECTION O Proctlee 6.51 IP Stow swear inlet barriers of hardware cloth and gravel inlet protection are to be eautrusted to help prevent. wedinlwt fran enter" the atom sewer system. Afar permanent stabilization of the entire contributing watershed area, the stow sewer system is to be flushed to remove accumulated sediment and "sure design flow. D IRON IN EXIST. CONC. MON. EXIS77NG SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE -------- EXISTING WATERLINE E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE E.I.R. = EXIS77NO IRON REBAR E.C.M. - EXIS77NG CONCRETE MONUMENT I.S. = IRON SET W/V w WATER VALVE W/M w WATER METER F/H = FIRE HYDRANT P/P - POWER POLE C.P. - COMPUTED POINT +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION 200' 0' 200' 400' SCALE IN FEET.• 1 n= 200' 2 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 2/9/07 1 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 12/28/06 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED BRIDGE CROSSING \ BY OTHERS NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, SEE ACTION ID: 200101122. SIGNED 9-10-01. AND REAPPLIED FOR ON 9-18-06 BY THE LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. LIMITS OF PROJECT ,Y PERMITTED BRUNS-2004-326 NUIL WILL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (Ce. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (i.e. storm inlets or ponds) by swale%, overland Row, additional groding, or landscaping inlets. CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE 61 734,00 5.69 5 5.69 Oa5434 W Oa2640 C2 516.00 1aFos' 185.08 Tow 58 E 2a3943 C3 91e.0a 11.79 n.79 s 273102 E 01'1835 C4 1.88 14.41 .88 1227 I3'S544 3�17 F36.32 S 2735152 E 61325 ce 1234.00 52r.14 01E 709 06 C7 1234.00m 2.22' 2.22" '22E 0 O6'12 ce 347,00 87.83 67.72 5 05'0119 E 11'1138 LIE BEARING I DISTANCE - - l Ll S 01'0754 W 1.78 L2 S 21746 56 E 5.43 L3 S 2114658 E 1 85.12 L4 S 20`46'58 E 9.24 IS S 20'51 44 E 159.44 L6 S 20`51'44 E 45.29 L7 S 271019 E 251.02 LB S 7a0540 W 29.38 L9 S 19'5420 E 117.46 Ll0 N 73'3451 E 31.48. L11 S 1525'09 E 101.82 Lit S 373B 34 E 187.90 713 S 53'04'18 W 107.04 L14 S 45'09'24 W 250.99 LIS S SC3016 W 117.94 Lib S 771614 W 152.05 L17 S 8736'07 W 456.43 718 N 5759'11 IN 254.46 L19 N 09'09'04 W 135.75 L20 N 75.42 42 W 150.11 01 N 69'3243 W 45.16 L22 S 59'2041 W 230.30 L23 S IW3045 E 113.32 724 S 71'0044 W 182.38 L25 N 17'3332 W 117.75 L26 S 3734 50 W 128.78 L27 S 73'1439 W 102.93 L28 N 71'07 24 W 154.96 L29 N 50-3843 W 96.27 L30 5 0706'36 W 326.70 731 S 3641 40 W 370.46 132 N 31'2619 W 512.23 L33 N 31'26'19 W 359.04 L34 N 55'08 47 E 412.90 L35 N 5'a229 E 160.47 L36 N 8T05 04 E1 73.89 L37 N 01*09 04 47.59 L38 N 16'22 48 E 1 69.17' L39 N 55'25 D4 E 1 73.17 L40 N 88'22 20 E1 119.31 L41 N 38'17 19 E 103.91 L42 N 19'41 33 E 53.49 L43 N 58'38'15 E 41.60 L44 N 7S 10 51 E 192.65 L45 N 1W I9 00 E 59.96 L46 N 6V4826 E 101.58 L47 N 58'22 50 E 105.23 L48 N 88'40 28 11 99.88 L49 N 25'202a E 204,13 L50 N GV2323 W 79.45 L51 N 48'4913 W 107.45 L52 N 8T09 47 W 2833 L53 W 28'34 22 W 77.95 L54 N 1 T50 28 E - 80.05 L55 N 50*52 11 E 65.81 L56 N 46'0T56 E 271.12 757 -C 18'1645 W 99.26 LSB N 05'5918 W 253.96 L59 N 78'4049 E 894.DO SEE HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR BRUNSWICK FOREST PHASE 6- SECTIONS 1 & 2 (RESIDENTIAL) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SUMMARY: STEP 1-Installation of Construction Entrances, Sediment Fence, Sediment Basins, Temporary Diversions, and rough grading of roadways. See Construction Schedule on Sheet 5 for additional information. (Once Step 1 measures are completed and stabilized Contractor may proceed to Step 2.) STEP 2-Single Family lot areas to be cleared, graded, and stabilized. (Once Step 2 measures are completed and stabilized Contractor may proceed to Step 3.) STEP 3-Townhome areas to be cleared, graded, and stabilized. *"*Disturbed Areas not to exceed 20 Acres*** FLOW FROM SITE 1 Vegetate immediately DETAIL TEMPORARY DIVERS)ON Practice 6.20 Runoff Flow Direction O TD TEMPORARY DIVERSION PLAN SYMBOL STANDARD NOTES., 1, Information concerning underground utilities was obtained from available records. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations of a// existing utilities at all crossings prior to commencing any excavation. If actual clearances are less than Indicated on Plan, the Contractor shall contact the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate a modification of these plans shall be brought to the attention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 2. NO CONSTRUCTION /S TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCA77ON OF EXIS77NG UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL INC ONE -CALL" AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 3. All trees which are not required to be cleared for constuction shall be preserved wherever possible unless otherwise directed 4. The Contractor Is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction at his expense. Graded areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 5. No geotechnica/ testing has been performed an 'site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrode, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 6, Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. 7. This plan is for land disturbing activities and erosion control only. r GENERAL NOTES: 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or soles. 2. This property is not located within a special flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel /37202196-00J, effective date June 2, 2006. 3. Topographic data furnished by Carolina Resource Mapping, Inc. and not field verified. Additional topo from HDS, January 2005. 4. This property is zoned Town of Leland PUD. MORE GENERAL NOTES: i. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO TOWN OF LELAND STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WiTH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 3. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 4. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIP77ON DRAWING No. 1 OF 5 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES ECP-P6S1RCov-1. 2 OF 5 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, SEDIMENT BASINS, & DETAILS ECP-P6S12R-2 3 OF 5 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, SEDIMENT BASINS, & DETAILS ECP-P6S1217-3 4 OF 5 POND DETAILS ECP-P6S12R-4 5 OF 5 EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS ECP-P6S12R-5 BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS LOCATION: ELEVATION 1 REBAR FLUSH WITH GROUND AT INTERSECTION OF U.S.HWY 17 AND BRUNSWICK FOREST PARKWAY. 30.91 LEGEND SF -X- SILT FENCE (TYPICAL) inses LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE t OP OUTLET PROIEC71ON (TYPICAL) PSC PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING OC� CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE a0000° (TYPICAL) TD T TEMPORARY DIVERSION WETLANDS NOTE:SEE SHEET 4 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS APPROVED NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NOTE WELL: All sediment fence should be insto/led and maintained as shown per the existing DLQ Permit d BRUNS-2007-210 Cover Sheet and General Notes Brunswick Forest Phase 6=Sections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 11-16-06 i "- 200' Draw: DISH Pro)ect No: EDP-P6512RCov-1 ,•s Crplrigr,t O. wwew Deerp, senkw. PA. " Nib rwarww RePea,rtbn ar wen of IM aw fwft` Of fhb 4eaewwA ar eewrk e ar 4Wlbne b fhb 4«vnw,4 b Mole ar Part w%wwl w fw eenow er eve Le+I swwyar ar &"W,, b Pwblw awy qIA a Man e,e W*w of a* d Mil, mweW wllw a,w w� eprwaww w10 wI➢s,w end N tlw Sw+eyx > G,pY,eer, eMr M R„Ilelrew b M ,wIM one bH ee/lre F:\AII\BForest\MASTER DRAWINGS\res6\Erosion Control Plans\ECP-Residential-ph6sl-2,dwg Layout (ECP-P6512RCov-1) D Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 2 (Residential) Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF LELAND / BRUNSW/CK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE; NOVEMBER 2006 / SCALE: 11 M 100F / OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1018 E. Grandiflora Drive Lelalllid, NC 28451 910-383-1425 / or NOTE WELL, / ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A 21 CALENDAR DAY PERIOD / SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS, ANY SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED AFTER 21 CALENDAR DAYS. / DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REWIRED BY TOWN OF LELAND, THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REWIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL COUNTY SERVES AS A GUIDE THE Ntt AN TA CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS CW D STATE CODES AND No has been erformed an after No mwrmt geotefor wi testhg p y is mode far witaDgRy of sWgrods, one undercut and my requAW / replaeament with witable matxid Shoff be the responslbNey of fhe conNecta: NOTE: THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND / REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, / WM1CH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF 774lS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. / / / / NOTE WELL: % OPEN CUT UTILITY CROSSING NOT ALLOWED AT BLUE LINE STREAMS, / WITHOUT ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT. CONTRACTOR TO USE SUITABLE NO IMPACT / BORE METHODS OR OBTAIN PERMIT. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING BRIDGE DESIGN WITH SUITABLE / CONSULTANTS AND MANUFACTURERS. BRIDGE CROSSI BY OTHERS -4D _ _ - �\ --SEA PREVIOUSLY PER PROJECTS Sf 7.0 LIMITP OF DISTURIBANC 0 f' SEE PREVIOUSLY PROJECTS DWQ# SW8 060901 iL P, -r 0 �- ��elli'erY 1 to • /� ' �,r ® IV � ,� e l: IF I 41 NOTE: J 404 �FRANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. 1 i 1 I i 1 1 1 I 1 / / N D SF � I Q (PIQAL) It NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEE ACTION ID: 200101122, SIGNED 9-10-01. AND REAPPLIED FOR ON 9-18-06 BY THE LAND MANAGEMENT GRQUP, INC. GENERAL NOTES: 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. This property is not located within a special flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel 137202196-00J, effective date June 2, 2006. 3. Topographic data furnished by Carolina Resource Mapping, Inc. and not field verified. Additional topo from HDS, January 2005. 4. This property is zoned Town of Leland PUD. a PARK E ; Y / I 2 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 2/9/07 1 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 1,2/28/06 REV, NO. REVISIONS DATE C*ylyht a Nw,o-r De yT S'nMR PA. At d0te row" Repe kn or ,A= of Me emtnte .f V* dx, wt, o oedfhv er eW 11.ne to'Mb eocue t h .bolo or poM .NAeut emten an -At M the L d 9w.Wyw or 6,pbw, • p MbRe1 Soy coon Awn Me alpha' of. MI, doei 4 aTweed MM Me arlphd SlInahre ne adoW eeod of Me Sww) r or &V*h , ehae be aoaoVwee to be wAU and bee oylu LEGEND SF -X- slLr FENCE Eh =EXISTING /RtW' (TYPICAL) LS - IRON SET EC.M. - EXISRNO CONCRETE MONUMENT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE R/W - RIGHT -OF -NAY PIP - POWER POLE - N L/P - L1014T POLE OP OUTLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) I3----STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE' . GRATE INLET SC PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING L__O - EXIST. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE - may_, EXIST. WATERLINE At F/H ASSEMBLY TD T TEMPORARY DIVERSION (TYPICAL) SST, DRAINAGE PPE 0.-. EOST. GAS LINE OAt DRAINAGE FLOW CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. aaaoo�j , +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION (TYPICAL) <49.0> INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION LOCALIZED HIGH POINT WETLANDS: (+) INDICATES ELEV. LOCATION FLOW DIRECTION NOTE: SEE SHEET 4 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. I0 Iw STATE STORAGE VOLUME $ = - 14,500 cf 22 w �I �� Z~ FIB EMBANKMENT TOP- 37.0 DABANDENT Y; I X' 10D-YEAR WSEL- 3&0 EMEROENCY SPILLWAY EL - 36.0 B 0. H O I L' W I� 1 _ _ - TOP OF BOX - 35.0 R N w W Iw P: STATE STORAGE ELEVATION - 34.0 HEIR CUTS = 34.0 I 4I w X 13 24-RCP 98 LF 43 2v NTTR/.1 0 INVERT 7- 3. t PWE 1� 11 LF 10' WIDE. 10a 4 24-RCP O VEGETATED SHELF �S O W to B OVect y under S Sao Dotal . water Swr«. sn«L s o.= 32.0 to 330 A•ae° Vegetatbn Zane - .......... ...........iiriiBOTTOM EL- 27.0 . O NREXCA IEDMAFYOR�E EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.11 SEDIMENT STORAGE EUM.. AREA VOL STORAGE STORACE . (it) (sf) (cf) (cf) (ac-PV 33.0 13,000 - - - 34. 0 16,200 14,600 14,600 0.34 35, 0 19,500 17. e50 3e, 450 0.74 36.0 23, 200 21,350 53,800 1.24 37.0 27,500 25,330 79,150 1.82 STATE STORAGE at EL-340 1'48W 0.34 NOTE:SEE SHEETS 4 8t 5 FOR ` '\+.' ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. l � •J a AOUA no WDEMWN ZONE.• FROM a- 32.0 TO a.- Uo SMTAeLE SPECIES FOR PLANTMa M VAS ZONE ARE AS 1`0110WR SAOTTARIA tAWMA.(00MAC1 A SAGITFVbA LANEeaaA fMCK M SAURMRUS CVMWS alZAROTAL) - Pf17ANORA vlMMaaacA (ARROW M IS ONE Lw AM1. err ME b1/TE %EnI 6 UNAWN 00S, APPRO THE TIER fimm 110N apA SMI ro ME WAS] aEcaN wr a sessnTUTta SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - Storage racpired - 7.5 X 1900 - 13, 500 cf Storogr prov tdrd - 21,550 cf . FOREBAY CALCULATION: Forebey, Va1Vee a 6,950 cf 90% Votuee of Storage - 34,900 X . 2 - 6,9 B0 cf - xo7E. 4a IrMANDS ON sTE As SHOW 6'min. 12'min. SEE PLAN ALL SLOPES 3:1 MAXIMUM = N FES Foreboy volume WSEL 20% of required I';PNT OUTLET -33.0 _storage, typical n PIPE 1.0' - - Forebay ,00�� Bottom OUTLET et0 4'm in. Elev.= 27.0 PROTECTION AS ON PUNS $ T FOREBAY SECT/ON DETAIL �. NOT TO SCALE , WELDED REBAR TRASH GRATES, • •...4�............ ..� .... . GALVANIZED . 4' 4 4 aT 3, MOT TO INTALE CENTERED OVER WEN CUT 'RETOLD BAR 1R,154 RACK 3' WIDE WEIR CUT B:0WD0AN N PULE OBOX ss o - 4 go ELB` 8*ML fL-3-.0 4=.5 7f7MP 0II- Mta NV-3S0 rc� 33.D `1'OIALerm POE - PVC W/ OMN'L aoN1T AND SLPPORT 3F NOES to •w /-NfAeA,eb 30M S, auNl or epMMMt YN. SEC77ON VIEW OS OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 11) NOT TO SME -- APPROVED 100' o' 100' 200' NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRUN v"rNTAL MANAGEMENT "OMVISSION SCALE 1-- 100' DIVISION OFWA1FFtQUAL17,Y Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan Brunswick Forest Phase 6mSections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWiCK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SE'AL ' / 2000co / att 2-(Z 0-7 dhollis o hdsilm.cam F:\AIL\BForest\MASTER DRAWII OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1018 E. Grandiflora Drive Leland, NC 910-383-1425 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Shoat No: LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS ((( 2 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY I - WILMINCTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-e002 i or �l res6\Erosion Control Plans\ECP-Residential-ph6si' .dwg Layout (ECP-P6S12R-2) 7 Phase 6-Sect Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan LOCATED /N THE TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: NOVEMBER 2006 SCALE: 1 11000 OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1018 E. Grandiflora Drive Leland, NC 28451 910.3934426 SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PROJECTS DLQ# BRUNS-2004-326 GENERAL NOTES.- 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. This property is not located within a special flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Mop Community Panel IJ37202196-00J, effective date June Z 2006. 3. Topographic data furnished by Carolina Resource Mapping, Inc. and not field verified. Additional topo from HDS, January 2005. 4. This property is zoned Town of Leland PUD. 100' 0' 100' 200' SCALE 1"= 100' 2 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 2/9/07 1 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 12/28/06 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE drppVt 4 Ib,aed Onto SWWM PA. M dghb rpe,nd Raprad,ctbn V . Of Mee Wit Of Me deewmnL Of ed&U-- Of adarb,- le Mfe deomenL b � � ov Of"done o Of t ra LSwwrir Or Ennphw:m M conalOcaawd is ee wa ew IM, oaapim or alb aocunmt. l F:\AII\BForest\MASTER DRAWINGS\res6\Erosion Control Plans\ECP-Residential-ph6sl-2.dwg Layout (ECP-P6S12R-3) Brunswick Forest onsl &2(Resi.irden fia/) LEGEND E.I. - EXISTING IRON I.S - IRON SET E.C.M. - EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT RIW - RIGHT-OF-WAY P/P - POWER POLE Tt LIP - LIGHT POLE a ...STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE ...r EI GRATE INLET f 0 EXIST. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EXIST. WATERLINE k f/H ASSEMBLY 1 N EXIST. DRAINAGE PIPE EXIST. GAS UNE Sr, DRAINAGE FLOW +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION <49.0> INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION LOCALIZED HIGH POINT (+) INDICATES ELEV. LOCATION FLOW DIRECTION SILT FENCE (TYPICAL) LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE OP OUTLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) SC PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING TD T TEMPORARY DIVERSION (TYPICAL) CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE qo°o°D (TYPICAL) WETLANDS NOTE: SEE SHEET 4.FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS i NOTE:SEE SHEETS 4 8l 5 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. mm Rena 5'GGiu Gr EL-JEJ " i s ssel. xia a r- nw Nw. Jao P1cre' /�MvL11EG m R Afe pRfQPr..Q'f Aa$4 a- xo W i-7�nf�tY pll S. - gAw.t SECTION VT£W OS OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 12) NOT TO SCALE awn NOTE WELL: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL" OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, LATEST EDITION. PRAC77CE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL NOTE WELL, ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A 21 CALENDAR DAY PERIOD SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. ANY SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED AFTER 21 CALENDAR DAYS, DETAILS SHOWN .ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REWIRED BY TOWN OF LELAND. THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALLREQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE, THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. No gsoteohnied testing hoe Deal per/ormed an *It*. No wdronty Is mode for nultdb011y of subgrode, and undercut and any required replacement whh wltabls motedal shall be Me responsibRlty o/ lha confroctar NOTE: THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION . WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN, 12'min, SEE PLAN Fwebay vdume 20X of required w to FES OUTLET - storage, typkd of PIPE Forebay Bottom OUiIEt 4'Min. Elev.- 24.0 PROTECTION AS ON PUNS T FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PROJECTS' DWQ# SW8 060901 DLQ# BRUNS-2007-016' NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. z6VE: . L- Ja0 R PLAN7NO N aloes WAD) CES IROINA ELEV. AREA VOL. STORAGE STORAGE (Ft) (Sf) (cf.) (cf) (at-ft) g 31. 0 26,200 25,100 25,100 a S832.0 2813M 27,250 52,350 1.20 32.3 29,500 13,925 5G".ZZII 1.52 �q -tic 0 30, 700 15, 05D 01,325 1.87 ;iJ O 03 Z3 34.0 33,100-31,900 113,225 2.60 0Z 35.0 35,600 34, 35D 147,573 3.39 � 36.0 38, D00 36, OW184. 375 4.23 Z L Z ® L1,7 U F- STATE STORAGE at EL-J23 64275 1.52 J a O t13 Li SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - W� LU Storage required = 20.0 X 1800 36, 000 cf Im CD Storage provided - 82,075 cf Z (d) FOREBAY CALCULATION: <C' Forebay Voluee-15,800 cf p 20% Vo luwe of Storage - 90, 450 X .2 - 16,000 cf C Z Mom 404 NrRAWS Or 97E AS SHOW Erosion de Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan Brunswick Forest Phase 6-Sections 1 &2 (Residential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1018 E. Gronditlora Drive Leland, NC 910-383-7425 Date: 11-16-06' Scale: 1"-- 100, Drown; DB3 Checked: DSH Project No: ECP-P6S12R-3 s 10'Ve9et0tl11k Shell e Is W _ - �y / AQUATIC VEGETATION ZONE: - ) FROM EL= 32.0 TO EL= T3. .a - j SUITABLE SPECIES FOR PLAN71NO IN 4O DRAINAGE PHS ZONE ARE AS FOLLOWS EASEMENT / - SAGITTARIA LA77FOLIA (COMMON ARROW14EAD) J ' _ - SAGITTARU LANCIFOUA (DUCK POTATO) - swiwus cERNUus (uzARDrx) I LLWAY LENGTH = 4 n - PEL TANDRA VIRGYNICA (ARROW ARUM) \ /� IF DIVE OR MORE OF THE SUGGESTED SPECIES Y V A IS UNAVAILABLE, APPROPRIATE WETLANDS SPI Y , EL= 35.0 p VEGETATION COMMON.TO 774E COASTAL CAROUNA \ REGION MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. OP ANK= 36.0 ,• NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEE �\�\ i ACTION ID: 200101122, SIGNED 9-10-01, r; AND REAPPLIED FOR ON 9-18-06 BY\`.' THE LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. ro j' Q 13 r 132' ' %' --'--� G A PORTABLE PUMP f y\Q .? TO BE USED TO p� itDRAIN POND IN AN ❑ �� Q EMERGENCY. '- ISO ted : (D LS � > et nds e ° m '^ 1i OS 40' DRAINA_.E% EASEIvE T j A PORTABLE PUMP % �� //fwA77C V IARON ZONE: / !� TO BE USED TO ! / % FROM EL- D To EL- / DRAIN POND IN AN / ! / SUITABLE SPECES F PLANTING IN �% Dil$ ZONE ARE AS'FOLLOWS: / EMERGENCY, saarrARrAyanfaua (caWMarl ARRowHEAD) / - SAURURUS CERNUFUSSI(LIZARDT IL) PAJAND$A NRGINICA (ARROW ARUM) i LF,ONE OR MORE OF THE SUME57ED SPECIES to fl !" % ; iS UNAVAILABLE, APPROPRIATE WETLANDS VEGETATION COMMON TO THE COASTAL CAROLINA REGIONMAV BE SUBSTITUTED. EM.SPILLWAY LENGTH= 50' SPILLWAY EL= 36.0 TOP OF BANK= 37.0 NOTE: DELINEATED 4D4 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US / / ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEE ACTION ID: 200101122. SIGNED 9-10-01. AND REAPPLIED FOR ON UP, INC. BY THE LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, / NOTE: 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOW. BRUNSWICI( FOREST- Vet detention/retention pond Na 11 VOLUME REQUIRED R-I(P)(PJ)(RV)/t21(A) 20' O' 20' 40' 60' PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - AodltitmeI Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DVO 1 SEE PAGES A. t and A2, 'Controlling Urban Runoff. Q(l0) pre -developed = 10.4 cfs A Practical Wonual for Plane imp and Designing Urban BNPs' Q(50) pre -developed = 15.4 cfs WATER QUALITY, CONSIDERAt IONS - (P)- 1' Q(100) pre -developed = 18 cfs - tPj)- 0.9 SCALE IN FEET. 1 == 2D' Q( 10) post -developed = 9. 7 cfs 2 W1EL = 35. 3 Impervious area calculations. See Project Data Sheet (Rv)= 0.05 + 0 9(3 75/7.5) = 0.50 0(50) post -developed = 14.6 cfs B VSEL = 35.9 (A)= 7.5 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 3. 75 acres Q(IOD)post-developed = 17. 5 ifs E VSEL = 36. 0 R- I41)(0.50/12](7.5) - 0.313 acre-feet TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7:5 acres - 13,600 cf REWIRED STORAGE ELEV. AREA VOL. STORAGE STORAGE STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - 7,5 acres total - 3.75 acres Impervious = 3 75 acre green 14,600 cf PROVIDED STORAGE It ELEV,- 34.0 (f t) C sf) C Cf) C Cf) (aC-f t) Surface Area requ i red = 8,800 SF _ Surface Area provided = 13, 000 cf Q VSEL 33.0 SA REQUIRED 3.75 / 7.5 - 0. 50,. or 5UX. _ DRAWDOVN 33, 0 13,000 - - - Storage Volume required = 13,600 cf 600 4 0. 34 Storage Volume provided = 14,600 cf E WSEL 34. 0 At 6.0' depth, 90•A TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor - 2.7 34. 0Average head from storage elevation to orifice - 34. 0 16,200 14, 1 . 600 Storage Volume Drawdown Time = 2-112 days p Orifice - 3equ3. 0 / 2 - 0.5' A( PVC drain to draw -dam pmd 35.0 19,500 17,850 32,450 0.74 9 7:s x 0.01 x 0 = e13,0 sF SA REQUIRED OriF -1 equation 0 - CA(2gFu^1/2 36.0 23,200 21,350 53, 800 1.24 SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - At Elev. 33 0 13, 000 sf SA PROVIDED T - 2-I/2 days Storage required = 7.5 X 1600 = 13, 500 cf 37. 0 27,500 25,350 79,150 1.82 Storage provided = 21,550 cf 6' TOPSOIL STATE STORAGE at EL=34.0 14,600 0,34 FOREBAY CALCULATION: Foreboy Volume = 6,980 cf FOR VEGETATED 20% Volume of Storage = 34,900 X .2 = 6,980 cf EMBANKMENT TOP= 41.5 COVER. WALL TOP 41,0 (NATURAL GRADE +1') I R/" 1 1' NATURAL GRADE 40.0 YA7H SIDEWALK 24 VATH SIDEWALK, 3' THICK••• 5' e'1 12, 12' B' 1 5' NORMAL WSEL- 33.0. W CLAY EL-32.0 '. 1R CUTOFF WALL 1 SB WALL BOTT G VE ETATED O SHELF WSEL -1 - . SIDEW SIDE WALK GRASSEDARE q qJOTEWELL;i.5' S9.5A BASE COURSE 2' VALLEY CU RB ASPHALT III to be of material at least The clay cutoff wall a eos Y e h r tic n foot thickness and having o u 0 0o q SECTION 6 9 Yd T SEC 0 50 RN1l STREET conductivity of no greater than 1 x 10^6 centimeters AWM T TR NOT TO SCALE ........ ... _ PAVEMENT TIeCw/IE'S$ AND SUBCRADE REOfnREMLN75 MAYBE AKREASED PER RECONMEADA1Kw OF OYOTECNMCAL :::i .80TTOM EL= 27.0 per second when compacted. CQVSV.TAN T, CONTRACTOR RESPONS&Z FUR COMPACTION IESI M, CLAY CUTOFF WALL POND N0.11 1 REVISED PER LAND MANAGEMENT & NCDENR COMMENTS 2-15-07 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Ceppriebt A N•namr p..rp, Semen, RAC Ae d)Ate muw■a Mead elM w en a ou ro fanu a Me de I`J a amxbee a ~&)Me fAb d 't b Ad. e, part .IMeut Witten eenemf of M. lend Semyer w Fneha W, 1. pyenw% aelY WAN own the o-WA of dV. dmamn4 mabd with the -towel Wpwtww w,d e,*W nd of ow Swroyw w Ea9A,.ar. eAa Ve WsWoed I. be wrd owl b=e eroka er-IRUNSVICK FOREST- Wet detent,on/netention pond No, 12 VOLUME REQUIRED R-E(P)(PJ)(Rv)/123(A) Additional Calculation Summary For NCDENR / DVO . SEE PAGES IL I and A 2, 'Control t i ng Urban RunofA A Practical Manuel far Planning and DesigningUrban BMP9' VATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - (P) 1' (PJ)= 0.9 Impervious area calculations- See Project Data Sheet (Rv)- 0.05 + 0. 900. 0/20. 0) - 0.50 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 10.0 acres (R- 1( 1) B33 TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND - 20.0 acres R= I< - 36,300cf R Q - D STORAGE acre-feet 20. 0 acres total - 10.0 acres impervious - I0. 0 acre green - 66, 275 cf REQUIRED STORAGE ,,. 66, 275 cf PROVIDED STORAGE !ELEV.= 32.3 SA REQU IRED- 10 / 20 • 0. 50, or SOX DRAWDOVN At 6.0' depth, 90r. TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA Factor a 2. 7 - Average head From storage elevotim to or Flce - 32. 5 - 30. 0 / 2 = 1. 25' 2' PVC ore In to draw -down pond. 20. 0 x 0. 01 x 2. 7 - 23, 500 of SA REQUIRED At EIev. - 30.0 - 24,000 sF SA PROVI�IED Orifice equation- Q = CA(2gh)^I/2 days 1' TOPSOIL FOR VEGETATED '.. EMBANKMENT TOP= 36.0 - - COVER. \_ WALL: TOP 35.0 i (-NATURAL GRADE +1') 3 1.. ... 1 NATURAL GRADE 34.0- '., 3' THICK*** WSEL,- 30.0 O .NORMAL ................:::..............;T EL=29.0 CLAY CUTOFF WALL S B O VEGWALL BOTT - ETATED P M WSEL 1 " SHELF ""NOTE WELL: The cloy cutoff wall Is to be of material of least one foot to thickness and having o hydraulic Y� conductivity of greater than 1 x 10^6 centimeters cfx)Y no BOTTOM EL- 24.0„.�. per second when compacted. CLAY CUTOFF WALL POND No.12 / NOTE.• 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. 20' 0' 20' 40'. 60' PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - Q( 10) p1re-developed = 28.8 cfs "-- 0(50) pre -developed = 42. 9 cfs - SCALE IN FEET.- 1 20' Q(100) pre -developed = 50.1 cfs 9(10) post -developed = 25.2 cfs B WSEL = 34.5- Q(50) post developed 45. 7 cfs It WSEL = 35.3 ELEV. AREA -. VOL. STORAGE STORAGE G(100)post developed = 58.0 cfs B WSEL - 35.4 (ft) (sf) (Cf) CCF) (ac-Ft) STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - 30. 0 31. 0 24,000 26,200 - 25,100 - 25,100 - 0.58 Surface Area required = 23,500 sf St)rFace Area. prov i ded = 24, 000 cf a WSEL 3G ,O '32. 0 28,300 27,250 52,350 -1. 20 Storage Volume required = 36,300 cf 32. 5 29,500 - 13,925 66,275 1, 52 Storage volume provided = 66,275 cf 8 WSEL 32.5 33, 0 30, 700 15, 050 81, 325 ':L. 87 Storage Volume Drawdown Time = 4 days 34.0 33,100 31,900 113,225 2. 60 SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - Storage requ i red = 20.0 X 1800 = 36,000 cf 35.0 35, 600 . 34,351.1 147, 575 Storage provided = 82,075 cf + 36.0 38,000 36, 800 ' 184, 375 4. 23 FOREBAY CALCULATION: STATE STORAGE at EL=32.5 66,275 1.52 . Fore bay Volume-- 20% Volume of Storage = 80,450 X .2 = 16,000 cf - APPRO ® NQr� i' 3 AWOL'"JA ENV{RGNMENT�,t ell v�Cri�1SNT COMMISSION Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plan J }N '1F 1B1 Pond Details 2-9-07 Brunswick Forest . Saab: ■ 1 "-20 r nt�al 1 2 Res de Phase 6 Sections & s ( TY NORTH CAROLINA Draw RUNSWICK COUNTY, 0 LOCATED IN .TOWN OF LELAND B DBB CARD �.• �5�,,,„„ IOry g.a OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LL DSH 1018 E. Grondiflora Drive FEB 1 6 ; 110/ rm Leland, NC 910-383-1425 Pro ect No: Ste@ • SEAL - .�i <j o7o�.t3 EEP-P6i12R-Defoils s 20007 v ', t Eh,GI NEF�'�h • r etttt, dhollin® hdsilm CC(5M Control Plans \ECP-Residential-ph6sl-2.dwg Layout (ECP-PtSI2R-Details) HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY VWLMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Sheet No: I FABRIC it THICK LAYER 0�iN,'ZO4o24IV00616e�fes�� 11pl►i,,,oi2I-fell COMPACTED FILL OR GRAVEL, EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WARE INTO THE TRENCH NOTE( SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETNL ISOMETRIC VIEW P Rock to top of pipe o both sides OSLOPE - OP w_ Li ANKMENT 01 � Im- 8 See Narrative for additional details ►I 2'min. NOTE: FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE INLET AND OUTLET PROTECTION. USE NICOLON MIRAFI 60OX POLYPROPYLENE, OR EQUIVALENT SIDE VIEW I I EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH n 2 z 3 m 0 S leMINIMUM 0 SECTION SEDIMENT FENCE ( SILT FENCE) SF NT• O ►MOTIOB t.•! 4'MINIMUM i•i••i••i••-.•o••.e S r , I STONE STONE** APRON e•i APRON THICKNESS = • a-tee ■ / • ■ ■ • TO POND 11 OUTLET PROTECTION ROCK STABILIZATION APRON_ NTS SOD OR REINFORCED t 9' STONE d50 w s• VEGETATED SOIL TO WETLANDS • + • • . • + + .. . ++ ••+ ••• •• •��`•+.•.+..+.•.+.• •� •• •• roe r r - .1, _r .. ",r--... -"e t t 6 .. .r l is xY.-Sri' � _ " fsd _yry�}- w� r� '.A-..1 - K ..1... T.- -Frj N R: (F 4." : ' r .- y' ey • C. . a P. � - H r .rt yy ti y A y r{T A • u�� .. ryxS'a.� iCMY .. �. esba7oNEl w s. ) ='t.r s - i.TH C10 'a =a� .Y Aga�ar '.. r%ra/', K--� ..T"M1. b' v" .; oln. i'js.� . .+• .+ d50 3" ••.... STILLING _. •+•'- BASIN n rrtag r150=3 F, hr'.f r"*.r rf L6'y�� r"4".I...;..�"" (p T:' >, _ - FES GROUND . rLgLEVEL s SPREADER TRENNCHCH T 9 0 1 --On [ LEVEL SPREA DERENERGY DISSIPAT ER LE SP PLAN N.T.S. sWin (ram eTohsew.r . .rum _ _ram#. . .4. WE 4►tow FeePIPE . . . . . "-F'ra.' •TV. Tox-lm TLO _9 .. 950ftTfNd. ... - . ­- SOD .. ' • GROUND. OR REINFORCED VEGETATED SOIL levy ATER Y DISSIP & ENERG L SPRE ADER LEVEL TRENCH ISOMETRIC N.T.S. DESIGN MAXIMUM PROPOSED POND 11 PROPOSED POND 12 RCP DIAMETER CFS FPS CFS FPS CFS I FPS 60" 200 10 - - - - 48r' 120 10 - - - - 36" 65 10 - - - - 30" 45 10 - - - - 24" 30 10 9.7 3.1 25.2 8.0 LS 26 I ROAD �•s••••••••� • ♦ • • • •' ��a}•••••••�.. • wi••,••••••+.. 72"-3' • e • • • w•� • TP s ••••••••� 6" MINIMUM THICKN• • ♦ • -P op • • • �•w•i•�•eP••i�'i w,.•�•.•.•�•ds NOTE: ENTRANCE/EXIT DE - 1 �I® - r,: u C yA�v I .21 \� Y § 7� i- Y . Y �y I • i N •. l �•� � .. • Y } �T•iae iLlu ti. 1 Q4.L�- • ' • • L LIS I RCP W 24" Rcps-6' tIT 1 ronstructlon Road S�ab'lizatlon Specification s 6.80 - l;onstructlon Specifications 1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terra In If it Is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas if they are available. Keep grades sufficient for drainage but generally not more than 2 to3X. 4. Provide surface dralmage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bars or turnouts (References, Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and Pills at 2.1 or flatter for safety and stability and to facilitate establishment of vegetation and me lntenance. 6. Spread a 6-Inch course of 'ABC' crushed stone evenly over the full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, install subsurface drains or geotextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (practice S. at, Subs, Face Drain). S. Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, flits and other disturbed areas or t stabilize as moon as realm Is co mplete (Referencesi. otherwise o r Idea s onp Apr grading PP Y Surface Stabl U zatl oh). ' 9. Provide appropriate Sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. . Maintenance Inspect constructl on roads and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as needed Check road ditches and other seeded areas for eroslelh and sedimentation after runoff-productling rains. Maintain all vegetation in a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated immediately. SodimentFence Y_C ilt Fence) O SF ecificati ons Specification 662 - Construction S P MATERIALS I.Use *,synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, polyester, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements ulrements show n in Table 6.62b. Synthetic nthetic Filter fabric should con tain in ultraviolet ray inhibitors en d stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature rm 4o of 0 to 120 F. 2.Ensure that posts for sediment fences are either 4-Inch diameter pine, 2-inch diameter oak,, 0 1.33 Ib)(inenr Ft steel with a minimum length of 4 Ft. Make sure that steel posts have projectlme to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3.For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a.m*ximuh mesh spacing of 6 Inches. Table 6,62b Specifications Far Sediment Fence Fabric Physical Property Requirements Filtering Efficiency - 85Y, (mm) 'I Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 lb/tin In (min) Extra Strength- 50 lb/tin in (min) Slurry Flow Rate - 0.3 gal/sq ft/min (min) CONSTRUCTION 1.Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic £liter fabrics. 2.Ensure that the height of the sediment Fence does not exceed 18 Inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may Impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of .the structure.) 3 Construct the flitter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid) joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at d,svppo•t post with overlap to the, next post: 4.Support standard strength fetter fabr lc by wire mesh Fastened securely to the up slope side O the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 inch long, or tie w, res. blend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5. Vhen a wire mesh support fence Is used, space posts a maximum of 0 ft apart. Support posts should be driven securely into the ground to a minimum of IS I inches. 6. Extra strength it ;ter fabric with Eft post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. ttople or wire the filter fabric directly to posts. 4 inches wide and 8 Inches dam along the x vote * trench approximately c es P 7. E ca0 In sus and slo a from the barrier (figure 6. 62a). 1 e o;F. 0 proposed Po W P B. Backf 111 the french with compacted loll a` Gravelplaced over the filter fabric. 9.110 not attach filter Fabric to existing trees. Maintenance Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make ±ny required repairs Immediately. . q P Y Should the Fabric of n sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace It promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume fee the next rain and to reduce pressure an the fence. Take care to avoltl undermining the Faroe during clemout. Remove all Fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the Area to grade and stabl Uze it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. . OTemoorory Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit Spec if l cat l on s 6.66 - Construct l on Spec if; canons roots and other exit area of ¢Ilive elation oo s the entrance e a , 1 Clear 0 objectionable matari*l and properly grade It. shown On the lam and t t specific Grade and dimensions S .' Place 4he ravel O the sP 2 P g 0 smooth It. trap or other suitable outlet. t err Mat r to a sediment 3. Provide tlrnlno o [ P drainage Y F 4, Use peotexn le fbrlcs,becnuse they improve stabi lity of the foundation In Locations subject to seepage or high water tables Maintenance mud or sediment from leaving- veIl ad In a condition toprevent Maintain the o gn' P the construction site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2-Inch stone. After each rainfall, inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary, ihmediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, . washed, or tracked Onto pub U c roadways. ROCK STABILIZATIOA . r --_... �.. I__I_ _-_ ®�M� .__=_-- =M��s ____�� mm=_�� -_=�-- OUTLET PROTECTION O17 NOT TO SCALE O CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - MAINTENANCE PLAN - I. Obtain approval of Plan and my necessary permits, and hold o 1. NI measures to be Inspected weekly and Otte my rohlali event and needed repol" moos immedkt•y. pro -construction conference prior to carnmeh*ing any work. 2. Flog work limits and stoke -out roadways, primary measures, and 2 Sediment Basle to be deemed out when IM Neel of SadImwt Sediment Basins for preliminary clearing and grubbing. Install sot reaches SO below note, surface. Riser Souders 10 be deemed fencing entiroly along the US Army Carps approved "tionds )In* If excess avatar above design eaAoce no Moss drains as shown. property. 3. Install Gravel Construction Entrances. 3, Sedknant to be romaved tom behind the my Set Fence and protection asap. Fencing when if boeas 4. Instoll Ssdkneet Boeing as she" on Plan whhl ciemh and 9 r le maintain and Mkt protection to be rspolnd of nMsd to mobtdn a end Lion to gn,bbing site. Sediment Basins and Temporary Diversions to be constructed prim to major grading or building. (See Construction Summary on Sheet 1). barrier. 4. All Beaded areas aholl be fertilized, mutehel, OM re -seeded 5. After completion of Sadment Basins and any temporary diversion knmscictely as nocaaeny, according to specifications paAesd, to Stabilize all non construction moos. (Sae weeding specifications.) I maintain a suitable vegetative Davis. 6. Construct any other sediment central Practices shown, to rough grading roodwoyA, alockp®ing shown. 5. Consimction entrances to be maintained k c condition to Prevent mud or aedknent from leaving the conelmdbn Alta Periodic prior and tapaon oa necesamy. topd-essing with 2'stare may be required Remove all objectionable malarld apited, rushed, or tracked onto pub roadways knmedatey. 7. NI erosion end sedlinent control Practices me to be inspected weekly and after any minion, and repaired ere neaeSeary. VEGETATIVE PLAN - B. After sits stabilization. temporary measures are to be removed and the Sediment Basin cleaned to J. Permonwt vegetation to be established boocordonce with 'North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Con,tol Planning and Its orig" design contours. If necessary, Design Manual', Section 6.11, latest vershm. See next Sheet. NOTE WELL: SEE COVER SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE SEQUENCE. OUTLET _PIPE -0 FLOW mnc� I FES 1. NOTE WELL: 1) OUTLET PROTEC77ON & 2) SLOPE IS FLAT (OX) ROCK STABILIZATION APRONS FOR A MINIMUM OF 2LF -- REQUIRED AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 2 MIN BOTTOM WIDTH. INV. ELEV. MATCH - NATURAL AS PER PLAN SPREADER �� 0% SLOPE GRADE TO YVEILAND6 0*, STONE JIM a 3" - / _ / V FILTER FABRIC IPIPPEE d 3" KF(ACRmOuniSSALL 3=9 (1' HICIQ' SLOPE BASIN � mm MW am PMVWOPdM OR M MVAILNT LEVEL SPREADER & ENERGY DISSIPATER SECTION N.T.S. MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL MTN NCOOT. J. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO DRAINAGE SHALES AND RECEIVING STRUCTURES 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES KITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES, AND ANY REQUIRED PERMITS 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF 517E TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESSOTHERKISE DIRECTED. Permanent Seeding Specifications s 6.11 - Specifications Seedbed Requirements Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that ore unsultable due to inappropriate sot; texture .(Table 6. Ila), poor drainage, concentrated overland flow, or steepness of slope until measures have been taken to correct these problems. ' To me I ntaIn a good stand of vegetate on, the loll must meet certain in nl mom requirements as a growth medium The ex st l no soil should have these cr l ter l a, - Enough fine-grained ( s I It and clay) mater l al to me l ntaIn adequate moisture and nutrient supply (Oval table water capacity of at least .05 Inches water to l Inch of Solo. - Sufficient pore space to permit root penetration. - - Suff is l ant depth of soli to provide an adequate root zone. The depth to rock or Impermeable layers such as hardpans should be 12 inches or more, except on slopes steeper than 2,1 where the addition of Solt is not feasible. - A favorable ra a for Ian[ growth, usual; 6.0-6.5. PH n9 P 9 Y - Freedom from large roots, branches, .stones, large clodsof earth, or trash of any kind. Clods and stones may be left an slopes steeper than 3,1 if they pre to be hydrosceded. If any of the above criteria are not -met -I. a., if the existing Solt is too coarse,, dense, shallow or acidic to foster vegetation -special amendments are requ l red. The soli condi Homers descr l bed below may be benef is l al or, preferably, topsoil may be applled in accordance with Practice 6. 04, Topsol l Ing. Soil Conditioners In order to Improve the structure or drainage cliarocterlstics of a soil, the Following material my be added, There amendments ments should only be necessary make them or for plant growth orrvfor fine where soils have (imitations that a e ¢ o 0 P P turf establishment (see Chapter 3, Vegetative Considerations>. Peat -Appropriate types are sphagnum moss peat, hypnum moss peat,' reedsedge peat, or peat humus, oil from Fresh -waiter sources. Peat should be shredded and conditioned in storage piles For at least 6 months after excavation. free f Sand [lean and vv toxic materials . o Vertu lcullte hor. I It r l grade and Free of toxic substances. t cu u a Rotted mmura-stable or cattle manure not containing undue amounts of straw or other bedding materials. Thoroughly rotted sawdust- free OF stones and debris. Add 6 lb. Of nitrogen to each cubic yard Sludge -Treated sewage and industrial sludges are available in various forms, these should be used only in {accordance with local, State and Federal regulations. r . Species Selection Use the key to Permanent Seeding Mixtures CTable 6. lib) to select the most appropriate seeding mixture based on the general site and maintenance factors. A listing of species, including scientific names and characteristics, Is given in Appendix 8.02. - Seedbed Preparation � . Install necessary mechanical erosion and sedimentation control practices before seeding, and complete grading 6ccording to the approved plan. Line and Pert; Ilzer needs should be determined by Sol l tests. Soil testing Is performed free of charge by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture soil testing laboratory. Directions, sample cortons, and Information sheets are available through county agricultural extension offices or From NCDA. Because the NCDA soil testing lab requires 1-6 weeks for sample turn -around, sampling must be planned well In advance of final Grading. Testing is also, done by commercial laborator les. When soli test are not available, follow rates suggested on the Individual specification sheet for the seeding mix chosen (Tables 6. IIc through 6. 110. Applications ratvc usually fall into the following ranges, - Ground agricultural limestone L 1pht textured, sandy sollsh l t 112 tans/acre x In oils 2-3 tons/acre Heavy to tared clayey s Y Y Y i Fertlllzer r f 10- 0-10 (or e equivalent) -- Grasses 800 1200 lb/acre e o 1 li ne q - r - 0 (or them equivalent) r -Iv ume nlxiures 800 I200 lb/acre a oF3-10 L G *ss qu 9 Apply lime and fertilizer evenly aria Incorporate Into the top 4-6 Inches of le m rote machines .the contour. roll by disk) or other Sul tab ans. O e Pe Y on n0 When using a hydroseeder, apply time and fertilizer to 6 rough, loose surface. Roughen surfaces according to practice 6.03, Surface Roughening Large clods and raking Into a Complete seedbed preparation Ion b breaking P P P Y up 9 9 smooth, uniform surface (slope less than 3,1) Fitt In or level depressions than can collect water. Broadcast seed into a freshly loosened seedbed that has not been sealed by rainfall. Table 6. 1 1 s - Seed l ng No. 4CP for, . Veil-Drained.Sandy loans to Dry Sands, Coastal Plaint Low to Medium -Care Lawns Seeding mixture ' Species - Centlpedegrass - Rate - 10-20 lb/acre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) Seeding dates - Mar. June, (Sprigging can be dome through July where water Is available for Irrigation.) Solt amendments -,Apply time and fertilizer according to soil test, or apply 300 lb/acre 10-10-10. i r- rows translanter, Sprigging - Plant. sprigs In furrows with a inacto tl p , or broadcast by hand. t 4- inches de and 2ft apart. Place sprigs about 2 ft apart Furrows should be 6 nc es nP deep P In the row with one end at or above ground Ieve I (Figure 6. 11 d). n Sprigs into the to 1/2 inches of Broadcast at rates shown above and ass s l 1 Pr P 9 P that Apr s re not brought back toward the loll with a desk set steal t so ha s a 9h P g 9 surface. Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance - Fertilize very spw ingly= 20 lb/acre nitrogen in spring with no phosphorus. Contlpedegrass cannot tolerate high pH or excess fertilizer. 1- 1 n arts y Sands to Dr Table 6. 11t Seeding No. SCP for, Vel Dra red Sandy Loam hLow. Maintenance Seeding mixture Species Rate (Clalacre) Pensacola Bahlagrass 50 Sericea lespedeza 30 Common Bermudograss 10- . German millet 10 Seeding notes 1. Where a neat appearance Is desired, omit serlcea 2. Use common Serm olagross only on Isolated sites where It cannot become a pest. Bermudagrass may be replaced with 5 lb/acre cent l pedgrass. _ Seeding dates - Apr. 1 - 15 ' pr July Soil amendments - Apply IIme and fart I II zer pccordI ng to soli tests, or Opp I 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone pnd 500 Ib/ocre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/Acre grain straw or,equivatent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can.be used as a mulch anchoring tool. - .. ' Maintenance - Refertilize the following Apr. With 50 Ib/ocre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires May be novel only once ay year. Where a neat at appearance earance Is desired, omit sericeo and now as often as needed. Table 6. 11v - Seeding No. 7CP For, Grass- U ned Channels) Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture Species - Common Bermuclograss - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 Ib/1,000 ft ) Seeding dates - Coastal Plo.in) Apr - July Soli amendments - Apply Ilme and fertlI leer according to Boll 'tests, or apply 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone gnd 500 lb/acre 10-10-10.Fertilizer. Mulch - Use jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel lining material to cover the bottom of channels and,dltches. The lining should extend above the highest calculated depth of flow. On.channeI side slopes above this height, and In drainages not requiring . temporary timings, apply 4,000 Ib/acre grain straw and anchor straw by stap Urg netting over the top. ' Mulch and anchoring materials must be allowed. to wash down slopes where they can clog drainage a devices. - Mnlntennnce -A nine moan. of 3 weeks Is required for establishment. Inspect antl repair mulch Frequently. Refertilize the following Apr, with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. . Refer to Append I 9.02 for botanl cal names NOTE: THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION KITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. NOTE WELL, ANY AREAS ON -SITE W17HOUT ACTIVITY IN A 21 CALENDAR DAY PERIOD SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS. ANY SLOPES TO HE STAfILIZED AFTER 21 CALENDAR DAYS. DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL DF INSTALLATIONS REWIRED BY BRUNSWICK COUNTY. THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPOT TO SHOW ALL REWIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. 'HE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL COUNTY AND STATE CODES Ate CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. No 9"mchnko/ testing Ms been performed on site. No warranty is mode for suifabRify or lubgrods, and undercut and any reguired replocanent with suitable mohrid shill be the responsbNly of the contractor. Temporary Seeding Spec if t cot l on B 6.10 - Spec if ;cat l ons _ Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and Install nil necessary erosion control produ ces, such as dikes, waterways, and bas Ins.:: Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed proparan on diff Icu It and Increose the Bros l on hazard If sorts become compacted during grading, loosen then to a depth of 6-8 Inches using a ripper, harrow, or chisel plow. ' Seedbed Preparation Good seedbed preparation Is essential to successful plant establishment. A good seedbed Is well -pulverized, loose and uniform. Vhere hydroseeding methods: are: ' used, the surface may be left with a more,Irregular surface of large'clods-and stones. Liming - Apply ifine accord l ng to roll test recommndat l ons. If the PH (acidity) of the soli is not known, an application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/acre on coarse -textured soils and 2-3 tons/ocres on f ine-textured soils is usually sufficient. Apply limestone un lformly and. . Incorporate into the top 4-6 inches of soil . Soils :with a pH of 6 or higher need not be timed.. Fertilizer- Base'appllcatlon rates on soil tests. When these are not possible, apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-1,000 Ib /acre. Both, Per{.I l'I zer and time should be incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of Solt. If a hydraulic seeder Is used, do not mlx seed and fertl lizer more than 30 minutes before application Sur Face roughening- If recent tillage operations have' resulted in a loose surface, additional roughening may not be required except to break up large .clods. If rainfall causes -the surface to become .sea led or crusted, loosen Jt just prior to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other sultabl@ methods, n before seed In (PractI ce steeper than 3 1 on the contour e Groove or furrow slopes 9 pe P , f R henin ), r 6 03 Sur ace ou , 9 9 Plant Selection - Select on appropriate species or spec tes mixture from Table 6.10a, for seeds ng in late winter and early spr mg, Table 6.10b for summer, and Table 6.10c for ' fail. Seeding . r(broadcast),dr l'll cults Acker seeder, seed aria a cyclone seeder Evenly apply s g YP or hydromeder. Use seeding rates given In Table 6. 10a-6.10c. Broadcast seeding and hyroseeding are appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot be driven. Hand broadcasting Is not recommended because of the difficulty in achieving a uniform distribution. Small grains should be planted m more than 1 inch deep, and grasses and legumes no more than 1/2: inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking or chain dropping, and. then lightly Firmed with a roller or cultipocker. Hydroseeded mixtures should Include a rood fiber (cellulose) mulch Mu lchind - The use of appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment. under normal conditions and Is essential to seeding success under harsh site condition (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Harsh site conditions include, -seeding.ln Fall for winter cover (wood fiber mulches are not considered adequate for this use), . -slopes steeper then 3,1, excessively hot or dry weather, - -adverse Sol ls(shal low, rocky,, or high In clay or sand), and -areas receiving concentrated flow. - . If the areo to be mulched is subject to concentrated woterPtow, as in channels, anchor mU lch with netting ,(Practice 6r 14, Mulching).'. ... Table 6. lob - Temporary Seeding Recommendation For Late Winter and Early Spring Seeding mixture Species- Rye(graln), Annual lespedeza (Kobe Ire Piedmont and Coastal Plain Rate (lb/dcre)- 120 r r over Is not to extend beyond de a men duration of tam o a c Omit annual lespe z w P Y Y June PI' n -Dec. I - r. IS. Seeds dates C06stn1 aI n9 AP Soil amendments- Follow of soil tests or npp.lY 2 000 Ib/acre 10 fertilizer, It sal limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10- Duna a rlcu u Or 0 straw tacking wlthas halt- netting Mulch -Apply 4; OOOlb/acre straw. Anchor st a by c g P 0 with 1 das Sol near; straight can be used ICM anchoring tool A disk It b a or o -tux, n Y Oh as a ru lch anchoring tool. Maintenance Refertilize ,if growth Is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch Immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6. lob - Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer Seeding mixture Species -German ni ;let Rate(lb/acre)- 40 Seeding dates -Coastal Plain- Apr. 15-Aug. 15 Soil amendments -Follow recommendations of soli tests or apply 2,000 Ib/acre. ground agriculture li mestone mvstone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer. Mulch-Apply4,000Ib/ocre straw. Anchor, straw: by tacking with asphalt, netting or a ru lch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance-Refertllrze if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertlilze and mulch immediately following' erosion cr other damage. Table 6. 10c - Temporary Seeding. Recommendation for Fall Seeding mixture Spec I es -Rye( gm I in) I . . Rate( lb/acre),- 120 t Plal'n and Piedmont -Aug 15 - Dec. 30 - Seed; dotes -Coastal l ( g - l 2 000 lb./acre round a Iculturvl I amendments Follow soil tests or , Sail a @ Ar• apply g f art l U zer. Imo tone an l 000 Ib/ocre ]0 f0 10 e l es d Mutch- APPlY 4,000 Ib/ cre straw. Anchor hor straw by tacking with asphalt, halt matting, or a mulch anchoring toot. Adlsk with blades set newly strai ght can be used as a mulch anchoring toot Maintenance- Repair and refertlilze damaged areas Immediately, Topdress with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen in March, if it is necessary to extend temporary cover / r beyond June 15, overseed with 50 Ib oc e Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) Y Land Grading - I . . Specification I,6.02 - Construction Specifications . I.Construct and maintain oil erosion and sedimentationcontrol practicesand measures in accordance with the approved sedimentation control plan and construction schedule 2.1temove good topsoil from areas to be graded and filled, and preserve It for , use in ffnishing the grading of all critical areas: 3.Scarify areas to be topsolted to a minimum depth of 2 inches before placing topsoil (Practice 6,04, Topsolting). vegetation, roots or other t e felled to remove trees 4. Clear and rub armor o b g the mstability of .the fill. r lal that would affect a planned objectionable Hate P 5.Ensure that fill pater lot is free of brush, rubbish, rocks,' logs, stumps, building debris, and othor me aria is Inapproprinte for constructing stable Ft IIs. 6.Place all flit in layers not to exceed 9 Inches In thickness, and compact the layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage, .settlement; or ,other re toted problems,- 7. Do not incorporate frozen materlol or soft, mucky,. or highly cbmpresslble materials into Flit slopes. - 8.Do not place fill on a Frozen foundation, due to. possible subsidence and slippage. 9.Keep,diversfons and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during all phases of development. 1O.Handle seeps or springs encountered during construction in accordance with approved methods (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). . . 11.Permmently stabilize all graded areas Immediately after final grading is completed on each area in the grading plan. Apply temporary stabilization measures on allgradedareaswhen work is to be Interrupted or delayed for 30 working days or longer. 12.Ensure that topsoil stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoll areas are adequately protected fromerosion with temporary and final :stab llization measures, Including sediment fencing and. temporary seeding as necessary. Maintenance ` Per; od Ica l ly check all graded areas and the support l no erosion and sedI mental l on control practices, especlally-after heavy ral nfo Its. Promptly remove oil sediment from diversions and other water -disposal prances. If washouts or breaks occur, repair them Immediately. Prompt maintenance of small eroded areas Ware they become significant gullies is an essential port of an effective erosion and sedimentation control plan. NOTE WELL: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING' AND DESIGN MANUAL' OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, LATEST EDITION. PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. 2 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 2/9/07 1 REVISED PER DEVELOPER 12/28/06 REV. NO. REVISIONS D E crowfdhf A Nanow, Door Serum, P.A. AS ryhls esaewd Raprod,oem a ,we of Ma cm(ants of 016 daawunt ar eddlbu n dwotha+s le daa,mw,t Is .hah ar Part dwxwl .e(fhw aan 1 of e,e Laud S,m+tar a E,#o , o P'd,bkwd ads upise Awn 1(" or4W of Ma daann.nt matt' with war .*W sir.l. and .41mal seal of Me Surwtm nr P.O...hM be aonadeed la he wlid and hvs'CxP" AIABForest\MASTER ORAWNGS\res6\Erosion Control Plans\ECP-Residential-ph6si-2.dwg Layout (ECP Specifications a 6.61 - Construction Specifications " ;.Site preparations -Clear, grub and Strip topsoil from areas under the ' embankment to remove trees, vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. Delay clearing the pool area until the dam Is complete and then remove brush, trees and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment clemout. Stockpile all topsoil or soil containing Organic natter for use on the outer Shaltofthe embankment to Facilitate vegetative establishment. Place temporary sediment. control measures below the basin as needed ' 2.Cut-off trench -Excavate a cut -off -trench along the centerline of the earth Fill embankment. Cut the trench to stable Solt material,- but In no case make it less .than 2 Ft. deep. The cut-off trench must extend into both abutments to at Least the elevation of the riser Crest. Make the: minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation OF. excavation and compaction equipment but in no case .less than 2 Ft Make side slopes of thetrench n0 steeper than 1. 1. Compaction" requirements are the same as those for the embankment. Keep the trench dry o rations. In backflllln and compaction due 0 0Pe , 3.Embankment-Take Fill material from the approved areas shown on the plans. It should be clean mi auralsoil, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks and :. other objectionable. material. Scarify areason which fill Is be placed before placing fill. The Fitt material must .contain sufficient moisture so it can. be .formed by hand into a ball without. crumbling. If water can be, squeezed out of thebail, it is too wet for. proper compactl on, Place Fitt material in 6 to 8-Inch - continuous layers. over the entire length of the fill areaand then Compact it. Compact l on: may be obtaI red by 'routing .the construct ton haulling equI pment over .the flit so that the entire surface of.each layer Is traversed by at least one r may be used. v equipment, or 6 compactor tread track the hen e P Y wheel or end c W P Y n height to n Y higher than. the des to an elevation 10. Construct the 9 9 Cons She allow For settling. A ,4.Condult spillways -Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel, stub to 'make awatertight structural. connection. Secure all connections between barrel sections by., approved watertight assemb U es. Place the barrel and riser on a firm, smooth .;foundation of Impervious soil. Do not use. pervious material such -th pipe or anti -see as b6ckf111 around e r vl r [rushed stow P P as sand, gravel, o P 9 collars: Pence the fill material around the pipe spillway in 4-inch h layers ens and compact it underand around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment Care must be +Akan not to raise the pipe from firm. contact , with its foundation when compacting_ under .the pipe haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2ft. of hand -compacted backfill. over the pipespillwoy before crossing it with construction :equipment Anchor the riser inplaceby ' concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation. In mo case should the pipe conduit be Installed by cutting a trench through the'. dam after the embankment is complete.. 5.Emergency' spillway -Install the emergency spillway in undisturbed: soil. The achievement ofplannedelevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operatl on of emergency spillway. 6:Inlets-Discharge voter into the basin in a manner to:prevent erosion Use droerslons with outlet protectlon to divert sell rant -laden voter to the; upper end of the', poolarea to improve basin trop efficiency .(References, Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protectlan). 7.Erosion control -Construct the structure so thatthedisturbed area Is minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area-iscleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankmentand all other disturbed areas above the crest of the pri ncipal spillway immediately after construction (References, Surface Stabilization). B.Safety-Sedinent basins may attract. children and can be. dangerous. Avoid steep side slopes, and fence and mark basins with warning signs If trespassing is likely. -Follow all state and local requirements. Maintenance Check sediment basins after periods of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restore the basin to its original di mansions when sediment' accumulates to'one- ha l f the design depth. ' Check the embankment, Spillways, and outlet for erosion d m,nge, and inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs aIrs immediately. tee . n Remove all trash and other debris from the rI see a d pool area. OP Outlet Stnbllizntlgn Structure Specification B 6.41 Construction n Spec ifications the re required lines fitter and rl rn folio" 1. Ensure that the subgrntle For the riprapq and Grades shown In the plan Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed mterlal.. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be fitted by Increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprapand gravel filter must conform to the specified _ grading limits sh own on the plans. ' property 3. Fitter cloth, when used, must meet design `_requlrrequirements and be P p eel Y. protectedfrompunching or tear ling during Installation. Repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of .Pillar cloth over the damaged area. All connecting joints should overlap aminimum of l ft. If the damage Is extensive,' replace the entire filter cloth. 4. Riprop nay be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. Theminimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 tines the maximum stone diameter. r angular; quarry stone. It should be hard, , 6. RI ra may be field st orm, or rough ua g ug q Y P P Y - t n and well mama ' highly renther res is a t 9n• g Y end. � Make the t 6. Construct the apron on zero grade with mo overfill at -the e op "calving area err slightly, end level with the nca e of -the riprap ni the downstream8 - below It. receiving stream and r rl all netl with the ace n are that the apron Is o D S. E s property Y 0 P I ne eded to fit site preferably straight throughout s length If n'curwe s n conditions, place It in the upper section of the apron. 9, 1mmedlaiely after constructl on, stabilize ell disturbed areas with vegetation.. (.Practice 6. 10, Temporary Seeding, and. 6. It, Permanent Seeding). . Maintenance n Inspect r1prap outlet structures after heavy rains to see If a Y erosion around or below the riprap has taken piece or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately: make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. r i HARDWARE CLDTH 6 GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION (Tempororv) ..I P .Specification a 6.51 - Construction Specifications As fabric, use a 19-gauge hardware cloth with 1/4 inch mesh openings, with a total height of 2 Feet mini rum. The sediment control stone,. with have an outside slope of 2, 1. inches, should �hn n height of 16 c oP e For stakes, use steel T posts of 1.25 lb/ Uneor fact with a minimum ' length of 5 ft., dr wen 2 Ft. Into the Around, mewl Hurt spocingof 4 feet. - Specifications - _ 1. Uniformly grade a shallow depression approaching' the inlet. 2. Drive 5-foot-steel posts 2 feet into the ground surrounding the Inlet. Space posts evenly around the perimeter of. the Inlet, a maximum of 4 feet apart. r -- 3. Surround the posts ,with were meshhardware cloth Secure the wire mesh to the steel posts at the top, middle, and bottom. Placing a 2-foot anchor ling flap of the mesh undkm. the gravel Is recommended - 4. Place clean grovel (NCDDT s5 a's57 Stone) on a 2,1 slope with n height tt _ of 16 inches around the wire, and smooth town even grade. - r: 5, Once the contr l but ling drA Ud Image area has been stab zed, remove the. LU .� J„ accumulated sediment, and establish final grades. (' 6. Compact the area properly and stabilizewithgroundcover. . ' 1 - ® LL r i. rt^ � <r Maintenance - L.L. -`�' Inspect. the barrier after each significant rain and.nake repairs at. neede� r, i 3 u Remove sediment from the ores as necessary to provide adequate storage Q. � e Ae - volume For the next rain Take care' not to damage. or undercut the hardware ,Q Q cloth during sediment renoval. C' cry When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabs IIzed, remove DIM _- materials and any unstable sediment and dispose of them properly. Bring .the CC Q disturbed area to the grade of the drop inlet and -smooth and compact it. 0 Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet. Z Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Pion Pond Details, Erosion Control Notes and Additional Details Brunswick Forest Phase 601ISections 1 &2 &sidential) LOCATED IN TOWN OF LELAND BR SWICK COUNTY, NORTH CARD INA SE AL 20007 silloM OWNER: FUNSTON LAND & TIMBER, LLC 1018 E. Grandiflaro Drive . Leland, NC 910-383-1425 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P@A• LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS TT TT 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY. WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 11-16-06 ' Scale: AS SHOWN Drawn: DBB Checked: DISH Project No: EIP-PISSUR-Detods' Sheet No: 5 7- i be^ i I MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 OF 34 404 WETLANDS N.C. GRID COORD. N.C. GRID COORD. 404 WETLAND N.C. GRID COORD. N.C. GRID COORD. N.C. GRID COORD. 1626 5.8892 N= 162605.889 N= 162597.234 N= 162608.514 N.C. GRID - N= 162595.637 N.C. GRID N=2289 7..32 E= E= 2288214.294 E= 2288612.886 .064 N= 162591.064 E= 2288927.025 N= 162578.058 .058 E= 2289276.354 M4 94 13ox E= 2288672.431 L388 £= 2289139.778 BBX V MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 4 OF 34 9 5 LS ,�38 Sow qg 128x rlax _ oax - 33 925 4Ja LB!29wL88! (y131X ' �1 J117X 's9x. j 5 924 L86 28W 0 127X l� �'S - 404 ETLANDS s� iD 76x 62x - '32 / 921 527w 922 L5fi 23 L5� \,5 L91 132X 4r / J / IO7X 47, nx 81X L131 2 L13 / �31 920 Ls9 L55 L8426W 31W L90 1JJX 125X l�o� lax <J 27 72zC7 76X L12617x \Sp 172�7L1287sxL129�x 9 L7920 / l`?030 q� �, 919 �, g"125w �, L82 taw 12ax L101 v00 5�96 l 1o6x �� 5 ? 75X 22 Tar lax 4 4 12 2J L10% L125 N.C. GRID COORD. N= 162471.899 hry �81 23W/22X1'99 123X 8�91 nsx 1o5x Lj1 6 L95 E= 2289839.351 29 L80 22w Li y17 C222 J w28 �51 09 21w ,12 13 LJ3 L14 L15 16 23 !2 27 26 917 L78 tow 14 15 ! 26 11 2,g !2s 50 19W 24 C24 25 916 � �11 A 70 P SW o, 915" 6 \ q8 1 914 L 17w \\ 6 7 p1 f6w LINE BEARING DISTANCE L384 S 12'47'19" _ E 26.45' L385 N 64'28'55" E 53.91' L386 N 4711'39" W 18.39' L387 N 37'44'52" E 100.33' L388 N 81'17'23" E 111.80' L389 S 16'43'05" W 6.59' L390 N 10'57'49" W 19.02' L391 S 50'12'40" E 24.65' L392 S 41'14'47" E 104.82' L393 N 69'40'17" W 44.86' 121X 9 120X UJ0 L9 L9787X 85X x J \'t Oix L98 9J89X 8HX 104X L713 1112 f00x G10999X L102 92x L101 L1090X LINE BEARING DISTANCE 702X 103X U0g L1-4 L703 93X 91X 94 S 04'00'52"E 36.68 98X\p 95N 94X 95 S 06'10'48"E 3781 - l7 36W 96 S 46'42'06"W 48.75 L. 9ax 35W�q,\5v 97 S 60'23'29"W 37. 96 97X 34w 98 S 7870'56"W 7.87 LINE BEARING DISTANCE N.C: GRID COORD. 33w 33W 2\1 v 32w LZ h37w 99 100 N 5418'35"W N 7658'04"W 31.68 30.47 95 96 N 88100'35"W 27.14 S 6929'20"W 28.91 115 116 N 67'50'07"E N 24'51'26"E 10'5749"W 31.07 46.19 57.59 N= 162304.398 E= 2289823.476 101 S 85'40'58"W 36.90 97 S 763724"W , 37.64 117 N o J 102 N 4711'39"W 59,74 98 S 8450'25"W 45.38 118 S 10'07'27"W 42.66 1001Y 77vo`9 N Jaw 103 N 47'44'13"W 35.34 99 S 75'49'38"W 32.93 119 S 28'43'51 "E 35.23 L2 99W 73V 74V 76V '11 104 N 3956 44 W 43. 71 100 S 82'14 57 W 30.67 120 S 65'09 18 E 40.87 \ 1 L205 101 N 8210917"W 44.01 121 S 64'39'43 E 54.10 1'o N.C. GRID COORD. \\ 5 61J L2p6 rn 40W 41W 43w 102 S 76'0395"W 63.08 122 S 73'40'10 E 48.38 �`i• N= 162258.213 \ / a t5w - 72vM O7i 75v L2781 44W 103 N 87'03'41"W 41,92 123 S 7249'09"E 41.16 - gaw \ \ 910 912 o �ry / 39w gig L2P1 L222 45W a - 11108w 2289844.252 \ 4 5 L43 l 11 4 1� nv 217 "1 104 S 85'21'33"W 37.06 124 N 70'25'47'E 47.92 1 �2 \ 3 L3 6 909 > / L22p 'v 105 S 495928"W 40.62 125 N 6638'55"E 57.21 97W Vry 109W Lq.2 67v 70 K\ rypry / 42W/ w v46W 106 S 72'24'O6"W 39.35 126 N 7545'17"E 32.62 4w ssv <J ti / \ \ 2 908 91 9y L / � H47W 107 N 58'33J6'W 46.26 127 S 487027 "E 36.09 �, ry N.C. GRID COORD. \ \� �1ti �'` Li98 iL200' / / / �aaw 108 N 7323'53"W 63. 78 128 S 89'38'09"E 44.79 9s�y \ \ b, 46v s5v i 69V l2 �49w 109 N 7554'43"W 52.23 129 N 81'5252"E 46.57 1, N= 162208.772 \ \ 1Jw 45v �/ save ? 1 . \ \ \ 907 L71 L777m rn / rn N 110 N 69'40'17"W 47.36 130 N 552T51 "E 58.28 9s �ry now E= 2287044.967 \ \ 4 12W \16 i. sav/ 7i - 19 \ \ 44V �, 7 47V ry Sow ill S 774537"W 28.14 131 N 88721176E 19. 73 ry \ \ L 0 0 h G 63V �' / / v 5/W 112 S 7T4530"W 46.97 132 N 66027466E 24.34 \ \\ \\ 906 43V \11 113 N 77'49'04"W 25.23 133 N 58'13'35"E 16.72 %s\' Ol 11w \ \ oav 52W 114 N 01'01'43"E 30.57 w4 O / ry0 �y9 Nw 21V 42V^ m_ 62V 61V �9 rn / / / // v 2J�555W ,o `9?f ry69 \\\ \\\ 905 IOW q<7S422V J49V S6W f 0\112W ,� �y0 91 l�S 13V 41 V 1 59 V a, "� JJ 57W 58W 3035 3034 3033 \ \\\\ \\\\ 904 V9 �6� 9W. 20V11 Sl&S 24V25V 27V 40V \\ / -1 r�yBV 9 / !?JF l2Jl`''135 W 82W £ 4 og1166� �' �ry I73W \ \ h s 26V 28V 39V 50V 60w 81w \ \ 31 6aw v58 Us0 0 55V n L2581 m ry 3036 \ \ \ \. V0 38V �'\ N £ '� 3 114W J032 \ \ 903 7W 19V L757 LI 29V 37V / 05 L166 / N S 83W 6 \\ \\ 902 Lj6 L65 / 35v fp0 69 52v �1 / / �61W 72W v 80W / 91c, \� L262 1, L264 �0^J \ \ 901 35 sw `; 3av 66 ` �\ L784 71Wo, coL26 4115w 3031 \ N.C. GRID COORD. \\ -000, 3a L �64 Iav °�., [ J632v Lh U6T3sv l�' saw °` 2A £ 4 / saw ti8 nsw N= 161986.b,5bE= 2287183 923 \ \\ y'h5W w L1 33v\6/ / / / / / / �9 240 sow saw 695 7owL2 9/�/ l s L25n `nL25P£L253 <2s n5hew5L28 .3\0 1 17V 3029 3022 \ \ 3027 3024 \ \\ \\ p 2WJw 3o2e /30263o2s 3oz3 N.C. GRID COORD. \ N= 161910.401 \\\ \\\ 16� E= 2287232.512 \ \\\\ \\\\ 15V / fiV l4aVu 91 3009 3017 \ \\\\\\\ 8vv 3011 3016 404 ETLANDS 3001 3013 3015 \ \\ \\\\\ 4v 1,\51 3014 J N.C. GRID COORD. \ \ N= 161481.763 \ E= 2287489.239 \\V A LINE BEARING DISTANCE i N 3334"E 4J.6 52 2 N 52327096E 43.62 3 S 7651'50"E 37.69 \ 4 N 61'4244"E 31.33 5 N 52'06'11 "E 72.87 6 N 71'48'34"E 53.04 \ \\ \\ 7 N 51'42'40"E 46.36 ` n \\\\\ CENTERLINE OF ROAD 8 N 8037'15"E 22.60 9 N 27'41'57"E 23.84 70 N 384938"E 51,09 iS S 8816'05"E 795.07 71 N 08178'32"E 28.68 \\\\\\\\ lam' / 12 S 88'3454"E 43.97 J 13 S 74'3821 "E .40 .\ 14 N 6950Ji"'E 3131.40 V, 15 S 805p5'10"E 24.29 V " 16 N 0800J2"E 24.97 17 N 0008'03"W 15.91 18 N 12 33'51 "E 18.04 19 N 81'47'51"E 11.56 20 S 50'35'14"E 36.93 \ \ \ 21 S 7255'13"E 60.60 \\\\\ 38 22 S 10'40'59"E 24.63 23 S 6774'D2"E 55.90 \ \ \ 24 S 7823'35"E 48.67 25 N 65'31'00"W 30.17 LINE BEARING DISTANCE 26 N 58'51'56"W 11.11 60 S 6409'10"W 21.01 27 N 555754"W 22.87 61 S 4919'18"W 24.30 / 28 N 2433'05"W 29.71 62 S 56'48'50"W 48.67 \\\\\\ 29 N J6'26759"W 52.23 63 S 51'2858"W 4Z37 \ \ 44 / 404 WETLANDS 30 N 44'08'28"W 17.25 64 S 5544'12"W 53.41 \ \ 32 N 36'2016"E 35.70 66 S 38*13'10"W 34. 11// / 33 N 12'17'06"E 42.59 67 S 675526"W 40.51 \ \ "' / 34 N. 76'15'21"E 38,01 68 S 4901'31"W 44.13 \ \\\ \\\ 5s 35 N 732827"E 45.83 69 S 55'05'17"W 45.18 36 N 6425'12"E 38.29 70 S 58'27'48"W 80.76 37 N 51'09'12"E 51.20 71 S 72'51'35"W 70.02 38 N 4232'12'E 57.90 72 S 4707'59"W 43. 00 39 N 5257'30"E 44.33 73 S 43'11'18"W 64.02 46 N 62'14'11 "E 90,22 74 S 54'08'35"W 63.84 41 N 43'3222"E 52.02 75 S 612652"W 61,05 42 N 66257326E 56.92 76 S 5344'51"W 60.04 43 N 71'11'28"E 47.D8 77 S 475520"W 54.37 44 S 445526"E 29.59 78 S 72'22'09"W 85.37 \ \ \ 45 N 64'16'08"E 53.27 79 S 76'53'39"W 53. 95 46 N 5027'18"E 45.01 80 S 724J23"W 79.31 \ \\ j 47 N 35'48'30"E 61.62 at S 5656'59"W 31.90 \\ \\ 9S ! L36672S i .46 N 68'07'09"E 76.03 82 N 89'41'36"W 38.72 11S \61 / 49 N 22'31'29E 30.15 83 S 3509'14"W 38.23 \\ \\ J6 to$ S 50 N 4738'19"E 30.73 84 S 8475'47"W 41.15 \\\ \\\ 1os 135 w 1 i1 51 N 58'4320"E 107.31 85 S 50'4736"W 43,61 / 28 52 N 1611'09"E 28.93 86 S 82'18'11 "W 44.97 \ > j 53 N 21'12'00"W 29.75 87 S 72'17'18"W 58.98 \\\ \\ .yy S 54 S 7228'22"E 19.01 88 N 8452'01"W 32.92 55 N 77'16'33"E 55.78 89 S 263443"E 46.03 _ 3� \\ \\ 56 S 8350426E 40.46 90 S 87*45'I1 "E 28.18 57 N 6427'50"E 45.40 91 S 79'09'01"W 42.48 \\\\\\ 48� 58 N 43'14'37"E 52.85 92 S 24'37'01 "W 31.01 59 N 695324"E 68.87 93 S 4245'01 "W 58.89 \\ \\ se N.C. GRID COORD. N= 160555.503 E= 2288128,294 \SHEET 6 OF 34 I75W m "1 a J M 184W 174 W J 185W 73W ! J SQ 186w jN188W /lam l89W jh J 190W M J 191W /Om "1 N.C. GRID COORD 193w N= 161257.912 E= 2288498.542 IC / 11 i 2C ro n 3C l� 9 4C 0 m 5C / li+ w 6C N 7C �:p117W vry 011 law ry _%288rtsw F 1 404 WETLANDS I g8 t29w / L2 '144W phi / / p0 L2 130W 132w31W LINE BEARING DISTANCE �Al \dry41 - 136w 277 S 6337'50'W 39.37 319 N 1841'41"W 67.20 j j j / 14m L315 L 7y J ,��/ �Q1, 133W 278 S 33'44'50"W 7Q73 321 N 09'12' JI"E 0.40 O 304 L303,\" 279 S 4071'00"W 50.37 321 N 2T1231 "E 20.40 281 S 25*3433"W 2.58 322 N 37'14'56"E 29.99 281 S 37'2 J3"W 42.95 324 N 56'1457"E 20.93 282 S 3720'47"W 37.18 324 N 03'18'54"E 24.14 149 J 283 S 44'06'08"W 27.18 326 N 40'28'01 "E 26.14 139w L307 284 S 752547"W 27.82 326 N 657097406E 23.49 j 1Jaw 285 S 50'5752"W 30.71 327 S 725524 E 28.36 257 S 30'32'53"W 47.15 328 S 53'S9'49"E 19.83 15m 288 N 82*2616"W 27.56 330 S 89'12'56"E 3Z79 / 289 S 80'33'56"W 26.98 331 S 8233'01 "E 35.17 O 291 N 71'04'25"W 211.06 333 S 8610'05"E 35.61 34p2w �j 151 - 292 S 4422'10"W 19.18 334 S 50'0326"E 28.32 w 294 S 37' 0'25 "E 29. 49 335 S 337167457E 18.67 _W g - 294 S 1073072577E 29. 41 336 S 50'06'56 "E 29.75 V) 770w <JJ8 ^ 152 295 S 432758"W 25.81 337 S 08'23755"W 23.00 W 169W `b 296 S 083853"W 42. 03 335 S 59'35'10"E 37.29 W 53 298 S 63'07'00"W 25.27 340 S 70'44 20"E 42.22 2 �3 v 299 S 74'05'05"W 33.69 J41 S 30'58'56"E 44.83 300 S 51'14'06"W 36.89 342 S 18'16'11"E 64.61 = \61� .11 lJJ /�32 161,p 459 /// g ss 302 S 52 40 J3"W 25.96 5..14 344 N 29 2�'12"W 87. 69 Q 303 N 865724"W 28.95 345 N 29'5328"W 57.38 \ . N L333„ L331_ L330 L32 L3 \' 304 N 77'30'16"W 27.90 346 S 2527'01"E 44.13 lJ2)158 157 305 S 16'10'48"W 41.73 347 N 092073"E 56.76 E 306 S 29'0457"W 27.28 348 S 02'46'49"E 52.33 307 S 81'50'52"W 26.03 349 S 0127'49"W 72.96 308 N 05'30'03"E 39.94 350 S 48'55'10"E 17.74 309 N 55'07'40"W 34.77 351 S 17'20'46"E 25.10 310 N 09'25'04"W 33.82 352 S 2223'15"E 29.33 311 N 56'31'04"W 15.19 353 S 2931'O6"E 14.91 . 312 N 687724"W 22.38 354 S 04'47'03"W 8Z 73 J13 S 53'0026"W 31.65 355 S 06'20'01 "E 41.13 314 S 55'14'03"W 2Z36 356 S 1733'54"W 55.63 315 N 79'15'21"E 28.27 357 S 11'15'07"E 33.44 316 N 00'19'53"W 34.64 358 S 12'10'51 E 30.62 317 N 34'22'03"W 3765 359 S 07'43'06"W 42.53 318 N 19'33J4"W 43. 30 LINE BEARING DISTANCE 134 N 40'49'53"E IZ37 182 S 03'22'16"W 44.75 230 S 16'38J9"W 18.93 CENTERLINE OF 135 N 0539'36"E 55.08 183 S 86'14'43"E 15.11 231 S 38'4435E 17.45 ROAD 136 N 11'18'14"E 52. 39 184 N 663227"E 28.46 232 S 38'1937"E 19.52 137 N 57'13'18"E 23.55 185 N 49'27'5J"E 27.67 233 S 64106'05"E 20.64 138 S 78557566E 43.95 186 N 78'14'37"E 43.71 234 S 5746'57E 21,36 139 N 1532'42"E 47.10 187 N 68'06'25"E 22.24 235 N 8539'12"E 1Z12 140 N 1027'04"E 35.43 188 N 692239"E 32.76 236 5 6344'08"E ID47 141 N 2737'46 E 36.13 189 N 20'2632"W 16,67 237 S 413731"E 22.16 142 S 8850'24"E 17.66 190 N 19'53'06"W 19.55 238 S 2625'02"E 44.38 143 N 50'3658"E 22.91 191 N 11'17'51"W 21.65 239 S 4151'03"E 4Z59 144 N 6132'47"E 26,63 192 N 512228"W 15.46 240 N 80'30'38"E 17.26 145 N 79'39'09"E 31.78 193 N 82'53'48"W 20.45 241 N 85'03'04"E 21.53 146 N 1023'49"E 41.95 194 N 1108'47"W 25.41 242 S 16'03'26"E 26.09 147 N 02'3648"E 45.49 .195 N 48'57'08"E 25.40 243 S 68'19'50"E 19.94 148 N 0152'42"E -46.85 196 N 1036'15"E 26,90 244 N 7221'54"E 71.27 149 N 05'11'24"W 60.26 197 N 472933"E 22.77 245 N 73'08'41 "E 18.54 150 N 05'56'14"E 48.60 198 N 75'0627"E 22.95 246 N762854"E 31. 15 151 N 14'18'10"W 38.61 199 S 71'04'34"E 19.39 247 N 68'1558"E 29.27 LINE BEARING DISTANCE 152 N 1757'37"E 45.10 200 S 882525"E 20.00 248 N 41'44'02"E 31.06 153 N 09'33'11"E 22.51 201 N 5358'01"E 23.52 249 S 49'4248"E. 61.15 361 S 12'51'09'103"W 29.34 25 154 S 67'07'58"E 25.40 202 N 43'15'57"E 26.78 250 S 86'00'26"E 23.01 361 S 64'06'3"W 29..0 155 S 4475'37"E 21.15 203 N 2249'20"E 19.41 251 N 71'09'05"E 25.57 362 S 64'06J9"W 4.06 156 S 4935'15"E 43.04 204 N 4436'177E 25.43 252 N 77'40'44"E 26.31 363 S 563014"W 44. 5 157 S 8508'56E 22.71 205 N 8226'59"E 30. 73 253 N 8222'02"E 41.33 364 S 23'04'31"E 58.89 155 S 8537'01"E 19.57 206 N 777855"E 15.94 254 S 6851'49"E 35.58 366 S 46'3435"E 58.02 159 N 87'11'18E 29.38 207 N 36'02'34"E 12.69 255 N 50'51'46E 22.16 367 N 78'2328"E 59.02 367 N 697057176E 32.37 I61 S 15*0845"E 19..05 208 N 01'59'47"E 2199 256 N 15'20'41 "W 29.23 368 S 555222"E 13.84 161 S 157087446E 19.05 209 N 32'07J8"W 29.35 257 N 09'12'21"E 21.08 369 S 31'24'35"E 56.05 182 S 27'06'07"E 27.83 210 N 69'53J0"E 19.04 258 S 8938'57"E 23.87 370 S 567167236E 27.49 163 S 697527436E 41.47 211 N 667257406E 27.30 259 S 47'48'24"E 28.05 371 S 48'5222"E 42.35 164 S 85'04'29"E 28.64 212 N 6103'24"E 28. 7.3 260 S 3759'58"E 33.69 372 S 31'36'43"E 74.58 165 N 3851J6"E 22.36 213 N 51'4226"E 16.78 261 N 66'31'22"E 43.08 373 S 36'04'35"E 80.30 166 N 702226"E 21.03 214 S 14'41'59"W 32.52 262 N 75'58'41"E 34.38 374 S 25'O7'12"E 114,90 167 S 82737526E 27.25 215 S 0Tl6'31"W 41.53 263 N 60'47'47"E 35.10 168 N 3307'31"E 17.50 216 S 20'26277E 57.83 264 S 8900'OD"E 30.38 375 S 357457036E 102.34 169 N 60'15'24"E 20.78 217 N 71'43745"E 17.03 265 N 46715256E 23.97 376 S 39"42'16"E 58.71 170 N 32'44'07"E 25.72 218 S 82'2332"E 17.75 266 N 7J'16'47"E 29.73 377 S 02*40'05" 73.99 378 S 02'40'05"W 114,45 171 N 24'15'54 E 18.77 219 S 6226752E 3321 267 N. 56'S7b4"E 29.27 379 S 4105'43"E 56,37 172 N 46757546E 18,77 220 N 700T57"E 18,41 268 N 5J'19J9"E 21.24 380 S 1624'37"E 77,21 173 N II'I 9'32"E 35.02 221 S 8256'31'E 26.46 269 N 49'13'25'E 27.18 381 S 307477536E 82.20 174 N 7 46 'E 0 09 28 i 222 223 N 89 31 29 E S 14'2336"W 34.04 17.09 270 271 N 42'29 44 N 38'06'51"E 26.99 36.40 19'15'34"W -c';C 175 N 4521'58"E 28.18 224 S 05'27'18"E 25. 02 272 N 4T50'07"E 43.92 383 N 20680 '-�1'+-fta. i 177 N 7945'36 "E 19.83 225 S 17 54'51 "E 6.70 273 N 48 2131 "E 51.79 178 S 09'02'14"E 18.78 226 S 42'18'45"E 23.45 274 N 49'38'52"E 42.96 179 180 S 31'46'17"E S 1428'09"E 36.16 27.77 227 S 1659JO"E I&38 275 N 36'03'54 "E 50.31 181 S 03'18'46"E 47.00 228 S 173928"W 13.09 276 N 65'4436"E 38.71 229 S 16'4837"W .I7JI MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 9 OF 34 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. 29 N.C. GRID COORD. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS N=160528.777 E= 2288669.229 100' S0' 0 100' 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 SEE COVER SHEET FOR NOTES PHONE: (970) 343-8002 SCALE IN FEET FAX: (910) 343-9941 1. _ 100FT (� 8829- W6. DWGJLW k N.C. GRID COORD. N=164596.646 E= 2288048.284 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 2 OF 34 N.C. GRID COORD. N= 162626.276 E= 2287714.900 404 WETLANDS a 404 WETLANDS la7 83Z 87Z 16Z 91z 1,63 74Z <B2 73Z 61 72Z 115Z J 114Z fl07 107Z T c 106Z m 105Z J 104Z m � IOJZ h f 102Z I'folz j�7 95Z ,a7, 94Z 93Z LINE BEARING DISTANCE L376 N 70'55'35" W 12.52' L377 S 59'31'47" W 187.56' L378 S 55'20'52" W 84.17' L379 S 82'45'04" E 21.40' L380 N 11'38'54" W 6.35' L381 S 38'27'09" W 36.87' L382 S 22'14'28" E 97.44' L383 S 27'58'39" E 125.11' L384 S 1O'l2'53" E 111.83' L385 S 59'00'26" E 68.99' L386 S 23'19'50" E 48,02' L387 S 78'24'31" E 5.69' L388 S 82'58'48" W 6.18' L389 S 18*20'36" E 36.04' L390 S 24'13'47" E 44,31' L391 S 31'25'22" E 58.70' L392 S 30'47'06" E 19.36' L393 S 24*02'13" E 16.41' L394 S 16'49'03" E 10.76' L395 S 08'48'29" E 30.02' L396 S 04'52'48" E 35.94' L397 S 01'l3'27" W 19.16, L398 S 11*08'07" W 5.97' L399 S 20'32'09" W 16.50' L400 S 14'53'20" W 26.28' L401 S 13'14'35" W 19.04' L402 S 05'35'46" W 12.68' L403 S 14'31'24" W 18.54' L404 S 10'35'05" W 26.88' L405 S 05'05'46" W 51.22' L406 S 41'17'36" W 21.31' L407 N 24'37'32" W 10.44' L408 N 25*58'11" E 118.97' L409 N 33'36'25" E 47.55' L410 N 27'39'34" W 19.87' L411 S 14'27'06" E 119.50' L412 S 76'39'13" W 28.02' L413 S 64'04'55" W 58.81' L414 S 45'08'44" W 15.00' L415 N 78'44'30" W 8.50'' L416 S 68'08'09" W 29.23' L417 N 89'13'58" W 21.36' L418 N 75'17'13" W 68.75' L419 S 70' 1 1'44" W 81.58' L420 S 52'54'37" W 55.31' L421 S 79*44*41" W 30.30' L422 N 82'36'27" W 43.37' L423 S 76'32'50" W 28.76' L424 S 64'28'55" W 53.91' L425 N 12'47'191. W 26.45' L426 N 16'43'05" E 6.59' L427 S 81'17'23" W 111.80' L428 S 37'44'52" W 100,33' L429 N 55-33127" W 37,40' L430 N 81'39' 10" E 51.00' L431 S 50'12'40" E 3.35' L432 S 38'27'56" W 4.04' 69Z K�S ' BZ <r 67Z 65Z n 6J7 wL52 s 62Z 4Z <`SO 61Z 26Z 14Z 15Z n I6Z J -) 1 17Z v 18Z w 19Z p 20Z 0^ N zu r Im 7Z 87 .AN. 97 57 ,0'I L` 62 063� 11 a� 19X L159 6D L 16x 14X 13L 12Z, 18 Li 17x 0 N 18x $ y120X by L156 21X 22X 25X zsx N � 27X j �2Bx r m N7 29X JOX 36X 39x Emg 57z 404 WETLANDS 3IZ o -1 / n!x i m� �� v 43Z 42Z 32Z po w a 404 WETLANDS i / �� � L219C 404 WETLANDS 117 JJZ /28 65 _26 6'-27 64 62 61 P 60 i 57 52 53 54 58 �7, L73 ¢g Lik 50 !ice �' 48 7 56 4 20 57 �a 46 45 44 L843 !- 42 41 L3 39 L4 40 L5 38 L252 925 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 6 OF 34 N.C. GRID COORD. N= 162573.555 E= 2288149.622 SHEE T 4 68 931 932 e 931 424 z /-// 9926��,',' OF 4Z 3Z 2Z fox L1716x 7x LINE BEARING DISTANCE 1 S 83'39'31'E 35.84 66 N 16 02'51 "W 28.10 2 S 7970'37"E 74.76 67 N 2934'41"W 39.03 1 3 N 7504'47"E 36. 22 68 N 25'09'54"E 26.31 4 N 8534'49"E 34, 03 69 N 1409'16"E 34.52 5 N 7971'15"E 46.48 70 N 24'21'08"E 23.83 6 N 557358"W 9.69 71 N 46'34'54"E 24.92 7 N J472'07"W 31.99 72 N 5955'39"E 25.36 8 N 6972'47"W 15.25 73 S 58'37'28"E 22.24 9 N 19'5247"W 23.87 74 S 37'41'56"E 15.18 \ 10 N 15'42'09"W 43.86 75 S 41'31'43"E 17.40 11 N 2175'40"E 44.44 76 S 4346'42"E 21.91 12 N 534422"E 36.65 77 N 86'47'39"E 20.61 13 S 8256'20"E 50.11 78 S 6370'59"E 19.29 ` 14 N 73'41'59E 39.91 79 N 7845'17"E 29.51 15 N 31'05'02"E 40.94 80 S 8532'58"E 39.95 16 N 71'01'44"E J5.34 81 N 67'33'34 E 22.27 17 S 740655E 34.39 82 N 58'02'09"E 36.19 ` 18 S 20'I3'52 E 25.53 BJ N 2905'42"E 17.61 19 S J245'13 E 55.J4 84 N 155429"E 25.25 \ 20 S 7655'00"E 32.83 85 N 51'3736"W 5.01 O 21 N 2658'18"W 41.12 86 N 06'19'32"W 38,44 cn ` 22 N 1608'08"W 39.36 87 N 2921'38"W 21.87 cw 2J N 02'17'28"E 33.91 88 N 2236'18"W IZ60 24 N 4J23'38"W 19.11 89 N 1537'15"W 36.94 w 25 N 075425E 37.54 90 N 19'4635"E 22.73 ` ` 26 N 795032"E 32.82 91 N 10'3946"W 29.41 27 N 8105'59"E 33.23 92 N 02'06'09"W 23.00 N ` 28 N 68'45'08"E 31.43 93 N 00'15'05"W 36.52 29 N 42'01'29"E 38.09 94 N 02'56'51"W 23.33 31 N 61'30'56"E 18.44 95 N 027234"E 20.58 N 32 S 7429'04"E 21.94 96 N57'33'12"W 29.92 ` 33 N 52'20'50 E 32.67 97 N 152725"W 1743 34 N 300875E 25.18 98 N 052725"W 44.43 \ 35 N 7002'52E 27.72 99 N 0930'57"W 5Z78 36 N 47'01'23"E 16.63 100 N 04'07'52"W 72.47 ` 37 N 4755'09"E 31.33 101 N 07'1839"£ 36.16 38 N 6J5436 E 17.92 102 N 0075'04 E 70.33 ` 39 N 287624"E 30.54 103 N 0453'08"W 5J. 02 40 N 7305'22"E 20.93 104 N 2306'11 "W 83.00 41 N 60'48'09"E 2Z42 105 N 3515'42"W 61.92 42 N 7553'16"E 20.61 106 N 3909'39"W 78.83 43 N 68'10'43"E 16.52 107 N 4607'02"W 89.66 44 N 1642'09"W 27.51 108 N 2908'58"W 81.29 45 N 27'39'34'W 22.23 109 S 1007'27"W 42.66 46 N 2129'02"W 18. 83 110 S 49'18'49"E 29.98 ` 47 N 2812725"E 22.51 ill S 2754'47"E 48.03 48 N 5112'27E 23.43 112 S 1908'43"E 35.15 ` 49 N 14 33'26'W 33.32 113 S 89'14'09 "E 5J 41 50 N 52'38'09"W 28.51 114 S 4031'35"E 46.99 ' 51 N 470638"W 24.39 115 S 59123'31"E 49.96 52 S 7930'07"W 33. 75 116 S 452136"E 27.80 ` 5J N 23'5123"W 20.16 117 S 75'01'00"E 59.32 54 N 3805'31"W 30.51 118 S 5222'46'E 29.05 55 N 54 3655"W 22.69 119 S 40'04'00 E 35.02 56 N 61'39'09"W 41.45 120 S 35'11'24 E IZ92 '3X 57 N J93735"W 31.98 121 S 82'46'41 E 19.13 Z \ 58 N 68'01'18"W 38.63 122 S 83'36'25"E 44.85 x 59 N 88'16'33"W 4Z 48 123 S 394139"E 52.11 t- 60 N 51'34'72"W 26.74 124 S 31'33'10"E 37.55 1r 61 N 68'32'05"W 29.J4 125 S 115J'50"E 36.58 a \ 62 N 617831'W 34.55 126 . S 05'22'39"W 59.35 63 N 80'35'19"W 24.13 127 S 23'31'11'W 40.95 64 N 73'49'01 "W 31.30 128 N 78'55'49"W 25.13 65 N 544324"W 27.34 129 N. 84'46'47"W 27.52 404 WETLANDS 00 N.C. GRID COORD. / N= 163438.912 t E= 2289580.560 51Z52Z 45Z r1, PQv / `� N / v O sox L129 46Z �`1' v / -' 35Z c ry L 128 < `V g / 38Z c1 J N v +eX �p L387 47Z v 6 o a 61x 4 i 3� 4" <N L225 / /377 L21 /o " N 4ez L 132 L133 953 952<2?6 i 948i[23 9572.yp �194 5V h N 950 22949 946 n six - M <J 945 J 600 �Ssr J 55X 56X 944 9� L 122 57x ry�``I oT L 121 �aO56X 940 [23941 942 43v�Z� !59X 59 LZ 256 G o <Z2�Ox 1 938 L23 L 's L1» 61x is 62X u� L2426L2417�b// / , <, 404 WETLANDS I 131X / �6�\I27X N.C. GRID COORD. N= 162565.271 N.C. GRID COORD. E= 2288572,912 N=162557.556 E= 2288700.494 34 WATERS OF THE U.S. 4X < 110x 115X L•),6y�c'e L430 A`7i 2 L427 HO 113X IU0ry�k H116X < �`L L 426 ?e 112X N.C. GRID COORD. �ry� rn N= 162559.045 E= 2288929-593 L113 65x 64X 66X r� � BIX f09X 0 108X 69x' N.C. GRID COORD. '1mx N=162565.032 N.C. GRID COORD. E= 2289268.854 N= 162521.522 E= 2289150.730 JB MA 130 N 5279'00"W 30.96 194 N 04'55'40"E 45.39 255 N 57'51'06"E 58.97 131 N 33'16'43"W 28.60 195 N 11'37'16"E 47.73 256 N 58'15'28"E 37.36 310 N 57'1956E 51.82 132 N 7824'31 "W 22.99 196 N 1252'537E 26.58 257 N 5772'S8"E 36.50 311 N 07'46'11 "E 35.92 133 S 672874"W 34.41 197 N 32'35'S2"E 41.80 258 N 50'39'45"E 23. 26 312 N 745437"E 42.14 1J4 S 3327'05"W 46.51 198 N 13'1029"W 34.18 259 N 582943E 1705 313 N 6572'54"E 44.36 135 S 0950'46"E 63.04 199 N 37'29'38"E 19.54 260 N 562526E 39.27 314 S 392737E 40.47 1J6 S 25'04'05"E 41.9J 200 N 31'5942 E 23.65 261 N 50'47'12E 32.10 315 S 75'19'33"E 40.51 137 S 48'08'13"E 51.99 20I N 3739'43"E 11.63 262 N 4638'45E 38.77 J16 N 2273'14"E 32.86 138 S J2'59'48"E 29.54 202 N 0008'15"E 28.79 263 N 7633'19'E 31.32 317 N 2455'16"E 25.00 139 S 36'1721"E 22.48 203 N 4649'09"W 16.70 264 S 63'41'01"E 30.44 318 N 7006'05"E -39.40 140 S 5307'57E 42,44 204 N 2839'19"W 21.55 265 S 863079'E 18.29 J19 S 82'45'48"E 32.26 141 S 0273'18'W 31.74 205 N 0972'04"W 18.10 266 N 062823E 64.60 J20 S 7974'04"E 31.99 142 S 5129'48"E 32.76 206 N 0122'59 E 26.99 267 S 702656E 28.60 J21 S 42'48'31 E 32.98 143 N 2002'06"W 29.61 207 N 05'40'06"W 19.74 268 S 7673'24E 14.63 322 S 17'18'44E 48.16 144 N 11'4745"W 33JJ 208 N 13'06'11"W 32.04 269 N 8937'26"E 72.37 323 S 38'48'16"W 49.24 145 N 4727'51"W 24.05 209 N 0233'01"W 34.02 270 N 4454'51"E 28.01 J24 S 16'24'36"E 20.95 146 N 6538'10"W 19.66 210 N 01'12'14"W 25.99 271 5 7908'55"E 73.21 325 S 4723'01'E 18.86 147 N 4801'54"W 33.32 211 N 07'40'50"W 30.2J 272 S 28'40'01 E 33.J2 J26 S 10'52'33"W 38.49 748 N 397254"E 28.56 212 N 0236'58"W 39.72 273 S 083355'W 19.72 J27 S 06'13'09 E 51.67 .149 N 05'40'08"W J4.48 213 N 8647'14"E 29.57. 274 N 8408'15"E 28.54 328 S 2020'10"W 15.42 150 751 N 1578S6"W N 0101'27"W 37, 73 214 S 12'33'11"E 27.42 275 S 27'13'23"E 30.63 J29 S 21'44'12"W 36.38 15 N 25"W 2ZIJ 26.71 215 S 16'37'57"E 42.71 276 S 3703'37E 34.41 JJO S 05'53'32"E 33.31 153 N 20'36'036'06"E 26.7B 216 S 78'10'07"E 25. 11 277• N 8J'44'08"E 26.94 331 S 14'5725"W 42.47 154 N 0'E 23.7 217 S 64'4655"E 46.10 278 N 1057'49"W 5759 J32 S 43'12'19"W 20.54 156 30*19* N 307905"E 375 218 S 4772'04"E 26.88 279 N 3921'36"W 45.07 J33 S 6034'08"W 30.77 157 N 6907*Jl"E 219 N 774622"E 22.63 280 N 6356'15"W 49.05 334 S 6736'07"W 21.76 158 N 30*49'3 "E 39.12 9.12 220 N 05'40'20"£ . 34.20 281 S 382756"W 25.30 335 S 85'33'39"W 25.98 158 N 50'4931"E 28.93 221 N 19'46'05"E 19.96 282 S 40'13'56"W JO. 46 J36 S 45'10'26"W 16.63 159 N 8555'03'E 33.60 222 N 3227'JJ"E 28.41 283 N 553327"W 41.52 J37 S 70'12'21"W 23.71 160 N 67'46'49"E 31.27 223 N 2973'41"E 18.23 284 N 4252'47"W 33.95 338 S 6206'26'W 22.09 161 N 60'48'37'E 30.70 224 N 243732"W 20.88 285 S 56'28'57"W 51.08 J39 S 61'32'07"W 25.18 162 N 5971'57E 11.90 225 N 87'14'J5"W 40.06 286 S 16'43'05"W 16.62 340 S 55'45'43"W "W 32.44 163 S 82'4504"E 26.57 226 N 63'12'14"W 49.77 287 S 04'00'52"E 36.68 J41 S 65'19'31 19.96 164 S 7531'02"E 27.71 227 N 543204"W 22.75 288 N 39'56'44"W 43.71 342 S 7744'38"W 32.60 166 N 8 "E 26.5 228 N 555322"W 20.89 289 N 27*29'04"W 36.26 343 N 8375'39"W 36.01 167 *42'1 N 78'42'41 E 24.97 229 N 7071'58"W 23.80 290 S 71'0131 "W 45.27 344 S 860I37"W 30.51 167 N 62'S9'41"E 24.97 230 S 56'05'40"W 4Z27 291 S 42'45'01"W 58.89 345 S 65'55'13"E 36.75 168 N 34'41'41"E 24.96 231 N 73'31'04"W 29.68 292 N 13'30'09"W 60.55 J46 S 42'14'18"W 45.90 170 N. 6400'31 28.52 232 N 0203'46"W 31.09 293 N 12'40'09"W 50.61 J47 N. 7220'13"W "W 28.90 170 " N 6J38"46"E 31.02 233 N 09'32'51 "W 33.11 294 N 16'2534"E 63.33 J48 S 0238'51 35. f 0 171 N 69*3425"46'23'39E 20.9 2J4 N 1038'08"E 47.72 295 N 1728'43"E 59.91 349 S 11'56'16"E 34.08 173 N 4673'39 E 22.11 2J5 N 28'33'59"E 46.91 296 N 245946"E 9Z16 350 S 29'38'07"W 43.13 173 N 294432"E 22.1I 236 N 6150'42"E 22.65 297 N 68'42'00"E 52.34 J51 S 3706'27 E 26.54 174 N IJ29"27"E 23.85 237 N 8857'08"E 36.79 298 N 22'34'52"E 71.38 352 S 02'11'18"W 20.34 176 N 17.30 238 S 80'59'08"E 47.11 299 N 2227'11"E 47.79 353 S 373642"E 55.62 17 70'30'46"W N 70'S535"W 239 N 63'37'03"E 59.95 300 N 17'33'46"E 50.82 354 S 02283E 5 38.80 177 S 244842"E 23.24 240 " N 275236E 35.12 301 N 59'4729 E 97.24 355 S 16'28'38"W 42.89 /•/• 17 N 6077'53'E .24 2781 241 N 72'16'15"E 49.42 302 S 28'S9'00"E 5761 •/" /• 179 S 6606'10"E 31.01 242 S 8272'00"E 31.60 303 S 03'3552"W 53.92 180 N 70'43'20"E 54.74 243 S 5129'25"E 53.24 J04 S 0806'29"E 55.53 181 N 58'58'44"E 72.22 244 S J534'05"E 27.77 305 S 43'05'46"E 54.70. /"i•26q.,11 182 N 50'40'34"E 57.66 245 N 4322'51"E 37.05 306 N 39'56'33"E 36.26 /•„ 184 N 247 S 7976'34"E 307 N 47'48'40"E 45.23 2 184 53'5324E N 53'S329"E 28.7 28.72 247 N 30'41'20"E 40 4 40.47 J08 N 0903'14"W 38.08 / ./• '�j$ 6$ 185 N 58'19'11'E 65.93 248 N J4*47'39"E 43.28 J09 N 39'00'S5"E 42.37 /• / N 187 N 62'33'07"E 249 N 2655'00"E 42.60 • 188 N 49'17'57 E 46.42 250 N 11'2627'E 43.38 189 N 67'17'24 E 28.04 28.48 251 N 565254"E 63.49 - /./• 190 N 463924"E 48.48 252 253 N 69'53'24"E N 20'4535"E 68.87 45.92 /•/• i 356 S 2104'42'W 38.36 190 N 5633'13"E 30.38 /• iY L1N 357 S 13'53'43"W 61.85 191 192 N 11'1339E N 041372"E 21.24 62.97 254 N 52'S7'57"E 29. 12 /• /' ER 358 5. 123226"W 32.30 PROP J59 S 23'51'15"W 39.78 193 N 2201'51"E J3.30 /•/• J60 N 5272'43"W 41.54 361 S 76'3556"W JO. 41 nn SEE COVER SHEET FOR NOTES N.C. GRID COORD. N= 162562.036 E= 2290183.199 100' 50' 0 100' SCALE IN FEET I' - 1 DDFT 362 S 25 56 56 W 63.11 363 S 00'5335'W 43.14 364 S 1907'16"W 46.42 365 N 7907'53"W 41.45 366 N 4370'14"W 50.65 367 N 07'49'07"E 37.41 368 N 44"5454"W 63.54 369 N 29 3557"W 35.31 �g J70 N 55'40'32"W 72.58 371 N 03'51'42"W 4701 372 N 02'4922"W 57.58 373 N 477426"E 45.22 374 N 0347'42E 64.27 375 N 13'05'26"W 70.52 458 ro 0 U Z N.C. GRID COORD. 'N= 162734.961 E= 2290847.218 / 404 WETLANDS '. �'-T�--�-.-a, _.,. 7' j.Ai ,l ,_.. ➢.'L ..., i7_s FEb I n IJO' HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 FAX: (910) 343-9941 8829-W4.DWGJLW 0Rl:11111l.iln 4899.8 ACRES TOTAL -61 ACRES SUNNY POINT RAILROAD R/W -10.82 ACRES S.R. 1553 R/W -0.81 ACRE HEWITT BURTON RD. R/W 4827.2 ACRES NET PROJECT AREA 4827.2 ACRES TOTAL PROJECT AREA 157.7 ACRES C-2 ZONING 4669.5 ACRES PUD ZONING 4669.5 ACRES X 0.05 = 233.5 ACRES COMMERCIAL ALLOWED IN PUD ZONE 4669.5 ACRES X 0.05 = 233.5 ACRES OPEN SPACE REQUIRED 233.5 X 0.25 = 58.38 ACRES ACTIVE OPEN SPACE REQUIRED " Brunswick Forest West " WEST OF SUNNY POINT RR Future Development FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Commercia 30.7 ACRES FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Commercial�,�, 10.3 ACRES DOUGLAS STANLEY / 357- 453 ELLEN HIBBARD ti 7181-946 �0QRFUTUR 9 P rce� F 80.7 ACRES " Brunswick Forest East " EAST OF SUNNY POINT RR Stormwater Master Conceptual Plan le I Naa 1� 7< r1 1'1 S FUTURE o� CIVIC 70.2 ACRES �� FUTURE 35.6 ACRE Parcel G I� _-Z- - 718 652 1 869 1 810 / RODRICK HILL I 559 �229 865 I 641 P.B. 81 PG. 337 699 ED WARD BUR TON 1923 i ES TA TE j P. B. Q PG. 110 635 1750 704 Or 093 / FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Parcel E 384.5 ACRES FUTURE Commercial 7.1 ACRES COMMERCIAL PAR j Outer Boundary Area = 122.031 acres / Current. Permit SW8 031211 Current High Density evelopment WETLANDS • RE D + 4? (KIM WETLANDS • BRUCE B. CAMERON \\ \30\\ //�� N 3 O_ 9\9\03 -�3 PINEY BRANCH\o �\ cp/� =� \\ To Piney Branch \�\\ trib. Jacket's Creek N�1 To Piney Branch trib. Jacket's Creek \ \\ \\ \ To Piney Branch \ `\ \ trib. Jaekeys Croak Low Country � , Current Permit Boulevard WETLANDS SW8031211 -+ IINQ POND 2 + . . • • a a _ 8 9 + • y � • s • • + \ b Pending Parts ,., • • + a .c • �SW8080228 Sr�� • � \ \\ '"-I,, 'sq • •Wq POND No JL-1 �,_ • a a \ AA 3 • a • k r r••• s•• s•• s a • YA-r �§�� i g a • e a • a s • • • • • • TXrt�� � \\ "1 WET�LA�N�/DS �rrwv FUTURE COMMERGAL: FUTURE SAM TURE AREA DRAINING TO POND 3 - 85 ease \R'`Q 1 FUTURE FUTURE TI-FAMWMRESIDENTIAL Q PHASE 2 Current Permit SW8 050528 ' l Future High Density Development Areas to be permitted individually \ FUTURE MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FUTURE SWM FUTURE AREA DRAINING TO POND 4 29.5 saes 7OWNCREEK HEIGHTS (VARIOUS OWNERS) FUTURE MULTI -FAMILY\ RESIDENnAL --a FUTURE SVW P FUTURE AREA RAINING TO POND 5 = 11.5 acres A FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Parcel D \ ORS o O SG P�\pN E OF NR pEE RO�NE p6 SNE HUGH McRAE ll 1002-921 FATA M. e KIM 0VA3U WAR 03 Wit •'wq f WE N.C. NATURAL GAS �- CORPORATION WETLANDS TRASK FAMILY HOLDINGS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP D.B. 987 PG. 849 WETLAND AREA 182 AC. 77 AC. 96 AC. 116 AC. 239 AC. 139 AC. 133 AC, 1. 7 AC. 6 AC. 160 AC. 54 AC. 8 AC. 25 AC, C-2 37 AC. DENSITY ALLOCATION APPROVED BY TOWN OF LELAND, JUNE 2005 PARCEL ACREAGE S. F. L. S. F. L. S. F. L. S. F. L. TOWNHOMES CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS TOTAL 1t OF UNITS 7500 SF 9000 SE 10500 SE 24000 SF 2200 SF 1800 SF A 695.9 0 -5-Or-610 0 0 0 0 1110 313.9 376 627 290 52 717 0 2062 -1 1. 0 0 0 0 IUO 96 196 C 560.1 0 173 55 37 127 0 392 D 940 0 1059 679 305 977 0 0 3020 384.5 0 287 200 45 308 0 0 1070 F 386 230 321 157 47 0 0 0 706 G 35.6 181 0 0 0 0 142 138 280 H 80.7 0 128 49 11 152 0 Q 452 1 621.5 112 849 315 142728 0 0 2544 J IIS 9 510 0 0 0 130 0 0 130 CIVIC 70.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMERCIAL 233.5 0 0 0 0 680 0 TOTAL 4669.5 1909 4054 1745 639 3819 242 234 12642 PRELIMINARY PLAN NOT FOR RECORDATION OR CONVEYANCE PHASE 5 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT MAILILORY CREEK l WETLANDS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT j FUTURE DEVELOPMENT \ JEAN HANSON \ 1222-417 SEVERINE ALVEREZ \ 485-957 I 7 - - - - - - -- - -- WETLANDS HAROLD BATES 7219-706 P. G. 15 PG. 32 w z z Q I a z J U LU Z W � J � U V a a o F7 U Z Q U U �y U Z � Q C4 +_ U 1� 0 � Q o z rT, a 1M U w O Oct z � z Q \� J C)~QAJ z w�NG� GUY DAVIS 770-334 � z iou Oz xvn L o eEjy &c 1 St T(n J?chN 600 0 600 1200 O SCALE 1"= 600' FALL\BFOREST\MASTER DRAWINGS\MASTERDWQ.DWG