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SW8060338_HISTORICAL FILE_20060804
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 U1o0338 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 200�.o C)g(5 -} YYYYMMDD Michaal F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Sccretaq North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek P E Director Dn ision of Water Quality August 4,2006 Mr Sheldon Tucker MAS Properties, LLC 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach, NC 28462 Subject Stormwater Permit No SW8 060338 Ocean Isle Palms General Permit -Clear and Grade Brunswick County Dear Mr Tucker In accordance with your application to be covered under the State Stormwater General Permit for Clearing and Grading a Proposed Site, received on May 2, 2006, we are forwarding herewith the subject Certificate of Coverage Number 060338 to clear and grade a proposed development site where the final design is not yet known and the developer has not requested the application be placed on hold, under the subject General Permit This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1 and Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000, the stormwater management rules Please take notice that this Certificate of Coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) The DWQ may require modification or revocation and re - issuance of the Certificate of Coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirement to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal, State, or Local agency, law, rule, or ordinance If you need a copy of the General Permit, or have any questions concerning this permit, or need additional information this matter, please contact either Gary Beecher or me at (910) 796-7215 Singly! Edward Beck Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section EB/gb S \WQS\STORMWAT\PERMIT\060338 Aug06 cc Jessica Winterwerp (Cape Fear Engineering) Brunswick County Building Inspections Gary Beecher (DWQ) Wilmington Regional Office Central Files N''o��`tthCarolma �vWura/!y North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Fxtension Wilmington NC 28405 Phone (910) 796 7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet wwa nc%+aterouahty ore Pax (910) 350 2004 1 877-623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50 % Recycled/l0% Post Consumer Paper State Stormwater Management Systems COC# SW8 060338 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO SWG030000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO 060338 CLEAR AND GRADE A PROPOSED SITE In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1, as amended, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and 15A NCAC 2H 1000, the Stormwater rules, Mr Sheldon Tucker MAS Properties, LLC is hereby authorized to clear and grade a proposed development site located at Ocean Isle Palms 1338 Ocean Isle Beach Road Ocean Isle Brunswick County to receiving waters designated as Intercoastal Waterway, class SA HQW waters in the Lumber River Basin, in accordance with the provisions of the General Permit for Clearing and Grading, No SWG030000, and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications, and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Wafer Quality and considered a part of this permit for the subject project This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective August 4, 2006 Signed thn s the 4th day of August 2006 i Division of Water Quality ----- By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 2 of 3 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 a. D 33X DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY / WATER QUALITY SECTION STATE STORMWATER NOTICE OF INTENT GENERAL PERMIT TO CLEAR AND GRADE A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE State Stormwater Management Application Notice of Intent for coverage under the General Stormwater Management Permit to Clear and Grade a proposed development site For the clearing and grading only of a proposed development site where the final design is not known, and the developer has not requested that the application be placed on administrative hold (Please print or type) 1 Mailing address of owner/developer (The address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed) Name Street Address City Telephone No MAS Properties, L L C 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach 910 612 4899 FAX 2 Location of proposed project State NC ZIP 28462 Project Name Ocean Isle Palms Contact Person Sheldon Tucker Street Address 1338 Ocean Isle Beach Road City Ocean Isle State NC County Brunswick Telephone No 910 612 4899 FAX ZIP 28469 3 Physical Location Information Please describe how to get to the project, using street names state road numbers, and the distance and direction from the nearest major intersection USHWY 14 South Take a left on SR 1164 (Ocean Isle Beach Road)go about 5 miles and site is on the left 4 What is the name of the receiving stream Intercoastal Waterway 5 Receiving Stream Classification SA, HQW 6 This Certificate of Coverage is being submitted as a result of ® New or proposed project ❑ Modification to an existing project Existing COC or Permit Number Date project is scheduled to begin construction At the time final plans are completed (-3 months) 7 What is the total project area above mean high water? 111 51 Acres 8 Will wet detention or other ponds be constructed at this site? ® YES ❑ NO (Final design has not been completed and ponds may be added in future) 9 Please list all proposed piping, ditches and drainage alterations to be constructed as part of this project (attach an additional sheet if needed) Final construction drawings do not exist at this time Page 1 of 2 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 060.33t As a result, all piping, ditching and drainage alterations have not been designed See attached S&E drawing for current protect layout and stormwater / S&E considerations 10 Is the project within 575' of the Mean High Water line of class ORW waters ❑ YES ® NO 11 Are there any wetlands on the site? ® YES ❑ NO 12 Please list all other Best Management Practices employed at this site (see attached) 13 Certification North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6 b (i) provides that Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation or certification in any application record report plan or other document filed or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article or who falsifies tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not the exceed $10 000 or by imprisonment not to exceed six months or by both (18 U S C Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10 000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years or both for a similar offense ) I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirement for the project and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit 1 certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate Printed name of person signing ) 6" T%JC-Ved-- Title Met b r/ Mana e (Signature of Applicant) (Da a signed) A check or money order must accompany this Notice of Intent for $420 00 made payable to NCDENR This application will be returned unless all of the following items are submitted ® This completed form ® Two sets of site and grading plans ® A check for $420 00 ® A USGS map with the project clearly located on it Mail the entire package to NCDENR Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section — Stormwater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a Certificate of Coverage under the General Permit Page 2 of 2 TOP01 map printed on 12/19/06 from "Untitled.tpo" 78027'00" W WGS84 78026''00" W 31 100 �• 5 ` 'i� ' Y. ps Yr� .i M' I L'���y--t`l. \•� 1 V OISr_ ` 'nd9 i]uo s v1 JI • Sr _,'.' - Y c - ., `-�.J�, ` •{L G O O _ - _ , ft1 f 1 ,` t ✓ ±'r . 4/f r 1 `� I�G -©� 1L}• • 1 � � '•� _1 � � � �'�' O O tip •, I ! J Qjp Y ,,G I t -} �F �• �r • 1•• • J _H If �I�_L C sty"y�_� � ei t " Map created11 ful 0200' (National Geograp` i�,��2003 T/ira E 1 �/21 f 78027'00" W WGS84 78°26'0011 W D S t MN TN NATIONAL. lax MIS imp 8 �120 GEOGRAPHIC MUMS, low u MLI Erkt 12/19, 5 M NC®E R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources James D Simons PG PE Land Quality Section Michael F Easley Governor Director and State Geologist William G Ross Jr , Secretary December 11, 2006 LETTER OF RECEIPT OF REVISED EROSION CONTROL PLAN MAS Properties LLC Sheldon Tucker Member Manager 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach NC 28462 RE Project Name Ocean Isle PalmsrBernIs Project ID Bruns 2007-185 County Brunswick Shallotte SR 1184 River Basin Lumber Submitted By Cape Fear Engineering Inc Date Received by LQS December 8 2006 Plan Type REVISED Dear Mr Tucker This office has received the revised soil erosion and sediment control plan submitted for the project listed above G S 113A 54 1(a) requires that this office approve or disapprove a submitted revised plan within 15 days of receipt of such plan Failure to act by this office within this time period shall be deemed approval of the revised plan Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State water quality laws regulations and rules If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project Sincerely Julie N Darr Land Quality Section cc Jessica Winterwerp E I Cape Fear Engineering Inc LQS —WiRO SWS-WiRO Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 29450 Phone 910 796 7215 Fax 910 '00 2004 f.� November 30. 2006 Coastal Communities, Inc Attn Sheldon Tucker 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach, NC 28462 Brunswick County Planning Department P O Box 249 75 Courthouse Drive N E , Bldg I Bolivia, NC 28422 RE Ocean Isle Palms Phase X & XI PUD File # SE-142 Dear Mr Tucker, This is to confirm that at November 27, 2006 Planning Board Meeting the plans for Ocean Isle Palms Phase X and XI PUD were conditionally approved Please find attached a copy of the Special Exception Permit Please submit a revised plan in accordance with the conditions specified in accordance with the Special Exception Permit The Special Exception Permit has been formatted to meet the standards so as to be recorded by the Brunswick County Register of Deeds Please remember that this Special Exception Permit runs with the property and not the owner A final plat shall be submitted within eighteen (18) months after approval of the preliminary plat, otherwise, the preliminary plat shall become null and void, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Planning Board per Section II-4, Major Subdivision Procedures Section 4 2(A) Prior to recordation of individual lots, site specific survey is to be reviewed by the Planning Department (910-253-2036) and then by Engineering Department (910- 253-2500) for approval There is a $5 00 dollar fee per lot assessed for site specific review of lots If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-253-2036 T lob Land Planner cc Perry Davis, Cape Fear Engineering ° Brunswick County Planning Department P.O Box 249 75 Courthouse Drive N E., Bldg I l - - `°+,z, Bolivia, NC 28422 SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT On the date(s) listed below, the Planning Board of Brunswick County met and held a public hearing to consider the following application Application No SE-142 Applicant Coastal Communities, Inc Project Name Ocean Isle Palms Phase X & XI PUD Property Location Ocean Isle Beach Road (SR 1184) Parcel Number(s) 2280000407 and portions of 22800003 and 24400022 Zoning District R-7500 Surrounding Zoning North R-7500 South Ocean Isle Jurisdiction East RU & R-7500 West R-6000 & Ocean Isle Jurisdiction Proposed Use of Property Planned Unit Development Page 1 of 3 Not to be separated TEH The project was submitted to the Planning Department on September 5, 2006 and appeared before the TRC Committee on October 11, 2006 The project is proposing 110 single family lots and 54 multi -family units on 62 4 acres Including this expansion, the planned unit development will consist of 1,566 single-family units and 463 multi -family units on 829 66 acres creating an overall density of 2 45 units per acre Water is public provided by Brunswick County Sewer is public provided by Brunswick County Water and sewer is to be provided for the entire project The open space requirement is 15% of total acreage (124 44 acres) The developer is proposing 151 3 acres of open space A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was completed for the project According to NCDOT's Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts, there are no known capacity deficiencies on Ocean Isle Beach Road SECTION 1 — FINDINGS Having heard all of the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, the Planning Board, at its regular meeting, finds and determines that the application is complete, and subject to the conditions imposed below, the following findings are made 1 A written application pursuant to Article 4, Section 4 2 E of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance that permits Planned Unit Developments in the R-7500 zoning district was submitted and complete in all respects 2 A public hearing was duly noticed and held on this matter on November 27, 2006 The adjoining property owners were notified by US mad of the hearing 3 The Planned Unit Development for which the Special Exception is sought is in keeping with the statement of intent of the zoning district This is based on sworn testimony and evidence submitted during the hearing which shows the following a The intent of the R-7500 district is basically low density single family residential areas providing other required attributes of a neighborhood b The project does not contain a commercial component 4 The Planned Unit Development for which the Special Exception is sought will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property This is based on sworn testimony and evidence submitted during the hearing which shows the following a The protect contains a 25' peripheral boundary setback and a 15' peripheral buffer The-P—lanned-Untt-Development far-which-the-Speeral-Exeeptton-ts-sought; tf-devebped-as proposed, meets all requirements and conditions of the ordinance This is based on sworn testimony and evidence submitted during the hearing which shows the following a The plan submitted by the applicant was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and staff and found to meet all requirements and conditions of the ordinance Page 2 of 3 Not to be separated TEH SECTION 1 — CONDITIONS Now, therefore, the application to make use of the above described property for the purpose indicated is hereby approved and granted, subject to all applicable provisions of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance, this permit, and the following special conditions which the Planning Board finds to be in the public interest 1 That the development shall proceed in conformity with all plans and design features submitted as part of the special exception application and kept on file by the Brunswick County Planning Department 2 That the development of the parcel(s) shall comply with all regulations as specified in the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance 3 That if the specified conditions addressed in this special exception are violated, the permit shall be revoked and the use will no longer be allowed Only by reapplying to the Planning Board for another special use permit and receiving their approval can the use be again permitted 4 Correct the provided open space so that it does not include the area in the multi -family section SECTION 3 —VESTED RIGHTS Approval of this permit confers upon the property the right to develop with the type and intensity of use as herein described and as shown on the approved site plan Vested rights are hereby established pursuant Article 1, Section 1 12 of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance SECTION 4 SEVERABILITY AND RECORDATION Invalidation of any one or more of these conditions shall not adversely affect the balance of said conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect J Uslie Bell, AICP, HDFP Planning Director STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK I, the undersigned, Notary Public for said State and County certify that J Leslie Bell, personally came before me this day and acknowledged J Leslie Bell as the Planning Director of The County of Brunswick, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina and that by authority duly given and as the act of the County, the foregoing instrument was signed in its Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the�b+kday of I�} C)Vf VYt�2 i 200 L.) 01EMAqZ 0'6` Connie Marlowe Ctr (JW-e f 5 C : NOT��Yt�. My Commission Expires - U - 0 • J - A (/ BLc • 1¢ �'•Q �NNr, NAP Page 3 of 3 Not to be separated TEH �� � CAPE FEAR 11 Engineering, Inc. 151 Poole Rod Suite lW SeMlle NC 28451 TEL (910)383-1044 FAX (910) 383 1045 www capefearengmeermg com To NCDENP. 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 25405 Attn Gary Beecher Transmittal Date August 3, 2006 File 809-01 "36" 5ubject Ocean Isle Palms 5tormwater Project No 5W8 060338 ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Files ❑ For Distribution ® For your Review / Action / Approval ❑ 5ent via Mad ❑ Sent via Courier Quantity Drawing No Description 2 Cop(es Clearing and Grubbing Plans REMARKS Per your letter dated July 11 2006 please find the requested additional information CC File Cape Fe ar EEngi�/e�ring1'IIn-c•^-("�j�f,. Signed 1 W W� � U1lA" 1 Jessica Winterwerp El AUG � 3 2006 North Carolina James D Simons, PG PE Director and State Geologist NCDENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section July 26 2006 LETTER OF RECEIPT OF EROSION CONTROL PLAN MAS Properties LLC Mr Sheldon Tucker, Member/Manager 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach NC 28462 RE Project Name Ocean Isle Palms Phase 1 Project ID Bruns-2007-003 County Brunswick, Ocean Isle Beach, SR 1184 at Georgetown Road River Basin Lumber Submitted By Cape Fear Engineering Date Received by LQS July 25 2006 Plan Type MODIFIED Dear Mr Tucker " Y jut 2 7 ?006 Michael F Easley, Governor William G Ross Jr, Secretary This office has received a soil erosion and sediment control plan for the project listed above which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (G S 113A-57 (4)) The Act requires that all persons disturbing an area of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of the land -disturbing activity (G S 113A-54(d) (4)) The Act further states that this plan must be filed a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of receipt Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the 30-day period will be deemed approval of the plan Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this protect Sincerely Schuyler Snowdon Env Tech V Land Quality Section cc Jessica WintegryNverp El Cape Fear Engineering Inc LQS-WiRO ySWS WiRO,"� Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext , Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 3845 • Phone 910 796 7215 / FAX 910 350 2004 W ATFR 41¢hael F Easley Governor 19 � —i July 11, 2006 Mr Sheldon Tucker MAS Properties, LLC 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach, NC 28462 Subject Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No SW8 060338 Ocean Isle Palms Brunswick County Dear Mr Tucker William G Ross Jr secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Ocean Isle Palms on May 2, 2006 A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review (1) Fhe plans contain too much intoi motion for a clear & grade pci mit Plcasc and in a new sct of plans ~how mg onI% the project trite w It boundary, wetland delineation, topogi aphic information, and any erosion conti o1 dcviccs that w dl be used den Ing the clearing and gi aduig process 1 he lots and roads miN he shown hoiic%cr, thc) Should not be numbcicd or named on the plans I hank You Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review The requested information should be received by this Office prior to August 11, 2006, or the application will be returned as incomplete The return of a project will necessitate re -submittal of all required items, including the application fee If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215 1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6A Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided Copies are not acceptable If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 Sincerely, �._ Gazy e�cher Environmental Technician EB/ghb S\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2006\060338 Ju106 cc Jessica Winterwerp (Cape Fear Engineering) ` VCarolina umlly North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drne Extension Wilmington NC 28405 Phone (910) 796 7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet wwe ncwaterouihp ore Fax (910) 350 2004 1 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Acton Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources James D Simons, PG, PE Land Quality Section Michael F Easley Governor Director and State Geologist William G Ross Jr, Secretary July 6 2006 LETTER OF RECEIPT OF EROSION CONTROL PLAN MAS Properties, LLC Mr Sheldon Tucker Member/Manager lRJ.v T' 131 Ocean Blvd West " Holden Beach, NC 28462 JUL p 7 lOC,6 RE Protect Name Ocean Isle Palms Phase 1 I z Project ID Bruns2007003 --- County Brunswick Ocean Isle Beach SR 1184 between Georgetown Rd & NC 179 River Basin Lumber Submitted By Cape Fear Engineering Date Received by LQS July 5 2006 Plan Type NEW Dear Mr Tucker This office has received a soil erosion and sediment control plan for the project listed above which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (G S 113A-57 (4)) The Act requires that all persons disturbing an area of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of the land -disturbing activity (G S 113A-54(d) (4)) The Act further states that this plan must be filed a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of receipt Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the 30-day period will be deemed approval of the plan Commencement or continuation of a land disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act We have performed a preliminary review of your submitted plan and have determined that additional information will be necessary before a final review can be completed Enclosed is a checklist of items that must be submitted before we can complete the review process Failure to provide the additional information may result in disapproval of your plan The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State water quality laws regulations and rules If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project Sincerely4� Daniel Sams PE Land Quality Section cc Jessica Winterwerp El Cape Fear Engineering Inc LQS WiRO SWS WiRO Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington North Carolina 28405 3845 Phone 910 796 7215 / FAX 910 350 2004 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION EROSION and SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY REVIEW CHECKLIST PROJECT NAME Ocean Isle Palms Phase 1 DATE 7/512006 PROJECT NO Bruns-2007-003 COUNTY Brunswick To expedite the approval process a cursory review of your submitted Erosion and Sediment Control Plan application has been made and has shown the need for additional information as specified below To meet our review schedule, any additional information should be received by this office no later than July 25, 2006 Failure to meet this schedule may result in disapproval of your plan The following items shall be incorporated with respect to specific site conditions in an erosion and sediment control plan LOCATION INFORMATION Project location (roads streets landmarks) North arrow and scale GENERAL SITE FEATURES (Plan elements) Legend North arrow scale etc Property lines Existing contours (topographic lines) Proposed contours Limits of disturbed area (provide acreage total delineate limits and label) Planned and existing building locations and elevations Planned & existing road locations & elevations .Lot and/or building numbers Geologic features rock outcrops seeps springs wetland and their limits streams lakes ponds dams etc Easements and drainageways Profiles of streets utilities ditchlines etc Stockpiled topsoil or subsoil locations If the same person conducts the land -disturbing activity & any related borrow or waste activity the related borrow or waste activity shall constitute pad of the land -disturbing activity unless the borrow or waste activity is regulated under the Mining Act of 1971 or is a landfill regulated by the Division of Waste Management If the land -disturbing activity and any related borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person they shall be considered separate land -disturbing activities and must be permitted either thru the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act as a one -use borrow site orihrough the Mining Act Required Army Corps 404 permit and Water Quality 401 certification to g stream disturbances over 150 linear feet) EROSION CONTROL MEASURES (on plan) Legend Location of temporary measures Location of permanent measures Construction drawings and details for temporary and permanent measures Maintenance requirements of measures Contact person responsible for maintenance SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES Existing and planned drainage patterns (include off site areas that drain through project) Method of determination of and calculations for Acreage of land being disturbed Size and location of culverts and sewers Soil information type special characteristics Soil information below culvert storm outlets Name and classification of receiving water course (only where stormwater discharges are to occur) Comments See attached page STORMWATER CALCULATIONS Pre construction runoff calculations for each outlet from the site (at peak discharge points) Design calculations for peak discharges of runoff (mouthing the construction phase & the final runoff coefficients of the site) Design talcs of culverts and storm sewers _X_ Discharge and velocity calculations for open channel and ditch flows (easement & nghtof ways) Design talcs of cross secbons and method of stabilization of existing and planned channels (include temporary linings) Design talcs and construction details of energy dissipators below culvert and storm sewer outlets (diameters & apron dimensions) Design talcs and dimension of sediment basins Surface area and settling efficiency information for proposed sediment traps and/or basins VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Area & acreage to be vegetatively stabilized Method of sod preparation Seed type & rates (temporary & permanent) Fertilizer type and rates Mulch type and rates NOTE Plan should include provisions for groundcover on exposed slopes within 21 calendar days following completion of any phase of grading permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 30 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or development FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM Completed signed & notarized FR/O Form Accurate applicabon fee ($5000 per acre rounded up the next acre with no ceiling amount) Certificate of assumed name if the owner is a partnership Name of Registered Agent (if applicable) Copy of the most current Deed for the site NOTE For the Express Permitting Option inquire at the local Regional Office for availability NARRATIVE AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Narrative describing the nature and purpose of the construction activity Construction sequence related to erosion and sediment control(mcludmg installation of critical measures prior to the initiation of the land disturbing activity & removal of measures after areas they serve are permanently stabilized) Bid specifications related only to erosion control Continuation of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Preliminary Review Checklist Project Name Ocean Isle Palms Phase 1 Project Number Bruns-2007-003 The proposed temporary roadway ditches are shown dug too deep to have acceptable side slopes and still include spoil areas that remain within the street right-of-way The not -to -scale section is too vague to be considered approvable Provide a revised roadway ditch section that addresses the proposed ditch slopes with consideration of NCGS 113A-57 Mandatory Standard number 2 "The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion -control devices or structures In any event, slopes left exposed will, within 21 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading be planted or otherwise provided with ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion " This means that any slope steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical must include instruction as to the method of groundcover establishment after the 21s' day after grading 2 Please include a permanent roadway ditch section with the permanent side slopes proposed 3 Please provide stormwater runoff calculations for the proposed ditches in the street right-of-ways 4 The Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form is an obsolete draft Please use the enclosed updated Form on all future applications We do not guarantee approval of applications that include the obsolete Form Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 Phone 910-395-3900 Fax 910-350-2004 18 06 03 30p Brunswick County Planning 9102532437 p 2 Brunswick County Planning P 0 Box 249 75 Courthouse Drive N E , Bldg I Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 VIA FAX May 18, 2006 Cape Fear Engineering Attn Perry Davis 161 Poole Road Suite 100 Belville, NC 28451 RE Ocean isle Palms Expansion — North Tract PUD File # SE-121 Dear Mr Davis, This is to confirm that at May 8, 2006 Planning Board Meeting the plans for Ocean Isle Palms Expansion — North Tract PUD were conditionally approved Please find attached a copy of the Special Exception Permit A final plat shall be submitted within eighteen (18) months after approval of the preliminary plat, otherwise, the preliminary plat shall become null and void, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Planning Board per Section 11-4, Major Subdivision Procedures Section 4 2(A) Prior to recordation of individual lots, site specific survey is to be reviewed by the Planning Department (910-253-2036) and then by Engineering Department (910- 253-2500) for approval There is a $5 00 dollar fee per lot assessed for site specific review of lots If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-253-2036 Congratulations, Tracy obgood Land Planner cc Sheldon Tucker TELEPHONE (910) 253-2026 • (800) 621-0609 • FAX (910) 253.2487 le 06 03 30P Brunswick County Planning 9102532437 P 3 ID Brunswick County Planning PO Box 249 75 Courthouse Drive N E , Bldg I Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT On the date(s) listed below, the Planning Board of Brunswick County met and held a public hearing to consider the following application Application No. SE-121 Applicant MAS Properties Project Name Ocean Isle Palms Expansion — North Tract Property Location Ocean Isle Beach Road (SR 1184) Parcel Number(s). 2280001005, 22800010, and a portion of 228000408 Zoning District R-7500 Surrounding Zoning North R-7500 South R-7500 and RU East R-7500 and RU West R-7500 Proposed Use of Property Planned Unit Development The project was submitted to the Planning Department on February 6, 2006 and appeared before the TRC Committee on March 15, 2006 The project is proposing 605 units on 277 39 acres, resulting in a total of 1456 single-famdy'lots and 409 multi -family units on a gross site of 764 9 acres, creating an overall density of 2 44 units per acre Water is public provided by Brunswick County Sewer is private provided by Ocean Ridge Properties Water and sewer is to be provided for the entire project The open space requirement is 15% of total acreage (114 74 acres) The developer is proposing 157 22 acres of open space SECTION 1 — FINDINGS Having heard all of the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, the Planning Board, at its regular meeting, finds and determines that the application is complete, and subject to the conditions imposed in Section 2, the following findings are made Page ) of 3 NOT TO BE SEPERATED TELEPHONE (910) 25&2025 • (800162ltM • FAX (910) 253.2437 Nay 18 06 03:30p Brunswick County Planning 9102532437 p.4 1 A written application pursuant to Article 4, A of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance that permits Planned Unit Developments in the R-7500 zoning district was submitted and complete in all respects 2 A public hearing was duly noticed and held in this matter on May 8, 2006 The adjoining property owners were notified by US mad of the hearing 3 The Planned Unit Development for which the Special Exception is sought is in keeping with the statement of intent of the zoning district This is based on sworn testimony and evidence submitted during the hearing which shows the following a The intent of R-7500 is low density residential and the proposed use provides for low density residential with large areas of open space and significant buffers b Low density development is similar to the surrounding area 4 The Planned Unit Development for which the Special Exception is sought will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property This is based on sworn testimony and evidence submitted during the hearing which shows the following a The abutting properties are zoned R-7500 and RU, which are low density residential zones allowing for similar use as the subject property 5 The Planned Unit Development for which the Special Exception is sought, if developed as proposed, meets all requirements and conditions of the ordinance This is based on sworn testimony and evidence submitted during the hearing which shows the following a The site plan submitted by the applicant was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and found to meet all requirements and conditions of the ordinance SECTION 2 — CONDITIONS, Now, therefore, the application to make use of the above described property for the purpose indicated is hereby approved and granted, subject to all applicable provisions of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance, Section 3 of this permit, and the following special conditions which the Planning Board finds to be in the public interest 1 That the development shall proceed in conformity with all plans and design features submitted as part of the special exception application and kept on file by the Brunswick County Planning Department 2 That the development of the parcel(s) shall comply with all regulations as specified in the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance 3 That if the specified conditions addressed in this special exception are violated, the permit shall be revoked and the use will no longer be allowed Only by reapplying to the Planning Board for another special use permit and receiving their approval can the use be again permitted 4 The applicant shall clarify and correct the required and provided open space, breaking it down into upland and wetland for the project as a whole Page 2 of 3 NOT TO BE SEPERATED Nets 18 06 03.30p Brunswick County Planning 9102532437 p 5 5 The applicant shall show how the open space will be assured and accessible via walking trails, etc in the expansion area 6 The hammerhead located near lot 42 shall be 120' in length and have a minimum right-of-way of 35', with a minimum of 20' of pavement, unless future ordinances allow them to be reduced SECTION 3 —VESTED RIGHTS Approval of this permit confers upon the property the right to develop with the type and intensity of use as herein described and as shown on the approved site plan Vested rights are hereby established pursuant to Article 1, Sechon 1 12 of the Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance SECTION 4 SEVERABILITY AND RECORDATION invalidation of any one or more of these conditions shall not adversely affect the balance of said conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect L slie Bell, Planning Director Page 3 of 3 NOT TO BE SEPERATED Project No SW8 O/ 4 33?S oFW^TFq Project Name Y1is.. .'? .Zo _ �aD.,. ✓ o`' cc %LD,c,cJ /dnm�. County y y Dear The Wilmington Regional Office of the�Division of Water Quality received your stormwater application and $420 00 fee on S .2 -0 Co Your project will be reviewed within 75 days of receipt, and you will be notified if additional information is needed Please be advised that the construction of built -upon area may not commence until the stormwater permit is issued If you have -any questions, please contact any member of the stormwater review staff in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215 Date Sent S /Q ✓e)lo Patricia Collins NC DENR FAY'ETTtVILLE Surface Water Protection Sectioi 127 Cardinal Drive McHAX 2?6 'Wilmington, NC 28405 w�7 (Q�,/ NG OA ❑ INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS ^ c ❑ TTEMPTED NOT KNOWN ❑ OTHER 0 SUCH NUMBER/ STREET ❑ $ NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD CAPE FEAR Engineering, Inc. 151 Poole Rod Swte 100 Belmlle NC 28451 TEL (910) 383 1044 FA% (910) 383 1045 www capefearengmeermg com To INCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Attn I Linda Lewis ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Files ❑ Sent via Mail ❑ Sent via Courier 3$ obo GQ,C Transmittal Date 05-02-06 File 809-01 Subject Ocean Isle Palms ❑ For Distribution ® For your Review / Action / Approval Quantity Drawing No Description 1 USGS map 2 Original and Copy of Notice of Stormwater Intent 2 Sets Clearing and Grubbing Plans Check, SW Submittal Fee ($420 00) ff REMARKS Please feel free to contact the office if have any questions or need more information CC Thank You Jessica File (809-01) MAY 0 2 M6 Cape FS�FEngineenng Inc PTM80901�dmin\STORMWATEMtrans DENR_5206do \NATc9 � -i Apn124 2006 Mr Sheldon Tucker Member/Manager MAS Properties, LLC 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach. NC 28462 Michael F Easley GoNernor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Depanmcnt of FriwonnaLm and Natural Resources Subject Request for State Stormwater Management Permit Application Ocean Isle Palms Stormwater Project No SW8060338 Brunswick County Dear Mr Tucker Alan W Klimek P L Director Division Of Water Quahp On March 8, 2006, the Wilmington Regional Office received a copy of an Erosion Control Plan for the subject project The North Carolina Administrative Code requires any project that must receive either Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval and/or a CAMA Major permit to apply for and receive a Stormwater Management Permit by the Division of Water Quality Any construction on the subject site prior to receipt of the required permit will constitute a violation of 15A NCAC 2H 1000 and may result in appropriate enforcement action by this Office Either a Stormwater Permit Application Package including 2 sets of plans, completed application form fee, and supporting documentation or a written response regarding the status of this project and the expected submittal date must be received in this Office no later than May 24 2006 Failure to respond to this request may result in the initiation of enforcement action and construction may experience a subsequent delay The NPDES 010000 Federal Stormwater Permit that accompanies the Erosion Control Plan approval letter must NOT be considered the Coastal Stormwater Management Permit which will be signed by the Water Quality Supervisor Please reference the Project Number above on all correspondence If you have any questions, please call me at (910)-796-7215 Sincerely �4/l�j'7CtiC�v Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer II ENB/arl S\WQS\STORMWAT\STORMSUB\060338mar 06 cc Brunswick County Building Inspections Jessica Winterwerp, El Cape Fear Engineering Inc Wilmington Regional Office File Central Files Doug Huggett NonhCarohna ,'Naturally North Carolina Division of Water QuahtJ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 796 7215 Customer SLINICe 1 877 623 6748 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington NC 28405 Fax (910) 350 2004 Internet www ncwaternuahty ore An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50 % Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper North Carolina James D Simons PG, PE Director and State Geologist , NCDENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section March 24 2006 Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr, Secretary LETTER OF RECEIPT OF REVISED EROSION CONTROL PLAN MAS Properties LLC Mr Sheldon Tucker Mbr/Mgr 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach NC 28462 RE Project Name Ocean Isle Palms Project ID Bruns-2006-301 County Brunswick River Basin Cape Fear Submitted By Cape Fear Engineering Date Received by LQS March 23 2006 Plan Type REVISED Dear Mr Tucker This office has received the revised soil erosion and sediment control plan submitted for the project listed above G S 113A-54 1(a) requires that this office approve or disapprove a submitted revised plan within 15 days of receipt of such plan Failure to act by this office within this time period shall be deemed approval of the revised plan Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State water quality laws regulations and rules If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project Sincerely ,;4re,4tLl,� Todd C Walton Land Quality Section cc Jessica Winterwerp El Cape Fear Engineering Inc LQS —WiRO SWSWiRO Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilnungton, NC 28450 Phone 910-796-7215 Fax 910-350-2004 Li?�A r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Land Resources James D Simons, PG PE Director and State Geologist Land Quality Section March 7 2006 MAR 0 82006 Michael F Easley, William G Ross Jr, Secretary LETTER OF RECEIPT OF EROSION CONTROL PLAN MAS Properties LLC Mr Sheldon Tucker Mbr/Mgr 131 Ocean Blvd West Holden Beach, NC 28462 RE Protect Name Ocean Isle Palms Protect ID Bruns-2006-301 County Brunswick River Basin Cape Fear Submitted By Cape Fear Engineering Date Received by LQS March 6 2006 Plan Type NEW Dear Mr Tucker This office has received a soil erosion and sediment control plan for the protect listed above which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (G S 113A-57 (4)) The Act requires that all persons disturbing an area of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of the land -disturbing activity (G S 113A-54(d) (4)) The Act further states that this plan must be filed a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of receipt Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the 30-day period will be deemed approval of the plan Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicants compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this protect Sincerely, Todd C Walton Land Quality Section cc Jessica Winterwerp El, Cape Fear Engineering Inc LQS WiRO SWS-WiRO Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington North Carolina 28405 3845 • Phone 910 796 7215 / FAX 910 350 2004 Jan 24 06 09.20a Brunswick County Planning 9102532437. p 2 Brunswick County Planning P O Box 249 75 Courthouse Drive N E , Bldg I Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 VIA FAX January 24, 2006 MAS Properties Attn Sheldon Tucker 131 Ocean Boulevard West Holden Beach, NC 28462 RE: Ocean Isle Beach Golf Course PUD File # SE-116 Dear Mr Tucker, This is to confirm that at January 23, 2006 Planning Board Meeting the plans for Ocean Isle Beach Golf Course PUD were conditionally approved contingent upon meeting the following requirements specified as follows and resubmitting a final revised masterplan to the Brunswick County Planning Department ➢ Add the following note to the plan, "Protect shall be built with the traffic improvements called for in the traffic impact analysis " A final plat shall be submitted within eighteen (18) months after approval of the preliminary plat, otherwise, the preliminary plat shall become null and void, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Planning Board per Section II-4, Major Subdivision Procedures Section 4 2(A) All infrastructure improvements shall be installed and inspected prior to final plats being recorded unless a financial guarantee agreement has been signed Prior to recordation of individual lots site specific survey is to be reviewed by the Planning Department (910-253-2036) and then by Engineering Department (910- 253-2500) for approval There is a $5 00 dollar fee per lot assessed for site specific review of lots If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-253-2036 Congratulations, lacobgood Land Planner TELEPHONE (910) 253-2025 • (800) 621-0609 • FAX (910) 263-2437 NOIE x sv� n'ia� e WNBPEL OYnLLLLCfRW EEIIEE&IS1AE YDp NICL110E0f l waua�r 1 OWNER MILLS LAND & TIMBER LLC AND ANDREW LAND & TIMBER LLC 131 OCEAN BLVD WEST HOLDEN BEACH NO 28462 (910) 8424939 OVERALL SITE PLAN OCEAN ISLE PALMS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT — MASTER PLAN BRU N S WICK C OU N TY NORTH CAR OLI N A MOWN OCEAN ISLE PALMS CAPE FEAR Engineering, Inc :--- :.....s VICINITY MAP ooaN. Dd., .,ar xr • w...r.u.. pm.�wc CAPE FEAR Engineering, Inc �r w..r \f �C 7'F.— •:'r ate- a1 rl !� HadenStanzlale �r�ax _____-- -\ \� OCEAN ISLE PALMS UTILITY LEGEND OWNER MILLS LAND & TIMBER, LLC AND ANDREW LAND & TIMBER, LLC 131 OCEAN BLVD WEST — mvmrv..wdr HOLDEN BEACH NC 28462 (91 O) 842-4939 N AM DAM E MY 2A T007 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN C: � wwr OCEAN ISLE PALMS I I� III��� C w rDD m aaw PHASE XII PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT -MASTER PLAN rtam .. m ax¢rrwt um ..,•„ ec asn t.a.�-A BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROL N A arYr .NxnY AND NO ,svaovu Y � / VICINITY MAP > CUL—DE—SAC PLAN , aD¢nIl nor6. � u Avr r r mxa.r , c r. F.., mmmrra , rr «,rmrran 1..A_rmm ma,m. mti .m«rxv rwm n�-mna Ox x4 A...nr Am.rLe! rga.nnb I,ylvY M.r MN Tw TPM r nmlv.m swop r W «� A L.e1 .aY� ° Wn qrt Onn„malty llmmM. ,mAY �Av� rnw �w�w m`wtl�� M �. d mr `<r,. —s siimm�x xmw mvxuw�a Ye— a M—.,mYImMW M «IC RTmml N S A N4 yn M u.ev« Y tl wwf M AmMA «^b W'm.a ti rR, rxmC nunvvre DAn PNaPD4D WYMND QiBAfJ6 m -r ff Wroe,nu nwm, uL - a C�Wr - 6 nA ICnM WUmA SrAh FMrx L¢C usauuw mrn.lm A.. w�a+ qm, e.eyle..w u.«um. CAPE FEAR Engineering, Inc ROAD SECTION I ZONED CO-RU II I I I I ,,,, I is.T w rmo wr c eTw I w ,•• .c w, I w I r''OiMra"r"i� I NI'A i - TYPICAL THREE—WAY INTERSECTION \\ \\ F Jax o ZONED CD-RU I WF GYUII[ M'IUM1TRi! \ r\��\ �m_rm ZONED OO-RU �l�� wF a 141.L] I gi OWNER. MILLS LAND A&OTIMBER, LLC ANDREW LAND & TIMBER, LLC 131 OCEAN BLVD WEST HOLDEN BEACH NC 28462 (910) 8424939 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN OCEAN ISLE PALMS HadenStanzlale PHASE XII PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT —MASTER PLAN ��xwx�x 9 R U N 5 WICK COUNTY NORTH CAR0LI N A L"Cf{n2" LIME] OCEAN ISLE PALMS RNY➢ DAIS JAY t% 2D51 SDALE , _,L C� I �m m 1 _ _ ,nm.rt rtnAim C w' rW 10Y .Np r smi� An is caxcwmu uio s+Au az uw ran n]InnALr Aw ruo AFPRDVAL nmsasa artr ® xu xa 1 - e VICINITY MAP 1 Win-; ♦'J ,,.,.,.,..w•.,L,-^ ♦ wr.{ m r _i,, m m�wa ¢memmi xvns � Mwh-�'T.bYMq.�YF6VRNi-•nY Mry m, w..mnn, b -ate w w M anW M xSM ,bas„ a Jnj,�a btlr.,nSa osawEx: CAPE FEAR Engineering, Inc --------------- \ \ , ,-ZONED ar �-_ Ru _ _ r A� _ OWNER MILLS LAND & TIMBER, LLC AND ANDREW LAND & TIMBER, LLC 131 OCEAN BLVD WEST HOLDEN BEACH NO 28482 (910) 6424939 PREUMINARY STORM WATER OCEAN ISLE PALMS HadenStanzlale PHASE XII .. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT —MASTER PLAN M�Wb--CIbML B RUN SW CH COUNTY NORTH CAROL N A �� �� �u ss REAM0 DAM MILT R0. .7 scue. � -iar �= nw M9m 0.N! 6 fM� . 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P/@[E1 YIP fIIDR.i f➢. vKM,M WPG.SEE!fM wa[r S KRREIf£WME WFOM KV YMMNR4lEip1'S AUNxnr xA➢Ta vLNuwmmoRrmYTOADEMOYM , ALLDSdKgMDMCM@MR.VM0.Ea q A, Au wEvwo TR wme uE TEn ro re loverEDA,T M SENL L"ISO CAPE FEAR Engineering, Inc M— AMB •wAMIWiDm�Cm MAm 1 AMA mO vxaEer �_DI CS' JICA xWa 1 CXEIX KE SIWIS KESNF I.JI# RgKD AS, DAM DATE YY% Op�WdNETNOS•V WETLAND MAP FOR MAS PROPERTIES, LLC A PORTION OF DEED BOOK 365, PAGE 1 SHALLOTTE TOWNSHIP BRUNSWICK CpUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 809-01 1 5 OF 6 MSAt wn ,v¢N ua.,-uwwr „�RNy flni aa]m o90 im�a¢n ate'"" ¢rt¢ yEtl RM4 n10 ifR4 LAAbMFA ® /REM PtllL 61¢ ]11f.LL METNN NE R11M uo U. 141 .WEAS WYdS tlM 1901/�lm X£1V1O9 FtlIR%¢Iml Nid MEb txT@ltl MFA] @I¢m 160UTm YWi.49 �QQa. nLLm raM]¢]mmrtMov m.wl.om,mm. tmm@� ..Nlm ma m MEAn Wm ot¢ e , mwm MFA@ t@ew ov Man fommm zm .ally- N:.R.]m IW39 03¢ FFFf IRI]]l O.G ypyfq. �E¢m SmNM 6f @ m v MMt] nLLM L6 Im,ma reiwrBlfmlW IIm¢R OS mYB 0,1 NET affi9 m dR¢Aa mmnl a HOLES MEW v¢tnm m ® ® m® MEW wn@ nm mead] xq ® ® ®® as a�veex.er aw W. 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OP PiCOHU RICH SEE PLAT CP - COMPIIIFD POINT NO BOUNDARY CTIANOEB WHATBOMM CMF - CONCRETE MONUMENT iWND MIS- CONCRETE MONUMENT SET 9 WC]S,/fIIDS BOUNDARY LOCATED RRITIATRDffi,>Z < n IPF - IRON PIPE FOUND 1'RaX OP8 R'DTI AH ACCUPACY OP BBBSR[ET� PS - IRON PIPE SET Dsz— r OF - R M FOUND a NO TrC SEARCH PBRPORMED BY TTfle OFFICE a y REIS - RESM SET I �- o r" NA' o s Y1lWYSOL EUL W 3N] Tl as ,0A5 K 3]3 s CORPS CERTIFICATION t� _� k CI This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately m131K s Ir35b. Iae3➢r DrAO s Ir3D ost I- s Irrr depicts the boundary of the lunsd¢hon of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, pursuant to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual os datermined by the undersigned on this date Unless = there is a change in the law of our published mgu- lotions this determination of Section 404 funsdwbon & a may be relied upon for a penod of five years from U s Army Conn W cim . olfawl - oa eul N ITM to`Ai3 R UTN OF Awenr nuNIURA - BRIMNIICN 4wDMr I CIRTIIY lHIT lNf9 LIP IIN DRAIN DNDNR ri 1 u/r DAND INI6 O=OPP6R1aW� IDN 1RDAr DdfDRRDdOrif'N OLO� W I10e W Tla 4 PJDSP As IrILLar3 1 rear rRa mwxDARres Nm soRraTND ARN DLueur INDSArrD As nRArx PROY DNND DASOAIPlIOM RSWDDND IN Of3]I NaOA$ ! pan AN IaLA=e rNIT !Nl FATro 01 PRSLPDM L9 CA4VLTND ID iND THAT T164 YI➢ IL9 PRdPlR6D M 14tlRDAACN IITB 0.D r-eD-",f Al' i J00 0 300 600 900 rITNABN ri NIND IR, OPPIWAL NNAL GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET DArt 0"712OOS �L \ 1 N a RIDBrRITIOM NDNDNR -L=I= cci L-1 erJmR a 7J30i ascwcE INN, L-3 s I3le L-3 s imolw mrlew aw in, 'A°'v3 L-e s a: L-a NMIe3,i MW f33Iv ]I L-o s N 1In. NOTES r AVNRNM'6 PLt NMRLND NAP Ol DIIISIDN OP RNNLLDI J GAUS'N 6rA ArrRlNrND MJAN 9 DALr WED IY/r8/1DAJ IIID RSLDADND IN PLT 1 RNPNRdI.Sr PLT NM'RLND •rx" PLr or RaDRyr ANA9IDN r JD NMDB AIOR AS WAyerR LIC fir lNIA Ol1R'R OIrfD roAr A TWS PROPNFTY W LOCITND IN NONN C r8IC8 M r IN A IfND PLNR I NO =Ftr a DRa0N0.r NITL RENN O83NRrm 033 !en pswoai Dr I Robert A Warner certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1 10000 that this plat was prepored in ongnal signature O reglst bon anumber Band seals news 27h day of SEPTEMBER AD 2005 RegLstrabon Number L-4201 ^ W, fustwe rm a"I "aaE $ oe z,a➢ rc ,ow Jo1N CPYE 116 3..00W7 5 � it ass L-3 D „µem II/f o , IwullW]o1 11 116 33Y0aW102 unAaw wenN+o u-1 ra Aces w-I IAr Ao1E9 1F3 1 W KAS w-3 0 fa MR6 V-] so KYLLS w-3 047 u-a SM Mer9 ACRES w-A 3M Aol6 u-] Lar ACRES w-e ACRES U-a SS.M MIAS im w-a 1A1 ARAM w-r 30 ACR6 iOrK - e3ya =AL - a.M LOCATION MAP CIDINR PION ly6 2 R! /L00I A to 16. Iit 14 00 a � m LL L �o mo — cl 0 n 0 in a 0 g z C) cr 9� i t Z STAM O<NPPM GNpPH - ClAu"M V dw/NSM w I QRTrY r T TIE MW oT RAT W YMOI M CFATFlaATON M IiiaaD YEErs ALL WAIURRY eEOVWEMENT] M KC m1W5--my a 2006. RENEW on a WETLANDS = 30 878 ACRES UPLANDS = 242 882_ACRES GRAPHIC SCALE TOTAL = 273 760 ACRES (NOTE W-3, W 7 & W-8 ARE ISOLATED WETLANDS) a a ) ue mn -CLSIIAND1100INLS LLC- DEE BOOK 1902 PALE705 TM527B00=01 JOD zbD / P�69 -C6 LANDHOLDINGS, LJ40 �E 701 DEED BOOK1902 PALE ]03 \ 6e0 PLATBOOKL PALE 310 N6 TMS 2280=2 IPF 1 ( IPF (T11h � w WI S3 16U U40 834T 49 16 ur J 229031Ancs IPF (2 04}3D L22 ihry L30 /Run e( -oo. 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LI90 NM LJ13 19P uJ5 1014 LSM 1510 ID01 I2W LM4 804 L92) 2I 25 L1050 RI 48 LII]] .B Be _n LIM 1.33 1559 mM L802 52)J tE05 194fi L938 5BM LI051 14H Ltt)1 .])9 / p or_J� SEE IS A I I BSA OF B THIS SURVEY " HICATED 1 [TES THAT IS UNREGULATED AS TO A 6DN EXCSPTIM APPLICABLE LOCAL A THAT THE SURVEY IS A CONTROL SURVEY 89g 84 �� z� I HI �1 i1 �1 uumr" L Lmi1r11.NIIVIN This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act pursuant to the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands DeOneotion Manual as determined by the undersigned on this dote Unless there is a change in the low of our published regu- lations this determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period of five years from lhrs dote - US -Army Corps of Engineers Official ODA LfS,oc,F 1.4 N/F GLENN WLILALISON ETAL TMS 229MO1202 DB 1095 PC 335 S IE3504 C 105316 (TOTAL) w x si: ml.xeq 6.6 1/2 Res STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA — BRUNSWICK COUNTY I ROBERT A. WARNER CERTIFY THAT THIS YAP WAS DRAWN UNDER IIY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION FROM DEED DESCRIPTIONS RECORDED IN DEAD BOORS AND PAGES AS FOLLOWS THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM DEND DESCRIPTIONS RECORDED /N DEED BOOKS A PACES AS FOLLOWS 1 N/F MAD HALES TMS 22800003 DB 1195 PG 270 44 zFo INS \ -I 51W290fi21" 5152]! J25 63 we ssw Wcv I THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1. 10.002 AND THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 0 S 47-30 AS- MENDED 300 0 300 600 900 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL DATE 09/27/I005 _ i. - GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET E r e N C REGISTRATION NUMBER L-4M1 1+ A I C-1 THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTIAO PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND AND DOES NOT CREATE A NEW STREET OR CHANCE AN EXISTING STREET Ag TAE AEWYBINIiIOM E WITH TEE OGGRYATION AVMWU se YE I AY UNABLE TO MAU A h OR OTAUA PYCUPTION DETERMIAHMM TO THE BUST Of MY PROPISSIONAG ABRWY AS TO THE PRIYISION9 WNTHNEO IN STITEYEMS IAA tHB%eA(OA - e COURSE BEARING OISTANCE I L-1 S 73 36 27V 15058 L-2 S 3T540O`W 16780 L-3 S IT231 PE 43102 L-4 5 4S57161Y 16665 L-5 S 3E4243V 4332 L-6 N 389631 E 27890 L-7 N 43 20 42 E 129 eo N L-6 S 361631'w 11972 P 'a I (LOCATION NOTES I I f REFERENCE PLAT ENTITLED HAP OF DIVISION OF REBECCA ✓ CAUSE ESTATE SURVEYED BY JAN R DALE DATED TO/Y2/1884 AND RECORDED IN PLAT CABINET P PAGE IZ6 2 REFERENCE PUT ENTITLED FINAL PLAT OF ROURKE SEASIDE G JC SNIDER TRACTS PREPARED FOR SUSTAINABLE FORESTS LLC BY THIS OFFICE DATED 10/01/2001 AND RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 26 PACE 44 H THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE C WHICH IS NOT IN A PLOOD PLANE 4 NO BURIAL GROUNDS HAVE BEEN OBSERVED ON THIS PROPERTY I Robert A Warner certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1 10000 that this plat was prepored in accordance with CS 47-30 as amended Witness my original signature registration number and seal this 27h day of SEPTEMBER AD 2005 3042 Registration Number L-4201 N/F BARRIE MCMURTRIE TMS 229MOD709 sN DS 2109 PG 1009 \ N/F OOHN GORE TMS 24400007 DS 955 PG 255 L-3 SM1 S 171749 ry JS 162326-E 53835 !S 1/21PF 1 IPF Tai rs 1/2 RBF N/F ODELL WILLUMSON TMS 229MOD102 UPLAND WETUwD U-1 764 ACRES W-1 1 07 ACRES U-2 165 ACRES W-2 010 ACRES U-3 031 ACRES W-3 007 ACRES U-4 545 ACRES W-4 2" ACRES U-5 207 ACRES W-5 036 ACRES U-8 3586 ACRES W-6 191 ACRES W-7 299 ACRES TOTAL - 5298 TOTAL - 598 i14 124531 N/F l9PoNL GUSE TYS M ixY47 1 ve es. Pc n 7- V MAP - - STATE OF NORM CARWNA - Cti OF BRUNSWICK I CERRFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICA11011 IS AFFDZD MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING THIS _ DAY OF 2005 RENEW OFRCER