HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8060901_HISTORICAL FILE_20070606STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 Oka 0 °101 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 200-1 OI000 YYYYMMDD �w Y June 6. 2007 Allen Jefferson Earp, Manager Funston Land & Timber, LLC 1018 E Grandiflora Drive Leland, NC 28451 Subject Approved Plan Revision Brunswick Forest Phase 6 Section 1 Stormwater Project No SW8 060901 Brunswick County Dear Mr Earp Michael F Easley Governor NhlhamG Ross Jr Secietary North Carolina Department of Env ironri and Natural Resoutces Colecn H Sullins Dnactor Dnision of Water Quality On March 15, 2007, the Wilmington Regional Office received a plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 060901 The revisions include the reallocation of "Future" BUA for Pond 9 Area 1 is now allocated 4 75 acres and Area 2 is now allocated 2 25 acres It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes We are forwarding you a revised copy of page 2 of the permit application form with the revised BUA numbers Please replace the previously approved page 2 of the application with the new one Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on September 21, 2006, remain in full force and effect Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis Any other changes to this project must be approved through this Office prior to construction The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7301 Sincerely, /� Gn(LGLI Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III ENB\arl S \WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\060901 PR jun07 cc David Hollis, P E , Hanover Design Services Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Building Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files No ihcarohna ,11)atirrnlly North Carolina Dnaion of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796 7215 Customer Se; vice Wilmington Regional Office Internet wwwncwaterqualuyorg rax (910)350-2004 1-877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled110 % Post Consumer Paper rum. 6�-&- Zvv�ArLL 2 If Ihis at) pI cation is being submitted as the result of a r cnewaI or mod It to an t xisnng permit Iist the esisting permit numberaw _v1L{%� �(pi��� Ind its rse date (it known)_ ] 1!) 3 Specify the type of project (check one) _Low Density High Density Redevelop __General Permit Other 4 Additional Piolect Requnemeins (check applicable blanks) CAMA Major —Sedimentation/Et osion Conti of 104/401 Permit _NPDES Siormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1 877 623 6748 III PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below summanze how stormwater will be treated Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing smrmwater management for the project r' 2 Stor mwater runoff from this project drams to the River basin 3 Total Project Area t / I-_aci es (/ 4 Pi oject Built Upon Area �' T, L 5 Flow many drainage areas does the project have? 6 Complete the following information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage areas in the pi oject attach an additional sheet with the information for each at ea provided in the same format as below Basin Information _ Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Receiving Stiearn Class Drainage Area 2z 6 �• Existing Inept i vious` Area Proposed Impel vrous'Ai ca %Impervious Aita(total) 2 Impervious'Sol fateAtea Drainage Area I Drainage Arca 2 On site Buildings CZ'>' ;r l Cn�) - - On -sue Sheets Sf On site Parking On -sue Sidewalks -- Other on site /? 7z O(%Vzl1 Ts Off site total ^^,, G T total Impenaous area is defined as the built upon area including but not hinted to buildutgs roads parking areas sidewalks gravel areas etc l l 2R%= � , = 41're— t �r Form SWU 101 Vcraon 3 99 Paget o14 /t' It Sales Office (Pond No.9) and Wellness Center (Pond No.10) Scale 1 "= 150'— January 2007 ------- -- -- — N O o z o �y zo O j 5230 3 SO FT 5 3 0 ACRES 49985 0 SO FT 115 ACRES 275313 0 SO FT - )s 6 32 ACRES @ 75% Impervious maximum Use 4 75 acres for Permit 14 4 acres drains to Pond 9 \\ \\l \ s �t`tit li\i�VAA` �V�� y\t.A\t tt\�V\VA�A�V`•, ,\tl, it\1V`lV \V A Use 240,000 sf for Permit �ti \\t 1, jt` \\\\t\ \` t l ` \ `\ \\1 t\\I ll�i t�VA����� � V ,t,tttiit\, SINGLE FAMILY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 5 0 ACRES ! @ 45 0 Impervious maxlmur V ! Use 2 25 acres for Pond Design i \`� �`\�� t 1\ \\\ \\\Y/\\ i \\ `I\`� `\ �i' 'L i \ 1 \ \ \`% /t� ,t\\ti v\v\ \t \ i ,A t, l' HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P A V\V A \��V\ 1i� i \ ���`t ��'\��:,\ � LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT 28401 NC PHONE (910) 1T`TY 313-8002 ��\\tt_j Drawing No 8829-6-imp2a.dwg-dh Hanover Design Services, P.A. Land Surveyors, Engineers, Land Planners March 14, 2007 Ms Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Section Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 27405-3845 Re Brunswick Forest Phase 6 Section 1 Brunswick County Plan Update #SW8 060901 Dear Linda 1 INN 1A%Omlcya� The developer has requested that we shift the amount of BUA for the NCDENR-DWQ Permit SW8 060901 (Phase 6 Section 1) Therefore please find the updated submittals for inclusion to your files 1 revised page 2 of 4 (SWU-101) and 1 copy 2 copies of the revised BUA/Impervious map (Stormwater Calcs) If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me Sincerely, �1- David Brown Hanover Design Services dbrown@hdsilm com 8829-p6sl-II-1 doc attachments xc Ms Mary Jean Naugle NCDENR-DWQ MAR 1 5 2007 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, N C 28403 Phone (910) 343-8002 Fax (910) 343-9941 AMA: NCDENRI 3Cx0C)9(D North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ,/ 127 Cardinal Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 (910) 796-7307 FAX (910) 350-2004 t� LC3 Request for Express Permit Review FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permit(s) FAX or email to Cameron Weaveifa)ncmail net along with a narrative and vicinity map of the projoct location Projects must be submitted by 9 00 A M of the review date, unless prior arrangements are made APPL State or National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, NEPA) — EA or EIS Required ❑ Yes [No ❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination; _# of stream calls, Stream ---------------------------------- -- — — --- --- -- -- — — ---------------------0 -- —--------- ----- dSTORMWATER ❑ Low Density i h Density -Detention Pond High Density -Other Other Wetlands MUST be addressed below ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density -Infiltration ❑ Off Site ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront [LAND QUALITY [Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with._SS acres to be disturbed WETLANDS (401) Wetlands on Property [Yes ❑ No Isolated Wetlands on Property [yes D, No Check all that apply Wetlands Will Be Impacted ❑ Yes allo Wetland Impacts V1ZL Acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed ['es ❑ No ❑ Buffers Impacted Acre(s) USA COE Approval of Delineation completed [Yes ❑ No 404 Application in process w/USACOE ❑Yes ❑No I Permit received from USACE ❑Yes []No 401 Application required ❑Yes ['No If Yes, ❑ Regular ❑ Express Additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, may be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications For DENR use only SUBMITTAL DATES Fee Split for multiple permits SW $ CAMA $ LQS $ 401 $ Total Fee Amount $ P 1 a FILE MODE -------------- 040 MEMORY TX * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( DEC 13 2006 12 43PM ) * * * OPTION REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER ADDRESS (GROUP) 93439941 TTI NCDENR WIRO U{�}� PAGE --------- K ' / P 1/1 E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION Michael F Fasley, Govemor William G Ross Jr. 9ccrctary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resourees FAX COVER SHEET Date: December 13, 2006 To: David Brown Company: Hanover Design Services FAX #: 343-9941 Alan W Klimek, P R Director Division of Water Quality No. of Pages: 1 From: Linda Lewis J� Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-796.7215 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 not assigned Project Name: Brunswick Forest Phase 6 Section 1 (Residential) MESSAGE: David: The Division received an incomplete application for a Stormwater General Permit for Clearing and Grading of the subject project on December 1, 2006. Please be advised that the application cannot be accepted for review until the following items are received 1 The plans show lot lines and lot numbers. Please remove the lot lines from the nianc Thu: lc a nanaral narmr4 tharafnra nn Inta chni del ha ahnuin link, fha nrarlarl ��0� W ATF9oG O Y Michael F Easley, Governor William G Ross Jr , Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources FAX COVER SHEET Date December 13, 2006 To David Brown Company Hanover Design Services FAX # 343-9941 Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality No. of Pages 1 From. Linda Lewis 7� Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-796-7215 DWQ Stormwater Project Number- SW8 not assigned Project Name Brunswick Forest Phase 6 Section 1 (Residential) MESSAGE David The Division received an incomplete application for a Stormwater General Permit for Clearing and Grading of the subject project on December 1, 2006 Please be advised that the application cannot be accepted for review until the following items are received 1 The plans show lot lines and lot numbers Please remove the lot lines from the plans This is a general permit, therefore, no lots should be shown Only the graded area within the property boundaries should be shown 2 Please remove all references and details of the roads and cul-de-sacs This is a General Permit, therefore, no built -upon surfaces are allowed Only the right of way need be shown on the plans Please note that the 90 day review period begins upon receipt of a complete application, and that the application is considered "Received" on the date that the above listed items are received in this Office If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 910-796-7215 ENB\arl S\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2006\BrunswickforestP6S1 res dec06 N""o��`hI,Carolina ivatura//il North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet www ncwatcrcuahty orgy Fax (910) 350-2004 1-877-623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/A(f ❑native Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10°/ Post Consumer Paper Hanover Design Services, P.A. Land Surveyors, Engineers, Land Planners December 1. 2006 Ms Rhonda Hall, Environmental Engineer Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Section Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 27405-3845 Re Brunswick Forest Phase 6 -Section 1 �, residenh a( in (Residential) �� SrJ Brunswick County ��Q�'� n� ��f Storm Water Clearing and Grading Permit (NOI Submittal) C11 I '(� Dear Rhonda Enclosed Please find 2 sets of the Erosion Control and Water Quality Plan (Site and Grading) 1 application and 1 copy 1 copy of the "Phase 6 - Section 1 (Residential)" Erosion Control Narrative (FYI) A check in the amount of $420 00 PROJECT DESCRIPTION - The purpose of this project is to construct two sediment basins and associated land grading The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is to identify measures to control erosion during clearing/grading of a future residential development, construction of two sediment basins (future water quality detention/retention ponds), and land grading associated with this development Spoil from the sediment basins is to remain on -site and be utilized in road construction, berms, land grading, as necessary No impervious surfaces are proposed at this time Any future impervious surfaces will require an additional plan If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me Sincerely, David Brown Hanover Design Services dbrown@hdsilm corn 8829p6slr-rh-1 doc CEIVnE Di 2006 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, N C 28403 Phone (910) 343-8002 Fax (910) 343-9941 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY / WATER QUALITY SECTION STATE STORMWATER NOTICE OF INTENT SWG030000 - GENERAL PERMIT TO CLEAR AND GRADE A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE State Stormwater Management Application Notice of Intent for coverage under the General Stormwater Management Permit to Clear and Grade a proposed development site For the clearing and grading only of a proposed development site where the final design is not known (Please print or type) 1 Mailing address of owner/developer (The address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed) Name Street Addr( City Telephone P 2 Location of proposed project Project Name Contact Person Street Address City County Telephone No 3 Physical Location Information Z, -3Z fir{ (;&457' a/�Aiv of SIR/y3�9 �r�i�l���6vJv /J Please describe how to get to the project, using street names state road numbers, and the distance and direction from the nearest major intersection 4 What is the name of the receiving 5 Receiving Stream Classification 6 This Certificate of Coverage is being submitted as a result of (1-1 New or proposed project ❑ Modification to an existing project Existing CDC or Permit Number Date project is scheduled to begin construction 4) 7 What is the total project area above mean high water? 1 &-,V7 787 It 8 Will wet detention or other ponds be constructed at this site? M'ES ❑ NO Form SWU-115-110503 9 Please list all proposed piping, ditches, and drainage alterations to be co—bucted as part of this prolef t (attach an additional sheet if needed) 10 Is the project within 575' of the Mean High Water line of class ORW waters? ❑ YES RIN0 11 Are there any wetlands on the site? YYES ❑ NO 12 Please list all other Best Management Practices employed at this site 13 Certification North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6 b (i) provides that Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not the exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both (18 U S C Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense ) I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirement for the project and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true complete, and accurate A check or money order must accompany this Notice of Intent for $420 00, made payable to NCDENR This application will be returned unless all of the following items are submitted [This completed form Two sets of site and grading plans (a A check for $420 00 [YA USGS map with the project clearly located on it Mad the entire package to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section — Slormwater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a Certificate of Coverage under the General Permit Form SWU-115-110503