HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8061231_HISTORICAL FILE_20090727v STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 0lQ 123\ DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS Ep HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2oogo 1 L1 YYYYMMDD NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Governor Director July 27, 2009 Wayne Morton, Manager TWC Enterprises, LLC 3950 New Bern Hwy Jacksonville, NC 28546 Subject Approved Plan Revision Affordable Self Storage Stormwater Protect No SW8 061231 Plan Revision Onslow County Dear Mr Morton Dee Freeman Secretary On May 29, 2009, the Wilmington Regional Office received a request for plan revision to the Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 061231 The revisions include construction of 33,206 square feet for built -upon area (BUA) in Phase II that was allocated as future in the existing permit There will be 48,733 square feet of future BUA remaining It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for your files Please add the attached plan, with the PE seal dated May 29, 2009, to the previously approved plan sheets Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on January 19, 2007, remain in full force and effect Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis Any other changes to this project must be approved through this Office prior to construction, including the construction of any future BUA The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Georgette Scott at (910) 796-7215 or me at mary Naugle@ncdenr gov Sincerely, Mary #a 4IN a u g I e GDS\mjn S \WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\061231 PR ju109 cc David K Newsom, PE, Crystal Coast Engr, , 910-325-0006, fax 0060 Onslow, County Building Inspections Wilmington Regional Office Central Files M J Naugle Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone 910 796 72151 FAX 910-350 20041 Customer Service 1-877 623-6748 Internet vnrx amaterquallty org An Equal Oppolumty 1 AKrmauve Action Employer Nne orthCarolma Naturally Jun 02 09 09 53a 38173 Freedom Way Hubei, N C 28539 Tel (910)325-oo06 Fax (910) 32&0060 To Mary Jean Naugle Frame Lon Clarke for David K Newsom Fax. 910350-2004 Pages: Phone: Date: 6/2/2009 — -- Re, Affordable Self Storage CC: ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Pond Certification Date Received Date Location o nluuis rue wile ieun rums - - r esrun n = Nuiuenaem ilia or r or i Rule(s ubject (check all that apply) 1995 Coastal ❑ 2008 Coastal ❑ Phase II ❑ Universal Paperwork �IU pvIYJcotg loI/lcq ❑—Check for $505 (must be no older than 6 months) gEi Fez p `t?,IcFj ❑—Application form with correct/original signatures (original plus 1 copy) If Corporation or LLC also v o Print the info from the NCSOS o Either, 1 ) The applicant is listed on the NCSOS with his/her correct title or, 2 ) A notarized letter of authorization has been provided ❑--Supplements (1 original per BMP) BMP type(s) ❑—O&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP, except level spreaders/filter strips and swales) ❑—D"eed restrictions (if outparcel or subdividing) (original plus 1 copy) — r o Deed restriction template (signed and notarized) or t,)'J SI.IP��JtI')Ei�SFC.i. o Proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (signed and notarized) ❑--Soils report identifying the SHWT 0—Supporting calculations, signed & sealed (if necessary) ❑ —Receiving stream classification , If SA or ORW also o SA USGS topo map with the site, the receiving waters and the '% mile radius shown to scale `�,o ORW 575 ft of MHWL for Area of Environmental Concern and max BUA per rule ❑ham 2difications 1 ) If built Designer's Cert, 2 ) If partially built Partial Cent, 3 ) If not built No Cent needed C�Dtvelopment Type (check all that apply) ❑ Residential or Commercial ❑ Deed restrictions match ❑ Subdivision or ❑ Single Lot ❑ Deed restrictions match? High Density or ❑ Low Density ❑ Deed restrictions match? • ►Ja�116Y7ttlt ❑ Offsite project ❑ Redevelopment ❑ Modification ❑ Exempt ��J( ❑ NCG02 (bulkhead) ❑ NCG03 (clear/grade) ❑ NCG04 (linear) Density ❑ BUA calculations include common areas, clubhouse, sidewalks, etc ❑ BUA % Matches high/low density requirement for rule and receiving stream class ❑ No obvious math errors ❑ If High Density Design storm correct for rule and receiving stream class Plans„signed and sealed (2 sets) 1�ff Two sets received ❑ Layout (with proposed BUA dimensions) ❑ Grading ❑ Drainage area map (all HD systems & curb outlet swales) ❑ Vicinity map ❑ Project Boundaries ❑ Legend ❑ Wetlands o Delineated on plans o "No wetlands onsite" on plans ❑ Details o Roads o Cul-de-sacs o Curbing o Sidewalk o BMPs/ Level spreaders/ Filter strips/ Curb outlet swales o Buildings (Apts or Condos) Offsrte Projects ❑ Designer's Certification has been submitted for the Offsite BMP receiving the runoff from the project ❑ Deed restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted for the Offsite BMP permit ❑ Lot size has not changed from what was approved under the Master Plan ❑ Correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form ❑ Offsde system is in compliance with its permit, if known Infiltration Projects ❑ Soils report SHWT, soil type, and expected infiltration rate are provided ❑ DWQ has conducted a site visits Date Wet Ponds Permanent Pool Meets One of the Following ❑ Is located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT ❑ Incoming groundwater is quantified and evaluated, AND Storage volume verified, AND Outlet evaluated for free drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions Deasio eck one) Complete Return file to admen (Jo Casmer) to log in (Stamped in received date = BIMS date) ❑ Slightly incomplete E-mail consultant, request information to be returned within one business day (24 hours after request Info requests on Friday, allow a return on the following business day) If info not returned, issue an application return letter and give everything to admen (Add info received date = BIMS date) ❑ Substantially incomplete Issue an application return letter and give everything to adman Crystal Coast Engineering, PA 3817-3 Freedom Way Hubert, N C 28539 Tel (910) 325MW Fax (910) 325MW 7 Email crystalmasterg@b¢ec.rrmm ` 1 May 27, 2009 Mr Richard S Shiver N C Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N C 28405 Re Stormwater Permit No SW8 061231 Affordable Self Storage —Phase I I Onslow County Dear Mr Shiver, The Stormwater Permit for the reference protect was issued on January 19, 2007 That High Density permit allowed 232,920 sf of impervious surfaces, of which 81,939 sf was designated for "future development" The permittee now wishes to construct a second phase to the facility, including impervious surfaces as follows On -site Buildings 17,000 sf On -site Streets -0- On-Site Parking 16,206 sf On -site Sidewalks -0- Other on -site -0- Off-site 40- sf Total Phase II BUA 33,206 sf BUA Remaining for Future Uses 48,733 sf In accordance with the Stormwater Permit (Section II — Schedule of Compliance, Paragraph 11), we hereby submit the final site layout and grading plans for Phase II It is my understanding that a formal permit modification is not required as "future BUA" is already allocated in the existing permit Should you have questions or additional concerns, please feel free to contact me Davl K Newsom, PE MAY 2 9 2009 CRYSTAL COAST ENGINEERING 3817-3 Freedom Way Hubert N C 28539 Tel (910) 325-0006 Fax (910) 325-0060 rot1�~11 l�lr= To: Linda Lewis N C Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Ra Affordable Self Storage From Lon Clarke for David K Newsom Date: September 29, 2008 ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Attached: One (1) Engineer's Certification for Storrnvvater for the above referenced project. cc: Tony Morton, Morton Construction