HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8050316_HISTORICAL FILE_20050422STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO SW8 0316 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS Ly HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE d005 0419,2 YYYYMMDD J r y T April 22, 2005 Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mr Arthur Kepes, Manager Leland Retail Investment, LLC 2361 South Centennial Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Subject Stormwater Permit No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC High Density Project Brunswick County Dear Mr Kepes Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for a Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC on April 22, 2005 - Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the protect, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 We are forwarding Permit No SW8 050316 dated April 22, 2005, for the construction of the subject project This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 22, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adtudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P O Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447 Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Paul Bartlett, or me at (910) 395-3900 Sincerely, Ed Beck Acting Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ENB/ptb S \WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\050316 cc Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Building Inspections Division of Coastal Management Paul T Bartlett, P E Wilmington Regional Office Central Files North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Dnve Extension Phone (910) 395 3900 Customer Services 877-623 6748 One Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington NC 284053845 FAX (919) 733 2496 Internet h2o em state nc us North Carolina An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50 % Recycledll0°/ Post Consumer Paper 117aturally State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Arthur Kepes and Leland Retail Investment, LLC Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of two wet detention ponds in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H 1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules' and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 22, 2015, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations I DESIGN STANDARDS This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data 2 This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1 6 on page 3 of this permit The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 1,110,780 square feet of impervious area 3 The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans The built -upon area for the future development is limited to 1,110,780 square feet All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system Page 2 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 The following design criteria have been provided in the wet detention ponds and must be maintained at design conditions Design Criteria Pond #1 Pond #2 a Drainage Area acres Onsite ft2 Offsite ft2 21 6 938 718 none 105 457,380 none b Total Impervious Surfaces ft 762 300 348,480 c Design Storm inches 1 0 1 0 d Pond Depth, feet 65 80 e TSS removal efficiency, % 90 90 f Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL 155 160 Permanent Pool Surface Area ft 37 172 20,779 h Permitted Storage Volume, ft 80 217 42,984 i Temporary Storage Elevation FMSL 175 178 Controlling Orifice 30 20 k Permitted Forebay Volume ftj 40 410 9 899 I Receiving Stream/River Basin Jacke s Creek / Cape Fear m Stream Index Number 18-77-3 n Classification of Water Body C, SW o Max horsepower for a fountain 1/2 1/6 Lots 8 and 9 have offsite drainage to a permitted wet detention pond (SW8 990807) Lots 8 and 9 have a total permitted drainage area of 114,127 sq ft (2 62 ac) and are limited by this permit SW8 050316 to total impervious surfaces of 71,003 sq ft (1 63 ac) or 62% The following wet detention pond design criteria from Permit No SW8 990807 are listed for reference purposes Design Criteria Permitted Pond, SW8 990807 a Drainage Area, acres Onsite ft2 Offsite ft' 193 840 708 none b Total Impervious Surfaces ft 635,976 12 lots 85% BUA ea c Design Storm inches 1 0 d Pond Depth, feet 75 e TSS removal efficiency % 90 f Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL 90 Permanent Pool Surface Area ft 26 530 h Permitted Storage Volume ft 57,110 i Temporary Storage Elevation FMSL 11 0 Controlling Orifice 30 k Permitted Forebay Volume, ftj 10 000 I Receiving Stream/River Basin Jacke s Creek / Cape Fear m Stream Index Number 18-77-3 n Classification of Water Body C SW o Max horsepower for a fountain Decorative fountains not allowed II SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface Page 3 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 2 During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately 3 The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to a Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months) b Sediment removal c Mowin.9 and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter d Immediate repair of eroded areas e Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications f Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device, flow spreader, catch basins and piping q Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times 4 Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken 5 Decorative spray fountains will be allowed in the stormwater treatment system, subject to the following criteria a The fountain must draw its water from less than 2' below the permanent pool surface b Separated units, where the nozzle, pump and intake are connected by tubing, may be used only if they draw water from the surface in the deepest part of the pond c The falling water from the fountain must be centered in the pond, away from the shoreline d The maximum horsepower for a fountain in Pond #1 and Pond #2 is 1/2 and 1/6 horsepower, respectively 6 The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data 7 Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification A modification may be required for those deviations 8 If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility 9 Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements at all times Page 4 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 10 The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below a Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc b Project name change c Transfer of ownership d Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area e Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area The protect area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought f Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan 11 The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction 12 A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction 13 The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made III GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request 2 Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6A to 143-215 6C 3 The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility Page 5 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 6 The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition 7 Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual 8 Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days Permit issued this the 22th day of April 2005 NORTH C LINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Alan W Klimek, P E ,Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 6 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center Stormwater Permit No SW8 050316 Brunswick County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification Noted deviations from approved plans and specification Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 7 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 Certification Requirements 1 The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage 2 The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area 3 All the built -upon area associated with the protect is graded such that the runoff drains to the system 4 All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system 5 The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan 6 The outlet structure is located per the approved plans 7 Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure 8 All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation 9 Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3 1 10 The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system 11 The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided 12 Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans 13 All required design depths are provided 14 All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay 15 The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans cc NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Budding Inspections Page 8 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center Stormwater Permit No SW8 050316 Brunswick Countv Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications The checklist of'items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification Noted deviations from approved plans and specification Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 7 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 050316 Certification Requirements 1 The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage 2 The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area 3 All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system 4 All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system 5 The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan 6 The outlet structure is located per the approved plans 7 Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure 8 All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation 9 Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3 1 10 The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system 11 The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided 12 Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans 13 All required design depths are provided 14 All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay 15 The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans cc NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Building Inspections Page 8 of 8 OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number g o jz� oath 00 6tJ v f-0 / 3 34/orPTb—s,yVta��- jj,i .ee o(, rxeef,/ 6 e/19 t y ttateofNorth Carolma Depart ent of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I GENERAL INFORMATION I Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation Individual etc who owns the project) Leland Retail Investment L L C 2 Print Owner/Signing Official s name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance) Arthur Kepes, VP of WRS Realty, Inc , Manager of the Applicant 3 Mailing Address for person listed in Item 2 above 2361 South Centennial Drive City Aiken State SC Zip 29803 Telephone Number ( 803 ) 649-1411 4 Project Name (subdivision facility or establishment name -should be consistent with project name on plans specifications letters operation and maintenance agreements etc) Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC 5 Location of Project (street address) One mile south of intersection of Hwy 74 and Hwy 17 City Town of Leland County Brunswick County 6 Directions to project (from nearest major Intersection) One mile south of intersection of Hwy 74 and Hwy 17, at West Gate Drive and New Point Blvd 7 Latitude 34 208 N Longitude 78 0257 W of project 8 Contact person who can answer questions about the project Name David Graffius Gray Engineering Telephone Number (864 )297-3027 II PERMIT INFORMATION 1 Specify whether project is (check one) X New Renewal Modification Form SWU-101 Version 3 99 Page 1 of 4 412z-0, PTA - op cOtD, 2 SW6 OS03/6 2 If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit list the existing permit number N/A and its issue date (if known) N/A 3 Specify the type of project (check one) _Low Density X High Density _Redevelop _General Permit _Other 4 Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks) —CAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control _404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1 877 623 6748 III PROJECT INFORMATION I In the space provided below summarize how stormwater will be treated Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing Stormwater management for the project Two penmanent on -site %%et detention ponds will provide permanent %Niter quality and detain the 2 10 vrd 25 year storm events The full Stonnwntei Ivlmrlgenient ind Sednnentology Report is attached 2 Stormwater runoff from this project drams to the Cape Feat 3 Total Project Area 37 29 5 How many drainage areas does the project have? 3 River basin 4 Project Built Upon Area 68 % 6 Complete the following information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage areas in the project attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below Basin Information Drainage Area I Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Jackeys Creek Jackeys Creek Receiving Stream Class C Sw C, SW Drainage Area 216 Acres 938,718 SF 10 5 Acres 457,380 SF 235 Existing Impervmus Area 0 Acres 0 SF 0 Acres 0 SF 0 Proposed Impervious Area 17 5 Acres 762,300 SF 8 0 Acres 348,480 SF 1 63 % Impervious' Area (total) 81 % 76% Impervious' Surface Area Drainage Area I Drainage Area 2 On site Buildings 41,850 SF 1 0 AC 203,818 SF 4 7 AC On -site Streets 21,780 SF 0 5 AC 0 SF 0 AC On site Parking 662 100 SF 15 2 AC 108,900 SF 2 5 AC On site Sidewalks 1 34 850 SF 0 8 AC 34,850 SF 0 8 AC Other on site 0 SF 0 AC 0 SF 0 AC Off site 0 SF 0 AC 0 SF 0 AC 1 63 Total 762 300 SF 17 5 Acres Total 348 480 SF 8 0 Acres 1 63 Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including but not limited to buildings roads parking areas sidewalks gravel areas etc ""Off site drainage to detention pond (Stormwater Permit #990807) from Lots No 8 and No 9 Form SWU 101 Version 3 99 Page 2 of Area Dl" Jackeys Creek C, SW AC 102 366 SF AC OSF AC 71,000 SF 69% Area D1"" %C 71,000 SF AC 71,000SF How was the off site impervious area listed above derived? The off -site area was determined from existing conditions and USGS topographic and aerial photographic information IV DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly a table listing each lot number size and the allowable built upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment I The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the Division of Water Quality These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State 2 No more than80% for ea outlet square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials Impervious materials include asphalt gravel concrete brick stone slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools 3 Swales shall not be filled in piped or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings 4 Built upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction 5 All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted By your signature below you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them that they will run with the land that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot V SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733 5083 for the status and availability of these forms Form SWU 102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU 103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU 104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU 106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU 107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU 108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU 109 Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU 101 Version 3 99 Page 3 of ,3/3o/os oi+3 lecC� VI SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) A complete package includes all of the items listed below The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item Initial • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications Including Development/Project name Engineer and firm Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date Mean high water line Dimensioned property/project boundary Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers Original contours proposed contours spot elevations finished floor elevations - Details of roads drainage features collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off site) drainage easements pipe sizes runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated Vegetated buffers (where required) VII AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or Orm so that they may provide Information on your behalf please complete this section David I Grafflus, P E , Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc Designated agent (individual or firm) Mailing Address 132 Pilgrim Road City Greenville Phone (864 ) 297 3027 Vill APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION State SC Zip 29607 Fax ( 864 ) 297-5187 I (print or type name ofperson listed In Genera! Information Item 2) Arthur Kepes certify that the information included on this permit application form is to the best of my knowledge correct and that the project will be constructed in conforfriance with the approved plans that the required deed restrictions and protective WAlants will be reTcled d that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H 1000/ h .. / 1 Signature Form S WU 101 Version 3 99 Page 4 of 4 Date March X0" 05 Permit No Slil8 0S-03�4 (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details I PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center Leland NC Contact Person David I Graff us Phone Number (864 )297 3027 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to Pond No 1 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 90 ft (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 155 ft (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 175 ft (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 37,172 sq ft. Drainage Area 241 ac impervious Area volumes Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Other parameters SA/DAi Diameter of Orifice 175 ac (water surface area at the orifice elevation) (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) (on -sue and off -site drainage to the basin) 169,745 cu R (combined volume of main basin and forebay) 80,217 cu ft (volume detained above the permanent pool) 40,410 cu ft (approximately 20% of total volume) 3 5" (surface area to drainage area ratto from DWQ table) 3 in (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required) Design Rainfall I in Design TSS Removal 2 90 % (minimum 85% required) 'Used Coastal Table 90%TSS Form SWU 102 Rev 3 99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes i When using the Division SAIDA tables, the correct SAIDA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non standard table entries 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90%TSS removal The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85%TSS removal and 90%TSS removal II REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below If a requirement has not been met, attach justification Applicants Initials DJG* l a The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet) DJG b The forebay volume is approximately equal to 201/o of the basin volume DJG c The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event DJG d The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days Not Required DJG a If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) DIG IF The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3 1 DJG g The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3 1 DJG h A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6 1 or less (show detail) DJG i Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified DJG I A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and onfice DJG*2 k A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basm including access to nearest right- of-way DJG l If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin DJG*3 in A mechanism is specified which will dram the basin for maintenance or an emergency * 1 Avera¢e Deoth = 6 5 feet Allowed per Coastal Table *2 Pond No I is on -site with full access from Public roadways III WET DETLp1�TION BASIN OPERATION e en NTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided This system (check one) 0 does 7Q does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does )0 does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay Form S WU 102 Rev 3 99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows 1 After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly a Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition b Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed 2 Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed 3 Inspect and repair the collection system (i a catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc ) quarterly to maintain proper functioning 4 Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below) Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i e stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc ) The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments When the permanent pool depth reads 50 When the permanent pool depth reads 4 0 Sediment Re oval El I l 5 Bottom Ele ation 10 0 FOREBAY feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 15 5 Sediment Removal Elevation 10 5 _ 75% -- Bottom Elevation 9.0 25% MAIN POND 5 Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm 6 If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency dram shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical Form SWU 102 Rev 3 99 Page 3 of 4 4143- gory - t-'ee// I Permit No (to be provided by DWO State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may he photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details I PROJECT PIFORINIATION Project Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland NC Contact Person David J Graffius Phone Number (864 ) 297 3027 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to Pond No 2 elevations Basm Bottom Elevation 80 It (1loor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 160 ft (elevation of the orifce) Temporary Pool Elevation _ I V1 S , ft (elevation of the discharge structure overfoN) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 7-0,111 sq ft Drainage Area 105 ac Impervious Area 80 ac volumes Permanent Pool Volume 50i 01L cu ft Temporary Pool Volume if 2,9 $Lf cu ft Forebay Volume � 899 _ cu ft Other parameters SAIDAI 3 2* Diameter of Onfice 2 in Design Rainfall t in (water surface area at the orifice elevation) (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) (combined volume of main basin and forebay) (volume detained above the permanent pool) (approximately 20% of total volume) (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required Design TSS Removal'- 90 % (minimum 85% required) `Lsed Coastal Table 90% TSS Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page I of 4 Footnotes When using the Division SAIDA tables, the correct SAIDA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non standard table entries 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90%TSS removal The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal II REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below If a requirement has not been met, attach justiflcation Applicants Initials DJG* I a The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet) DJG b The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume DJG c The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event DJG d The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days Not Required, DJG a If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) DIG f The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3 1 DJG g The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3 1 DJG*2 h A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6 1 or less (show detail) DJG i Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified DJG J A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and onfice DJG*3 k A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way DJG _ I If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin DJG*4 in A mechanism is specified which will dram the basin for maintenance or an emergency *I Average Depth = 8 0 feet, Allowed per Coastal Table *2 Due to site constraints, 3 1 slope ensured over shelf HI WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided This system (check one) 0 does J@ does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does 70 does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay Form SWU 102 Rev 3 99 Page 2 of 4 *3 Pond No 2 is on -site with full access from oublm roadways *4 Owner will numb Dond to dram for maintenance or an emeritenev Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows I After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly a Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition b Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2 Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed 3 Inspect and repair the collection system (t a catch basms, piping, swales, nprap, etc ) quarterly to maintain proper functioning 4 Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below) Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i e stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc ) The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments When the permanent pool depth reads 6 0 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed When the permanent pool depth reads 4 5 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed BASIN DIAGRAM (flit m the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 16 0 Sediment Re oval El 11 5 --� 75 0 __ _ Sediment Removal Elevation 10 0 75h Bottum Ele anon 10.0 %------------------------------""----------- Bottom --o- Elevation 25/0 FOREBAY MAIN POND 5 Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm 6 If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency dram shall be muumtzed to the maximum extent practical FormSWU- l02 Rev 3 99 Page 3 of 4 Mar 14 05 05 42p Hanover Design 910-343-9941 p 2 ill !' 400 fill 01 f p!� 1 ;f gg5t� }�I 9€i� II t} � €jn ti fti •! /i%^, f....+.� ,�_ _ o 4knnu.ktitt t /a • `� b�,ily � riN amid. ! � � ♦ � , , 'eta.. :.")•� ppl�x{ €� (/S 'll �t ®�C�f� �4 ��w x�/.— _ `��^• ' —'` a♦ f � 1 ME Ilk 3R 2 rin ! IF t (0 Ili lit Ii i M - 00 L1_i u41 ` i 1 iFiF I, Is I F "1f�i ®I y lit L I I F IB 15 �j ij A i1 ® f11F1 t� 11 j�jl! h 91, fill IiiII !1 ill!}i lfll 11P ry I ( i'yi' I "7�i ( t; lii t1 �l! ' I !�€1 II !� j� !€ ' I it !€�jl} � 1}Ili � li�►� €,f� i' i li ! 9 ��I'Fliill€I ,i lil II,�t !!„€ �1 j11 ! II' i1 li Mar 14 05 05 43p Hanover Design 910-343-9941 p 4 7 How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? r� �I GtA r rsu t h U o Cif t[i J IV DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table bsting each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1 The followingg covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number Li g i a h as issued by the Division of Water Quality These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State 8cJ %d sq [' ttr�s « 1 No more than a feat of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious matenols Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of =mining pools 3 Swain shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings 4 Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction 5 All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and perf irmam a of the system as permitted By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot V SUPPLEMENTFORMS The applicable state storralwater management permit supplement forms) listed below must be submutted for each BMP specified for this project Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms FormSWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement✓ Form SWU-103 Infiltration Qasin Supplement FormSWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement FormSWU-106 Off Site System Supplement Form SWU-101/ Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse Raver Basin Supplement Form SM-109 innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU 101 Version 3 99 Page 3 of 4 Mar 14 05 05 42p Hanover Design 910-343-9941 p 3 qoo-amr- State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality November 16, 1999 Mr Nathan Sanders, President Summer Tree Developers, Inc PO Boa3167 Wilmington, NC 28406 VWWA NCDENR NCoMM C mo N DeMwr U= ar EaviaoaNeNr •a0 NNvw. RrsouacC4 Subject Permit No SW8990807 West Gate High Density Subdivision Stormwater Project Brunswick County Dear Mr Sanders The WilmmgtonRegional Office received a complete Stomrwater Management Pemirt Application forWest Gate on October 6, 1999 Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stomrwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 We are forwarding Permit No SW8 990807, dated November 16, 1999, for the construction of the project, West Gate This pernut shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 10, 2009, and shall be subjeetto the conditions and limitations as specified therein Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit Failure to estabbsh an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudwatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of tins permit This request must be in the form of awnttenpetition, conforming to Chapter 150B ofthe Noith Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office ofAdnunrstrativeHearmgs,PO Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447 Unless such demands are made tinsperrmtshall be final and binding , If you have any questions, or need additional information concemmgthis matter, please contact ScottVinson, or me at (910) 395-3900 Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quaht} Regional SYipeA'sor RSS/ sav S \WQS\STORMWATTER1"990807 NOV cc V9AV dffl , p E Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Inspections Scott Vinson Wilmington Regional Office Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr BILL, Wlodagton, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 9103953900 FAX 9103se-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50 % recyded/10% port -consumer paper of _ a a exnra; ck Cosoty--eee,atse of Deeds Robert 7 Robi' 0 /02/2 04304 20 120 RecIl ?qw I I RECir` s,lZ' AW Y NORTH.CAROLIN t NON -WA 12ANTYDEED Excise Tax 0 ma Ti 6. ook and Pao Tax Lot No 'ParceLldentfiar No Mail after recording to Bain D Mann of Mannihk. Fulton & Skinner. P A Post Office Box 20389, Raleieh. North Carolina 27619 00 cl This instrument was prepared by Barry D Mann (without title examination) ' i 0 o Brief description for the Index Town Creek Township tracts - ., THIS DEED made this I" day of October 2003 by and belwe _ ry ANN F GRATHWOI and ROBIN G GRATHWOL PROPERTY TINNEY, TRUSTEES OF THE HOLDINGS LLC, WILLIAM H GRATHWOL LIVING �- " 1," p " TRUST DATED NOVENDIER 9, 1999 2905 Market Street - n and a'h Wilmington, NoRk �'olin878403 k }„ _ JtiPL TS AUK CON BR PCL ANN F GRATHWOL, EXECUTOR Z Q4'10 0 os4 C'}iso "R2-1 2- OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM H MAP MPSUF 0LK PIN SUF INT GRATHWOL , l J' , �{ The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include saidpaM �eir heirs suc l,yy.-..,_�,e femumne and assigns and shall include singular, plural, masculine or nlelult as regdiieir�gxt ` '''""""���''''-��- 11 --1 1 ,,, , ]80208a140�1b�t' � I � r �I I ((pp�S� tue[aurr q��p�� 9n.',LyU� !'Y P'G31R 1iL15 EIY.aD.i Temple J 255 North Er eei B,i 97 &1 17 AH 9 49 P il Box 1766 lwmmeion N C 211ee6 V} '�a14SR4 liter s 9F REEBs PARCEL NO 64NI B "' 11lgit 4 C STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Pi✓� COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK n 00001'2 WARRANTY DEED 16d this 16th day of June 1997 by and between o�V JENT INC a North Carolina corporation of the New M un North getter called 'Grantor') and RIVER WIND G a No ro nA nu ad Liability Company thereinafter called 'Grantee /�¢{tg.�dress is 110 Hinton Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 (whether one or more persons firms, or corporations] The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall Include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall inch de sirgular plural masculine feminine or neuter a required by context �`E SESJE r x THAT the said Grantor in consideratr n f��-(S�0' DRS and other good and valuable co I al It celpt ofw yyfiy_F� acknowledged has bargained a s rf ��h�i resents d(�/��4//�V= bargain sell and convey unto the an Be the ad lands located in the County of Brunswick State of North Carolina an jprticularly described as follows SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND T& LD the above granted and described la%+Q s d premises together with all and sing a rights, privileges eas �}�'$,;(t,�� 6 duties obligations and appurtenances _to belongs p�j �tf'any{�v¢�srJ fining unto the said Grantee in tee simple F AND said Granto o rj 11 it',,r U( Grantee thatM� zed in fee simple of the above gr I a �i I`d✓3senbe y I and has go.,d right to sell and convey the same in fes ple that the tit e i e and clear of all encumbrances except as herein set forth, and except for lorem taxes and usual utility easements and rights of way of record, and that said Grantor will WARRANT and DEFEND the title to the some against the lawful claims and demands of any and all persons whomsoever �Jdii� 7�1E6. n as •ou c. WGIQ L o* o 024o10 Isar t breAwr su[v eora Z if p¢ib 0 0AP 1300 Kf�TfldcdZ Stormwater Project No SW8 050316 Subject StonT water Project No SW8 050316 From "Kyle Young" <kyoung@grayengmeenng com> Date Fri, 22 Apr 2005 11 08 19 -0400 To "Paul Bartlett" <Paul Bartlett@ncmatl net> Paul, Please find the attached information for your review and approval Please call or reply with any questions Thank you r Kyle M Young, E I T Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc r' kyoung(igravengineering com P 864 297 3027 F 864 297 5187 [240073-20050422-NCDENR pdf Content -Type appbcation/p Content -Encoding base64 RECEIVED APR 2 2 2005 BY 1 of 1 4/22/2005 2 14 PM GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. a April 22 2005 VIA E-MAIL Pml Buttlentra nemul net Paul T Bartlett, P E NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive E\lension Wilmington NC28405 910 395 3900 Dear Mr Bartlett AR 2 495�3�� RE Stormwater Management Permit Application Stormwater Project No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center l own of Leland Bitinswick County, North Carolina GEC No 240073-D Enclosed please find the tollowing for your revieii and approval for the above referenced project • One (1) copy of the ievtseci sheet CV 2 (sealed hard copy sent 04/18/05) • One (1) copy of the revised calculations fioni the Stornmatei Management and Erosion Control Report • One (1) copy of revised sheet 2 for form S WU 101 In reply to the revien letter front you to Mr Arthur Kepes dated Apr d 11 200.) we offer the folio« rig point by point response to each of the review comments Comment I In our calculations, we assumed Area C4, an off site area that drains to a duch on the subject property, to have no impervious aiea, as emsting conditions indicate As such no impervious area was included in our calculations Per our phone conversion on April 12 2005 we have revised thL plans to disconnect this flow from our pond system A pipe and duch system has been added fiom the emsting discharge point on our site to the existing ditch along the right rear of the site Please review the plans and information and should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me duectly We would greatly appreciate your prompt response and look tot waid to receiving your approval Sincerely GRAY ENGINEE ING CONSULTANTS INC yIe M Yo g� Da itkfli apff,,us P E EnclosureCARArthur Kepes �J\\Q\�N C/{HO cc Mr Be Murphy_ , pFESS/Oy DJG/km> 4e SE y� = 240073-200 0422-AICDENRclot 00 = yG; GINE���J�\` y.p5 2 If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit list the existing permit number N1A and its issue date (if known) N/A 3 Specify the type of project (check one) _Low Density X High Density _Redevelop _General Permit _Other 4 Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks) _CAMA Major `C Sedimentation/Erosion Control _404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1 877 623 6748 III PROJECT INFORMATION I In the space provided below summarize how stormwater will be treated Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project Teo pen inent on site stet detention ponds will pros ide permanent ssyer qunhty and detain the 2 10 vtd 25 yev storm esents The full Stonnaatei i'dvrigement vrd Sedunentology Repon is attached 2 Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fe-n 3 Total Project Area 37 29 acres 4 Project Built Upon Area 5 How many drainage areas does the project have? 3 River basin 68 % 6 Complete the following information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage areas in the project attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name lackeys Creek lackeys Cteek Receiving Stream Class C Sw C, Sw Drainage Area 21 6 Acres 938,718 SF 10 5 Ades 457 380 SF 2 35 Existing Impervious* Area 0 Acres 0 SF 0 Acres 0 SF 0 Proposed Impervious'Area 17 5 Acres 762,300 SF 8 0 Acres 348 480 SF 1 63 % Impervious' Area (total) 81 % 76% Impervious' Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On site Buildings 41 8SO SF 1 0 AC 203,818 SF 4 7 AC On -site Streets 21 780 SF 0 5 AC 0 SF 0 AC On site Parking 662 100 SF 1 S 2 AC 108 900 5F 2 5 AC On site Sidewalks 34 850 SF 0 8 AC 34,850 SF 0 8 AC Other on site 0 SF 0 AC 0 SF 0 AC Off site 0 SF 0 AC 0 SF 0 AC 1 631, Total 762 300 SF 17 5 Acres Total 348 480 SF 8 0 Acres Impervious area is defined as the built upon area Including but not limited to buildings roads parking areas sidewalks gravel areas etc "Off site drainage to detention pond (Stormwater Permit #990807) from Lots No 8 and No 9 Farm SWU 101 Version 3 99 Page 2 of Area DI" jackeys Creek C, Sw \C 102 366 5F \C OSF 1C 71 000 SF 69% Area DI" tC 71,000 SF 1C 710005F Developed Flow to Structures Structure No Area SF Area AC CooHlclent TOC 1f 1 Rainfall 10 YR inlhr) Flow 10 YR (cfs) Inlet Capacity (cfs Entrance min In pip, min - , il' ,, §OUTFALL #M AO I OUTLET H W Al 10500 024 090 698 0 11 725 1 57 B 7 50 A2 13250 030 000 686 0 12 725 1 98 B 7 50 A3 22000 051 090 669 0 17 725 3 30 B 7 50 A4 11500 026 090 653 0 16 725 1 72 B 7 50 A5 30500 070 090 622 0 17 7 25 457 B 7 50 A6 17750 041 090 592 029 725 266 D 780 A7 6000 0 14 090 585 007 7 25 090 D 780 A8 1800 004 090 5 12 074 7 25 027 D 780 A9 1 75 090 500 0 12 7 25 11 42 A 2000 A10 24500 0 56 090 6 15 0 29 7 25 367 B 750 All 37000 0 85 090 580 035 7 25 554 B 7 50 Al2 76250 1 75 090 500 080 7 25 11 42 2B 1500 A 13 27750 0 64 090 5 77 0 52 725 4 16 B 750 A14 32250 0 74 090 500 077 7 25 4 83 B 750 A15 25750 0 59 085 603 049 7 25 364 B 750 A16 28750 0 66 085 555 048 725 407 B 750 At 7 35750 0 82 0 90 500 055 725 636 A 20001 A 18 35500 0 81 090 568 050 7 25 5 32 B 750 A19 45000 1 03 090 500 068 7 25 6 74 B 750 A20 2700 006 090 1 5 12 0 73 725 040 D 780 A21 1 75 090 500 0 12 7 25 11 42 A 2000 A22 1 1 75 1 090 500 0 12 7 25 11 42 A 2000 -- - cL . OUTFABL#BW 4, BO OUTLET H W B1 15000 034 090 500 7 25 225 D 780 B2 24250 056 085 500 725 343 D 780 83 14000 032 085 500 7 25 1 98 D 780 84 17000 039 085 500 725 241 D 780 B5 moo 048 080 500 725 280 D 780 B6 27000 062 090 500 725 404 B 750 B7 33000 076 090 5 00 79 4 94 B 7 50 CO OUTLET H W Cl 18000 041 085 500 7 25 255 1 D 7 80 C2 1 2300 005 1 080 500 1 1 7 25 031 D 7 80 C3 1 16300 037 1 0 85 500 1 1 725 1 231 D 7 80 " 6 -1 ' r4 M r^ OUTFAL'L "EX #DO%, 'q,,_,.,. � - - DO I SD I I I I I I EXS D1 1 72775 1 1 67 1 090 1 1 1 725 1 1090 2D 1 1990 f tOUTFALL #EO " EO OUTLET H W El 117250 269 090 500 725 1756 D 780 E2 56000 1 121 090 5 00 725 839 D 880 E3 7900 0 18 090 5 00 725 1 18 D 980 E4 39750 1 091 090 1 500 725 596 C ;"- " s ` = .>a..,,.-. .,,5 OUTFALL #FOt"-� FO OUTLET I I H W F1 SO MH I I I 1725 1 367 1 C F2 1 24500 056 1 090 500 1 725 1 367 1 780 F3 1 11000 025 1 090 500 1 725 1 65 D 8 80 rr '" 411, ' 'e m ' /, OUTFAL'L #DOy x9 GO OUTLETI i I I I I I E D G7 li POND 1 090 1 1 1 7 25 1 3655 1 OS ,W: ,I� r w '>n"4 +P 1Cfe �OUTFALL#DO -; P tf ' i."' rays � HD I OUTLETI I I I I I I E D H7 I POND I 1 090 1 1 1 7 25 1 3005 1 OS CARO 9 SCAL_�' 1riNE ,> �✓ C //7/11nn`1� KMY 240073 WMI SDcalcs New Design XLS 4/22/2005 Recommended Pipe Size/Slope From To Cumulative Flow (O,e) cis Pipe Size In Velocity (Ve) (fps) Actual Slope % Actual Capacity (00 cfs 0� > 0 07 ' .. OUTFALL NAO, d. AO Al AO 10638 48 1693 060 1112 YES A2 Al 104 80 48 1668 060 1112 YES A3 A2 10282 48 1636 060 1112 YES A4 A3 6990 42 12 71 050 71 1 YES AS A4 4306 36 914 050 471 YES A6 A5 3849 36 B 17 040 422 YES A7 A6 3583 36 7 60 033 383 YES A8 A7 1169 24 3 72 033 130 YES A9 A8 1142 24 3 63 033 130 YES A10 A3 2063 24 657 085 208 YES All A10 1696 24 540 067 185 YES Al2 All 1142 24 364 050 160 YES A13 A3 899 18 381 100 105 YES A14 A13 483 16 246 100 65 YES A15 A4 1307 24 416 085 208 YES A16 A15 942 18 400 085 97 YES A17 A16 535 18 227 050 74 YES A18 A4 1206 24 J 84 0 50 16 0 YES A19 A18 674 18 286 050 74 YES A20 A7 11 82 24 376 050 160 YES A21 A20 1 11 42 1 24 3 63 033 130 YES A22 A7 1 11 42 24 3 63 033 130 YES 'OUTFALL NBO-,. BO B1 80 2185 24 696 095 220 YES 82 81 1960 24 624 080 202 YES 83 82 16 17 24 5 15 055 168 YES B4 83 1419 24 462 050 160 YES B5 B4 1178 24 376 050 160 YES B6 B5 899 18 381 075 9 1 YES B7 86 4 94 15 2 52 0 75 56 YES ' ' ,—,OUTFAL'L NCO CO Cl I CO 516 li 24 li 1 84 Ii 065 1 182 YES C2 1 Cl 261 1 24 1 083 050 1 160 YES C3 C2 231 15 117 050 46 YES .OUTFALL DO 51 DO 10 90 18 1 463 1 1 10 11 0 YES + OUTFALLNEOi EO E1 EO 3309 24 1053 250 358 YES E2 El 1553 24 494 115 242 YES E3 E2 7 14 18 3 03 1 00 105 YES E4 E3 595 18 253 1 00 105 YES ,U- -".e a""-J,,,,d " I >>x .IOUTFAL'L VO"'�'e a -r t .rrr`,jG x7n. i FO F1 I FO 1 532 1 18 1 226 250 166 YES F2 Fi 532 1 18 226 1 150 1 129 YES F3 F2 165 1 18 070 1 100 1 105 YES 4+i i'1X P Ia+ OUTFAL'L NDo'a q GO G1 GO 35 55 36 7 64 1 0 50 47 1 YES wIOUTFAL'L NOOF I- I i HO Hi HO 3005 36 1 638 1 0 50 1 47 1 YES KMY 240073 WNII SOcalcs New Design XLS 4/22/2005 S TORM DRAIN SCHEDULE FROM TO LENGTH FT PIPE DIA SLOPE N % INVERT ELEVATION INFL END FT EFFL END FT �OUTFALL #AO Wp_7u's�=`,e-:.-`iT s AO Al AO 110 48 060 1616 1550 A2 A 1 118 48 060 1687 16 16 A3 A2 170 48 060 1789 16 87 A4 A3 123 42 050 18 50 1789 A5 A4 94 36 050 1897 1850 A6 A5 143 36 040 1955 1897 A7 A6 34 36 033 1966 1955 A8 A7 165 24 033 2020 1966 A9 A8 26 24 033 2029 2020 A10 I A3 114 24 1 085 1886 1789 All A10 114 24 067 1962 1886 Al2 All 175 24 050 2050 1962 A13 A3 120 18 1 00 1909 1769 A14 A13 114 15 1 00 2023 1909 A15 A4 123 24 085 1955 1850 A16 A15 116 18 085 2053 19 55 A17 A16 75 18 050 2091 2053 A18 A4 114 24 0 50 19 07 1850 A19 A18 117 18 050 1966 1907 A20 A7 165 24 0 50 20 d8 1966 A21 A20 26 24 0 33 20 57 2048 A22 I A7 26 24 033 1974 1 1966 -- -- BO B1 60 1 65 24 095 1662 1600 62 81 194 24 080 18 17 1662 83 B2 135 24 055 1891 18 17 B4 63 100 24 050 1941 18 91 B5 B4 89 24 050 1986 19 41 66 B5 101 18 075 2061 1986 67 66 118 15 075 2150 2061 >�i_'#_= :j ?�'+-'"'OUTFALL #CO�;s'ix"" _� -• _��s_ CO 27 CO 94 24 0 65 2061 20 00 C2 C1 120 24 050 2121 2061 C3 C2 160 15 050 2201 21 21 STRUCTURE NO TYPE TOP ELEV INLET WEIR ELEV BTM ELEV DEPTH (FT) -r �,�_—_ •y �: rt —+_ OIffFALL-`#A0:"s����-:fit::::....� _-` � AO HW 1550 Al B 2450 2450 1616 834 A2 B 2430 2430 1687 743 A3 B 2400 2400 1789 611 A4 B 24 30 2430 1850 580 A5 B 24 30 2430 1897 533 A6 0 2540 2490 1955 586 A7 D 2540 2490 1966 574 A D 2640 2590 2020 620 A9 I A 2583 1 2500 2029 554 A10 B 2400 2400 1886 514 All 8 2400 2400 1962 438 Al2 2B 2400 2400 2050 351 A13 B 24 00 2400 1909 491 A14 B 24 00 2400 2023 377 A15 B 24 00 2400 1955 445 A16 B 2400 2400 20 53 347 A17 A 24 83 2400 2091 392 A18 B 2430 2430 1907 523 A19 B 2430 2430 1966 464 A20 D 26 40 2590 2048 592 A21 A 2583 2500 2057 526 A22 A 2583 1 2500 1 1974 609 " Z^ - —, iT--o OUTFALE-#BOae-_` 5 =71 _' BO H W 1600 61 D 2400 2350 1662 7 38 B2 D 2430 2360 1817 613 B3 D 2500 2450 1891 609 B4 D 2500 2450 1941 559 B5 D 2500 2450 1986 514 06 B 2460 2460 2061 399 B7 B 24 50 2450 21 50 300 T �4 , — s -- "-"OUTFALL CO H W 2000 C 1 D 24 90 24 40 2061 4 29 C2 D 1 2550 1 2500 21 21 4. C3 D 1 2550 1 2500 2201 3 d9 KMY 24W73 WMI SDcalo W-0e iynXLS 4122PW5 S TORM DRAIN SCHEDULE FROM TO LENGTH FT PIPE DIA SLOPE IN % INVERT ELEVATION INFL END FT EFFL END FT --_ 7;- IN; 7.. "E." t^ sOUTFALL #DO DO D1 I DO 78 10 :T EO E1 EO 36 24 1 250 1690 1600 E2 E7 1 181 24 1 115 1898 1690 E3 E2__4. 146 1 18 1 1.00 2044 1898 E4 E3 43 1 18 1 1 00 2087 2044 f i" 7 ,�T c_= FO FI FO 41 18 1 2 50 1653 15 50 F2 F7 168 18 1 1 50 1905 16 53 F3 F2 104 18 1 00 2009 190 GO G1 GO 70 36 0 50 1550 15 15 MHO 3OUTFALL#HO -, ,, 1116 HI HO 140 36 1 0 50 00 15 30 STRUCTURE NO TYPE INLET TOP WEIR ELEV ELEV BTM DEPTH ELEV (FT) DO EX SD D1 2D 2500 2450 EO HAW 1600 El D 2450 1 2400 1696 760 E2 D 2470 2420 1898 5 72 E3 D 2450 2400 2044 406 E4 C 2540 2087 453 rtFO ,.� H W 15 50 F 1 C 24 70 1653 818 F2 D 2320 2270 1905 416 F3 D 2450 2400 2009 442 GO H W i5 75 G1 OS 550 `Z - OUTFAIL #HO`N.�`yi WTw z HO H W 5 30 HI OS 1 1600 KMY 240011WMI SD lm Nn Ots�n XIS 4a2aMS OMHET BY OTHERS ro. W1Ip�/.lm .ld 7�- 2;3 �4c. \ \ I \ \ / 0 / 1 III \ O M OUROT NO. :s Hy�1�'I] �up � PF:j ► • .. ►n I I Immm Y.. YOI? ♦ �1♦ \4 to so (/N((u \\\ � / ur�..ttr�CitvinSaVHm�V• a�p� 14y� , I m.IV. V Lp.s.ls d• qV\ y I F FZ-26 00 02 P _ - -M�`l %/ ` r- 07 1MV. � — 4 - — — o 1.�-3 Y� Iooy &cZ,rlo < (JI OY— Ll 1", 57 ORM UKAINAC7 -- _--_ _-- - - - - i 11 r, f •,y, awn av OTHM - a. m MW zo T • oaf �Fv \V,\ \ \_G Oq„ \ V � O 1 ,15 U1• `\1% L120 Ifl LI1150j1• [r Lila [ uea ` 51 J 8` 1 1 KAAND DD ✓ l SDI � qW �,M 4 102- y <DJ � Jr W7 a URAIROM=Al EGC GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Kyle Young (Ext 13) TO NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office 123 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28045 910 395 3900 ATTN CAMERON WEAVER, Permit Cood Express Permitting DATE 04/06/05 GEC JOB# 240073-D RE PROPOSED RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER US 17 AND WEST GATE DRIVE LELAND, NORTH CAROLINA WE ARE TRANSMITTING SHOP DRAWINGS X PLANS SOIL RESULTS LETTER SUBMITTALS SPECIFICATIONS COST ESTIMATE SEE DETAIL PRINTS I IATTACHED I I CALCULATIONS CHECK MAILED VIA UNITED STATES MAIL OVERNIGHT NEXT AFTERNOON BY HAND OVERNIGHT NEXT MORNING 2ND DAY DELIVERY COURIER SERVICE AS CHECKED BELOW FOR APPROVAL X PRELIMINARY REVIEW & COMMENT APPROVED AS SUBT FOR YOUR USE FOR CONSTRUCTION BID DOCUMENTS APPROVED AS NOTED FOR FIELD USE AS REQUESTED PERMIT REVISE & RESUBMIT QTY REVISION NO DESCRIPTION 2 E REVISED Stormwater and E&S Plans I ORIGINAL REVISED SWU 101, 102 I ORIGINAL Sec of State, LLC Certification O 'D REMARKS Cameron, Please distribute 1 set each to DWQ and DLQ The forms all go to DWQ Thank you Kyle Young kyoung@grayengmeenng com DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION FILE 240073-20050406-NCDENR doc SIGNED 132 Pilgrim Road • Greenville, S C 29607 Phone (864) 297-3027 • Fax (864) 297-5187 GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Aprils 2005 Paul T Bartlett P E NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 336 Fayetteville Street Raleigh NC 27602 910 395 3900 RE Stormwater Management Permit Application Stormwater Project No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center Town of Leland Brunswick County, North Carolina GEC No 240073-D Dear Mr Bartlett Enclosed please find the following for your review and approval for the above referenced project • One (I ) copy of the Stormwater and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans and Details • One (1) copy of the revised calculations from the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Report In reply to the review letter from you to Mr Arthur Kepes dated March 30, 2005 we offer the following point by point response to each of the review comments ment I A copy of the Certificate of Authority from the NC Secretary of State is attached Also attached is Voorn documentation indication authorized agents for the L L C Comment 2 Signed originals of all applications were sent to Mr Cameron Weaver One -Stop Express Permit Coordinator on March 30, 2005 for vour distribution /Comment 3 Drainage Area 92 has been revised to specify 10 5 acres on all plans and maps as indicated on the ✓ application forms ment 4 The column for Drainage Area D I has been added to form S WU I01, Page 2 as indicated A revised Page 2 is included for your review and approval Comment 5 In our calculations, we assumed Area C4, an off site area that drams to a ditch on the subject property to have no impervious area, as existing conditions indicate As such no impervious area is included Comment 6 All areas are now in both square feet and acres ✓Eomment 7 A copy of the proposed deed restrictions for a similar previous project are enclosed Comment 8 Pond 92 now includes a 10 -wide vegetated shelf at the perimeter of the permanent pool as previously ✓ designed for Pond;#1 Also included are revised drawings and calculations indicating this change ✓Ccomment 9 The building dimensions have been adjusted to reflect correct dimensions Mr Paul Bartlett NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office NC Division of Water Quality Please review the plans and information and should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me directly We would greatly appreciate your prompt response and look forward to receiving your approval Sincerely, GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC leVYung Enclosure cc Mr Arthur Kepes Mr Bo Murphy KMY/kmy 240073-200DO406-,VCDENR doc 132 Pilgrim Road - Greenville, S C 29607 Phone (864) 297-3027 - Fax (864) 297-5187 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F Easley, Governor FAX COVER SHEET William G Ross, Jr, Secretary Date 4/11/05 No of Pages 3 (Incl Cover) To David Graffius From Paul Bartlett Company Gray Engineering Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 864-297-5187 FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number SW8 050316 Protect Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC MESSAGE David, A Request for Additional Information is attached for the referenced project The original will be mailed to Mr Kepes, and a copy will be mailed to you ENB\ptb S\WQS\STORMWATERWDDINFO\2005\050316 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405 3845 Telephone (910) 395 3900 FAX (910) 350 2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer W A7FR 0 Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross, Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek, P E Director Division of Water Quality April 11, 2005 Mr Arthur Kepes, Manager WR of Leland, LLC 2361 South Centennial Drive Aiken. SC 29803 Subject Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC Brunswick County Dear Mr Kepes The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC on March 30, 2005 and a revised application on April 7, 2005 A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review Please add the impervious area for Area C4 (2 56 ac) in the Drainage Area 1 column in Section III 6 of the application, and also enter it in the "Off -site" row of Section III 6 of the application assuming full build -out Please modify all calculations accordingly Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 18, 2005, or the application will be returned as incomplete The return of a protect will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215 1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6A North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395 3900 Customer Servicel 877-623 6748 One Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington NC 284053845 FAX (919) 733 2496 Internet h2o enr slate no us NorthCarohna An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper ,Alat mill/ �Mr Arthur Kepes March 30, 2005 Stormwater Application No SW8 050316 Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided Copies are not acceptable If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900 Since rely,I f Paul T Bartlett, P E Environmental Engineer ENB/ptb S\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2005\050316 cc David J Graffius, P E , Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc Paul T Bartlett, P E Page 2 of 2 Brmuswick Camaty--Reylt,ter of LeLL3 Robert J Robinson I7151. #2/6670 Book 21-86P<aye 19 0//06/2005 04 41 14pan RecY a_`34 3 31 RET_ Trot�sanf�s�u P r TOTAL50 REV_TC#_ ri Irk REC#.__CK AMT _ C CASH _ REF _ BY CAW EASEMENTS W17 H COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AFFECTING LAND ("ECR") Prepared by and Return to Troutman Sanders LLP 434 Fayetteville Street Mall Suite I too Raleigh North Carolina 27601 Leland NC Store # 4273 00 THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the J7)1 day of t I 2001 between WAL MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust ( Wal-Mart") and LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C a South Carolina limited liability company ( Developer') WITNESSETH WHEREAS Wal Mart is the owner of the Wal Mart Tract as shown on the plan attached hereto as Exhibit A-1 hereof (including the Future Lease Area Gas Outlot) said Tract being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto (the Wal-Mart Tract ) WHEREAS Developer is the owner of the Outpareels identified as Outlot No 1, Outlot No 2 Outlot No 3 ' and Outlot No 4 on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto, the same being more particularly described in Exhibit C hereof (the Outparcels") and WHEREAS Wal Mart and Developer desire that the Wal-Mart Tract and the Outparcels be developed in conjunction with each other pursuant to a general plan of improvement to form a commercial Shopping Center (sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Shopping Center ) and further desire that the Shopping Center be subject to the easements and the covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE for and in consideration of the premises, easements covenants conditions restrictions and encumbrances contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged Wal-Mart and Developer do hereby agree as follows 1 Building/Common Areas I I Building Areas' as used herein shall mean those portions of the Shopping Center shown on Exhibit A-2 as "Building Area' Canopies may encroach from the Budding Areas over the Common Areas provided the canopies do not interfere with the use of the Common Areas Budding Areas 12 Common Areas shall be all of the Shopping Center except the 13 Tracts as used herein shall mean the Wal Mart Tract but not the Outparcels Reference to a Tract" refers to the Wal-Mart Tract but not the Outparcels 14 Conversion to Common Areas Those portions of the Building Areas which are not from time to time used or cannot under the terms of this Agreement be used for buildings shall become part of the Common Area for the uses permitted hereunder and shall be improved kept and maintained as provided herein Inst 1216610 nook 118GYage 20 1 5 Notwithstanding the foregoing Wal Mart (for so long as Wal Mart is the owner, lessee or user of all or a portion of the Wal-Mart Tract) may add additional budding areas or change delete enlarge reduce or otherwise modify existing Building Areas so long as such changes do not impair access to the Outparcels or materially impair visibility to such buildings as may be constructed on Outlet No 4 and are done in compliance with applicable laws and ordinances 2 Use Buildings in the Shopping Center shall be used for commercial purposes of the type normally found in a retail shopping center including, without limitation, financial institutions service shops offices and retail stores No cafeteria theatre bowling alley billiard parlor night club or other place of recreation or amusement, or any business serving alcoholic beverages shall occupy space within the Shopping Center without the prior written consent of Wal-Mart except that the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with the sale of food shall be peimitted on the Outparcels so long as the gross revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the gross revenue of the business on the Outparcel Developer recognizes that said businesses may inconvenience Wal-Mart's customers and adversely affect Wal-Mart's business Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is expressly agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to contain a covenant, either express or implied, to either commence the operation of a business or thereafter continuously operate a business by Wal Mart on the Wal-Mart Tract Developer recognizes and agrees that Wal Mart may, at Wal-Marts sole discretion and at any time during the term of this Agreement, cease the operation of its business on the Wal-Mart Tract and Developer hereby waives any legal action for damages or for equitable relief which might be available to Developer because of such cessation of business activity by Wal Mart 3 Competing Business Developer covenants that as long as Wal Man or any affiliate of Wal Mart is the user of the Wal-Mart Tract either as owner or lessee no space in or portion of the Outparcels, and no space in or portion of any other real property adjacent to the Shopping Center which may subsequently be acquired by Developer shall be leased or occupied by or conveyed to any other party for use as (i) a facility dispensing gasoline or fuel from pumps (u) a membership warehouse club (in) a pharmacy (rv) a discount department store or other discount store as such terns are defined below (v) a variety general or dollar' store, (vi) a grocery store or supermarket as such terms are defined below, or (vu) as any combination of the foregoing uses In the event of a breach of this covenant Wal Mart shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and to seek any and all remedies afforded by either law or equity including without limitation the rights to injunctive relief 'Grocery store and 'supermarket' as those terms me used herein shall mean a food store or a food department containing more than ten thousand (10 000) square feet of building space used for the purpose of selling food for off premises consumption which shall include but not be limited to the sale of dry, refrigerated or frozen groceries, meat, seafood, poultry produce, delicatessen or bakery products refrigerated or frozen dairy products or any grocery products normally sold in such stores or departments Discount department store" and/or 'discount store' as those terms are used herein, shall mean a discount department store or discount store containing more than thirty five thousand (35 000) square feet of building space used for the purpose of selling a full line of had goods and soft goods (e g clothing, cards gifts, electronics garden supplies furniture, lawnmowers, toys health and beauty aids hardware items bath accessories and auto accessories) at a discount in a retail operation similar to that of Wal Man Buildings 41 Design and Construction The Buildings constructed on the Shopping Center shall be designed so that the exterior elevation of each shall be architecturally and aesthetically compatible and so that building wall footings shall not encroach from one Tract or Outparcel onto another Tract or Outparcel except as provided for in Subsection 4 4 below The design and construction shall be of high quality No improvements shall be constructed erected or expanded or altered on the Outparcels until the plans for the same (including site layout, exterior building materials and colors and parking) have been approved in writing by Developer No building constructed on the Wal-Mart Tract shall exceed forty feet (40) in height above finished grade Incidental architectural embellishments and peaks shall not be considered in connection with determining compliance with said height restriction No building constructed on the Outparcels shall exceed twenty-two feet (22) (including all mechanical improvements and architectural embellishments) in height as measured from the mean finished elevation of the parking area of the Shopping Center No building shall have a metal exterior Inst ► 216610 Book 2186Page 21 42 Location/Size No building shall be constructed on the Shopping Center (as either immediate development or future expansion) except within the Building Areas Any buildings located on the Outparcels shall not exceed six thousand (6 000) square feet in size Any rooftop equipment constructed on the buildings located on the Outparcels shall be screened so as not to be visible from the mean finished elevation of the parking area 43 Fire Protection Any building constructed in the Shopping Center shall be constructed and operated in such a manner which will preserve the spnnklered rate on the other buildings in the Shopping Center 44 Easements In the event building wall footings encroach from one Tract onto the other Tract despite efforts to avoid that occurrence the party onto whose Tract the footings encroach shall cooperate in granting an encroachment permit or easement to the party whose budding wall footings encroach Common Areas 5 1 Grant of Easements Wal-Mart hereby grants for the benefit of the Outparcels, nonexclusive easements for vehicular and pedestrian access ingress and egress over and across the Wal Mart Tract, provided, however, in no event shall the owner, occupant licensee or invitee of any of the Outparcels(s) be permitted to use the Wal-Mart Tract for vehicular parking or for any other purpose other than as described above Developer hereby grants to Wal Mart for the benefit of the Wal-Mart Tract nonexclusive easements for vehicular and pedestrian access ingress and egress over and across the Outparcels provided however in no event shall the owner occupancy, licensee or invitee of the Wal-Mart Tract be permitted to use the Outparcels for vehicular parking or for any other purpose other than as permitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement 52 Limitations on Use (1) Customers Each party shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that customers and invitees shall not be permitted to park on the Common Areas except while shopping or transacting business in the Shopping Center (2) Employees Each party shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that employees park on the Common Areas of said party s Tract or Outparcel (3) General Any activity within the Common Areas other than its primary purpose of the Common Areas which is to provide for parking for the customers, invitees and employees of those businesses conducted with the Building Areas and for the servicing and supplying of such businesses, shall be permitted so long as such activity shall not unreasonably interfere with such primary purpose The use by Wal Mart of the Common Areas on the Wal-Mart Tract for the display, sale and storage of merchandise and for the use of seasonal sales structures is expressly permitted Persons using the Common Areas in accordance with this Agreement shall not be charged any fee for such use Notwithstanding the foregoing each party covenants and agrees that to the extent allowed by law neither party will allow the Common Areas on its tract to be used for rallies demonstrations, protests picketing or handbillmg to protest publicize or allege improprieties regarding the acts policies or operating practices of any business operating within the Shopping Center 53 Utility and Service Easements Each patty hereby establishes and grants to the other party a nonexclusive easement for the benefit of the owner of each Tract or Outparcel, on, across and under the Common Areas, to install use maintain and repair public utility services and distribution systems (including storm drains sewers utilities and other proper services necessary for the orderly development and operation of the Shopping Center now upon or hereafter installed on across or under the Common Areas, to the extent necessary to service such Tract or Outparcel Both parties shall use their best efforts to cause the installation of such utility and service lines prior to paving of the Common Areas No such Imes sewers utilities or services of one party shall be installed within the Building Areas on the other party s parcel The location of any utilities hereafter installed shall be determined by the owner of the Tract or Outparcel (the location of utilities on the Wal-Mart Tract shall be determined by Wal-Mart as long as it is the owner of the Wal-Man Tract) upon which such utilities are to be installed Any such installed utility services may be relocated by the owner of a Tract or Outparcel on such owner's Tract or Outparcel subject to compliance with applicable laws at the expense of the Imt 1 276670 Hook 2186Paye 22 owner of that Tract or Outparcel, provided that such relocation shall not interfere with, increase the cost of, or diminish utility services to any other Tract or Outparcel and, further provided, that no utilities shall be relocated on the Wall Mart Tract without the prior written consent of Wal-Mart as long as it is the owner of or lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract 54 Water Flow Each party hereby establishes and grants a nonexclusive easement on its Tract or Outparcel for the benefit of the owner of each other Tract or Outparcel to use maintain and repair any storm water drainage system (the 'Storm Drainage System ) now or hereafter located on either Tract or any Outparcel, together with the right to discharge surface water runoff across portions of either Tract or any Outparcel in accordance with the design of the Storm Drainage System Any alteration in the natural water flow which may occur as a natural consequence of normal construction activities and the existence of the partys improvements substantially as shown on ExhibitA-2 (including without limitation budding and building expansion, curbs drives and paving) shall be permitted 55 Intentionally Omitted Development. Parking Ratios Maintenance, and Taxes 6 1 Development The arrangement of the Common Areas shall not be changed in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement 62 Wal Mart Tract 'Parking Ratio Wal-Mart hereto agrees that at all times there shall be independently maintained on the Wal-Mart Tract parking area sufficient to accommodate not fewer than five (5 0) car spaces for each one thousand (1 000) square feet of building or buildings on such Tract 63 Oumarcel "Parking Ratio" Developer agrees that at all times there shall be independently maintained on each Outparcel parking area sufficient to accommodate not fewer than (1) 15 spaces for every 1 000 square feet of building space for any restaurant or entertainment use in excess of 5,000 square feet, (the same ratio shall be provided for a McDonald Restaurant, notwithstanding a building footprint of less than 5,000 square feet) or (it) 10 spaces for every 1,000 square feet of budding space for any restaurant or entertainment use less than 5 000 square feet (subject to the exception above) or (ui) 6 0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building space for any other use 64 Maintenance (1) Standards The Outparcels shall be kept neat orderly planted in grass and trimmed until improved and constructed Following completion of the improvements on the Common Areas the parties hereto shall maintain the Common Areas in good condition and repair The maintenance is to include, without limitation the following (a) Maintaining the surfaces in a level smooth and evenly -covered condition with the type of surfacing material originally installed or such substitute as shall in all respects be equal in quality, use and durability, (b) Removing all papers, ice and snow, mud and sand debris filth and refuse and thoroughly sweeping the area to the extent reasonably necessary to keep the area in a clean and orderly condition (c) Placing keeping in repair and replacing any necessary appropriate directional signs markers and lines (d) Operating keeping in repair and replacing where necessary such artificial lighting facilities as shall be reasonably required (e) Maintaining all perimeter and exterior building walls including but not limited to all retaining walls in a good condition and state of repair and (f) Maintaining, mowing weeding trimming and watering all landscaped areas and making such replacements of shrubs and other landscaping as is necessary Irst f 276670 Book 2186Page 23 (g) Maintaining elements of the Storm Drainage System (2) Expenses The respective owners shall pay the maintenance expense of their Tracts or Outparcels (3) By Agent Subject to the mutual agreement of the parties hereto a third party may be appointed as an agent of the parties to maintain the Common Areas in the manner as above outlined Said third party may receive for such agency a fee that is mutually acceptable to all parties to cover supervision management accounting and similar fees, which sums are to be included in the general maintenance expense paid by the respective owners of the Common Areas 65 Taxes Each of the parties hereto agrees to pay or cause to be paid prior to delinquency directly to the appropriate taxing authorities all real property taxes and assessments which are levied against that part of the Common Areas owned by it 7 Signs No rooftop sign shall be erected on the building constructed on the Outparcels No freestanding identification sign may be erected on the Outparcels without approval of the Developer, and in no event shall such freestanding identification sign exceed the height of the shopping center pylon sign or block the visibility of the Wal Mart Store Notwithstanding the foregoing, there may be erected entrance -exit signs to facilitate the free flow of traffic, which entrance -exit signs shall be of a monument type, not to exceed TY in height, the type and location of such signs to be approved by Developer No sign shall be located on the Common Areas on the Wal Man Tract except signs advertising businesses conducted thereon of which there shall be no more than two (2) signs on the Common Areas on the Wal-Man Tract No signs shall obstruct the ingress and egress shown on Exhibit A-2 Indemnification/Insurance 8 1 Indemnification Each party hereby indemnifies and saves the other party harmless from any and all liability, damage, expense causes of action, suits, claims, or judgments ansing from personal injury, death, or property damage and occurring on or from its own Tract or Outparcel, except if caused by the act or negligence of the other party hereto 82 Insurance (1) Each owner of any portion of the Shopping Center shall procure and maintain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement general public liability insurance and property damage insurance against claims for personal injury death or property damage occumng upon, in or about its property each party's insurance to afford protection to the limn of not less than $5 000,000 00 for injury or death of a single person and to the limit of not less than $5 000 000 00 for any one occurrence and to the limit of not less than $5,000 000 00 for property damage Each party shall provide the other party with certificates of such insurance from time to time upon written request to evidence that such insurance is in force Such insurance may be written by additional premises endorsement on any master policy of insurance tamed by the party which may cover other property in addition to the property covered by this Agreement Such insurance shall provide that the same may not be canceled without ten (10) days prior written notice to Wal Man and the Developer (2) At all times during the term of this Agreement each party shall keep improvements on its property insured against loss or damage by fire and other perils and events as may be insured against under the broad form of Uniform Extended Coverage Clause in effect from time to time in the state in which the parties respective properties are located with such insurance to be for the full replacement value of the insured improvements The owner of a Tract or Outparcel shall pay for any increase in the cost of insuring the improvements on the other Tracts or Outparcels if such increase is due to the use by such owner or its tenant(s) (3) Policies of insurance provided for in this Section 8 shall name Wal Mart and Developer as insureds (4) Each owner of any portion of the Shopping Center for itself and its property insurer hereby releases the other owners of portions of the Shopping Center from and against any and all claims demands liabilities or obligations whatsoever for damage to Inbt B 2766-10 Baok 2186Pdge 24 property or loss of rents or profits resulting from or in any way connected with any fire or other casualty whether or not such fire or other casualty shall have been caused by the negligence or the contributory negligence of the party being released or by any agent, associate or employee of the party being released, this release being to the extent that such damage or loss is covered by the property insurance which the releasing party is obligated hereunder to carry, or, if the releasing party is not carrying that insurance then to the extent such damage or loss would be covered if the releasing party were carrying that insurance (5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 8, so long as the net worth of Wal-Mart shall exceed $100 000 000 00 and so long as Wal-Mart is owner or Lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract, Wal-Mart shall have the right to retain (in whole or in part) the financial risk for any claim Eminent Domain 9 1 Owner's Right To Award Nothing herein shall be construed to give either party any interest in any award or payment made to the other party in connection with any exercise of eminent domain or transfer in lieu thereof affecting said other party's Tract or Outparcel giving the public or any government any rights in said Tract or Outparcel In the event of any exercise of eminent domain or transfer in lieu thereof of any part of the Common Areas located in the Shopping Center, the award attributable to the land and improvements of such portion of the Common Areas shall be payable only to the owner thereof, and no claim thereon shall be made by the owners of any other portion of the Common Areas 92 Collateral Claims All other owners of the Common Areas may file collateral claims with the condemning authority for their losses which are separate and apart from the value of the land area and improvements taken from another owner 93 Tenants Claim Nothing in this Section 9 shall prevent a tenant from making a claim against an owner pursuant to the provisions of any lease between tenant and owner for all or a portion of any such award or payment 94 Restoration Of Common Areas The owner of any portion of the Common Areas so condemned shall promptly repair and restore the remaining portion of the Common Areas within its respective Tract or Outparcel as nearly as practicable to the condition of the same immediately prior to such condemnation or transfer, to the extent that the proceeds of such award are sufficient to pay the cost of such restoration and repair and without contribution from any other owner 10 Rights And Obligations Of Lenders Any holder of a first lien on any portion of the Shopping Center and any assignee or successor in interest of such first penholder shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement 11 Release from Liability Any person acquiring fee or leasehold title to any portion of the Shopping Center shall be bound by this Agreement only as to the Tract, Outparcel or portion of the Tract or Outparcel acquired by such person In addition such person shall be bound by this Agreement only during the period such person is the fee or leasehold owner of such Tract Outparcel or portion of the Tract or Outparcel except as to obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue during said period Although persons may be released under this Section, the easements, covenants and restrictions in this Agreement shall continue to be benefits to and servitudes upon said tracts running with the land 12 Breach In the event of breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, only all of the record owners of the Wal-Mart Tract as a group or Wal-Mart so long as it or any affiliate has an interest as owner or lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract shall be entitled to institute proceedings for full and adequate relief from the consequences of said breach or threatened breach Notwithstanding the foregoing, all of the record owners of an Outparcel shall be entitled to take any action permitted by this Agreement with respect to the breach of Sections 5 1 6 4 6 5, 8 1 8 2(4) and 9 13 Rights of Successors The easements, restrictions benefits and obligations hereunder shall create mutual benefits and servitudes running with the land This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto their respective heirs representatives lessees successors and assigns The singular number includes the plural and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter last Il 2766/0 kook 2186Page 25 14 Document Execution Modification and Cancellation Il is understood and agreed that until this document is fully executed by both Developer and Wal-Mart there 1S not and shall not be an agreement of any kind between the parties hereto upon which any commitment, undertaking or obligation can be founded This Agreement (including exhibits) may be modified or canceled only by the mutual agreement of (a) Wal-Mart as long as it or its affiliate has any interest as either owner or Lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract or its successors in interest and (b) Developer, as long as it or its affiliate has any interest as either owner or Lessor of an Outparcel, or its successors in interest 15 Non -Merger So long as Wal-Man or its affiliate is owner or lessee of the Wal Mart Tract this Agreement shall not be subject to the doctrine of merger 16 Duration Unless otherwise canceled or terminated, all of the easements granted in this Agreement shall continue in perpetuity and all other rights and obligations hereof shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect after ninety-nine (99) years from the date hereof 17 Headings The headings herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define limit or describe the scope or intent of this document nor in any way affect the terms and provisions hereof 18 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto The parties do not rely upon any statement promise or representation not herein expressed and this Agreement once executed and delivered shall not be modified or altered in any respect except by a writing executed and delivered in the same manner as required by this document 19 Transfer of Interests Notices 191 Transfer of Interests In the event that any person or entity (the Acquiring Party ) shall acquire a fee or mortgage interest in any tract subject to this Agreement, or any portion thereof the Acquiring Party shall execute and file in the land records of Brunswick County North Carolina, a statement setting forth the name of the Acquiring Party the address of the Acquiring Party to which all notices for the purposes of this Agreement may be sent, the nature of the interest held by the Acquiring Party and the date that such interest was acquired (the "Notice Statement ) Contemporaneously with such filing, the Acquiring Party shall also send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of such Notice Statement to all other persons or entities then holding fee or mortgage interests in any tract subject to this Agreement or any portion thereof as reflected by the Notice Statements then of record in the land records of Brunswick County, North Carolina (the 'Existing Interest Holders') Until such time as an Acquiring Party files and mails such Notice Statement in accordance with the terms of this Section 19 1, it shall not be entitled to receive any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement and the Existing Interest Holders shall have no obligation to give any such notice to the Acquiring Party Any change of address shall require the filing and marling of a new Notice Statement It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Section 19 I regarding the recordation of the Notice Statement are satisfied with respect to Developer and Wal Mart 192 Notices All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by certified or registered mail postage prepaid or by Federal Express, Airborne Express, or similar overnight delivery service addressed as follows Wal Mail Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust 2001 S E I& Street, Dept #8703 Bentonville AR 72716-0550 Attention Steve Howe REM Store # A -W With a copy to Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust 2001 S E I& Street, Dept #8313 Bentonville AR 72716-0550 Attention Jim Cole Esquire Store #1% in,t a 276670 Book 2186Page 26 With a copy to Ashley Story, Esquire Troutman Sanders LLP 434 Fayetteville Street Mall Two Hannover Square Suite 1100 Raleigh NC 27601 Developer Leland Retail Investment L L C 2361 South Centennial Avenue Aiken, SC 29803 Attention President With a copy to Calhson Tighe & Robinson LLP 1812 Lincoln Street 2"a Floor Columbia, SC 29201 Attention Andrew English Notices shall be effective upon receipt or refusal In the event that any person acquires a fee interest in the Shopping Center said person shall be entitled to provide a request for notice to the addressees listed above, which request, in order to be effective must also be recorded in the county recorder's office in the county in which the Shopping Center is located Any party shall be entitled to change its address for nonce by providing notice of such change and recording a copy of the notice of such change in the county recorders office in the county recorder's office in the county in which the Shopping Center is located Until such time as the notice of change is effective pursuant to the terms of this Section 19 and until such time as it is recorded as required above the last address of said party shall be deemed to be the proper address of said party 20 Consent The owner of the Wal-Mart Tract agrees that for so long as a lease of all or a portion of the Wal-Mart Tract is in effect whenever the consent of the owner of the Wal Man Tract is required under the Agreement the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract will give such consent only after obtaining Wal-Man's consent 21 Obligations of the Owner of the Wal-Mart Tract Wal-Man hereby agrees that so long as a lease of all or a portion of the Wal Mart Tract is in effect, it will satisfy the obligations of the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract hereunder and will hold harmless and indemnify the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract from any and all loss damage expense, fees claims costs and liabilities, including but not limited to, attorneys fees and costs of litigation ansmg out of this Agreement except for those ansing out of the acts or onussions of the owner of the Wal Mart Tract or its employees, agents contractors or invitees 22 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which in the aggregate shall constitute one and the same instrument [Signatures Follow] Inst 1 276670 Book 2186Paye 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above Appr!,v by only WAL MAPT LEGAL DEPT Date I ,los State of Arkansas County of Benton WAL MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust (///� By U� /rl 141e 0 Robert M Bedard Its Assistant Vice President Wal-Mart' 11 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5_ day of �J — 2005 by Robert M Bedard, an Assistant Vice President of Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust a Delaware statutory trust, on behalf of the trust (Seal and Expiration Date) VAC. , a > , C,� Gyl Notary Public LA URI ANN L000 NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OF ARKANSAS BENTON COUNTY My Canri=on Ewes June 1 2014 In t 1 276670 Book 2186Page 28 �e�p^'C� 'r f«s�tNOTA B.LI t'rGrr tleo\�i LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, LLC an South Carolina limited liability company By WRS Inc A South Carole Corpomt By, t elm Name r V Its �da� STATEOF S OLVO11114 COUNTY OF —1b e 11 I Ili un^ IUf...l d, a Notnry Pyit pL(Fe af,c,pd County and Slate do hereby certify dui L7f �'Qr�as �/tC@ i'ff5 ('PyIf of WRS Inc a South Carohma corpomaon the m ager of Word Retail Invesnnem LLC a South Carohne limited liability company personally appeared before me tlus day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalfof the company ���/' W imcss my hand and official stamp or scat do,6 1 day of J R 1l (' 20aE mission Fx lice p �y Cplmnh�slon FyF4es Septen bsr 2s, [uw Seal] STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK The Foregoing (or annexed) Cerlificate(s) of LAURI ANN LUGO, BARBARA C REEVES Notary(tes) Public is (are) Certified to be Correct 8th July 2005 This Instrument was filed for Registration on this Day of r � T— in in the Book and page shown on the First Page hereof T � !il 1_ p R013EAT J RO I SON, Register of Deeds Inst 9 176610 Book 2186Pdge 29 This map is not a certified survey and has not been review by a local government agency for compliance with any applicable i; land development regulations T o is Inst ! 116670 Bwk 11861?d9e 38 This map is not a certified survey and has not been review by a local government agency for compliance with any applicable land development regulations Iicit 1 276670 Book 2186Page 31 Legal Description of Wal-Mart Parcel All of those certain tracts or parcels of land situate and being in Brunswick County, State of North Carolina being shown and designated as Wal Mart Tract and Future Lease Area Gas Lot on a Survey Entitled ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey for Leland Retail Investment L L C and Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust prepared by Freeland & Associates, Inc, dated April 4, 2005, last revised on June AL, 2005, and further shown on a map entitled Subdivision Plat for Leland Retail Investment L L C ' prepared by Freeland & Associates, Inc , dated April 4, 2005, last revised on June _),\ 2005, and recorded in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds in Map Book 32 Pages _51getW5 and SIS and being more particularly described as follows WAL-MART TRACT Commencing at NCGS monument Abutment 1975 , located in the State of North Carolina Brunswick County, USGS quad of Leland, thence S 30-54 57 E for 17,615 03 feet to an von pin located at the intersection of the southern right of way of US Highway 17 (Ocean Highway) (340 Public R/W) and the western right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza (100 Access & Utility Easement) thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34 58-25 E for 754 58 feet to an iron, thence S 50 01-57 W for 13 64 feet to an iron pin thence S 39-58-03 E for 60 00 feet to an von pin, thence N 50-01-57 E for 27 33 feet to an iron pin, thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 320 00 feet, an arc length of 132 29 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 18 17 30 E for 131 35 feet to an iron pin, said pin being the Point of Beginning, thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 320 00 feet, an arc length of 8 98 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 05-38 42 E for 8 98 feet to an iron pin, thence S O4-50-30 E for 205 16 feet to an iron pin, thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of 430 00 feet an arc length of 184 12 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 17-06-32 E for 182 72 feet to an iron pin, thence S 29 22 34 E for 58 96 feet to an iron pin, thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 670 00 feet, an arc length of 155 78 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 2242 55 E for 155 43 feet to an iron pin located on the northern right of way of West Gate Drive (60 Private R/W), thence along said right of way S 70-56 30 W for 67 40 feet to an iron pin thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 370 00 feet, an are length of 125 35 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 79-36 42 W for 124 76 feet to an iron pin, thence S 89-19-03 W for 62 96 feet to an von pm, thence along a curve to the left having a radios of 348 02 feet, an arc length of 297 27 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 64 50-48 W For 288 32 feet to an von pin, thence S 40 22 34 W for 20 46 feet to an iron pin, thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 370 00, an arc length of 106 78 and a chord bearing and distance of S 48 38 38 W for 106 41 feet to an von pin, thence S 56-54 41 W for 140 52 feet to an iron pin, thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 280 00 feet, an arc length of 421 04 and a chord bearing and distance of N 80-00-36 W for 382 48 feet to an von pun thence N 36-55 53 W for 92 92 feet to an iron pin, thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 340 00 feet an arc length of 284 66 and a chord bearing and distance of N 60 58 08 W for 276 41 feet to an iron pin, thence leaving said right of way along the common line of River Wind Holdings, LLC (Deed Book 1153, Page 192) and WH Grathwol & Nathan Sanders (Deed Book 1920, Page 1228) N 05-03 57 E for 202 86 feet to an iron pin thence N 69-51 07 W for 181 05 feet to an von pin thence N 35 00-36 W for 151 07 feet to an iron pin located on the southern right of way of New Pointe Blvd (50 Private R/W), thence along said right of way N 54 57-27 E for 200 00 feet to an iron pin, thence N 54 57 31 E for 256 97 feet to an iron pm thence N 34-58-42 W for 49 85 feet to a point, thence along the north right of way of New Pointe Blvd Extension (50 Public R/W to be dedicated) N 54-54 50 E for a total of 891 53 feet to a point thence N 09 55 23 E for 29 73 feet to a point thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34-58-25 E for 98 07 feet to a point thence N 80-04 37 W for 38 25 feet to a point, thence along the south right of way of New Pointe Blvd Extension S 54 55-23 W for 341 35 feet to a point, thence along the common line of the Shops Tract S 35-04 37 E for 40 53 feet to a point, thence S 54 55 23 W for 59 01 feet to a point thence S 35-04 37 E for 601 04 feet to a point, thence N 54-55 23 E for 407 46 feet to a point being the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 25 859 acres or 1 126 444 square feet FUTURE LEASE AREA GAS OUTLOT lost Y 276610 nouk ?I8GP,9, 32 Commencing at NCGS monument "Abutment 1975", located in the State of North Carolina, Brunswick County, USGS quad of Leland, thence S 30 54-57 E for 17,615 03 feet to an von put located at the intersection of the southern right of way of US Highway 17 (Ocean Highway) (340 Public R/W) and the western right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza (100' Access & Utility Easement), thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34-58 25 E for 324 43 feet to an von said pin being the Point of Beginning thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34-58 25 E for 172 96 feet to a point thence along the common line of the Shops Tract S 54 55 24 W for 163 50 feet to a point, thence N 35 04-40 W for 180 39 feet to a point, thence N 09 55- 23 E for 27 73 feet to a point, thence N 54-55-23 E for 117 16 feet to a point, thence S 80-04 37 E for 38 25 feet to a point being the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 0 738 acres, 32,177 square feet Inst p 2I6670 Book 2186Page 33 EXHIBIT if - Legal Description of Seller Parcel All of those certain tracts or parcels of land situate and being in Brunswick County, State of North Carolina being shown and designated as Outlots and Shops Tract on a Survey Entitled A LTA/ACSM Land Title Survey for Leland Retail Investment L L C and Wal-Mart Real Estate Busi ess Trust prepared by Freeland & Associates, Inc , dated April 4, 2005, last revised on June 0 , 2005 and further shown on a map entitled Subdivision Plat for Leland Retail Investment L L C prepared by Freeland & Associates Inc , dated April 4 2005, last revised on June ?�, 2005, and recorded in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds in Map Book 3AA Pages 519 and EI5 and being more particularly described as follows OUTLOTS Commencing at NCGS monument 'Abutment 1975' , located in the State of North Carolina Brunswick County, USGS quad of Leland thence S 30 54-57 E for 17,615 03 feet to an iron pill located at the intersection of the southern right of way of US Highway 17 (Ocean Highway) (340 Public R/W) and the western right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza (100 Access & Utility Easement), said pin being the Point of Beginning thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34-58 25 E for 226 36 feet to a point, thence along the north right of way of New Pointe Blvd Extension (50 Pnvate R/W to be dedicated) S 09 55-23 W for 29 73 feet to a point, thence S 54 54 50 W for 891 53 feet to a point, thence along the common line of Cross Creek Land Co (Deed Book 1646 Page 256) N 34-58-42 W for 249 74 feet to an iron pin located on the southern right of way US Highway 17 (Ocean Highway), thence along said right of way N 54- 55 28 E for 801 21 feet to an iron pin, thence N 64-25 42 E for 4 87 feet to a right of way monument thence N 55 40 13 E for 106 52 feet to the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 5 221 acres 227 430 square feet SHOPS TRACT Commencing at NCGS monument Abutment 1975 , located in the State of North Carolina, Brunswick County USGS quad of Leland, thence S 30 54 57 E for 17,615 03 feet to an iron pin located at the intersection of the southern right of way of US Highway 17 (Ocean Highway) (340 Public R/W) and the western right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza (100 Access & Utility Easement), thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34 58 25 E for 497 39 feet to an iron pin being the Point of Beginning, thence S 34 58 25 E for 257 20 feet to an iron pin, thence S 50 01 57 W for 13 64 feet to an iron pm thence S 39 58-03 E for 60 00 feet to an iron pin, thence N 50-01 57 E for 27 33 feet to an iron pin thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 320 00 feet, an arc length of 132 29 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S I8-17-30 E for 131 35 feet to a point thence leaving said right of way S 54-55 23 W for 407 46 feet to a point, thence N 35-04-37 W for 60104 feet to a point, thence N 54-55-23 E for 59 01 feet to a point thence N 35 04-37 W for 40 53 feet to a point on the south right of way of New Pointe Blvd Extension (50 Private R/W to be dedicated) thence along said right of way N 54-55-23 E for 224 19 feet to a point thence S 09 55 23 W for 27 73 feet to a point, thence S 35 04-40 E for 180 39 feet to a point thence N 54-55-24 E for 163 50 feet to a point being the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 5 483 acres or 238,857 square feet Blurt icY County--RrNtister of Deeda Robert J Robinson Inst #337336 Book 2415Page 1026 06/23/2006 12:23 23prn Rec#�2�js/G3 5TOTALa@�LREV _ TC#—',12_ REC# CKAMT�CWIW4' CASH REF _BY-12,5_ Leland, NC Store #4273 When recorded return to Troutman Sanders LLP 434 Fayetteville Street Mall Suite 1100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 1 t in r 0 0 u7 FIRST AMENDMENT TO EASEMENTS WITH COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AFFECTING LAND THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made as of the 11�1 day of Mtn 2006, between WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust ("Wal-Mart") and LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C , a South Carolina limited liability company ("Developer") WITNESSETH WHEREAS Wal-Mart and Developer entered into that certain Easements with Covenants and Conditions Affecting Land ("ECR ) dated July 5, 2005, which is recorded on July 8 2005 with the Brunswick County NC Register of Deeds at Book 2186, Page 19, and WHEREAS, Wal-Mart and Developer desire to provide for a further subdivision of the Outparcels (as defined in the ECR) NOW, THEREFORE for and in consideration of the premises, easements, covenants conditions restrictions and encumbrances contained herein the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the ECR is hereby amended as follows Exhibit C to the ECR is hereby replaced with Exhibit C-1 a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference Irut N 337336 Book 2415Page 1027 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment the day and year first written above WAL-MART REAL E TATE BUSINESS TR , a gelaware tutory trust 1 By QhnCla k wna Vice President "Wal-Mart" Ap e rtr s only S7 A FE OF ARKANSAS by _ V� LEGAL DEPT COUNTY OF BENTON G - - __ _4;L3r1v4 I, 2_qr Q r Ar-,Z 1(a# , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certtty that John E Clarke, g personally known to me, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Regional Vice President, of Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust a Delaware statutory trust, and that he, as Regional Vice President, being authorized to do so and as the act of the company on behalf of said trust voluntarily executed the foregoing for the purposes stated therein Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this /8 day of _JA, 2006 My Commission Expires q11 //'/ (NO1 ARY SEAL) =as DLEY LIC° ton Countyes 41112014 v wLa NoAry Public Printed Name (0 7/rl r a C BYcaQ/� T Inst N 337336 Book 2415Page 1028 LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C , a South Carolina limited lability company By WRS, Inc a South CarQlma corporation, Its Manaar / 0 STATF OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF AIKEN Arthur i KeDes, the Vice I Susan L Hogue, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Arthur f Kepes, being personally known to me, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Vice President of WRS Inc a South Carolina corporation, the Manager of Leland Retail Investment L L C , a South Carolina limited lability company and that he, as Vice President being authorized to do so voluntarily executed the foregoing on behalf of said corporation and limited liability company for the purposes stated therein / Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this " " day of i„ 2006 Notary Kublic Printed Name Susan L Hogue My Commission Expires October 14, 2007 (NOTAR,Y,SEAL) Inst # 337336 Book 2415Page 1029 EXHIBIT C-i (Developer Tract and Outparcels legal description) SHOPS TRACT All that certain tract or parcel of land situate and being in Brunswick County State of North Carolina, being shown and designated as Shops Tract on a Survey Entitled "ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey for Leland Retail Investment L L C and Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust' prepared by Freeland & Associates, Inc , dated April 4, 2005 last revised on June 29, 2005 and further shown on a map entitled Subdivision Plat for Leland Retail Investment, L L C prepared by Freeland & Associates, Inc , dated April 4, 2005 last revised on June 27, 2005, and recorded in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds in Map Book 32 Pages 514 and 515 and being more particularly described as follows Commencing at NCGS monument `Abutment 1975 located in the State of North Carolina, Brunswick County USGS quad of Leland thence S 30-54-57 E for 17,615 03 feet to an iron pm located at the intersection of the southern right of way of US Highway 17 (Ocean Highway) (340' Public R/W) and the western right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza (100' Access & Utility Easement), thence along the right of way of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34-58-25 E for 497 39 feet to an iron pm being the Point of Beginning, thence S 34-58-25 E for 257 20 feet to an iron pin thence S 50-01-57 W for 13 64 feet to an iron pin, thence S 39-58-03 E for 60 00 feet to an iron pm thence N 50-01-57 E for 27 33 feet to an iron pm, thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 320 00 feet, an arc length of 132 29 feet and a chord bearing and distance of S 18-17-30 E for 131 35 feet to a point, thence leaving said right of way S 54-55-23 W for 407 46 feet to a point thence N 35-04-37 W for 601 04 feet to a point thence N 54-55-23 E for 59 01 feet to a point thence N 35-04-37 W for 40 53 feet to a point on the south right of way of New Pointe Blvd Extension (50 Private R/W to be dedicated), thence along said right of way N 54-55-23 E for 224 19 feet to a point thence S 09-55-23 W for 27 73 feet to a point thence S 35-04-40 E for 180 39 feet to a point thence N 54-55-24 E for 163 50 feet to a point being the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 5 483 acres or 238 857 square feet OUTPARCELS All those certain tracts or parcels of land situate and being in Brunswick County, State of North Carolina, being shown and designated as Outlot No I, Outlot No 2, Outlot No 3, and Outlot No 4 on a map entitled 'Subdivision Plat for Outlots of Leland Retail Investment, L L C' prepared by Freeland & Associates Inc dated January 24 2006 and recorded in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds in Map Book 35 Page 36 and being more particularly described as follows Outlot I Beginning at an iron pin located on the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway— 340' right-of-way) and the southwestern of Ocean Gate Plaza (100 Access and Utility Easement), thence along the southwestern of Ocean Gate Plaza S 34-58-25 E for 226 36 feet to an iron pin, thence along the northwestern right-of-way of New Pointe Boulevard Extension (50 right-of-way), S 09-55-23 W for 29 73 feet to an iron pin thence S 54-54-50 W for 210 86 feet to an iron pin, thence along the common line of Outlot 2 N 34-58-42 W for 249 61 feet to an von pm located on the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway) thence along said right-of-way, N 54-55-28 E for 120 55 feet to an iron pin thence N 64-25-42 E for 4 87 feet to a right-of-way monument thence N 55-40-13 E for 106 52 feet to the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 1 319 acres more or less 4 Inst # 337336 Book 2415Page 1030 Outlet 2 Commencing at an iron pin located on the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway — 340' right-of-way) and the southwestern of Ocean Gate Plaza (100' Access and Utility Easement), thence along the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway), S 55-40-13 W for 106 52 feet to a right-of-way monument, thence S 64-2542 W for 4 87 feet to an iron pin thence S 54-55-28 W for 120 55 feet to an iron pin being the Point of Beginning Thence along the common line of Outlet 1, S 34- 58-42 E for 249 61 feet to an iron pin, thence along the northwestern right-of-way, of New Pointe Boulevard Extension (50 right-of-way), S 54-54-50 W for 225 00 feet to an iron pin, thence along the common line of Outlet 3 N 34-58-42 W for 249 65 feet to an von pin located on the southeastern right- of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway) thence along said right-of-way, N 54-55-28 E for 225 00 feet to the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 1 289 acres more or less Outlot 3 Commencing at an von pin located on the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway — 340 i ight-of-way) and the southwestern of Ocean Gate Plaza (100' Access and Utility Easement) thence along the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway), S 55-40-13 W for 106 52 feet to a right-of-way monument thence S 64-25-42 W for 4 87 feet to an von pin thence S 54-55-28 W for 345 55 feet to an von pin being the Point of Beginning Thence along the common line of Outlot 2, S 34- 58-42 E for 249 65 feet to an von pm thence along the northwestern right-of-way of New Pointe Boulevard Extension (50 right-of-way), S 54-54-50 W for 227 00 feet to an von pin, thence along the common line of Outlot 4, N 34-58-42 W for 249 69 feet to an von pun located on the southeastern right- of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway) thence along said right-of-way N 54-55-28 E for 227 00 feet to the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 1 301 acres, more or less Outlet 4 Commencing at an von pin located on the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway — 340 right-of-way) and the southwestern of Ocean Gate Plaza (100' Access and Utility Easement), thence along the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway), S 55-40-13 W for 106 52 feet to a right-of-way monument thence S 64-25-42 W for 4 87 feet to an von pin thence S 54-55-28 W for 572 55 feet to an von pin being the Point of Beginning Thence along the common line of Outlet 3, S 34- 58-42 E for 249 69 feet to an von pm thence along the northwestern right-of-way of New Pointe Boulevard Extension (50 right-of-way) S 54-54-50 W for 228 66 feet to 4n von pin, thence along the common line of Cross Creek Land Company (Deed Book 1646, page 256) N 34-58-42 W for 249 74 feet to an von pun located on the southeastern right-of-way of US Hwy 17 (Ocean Highway), thence along said right-of-way N 54-55-28 E for 228 66 feet to the Point of Beginning Said tract contains 1 310 acres more of less P 1 FILE MODE -------------- 887 MEMORY TX * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( MAR 31 2005 1 46PM ) * * * TTI NCDENR WIRO OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) /R^T PAGE h REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER 9-18642975187 E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F Easley, Governor Date 3/30/05 To David Graffws Company Gray Engineering FAX # 864-297-5187 FAX COVER SHEET P 4/4 William G Ross, Jr„ Secretary No. of Pages. 4 (Incl Cover) From: Paul Bartlett Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #. 910-350-2004 Phone #. 910.395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 050316 Project Name: Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC MESSAGE David, A Request for Additional Information is attached for the referenced project The original will be mailed to Mr. Kepes, and a copy will be mailed to you J /1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F Easley, Governor Date 3/30/05 To David Graffius Company Gray Engineering FAX # 864-297-5187 William G Ross, Jr, Secretary FAX COVER SHEET No of Pages 4 (Incl Cover) From Paul Bartlett Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number SW8 050316 Project Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC MESSAGE David, A Request for Additional Information is attached for the referenced project The original will be mailed to Mr Kepes, and a copy will be mailed to you ENB\ptb S\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2005\050316 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405-3945 Telephone (910) 395-3900 FAX (910) 350 2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer AiF9 Michael F Easley, Governor QG William G Ross, Jr, Secretary 7 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 Alan W Klimek P E Director g Division of Water Quality March 30, 2005 Mr Arthur Kepes, Manager WR of Leland, LLC 2361 South Centennial Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Subject Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC Brunswick County Dear Mr Kepes The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC on March 30, 2005 A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review IV,1/ Please provide a copy of the certification that WR of Leland, LLC has registered with the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State and that Arthur Kepes is registered as an authorized agent for WR of Leland, LLC Please provide signed originals of the application, wet detention basin V supplements, and off -site system supplement 3 Please clarify Drainage Area #2 The application lists an area of 10 5 acres and the drawings and calculations list 10 24 acres 4 Please add a third column to the drainage area table of Section III 6 of the application and list information for Drainage Area D1 (drainage to off -site detention pond, Stormwater Permit #SW8 990807) A marked copy is attached for your use �5' Please add the impervious area for Area C4 in the Drainage Area 1 column, "Off - site" row of Section III 6 of the application The listed drainage area of 24 1 acres appears to include Area C4, but the impervious area for C4 needs to be listed in X/ w� the 'Off -site" row in the lower table It appears that the "Proposed Impervious f ° Area" and "% Impervious Area" rows in the upper table and the "Total" Impervious Surface Area row in the lower table change as a result of adding C4 P v_6-"� Please report all built -upon areas in square feet on the application 7 -- Please provide a copy of the proposed deed restrictions for the "Future Lease ✓ Area" to include all required conditions and limitations i Please modify Pond #2 to include a 10'-wide vegetated shelf with a 6 1 slope or flatter at the perimeter of the permanent pool, as provided for Pond #1, and modify all drawings and calculations accordingly North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395 3900 Customer Servicet 877-623 6748 One Wilmington Regional Once Wilmington NC 28405 3845 FAX (919) 733 2496 Internet h2o enr state nc us NorthCarol/ma An Equal OpportumtylAfiirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycledl10% Post Consumer Paper Na[{i Wall y Mr Arthur Kepes March 30, 2005 Stormwater Application No SW8 050316 9 / Please correct the overall length dimension for the east strip mall building on Drawing No CV-1 A, sheet 8 of 20 It appears the dimension should be 225' instead of 100' Calculations don't appear to be impacted Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 6, 2005, or the application will be returned as incomplete The return of a protect will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215 1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6A Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided Copies are not acceptable if you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900 Sincerely, al ` 7, [� Paul T Bartlett, P E Environmental Engineer ENB/ptb S\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2005\050316 cc David J Graffius, P E , Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc Paul T Bartlett, P E Page 2 of 2 2 If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit list the exist'^g permit number NIA and its lss, a date (lf kno%n) N/A 3 Specify the type of project (check one) _Low Density X High Density _Redevelop _General Permit _Other 4 Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks) _CAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control _404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1 877 623 6748 III PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below summarize how stormwater will be treated Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project Two permanent on site wet detention ponds will provide permanent water quality and detain the 2, 10 and 25-year storm events The full Stormwater Management and Sedimentology Report is attached 2 Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the 3 Total Project Area37 29 5 How many drainage areas does the project have?. Cape Fear River basin 4 Project Built Upon Area 68 6 Complete the following Information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage areas in the project attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Jackeys Creek Jackeys Creek Receiving Stream Class C. w C Sw Drainage Area 24 1 Acres S 10 5 Acres S Existing Impervious Area 0 Acres U S O S Proposed Impervlous Area Acres S 8 0 Acres 5 % Impervious* Area (total) .73e/o' 76% Impervious Surface Area Drainage Area i Drainage Area 2 On -site Buildings 41,850 sf t 0 Acres 203,818 sf (4 7 Acres On site Streets 0 5 Acres 0 Acres D J On site Parking 15 2 Acres / s Y 2 5 A,-wrJ 5 On -site Sidewalks 0 8 Acres (p 8 Acres S Other on site 0 Acres) 0 Acres) o S� Off -site C,49rAcres 5 Acre S Total Acre S Total 3 Impervious area is dented as the bud[ upon area including but not limited to sidewalks gravelareas etc �5.. 0 r4-7 r i-c ckvct .-t- �-c -f. Je�1",(' .-i r c- Lof5 e i `j!1 Form S W U 101 Version 3 99 Page 2 of 4 buildings roads parking areas 4r� .P i� ✓,r y Creel C _ /cz ;EcFt 23� O 7/ ccd 6� o ezc D i 7f 00z W1 61" �W C)9����� GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. E° April 18, 2005 Paul T Bartlett, P E NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 910 395 3900 RE Stormwater Management Permit Application Stormwater Project No SW8 050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center Town of Leland Brunswick County, North Carolina GEC No 240073-D Dear Mr Bartlett Enclosed please find the following for your review and approval for the above referenced project d , I One (1) copy of the revised sheet CV-2 A�o� tte�q • One (1) copy of the revised calculations from the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Report l In reply to the review letter from you to Mr Arthur Kepes dated April 11 2005, we offer the following point by point response to each of the review comments Comment I In our calculations, we assumed Area C4, an off -site area that drams to a ditch on the subject property, to have no impervious area, as existing conditions indicate As such no impervious area was included in our calculations Per our phone conversion on April 12, 2005, we have revised the plans to disconnect this flow from our pond system A pipe and ditch system has been added from the existing discharge point on our site to the existing ditch along the right rear of the site Please review the plans and information and should you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me directly We would greatly appreciate your prompt response and look forward to receiving your approval 0 ✓M iv,^o� c�cS fly `f` y �l Sincerel t AY ENGI ERMG C NSULTANTS, INC 1 «( _ nF 4 Q S le Young 7 Enclosure cc Mr Arthur Kepes n�J Mr Bo Murphy /✓ (/, KMY/kmy RECEIVED 240073-20050418-NCDENRdoc APR 19 2009 BY�w 6 6141 04/18/2005 09 29 8642975187 GRAY ENGINEERING PAGE 01/02 GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Paul T Bartlett, P E NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office NC Division of water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 336 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, NC 27602 9 i o 395 3900 Dear Mr Bartlett April 19 2005 Poet -it' Fax Note 7671 m PA�i- BRRi Levil MIYL*�V °o'°ei" WATeR duAL ENSw Pirono a 10 315 3900 Pnona r $6 q 291 3mZrt FU0 10 350 ZOe14 Faxn 844 ZT7 511i'7 RE Stormwater Management Permit Application Stormwater Project No SW8050316 Proposed Retail Shopping Center Town of Leland Brunswick County, North Carolina GEC No 240073-D Enclosed please find the following for your review and approval for the above referenced project • One (1) copy of the revised sheet CV 2 One (1) copy of the revised calculations from the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Report In reply to the review letter from you to Mr Arthur Kepes dated April 11 2005, we offer the following point by point response to each of the review comments Comment 1 In our calculations, we assumed Area C4, an off -site area that drains to a ditch on the subject property, to have no impervious area as existing conditions indicate As such, no impervious area was included in our calculations Per our phone conversion on April 12, 2005 we have revised the plans to disconnect this flow from our pond system A pipe and ditch system has been added from the existing discharge point on our site to the existing ditch along the right roar of the site Please review the plans and information and should you have any questiooa or comments do not hesitate to contact me directly We would greatly appreciate your prompt response and look forward to receiving your approval Enclosure cc Mr Arthur Kepes Mr Bo Murphy KMY/kmy 240073-20050418•NCDENR doc Sincerely, GRAY ENGINEERING CON LTANTS, INC K614 Young RECEIVED 5 8ypp c� 5_" `C73/� BY %� 04/18/2005 09 29 8642975187 GRAY ENGINEERING PAGE 02/02 w wrio / NZ lolp- A' m tyo � \1� �y 31 '�� r ____� ♦ � pIZ 31 � Zp lZ 31 1 1 1 A ♦♦ f^ 1 rh -70 1 c� ♦♦ C i 1 -M� ♦1♦ O 1 1 d o e .♦, fTt z %% Ttl ♦ �' 7p I Developed Flow to Structures Structure No Area IS Area AC Coefficient TOC (t,) I Rainfall 10 YR In/hr Flow 10 YR cis Inlet Capacity cfa Entrance min In Pipe min + — IOUTFALL#AO AO OUTLET JHW Al 10500 024 090 698 Oil 725 1 57 8 7 50 A2 13250 030 090 686 0 12 725 198 B 7 50 A3 22000 051 090 669 017 725 330 B 7501 A4 11500 026 090 653 016 725 1 72 B 750 A5 30500 070 090 622 0 17 725 467 B 7 50 A6 17750 041 090 592 029 725 266 D 780 A7 6000 014 090 585 007 725 090 D 780 A8 1800 004 090 512 074 725 027 D 780 A9 1 75 090 500 012 725 1142 A 2000 A10 24500 056 090 615 029 725 367 1 8 750 All 37000 085 090 680 035 725 554 B 750 Al2 76250 1 75 090 500 080 725 1142 2B 1500 A13 27750 064 090 577 0 52 725 4 16 B 750 A14 32250 074 090 500 077 725 483 B 750 A 15 25750 059 085 603 049 725 364 B 750 A16 28750 066 085 555 048 725 407 B 750 A17 35750 082 090 500 055 725 636 A 2000 A18 35500 081 090 568 050 725 532 B 750 A19 45000 1 03 090 500 0 68 725 674 B 750 620 2700 0 06 0 90 5 12 073 7 25 0 40 D 780 A21 i 75 090 5 00 012 7 25 11 42 A 20 00 A22 1 75 090 500 012 1 725 1 1142 A 2000 - OUTFAL'L'#BOi 1 BO OUTLET H W 81 15000 034 090 500 725 2 25 D 780 82 24250 056 085 500 725 343 D 780 B3 14000 032 085 500 725 198 D 780 B4 17000 039 085 Soo 725 241 D 780 85 21000 048 080 500 725 280 D 780 B6 27000 062 090 500 725 404 B 750 B7 - 33000 076 090 500 725 494 B 7 50 + OUTFALL #C01 I' CO OUTLET H W Cl 180001 041 085 1 500 1 1 725 1 255 O 780 C2 2300 1 005 080 500 1 1 725 1 031 1 D 7 80 C3 1 16300 1 037 085 500 1 1 725 1 231 1 D 780 -- I 70UTFALL#DOi h+s' i 1 �++ DO I EX SD I 1 1 1 JEX S D1 1 72775 1 167 1 090 1 1 17 25 10 90 2D 15 60 +OUTFALL #E01 I' EO I OUTLET H W El 117250 2 69 0 90 600 725 1 1756 1 D 780 E2 56000 1 29 090 5 00 7 25 839 D 880 E3 7900 018 1 090 500 725 118 1 D 980 E4 1 39750 1 091 1 090 500 1 7 25 596 1 C '^ rr 1, t+ � OUTFALW#F01` FO OUTLET H W F1 SD MH1 725 367 C F2 24500 1 056 090 500 7 25 3 67 D 7 80 F3 11000 1 025 090 600 1 7 25 1 65 1 D 1 880 GO OUTLET E D 01 POND 1 090 1 1 725 1 3555 1 O S I OUTFALL'1#D01 + - HD OUTLET E D H1 POND 090 1 1 725 1 3006 1 0 S RE C lF+ TN TG D APR z 2 2005 �S"WB �3iG v \�\\\ N I C A R 0 e. QFSS/U(�� !.n\ SEA KMY 240073 WMI SDcaIcS Now Design XLS 4122120 5 mil, M4 7°Yvn Recommended Pipe SizelSlope From To Cumulative Flow (Q+°) cis Pipe Size in Velocity (V°) (fps) Actual Slope % Actual Capacity (Q°) cis Q > Q °? i4 OUTFAL'L'4AO AO At AO 10638 48 1693 060 111 2 YES A2 Al 104 80 48 1668 060 111 2 YES A3 A2 102 82 48 1636 060 111 2 YES A4 A3 6990 42 12 71 050 71 1 YES A5 A4 4306 36 914 050 47 1 YES A6 A5 3849 36 817 040 422 YES A7 A6 3583 36 760 033 383 YES A8 A7 1169 24 372 033 130 YES A9 AS 1142 24 363 033 130 YES A70 A3 2063 24 657 085 208 1 YES All A10 1696 24 540 067 185 1 YES Ail All 1142 24 364 050 160 YES A13 A3 899 18 381 100 105 YES A14 A13 483 15 246 100 65 YES A15 A4 1307 24 4 16 085 208 YES A16 AlS 942 18 400 085 97 YES A17 A16 536 18 227 050 74 YES A18 A4 1206 24 384 050 160 YES A19 A18 674 18 286 050 74 YES A20 A7 11 1 24 3 76 050 160 YES A21 A20 111% 24 363 033 130 YES A22 A7 11 42 24 3 63 033 130 YES 1OUTFALL4B0, SO B1 BD 21 85 24 6 95 095 220 YES B2 81 1960 24 6 24 080 202 YES 63 82 1617 24 515 055 168 YES B4 B3 1419 24 462 050 160 YES B5 B4 11 78 24 3 75 050 160 YES 86 B5 899 18 381 075 91 YES B7 86 494 15 252 075 56 YES CO C1 CO 516 1 24 1 164 1 065 182 YES C2 I Cl 1 261 1 24 083 050 160 YES C3 C2 231 15 1 17 050 46 YES 'r "OUTFAL'V4D01 Do 61 DO 1 1090 1 18 1 463 1 1 10 11 0 YES 0 TFALL74E01 - s EO Et EO 2322 24 10 53 2 50 35 8 YES E2 E7 1553 24 494 115 242 YES E3 I E2 7 14 1 18 303 1 1 00 105 YES E4 E3 595 18 263 1 1 00 1 106 YES 10UTFAL'L,4F01 "' I FO F1 1 FO 1 532 1 18 1 226 1 1 YES F2 F1 532 1 18 1 226 1 1 S F3 F2 165 1 18 1 070 1 100 1 105 YES tOUTFALL 4DO' I GO G1 GO 3555 36 1 764 1 050 1 47 1 YES 3 r' OUTFAL'L 4D01 HO H1 HO 3005 1 36 1 638 050 1 47 1 YES KMY 240073 Whll SDCalcs New Design XLS 412V2005 S TORM DRAIN SCHEDULE FROM TO LENGTH FT PIPE I DIA SLOPE IN % INVERT ELEVATION INFL END EFFL END FT FT AO Al AO 110 48 060 1616 1550 A2 Al 118 48 060 1687 1616 A3 A2 170 48 060 1789 1687 A4 A3 123 42 050 1850 1789 A5 A4 94 36 050 1897 1850 A6 A5 143 36 040 1955 1897 A7 A6 34 36 033 1966 1955 A8 A7 165 24 033 2020 1966 A9 A8 26 24 1 033 2029 2020 A10 A3 114 24 085 1886 1789 All A10 114 24 067 1962 1886 Al2 All 175 24 050 2050 1962 A13 A3 120 18 100 1909 1789 A14 A13 114 15 100 2023 1909 A15 A4 123 24 085 1955 1850 A16 A15 116 18 085 2053 1955 A17 A16 75 18 050 2091 1 2053 A18 A4 114 24 050 1907 1850 A19 A18 117 18 050 1966 1907 A20 A7 165 24 050 2048 1966 A21 A20 26 24 033 2057 2048 A22 A7 1 26 24 033 1974 1966 - OUTFALL#BO BO Bt BO 65 24 095 1662 1600 B2 B7 194 24 080 1817 1662 63 B2 135 24 055 1891 1817 B4 B3 100 24 050 1941 1891 B5 B4 89 24 050 1986 1941 B6 B5 101 18 075 2061 1986 B7 B6 118 15 075 21 50 2061 _ - -- OUTFALL #CO_ _ _ t- co Ct CO 94 24 0 65 20 61 TO00 C2 C7 120 24 0 50 21 21 2061 C3 I C2 1 160 1 15 1 050 1 2201 1 21 21 STRUCTURE NO TYPE INLET TOP WEIR ELEV ELEV BTM ELEV DEPTH FT) AO H W 1550 Al B 2450 2450 1616 834 A2 B 2430 2430 1687 743 A3 6 2400 2400 1789 611 A4 B 2430 2430 1850 580 A5 B 2430 2430 1897 533 A6 D 2540 2490 1955 586 A7 D 2540 2490 1966 574 A8 D 2640 2590 2020 620 A9 I A 2583 2500 2029 554 A10 B 2400 2400 1886 514 All B 2400 2400 1962 438 Al2 2B 2400 2400 2050 351 A13 B 2400 2400 1909 491 A14 B 2400 2400 2023 377 A15 B 2400 2400 1955 445 A16 B 2400 2400 2053 347 A17 A 2483 2400 2091 392 A18 B 2430 1 2430 1907 1 523 A19 I B 2430 2430 1966 464 A20 D 26 40 25 90 2048 592 A21 A 2583 2505 1 2057 526 A22 A 2583 2500 11 1974 609 �.._OUTFALL #BO_ _ _ _ _- _ B0� H W� 1600 B1 D 2400 2350 1662 738 B2 D 2430 2380 1817 613 B3 D 2500 2450 1891 609 134 D 2500 2450 1941 559 B5 D 2500 2450 1986 5 14 B6 B 2460 2460 2061 399 B7 B 2450 2450 21 50 300 ----=`OUTFALL#CO" J CO H W 20 00 Cl D 2490 2440 20 61 429 C2 1 D 2550 1 2500 1 2121 429 C3 I D 2550 1 2500 1 2201 349 KMY 240073 WMI JDwJ o-Ntw De igfIXLS 4122/2005 r S TORM DRAIN SCHEDULE FROM TO LENGTH FT PIPE DIA IN SLOPE % I INVERT ELEVATION INFL END FT EFFL END FT DO D1 I DO I 1 18 1 110 ."':g' =L='- ` —OUTFALL #EO-7 7� ' " z EO E1 EO 36 24 250 i690 1600 E2 Et 181 24 115 7898 1690 E3 E2 146 18 1 001 0 44 1898 E4 E3 43 18 1 QO 2087 2044 £'=..7;a-' -=,-LM. —,'ZOUTFALL FO FI FO i 41 18 2 50 1653 1550 F2 F1 1 168 18 1 50 1905 1653 F3 F2 104 18 1 1 00 2009 1905 OUTFALC#GO:,.4._ =_��-:`.''.-.i."...i� GO G1 GO 70 36 050 1550 1515 HO- - - - - - H7 HO 140 36 050 1 1600 1530 STRUCTURE NO TYPE INLET TOP WEIR ELEV ELEV BTM ELEV DEPTH (FT) m -,--OUTFALL #DO®- DO EX SD ' Dt 2D 2500 24 50 "'-OUTFALL#EQ�K—`=' -- - - H W 1600 D 24 50 24 00 i6 90 760 IE3 D 24 70 2142220 18 98 572 D 2450 2400 2044 4O6 C 2540 20 87 I 4 53 .�, ALL #FD:.�i.� '. FO H W 1550 Ft C 2470 16 53 818 f2 D 2320 2270 19 Oo 416 F3 I D 2450 2400 2009 442 "` a —----OUTFALL#G0='7 "=-< GO HW 1515 G1 O S 1550 µ HO H W 1530 H1 OS 1600 KMY 240073 WM1 SDeaics New Design %LS 41MMS �i State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F Easley, Governor Date 4/11/05 To David Graffius Company Gray Engineering FAX # 864-297-5187 William G Ross, Jr, Secretary FAX COVER SHEET No of Pages 3 (Incl Cover) From Paul Bartlett Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number SW8 050316 Project Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC MESSAGE David, A Request for Additional Information is attached for the referenced project The original will be mailed to Mr Kepes, and a copy will be mailed to you /'�"J �- z�0(�" ENB\ptb S\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2005\050316 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington NC 28405-3845 Telephone (910) 395-3900 FAX (910) 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 1=71ER 31?p/�\ �11Ud llS V L1J/1S V JS���S 1�� E G C� GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 3 Kyle Young (Ext 13) TO NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office 123 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28045 910 395 3900 ATTN CAMERON WEAVER, Permit Cood Express Permitting DATE 03/30/OS G E C JOB# 240073-D RE PROPOSED RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER US 17 AND WEST GATE DRIVE LELAND, NORTH CAROLINA WE ARE TRANSMITTING SHOP DRAWINGS X PLANS SOIL RESULTS LETTER SUBMITTALS SPECIFICATIONS COST ESTIMATE SEE DETAIL PRINTS ATTACHED CALCULATIONS CHECK MAILED VIA UNITED STATES MAIL OVERNIGHT NEXT AFTERNOON BY HAND OVERNIGHT NEXT MORNING 2N° DAY DELIVERY COURIER SERVICE AS CHECKED BELOW FOR APPROVAL X PRELIMINARY REVIEW & COMMENT APPROVED AS SUBT FOR YOUR USE FOR CONSTRUCTION BID DOCUMENTS APPROVED AS NOTED FOR FIELD USE AS REQUES FED PERMIT REVISE & RESUBMIT QTY REVISION NO DESCRIPTION 3 E REVISED CVj & CV A (PER CAROL MILLER'S COMMENTS 03/29/05 1 ORIGINAL REVISED SWU 101, 102,106 2 ORIGINAL REVISED FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM Cameron, The included revised plan sets are for your review and approval Please respond to our office with any questions Thank you Kyle Young kyoung@grayengmeertng com DISTRIBUTION FILE 240073-20050330-NCDENR doc DISTRIBUTION SIGNED 132 Pilgrim Road • Greenville, S C 29607 Phone (864) 297-3027 • Fax (864) 297-5187 GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. March 22, 2005 Cameron Weaver Express Permit Coordinator RECEIVED North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Land Quality and Division of Water Quality MAR 2 4 2005 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension BY j{ 0jp7J�� Wilmington, NC 28405 RE Request for Plan Approval Proposed Retail Shopping Center Highway 17, Town of Leland Brunswick County, North Carolina GEC#240073D Dear Mr Weaver Per our recent discussions, enclosed please find the following package for your express review and approval for the above referenced project for stormwater and erosion and sedimentation control • Two (2) copies of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Grading and Drainage Plans (Sheets ES-1, ES - IA, CV-2, CV-2A, CV-7, CV-8, CV-9) • Two (2) copies of the Stormwater Management and Sedimentology Report which includes the detailed narrative, calculations and permanent water quality calculations • One (1) original signed copy of the Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form • One (1) original and one (1) copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form (101) • One (1) original and one (1) copy of the Wet Detention Basin Supplement (102) • One (1) original and one (1) copy of the Off -Site System Supplement (106) • ACE documentation for the project • Once (1) copy of the S WPPP specifications • Two checks in the amount of Eight Thousand One Hundred Twenty ($8,120 00) Dollars made out to NCDENR for all review fees • $1,700 00 Land Disturbance Fee based on $50/disturbed acres x 34 acres $4,000 00 Express Land Disturbance Review Fee • $420 00 Stormwater Review Fee $2 000 00 Express Stormwater Review Fee Please review the plans and information and should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me direct We would greatly appreciate your prompt response and look forward to receiving your comments Sincerely, Y ENGINE ERING CONSULTANTS, INC VI�J �614C,A�FiIIJ Fndotiure cc Bo Murphy WRS Realtv Inc DIG/dIg o-closet\240073\05g10317 doe 132 Pilgrim Road - Greenville, South Carolina 29607 Phone (864) 297-3027 - Fax (864) 297-5187 RRb, IqL .-Wachovia Bank NA ` ' Columbia SC 29226 P 0 Rur 7339 _ � � _ 411"ii SC 29404 67776 00j1 649-1a l l 532 . DATE - CHECK NO AMOUNT March 14, 2005 5595 $******5,700 00 Pay ************************Five thousand seven hundred dollars and no cents PAY NCDENR TO THE ORDER OF '00000559Sim STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND SEDIMENTOLOGY REPORT For The Proposed RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER Along Ocean Highway (US Hwy 17) Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina Prepared for WR of Leland, LLC 2361 South Centennrtal Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Prepared by Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 March 17, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Description Soils Hydrology and Hydraulic Conditions Site Location Map Site Vicinity Map Sit Aerial Map Pre -Development Conditions Post -Development Conditions Storm Drain and Rip -Rap Outlet Stabilization Design Sedimentology Erosion and Sedimentation Control Devices 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 1 e I H I U I k I I r I Tables Table I Pre -Development Peak Flow Summary 5 Table II Post -Development Pond No 1 Peak Flow Summary 5 Table III Post -Development Pond No 2 Peak Flow Summary 6 Table IV Post -Development Total Peak Flow Summary 5 Table V Trapping Efficiency for Sediment Basins 6 Appendices APPENDIX A Pre -Development Conditions Map Pre-Dev Conditions SEDCAD Calculations Pre-Dev Curve Number Determination Precipitation Figures APPENDIX B Post -Development Conditions Map Post-Dev Conditions SEDCAD Calculations Post Dev Curve Number Determination Pond Volume Calculations APPENDIX C Wet Detention Pond Design Pond 1 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Pond 1 Wet Detention Pond Design Pond 2 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Pond 2 APPENDIX D Storm Drainage Map Storm Drainage Design Riprap Outlet Protection Map Riprap Outlet Protection Design Buoyancy Calculations Emergency Spillway Calculations APPENDIX E Temporary Sediment Basins Map Sedimentology SEDCAD Calculations Temporary Sediment Trap Calculations Soils Map Soils Data I STORMWATER MANAGEMENT and SEDIMENTOLOGY REPORT PROPOSED RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER TOWN OF LELAND, BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ' Project Description WR of Leland, LLC is proposing the construction of a Retail Shopping Center development to be located in the Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina The site is located on a 37 30 acre tract of land along the southern side of Ocean Highway (US Hwy 17), located southwest of downtown Leland Refer to the Site Vicinity Map and the Site Location ' Map The existing ground cover consists of a combination of open area, wooded and brushy area, and wetland area The site is generally very flat, and sits at or below the highway I I I I I I I I I 11 The project will consist of the construction of approximately 240,000 square feet of building area and associated road improvements, parking, drives, two wet stormwater detention facilities, landscaping, and development of four outparcels This stormwater management report considers the pre -development and the post -development conditions for the entire project site The stormwater detention facilities were sized for the post -development conditions that assume the full build -out of all the proposed development, including the outparcels The total disturbed area for this project will be approximately 34 acres, no wetlands will be disturbed Upon completion, approximately 68% of the development will consist of impervious area, and the remainder will be grassed and landscaped Sods The site soils are generally composed of three types of soils, Foreston, Lynchburg, and Norfolk, according to data obtained from Brunswick County Soils are typically classified as loamy fine sand and classified in Hydrologic Soil Groups B and C Refer to the Soils Map and the Soil Survey of Brunswick County, North Carolina, by the USDA, issued November 1976 Hydrology and Hydraulics The proposed development's site stormwater management plan has been designed such that the post -development peak runoff rates are less than the pre -development peak runoff rates for the 2-, 10-, and 25-year storm events The emergency spillways have been designed to handle the post -development 100-year storm events NOAA Rainfall datum specific to the site was used The SEDCAD 4 method of analysis was utilized to produce the pre- and post - development peak runoff rates All data and computations reported in the following narrative and presented in the Appendices reflect the SEDCAD 4 method of analysis Refer to Appendix A for pre -development calculations and Appendix B for post -development calculations 11 t i I I I G rl I I [1 I� I I NORTH j I I I ' I II I \ I I I I I / i i SITE VICINITY MAP RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina Not to Scale I F LJ u I I I 7 I I I [1 I_ I I =USM7 km W of Wilmington, North Carolina, United States 01 Jul 1990 IL 4.�JI 7 l ' ' 1- �:- c 6 i �f t y r —L `lye 1 .... 0' '1F m 0' SMi bite 1 Opograpnlc Map Town of Leland Brunswick County North Carolina i I I 17 I i 1 1 =LJ=6- km W of Wilmington, North Carolina, United States 06 Mar 1993 TV 'v raft ,5 gy U .r�ti` ,.. �i i t � l y 1(tN1jpTL t I Site Aerial Ma Town of Leland Brunswick County, North Carolina A Pre -Development Conditions ' Under pre -development conditions, the site drains to two general outlets The first outlet is a small ditch that runs north -south along the eastern side of the property This ditch features a small wetland area at the rear edge of the site, which crosses a under a proposed road via a 24" ' CPP This outlet drains two-thirds of the existing site The second outlet is a small ditch in the western portion of the site Both ditches ultimately drain to the wetland areas surrounding Jackeys Creek, part of the Cape Fear River Basin There is a limited off -site area of approximately 2 5 acres contributing to the site's watershed It drains under an existing gravel road bordering the property and into a ditch at the edge of the property This ditch drains to the same wetland area that is part of Jackeys Creek Also, an additional outlet has been provided for ' the northwest portion of the site, labeled as lot Nos 8 and 9 Existing storm drainage is in place to drain the two lots to an existing detention pond southwest of West Gate Drive ' The watershed area under pre -development conditions is approximately 25 4 acres for the eastern outlet (Pre-Dev Area No 1) and 8 0 acres for the western outlet (Pre-Dev Area No 3) ' An additional theoretical area of 2 6 acres (Pre-Dev Area No 4) has been considered for the northwest portion of the site Detention for lot Nos 8 and 9, which are part of this development, has already been constructed as part of a previous development of this site The existing ' detention pond provides for the 85% impervious development of lot Nos 8 and 9 Supporting hydrologic data and pre -development calculations for the shopping center project can be found in the Appendix A Table I Pre -Development Peak Flow Summary LJ I PRE -DEVELOPMENT PEAK FLOW SUMMARY STORM EVENT PRECIPITATION PRE-DEV AREA PRE-DEV AREA PRE-DEV TOTAL NO 1 OUTFLOW NO 3 OUTFLOW OUTFLOW (YEAR) (IN) CFS) (CFS) (CFS 2 45 1422 1484 2906 10 70 3905 3023 6928 25 81 1 5152 1 3725 8877 100 100 1 7442 1 4947 12389 Post -Development Conditions Under post -development conditions, there are two (2) permanent on -site wet detention ' facilities designed to detain the increased runoff from the proposed development Detention Pond No 1 will drain all the proposed outparcels (including full build -out), the parking areas, and the retail shops Detention Pond No 2 will drain the large retail store and parking area at the ' western edge of the site These ponds will outlet to energy dissipaters situated in a slight sump area above the existing ditch and wetland area in the rear of the property ' Post development flows for the existing storm drainage outlet at the northwest comer of the property, Area No 4, are lower than pre development flows because the impervious area equals 62% which is less than the maximum 85% designed This area, which includes Lot No 8 and No 9, has detention already provided to the southwest of the property The calculations for the post -development drainage areas account for the build -out of this development Supporting hydrologic data and post -development calculations can be found in the Appendix B Table I1 Post -Development Pond No 1 Peak Flow Summary POST -DEVELOPMENT POND NO 1 PEAK FLOW SUMMARY STORM EVENT (YEAR) PEAK FLOW TO POND CFS PEAK OUTFLOW FROM POND CFS MAXIMUM WATER SURFACE ELEVATION 2 7232 922 1956 10 11854 3555 21 29 25 13868 7463 21 86 100 1 17326 149,01 22.20 TOP OFDIKE =2300 ES CREST =2125 TOP OFRISER =2000 PERM POOL EL=1550 Table III Post -Development Pond No 2 Peak Flow Summary POST -DEVELOPMENT POND NO 2 PEAK FLOW SUMMARY STORM EVENT YEAR PEAK FLOW TO POND CFS PEAK OUTFLOW FROM POND CFS MAXIMUM WATER SURFACE ELEVATION 2 3366 1048 1972 10 5371 3005 2096 25 6247 4381 21 29 100 7754 62.86 21.70 TOP OFDIKE =2300 ES CREST=21 00 TOP OFRISER =2000 PERM POOL EL=1600 Table IV Post -Development Total Peak Flow Summary POST -DEVELOPMENT COMBINED PONDS PEAK FLOW SUMMARY STORM EVENT POST-DEV COMBINED POND PRE-DEV TOTAL (YEAR) OUTFLOW OUTFLOW (CFS) CFS 2 1883 2906 10 5650 6928 25 8761 8877 100 16923 12389 I 1 11 I n L 11 F L ',I Storm Dram and Rip -Rap Outlet Stabilization Design Refer to the site Grading and Storm Drainage Plan for the pond location, grading, and layout configuration of the stormwater collection and conveyance system The stormwater conveyance system was designed using the Rational method The 10-year stone for Brunswick County, North Carolina has a rainfall intensity of 7 25 inches per hour and was used for design Also, inlet capacity calculations were completed to ensure proper sizing of inlets per their individual drainage area The np-rap outlet stabilization was sized based on the 10-year design flow determined at each pipe outfall Refer to Appendix C for additional information Sedimentology In order to control sediment runoff during construction, the permanent on -site stormwater detention basins will be used as sediment basin Two additional temporary sediment traps will be constructed at existing outlets at the edge of the property to control sedimentation As shown in Table V below, the sediment basins all exceed a minimum trapping efficiency of 90% for the 10-year storm event The temporary sediment traps and basins are designed for 1800 ft3 of storage per disturbed acre In addition to the sediment basins, best management practices such as silt fencing, directional berms, inlet protection, stone check dams, nprap outlet protection, and construction exits (stone mud -mats) will be used Refer to Appendix D for sedimentology calculations Table V Trapping Efficiency for Sediment Basins SEDIMENT BASIN TRAPPING EFFICIENCY NO 1 (PERM POND 1) 92 0% NO 2 (PERM POND 2) 90 5% NO 3 (TEMP SED POND) 91 0% Erosion and Sedimentation Control Devices Construction Exits Two (2) construction exits will be installed as per the plans and details They will be located at either ends of New Point Blvd at the main exits from the site It will be necessary to monitor and replace or repair this exit as needed The contractor will place barriers at all other entrances to local roads to control traffic entering and exiting the site These barriers will be maintained until the site is stabilized 2 Temporary Berms and Ditches Temporary berms and ditches will be placed along property boundaries, disturbance limits, and bordering wetland areas These ditches will allow sediment -laden runoff to be directed to sediment traps or basins These barriers will provide added sedimentation protection I 3 Silt Fencine Rows of silt fencing will be installed at the base of all fill slopes, along property ' boundaries, and next to wetland areas This barrier will provide added sedimentation protection Silt fencing is also required around all topsoil stockpiles 4 Storm Dram Inlet Protection As added projection, anywhere there is a storm structure inlet proposed, inlet protection in the form of silt fencing, inlet traps, or block and gravel will be installed to filter any sediment from entering the storm drain system 5 )wrap Outlet Protection Anywhere there is a storm outfall, properly sized riprap aprons shall be installed to reduce flow velocity, minimize sediment -laden runoff and reduce erosion ' The project will generally consist of two (2) phases of construction Phase One shall ' consist of contractor mobilization, demolition, immediate clearing only to install all initial temporary erosion control devices as shown on the Phase One Plan These measures include construction exits, silt fencing, berms, intercepting channels, temporary ditches, sediment traps and sediment basins Phase Two shall include the following grading the building pad, constructing main fill slopes, installing storm drainage and all other utilities, conversion of the sediment basins to permanent detention ponds, improving/widerang roadways, and bringing the asite to final stabilization as shown on the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Refer to the Appendices for all calculations and refer to the detailed Grading and Storm ' Drainage Plans and Miscellaneous Details for all specific details, notes, and the construction sequences L L 1 1 I I I APPENDIX A ' PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS MAP ' PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS SEDCAD CALCULATIONS AREAS NO 1 AND NO 3 PRE -DEVELOPMENT CURVE NUMBER DETERMINATION ' PRECIPITATION DATA FOR 2, 10, 25 AND 100-YEAR STORMS C r I I I I I �., A .�I ��j "/ ��/` ^y�yKW'Y�r y.y�..�5. -_ =-.—t-�...._ _-✓ �lyyT \_'YaF=�•��-�Y) � -�_ —�- _- r v \ _ �- � � ^v-x-� + .v �A ,� �h1 'w-�'- _• .n.t��ue_u�,u'�—s1' `_tnM �n�u.A.r..v u�� �� . � y l i �M u� sW ru o,d • ��5j� _ 4 K'y\y4 �� \ \ 4�ry�� '?4�i � /•��, � s u �n � I� u Y ••' Y u iR ^~` 1__. _ L NEW P INTE BLVD. it o -- • �� �� u aY - - J 4 N�i r lop Equ f 4 9 PIT ey15114SG 7�A NiO- 3 70 WeT rl\ f a�, JAIJ�y \ ¢` 'At � Sw DS ME7iArp �UM� Y�y4i s M Z4" X tsT►4 C- C,,uLv eo-`vl P R-o f?Os ED 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L6-r,-I.,A►49 t,JC. ►JOT?o SC.A LIS 'PR.E-DfdE1,oPMfAT CoaDltloNS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r, ­hf loon P­1. i c, h ,ten GEC No. 240073 Pre -Development Conditions AREA No. 1 Kyle M Young Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone 864-297-3027 Email dgraffus@grayengineering com Filename 240073-Pre Areal sc4 Printed 03-14-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- nnbr 1009 Oemnla 1 cnh —. 1 1 1 1 1 i General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 2 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth 4 500 inches 2 Filename 240073-Pre-Areal sc4 Printed 03-14-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows rnn nnm l oon 0o 1. 1 G,h, rah Structure Summary: Immediate Total Peak Total Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac ft) # 1 25 380 25 380 1422 241 N Filename 240073 Pre -Areal sc4 Printed 03-14-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- —n , IQQA Gamny I cne ah Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: SVu SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (cfs) (ac ft #1 1 25 380 0 736 0 000 0 000 62 000 F 5152 7 686 5' 25 380 ,. 5152 7 686 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru # SWS # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Horiz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) #1 1 3 Short grass pasture 050 500 1,00000 0 560 0 496 6 Grassed waterway 073 800 1 10000 1 270 0 240 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 736 C Filename 240073 Pre Areal sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 Filename 240073 Pre Areal sc4 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 10 000 inches 2 Printed 03 14 2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows -- —M icon o„oaio I c.n on Filename 240073 Pre Areal sc4 Structure Summary: Immediate Total Total Contributing Contributing pihagekRunoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (cfe) (ac ft) # 1 25 380 25 380 7442 1093 4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows 1 1 I C I 1 1 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (cfs) (ac ft #1 1 25 380 0 736 0 000 0 000 62 000 F 7442 10 926 25 380 7442 10 926 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru # SwS # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) #1 1 3 Short grass pasture 050 500 1,00000 0 560 0 496 6 Grassed waterway 073 800 1 10000 1 270 0 240 #1 1 Time of Concentrabon 0 736 G 1 Filename 240073 Pre Areal sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 GEC No. 240073 Pre -Development Conditions AREA No. 3 Kyle M Young Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone 864-297-3027 Email dgraffius@grayengineering com Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows rnn nnm IQQA 0-1n I Qrh mF General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 2 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 4 500 inches 2 Filename 240073 Pre-Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Structure Summary: Immediate Total Total Contributing Contributing Runoff Area Area Dischakge Volume (ac) (ac) (ds) (ac ft) # 1 7 960 7 960 1484 1 11 4 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows 1 1 1 1 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) Number (hrs) (cfs) (ac ft) # 1 1 7 960 0 091 0 000 0 000 70 000 F 14134 1 110 E 7 960 1484 1 110 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru # SWS # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Hortz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) # 1 1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 320 400 12500 0 450 0 077 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 120 600 50000 9 850 0 014 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 091 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 I Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ( — —n . I QA eamda I Q,F —F General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 7 000 inches 2 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ram.. —,a Iooa 0-1. 1 c,h .� Structure Summary: Immediate Total Total Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (Cfs) (ac ft) # 1 7 960 7 960 3023 240 4 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r--Fl,o.A P—i.I C,.—. Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (cfs) (ac ft) # 1 1 7 960 0 091 0 000 0 000 70 000 F 3023 2 400 E 7 960 3023 2 400 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru # SWS # land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Horiz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) # 1 1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 320 400 12500 0 450 0 077 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 120 600 50000 9 850 0 014 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 091 0 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —h. Iaon 0-1. 1 0.e oe General Information Storm Information; Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 8 100 inches 9 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 so4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —ti L oan o-1. i c.n ue Structure Summary: Immediate Total Total Contributing Contributing Peak Runoff Area Area Discharge Volume (ac) (ac) (cis) (ac ft) # 1 7 960 7 960 3725 302 4 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Panted 03 14 2005 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) Number (hrs) (ffs) (ac ft) # 1 1 7 960 0 091 0 000 0 000 70 000 F 3725 3 018 E 7 960 3725 3 018 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru # SWS # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Horiz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) # 1 1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 320 400 12500 0 450 0 077 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 120 600 50000 9 850 0 014 #1 1 Time of Concentrabon 0 091 a Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r--.11... 0-1. 1 Crh alp General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 10 000 inches 2 Filename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— ..per 1... o-1. i q,� oh Structure Summary: Immediate Total peak Total Contributing ContriArea butingDischarge Runoff Volume (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac R) # 1 7 960 7 960 4947 413 I Filename 240073 Pre Area3 so4 Printed 03 14 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -H,00a P-i. i o-F .ti 1 1 1 1 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (cfs) (ac R) #1 1 7 960 0 091 0 000 0 000 70 000 F 4947 4 129 7 960 4947 4 129 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru # SWS # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist (ft) (R) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) #1 1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 320 400 125 00 0 450 0 077 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 120 600 50000 9 850 0 014 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 091 C Rlename 240073 Pre Area3 sc4 Printed 03 14 2005 JOB NAME JOB NUMBER PAGE NO PROPOSED LARGE RETAIL CENTER LELAND INC 240073 D JOB DESCRIPTION BV OATE PRE —DEVELOPMENT AREA DJG 03/14/05 I f I ' I I 1 ( 1 I I ' I i f ' ' I SOIL TYPE JACKEYS CREEK (HYDROLOGIC GROUPS AND C) I { i i a i i PRE—DEV DRAINAGE AREA NO, 1 1 i I ' t 1 I l i f I I I I i l TYPE OF COVER j AACREAGE I CN VALUE WOODEDHSGB 1 I (1485AC� 1'551J OPEN SPACE HSG—C i 10 53 Act I71 WEIGHTED CN I 123 58 ACI I ' 162 I I I 1 1 Y I L_I I I I t I I I i PRE-DEV DRA'A jINAGEREA NO 1 2 TYPE OF COVER — —" -- ACREAGE— CN'VALUE WOODED HSG—'C ! 1 7 37 AC i 170 OPEN SPACE HSG''—C I 0 59 AC i 174 WEIGHTED CN 1796ACII 170 I ' `—I' I I ^1 f a I 1 1 f I i f I I f I Y I 1 a I 1 f 1 S [ I f I i I I Y i { f I I I ! f I { a E t 1 f I a I I f I ! GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC / 132 Pllunm Road / Greenville SC 29607 / 864 297 3027 1 1 1 1 1 13 Table 8 03b Runoff Curve Numbers (CN) Hydrologic Soil Group A B C D Land Use/Cover Cultivated land without conservation 72 81 88 91 with conservation 62 71 78 81 Pasture land ppoor condition 68 79 86 89 faircondition 49 69 79 84 good condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow good condition 30 58 (5 78 Wood or forest land Thin stand poor cover no mulch 45 ea. 7 83 Good stand good cover 25 5 0 77 Open spaces lawns parks golf courses cemeteries etc good condition grass cover on 75% or more of the area 39 61 ® 80 fair condition grass cover on 50 to 75% of the area 49 69 79 84 Commercial and business areas (85%impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial districts (72%impervious) 81 88 91 93 Residential r Development completed and vegetation established Average lot size Average % Impervious 1 /8 acre or less 65 77 85 90 92 1/4 acre 38 61 75 83 87 1/3 acre 30 57 72 81 86 1/2 acre 25 54 70 80 85 1 acre 20 51 68 79 84 2 acre 15 47 66 77 81 Paved parking lots roofs driveways etc 98 98 (5, 98 Streets and roads paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 gravel 76 85 89 91 din 72 82 87 89 Newly graded area 81 89 93 95 Residential Development underway and no vegetation Lot sizes of 1/4 acre 88 93 95 97 Lot sizes of 1/2 acre 85 91 94 96 Lot sizes of 1 acre 82 90 93 95 Lot sizes of 2 acres 81 89 92 94 1Curve numbers are computed assuming the runoff from the house and driveway is directed toward the street source USDA SCS 80310 Rev 11/93 m m m = = = m o = m m 3 55 44 T 2 year 1 day precipitation (inches) x 1. m riw. o xS So )S Im RAINFALL DATA MAP 3 35 35 35 Slc 5' 01 1 4 3 5 35 PZ=4-s 10 u,rz.0 a r.+ 10 year 1 day precipitation (inches) SON In Yliw 0 25 So 15 100 RAINFALL DATA MAP 46 48 5 52 54 56 58 ,I� f ` I l 011.1YrYI 1 l 4B 0. , f � f .. � w � � �� / � lO� � On \ YCOY [C. a �[[/ ' ��`V �♦ c I1. 1_ / `J°� f�`/ a d, o CCii �" 1 I _ Ohl 52 54 56 % � r 6 6 5 �% 2 Pam* 6 /_ 65 I 07 _T O � (� C 25 year 1 day precipitation (inches) A m 0 es x N Sob In Yllw (P m 0 tS 50 75 100 a a RAINFALL DATA MAP a 0 6 5 55 6 55 6 65 i �' —T- -- -—T----T-,° -�T a �. DK 5 'A ..ul la ° s �Eo°eco.esi . ,. ♦/ t. 6 1 0 _7 6 7 8 9 PC 6 6 5 �� .w. n. / uw. `Y � BS \✓ <a J / J . W � any* 8 P� F7,5 = O. [ It-1 8 5 13 m m m m m m m m m 0 m m m m m i m m m 00 T O b f.J c .+ m os � 0 100 year 1 day precipitation (inches) u 3 Swb In Ylln 0 0 .� 0 xs so n [oo m m RAINFALL DATA MAP a d 6 65 7 75 8 9 a _ _ 65•.�V `-� "�--1----1--I,,• Ifs» � �� _ �1' �! /°L/�� a »r » OSO 10 7 moo 10 B 7 6 9 \\ 9 % to P` Plao - 10 O Ifs Yll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS MAP POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS SEDCAD CALCULATIONS AREAS NO 1 AND NO 2 POST -DEVELOPMENT CURVE NUMBER DETERMINATION POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS PONDS NO 1 AND NO 2 SEDCAD 4 for Windows 1 1 i 1 1 1 Proposed Retail Shppina Center Town of Leland, North Carolina GEC No. 240073 Post -Development Conditions DRAINAGE AREA No. 1 Ponds No. 1 and No. 2 Per NCDENR DWQ Requirements Kyle M Young Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone 864-297 3027 Email dgraffius@grayenglneering com Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows l... 0-1. 1 Gh -n 1 I I I 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 2 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 4 500 inches 2 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows P— —n . I... 0-10 I cah—. 1 I I I Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk K (hrs) Musk X Description Pond #1 =_> #4 0 153 0 071 Post Dev Pond 1 Pond #2 =_> #4 0 125 0 075 Post Dev Pond 2 Null #3 =_> #4 0 000 0 000 Post Dev Wetland Area Null #4 =_> End 0 000 0 000 Outlet #3 Null fi #2 Pond #1 Pond #4 Null Structure Routing Details: Stru # land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity Time (hrs) (fps) #1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 123 190 15500 028 0 153 #1 Muskngum K 0 153 #2 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 141 190 13500 030 0 125 #2 Muskingum K 0 125 G Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— nH, loan P-1. I Gh ah 4 1 I� [1 1 1 1 I I 1 C t 1 1 Structure Summary: Immediate Total peak Total Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (Cfs) (ac ft) #3 1200 1200 131 0 12 In 33 66 3 16 #2 10 240 10 240 Out 1048 299 In 7232 703 # 1 24 110 24 110 Out 922 634 #4 0 000 35 550 1883 1031 1 Filename 240073 Post NEVVDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 11 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— ,.n woc 0-1. 1 o,K .� I r I I I I H Structure #3 (Nulls Post-Dev Wetland Area Structure #2 (Pond ) Post-Dev Pond 2 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 16 10 Initial Pool 0 03 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Di(n)ter (ft) Diameter Length (ft) (%) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per 6000 400 2400 14000 050 00120 2000 2 Pond Results Emeroencv Soillwa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2100 4000 300 1 300 1 3000 Peak Elevation 1972 Dewater Time 2 43 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (Bs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1600 0 340 0 000 0 000 1610 0 345 0 034 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1620 0 349 0 069 0 066 6 32* 1630 0 354 0 104 0 094 4 53* 1640 0 359 0 140 0 115 3 75* 1650 0 364 0 176 0 133 3 29* 1660 0 368 0 212 0 149 2 98* 5 Filename 240073-Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r,...���n� �oov oo�,vio i Gtiwan r r I I r I I Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 1670 0 373 0 250 0 163 290 16 80 0 378 0 287 0 176 265 1690 0 383 0 325 0 188 255 1700 0 388 0 364 0 199 2 40 17 10 0 393 0 403 0 210 230 1720 0 398 0 442 0 220 225 1730 0 403 0 482 0 230 2 15 1740 0 408 0 523 0 240 2 10 1750 0 413 0 564 0 249 2 00 1760 0 418 0 605 0 257 2 00 1770 0 423 0 648 0 266 195 1780 0 429 0 690 1 337 670 1790 0 434 0 733 1 785 0 80 1800 0 439 0 777 2 131 0 60 18 10 0 446 0 821 2 423 045 1820 0 454 0 866 2 681 035 1830 0462 0912 2915 040 1840 0 469 0 959 3 131 035 18 50 0 477 1 006 3 332 0 35 1860 0 485 1 054 3 521 030 1870 0 492 1 103 3 700 035 1880 0 500 1 152 5 532 025 1890 0 508 1 203 6 383 0 15 1900 0 516 1 254 7 067 0 15 19 10 0 524 1 306 7 663 0 15' 1920 0 533 1 359 8201 0 10 1930 0 541 1 413 8 696 0 15 1940 0 549 1 467 9 159 0 10 19 50 0 557 1 522 9 595 0 15 19 60 0 566 1 579 10 009 020 19 70 0 574 1 636 10 405 19 72 0 576 1 647 10 477 0 20 Peak Stage 19 80 0 583 1 693 10 784 1990 0 591 1 752 11 149 20 00 0 600 1 812 11 501 Spillway #1 20 10 0 608 1 872 11 842 2020 0 617 1933 12 173 2030 0 625 1995 12 495 20 40 0 633 2058 12 807 20 50 0 642 2 122 17 216 20 60 0 650 2 187 22 631 y 1 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Pnnted 03 16-2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows P— —Fl loan 0—.1. 1 crhwa6 7 i r I i I I I I I I 1 1 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2070 0 659 2 252 28 519 2080 0 668 2 319 29 630 2090 0 676 2 386 29 899 2100 0 685 2 454 30 164 Spillway #2 21 10 0 694 2 523 34 828 21 20 0 703 2 593 39 488 2130 0 712 2 663 44 147 2140 0 721 2 735 48 804 2150 0 730 2 808 53 458 21 60 0 739 2 881 58 111 2170 0 748 2 955 62 761 21 80 0 757 3 031 72 502 21 90 0 767 3 107 83 137 2200 0 776 3 184 94 623 22 10 0 785 3 262 108 037 2220 0 795 3 341 122 387 2230 0 804 3 421 137 644 2240 0 814 3 502 153 788 2250 0 823 3 584 170 801 2260 0 833 3 667 187 931 2270 0 843 3 750 205 836 2280 0 852 3 835 224 506 2290 0 862 3 921 243 934 2300 0 872 4 007 264 112 *Designates bme(s) to dewater-have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (d Emergency Spillway cfs p y ( ) Combined Totals) Discharge (cfs) 1600 0 000 0 000 0 000 1610 2 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1620 0 066 0 000 0 066 1630 0 094 0 000 0 094 1640 0 115 0 000 0 115 1650 0 133 0 000 0 133 1660 0 149 0 000 0 149 1670 0 163 0 000 0 163 H Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- n h, loon 0-1. 1 G,b o6 I I I O I 1 I 11 A I Elevation Pert Riser (ffs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1680 0 176 0 000 0 176 1690 0 188 0 000 0 188 1700 0 199 0 000 0 199 1710 0210 0000 0210 1720 0 220 0 000 0 220 1730 0 230 0 000 0 230 1740 0 240 0 000 0 240 1750 0 249 0 000 0 249 1760 0 257 0 000 0 257 1770 8 00>0 266 0 000 0 266 1780 1 337 0 000 1 337 1790 1 785 0 000 1 785 1800 2 131 0 000 2 131 18 10 2 423 0 000 2 423 1820 2 681 0 000 2 681 1830 2915 0000 2915 1840 3 131 0 000 3 131 1850 3 332 0 000 3 332 1860 3 521 0 000 3 521 1870 10 00>3 700 0 000 3 700 1880 5 532 0 000 5 532 1890 6 383 0 000 6 383 1900 7 067 0 000 7 067 1910 7 663 0 000 7 663 1920 8201 0 000 8201 1930 8 696 0 000 8 696 1940 9 159 0 000 9 159 1950 9 595 0 000 9 595 1960 10 009 0 000 10 009 1970 10 405 0 000 10 405 1980 10 784 0 000 10 784 1990 11 149 0 000 11 149 2000 11 501 0 000 11 501 2010 11 842 0 000 11 842 2020 12 173 0 000 12 173 2030 12 495 0 000 12 495 2040 12 807 0 000 12 807 2050 17 216 0 000 17 216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Structure #1 (Ponds Post-Dev Pond 1 Pond Inputs Elevation Perf Poser (cfs) Emergency Emergency (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 2080 29 630 0 000 29 630 2090 29 899 0 000 29 899 21 00 30 164 0 000 30 164 21 10 30 428 4 400 34 828 21 20 30 689 8 799 39 488 2130 30 948 13 199 44 147 2140 31 205 17 599 48 804 21 50 31 460 21 999 53 458 2160 31 712 26 398 58111 21 70 31 963 30 798 62 761 21 80 32 212 40 291 72 502 2190 32 459 50 679 83 137 2200 32 704 61 920 94 623 22 10 32 947 75 090 108 037 2220 33 188 89 198 122 387 2230 33 428 104 217 137 644 2240 33 666 120 123 153 788 2250 33 902 136 899 170 801 2260 34 136 153 795 187 931 2270 34 369 171 467 205 836 2280 34 601 189 905 224 506 2290 34 831 209 103 243 934 2300 35 059 229 053 264 112 Initial Pool Elev 1560 Initial Pool 0 09 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Poser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Diameter (ft) Diameter Length (ft) (ya) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per eng (in) (in) Elev 6000 4501 2400 7000 0501 00120 2000 2 Emergency SmIlway 0 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN s04 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —hl LOON Gamnla I Q,h an I Pond Results Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sldeslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2125 1000 300 1 300 1 5000 Peak Elevation 1956 Dewater Time 2 79 days Dewaternng time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1550 0 852 0 000 0 000 1560 0 858 0 086 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1570 0 865 0 172 0 149 6 97* 1580 0 871 0 258 0 211 4 97* 1590 0 878 0 346 0 259 4 09* 1600 0 884 0 434 0 299 3 56* 16 10 0 890 0 523 0 334 3 21 * 1620 0 897 0 612 0 366 2 95* 1630 0 903 0 702 0 395 2 75* 1640 0 909 0 793 0 423 2 59* 1650 0 916 0 884 0 448 250 1660 0 922 0 976 0 473 245 1670 0 929 1 068 0 496 230 1680 0 935 1 162 0 518 220 1690 0 942 1 255 0 539 2 15 1700 0 948 1 350 0 559 2 10 1710 0 955 1 445 0 579 205 1720 0 962 1 541 0 598 195 1730 0 968 1 637 0 616 1 90 1740 0 975 1 735 0 634 190 1750 0 981 1 832 0 652 185 1760 0 988 1931 1 732 1 10 1770 0 995 2030 2 188 1 55 1780 1 001 2 130 2 542 105 1790 1 008 2 230 2 843 085 1800 1 015 2 331 3 109 070 1810 1 022 2 433 3 351 070 1820 1 028 2 536 3 575 065 1830 1 035 2 639 3 783 060 10 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows rnn v.hr I0QA 0-1, I GF mh i I '1 l J 1 i Structure : 4 (Null) 1 Outlet L F1 11 i 1 1 1 1 Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency (cfs) Combined TotalSpillway Discharge (cfs) 2180 36 114 10 261 46 375 2190 36 384 54 015 90 399 2200 36 653 71 648 108 301 22 10 36 919 90 972 127 892 2220 37 184 111 987 149 071 2230 37 447 132 005 169 452 2240 37 708 156 719 194 426 2250 37 967 182 948 220 915 2260 38 224 210 644 248 869 2270 38 480 239 767 278 247 2280 38 734 270 281 309 015 2290 38 986 300 905 339 892 2300 39 237 332 765 372 002 14 1 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -F1 IGOP P-1. I G,h-a I 11 I 15 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac ft #3 1 1 200 0 165 0 000 0 000 63 000 F 131 0 120 1200 131 0 120 #2 1 10 240 0 051 0 000 0 000 93 000 F 3366 3 164 10 240 3366 3 164 #1 1 24 110 0 125 0 000 0 000 91 000 F 7232 7 028 24 110 7232 7 028 #4 E 35 550 1883 10 312 ' Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: 1 I I I I I Stru SWS Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) #1 1 7 Paved area and small upland 044 200 45000 1 340 0 093 gullies 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 090 900 1,00000 8 530 0 032 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 125 #2 1 7 Paved area and small upland 100 200 20000 2010 0 027 gullies 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 096 750 785 00 8 790 0 024 #2 1 Time of Concentration 0 051 #3 1 7 Paved area and small upland 200 250 12500 2 840 0 012 gullies 3 Short grass pasture 2000 400 2000 3 570 0 001 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 267 600 225 00 0 410 0 152 #3 1 Time of Concentration 0 165 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —H, I... 0-1. 1 C,F e6 r I I I CI r I I I I i 1 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 7 000 inches Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows rn -.+ l cap O-1. 1 c.h—h Structure Networking: Type Stru # (Flows into) Stru # Musk K (hrs) Musk X Description Pond #1 =_> #4 0 153 0 071 Post Dev Pond 1 Pond #2 =_> #4 0 125 0 075 Post Dev Pond 2 Null #3 =_> #4 0 000 0 000 Post Dev Wetland Area Null #4 =_> End 0 000 0 000 Outlet #3 Null #2 Pond #1 v Pond #4 Null Structure Routing Details: Stru # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) #1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 123 190 15500 028 0 153 #1 Muskingum K 0 153 #2 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 141 190 135 00 030 0 125 #2 Muskingum K 0 125 3 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03-16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows I I I 11 1 d I r7 L Structure Summary: Immediate Total Total Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (Cfs) (ac ft) #3 1200 1200 320 029 In 53 71 5 27 #2 10 240 10 240 Out 3005 509 In 11854 1193 # 1 24 110 24 110 Out 3555 11 18 #4 0 000 35 550 5650 1749 4 1 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sal Pnnted 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —H, a.. P-1. i o—n h Structure # 3 (Null ) Post-Dev Wetland Area Structure #2 (Pond ) Post-Dev Pond 2 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 16 10 Initial Pool 0 03 ac R Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel garret Barrel Slope Number of Diameter ft) ( Diameter Length R o g O (�0) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per (in) (m) Elev 6000 4001 2400 14000 050 00120 2000 2 Pond Results Emeraencv SDIllwa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (R) 2100 4000 300 1 300 1 3000 Peak Elevation 2096 Dewater Time 2 44 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac R) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1600 0 340 0 000 0 000 16 10 0 345 0 034 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1620 0 349 0 069 0 066 6 32* 1630 0 354 0 104 0 094 4 53* 1640 0 359 0 140 0 115 3 75* 1650 0 364 0 176 0 133 3 29* 1660 0 368 0 212 0 149 2 98* b'� Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sal Printed 03 16 2005 'SEDCAD 4 for Windows r" —hl loon o—i. i c.e ,oh I I [] �J [1 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac R) Discharge (cls) Dewater Time (hrs) 1670 0 373 0 250 0 163 285 1680 0 378 0 287 0 176 270 1690 0 383 0 325 0 188 255 1700 0 388 0 364 0 199 240 17 10 0 393 0 403 0 210 230 1720 0 398 0 442 0 220 220 1730 0 403 0 482 0 230 220 1740 0 408 0 523 0 240 205 1750 0 413 0 564 0 249 205 1760 0 418 0 605 0 257 200 1770 0 423 0 648 0 266 195 1780 0 429 0 690 1 337 485 1790 0 434 0 733 1 785 1 10 1800 0 439 0 777 2 131 070 1810 0 446 0 821 2 423 055 1820 0 454 0 866 2 681 0 50 1830 0462 0912 2915 050 1840 0 469 0 959 3 131 040 1850 0 477 1 006 3 332 040 1860 0 485 1 054 3 521 040 1870 0 492 1 103 3 700 045 1880 0 500 1 152 5 532 025 1890 0 508 1 203 6 383 020 1900 0 516 1 254 7 067 0 IS 19 10 0 524 1 306 7 663 0 15 1920 0 533 1 359 8201 0 10 1930 0 541 1 413 8 696 0 15 1940 0 549 1 467 9 159 0 10 1950 0 557 1 522 9 595 0 10 1960 0 566 1 579 10 009 0 10 1970 0 574 1 636 10 405 0 10 1960 0 583 1 693 10 784 0 15 1990 0 591 1 752 11 149 0 10 2000 0 600 1 812 11 501 0 10 Spillway #1 2010 0 608 1 872 11 842 010 2020 0 617 1933 12 173 010 2030 0 625 1995 12 495 0 10 2040 0 633 2058 12 807 0 15 2050 0 642 2 122 17 216 020 2060 0 650 2 187 22 631 005 2070 0 659 2 252 28 519 005 LI Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 2080 0 668 2 319 29 630 005 2090 0 676 2 386 29 899 2096 0 681 2 424 30 046 0 05 Peak Stage 2100 0 685 2 454 30 164 Spillway #2 21 10 0 694 2 523 34 828 2120 0 703 2 593 39 488 21 30 0 712 2 663 44 147 2140 0 721 2 735 48 804 21 50 0 730 2 808 53 458 21 60 0 739 2 881 58 111 21 70 0 748 2 955 62 761 21 80 0 757 3 031 72 502 2190 0 767 3 107 83 137 2200 0 776 3 184 94 623 22 10 0 785 3 262 108 037 2220 0 795 3 341 122 387 2230 0 804 3 421 137 644 2240 0 814 3 502 153 788 2250 0 823 3 584 170 801 2260 0 833 3 667 187 931 2270 0 843 3 750 205 836 2280 0 852 3 835 224 506 2290 0 862 3 921 243 934 23 00 0 872 4 007 264 112 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (ds) Emergency Spillway (ds) Combined Total Discharge (ds) 1600 0 000 0 000 0 000 1610 2 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1620 0 066 0 000 0 066 1630 0 094 0 000 0 094 1640 0 115 0 000 0 115 1650 0 133 0 000 0 133 1660 0 149 0 000 0 149 1670 0 163 0 000 0 163 7 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows [] F LI I r= u j J I 1 Elevation Perf wser (ds) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1680 0 176 0 000 0 176 1690 0 188 0 000 0 188 1700 0 199 0 000 0 199 1710 0210 0000 0210 1720 0 220 0 000 0 220 1730 0 230 0 000 0 230 1740 0 240 0 000 0 240 1750 0 249 0 000 0 249 1760 0 257 0 000 0 257 1770 8 00>0 266 0 000 0 266 1780 1 337 0 000 1 337 1790 1 785 0 000 1 785 1800 2 131 0 000 2 131 18 10 2 423 0 000 2 423 1820 2 681 0 000 2 681 1830 2915 0000 2915 1840 3 131 0 000 3 131 1850 3 332 0 000 3 332 1860 3 521 0 000 3 521 1870 10 00>3 700 0 000 3 700 1880 5 532 0 000 5 532 1890 6 383 0 000 6 383 1900 7 067 0 000 7 067 19 10 7 663 0 000 7 663 1920 8201 0 000 8201 1930 8 696 0 000 8 696 1940 9 159 0 000 9 159 1950 9 595 0 000 9 595 1960 10 009 0 000 10 009 1970 10 405 0 000 10 405 1980 10 784 0 000 10 784 1990 11 149 0 000 11 149 2000 11 501 0 000 11 501 20 10 11 842 0 000 11 842 2020 12 173 0 000 12 173 2030 12 495 0 000 12 495 2040 12 807 0 000 12 807 2050 17 216 0 000 17 216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r——.11..A 0-1n I Q,E —. Structure #1 (Pond1 Post-Dev Pond 1 Pond Inputs Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 2080 29 630 0 000 29 630 2090 29 899 0 000 29 899 2100 30 164 0 000 30 164 21 10 30 428 4 400 34 828 2120 30 689 8 799 39 488 2130 30 948 13 199 44 147 2140 31 205 17 599 48 804 21 50 31 460 21 999 53 458 2160 31 712 26 398 58 111 2170 31 963 30 798 62 761 2180 32 212 40 291 72 502 2190 32 459 50 679 83 137 2200 32 704 61 920 94 623 22 10 32 947 75 090 108 037 2220 33 188 89 198 122 387 2230 33 428 104 217 137 644 2240 33 666 120 123 153 788 2250 33 902 136 899 170 801 2260 34 136 153 795 187 931 2270 34 369 171 467 205 836 2280 34 601 189 905 224 506 2290 34 831 209 103 243 934 2300 35 059 229 053 264 112 Initial Pool Elev 1560 Initial Pool 0 09 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Diameter (ft) Diameter Length (ft) (%) Manning s n Spillway Elev Hales per (in) (in) Elev 6000 450 2400 7000 0501 00120 2000 2 Emergency Spillway 0 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sat Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ram.. —hf i c,h .h Pond Results Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2125 1000 300 1 300 1 5000 Peak Elevation 2129 Dewater Time 2 88 days Dewaternng time Is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 15 50 0 852 0 000 0 000 1560 0 858 0 086 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1570 0 865 0 172 0 149 6 97* 1580 0 871 0 258 0 211 4 97* 1590 0 878 0 346 0 259 4 09* 16 00 0 884 0 434 0 299 3 56* 16 10 0 890 0 523 0 334 3 21* 1620 0 897 0 612 0 366 2 95* 1630 0 903 0 702 0 395 2 75* 1640 0 909 0 793 0 423 2 59* 1650 0 916 0 884 0 448 2 46* 1660 0 922 0 976 0 473 240 1670 0 929 1 068 0 496 230 1680 0 935 1 162 0 518 225 1690 0 942 1 255 0 539 2 15 1700 0 948 1 350 0 559 210 17 10 0 955 1 445 0 579 200 1720 0 962 1 541 0 598 195 1730 0 968 1 637 0 616 195 1740 0 975 1 731 0 634 190 1750 0 981 1 832 0 652 180 1760 0 988 1 931 1 732 1 10 1770 0 995 2030 2 188 060 1780 1 001 2 130 2 542 050 1790 1 008 2 230 2 843 050 1800 1 015 2 331 3 109 095 1810 1 022 2 433 3 351 100 1820 1 028 2 536 3 575 080 1830 1 035 2 639 3 783 070 10 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— nhl IQQQ.—I. I cah oh I 1 M I 1 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 1840 1 042 2 743 3 980 065 1850 1 048 2 847 4 166 070 1860 1 055 2 952 5 407 055 1870 1 062 3 058 6 018 040 1880 1 068 3 165 6 519 035 1890 1 075 3 272 6 962 035 1900 1 082 3 380 7 366 030 1910 1 089 3 488 7 740 030 1920 1 096 3 598 8 092 030 1930 1 102 3 707 8 426 030 1940 1 109 3 818 8 744 030 1950 1 116 3 929 9 049 025 1960 1 123 4 041 9 342 025 1970 1 130 4 154 9 625 025 1980 1 137 4 267 9 899 030 1990 1 144 4 381 10 165 025 2000 1 151 4 496 10 423 025 Spillway # 1 2010 1 158 4 612 10 675 030 2020 1 166 4 728 10 920 030 2030 1 173 4 845 11 160 030 2040 1 180 4 962 12 319 040 2050 1 188 5 081 17 216 025 2060 1 195 5200 22 631 0 15 2070 1203 5 320 28 519 010 2080 1 210 5 440 33 288 010 2090 1 218 5 562 33 581 005 2100 1 225 5 684 33 872 010 21 10 1 233 5 807 34 160 010 2120 1 240 5 931 34 446 010 2125 1 244 5 993 34 588 0 10 Spillway #2 21 29 1 248 6 049 35 550 0 10 Peak Stage 2130 1 248 6 055 35 662 2140 1 256 6 180 37 809 2150 1 263 6 306 39 954 21 60 1 271 6 433 42 097 21 70 1 279 6 560 44 237 2180 1 286 6 689 46 375 2190 1 294 6 818 90 399 2200 1 302 6 947 108 301 22 10 1 311 7 078 127 892 2220 1 320 7 210 149 071 11 Filename 240073-Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —M loop 0-1. 1 Gh oh Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2230 1 328 7 342 169 452 2240 1 337 7 475 194 426 2250 1 346 7 610 220 915 2260 1 355 7 745 248 869 2270 1 364 7 881 278 247 2280 1 373 8 017 309 015 2290 1 382 8 155 339 892 2300 1 391 8 294 372 002 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1550 0 000 0 000 0 000 1560 3 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1570 0 149 0 000 0 149 1580 0211 0000 0211 1590 0 259 0 000 0 259 1600 0 299 0 000 0 299 1610 0 334 0 000 0 334 1620 0 366 0 000 0 366 1630 0 395 0 000 0 395 1640 0 423 0 000 0 423 1650 0 448 0 000 0 448 1660 0 473 0 000 0 473 1670 0 496 0 000 0 496 1680 0518 0000 0518 1690 0 539 0 000 0 539 1700 0 559 0 000 0 559 1710 0 579 0 000 0 579 1720 0 598 0 000 0 598 1730 0616 0000 0616 1740 0 634 0 000 0 634 1750 8 00>0 652 0 000 0 652 1760 1 732 0 000 1 732 1770 2 188 0 000 2 188 1780 2 542 0 000 2 542 12 Filename 240073 Past NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows u 11 I 11 Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1790 2 843 0 000 2 843 1800 3 109 0 000 3 109 1810 3 351 0 000 3 351 1820 3 575 0 000 3 575 1830 3 783 0 000 3 783 1840 3 980 0 000 3 980 1850 8 00>4 166 0 000 4 166 1860 5 407 0 000 5 407 1870 6018 0000 6018 1880 6519 0000 6519 1890 6 962 0 000 6 962 1900 7 366 0 000 7 366 1910 7 740 0 000 7 740 1920 8 092 0 000 8 092 1930 8 426 0 000 8 426 1940 8 744 0 000 8 744 1950 9 049 0 000 9 049 1960 9 342 0 000 9 342 1970 9 625 0 000 9 625 1980 9 899 0 000 9 899 1990 10 165 0 000 10 165 2000 10 423 0 000 10 423 20 10 10 675 0 000 10 675 2020 10 920 0 000 10 920 2030 11 160 0 000 11 160 2040 12 319 0 000 12 319 2050 17216 0000 17216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 2080 33 288 0 000 33 288 2090 33 581 0 000 33 581 2100 33 872 0 000 33 872 21 10 34 160 0 000 34 160 2120 34 446 0 000 34 446 21 25 34 588 0 000 34 588 2130 34 730 0 933 35 662 2140 35 011 2 799 37 809 2150 35 290 4 664 39 954 2160 35 567 6 530 42 097 2170 35 841 8 396 44 237 13 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows r——.11..A M-1. I C,H oh C I C] 171, 1 Elevation Perf Riser (ff Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Totals) Discharge (cfs) 2180 36 114 10 261 46 375 2190 36 384 54 015 90 399 2200 36 653 71 648 108 301 22 10 36 919 90 972 127 892 2220 37 184 111 887 149 071 2230 37 447 132 005 169 452 2240 37 708 156 719 194 426 2250 37 967 182 948 220 915 2260 38 224 210 644 248 869 2270 38 480 239 767 278 247 2280 38 734 270 281 309 015 2290 38 986 300 905 339 892 2300 39 237 332 765 372 002 Structure #4 (Null Outlet 14 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16-2005 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —.m 1°OG oamnm I C,e—K 15 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #3 1 1 200 0 165 0 000 0 000 63 000 F 3 20 0 290 E 1200 320 0 290 #2 1 10 240 0 051 0 000 0 000 93 000 F 53 71 5 266 10 240 5371 5 266 # 1 1 24 110 0 125 0 000 0 000 91 000 F 11854 11 932 24 110 11854 11 932 #4 35 550 5650 1.7488 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru SWS Land Flaw Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Horiz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) # 1 1 7 Paved area and small upland 044 200 45000 1 340 0 093 gullies 9 Small streams flowing bankfull 090 900 1 00000 8 530 0 032 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 125 #2 1 7 Paved area and small upland 100 200 200 00 2010 0 027 gullies 9 Small streams flowing bankfull 096 750 78500 8 790 0 024 #2 1 Time of Concentrat on 0 051 #3 1 7 Paved area and small upland 200 250 12500 2 840 0 012 gullies 3 Short grass pasture 2000 400 2000 3 570 0 001 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 267 600 22500 0 410 0 152 #3 1 Time of Concentration 0 165 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16-2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows p— —h, 1 ooa p- poi. 1 c,a .n Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 8 100 inches 2 Pnnted 03-16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk K (hrs) Musk X Description Pond #1 =_> #4 0 153 0 071 Post Dev Pond 1 Pond #2 =_> #4 0 125 0 075 Post Dev Pond 2 Null #3 =_> #4 0 000 0 000 Post Dev Wetland Area Null #4 =_> End 0 000 0 000 Outlet #3 Null #2 Pond #1 Pond #4 Null Structure Routing Details: Stru # Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist (ft) (ft) Velocity Time (hrs) (fps) #1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 123 190 15500 028 0 153 #1 Muskingum K 0 153 #2 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 141 190 13500 030 0 125 #2 Muskingum K 0 125 3 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— -H, I... 0-1. 1 Q/`H-K I 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 Structure Summary: Immediate Total Peak Total Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (ds) (ac ft) #3 1200 1200 414 037 In 62 47 6 20 #2 10 240 10 240 Out 4381 602 In 13868 1411 # 1 24 110 24 110 Out 7463 1335 #4 0 000 35 550 8761 2068 4 1 Filename 240073 Post NEVVDESIGN sal Pnnted 03 16 2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows P— —hr I QQA Gomnlo 1 Crh—h Structure ;t�3 (Null ) Post-Dev Wetland Area Structure e2 (Pond ) Post-Dev Pond 2 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 16 10 Initial Pool 003 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Riser Heigh[ Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Diameter (ft) Diameter Length (ft) (%) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per 6000 400 2400 14000 050 00120 2000 2 Pond Results Emeraencv Solllwa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2100 4000 300 1 3 00 1 3000 Peak Elevation 2129 Dewater Time 2 45 days Dewatenng time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 1600 0 340 0 000 0 000 16 10 0 345 0 034 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1620 0 349 0 069 0 066 6 32* 1630 0 354 0 104 0 094 4 53* 1640 0 359 0 140 0 115 3 75* 1650 0 364 0 176 0 133 3 29* 1660 0 368 0 212 0 149 2 98* Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 5 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —., i oav o—i. i c,n .n 1 �I I 1 1 I I I I Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac R) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 1670 0 373 0 250 0 163 290 16 80 0 378 0 287 0 176 2 70 1690 0 383 0 325 0 188 2 50 1700 0 388 0 364 0 199 240 17 10 0 393 0 403 0 210 2 35 1720 0 398 0 442 0 220 220 1730 0 403 0 482 0 230 2 15 17 40 0 408 0 523 0 240 2 10 1750 0 413 0 564 0 249 205 1760 0 418 0 605 0 257 195 1770 0 423 0 648 0 266 195 17 80 0 429 0 690 1 337 4 20 1790 0 434 0 733 1 785 120 1800 0 439 0 777 2 131 075 18 10 0 446 0 821 2 423 0 60 1820 0 454 0 866 2 681 0 55 1830 0462 0912 2915 0so 18 40 0 469 0 959 3 131 0 50 1850 0 477 1 006 3 332 0 45 1860 0 485 1 054 3 521 0 45 1870 0 492 1 103 3 700 045 1880 0 500 1 152 5 532 035 1890 0 508 1203 6 383 0 20 19 00 0 516 1 254 7 067 0 15 19 10 0 524 1 306 7 663 0 15 1920 0 533 1 359 8201 0 15 1930 0 541 1 413 8 696 0 10 19 40 0 549 1 467 9 159 0 15 19 50 0 557 1 522 9 595 0 10 19 60 0 566 1 579 10 009 0 10 1970 0 574 1 636 10 405 0 15 1980 0 583 1 693 10 784 0 10 19 90 0 591 1 752 11 149 0 10 20 00 0 600 1 812 11 501 0 10 Spillway #1 20 10 0 608 1 872 11 842 0 15 2020 0 617 1933 12 173 0 10 2030 0 625 1995 12 495 0 15 20 40 0 633 2058 12 807 0 10 20 50 0 642 2 122 17 216 0 15 20 60 0 650 2 187 22 631 0 10 20 70 0 659 2 252 28 519 005 2 Rename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows P— —n , laoa P—Iu I cah o6 I I lJ I I I I I 1 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2080 0 668 2 319 29 630 005 2090 0 676 2 386 29 899 005 2100 0 685 2 454 30 164 0 05 Spillway #2 21 10 0 694 2 523 34 828 2120 0 703 2 593 39 488 005 21 29 0 711 2 658 43 805 0 05 Peak Stage 2130 0 712 2 663 44 147 2140 0 721 2 735 48 804 21 50 0 730 2 808 53 458 21 60 0 739 2 881 58 111 2170 0 748 2 955 62 761 2180 0 757 3 031 72 502 21 90 0 767 3 107 83 137 2200 0 776 3 184 94 623 2210 0 785 3 262 108 037 2220 0 795 3 341 122 387 2230 0 804 3 421 137 644 2240 0 814 3 502 153 788 2250 0 823 3 584 170 801 2260 0 833 3 667 187 931 2270 0 843 3 750 205 836 2280 0 852 3 835 224 506 2290 0 862 3 921 243 934 2300 0 872 4 007 264 112 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (ds) 1600 0 000 0 000 0 000 16 10 2 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1620 0 066 0 000 0 066 1630 0 094 0 000 0 094 1640 0 115 0 000 0 115 1650 0 133 0 000 0 133 1660 0 149 0 000 0 149 1670 0 163 0 000 0163, 7 1 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows rnn nnh110OR Ommaln I Crh nK I I 1 1 1 O I I r 1 Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency (cfs) Combined TotalSpillway Discharge (crs) 1680 0 176 0 000 0 176 1690 0 188 0 000 0 188 1700 0 199 0 000 0 199 1710 0210 0000 0210 1720 0 220 0 000 0 220 1730 0 230 0 000 0 230 1740 0 240 0 000 0 240 1750 0 249 0 000 0 249 1760 0 257 0 000 0 257 1770 8 00>0 266 0 000 0 266 1780 1 337 0 000 1 337 1790 1 785 0 000 1 785 1800 2 131 0 000 2 131 1810 2 423 0 000 2 423 1820 2 681 0 000 2 681 1830 2915 0000 2915 1840 3 131 0 000 3 131 1850 3 332 0 000 3 332 1860 3 521 0 000 3 521 1870 10 00>3 700 0 000 3 700 1880 5 532 0 000 5 532 1890 6 383 0 000 6 383 1900 7 067 0 000 7 067 19 10 7 663 0 000 7 663 1920 8201 0 000 8201 1930 8 696 0 000 8 696 1940 9 159 0 000 9 159 1950 9 595 0 000 9 595 1960 10 009 0 000 10 009 1970 10 405 0 000 10 405 1980 10 784 0 000 10 784 1990 11 149 0 000 11 149 2000 11 501 0 000 11 501 20 10 11 842 0 000 11 842 2020 12 173 0 000 12 173 2030 12 495 0 000 12 495 2040 12 807 0 000 12 807 2050 17 216 0 000 17 216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows n- -. . L oan c=, 1. 1 I I I I I ,I I I I I I Structure #1 (Pond} Post-Dev Pond 1 Pond Inputs Elevation Pert Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (Cfs) 2080 29 630 0 000 29 630 2090 29 899 0 000 29 899 2100 30 164 0 000 30 164 21 10 30 428 4 400 34 828 2120 30 689 8 799 39 488 2130 30 948 13 199 44 147 2140 31 205 17 599 48 804 2150 31 460 21 999 53 458 21 60 31 712 26 398 58 111 21 70 31 963 30 798 62 761 2180 32 212 40 291 72 502 2190 32 459 50 679 83 137 2200 32 704 61 920 94 623 22 10 32 947 75 090 108 037 2220 33 188 89 198 122 387 2230 33 428 104 217 137 644 2240 33 666 120 123 153 788 2250 33 902 136 899 170 801 2260 34 136 153 795 187 931 2270 34 369 171 467 205 836 2280 34 601 189 905 224 506 2290 34 831 209 103 243 934 2300 35 059 229 053 264 112 Initial Pool Elev 15 60 Initial Pool 0 09 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Poser Height garret Barrel Slope Barrel el Number of Diameter (ft) Diameter Length (ft) Mannings n Spillway Elev Holes per (in)(in)Elev 6000 450 2400 7000 050 00120 2000 2 Emergency Spillway O Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r,.,.,,,,.m loop P—I. i c,h..h Pond Results Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2125 1000 300 1 300 1 50 00 Peak Elevation 21861 Dewater Time 2 90 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cis) Dewater Time (hrs) 1550 0 852 0 000 0 000 1560 0 858 0 086 0 000 Low hale SPW #1 1570 0 865 0 172 0 149 6 97* 1580 0 871 0 258 0 211 4 97* 1590 0 878 0 346 0 259 4 09* 1600 0 884 0 434 0 299 3 56* 1610 0 890 0 523 0 334 3 21* 1620 0 897 0 612 0 366 2 95* 1630 0 903 0 702 0 395 2 75* 1640 0 909 0 793 0 423 2 59* 1650 0 916 0 884 0 448 2 46* 1660 0 922 0 976 0 473 240 1670 0 929 1 068 0 496 235 1680 0 935 1 162 0 518 220 1690 0 942 1 255 0 539 215 1700 0 948 1 350 0 559 210 1710 0 955 1 445 0 579 200 1720 0 962 1 541 0 598 200 1730 0 968 1 637 0 616 190 1740 0 975 1 735 0 634 190 1750 0 981 1 832 0 652 185 1760 0 988 1931 1 732 105 1770 0 995 2030 2 188 065 1780 1 001 2 130 2 542 050 1790 1 008 2 230 2 843 045 1800 1 015 2 331 3 109 040 1810 1 022 2 433 3 351 085 1820 1 028 2 536 3 575 105 1830 1 035 2 639 3 783 085 10 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows rnn nner 1 aoq Doman I Cnb eh C] I L I I r Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1840 1 042 2 743 3 980 080 1850 1 D48 2 847 4 166 070 1860 1 055 2 952 5 407 060 1870 1 062 3 058 6 018 040 1880 1 068 3 165 6 519 040 1890 1 075 3 272 6 962 035 1900 1 082 3 380 7 366 035 1910 1 089 3 488 7 740 030 1920 1 096 3 598 8 092 030 1930 1 102 3 707 8 426 030 1940 1 109 3 818 8 744 030 1950 1 116 3 929 9 049 030 1960 1 123 4 041 9 342 030 1970 1 130 4 154 9 625 025 1980 1 137 4 267 9 899 030 1990 1 144 4 381 10 165 025 2000 1 151 4 496 10 423 030 Spillway #1 20 10 1 158 4 612 10 675 030 2020 1 166 4 728 10 920 035 2030 1 173 4 845 11 160 035 2040 1 180 4 962 12 319 035 2050 1 188 5 081 17 216 025 2060 1 195 5200 22 631 0 15 2070 1203 5 320 28 519 0 10 2080 1 210 5 440 33 288 0 10 2090 1 218 5 562 33 581 005 2100 1 225 5 684 33 872 0 10 21 10 1 233 5 807 34 160 005 2120 1 240 5 931 34 446 010 2125 1 244 5 993 34 588 005 Spillway #2 2130 1 248 6 055 35 662 2140 1 256 6 180 37 809 010 2150 1 263 6 306 39 954 005 2160 1 271 6 433 42 097 0 10 21 70 1 279 6 560 44 237 0 10 2180 1 286 6 689 46 375 0 15 2186 1 291 6 771 74 628 0 10 Peak Stage 2190 1 294 6 818 90 399 2200 1 302 6 947 108 301 22 10 1 311 7 078 127 892 2220 1 320 7 210 149 071 11 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 Printed 03 16 2005 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r, , hf i c'n �n Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2230 1 328 7 342 169 452 2240 1 337 7 475 194 426 2250 1 346 7 610 220 915 2260 1 355 7 745 248 869 2270 1 364 7 981 278 247 2280 1 373 8 017 309 015 2290 1 382 8 155 339 892 2300 1 391 8 294 372 002 *Designates bme(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (cis) Emergency (cfs) Combined TotalSpillway Discharge (cfs) 1550 0 000 0 000 0 000 1560 3 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1570 0 149 0 000 0 149 1580 0211 0000 0211 1590 0 259 0 000 0 259 1600 0 299 0 000 0 299 1610 0 334 0 000 0 334 1620 0 366 0 000 0 366 1630 0 395 0 000 0 395 1640 0 423 0 000 0 423 1650 0 448 0 000 0 448 1660 0 473 0 000 0 473 1670 0 496 0 000 0 496 1680 0518 0000 0518 1690 0 539 0 000 0 539 1700 0 559 0 000 0 559 1710 0 579 0 000 0 579 1720 0 598 0 000 0 598 1730 0616 0000 0616 1740 0 634 0 000 0 634 1750 8 00>0 652 0 000 0 652 1760 1 732 0 000 1 732 1770 2 188 0 000 2 188 1780 2 542 0 000 2 542 12 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- —hl 1009 P-1. 1 cah oon I I I [1 I I L1 I r I I I A I Elevation Pert Riser (cfs) Emergency (cfs) Spillwaycfs Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1790 2 843 0 000 2 843 1800 3 109 0 000 3 109 1810 3 351 0 000 3 351 1820 3 575 0 000 3 575 1830 3 783 0 000 3 783 1840 3 980 0 000 3 980 1850 8 00>4 166 0 000 4 166 1860 5 407 0 000 5 407 1870 6018 0000 6018 1880 6519 0000 6519 1890 6 962 0 000 6 962 1900 7 366 0 000 7 366 19 10 7 740 0 000 7 740 1920 8 092 0 000 8 092 1930 8 426 0 000 8 426 1940 8 744 0 000 8 744 1950 9 049 0 000 9 049 1960 9 342 0 000 9 342 1970 9 625 0 000 9 625 1980 9 899 0 000 9 899 1990 10 165 0 000 10 165 2000 10 423 0 000 10 423 20 10 10 675 0 000 10 675 2020 10 920 0 000 10 920 2030 11 160 0 000 11 160 2040 12319 0000 12319 2050 17 216 0 000 17 216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 2080 33 288 0 000 33 288 2090 33 581 0 000 33 581 2100 33 872 0 000 33 872 21 10 34 160 0 000 34 160 2120 34 446 0 000 34 446 2125 34 588 0 000 34 588 2130 34 730 0 933 35 662 2140 35 011 2 799 37 809 2150 35 290 4 664 39 954 2160 35 567 6 530 42 097 2170 35 841 8 396 44 237 13 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r--.6 I Qq.-I.1 Q,H-K 1 1 i 1 I 1 Structure 94 (Nulls 1 Outlet I 11 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 Elevation Per' wser (ff Emergency Spillway cfs D Y ( ) Combined Totals) Discharge (cfs) 2180 36 114 10 261 46 375 2190 36 384 54 015 90 399 2200 36 653 71 648 108 301 22 10 36 919 90 972 127 892 2220 37 184 111 887 149 071 2230 37 447 132 005 169 452 2240 37 708 156 719 194 426 2250 37 967 182 948 220 915 2260 38 224 210 644 248 869 2270 38 480 239 767 278 247 2280 38 734 270 281 309 015 2290 38 986 300 905 339 892 2300 39 237 332 765 372 002 14 1 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -st loop P-I. I q,.-K 1 I 1 Y_1 1 O I 1 1 1 1 15 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conic (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac ft) #3 1 1200 0 165 0 000 0 000 63 000 F 4 14 0 375 1200 414 0 375 #2 1 10 240 0 051 0 000 0 000 93 000 F 6247 6 197 10 240 6247 6 197 # 1 1 24 110 0 125 0 000 0 000 91 000 F 13868 14 111 24 110 13868 14 111 #4 35 550 8761 20 682 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru SWS land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) # 1 1 7 Paved area and small upland 044 200 45000 1 340 0 093 gullies 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 090 900 1,00000 8 530 0 032 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 125 #2 1 7 Paved area and small upland 100 200 20000 2010 0 027 gullies 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 096 750 78500 8 790 0 024 #2 1 Time of Concentration 0 051 #3 1 7 Paved area and small upland 200 250 12500 2 840 0 012 gullies 3 Short grass pasture 2000 400 2000 3 570 0 001 F#-31 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 267 600 22500 0 410 0 152 Time of Concentration 0 165 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r - -h6 I... 0-1. 1 Gh..h I 1 General Information ' Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II F 11 1 I H I Design Storm 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 10 000 inches 2 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 I Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r--H, ta°a.—I.1 ¢ah..p Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk K (hrs) Musk X Description Pond #1 =_> #4 0 153 0 071 Post Dev Pond 1 Pond #2 =_> #4 0 125 0 075 Post Dev Pond 2 Null #3 =_> #4 0 000 0 000 Post Dev Wedand Area Null #4 =_> End 0 000 0 000 Outlet #3 Null #2 Pond #1 Pond #4 Null Structure Routing Details: Stru # Land Flow Condition Vert Dist Honz Dist Slope (°h) (ft) (ft) Velocity (fps) Time (hrs) #1 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 123 190 15500 028 0 153 #1 Muskingum K 0 153 #2 1 Forest with heavy ground litter 141 190 13500 030 0 125 #2 Muskingum K 0 125 I Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- n h, I..A P-1. I Q,G—.K 11 I I I I P I I 1 I Structure Summary: Immediate Total Pearge Total Contributing Contributing Disc Runoff Area Area Volume (ac) (ac) (Cfs) (ac ft) #3 1200 1200 582 053 In 77 54 7 81 #2 10 240 10 240 Out 6286 763 In 17326 17 89 #1 24 110 24 110 Out 14901 17 10 #4 0 000 35 550 16923 2623 4 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 Pnnted 03 16 2005 I SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —.11 aov 0-1. 1 c,n �n CJ L I I 11 I Structure #3 (Null, Post-Dev Wetland Area Structure #2 (Pond) Post-Dev Pond 2 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 16 10 Initial Pool 0 03 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Di (ft) Di Length (ft) (o7a) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per (m'e)ter (m'e)ter 6000 4001 2400 14000 050 00120 2000 2 Pond Results Emeroencv SDIIIWa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2100 4000 300 1 300 1 30 00 Peak Elevation 21701 Dewater Time 2 44 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1600 0 340 0 000 0 000 1610 0 345 0 034 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1620 0 349 0 069 0 066 6 32* 1630 0 354 0 104 0 094 4 53* 1640 0 359 0 140 0 115 3 75* 1650 0 364 0 176 0 133 3 29* 1660 0 368 0 212 0 149 2 98* q Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows P— —hl .a. Ovmnlo I cnh—a I I R I 1 J Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac R) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 1670 0 373 0 250 0 163 2 76* 1680 0 378 0 287 0 176 265 1690 0 383 0 325 0 188 255 1700 0 388 0 364 0 199 240 1710 0 393 0 403 0 210 235 1720 0 398 0 442 0 220 220 1730 0 403 0 482 0 230 215 1740 0 408 0 523 0 240 2 10 1750 0 413 0 564 0 249 205 1760 0 418 0 605 0 257 195 1770 0 423 0 648 0 266 195 1780 0 429 0 690 1 337 240 1790 0 434 0 733 1 785 195 1800 0 439 0 777 2 131 090 1810 0 446 0 821 2 423 065 1820 0 454 0 866 2 681 060 1830 0462 0912 2915 055 1840 0 469 0 959 3 131 055 1850 0 477 1 006 3 332 060 1860 0 485 1 054 3 521 060 1870 0 492 1 103 3 700 055 1880 0 500 1 152 5 532 040 1890 0 508 1 203 6 383 025 1900 0 516 1 254 7 067 0 15 19 10 0 524 1 306 7 663 020 1920 0 533 1 359 8201 015 1930 0 541 1413 8 696 0 10 1940 0 549 1 467 9 159 015 1950 0 557 1 522 9 595 0 15 1960 0 566 1 579 10 009 0 10 1970 0 574 1 636 10 405 0 10 1980 0 583 1 693 10 784 0 15 1990 0 591 1 752 11 149 010 2000 0 600 1 812 11 501 015 Spillway #1 2010 0 608 1 872 11 842 0 10 2020 0 617 1933 12 173 0 15 2030 0 625 1995 12 495 0 15 2040 0 633 2058 12 807 0 15 2050 0 642 2 122 17 216 0 10 2060 0 650 2 187 22 631 0 10 2070 0 659 2 252 28 519 005 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN so4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —Fl loot 0-1. 1 cn6 oh F V I 1 I I I [J Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2080 0 668 2 319 29 630 0 10 2090 0 676 2 386 29 899 005 2100 0 685 2 454 30 164 005 Spillway #2 21 10 0 694 2 523 34 828 005 21 20 0 703 2 593 39 488 2130 0 712 2 663 44 147 005 2140 0 721 2 735 48 804 005 2150 0 730 2 808 53 458 2160 0 739 2 881 58 111 2170 0 748 2 955 62 761 2170 0 748 2 956 62 859 0 05 Peak Stage 2180 0 757 3 031 72 502 2190 0 767 3 107 83 137 2200 0 776 3 184 94 623 2210 0 785 3 262 108 037 2220 0 795 3 341 122 387 2230 0 804 3 421 137 644 2240 0 814 3 502 153 788 2250 0 823 3 584 170 801 2260 0 833 3 667 187 931 2270 0 843 3 750 205 836 2280 0 852 3 835 224 506 2290 0 862 3 921 243 934 2300 0 872 4 007 264 112 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (Bs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1600 0 000 0 000 0 000 1610 2 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1620 0 066 0 000 0 066 1630 0 094 0 000 0 094 1640 0 115 0 000 0 115 1650 0 133 0 000 0 133 1660 0 149 0 000 0 149 1670 0 163 0 000 0 163 1680 0 176 0 000 0 176 1690 0 188 0 000 0 188 7 1 Filename 240073-Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03-16 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows C] I I I 11 `-1 1 I I 1 I Elevation Perf Riser (ffs) Emergency Spillway (ffs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1700 0 199 0 000 0 199 1710 0210 0000 0210 1720 0 220 0 000 0 220 1730 0 230 0 000 0 230 1740 0 240 0 000 0 240 1750 0 249 0 000 0 249 1760 0 257 0 000 0 257 1770 8 00>0 266 0 000 0 266 1780 1 337 0 000 1 337 1790 1 785 0 000 1 785 1800 2 131 0 000 2 131 1810 2 423 0 000 2 423 1820 2 681 0 000 2 681 1830 2915 0000 2915 1840 3 131 0 000 3 131 1850 3 332 0 000 3 332 1860 3 521 0 000 3 521 1870 10 00>3 700 0 000 3 700 1880 5 532 0 000 5 532 1890 6 383 0 000 6 383 1900 7 067 0 000 7 067 1910 7 663 0 000 7 663 1920 8201 0 000 8201 1930 8 696 0 000 8 696 1940 9 159 0 000 9 159 1950 9 595 0 000 9 595 1960 10 009 0 000 10 009 1970 10 405 0 000 10 405 1980 10 784 0 000 10 784 1990 11 149 0 000 11 149 2000 11 501 0 000 11 501 2010 11 842 0 000 11 842 2020 12 173 0 000 12 173 2030 12 495 0 000 12 495 2040 12 807 0 000 12 807 2050 17 216 0 000 17 216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 2080 29 630 0 000 29 630 2090 29 899 0 000 29 899 N I Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Structure #1 (Pond) Post-Dev Pond 1 Pond Inputs Elevation Perf Riser ser (cfs) Spillway Bs P Y ( ) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 2100 30 164 0 000 30 164 21 10 30 428 4 400 34 828 2120 30 689 8 799 39 488 2130 30 948 13 199 44 147 2140 31 205 17 599 48 804 2150 31 460 21 999 53 458 2160 31 712 26 398 58 111 2170 31 963 30 798 62 761 2180 32 212 40 291 72 502 2190 32 459 50 679 83 137 2200 32 704 61 920 94 623 22 10 32 947 75 090 108 037 2220 33 186 89 198 122 387 2230 33 428 104 217 137 644 2240 33 666 120 123 153 788 2250 33 902 136 899 170 801 2260 34 136 153 795 187 931 2270 34 369 171 467 205 836 2280 34 601 189 905 224 506 2290 34 831 209 103 243 934 2300 35 059 229 053 264 112 Initial Pool Elev 1560 Initial Pool 0 09 ac ft Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Slope Barrel el Number of Diameter (ft) Diameter Length g Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per (in) (in) Elev 6000 450 2400 7000 050 00120 2000 2 Emeraencv Soillwa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2125 1000 300 1 300 1 5000 9 Filename 240073-Post NEWDESIGN so4 Pnnted 03-16-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ram., —., I oon o—I. i mm e Pond Results Peak Elevation 2220 Dewater Time 2 93 days Dewaternng time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1550 0 852 0 000 0 000 1560 0 858 0 086 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1570 0 865 0 172 0 149 6 97* 1580 0 871 0 258 0 211 4 97* 1590 0 878 0 346 0 259 4 09* 1600 0 884 0 434 0 299 3 56* 16 10 0 890 0 523 0 334 3 21 * 1620 0 897 0 612 0 366 2 95* 1630 0 903 0 702 0 395 2 75* 1640 0 909 0 793 0 423 2 59* 1650 0 916 0 884 0 448 2 46* 1660 0 922 0 976 0 473 245 1670 0 929 1 068 0 496 230 1680 0 935 1 162 0 518 220 1690 0 942 1 255 0 539 2 15 1700 0 948 1 350 0 559 2 10 17 10 0 955 1 445 0 579 205 1720 0 962 1 541 0 598 195 1730 0 968 1 637 0 616 190 1740 0 975 1 735 0 634 190 1750 0 981 1 832 0 652 185 1760 0 988 1931 1 732 105 1770 0 995 2030 2 188 065 1780 1 001 2 130 2 542 050 1790 1 008 2 230 2 943 045 1800 1 015 2 331 3 109 040 18 10 1 022 2 433 3 351 040 1820 1 028 2 536 3 575 035 1830 1 035 2 639 3 783 105 1840 1 042 2 743 3 960 1 15 1850 1 048 2 847 4 166 095 1860 1 055 2 952 5 407 065 1870 1 062 3 058 6 018 050 10 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- nM LOOP P—Ia I c.h ,on i I [I 11 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1880 1 068 3 165 6 519 040 1890 1 075 3 272 6 962 040 1900 1 082 3 380 7 366 035 19 10 1 089 3 488 7 740 035 1920 1 096 3 598 8 092 030 1930 1 102 3 707 8 426 035 1940 1 109 3 818 8 744 030 1950 1 116 3 929 9 049 030 1960 1 123 4 041 9 342 035 1970 1 130 4 154 9 625 030 1980 1 137 4 267 9 699 035 1990 1 144 4 381 10 165 030 2000 1 151 4 496 10 423 030 Spillway #1 20 10 1 158 4 612 10 675 035 2020 1 166 4 728 10 920 035 2030 1 173 4 845 11 160 045 2040 1 180 4 962 12 319 050 2050 1 188 5 081 17 216 030 2060 1 195 5200 22 631 020 2070 1 203 5 320 28 519 010 2080 1 210 5 440 33 288 010 2090 1 218 5 562 33 581 005 2100 1 225 5 684 33 872 010 21 10 1 233 5 807 34 160 0 10 2120 1 240 5 931 34 446 005 2125 1 244 5 993 34 588 005 Spillway #2 21 30 1 248 6 055 35 662 005 2140 1 256 6 180 37 809 0 10 2150 1 263 6 306 39 954 005 2160 1 271 6 433 42 097 010 2170 1 279 6 560 44 237 010 2180 1 286 6 689 46 375 020 2190 1 294 6 818 90 399 010 2200 1 302 6 947 108 301 005 22 10 1 311 7 078 127 892 2220 1 320 7209 149 008 0 05 Peak Stage 2220 1 320 7 210 149 071 2230 1 328 7 342 169 452 2240 1 337 7 475 194 426 2250 1 346 7 610 220 915 2260 1 355 7 745 248 869 Rename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— Hf Aooa comma. i c,n nF Area Capacity Discharge Dewater Elevation Time (ac) (ac ft) (cfs) (hrs) 2270 1 364 7 881 278 247 22 80 1 373 8 017 309 015 22 90 1 382 8 155 339 892 23 00 1 391 8 294 372 002 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Pert Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway cfs p y (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1550 0 000 0 000 0 000 1560 3 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1570 0 149 0 000 0 149 1580 0211 0000 0211 1590 0 259 0 000 0 259 1600 0 299 0 000 0 299 1610 0 334 0 000 0 334 1620 0 366 0 000 0 366 1630 0 395 0 000 0 395 1640 0 423 0 000 0 423 1650 0 448 0 000 0 448 1660 0 473 0 000 0 473 1670 0 496 0 000 0 496 1680 0518 0000 0518 1690 0 539 0 000 0 539 1700 0 559 0 000 0 559 17 10 0 579 0 000 0 579 1720 0 598 0 000 0 598 1730 0616 0000 0616 1740 0 634 0 000 0 634 1750 8 00>0 652 0 000 0 652 1760 1 732 0 000 1 732 1770 2 188 0 000 2 188 1780 2 542 0 000 2 542 1790 2 843 0 000 2 843 1800 3 109 0 000 3 109 1810 3 351 0 000 3 351 1820 3 575 0 000 3 575 12 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16-2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows 11 11 [1 I r I u 1 Elevation Perf Riser ser (cfs) Spillway cfs P y ( ) Combined Total Discharge (rfs) 1830 3 783 0 000 3 783 1840 3 980 0 000 3 980 1850 8 00>4 166 0 000 4 166 1860 5 407 0 000 5 407 1870 6018 0000 6018 1880 6519 0000 6519 1890 6 962 0 000 6 962 1900 7 366 0 000 7 366 1910 7 740 0 000 7 740 1920 8 092 0 000 8 092 1930 8 426 0 000 8 426 1940 8 744 0 000 8 744 1950 9 049 0 000 9 049 1960 9 342 0 000 9 342 1970 9 625 0 000 9 625 1980 9 899 0 000 9 899 1990 10 165 0 000 10 165 2000 10 423 0 000 10 423 20 10 10 675 0 000 10 675 2020 10 920 0 000 10 920 2030 11 160 0 000 11 160 2040 12319 0000 12319 2050 17 216 0 000 17 216 2060 22 631 0 000 22 631 2070 28 519 0 000 28 519 2080 33 288 0 000 33 288 2090 33 581 0 000 33 581 21 00 33 872 0 000 33 872 21 10 34 160 0 000 34 160 2120 34 446 0 000 34 446 2125 34 588 0 000 34 588 2130 34 730 0 933 35 662 2140 35 011 2 799 37 809 2150 35 290 4 664 39 954 2160 35 567 6 530 42 097 2170 35 841 8 396 44 237 2180 36 114 10 261 46 375 2190 36 384 54 015 90 399 2200 36 653 71 648 108 301 22 10 36 919 90 972 127 892 13 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- —v. I... .—J. I crh uon 1 I ' Structure #4 (Nulls ' Outlet I I 1 E Elevation Perf Riser (ds) Emergency Spillway (ds) Combined Total Discharge (ds) 2220 37 184 111 887 149 071 2230 37 447 132 005 169 452 2240 37 708 156 719 194 426 2250 37 967 182 948 220 915 2260 38 224 210 644 248 869 2270 38 480 239 767 278 247 2280 38 734 270 281 309 015 2290 38 986 300 905 339 892 2300 39 237 332 765 372 002 14 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Printed 03 16 2005 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows 15 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac ft) #3 1 1 200 0 165 0 000 0 000 63 000 F 582 0 530 1200 582 0530 #2 1 10 240 0 051 0 000 0 000 93 000 F 7754 7 808 10 240 7754 7 808 #1 1 24 110 0 125 0 000 0 000 91 000 F 17326 17 889 24 110 17326 17 889 #4 35 550 16923 26 227 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru SWS Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) #1 1 7 Paved area and small upland 044 200 45000 1 340 0 093 gullies 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 090 900 1,00000 8 530 0 032 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 125 #2 1 7 Paved area and small upland 100 200 20000 2010 0 027 gullies 9 Small streams Flowing bankfull 096 750 78500 8 790 0 024 #2 1 Time of Concentration 0 051 #3 1 7 Paved area and small upland 200 250 12500 2 840 0 012 gullies 3 Short grass pasture 2000 400 2000 3 570 0 001 i Forest with heavy ground litter 267 600 22500 0 410 0 152 #3 1 Time of Concentration 0 165 Filename 240073 Post NEWDESIGN sc4 Panted 03 16 2005 JOB NAME JOB NUMBER PAGE NO PROPOSED LARGE RETAIL CENTER LELAND NC 240073 D JOB DESCRIPTION BY DATE POST -DEVELOPMENT AREA DJG 03/14/05 { 3 I I I i t 1 I I I( I I I I � i 1 I SOIL TYPE JACKEYS CREEK (HYDROLOGIC GROUP C) i 1 i POST-DEV POND NO 1 DRAIN �GE AREA t TYPE OF COVER i 1 iACREAGE I CNI VALUE dRASSi__r � 6 6i 4- T- IMPERVIOUS , f 17 5 AC I 198 j AVERAGE ' 1 12411 AC I 191 I ' 3 f I i 1 1 ' POST-DEV POND NO 2 DRAINAGE AREA'j TYPE OFCOVER- `--- -- rACREAGE —CMVALUE— GRASS ' i 2 24 AC I 174 ' IMPERVIOUS I ' i 8 00 AC I i 981 ' AVERAGE' i f 110 24 ACi 193 I , f I { I 1 f t l I f 1 1 I i I I f 1 I I ^ , GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC / 132 Pihnm Road / Greenville SC 296071864 297 3027 I 1 I 1 1 11 APPENDIX C Wet Detention Pond Design Pond 1 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Pond 1 Wet Detention Pond Design Pond 2 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Pond 2 14 WL I -r_ } I _r 0 = = m FE3 14 2003 3 38PM NCDENR WIRO NO 631 —P 2—_ — - - 85% TSS REMOVAL ' 30 FOOT VEGETATED FILTER REQUIRED D 33 5' 4 0' 4 5' 5 0' 5 5' 6 0' 6 5' 7 0' 175' IMP % 10% 9 8 6 5 0 0 p p 0 t20 % 1 7 1 3 12 1 10 9 ' 8 30 % 25 22 1 9 18 1 6 15 13 12 7 6 5 10 9 4017o 34 30 26 24 2 19 1,6 14 11 10 505% 42 37 33 30 27 2 21 18 15 13 ' 60% 50 45 38 35 32 29 23 20 16 70% 60 52 45 41 37 *33 29 21 18 80% 68 60 52 47 42 37 32 27 2 20 90% 75 65 58 53 48 43 38 33 2 13 100% 82 74 68 62 56 50 44 38 32 2 *Revised 10/31/97 1 1 90% TSS REMOVAL NO VEGETATED FILTER REQUIRED DEPTH 3' 35 40' 45' 50' 59' 60' 65' 70' 75' 1 IMP% I ' 10% 13 10 8 7 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 20% 2 4 20 1 8 1 7 1,5 1A 1 2 1 0 30% 35 p 9 6 ' 27 25 22 19 16 13 11 8 40% 45 40 35 31 28 25 21 18 14 11 ' 50% 56 5�0 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 60% 70 6,0 53 48 43 39 34 29 24 19 -� Z 70% 81 70 60 55 50 45 39 34 29 2g 80% 94 80 70 64 57 52 46 ' 90% 107 90 79 72 65 59 40 34 28 52 46 39 3' 100% 120 100 88 81 73 3 66 58 �te The requlred surface area calculated from the tableS 1s to be provided at the permanent pool elevation i 11 03 -f i ' _ y_. t � , r ' _{ _� J -� -t- '/� 1� 1_� i `� 1 • r -I W � -I -�-� 1 , 1 1 J V �'} �� �.- r►�i- M - -�- � -�- -,- �- -r 1',� pp -; r fir— lp ' - i-;At-i0 i L r , i I 1 "NAME JOB NUMBER PAGE NO ��,prJD N L 2¢o67 S b JOB DESCRIPTION BY DATE PDO I> ilo 1 DT6 -,?/ S i t l i 11� 1 i 1lr_,..I icy-I�nIw1/ 'T-i .AI_I -' --� 41-4 +-" '- 1 T- -I � ,- ' /SSSuA.& -1_ { _1 �" I I -11 i 1 --rr -ram. �; I _iI r T_t� _ f 28% �JsT -- -r- i r--- -,-- 3 r- �ti ?-T-T b- --r -- iil?%Al^1 fl ld� }- 3 Z� LS ._. �? 3 2- -4 Y LL1 -r �- - ---+ - - --- - -- - 7- i 1 I 1 GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC 1102 Pilgrim Road / Greenville, SC 29607 / (864) 297-3027 I I I I I Permit No (to be provided by DWQJ State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details II PROJECT L iFORIMATION 1 I I I I I I Project Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center Leland, NC Contact Person David J Graffius Phone Number (864 ) 297-3027 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to Pond No l elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 90 ft (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 155 ft (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 175 ft (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 37,172 sq ft (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 241 ac (on -site and off site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 175 ac (on -site and off site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 169,745 cu ft (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 80,217 cis ft (volume detained above the permanent pooh Forebay Volume 40,410 cu ft (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SA/DAI 3 5* (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 3 in (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required) Design Rainfall I in Design TSS Removal 2 90 % (minimum 85% required) *Used Coastal Table 90% TSS Forth SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page I of 4 1 Footnotes 1 I i L I I t 1 ,f t l When using the Division SAIDA tables, the correct SAIDA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non standard table entries 2 In the 20 coastal counties the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal II REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below If a requirement has not been met, attach justification Applicants Initials DJG* 1 a The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet) DIG b The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume DIG c The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event DIG d The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days Not Required DIG e If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) DIG f The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3 1 DIG g The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3 1 DIG In A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6 1 or less (show detail) DIG i Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified DIG 1 A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and onfice DJG*2 k A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way DIG 1 If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin DJG*3 in A mechanism is specified which will dram the basin for maintenance or an emergency * l Averaee Deoth = 6 5 feet Allowed oer Coastal Table *2 Pond No l is on -site with full access from oublic roadways *3 Owner will um and to dram for maintenance or an emer ency III WET D TEAION BASIN OPERATION AN)I� MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided This system (check one) 0 does V does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does J0 does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay IForm SWU 102 Rev 3 99 Page 2 of 4 d LI Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows 1 After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly a Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition ' b Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed 2 Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed 3 Inspect and repair the collection system (i a catch basins, piping, swales, nprap, etc ) quarterly to mamtain proper functioning 4 Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is ' reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below) Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i e stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc ) The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments When the permanent pool depth reads 5 0 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed When the permanent pool depth reads 4 0 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed BASIN DIAGRAM ' 6611 in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 15 5 Sediment Re oval El 11 5 ----- 75 0 ------- Sediment Removal Elevation 10 5 5% Bottom Ele anon IO 0 %---------------------------------------------JZ_91 --- Bottom Elevation 9.0 25 FOREBAY MAIN POND A 5 Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm 6 If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical IForm SWU-IO2 Rev 3 99 Page 3 of 4 Y t- 7 All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party Print name Arthur Kepes Title VP of WRS Realty, Inc, Manager of the Applicant 1 Address 2361 South Centennial Drive, Aiken, SC 29803 Phone 803-649-1411 ' Signature Date Note The legally responsible parry should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president S I I r I 1, , a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements Witness my hand and official seal, My commission expires ' Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 SEAL Page 4 of 4 11 7 All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party Print name Arthur Kepes Title VP of WRS Realty, Inc , Manager of the Applicant Address 2361 South Centennial Drive, Aiken, SC 29803 Phone 803-649-1411 Signature Date ' Note The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president I F J I Cl 1 t r I, , a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements Witness my hand and official seal, My commission Form SWU 102 Rev 3 99 SEAL Page 4 of 4 11 POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS 240073 Retail Shopping Center Total Drainaige Area 10 2 Ac ELEVATION \%,%x1\\\0M,W\\=WNIN ®® \m%%NO\�\ NOMMOMN ME�����MEN-01��������M©� • Q����������� ®ME�����,kMR �%,1XI��X%%NNQ�000LLi INNN,� Perm Pool / 50 07 ,33F Total Pond 7 3 CIF DETENTIONPOND #2 FOREBAYVOLUME �EI NMIIN%������� ��������������� Q�����������' Forebay 9 899 F RECEIVED APR 0 7 2005 BY Temp Pool 42 984 CF KMY 240073-WMI-SDcalcs-New Design XLS 4/6/2005 -m `I� Y �� -*r Y .i `ram �.{_ a � hY t Y d No se z— `c3 14 2023 - 3 38PM NCDENR WIPO 1 1 85% TSS REMOVAL 30 FOOT VEGETATED FILTER REQUIRED 1 ote DEPTH 3 I 3 5' 40' 45' 5 0' S 5' 6 0' 6 5' 7 0' 7 5' ` 10% 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 20% 17 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 30% 25 22 19 18, 16 15 13 12 10 9 34 30 26 24 2`1, 19 16 14 11 10 140% 50% 42 37 33 30 27 24, 21 18 15 'l3 60% 50 45 38 35 32 29 26 23 20 16 70% 60 52 45 41 37 *33 29 .5 21 80% {{ 68 1 60 52 47 42 37 32 27' 2 90% 75 65 58 53 48 43 38 33 28 dO 100% 82 74 68 62 56 50 44 38 32 *Revised lOY31197 90% TSS REMOVAL NO VEGETATED FILTER REQUIRED DsP-)A 5' 40' 4 5 55 0' 110 5 9' 6 0' 65' 7 0' 7 5' ffDEPTH;3'3 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 205 24 20 18 17 15 1A 12 10 9 6 30% 35 .'30 27 25 22 19 16 13 11 8 407o 45 40 35 31 28 25 21 18 14 11 50% 56 S0 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 60 To 70 60 53 48 43 39 34 29 24 19 70% 81 7�0 60 55 50 45 39 34 r2 9N 23 80% 94 80 70 64 57 52 46 40 34 28 90% 107 90 79 72 65 59 52 46 39 33 100% 120 100 188 81 73 66 58 51 43 36 The re uired surface Iculated from the tables is to be provided at the permanent pool elevation RECEIVED _ APR 01 2005 o�,, AB NAME JOB NUMBER PAGE NO , '0 �,S 1�l IJ�Ld�IJ ,19� 7yo0-731� JOB DESCRIPTION +� _ ^{-� ✓'N' i.i a ��� By DATE EJ.AN,0 CS C'1 �P1� o rs p ` -n L-wuL g 50,012 C. F - Sd, oviAL c� A CrL,a L z C F 9.899 G I O, I I'i C:F OICA ✓ V Fs � J ZiaL-Ci'wf� _ / K �t K o /K - )(to.s��/43s�c�+ V/ 6 L.(/ Ztp (o S o C--- Art �:-LrwUATVZ� J RECEIVED APR 0 7 2005 BY ____ /_ ��3 2Jo 4, s o c I C F ,ac as on^_oM7 ;vr,: Pix=Q,mr, rnmq o Team" imr / lq9 P.Immm amar4 I Proonvillo cr r c)QFFt i ix: al itir- tt4�, I ' Permit No (to be provided by DWQ� State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality ' STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQStormwater Management Plan Review A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details I PROJECT INFORbLATION Project Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Leland, NC ' Contact Person David 3 Graffius Phone Number (864 ) 297-3027 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to Pond No 2 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 80 ft (floor of the basin) aPermanent Pool Elevation 160 ft (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 177 ft (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) A 11 L. I I kI L areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 14,831 sq ft (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 105 ac (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 80 ac (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Other parameters SA/DAI Diameter of Orifice Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal 2 58,691 cis ft (combined volume of main basin and forebay) 28,190 cis ft (volume detained above the permanent pool) 10,847 cis ft (approximately 20% of total volume) 3 2* (surface area to drainage area ratzo from DWQ table) 2 in (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required) 1 in 90 % (minimum 85% required) *Used Coastal Table 90% TSS Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page I of 4 IJ e ' Footnotes 1 When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries 2 In the 20 coastal counties the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal II REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H 1008 > Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below If a requirement has not been met, attach justification Applicants Initials DJG* 1 a The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet) DJG b The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume ' DJG c The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event DJG d The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days Not Required, DJG e If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) DJG f The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3 1 DJG g The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3 1 DJG*2 h A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6 1 or less (show detail) ' DJG i Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified DJG l A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice DJG*3 k A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way DJG I If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the ' basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin DJG*4 in A mechanism is specified which will dram the basin for maintenance or an emergency * 1 Average Depth = 8 0 feet, Allowed per Coastal Table *2 Due to site constraints, 3 1 slope ensured over shelf IH WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided This system (check one) 0 does * does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does 70 does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay Form S WU-102 Rev 3 99 Page 2 of 4 ' *3 Pond No 2 is on -site with full access from public roadways *4 Owner will pumo pond to drain for maintenance or an emereencv I r [I I I a �1 I r I F Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly a Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition b Check and clear the onfice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed 2 Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed Inspect and repair the collection system (i a catch basins, piping, swales, nprap, etc ) quarterly to maintain proper functioning 4 Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below) Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i e stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc ) The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments When the permanent pool depth reads 6 0 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed When the permanent pool depth reads 4 5 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed Sediment Re oval El 115 Bottom Ele anon 0 FOREBAY BASIN DIAGRAM 6611 in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 16 0 Sediment Removal Elevation 10 0 Bottom Elevation 9 0 MAIN POND 75% 25% 5 Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm 6 If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency dram shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical IForm SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page 3 of 4 J e 7 All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party tPrint name Arthur Kepes Title VP of WRS Realty, Inc, Manager of the Applicant Address 2361 South Centennial Drive, Aiken, SC 29803 Phone 803-649-1411 Signature Date ' Note The legally responsible patty should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president A I I I 1 17 1 1, a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements Witness my hand and official seal, My commission Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 SEAL Page 4 of 4 I I I I r I I F I r I I I APPENDIX D STORM DRAINAGE MAP STORM DRAIN DESIGN RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION DESIGN BUOYANCY CALCULATIONS EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CALCULATIONS 1 13 Developed Flow to Structures Structure No Area SF Area AC Coefficient TOC 141 Rainfall 10 YR mlhr Flow 10 YR cfs Inlet Capacity cte Entrance min In Pipe min OUTFALL#AO AO OUTLE - - H W - A7 10500 024 090 698 Oil 725 1 57 B 750 A2 13250 030 090 686 0 12 725 1 98 B 750 A3 22000 051 090 669 017 725 330 B 750 A4 11500 026 090 653 016 725 1 72 B T5O A5 30500 070 090 622 017 725 457 B 750 A6 17750 041 090 592 029 725 266 D 780 A7 6000 014 090 585 007 725 090 0 780 AB 1800 004 090 512 074 725 027 D 780 A9 - 1 75 090 500 0 12 725 11 42 R 2000 A10 24500 056 090 615 029 725 367 B 750 A11 37000 085 090 580 035 725 554 B 750 Al2 76250 1 75 090 500 080 725 1142 2B 1500, A13 27750 064 090 577 052 725 416 B 750 A14 32250 074 090 500 077 725 483 B 750 A15 25750 059 085 603 049 725 364 B 750 A16 28750 066 085 555 048 725 407 B 750 A17 35750 082 090 500 055 725 536 R 2000 A18 35500 081 090 568 050 725 532 B 750 A19 45000 1 03 090 122 0 68 7 25 674 B 750 A20 2700 006 090 512 073 7 25 0 40 D 711 A21 - 1 75 090 500 0 12 725 11 42 f 2000. A22 - S- 090 500 0 12 725 1 1142 f 2000 OUTFALL#BO BO OUTLE H W B7 15000 034 090 500 725 226 D 780 B2 24250 056 085 500 - 725 343 D 780 B3 14000 032 085 500 725 1 98 D 780 B4 17000 039 085 500 725 241 D 780 B5 21000 048 080 500 - 725 280 D 780 B6 27000 062 090 500 725 404 B 750 B7 33000 --0:76- 090 500 725 494 B 750 OUTFALL#CO CO OUTLE H W Cl 18000 041 085 5 00 725 255 D 780 C2 2300 005 0 80 5 00 7 25 031 D 780 C3 16300 037 2M 500 725 231 D 7 80 C4 112000 57 70 500 1- 725 1305 1 H W - UTFALL#00 DO I EX SD - - - - EX SC - D1 72775 1 090 725 10 90 1 2D 11560 OUTFALL#EO EO OUTLE '-_ - I - I- - H W - E1 117250 269 090 500 - 725 17 56 D 780 E2 56000 1 29 0 90 5 00 725 839 D 880 E3 7900 018 090 500 725 118 D 980 E4 39750 090 500 725 596 C ,Fq 07J OUTFALL #FO _ - - - H W - LOUTLE SD MH - - - - 725 367 C - F2 1 24500 056 090 5 00 725 367 O 780 F3 1 11000 0.25 090 500 725 1 65 D 1 880 1/ OUTFALL#DO GO OUTLE E D G1 POND 090 725 3555 OS OUTFALL#DO HO OUTLE - - - E D - H1 POND - 0 90 - - 7 25 30 OS OS I - ��,�.. e /' �y' � /_ �j l ny,��//� (T i- 4r,%- 0I-t- J 1 'lE' ( 24 073 %CK) a1 l'" w KMY ° 240073 WMG- Dcalcs New Design XLS 3/17/2005 70 I 11 I 1 i I I I 1 I 1 Recommended Pipe Size/Slope From To Cumulative Flaw (Q,o) cis Pipe Sae m Velocity (V ) (fps) Actual Slope % Actual Capacity (Q.) cfs 4 � Q is ? OUTFALL#AO Al AO 10638 48 1693 060 111 2 YES A2 Al 10480 48 1668 060 111 2 YES A3 A2 10282 48 1636 060 111 2 YES A4 A3 6990 42 1271 0 50 71 1 YES A5 A4 4306 36 914 0 50 471 YES A6 A5 3849 36 817 040 422 YES A7 A6 3583 36 760 033 383 YES A8 A7 11 69 24 372 033 130 YES A9 A8 11 42 24 363 0 33 130 YES A10 A3 2063 24 657 0 85 208 YES A71 A10 1696 24 540 067 185 YES Ail A71 1142 24 364 050 160 YES A13 A3 899 18 381 1 00 105 YES A14 A13 483 15 246 100 65 YES A15 A4 1307 24 416 0 85 208 YES A16 A15 942 18 400 085 97 YES A17 A16 536 18 227 050 74 YES A18 A4 12 06 24 3 84 0 50 160 YES A19 A18 674 18 286 0 50 74 YES A20 A7 11 82 24 376 0 50 160 YES A21 A20 11 42 24 3 63 0 33 130 YES A22 17 11 42 24 3 63 0 33 130 YES OUTFALL#BO BO B1 BO 21 85 24 695 095 220 YES B2 B1 1960 24 624 080 202 YES B3 B2 1617 24 515 0 55 168 YES 84 63 1419 24 452 0 50 160 YES 65 64 11 78 24 375 0 50 160 YES 86 B5 899 18 381 0 75 91 YES B7 B6 494 15 252 0 75 56 YES OUTFALL#CO Co Ci CO 1821 24 580 065 1 182 YES C2 Cl 1 1566 24 499 050 160 YES C3 C2 231 15 117 050 46 YES C4 C2 1305 24 415 089 21 4 1 YES OUTFALL#DO [Al DO 1C 90 18 463 110 11 0 YES OUTFALL#EO EO E1 EO 2309 24 10 53 2 50 35 8 YES E2 E1 15 53 1 24 1 494 1 115 242 YES E3 E2 714 18 303 1 00 105 YES E4 E3 595 18 253 1 00 105 YES OUTFALL #FO FO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F7 FO 5 32 18 2 26 2 50 166 YES F2 F1 532 18 226 1 50 129 YES F3 F2 1 65 18 070 1 00 105 YES OUTFALL#DO GO G1 GO 3555 36 7 54 050 47 1 YES OUTFALL#DO HO _ I _ I _ I _ I _ _ _ H1 HO 1 3005 1 36 1 638 1 050 471 YES KMY 240073 WMG SDcalcs New Design XLS 3/17/2005 r m m r M" m M w o M w m m m m m m m S TORM DRAIN SCHEDULE FROM TO LENGTH FT PIPE DIA I SLOPE IN % INVERT ELEVATION INFL END FT EFFL END FT OUTFALL#AO AO Ai AO 110 48 060 16 16 1550 A2 Al 118 48 060 1687 1616 A3 A2 170 48 060 1789 1687 A4 A3 123 42 050 18 50 1789 A5 A4 94 36 050 1897 1850 A6 A5 143 36 040 1955 1897 A7 A6 34 36 033 1966 1955 A8 A7 165 24 033 2020 1966 A9 A8 26 24 1 033 2029 2020 A10 A3 114 24 085 1886 1789 Ail AlO 114 24 067 1962 1886 Al2 A11 175 24 050 2050 1962 A13 A3 120 18 1 00 1909 1789 A14 A13 114 15 1 00 2023 1909 A15 A4 123 24 085 1955 1850 A16 A15 116 18 085 2053 1955 A17 A16 75 18 050 2091 1 2053 A18 A4 114 24 050 1907 1650 A19 A18 117 18 0 50 1166 1907 A20 A7 165 24 050 2048 1966 A21 A20 26 24 0 33 2057 2048 A22 A7 26 1 24 033 1974 1966 OUTFALL#BO BO B 1 BO 65 24 095 1662 1600 B2 B7 194 24 080 1817 1662 B3 B2 135 24 055 1891 18 17 B4 B3 100 24 050 1941 1891 B5 34 89 24 050 1986 1941 B6 B5 101 18 075 2061 1986 87 B6 118 15 075 21 50 2061 OUTFALL#CO CO C1 CO 94 24 065 2061 20 00 C2 M M24 050 2121 2061 C3 C2 160 15 050 2201 21 21 C4 C2 122 24 089 2230 21 21 OUTFALL#DO DO D1 DO I 18 STRUCTURE NO TYPE TOP ELEV INLET WEIR ELEV BTM ELEV DEPTH FT OUTFALL#AO AO H W 1550 Al B 2450 2450 1616 834 A2 B 2430 2430 1687 743 A3 B 2400 2400 1789 611 A4 B 2430 2430 1850 580 A5 B 2430 2430 1897 533 A6 0 2480 2430 1965 526 A7 D 2480 2430 1966 514 A8 D 2650 2600 2020 630 A9 A 2583 2500 2029 554 AlO B 2400 2400 1886 514 All B 2400 2400 1962 438 Al2 2B 2400 2400 2050 351 A73 B 2400 2400 1909 491 A 14 B 2400 2400 2023 377 A15 B 2400 2400 1955 445 A16 B 2400 2400 2053 347 A17 A 2483 2400 2091 1 392 A18 B 2430 1 2430 1907 523 A19 B 24 30 2430 1966 464 A20 D 26 50 2600 2048 602 A21 A 2583 2500 2057 526 A22 A 2583 2500 1974 609 OUTFALL#BO BO H W 1600 B1 D 2400 2350 1662 738 B2 D 2430 2380 1817 613 B3 D 2500 2450 1891 609 B4 D 2500 2450 1941 559 B5 D 2500 2450 1986 514 B6 B 2460 2460 2061 399 87 B 2450 2450 21 50 300 OUTFALL#CO CO H W 2000 C 1 D 2490 2440 2061 429 C2 D 2550 2500 2121 429 C3 D 2550 2500 22 01 3 49 C4 H W 2236 OUTFALL#DO DO EX SD D1 2D 2500 1 2450 KMY 240073-WMG SDcelcs New Design XLS 3/17/2005 M a m m M m IM m m o m" m m= i m p S TORM DRAIN SCHEDULE FROM TO LENGTH FT PIPE DIA SLOPE IN % INVERT ELEVATION INFL END FT EFFL END FT OUTFALL#EO EO El EO 36 24 250 1690 16 00 E2 El 181 24 115 1898 1690 E3 E2 146 18 1 00 1 2044 1898 E4 E3 43 18 1 00 2087 2044 OUTFALL#FO FO A FO 41 18 2 50 1653 155 F2 F1 168 18 1 50 1905 16 53 F3 F2 104 18 1 00 2009 19 05 OUTFALL#GO GO G1 GO 70 24 11 050 15 50 1515 OUTFALL#HO HO H1 HO 140 24 O 50 1600 1530 STRUCTURE NO TYPE TOP ELEV INLET WEIR ELEV BTM ELEV DEPTH FT OUTFALL#EO EO H W 16 00 El D 2450 2400 1690 760 E2 D 2470 2420 1898 572 E3 D 2460 2400 2044 406 E4 C 2540 2087 453 OUTFALL#FO FO H W 1550 F1 C 24 70 16 53 8 18 F2 D 2320 1 2270 1905 416 F3 I D 2450 1 2400 2009 442 OUTFALL#GO GO H W 1515 G1 OS 1550 OUTFALL#HO HO H W 1530 H7 OS 1600 KMY 240073 WMG SDcelcs New Design XLS 3/17/2005 JOB NAME JOB NUMBER PAGE NO 2VOo73 -� JOB DESCRIPTgN BV OATE PiPRAP DESIGN 13JL3 0311-VI I i I I I U e` I I�� 1 , T — 77 All -�- 1-fro o�s • I ti r ��—�- I L � , I s �--�—; 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f--' _ CHECK STRUCTURE WEIGHT , "ASSUME BLOCKED ORIFICE -TINDALCG60 SERIES ---- ---- ----- - `-' ,--� -T - --- - - -- - - i-- -'- -- WRIIiER = 8,/173 LB + 5 391 LB = 13 564 LB 4�-- �W�oR<= 5 42��417ftt50)=12,2821b —� — -- ----- -- --; FACTOR OF S IFETY Fs'_ E W (13,564+ 12,282) Ib =1-94 -- f Y-FB i 13,3261 i , I , ' 1 i r � I i I ' L , r , } BA -SE ; 1 , G60 - 566 8,173 LB RISER I I '1 G60-48R 5 391 LB GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC / 132 Pll,arlm Road / Greenville SC 29607 / 864 297 3027 /4 �-pd �i.IM.bfJl:t�f JOB NAME JOB NUMBER PAGE NO PROPOSED RETAIL, LELAND, NC D JOB DESCRIPTION OUTLET STRUCTURE POND NO 2 - BUOYANCY CALCS JG 03/14/05 POND NO 2 - OUTLET S1 I CHECK BUOYANCY , FB = (D4Z'rl(HtXWtr II' I II ICTURE , (s a34t) z n (20 00 -13 01 )ft �62 4 fb =11,6 I "ASSUME BLOCKED ORIFICE TINnQI I`C,RD �FRIFS -- BASE , ill G60 - 56 ' 8 173 tB RISER 1 1 G60 - 32R 3,593 LB I I WB,�B = 8,1731La + 3 593 L`B(= 11,7616 LB W_f333ftJj150Ib j-9,8081b ft FACTOR OF SAFETY I EW ((11,766+9,808)Ib -FS=—= =-185 - ---1.85>1.0OK - - - -- EFB , 11,660 lb i I I 1 { I II E , I E I E ! E GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC / 132 Pll lrlm Road / Greenville SC 29607 / 864 297 3027 I i 1 1 e 1 1 1 11 1 JOB NAME J08 NUMBER PAGE NO PRopolED I?ErAlL , 4VAA) /JL 2Yo 1/1 JOB DESCRIPTION BY DATE E/I(EkGGNCy SP/GC�Ay DE1/6nl .�� (� ���t//os I ' - _T06 I C. t l JrUN2' 1+2 wCL2__�FLv�-? 'IffQuL 1TALE �1L (n�C 1L'L ola 1neA�lX _Or _ S_zRU�7"u_�2C,—ELL. r:R.lY nnt4-qjH TANTS Wr_ 1119 Pdnrm Rnar' / r;rvanvffl a Cr�OFt17 / l4Fd\ 707?f1^7 APPENDIX E TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS MAP SEDIMENTOLOGY SEDCAD CALCULATIONS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DETENTION POND NO 1 SEDIMENTOLOGY SEDCAD CALCULATIONS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DETENTION POND NO 2 SEDIMENTOLOGY SEDCAD CALCULATIONS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN NO 3 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP CALCULATIONS SOILS MAP AND DATA POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS 240073 Retail Shopping Center Total Drainace Area 17 56 AC Temporary• • MEMMMMM Total Volume 256,327 CIF KMY 240073-WMF-SDcalcs XLS 3/15/2005 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Pi T d Retail Shooi n of Le Rename 240073-SEDPond1 sc4 GEC No. 240073 Sedimentology Calculations Sediment Basin No. 1 Kyle M Young Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone 864-297-3027 Email dgraffius@grayengineering com I Printed 03-17 2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- —H. .OR ems. 1. 1 Filename 240073-SEDPondi so4 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 7 000 inches Particle Size Distribution: Size (mm) Norfolk Hydric Soil 14000 100 000% 10000 80 600% 03800 36 100% 00630 22 900% 00440 22 800% 00040 7 400% 00030 5 200% 00010 0 000% 2 Pnnted 03-17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Structure Summary: Immediate Total Peak Total Peak Peak Contnbuting Contributing Discharge Runoff Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Area Area Volume (tons) Conc Conc (ml/I) (ac) (ac) (ems) (ac-ft) (mg/1) (MI/1) In 81 17 7 85 1216 22,055 15 02 8 00 #1 17 560 17 560 Out 1661 7 85 9 7 2,153 0 03 002 4 Filename 240073-SEDPondt sc4 Pnnted 03-17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- —h. 1... P-1. 1 c,6 —h 1 1 1 1 1 t Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1: Size (mm) In Out 14000 100 000% 100 000% 10000 83 666% 100 000% 03800 37 473% 100 000% 00630 23 771% 100 000% 0 0440 23 667% 100 000% 00040 7 682% 96 312% 00030 5 398% 67 679% 00010 0 000% 0 000% 5 Filename 240073-SEDPondl sc4 Printed 03-17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -., iooa oo.00io t c.h .F Structure #1 (Pond1 Sediment Basin No 1 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 1610 Initial Pool 0 08 ac-ft *Sediment Storage 0 00 ac it Dead Space 20 00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Diameter (ft) Diameter Length (off) n Spillway Elev Holes per (in)(in)Elev Elev 4800 3001 1800 5000 0501 00120 1900 1 Pond Results Emeroencv Soillwa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2050 1000 300 1 300 1 1500 Peak Elevation 2024 H graph Detention Time 6 01 hrs Pond Model CSTRS Dewater Time 144 days Trap Efficiency 92 02 % Dewatenng time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Area Capacity Discharge Dewater Elevation Time (ac) (ac-ft) (cis) (hrs) 1600 0 781 0 000 0 000 Top of Sed Storage 1610 0 786 0 078 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1620 0 792 0 157 0 531 835 1630 0 797 0 237 0 752 155 1640 0 803 0 317 0 921 1 is L Filename 240073-SEDPondt sc4 Printed 03-17 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows I ,I I e l I I I n 1 r Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-R) Discharge (cts) Dewater Time (hrs) 1650 0 808 0 397 1 063 100 1660 0 814 0 478 1 188 085 1670 0 819 0 560 1 302 080 1680 0 825 0 642 1 406 075 1690 0 830 0 725 1 503 065 1700 0 836 0 808 1 594 065 1710 0 842 0 892 1 681 065 1720 0 847 0 977 1 763 060 1730 0 853 1 062 1 841 055 1740 0 859 1 147 1916 055 1750 0 864 1 233 1989 055 1760 0 870 1 320 2058 050 1770 0 876 1 407 2 126 050 1780 0 881 1 495 2 191 050 1790 0 887 1 584 2 255 050 1800 0 893 1 673 2 317 045 1810 0 899 1 762 2 377 045 1820 0 905 1 853 2 436 045 1830 0 912 1943 2 493 045 1840 0 918 2035 2 549 050 1850 0 924 2 127 2 604 090 1860 0 930 2 220 2 657 090 1870 0936 2313 2710 085 1880 0 943 2 407 2 762 080 1890 0 949 2 502 2 812 090 1900 0 955 2 597 2 862 100 Spillway #1 19 10 0 962 2 693 2 911 125 1920 0 968 2 789 3 484 195 1930 0 975 2 886 6 401 135 1940 0 981 2 984 9 855 035 1950 0 987 3 083 13 773 020 1960 0 994 3 182 15 372 010 1970 1 000 3 281 15 571 015 1980 1 007 3 382 15 766 010 1990 1 013 3 483 15 960 015 2000 1 020 3 584 16 151 0 15 20 10 1 032 3 687 16 340 015 2020 1 044 3 791 16 527 020 2024 1 050 3 836 16 606 0 20 Peak Stage 2030 1 057 3 896 16 711 2040 1 069 4 002 16 894 7 I Filename 240073-SEDPondt sc4 Pnnted 03 17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r I I j I I I Q, I I I I I Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2050 1 081 4 110 17 075 Spillway #2 2060 1 094 4 218 17 878 2070 1 106 4 328 18680 2080 1 119 4 440 19 481 2090 1 132 4 552 20 279 2100 1 144 4 666 21 076 21 10 1 157 4 781 35 062 2120 1 170 4 897 40 958 2130 1 183 5 015 47 489 2140 1 196 5 134 54 635 2150 1209 5 254 61 598 2160 1 223 5 376 70 217 2170 1 236 5 499 79 473 2180 1 249 5 623 89 360 2190 1 263 5 749 99 875 2200 1 276 5 876 111 018 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 1600 0 000 0 000 0 000 1610 8 00>0 000 0 000 0 000 1620 0 531 0 000 0 531 1630 0 752 0 000 0 752 1640 0 921 0 000 0 921 1650 1 063 0 000 1 063 1660 1 188 0 000 1 188 1670 1 302 0 000 1 302 1680 1 406 0 000 1 406 1690 1 503 0 000 1 503 1700 1 594 0 000 1 594 1710 1 681 0 000 1 681 1720 1 763 0 000 1 763 1730 1 841 0 000 1 841 1740 1916 0 000 1916 1750 1989 0 000 1989 1760 2058 0 000 2058 1770 2 126 0 000 2126, 0 Filename 240073-SEDPond1 sc4 Printed 03-17 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows rnn nnhl loop ommnla 1 cnhumn I II I I I I I I I 11 I I I F I Elevation Perf Riser (crs) Emergency Spillway cfs P Y ( ) Combined TotalS Discharge (Cfs) 1780 2 191 0 000 2 191 1790 2 255 0 000 2 255 1800 2317 0000 2317 1810 2 377 0 000 2 377 1820 2 436 0 000 2 436 1830 2 493 0 000 2 493 1840 2 549 0 000 2 549 1850 2 604 0 000 2 604 1860 2 657 0 000 2 657 1870 2710 0000 2710 1880 2 762 0 000 2 762 1890 2812 0000 2812 1900 2 862 0 000 2 862 1910 2911 0000 2911 1920 3 484 0 000 3 484 1930 6 401 0 000 6 401 1940 9 855 0 000 9 855 1950 13 773 0 000 13 773 1960 15 372 0 000 15 372 1970 15 571 0 000 15 571 1980 15 766 0 000 15 766 1990 15 960 0 000 15 960 2000 16 151 0 000 16 151 20 10 16 340 0 000 16 340 2020 16 527 0 000 16 527 2030 16 711 0 000 16 711 2040 16 894 0 000 16 894 2050 17 075 0 000 17 075 2060 17 253 0 625 17 878 2070 17 430 1 250 18 680 2080 17 606 1 875 19 481 2090 17 779 2 500 20 279 2100 17 951 3 125 21 076 21 10 18 121 16 941 35 062 21 20 18 290 22 668 40 958 2130 18 457 29 032 47 489 2140 18 622 36 012 54 635 21 50 18 786 42 811 61 598 2160 18 949 51 269 70 217 2170 19 110 60 363 79 473 11 Filename 240073-SEDPond1 sc4 t Printed 03-17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —hl I.0p Domula I trhmh 1 I i I u I I C1 11 a 1- 1 1 1 11, 1 Combined Total Elevation Perf Riser ser (cfs) Spillway (cfs) Discharge (cfs) 2180 19 270 70 090 89 360 2190 19 429 80 446 99 875 2200 19 586 91 432 111 018 10 Filename 240073-SEDPondt sc4 1 Printed 03-17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (ffs) (ac ft) #1 1 17 560 0 131 0 000 0 000 86 000 F 81 17 7 852 E 17 560 8117 7 852 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Peak Peak Stru SWS Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Soil K L O S ft % # # ( ) C p # Conc Conc (tons) (MI/1) (mg/1) (ml/I) #1 1 0200 20000 100 10000 10000 1 1216 22,055 1502 800 E 1216 22,055 1502 Soo Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru SWS Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) #1 1 8 large gullies, diversions, and low 050 Soo 1,00000 2 120 0 131 Flowing streams #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 131 Filename 240073-SEDPondt sc4 Printed 03-17-2005 t POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS I I 11 I a I CJ 1 240073 Retail Shopping Center Total Drainage Area 7 15 AC Temporary• MMMMOMM MON MOM,M�M\NIMIMk�������©�� WO,kX, �%XN®R Total Volume 75,155 CIF KMY 240073-WMF-SDcalcs XLS 3/15/2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Proposed Retail Shpping Center Town of Leland, North Carolina GEC No. 240073 Sedimentology Calculations Sediment Basin No. 2 Kyle M Young Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone 864-297-3027 Email dgraffius@grayengineering com 1 Rename 240073-SEDPond2 sc4 Printed 03 17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -.. 100. o—la i c,h —. I I 11 11 1 F 1 [1 r General Information Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II Design Storm 10 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth 7 000 inches Particle Size Distribution: Size (mm) Norfolk Hydric Soil 14000 100 000% 10000 80 600% 03800 36 100% 00630 22 900% 00440 22 800% 00040 7 400% 00030 S 200% 00010 0 000% 9 Filename 240073 SEDPond2 sn1 Printed 03-17-2005 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows I I U 11 LJ I I I [1 Structure Summary: Immediate Total Peak Total Peak Peak Contributing Contributing DischargeRunoff Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Area Area Volume (tons) Conc Conc (MI/1) (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft) (mg/1) (MI/1) In 3533 320 461 19,037 1305 724 #1 7 150 7 150 Out 2256 320 44 2,151 022 010 4 Filename 240073-SEDPond2 sal Printed 03 17-2005 1 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Mn �,.eiaaa o�.si� i c,.e on I ' Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure r I I 11 I r i 1 r E s, Structure #1: Size (mm) In Out 14000 100 000% 100 000% 10000 80 600% 100 000% 03800 36 100% 100 000% 00630 22 900% 100 000% 0 0440 22 800% 100 000% 00040 7 400% 77 828% 00030 5 200% 54 690% 00010 0 000% 0 000% rJ Rename 240073-SEOPond2 sc4 F Printed 03-17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Structure #1 (Pond) Sediment Basin No 2 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 1610 Initial Pool 0 00ac-R *Sediment Storage 0 00 ac-R Dead Space 20 00 *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope elS Number of Diameter (R) Diameter Length (R) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per (m) (m) Elev 4800 400 2400 14000 0501 00120 2000 2 Pond Results Peak Elevation 2069 H graph Detention Time 0 50 hrs Pond Model CSTRS Dewater Time 0 51 days Trap Efficiency 90 49 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac R) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1600 0 030 0 000 0 000 Top of Sed Storage 1610 0 034 0 003 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 1620 0 038 0 007 0 598 395 1630 0 042 0 011 0 846 220 1640 0 047 0 015 1 036 080 1650 0 052 0 020 1 196 050 1660 0 057 0 026 1 337 030 1670 0 062 0 032 1 465 030 1680 0 068 0 038 1 582 020 1690 0 073 0 045 1 691 020 1700 0 079 0 053 1 794 0 1s 11 Filename 240073-SEDPond2 so4 Printed 03 17-2005 r SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -n I I... D-1. I C,h-.. L [l I I I d I r I I i 1 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1710 0 085 0 061 1 891 015 1720 0 092 0 070 1983 0 15 1730 0 099 0 079 2071 0 15 1740 0 106 0 090 2 156 0 15 1750 0 113 0 100 2 237 020 1760 0 120 0 112 2 316 020 1770 0 128 0 124 2 392 0 15 1780 0 136 0 138 2 465 025 1790 0 144 0 152 2 537 020 1800 0 152 0 166 2 606 025 18 10 0 162 0 182 4 335 015 1820 0 171 0 199 5 089 010 1830 0181 0216 5681 005 1840 0 192 0 235 6 189 005 1850 0202 0 255 6 643 005 1860 0 213 0 275 7 058 005 1870 0 225 0 297 7 443 010 1880 0 236 0 320 7 805 005 1890 0 248 0 345 8 147 005 1900 0 260 0 370 8 472 005 19 10 0 272 0 397 8 784 005 1920 0 285 0 425 9 083 005 1930 0 298 0 454 9 371 005 1940 0 311 0 484 9 650 005 1950 0325 0516 9919 005 1960 0 339 0 549 10 181 0 10 1970 0 353 0 584 10 436 005 1980 0 367 0 620 10 684 005 1990 0 382 0 657 10 926 005 2000 0 397 0 696 11 162 0 10 Spillway # 1 20 10 0 406 0 736 11 393 005 2020 0 415 0 777 11 619 010 2030 0 424 0 819 11 841 010 2040 0 434 0 862 12 058 0 10 2050 0 443 0 906 13 773 010 2060 0 453 0 951 18 105 005 2069 0 462 0 994 22 565 0 05 Peak Stage 2070 0 462 0 997 22 815 2080 0 472 1 043 27 874 2090 0 482 1 091 29 899 2100 0 492 1 140 30 164 7 I Filename 240073-SEDPond2 so4 Printed 03-17 2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows r- -. , mop o-i. i c.h, h d M I I I I e a I I 11 I I Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac ft) Discharge (ds) Dewater Time (hrs) 21 10 0 502 1 189 30 428 21 20 0 512 1 240 30 689 2130 0 522 1 292 30 948 2140 0 533 1 345 31 205 2150 0 543 1 398 31 460 2160 0 554 1453 31 712 21 70 0 564 1 509 31 963 21 80 0 575 1 566 32 212 2190 0 586 1 624 32 459 2200 0 597 1 683 32 704 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation Perf Riser (ds) Combined Total Discharge (ds) 1600 0 000 0 000 1610 6 00>0 000 0 000 1620 0 598 0 598 1630 0 846 0 846 1640 1 036 1 036 1650 1 196 1 196 1660 1 337 1 337 1670 1 465 1 465 1680 1 582 1 582 1690 1 691 1 691 1700 1 794 1 794 1710 1 891 1 891 1720 1983 1983 1730 2071 2071 1740 2 156 2 156 1750 2 237 2 237 1760 2316 2316 1770 2 392 2 392 1780 2 465 2 465 1790 2 537 2 537 1800 10 00>2 606 2 606 18 10 4 335 4 335 1820 5 089 5 089 1830 5 681 5 681 Filename 240073-SEDPond2 sc4 Printed 03-17-2005 r SEDCAD 4 for Windows r— —F, aap Oamnla I o-Finah lJ [1 L I t_ J I e I r I p 1 Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (Bs) 1840 6 189 6 189 1850 6 643 6 643 1860 7 058 7 058 1870 7 443 7 443 1880 7 805 7 805 1890 8 147 8 147 1900 8 472 8 472 19 10 8 784 8 784 1920 9 083 9 083 1930 9 371 9 371 1940 9 650 9 650 1950 9919 9919 1960 10 181 10 181 1970 10 436 10 436 1980 10 684 10 684 1990 10 926 10 926 2000 it 162 11 162 2010 11 393 11 393 2020 11 619 11 619 2030 11 841 11 841 2040 12 058 12 058 2050 13 773 13 773 2060 18 105 18 105 2070 22 815 22 815 2080 27 874 27 874 2090 29 899 29 899 2100 30164 30164 21 10 30 428 30 428 21 20 30 689 30 689 2130 30 948 30 948 2140 31205 31205 2150 31460 31460 21 60 31 712 31 712 2170 31963 31963 21 80 32 212 32 212 2190 32 459 32 459 2200 32 704 32 704 Filename 240073-SEDPond2 sc4 1J Printed 03-17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows nnm nnhi 1 °ON P—In I crhv nh 10 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) Number (hrs) (cfs) (ac-ft) #1 1 7 150 0 095 0 000 0 000 86 000 F 3533 3 197 E 7 150 3533 3 197 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Peak Peak Stru SWS Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Soil K L (R) S (%) C p # # # Conc Conc (tons) (MI/1) (mg/0 (m1/I) #1 1 0 200 200 00 100 10000 10000 1 461 19,037 13 05 7 24 E 461 19,037 1305 724 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru SWS Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Hortz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) 8 Large gullies, diversions, and low #1 1 Flowing streams 053 400 75004 2 190 0 095 #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 095 Filename 240073-SEDPond2 so4 Printed 03 17-2005 POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS 240073 Retail Shopping Center Tntal nrainane Area 5 78 AC Temporary• No MMMMMM ICIIMNINO\EXE \\MXMI\\\\ .. • • • ,%XI XNN\O%,k\\\0 E101k.X.X%\\\� Total Volume 108,931 CF KMY 240073-WMF-SDcalcs XLS 3/15/2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows it n of Leland, North C GEC No. 240073 Sedimentology Calculations Sediment Basin No. 3 Kyle M Young Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone 864-297-3027 Email dgraffius@grayengineering com L Rename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Printed 03-17-2005 ' SEDCAD 4 for Windows General Information 1 Storm Information: Storm Type NRCS Type II ' Design Storm 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall Depth 7 000 inches I r e 1 11 H I Filename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Particle Size Distribution: Size (mm) Lynchburg 14000 100 000% 10000 81400% 06300 38 800% 00440 24 400% 00380 24 300% 00040 7 500% 00030 5 200% 00010 0 000% 2 Printed 03 17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows n— —K, l ooa Cando 1 Ge ...e E 1 I 1 1 r L [_1 1 1 1 1 1 �J 1 1 Structure Summary: Immediate Total Peak Total Peak Peak Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Area Area Volume (tons) Conic Conc (m1/I) (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac R) (mg/1) (MI/1) In 2856 258 364 18,561 1256 696 #1 5 780 5 780 Out 1388 258 33 2,075 0 15 007 4 Filename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Printed 03-17 2005 i SEDCAD 4 for Windows I ' Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure 1 1 1 C] I I [1 1 [1 Structure #1: Size (mm) In Out 14000 100 000% 100 000% 10000 81 400% 100 000% 06300 38 800% 100 000% 00440 24 400% 100 000% 00380 24 300% 100 000% 00040 7 500% 83 200% 00030 5 200% 57 686% 00010 0 000% 0 000% 5 Rename 240073-SEDPond3 sr4 Printed 03-17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows n- —h, 1002 aI Ghma6 Structure #1 (Ponds Sediment Basin No 3 Pond Inputs Structure Detail: Initial Pool Elev 20 10 Initial Pool 0 01 ac ft *Sediment Storage 0 00 ac ft Dead Space 20 00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Poser Riser Height Barrel Barrel Barrel Slope Number of Diameter (ft) (ft) Diameter Length (ft) (rya) Manning s n Spillway Elev Holes per (in) Elev 4800 200 1800 4000 050 00120 2200 1 Pond Results Emeraencv SDlllwa Spillway Elev Crest Length Left Right Bottom (ft) Sideslope Sideslope Width (ft) 2300 500 300 1 300 1 1500 Peak Elevation 2279 H graph Detention Time 2 14 hrs Pond Model CSTRS Dewater Time 0 67 days Trap Efficiency 90 99 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation -Capacity -Discharge Table Area Capacity Discharge Dewater Elevation Time (ac) (ac ft) (Cfs) (hrs) 2000 0 089 0 000 0 000 Top of Sed Storage 2010 0 100 0 009 0 000 Low hole SPW #1 2020 0 112 0 020 0 299 175 2030 0 125 0 032 0 423 040 2040 0 138 0 045 0 518 035 W Filename 240073-SEDPond3 so4 Printed 03-17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows i I e d Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2050 0 152 0 060 0 598 030 2060 0 167 0 076 0 669 030 2070 0 182 0 093 0 732 030 2080 0 199 0 112 0 791 030 2090 0 215 0 133 0 846 030 2100 0 233 0 155 0 897 045 21 10 0 251 0 179 0 945 065 2120 0 270 0205 0 992 065 2130 0 289 0 233 1 036 060 2140 0 309 0 263 1 078 065 2150 0 330 0 295 1 119 060 2160 0 351 0 329 1 158 065 2170 0 374 0 365 1 196 065 2180 0 396 0 404 1 233 080 2190 0 420 0 445 1 268 080 2200 0 444 0 498 1 303 1 10 Spillway # 1 2210 0 483 0 534 1 337 185 2220 0 523 0 584 3 484 170 2230 0 565 0 639 6 401 040 2240 0 608 0 698 9 855 015 2250 0 653 0 761 13 190 010 2260 0 700 0 828 13 432 0 10 2270 0 749 0 901 13 669 0 10 2279 0 794 0 971 13 883 0 10 Peak Stage 2280 0 799 0 978 13 903 2290 0 850 1 060 14 133 2300 0 903 1 148 14 359 Spillway #2 2310 0 958 1 241 16 430 2320 1 015 1 340 18 499 2330 1 073 1 444 20 563 2340 1 132 1 554 22 625 2350 1 193 1 671 24 684 2360 1 256 1 793 35 658 2370 1 321 1922 41 943 2380 1 387 2057 48 850 2390 1 455 2 199 56 363 2400 1 524 2 348 64 063 Detailed Discharge Table 7 Filename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Printed 03-17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows 11 11 I I L 17 L LJ Elevation Perf Riser ser (cfs) Spillway cfs P Y ( ) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 2000 0 000 0 000 0 000 20 10 6 00> 0 000 0 000 0 000 2020 0 299 0 000 0 299 2030 0 423 0 000 0 423 2040 0518 0000 0518 2050 0 598 0 000 0 598 2060 0 669 0 000 0 669 2070 0 732 0 000 0 732 2080 0 791 0 000 0 791 2090 0 846 0 000 0 846 2100 0 897 0 000 0 897 21 10 0 945 0 000 0 945 21 20 0 992 0 000 0 992 21 30 1 036 0 000 1 036 2140 1 078 0 000 1 078 21 50 1 119 0 000 1 119 21 60 1 158 0 000 1 158 2170 1 196 0 000 1 196 21 80 1 233 0 000 1 233 2190 1 268 0 000 1 268 2200 1 303 0 000 1 303 22 10 1 337 0 000 1 337 2220 3 484 0 000 3 484 2230 6 401 0 000 6 401 2240 9 855 0 000 9 855 2250 13 190 0 000 13 190 2260 13 432 0 000 13 432 2270 13 669 0 000 13 669 2280 13 903 0 000 13 903 2290 14 133 0 000 14 133 2300 14 359 0 000 14 359 2310 14 582 1 849 16 430 2320 14 801 3 698 18 499 2330 15 017 5 546 20 563 2340 15 230 7 395 22 625 2350 15 440 9 244 24 684 2360 15 647 20 011 35 658 2370 15 852 26 091 41 943 2380 16 054 32 796 48 850 2390 16 253 40 110 56 363 Filename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Pnnted 03-17-2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Combined Emergency Total Elevation Perf Riser (cfs) Spillway (cfs) Discharge (cfs) 2400 16 450 47 612 64 063 O Filename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Printed 03-17 2005 SEDCAD 4 for Windows inn n.110.9 0-1I cre ah 10 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru SWS SWS Area Time of Musk K Curve Peak Runoff Conic Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (cfs) (ac-ft) #1 1 5 780 0 095 0 000 0 000 86 000 F 2856 2 584 E 5 780 2856 2 584 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Peak Peak Stru SWS Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW # # Sod K L (ft) S (%) C P PS # Conic Conc (tons) (ni (mg/1) (MI/1) #1 1 0200 200 00 100 10000 10000 1 36 4 18,561 1256 6 96 S 364 18,561 1256 696 Subwatershed Time of Concentration Details: Stru SWS Land Flow Condition Slope (%) Vert Dist Honz Dist Velocity Time (hrs) # # (ft) (ft) (fps) #1 1 8 Large gullies, diversions, and low 053 400 75004 2 190 0 095 Flowing streams #1 1 Time of Concentration 0 095 Filename 240073-SEDPond3 sc4 Printed 03-17 2005 POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS 240073 Retail Shopping Center Total Drainage Area 1 23 AC Storage Required 1800 CF/AC Total Storage Required 2214 CIF Total Storage Provided 8158 CIF 6633 CF/AC Temporary Total Volume 8,158 CF KMY 240073-WMF-SDcalcs XLS 3/14/2005 Total Volume 8,158 CF KMY 240073-WMF-SDcalcs XLS 3/14/2005 m � = m m s 7 m m mI �= m= m ER EXCESS ORNERS A NOTE OUTLET SHOWN ENLARGED FOR CLARITY EARTH EMBARKMENT OUTLET ONTO STABILIZED AREA WITH LEVEL SPREADER HEIGHT (SPECIFY HEIGHT) SECTION A —A (If SHOWN IN CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS) GENERAL NOTE I PIPE MATERIAL - CORRUGATED METAL PIPE PVC, HOPE OR OTHER PLASTIC MATERIAL 2 FILTER FABRIC SPECIFY TYPE OF FILTER FABRIC) ] DIMENSIONS - SPECIFY LIMIT OF EXCAVATION AND PIPE DIAMETER ON THIS OR ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS) 4 RISER PERFORATION OR SLOTS - (SHOW ON THIS DETAIL OR ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS) 5 ALL PIPE CONNECTION SHALL BE WATERTIGHT B FILL MATERIAL AROUND PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED IN 4 INCHES LIFTS A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET OF COMPACTED BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE PIPE BEFORE CROSSING IT WITH CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC 7 PONDING OF SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF IN SEDIMENT BASIN ACCOMPLISHED BY EMBANKMENT OR EXCAVATION DEPENDING ON TERRAIN (SHOW ON THIS DETAIL OR REFERENCE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR BASIN TYPE AND DIMENSIONS) B SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE 2 1 OR FLATTER SEDIMENT BASIN WITH PIPE OUTLET se N TS. /GRIGINAL GROUND RFVAVM o OUTLET DIM (FT) 1! w 15 20 20 20 25 25 30 25 SOILS MAP F- ■ (A 9y00PB Fad Fo F, E STo Na Lo A IAl f E- S,*,?j L,, �j L-/NCffEWP-C,, FeAll- SANbYLOAFA 1 0 0 061 0 044 0t'38 0 004 0 003 0 001 SOI:. SERIES DEPTHS A D15 1 4 (mml (HSG) (in) 0 91 5 72 0 54 2 51 0 5 5 3 4 0 0 0- 10 0 32 0 0064 100 MYATT 12 4 5 6 J 6 0 0 (D) 72 0 24 0 0088 100 0 BS 1 Si 1 12 4 so - 5 0 0 NAHUNTAVA 7_ 0 0066 100 0 90 0 67 0 49 4 47 6 5 6 3 5 2 0 0 a (B) 20 0 20 0 OOSS 100 0 90 5 68 8 61 5 60 B 8 3 20 - 55 0 20 0 20 0 0100 100 0 89 1 64 3 31 5 31 0 4 0 7 2 2 4 5 2 0 0 0 0 NAKINA 0- 14 0 28 0 0245 100 0 79 2 31 5 16 9 16 9 (B/D) 14 - 49 i 4 9 0 0 NANKIN 0 24 0 0268 100 0 79 6 32 9 16 5 16 5 6 8 B J t (C) 8- 13 24 0 0078 100 0 77 9 27 4 23 6 23 6 11 4 4 9 0 0 13 - 38 65 0 0 24 0 0139 100 0 BO 7 36 6 21 5 21 5 6 9 I 38 - 20 a Oils 100 0 go 07 67 2 29 0 2 7 0 0 NA14SEMOND 0 0114 100 0 86 56 5 27 4 28 3 4 3 6 ' (C) 8- 29 0 0 0163 100 0 91 3 71 5 23 6 22 5 2 5 1 1 4 O[ 29 - 66 0 15 15 0 0219 100 0 91 8 73 1 19 9 19 2 2 2 66 - 70 0 0 0052 100 0 87 3 58 3 54 0 53 8 10 0 6 5 8 3 0 0 MASON 0- 9 0 49 28 0 0049 100 0 64 2 48 2 45 9 45 9 12 1 3 4 0 (C) 9- 38 0 0087 100 0 85 9 53 5 33 5 37 4 5 4 38 - 50 0 28 0 6 7 9 0( NASONGR 0 0050 100 0 84 8 49 9 47 1 47 0 11 0 ' (B) 9- 38 0 32 0 0083 300 0 83 9 47 2 32 5 32 5 6 6 4 4 38 - 50 0 24 24 0 0249 100 0 Be 6 62 7 17 9 17 9 3 0 5 2 0 8 3 0 1 0 1 NEESES 0- B 28 0 0 28 0 0065 100 0 79 0 31 1 27 6 27 6 11 3 7 3 0 0 (C) 8- - 54 0 28 0 0069 100 0 80 1 34 7 29 8 29 8 S 10 6 9 4 9 0 28 54 - 85 0 24 0 0139 100 0 80 7 36 6 21 S 21 0- 9 0 20 0 0114 100 0 86 7 56 5 27 4 27 3 0 4 3 15 5 2 7 11 2 0 0 NEMOU S 0 28 0 0039 100 0 BD 6 36 2 35 0 35 5 4 0 ' (C) 9- 44 55 0 28 0 0073 100.0 83 2 44 7 34 4 34 4 7 9 5 5 3 7 0 44 - 55 - 80 0 28 0 0120 100 0 84.0 47 5 25 0 _3 0 ' NOBOCO _ `� 24 p 0096 100 0 81 5 39 2 26 9 26 9 7 5 5 2 0 (B) 13 0 0075 100 0 81 3 38 5 30 7 30 7 8 8 6 1 47 - 72 0 24 4 5 2 0 —� N0RF0L1Q3S 0 0121 100 0 80 6 36 1 22 9 22 9 7 (B) 18 - 44 0 20 pN.XP s 2 5 0 0CKLOCKONEE 0 20 0 0082 100 0 90 4 68 5 40 1 38 2 4 1 3 2 0 0 (B) 6- 44 0 0101 100 0 90 B 69 9 33 6 31 9 3 44 - 72 0 17 ' 28 0 10 0 0346 100 0 91 3 71 3 15 8 15 6 2 2 6 9 1 4 4 0 0 OCIr.r.n 0- 59 0 24 0 0181 100 0 90.1 34 8 19 0 19 0 7 7 4 5 4 0 (C) 25 - 0 0091 100 0 al 4 38 9 27 6 27 6 59 - 67 0 24 ' 9 0 OCILLAFL 0 0181 300 0 80 1 34 8 19 0 19 0 6 9 4 0 (D) 28 - 59 0 24 0 0091 100 0 81 4 38 9 27 6 27 6 7 7 5 4 59 - 67 0 24 24 0 7 0 4 9 0 OCILLAVA 0 17 0 0115 100 0 Si 3 38 5 24 0 10 2 (C) 24 - 52 0045 100 0 79 6 32 8 31 1 31 1 14 2 52 - 65 0 32 0 ' OGEECHEE 38 5 27 2 27 2 7 7 5 4 0 8- 23 0 15 0 0093 100 0 81 3 2 7 3 (B/D) 0 0078 100 0 79 2 31 6 26 2 26 2 10 23 - 42 0 15 0 0204 100 0 81 0 37 4 18 4 18 4 6 2 4 4 0 - 60 0 15 t42 OGEECHEEPO 8- 0 0106 100 0 80 7 36 6 24 6 24 6 7 7 5 4 (B/D) 23 0 15 0 0078 100 0 79 2 31 6 26 2 Z6 2 10 2 7 3 ' 23 - 42 - 42 60 0 0 15 15 0 0204 100 0 81 0 37 4 18 4 18 4 6 2 4 4 ( SOIL SERIES DEPTHS R ❑1$ 1 4 1 0 0 063 0 044 0 038 0 004 0 003 0 001 (HSG) (in) (mm) (t) LIGNUM 0- 4 0 37 0 0065 100 0 91 0 70 5 52 5 50 1 5 5 3 4 0 0 (C) 4- 37 0 28 0 0049 100 0 82 2 41 4 39 2 39 2 12 5 8 8 0 0 ' 37 - 51 0 28 0 0097 100 0 80 2 35 0 25 3 25 3 8 3 5 8 0 0 LOCiUWT 0- 6 0 15 0 0448 100 0 88 0 60 4 12 6 12 6 2 9 2 0 0 0 ' (B) LOUISA 6- 0- S4 4 0 0 17 28 0 0 0342 0099 100 100 0 0 78 SS 8 1 30 51 3 1 15 29 4 4 15 29 4 4 7 5 1 3 5 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 (B) 4- 12 0 24 0 0220 100 0 82 3 41 7 IS 1 18 1 5 4 3 8 0 0 12 - 18 0 17 0 0260 100 0 83 1 44 6 17 1 17 1 4 9 3 4 0 0 ' LOUISBURG 0- 7 0 24 0 0159 100 0 89 4 65 1 22 7 22 5 3 1 2 0 0 0 (B) 7- 24 0 24 0 O1S7 100 0 87 1 57 5 22 2 22 2 3 8 2 4 0 0 LOUISBURGGR 0- 7 0 24 0 0207 100 0 88 7 62 7 19 4 19 4 3 1 2 0 0 0 (B) 7- 24 0 24 0 0177 100 0 87 0 57 3 20 7 20 7 3 8 2 4 0 0 LOUISSURGST 0- 7 0 10 0 0448 100 0 89 3 65 0 12 2 12 2 2 5 1 7 0 0 (B) 7- 24 0 24 0 0161 100 0 87 0 S7 4 21 9 21 9 3 8 2 4 0 0 ' LUCY 0- 24 0 10 0 029S 100 0 92 1 74 2 18 1 17 S 2 0 1 3 0 0 . (A) 24 - 35 0 24 0 0230 100 0 81 9 40 7 17 7 17 7 5 6 3 9 0 0 35 - 70 0 28 0 0507 100 0 76 0 21 2 11 0 11 0 8 5 6 3 0 0 LUGOFFGR 0- 14 0 10 0 0456 100 0 91 7 72 8 8 6 8 6 1 8 1 2 0 0 ' (H) 14 - 34 0 20 0 0571 100 0 74 4 1S 8 13 0 13 0 13 0 9 8 0 0 34 - 6S 0 24 0 0047 100 0 80 5 3S 8 34 0 34 0 13 6 9 8 0 0 LUMBEE 0- 14 0 32 0 00 100 0 90 1 67 50 9 49 0 5 3 6 0 0 (B/D) 14 - 36 0 32 0 0080 80 100 0 82 8 43 5 5 31 S 31 5 7 6 6 5 2 0 0 36 - 60 0 10 0 0449 100 0 92 7 76 0 11 3 11 3 1 7 1 1 0 0 s�►i — LYNCHBURG 0- 10 0 20 0 0100 100 0 89 1 64 3 31 5 31 0 4 0 2 4 0 0 (C) 10 - 62 0 20 0 0098 100 0 61 4 38 8 26 4-_26 7_5 5 2 0 0 a3 _4_ _ _ LYNCNBURGFL 0- 10 0 20 0 0098 100 0 89 2 64 5 32 8 31 8 3 9 2 4 0 0 (D) 10 - 62 0 20 0 0099 100 0 81 2 38 1 26 0 26 0 7 6 5 3 0 0 ' LYNNHAVEN 0 - 10 data not available (B/D) 12 - 16 0 10 0 0457 100 0 97 7 92 3 S B S 4 O S 0 3 0 0 16 - 30 0 15 0 04SS 100 0 93 0 76 8 8 8 B B 1 S 1 0 0 0 30 - 75 0 10 0 0459 100 0 96 1 87 3 S 1 5 1 0 8 0 5 0 0 ' MADISON 0- 6 0 28 0 0060 100 0 84 6 49 3 42 6 42 6 8 8 5 8 0 0 (B) 6- 30 0 32 0 0053 100 0 83 1 44 4 41 4 41 4 11 3 7 8 0 0 30 - 35 0 28 0 0060 100 0 84 7 49 9 43 3 43 3 8 8 5 8 0 0 35 - 66 0 37 0 0098 100 0 89 3 65 0 32 3 31 8 4 0 2 4 0 0 MADISONBS 0- 4 0 24 0 0127 100 0 90 1 67 S 27 3 26 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 (B) 4- 20 0 28 0 0052 100 0 82 4 42 2 39 5 39 S 11 9 8 3 0 0 MALBIS 0- 7 0 28 0 0083 100 0 86 3 SS 1 3S 1 34 9 S 4 3 4 0 0 ' (H) 7- 26 0 28 0 0066 100 0 83 9 47 0 38 5 38 S 8 3 S 6 0 0 26 - S4 0 28 0 0063 100 0 84 7 49 B 41 8 41 8 8 2 S 4 0 0 54 - 72 0 28 0 0063 100 0 84 7 49 8 41 8 41 8 8 2 S 4 0 0 ' MANDARIN 0- 26 0 15 0 0460 100 0 96 8 89 6 4 4 4 4 0 6 0 4 0 0 (C) 26 - 40 O 20 0 0462 100 0 92 1 74 1 S 9 S 9 1 6 1 1 0 0 40 - 73 0 15 0 0462 100 0 96 8 89 S 3 0 3 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 ' MANTEO 73 - 0- 80 6 0 0 15 28 0 0 0467 0072 100 100 0 0 91 89 9 0 73 63 S 7 3 43 4 7 3 4 1 5 1 1 0 0 (C/D) 6- 15 0 28 0 0204 100 0 81 0 37 4 1S 4 42 1B S 4 S 6 3 2 3 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 MARLBORO 0- 9 0 20 0 0098 100 0 89 2 64 S 32 8 31 8 3 9 2 4 0 0 ' (B) 9- 60 0 20 0 OOSS 100 0 77 4 25 8 23 S 23 5 13 3 9 8 0 0 60 - 72 0 20 0 0069 100 0 77 9 27 4 24 2 24 2 12 1 8 8 0 0 UmSpec I1— Civil (Master Site Specifications) 121404 SECTION 02370 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (INCLUDING SWPPP) PARTI-GENERAL I I SUMMARY A Section Includes I installation of temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control systems 2 Installation of temporary and permanent slope protection systems 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) B Related Sections I Section 02230 - Site Clearing 2 Section 02300 — Earthwork 3 Section 02375 — Rip -Rap 4 Section 02630 — Storm Drainage 5 Section 02900 — Planting 6 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 7 Construction Drawings ( Site Maps") 1 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A Protect adjacent properties, any identified endangered or threatened species or critical habitat, any identified cultural or historic resources, and receiving water resources from erosion and sediment damage until final stabilization PART2-PRODUCTS 21 MATERIALS A Seed, sod, and ground covers for the establishment of vegetation in accordance with Section 02900 B Sediment control devices as specified on the Construction Drawings C Rolled erosion control products according to Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) standard specifications D Temporary mulches such as loose straw, wood cellulose or agricultural silage E Rip -Rap as specified in Section 02375 F Temporary and permanent outfall structures as specified on the drawings PART 3 - EXECUTION 31 PREPARATION A Review the drawings and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan B Revise SWPPP as necessary to address potential pollution from site identified after issuance of the SWPPP at no additional cost to the owner 02370-1 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 C Conduct storm water pre -construction meeting with Site Contractor, all ground -disturbing Sub contractors, site engineer of record, and state or local agency personnel in accordance with requirements of special conditions Section 8 G 3 2 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AND SLOPE PROTECTION IMPLEMENTATION A Place erosion and sediment control systems in accordance with the drawings and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or as may be dictated by site conditions in order to maintain the intent of the specifications and permits B Deficiencies or changes on the drawings or Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be corrected or implemented as site conditions change Changes during construction shall be noted in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and posted on the drawings (Site Map) C Owner has authority to limn surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations and to direct Contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures D Maintain temporary erosion and sedimentation control systems as dictated by site conditions, indicated in the construction documents, or as directed by governing authorities or Owner to control sediment until final stabilization Contractor shall respond to maintenance or additional work ordered by Owner or governing authorities immediately, but in no case within not more than 48 hours if requited at no additional cost to the Owner E Contractor shall incorporate permanent erosion control features, paving permanent slope stabilization, and vegetation into project at earliest practical time to minimize need for temporary controls F Permanently seed and mulch cut slopes as excavation proceeds to extent considered desirable and practical G Unless required within a shorter ttmeframe by the applicable General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, slopes that erode easily or that will not be graded for a period of 14 days or more shall be temporarily stabilized as work progresses with vegetation or other acceptable means in accordance with Section 02900 unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents In the event it is not practical to seed areas, slopes must be stabilized with mulch and tackifier, bonded fiber matrix, netting, blankets or other means to reduce the erosive potential of the area END OF SECTION 02370-2 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN For CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES At Proposed Retail Shopping Center Wal-Mart Supercenter xxxx-xx Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina Prepared for WR of Leland LLC 2361 South Centennial Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Prepared by Gray Engineering Consultants, Inc 132 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 297-3027 Fax (864) 297-5187 GEC No 240073D March 21, 2005 02370-3 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 WAL=MARTO WAL-MART STORES INC, * 2001 SE loth STREET * BENTONVILLE, AR 72716-0550 * 479-273-4000 * Date RE Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Town of Leland, North Carolina Address One Mlle South of Intersection of Hlghwav 74 and Highway 17 GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage this system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations Sincerely Wal Mart Stores Inc Thomas C Oppenhetm, P E Director of Storm Water Compliance 02370-4 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 [General Contractor's 3WPPP Certification —reproduce the following on company letterhead] Dat RE Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Town of Leland, North Carolina Address One Mile South of Intersection of Highway 74 and Highway 17 GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage this system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted Is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations M Printed Name Title 02370-5 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Contact List Contacts for Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Town of Leland, North Carolina Wal-Mart's Director of Storm Water Compliance Thomas Oppenheim, P E Phone (479) 2734876 Responsible for coordinating oversight of storm water compliance by Wal-Mart and it's Responsible Contractors at each site Wal-Mart's Construction Manager Name Gary Young Phone 479-903-0068 Responsible for conducting the monthly inspections as required and otherwise oversee compliance with all permits Responsible Contractor's Compliance Officer Name Phone Responsible for the supervision or completion of construction at a site and able to adequately identify and implement storm water sediment and erosion control practices and effectively instruct employees and contractors in the implementation of such practices Project Superintendent Name Firm Phone (office) Phone (mobile) Project Superintendent Name Firm Phone (office) Phone (mobile) Responsible for overseeing activities and work at a site, has the authority to direct employees and contractors to undertake actions to comply with a Permit, the Clean Water Act, and the site's SWPPP 02370-6 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) includes, but is not limited to Specification Section 02370 (which includes this SWPPP) with appendices, the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (Phase I and Phase 11 Site Maps) included in the Construction Drawings with the Detail Sheet, the Nonce of intent, Permit Authorization, General Permit, Notice of Termination, all records of inspections and activities which are created during the course of the project, and other documents as maybe included by reference to this SWPPP Changes, modifications, revisions, additions or deletions shall become part of this SWPPP as they occur Note General Contractor must certify this SWPPP in the format included immediately preceding this section All signed certifications must be kept with the SWPPP documents and be available for inspection The General Contractor and all subcontractors involved with a construction activity that disturbs site sod or who implement a pollutant control measure identified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must comply with the following requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) General Permit ( General Permit') and any local governing agency having jurisdiction concerning erosion and sedimentation control A Once the Erosion Control approval is received from NCDENR DLQ and DWQ, the Town of Leland approves the grading, drainage, and erosion control plan, the NCDENR Wilmington Regional office will issue the Grading Permit and Approval A pre -construction meeting must be held with a representative from the Wilmington Regional office, the Engineer and Contractor prior to any land disturbance North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Quality and Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 910 395 3900 • FAX 910 350 2004 Contact Todd Walton (Land Quality) Rhonda Hall (Water Quality) B Provide a list of any federal, state, county city, or other personnel who may review the SWPPP or inspect the construction site These agencies will be invited by the contractor to the Storm Water Pre -Construction meeting as set forth in the Special Conditions (Section G 3 ) Town of Leland Wilmington Regional Office Cameron Moore Todd Walton (Land Quality) Rhonda Hall (Water Quality) 102 Town Hall Drive 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Leland, NC 28451 Wilmington, NC 28405 910 371 0148 910 395 3900 C A copy of the completed Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form attached as Appendix B, the permit authorization a description of the project, and the General Contractor's two Site Superintendents with contact names and numbers must be posted in a prominent place for public viewing at the construction site until project completion has been determined by the owner and engineer There is no Notice of Termination (NOT) form for North Carolina, but it is advisable for the General Contractor to notify the NCDENR Regional Office upon project completion D A Construction Site Notice form must be completed and posted at the job site entrance with the two Site Superintendent names, address and phone numbers It shall also contain the store type, store location or a physical description of the location, square footage of the building and amount of acres disturbed by construction The form can be found in Appendix H E Complete copy of the SWPPP, including copies of all inspection reports, plan revisions, etc , must be retained 02370-7 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 at the project site at all times during the duration of the project and kept in the permanent project records for at least five years following project completion The General Contractor must provide names and addresses of all subcontractors working on this project who will be involved with the major construction activities that disturb site soil ( Sub -Contractor List ) That information must be kept with this SWPPP (Section 10 of the General Contractor's SWPPP See "Jobsite Storm Water Document Guideline' ) G The General Contractor and all subcontractors involved with ground -disturbing activities or installation and maintenance of any BMPs on the site must sign a copy of the Contractor Certification included in Appendix C This form may be modified to meet the specific State General Permit requirements That information must be kept with this SWPPP (Tab I I of the General Contractor's SWPPP See Jobsite Storm Water Document Guideline ) H Daily inspections by the Project Superintendent, bi-weekly inspections by the Contractor s Compliance Officer, and monthly inspections by the Wal-Mart's Construction Manager and Owner's Construction Manager must be made to determine the effectiveness of the SWPPP The required Wal-Mart forms are included as Appendix D If the state or local agencies have a required inspection form, then both forms must be completed The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including the best management practices implemented on the jobsite shall be modified as needed to prevent pollutants from discharging from the site The inspector must be a person familiar with the site the nature of the major construction activities, and qualified to evaluate both overall system performance and individual component performance The inspector must either be someone empowered to implement modifications to this SWPPP and the pollutant control devices, if needed, in order to increase effectiveness to an acceptable level, or someone with the authority to cause such things to happen The inspector must be certified as a Storm Water Professional' through the Wal-Mart storm water training program Additionally, the inspector shall be properly authorized in accordance with the applicable General Permit to conduct and certify site storm water inspections A weekly storm water meeting will be held by the General Contractor with all contractors and subcontractors involved in ground -disturbing activities to review the requirements of the Permits, the SWPPP, and address any problems that have arisen in implementing the SWPPP or maintaining the BMPs Contractor shall maintain a log of all weekly meetings and document the issues addressed in the meetings The weekly meeting form is found in Appendix D This SWPPP must be updated each time there are significant modifications to the pollutant prevention system or a change of contractors working on the project that disturb site sod K Discharge of oil or other hazardous substances into storm water or the storm water (storm sewer) system is subject to reporting and cleanup requirements See Section V B 7 of this SWPPP for state and local information on reporting spills Refer to the General Permit for additional information A Copy of the General Permit is included as Appendix J Once the site reaches final stabilization, all permanent erosion and sedimentation controls installed and all temporary erosion and sedimentation controls removed, the General Contractor and Owner must complete a final site inspection Upon approval by Owner, the Owner and General Contractor, as applicable, must complete and submit an NOT A completed form ready for signature is included as Appendix F M This SWPPP intends to control water -borne and liquid pollutant discharges by some combination of interception, sedimentation, filtration, and containment The General Contractor and subcontractors implementing this SWPPP must remain alert to the need to periodically refine and update the SWPPP in order to accomplish the intended goals The General Contractor is ultimately responsible for all site conditions and permit compliance N This SWPPP must be amended as necessary dorm-, the course of construction in order to keep it current with the pollutant control measures utilized at the site Amending the SWPPP does not mean that it has to be reprinted It is acceptable to add addenda, sketches, new sections, and/or revised drawings The Site Map showing the locations of all storm water controls must be posted on the site and updated to reflect the 02370-8 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 progress of construction and changes to the SWPPP O A record of the dates when major ground disturbing activities occur, when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site, and when stabilization measures are initiated must be maintained until the NOT is filed A log for keeping such records is included as Appendix G Controls must be in place down gradient of ground -disturbing activities prior to the commencement of construction and noted on the Site Map and Record of Stabilization and Construction Activity Dates P A log of all inspections by federal, state or local storm water or other environmental agencies shall be kept in the General Contractor's SWPPP The log form can be found in Appendix I and should include the date and time of visit and whether a report was issued or will be issued as a result of the inspection Any reports issued will be faxed to the Wal-Mart Storm Water Control Center (WMSWCC) II INTRODUCTION This SWPPP has been prepared for major activities associated with construction of Wal-Mart Supercenter #xxxx-xx Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina This SWPPP, including the applicable General Permit, includes the elements necessary to comply with the national General Permit for construction activities administered by the U S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program and all local governing agency requirements This SWPPP must be implemented at the start of construction Construction phase pollutant sources anticipated at the site are disturbed (bare) sod, vehicle fuels and lubricants, chemicals and coatings associated with site or building construction and pavement installation, construction - generated litter and debris and building materials Without adequate control there its the potential for each type of pollutant to be transported by storm water Project construction will consist primarily of erosion and sedimentation controls, site grading, paving, storm drainage, water supply sewage collection storm ponds, landscaping and site lighting to facilitate construction of The Proposed Retail Shopping Center project will include a 203,818 square foot Wal-Mart Supercenter, approximately 41,850 square foot of shops, and four outparcels on a 37 29 acre parcel of land The site will also include all associated parking, drives, road improvements, utilities, landscaping, and detention ponds A Purpose A major goal of pollution prevention efforts dorm-, project construction is to control soil and pollutants that originate on the site and prevent them from flowing to surface waters The purpose of this SWPPP is to provide guidelines for achieving that goal A successful pollution prevention program also relies upon careful inspection and adjustments durmg the construction process in order to enhance its effectiveness B Scope This SWPPP must be implemented before construction begins on the site It primarily addresses the impact of storm rainfall and runoff on areas of the ground surface disturbed durmg the construction process In addition, there are recommendations for controlling other sources of pollution that could accompany the major construction activities This SWPPP will terminate when disturbed areas are stabilized, permanent erosion and sedimentation controls installed, temporary erosion and sedimentation controls removed, construction activities covered herein have ceased, and a completed Notice of Termination (NOT) is mailed to the governing agency Forms which are necessary for implementing the SWPPP are included herein 02370-9 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 The national General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities prohibits most non -storm water discharges during the construction phase Allowable non -storm water discharges that could occur during construction on this project, which would therefore be covered by the General Permit, include 1 Discharges from fire fighting activities, 2 Fire hydrant flushing,' 3 Water used to wash vehicles or control dust, 4 Water flowing from potable sources and water line flushm&I 5 Irrigation drainage, 6 External budding wash down which does not use detergents 7 Runoff from pavement wash down where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed) and where detergents have not been used, 8 Air conditioning condensate, 9 Springs and uncontaminated groundwater, and 10 Foundation or footing drams where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents Best Management Practices must be implemented for the above allowable foreseeable discharges for the duration of the permit Each non -storm water discharge should be noted in the SWPPP and weekly inspection with the exception of discharges from fire fighting activities The techniques described in this SWPPP focus on providing control of pollutant discharges with practical approaches that utilize readily available expertise, materials, and equipment The Owner referred to in this SWPPP is WR of Leland, LLC The General Contractor shall construct the site development improvements while working under contract with the Owner III PROJECT DESCRIPTION Described below are the major construction activities that are the subject of this SWPPP They are presented in the order (or sequence) they are expected to begin, but each activity will not necessarily be completed before the next begins Also, these activities could occur in a different order if necessary to maintain adequate erosion and sedimentation control All activities and the timeframe (beginning and ending dates) shall be noted on the Site Map and Record of Stabilization and Construction Activity Dates A Install stabilized construction exit This will be the first construction work on the project B Install sediment barriers down slope from construction activities that disturb site sod as shown on plan, C Construct rock surface for temporary parking and storage areas, D Construction the sediment traps and basins, ' Project Specification 02510-3 06,13 requires the Utility Contractor to neutralize super -chlorinated water from water distribution pipes before releasing it into the environment Alternative neutralization techniques are described in that specification 02370-10 Leland, North Carolina —Store No 03/21/05 E Clear and grub the site, F Begin grading the site G Start construction of building pad and structures H Temporarily seed disturbed areas, I Install utilities, underdrains, storm sewers, curbs and gutters, J Install tip rap around outlet structures, K Install inlet protection around all storm sewer structures, L Prepare site for paving, M Pave site, N Install inlet protection as necessary after paving, O Complete final grading and apply permanent seeding and planting, and P Remove all temporary erosion and sediment control devices only after site is stabilized The actual schedule for implementing pollutant control measures will be determined by project construction progress and recorded by the General Contractor on the Soil Erosion/Sedimentation Control Operation Time Schedules on the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plans (Site Map) Down slope protective measures must always be in place before sod is disturbed iV SITE DESCRIPTION Included as part of this SWPPP are the project Construction Drawings the Phase One Erosion Control Plan (Sheet ES-l), the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Phase Two Plans (Sheet CV 2 and CV-2A) and the Miscellaneous Details and Notes (CV-7, CV-8 and CV 9) Refer to the Construction Drawings for detailed site information A Site Location - The project is located in the Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina along US Highway 17, approximately one mile south of intersection Highway 17 and Highway 74, including 34 208 N latitude and 78 0257 W longitude The site is located on the south side of Highway 17 Under pre - development conditions, the site drams to the south or rear of the property The site will drain to an unnamed tributary of Jackeys Creek All outlets ultimately dram to Jackeys Creek, then to the Brunswick River, then to the Cape Fear River Under post -development conditions, the site will drain to the rear through two on -site wet detention ponds A Vicinity Map is included in Appendix A B Site Topography The existing topography on the site varies from elevation 14 to elevation 27, and the project site sits approximately at road level with US Highway 17 grade orjust a few feet below The site is mostly wooded, with some open meadow and high grass areas C Rainfall Information - The site is near IF dwington PAC, which receives an average of 5' inches of precipitation annually with the highest amounts of rainfall received in the months of 7uh -Sept (Source niin 4Eathet win) Month Avg Avg Mean Avg Record High Record Low High Low Precip Jan 56°F 36°F 46°F 4 52 in 82°F(1975) 57 (1985) Feb 60°F 38°F 49°F 3 66in 857 (1962) 10°F(1934) Mar 660F 44°F 55°F 4 22 in 89°F (1974) 9°F (1980) Apr 74°F 51°F 63°F 2 94 in 95°F(1967) 307 (1983) 02370-11 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Mav 81°F 60°F 70OF 4 40 in 98°F (1953) 350F (1963) Jun 86°F 680F 770F 5 36 in 104°F(1952) 48°F(1983) Jul 90°F 72°F 81OF 762 in 102°F (1977) 55°F (1988) Aug 88°F 71°F 807 7 31 in 1020F(1954) 557 (1982) Sep 84°F 66°F 75°F 679 in 987 (1975) 447 (1981) Oct 76°F 54°F 65°F 321 in 957 (1986) 277 (1962) NoN 68°F 457 570F 3 26 in 870F(1974) 160F(1950) Dec 607 387 497 3 78 in 817 (1998) 07 (1989) D Site Soils - The site soils are generally composed of five types of soils according to the Cretaceous deposits of the Black Creek Formation, typically classified as soft to very stiff sandy clay and very loose to dense sand with varying amounts of clay and silt It is classified in Hydrologic Soil Group C Refer to the Sods Map and the Sod Survey of Brunswick County North Carolina by the USDA, issued November 1976 According to the Geotech Report, the sods are poorly drained to moderately well drained They comprise of low to high plasticity clays and clayey sands The high water table can range from '/2' to 6 feet below the ground surface E Total Area and Disturbed Area - The entire site contains approximately 37 acres and the area to be disturbed by grading is anticipated to be approximately 34 acres Pre -Construction Runoff Coefficient CN =62 Drainage Area No Post -Construction Runoff Coefficient CN =91 Drainage Area No Pre -Construction Runoff Coefficient CN =70 Drainage Area No Post -Construction Runoff Coefficient CN =94 Drainage Area No Receiving Surface Waters and Wetlands - The initial receiving bodv of water is lackeys Creek approx 0 5 mile downstream), which drams to the Cape Fear River via the Brunswick River Jackeys Creek is classified as Class C Sw (Swamp Water) by the State of North Carolina, DENR Division of Water Quality The rear of the site features an isolated wetland area that will not be disturbed There will be no increase in runoff to this wetland area from the developed site There are two on -site ditches and neither is Jurisdictional G Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan - The following Construction Drawings are part of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans the Phase One Erosion Control Plan (Sheet ES-1) the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Phase Two Plan (Sheet CV 2 and CV-2A) and the Miscellaneous Details and Notes (Sheet CV-7, CV-8 and CV-9) H Threatened and Endangered Species — The North Carolina General Permit (NCG010000) does not require investigation or certification for threatened and endangered species as a condition of NPDES coverage Preliminary review indicates there are no threatened or endangered species on site or any special environmental requirements which will impact the project Historic Properties —Preliminary review indicates there are no historical or cultural properties located on this site or any special historical preservation requirements which will impact the project V STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND CONTROLS A variety of storm water pollutant controls are recommended for this project Some controls are intended to function temporarily and will be used as needed for pollutant control during the construction period These include temporary sediment barriers and permanent storm retention ponds (which can also function as permanent sediment basins) For most disturbed areas, permanent stabilization will be accomplished by covering the sod with pavement, building, or vegetation A Erosion and Sediment Controls 02370-12 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 1 Soil Stabilization - The purpose of soil stabilization is to prevent sod from leaving the site In the natural condition, sod is stabilized by native vegetation The primary technique to be used at this project for stabilizing site sod will be to provide a protective cover of turf grass, pavement, or budding structure a) Temporary Seeding or Stabilization — Areas may be stabilized temporarily with the use of fast germinating annual seed, straw mulch, wood cellulose fibers, tackifiers, netting or blankets Where conditions are favorable, areas shall be temporarily stabilized within 14 days after construction activity ceases All disturbed ground where there will not be construction for longer than 21 days must be seeded or otherwise stabilized b) Permanent Seeding or Sod - All areas at final grade must be seeded or sodded within 14 days after completion of the major construction activity Except for small level spots seeded areas should generally be protected with mulch All areas to be seeded will also have topsoil and other sod amendments as stated in Specification Section 02900 - Planting 2 Structural Controls — The following Construction Drawings illustrate structural controls and Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be utilized on site to control storm water runoff the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase I (Sheet ES-1), the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Phase Two (Sheet CV-2 and CV-2A) and the Miscellaneous Details and Notes (Sheet CV-7, CV 8 and CV 9) The on site storm water runoff will be surfaced drained into three on -site sediment ponds which will ultimately discharge from the site Most of the site s runoff will be drained into two main detention basins that will feature an outlet control structure This structure will release storm water such that the post -development discharge is less than that of the pre -development conditions for all storm events analyzed All storm water discharge from this site will comply with the General Permit for Storm Water Discharge under NPDES regulations (Permit No NCG010000) a) Sediment Basins — Temporary sediment basins are depressions constructed downslope of construction activity and located such that storm water runoff from upland areas of less than 100 acres are diverted through the basin Sediment basins shall be constructed as directed by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and shall be constructed as part of the initial best management practices whenever practical Basins are designed to provide a minimum of 90% trapping efficiency for the 10-year rainfall event as shown on the Plans and Detail Sheets An overflow pipe is incorporated at the outlet to discharge flow from the basin Sediment basins shall be phased with the earthwork activity where practical b) Sediment Traps Temporary sediment traps are depressions constructed downslope of construction activity and located such that storm water runoff from upland areas of less than 5 acres are diverted through the trap Sediment traps shall be constructed as indicated by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and shall be constructed as part of the initial best management practices whenever practical Traps are designed to provide a minimum of 1800 cubic feet of sediment storage per acre of disturbance as shown on the Plans and Detail Sheets An overflow weir is incorporated at the outlet to discharge flow from the trap Sediment traps shall be phased with the earthwork activity where practical C) Silt Fence — Silt fence is a synthetic permeable woven or non -woven fabric typically incorporating wooden or metal support stakes at intervals sufficient to support the fence, water and sediment retained by the fence Silt fence can also be installed with a wire fence backing The fence is designed to retain sediment -laden water and allow settlement of suspended soils before the storm water flows through the fabric for discharge downstream Silt fence shall be located to capture overland, low -velocity sheet flows as follows the base of all fill slopes, double row around wetland areas, and along low areas near the property boundaries as shown on the Construction Drawings Utilize silt fence where the size of the drainage area is no more than one quarter acre per 100 feet of silt fence length, the maximum slope length behind the barrier is I 10 feet, and the maximum 02370-13 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 gradient behind the barrier is no greater than 2 1 No silt fence shall be placed in areas of concentrated flow Install silt fence at a fairly level grade (along the contour) to provide sufficient upstream storage volume for the anticipated runoff Drainage area shall not exceed''/a acre per 100 feet on non -reinforced silt fence, or''1A acre per I00 feet of wire - reinforced silt fence for slopes less than 2 percent In areas of steeper slopes or highly erodible soils, wire -reinforced silt fence shall be used d) Construction Exit — All access points from the public street into the construction site shall include a construction exit composed of course stone to the dimensions shown on the Construction Drawings The rough texture of the stone helps to remove clumps of sod adhering to construction vehicle tires through the action of vibration andjarrmg over the rough surface and the friction of the stone matrix against soils attached to vehicle tires e) Storm Sewer Inlet Protection — Curb and grated inlets are protected from the intrusion of silt and sediment through a variety of measures as shown on the Construction Drawings The primary mechanism is to place controls in the path of flow sufficient to slow sediment -laden water to allow settlement of suspended sods before discharging into the storm sewer Grated inlets typically include a sturdy frame wrapped in silt fence or crushed stone -lined perimeter to slow the flow of water and allow pending where sediment may settle out Curb inlets typically include crushed stone barriers held in place with silt fence material or geotextile fabric Other manufactured products are also available 17 Check Dam — Defined channels subject to concentrated flows in larger quantities and higher velocities may be protected with rock or other manufactured device check dams The dams impound sediment -laden water to allow settlement of suspended soils before flowing over and through the device Stone check dams shall be placed along the water course at the inlet and outfall of the Sediment Ponds No l and No 2 Check dams shall be 2 0' high and spaced a maximum 200 feet Check dams shall be placed as shown on the Construction Drawings and are composed of components of crushed stone and/or riprap or other manufactured device 9) Diversion Ditch/Berm — Diversion ditches (or swales) and berms (or dikes) are constructed as shown on the Construction Drawings at locations within the construction site to intercept overland flow and direct or divert flow to a sediment basin or other point where discharge can be controlled Ditches are excavated in the surface soils with the spoils from excavation typically placed along the downstream edge of the ditch to provide additional capacity Berms are built up on the surface sods and compacted to create a stable diversion h) Energy Dissipater— An energy dissipater structure will be placed at the outlet of each detention pond This structure will ensure that flow is dispersed in four directions and not concentrated at one point which will minimize erosion Rip Rap Outlet Protection — Rip -rap stone will be placed at the end of each storm drain outlet This armor will help to minimize erosion from the concentrated flow at stormwater discharges Final site stabilization is achieved when turf grass cover provides permanent stabilization for at least 75 percent of the disturbed soil surface, exclusive of areas that have been paved B Other Pollutant Controls Control of sediments has been described previously Other aspects of this S WPPP are listed below 02370-14 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Dust Control Construction traffic must enter and exit the site at the stabilized construction exit The purpose is to trap dust and mud that would otherwise be carried off -site by construction traffic Water trucks or other dust control agents will be used as needed dorm-, construction to reduce dust generated on the site Dust control must be provided by the General Contractor to a degree that is acceptable to the Wal-Mart Construction Manager, and in compliance with applicable local and state dust control regulations After construction, the site will be stabilized (as described elsewhere), which will reduce the potential for dust generation 2 Solid Waste Disposal - No solid materials, including building materials, are allowed to be discharged from the site with storm water All solid waste, including disposable materials incidental to the major construction activities, must be collected and placed in containers The containers will be emptied as necessary by a contract trash disposal service and hauled away from the site The location of solid waste receptacles shall be shown on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan ('Site Map") Substances that have the potential for polluting surface and/or groundwater must be controlled by whatever means necessary in order to ensure that they do not discharge from the site As an example, special care must be exercised dorm-, equipment fueling and servicing operations If a spill occurs, it must be contained and disposed so that it will not Flow from the site or enter groundwater, even if this requires removal, treatment, and disposal of sod In this regard potentially polluting substances should be handled in a manner consistent with the impact they represent Sanitary Facilities - All personnel involved with construction activities must comply with state and local sanitary or septic system regulations Temporary sanitary facilities will be provided at the site throughout the construction phase They must be utilized by all construction personnel and will be serviced by a commercial operator The location of sanitary facilities shall be shown on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan ( Site Map' ) 4 Water Source - Non -storm water components of site discharge must be clean water Water used for construction which discharges from the site must originate from a public water supply or private well approved by the State Health Department Water used for construction that does not originate from an approved public supply must not discharge from the site It can be retained in the ponds until it infiltrates and evaporates Concrete Waste from Concrete Ready -Mix Trucks — Discharge of excess or waste concrete and/or wash water from concrete trucks will be allowed on the construction site, but only in specifically designated diked areas prepared to prevent contact between the concrete and/or wash water and storm water that will be discharged from the site Alternatively, waste concrete can be placed into forms to make nprap or other useful concrete products The cured residue from the concrete washout diked areas shall be disposed in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations Thejobsite superintendent is responsible for assuring that these procedures are followed The location of concrete washout areas shall be shown on the Erosion and Sedimentation Plan ("Site Map') 6 Fuel Tanks — Temporary on -site fuel tanks for construction vehicles shall meet all state and federal regulations Tanks shall have approved spill containment with the capacity required by the applicable regulations The tank shall be in sound condition free of rust or other damage which might compromise containment Hoses, valves fittings, caps, filler nozzles, and associated hardware shall be maintained in proper working condition at all times The location of fuel tanks shall be shown on the Erosion and Sedimentation Plan ( Site Map ) 7 Hazardous Waste Management and Spill Reporting Plan — Any hazardous or potentially hazardous waste that is brought onto the construction site will be handled properly in order to reduce the potential for storm water pollution All materials used on this construction site will be properly stored, handled and dispensed following any applicable label directions Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) information will be kept on site for any and all applicable materials Should an accidental spill occur immediate action will be undertaken by the General Contractor to contain and remove the spilled material All hazardous materials will be disposed of by the Contractor 02370-15 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 in the manner specified by local, state, and federal regulations and by the manufacturer of such products As soon as possible, the spill will be reported to the appropriate state and local agencies As required under the provisions of the Clean Water Act, any spill or discharge entering the waters of the United States will be properly reported The General Contractor will prepare a written record of any such spill and will provide notice to the Owner within 24-hours of the occurrence of the spill A spill report form is located in Appendix E Any spills of hazardous materials in quantities in excess of Reportable Quantities as defined by EPA or the State Agency regulations, shall be immediately reported to the EPA National Response Center ( I 800-424 8802)and NC Emergency Management (1 -800-858-0368) The reportable quantity for petroleum products is listed as follows IF the petroleum discharged, released or spilled is 25 gallons or more, or causes a sheen on nearby surface water, or is 100 feet or less from surface water body, THEN the person owning or having control over the oil must immediately take measures to collect and remove the discharge, and report the discharge to DENR within 24 hours of discharge, and begin to restore area affected by discharge IF the petroleum released or spilled is less than 25 gallons, does not cause a sheen on nearby surface water, and is more than 100 feet from all surface water bodies, THEN the person who owns or has control over the oil must immediately take measures to collect and remove the discharge If it cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours of the discharge or causes a sheen on nearby surface water, the person must immediately notify the DENR (Regional Office) If the petroleum released or spilled in any circumstances does not meet one of the above requirements, or is not permitted by GS 143-215 1, or it is not pursuant to a rule adopted by the Environmental Management Commission or, a regulation of US EPA, it must be reported to DENR immediately The Oil Pollution Act can be reviewed in whole at the following website htto //www ncsa state nc us'statutes/statutes in html/chp1430 html The act starts at Article 21A, § 143-215 75 The reportable quantity for hazardous materials is listed in Appendix E along with the spill report form Any spill that is classified as a Reportable Spill' shall be immediately reported using the toll - free emergency response numbers listed above IF any hazardous substance is spilled THEN the person owning or having control over the substance must report the discharge to the DENR (Regional Office) within 24 hours of discharge In order to minimize the potential for a spill of hazardous materials to come in contact with storm water, the following steps will be implemented a) All materials with hazardous properties (such as pesticides, petroleum products, fertilizers detergents, construction chemicals, acids, paints, paint solvents, cleaning solvents, additives for soil stabilization, concrete, curing compounds and additives, etc ) will be stored in a secure location under cover, when not in use b) The minimum practical quantity of all such materials will be kept on thejob site and scheduled for delivery as close to time of use as practical C) A spill control and containment kit (containing for example, absorbent such as kitty litter or sawdust, acid neutralizing agent, brooms, dust pans mops, rags gloves, goggles, plastic and metal trash containers, etc ) will be provided at the storage site d) All of the product in a container will be used before the container is disposed of All such containers will be triple nosed, with water prior to disposal The rinse water used in these containers will be disposed of in a manner in compliance with state and federal regulations and will not be allowed to mix with storm water discharges 02370-16 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 @) All products will be stored in and used from the original container with the original productlabel 0 All products will be used in strict compliance with instructions on the product label g) The disposal of excess or used products will be in strict compliance with instructions on the product label 8 Lon. --Term Pollutant Controls - Storm water pollutant control measures installed during construction, that will also provide benefits after construction, include all measures shown on the Construction Drawings, including the Phase One Erosion Control Plan (Sheet ES-1), the Grading, Drainage, and Phase Two Erosion Control Plan (Sheet CV-2, CV-2A) and the Miscellaneous Details and Notes (Sheet CV-7, CV-8 and CV-9) Those sediment barriers that do not interfere with normal operations and appear to provide long-term benefits can be left in place after construction is completed C Construction Phase 'Best Management Practices" During the construction phase, the General Contractor shall implement the following measures 1 Materials resulting from the clearing and grubbing or excavation operations shall be stockpiled up slope from adequate sedimentation controls Materials removed to an off -site location shall be protected with appropriate controls and properly permitted 2 The General Contractor shall designate areas on the erosion and sediment control Site Maps for equipment cleaning, maintenance, and repair The General Contractor and subcontractors shall utilize such designated areas Cleaning, maintenance, and repair areas shall be protected by a temporary perimeter berm shall not occur within 150 feet of any waterway, and in areas located as far as practical from storm inlets 3 Use of detergents for large scale washing is prohibited (i e , vehicles, buildings, pavement surfaces, etc ) 4 Chemicals, paints, solvents, fertilizers, and other toxic materials must be stored in weatherproof containers Except during application, the contents must be kept in trucks or within storage facilities Runoff containing such material must be collected, removed from the site, treated, and disposed at an approved solid waste or chemical disposal facility D Off -Site Facilities In The Control of the General Contractor Whenever dirt rock, or other materials are imported to the construction site or exported for placement in areas off of the primary construction site, the General Contractor is responsible for determining that all storm water permitting and pollution control requirements are met for each and every site which receives such materials or from which such materials are taken Prior to the disturbance of any such site the General Contractor will furnish the Owner with a copy of the storm water permit issued for each such site, as well as a copy of the off -site Owners certification statement agreeing to implement necessary storm water pollution prevention measures The General Contractor will also furnish a copy of the SWPPP for each such site, including a description of the erosion control measures which will be applied At a minimum each off -site area that provides or receives materials or is disturbed by project activities must implement erosion control measures consisting of perimeter controls on all down slope and side slope boundaries and must also provide for both temporary stabilization measures and for permanent revegetation after all disturbance is ended 02370-17 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 VI LOCAL PLANS In addition to this SWPPP, construction activities associated with this project must comply with any guidelines set forth by local regulatory agencies The General Contractor shall maintain documents evidencing such compliance the SWPPP VII INSPECTIONS AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Between the time this SWPPP is implemented and final Nonce of Termination has been submitted, all disturbed areas and pollutant controls must be inspected daily The purpose of site inspections is to assess performance of pollutant controls The inspections will be conducted by the General Contractor's Site Superintendent Based on these inspections, the General Contractor will decide whether it is necessary to modify this SWPPP, add or relocate controls, or revise or implement additional Best Management Practices in order to prevent pollutants from leaving the site via storm water runoff The General Contractor has the duty to cause pollutant control measures to be repaired, modified, maintained, supplemented, or take additional steps as necessary in order to achieve effective pollutant control Examples of specific items to evaluate during site inspections are listed below This list is not intended to be comprehensive During each inspection, the inspector must evaluate overall pollutant control system performance as well as particular details of individual system components Additional factors should be considered as appropriate to the circumstances A Locations where vehicles enter and exit the site must be inspected for evidence of off -site sediment tracking A stabilized construction exit shall be constructed where vehicles enter and exit Exits shall be maintained or supplemented as necessary to prevent the release of sediment from vehicles leaving the site Any sediment deposited on the roadway shall be swept as necessary throughout the day or at the end of every day and disposed of in an appropriate manner Sediment shall not be washed into storm sewer systems B Sediment barriers, traps and basins must be inspected and they must be cleaned out at such time as their original capacity has been reduced by 50 percent All material excavated from behind sediment barriers or in traps and basins shall be incorporated into on -site sods or spread out on an upland portion of the site and stabilized Additional sediment barriers must be constructed as needed C Inspections shall evaluate disturbed areas and areas used for storm- materials that are exposed to rainfall for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system or discharging from the site If necessary, the materials must be covered or original covers must be repaired or supplemented Also protective berms must be constructed, if needed, in order to contain runoff from material storage areas All state and local regulations pertaining to material storage areas will be adhered to D Grassed areas shall be inspected to confirm that a healthy stand of grass is maintained The site has achieved final stabilization once all areas are covered with building foundation or pavement, or have a stand of grass with at least 70 percent density or greater in accordance with General Permit requirements The vegetative density must be maintained to be considered stabilized Areas must be watered, fertilized, and reseeded as needed to achieve this requirement E All discharge points must be inspected to determine whether erosion and sediment control measures are effective in preventing discharge of sediment from the site or impacts to receiving waters The Inspection Report Form (Appendix D) must identify all deficiencies, any corrections, whether they are identified during the current inspection or have occurred since the previous inspection, and any additional comments Based on inspection results, any modification necessary to increase effectiveness of this SWPPP to an acceptable level must be made within 48 hours of the inspection The inspection reports must be complete and additional remarks should be included if needed to fully describe a situation An important aspect of the inspection report is the description of additional measures that need to be taken to enhance plan effectiveness The inspection report must identify whether the site was in compliance with the SWPPP at the time of inspection and specifically identify all incidents of non-compliance 02370-18 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 A responsible corporate officer (Vice President or higher) must sign a letter delegating the site superintendent as the authorized position for conducting the required inspections A draft form of this authorization is included in Appendix D The inspector must be a certified Storm Water Professional' through the Wal-Mart training program Inspection reports must include an original, authorized signature and date of the inspection Inspection reports must be retained by the General Contractor as an integral part of this S WPPP for at least five years from the date of submission of the Nonce of Termination of permit coverage Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the General Contractor to assure the adequacy of site pollutant discharge controls Actual physical site conditions or contractor practices could make it necessary to install more structural controls than are shown on the plans (For example, localized concentrations of runoff could make it necessary to install additional sediment barriers ) Assessing the need for additional controls and implementing them or adjusting - existing controls will be a continuing aspect of this SWPPP until the site achieves final stabilization 02370-19 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 APPENDIX A - VICINITY MAP APPENDIX B -NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) APPENDIX C - APPENDIX D - • CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION FORMS, • CERTIFICATION OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR COMPLIANCE OFFICER AND TWO PROJECT SUPERINTENDENTS, • PHASE I BMP CERTIFICATION, AND • STORM WATER PRE -CON MEETING CERTIFICATION • DAILY INSPECTION REPORT, • GENERAL CONTRACTOR S DELEGATED INSPECTOR LETTER, • WEEKLY STORM WATER INSPECTION SUMMARY FORM, AND • WEEKLY STORM WATER MEETING FORM APPENDIX E -SPILL REPORT FORM APPENDIX F -NORTH CAROLINA DISCHARGE MONITORING FORM APPENDIXG -RECORD OF STABILIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES APPENDIX H -CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE APPENDIX 1 - LOG FOR FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL STORM WATER OR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTIONS APPENDIX J - GENERAL PERMIT 02370-20 Leland, North Carolina —Store No 03/21/05 APPENDIX B NOTICE OF INTENT [Attach — copies of Owner -signed and unsigned Notices of Intent Also attach agency address for NOI submittal and any Instruction sheets for NOI form] 02370-22 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 APPENDIX C CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION 1.3 CERTIFICATION OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR COMPLIANCE OFFICER AND TWO PROJECT SUPERINTENDENTS .3 PRASE I BMP CERTIFICATION 1.3 STORM WATER PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING CERTIFICATION 02370-23 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Proposed Retail Shopping Center, Town of Leland, North Carolina The General Contractor and/or subcontractor(s) and their employees that will implement and maintain the pollutant control measures described in the SWPPP and/or are involved in ground -disturbing activities on the site must be identified below Each must sign a statement certifying that they understand the General Permit authorizing storm water discharges during construction These statements must be maintained in the SWPPP file on site Contractor Company Business Address Business Telephone Number CERTIFICATION "I certify that 1 understand the terms and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit that authorizes the storm water discharges associated with industrial activityfrom the construction site identified as part of this certification The SWPPP has been made available tome to review and I agree to stay in compliance with the permit " Signature Printed Name Title Date The above listed contractor is resnonsible for the followmQ BMPs (check all that ar)Dly) Best Management Practice ,/ Best Management Practice Best Management Practice Construction Exit Diversions Solid Waste Silt Fence Sediment Traps Sanitary Waste Check Dams Sediment Basins Hazardous Waste Management Inlet Protection Dust Control Record Keeping/SWPPP modifications Erosion Control Concrete Wash -out Vegetation Fuel Storage/Containment 02370-24 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Store Number #xxxx-xx Project Location Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina Certification of Compliance Officer Storm Water Qualifications I certify under penalty of law that the Compliance Officer Certificate # 1) is a Storm Water Professional*, 2) has at least 5 years of construction -related experience, and 3) is able to adequately identify and implement storm water sediment and erosion control practices and effectively instruct employees and contractors in the implementation of such practices Contractor Company Name Signature of Officer of the Company and Title Date Certification of Project Superintendents Storm Water Qualifications I certify under penalty of law that each of these two Project Superintendents Name Certificate # Name Certificate # 1) is a Storm Water Professional* or will become a Storm Water Professional, within 30 days of the beginning of ground -disturbing activity and will be accompanied on at least 3 daily inspections per week by the Compliance Officer or any other Storm Water Professional until becoming a Storm Water Professional, 2) has at least 5 years of construction -related experience and 3) is able to adequately identify and implement storm water sediment and erosion control practices and effectively instruct employees and contractors in the implementation of such practices Contractor Company Name Signature of Officer of the Company and Title Date *A Storm Water Professional is an individual who is currently certified through the storm water training program provided by Wal-Mart pursuant to a training plan approved by EPA GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO IMMEDIATELY FAX THIS FORM TO Wal-Mart Contracts Administration FAX 479-277-9367 File the original form in the SWPPP Notebook (Tab 4) on site This form can not be altered 02370-25 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Civil Engineer and Project Superintendent Certification of Site Best Management Practices Date Project Type and Store Number Wal-Mart Supercenter #xxxx-xx Project Location Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina We certify that on this date we conducted an inspection of the construction site and Best Management Practices (BMPs) required by the SWPPP have been installed correctly and in the correct locations as shown on the Phase I Erosion and Sediment Control Site Map drawing subject to any exceptions as listed below Other than disturbance to install these BMPs no other ground disturbing activities have occurred on the site nor will ground disturbing activities occur on this Site until all exceptions have been resolved Consulting Engineer of Record and Superintendent have re -inspected Site, and a Certification of Best Management Practices Form without Exceptions has be completed and certified (initial one) No Exceptions Exceptions (list) u75 pC� ngineer up ngineer Signature of Consulting Engineer of Record Signature of Project Superintendent Company Company GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO IMMEDIATELY FAX THIS FORM TO Wal-Mart Contracts Administration FAX 479-277-9367 File original in SWPPP Notebook (Tab 4) on site This form can not be altered 02370 26 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 WAL-MART CONFIDENTIAL STORM WATER CONTROLS ENVIRONMENTAL PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING CERTIFICATION FORM Date Store Number Wal-Mart Supercenter #xxxx-xx Project Location Town of Leland, Brunswick County, NC General Contractor Contact Person Please initial each item This action constitutes agreement and acceptance of each provision 1 A storm water pre -construction meeting between the Project Superintendent(s) of the General Contractor, the engineer who prepared the SWPPP or any engineer retained by the Owner who becomes familiar with the SWPPP, and contractors and subcontractor(s) and their employees who will be involved in ground -disturbing activities has been completed successfully 2 At this meeting, the (a) applicable General Construction Storm Water General Permit requirements (available from the state or local governing authority for Storm Water), the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and drawings, and other environmental requirements for the site were discussed, and (b) the videotape "Stormwater Pollution Prevention on Construction Sites" was shown to all persons 3 The Project Superintendent and all contractors or subcontractors shall sign a Contractor's Certification (form is included in Appendix C of Spec 02370) 4 A copy of the construction storm water permit regulations applicable to the site has been obtained and a copy is present in the construction office 5 A signed Wal-Mart and/or General Contractor NOI as required by the State Permit have been properly filed and will be posted at the construction entrance board prior to ground disturbing activities Signature of Representative of General Contractor Date GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO IMMEDIATELY FAX THIS FORM TO Wal-Mart Contracts Administration FAX 479-277-9367 File original in SWPPP notebook (Tab 4) on site This form can not be altered. 02370 27 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 APPENDIX D DAILY INSPECTION REPORT 01 GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S DELEGATED INSPECTOR FORM 01 WEEKLY INSPECTION SUMMARY FORM [� WEEKLY STORM WATER MEETING FORM 02370 2s Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Wal-Mart Confidential IMMEDIATELY FAX TO THE WMSWCC AT 479-204-0438 Daily Storm Water Inspection Report Store Number, Project Type and Location Wal-Mart Supereenter #xxxx-xx, Town of Leland, Brunswick County, NC Inspector Name and Title Date/Time of Inspection Schedule Completion Date Director Weather Conditions Stage (circle all that apply) Clearing/Grubbing Paving Rough Grading Infrastructure Building Construction Final Grading Final Stabilization Terminate Permit Type of Control Describe status, identify problems, maintenance needs, or Problem addressed non-conformance with details or temporary alteration date and description of corrective action Structural Silt Fence ❑Tears/Holes ❑Burial OSed Accum []Sediment bypass ❑ OK ❑ N/A Const Exit []Voids Filled OTrackout ❑ OK ❑ N/A Check Dam ❑Sediment Accumulation ❑ OK ❑ N/A Inlet Protection OSed Accum OSed Bypass OApplication not appropriate ❑ OK ❑ N/A Diversion Due h/Berm ❑Erosion ❑Stabilization ❑ OK ❑ N/A Sediment Trap ❑Sediment Accumulation ❑ OK ❑ N/A Sediment Basin OSed Accumulation ❑Bank erosion []Stabilization ❑ OK ❑ N/A Discharge Point ❑Erosion ❑Sediment Discharge ❑ OK ❑ N/A Material Storage/ ONot shown on Site Map ❑Spills ❑Out of design area Secondary Contain Olmproper storage chemicals, solvents paint fuels, etc ❑ OK ❑ N/A Other Structural Controls ❑ OK ❑ N/A Non -Structural Good Housekeeping []Solid Waste OSamtary Waste ❑Dust Control ❑ OK ❑ N/A 02370-29 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Confidential Business Information Wal-Mart Confidential IMMEDIATELY FAX TO THE WMSWCC AT 479-204-0438 Store Number, Project Type and Location Page 2 Equip Wash/Mamt ❑Spills ❑Outside designated area ❑ OK ❑ N/A Concrete Washout ❑Spills out of designated area ❑Not shown on Site Map ❑ OK ❑ N/A Stabilization Seed/Sod Mulching, ONeed Temp stab ONeed final stab ❑Health of veg Geotextde, Blankets ❑ OK ❑ N/A Record Keeping Entrance Postings ONOI OPermrts OConstruction Site Notice ❑ OK ❑ N/A SWPPP Notebook OMissmg Sections OMissmg Forms ❑ OK ❑ N/A Site Map/Details ❑Activmes not up-to-date ODeviate from details ❑ OK OBMP Additions OModifications ONot up-to-date ❑ N/A Other ❑ OK ❑ N/A I certify under penalty of perjury that 1 personally conducted this inspection and prepared this inspection report All corrective actions noted as necessary on preceding Dad} Inspection Reports prepared by Inspectors Compliance Officers or Construction Managers have been fully completed as noted above in conformance with the time limitations provided in the Contract Documents Based upon my observations during the inspection I certify that the information in this inspection report is true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for perjury including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations Inspector s Signature — Daily Inspection Date Certificate # and Expiration Date I certify under penalty of pequry that 1 personally observed this inspection All corrective actions noted as necessary on preceding Daily Inspection Reports prepared by Inspectors Compliance Officers or Construction Managers have been fullv completed as noted above in conformance with the time limitations provided in the Contract Documents Based upon my observations during the inspection 1 tend} that the information in this inspection report is true accurate and complete 1 am aware that there we significant penalties for perjury including tines and imprisonment for knowing violations Compliance Officer s Signature (by weeklv) Date Certificate If and Lxpiration Date I certify under penalty of perjury that 1 personally observed this inspection Based upon my obsenations during the inspection I certify that the information in this inspection report is true accurate and complete In addition 1 have reviewed the [insert number of inspection reports] inspection reports previous to this one and I certify that all corrective actions noted as necessary have been fully and timelv completed 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for perjury including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations Wai Mart Construction Manager s Signature Date Certificate # and Expiration Date (even monthi> inspection) 02370-30 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Confidential Business Information Date Director of Governing Authority, Storm Water Name Title Address Permit Authorization for Storm Water CERTIFIED MAIL Receipt No Project Wal-Mart Supercenter #xxxx-xx Address Town of Leland, Brunswick County, NC General Permit Registration No WV/NPDES Permit No GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SIGNATURE DELEGATION 1, the undersigned, hereby delegate (General Contractor's namel Project Superintendent or Project Manager as the authorized signatory for all reports required by this permit and other information requested by the Director or authorized representative of the Director in accordance with the provisions of the General Permit I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage this system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations Sincerely, [Principle Officer of the General Contractor] 02370-31 Leland, North Carolina — Store No -- 03/21/05 The following form 1s the Weekly Storm Water Inspection Summary Submit this form to WMSWCC after complete 02370-32 Leland, North Carolina — Store No — 03/21/05 Wal-Mart Confidential IMMEDIATELY FAX TO THE WMSWCC AT 479-204-0438 Weekly Storm Water Inspection Summary Project Type and Location Wal-Mart Supercenter, Town of Leland, NC Store Number #xxxx-xx Inspector Name and Title Week of Inspections Storm Event >0 5" within the week Schedule Completion Date Construction Stage (circle all that apply) Clearing/Grubbing Rough Grading Infrastructure Paving Building Construction Final Grading Final Stabilization Type of Control Describe summary of deficiencies noted NA- if not applicable Corrective action taken (date and description of corrective action) Structural Silt Fence Construction Exit Check Dam Storm Dram Inlet Protection Diversion Ditch/Berm Sediment Trap Sedimentation Pond 02370-33 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 17nnfidential Rucmecc Infnrmatinn Wal-Mart Confidential IMMEDIATELY FAX TO THE WMSWCC AT 479-204-0438 Vehicle Track -Out Other Structural Controls Non -Structural Street Cleaning Good Housekeeping & Waste Disposal Practices Equipment Wash & Maintenance Area Concrete Washout Area Stabilization Seeding, Mulching, Geotexttle, Sod, Blankets Miscellaneous List Revisions to SWPPP to Reflect BMP Additions or Modifications I certify under penalty of perjury that all daily inspections were completed between and I personally prepared this inspection summary report noting the deficiencies in BMPs this week and the corrective actions taken I certify that the information in this report is true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for perjury, including fines and imprisonment for knowing violations Project Superintendent Signature Date Certificate # and Expiration Date 02370-34 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Cnnfidenhal Rncmecc Infnrmahnn Weekly Storm Water Meeting Review and Comment Form Store Number and Project Location Wal-Mart Supercenter #xxxx-xx, Town of Leland, Brunswick County, NC Project Site Superintendent Date and Time Others Present NAME TITLE COMPANY Role of Contractors with installation and maintenance of BMPs BMP Maintenance and Repair Non -effective BMPs Efforts to mitigate or stop sediment discharges Coordination of staging areas, storage borrow, fill, concrete wash -out, and exits Upcoming activities Modifications or additions to SWPPP or project phasing Findings and Conclusions 02370-35 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Spill Report Form Project Type and Location Wal-Mart Supercenter, Town of Leland, NC Store Number #xxxx-xx Spill Reported by Date/Time Spill Describe spill location and events leading to spill Material spilled Source of spill Amount spilled Containment or clean up action Approximate depth of sod excavation List Injuries or Personal Contamination Action to be taken to prevent future spills Modifications to the SWPPP necessary due to this spill Agencies notified of the spill Amount spilled to waterway I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations Contractor Superintendent Date 02370-37 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Code of Federal Regulations [Title 40, Volume 13, Parts 87 to 135] [Revised as of July 1, 1998] From the U S Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE 40CFR117 3] [Page 621-625] TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (CONTINUED) PART 117--DETERMINATION OF REPORTABLE QUANTITIES FOR HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES --Table of Contents Subpart A --General Provisions See 117 3--Determination of reportable quantities Each substance in Table 117 3 that is listed in Table 302 4, 40 CFR part 302 is assigned the reportable quantity listed in Table 302 4 for that substance Table 117 3--Reportable Quantities of Hazardous Substances Designated Pursuant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act Note The first number under the column headed RQ" is the reportable quantity in pounds The number in parentheses is the metric equivalent in kilograms For convenience, the table contains a column headed Category" which lists the code letters V, A", B", C", and D" associated with reportable quantities of 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 5000 pounds, respectively Table 117 3--Reportable Quantities of Hazardous Substances Designated Pursuant to Section 31 1 of the Clean Water Act Material Category ------------------- --------------------------------------------------- RQ in pounds (kilograms) Acetaldehyde C 1,000 (454) Acetic acid D 5,000 (2,270) Acetic anhydride D 5,000 (2,270) Acetone cyanohydrm A 10 (4 54) Acetyl bromide D 5,000 (2,270) Acetyl chloride D 5,000 (2,270) Acrolem X 1 (0 454) Acrylomtnle B 100 (45 4) Adipic acid D 5,000 (2,270) Aldnn X l (0 454) Allyl alcohol B 100 (45 4) Allyl chloride C 1,000 (454) Aluminum sulfate D 5,000 (2,270) Ammonia B 100 (45 4) Ammonium acetate D 5,000 (2,270) 02370-38 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03121/05 Ammonium benzoate Ammonium bicarbonate Ammonium bichromate Ammonium bifluonde Ammonium bisulfite Ammonium carbamate Ammonium carbonate Ammonium chloride Ammonium chromate Ammonium citrate dibasic Ammonium fluoborate Ammonium fluoride Ammonium hydroxide Ammonium oxalate Ammonium sihcofluonde Ammonium sulfamate [[Page 622]] Ammonium sulfide Ammonium sulfite Ammonium tartrate Ammonium thiocyanate Amyl acetate D Aniline D Antimony pentachloride Antimony potassium tartrate D 5,000 (2,270) D 5,000 (2,270) A 10 (4 54) B 100 (45 4) D 5,000 (2,270) D 5,000 (2,270) D 5,000 (2,270) D 5,000 (2,270) A 10 (4 54) D 5,000 (2,270) D 5,000 (2,270) B 100 (45 4) C 1,000 (454) D 5,000 (2,270) C 1,000 (454) D 5 000 (2,270) FBI F Antimony trtbromtde C Antimony trichlonde C Antimony tnfluoride C Antimony trioxide C Arsenic disulfide X Arsenic pentoxide X Arsenic trichloride X Arsenic trioxide X Arsenic trisulfide X Barium cyanide A Benzene A Benzoic acid D Benzonrtrile D Benzoyl chloride C Benzyl chloride B Beryllium chloride X Beryllium fluoride X Beryllium nitrate X Butyl acetate D Butylamme C n-Butyl phthalate A Butyric acid D Cadmium acetate A Cadmium bromide A Cadmium chloride A Calcium arsenate X Calcium arsenite X Calcium carbide A Calcium chromate A Calcium cyanide A Calcium dodecylbenzenesulfonate Calcium hypochlortte A Caplan A 100 (45 4) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 1 000 (454) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1 000 (454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 1,000 (454) 100 (45 4) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 5,000 (2,270) 1,000 (454) 10 (4 54) 5 000 (2 270) I0 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) C 1,000 (454) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 02370-39 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 - Carbaryl Carbofuran Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chlorine Chlorobenzene Chloroform Chlorosulfonic acid Chlorpynfos Chromic acetate Chromic acid Chromic sulfate Chromous chloride Cobaltous bromide Cobaltous formate Cobaltous sulfamate Coumaphos Cresol B A B A X A B A C X H A C C C C C A Crotonaldehyde B Cupric acetate B Cupric acetoarsenite X Cunnc chloride A Cupric nitrate B Cupric oxalate B Cupric sulfate A Cupric sulfate, ammoniated Cupric tartrate B Cyanogen chloride Cyclohexane C [[Page 623]] 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 1,000 (454) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1 000 (454) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) B 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) A 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 2,4-D Acid B 2,4-D Esters B DDT X Diazmon X Dicamba C Dichlobeml B Dichlone X Dichlorobenzene B Dichloropropane C Dichloropropene B Dichloropropene-Dichloropropane B (mixture) 2,2-Dtchloropropionro acid D 5,000 (2 270) Dtchlorvos A 10 (4 54) Dicofol A 10 (4 54) Dieldrm X 1 (0 454) Diethylamme B 100 (45 4) Dimethylamme C 1,000 (454) Dinitrobenzene (mixed) B 100 (45 4) 10 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) Dinitrophenol A Dinitrotoluene A Diquat C Disulfoton X Dmron B Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid C Endosulfan X Endnn X 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) (0 454) 1 (0 454) 1,000 (454) 100 (45 4) 1 (0 454) 100 (45 4) 1,000(454) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 02370-40 Leland, North Carolina — Store No - 03/21/05' Epichlorohydrm B Ethion A Ethylbenzene C Ethylenediamme D Ethylenediamme-tetraacetic acid D (EDTA) Ethylene dibromide X Ethylene dichloride B Ferric ammonium citrate Ferric ammonium oxalate Ferric chloride C Ferric fluoride B Ferric nitrate C Ferric sulfate C Ferrous ammonium sulfate Ferrous chloride B Ferrous sulfate C Formaldehyde B Formic acid D Fumanc acid D Furfural D Guthion X Heptachlor X Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hydrochloric acid D Hydrofluoric acid B Hydrogen cyanide A Hydrogen sulfide B Isoprene B Isopropanolamme C dodecylbenzenesulfonate Kepone X Lead acetate A Lead arsenate X Lead chloride A Lead fluoborate A Lead fluoride A Lead iodide A Lead nitrate A Lead stearate A Lead sulfate A Lead sulfide A Lead thiocyanate A Lmdane X Lithium chromate A Malathion B Maleic acid D [[Page 624]] 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 1 (0 454) 100 (45 4) C 1,000 (454) C 1,000 (454) 1,000(454) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) C 1,000 (454) 100 (45 4) 1 000 (454) 100 (45 4) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) A 10 (4 54) 5,000 (2,270) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 5,000 (2,270) Maleic anhydride D 5,000 (2,270) Mercaptodimethur A 10 (4 54) Mercuric cyanide X 1 (0 454) Mercuric nitrate A 10 (4 54) Mercuric sulfate A 10 (4 54) Mercuric thiocyanate A 10 (4 54) Mercurous nitrate A 10 (4 54) Methoxychlor X l (0 454) Methyl mercaptan B 100 (45 4) Methyl methacrylate C 1,000 (454) 02370-41 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 Methyl parathion B Mevmphos A Mexacarbate C Monoethylamme B Monomethylamme B Naled A Naphthalene B Naphthenic acid B Nickel ammonium sulfate B Nickel chloride B Nickel hydroxide A Nickel nitrate B Nickel sulfate B Nitric acid C Nitrobenzene C Nitrogen dioxide A Nnrophenol (mixed) B Nnrotoluene C Paraformaldehyde C Parathion A Pentachlorophenol A Phenol C Phosgene A Phosphoric acid D Phosphorus X Phosphorus oxychlonde C Phosphorus pentasulfide B Phosphorus trtchlonde C Polychlormated biphenyls X Potassium arsenate X Potassium arsemte X Potassium bichromate A Potassium chromate A Potassium cyanide A Potassium hydroxide C Potassium permanganate B Propargrte A Propiomc acid D Propionic anhydride D Propylene oxide B Pyrethnns X Qumolme D Resorcinol D Selenium oxide A Silver nitrate X Sodium A Sodium arsenate X Sodium arsenae X Sodium bichromate A Sodium bifluonde B Sodium bisulfate D Sodium chromate A Sodium cyanide A Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate Sodium fluoride C Sodium hydrosulfide D Sodium hydroxide C Sodium hypochlonte B Sodium methylate C 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 1 000 (454) 1,000 (454) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1,000(454) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 1 000 (454) 10 (4 54) 5,000 (2,270) 1 (0 454) 1 000 (454) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 100 (45 4) I0 (4 54) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) 100 (45 4) I (0 454) 5,000 (2,270) 5 000 (2,270) 10 (4 54) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 1 (0 454) 1 (0 454) 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 5,000 (2,270) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) C 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) 1,000 (454) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 02370-42 Leland, North Carolina —Store No 03/21/05 ' Sodium nitrite B Sodium phosphate, dibasic [[Page 625]] Sodium phosphate, tnbasic Sodium selenite B Strontium chromate A Strychnine A Styrene C Sulfuric acid C Sulfur monochlonde C 2,4,5-T acid C 2,4,5-T ammes D 2,4,5-T esters C 2,4,5-T salts C TIDE X 2,4,5-TP acid B 2,4,5-TP acid esters B Tetraethyl lead A Tetraethyl pyrophosphate Thallium sulfate B Toluene C Toxaphene X Tnchlorfon B Tnchloroethylene B Tnchlorophenol A Tnethanolamme C I, dodecylbenzenesulfonate Tnethylamme D Tnmethylamme B Uranyl acetate B Uranyl nitrate B Vanadium pentoxide C Vanadyl sulfate C Vinyl acetate D Vinylidene chloride B Xylene (mixed) B Xylenol C Zinc acetate C Zinc ammonium chloride Zinc borate C Zinc bromide C Zinc carbonate C Zinc chloride C Zinc cyanide A Zinc fluoride C Zinc formate C Zinc hydrosulfite C Zinc nitrate C Zinc phenolsulfonate D Zinc phosphide B Zinc sdicofluoride D Zinc sulfate C Zirconium nitrate D Zirconium potassium fluoride Zirconium sulfate D Zirconium tetrachloride D 100 (45 4) D 5,000 (2,270) D 5,000 (2,270) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 1 000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000(454) 5,000 (2,270) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) A 10 (4 54) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1 (0 454) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 10 (4 54) 000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) I00 (45 4) 100 (45 4) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000(454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 10 (4 54) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1,000 (454) 1 000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) 100 (45 4) 5,000 (2,270) 1,000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) C 1 000 (454) 5,000 (2,270) 5,000 (2,270) ---------------------------- --- 02370-43 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 [50 FR 13513, Apr 4, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 34547, Sept 29, 1986, 54 FR 33482, Aug 14, 1989, 58 FR 35327, June 30, 1993, 60 FR 30937, June 12, 1995] kitty //h2o enr state nc us ndceu app/federal htm 02370-44 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 APPENDIX F NORTH CAROLINA DISCHARGE MONITORING FORM 02370-45 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 INSERT NORTH CAROLINA DISCHARGE MONITORING FORM I:I D1.1 �I 02370-46 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 ' -- APPENDIX G RECORD OF STABILIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES 02370-47 Leland, North Carolina —Store No 03/21/05 SITE STABILIZATION and CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES A record of dates when BMPs are installed or removed stabilization measures are initiated major grading activities occur and construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site shall be maintained until final site stabilization is achieved and the Notice of Termination (NOT) is fled This form must be updated continuously throughout the project until the NOT is filed Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location MAJOR STABILIZATION AND GRADING ACTIVITIES Begin (date) Begin (date) Begin (date) Begin (date) Begin (date) End(date) End(date) End(date) End(date) End(date) Description of Activity Site Contractor Begin (date) End(date) Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Begin (date) End(date) Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Description of Activity Site Contractor Location Begin (date) Begin (date) Begin (date) Begin (date) Begin (date) End(date) End(date) End(date) End(date) End(date) 02370-48 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT Contractor Firm: Contractor Address: Contact Name & Number: (both Site Superintendents) Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Project Description: Wal-Mart Supercenter #xxxx-xx Highway 17, Town of Leland, NC 2039818 SF, 34 Disturbed Acres 02370-50 Deland, North Carohna=Store No 03/21/05 APPENDIX I FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL STORM WATER OR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR SITE VISIT LOG 02370-51 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05- Federal, State, or Local Storm Water or other Environmental Inspector Site Visit Log Inspectors Name Contractors Representative Present Others Present Comments Time and Date Inspectors Name Contractors Representative Present Others Present Comments Time and Date Inspectors Name Contractors Representative Present Others Present Comments Time and Date Inspectors Name Contractors Representative Present Others Present Comments Time and Date Agency Agency Agency Agency Report Prepared Yes No Report Prepared Yes No Report Prepared Yes No Report Prepared Yes No WMS WCC must be contacted at the conclusion of any agency inspection @ 1-800-530-9928 Caller must provide as a minimum the date, inspection beginning and completion times inspecting agency, agency inspector name, all contractor representative names, and a brief summary of any comments, observations or deficiencies noted during the inspection 02370-52 Leland, North Carolina — Store No 03/21/05 WYATT REALTY SERVICES INCORPORATED ORGANIZATION MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS The undersigned shareholders of Wyatt Realty Services Incorporated, a South Carolina corporation (the "Corporation"), acting without a Board of Directors pursuant to its By -Laws, Articles of Incorporation and Section 33-18-200 of the 1976 South Carolina Code, do hereby adopt the following resolutions OFFICERS RESOLVED, that the following individuals are elected to serve as officers of the Corporation for the ensuing year, until their successors are duly elected and qualified Name Office Stephen W Ramer President & CEO Arthur J Kepes Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer T Scott Smith Vice President and Assistant Secretary Jim Price Vice President MINUTE BOOK RESOLVED, that the minute book is approved and adopted as the Minute Book of the Corporation, and the Secretary of the Corporation is hereby instructed to retain custody of such Minute Book and to insert in it the minutes of meetings, and other proceedings, of the shareholders of the Corporation ARTICLES RESOLVED, that the Articles of Incorporation as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina on the 7th day of February, 2001, are in all respects approved, and the Secretary of the Corporation is hereby directed to insert the Articles of Incorporation and the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina in the Minute Book of the Corporation BYLAWS RESOLVED, that the form of bylaws entitled 'Bylaws of Wyatt Realty Services Incorporated" be and they hereby are adopted as the Bylaws of the Corporation, and the Secretary of the Corporation is directed to insert the Bylaws in the Minute Book of the Corporation STOCK CERTIFICATE RESOLVED, that the form of stock certificate, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" be and it hereby is adopted as the form of stock certificate of the Corporation FISCAL YEAR RESOLVED, that the fiscal year of the Corporation be and it hereby is declared to be the period beginning January 1 and ending the following December 31 of each year SUBCHAPTERS RESOLVED, that, subject to the consent of the shareholder of the Corporation, the Corporation elects to be taxed as an "S Corporation" under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code, or such other provisions of law now or hereafter applicable to such election, and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the President shall cause the Corporation to execute Internal Revenue Service Form 2553 or such other necessary form for exercising such electron, and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Corporation file such electron and such consent with the appropriate district director of the Internal Revenue Service, and RESOLVED FURTHER, that such other action shall be taken by the President of the Corporation as may be deemed necessary or advisable by counsel to the Corporation to exercise such electron ISSUANCE OF SHARES RESOLVED, that the President is authorized and directed to issue to the persons listed below, certificates representing shares of common stock of the Corporation, $1 00 par value, for the amount of consideration set opposite each persorfs name Shares Registered in Name of Stephen W Rainer T Scott Smith Arthur J Kepes Shares 60 30 10 MISCELLANEOUS Number of Consideration 10000 10000 10000 RESOLVED, that the officers of the Corporation be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay all taxes, fees and expenses incident to and necessary for the organization of the Corporation WMAgmve mo mtc�hv holdmmg -2- RESOLVED, that these resolutions be deemed effective February 7, 2001 SHAREHOLDERS T SCOTT SMITH ARTHURJ K$PES WUPgennel coMome�hweholdm tg -3- (7C)10y CE0S0T0vEA-"%MW0C0 viola AUG 2 3 2002 lg_xe SouTMp S Coto 00-w STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SECRETARY OF STATE ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN BLACK INK SECRETARY OF STATE FILE® AUG 2 3 2002 ,M Pursuant Section 33-10-106 of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws as amended the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to Its Articles of Incorporation 1 The name of the corporation is Wyatt Realty Services Incorporated 2 Date of Incorporation February 7, 2001 3 Agents Name and Address Arthur J. Kepes 1080 Silver Bluff Road, Aiken, SC 29803 4 On Auqust 22, 2002 the corporation adopted the following Amendment (s) of its Articles of Incorporation (Type or attach the complete text of each Amendment) Amend the name of the corporation to: WRS Inc. 5 The manner if not set forth in the Amendment in which any exchange reclassification or cancellation of Issued shares provided for in the Amendment shall be effected is as follows (if not applicable Insert 'not applicable or "NA ) 6 Complete either a or b whichever is applicable a © Amendment(s) adopted by shareholder action At the date of adoption of the Amendment the number of outstanding shares of each voting group entitled to vote separately on the Amendment and the vote of such shares was Number of Number of Number of Votes Number of Undisputed' Voting Outstanding Votes Entitled Represented at Shares Group Shares to be Cast the meeting For or Against _5/&"w Too too r o0 100 0 Wyatt Realty Services Incorporated Name of Corporation 'NOTE Pursuant to Section 33-10-106(6)(1) of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws as amended the corporation can alternatively state the total number of disputed shares cast for the amendment by each voting group together with a statement that the number of cast for the amendment by each voting group was sufficient for approval by that voting group b ❑ The Amendment(s) was duly adopted by the incorporators or board of directors without shareholder approval pursuant to Section 33-6-102(d), 33-10-102 and 33-10-105 of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws as amended and shareholder action was not required Unless a delayed dated is specified the effective date of these Articles of Amendment shall be the date of acceptance for filing by the Secretary of State (See Section 33-1-230(b) of 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws as amended) Date August 22, 2002 Wyatt Realty Services Incorporated Name of orporahon lf+� 4 Signal re Arthur J. Kepes, Vice President Type or Print Name and Office FILING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Two copies of this forth the original and either a duplicate original or a conformed copy must by filed 2 If the space in this form is insufficient please attach additional sheets containing a reference to the appropriate paragraph in this form 3 Filing fees and taxes payable to the Secretary of State at time of filing application Filing Fee Filing tax Total Return to Secretary of State P O Box 11350 Columbia SC 29211 OOM ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT doc $ 1000 10000 $110 00 Form Revised by South Carolina Secretary of State January 2000 ,WnFTEDTONEATMAND e"' AS TAKENM� oAND COM lid FEB 0 7 2001 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SECRETARY OF STATE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR A yp� eof sourNCatwuNA STATUTORY CLOSE CORPORATION SECRETARY OF MM FILED AM FEB 0 7,2001 1 The name of the proposed corporation is Wyatt Realty Services Incorporated 2 This corporation is a statutory close corporation pursuant to Chapter 18, Title 33 of the 1976 South Carolina Code, as amended 3 The initial registered office at such address is 1080 Silver Bluff Road Street & Number Aiken Aiken 29803 City County Zip Code and the initial registered agent at such address is Arthur J Kepes 4 The corporation is authorized to issue shares of stock as follows Complete a or b, whichever is applicable a fJ The corporation is authorized to issue a single class of shares, and the total number of shares authorized is —1.000 b ❑ The corporation is authorized to issue more than one class of shares Class of shares Authorized No of Each Class If shares are divided into two or more classes or if any class of shares is divided into series within a class, the relative rights, preferences, and lunitations of the shares of each class, and of each series within a class, are as follows 5 The existence of the corporation shall begin as of the filing date with the Secretary of State unless otherwise indicated (See §33-1-230(b)) 6 Unless specified otherwise below, the transfer of shares of stock of the corporation shall be subject to the restrictions set out in §§33-18-110 through 33-18-130 of the 1976 South Carolina Code, as amended Specify any variations in the statutory format in §§33018-110 through 33- 18-130 7 Unless otherwise specified below the corporation shall have a board of directors (See §33-18- 210 of the 1976) AThis corporation elects not to have a board of directors n ,corp\nrtide: Ad STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA INITIAL ANNUAL REPORT OF CORPORATIONS Fue Number ENDING PERIOD Ao m Y W CL-1 (Rev 10/88) 3134 FILE THIS RETURN W17H ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OR APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO 00 ausINESS NAME OF CORPORATION WYATT REALTY SERVICES INCORPORATED ADDRESS OF CORPORATION (NUMBER AND STREET) 1Q80 Silver gluff goad CITY AND STATE ZIP COUNTY Aiken, South Carolina 29803 Aiken Date Application for Charter" filed with Secretary of State Simultaneously FEB 0 7 Date of Request for authority to do business in this state' (Foreign Corp ) IRS Employer Identification Number being applied for Business Code 'State of incorporation South Carolina 2 Nature of principal business in South Carolina Real Estate 3 Location of registered office of the corporation in the state of South Carolina is t non c, I var Bluff In the cltvof Aiken o__._.___� ___ _ mcicU oy011. 6• JU6 I QUU1 Wbb VI 1111IIUi al uniue in aoutn carouna street a and county) 1080 Silver B of Rd., Ai en, S 5 Date business commenced in South Carolina Not et commenced Telephone # 803 649-39 6 The corporation's books are in care of T I hluivate sate corporation closes its books December 31st 6 If a p, ofessional corporation are all shareholders one-half of the directors (or individuals functioning as directors) and all officers (other than the secretary and treasurer) qualified to practice the professional servict s engaged in by the corporation'! 9 The names and business addresses of the directors (or individuals functioning as directors) and principal officers in the corporation are Name Business Address and Office 0 The total number of authorized shares of capital stock itemized by class and series if any within each class is as follows Number of Shares Class Series 1,000 Common 1 The total number of Issued and outstanding shares of capital stock itemized by class and series if any, within each class is as follows Number of Shares Class Series (NO SHARES HAVE BEEN ISSUED) I Ice uue with this report 1 25100 2 Interest due 2 3 Penalty due 3 4 Total - Fee Interest and Penalty (Make remittance payable to SC Tax Commission) 4 S AFFIDAVIT the undersigned, principal officer of the corporation for which this nrtum is made declare than ratum lnal Mae omoanying Statements and schedules has been ezarnined by me and 13 to the bait of My knowledge and belief a true an ate re In good faith ��Ee C�t3i GG — Z SIGNAT Re rFFIr AuM RIgD TO SIGN Tm NAME OFFICE BUSINESS ADDRESS Stephen W Rainer President & CEO 1080 Silver Bluff Road Aiken, SC 29803 Arthur J Kepes Vice President, Secretary & 1080 Silver Bluff Road Treasurer Aiken, SC 29803 T Scott Smith Vice President & Assistant 1080 Silver Bluff Road Secretary Aiken, SC 29803 (169i EASEMENTS WITH COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AFFECTING LAND ("ECR") When recorded return to Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP 700 Louisiana, Suite 3600 Houston, Texas 77002 Attention Sultana Kaldis EASEMENTS WITH COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AFFECTING LAND ("ECR") THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the day of 2004, between WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust ("Wal-Mart"), and WR OF ROCKINGHAM, L L C , a South Carolina limited liability company (`Developer") WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Wal-Mart is the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract as shown on the plan attached hereto as Exhibit A-1 hereof, said Tract being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto, WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the Developer Tract and the Outparcels shown on the plan attached hereto as Exhibit A-1 hereof, the same being more particularly described in Exhibit C hereof, and WHEREAS, Wal-Mart and Developer desire that the Wal-Mart Tract, the Developer Tract and the Outparcels be developed in conjunction with each other pursuant to a general plan of improvement to form a commercial Shopping Center (sometimes hereinafter referred to as the ` Shopping Center"), and further desire that the Shopping Center be subject to the easements and the covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, easements, covenants, conditions, restrictions, and encumbrances contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Wal-Mart and Developer do hereby agree as follows Building/Common Areas 1 1 `Building Areas" as used herein shall mean those portions of the Shopping Center shown on Exhibit A-2 as `Building Area" (and "Future Building Area" and "Future Expansion Area") Canopies may encroach from the Building Areas over the Common Areas provided the canopies do not interfere with the use of the Common Areas 24520107 3 051304 1021C 03185414 I 12 Common Areas" shall be all of the Shopping Center except the Building Areas 1 3 "Tracts" as used herein shall mean the Wal-Mart Tract and the Developer Tract but not the Outparcels Reference to a "Tract" refers to the Wal-Mart Tract or the Developer Tract but not the Outparcels 14 Conversion to Common Areas Those portions of the Building Areas which are not from time to time used or cannot, under the terms of this Agreement, be used for buildings shall become part of the Common Area for the uses permitted hereunder and shall be improved, kept and maintained as provided herein 2 Use Buildings in the Shopping Center shall be used for commercial purposes of the type normally found in a retail shopping center including, without limitation, financial institutions, service shops, offices, and retail stores No cafeteria, theatre, bowling alley, billiard parlor, night club or other place of recreation or amusement, or any business serving alcoholic beverages shall occupy space within the Shopping Center without the prior written consent of Wal-Mart No restaurant shall occupy space on any portion of the Developer Tract without the prior written consent of Wal-Mart Developer recognizes that said businesses may inconvenience Wal-Mart's customers and adversely affect Wal-Mart's business Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it Is expressly agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to contain a covenant, either express or implied, to either commence the operation of a business or thereafter continuously operate a business by Wal-Mart on the Wal-Mart Tract Developer recognizes and agrees that Wal-Mart may, at Wal- Mart's sole discretion and at any time during the tern of this Agreement, cease the operation of Its business on the Wal-Mart Tract, and Developer hereby waives any legal action for damages or for equitable relief which might be available to Developer because of such cessation of business activity by Wal-Mart 3 Competing Business Developer covenants that as long as Wal-Mart, or any affiliate of Wal-Mart, is the user of the Wal-Mart Tract, either as owner or lessee, no space in or portion of the Developer Tract or the Outparcels, and no space in or portion of any other real property adjacent to the Shopping Center which may subsequently be acquired by Developer, shall be leased or occupied by or conveyed to any other party for use as (i) a facility dispensing gasoline or fuel from pumps, (II) a membership warehouse club, (u1) a pharmacy, (iv) a discount department store or other discount store, as such terms are defined below, (v) a variety, general or "dollar" store containing more than 15,000 square feet of building space, (vi) a grocery store or supermarket as such terms are defined below, or (vu) as any combination of the foregoing uses In the event of a breach of this covenant, Wal-Mart shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and to seek any and all remedies afforded by either law or equity, including, without limitation, the rights to injunctive relief "Grocery store" and ` supermarket", as those terms are used herein, shall mean a food store or a food department containing more than 10,000 square feet of building space used for the purpose of selling food for off premises consumption, which shall include but not be limited to the sale of dry, refrigerated or frozen groceries, meat, seafood, poultry, produce, delicatessen or bakery products, refrigerated or frozen dairy products, or any grocery products normally sold in such stores or departments "Discount department store" 24�20107 3 0>1304 1021C 03185414 2 and/or `discount store", as those terms are used herein, shall mean a discount department store or discount store containing more than 35,000 square feet of building space used for the purpose of selling a full line of hard goods and soft goods (e g clothing, cards, gifts, electronics, garden supplies, furniture, lawnmowers, toys, health and beauty aids, hardware items, bath accessories and auto accessories) at a discount in a retail operation similar to that of Wal-Mart 4 Buildings 4 1 Design and Construction The Buildings constructed on the Shopping Center shall be designed so that the exterior elevation of each shall be architecturally and aesthetically compatible and so that building wall footings shall not encroach from one Tract or Outparcel onto another Tract or Outparcel except as provided for in Subsection 4 4 below The design and construction shall be of high quality No improvements shall be constructed, erected or expanded or altered on the Outparcels until the plans for the same (including site layout, exterior building materials and colors and parking) have been approved in writing by Developer No building constructed on the Wal-Mart Tract or the Developer Tract shall exceed 35' (including all mechanical improvements and architectural embellishments) in height above finished grade No building constructed on the Outparcels shall exceed 22' (including all mechanical improvements and architectural embellishments) in height, as measured from the mean finished elevation of the parking area of the Shopping Center No building shall have a metal exterior 42 Location/Size No building shall be constructed on the Shopping Center (as either immediate development or future expansion) except within the Building Areas Any buildings located on the Outparcels shall not exceed 7,500 square feet in size Any rooftop equipment constructed on the buildings located on the Outparcels shall be screened in a manner satisfactory to the Developer 43 Fire Protection Any building constructed in the Shopping Center shall be constructed and operated in such a manner which will preserve the sprinklered rate on the other buildings in the Shopping Center 44 Easements In the event building wall footings encroach from one Tract onto the other Tract, despite efforts to avoid that occurrence, the party onto whose Tract the footings encroach shall cooperate in granting an encroachment permit or easement to the party whose building wall footings encroach 5 Common Areas 5 1 Grant of Easements Each party, as grantor, hereby grants to the other party, as grantee, and to the agents, customers, invitees, licensees, tenants and employees of grantee, a nonexclusive easement over, through and around the Wal-Mart Tract and the Developer Tract for roadways, walkways, ingress and egress, parking of motor vehicles, loading and unloading of commercial and other vehicles, and the use of facilities installed for the comfort and convenience of customers, invitees, licensees, tenants and employees of all businesses and occupants of the buildings constructed on the Building Areas located on the Wal-Mart Tract and the Developer Tract Wal-Mart and Developer hereby grant for the benefit of the Outparcels, 24�20107 3 051304 1021C 03183414 3 54 Water Flow Developer, hereby establishes and grants a nonexclusive easement for the benefit of the owner of each Tract or Outparcel to use, maintain and repair any storm water drainage system (the "Storm Drainage System") now or hereafter located on either Tract or any Outparcel, together with the right to discharge surface water runoff across portions of either Tract or any Outparcel in accordance with the design of the Storm Drainage System Any alteration in the natural water flow which may occur as a natural consequence of normal construction activities and the existence of the party's improvements substantially as shown on Exhibit A-2 (including without limitation building and building expansion, curbs, drives and paving) shall be permitted 6 Development, Parking Ratios, Maintenance, and Taxes 61 Development The arrangement of the Common Areas shall not be changed in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement 62 Wal-Mart Tract and Developer Tract `Parking Ratio" Each party hereto agrees that at all times there shall be independently maintained on the Developer Tract and Wal- Mart Tract parking area sufficient to accommodate not fewer than 5 0 car spaces for each 1,000 square feet of building or buildings on such Tract 63 Outparcel "Parkin Ratio" atio" Developer agrees that at all times there shall be independently maintained on each Outparcel parking area sufficient to accommodate not fewer than (1) 15 spaces for every 1,000 square feet of building space for any restaurant or entertainment use in excess of 5,000 square feet, (the same ratio shall be provided for a McDonald's Restaurant, notwithstanding a building footprint of less than 5,000 square feet), or (it) 10 spaces for every 1,000 square feet of building space for any restaurant or entertainment use less than 5,000 square feet (subject to the exception above), or (111) 6 0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building space for any other use 64 Maintenance (1) Standards The Outparcels shall be kept neat, orderly, planted in grass and trimmed until improved and constructed Following completion of the improvements on the Common Areas, the parties hereto shall maintain the Common Areas in good condition and repair The maintenance is to include, without limitation, the following (a) Maintaining the surfaces in a level, smooth and evenly - covered condition with the type of surfacing material originally installed or such substitute as shall in all respects be equal in quality, use, and durability, (b) Removing all papers, ice and snow, mud and sand, debris, filth and refuse and thoroughly sweeping the area to the extent reasonably necessary to keep the area in a clean and orderly condition, (c) Placing, keeping in repair and replacing any necessary appropriate directional signs, markers and lines, 24520107 3 051304 1021C 03183414 5 (d) Operating, keeping in repair and replacing, where necessary, such artificial lighting facilities as shall be reasonably required, (e) Maintaining all perimeter and exterior building walls including but not limited to all retaining walls in a good condition and state of repair, (f) Maintaining, mowing, weeding, trimming and watering all landscaped areas and making such replacements of shrubs and other landscaping as is necessary, and (g) Maintaining elements of the Storm Drainage System (2) Expenses The respective owners shall pay the maintenance expense of their Tracts or Outparcels (3) ByAgent Subject to the mutual agreement of the parties hereto, a third party may be appointed as an agent of the parties to maintain the Common Areas in the manner as above outlined Said thud party may receive for such agency a fee that is mutually acceptable to all parties to cover supervision, management, accounting and similar fees, which sums are to be included in the general maintenance expense paid by the respective owners of the Common Areas 65 Taxes Each of the parties hereto agrees to pay or cause to be paid, prior to delinquency, directly to the appropriate taxing authorities all real property taxes and assessments which are levied against that part of the Common Areas owned by it 7 Signs No rooftop sign shall be erected on the building constructed on the Outparcels No freestanding identification sign may be erected on the Outparcels without approval of the Developer, and in no event shall such freestanding identification sign exceed the height of the shopping center pylon sign or block the visibility of the Wal-Mart Store Notwithstanding the foregoing, there may be erected entrance -exit signs to facilitate the free flow of traffic, which entrance -exit signs shall be of a monument type, not to exceed 3'3" in height, the type and location of such signs to be approved by Developer No sign shall be located on the Common Areas on the Wal-Mart Tract and the Developer Tract except signs advertising businesses conducted thereon, of which, there shall be no more than 2 signs on the Common Areas on the Wal-Mart Tract and 2 signs on the Common Areas on the Developer Tract No signs shall obstruct the ingress and egress shown on Exhibit A-2 8 Indemnification/Insurance 8 1 Indemnification Each party hereby indemnifies and saves the other party harmless from any and all liability, damage, expense, causes of action, suits, claims, or judgments arising from personal injury, death, or property damage and occurring on or from its own Tract or Outparcel, except if caused by the act or negligence of the other party hereto 24520107 3 051304 1021C 0318A14 6 8 2 Insurance (1) Each owner of any portion of the Shopping Center shall procure and maintain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement general public liability insurance and property damage insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage occurring upon, in or about its property, each party's insurance to afford protection to the limit of not less than $5,000,000 00 for injury or death of a single person, and to the limit of not less than $5,000,000 00 for any one occurrence, and to the limit of not less than $5,000,000 00 for property damage Each party shall provide the other party with certificates of such insurance from time to time upon written request to evidence that such insurance is in force Such insurance may be written by additional premises endorsement on any master policy of insurance carried by the party which may cover other property in addition to the property covered by this Agreement Such insurance shall provide that the same may not be canceled without ten (10) days prior written notice to Wal-Mart and the Developer (2) At all times during the term of this Agreement, each party shall keep improvements on its property insured against loss or damage by fire and other perils and events as may be insured against under the broad form of Uniform Extended Coverage Clause in effect from time to time in the state in which the parties respective properties are located, with such insurance to be for the full replacement value of the insured improvements The owner of a Tract or Outparcel shall pay for any increase in the cost of insuring the improvements on the other Tracts or Outparcels if such increase is due to the use by such owner or its tenant(s) (3) Policies of insurance provided for in this Section 8 shall name Wal-Mart and Developer as insureds (4) Each owner of any portion of the Shopping Center for itself and its property insurer hereby releases the other owners of portions of the Shopping Center from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities or obligations whatsoever for damage to property or loss of rents or profits resulting from or in any way connected with any fire or other casualty whether or not such fire or other casualty shall have been caused by the negligence or the contributory negligence of the party being released or by any agent, associate or employee of the party being released, this release being to the extent that such damage or loss is covered by the property insurance which the releasing party is obligated hereunder to carry, or, if the releasing party is not carrying that insurance, then to the extent such damage or loss would be covered if the releasing party were carrying that insurance (5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 8, so long as the net worth of Wal-Mart shall exceed $100,000,000 00, and so long as Wal-Mart is owner or Lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract, Wal-Mart shall have the right to retain (in whole or in part) the financial risk for any claim 9 Eminent Domain 9 1 Owner's Right To Award Nothing herein shall be construed to give either party any interest in any award or payment made to the other party in connection with any exercise of eminent domain or transfer in lieu thereof affecting said other party's Tract or 24520107 3 0�1304 1021C 03185414 7 Outparcel giving the public or any government any rights in said Tract or Outparcel In the event of any exercise of eminent domain or transfer in lieu thereof of any part of the Common Areas located in the Shopping Center, the award attributable to the land and improvements of such portion of the Common Areas shall be payable only to the owner thereof, and no claim thereon shall be made by the owners of any other portion of the Common Areas 92 Collateral Claims All other owners of the Common Areas may file collateral claims with the condemning authority for their losses which are separate and apart from the value of the land area and improvements taken from another owner 93 Tenant's Claim Nothing in this Section 9 shall prevent a tenant from making a claim against an owner pursuant to the provisions of any lease between tenant and owner for all or a portion of any such award or payment 94 Restoration Of Common Areas The owner of any portion of the Common Areas so condemned shall promptly repair and restore the remaining portion of the Common Areas within its respective Tract or Outparcel as nearly as practicable to the condition of the same immediately prior to such condemnation or transfer, to the extent that the proceeds of such award are sufficient to pay the cost of such restoration and repair and without contribution from any other owner 10 Rights And Obligations Of Lenders Any holder of a first lien on any portion of the Shopping Center, and any assignee or successor in interest of such first penholder, shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement I 1 Release from Liability Any person acquiring fee or leasehold title to any portion of the Shopping Center shall be bound by this Agreement only as to the Tract, Outparcel or portion of the Tract or Outparcel acquired by such person In addition, such person shall be bound by this Agreement only during the period such person is the fee or leasehold owner of such Tract, Outparcel or portion of the Tract or Outparcel, except as to obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue during said period Although persons may be released under this Section, the easements, covenants and restrictions in this Agreement shall continue to be benefits to and servitudes upon said tracts running with the land 12 Breach In the event of breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, only all of the record owners of the Wal-Mart Tract as a group, or all record owners of the Developer Tract as a group, or Wal-Mart so long as it or any affiliate has an interest as owner or lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract or Developer so long as it or any affiliate has an interest as owner or lessee of the Developer Tract, shall be entitled to institute proceedings for full and adequate relief from the consequences of said breach or threatened breach Notwithstanding the foregoing, all of the record owners of an Outparcel shall be entitled to take any action permitted by this Agreement with respect to the breach of Sections 5 1, 6 4, 6 5, 8 1, 8 2(4) and 9 13 Rights of Successors The easements, restrictions, benefits and obligations hereunder shall create mutual benefits and servitudes running with the land This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, representatives, 24520107 3 051304 1021C 03185414 8 lessees, successors and assigns The singular number includes the plural and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter 14 Document Execution, Modification and Cancellation It is understood and agreed that until this document is fully executed by both Developer and Wal-Mart there is not and shall not be an agreement of any kind between the parties hereto upon which any commitment, undertaking or obligation can be founded This Agreement (including exhibits) may be modified or canceled only by the mutual agreement of (a) Wal-Mart as long as it or Its affiliate has any interest as either owner or Lessee of the Wal-Mart Tract, or Its successors in interest, and (b) Developer, as long as it or Its affiliate has any interest as either owner or Lessor of the Developer Tract, or Its successors in interest 15 Non -Merger So long as Wal-Mart or Its affiliate is owner or lessee of the Wal- Mart Tract, this Agreement shall not be subject to the doctrine of merger 16 Duration Unless otherwise canceled or terminated, all of the easements granted in this Agreement shall continue in perpetuity and all other rights and obligations hereof shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect after ninety-nine (99) years from the date hereof 17 Headings The headings herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of this document nor in any way affect the terms and provisions hereof 18 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto The parties do not rely upon any statement, promise or representation not herein expressed, and this Agreement once executed and delivered shall not be modified or altered in any respect except by a writing executed and delivered in the same manner as required by this document 19 Transfer of Interests, Notices 19 1 Transfer of Interests In the event that any person or entity (the Acquiring Party") shall acquire a fee or mortgage interest in any tract subject to this Agreement, or any portion thereof, the Acquiring Party shall execute and file in the land records of Richmond County, North Carolina, a statement setting forth the name of the Acquiring Party, the address of the Acquiring Party to which all notices for the purposes of this Agreement may be sent, the nature of the interest held by the Acquiring Party, and the date that such interest was acquired (the "Notice Statement') Contemporaneously with such filing, the Acquiring Party shall also send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of such Notice Statement to all other persons or entities then holding fee or mortgage interests in any tract subject to this Agreement, or any portion thereof, as reflected by the Notice Statements then of record in the land records of Richmond County, North Carolina (the "Existing Interest Holders") Until such time as an Acquiring Party files and mails such Notice Statement in accordance with the terms of this Section 19 1, it shall not be entitled to receive any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement, and the Existing Interest Holders shall have no obligation to give any such notice to the Acquiring Party Any change of address shall require the filing and mailing of a 24�20107 3 051304 1021C 03185414 9 new Notice Statement It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Section 19 1 regarding the recordation of the Notice Statement are satisfied with respect to Developer and Wal-Mart 192 Notices All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, or by Federal Express, Airborne Express, or similar overnight delivery service, addressed as follows Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust 702 S W 8th Street Bentonville, AR 72716 Attention President (Store No 1010-02) With a cony to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Attention Property Management, State of North Carolina 2001 S E loth Street Bentonville, AR 72716-0550 Developer WR of Rockingham, L L C 2361 South Centennial Avenue Aiken, SC 29803 Notices shall be effective upon receipt or refusal In the event that any person acquires a fee interest in the Shopping Center said person shall be entitled to provide a request for notice to the addressees listed above, which request, in order to be effective, must also be recorded in the county recorder's office in the county in which the Shopping Center is located Any party shall be entitled to change its address for notice by providing notice of such change and recording a copy of the notice of such change in the county recorder's office in the county recorder's office in the county in which the Shopping Center located Until such time as the notice of change is effective pursuant to the terms of this Section 19 and until such time as it is recorded as required above, the last address of said party shall be deemed to be the proper address of said party 20 Consent The owner of the Wal-Mart Tract agrees that for so long as a lease of all or a portion of the Wal-Mart Tract is in effect, whenever the consent of the owner of the Wal- Mart Tract is required under the Agreement, the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract will give such consent only after obtaining Wal-Mart's consent 21 Obligations of the Owner of the Wal-Mart Tract Wal-Mart hereby agrees that so long as a lease of all or a portion of the Wal-Mart Tract is in effect, it will satisfy the obligations of the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract hereunder, and will hold harmless and indemnify the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract from any and all loss, damage, expense, fees, claims, costs, and liabilities, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and costs of litigation, arising out of this Agreement, 24520107 3 051304 1021C 03183414 10 except for those arising out of the acts or omissions of the owner of the Wal-Mart Tract or it's employees, agents, contractors or invitees 22 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which in the aggregate shall constitute one and the same instrument 24�2010730513041021C 03185414 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust By Name Title Date "Wal-Mart" WR OF ROCKINGHAM, L L C , a South Carolina limited liability company By WRS, Inc , a South Carolina corporation, its Manager By _ Name Title Date "Developer" 245201073 OD13041021C 0318�414 12 State of Arkansas County of Benton The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2004, by , an of Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust, a Delaware statutory trust, on behalf of the statutory trust Notary Public My commission expires [NOTARIAL SEAL] State of County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2004, by , the of WR OF ROCKINGHAM, L C C , a South Carolina limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company My commission expires Notary Public [NOTARIAL SEAL] 24520107 3 051304 1021C 03185414 13 EXHIBIT A-1 (Site plan showing Wal-Mart Tract, Developer Tract and Outparcels) 2452010730�13041021C 03185414 14 r1� <� ilm •:e rc y oe En 0 9rtm e 1cu �{3 cn M !1T �r r yr$' 7N �a Tw DEVELOPER TRACT V � rr m ... 0 H A' r m w 17 OUTPARCEL 1 roe USi,50 —— — —__ -�C/L OF PRONGPALLING CREEK IS5 THE THE PROPERTY LINE / L Llvl ; WAL-MART TRACT J3i541 j vW i 1 EXHIBIT A-2 TO ECR s 1 111fi� �I f `n 6' a� r, I 2 OC f s m ;\\ —�'� 3� i y J P � nmm i.nni n w n U umiaiiiirii�� a a DEVELOPER TRACT ry O O i 1 , ' i BUILDING AREA OUTPARCEL 2 i F W I�I "This map is not a certified survey and has not been reviewed by a local government agency for compliance with any applicable land development regulations," EXHIBIT B (Wal-Mart Tract legal description) Those certain tracts or parcels of land together with any improvements thereon, lying and being in the City of Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina, shown and designated as Lot I containing 43 432 acres and Lot 5 containing 0 696 acres, more or less, on that certain final plat prepared by Freeland's Associates, Inc, dated July 20, 2003 and recorded on 2004, in the Register of Deeds Office of Richmond County, North Carolina, in Slide Plat 24�20107 3 051304 1021C 03185414 EXHIBIT C (Developer Tract and Outparcels legal description) Those certain tracts or parcels of land together with any improvements thereon, lying and being in the City of Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina, shown and designated as Lot 2 containing 5 689 acres, Lot 4 containing 2 085 acres, and Lot 6 containing 1 389 acres, more or less, on that certain final plat prepared by Freeland's Associates, Inc, dated July 20, 2003 and recorded on , 2004, in the Register of Deeds Office of Richmond County, North Carolina, in Slide , Plat 24�20107 3 031304 1021C 0318A14 19 REGULATIONS AND OPERATING AGREEMENT OF LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C THESE REGULATIONS AND OPERATING AGREEMENT of LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C , a limited liability company organized pursuant to the South Carolina Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of 1996 are entered into and shall be effective as of the Effective Date, by and among the Company and the persons executing this Agreement as Members WITNESSETH ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Company Agreement (as defined below), unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings I Act The South Carolina Limited Liability Company Act and any successor statute, as amended from time to time 2 Additional Member A Member other than an Initial Member or a Substitute Member who has acquired a Membership Interest from the Company 3 Admission Agreement The Agreement between an Additional Member and the Company described in Article XIII 4 Articles The Articles of Organization of the Company as properly adopted and amended from time to time by the Members and filed with the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina 5 Assignee A transferee of a Membership Interest who has not been admitted as a Substituted Member 6 Bankrupt Member A Member who (i) has become the subject of an Order for Relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code, (u) has initiated, either in an original Proceeding or by way of answer in any state insolvency or receivership proceeding, an action for liquidation arrangement, composition, readjustment, dissolution, or similar relief, or (in) is bankrupt as defined in the Act 7 Business Day Any day other than Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday on which banks in the State of South Carolina generally are closed 8 Capital Account The account maintained for a Member or Assignee determined in accordance with Article V11I 9 Capital Contribution Any contribution of Property, services or the obligation to contribute Property or services made by or on behalf of a Member or Assignee to the capital of the Company 10 Code The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and any successor statute, as amended from time to time I 1 Commitment The Capital Contributions that a Member or Assignee is obligated to make 12 Company LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C , a limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of South Carolina, and any successor limited liability company 13 Company Agreement This Regulations and Operating Agreement including all Admission Agreements and amendments adopted in accordance with the Company Agreement and the Act 14 Company Liability Any enforceable debt or obligation for which the Company is liable or which is secured by any Company Property 15 Company Minimum Gam An amount determined by first computing for each Company Nonrecourse Liability any gam the Company would realize if it disposed of the Company Property subject to that liability for no consideration other than full satisfaction of the liability, and then aggregating the separately computed gams The amount of Company Minimum Gam includes such minimum gam arising from a conversion, refinancing, or other change to a debt instrument, only to the extent a Member is allocated a share of that minimum gam For any Taxable Year, the net increase or decrease in Company Minimum Gam is determined by comparing the Company Minimum Gam on the last day of the immediately preceding Taxable Year with the Minimum Gam on the last day of the current Taxable Year Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, Company Minimum Gam and increases and decreases in Company Minimum Gam are intended to be computed in accordance with §704 of the Code and the Treasury Regulations issued thereunder, as the same may be issued and interpreted from time to time A Member's share of Company Minimum Gam at the end of any Taxable Year equals the sum of Nonrecourse Deductions allocated to that Member (and to that Member's predecessors in interest) up to that time and the distributions made to that Member (and to that Member's predecessors in interest) up to that time of proceeds of a nonrecourse liability allocable to an increase in Company Minimum Gam minus the sum of that Member's (and that Member's predecessors' in interest) aggregate share of the net decreases in Company Minimum Gam plus their aggregate share of decreases resulting from revaluations of Company Property subject to one or more Company Nonrecourse Liabilities 16 Company Nonrecourse Liability A Company Liability to the extent that no Member or Related Person bears the economic risk of loss (as defined in § 1 752-2 of the Treasury Regulations) with respect to the liability 17 Company Property Any Property owned by the Company 18 Contributing Members Those members making contributions as a result of the failure of a Delinquent Member to make the contributions required by the commitment as described in Article Vill 19 Default Interest Rate A rate per annum equal to the lesser of (a) the maximum legal rate permitted by applicable law, or (b) the then -current prime rate quoted by Wachovia Bank, N A plus three percent 20 Delinquent Member A Member or Assignee who has failed to meet the Commitment of that Member or Assignee 21 Distribution A transfer of Property to a member on account of a Membership Interest as described in Article IX 22 Disposition (Dispose) Any sale, assignment, transfer, exchange, mortgage, pledge, grant, hypothecation, or other transfer, absolute or as security or encumbrance (including dispositions by operation of law) 23 Dissociation Any action which causes a Person to cease to be a Member as described in Article XII hereof 24 Dissolution Event An event, the occurrence of which will result in the dissolution of the Company under Article XIV unless the Members agree to the contrary 25 Effective Date The date defined in Article 11 26 Immediate Family A Member's Immediate Family includes the Member's spouse, children (including natural, adopted and stepchildren), grandchildren, and parents, any trust for the benefit of any one or more of the foregoing or any corporation or other entity in which any one or more of the foregoing may have a controlling interest 27 Initial Capital Contribution The Capital Contribution agreed to be made by the Initial Members as described in Article Vlll 28 Initial Members Those persons identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference who have executed the Company Agreement 29 Ma on The affirmative vote or consent of Members (m interest, not number) described as a "Majority" in Article Vi hereof 30 Management Right The right of a Member to participate in the management of the Company, including the rights to information and to consent or approve actions of the Company 31 Manager A person or entity, who may or may not be a Member, selected to manage the affairs of the Company under Article ViI hereof The plural term Managers may be used herein even in the event there is only one Manager 32 Member Initial Member, Substituted Member or Additional Member, and, unless the context expressly indicates to the contrary, includes Assignees 3 33 Member Minimum Gam An amount determined by first computmg for each Member Nonrecourse Liability any gam the Company would realize if it disposed of the Company Property subject to that liability for no consideration other than full satisfaction of the liability, and then aggregating the separately computed gams The amount of Member Minimum Gam includes such minimum gam arising from a conversion, refinancing, or other change to a debt instrument, only to the extent a Member is allocated a share of that minimum gain For any Taxable Year, the net increase or decrease in Member Minimum Gam is determined by comparing the Member Minimum Gain on the last day of the immediately preceding Taxable Year with the Minimum Gain on the last day of the current Taxable Year Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, Member Minimum Gain and increases and decreases in Member Minimum Gain are intended to be computed in accordance with §704 of the Code and the Treasury Regulations issued thereunder, as the same may be issued and interpreted from time to time 34 Member Nonrecourse Liability Any Company Liability to the extent the liability is nonrecourse under state law, and on which a Member or Related Person bears the economic risk of loss under §1 752-2 of the Code and the Treasury Regulations because, for example, the Member or Related Person is the creditor or a guarantor 35 Membership Interest The rights of a Member or, in the case of an Assignee, the rights of the assigning Member in Distributions (liquidating or otherwise) and allocations of the profits, losses, gains, deductions, and credits of the Company 36 Money Cash or other legal tender of the United States, or any obligation that is immediately reducible to legal tender without delay or discount Money shall be considered to have a fair market value equal to its face amount 37 Net Losses The losses and deductions of the Company determined in accordance with accounting principles consistently applied from year to year employed under the method of accounting adopted by the Company and as reported separately or in the aggregate, as appropriate, on the tax return of the Company filed for federal income tax purposes 38 Net Profits The income and gams of the Company determined in accordance with accounting principles consistently applied from year to year employed under the method of accounting adopted by the Company and as reported separately or in the aggregate, as appropriate, on the tax return of the Company filed for federal income tax purposes 39 Nonrecourse Liabilities Nonrecourse liabilities include Company Nonrecourse Liabilities and Member Nonrecourse Liabilities 40 Notice Notice shall be in writing All notices, requests or consents provided for or permitted to be given under this Company Agreement shall be considered given either by depositing that writing in the United States mail, addressed to the recipient, postage paid and registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by delivering that writing to the recipient in person, by courier or by facsimile transmission All notices, requests and consents to be sent to a Member shall be sent to or made at the address reflected in the Company Agreement unless the Member has given the Company a Notice of a different address 41 Offsettable Decrease Any allocation that unexpectedly causes or increases a deficit in the Member's Capital Account as of the end of the taxable year to which the allocation A relates attributable to depletion allowances under § 1704(b)(2)(rv)(k) of the Treasury Regulations, allocations of loss and deductions under §§704(e)(2) or 706 of the Code or under § 1 751-1 of the Treasury Regulations, or distributions that, as of the end of the year are reasonably expected to be made to the extent they exceed the offsetting increases to such Member's Capital Account that reasonably are expected to occur during or (pnor to) the taxable years in which the such distributions are expected to be made (other than increases pursuant to a Minimum Gam Chargeback as described in Article iX) 42 Organization A Person other than a natural person Organization includes, without limitation, corporations (both nonprofit and other corporations), partnerships (both limited and general), Joint ventures, limited liability companies, and unincorporated associations, but the term does not include Joint tenancies and tenancies by the entirety 43 Organization Expenses Those expenses incurred in the organization of the Company including the costs of preparation of the Company Agreement and Articles 44 Permitted Transferee Any member of the Member's Immediate Family, any Trust established for a member of the Immediate Family, or an Organization controlled by such Member or by members of the Member's immediate Family 45 Person An individual, partnership, trustee, trust, estate, executor, or any incorporated or unincorporated organization permitted to be a member of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of South Carolina 46 Proceeding Any judicial or administrative trial, hearing or other activity, civil, criminal or investigative, the result of which may be that a court, arbitrator, or governmental agency may enter a Judgment, order, decree, or other determination which, if not appealed and reversed, would be binding upon the Company, a Member or other person subject to the jurisdiction of such court, arbitrator, or governmental agency 47 ProveProveM Any property (including the Tract and Improvements) real or personal, tangible or intangible, including money and any legal or equitable interest in such property, owned by the Company, but excluding services and promises to perform services in the future 48 Related Person A person having a relationship to a Member that is described in § 1752-4(b) of the Treasury Regulations 49 Resi ng ation The act by which a Manager ceases to be a Manager 50 Sharing Ratio (i) Stephen W Ramer 60%, (u) T Scott Smith 30%, (m) Arthur J Kepes 10% 51 Substitute Member An Assignee who has been admitted to all of the rights of membership pursuant to the Company Agreement 52 Taxable Year The taxable year of the Company as determined pursuant to §706 of the Code 53 Taxing Jurisdiction Any state, local, or foreign government that collects tax, interest or penalties, however designated, on any Member's share of the income or gam attributable to the Company 54 Treasury Regulations Except where the context indicates otherwise, the permanent, temporary, proposed, or proposed and temporary regulations of Department of the Treasury under the Code as such regulations may be lawfully changed from time to time ARTICLE II FORMATION 1 Organization The Members hereby organize the Company as a South Carolina limited liability company pursuant to the provisions of the Act 2 Agreement For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged the Members executing the Company Agreement hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the Company Agreement, as it may from time to time be amended according to its terms It is the express intention of the Members that the Company Agreement shall be the sole source of agreement of the parties, and, except to the extent a provision of the Company Agreement expressly incorporates federal income tax rules by reference to sections of the Code or Treasury Regulations or is expressly prohibited or ineffective under the Act, the Company Agreement shall govern, even when inconsistent with, or different than, the provisions of the Act or any other law or rule To the extent any provision of the Company Agreement is prohibited or ineffective under the Act, the Company Agreement shall be considered amended to the smallest degree possible in order to make the agreement effective under the Act in the event the Act is subsequently amended or interpreted in such a way to make any provision of the Company Agreement that was formerly invalid valid, such provision shall be considered to be valid from the effective date of such interpretation or amendment 3 Name The name of the company is LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C , and all business of the Company shall be conducted under that name or under any other name selected by the Members, but in any case, only to the extent permitted by applicable law 4 Effective Date The Company Agreement shall become effective upon the filing and acceptance of the Company's Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina 5 Term The Company shall be dissolved and its affairs wound up in accordance with the Act and the Company Agreement on December 31, 2035, unless the term shall be extended by amendment to the Company Agreement and the Articles, or unless the Company shall be sooner dissolved and its affairs wound up in accordance with the Act or the Company Agreement 6 Registered Agent and Office The registered agent for the service of process and the registered office shall be that Person and location reflected in the Articles as filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina The Manager, may, from time to time, change the registered agent or office through appropriate filings with the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina in the event the registered agent ceases to act as such for any reason or the registered office shall change, the Manager shall promptly designate a replacement registered agent or file a notice of change of address as the case may be if the Manager shall fail to designate a replacement registered agent or change of address of the registered office, any Member may designate a replacement registered agent or file a notice of change of address e 7 Principal Office The Principal Office of the Company shall be located at 2361 South Centennial Ave, Aiken, South Carolina 29803 ARTICLE III NATURE OF BUSINESS The purposes of the Company include, but are not limited to (a) owning, operating, managing, and leasing the Company Property, (b) mortgaging, selling, exchanging or otherwise encumbering or disposing of the Company Property or any portion of or interest therein, and (c) in general, the making of any investments or expenditures, the borrowing of money and the taking of any and all other actions which are incidental or reasonably related to any of the specific purposes recited in (a) and (b) above The Company shall have the authority to do all things necessary or convenient to accomplish its purpose and operate its business as described in this Article iII The Company exists only for the purpose specified in this Article ill, and may not conduct any other business without the unanimous consent of the Members The authority granted to the Manager hereunder to bind the Company shall be limited to actions necessary or convenient to this business I Records to be Maintained The Company shall maintain the following records at the Principal Office and any other records required by the Act 1 1 A current list of the full name and last known mailing address of each Member and his percentage or other interest in the Company, 1 2 A copy of the Articles and all amendments thereto, together with executed copies of any powers of attorney pursuant to which any organization documents have been executed, 1 3 Copies of the Company's federal, foreign, state and local income tax returns and reports, if any, for the six most recent years, 1 4 Copies of the Company Agreement including all amendments thereto, 1 5 Any financial statements of the Company for the three most recent years, 1 6 A writing or other data compilation from which information can be obtained through retrieval devices into reasonably usable form setting forth the following 1 61 the amount of cash and a description and statement of the agreed value of the other property or services contributed by each Member and which each Member has agreed to contribute, 1 6 2 the times at which or events on the happening of which any additional Commitments agreed to be made by each Member are to be made, 1 6 3 any right of a Member to receive, or of the Company to make, distributions to a Member which include a return of all or any part of the Member's Capital Contribution, and 1 6 4 any events upon the happening of which the Company is to be dissolved and its affairs wound up 2 Reports to Members 2 1 The Manager shall provide reports at least annually to the Members other than Assignees at such time and in such manner as the Manager may determine reasonable 22 The Manager shall provide all Members with those information returns required by the Code and the laws of any state 3 Accounts The Manager shall maintain a record of Capital Account for each Member in accordance with Article VIII ARTICLE IV INTENTIONALLY OMITTED ARTICLE V NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF MEMBERS The names and addresses of the Initial Members are as reflected on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof as if set forth fully herein ARTICLE VI RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS I Management Rights All Members (other than Assignees) who have not Dissociated shall be entitled to vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the Members Only those items specifically referenced in this Paragraph I or Paragraph 3 of Article VII as requiring the consent of a Majority (or where applicable, a unanimous vote) of the Members shall require the consent of a Majority (or where applicable, a unanimous vote) of the Members All other decisions can be made by the Manager Any amendments to this Company Agreement will require the consent of Majority of the Members as provided in Article XV Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following actions require the unanimous consent of the Members I I the admission of Assignees to Management Rights, 1 2 the continuation of the Company after a Dissolution Event 2 Maionty Whenever any matter is required or allowed to be approved by a Majority of the Members or a Majority of the Remaining Members under the Act or the Company Agreement, such matter shall be considered approved or consented to upon the receipt of the affirmative approval or consent, either in writing or at a meeting of the Members, of Members having Sharing Ratios to excess of one half of the Sharing Ratios of i? all the Members entitled to vote on a particular matter Assignees and, in the case of approvals to withdrawal where consent of the remaining Members is required, dissociating Members shall not be considered Members entitled to vote for the purpose of determining a Majority In the case of a Member who has Disposed of that Member's entire Membership Interest to an Assignee, but has not been removed as provided below, the Sharing Ratio of such Assignee shall be considered in determining a Majority and such Member's vote or consent shall be determined by such Sharing Ratio 3 Liability of Members No Member shall be liable as such for the liabilities of the Company The failure of the Company to observe any formalities or requirements relating to the exercise of its powers or management of its business or affairs under this Company Agreement or the Act shall not be grounds for imposing personal liability on the Members or the Manager for liabilities of the Company 4 Indemnification The Company shall indemnify the Members, Manager, and agents for all costs, losses, liabilities, and damages paid or accrued by such Member, Manager or agent in connection with the business of the Company, to the fullest extent provided or allowed by the laws of the State of South Carolina, provided, however that this indemnity does not apply to actions constituting bad faith, gross negligence, or breach of the provisions of the Company Agreement 5 Representations and Warranties Each member, and in the case of an Organization, the person(s) executing the Company Agreement on behalf of the Organization, hereby represents and warrants to the Company and each other Member that (a) if that Member is an Organization, that it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the law of its state of organization and that it has full organizational power to execute and agree to the Company Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder, (b) that the Member is acquiring its interest in the Company for the Member's own account as an investment and without an intent to distribute the interest, (c) the Member acknowledges that the interests have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or any state securities laws, and may not be resold or transferred by the Member without appropriate registration or the availability of an exemption from such requirements Conflicts of Interest 6 1 A Member shall be entitled to enter into transactions that may be considered to be competitive with, or a business opportunity that may be beneficial to, the Company, it being expressly understood that some of the Members may enter into transactions that are similar to the transactions into which the Company may enter Notwithstanding the foregoing, Members shall account to the Company and hold as trustee for it any property, profit, or benefit derived by the Member, without the consent of the other Members, in the conduct and winding up of the Company business or from a use or appropriation by the Member of Company Property including information developed exclusively for the Company and opportunities expressly offered to the Company 62 A Member does not violate a duty or obligation to the Company merely because the Members conduct furthers the Member's own interest A Member may lend money to and transact other business with the Company The rights and obligations of a Member who lends money to or transacts business with the Company are the same as those of a person who is not a Member, subject to other applicable law No transaction with the Company shall be voidable solely because a Member has a direct or indirect interest in the transaction if either the transaction is fair to the Company or the disinterested Members, to either case knowing the material facts of the transaction and the Member's interest, authorize, approve, or ratify the transaction ARTICLE VII MANAGER OF THE COMPANY I Original Manager The ordinary and usual decisions concerning the business affairs of the Company shall be made by the Manager There shall be one Manager who does not need to be a Member of the Company The initial Manager shall be WRS Inc 2 Term of Office as Manager No Manager shall have any contractual right to such position Each Manager shall serve until the earliest of 2 1 the Dissociation of such Manager (but only if such Manager is a member), 22 removal of the Manager 3 Authority to Bind the Company The Members hereby agree that only the Manager and authorized agents of the Company shall have the authority to bind the Company No Member shall take any action as a Member to bind the Company, and shall indemnify the Company for any costs or damages incurred by the Company as a result of the unauthorized action of such Member Except as otherwise limited by this Agreement, the Manager has the power, on behalf of the Company, to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the business and affairs of the Company, including, without limitation 3 1 the institution, prosecution and defense of any Proceeding in the Company's name, 32 the purchase, receipt, lease or other acquisition, ownership, holding, improvement, use and other dealing with, Property, wherever located, 33 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the sale, conveyance, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, and other disposition of Property, 34 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the entering into contracts and guarantees, incurring of liabilities, borrowing money, issuance of notes, bonds, and other obligations, and, subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the securing of its obligations by mortgage or pledge of any of its Property or income, 3 5 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the lending of money, investment and reinvestment of the Company's funds, and receipt and holding of Property as security for repayment, including, without 10 limitation, the loaning money to, and otherwise helping Members, officers, employees, and agents, 3 6 the conduct of the Company's business, the establishment of Company offices, and the exercise of the powers of the Company within or without the State of South Carolina, 3 7 the appointment of employees and agents of the Company, the defining of their duties, the establishment of their compensation, 3 8 the payment of Distributions, if available, in the sole discretion of the Manager, 39 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the making of donations to the public welfare or for religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes, 3 10 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the payment or donation, or any other act that furthers the business and affairs of the Company, 3 11 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the payment of compensation, or additional compensation to any or all Members, and employees on account of services previously rendered to the Company, whether or not an agreement to pay such compensation was made before such services were rendered, 3 12 the purchase of insurance on the life of any of its Members, or employees for the benefit of the Company, 3 13 subject to receiving a vote of a Majority of the Members, the participation in partnership agreements, joint ventures, or other associations of any kind with any person or persons, 3 14 the indemnification of Members or any other Person 4 Actions of the Manager The Manager has the power to bind the Company as provided in this Article VII To the extent the Company has more than one Manager at any time, any difference arising as to any matter within the authority of the Managers shall be decided by a Majority of the Managers No act of a Member in contravention of such determination shall bind the company to Persons having knowledge of such determination Notwithstanding such determination, the act of the Manager shall be construed as the act of the Company for the purpose of apparently carrying on the usual way the business or affairs of the Company, including the exercise of the authority indicated in this Article Vii, and no person dealing with the Company shall have any obligation to inquire into the power or authority of the Manager acting on behalf of the Company 5 Compensation of Manager The Manager shall be reimbursed all reasonable expenses incurred in managing the Company and shall be entitled to compensation, in an amount to be determined from time to time by the affirmative vote of a Majority of the Members 6 Manager's Standard of Care A Manager's duty of care in the discharge of the Manager's duties to the Company and the Members is limited to refraining from engaging in grossly negligent or reckless conduct, intentional misconduct, or a knowing violation of law In discharging its duties, a Manager shall be fully protected in relying to good faith upon the records required to be maintained under Article IV and upon such information, opinions, reports or statements by any of other Managers, Members, or agents, or by any other person, as to matters the Manager reasonably believes are within such other person's professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the Company, including information, opinions, reports or statements as to the value and amount of the assets, liabilities, profits or losses of the Company or any other facts pertinent to the existence and amount of assets from which distributions to Members might properly be paid 7 Removal of Manager Any Manager may be removed by the affirmative vote representing at least 70% of the Members' interest in the Company 8 Vacancies Any vacancy occurring in the position of Manager may be filled by the affirmative vote of a Majority of the Members ARTICLE ViII CONTRIBUTIONS AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I Initial Contributions Each Initial Member shall make the Capital Contribution described for that Member on Exhibit "A" at the time and on the terms specified on Exhibit "A" and shall perform that Member's Commitment if no time for contribution is specified, the Capital Contribution shall be made upon the filing of the Articles with the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina The value of the Capital Contributions shall be as set forth in Exhibit "A " No interest shall accrue on any Capital Contribution and no member shall have the right to withdraw or be repaid any Capital Contribution except as provided in this Company Agreement Each Additional Member shall make the initial Capital Contribution set forth on Exhibit "A " 2 Additional Contributions In addition to the initial Capital Contributions and Commitments, the Manager may determine from time to time that additional contributions are needed to enable the Company to conduct its business Upon making such a determination, the Manager shall give Notice to all Members in writing at least ten Business Days prior to the date on which such contribution is due Such Notice shall set forth the amount of additional contribution needed, the purpose for which the contribution is needed, and the date by which the Members should contribute Each Member shall be obligated to contribute its share (based on the Sharing Ratios of such Members) of such additional contribution Except to the extent of a Member's unpaid Commitment, no Member shall be obligated to make any such additional contributions In the event any one or more Members do not make their additional contribution, the other members shall be given the opportunity to make the contributions Each Additional Member shall make the Capital Contribution to which such Member has agreed, at the time or times and upon the terms to which the Manager and the Additional Member agree 3 Enforcement of Commitments In the event any Member (a Delinquent Member) fails to perform the Delinquent Member's Commitment, the Manager shall give the Delinquent Member a Notice of the failure to meet the Commitment If the Delinquent Member fails to perform the Commitment (including any costs associated with the failure to demand compliance with the Commitment and interest on such obligation at the Default Interest Rate) within ten Business days of the giving of Notice, the Manager may take such action, including but not 12 limited to enforcing the Commitment in the court of appropriate jurisdiction in the state in which the Principal Office is located or the state of the Delinquent Member's address as reflected in the Company Agreement Each Member expressly agrees to the jurisdiction of such courts but only for the enforcement of Commitments The Manager may elect to allow the other Members to contribute the amount of the Commitment in proportion to such Members' Sharing Ratios, with those Members who contribute (Contributing Members) to contribute additional amounts equal to any amount of the Commitment not contributed The Contributing Members shall be entitled to treat the amounts contributed pursuant to this section as a loan from the Contributing Members bearing interest at the Default Interest Rate secured by the Delinquent Member's interest in the Company Until they are fully repaid the Contributing Members shall be entitled to all Distributions to which the Delinquent Member would have been entitled Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Commitment or other obligation to make an additional contribution may be enforced by a creditor of the Company unless the Member expressly consents to such enforcement or to the assignment of the obligation to such creditor 4 Maintenance of Capital Accounts The Company shall establish and maintain Capital Accounts for each Member and Assignee Each Member's Capital Account shall be increased by (Q the amount of any Money actually contributed by the Member to the capital of the Company, (u) the fair market value of any Property contributed, as determined by the Company and the contributing Member at arm's length at the time of contribution (net of liabilities assumed by the Company or subject to which the company takes such Property, within the meaning of §752 of the code), and (in) the Member's share of Net Profits and of any separately allocated items of income or gam including income and gam exempt from tax and income gam described in Treasury Regulations §1 704-1(b)(2)(rv)(g), but excluding income and gam described in Treasury Regulations §l 704-1(b)(4)(Q Each Member's Capital Account shall be decreased by (i) the amount of any Money actually distributed to the Member by the Company, (n) the fair market value of any Property distributed to the Member, as determined by the Company and the contributing Member at arm's length at the time of contribution (net of liabilities of the company assumed by the Member or subject to which the Member takes such Property within the meaning of §752 of the Code), (m) allocations to the Member of expenditures of the Company described in §705(a)(2)(B) of the Code, and (iv) the Member's share of Net Losses and of any separately allocated items of deduction or loss (including any loss or deduction described in Treasury Regulation §1 704-1(b)(2)(rv)(g), but excluding items described in clause (m) above and loss or deduction described in Treasury Regulation §1 704-1(b)(4)(1) or §1 704- 1(b)(4)(m) Except as otherwise provided in this Company Agreement, whenever it is necessary to determine the Capital Account of any Member for purposes of this Company Agreement, the Capital Account of the Member shall be determined after giving effect to all allocations of Net Losses and Net Profits of the Company for the current year and all distributions or amounts distributable for such year in respect of transactions effected prior to the date as of which such determination is to be made 5 Distribution of Assets if the Company at any time distributes any of its assets in -kind to any Member, the Capital Account of each Member shall be adjusted to account for that Member's allocable share (as determined under Article iX below) of the Net Profits or Net Losses that would have been realized by the Company had it sold the assets that were distributed to their respective fair market values immediately prior to their distribution 6 Sale or Exchange of Interest In the event of a sale or exchange of some or all of a Member's interest in the Company, the Capital Account of the Transferring Member shall become the capital account of the Assignee, to the extent it relates to the portion of the Interest Transferred 13 7 Compliance with Section 704(b) of the Code The provisions of this Article VIIi as they relate to the maintenance of Capital Accounts are intended, and shall be construed, and, if necessary, modified to cause the allocations of profits, losses, income, gam and credit pursuant to Article IX to have substantial economic effect under the Treasury Regulations promulgated under §704(b) of the Code, in light of the distributions made pursuant to Articles IX and XIV and the Capital Contributions made pursuant to this Article ViIl Notwithstanding anything herein or in the Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 704(b) of the Code to the contrary, all distributions shall be made pursuant to Paragraph 6 of Article IX, and this Company Agreement shall not be construed as creating a deficit restoration obligation or otherwise personally obligate any Member to make a Capital Contribution in excess of the Initial Contribution Any capital account adjustments necessary to comply with the Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 704(b) of the Code shall be made by making appropriate income and/or loss allocation adjustments, and in no event shall the distribution priorities set forth in Paragraph 6 of Article iX be adjusted altered or changed ARTICLE iX ALLOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTIONS I Allocations of Net Profits and Net Losses from Operations Except as may be required by §704(c) of the Code, and §§2, 3, and 4 of this Article iX, net profits, net losses, and other items of income, gam, loss, deduction and credit shall be apportioned among the Members as follows (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, all Company Net Losses (including Nonrecourse Deductions and net losses resulting from a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the Company Property) shall be allocated each fiscal year (or portion thereof) to the Members in the ratio of their respective Sharing Ratios (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, all Company Net Income (including gams resulting from a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the Company Property) shall be allocated to the Members as follows (i) first, to the Members in an amount and in the ratio necessary to cause the Members' capital account balances to be in the ratio of their respective Sharing Ratios, and (u) second the balance, if any, to the Members in the ratio of their respective Sharing Ratios 2 Company Minimum Gam Chargeback If there is a net decrease in Company Minimum Gam for a Taxable Year, each Member must be allocated items of income and gam for that Taxable Year equal to that Member's share of the net decrease in Company Minimum Gam A Member's share of the net decrease in Company Minimum Gam is the amount of the total net decease multiplied by the Member's percentage share of the Company Minimum Gam at the end of the immediately preceding Taxable Year A Member's share of any decrease in Company Minimum Gam resulting from a revaluation of Company Property equals the increase in the Member's Capital Account attributable to the revaluation to the extent the reduction in minimum gam is caused by the revaluation A member is not subject to the Company Minimum Gam Chargeback Requirement to the extent the Member's share of the net decrease in Company Minimum Gam is caused by a guarantee, refinancing, or other change in the debt instrument causing it to become partially or wholly a recourse liability or a Member Nonrecourse Liability, 14 and the Member bears the economic risk of loss (within the meaning of § 1 752-2 of the Treasury Regulations) for the newly guaranteed, refinanced, or otherwise changed liability 3 Member Minimum Gam Char ee back If during a Taxable Year there is a net decrease in Member Minimum Gam, any Member with a share of that Member Minimum Gam (as determined under §1 704-2(1)(5) of the Treasury Regulations) as of the beginning of that Taxable Year must be allocated items of income and gain for that Taxable Year (and, if necessary, for succeeding Taxable Years) equal to that Member's share of the net decrease in the Company Minimum Gam A Member's share of the net decrease in Member Minimum Gam is determined in a manner consistent with the provisions of Treasury Regulations § 1 704-2(g)(2) A Member is not subject to this Member Minimum Gam Chargeback, however, to the extent the net decrease in Member Minimum Gam arises because the liability ceases to be Member Nonrecourse Liability due to a conversion, refinancing, or other change in the debt instrument that causes it to become partially or wholly a Company Nonrecourse Liability The amount that would otherwise be subject to the Member Minimum Gam Chargeback is added to the Member's share of Company Minimum Gam In addition, rules consistent with those applicable to Company Minimum Gam shall be applied to determine the shares of Member Minimum Gain and Member Minimum Gam Chargeback to the extent provided under the Treasury Regulations issued pursuant to §704(b) of the Code 4 Qualified Income Offset In the event any Member, in such capacity, unexpectedly receives an Offsettable Decrease, such Member will be allocated items of income and gain (consisting of a pro rata portion of each item of Company income and gain for such year) in an amount and manner sufficient to offset such Offsettable Decrease as quickly as possible 5 Code Section 704(c) Tax Allocations In accordance with Section 704(c) of the Code and the Treasury Regulations thereunder, income, gam, loss and deduction with respect to any Property contributed to the capital of the Company shall, solely for tax purposes, be allocated among the Members so as to take account of any variation between the adjusted basis of such Property to the Company for federal income tax purposes and its fair market value in the event the value of any Company Property is adjusted pursuant to §§1704(b)(2)(rv)(f) or 1 704(b)(2)(rv)-(r) of the Treasury Regulations, subsequent allocations of income, gain, loss, and deduction with respect to such Property shall take account of any variation between the adjusted basis of such asset for federal income tax purposes and its fair market value in the same manner as under Code Section 704(c) and the Treasury Regulations thereunder Allocations pursuant to this paragraph are solely for purposes of federal, state, and local taxes and shall not affect, or in any way be taken into account in computing, any Members Capital Account or share of income, gam losses, other items or Distributions pursuant to any provision of this Company Agreement 6 Guaranteed Payments and Distributions From time to time, the Manager shall determine in its reasonable judgment to what extent, if any, the Company's cash on hand exceeds the current and anticipated needs, including, without limitation, needs for operating expenses, debt service, acquisitions, reserves, and mandatory distributions (which mandatory distributions shall include the distributions to be made under subparagraph (a) below) To the extent such excess exists, the Manager shall make distributions to the Members in the ratio of their respective Sharing Ratios 7 Limitations on Distributions No distribution shall be declared and paid unless, after the distribution is made, the assets of the Company are in excess of all liabilities of the Company, except liabilities to Members on account of their Capital Accounts In addition, a 15 Member, regardless of the nature of the Member's contribution, may not demand that a distribution from the Company be in a form other than cash ARTICLE X TAXES i Elections The Manager may make any tax elections for the Company allowed under the Code or the tax laws of any state or other Jurisdiction having taxing jurisdiction over the Company 2 Taxes of Taxing Jurisdictions To the extent that the laws of any Taxing Jurisdiction requires, each Member requested to do so by the Manager will submit an agreement indicating that the Member will make timely income tax payments to the Taxing Jurisdiction and that the Member accepts personal jurisdiction of the Taxing Jurisdiction with regard to the collection of income taxes attributable to the Members income, and interest, and penalties assessed on such income If the Member fails to provide such agreement, the Company may withhold and pay over to such Taxing Jurisdiction the amount of tax, penalty and interest determined under the laws of the Taxing Jurisdiction with respect to such income Any such payments with respect to the income of a Member shall be treated as a distribution for purposes of Article IX The Manager may, where permitted by the rules of any Taxing Jurisdiction, file a composite, combined or aggregate tax return reflecting the income of the Company and pay the tax, interest and penalties of some or all of the Members on such income to the Taxing Jurisdiction, in which case the Company shall inform the Members of the amount of such tax interest and penalties so paid 3 Tax Matters Partner The Manager shall be designated to act as the tax matters partner of the Company pursuant to §6231(a)(7) of the Code Any Member designated as tax matters partner shall take such action as may be necessary to cause each other Member to become a notice partner within the meaning of §6223 of the Code Any Member who is designated tax matter partner may not take any action contemplated by §§6222 through 6232 of the Code without the consent of the Manager 4 Cash Method of Accounting The records of the Company shall be maintained on a cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting ARTICLE Xi DISPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP INTEREST I Disposition Any Member or Assignee may dispose of all or a portion of the Member's or Assignee's Membership Interest upon consent of a Majority of the Members and compliance with this Section 1 No Membership Interest shall be Disposed of 1 I if such disposition, alone or when combined with other transactions, would result in a termination of the Company within the meaning of §708 of the Code, 12 without an opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Manager that such assignment is subject to an effective registration under, or exempt from the registration requirements of the applicable state and federal securities laws, 16 1 3 unless and until the Company receives from the Assignee the information and agreements that the Manager may reasonably require, including but not limited to any taxpayer identification number and any agreement that may be required by any Taxing Jurisdiction 2 Dispositions not in Compliance with this Article Void Any attempted Disposition of a Membership Interest, or any part thereof, not in compliance with this Article is null and void ab initio ARTICLE XII DISSOCIATION OF A MEMBER 1 Dissociation A Person shall cease to be a Member upon the happening of any of the following events i I the Withdrawal of a Member with the consent of a Majority of the remaining Members prior to the expiration of the term, 12 the Bankruptcy of a Member, 13 in the case of a Member who is a natural person, the death of the Member or the entry of an order by a court of competent jurisdiction adjudicating the Member incompetent to manage the Member's personal estate, 1 4 in the case of a Member who is acting as a Member by virtue of being a trustee of a trust, the termination of the trust (but not merely the substitution of a new trustee), 1 5 in the case of a Member that is a separate Organization other than a corporation, the dissolution and commencement of winding up of the separate Organization, 1 6 in the case of a Member that is a corporation, the filing of a certificate of dissolution, or its equivalent, for the corporation or the revocation of its charter, or 1 7 in the case of an estate, the distribution by the fiduciary of the estate's entire interest in the Company 2 Rights of Dissociating Member In the event any Member dissociates prior to the expiration of the Term 2 1 if the dissociation causes a dissolution and winding up of the Company under Article XIV, the Member (or its/his successors in interest) shall be entitled to participate in the winding up of the Company to the same extent as any other Member except that any Distributions to which the Member would have been entitled shall be reduced by the damages sustained by the Company as a result of the Dissolution and winding up, 22 if the dissociation does not cause a dissolution and winding up of the Company under Article XiV, the Member shall be entitled to an amount equal to the value of the Member's Membership Interest in the Company, to be 17 paid within six months of the date of dissociation Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the dissociation is other than as a result of the death or incompetence of the Member, the Manager may pay the value of the Member's Membership Interest in the Company out over a period not to exceed five years, provided that the dissociating Member shall be entitled to participate as an Assignee in the Company until the value of such interest (plus interest at the Default interest Rate) is paid in full The value of the Member's Membership interest shall include the amount of any Distributions to which the Member is entitled under the Company Agreement and the fair value of the Member's Membership interest as of the date of dissociation based upon the Member's right to share in Distributions from the Company reduced by any damages sustained by the Company as a result of the Member's dissociation ARTICLE XIII ADMISSION OF ASSIGNEES AND ADDITIONAL MEMBERS 1 Rights of Assignees The Assignee of a Membership interest has no right to participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Company or to become a Member The Assignee is only entitled to receive the Distributions and return of capital, and to be allocated the Net Profits and Net Losses attributable the Membership interest 2 Admission of Substitute Members An Assignee of a Membership Interest shall be admitted as a Substitute Member and admitted to all the rights of the Member who initially assigned the Membership Interest only with the approval of the Manager and all of the Members The Manager may grant or withhold the approval of such admission for any in its sole and absolute discretion If so admitted, the Substitute Member has all the rights and powers and is subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of the Member originally assigning the Membership Interest The admission of a Substitute Member, without more, shall not release the Member originally assigning the Membership interest form any liability to Company that may existed prior to the approval 3 Admission of Permitted Transferees Notwithstanding Section 2 hereof, the Membership interest of any Member shall be transferable without the consent of Manager or any of the Members if (i) the transfer occurs by reason of or incident to the death, dissolution, divorce, liquidation, merger or termination of the transferor Member, and (n) the Transferee is a Permitted Transferee 4 Admission of Additional Members The Manager may upon consent of a Majority of the Members, permit the admission of Additional Members and determine the Capital Contributions of such Members Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Additional Members may not become Managers unless and until selected to such position as provided in the Articles and Company Agreement ARTICLE XiV DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP i Dissolution The Company shall be dissolved and its affairs wound up, upon the first to occur of the following events (which, unless the Members agree to continue the business, shall constitute Dissolution Events) 18 I 1 the expiration of the Term, unless the business of the Company is continued with the consent of all the Members, 1 2 the unanimous written consent of all of the Members, 1 3 the Dissociation of any Member, unless the business of the Company is continued with the consent of all of the non -disassociating Members within 90 days after such Dissociation 2 Effect of Dissolution Upon dissolution, the Company shall cease carrying on as distinguished from the winding up of the Company business, but the Company is not terminated, but continues until the winding up of the affairs of the Company is completed and the Certificate of Dissolution has been issued by the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina 3 Distribution of Assets on Dissolution Upon the winding up of the Company, the Company Property shall be distributed 3 1 to creditors, including Members who are creditors, to the extent permitted by law, in satisfaction of Company Liabilities, 3 2 to Members in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 6 of Article IX Liquidation proceeds shall be paid within 60 days of the end of the Company's taxable year or, if later, within 90 days after the date of liquidation Such Distributions shall be in cash or Property (which need not be distributed proportionately) or partly in both, as determined by the Manager 4 Winding Up and Certificate of Dissolution The winding up of the Company shall be completed when all debts, liabilities, and obligations of the Company have been paid and discharged or reasonably adequate provision therefore has been made, and all of the remaining Property of the Company has been distributed to the Members Upon the completion of winding up of the Company, a certificate of dissolution shall be delivered to the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina for filing The certificate of dissolution shall set forth the information required by the Act ARTICLE XV AMENDMENT 1 Company Agreement May Be Modified The Company Agreement may be modified as provided in this Article XV (as the same may, from time to time be amended) No Member or Manager shall have any vested rights in the Company Agreement which may not be modified through an amendment to the Company Agreement 2 Amendment or Modification of Company Agreement The Company Agreement may be amended or modified from time to time only by a written instrument adopted by the Manager and executed by a Majority of the Members ARTICLE XVI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Me i Entire Agreement The Company Agreement represents the entire agreement among all the Members and between the Members and the Company and supersedes all prior contracts or agreements with respect to the Company, whether oral or written 2 No Partnership Intended for Nontax Purposes The Members have formed the Company under the Act, and expressly do not intend hereby to form a partnership under either the South Carolina Uniform Partnership Act nor the South Carolina Revised Limited Partnership Act The Members do not intend to be partners one to another, or partners as to any third party To the extent any Member, by word or action, represents to another person that any other Member is a partner or that the Company is a partnership, the Member making such wrongful representation shall be liable to any other Member who incurs personal liability by reason of such wrongful representation 3 Rights of Creditors and Third Parties under Company Agreement The Company Agreement is entered into among the Company and the Members for the exclusive benefit of the Company, its Members, and their successors and assignees The Company Agreement is expressly not intended for the benefit of any creditor of the Company or any other Person Except and only to the extent provided by applicable statute, no such creditor or third party shall have any rights under the Company Agreement or any agreement between the Company and any Member with respect to any Capital Contribution or otherwise 4 Effect of Waiver or Consent A waiver or consent, express or implied to or of any breach or default by any Person in the performance by that Person of its obligations with respect to the Company is not a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance by that Person of the same or any other obligations of that Person with respect to the Company Failure on the part of a Person to complain of any act of any Person or to declare any Person in default with respect to the Company, irrespective of how long that failure continues, does not constitute a waiver by that Person of its rights with respect to that default until the applicable statute -of -limitations period has run 5 Binding Effect Subject to the restrictions on Dispositions set forth in this Company Agreement, this Company Agreement is binding on and inures to the benefit of the Members and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns 6 Governing Law, Severabiltri THIS COMPANY AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY AND SHALL BE CONSTRUED iN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE LAW OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLiNA, EXCLUDING ANY CONFLICT -OF -LAWS RULE OR PRINCIPLE THAT MIGHT REFER THE GOVERNANCE OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS AGREEMENT TO THE LAW OF ANOTHER JURISDICTION If any provision of this Company Agreement or its application to any Person or circumstance is held invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Company Agreement and the application of that provision to other Persons or circumstances is not affected and that provisions shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law 7 Further Assurances In connection with this Company Agreement and the transactions contemplated by it, each Member shall execute and deliver any additional documents and instruments and perform any additional acts that may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate and perform the provisions of this Company Agreement and those transactions M 8 Waiver of Certain Rights Each Member irrevocably waives any right R may have to maintain any action for dissolution of the Company for partition of the Property of the Company 9 Counterparts This Company Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts with the same effect as if all signing parties had signed the same document All counterparts shall be construed together and constitute the same instrument IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals on the date set forth beside our names, effective for all purposes as of M aR cL 31 2005 MEMBERS Date rkr`.QeL31, P.Oos By w� Stephen W Ramer Date Kin, ,e C L 3 �t 20o s By T Scott Smith Date Kneen 3It O-005 By "kAe. 'es J 21 EXHIBIT "A" MEMBER CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION FMV OF CONTRIBUTION RESIDUAL SHARING RATIO Stephen W Ramer $ 60000 $ 60000 60% T Scott Smith $ 30000 $ 30000 30% Arthur J Kepes $ 10000 $ 10000 10% TOTALS $1,000 00 $1,000 00 100% 22 WETLAND SURVEY WEST GATE BRUNSWiCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DATE FEB 23 2005 COMMERCIAL TRACT D U S HWY 17 (OCEAN HIGHWAY) (340 PUBLIC RIGHT a WAY) 1 7 I F -7--7---�--- / 6;'A 7Al 77 I I 8 Zl 'eY ' \O Ak, nq,� / \x .vY'3Y c x eoxvxe c asTw 9A � 4 rms PRpECT BOIMDA C`O a'Qb r \\I YAM mTLL / I \\ 1 \ I \ I ^ 1 / q Nmr• Mxw .LM IA .0 Ifb r��t RpvJelln d uw I / /db aI MY Fvmdt dWWv s aWlbu b NY Janrr[ F edL wMN wMn mw�l T en be �^A Y fMM t I / / \ \ d edn� aNM> e/ ML abmdL moW MN m slpYld M x/� aM y \ 4 rnA lid b m.1YN b N NN eM M Mr I . 3993 AG TOTAL PRD.ECT AREA w; x erw�� xir I I I / / x z ¢) w U O N � , 3 A`TT(plI I11/lp//pA r o°• �\A CARD%,r O QpFESS%p��/- ' SEAL nR (SX1N0 nUT MS FUT Af1�RA 16Y WMIS IIIC NMMY Ci n[ AA7mClm a scnv: Ao. a nE aLv: ume An rwvAvr m nc Ten wvs or Lxmmrs ovKAnw x,[vuu As mnmam n Ix[ LNCfR9TYp M M'3 m1E WL19 IIHM 6 A tlLW(C M M UN m ad nameD unaAn9ra. , nnwwAnm NAr M im[n IIYW iM A RRM 6 {M1E fFAPS'm MIX 6UAhL -y!TA'DS NA IFAS lx[T dR V LfMS .LI®MLRN MAK � � / L s Awr mms n' [xulmrs mxYAL nnL wrt 16A6 AGT(N M RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2005 REDUCED HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P-A '7� /- LAND SURYEYOFS ENGINEERS "ND PLANNERS BY�Wg OSV�I® LMI WALNUT STREET WILMINCTON NC I8401 ecuL N Rr (910) 34 9902 FAX 1� FAX 910 .H3-99s1 n 249 >s. I! I• 4 ` OC N S tIIJM L enaY Q iSr M WETLAND SURVEY WEST GATE u s HWY 17 (OCEAN BRUNSWICK COUNTY — — — NORTH CAROLINA (}Ap PUBl1C RIGHT OF WAY) DATE FEB 23 2005 COMMERCIAL TRACT 1 73 \ \Np 70 I I d Pe C T E SN pRO..EC9WNON /gyg'k.4 72 4 G Q1,gc? k NwM M I wm r0]At / I / I 1 � i \ I \ I Q Nmn� CJT Lib. V A N Mb n��6 RpMMM s uw 1 / nMb W pY hvnwt s M/IM s aMbn� b qY benrrt b btiv11 �IN� mrwl aI IH bb vwA Y P�AMLL l Vbl ' \ / � evn tln n'bYe' N MY Mxnnt ng1rN� w slexd M}blb. N y \ w'Nn n^PMbm�bY�l bmCW a1V 1 ' HIGHWAY) 3993 ACRES TOTAL PRO CT AREA UPLAND DP� eab] A x sours - t,• 4y V MEIlAND , av Ac i I _ I 6 V V I N eIYY� F HIb I xsnoa« ezw / ran / RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2005 i BYSL�B USa3/� / E I N N Ld J 4. I— I CD Y ss _Q SEAL r L-3391 z = T .I0< nEs vRrtMs pA] rNts lu] AcawAmr owcrz ric eiaAc.Mr r xf AAdYYL11LN rc gctRv nl a mn' aux MArzn An aasbxr ro M IM] LPMS K INORl15 G%«L rNM YNU.LL AS aEliVll(➢ er m � �REL1{Ai�NY1ro$ AY/ �U° lP'N IG A H9W (f RK IFMS {RVII MS MIE ISW 1ED IIF11N.05 tlt M1fR5 IIMI M 6 ftYmS JA.RYCIIb.' Ib.E B2V IA91ID —Ie " .wrr oma r EN.a�uxs mnu -3, nnr wa' EI.PPoAMM oA¢ a oeneArAxc Fr%- 2 3 20 / Uy2 ACMI R REDUCED E 100 w 0 100 1 r� WETLAND SURVEY GATE WEST BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DATE FEB 2J 2005 COMMERCIAL TRACT US HWY 17 (OCEAN HIGHWAY) (340 PUBLIC RIGHT Of WAY) --=-i---�--J---- 1 \— I / e,:CY E 0n PRpECT BOVNON IA I \� / ( x TGaYI E wm roru r / I \ 1 1 \ \ It I ' / \ I \ I ryijx 3 Nsie� E� e/Ma{ YA N ,lib n�M Ryetlefbn e, r I I aY NI.bMNwf wllfn mrnvl owl M 4N vwp' b Ntl�Mbd b 1 ,4'L EvnY abbtl el.N be�L mabl �p M vlYbb' Mee/, sN I' � � / \ UPLAND UPLAND J99J ACRES MM PRDA'CT AREA IVII A bb b b tle �h x / e RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2005 / BY .SW�os o )f- x Ico z ui U 0 x d/x O .•oF�ss;o 9 _ 1YNE _ SEAL ` L-3391 T 'Irr t "'I nss mew nbr nn lur AcawAmr o[rrcrs tt eauunr rc nE AmmclRr ar gcnav NH a- � nL.w loon ecr nNsvAxr m ISM E nC INI] RMS (Y LAVERS LY3KAMN YMRN AS 0[IOCtlI'D BY Y TIE UICfn9a®d nI5 M1E LM85 nGQ R x 41LN2 N IM 1AIY O! 0.R RHl9[D 2ALAiAMS n6OEIFA1MAlIM 14Y 9E RIID OI F1L4LATM�) V PR 6 fIMS JR4YCIRV 14 � 14BId / / a'x�� Awr mros n ulaNtva amaze numros ar u,aNmaJamaze n��1u1 TAro EMP/W.•llryl M26oaK IIbLF�_ 2Z �� I-e-� ]� ULAR .,CIRI R REDUCEDFTANnVF.R DESIGN SERVICES, P.A Im 50 D 100 1 �DDn. r 03/17/2005 14 42 8642975187 GRAY ENGINEERING PAGE 01/05 i� FAX G c GRAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. TO Cameron Weaver FAX# 910 350-2004 DATE 3/17/2005 1 43 PM FROM David Grafftus CGEC JOB# 24007/313 PAGES 5 RE Request for Fxpress Permit Review i roposed Retail Leland, NC Cameron '3/24 /o s- (2��i d-, Thank you for your information today and this past week regarding the review processes for our p oposed development( a J t4'0 Attached per your request please find the completed Request for Express Permit Review a anticipate res sews for stormwater due to our location in Brunswick County and erosion and sedimentation Control due to our proposed 34 acres of land disturbance Per my discussion with vour office we have a pre -submittal meeting setup for March 24 2005 art0em at your office We will have all the plans and calculations and fees at that time for submittal if everything looks okay to you Also per my discussion today with Paul I am attaching our subject property along with our Corps letter for a small 0 17 acres wetland on the site We propose no impacts to this wetland and we do not anticipate that a major CAMA permit is required for this project but we wanted you to confirm before our meeting Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our request Thank you Project Description WR of Leland LLC is proposmg the construction of a Retail Shopping Center development to be located in the Town of Leland, Brunswick County North Carolina The site is located on a 37 30 acre tract of land along the southern side of Ocean Hiphway (US Hwy 11) located southwest of downtown Leland The existing ground cover consists of a comb nation of open area wooded and brushv area The site is generaliv very flat and sits at or below the htghwa The project will consist of the ccnsuuction of approximately 240 000 square feet of building area and associated road improvements parkn,g drives two wet gtormwater detention facilities, landscaping, and development of four outparcels The stormwater management report considers the pre development and the post -development conditions for the entire project site The stormwater detention facilities were sued to detain the 2, 10 and 25-year storm events for the post -development conditions that considers the full build -out of all the proposed development, including the outparcels (80% impervious) The total disturbed area for this project will be approximately 34 acres no wetlands will be disturbed Upon completion, approximately 68% of the development will consist of impervious area and the remainder will be grassed and landscaped 132 Pilgrim Roarl • Greenville, South Carolina 29607 Phone (864) 297-3027 • Fax (864) 297-5187 0 /17/2005 14 42 864297,5187 GRAY ENGINEERING PAGE 02/05 MRR 17 e005 2 05PM NCDENR WIRO NO 651 P 1 ' Au" EW North Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources 943 Waahington Square Mall, Waa7in9ton NC 27889 (252) 946 6481 FAX (252)975.3715 Request for Express Permit Review FILL-lN all Information below and CHECK required Permit(a) FAX or smell to Lyn Hardison tim,hardrsonAnema l.net along with a narm&g and &JA[ty me c of the project location Projects must be submitted by 9.00 A.hf of the review, date, unless prior arrangements are made A PP LICANT Name Art Kepes Company W R of Leland LLC County Aiken Proposed Retail Shopping Center ENGINEER/CONSULTANT DavidCiraffus ❑ STREAM ORIGINATION CERTIFICATION, Stream Name STORNWA TER ❑ Low Density © High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other ❑ Low Density Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density-Infiitrabon ❑ Of Site ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & FIII ❑ Bridges & Culverts C] Structures Information MANAGEMENT [71 Upland Development ❑ Manna Development ❑ Urban Waterfront LAND QUALITY L] Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 34 acres to be disturbed ❑ WETLANDS (401) 0 No Wetlands on Site (letter from COE) []Wetlands Delmeate&No JD Greater than 0,1 AC Wetlands Impacted []Jurlsdichonel Determination has been done Less than 01 AC Wetlands Impacted [:]Greeter than 0 5 AC Wetlands Impacted The legWabon allows adjtlonal leas, not to exceed 60% of the orIginal Hxpress Review permit applic0on tee, to be charged for subsequent reviews due to the Insuftency of the permit applications SUBMITTAL DATES. SW CAMA LO S 401 'For DENR use Fee Split for multiple, permits S ,' Total Fee Amount 03/17/2005 14 42 8642975187 GRAY ENGINEERING PAGE 03/05 U.S ARMY'CORPS OF ENGINEERS 19—VF- -M�WILNGTON DISTRICT Action Id 200500076 County Brunswick U S G S Quad Winnabow, NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner/Agent Westgate c/o Nathan Sanders Address P O Box 3167 W dmmgton, NC 28406 Telephone No _ Size and location of property (waterbody, road namc%number, town, etc ) The site is a 39 93-acre vacant tract to be developed as a comercial subdivision The site is adiacent to US 17, west of the Town oCLeland and across from Magnolia Greens, Brunswick County, North Carolina f atitude 34 2085'N, Longitude 78 0257R Indicate Which of the Following Apply Based on preliminary information there may be wetlands on the above desmbed property We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent o rDepartment of the Army (DA) jurisdiction To be considered final a jurisdictional determination must be venfied by1dic Corps X There are wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination ma} be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification _ We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated Due to the size of your property and) or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner For a more timely delineation you may wish to obtain a consultant To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps _ The wetland on your property have been deluieated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed Upon completion this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps Once verified, this survey will provide an accum to depiction of all areas subject to CWA junsdiction on your property which provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years X The wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on W32005 Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification There arc no waters of the U S , to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Washington, NC, at (252) 946-6481 to determine their requirements Ditc 02/232005 Expiration Date 02/23f2010 Page 1 of 2 03/17/2005 14 42 8642975187 GRAY ENGINEERING PAGE 04/05 F ction Id 200590076 Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311) If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Thomas Farrell at 910 2514 Basis For Determination jr II�1 Corps Regulatory Official(Ini ) ti_} t� O Ct,5r C r SW� f_, k ld,,k-` -77-3 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fi,&., j-d) ,ree 4 f v i4q-, ,,4' A'v-ev- • A plat or sketch of the property and the wetland data form must be attached to the file copy of this form • A copy of the Notification Of Administrative Appeal Options And Process And Request For Appeal form must be transmitted with the property owner/agent copy of this form • If the property contains isolated wetlands/waters, please indicate in `Remarks' section and attach the Isolated Determination Information Sheet to the file copy of this form Page 2 of 2 w to a a 7'f / I[W-1rr roiel JMINd cLWs uwm uc srawr.� w.vi n�aa�o vn4,ws an-! 'V'd 'b7llA9YSmVL9HQWSAONVH *41 Y 19 I � I (AVMHOIH Nb300) — — ---,X MOLLVD07 Ll F MAR 17 2005 2 05PM NCDENR WIRO A NO 651 P 1 ACRA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington NC 27880 (252) 94e 6481 FAX (252)975-3715 Request for Express Permit Review FILL. -IN all information below and CHECK required Permits) FAX or small to Lyn Hardison Ivn hardison0ficmall.net along with a narrative and vicinity map of the project location Projects must be submitted by 9.00 A.M. of the review date, unless prior arrangements are made. Name Art Kepes r Leland Retail Investment L L C 61 Centennial D ve City/State Aiken. SC Zip 29803 County Arleen Phone 803-649-1411 FaxSn-;_sro_22 to Emall skenecntyrcrealtyrnm Company Gray Engmeenng Consultants. Inc Address 132 Pilgrim Road CItylStat Greenville, SC Zlp29607 COUntyGreenvdle Phone 864 297-3027 Fax 864 297 5187 Email dgraffius wravengmeenng coin ❑ STREAM ORIGINATION CERTIFICATION, Stream Name ------- . _--------- - , .._ 0 .- - ---- -- __ ----..... - .. •- a_. g..._... Y......... .... ... ..M,...-..-...-- - -- .......---- © STORMWA TER ❑ Low Density © High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other Low Densit Curb & Gufter HI h 0ensit Infiitratlon ❑ Off site ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts C] Structures Information - MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront jx] LAND QUALITY FLI Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 34 acres to be disturbed ❑ WETLANDS (401) ❑ No Wetlands on Site (letter from COED []Wetlands Delineated/No JD Greater than 0,1 AC Wetlands Impacted Jurisdictional Determination has been done Less than 01 AC Wetlands Impacted Greater than 0 5 AC Wetlands Impacted The legislation allows addlltional fees, not to exceed 60% of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be charged for subsequent reviews due to the Insufficiency of the permit applications SUBMITTAL DATES SW CAMA LQS 401 For DENR use Fee Split for multiple permits Post-Ite Fax Note 7671 opte -t p4 e► To U eo r CoMapt GffCo e Phone k Phone X (D_ 3f vdq Fax N Fez e Total Fee Amount $ `Y FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT No person may initiate any land -disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by the Act before this form and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved by the Land Quality Section, N C Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Please type or print and, if the question is not applicable or the e-mail and/or fax information unavailable place N/A in the blank ) Part A 1 Protect Name Proposed Retail Shopping Center 2 Location of land -disturbing activity County Brunswick City or Township Leland Highway/Street US 74 (Ocean Hwy) Latitude 35 208 N Longitude 78 026 W 3 Approximate date land -disturbing activity will commence April 1, 2005 4 Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial institutional etc) Commercial 5 Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas) 340 6 Amount of fee enclosed $ 1700 The application fee of $50 00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is assessed without a ceiling amount (Example a 9-acre application fee is $450) 7 Has an erosion and sediment control plan been filed? Yes No Enclosed X 8 Person to contact should erosion and sediment control issues arise during land -disturbing activity Name David Graffius E-mail Address dgraffius(a)grayengineering com Telephone 864 297 3027 Cell # N/A Fax # 864 297 5187 9 Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners) Grathwol Property Holding Name 2905 Market Street Current Mailing Address Wilmington NC 28403 City State Zip 910 254 4646 910 254 4715 Telephone Fax Number 2905 Market Street Current Street Address Wilmington NC 28403 City State Zip 10 Deed Book No 1920 Page No 1228 Provide a copy of the most current deed Part B Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for the land -disturbing activity (Provide a comprehensive list of all responsible parties on an attached sheet) WR of Leland LLC bmurphv(a�wrsrealty corn Name E-mail Address 2361 South Centennial Drive 2361 South Centennial Drive Current Mailing Address Current Street Address Aiken SC 29803 Aiken SC 29803 City State Zip City State Zip Telephone 803 649 1411 Fax Number 803 502 2219 2 (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address of the designated North Carolina Agent S&ME, Inc Name 6409 Amsterdam Way, Building B-3 Current Mailing Address Wilmington NC 28405 City State Zip Telephone 910 799 9945 rmartinasmemc com E-mail Address 6409 Amsterdam Way, Building B-3 Current Street Address Wilmington NC 28405 City State Zip Fax Number 910 799 9958 (b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name attach a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation give name and street address of the Registered Agent Art Keoes Name of Registered Agent 2361 South Centennial Drive Current Mailing Address Aiken SC 29803 City State Zip Telephone 803 649 1411 akepese-wrsrealty com E-mail Address 2361 South Centennial Drive Current Street Address Aiken SC 29803 City State Zip Fax Number 803 502 2219 The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual or his attorney -in -fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person) I agree to provide corrected information should there by any change in the information provided herein ArtKeoes V P of WRS manager of the applicant Type M—L2= Title or Authority .jL&S Signature rDater I, Pd_ � , aNotary Public of the County of lC/zel= l State of hereby certify that 4/// e7;Ve.J/Z KEPES appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him Witness my hand and notarial seal, this /4 day of 20O,f- Not6 Seal G My commission expires D'ae '64464y /'? zc% I Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners) River Wind Holdings LLC Name P O Box 3167 Current Mailing Address Wilmington NC 28406 City State Zip 910 719 1196 N/A Telephone Fax Number N/A Current Street Address N/A City State Zip 10 Deed Book No 1153 Page No 0192 Provide a copy of the most current deed U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS U E OVED WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id 200500076 County Brunswick U S G S Quad Winnabow NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner/Agent Westgate c/o Nathan Sanders Address P O Box 3167 Wilmington, NC 28406 Telephone No _ Size and location of property (waterbody, road name/number, town, etc ) The site is a 39 93-acre vacant tract to be developed as a comercial subdivision The site is adincent to US 17, west of the Town of Leland and across from Magnolia Greens, Brunswick County, North Carolina Latitude 34 2085°N, Longitude 78 0257"W Indicate Which of the Following Apply Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps X There are wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps The wetland on your property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA junsdichon on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years X The wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on 2/23/2005 Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification There are no waters of the U S , to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Washington, NC, at (252) 946-6481 to determine their requirements Remarks Venfied in the field by TAF on Oct 21, 2004 The survey is dated Feb 23, 2005 and was signed by Jonathan Wayne, L-3391, Hanover Design Services, P A. 319 Walnut St., Wilmington, NC 28401 A copy of this letter is sent to Corps Regulatory Official Date 02/23/2005 Expiration Date 02/23/2010 Page 1 of 2 qW Action Id 200500076 Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311) If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Thomas Farrell at 910 2514466 Basis For Determination The wetland on site consists of freshwater woody system dominated by tulip poplar and sweet Qum trees with wetland shrub laver dominated by fetterbush (Lvoma), sweet pepperbush, and wax myrtle. The site is Corps Regulatory Official FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • A plat or sketch of the property and the wetland data form must be attached to the file copy of this form • A copy of the Notification Of Administrative Appeal Options And Process And Request For Appeal' form must be transmitted with the property owner/agent copy of this form • If the property contains isolated wetlandstwaters, please indicate in Remarks" section and attach the ` Isolated Determination Information Sheet" to the file copy of this form Page 2 of 2 r NORTH CAROLINA Department of The Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY I, ELAINE F MARSHALL, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C having filed on this date an application conforming to the requirements of the General Statutes of North Carolina, a copy of which is hereto attached, is hereby granted authority to transact business in the State of North Carolina Document Id C20050880068 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Raleigh, this 30th day of March, 2005 i` Secretary of State State of North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State SUSID 774414 Date Filed 3/30/2005 8 06 00 AM Elaine F Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C200508800683 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY FOR LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Pursuant to $57C 7 04 of the General Statutes of North Carolina the undersigned limited liability company hereby applies for a Certificate of Authority to transact business in the State of North Carolina and for that purpose submits the following I The, name of the limited lability company is Leland Retail Investment, L L C and if the limited liability company name is unavailable for use in the 1Slttatteof North Carolina the name the hmm,d I'�T liability company wishes to use is M �NtFIM INITfls�lJP)C,E 2 The state or country under whose laws the limited liability company was formed is South Carolina The date of formation was March 23 2005 its period of duration is December 31 2035 4 Principal office information (Select either a orb) a u The limited liability company has a principal office The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is Number and Street 2361 South Centennial Ave City State Zip Code Aiken South Carolina 29803 County Aiken The mailing address ifdi ferent from the vireet address of the principal office of the corporation is b ❑ The limited liability company does not have a principal office 5 Thy street address and county of the registered office in the State of North Carolina is Number and Strcct 120 Penmarc Drive, Suite 118 City State Zip Code Raleigh, NC 27603 County Wake 6 The mailing address rfdifferent from the street address, of the registered office in the State of North Carolina is 7 The name of the rt-gistend agent in the State of North Carolina is Capitol Corporate Services, Inc CORPORATIONS DIVISION P O BOX 29622 RALEIGH NC 27626-0622 (Revised Jantrai j, 2002) (form L 09) APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Page 2 g The names titles and usual business addresses of the current managers of the limited liability company are (uie arrac hmenr if necessary) Name WRS Inc Business Address 2361 South Centennial Ave Aiken, South Carolina 29803 9 Attached is a certificate of existence (or document of similar import), duly authenticated by the secretary of state or other official having custody of limited liability company records in the state or country of formation The Certificate of Existence must be less than six months old A Photocopy of the certification cannot be accepted 10 If the limited liability company is required to use a fictitious name in order to transact business in this State, a copy of the resolution of its managers adopting the fictitious name is attached 11 This application will be effective upon filing unless a delayed date and/or time is specified Upon Filing This the 28ttday of March 2005 Leland Retail Investment, V L C a eofLi i d bdity Company Sign ure Manager Arthur J Kepes, of WRS Inc Manager Type or Print Name Notes 1 Filing fee is $250 This document must be filed with the Secretary of State CORPORATIONS DIVISION P O BOX 29622 RALEIGH NC 27626-0622 (Revised January 2002) (Form L-09) The State of South Carolina Office of Secretary of State Mark Hammond Certificate of Existence 1, Mark Hammond, Secretary of State of South Carolina Hereby certify that LELAND RETAIL INVESTMENT, L L C , A Limited Liability Company duly organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina on March 23rd, 2005, with a duration that is until December 31st, 2035, has as of this date filed all reports due this office, including its most recent annual report as required by section 33-44-211, paid all fees, taxes and penalties owed to the Secretary of State, that the Secretary of State has not mailed notice to the company that it is subject to being dissolved by administrative action pursuant to section 33-44-809 of the South Carolina Code, and that the company has not filed articles of termination as of the date hereof Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State of South Carolina this 23rd day of March, 2005 Mark Hammond, Secretary of State TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map swg oSo31( PV� ✓� Sly. C � l �,.� Page 1 of 1 J�one,�, -J raw rrl _ ` l'{ �,,,.. Sat•re� �/lu.•.e eG�%�, �' .,�--.� ��_ of Melvin 30 r• •. adio % towe y 1 �IIJ ffi f�Yjk�" f }� +jS is f � 1 I � 0 03 06 09 12 15km M G 0 01 02 03 04 05mi Map center Is 34 21150N, 78 02290W (WGS84/NAD83) Wmnabow quadrangle M--8 905 Projection Is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum G=1 675 http //www topozone com/print asp9z=17&n=3789610 99875856&e=774288 000294294& 3/29/2005 N IL IL N v N O to 0 Y L m l counav w,ln ar r , Y� � `�/-1, ' it •, � I t Y _ :or c.a aar Tetf/L SM1gFT CRK TIMGL 1116[T C(LK sw¢.e U 5 HWY 17 y/cS.r�r, 7 � I 4 II I I " �• of Y � a t -' � .0 - WestGate 72 101 / 12.5 6 12 41 w I vvE_ v IEIWIMI'gAg -S.0 [[TIAI I , 1 a x Mar 14 05 05:42p Hanover Design,{� �� V 00FS ate of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Mee James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality November 16, 1999 Mr Nathan Sanders, President Summer Tree Developers, Inc PO Box 3167 Wilmington, NC 28406 Subject Dear Mr Sanders 910-343-9941 p 3 Aj NCDENR NC CAM "ner.n.Menr or E,M MEW mo Nau14u. R[BONIcrs PemutNo SW8 990807 West Gate High Density Subdivision Stormwater Project Brunswick County The WilmingtonRegional Officereoerved acomplete StonnwaterManagement PermrtApphcation for WestGate on October 6, 1999 Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 We are forwarding Permit No SW8 990807, dated November 16, 1999, for the construction of the project, West Gate This permit shall be effective from the dare of issuance until November 16, 2009, and shall be subjectto the conditions and limitations as specified therem. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance ofthe stormwatcr management system will result in future compliance problems If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the nght to request an adjudieatory hearing upon written request withm thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit This request must be m the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B ofthe North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office ofAdmimstiative Hearings, P O Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447 Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Scott Vinson, orme at (910) 395-3900 Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional' S'6p"'sor RSS/ sav S 1WQSISTORMWATIPERM1TA990807 NOV cc-7Javie}?iollis; P B - Delaney Aycock Brunswick County Inspections Scott Vinson Wilmington Regional Office Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr EIL, Wilmington, North Carolina 29405 Telephoue %0.3953900 FAX 910-350.2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50 % recycled/10%post-consumer paper Mar 14 05 05 43p Hanover Design 910-343-9941 p.4 /; 7 How was the off -site impervious area listed above 9 IV DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTEC M COVENANTS The following Italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided'as an attachment. 1 The followingg covenants are intended to ensure or1S ling wmplmnce with state atormwater monagement permit number CW 8 41 eA o 7 as issued by the Drossion of Water Quality These covenants may not be changed or deleted unthout the consent of the State 85% c7Fyttrts (oE �lnea . 2 No more Aran O sq a feet of arty lot sha[I be cohered by sirtictures or impervious maferrals Imperuwus materials include asphalt, gravel, wnerete, brick stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood de rkmg or the watersurface of sunmmmg pools 3 Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide dr vetvay crossings 4 Built -upon area In excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modIeatton pnor to construction 5 All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into thepermnted stormwater control system These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed In a manner that maintains the Integrity and performance of the system as permitted By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall Include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot V SUPPLEMENTFORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Umt at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forts FormSWU-IO2 Wet Detention Basin Supplement✓ Form SWU-103 Infiltration �asm Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 innovative Best Management Pracbce Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3 99 Page 3 of 4 Stag of North Carolma ` Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B Hunt, Jr , Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality Mr Nathan Sanders President Summer Tree Developers, Inc PO Be\ 3167 Wilmington, NC 28406 Dear Mr Sanders NC®ENK NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 16, 1999 Subject Permit No SW8990807 West Gate I-bgh Density Subdivision Stormwater Project Brunswick County The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Pernut Application for West Gate on October 6, 1999 Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H 1000 We are forwarding Permit No SW8 990807, dated November 16, 1999, for the construction of the project, West Gate This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 16, 2009, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in tlus permit Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this perrrut are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request withm thirty (30) days following receipt of this peanut This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office ofAdmuustrative Hearings, P 0 Drawer 27447 Raleigh, NC 27611-7447 Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Scott Vinson, or me at (910) 395-3900 Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor RSS/ sav S \WQS\STORMWAT\PERMIT\990807 NOV cc David Hollis P E Delane) Aycock Brunswick Count} Inspections Scott Vinson Wilmington Regional Office,,,,, Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr Ext, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportumt) Anlrmatn a Action Emplover 50 % recycled/10% pint -consumer paper State Stormwater Management Syst;ms Permit No SW8 990807 , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Summer Tree Developers, Inc West Gate Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15ANCAC 2H 1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit Tlus permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 16, 2009 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and ]mutations I DESIGN STANDARDS This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Data Sheet The subdivision is pernutted for 12 lots, each allowed 85% of lot area as built -upon area Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit Each of the 12 lots must obtain an individual Off -Site Stormwater Management Permit to ensure continued compliance of this permit i State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8990807 Project Name Permit Number Location Applicant Mailing Address Application Date Name of Receiving Stream / Index # Classification of Water Body If Class SA, chloride sampling result Design Storm Pond Depth, feet Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2 12 lots at (85% of lot area) ft Roads/Parking, ft2 Offsite Area entering Pond, ft2 Required Surface Area, ft2 Provided Surface Area, ft2 Required Storage Volume, ft3 Provided Storage Volume, W Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL Controlling Orifice 3 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DATA SHEET West Gate SW8 990807 Brunswick County Mr Nathan Sanders, President Summer Tree Developer, Inc PO Box 3167 Wilmington, NC 28406 October 6, 1999 Jackeys Creek / CPF (18-77-3) "C Sw" s n/a 1 , /J 750 /� 900 63 5, 976 2 535,788 r r 100,188 none, per Engineer 21,710 26,530 51,201 57,110 11 00 3 0" (� pipe c State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 990807 H SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE No lot owner/developer shall fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature (such as swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system without submitting a revision to the pernut and receiving approval from the Division The pernuttee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area does not exceed the allowable built -upon area Once the lot transfer is complete, the built -upon area may not be revised without approval from the Division of Water Quality, and responsibility for meeting the built -upon area limit is transferred to the individual property owner The following items will require a modification to the permit Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size Project name change Transfer of ownership Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area Further subdivision of the project area Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan The Director may deternune that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit The Director may notify the permittee when the pernutted site does not meet one or more of the mimmum requirements of the permmt Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permrttee shall submmt a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet rmmmum requirements The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made The stormwater management system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface except roads During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately Each lot must submit for an individual Off -Site Stormwater Management Permit before any impervious surfaces are placed on that particular lot Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and pnor to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the pernutted facility has been installed in accordance with this perrrut, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification 10 Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the stormwater treatment system 1 1 If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility 12 Prior to transfer of ownership, the pond must be inspected by DWQ personnel, and deterrruned to be in compliance with all permit conditions Records of maintenance activities will be required State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 990807 13 The pennittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to a Serruannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months) b Sediment removal c Mowing and revegetation of side slopes d Immediate repair of eroded areas e Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications f Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, onfice device and catch basins and piping g Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times h The vegetated filter shall be kept free of erosion The spreader mechanism shall be kept free of sediment and trash, and shall evenly distribute the runoff across the width of the filter 14 Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken 15 Prior to the sale of any lot, deed restrictions must be recorded which linut the built -upon area per lot to the amount as shown on the Project Data Sheet, per Section I, Part 2 The recorded statements must follow the form "The maximum built -upon area per lot is 85% of the total lot area This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundanes, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, and coquina, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimrmng pools " "The covenants pertaining to stormwater regulations may not be changed or deleted without concurrence of the State " "Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the State " "Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may be subject to a reduction in their allowable built -upon area due to CAMA regulations " "All runoff on the lot must drain into the permitted system This may be accomplished through providing roof dram gutters which dram to the street, grading the lot to dram toward the street, or grading penmeter swales and directing them into the pond or street Lots that naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these measures " Each lot must submit an individual off -site stormwater management permit application to the Division of Water Quality to obtain an individual Off -Site Stonnwater Pernut before development is started for that particular lot " 16 A copy of the recorded deed restnctions must be subrrutted to the Division witlun 30 days of the date of recording the plat, and prior to selling lots The recorded copy must bear the signature of the Penmttee, the,deed book number and page, and stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 990807 17 This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data 18 A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a rrummum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction III GENERAL CONDITIONS This pernut is not transferable In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a "Name/Ownership Change Form" must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by appropriate documentation from the parties involved, such as a copy of the deed of trust Other supporting materials, such as a signed Operation and Maintenance plan in the case of engineered systems, will also be required The project must be in good standing with DWQ The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Pernuttee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215 6A to 143-215 6C The issuance of this perrrut does not preclude the Pernuttee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Perrmttee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems The pemut may be modified, revoked and reissued or tertrunated for cause The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facrhties during normal business hours Permit issued this the 16th day of November, 1999 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Kerr T Stevens, erector Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 990807 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 990807 West Gate Stormwater Permit No SW8 990807 Brunswick County Designer's Certification Page 1 of 2 ` ' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ' s a d u l y registered m the State of North Carolina, havingbeen authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, ect) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications The checklist of items on page 2 of this form are a part of this Certification Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications SEAL Signature Registration Number Date State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No SW8 990907 Certification Requirements Page 2 of 2 l The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage 2 The drainage area to the system contains no more than the penmtted amount of built -upon area 3 All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drams to the system 4 The outletibypass structure elevations are per the approved plan The outlet structure is located per the approved plans 6 Trash rack is provided on the outletfb}pass structure All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation 8 Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3 1 9 The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-circuiting of the system 10 The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided 11 Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans 12 All required design depths are provided 13 All required parts of the stistem are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, a forebay, and the vegetated filter 14 The overall dimensions of the system, as shown on the approved plans, are provided cc NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Delaney Avcock, Brunswick County Building Inspector ti Date Received Fee Paid ���Y/J I Permit Nl umber /'J� //�/f� State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I GENERAL INFORMATION name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc who owns the project) 2 Print Owner/Signing Official s name and title (personlegally responsible for facility and comphance) / PrIGi i AtN4-, 3 Marling Address for person listed in item 2 above City UJCVVtt� Telephone Number State k )c Zip 7L"�4oG 4 Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc ) -O�� 5 Location of Project (street address) City 6 Directions to project (from nearest major intersection) 7 County -PA i L UJ1 Latitude �� t2 t 304 Longitude -7 02t CC) of project 8 Contact person who can answer questions about the project Name I`JCt VC-� 5C"Azt A " Telephone Number II PERMIT INFORMATION It ! 1 Specify whether project is (check one) New Renewal Modification Form SWU-101 Version 3 99 Page 1 of 4 J 2 If this application is being subrrutted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing pemut, list the existing permit number and its issue date (d known) 3 Specify the type of project (check one) _Low Density —\e�4igh Density _Redevelop _General Permit _Other 4 Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks) _CAMA Major V Sedunentatron/Erosion Control _404/401 Pernut _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state perrruts can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748 III PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project "r 2 Stormwater runoff fromTTthis project drams to the G r^� Fec.. River basin 3 Total Project Area c%� } acres 4 Project Built Upon Area 1 Co % 5 How many drainage areas does the project havez_I_ 6 Complete the following information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below w BasmazInformahon n r Drainage Aiea=1' = �a, - g :t Drauuge'Are' 2 , Receiving Stream Name Receiving Stream Class Drainage Area Existing Impervious* Area Proposed Im ervious*Area % Impervious* Area (total) o Irn ery ous�Salace�Area % ' ° ----Diarnage Area'1 A 12- 3 ac6m 0, 3 4LV�5 Drainage Aiea 2 K On -site Buildings On -site Streets On -site Parking KA On -site Sidewalks NA Other on -site tjA Off -site U A Total 1 4. 6_C_Ve_,S Total Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including but not hrnded to, buildings roads, parking areas sidewalks, gravel areas, etc Form SWU-101 Version 3 99 Page 2 of 4 7 How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? AQ5;, LGt i A j CaoG1 IV DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly, a table hsting each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment 1 The following covenants are untended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number SW 8 910807 as issued by the Division of Water Quality These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State 85 of p� q U-mas l of ect.. asp . 2 No more than O squ`ar'e feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools 3 Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings 4 Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction 5 All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the apphcable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons clamung under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot V SUPPLEMENTFORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project Contact the Stormwater and General Perauts Unit at (919) 733 5083 for the status and availability of these forms Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement ✓ Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3 99 Page 3 of 4 VI SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS J Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) A complete package includes all of the items listed below The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office 1 Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Pemut Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specdicahons, including - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale d Revision number & date Mean high water line Dimensioned property/pro)ect boundary Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, brushed floor elevations Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems and stormwater control measures Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements pipe sizes, runoff calculation: Drainage areas delineated Vegetated buffers (where required) VII AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authonty to another individual or firm so that they may provide urformatron on your behalf please complete this section Mailing Address • I ■�— _� ' v Phone' • VIII APPLICANTS CERTIFICATION 1, (print or type name of pei son listed in General Information, item 2) K\ Qu YZ� certify that the information included on ttus permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants ill be recoyfied, and t �jt the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H 1000 r 7 Signature t72 C > Date ry-�----//5 Form SWU-101 Version 3 99 Page 4 of 4 Permit No 5614 490 60 7 (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT Thu form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details I PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name (_10sk Contact Person �l� ({�i Q,u '3>Cw nt2rS Phone Number (aQ) 79 (' ((e (�_2 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to rn2> elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 1 - 5 ft (floor of the basin) LPermanent Pool Elevation d ft (elevation of the orifice) l Temporary Pool Elevation G C) ft (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area up�J� sq ft Drainage Area ac Impervious Area (A G ac volumes Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Other parameters SAIDAi Diameter of Onfice Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal z JC�Gco cu ft cu ft (n_ cu ft _ in 1 in % (water surface area at the orifice elevation) (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) (on -site and off -sue drainage to the basin) (combined volume of main basin and forebay) (volume detained above the permanent pool) (approximately 20% of total volume) (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required) (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes YWhen using the Division SAIDA tables, the correct SAIDA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90010 TSS removal II REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design require4nents have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below If a requirement has not been met, attach justification Applicants Initials a The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required nummum of 3 feet) LEA -A, b The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume T�S(A c The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event _ it The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days k__7M[A e If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) �-� f The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3 1 -G__; rl�. l A g The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3 1 Z?� L4 It A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6 1 or less (show detail) T__"� i Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified 1�'S l A trash rack or sirrular device is provided for both the overflow and onfice ice- LGT- k A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way E i 1 If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin in A mechanism is specified which will dram the basin for maintenance or an emergency III WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided This system (check one) 0 does dons not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does :does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows l After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition b Check and clear the onfice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary Vool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed 2 Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed Inspect and repair the collection system (i e catch basins, piping, swales, nprap, etc ) quarterly to maintain proper functioning Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below) Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (1 e stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc ) The measuring device used to detenrune the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments When the permanent pool depth reads t .(0 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed When the permanent pool depth reads53S feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) �7� Permanent Pool Elevation 0•0 Sediment Re L-- 9Z 75 o Sedimem Removal Elevation 4 75 a0 Bo«omEl� %-------------------------------------- ---- 1-25010 ------ Bottom Elevation i . 5 EOREBAY MAIN POND Cka� Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm 6 If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page 3 of 4 7 All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order i I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or pnor to any changes to the system or responsible party Print Title Phon Signz Date Note The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president I, ee h e a 0 m I Vei I , a Notary Public for the State of N'p i l/L Ca YO finai/, Countyof\� Q L��QXLYk Y do hereby certify that I Vl `� �1f1 n c,(ty. r) PY S personally appeared before me this �nd day of s Iq and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements Witness my hand and official seal, �ECCA M / ,,,oTA 9< m"`" U y °&sty° _ \y011ER cov` / SEAL My commission expires �6' 11 "aoO':;i- j Form SWU-102 Rev 3 99 Page 4 of 4 L RFC# „__Y,,,CK AMT_J0- ('hi. 1031 C,,SH ey 7— Q7(rJ S)_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK Brunswick County --Register of Deeds Robert J Robinson Inst #121493 Book 1608Page 739 07/19/2002 03.59-39pm Reci//,34/4 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, AND EASEMENTS FOR WESTGATE BUSINESS PARK, PHASE THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, AND EASEMENTS FOR WESTGATE BUSINESS PARK, PHASE 1, made this the _ day of 2002, by RIVER WIND HOLDINGS, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer", LA MAY 1 004 WITNESSETFI Whereas, the Developer is the owner of the certain real property, located in the Town of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina, as is hereinafter described, and Whereas, it is the desire and intention of the Developer to impose upon the subdi- vision hereinafter described and such other portions of the property described below made subject hereto from time to time, mutually beneficial conditions, standards and co- venants (hereinafter referred to as "the Declaration' or "Covenants") under a general plan of improvement and use for the benefit of all of the said property, the improvements thereon, and the future owners thereof, NOW THERFORE, the Developer hereby covenants, agrees, and declares, to and with all persons, firms, or corporations, or other entities owning or hereafter acquiring any lot or lots made subject to this Declaration that all of the properties described herem shall be held, used, sold, and conveyed subject to the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements, all of which are declared and agreed to be in furtherance of a plan for the said properties, improvement and sale of the property (as hereafter defined) and are established and agreed upon for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of this real property and every part thereof All of the Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, and Easements shall nut with the real property and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the property made subject hereto or any part thereof, and shal I mure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, each owner and the successor in interest of the each of the owners thereof The Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, and Easements are as follows Inst 9 121493 Book 1608Page 756 C All present and future vehicle parking, including trucks, trailers, and em- ployee and visitor parking shall be provided on the premises and shall comply with all applicable regulations promulgated by the Developer All parking areas are to be paved to provide a dust free, all-weather surface, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Developer The proposed number of parking spaces to be provided by the lot owner shall be submitted to Developer for review and approval as a part of the required architectural review process No vehicles may park at any time on lawns, roadways, or common areas All vehicles must park in designated parking areas No vehicle shall be allowed to block any street, roadway, or other access area D No loading dock shall be permitted fronting on any street without the ex- press written consent of the Developer E All set back areas facing roads between the front building line and the pavement, with the exception of driveways, parking areas, sidewalks and other walk- ways, shall be used exclusively for the planting and growing of trees, shrubs, lawns, and other ground covering material as approved by the Developer If developed lots are not properly maintained, the Developer or the Association may undertake such maintenance as may be necessary at the expense of the owner F Each occupant/owner must provide for trash disposal from his building G All unused land area that is planned for future building expansion or other purposes shall be maintained and kept free of unsightly plant growth, stored material, rubbish and debris, and must be grassed and mowed if not wooded H No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bled, or kept on any lot subject to this Declaration ARTICLE XIX STORMWA TNANCE PLAN It shall be the responsibility of the Association to provide the following inspec- tions and maintenance of the stormwater system A Periodic Inspections Periodic inspections shall be provided as follows (1) The Association shall provide the services of aperson competent to inspect the stormwater system on a periodic basis for catch basin and pipe blockage and detention pond operation V. Inst Y 121493 Book 1608Page 757 (2) The inspector shall remove any trash or debris that has col- lected in the catch basins, pipes, or detention ponds, and report any more serious defects to the Association (3) Penodically, the ponds shall be inspected to see that the pond level is at or below the permanent design level follows B Semiannual Inspections Semiannual inspections shall be preformed as (1) At least once every six months, an inspection shall be made of the detention ponds to determine if excessive sedimenta- tion or plant growth has occurred (2) If sedimentation has occurred to the point that the general elevation of the bottom of the pond is more than one foot above the original pond bottom elevation, the sedimentation shall be removed at least to the original pond bottom eleva- tion (3) If plant growth has progressed to the point that it interferes with the effectiveness of the pond, it shall be removed This can be accomplished by hand or mechanical means (4) This inspection shall also include an inspection of the orifice which controls the pond level after a rain (5) When construction has been completed, certification by a Registered Professional Engineer will be required stating that construction was completed in accordance with the approved plans C The net effect of the above inspection and repairs where necessary, shall be to keep the stormwater system in good repair and to see that the pollutant control ef- fectiveness is not diminished D Any sloughing, erosion, or vegetation washout of the stormwater system shall be immediately repaired to obtain the design depth, slopes, and specifications E The State of North Carolina is hereby made a beneficiary to the extent necessary to enforce Its stormwater regulations as the same may be amended from time to time 19 tr Inst # 121493 Rook 1608Page• 758 ,t ARTICLE XX STORMWATER RU REGULATIONS A Built Upon Area, Defined `Built Upon Areas" shall mean that portion of each lot that is covered by impervious or partially impervious cover, including buildings and pavement, but not including decking The Built Upon Area for each lot or tract shall not exceed 85% of the acreage or square footage of the lot or tract, unless and until the State of North Carolina shall revise its stormwater nmoff regulations to permit a greater built upon area for each lot B Built Upon Area, Restricted Not more than 85% of the acreage or square footage of any lot or tract in WestGate Business Park shall be covered by structures and/or paved surfaces, including walkways, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, or patios of concrete, asphalt, brick, stone, slate or similar materials, all of which constitute ef- fective impervious cover which is controlled by North Carolina Coastal Stormwater Regulations The Developer reserves the absolute right to re -calculate the maximum al- lowable built upon area for each lot if required by North Carolina Coastal Stormwater Regulations This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with stormwater runoff rules adopted by the State of North Carolina, and therefore compliance may be en- forced by the state of North Carolina ARTICLE XXI TEMPORARY STRUCTURES No temporary building, trailer, shack or other stricture of a temporary nature shall be used or permitted on the property, except that such may be permitted by the Developer for the storage of building materials and equipment for use during the construction of the main building on the lot Also, temporary improvements used only in connection with the construction or sales of permanently approved improvements may be permitted by Developer if they are located as inconspicuously as possible and are removed immediate- ly upon completion of construction or sales ARTICLE XXII SIGNS A Plans and specifications for all construction, installation, or alteration of all outdoor signs, including traffic and directional signs, shall be first submitted to and have the written approval of the Developer 20 I II ,Coe' xm wTfum eso. 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