HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8060806_HISTORICAL FILE_20150325STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 0K0 08 01,p DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2015 O 3 2�J YYYYMMDD NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald van der Vaart Governor Secretary March 25, 2015 F Stewart Pittman, Member/Manager Pleasure Island Partners, LLC PO Box 623 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Subject State Stormwater Management Permit No SW8 060806 Sea View High Density Commercial Infiltration Trench / Redevelopment Project New Hanover County Dear Mr Pittman The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete, modified State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Sea View on March 9, 2015 Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Session Law 2008-211 and Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 We are forwarding Permit No SW8 060806 dated March 25, 2015, for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the BMP's and built -upon area associated with the subject project This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 22, 2020, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein Please pay special attention to the conditions listed in this permit regarding the Operation and Maintenance of the BMP(s), recordation of deed restrictions, certification of the BMP's, procedures for changing ownership, transferring the permit, and renewing the permit Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system, to record deed restrictions, to certify the BMP's, to transfer the permit, or to renew the permit, will result in future compliance problems The modifications covered by this permit include The addition of a redevelopment component to the project When the original project was permitted in 2006, it did not receive any credit for the existing impervious area The amount of proposed impervious area exceeded the amount of existing impervious area, therefore, treatment was provided to the maximum extent practicable Since the project was not built, the permittee was allowed to reapply under the 2008 rules and receive credit for the existing impervious area If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adtudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) The written petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or visit their website at www NCOAH corn Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section -Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 • (910) 796-7215 / Fax (910) 350-2004 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215 Sin rely, 7o4 Tracy Davis, P E , Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/arl G 1WQIShared\Stormwater\Permits & Protects120061060806 HD12015 03 permit 060806 cc David L Menius, P E , Stroud Engineering Town of Kure Beach Building Inspections New Hanover County Engineering Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Pleasure Island Partners, LLC Sea View 637 Fort Fisher Boulevard, Kure Beach, New Hanover County FOR THE redevelopment of existing built -upon areas and for the construction, operation and maintenance of one (1) infiltration trench in compliance with the provisions of Session Law 2008-211 and 15A NCAC 2H 1000 (hereafter the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division and considered a part of this permit This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 22, 2020, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations I DESIGN STANDARDS 1 This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data 2 This infiltration trench stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 17 of this permit The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 24,481 square feet of impervious area 3 The proposed infiltration system is permitted under Section 1008 (h) of the stormwater rules, the Alternative Design Criteria The proposed system provides equal or better control of stormwater, equal or better protection of surface waters and results in no increased potential for nuisance conditions The infiltration system can store at least 2 5 times the minimum design storm, therefore neither an LSNFS nor an offlme bypass are required 4 The infiltration system drainage area will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated in Sections 12 and 17 of this permit, and as shown on the approved plans There is no future built -upon area allocation for the infiltration trench Page 3 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 The proposed project contains existing built -upon areas that are excluded from State Stormwater permitting requirements as set forth in Section 2 (d)(3) of Session Law 2008-211, effective October 1, 2008, and the stormwater rules under Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000, as amended, under the following conditions 1) The project must be constructed as shown on the plans approved by the Division, 2) The proposed (untreated) built -upon area of 16,363 square feet does not exceed the existing built -upon area of 16,363 square feet, and, 3) The proposed stormwater control, piped collection to a piped roadside ditch, provides equal protection of surface waters as the existing stormwater control, which was sheet flow over existing impervious surfaces to existing drop inlets into a partially piped roadside ditch Of the 16,363 amount, only 13,948 sf is proposed to be untreated at this time, leaving 2,415 square feet available for future construction outside of the infiltration trench drainage area 6 The project shall provide a minimum 30' wide vegetated buffer adjacent surface waters, measured horizontally from and perpendicular to the normal pool of impounded structures, the top of bank of streams and rivers, and the mean high water line of tidal waters 7 The following design criteria have been permitted for the infiltration trench system and must be provided and maintained at design condition a Drainage Area, 9cres 079 Onsite, ft 34,397 Offsite, ft2 0 b Total Impervioug Surfaces, ft2 24,481 Onsite, ft 24,481 Offsite, ft2 0 c Design Storm, inches 30 d Trench Length, feet 800 e Trench Width, feet 100 f Trench Depth, feet 1 0 Bottom Elevation, FMSI2 130 h Bottom Surface Area, ft 800 1 Top Elevation, FMSL 140 j Perforated Pipe Diameter, in 4" k Perforated Pipe Length, ft 240 0 (3 80' each) I Storage Piping & Structures 418 If — 4 "0 , 7 x 100 cf each m Permitted Storage Volume, W 5,953 (ind structures & 48" pipe) n Type of Soil Newhan o Expected Infiltration Rate, in/hr 200 p Seasonal High Water Table, FMSL 11 0 q Pump type Myers SSM331 r Total Head, feet 100 s Design Pump Rate, gpm 280 t Time to Draw Down, hours 48 u Receiving Stream/River Basin Atlantic Ocean / CPF00 v Stream Index Number 99-3 w Classification of Water Body "SB" II SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1 The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface 2 The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of the infiltration trench must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system Page 4 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 3 During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately If the stormwater system is used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility 4 The permittee shall follow the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement in its entirety, and shall provide and perform the listed operation and maintenance procedures at the specified intervals to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency 5 Records of maintenance activities must be kept for each permitted BMP The reports will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken These records must be provided prior to transfer of the permit to the unit owner's association 6 The facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data 7 All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in public rights - of -way, common areas or recorded easements The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required rights -of -way, common areas and easements, in accordance with the approved plans Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements to the nearest public right-of-way at all times 8 Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the permitted system certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification A modification may be required for those deviations The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below a Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc b Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area c Further development, subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of any, all or part of the project area d Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan e The construction of any future BUA listed on the application 10 The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 Approved plans, application, supplement forms, Operation and Maintenance agreements, design calculations and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit Page 5 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 2 A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee at all times 3 This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director The permittee shall submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership Change Form, accompanied by the supporting documentation as listed on the form, to the Division at least 60 days prior to any one or more of the following events a An ownership change including the sale or conveyance of the project area in whole or in part, b The sale or conveyance of the common areas to a Homeowner's or Property Owner's Association, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2011-256, c Bankruptcy, d Foreclosure, e Dissolution of the partnership or corporate entity, f A name change of the current permittee, g A name change of the project, h A mailing address change of the permittee, 4 The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request 5 Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures in accordance with NCGS 143, Article 21 6 The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction 7 In the event that the facilities fad to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems 8 The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility 9 The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revoked or terminated The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition 10 Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater controls must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual 11 The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules and regulations contained in Session Law 2008- 211, Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000, and NCGS 143-215 1 et al 12 The permittee shall submit a permit renewal application at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit The renewal request must include the appropriate documentation and the processing fee Page 6 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 Permit modified and reissued this the 25`h day of March, 2015 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION L\C D vision of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 7 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 Sea View Stormwater Permit No SW8 060806 New Hanover County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the protect, (Protect) for (Protect Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the protect construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification Noted deviations from approved plans and specification Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 8 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060806 Certification Requirements 1 The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage 2 The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area 3 All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system 4 All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system 5 The bypass structure weir elevation is per the approved plan 6 The bypass structure is located per the approved plans 7 A Trash Rack is provided on the bypass structure 8 All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation 9 Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3 1 10 The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system 11 The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided 12 All required design depths are provided 13 All required parts of the system are provided 14 The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans cc NCDENR-DEMLR, Wilmington Regional Office Town of Kure Beach Budding Inspections Page 9 of 9 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STATE STORMWATER PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM I CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION 1 Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 060806 2 Project Name SEA VIEW 3 Current Permit Holder's Company Name/Organization SEA VIEW INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC 4 Signing Official's Name (DISSOLVED, 2010) Title 5 Mailing Address City State Zip 6 Phone ( ) Fax �) II. PROPOSED PERMITTEE / OWNER I PROJECT / ADDRESS INFORMATION This request is for (please check all that apply) X1 Name change of the owner (Please complete Items 1, 2 and 3 below) ❑ Name change of project (Please complete Item 5 below) x❑ Change in ownership of the property/company (Please complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 below) x❑ Mailing address / phone number change (Please complete Item 4 below) ❑ Other (please explain) 1 Proposed permittee's company name/organization PLEASURE ISLAND PARTNERS, LLC 2 Proposed permittee's signing official's name FRANCIS S PITTMAN (Iqr. 3 Proposed permittee's title MEMBER 92w!2g4 - 4 Mailing Address PO BOX 623 City WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH State NC Zip 28480 Phone ( 910 ) 297 2540 Fax 5 New Project Name to be placed on permit Please check the appropriate box The proposed permittee listed above is ❑ HOA or POA (Attach documentation showing that the HOA or POA owns, controls, or has a recorded easement for all areas that contain stormwater system features Print name of HOA or POA in #1 above and provide name of HOA/POA's authorized representative In #2 above) x❑ The property owner ❑ Lessee (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Property Owner Information on page 4) ❑ Purchaser (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement Final approval of this transfer will be granted upon receipt of a copy of the recorded deed) ❑ Developer (Complete Property Owner Information on page 4) ECEIVE OCT 31 2014 SSW N/O Change Rev24Sept2012 Page 1 of 4 4V III REQUIRED ITEMS A request to transfer a permit will not be approved by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) unless all of the applicable required items listed below are included with the submittal Failure to provide the listed items 1 This pmay result inand gprocessing delays or denial of the transfer 9 _yy 2 current Legal documentataon ai he property pansnt toha new owang a of,Iowne sh p Heil b `b'otfi the 3 A copy of any recorded deed restrictions, covenants, or easements, if required by the permit 4 The designer's certification (DWQ Engineer and Designer Certification Forms are available from each DWQ Regional office), if required by the permit and if not already submitted to DWQ 5 If the proposed permittee is a firm, partnership, association, institution, corporation, limited liability company, or other corporate entity, provide documentation showing the authority of the named representative to act on behalf of the proposed permittee 6 The $40 00 processing fee If this is an initial transfer from the original permittee the processing fee is not required Subsequent ownership transfers will require the $40 00 processing fee IV CURRENT PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION Please check one of the following statements and fill out the certification below that statement ❑ Check here if the current permittee is only changing his/her/its name, the project name, or mailing address, but will retain the permit I, , the current permittee, hereby notify the DWQ that I am changing my name and/or I am changing my mailing address and/or I am changing the name of the permitted project I further attest that this application for a name/ownership change is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed or if all required supporting information and attachments listed above are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete ❑ Check here if current permittee is transferring the property to a new owner and will not retain ownership of the permit I, , the current permittee, am submitting this application for a transfer of ownership for permit # I hereby notify DWQ of the sale or other legal transfer of the stormwater system associated with this permit I have provided a copy of the most recent permit, the designer's certification for each BMP, any recorded deed restrictions, covenants, or easements, the DWQ approved plans and/or approved as -built plans, the approved operation and maintenance agreement, past maintenance records, and the most recent DWQ stormwater inspection report to the proposed permittee named in Sections II and V of this form I further attest that this application for a name/ownership change is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed or if all required supporting information and attachments listed above are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete I assign all rights and obligations as permittee to the proposed permittee named in Sections II and V of this form I understand that this transfer of ownership cannot be approved by the DWQ unless and until the facility_is.in-compliance with the permit $EA VIEW -INVESTMENT -GROUP, `ELC WAS DISSOLVED IN 2010 AND THE (PROPOSED PERMITTEE-AOUIREU THE "PROPERTY FROM A THIRD PARYY'_) Signature Date a Notary Public for the State of County of , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this the day of , 20, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument Witness my hand and official seal, (,,_{Notgr al) Notary Signature OCT 3 1 2014 Bf SSW N/O Change Rev24Sept2012 Page 2 of 4 V PROPOSED PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION (This section must be completed by the Proposed Permittee for all transfers of ownership) 1, FRANCIS S PITTMAN , hereby notify the DWQ that I have acquired through sale, lease or legal transfer, the responsibility for operating and maintaining the permitted stormwater management system, and, if applicable, constructing the permitted system I acknowledge and attest that I have received a copy of (check all that apply to this permit) x❑ the most recent permit ❑ the designer's certification for each BMP ❑ any recorded deed restrictions, covenants, or easements x❑ the DWQ approved plans and/or approved as -built plans ❑ the approved operation and maintenance agreement epast maintenance records from the previous permittee (where required) DWQ stormwater Inspection report showing compliance within 90 days prior to this transfer I have reviewed the permit, approved plans and other documents listed above, and I will comply with the terms and conditions of the permit and approved plans I acknowledge and agree that I will operate and maintain the system pursuant to the requirements listed in the permit and in the operation and maintenance agreement I further attest that this application for a name/ownership change is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed or if all required supporting information and attachments listed above are not included, his applic package will be returned as incomplete / Signature Date 1 D / Z7 I f 1, I/) e I I, e E N 5 a Notary Public for the State of ,J , c fi r,C�S 2-7 , County of N e w I -la n o vr-r , do hereby certify that S H nza^ personally appeared before me this the day of O e i-c b� r-, 20 14 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument Witness my hand and official seal, KELLIE E NORRIS (NoWA�hiWab),c Notar ignature North Carolina - New Hanover County Additional copies of the original permit and the approved Operation and Maintenance agreement can be obtained from the appropriate Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality This completed form, including all supporting documents and processing fee (if required), should be sent to the appropriate Regional Office of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, as shown on the attached map Please note that if the Proposed Permittee listed above is not the property owner, the property owner must complete and sign page 4 of this document Both the lessee / developer and the property owner will appear on the permit as permittees q� rou 3 1 2014 BY--- — SSW N/O Change Rev24Sept2012 Page 3 of 4 '.9 �`'Wa +w�iIJ J^ �_ �f.il b1 nii 9 i.a .umw�.-ru�wr.�n.�.�r,.+Ta..�.+n .ti � L VI PROPERTY OWNER CONTACT INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION If the Proposed Permittee listed in Sections II and V of this form Is not the Property Owner, the Property Owner must provide his/her Contact Information below and sign this form Printed Name Organization Title within the Organization Street Address City Mailing Address City Phone Email State (if different from street address) State Fax Zip I certify that I own the property identified in this permit transfer document and have given permission to the Proposed Permittee listed in Sections 11 and V to develop and/or, lease the property A copy of the lease agreement or other contract, which indicates the party responsible for the construction and/or operation and maintenance of the stormwater system, has been provided with the submittal As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that I will appear as a permittee along with the lessee/developer and I will therefore share responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DWQ by submitting a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days of procuring a developer, lessee or purchaser for the property I understand that failure to operate and maintain the stormwater treatment facility in accordance with the permit is a violation of NC General Statute (NCGS) 143-215 1, and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6 Signature of the property owner County of Date a Notary Public for the State of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this the day of , 20, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument Witness my hand and official seal, (Notary Seal) Notary Signature 'OEUVE OCT 3 1 2014 BY — SSW N/O Change Rev24Sept2012 Page 4 of 4 DEMLR USE ONLY • Date Re eived Fee Paid Permit Num er CGS Applicable Rules ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal SW - 2008 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ Mgmt Plan State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc ) SEA VIEW 2 Location of Project (street address) 637 FORT FISHER BLVD City KURE BEACH County NEW HANOVER Zip 28449 3 Directions to project (from nearest major intersection) TAKE US 421 SOUTH TO KURE BEACH PROTECT IS LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF FORT FISHER BLVD AND KURE VILLAGE WAY 4 Latitude 34' 00' 28" N Longitude 77 54' 10" W of the main entrance to the project II PERMIT INFORMATION 1 a Specify whether project is (check one) ❑New ®Modification ❑ Renewal w/ Modification tRenewals with modifications also requires SWU-102 - Renewal Application Form b If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number SW8 060806 , its issue date (if known) 9/22/2006 and the status of construction ®Not Started ❑Partially Completed* ❑ Completed* *promde a designer's certification 2 Specify the type of project (check one) ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3 If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DEMLR requesting a state stormwater management permit application, list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous name of the project, if different than currently proposed, 4 a Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks, information on required state permits caB15P obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748)®��FF ❑CAMA Major ®Sedimentation/Erosion Control 15 ac of j3lsl r_�Area �o�t ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater ❑404/401 Permit Proposed ImpactsV ..C� 3 \ b If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, issue date and the type of each permit 5 Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? ®No ❑Yes If yes, see S L 2012-200, Part VI htto //portal ncdenr org/web/lr/rules-and-regulations Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31, 2013 Page 1 of 6 *III CONTACT INFORMATION 1 a Print Applicant / Signing Official's name and title (specifically the developer, property owner, lessee, designated government official, individual, etc who owns the project) Applicant/Organization PLEASURE ISLAND PARTNERS, LLC Signing Official & Title b Contact information for person listed in item la above Street Address 2518 ROYAL PALM LANE City WILMINGTON State NC Zip 28409 Mailing Address (if applicable) PO BOX 623 City WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH State NC Zip 28480 Phone (910 ) 297-2540 Fax Email c Please check the appropriate box The applicant listed above is ® The property owner (Skip to Contact Information, item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) 2 a Print Property Owner's name and title below, if you are the lessee, purchaser or developer (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on) Property Owner/Organization Signing Official & Title b Contact information for person Listed in item 2a above Street Address City Mailing Address (if applicable) City Phone ( ) Email State State Fax Zip Zip 3 a (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the projects construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project Other Contact Person/Organization Signing Official & Title b Contact information for person listed in item 3a above Mailing Address City Phone Email 4 Local jurisdiction for building permits Point of Contact State Fax Phone # Zip A Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31, 2013 Page 2 of IV PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated STORMWATER WILL BE COLLECT ED IN PIPES SIZED TO HOLD 3" OF RUNOFF AND PUMPED TO AN ADiACENT INFILTRATION GALLERY 2 a If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved ® Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date ❑ Other Date b if claiming vested rights, identify the regulation(s) the project has been designed in accordance with ® Coastal SW - 1995 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction 3 Stormwater runoff from this project drams to the CAPE FEAR River basm 4 Total Property Area 1 40 acres Total Coastal Wetlands Area 0 acres Total Surface Water Area 0 acres 7 Total Property Area (4) - Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) - rotal Surface Water Area (6) = Total Project Area* 140 acres Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the followurgg the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water (NHW) line or Mean High Water (MHW) line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or MHF� lute The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA) Non -coastal zetlands landzard of the NHW (or MHW) line rimy be included in the total project area 8 Project percent of impervious area (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = 65 4 % 9 How many drainage areas does the project have?l (For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stornizoater BMP For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole properly area) 10 Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9 If there are more than four drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the informahon for each area provided in the same format as below Basin Information Drama e Area 1 Drama e Area 2 Drama e Area _ Drama e Area _ Receiving Stream Name ATLANTIC ATLANTIC Stream Class * SB SB NOTE Stream Index Number * 99-3 99-3 DA I = BMP 1 otal Drainage Area (so 34,397 26,786 DA 2 = BYPASS On -site Drainage Area (so 34,397 26,786 Off -site Drainage Area (so 0 0 Proposed Impervious Area** (so 24,481 16,363 Impervious Area** total 712 611 Impervious- Surface Area Drama e Area 1 Drama e Area 2 Drama e Area _ Drama e Area _ On -site Buildings/Lots (so 12,558 5,956 On -site Streets (so 5,291 687 On -site Parking (so 6,077 4,564 On -site Sidewalks (so 555 873 Other on -site (so 0 0 Future (so 0 2415 Off -site (sf) 0 0 Existing BUA*** (so 0 0 Total (so 24,481 16,363 Stream Class and Index Number can be deterinined at littp //portal nedeur org/web/wq/ps/esu/classi catimis Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not hmrted to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc Report only that aniount of existing BUA that will remain after development Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31, 2013 Page 3 of 11 How was the off -site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation Proiects in Union County Contact DEMLR Central Office staff to check fthe project is located within a Threatened & Endangered Species watershed that maybe subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per 15A NCAC 02B 0600 V SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from lin //aortal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/su/bmp-manual VI SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) A complete package includes all of the items listed below A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from htW //portal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Office (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at httn //portal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/su/mal2s ) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item All original documents MUST be signed and uutialed in blue ink Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from htto / /portal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/sit/statesw/forms docs Irtrals 1 Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form 2 Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenants Form (if required as per Part VII below) 3 Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed, signed and dated) and O&M agreement(s) for each BMP 4 Permit application processing fee of $505 payable to NCDENR (For an Express review, refer to ( ti http //www envhelp org/pages/onestopexpress html for information on the Express program and the associated fees Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting) 5 A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/managementfor the project This is required in addition to the brief summary provided in the Project Information, item 1 6 A USGS map identifying the site location If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drams to class SA waters within 1/2 mile of the site boundary, include the 1/2 mile radius on the map 1 7 Sealed, signed and dated calculations (one copy) In 8 Two sets of plans folded to 8 5" x 14" (sealed, signed, & dated), including a Development/Project name b Engineer and firm c Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers d Legend e North arrow f Scale g Revision number and dates h Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers, the MHW or NHW line ial��aa �s U E waters, and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines O Y6r E • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of 1 ounded structures, the banks of streams or rivers, and the MHW (or NHW) of tidal rsOCT 3 1 2014 1 Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings & distances Iq j Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned BY k Existing contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations 1 Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures in Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist (Must be delineated by a qualified person Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans n Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations o Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans, not as a separate document) Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31, 2013 Page 4 of 6 p Vegetated buffers (where required) k 9 Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations (Please identify elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing S1'J elevations and boring logs Include an 8 5"xll" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated For projects with infiltration BMPs, the report should also (e include the soil type, expected infiltration rate, and the method of determining the infiltration rate f (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO Schedule a site visit for DEMLR to venfy the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378 ) 10 A copy of the most current property deed Deed book 5838 Page No 435 11 For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC) Provide documentation from the NC L Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item la, 2a, and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 21-1 1003(e) The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned http //www secretary state nc us/Corporations/CSearch aspxx VII DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions, outparcels, and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary, a table hsting each lot number, lot size, and the allowable built -upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from htto //vortal ncdenr org/web/lr/state-stormwater- forms docs Download the latest versions for each submittal In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner, it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot VIII CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm (such as a consulting engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project (such as addressing requests for additional information) Consulting Engineer DAVID L MENIUS, PE Consulting Firm STROUD ENGINEERING, PA Mailing Address 102-D CINEMA DRIVE City WILMINGTON State NC Zip 28403 Phone ( 910 ) 815-0775 Fax ( ) Email LMENIUS®STROUDENGINEER COM IX PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information, item 2 has been filled out, complete this section) I, (print or hype name of person listed in Contact Information, item 2a) , certify that I own the property identified in this permit application, and thus give permission to (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item la) with (print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information, item la) to develop the project as currently proposed A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal, which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system F-C'EI E OCT 3 1 2014 BY Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31, 2013 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that if my designated agent (entity listed in Contact Information, item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement, or pending sale, responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Stormwater permit reverts back to me, the property owner As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days, otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-2151 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6 Signature a Notary Public for the State of do hereby certify that Date County of personally appeared before me this _ day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires X APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item la) FRANCIS S PITTMAN certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater �Lkle"nder(N5A WAC 2H 1000 and any other applicable state stormwater requirements Signature Date j & , 27 l f't I, K e l l l e r No r r 15 a Notary Public for the State of N C . County of IN t w N 5 n c ve r , do hereby certify that Fre n c' 5 S P. tt r^ a n personally appeared before me this 21 day of D40 j e r 20I i , and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit Witness my hand and official seal, KELLIE E NORRIS t 0 Notary Public �North Carolina New Hanover County SEAL My commission expires 3/5/2019 ECE9VER OCT 3 1 2014 BY Form SWU-101 Version Oct 31, 2013 Page 6 of 6 ux .uLu�s+.n •w�N s �.. 1 ,"'v" It too „4,, i '! Permit No be promtled by DWQ) D(ttoo W N�C� NR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM INFILTRATION TRENCH SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted The Required Items Checklist (Part III) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information IltPlR O�J HifiI N F.QR MATI O N Project name ,SEA VIEW SW8 060806 Contact person !DAVID L MENIUS, PE Phone number :910 815-0775 Date '1013112014 ` Drainage area number F1 OF 1 Site Characteristics Drainage area Impervious area Percent impervious Design rainfall depth Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre -development 1-yr, 24 hr discharge Post -development 1-yr, 24-hr discharge Pre/Post 1-yr, 24 hr peak flow control Storage Volume Non SA Waters Minimum volume required Volume provided Storage Volume SA Waters 1 5" runoff volume Pre -development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Post -development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Minimum volume required Volume provided Soils Report Summary Soil type Infiltration rate SHWT elevation Trench Design Parameters Drawdown time Perforated pipe diameter Perforated pipe length Number of laterals Stone type (if used) Stone void ratio Stone is free of fines? 34,397 00 ,ft2 24,481 00 Ift2 71 2% % 300 lin 407 lin I 017 m/hr I Ift3lsec i ift3/sec ft3/sec 5,938 00 -1ft3 5,95300 :ft3 _ -1 ft3 ft3 Its ft3 ft3 I NEWHAN , 1 2000 iin/hr ( 1100 ifmsl 400 24000 i 3 57 40 1 Y in OK for non -SR waters OK ECEI M' E (Y or N) OK MAR 0 9 2015 BY Form SW4 01 -1 nfi Itration Trench Rev 4 Parts I & 11 Design Summary Page 1 of 2 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) Trench Elevations Bottom elevation 1300 fmsl OK Storage/overflow elevation 1100 ifmsl Top elevation 1400 fmsl Trench Dimensions Length (long dimension)1 8000 1ft Width (short dimension) 1000 1ft Height (depth) 100 ft OK Additional Information Maximum volume to each inlet into the trench? 0 -0 ac-in OK Length of vegetative filter for overflow ft Number of observation wells 1 OK Distance to structure 1500 ft OK Distance from surface waters 50000 ft OK Distance from water supply well(s) 10000 -ft OK Separation from Impervious soil layer 200 ft OK Depth of naturally occuring soil above SHWT 200 ft OK Bottom covered with 4-in of clean sand? Y (Y or N) OK Proposed drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build -out? Y '(Y or N) OK Bypass provided for larger storms? Y (Y or N) OK Trench wrapped with geotextlle fabric? Y (Y or N) OK Pretreatment device provided INLET SUMPS ECEI M C MAR 0 9 2015 BY Form SW401 Infiltration Trench Rev 4 Parts I & 11 Design Summary Page 2 of 2 Permit No III REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST (to be provided by DWQ) Please Indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found An Incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional Information This will delay final review and approval of the protect Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below If a requirement has not been met, attach justification Pagel Plan Inytials Sheet No G 1 Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing - Design at ultimate build -out, - Off -site drainage (if applicable), - Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), - Trench dimensions, - Pretreatment system, - High flow bypass system, - Maintenance access, - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement _ 2— 2 Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the infiltration trench showing - Bypass structure, - Maintenance access, - Basin bottom dimensions, - Basin cross-section with benchmark for sediment cleanout, - Flow distribution detail for inflow, - Vegetated filter, and Z - Pretreatment device 3 Section view of the infiltration trench (1" = 20' or larger) shoving - Pretreatment and treatment areas, and 2 - Inlet and outlet structures 4 A table of elevabons, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes to verify the volume provided 5� Sw 5 A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil bonngs, and infiltration tests The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information 1 6 A construction sequence that shows how the mfitlrabon basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized 7 The supporting calculations 1� 8 A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (O&M) agreement 9 A copy of the deed restrictions (d requir )0-1-Y ^ 4 li 0 , Form SW401-Infiltration Trench Rev 4 Part III Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 High Density Residential Subdivisions Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenances In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H 1000 and S L 2006-246, the Stormwater Management Regulations, deed restrictions and protective covenants are required for High Density Residential Subdivisions where lots will be subdivided and sold and runoff will be treated in an engineered stormwater control facility Deed restrictions and protective covenants are necessary to ensure that the development maintains a "built -upon" area consistent with the design criteria used to size the stormwater control facility I, FRANCIS S. PITTMAN , acknowledge, affirm and agree by my signature below, that I will cause the following deed restrictions and covenants to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 060806 as issued by the Division of Water Quality under the Stormwater Management Regulations The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the stormwater management permit These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them 4 The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality 5 Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality 6 The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is 40,000 square feet This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools IEC E I V E fl Note This is a townhome project The term "lot" refers to the entire project ar OCT 3 2Ulk 7 Each lot will maintain a 50 foot wide vegetated buffer between all impervious alas and surface wa s BY 8 All runoff from the built -upon areas on the lot must drain into the permitted system This may be accomplished through a variety of means including roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales to collect the lot runoff and directing them into a component of the stormwater collection system Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures Signature` \ i rtinl+. raSS� Date m 2 7 / y I, Ke I l e E N r 5 a Notary Public in the State of N County of N 14-a n ce ve r do hereby certify that 1—ra n � s S ice, +l-n2a n personally appeared before me this the day of D c+o be r 20 1 J , and acknowledge the due execution of the foregoing instrument Witness my hand and official seal, KELLIE E NORRIS Siahature ;a Notary Public i North Carolina My Commission expires C I� New Hanover County Form DRPC-3 Rev 2 05Nov2009 &age 1 of 1 - NN t ;s Casmer, Jo From: Stewart Pittman [stewartpittman@gmail com] Sent Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12 09 PM To Casmer, Jo Subject Re Sea View Stormwater Permit Thanks youl I I Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From- "Casmer, Jo" <to casmer@ncdenr Pov> Date Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 12 06 PM To, Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@¢mad com> Subject, Sea View Stormwater Permit Issued/signed permit attached as requested Hard copy will be in the mad by tomorrow at the latest Jo Casmer Administrative Assistant for DEMLR/Stormwater Section NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7336 Fax (910) 350-2004 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Stewart Pittman fmailto stewartpittmanftmail coml Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10 45 AM To: Lewis,Ltnda Cc: Casmer, Jo Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Great I would love to pick it upl Just let me know when its ready Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866)250-8956fax From "Lewis,Linda" <linda lewis@ncdenr sov> Date- Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 10 40 AM To Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@email com> Cc. "Casmer, Jo" <to casmer@ncdenr ¢ov> Subject- RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View �hl )3 "W'11 -, 15 r1, 1 11, 1 If'" s� Ui lilt avAr ,IT A I 'IS Q%+S-pf 11i �1 s 1 Ili 1 a `-r In • 1 C'k r!, ,y1,Lnflba4 a3.0 ti 01 ,52 "Sjui1?_ 'I Al Al "i `asR , 1 ! d Jr3 ` r 4rQ Ji) tau OzA / ' S1l t -• I YI rqn , 6"_ a- c 'I 1 lr t, O t 2'O� ,Otl ndl,i yob rer,l)-g", 1)T _o ZL li' f,b Wu" t 51 , 1911 J. qu 11 rIio '7, O ursw I tf910 1 iT, -'' 1, 11 phpr_%Ci tC t P' That'll have to come from our admm staff, if she has time Usually only express permits are emaded If you want to pick up your copy here at the office, you can contact Jo Casmer at 910-796-7336 to make those arrangements, depending on if she will be getting it ready to be mailed out today or not Georgette will be signing that permit today If you pick it up, you will be required to sign a release statement indicating that you picked up the permit yourself I'm in meetings for the rest of the day today Linda From: Stewart Pittman (madto stewartoittman(ftmail coml Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10 23 AM To: Lewis,Linda Cc: Steve Maccurry Subject: Re Pleasure island Partners, LLC/Sea Yew Linda, I meant to ask if you could email me a copy? I have a construction crew standing by thanksl Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From "Lewis,Linda" <hnda lewis@ncdenr g2v> Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 9 51 AM To: Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@¢mail com> Subject RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View I should be able to review/ issue it today Linda From: Stewart Pittman fmadto stewartpittman(a gmad coml Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 145 PM To- Lewis,Linda Cc: Steve MacCurry Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Hi Linda, just wanted to see if this was sent out yet, thanks' Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From "Lewis,Linda" <hnda lewis@ncdenr gov> Date Friday, March 13, 2015 at 4 31 PM To Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@¢mad com> Subject- RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Mr Pittman Please see the attached email I drafted the permit pending receipt of the requested minor information from Luke Menius The revised plans were resubmitted on March 9, 2015 1 will try to get this permit printed out shortly Have a good weekend �nplsc IF -Tr iy !'1SSS !Lill" IA' .,1 ' >;j� + I , �i : j 17t. Iov (a, 0) 751,g T 'U-', , Iyf 9'J4 }O I, l , I u'i ' Jc 9 r IoA,' ;]SA. ` ,.OI141' -1'Jt, r1r,P 31 n {" �, PA ,J,v ^C' +: ; �`�1� . ,'ate ✓ � ?CUT I.,r�,�4 c•t''r:9'�N �t� SC, 70 �3 V�J Linda From: Stewart Pittman fmadto stewartoittman(a)omail coml Sent: Fnday, March 13, 2015 3 35 PM To: Lems,Unda Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Hi Linda, lust checking in, have we made it to # 2 yet ) Hope all is well, thanks) Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 (866) 250-8956 Fax From: "Lewis,Unda" <linda lewis@ncdenr gov> Date, Monday, March 2, 2015 at 5 21 PM To- Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@¢mail com> Subject: RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View No- I wish I could pinpoint a date to issue, but I can't Soon is about the best I can do Linda From: Stewart Pittman fmadto stewartoittman(a)amad com] Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 4 20 PM To: Lewis,Unda Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Ok, thanks[ Any idea how long that means? ) Thanks again I Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From: "Lewis,Unda" <lnda lewis@ncdenr Rov> Date Monday, March 2, 2015 at 4 18 PM To Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@¢mail com> Subject RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View I've got 2 more files ahead of you Linda From: Stewart Pittman fmadto stewartDittman(aMmail com) Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 3 21 PM To: Lewis,Unda Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Linda, r i'rilnQ ivt.mZ f`-eT�Y S hJluJ,2 .° I Ur a � nEmia`l i rr,"r.,r� 07 „ ,.apt, � \ •,_^, l,/ •i>t'.J� rr � • r� - - ^J ,''9J .oT 76'Tlulr 3-�h '99c > ' r r m'_'"Z rT cOroj,euhSJ •oT Hey sorry to bug you but Just wanted to check in and see how this one was coming? Thanksl Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From "Lewis,Lmda" <linda lewis@ncdenr ¢ov> Date- Friday, February 6, 2015 at 3 04 PM To, Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@email com> Subject RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View I have not had a chance to review that information yet Sorry Linda From: Stewart Pittman lmailto stewartoittmanCalamail coml Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 2 38 PM To: Lewis,Linda Cc: Steve MacCurry Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Hi Linda lust wanted to check in and see if you had any updates on this, thanks and have a great weekend Sent wrrelessly via I -Phone Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 On Jan 27, 2015, at 7 39 AM, Lewts,Linda <hnda lewis@ncdenr gov> wrote Plan were received on January 22, 2015 1 have no information to offer regarding the timeline at this time I may have a better idea after I get everything organized in "date received order" Linda From: Stewart Pittman [mailto stewartoittman(Momad coml Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 8 59 AM To: Lems,Lmda Cc- Steve MacCurry Subject: Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC/Sea View Linda, Hey Luke mentioned he had gotten the revised drawings to you, Just wanted to confirm that you have what you need and see what you think the timeline is for an additional review of them Thanksi Stewart Pittman plUk, ' i 0 -+, + r 1 . r 11, i+ n 11 tll l .' 01ti r o (,., A +r If 1 .q L, PIC .0461 q, bAwsq Al +Apt f I, hof 650 A I r h .w n +f 1':, i I �ff`IJESI ] r 1+ +d Iflt' lA@,'JI r V f I +rpx r IV UC! !Gf 1 q 4,,, vpjf,.2 O f +1 1 — cp J 1 t pft,( Y1 tj°, t: j?j ,La t- µA 'if C'ZF �I 1(jM 1Jr "1 (,1 1, Le, L"J ' 1+ -IV ovfI i') it WJ01 RN-N210 G, r , 'I,, - !I + (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@amad com> Date Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 1128 AM To- "Lewis,Lmda" <hnda lewis@ncdenr gov> Cc Luke Menus <Imenrus@stroudengmeer com>, Steve MacCurry <stevemaccurrv@gmad com> Subject Re Pleasure Island Partners, LLC Great thank you so much Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2540 cell (866) 250-8956 fax From "Lewis,Linda" <Imda lewis@ncdenr gov> Date Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 1126 AM To: Stewart Pittman <stewartpittman@gmad com> Cc Luke Menus <lmenrus@stroudengmeer com> Subject RE Pleasure Island Partners, LLC Thank you so much' I've "issued" the ownership change in our database When we review a modification on the heels of an ownership change, we do not send out a separate permit for the ownership change— there will only be one signed permit after the modification is approved which will also reflect the ownership change Tomorrow, after the database updates overnight, I will enter the modification I'll do the review of the calculations and plans today or tomorrow If all is well, the permit will be issued which will be signed and sent to you If 1 need more information I'll be in contact with you and your consultant, Luke Menius Thanks, Linda From: Stewart Pittman fmadto stewartoittmanOcImad Coml Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 11 14 AM To: Lewis,L nda Cc: Steve MacCurry Subject: Pleasure Island Partners, LLC Linda, Here is the annual report we lust filed showing Steve and I as Managers Please let me know what else you might need We really appreciate your help with the permit Thanks) Stewart Pittman (910) 297-2S40 cell T , ,C.'t9r(Ab,• burq An; I ;it,Ii „u'Ur. nl 1 III {'16 4„1 njI nSho- 6,-'r r 'J;kf 'O 1'ruG 2tc, 5 sa q 1 92 luc? LC.. ,,aA Jili i•'a . 10 Ltr}'if ?1G141 �i{ Gly, llxr 1 ' 'U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 3/9/2015 JOB Seavlew TO NCDENR ATTN LINDA LEWIS RE SW8 060806 REVISIONS FROM DAVID L MENIUS, P E STROUD ENGINEERING, P A 102 CINEMA DRIVE 910-815-0775 x225 Imenws@stroudenglneer com ATTACHMENTS it OF COPIES DESCRIPTION 1 REVISED INFILTRATION SUPPLEMENT 2 REVISED SW PLAN SETS REMARKS I am sending you one supplement that reports drainage area (34,397 sf) and another that reports the project area (64,183 sf) I believe the former to be correct Please discard the one you don't need ECEOVE MAR 0 9 1015 BY- RECEIVED MAR 0 9 2015 Lewis,Linda From- Lewis,Linda Sent Monday, March 09, 2015 12 26 PM To 'Luke Menws' Subject RE Sea View SW8 060806 CK That will work for me Please revise the plans accordingly to deal with the roof drains and to denote a flat 48" piped system Thanks a lot for your timely responses I've drafted the permit and will be able to issue upon the timely submission of 2 sets of the revised plans Linda From Luke Menws (mailto Imenws@stroudenglneer com] Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12 21 PM To: Lewis,Linda Sub]ect: RE Sea View SW8 060806 I've addressed the roof drain concern with a note on each unit per the attached excerpt I'll be surprised if the gutter guy looks at my plans, but I am certain he won't read all the notes The inverts of all pipes in the storage system should be 6 0 to enable the full storage of the 48" pipes and structures up to an elevation of 10 0 The other elevations are a holdover from a plan with a different weir design My apologies So, yes, my Intention is for the system to be flat David L. Men[us, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 102-0 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 ext 225 Imenws@stroudeng[neer com From: Lewis,Linda (madto linda IewlsCulncdenr aovl Sent Monday, March 09, 2015 12 08 PM To: Luke Menws Subject RE Sea View SW8 060806 Thanks Luke The added note #15 is fine Regarding roof drams, it can get a bit confusing when there are multiple drainage areas, and / or when lots / buildings are "split" between 2 or more drainage areas Because of the redevelopment component, I1ust want to be sure that the roof drams which are supposed to drain into the infiltration system are, and the roof drams that are not supposed to drain into the infiltration system are not Having the actual RD locations on the plans helps to verify that Perhaps it can be as simple as modifying the first statement to read EXCEPT WHERE NOTED BELOW, RUNOFF 1 ROM IMPERVIOUS SURFACES AND ROOF DRAINS SHALT. BE DIRECTED TO PERM[ FTED STORM WATER SYSTEM FOR STORAGE AND TREATMENT EXCEPTIONS ARE I've come across two other discrepancies that I am hopeful you will be able to explain 1 ' You have taken full volume credit for the entire length of 48" piping and for the full depth at each structure, but with the overflow set at elevation 10 in the junction box, you will only be able to store up to elevation 10 within the pipe and structures At the upper reaches of the system, where the inverts are 7 5 and 7 6, you will only use 2 5 feet of the available 4' pipe More of the pipe is utilized for storage as you "descend" to the bypass structure, but clearly, not all of the pipe or structures can be utilized for storage How does this affect the provided storage volume? 2 The segment of pipe from DI-4 to JB-3 appears to be flat, as the plans indicate both the DI and the JB have an invertof 6 0 Is that your intent? Thanks Linda From: Luke Memus [mailto Imenius(alstroudenoineer com] Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 1144 AM To: Lewis,Linda Subject: RE Sea View SW8 060806 I thought I had added the public drainage easement note but I can't find it either I've revised note #15 on the plan accordingly An excerpt from the revised drawing is attached Let me know if this will suffice and I'll drop of a revised plan set I intended for the stormwater and gredmg notes (an excerpt from this section of the drawing is also attached) to suffice in lieu of showing the roof drains The pads are all elevated above the adjacent section of street and/or internal driveway, so the roof drams will just flow overland to the correct collection system per the note If these notes are not clear/explicit enough, then I can add a "ROOF DRAIN" note beside each budding along with an arrow pointing in the correct direction Your thoughts? I have attached the updated infiltration trench supplement and deed restrictions (however, I'm not sure if the restrictions are necessary for this type of townhome project) I'll drop these off along with the plans pending your comments David L Memus, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 102-0 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 ext 225 Imenius@stroudenoineer com From Lewis,Linda [mailto linda lewis(atncdenr aovl Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 4 57 PM To: Luke Memus Subject: FW Sea View SW8 060806 One more thing — the infiltration trench supplement needs to be revised to reflect the proposed changes to the DA, BUA, minimum volume, etc Thanks, Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent. Friday, March 06, 2015 4 49 PM To: LUke Memus Sub]ect: Sea View SW8 060806 Luke - I'm looking at the revised plans The only things I cannot find are the typical roof drain locations for the buildings and the note that the open space is public drainage easement Thanks Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Main Office — 910-796-7215 Direct Line — 910-796-7343 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent- Friday, March 06, 2015 4 57 PM To Luke Menius Subject: FW Sea View SW8 060806 One more thing - the infiltration trench supplement needs to be revised to reflect the proposed changes to the DA, BLIA, minimum volume, etc Thanks, Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 4 49 PM To: Luke Menws Subject: Sea View SW8 060806 Luke - I'm looking at the revised plans The only things I cannot find are the typical roof drain locations for the buildings and the note that the open space is public drainage easement Thanks Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Main Office - 910-796-7215 Direct Line - 910-796-7343 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties STROUD ENGINEERING, P A CONSULTING ENGINEERS 102 D CINEMA DRIVE WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (910) 815-0775 January 22, 2015 NCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive g' Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Arm Linda Lewis g JMoo Re Sea View BY: SW8 060806 Dear Linda, Please find the attached revised plans and documents per your comment letter dated 1/20/2015 1 have addressed your comments as follows concerns • I have added a drainage area boundary on the plan as well as a drainage area exhibit on the detail sheet which attempts to clarify what BUA will dram to the infiltration system f • 1 have added typical dimensions to the plan ✓ • I have a BUA demolition detail that identifies the BUA that was recently removed as well as the remaining BUA that will be removed as part of this project ✓ • I have added a plan view of the infiltration trench to the detail sheet that included the requested dimensions ✓ • fhe lengths of the 48" pipes are labeled ? • I have included typical roof dram locations for the buildings ✓' • I have added proposed grades to the plans to clarify the drainage direction for areas draining offsite ✓ • The pump rate reported on the plans has been corrected ✓ • I have revised the table on the application as well as added a BUA table on the calculations z • I have amended the note to state that the open space will be designated as public drainage easement ✓• Thank you for the clarification After consideration, the orifice also serves to control flow velocity to the pump tank I his will result in a reduction in sediment being delivered to the infiltration system • I have revised the table on the application as well as added a BUA table on the calculations Thank you for your attention to this matter Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or Respectfully, David L Memos, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 107 COMMERCE ST HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUITE B 102-D CINEMA DRIVE 151 A HWY 24 GREENVILLE NC 27858 WILMINGTON NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY INC 28557 (252) 756-9352 (910) 815-0775 (252) 247-7479 �oil'I January 20, 2015 i2 CI F Stewart Pittman, Member -Manager �n Pleasure Island Partners, LLC PO Box 623 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Subject Request for Additional Information Stormwater Protect No SW8 060806 Sea View New Hanover County Dear Mr Pittman The Wilmington Regional Office received a request to transfer the subject permit on October 31, 2014 The permit was transferred to Pleasure Island Partners, LLC effective January 13, 2015 The accompanying modification was accepted on January 14, 2015 A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the modified application is not complete The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review Supporting Information requirements applicable to all projects 02H 1003(g)(5) and 02H 1005(d) - Delineate all relevant boundaries including drainage areas, SHWT, coastal wetlands, property/project boundaries and drainage easements Coastal wetlands above the mean high water line must be excluded from the project area prior to calculating density Please delineate the drainage area to the proposed infiltration system 02H 1003(g)(6) — Delineate the existing and the proposed built -upon area including roads, parking areas, buildings, etc Please add the dimensions 3 02H 1003(g)(7) — Provide technical information showing final numbers, calculations, assumptions, drawings and procedures associated with the stormwater management measures including but not limited to Built -upon area, runoff coefficients, runoff volume, runoff depth, flow routing, inlet and outlet configuration (if applicable), and other applicable information as specified 0 141 Mr Pittman January 20, 2015 Stormwater Application No SW8 060806 Mod 4 Recommendation- since the 16,363 sf of redeveloped BUA is not being treated in the proposed infiltration system it should be removed from that drainage area column, and reported in a separate drainage area column titled "Redevelopment" as existing BUA The proposed infiltration system will treat 25,115 sf of BUA, so that is the amount to report in the trench DA column on the application Applicable to All projects 5 02H 1008 (c)(3) - Locate all stormwater management structures in recorded drainage easements for the purposes of operation and maintenance and provide recorded access easements to the nearest public nght-of-way These easements shall be granted in favor of the party responsible for operating and maintaining the stormwater management structures The 2006 approved plan indicated that Other questions and recommendations 6 Infiltration systems are not required to meet the lower drawdown threshold of 2 days as a wet pond is The standard is that the stored volume be completely infiltrated within 5 days There is really no need for a 1" draw down orifice from JB #1 to the pump station to restrict the flow 7 Please provide the individual total redevelopment BUA amounts adjacent the list of BUA that is draining to the existing drainage system in Kure Village Way and N Ft Fisher Blvd Please remember that a change to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers Please check all plans, calculations and forms to ensure that the numbers are consistent throughout Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review The requested information should be received in this Office prior to February 20, 2015, or the application will be returned as incomplete The return of a project will necessitate resubmission of all required items, including the application fee If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215 1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6A Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided Copies are not acceptable If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at Iinda lewis gnncdenr aov Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl G \WQ\Shared\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2006\060806 HD\2015 01 addinfo 060806 cc Luke Menws, P E , Stroud Engineering Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 2 ass^nqr E-Filed Annual Report LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 10609752 F o ANNUAL REPORT Do not data enter manually NAME OF LIMITED LIABILI I Y COMPANY Pleasure Island Partners, LLC REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2015 STATE OF INCORPORATION NC SECRETARY OF STATE L L C ID NUMBER 1398918 NATURE OF BUSINESS REAL ESTATE REGIS I ERED AGEN 1 Pittman, Francis S REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS Po Box 623 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480-0623 REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 2518 Royal Palm Lane 11 ilmuigton, NC 28409-2168 Brunswick County PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER (910) 297-2540 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS PO Boy 623 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480-0623 PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 2518 Royal Palm Lane Wilmington NC 28409-2168 Company Officials Name Francis S Pittman Name Steven Maccurry Title Manager Title Manager Address Address 2518 Royal Palm Lane PO Boy 306 Wilmington, NC 28409 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT MUS I BE COMPI I' I I'D BY ALL LIMITFD LIABILITY COMPANIES Francis S Pittman 1/13/2015 FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY A MANAGERWEMBER DATE Francis S Pittman Manager TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE E-Paid MAIL r0 Secretary of State • Corporations Division • Post Office Box 29525 • Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor November 10, 2014 John E Skvarla, III Secretary Division of Coastal Management E MEMORANDUM NOV 10 2014 ' TO Georgette Scott Stormwater Section BY-- DEMLR - WiRO FROM Jonathan Howell, NC DENR-DCM Assistant Major Permits Coordinator 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557 (Courier 11-12-09) SUBJECT CAMA Application Review Applicant: Pleasure Island Properties (Sea View Townhomes) Project Location, 637 Ft Fisher Blvd S & 307 Kure Village Way, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, in Kure Beach, New Hanover County Proposed Project Construction of eight buildings providing 19 condominium units with associated parking, swimming pool, pool house, utilities and stormwater collection system Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Jonathan Howell at the address above by December 1, 2014. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Robb Mairs at (910)796-7423 when appropriate, in depth comments with supporting data is requested REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed X- C/ ✓ I his agency has no comment on the proposed project S`�� This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated See attached This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments SIGNED�z)p�u_CDScsits DATE II7 �1 N C Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext , Wilmington NC 28405 Phone 910-796 7215 \ FAX 910 395-3964 Internet www nccoastalmanaoement net An Equal Opportunity\Af nalwe Action Emoilyar �r NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor November 7, 2014 Pleasure Island Partners, LLC c/o Mr Stewart Pittman P O Box 623 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Dear Mr Pittman John E Skvada, III Secretary The Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for the proposed development at your property located at 637 Fort Fisher Boulevard and 307 Kure Village Way, in Kure Beach, New Hanover County It was received as complete on November 6, 2014, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time The projected deadline for making a decision is January 22, 2015 An additional 75-day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above, you should consider the review period extended Under those circumstances, this letter will serve as your notice of an extended review However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day If this agency does not render a permit decision within 70 days from November 6, 2014, you may request a meeting with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management and permit staff to discuss the status of your project Such a meeting will be held within five working days from the receipt of your written request and shall include the property owner, developer, and project designer/consultant NCGS 113A-119(b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road Some examples would be Nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting your property, or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one into your property Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application A field report has been prepared and is in the process of being circulated to the various state and federal review agencies for their comments If additional information is required based on this review, the agencies may contact you directly Sm Robb L Mairs Field Representative Wilmington District Office N C Division of Coastal Management cc Jonathan Howell, DCM Tyler Crumbley, USACE John Batson, NH Co Georgette Scott, DEMLR N C Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext , Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone 910-796 72151 FAX 910-395-3964 Internet www nocoastalmanagement net An Equal Opportunity 1 Afinnabve Achon Employer 0 aiwTo-1VIE �AII4FAFAM O-18If ®CIA EP-1 APPLICATION for Mayor Development Permit (last revised 12127/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ntiC't,¢ 1= Primaryi9pp%canbLandowneilnforma6on `+ P—� v� ' '':g�}4+.0ry' ONN ,�;e�Fµ€ Y^.y`�'3.ii%s.�LkvayY'VJ31J.ut_m iLSs}#-�ii.p�"✓t,F..iPi,`i3 ii``.i'�1��'�r'.jpR'i^�'�a C.✓�SVWti-fn+y1 ,Q.F`4iih'fki Yhwl'".'�`�'x p�y*�i�" U Business Name Project Name (if applicable) Pleasure Island Partners, Lit; C/O Stewart Pittman Sea View Townhomes Applicant 1 First Name MI Last Name Pleasure Island Partners, LLC C/O Stewart Pittman Applicant 2 First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants please attach an additional page(s) with names listed Mailing Address PO Box City State PO Box 623 Wrightsville Beach NC ZIP Country Phone No FAX No 28480 us 910-297-2540 ext 866-250-8956 Street Address (of different from above) City State ZIP Email stewartpittman@gmail com _.s Business Name Agent/ Contractor 1 First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2 First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No 1 - - ext Phone No 2 - - ext FAX No Contractor# Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email �ECEIVEO <Form continues on back> JCM WILMINGTON, NC 252-808-2808 1.888-4RCOAST .: www.nccoastalmanagement net INUV u62014, Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 5) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit � , ,e'a • . � � ., r ' �`4`� az � e =nii �� x. a i� ' mi � ^'Xs �? _ �s�ay � . = _�3Y �ti� 3�4° � �r-,ar'�. ��K",..rr,°bs.r%�� � �,, �am,_'"K_�cwis',�,,.. y._•'� tr 7, n -County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd # New Hanover 637 Fort Fisher Blvd & 307 Kure Village Way Subdivision Name City State Zip Kure Beach NC 28449 - Phone No Lot No (s) (if many attach additional page with list) 910 - 297 - 2540 ext I I I , a In which NC nver basin is the project located? b Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Cape Fear Atlantic Ocean c Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site ®Natural ❑Manmade []Unknown Atlantic Ocean e Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes []No work falls within Kure Beach "� , ti fS��'wljkt �4adsr hx�Site m-i Y4a. Mhx^d�{: �iG,C �-ANY ✓a�..- u-1»ai%d�-�. sa8e'.+.�2-.4�rApki, a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft) b Size of entire tract (sq it ) N/A 60,984 c Size of individual lot(s) d Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or 946 1 NWL (normal water level) (if many lot sizes please attach additional page with a list) 15 feet ❑NHW or ❑NWL e Vegetation on tract Grass f Man-made features and uses now on tract None g Identify and describe the existing land uses adiacent to the proposed project site residential h How does local government zone the tract? i Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? B-3 (Attach zoning compliance certificate, it applicable) ®Yes ❑No ❑NA I Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, by whom? I Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes ®No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Forrn continues on next page> DCM WECEIVED ILMINGTON, NC 252-808-2808 • 1-888.4RGOAST . www nccoastaimanagement.net IVUV 962014 Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 5) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit in (i) Are there wetlands on the site? []Yes ®No (i) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ❑Yes ®No (in) If yes to either (i) or (n) above, has a delineation been conducted? [-]Yes ❑No (Attach documentation, if available) n Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities Town of Kure Beach o Describe existing drinking water supply source Town of Kure Beach p Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems To Be Installed Storm Water Permit Number SW8 060806 �u�;, `1N�twP`�� fi 5�,>,a"ma-�c ,v°, v+1 " @ 1k� a Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government ®Private/Community b Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete Residential c Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored On Site Framing d List all development activities you propose Residential Constructiob e Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? New f What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 60,984 ®Sq Ft or ❑Acres g Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ❑Yes ®No ❑NA that the public has established use of? h Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state N/A i Will wastewater or stonnwater be discharged into a wetland? []Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ONO ®NA I Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes ONO ®NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal RECEIVED <Form continues on back> DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 0 6 2014 252-808-2808 :: 1-888.4RCOAST :: www nccoastalmanagement.net Form DCM MP-1 (Page 5 of 5) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit - irrw r a yy*t- :.!= # "u..a+�-.zt ate, d rfn�^Ps^'g clsf? x4aF „r .�� M,w - 6., Aifiiitigna"l,lnfiirmation a {rt „ 'yw„ �a ° i rr„ s z a+ firs z r. 'ut - ; " c-";c items be li t tile, -mu t b teed i `oraf f ;Fa r'�" `.�,'''• I z; In'addrtan'to this comp application form;'(MP�f) theifollowmg`dems below4rf applicable, -must be submitted m order for the apphcahon � J, peckage,to be complete Items` (a)�' (� are ahvays appbcable'to any ma/or development applrcaton =Please c"onsuM Ne applicabon¢ vnstnictron booMet or hori to piope7ly piepa2 the 2quned a A project narrative b An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale Please give the present status of the proposed project Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed c A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site d A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties e The appropriate application fee Check or money order made payable to DENR f A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed projectto the Division of Coastal Management 'Name None N/A ,Jr ,.•-• z ' `� *., ,'�> �.` ''- '_ - -� - mr ` Phone No-"'i�».g �,r _ 1A ✓ems` `* n t i +: ;'+ x ,^ , ri"�; „.. ,"�,'•{ �si� s^ „v`ta "' ,P +A= e "�{�_` yw^ s's ws k$ Addfe55.r Aa xb .oc Name Phone No Address 'cNarne°€ �va Phone No` ^ � r Vim* Address - °Mw =e* v,�,o�_sa',..-- lxs„; ?"4 w. `wl` ,a�`.a�'-� ? cFeu>`4� �' rcilF- S.. r g A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract Include permit numbers, perrmittee, and issuing dates StormWater Permit #SW8 060806 In Signed consultant or agent authorization form if applicable i Wetland delineation, if necessary j A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas (Must be signed by property owner) k A statement of compliance with the N C Environmental Policy Act (N C G S 113A 1-10) if necessary If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act 1 understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fad grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project I further ce/ rti/(y that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge Date 11 / LI t (�/ Print Name Stewart Pittman Signature rr�* 68r il'((545u, 1 rd+,o 'r}irni (�f LLC Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project ❑DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts B(DCM MP-3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC 14 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST : www neecastalmanagement.net Form ®CM MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project Please include all supplemental information a Type and number of buildings, facilities units or structures proposed 19 Townhomes in 8 Buildings, Swimming Pool, Pool Deck, Pool Equipment and Storage Building, Private Road, Driveways, Stormwater System, Sidewalks, Water Lines Dumpster Pad and Sewer Lines c Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) 135 e If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land -disturbing activity begins (i) If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, list the date submitted 10/31/2014 g Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to be covered by impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, building rooftops or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking N/A i Give the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, building rooftops or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking 55 6% 1 Describe proposed method of sewage disposal Town of Kure Beach I Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (e g , surface runoff sanitary wastewater, industrial/ commercial effluent 'Wash down' and residential discharges) Contained on Site see Stormwater Permit SW8 060806 b Number of lots or parcels 19 d Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches etc 1 4 Acres f List the materials (such as mad, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for impervious surfaces Concrete Asphalt h Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stoimwater Certrification (i) Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Water Quality for review? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA In) If yes, list the date submitted _Permit Number SW8 060806 k Have the facilities described in Item (i) received state or local approval'? ®Yes []No ❑NA If yes attach appropriate documentation in Does the proposed project include an innovative stormwater design? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA If yes, attach appropriate documentation RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON NC Nov o 6 2014 252-808-28082 • 1-888-4RCOAST w nccoastalmananement.net revised- 12/26106 Form DCM MP-3 (Upland Development, Page 2 of 2) m Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e g , well, community, public system, etc) Town of Kure Beach o When was the lot(s) platted and recorded? Preliminary Subdivision Plat Granted by Kure Beach Town Council 10121/2014 Final Plat recording pending installation of Improvements n (q Will water be impounded? []Yes ®No ❑NA (u) If yes, how many acres'+ p If proposed development is a subdivision will additional utilities be installed for this upland development? ®Yes []No ❑NA RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NI NOV ® 6 Z014 252-808-2808 : 1.888-4RCOAST : www necoastalmanagement.net revised: 12/26/06 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 2 APPLICANT'S NAME Pleasure Island Partners, LLC c/o Stewart Pittman LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE 637 Fort Fisher Blvd South and 307 Kure Village Way, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County Photo Index —2006 12-6122, 8, S-T 2000 12-121, 8, S-T 1995 12-119, 12, T-U State Plane Coordinates - X 2332423 Y 95654 Latitude 33°00'2801"N Longitude 77*54'1142"W 3 INVESTIGATION TYPE CAMA ROVER FILE # - N/A 4 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE Dates of Site Visit— 11/04/2014 Was Applicant Present - No 5 PROCESSING PROCEDURE Application Received — 11/612014 (complete) Office - Wilmington 6 SITE DESCRIPTION (A) Local Land Use Plan — Town of Kure Beach Land Classification From LUP — Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved OH (C) Water Dependent No (D) Intended Use Residential (E) Wastewater Treatment Existing - Municipal Planned - Municipal (F) Type of Structures Existing — Undeveloped lots Planned — 19 residential units in 8 buildings (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion 2 feet per year Source — DCM-2011 Erosion Rate Maps 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION [AREA] DRFDGFD Fll_LFD OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (Low Marsh) (B) Non -Vegetated Wetlands (Open water (C) Other (Upland) 60,984 sq ft (D) Total Area Disturbed 60,984 sq it (1 4 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area No (F) Water Classification SB# Open No 8 PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes to construct eight buildings providing 19-condominium units, associated parking, swimming pool, pool house, utilities and a stormwater collection system Pleasure Island Partners, LLC c/o Stewart Pittman Page 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at 637 Fort Fisher Blvd South and 307 Kure Village Way, which is on the western side of NC HWY 421, in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County To locate the project site from South College Road (NC Highway 132) and Carolina Beach Road (NC Highway 421), travel south on Carolina Beach Road Continue over the Snows Cut bridge that crosses the AIWW towards the Town of Carolina Beach At the second stoplight turn right onto Dow Road Follow Dow Road to Kure Beach and at the stoplight turn left onto Fort Fisher Blvd North Continue travelling north on Fort Fisher Boulevard North for approximately 0 7 miles until you reach the project site, which will be located at the corner of Fort Fisher Boulevard and Kure Village Way on the left The site consists of two properties approximately 0 7 acres each for a total of approximately 1 4 acres with and elevation of approximately 15' above mean sea level Vegetation on the upland portion of the project site is wild grasses The site is currently undeveloped, however, the lot along Fort Fisher Boulevard North was previously developed with a gift shop and associated parking area These buildings appeared to have been demolished between 2006 and 2007, however, there is an existing concrete driveway along from the property that leads onto Fort Fisher Boulevard North The previous owner obtained a State Stormwater Permit (SW8 060806) for redevelopment of the properties for a similar project, but never initiated construction It appears due to oversight the previous owner did not obtain a CAMA Major Development Permit The waters of the Atlantic Ocean are classified as SB by the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) The NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) has not designated this area of the Atlantic Ocean as Primary Nursery Area and the waters adjacent to the proposed project are closed to the harvesting of shellfish The project site IS located within the area of Kure Beach that undergoes regular beach renounshment by the US Army Corps of Engineers The 100-year storm recession line for this area is 300', creating a total Ocean Erodible Area AEC of 420' PROPOSED PROJECT The applicant proposes to construct eight buildings providing 19-condominium units, associated parking, swimming pool, pool house, utilities and a stormwater collection system The applicant proposes to construct two concrete driveways (entrance and exit) along Kure Village Way located on the northern portion of the site The proposed driveways and sidewalks would give access to the interior portions of the property immediately adjacent to the condominiums Parking would be limited to the areas beneath the proposed units The proposed buildings would be located along the northern, eastern and southern portions of the property Each building unit would be 3-story's tall and would range from approximately 5,396 sq ft to 8,094 sq ft of heated living space, each (2,698 sq ft /unit) The buildings are proposed at a maximum height of 35' above the existing ground level The proposed buildings along the most eastern portion of the site along Fort Fisher Boulevard North (Structures 4 and 5), would be 8,094 sq ft each The proposed swimming pool and associated structures would be located on the most western portion of the project site The proposed stormwater infiltration system would be located in the interior portion of the project site As proposed, the eights buildings, stormwater collection pond, a small section of the parking area and a small portion of the entrance/exit drive to Woody Hewitt Ave , would be the only structures located within the 420' Ocean Erodible Area of Environmental Concern The entrance drive along Woody Hewitt would begin at a point approximately 360' from the first line of natural, stable vegetation The application states that a State Stormwater Permit and a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan would be submitted to the N C Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (NCDEMLR) The application states that sewer and water supply services would be provided by the local municipality (See Sheet 1 of 1 and Project Narrative) Pleasure Island Partners, LLC c/o Stewart Pittman Page 3 10 ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The construction of the condominium complex would result in the disturbance of approximately 1 4 acres (60,984 sq ft ) of high ground, which appears to be partially redevelopment of 637 Fort Fisher Boulevard North within the Ocean Erodible AEC The application states that a State Stormwater Permit and a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan would be submitted to the N C Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (NCDEMLR) The application states that sewer and water supply services would be provided by the local municipality Both permit requests are running concurrent with the CAMA Major Development Permit application Submitted by Robb Mairs Date November 10, 2014 Office Wilmington PLEASURE ISLAND PARTNERS, LLC PO BOX 623 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28428 (910)297-2540 NARRATIVE SEA VIEW TOWNHOMES KURE BEACH NC The Sea View Townhome project consists of 19 residential townhc#ne units in 8 bmldings and a swimming pool The property consists of two parcel totaling 14 acres 42,802 square feet of the property is in an AEC of which 28,572 square feet is impervious surface Total coverage in the AEC is 66 8% which is consistent with DENR SW rules RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, N( NOV 0 6 2014 Scott, Georgette From Scott, Georgette Sent Tuesday, November 04, 2014 1 55 PM To 'Luke Menws' Subject RE Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 Ok Give me the bldg permit info to for the file Thanks Georgette From Luke Menius [mailto Imenius@stroudengineer com] Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 1 01 PM To" Scott, Georgette Subject: RE Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 That is an easy one The parcel it was built on was less than 1 acre, so the project acre was less than and acre even if you include everything between the property line and the edge of pavement I'll get you the survey that shows the location of the BUA on the original 0 7 acre parcel The other 0 7 acre parcel we are developing was vacant David L Menws, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 102-D Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 ext 225 Imenius@stroudengineer com From: Scott, Georgette [mailto georgette scott(alncdenr gov] Sent Tuesday, November 04, 2014 12 19 PM To: Luke Menws Subject, RE Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 Redevelopment credit is given when a site was not required to get an erosion control or CAMA major permit when it was built If built before the rules it obviously was not required to get a permit because the rules did not exist So we give credit for pre-88 The only other way redevelopment might kick in after the rules started in 1988 is if the site did not have to get a CAMA Major OR it was under 1 acre of disturbance so a permit wasn't required So in the case for this site you can get credit if it can be shown all was built prior to 1988, OR you can get credit if the BUA that was built did not disturb 1 acre or more when built and/or did not require a CAMA major thereby never having to get a SW permit This may have happened if it was built in increments, which often happened when a site was sold and used for different purposes For instance the original building might have been built in 92, the other building might have been built in 94 and the parking might have been built in 97 but none of the construction was an acre or more of disturbance Maybe the former building permits will give you that information Georgette From: Luke Menws [mailto Imenws(alstroudengineer com] Sent, Tuesday, November 04, 2014 11 38 AM ti To Scott, Georgette Subject: RE Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 It appears from the NHC permit records that the north building —the one that is evident in the 1993 Google aerial —was built in 1992 The records indicate another permit was pulled in 2000 Based on aerials, this is likely the larger building on south side of the site I'll do a little more digging to see if there is any record of a structure or pavement existing on the site prior to 1988, but I doubt this will yield any definitive answers I was not aware of the pre-1988 caveat for claiming existing BUA credit I suppose this is in the rules somewhere? David L Menius, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 102-0 Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 ext 225 Imenius@stroudengineer com From: Scott, Georgette [mailto georgette scott(obncdenr gov] Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 10 57 AM To: Luke Menius Cc: Weaver, Cameron, Baker, Chris Subject RE Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 Sorry Luke I wasn't sure which name you preferred. I usually look at the regular projects when they come in before we accept Chris has been out so I did not know this had been changed Question You are asking for credit for buildings that were torn down in 2007 When I look at Google I can only see one building on the site In order to get all the credit you need to show that the buildings were there before the rules came out in 1988 Do you have any other documents that show they were there before 1988 (including the large parking lot)? If not through Google, do you have any county documents or building permits showing they were built before that timeframe? Georgette From: Luke Menius [mailto Imenius(alstroudengineer com] Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 10 50 AM To: Scott, Georgette Cc: Weaver, Cameron, Baker, Chris Subject: RE Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 It was intended to be a standard review There was some confusion about this last week that I thought was ironed out I apologize if my request to meet with someone has created this mess Chris was able to answer my questions over the phone and I am confident that the application I submitted is now good to go Doctors, cops, and the NCBELS know me by my full name My friends and colleges just call me Luke David L Menius, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 102-1) Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 ext 225 Imenius@stroudengineer com From: Scott, Georgette [mailto georgette scottCla ncdenr gov] Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 10 28 AM To: 'Luke Menws' (Imenius(@stroudengineer com) Cc: Weaver, Cameron, Baker, Chris Sub]ect: Stormwater Application for SEA VIEW SW8-060806 Importance High Luke/David, You requested an Express Review for this project with a meeting scheduled with Chris Baker on 11 /6/14 However we received an application package for this project under the regular program with the $505 00 fee. So do you want this under Express? If so you will need to submit the correct fee. OR Do you want this processed under the regular program for the $505.00 fee? Please let me know today Georgette Scott Slorniwater Program Supemsor State Stonnwaler Prognun NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Dnvc Ext WFlmmtnon, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7339 Fax (910) 350-2004 F mvl rorrLepoudenre to vud hom this iddress mry be subject to thL \ouch CSroIW t Public Records Lit% and nny bo (Isclosed to third p1111cs Project Name: /%.e �e_ J Received Date Project Location A L Accepted Date Rule(s) �2008 Coastal 995 Coastal ®Phase II (WiRO) ®Unwersal 1988 Coastal Type of Permit. New MOor PR Existing Permit # (Mod or PR): 0620 PE Cert on File? Densit - - HD - or LD— Type: —Commercial --or—_Residential_—_—---- (% OK?) Stream Class ®SA Map ®Offslte to SW8 Subdivided? Subdivision or Sin le Lot— MORW Map Exempt Paperwork 6wp C)J �Y Emai d Engineer on: plement(s) (1 on nal per BMP) I-P0I1 P Type(s) aD&M with correct/ongina signa ures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS aVee phcation with correct/original signatures d� 6 p or LLC Sig Auth o�5% or letter ®Email Address Design Engineer 505 (within 6mo) ®Email Address Owner Gt�� ®Sods Report with SHAFT o il � Sk`' Note to Reviewer- ®Calculationstions (s1�ed) S+ No obvious errors ®Density includes common areas, etc 0Beed Restrictions, ifsubdivided � nu) ,f - ®Signed & Notarized �--�, �5tt_o-- � Ir..n,n, /Dnc R/41f111 nl nr ricer (nvPnants & Rest L� �P`" ~> /_ _ _- 1:12 Sets ®Grading �icmity Map ® Legend Details (roads, (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) ds Delineated or No Wetlands out (proposed BUA dimensions) Maps ®Project Boundaries Infiltration Wet Pond Offslte Sods Report ®Soils Report ®PE Cert for Master Lot # SHWT ®Deed Rest for Master ®Lot # Matches Master Bottom ®SHWT PP BUA Permitted (Master) sf Visited BUA Proposed (Offsite) sf Additional Information _J n... A- Drnnnsed- BUA (sf) DA (sf) r C1111L LWU vrlia -r-- - -- - PP (el) SHAFT (el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 4 102-D Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 dCE44CEn @I F 4 n o H@WH144CQd //��(910) 815-0775 TO N�DFNI� WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ DATE D 3/ L,o/ JOB NO �L✓ 6'S3 ATTENTIONn G RE / oGo ao� /ti�dx «�A the following items ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION / 2 a� 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections 3'I ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US A COPY TO SI D if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once s 43t )a;v 0 AWS G. Project Narrative Project Summa Sea View PW-653 10/23/2014 The purpose of this project is to construct 19 townhomes on 1 40 acres of land located Kure Beach, NC at the corner of US 421 and Kure Village Way This plan is a revision to a 2006 plan for 19 semidetached residential units No structural improvements were made Site Descnotion The topography of the site is essentially flat Existing drainage on site is generally from west to east, towards Fort Fisher Blvd The site was occupied by a gift shop and parking lot, all of which were removed in 2007 Adiommo Prooe Adjoining property is primarily residential The site is bordered to the East by Fort Fisher Blvd and to the north by Kure Village Way Sods Soils in the project area are mapped in the New Hanover County Soil Survey as Urban A site visit revealed a coarse, sandy spoil type material underlain by material consistent with Newhan Fine Sand This material is afforded rapid (>20 in/hr) infiltration The SMHW was located at a depth of 24" (elev 11 00) by Vincent Lewis Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices Silt fence will be used extensively around the perimeter of the project to control offsite sedimentation All stormwater inlets will be protected with silt fence as well Two temporary gravel construction entrances will be located along Kure Village Way Planned Stormwater Management Practices The collection system on this site consist of 462 LF of 48" RCP graded towards a centrally located junction box This box will contain an automatic pump which will dewater the 6500 CF of water impounded within the RCP collection system in 2-5 days The adjacent infiltration trench consists of 240 LF of 4" perforated polyethylene pipe situated in a 10' wide by 80' long by 1 0' deep trench filled with washed #57 stone The bottom of the trench is at elevation 13 00' and has an area of 800 SF The required volume for the system is wholly contained by the 462 LF of 48" RCP and the infiltration rate will be set by the pump rate The 20+ in/hr infiltration rate only requires 77 SF of trench bottom to dispose of the state storage volume in 2 days The additional trench has been provided in an effort to reduce the risk of system failure The system is designed to collect the 1s' 3" of rainfall due the lack of both a vegetative filter and a bypass Outfall for water in excess of 3" is provided by a catch basin along Fort Fisher Boulevard L"WAVI f j1 2014 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 19 name Location name Kure Beach, North Carolina, US` 61FRV Latitude 3400eva Longitude -779218°Elevation Oft` source Google Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G M Bonnin D Martin B Lin T Pamybok M Yekta and D Riley NOAA National Weather Service Silver Spnng Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical ( Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in Inches)' Average recurrence interval(years) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 0 543 0 647 0 749 0 836 0 942 1 02 1 11 119 130 139 5-min (0505-0587) (0600-0698) (0695-0808) (0773-0902) (0866-101) (0939-110) (101-119) 108-129) (116-141) (124-151) 0 868 1 03 120 1 34 150 1 63 176 189 206 219 F10-min (0807-0938) (0960-112) 1 (111-130) 1 (124-144) (138-162) (150-176) (160-190) (171-204) (184-222) (194-238) 1 09 1 30 152 1 69 1 90 207 223 238 259 275 15-min (101-117) 1 (121-140) (141-164) 1 (156-182) (175-205) (189-223) (203-240) (215-257) (232-280) (244-299) 1 49 1 80 2 16 2 45 2 82 3 11 3 41 3 71 4 12 4 46 30-min (1 38-1 61) 1 (1 67-1 94) (2 00-2 33) 1 (2 27-2 64) (2 59-3 03) (2 85-3 35) (3 10-3 67) (3 35-4 00) (3 69-4 45) (3 95-4 83) 1 85 2 25 2 77 3 19 3 75 4 22 4 70 5 20 5 91 651 60-min (1 72-2 00) (2 09-2 43) (2 56-2 98) 1 (2 95-3 44) (3 45-4 04) (3 86-4 54) (4 28-5 06) (4 70-5 61) (5 29-6 39) (5 77-7 06) 221 270 340 401 486 558 636 721 845 953 2-hr (2 04-2 42) (2 49-2 95) (3 13-3 71) 1 (3 68-4 37) (4 43-5 29) (5 07-6 08) (5 75-6 93) (6 46-7 85) (7 49-9 21) (8 38-10 4) 2 36 2 87 364 4 32 531 617 711 816 972 11 1 3-hr (2 16-2 60) (2 64-3 15) (3 33-3 99) 1 (3 95-4 74) (4 82-5 81) (5 57-6 75) (6 37-7 78) (7 24-8 91) (8 51-10 6) (9 62-12 2) 2 97 3 62 460 5 48 674 786 9 10 10 5 12 6 14 4 6-hr (2 72-3 29) (3 32-4 00) (4 20-5 07) (4 99-6 03) (6 10-7 41) (7 06-8 64) (8 10-9 99) (9 23-11 5) (10 9-13 8) (12 4-15 9) 348 425 543 650 807 947 110 128 155 179 12-hr (316-389) (385-473) (491-604) (586-723) (720-894) (839-105) (968-122) (111-141) (132-171) (151-198) 7407 494 639 767 963 114 134 156 192 223 24 7h24-hr (374-448) (454-545) (586-704) 1 (700-844) (871-106) (102-125) (118-147) (136-173) (163-213) (186-250) 467 566 726 865 108 126 147 171 208 240 2�ay (4 32-5 12) (5 22-6 21) 1 (6 68-7 98) 1 (7 92-9 50) (9 74-11 8) (11 3-13 9) (13 1-16 3) (15 0-19 0) (17 8-23 2) (20 2-27 0) 4 90 592 7 55 895 11 1 29 49 172 208 241 34ay (453-536) (548-648) (696-826) (821-980) (100-121) (116-142) ( 133-165) ( 152-191) (179-233) (203-271) 5 13 6 19 7 84 9 25 11 3 13 2 15 2 17 4 20 9 24 2 4-day (475-559) (573-675) 1 (724-855) 1 (851-101) (104-124) (119-144) (136-166) (154-192) (181-234) (204-273) 680 699 879 103 125 143 163 185 217 244 7-day (541-624) (653-753) (818-948) (954-111) (115-135) (131-155) (148-177) (166-201) (191-238) (212-275) 651 779 9 55 112 135 153 174 196 228 254 10-day (6 09-6 99) 1 (7 29-8 38) (9 00-10 4) 1 (10 4-12 i) (12 4-14 5) (14 1-16 5) (15 B-18 8) (17 6-21 3) (20 2-24 9) (22 2-28 0) 873 104 127 145 172 194 217 242 277 306 20-day (819-935) (976-111) (119-136) (136-156) (160-184) (179-208) ( 199-234) ( 220-262) ( 248-303) ( 270-336) 10 8 12 8 15 4 17 5 20 4 22 7 25 0 275 309 336 30-day (10 2-11 5) (12 1-13 7) (14 5-16 4) (16 4-18 6) (19 1-21 7) (21 1-24 2) (23 2-26 8) (25 3-29 6) (28 0-33 5) (30 2-36 6) 13 6 16 1 19 0 21 5 24 8 27 4 30 1 32 9 36 7 396 45-day (12 8-14 4) (15 2-17 1) (18 0-20 2) (20 2-22 8) (23 2-26 3) (25 6-29 2) (27 9-32 1) (30 3-35 2) (33 4-39 5 ) (35 8-43 0) 16 5 19 4 22 7 25 31 F 28 8 31 5 343 370 406 434 60-day (15 6-17 4) (18 4-20 5) (21 5-24 0) (23 9-26 8) (27 2-30 5) (29 6-33 4) 1(32 0-36 4) ( 34 4-39 4) ( 37 4-43 6) ( 39 7-46 8) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration senes (PDS) umbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval The probability that precipitation frequency estimates or a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5% Estimates at upper bounds re not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values lease refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information Back to Too http //hdsc nws noaa gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_pnntpage html9lat=34 0039&lon=-77 9218&dat 10/31/2014 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 (j) NAtlas Volume 2, Version 3 Locationn name Kure Beach, North Carolina, US' Latitude 34 0039°, Longitude-77112° Elevation Oft* 0 • source Google Maps '-„• „J POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G M Bonnin D Martin B Lin T Parrybok M Yekta and 0 Riley NOAA National Weather Service Silver Spring Maryland PF tabular l PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence In50rval(yearslo0 Duration �00010 25 200 500 1000 652 776 899 100 113 123 3 13 143 156—IF-6 7 5-min is 06-704) 1 (720-838) 1 (834-970) 1 (928-108) 1 (104-122) 1 (113-132) 1 (121-143) 1 (129-154) 1 (140-169) 1 (148-181) 521 620 720 802 901 979 106 113 123 132 10-min (4 84-5 63) 1 (5 76-6 70) 1 (6 67-7 77) 1 (7 42-8 65) 1 (8 29-9 70) 11 (8 97-10 5) 1 (9 62-11 4) 1 (10 2-12 2) 1 (11 0-13 3) 1 (11 7-14 3) -E�(4 434 520 607 677 661 826 890 952 103 110 F15-min 04-4 69) 1 (4 83-5 61) 1 (5 63-6 55) (6 26-7 30) 1 (7 00-8 19) 1 (7 57-8 90) 1 (8 10-9 59) 1 (8 62-10 3) 1 (9 26-11 2) 1 (9 76-11 9) 297 359 431 490 564 622 682 741 823 891 30-min (2 77-3 21) 1 (3 33-3 88) 1 (4 00-4 65) (4 53-5 29) 1 (5 18-6 07) 1 (5 70-6 70) 1 (6 21-7 34) 1 (6 71-8 00) 1 (7 37-8 91) 1 (7 90-9 67) 1 85 2 25 2 77 3 19 3 75 4 22 4 70 5 20 5 91 6 51 60-min (1 72-2 00) 1 (2 09-2 43) 1 (2 56-2 98) 1 (2 95-3 44) 1 (3 45-4 04) 1 (3 86-4 54) 1 (4 28-5 06) 1 (4 70-5 61) 1 (5 29-6 39) 1 (5 77-7 06) 1 10 1 35 1 70 2 00 2 43 2 79 3 18 3 60 4 22 4 76 2-hr (102-121) 1 (124-147) 1 (157-185) 1 (184-219) 1 (222-264) 1 (254-304) 1 (287-346) 1 (323-392) 1 (375-461) 1 (419-521) 0 784 0 955 1 21 1 44 1 77 2 06 2 37 2 72 3 24 3 70 3-hr (0720-0864) (0878-105) (111-133) (132-158) 1 (160-193) 1 (185-225) (212-259) (241-297) (284-354) (320-405) 0 496 0 605 0 768 0 914 1 13 1 31 1 52 1 75 2 10 2-4 1 6-hr (0454-0549) (0555-0668) (0702-0847) (0832-101) 1 (102-124) 1 (118-144) 1 (135-167) 1 (154-192) 1 (182-231) 1 (207-265) 0 289 0 353 0 451 0 540 0 669 0 786 09 15 1 06 1 28 1 48 �12-hr (0262-0323) (0319-0392) (0408-0501) (0486-0600) (0597-0742) (0696-0869) (0803-101) (0921-117) 1 If 10-142) 1 (125-164) 0 170 0 206 F 0 266 F 0 319 F 040 0 474 F 0 567 0 651 0 798 0 928 24-In (0 156-0 187) (0 189-0 227) (0 244-0 293) (0 292-0 352) (0 363-0 441) (0 424-0 521) (0 492-0 614) (0 567-0 720) (0 679-0 887) (0 774-1 04) 0 097 0 118 0 151 0 180 0 224 0 263 0 307 0 356 0 432 0 499 2-day (0 090-0 107) (0 109-0 129) (0 139-0 166) (0 165-0 198) (0 203-0 247) (0 236-0 290) (0 272-0 340) (0 312-0 396) (0 370-0 483) (0 420-0 562) 0 068 0 082 0 705 0124 0154 0 179 0 208 0 240 0 289 0 334 3-day (0 063 0 074) (0 076-0 090) (0 097-0 115) (0 114-0 136) (0140-0168) (0161-0 197) (0 185-0 229) (0 211-0 265) (0 249-0 324) (0 281-0 377) 0 053 0 064 0 082 0 096 0 118 0 137 0 158 0 181 0 217 0 252 4-day (0 050-0 058) (0 060-0 070) (0 075-0 089) (0 089-0 105) (0 108-0 129) (0 124-0 150) (0141-0 173) (0160-0 200) (0189-0 244) (0 212-0 284) 0 035 0 042 0 052 0 061 0 074 0 085 0 097 0 110 0 129 0 145 7-day (0 032-0 037) (0 039-0 045) (0 049-0 056) (0 057-0 O66) (0 068-0 O80) (0 078-0 092) (0 088-0 105) (0 099-0 120) (0 114-0 142) (0 126-0 164) 0 027 0 032 0 040 0 047 0 056 O 064 0 072 0 082 0 095 0 106 10-day (0 025-0 029) (0 030-0 035) (0 037-0 043) (0 043-0 050) (0 052-0 O60) (0 059-0 069) (0 066-0 078) (0 073-0 D89) (0 084-0 104) (0 092-0 117) 0-0 8 0 022 0 026 0 030 0 03fi 0 040 0 045 0 050 0 O58 0 064 20-day (0 017-0 019) (0 020-0 023) (0 025-0 028) (0 028-0 032) (0 033-0 038) (0 037-0 043) (0 041-0 049) (0 046-0 055) (0 052-0 063) (0 056-0 070) 0 015 00 8 002 0 024 0 028 003 0 035 0 038 0 043 0 047 30•day (0 014-0 Ot6) (0 017-0 019) (0 020-0 023) (0 023-0 026) (0 026-0 030) (0 029-0 034) (0 032-0 037) (0 035-0 041) (0 039-0 046) (0 042-0 051) 0 013 0 O15 0 018 0 020 0 023 0 025 0 028 0 030 0 034 0 037 45-day (0 012-0 013) (0 014-0 016) (0 017-0 019) (0 019-0 021) (0 021-0 024) (0 024-0 027) (0 026-0 030) (0 028-0 033) (0 031-0 037) (0 033-0 040) 0 011 0 013 0 016 0 018 0 020 0 022 0 024 0 026 0 028 0 030 60-day (0 011 0 (0 013-0 014) (0 015-0 017) (0 017-0 019) (0 019-0 021) (0 021-0 023) (0 022-0 025) (0 024-0 027) (0 026-0 030) (0 028-0 033) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration senes (PDS) Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5% Estimates at upper bounds ere not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more infennabon Back to Too http //hdsc nws noaa gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage html?lat=34 0039&lon=-77 9218&dat 10/31/2014 PROJECT SEAVIEW PROJECT # PW-653 DATE 10/28/14 DESCRIPTION SF AC NOTES PROJECT AREA 61183 1 40 TOTAL TRACT AREA EXISTING BUA 16363 038 ALL REMOVED PROPOSED BUA 40000 092 NET BUA INCREASE 23637 054 PROPOSED - EXISTING BYPASSED BUA 14885 TREATED BUA 25115 OVERALL % BUA 65 4% EFFECTIVE % BUA 41 0% STATE TREATMENT VOLUME CALCULATIONS RUNOFF = 042 DESIGN PRECIPITATION (IN)= 30 REQUIRED VOLUME (CF)= 6416 47992 STORAGE VOLUME CALCULATIONS 034 O58 PROPOSED -BYPASSED OVERALL % BUA / PROJECT AREA TREATED % BUA / PROJECT AREA NOTES 0 05 + 0 009 X % BUA NO FILTER AT BYPASS PRECIP X RUNOFF X AREA X 43560 SF/AC/12 IN/HR GALLONS NOTES STRUCTURE VOLUME (CF)= 100 5' X 5' X 4' NUMBER OF STRUCTURES = 7 PIPE DIAMETER (IN)= 48 RCP VOLUME PER LF (CF)= 1257 LENGTH PROVIDED (LF)= 462 TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED (CF)= 6506 OK DRAWDOWN CALCULATIONS NOTES MIN (5 DAY) DRAWDOWN RATE (GPM)= 67 ORIFICE SIZE (IN)= 1 0 AVERAGE HEAD (FT)= 20 ORIFICE FLOW (GPM)= 167 SYSTEM DRAWDOWN TIME (DAYS)= 20 OK PUMP CALCULATIONS NOTES MINIMUM PUMP RATE (GPM)= 167 ORIFICE FLOW RATE TOTAL HEAD (FT)= 10 DESIGN PUMP RATE (GPM)= 28 MYERS SSM331 INFILTRATION CALCULATIONS EVALUATED RATE (IN/HR)= 20 PROPOSED TRENCH AREA (SF)= 800 INFILTRATION CAPACITY (GPM)= 1662 a+? NOTES OK \\\\\NIGAR0�/���i 2 a SEAL 9� 35677 '��fflllllll���, Weaver, Cameron From Luke Menius []menius@stroudengineer com) Sent Thursday, October 23, 2014 4 06 PM To Weaver, Cameron Subject SW8 060806 Attachments dlm sketch-Default-028 pdf, 20141023154806554 pdf Please find the attached scoping meeting request, narrative, and rudimentary sketch This sketch, which I will delve into further at the meeting, illustrates the location and amount of "existing" impervious (which was removed back in 2007), the currently permitted BUA and collection/treatment system, and the proposed BUA and collection/treatment system The character of the system is unchanged The runoff from the site is collected in a 36" RCP system that is sized to hold first 3" of runoff Additional runoff discharges to an existing piped system along Fort Fisher Blvd The volume retained is pumped into a subsurface infiltration trench over a 2-5 day period What has changed —and what I would like to run through at the scoping meeting —is • We are proposing 18% more BUA (39,968 sf vs 34,000 sf) Most of this increase is due to the omission of about 15,000 sf of pervious boardwalk in favor of a significantly reduced amount of sidewalk I believe this will result in a much reduced maintenance burden for the end user and pose less ADA concerns • 1 am claiming the 16,363 sf of impervious that was removed from the site at about the time the original permit was issued This was an oversight that should be corrected • The result of these two changes is a net decrease in the storage volume We are now proposing 6147 cf of storage to capture runoff from the 23,605 sf net BUA increase The site is permitted for 8485 cf of storage • The infiltration basin has been reduced in size from 964 sf to 800 sf It should be noted that the system loading is decreased due to the reduced treatment volume • The permit is to be transferred to the new property owner It is unlikely that we will be able to obtain the current permittee's signature One of the two members of Sea View Investment Group, LLC passed away in 2007 and the LLC was dissolved in 2010 1 believe some precedent exist for transferring a permit without the current permittee's signature once the property has changed hands I look forward to hearing back from you as the new owner is eager to get started with the permit modification David L Menius, P E Stroud Engineering, P A 102-1) Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 ext 225 ImeniusCElstroudenoineer com Fa DENR Use ONLY �� Renewer _� �� North Carolina Department of Environment and s �� ( tv Natural Resources NCDENR Request for Express Permit Review Tim Connor, FILL-IN all the Information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (POF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the application ap ckaae of the project location Please Include this form in the application package • Asheville gion-Alison Davidson 828.296.4698,alison dawdson(rAncdenrgov • Fayetteville Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791-4203, davld lee(alncdenr goy • Mooresville 8 inston Salem Region -Patrick Grogan 704.235.2107 or potrfck grogan(clircdenr gov • Washington Reg n-Lyn Hardison 252-948.3842 orlon hardisonnp ncdenrgoy • Wilmington Region ameron Weaver910-796-7302 orcameron weaveKdncdenrgov NOTE Project application *elved after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day Project Name SEA VIEW County NEW HANOVER Applicant PLEASURE ISLAND PN6TNERS, LLC Company Address PO BOX 623 Ctt WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, State NC Zip 28480-_ Phone 910-297-2540, Fax Email STEWARTPITTMAN@GMAIL COM Physical Location 637 N FORFISHE T R B_ D KURE BEACH NC SW _ SW _ SW_ NPDES _ NPDES wQ WQ— E&S _ E&S _ Other Project Drams into ATLANTIC OCEAN water Water classification SIB (far classification see- http /loortal ncdenr orolweb/wD/ps/csu/classificabons) Project Located in CAPE FEAR River Basin Is p act draining to class ORW waters? N. within Y2 mile and draining to class SA waters N or within 1 mile and draining to class HQW waters? N Engineer/Consultant LUKE MENIUS Company ST Address 102-D CINEMA DRIVE City WIL N TO Phone 91D-815-0775, Fax _ _, Email LI PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND $_ #_ JOBS SECTION ONE REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETIP State NC Zip 28403- N Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWQ, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR, N SECTION TWO EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination _ # of stream calls — Plea attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ IntermiHent/Perennial Determination _ # of stream calls — Please attach VPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated We nd ( linear It or _acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor VarianceV Major General Variance ❑ State Stornwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac ❑ Bkhd & B\Revisi Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ _ (Provide permit#)] ❑ High Density Detention Pond _#Treatment Systems ❑ High Density-Infiltatment Systems ❑ High Density-Bio-Retention _# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density —SW # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Other _# Treatment Systems /❑ MOD ❑ Major ❑ Minor ❑ P❑ Redev Exclusion SW (Pronde permit ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavabon & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Manna Development Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with _ acres to be disturbed (CK# (for DENR use)) SECTION THREE — PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT for both scoping nd express meeting request) Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes N No Buffer Impacts N No ❑ YES _a e(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed ❑ Yes N No Isolated wetland on Property ❑Yes No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed ❑ Yes N No 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE ❑ Yes N No Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes N No For DENR use mil} Fee SDlltformoltlDle Dermlts (check# ) Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES Fee i I SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance (❑ Mai, ❑ Min) $ SW (❑ HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen) $ 401 $ Las $ Stream Deter— $ NCDENR EXPRESS January 2014 Project Narrative Project Summa Sea View PW-653 10/2312014 The purpose of this project is to construct 19 townhomes on 140 acres of land located Kure Beach, NC at the corner of US 421 and Kure Village Way This plan is a revision to a 2006 plan for 19 semidetached residential units No structural improvements were made Site Description The topography of the site is essentially flat Existing drainage on site is generally from west to east, towards Fort Fisher Blvd The site was occupied by a gift shop and parking lot, all of which were removed in 2007 Adioimnci Prove Adjoining property is primarily residential The site is bordered to the East by Fort Fisher Blvd and to the north by Kure Village Way Sods / Soils in the project area are mapped in the New Hanover County Soil Survey as Urban A site visit revealed a coarse, sandy spoil type material underlain by matenal consistent with Newhan Fine Sand This material is afforded rapid (>20 in/hr) infiltration The SMHW was located at a depth of 24" (elev 11 00) by Vincent Lewis Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices Silt fence will be used extensively around the perimeter of the project to control offsite sedimentation All stormwater inlets will be protected with silt fence as well Two temporary gravel construction entrances will be located along Kure Village Way Planned Stormwater Management Practices The collection system on this site consist of 870 LF of 36" RCP graded towards a centrally located junction box This box will contain an automatic pump which will dewater the 6147 CF of water impounded within the RCP collection system in 2-5 days The adjacent infiltration trench consists of 525 LF of 4" perforated polyethylene pipe situated in a 4 5' wide by 177' long by 1 0' deep trench filled with washed #57 stone The bottom of the trench is at elevation 13 00' and has an area of 800 SF The required volume for the system is wholly contained by the 870 LF of 36" RCP and the infiltration rate will be set by the pump rate The 20+ in/hr infiltrabon rate only requires 77 SF of trench bottom to dispose of the state storage volume in 2 days The additional trench has been provided in an effort to reduce the risk of system failure The system is designed to collect the 15i 3" of rainfall due the lack of both a vegetative filter and a bypass Outfall for water in excess of 3" is provided by a catch basin along Fort Fisher Boulevard I I `` �S �"v 2014023948 FOR REeWlyl7WUSCR aEnSLEY DEEDS NEW I vER coUNIY Nc 2014 So 10 04 18 04 PM 8K 5838 PG 435-434 FEE $26 00 NC REV STAMP $1,650 00 i%T M J UTERI RI NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax S1,65000 Pueelldeaofw No R09200012e2.aa0aaouma.00h=,0o6Vcnfied by County on the_ day of 2014 By Mml/Box to Jefim W Porter. IAw OfSce of leffrev W Porter. P C 711 PrincessStreet. Wilmmaton. NC 28401 Thus insmonent was prepared by Law Office ofJcffrcy W. Porter. PC. . 711 Princess Street WilminZon. NC 28401 Imthelndex Tract 10 T IMI DEED made this UV r day of a itd d 2014, by and between GARNET FORT FISHER REAL ESTATE,LLC a North Carolina limited liability, company 4675 MacArthur Court, 15" Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 PLEASURE ISLAND PARTNERS, LLC a North Carolina Lilmted Liability company P O Box 623 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee mane, mmlmg address, and, ifappropriate, character of amity, a g, corporation or parmership The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herem shall include said parries, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as requued by context WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid bythe Grantee, the rccoiptof which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey anon the Grantee in fee simple, all that certam lot or parcel of land situated m the City of WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows The property is commonly known as 71 acres located at 637 Fort Fisher Blvd , and 070 acres located at 307 Kure Village Way, Kure Beach, NC, and a more completely desenbed In attached Exhibit "A" The property heremabove de=bed was acquired by Grantor by m mmient recorded in Book = page 1439 All cur a portion of the property hereon conveyed _ mcludes orb does not include the primary residence of Grantor A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book 22 page 94 NC air A unon Form No 301976 Revised O MOM Printed by Aa of wM it. NC ar Aa,00unon TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot orparml oflandmid ell privileges mdeppntmmas thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee ample And the Grantor covenants snth the Grantee, that Granitic has done nothing to mpmr such title as Grantorreceived, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title minst the lawful clams of aR persons clam=& by, under or through Grantor other than the follownig otceptiom IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has duly mecuted the foregoing as of the day and year fast above � Garnet Fort Faber Real Palau- a North Carohna fanned habdrty company By- Sabel FlnaneW Group,LP, in ns cepaainnyy ass Manager of Gannet etFort�rFisher Real Estate, LLC By / ' w U Pr=Klype Name YehF FMdrw Its Authorized Signatory State of - County or City of I, the mde=igned Notary It lie of the County or City and State aforesaid, certrfy, that of Sabel LLC a North Carohna betted lnbrhry foregoing instrument in m mute m its 2014 My Coninruroo Expires (Affix Sea[) anity came before tie this day and admowladged dnt he/she a :roe P, in its ®panty as Manager of Garnet Fort Fisher Real Estate, d the by authority duty grvm and as the act ofmch entity, he/she signed the its ant and died. W)m>ss my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this _ day of 0t*A'rrACk,,, NC Br )iuonWon I= No 3 t 1976, Rorad 0 J11 rim Prrotee byAFcmrnwadt ate NC Ba Avomam Notary Public Notary a Printed or Typed Name (STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE) On September 8, 2014, before me, Lynn Mattson, Notary Public, personally appeared Mark E Foster, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/afe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/hw/thetf authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/hef/ihetf signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and official seal LYNN MACC TTSON COmmla9lan # 1930475 aa rn oo ttyy Notary Public - California Signa (SEAL) MyCommrEaBresMar27,201s+ Signature of Nota Public EXHIBIT "A" TRACT ONE A tract of land located in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina being more particularly described as follows beginning at a point in the Southern right of way of Kure Village Way (60' Public night of way —formerly known as Club Drive) said beginning point being located North 87 ° 04' 30" West 16153' along the Southern line of said Kure Village Way from its intersection with the Western right of way of U S Highway #421 (North Fort Fisher Boulevard — 60' public right of way), running thence from said point of beginning with a new line South 20° 33' 00" West 200 00' to a point in the Northern line of a lot designated as private common area as shown on a plat of Seawatch at Kure Beach, said plat being recorded in Map Book 39 Page 289 of the New Hanover County Registry, thence with the Northern line of said common area lot with the Northern line of Lot 20 Seawatch at Kure Beach North 870 04' 30" West 158 68' to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 20, thence with the Eastern line of Lot 68 Seawatch at Kure Beach as shown on Sheet 2 of the above referenced plat North 200 25' 38" East 199,86' to the Northeastern corner of said Lot 68, said corner also being in Southern line of Kure Village Way, thence with said Southern line South 870 04' 30 East SS9 13' to the point of beginning containing 30,289 square feet more or less (0,695 Acres more or less) and being the western portion of that parcel of land designated as Tract Number Four in a deed to Joseph C Hearne and wife Nancy K Hearne as recorded in Deed Book 1475 Page 452 of the New Hanover County Registry TRACT TWO BEING ALLTHE EASTERN ONE HALF (+-32,000 SO FT) OF THE FOLLOWING TRACT OF LAND Beginning at the intersection of the Southern nght of way line of Club Drive (60 foot right of way) and the Western right of way line of U S Highway No 421 (60 foot right of way) said intersection being shown on a map entitled Map 3 Utility Rights of Way Kure Beach Club and recorded in Map Book 27 at Page 94 of the New Hanover County Registry and running thence from said beginning point South 20 degrees 33 minutes West with and along the Western right of way line of US Highway No 421 200 00 feet, thence North 87 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West 320,98 feet to a point, thence North 20 degrees 33 minutes East 200 00 feet to a point in the Southern right of way line of Club Drive, thence South 87 degrees D4 minutes 20 seconds East with and along the Southern right of way line of Club Drive 320 98 feet to the point of Beginning and being all of that tract designated as "Tract 10 L&H Investments" on the map entitled Map 3 Utility Rights of way Kure Beach Club recorded in Map Book 27 at Page 94 of the New Hanover County Registry Being Tract No II in deed recorded in Book 1418 at Page 614, New Hanover County Registry TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER 216 NORTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 f if111ff1R1111N1NN111NfNNlNiffNfNffffNN1RNNRf1RNMRN11Nf1fNIN1fNiNtNOtNtIN1NfNNfN1NNf1Nff Filed For Registration 09/1012014 04:18:04 PM Book. RE 5838 Page 435-439 Document No 2014023948 5 PGS $26 00 NC REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX $1,650.00 Recorder CRESWELL, ANDREA State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover PLEASE RETAIN YELLOW TRAILER PAGE WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. *2014023948* 2014023948 C201424000126 r. pn" SOSID 1398918 Date Filed 9/3/2014 11 37 00AM Elaine F Dlarshall North Carolina Secretary of State State of North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State C2014 240 00126 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §57D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company 5 6 The name of the limited liability company is Pleasure Island Partners, LLC (See Item Iof the Instructions for appropnate entity designation) The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows (State whether each person is executing these articles of organization in the capacity of a member, organizer or both Note- This document must be signed by all persons listed ) Francis S Pittman, PO Box 623, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480, Member/Organizei Steven H Maccurry, PO Box 306, Carolina Beach, NC 28428, Member/Organizer 2rr 2G2 The name of the mdtal registered agent is Francis S Pittman The street address and county of the initial registered agent office of the ]muted liability company is Number and Street 2518 Royal Palm Lane Cary Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28409 county New Hanover The mailing address, if different from the street address, of the Initial registered agent office is Number and Street PO BOX 623 city Wrightsville Beach State NC Zip code 28480 County New Hanover Principal office information (Sclecteither a or b ) a ❑The limited liability company has a principal office The principal office telephone number The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is Number and Street City, State Zip Code County CORPORATIONS DIVISION P 0 Box 29622 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0622 (Revised January 2014) 1 (Form L-01) IM C201424000126 The madma address, if different from the street address, of the principal office of the company is Number and Street State Zip Code County b QThe limited liability company does not have a principal office Any other provisions which the Incited liability company elects to include (e g , the purpose of the entity) are attached (Optional) Please provide a business e-mail ad4 privacy Redaction The Secretary of State's Office will e-mail the business automatically at the address provided above at no MAP cost when a document is filed The e-mail provided will not be viewable on the website For more information on why this service is offered, please see the instructions for this document p These articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified This is the 26th day of August , 20 14 Francis S Pittman, Member/Organizer Type or Print Name and Title The below space to be used if more than one organizer or member is listed in Item #2 above Signature Signature Steven H Maccurry, Memberl0rganizer Type and Print Name and Title Type and Print Name and Title Signature Type and Print Name and Title Signature Type and Print Name and Title NOTES 1 Filing fee is $125 This document must be filed with the Secretary of State CORPORATIONS DIVISION P O Box 29622 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0622 (Revised January 2014) 2 (Form L 01) Kure Village Way - Google Maps Page 1 of 1 ...,,w, .,, a ", NI https://www.google.comlmaps/place/Kure+Village+Wav,+Kure+Beach,+NC+28449{n34.0076171,-77.9027858,20... 1/ 13/2015 TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map Page 1 of I I'494bgM�a�nna rc \�� V • • L — � • r k it � { •■ •• • � � s { 1 4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 km M4 0 0.09 OA3 0.27 0.36 0.45 mi Map center is 341 00' 28"N, 771 54' 13"W (WG584/NAD83) Carolina Beach quadrangle M=-8.938 Projection is UTM Zone 18 NAD83 Datum G--1.625 http://wNAw.topozone.com/print.asp?z=18&n=3766815X e-231848&s=24&size=l&u-6&d... 7/20/2006